International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Correlation between gluteus muscle activity and dynamic control of the knee joint in a single-leg landing task in badminton Zhe Hu, Youngsuk Kim, Tengfei Dong, Xiangwei Meng, Maolin Dong & Sukwon Kim To cite this article: Zhe Hu, Youngsuk Kim, Tengfei Dong, Xiangwei Meng, Maolin Dong & Sukwon Kim (2023): Correlation between gluteus muscle activity and dynamic control of the knee joint in a single-leg landing task in badminton, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2023.2249760 To link to this article: Published online: 24 Aug 2023. Submit your article to this journal View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT Correlation between gluteus muscle activity and dynamic control of the knee joint in a single-leg landing task in badminton Zhe Hua, Youngsuk Kimb, Tengfei Dongb, Xiangwei Mengb, Maolin Dongb and Sukwon Kim b a School of Physical Education, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, China; bDepartment of Physical Education, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between gluteal muscle activity patterns and dynamic control of the knee joint during a high-risk single-leg landing task in badminton. Thirtyfour badminton players perform a single-leg landing test after a backhand side overhead stroke. This test collected lower limb kinematics, ground reaction force, and gluteus muscle activity data using a marker-based motion capture system, force plates, and electromyography(EMG). The relationship between gluteus maximus(GMAX), gluteus medius(GMED), and knee flexion angle, valgus angle, extension moment, valgus moment, and tibial ante­ rior shear force was analysed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results show that Peak knee valgus was strongly and moder­ ately positively correlated with the activity of the gluteus maximus­ (GMAX) and gluteus medius(GMED) muscles. Peak proximal tibial shear force was moderately positively correlated with gluteus max­ imus and gluteus medius activation. Our findings suggest a correlation between the gluteus muscles and the dynamic control of the knee joint during the impact phase of the single-leg landing task in badminton. Optimising neuromuscular control of the glutes may be beneficial in reducing the risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) injury in badminton players during single-leg land­ ing tasks. Received 6 March 2023 Accepted 12 August 2023 KEYWORDS Badminton; single-leg landing; ACL; gluteal muscle; knee force 1. Introduction Badminton is one of the most popular racket sports in the world. There are approxi­ mately 200 million badminton players in more than 150 national associations around the world (Herbaut & Delannoy, 2020). Badminton is a fast-paced sport and is the fastest racket sport. This sport requires adjusting one’s body position by constantly braking, accelerating, decelerating, and changing direction according to the position of badmin­ ton (Faude et al., 2007). Non-contact ACL injuries are a concern in badminton, An epidemiological result showed that a single leg landing after an overhead stroke is the highest ACL injury movement for badminton players (Kimura et al., 2010). A study CONTACT Sukwon Kim Jeollabukdo, Jeonju 54896, South Korea © 2023 Cardiff Metropolitan University Department of Physical Education, Jeonbuk National University, 2 Z. HU ET AL. found that overhead stroke single-leg landings accounted for approximately 21.1% of the entire badminton event movements, with approximately half of the overhead stroke single-leg landings on the backcourt backhand side (Sasaki et al., 2018). Poor knee dynamic control has been suggested as a cause of ACL injury in badminton players (Kimura et al., 2012; Sasaki et al., 2018; Tseng et al., 2021; Zhao & Gu, 2019), and studies on badminton landing tasks have shown that poor knee dynamic control such as small knee angles, large valgus angles, and large knee loads may be risk factors for ACL injury. As the muscle forces regulated by neural and reflex feedback control are the only positive regulators of knee loading, it is crucial to investigate the relationship between neuro­ muscular activation and knee biomechanics in the background of ACL injury. Past research has shown that the gluteal muscles play an important role in the dynamic control of the knee joint in a variety of functions. The gluteal muscles prevent excessive knee valgus by controlling the position of the pelvis and femur, preventing pelvic descent and excessive internal rotation of the femur (Barton et al., 2013). Several studies have assessed the relationship between gluteal muscle activity and dynamic knee valgus. Most studies found a clear correlation, but this correlation varied from study to study (Hogg et al., 2021; Hollman et al., 2013; Homan et al., 2013; Llurda-Almuzara et al., 2021; Neamatallah et al., 2020). For example, Llurda-Almuzara et al. found a positive correla­ tion between the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles and peak frontal plane angle in the single leg drop jump task (SLDJ) (Llurda-Almuzara et al., 2021). Similarly, Neamatallah et al. (2020) and Hogg et al. (2021) found a positive correlation between gluteus maximus activity and knee valgus angle in a female-forward landing (FL) study and a strong positive correlation between gluteus medius activity and knee valgus angle in a male single-leg deep squat (SLS) task (Neamatallah et al., 2020). Unusually, Hollman et al. found a negative correlation between gluteus medius muscle activity and knee valgus angle in their study of jump landings and single-leg deep squats (Hollman et al., 2013; Homan et al., 2013). However, other studies have shown no correlation between gluteus activity and knee valgus angle (Cesar et al., 2011; Palmieri-Smith et al., 2008). A study by Ueno et al. showed that a reduction in gluteus medius strength was associated with a large knee valgus moment (Ueno et al., 2020), and another study in a double-leg to single-leg stance task showed that muscle activity of the gluteus medius was negatively correlated with knee valgus moment (Kim et al., 2016). The gluteus maximus may influence knee flexion and extension movements by influencing the anterior-posterior movement of the femur, and Walsh et al. showed that activation of the large gluteus maximus was associated with small knee flexion angles (Walsh et al., 2012). The gluteus maximus muscles contribute to shock absorption during weight-bearing activities. They help absorb and dissipate forces generated during activities such as running or jumping through a centrifugal contraction. A study by Maniar et al. used a neuromusculoskeletal model and electromyographic information to calculate the relationship between lower limb muscle strength and anterior shear forces during a single-leg landing task (Maniar et al., 2020). The results showed that large gluteal activity was associated with an increase in anterior shear force. Based on the above, we know that the influence of the gluteal muscles on the control of the knee joint can be different for different tasks. Considering that ACL injuries in badminton often occur during single-leg landings after non-dominant overhead strokes, the relationship between hip muscle activity and knee dynamic control during this task is INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT 3 unclear. Investigation of the relationship between hip muscle activity and poor knee dynamic control may be critical in the development of an ACL injury prevention programme. We hypothesise that increased hip muscle activity will be associated with greater knee loading, anterior shear forces, a reduction in knee flexion angle, and an increase in knee valgus angle. 2. Methods 2.1. Participants A total of 34 participants participated in this study, 18 males and 16 females. Females were 20.67 (±2.47) years old, 1.69 (±0.05) m in height, and 63.13 (±7.05) kg in mass, while males were 21.26 (±1.92) years old, 1.79 (±0.02) m height and 71.26 (±16.78) kg in mass. The number of participants was pre-calculated from the experimental work using G* Power 3 software to provide α = 0.05, 80% statistical power, and an effect size of 0.40. All participants recruited by Jeonbuk University (Jeonbuk) met the following criteria: (1) no significant motor limitations or muscle weakness by observation and brief assess­ ment by an experienced physiotherapist; (2) no lower limb pain before testing; and (3) participants had to attend organised training at least four times a week. For standardised testing, badminton players with the right hand as their dominant hand were selected to participate in the study. The study had approval from the ethics committee of Jeonbuk University (JBNU2022-01-004-002). Before participating in the study, all participants were informed about the study procedures. They read and signed an informed consent form. 2.2. Preparation for testing We used 13 infrared cameras (OptiTrack, LEYARD, Buffalo Grove, IL, U.S.A.) to collect trial data to capture kinematic data from each participant. These cameras had a sampling rate of 120 Hz. Whole-body kinematic data were tracked using 57 marker points throughout the body, with the reflex markers located at anatomical locations as shown in Figure 1 (Leardini et al., 2007; Portinaro et al., 2014). The ground reaction force data were collected at 1200 Hz using an OR6-6-2000 force platform (AMTI Inc., Newton, Maryland, U.S.A.). The maximum delay time was 6 ms. We used EMG data acquisition equipment (Trigno Avanti Sensor, Delsys, U.S.A.) to acquire EMG signals at 1200 hz. kinematics, force plate data, and EMG data were synchronised using recording software (OptiTrack, LEYARD, U.S.A.). The surface electrodes were selected for the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius, and the reference standard for all EMGs was chosen according to Marco Barbero (Barbero et al., 2012), with the following locations: lateral 80% of the line between the midpoint of the sacrum and the greater trochanter (gluteus maximus) and 20% of the line between the greater trochanter and the highest point of the iliac spine (gluteus medius). The skin surface was scraped and cleaned with alcohol before applying the electrodes, and emg electrodes were applied after the skin was dry, while motion tape was used to fix the electrodes and reduce motion artefacts (de Britto et al., 2014). A maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) test was performed on each muscle for 5 s in the following 4 Z. HU ET AL. Figure 1. Anatomical position of the reflex marker (N=57). L” and ”R” represent the left and right sides. manner: prone with the knee flexed at 90 degrees for hip extension (Gmax) (LlurdaAlmuzara et al., 2021)and side-lying for hip abduction (Gmed) (Llurda-Almuzara et al., 2021). Badminton was served to the designated area in the same state(Same parameters for speed, height, and force settings)using the SPT6000 (SPTLOOKER.China), which was developed by Fengcai. Participants wore uniform material shorts, individual socks, and shoes, and used a uniform racket. 2.3. Test procedure The design of the laboratory, concerning our previous research (Hu et al., 2023), is shown in Figure 2. The participants engaged in a 10-minute warm-up exercise, which included slow jogging and swinging the racket. Subsequently, they underwent a single-leg landing test after performing a backhand overhead stroke. A badminton coach with approximately 10 years of competitive experience demonstrated the footwork and technique of the overhead smash to each participant. Starting from the initial position, the participants simulated a backward step towards the left rear of the court, followed by the overhead stroke. They landed on their left leg on a force plate and quickly returned to the starting position. The participants hit the shuttlecock to the rear side of the opposing court in a conventional manner. They were allowed to practice several times before proceeding with three to five consecutive trials. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT 5 Figure 2. The laboratory set-up. Force plate (FP) and badminton serve machine location. The badminton serving machine launches shuttlecocks from area ① to area ②, which measures 50 × 50 cm. The participants begin by stepping back from the starting point, then jumps and execute an overhead strike. After striking the shuttlecock, the participants perform a single-legged landing on the force plate, then quickly return to the starting position. Area ③ represents the drop point of the shuttlecock after it is hit. 2.4. Data processing and analysis The ACL injury occurs mainly in the early post-landing phase, generally considered to be within 100 ms of the initial touchdown, so we processed and analysed data from this phase. Knee joint injury generally occurs in the early impact deceleration process. This stage is dominated by reflex muscle activity. Most researchers define it as the initial impact (IC) to within 100mms after landing (Russell et al., 2007). We define it as the impact phase. Kinematics and dynamics data were processed by Visual 3d (C-Motion, Inc. U.S.A.). The pelvis is defined relative to a global (lab) coordinate system and assigned six (three translational and three rotational) degrees of freedom. where the positive y-axis of the left leg is defined as anterior, the positive x-axis points medial, and the positive z-axis points up. Knee angular position is defined as the shank relative to the thigh and using X (flexion/extension), Y (adduction/abduction), and Z (Internal/external rotation), the direction of the positive angle is determined concerning the segment coordinate system of the reference segment; using the Right-Hand Rule. By setting the sign, the direction is unified as positive for flexion, negative for extension, positive for adduction, negative for abduction, positive for internal rotation, and negative for external rotation. The joint torque is calculated by the inverse dynamics method by combining force plate data with kinematic data and inertial parameters. EMG activity data were analysed by a companion software of the EMG collection system (trigno Avanti sensor, Delsys, U.S.A.) with a band-pass filter of 10–400 Hz, and EMG signals were corrected and smoothed by the root mean square (RMS) of a 20 ms window. During the impact phase after landing, the root mean square (RMS) amplitude 6 Z. HU ET AL. Table 1. The mean and standard deviation of normalised peak gluteal muscle activity (MVIC%) and knee dynamic control parameters. Variable Gluteus maximus (% of MVIC) Gluteus medius (% of MVIC) Peak knee flexion angle(degree) Peak knee valgus angle(degree) Peak knee extension moment (Nm/kg/m) Peak knee valgus moment (Nm/kg/m) Peak proximal tibia anterior shear force (N/kg) Mean±SD 33.15 ± 18.70 43.29 ± 17.67 47.87 ± 9.39 6.57 ± 3.07 0.87 ± 0.60 0.16 ± 0.12 2.05 ± 0.86 is calculated for each muscle and the RMS amplitude is normalised by the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). The mean value of each relevant biomechanical variable was calculated in the badminton landing task, and the kinetic variables force was normalised to participants’ weight (× kg−1) and torque to participants’ weight × height (× kg−1×m−1). Data analysis was performed using GraphPad PRISM 8.0 (GraphPad Corporation, California, U.S.A.). First, use the Shapiro-Wilk test to check whether the data are normally distributed (parametric or nonparametric). Then, to explore the relationship between muscle activities such as GMAX, GMED, and knee biomechanical variables during the landing impact phase, measuring the degree of correlation between two quantitative variables. The 95% confidence interval (CI) was used for quantitative description. For the degree of correlation, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used for the parametric test, and the Spearman rank correlation (r) was used for the nonpara­ metric test. In addition, the coefficient of determination (R2) is used in parametric data to represent the amount of variation in a screening test. As described by Ziyad Neamatallah, Luis Llurda-Almuzara, Hopkins et al. the correlation intensity was classified as (0–0.3) small, (0.3–0.5) moderate, (0.5–0.7) strong and (0.7–1) very strong (Hopkins et al., 2009; Llurda-Almuzara et al., 2021; Neamatallah et al., 2020). 3. Result The mean and standard deviation of the gluteus EMG and knee dynamic control parameters during the landing impact phase of the single-leg landing task after a backhand side overhead stroke in badminton are shown in Table 1. Peak knee valgus was strongly and moderately positively correlated with the activity of the gluteus maximus (GMAX) and gluteus medius (GMED) muscles (r = 0.56, p = 0.0006, R2 = 0.31,95% CI:0.27 to 0.75 and r = 0.37, p = 0.0306, R2 = 0.14,95% CI:0.04 to 0.63). Peak proximal tibial shear force was moderately positively correlated with gluteus maximus and gluteus medius activation (r = 0.46, p = 0.0060, R2 = 0.21,95% CI:0.15 to 0.69 and r = 0.47, p = 0.0051, R2 = 0.22,95% CI:0.16 to 0.70). Please refer to Figure 3. 4. Discussion Our findings show a significant correlation between gluteus maximus activity and dynamic control of the knee joint during the impact phase of a high-risk landing task in badminton. These findings partially support our hypothesis. Specifically, our main INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT (a) (b) (c) (d) 7 Figure 3. Correlation of gluteus maximus with peak knee valgus angle (a) and peak proximal tibial anterior shear force (b), and correlation of gluteus medius with peak knee valgus angle (c) and peak proximal tibial anterior shear force (d). findings were as follows: 1) There was a positive correlation between gluteus maximus and gluteus medius activity and peak knee valgus angle. 2) Gluteus maximus and gluteus medius activity were positively correlated with peak proximal tibial shear force. Knee valgus is a movement pattern in the lower extremity that can occur when the femur internally rotates, the tibia externally rotates, and the ankle turns inward. In this pattern, the knee joint moves towards the midline of the thigh and foot, resulting in what is known as knee valgus or an internal knee buckle (Larwa et al., 2021; Teng et al., 2017). Studies utilising video analysis and cadaveric research have consistently found that ACL injuries often happen when the knee is in a valgus position. Consequently, excessive knee valgus indicates poor dynamic control of the knee joint and carries a high risk of ACL injury (Ellenberger et al., 2021; Matsumoto et al., 2001). In our study, we discovered a positive correlation between muscle activity in the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius and the maximum knee valgus angle during the badminton landing task. A study con­ ducted by Llurda-Almuzara et al. in a single-legged drop jump task produced similar results, demonstrating a significant positive correlation (r = 0.46–0.60) between gluteus 8 Z. HU ET AL. maximus, gluteus medius, and knee valgus angle when examining the relationship between the lower limb muscles of the dominant and non-dominant legs in the frontal plane (Llurda-Almuzara et al., 2021). Partially in line with our findings, Neamatallah et al. observed a positive correlation between gluteus maximus muscle activity and knee valgus angle in a study on Forward Land (FL) in females, as well as a strong positive correlation between gluteus medius muscle activity and knee valgus angle in a study on Single-leg Squat (SLS) task in males (Neamatallah et al., 2020). These correlations may be attributed to variations in tasks and participants. Furthermore, they explored the relationship between muscle activity, knee dynamic control, and hip muscle strength, noting a negative correlation between knee valgus angle and hip abduction muscle strength during landing tasks in females (Neamatallah et al., 2020). Similar findings have been replicated in numerous studies (McCurdy et al., 2014; Stickler et al., 2015; Suzuki et al., 2015). These results suggest that individuals with lower hip strength may exhibit heigh­ tened neural drive mechanisms to enhance muscle fibre recruitment and improve motion control (Homan et al., 2013; Wilczynski et al., 2020). Contrary to our findings, a study by Hollman et al. on single-leg squat tests and another study on a Jump-Landing Task demonstrated a correlation between reduced activation of the gluteus maximus and increased knee valgus (Hollman et al., 2013, 2014). These differences may be influenced by the gender and characteristics of their participants, as well as variations in testing tasks. Neamatallah et al. discovered a correlation between hip muscles and the valgus moment in their study on the Side land with the force platform from outside of the knee (SLL) task in males (Neamatallah et al., 2020), which differed from our findings. They concluded that hip muscle activity has varying effects on the biomechanical factors of the knee joint depending on the specific squat or landing task. It is worth highlighting another important finding from our study, which showed a positive correlation between activation of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius and proximal tibial anterior shear force in the knee joint. Previous research has indicated that increased anterior shear force is associated with higher ACL loading (Maniar et al., 2020). This is primarily due to the ACL’s function of providing horizontal posterior resistance to prevent forward movement of the tibia, as it originates from the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle and ends anterior to the intercondylar tibial eminence (Duthon et al., 2006). If the tensile force exerted on the ACL exceeds its loading capacity, it can lead to ACL damage. Our findings align with those of Maniar et al., who utilised an EMG-informed neuromusculoskeletal modelling approach to assess the contribution of lower extremity muscles to anterior knee shear forces in a single-leg drop task (Maniar et al., 2020). Their data suggested that not only muscles crossing the knee joint but also those not crossing the knee joint (e.g. gluteus maximus) contribute to anterior knee shear. They proposed that the contractile forces of the gluteus maximus may transmit directly to the tibia through its connection to the iliotibial bundle. This was demonstrated in a study involving non-weight-bearing tasks, where applying loads to the iliotibial bundle resulted in greater tibial anterior translation and tibial valgus with increasing load magni­ tude (Gadikota et al., 2013). The findings of this study imply that increased gluteal muscle activity may be associated with increased ACL loading, thereby increasing the risk of ACL injury. Conversely, another study examining unanticipated sidestep-cutting tasks indicated that the gluteus is the primary muscle counteracting the knee valgus moment, which is beneficial in reducing ACL loading and preventing ACL injury (Maniar et al., 2018). However, it is important to note that their study primarily involved eight healthy men INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT 9 and differed significantly from our study in terms of task design. Therefore, their findings may not be directly applicable to our experimental groups and test conditions. In summary, our study demonstrates a correlation between gluteal muscles and dynamic control of the knee joint during a single-leg landing task in badminton. However, it is important to acknowledge several limitations. Firstly, there are limitations in both the acquisition processes of EMG and 3D motion analysis data (Ball & Scurr, 2010; Fonseca et al., 2020; Lu & O’Connor, 1999; Rota et al., 2013). Secondly, our study focused on the high-risk task of ACL injury in badminton players within a controlled laboratory setting, which may not fully replicate the risk of ACL injury in actual competitive and practice matches. However, controlled environments provide valuable insights and allow for isolating the effects of specific factors. Thirdly, it is important to note that our findings may not be universally applicable to all badminton practitioners, but they can provide useful informa­ tion, particularly for high-level badminton players. Fourthly, our study design does not allow for causal inference. While we analysed the correlation between variables through correlation analysis, it does not imply a causal relationship. The association between increased gluteus maximus recruitment and increased knee valgus and anterior tibial shear should not be interpreted as evidence that increased gluteus maximus recruitment directly leads to these outcomes in badminton single-leg landing scenarios. Despite these limitations, we strongly believe that our study can be valuable for coaches and rehabilitators when developing programmes to prevent ACL injuries in badminton players. Further research on the badminton single-leg landing task could include the following directions, first, gender differences in dynamic control of hip muscles and knee joints. Second, the correlation study between hip kinematics and its coupling with the knee ankle joint and dynamic control of the knee joint. Third, the study of the correlation between muscle synergy and dynamic control of the knee joint, pre-activation of lower limb muscles before landing, etc. 5. Conclusion Our findings suggest a correlation between the hip muscles and the dynamic control of the knee joint during the impact phase of the single-leg drop task in badminton. Optimising gluteal neuromuscular control may be beneficial for avoiding the risk of ACL injury. Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). ORCID Sukwon Kim References Ball, N., & Scurr, J. (2010). An assessment of the reliability and standardisation of tests used to elicit reference muscular actions for electromyographical normalisation. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 20(1), 81–88. 10 Z. HU ET AL. Barbero, M., Merletti, R., & Rainoldi, A. (2012). Atlas of muscle innervation zones : Understanding surface electromyography and its applications. Springer. ments/fy1409/2012938373-d.html Barton, C. J., Lack, S., Malliaras, P., & Morrissey, D. (2013). Gluteal muscle activity and patello­ femoral pain syndrome: A systematic review. 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