Uploaded by Faye Rayford


Which are examples of biographical data that may identify risk factors for illness or disease?
Age, Travel, Culture, Ethnicity
A patient presents with injuries from a car accident and is undergoing the history of presenting illness portion of the
assessment. Which statement is an example of the patient’s response to a palliative/provocative question?
“It hurts worse when I move my arm up and down.”
Describing what makes a symptom better or worse would fall into the palliative/provocative category since
these questions are to inquire as to what has happened and what the patient can do to alleviate symptoms.
“I have had a dull headache for two days.” – quality/quantity category of questioning
“The pain is in the middle of my chest.” – region/radiation category
“I would rate my pain at a 9 right now, but earlier it was more like a 7.” – Severity category
Which health maintenance products contain active ingredients that are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration
OTC meds, Prescription
Supplements & vitamins are not regulated by the FDA
Which are accurate regarding assessing a patient for abuse?
Recording responses in the patient’s exact words; reporting issues of safety and/or injury to the provider
asking all patients if they feel safe in their environment, or if anyone is hurting them
Match the category of visual examination, or general survey, to the appropriate observation.
One shoulder is lower and slightly forward - Obvious Physical Signs
Patient appears agitated and uncomfortable - Behavior
Erythema is noted on the patient’s chest and face - Appearance
Patient appears highly alert with out of context affect - Mental State
In which area of the health history would any reaction to anesthesia be recorded?
Medical-surgical history
When conducting a health history, which type of information would be included in the medical history section?
Obstetrics; Immunizations, hospitalizations, accidents and/or injuries
Which is the correct number of generations that should be explored in a thorough health history?
Three - Including the patient, a family history should go back three generations of first degree relatives, since
this can be an indicator of genetic disorders such as cervical and colon cancer.
Which statement best explains why it is important to ask about food allergies before performing certain diagnostic
Allergies to certain foods have been thought to be linked to iodine dyes used in contrast media
A female patient visits the urgent care center because she has been experiencing lower abdominal pain, especially in the
lower right quadrant. Which type of questions should be asked to determine the history of present illness?
When did the pain start?; Is there anything that relieves the pain?, On a scale of 1-10, can you rate your pain,
with 1 being the least and 10 being unbearable?
A male patient visits the urgent care center because he has been experiencing lower abdominal pain, especially in the
lower right quadrant. Which resulting information would be considered subjective?
Pain is rated at 8; Patient has felt nauseated; Pain is “sharp and shooting”
When conducting triage on a new patient, which elements would be noted on palpation exam?
Pulse; Skin texture; Temperature
Place the process of palpation in the correct order.
Wash and warm hands
Light palpation, gently touching the skin surface
Deep palpation
Areas of pain or sensitivity
Which best describes the position of the ear pieces of the stethoscope when performing auscultation?
Pointing toward the nose
Which finding indicates acute inflammation?
Fever, Leukocytosis, Last for 8-10 days
Which describes the rationale for the formation of a granuloma?
They are the result of unresolved acute inflammation
Which finding in a patient’s medical record indicates the presence of chronic inflammation?
Osteoarthritis & rheumatoidarthritis
Which clinical manifestations are consistent with an acute systemic inflammatory response?
Fever with shivering - fever is a systemic symptom found in a patient with acute inflammation due to pyrogens
that stimulate the hypothalamus.
White blood cell (WBC) count >11,000/mL – a WBC greater than 11,000/mL indicates an acute inflammatory
process with systemic manifestations.
Pain is a local manifestation of acute inflammation. It is not a systemic effect.
Swelling - swelling is noted because of acute inflammation. It is a local, not a systemic symptom.
Warmth at inflammation site - warmth at the inflammation site is indicative of a local manifestation, not
a systemic response.
What does the acronym “RICE” stand for regarding the treatment of inflammation?
Rest, ice, compression, elevation