Face to face learning is better for students than online learning Have you ever thought about how much better learning face to face for students is rather than online school? If you haven't started thinking, I suppose you should start now, and perhaps you want your kids to learn but also explore and experience new skills that will help them in the future. Face-to-face learning can provide you with numerous benefits as it's taught in-person to a group of students; this allows live interaction between a learner and a teacher, which is very important to have to be able to understand what the teacher is trying to communicate between the learner. Students can also have a better understanding in-person as it's easier to access information, and students can gain more knowledge through other peers' body language and voice. So why not consider face to face learning? Face to face learning is the best way to learn for students as it has a lot more to offer than online learning in many ways. First, in-person, students can't cheat like students in online learning by asking their siblings, parents, or searching on google. This can happen all the time in online learning and is not good because it's not a student's actual learning; instead, they have many opportunities to get good grades; however, this doesn't happen in face-to-face learning. For instance, face to face learning, the teachers teach live in front of students with peers around one another, so students don't get an opportunity to cheat and nor do they have the courage to do so in front of everyone, but in online learning, if students have an assignment to finish to get better grades they could go ask their older siblings and search on google. Therefore inperson learning is very good because students don't get used to cheating, and they actually get marks based on their prior knowledge. Next, students don't have many opportunities to get good grades. This is good because, in an online school, students don't have an exam and have assignments instead, making it easier for them to achieve good grades, but in regular school, they have a real exam when the teacher is watching the students resulting in them not doing as good as they would online. At the end of the day, doing exams and assignments in school will help students in the future since they are completing it in school instead of home, where the assignments could possibly be easier considering that you have more time and in school, it's stricter. Overall doing the work in school will be better for students in the future and prevent them from developing bad habits like depending on their siblings for answers to the questions on assignments, cheating in general, and from here, it's only going to get worse. Second, students gain greater knowledge and skills face to face rather than online. This is because there are many different ways of learning in person, including writing, reading, discussion, presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration, and practice. Students can only do limited online; however, face to face learning, there are many ways to learn skills that will help students their entire life. Such as doing presentations in-person to their class about an assignment that they were now required to present. This helps students as individuals, especially if they're shy and they don't like presenting; it will make them confident, and they will gain a lot of experience from which they can learn from in the future as in the future they will need to present for jobs, etc. Next, face to face learning, students can join clubs where they can interact with many individuals and teachers that they don't even know, and it's an opportunity to make new friends and get to know people, but at the same time, students learn. For instance, if you're getting a chance at your school to join a sewing club and your friend tells you to, you should discover new things like how to stitch and socialize with others like the teachers and peers around you in that club. It helps students gain skills and experience interacting with others if they join clubs. Clearly, in-person school will teach students so much knowledge and skills that they will need for the future other than general education, and how to socialize with an environment of people and learn/work together as one. Lastly, students will be able to concentrate harder on their learning because there'll be less distraction than if they were at home. Everybody loves a good environment like students want an environment where they can focus and not get distracted easily like they can when they're home. For instance, if you're doing online school, you're not in a learning environment; therefore, there are many distractions. If you're taking your class in bed, you can easily fall asleep, especially if your camera is off. However, in in-person school, students are in a learning environment preventing them from many distractions like their mom calling or falling asleep during an online class. This will help students as they will be in an environment where they want to do homework with the class instead of being in an online class on their bed and then getting distracted and falling asleep. Next, students don't require strong selfmotivation and time management skills in a regular school as they do online. For instance, in an online school, students don't feel like doing their work; they have to motivate themselves as it's hard for students to keep up with regular deadlines during online learning resulting in feeling like that since it becomes difficult, especially for people who lack strong self-motivation and time management skills. Fundamentally students have to be responsible for their own learning in an online school, and it can quickly get difficult to follow deadlines causing students to be unmotivated. In conclusion, in face to face learning, students will feel great in terms of studies since there is a learning environment, making it so much easier to focus and concentrate on their learning with fewer distractions than online learning. Who doesn't want to work in a learning environment where you can concentrate and get more schoolwork done and fewer distractions? There is no doubt that face-to-face learning can provide students with so much more skills and knowledge than online learning can. In-person learning prevents students from cheating as you can in online school with social interaction like teachers teaching live in front of students and keeping an eye on students' actions. Students are also around their classmates, acknowledging their actions. In-person learning students also gain greater knowledge and skills rather than online by being required to do presentations in-person to their class for marks and by joining clubs in schools to learn and experience new things. Lastly, students will be able to concentrate harder on their learning because there'll be less distraction than if you were at home, like easily falling asleep, and students don't require strong selfmotivation and time management skills in a regular school as you do online. So while deciding what learning choice is better for your kids, I really encourage to think about face to face learning and how much of a positive difference it makes on students because I'm a student myself, and online learning is so much easier for me in terms of how much extra time I have and how I have many opportunities to get good grades with no exam. I honestly love it online, but it's only because it's easier for me, but inside my heart, I know face to face learning is better even though it's more challenging; it's just going to help us individuals in the future. I can clearly see the differences in both in-person and online learning models, and I want you to truly reflect on what's best for your children and for you if your students. Check List and Information Page (cut and paste this at the bottom of your final draft) Title page 5 paragraphs “Face to face learning is better for students than online learning” Yes Face to face learning is better for students than online learning Does each of the 3 body paragraphs have a clear Argument(reason)(topic sentence) Yes Paragraphs are indented Yes The GOS and GOC are creative and engaging Is the Thesis highlighted in Red Yes Did you use PEE format for your supporting details Yes Is your work edited for spelling, punctuation and grammar? 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