Principles of Sociology (SOCL250) Infographic draft #2 Spring 2020 Name: ____Warisha Saeed____________ Grade for this assignment: ___A__________ Your grade reflects our evaluation of the following criteria (outlined on the assignment sheet): Turned in on time, in appropriate format (8.5 x 11 black and white hard copy) Excellent Good Okay Poor X Back of infographic includes first and last name, SID, the syllabus reading your source was listed in, and a brief author’s statement (2-3 sentences max) explaining how you tried to use design to reflect or amplify the research findings you chose to include X Evidence of having used the original, peer-reviewed sociological research to create the infographic X Accurate presentation of article’s research findings Avoid errors and ambiguities Give a balanced summary of the main research finding(s) (i.e., avoid “cherry picking” of evidence that does not represent main conclusions) Include interpretation that is well-supported by the facts X Accurate presentation of article’s research methods Portray generalizability of the findings in a manner appropriate to the study’s sampling Method of data collection Any important limitations of the study Definition of key terms (how measured) X Message builds on the social scientific evidence X Message is appropriate and relevant for the desired audience X Design—images are used to amplify works in a logical manner X Design—inverted pyramid (most important information is largest and/or at the top) X Research study’s full citation is included in ASA/Chicago format Heidi M. Gansen. 2017. “Reproducing (and Disrupting) Heteronormativity: Gendered Sexual Socialization in Preschool Classrooms.” Sociology of Education 90(3): 255–272. Shalini Misra, Lulu Cheng, Jamie Genevie, and Miao Yuan. 2016. “The iPhone Effect: The Quality of In-Person Social Interactions in the Presence of Mobile Devices.” Environment and Behavior 48(2): 275– 298. X