Infographic Rubric Rubric EXEMPLARY Design elements of infographic Infographic Design directly contributes to clear (20%) communication of information. Accomplished Design elements of infographic do not Important design elements of the interfere with communication of infographic may be missing. information. Infographic persuades audience using Infographic informs more than Persuasive Content facts, logical reasoning, and an persuades audience using facts, (20%) articulate argument. logical reasoning, and an articulate argument. Beginning Many design elements of the infographic are missing. Infographic informs audience rather Infographic was not able to persuade than persuades audience using facts, or inform audience using facts, logical logical reasoning, or an articulate reasoning, or an articulate argument. argument. Illustrates core concepts of critical Critical Thinking and thinking while executing creativity Creativity with the infographic. ILO-BI.A.3 (30%) Student uses core concepts of critical Student illustrates core concepts of thinking as a foundation for creativity critical thinking while executing with the infographic. creativity with the infographic. Student uses core concepts of critical thinking while executing creativity with the infographic but may not appropriately implement the tasks or illustrate the core concepts. Communicates information from sources accurately. Student accurately, clearly, and Student accurately communicates concisely communicates information information from multiple sources. from multiple sources Student communicates some information from sources, but it may be inadequate information or from poor sources. The writing is accurate and free of errors. There are occasional grammar, There are numerous grammar, There are so many grammar, spelling, spelling, or mechanical errors but they spelling, and mechanical errors that and mechanical errors that they do not obscure the readability of the are distracting but do not obscure the obscure the meaning of the forum forum posts. readability of the forum. post. Use of Sources ILO-DL.A.5 (20%) Writing Quality (10%) ‘ Developing