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Classical & Operant Conditioning: Key Concepts

Classical conditioning is a type of learned response in which a neutral object comes to
elicit a response when it is associated with a stimulus that already produces a response.
Pavlov observed that dogs began to salivate as soon as they saw bowls of food.
Pavlov's experiments reveal the four steps in classical conditioning:
Step 1: Presenting food causes salivary reflex. Unconditioned stimulus and
Unconditioned response.
Step 2: Clicking metronome is a neutral stimulus. A neutral stimulus is anything seen or
Step 3: The start of learning, the neutral stimulus is presented along with the
unconditioned stimulus that reliably produces the unconditioned response.
Step 4: Association learned, (CS) without food, makes dogs salivate.
Conditioned Response is a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.
Unconditioned Response is an automatic response to a stimulus.
Conditioned Stimulus is a stimulus that can trigger a conditioned response.
Unconditioned Stimulus is a stimulus that leads to an automatic response.
Acquisition is the formality of an association between condition and unconditioned
Extinction is the process in which the conditioned response is repeated without the
unconditioned stimulus.
Spontaneous recovery is a process in which a previously extinguished response
reemerges after the conditioned stimulus is presented again.
Stimulus generalization is learning that occurs when stimuli that are similar but not
identical to the conditioned stimulus produce the conditioned response.
Stimulus discrimination is a differentiation between two stimuli when only one of them is
consistently associated with the unconditioned stimulus.
Phobia is an acquired fear that is very strong in comparison to the threat of an object or
of a situation.
Watson showed Little Albert only white objects, which showed no emotional responses,
(neutral stimuli).
Paired rat (CS) and loud clanging noise (US) until rat alone produced fear.
Counter conditioning is exposing the subject to phobia during an enjoyable task.
Systematic desensitization is the type of counterconditioning involving exposure to
feared stimulus while relaxing.
Operant conditioning is a process in which the consequences of an action determine the
likelihood that the action will be performed in the future.
Thorndrike’s experiments reveal the effects of action.
Trap door would open if the animal performed a specific action.
Reinforcers are stimuli that occur after response and increase likelihood of response
Reinforcers can be conditioned.
Reinforcement: behavior more likely to be repeated.
Punishment: behavior is not likely to be repeated.