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In whole or p;in. from 1he readers' use of, or rehanot upon. this material Printed in 1he United S1a1es of America Print Number: 01 Print Year: 20 19 r...,,,.._ a-oc,,.,..~ .u ._~.a "'' ·~ 11ir ......, ~ -~·-· ......,"'".,.. nw~•..-.. ,..."''"_..,....., ,.....""..., tir ~,._._~ .,..., -<.....,._~~ __ .....,.__.t__.•.._a..,.. .......... ,......_... .......... r.....l _ _ .._......,..,_..,.,............_.,.....,..._...,.....,_..,.,,_.,.._..~~a-.e.._..,...,.,,._. iii DEDll CATION To all of my students - past, present, and future c..., .... .31:8C....,:...._ Al~,,_~,..., •WGfd.~•~• ..... ••,__0.:•*'"-....... -61111,_,,..-_,-.c..........,.._ec ...lllil__.~.t •......w~~-._....,..,....., ........ _ ._ _..........,....,. ... .-;11-...~~c-,,....i.__..~w._.._ ........ __ ..,.._.,......,..._..,....._...., .. ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 v BRIEF CONTENTS PHASE I: SYSTEMS PLANNING 001 Chapter I Introduction co Systems Analysis and Design 002 Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 044 Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projecrs 074 PHASE 2: SYSTEMS ANALYSIS 103 Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 104 s Data and Process Modeling 144 Chapter Chapter 6 Object Modeling .1 80 Chapter 7 Development Strategies 200 227 PHASE 3: SYSTEMS DESIGN p Chapter 8 User Interface Design 228 Chapter 9 Data Design 268 Chapter 10 System Architecture 316 ~ 10 • Chapter 11 Managing Systems Implementation 352 PHASE: · S STEMS SUPPORT AND SECURITY 399 Chapter 12 Managing Systems Support and Security 400 Glossary 453 Index 471 .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ vi TABLE OF CONTENTS PHASE I : SYSTEMS PLANNING I.9 The Systems Analyst Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design A Question of Ethics 35 1.10 Summary 35 2 Key Terms 37 3 Exercises 42 Learning Objectives I. I Information Technology I. I.I The Changing Nature of Information Technology 1. 1.2 Synems Analysis and Design 1.1 .3 What Does a Systems Analyst Doi 1.9.1 Role 1.9.1 Knowledge. SIUlb. and Ecb::auon l.9J Certification 1.9.4 c..reer Opportunities 1.9.5 Trends"' lnformabon Technology 28 28 29 31 32 33 3 4 " 1.2 Information System s 1.2.1 Hardware 4 5 5 1.2.2 Software 1.2.3 Data 1.2.4 Processes 1.2.S People 6 7 7 Analyzing the Business Case Learning Objectives 44 2. I Strategic Planning 45 Case In Point I. I. Data B~. che 8 2.1 . 1 Strategic Planning Overview 1.3 Internet Business Strategies 8 Case in Point 2.1; Pets for Rent 45 1.3. 1 The lnttrnet Model I .J 2 82C (BuS1ncsMo·Consumer) I .J.3 828 (Business·tO· Buslness) 8 8 2.1.2 SWOT Analysis 2.1 J The Role of the IT Dep1rtmenc 45 46 9 2.1 Strategic PlanningTools 1.4 Modeling Business Ope rations 9 2.l The Business Case 1.5 Busines$ Informa t ion Systems 11 2.4 Systems Requests 2.5 Factors Affecting Syst e m s Projects 1.5 I Enterpriu Computing l.S.2 Trmuccion Processang I .SJ Business Support l.S.4 Knowled&e Mana&e"*" I .S.5 User Producov1ty I .S 6 D1giul Assistants 1.5 .7 Systems lnteinuon II II 12 13 14 15 15 C..• ~ 1n P. t I 2: Au 1n• '"'° ~ h I • 1.6 Organiu.t ional Information Models 16 1.6 I Functions and Organlzadonal l.eve:s 1.6.2 Top Man~ers 1.6.3 Middle Maniiers •nd Know1ed&• Worker> 1.6.4 Supervisor> and Team Leaders 1.6.5 Operadonal Employees 16 16 17 17 17 5 2.5. 1 lntern>I Factors 2.5.1 Extern>! Factors 45 47 47 49 so 50 52 2.6 Processing Systems Requests 54 2.6.1 Sys<ems P.equen forms 2.6.2 Systems Request Tools 2.63 Systems Review Committee 54 54 54 Case 1n P"'nt 2 1: At '"' y A1r1 " , P.art On~ 2.7 Assessing Request Feasibility 2.7. 1 Feuibtlity Studies 2.7.2 Operauon>l FeaS1bthty 2.7.3 Ecooom<e Feasib1l1ty 2.7.4 Teclvlical F<!asibillty 2.7.5 Schedule Feasfblllty SS 56 56 57 57 58 58 1.7 Syst ems Deve lopment 17 1.7. 1 StructuredAnalysls 1.7.2 Object-Oriented Analysis 1.7.3 Agile Methods 1.7.4 Prototyping 1.7.5 Tools 18 21 22 24 24 2.8 Setting Priorities 2.8.1 Dynamic Priorities 2.8.2 F•«ors That Affect Priority 2.8.3 Discretionary and N ondlscretoonary Projects S9 Case in Point 2.3: Attaway Airline , Part Two 26 2. 9 The Preliminary Investigation 60 60 1.8 The Information Technology Department 1.8.1 Appllcatlon Development 27 C;ue in Point 1.3 : Global Hotel~ and Momma's Motels 27 1.8.2 Systems Support and Security 1.8.3 User Support 1.8.4 D•toboseAdmlnt>trotJon 1.8.5 Network Adminlstrodon 1.8.6 Web Support 1.8.7 Qu>l1ty Assuranco (QA) 27 28 28 28 28 28 (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. 2.9.1 Planning the Preliminary lnvesclgadon 2.9.2 Performing tho Preliminary lnvesdgatlon 2.9.3 Sumtmn•mg the Preliminary lnvestlg-.tion 59 59 60 61 61 68 2. 10 Summary 69 69 Ke:yTerms 70 Exercises 72 A Question of Ethics Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. vii Ta ble o f Contents 111 113 4.2.2 Rapid Apphcadon Development 4.2.3 Agile Methods 4.3 Gathering Requirements 4.4 Gathering Requirements Through Interviews Managing Systems Projects Learning Objectives 74 75 3. 1 Overview of P roject Management 7S 7S 3.1 I Whn Sh>peS a Project• 3.1 2 What Isa Project Tnansfe' 3.1.3 What Does a Protect ~nager Do' 76 76 3.2 Creating a W o rk Breakdown Structure 3.2.1 Gontt Clwu 76 n 3.2.2 PERT/CPM Charts 3.2.3 ldent1fyi11g Tasks In a Wori< B<cakdown Structure Ca•~ in Point l. I . S onri 78 Sottw;i.n 80 80 3.2.4 Foctors Affecting Dul'O\don 3.2.S Displ;ay111g the Wori< Breakdown Structure 81 3.3 Task Patterns 82 3.3.1 Using Task Boxes to Create a Model 3.3.2 Task Pattem Types 3.3.3 Working with Complex Task Pattems 82 83 8" Case In Point 3.2: Parallel Services SS 3.4 The Crltica.I Path 85 114 116 116 4.4.1 The lnterv>ew Process 4.5 Gathering Requirements Using Other Techniques 12 1 4.5.1 Document Review 4.S.2 Observation 4.5.3 QueJtionnaires ond Su~ 4.S.4 Interviews Venus Quescionnaires 4.S.S S...ns«>rmin& 4.5.6 Sampling 4.S 7 Research 122 122 123 124 115 125 126 Case in Point 4.2: CyberStuff 127 4.6 Gathering Re q uirements In Aglle Projects 4.7 Representing Requirements 127 1.7.1 Natural Language 128 128 Case in Point 4.3: Digital Pen Transcription 129 ...7.2 Diagrams 1.7.3 Models 129 13 I 85 4.9 Tool.s Ill 134 3.5 Project Monit oring and Control 87 A Question of Ethics 137 3.S. I Monitori11g and Contra I Techniques 3.S.2 Malntolnin& • Schedule 3.S.3 Tasks and the Critical Poth 87 87 87 4. 10 Summary Key Te rms 137 1)7 Exercises 88 88 88 Chapter S 3.4.1 Calculacing the Cntlcol Path J.t Re porting 3.6 I Project Status M..anis 3.6.2 Project Statui Rtporu 3.63 0..long woth Problems 89 93 94 3.7 Project Management Software 3.8 Risk Management 3.9 Managing for Success C. P, 1t l J 1me Software 95 3 9 I Buslnen luues 3.9.2 Budget Issues 3.9.3 Schedule Issues 95 95 96 A Question of Ethics 96 3. 10 Summary 96 Key Te rms 98 Exe r cises 100 PHASE 2 : SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Chapter 4 104 Learning Objectives 4. 1 Syste m Req uirements 105 4.1.1 Types of Requoremenu 4.1.2 Requlremenu Challenges 4.1.3 Additional Conslderatlons 105 107 4. 2 Team-Based Techniques 108 106 4.2.I )olntAj>pl1ca11on 0..elopment 109 111 Case in Point 4.1: North Hills College _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- .............. __.... 139 142 Data and Process Modeling Leaming Objectives 5 .1 Logical Versus PhysicaJ Models 144 5 .2 Data Flow Diagrams 145 146 145 S.3 Data Flow Diagram Symbols 147 147 149 ISi 152 5 3 I Proun Symbol> 5.3.2 Data Flow Symbols 5.3.3 Data Store Symbols 5.3.4 Enticy Symbols 5.3S Usin& DFD Symbols 5.4 Drawing Data Flow Diagrams 5.5 Drawing a Context Diagram 152 5.6 Drawing a Diagram 0 DFD 155 S.7 Drawing Lower-Level DFDs 158 163 154 Case In Point 5.1 : Big Ten University 5.8 Data Dictionary Requirements Engineering .........""_.. ... .-................. 4.8 Validating and Verifying Requirements 164 161 165 166 167 167 167 5.8.1 Documenting the Data Eltmenu 5.8.2 Documentinc the Data Rows 5.8.3 Documenting the Data Stores 5.8.4 Documenting the Processes 5.8.5 Documentm& the En"tles 5.8 6 Documenung the Records 5.8.7 Data Dlcuonary Reporu 168 5.9 Process Description Tools in Modular Design 5.9.1 Procen Descnpcions 1n Obiect·Oriented [)eo.lelopmen1 S.9.2 Modubr Design -- ........... ...... . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. ........... ... ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ 169 169 169 Table of Conte nts viii 170 170 5.9.J Slt\ICtured En&hsh 5.9.4 Dec1si0n T~es Case in Point 5 .2 : Rock Solid Outfitters (Part I) 5.9 .S DeclSlO!'I Trees use in Point 5.3 : Rock Solid Outfitters (Part 2) A Question of Ethics 5. 10 Summary Key Terms Exercises 174 175 175 176 176 177 179 Chapter 6 Case in Point 7 . 1: Doug's Sporting Goods 7 .4 Outsourcing 7.4. I The Growth ol Ouuourc"'I 7.4.2 Outsouran& Fees 7A3 Ouuourong Issues and Concerns 7.5 Offshoring Case in Point 7.2: Turnkey Services 1.6 Software as a Service 7.7 Selecting a Devefopment Strategy 7.7. I The Systems Analysts Role 7.7.2 Analyzing Cost and Bcnefiu 7.7.3 Cost-Benef1tAnalysls Checkllot Object Modeling Learning Objectives 6.1 Object-Oriented Analysis Case In Point 6. 1: Travel Biz 181 6.2 Objects 181 6.3 Attributes 6.4 Methods 183 183 6. 5 Messages 183 6.6 Classes 6.1 Relationships Among Objects a.n d Classes 6. 8 The Unified Modellng language (UML) 6.8. I Use Cue Mod~1n1 184 180 181 6.8.2 Use Cue Ofagnms 186 187 187 189 Case in Point 7.3: Ster1ingAssoclates 7.8 The Software Acquisition Process Step I: Evaluate che Information Synem Requirements Step 2: Identify PotentialVendors or Outsouroing Options Step 3: Evaluate the Alternatives Step 4: Perform Cost-Benefit Analysis Step S: Prepare a Recommendation 7.9 Completion ofSyscemsAnalysisTasks 7.9. 1 System Requirements Document 7.9.2 Presentation to Management 7.9.3 Transition to Systems Des1&n 206 207 108 208 108 209 1 10 210 211 211 211 212 212 213 214 214 214 2I 6 217 219 219 219 219 220 221 A Question of Ethics 7. 10 Summary KeyTefms 222 Exercises 226 222 224 189 Case in Point 6.l : Hilltop Moton 6.8..3 Cius 01ograms l'JO use in Point 6 .3: Train the Trainers, Inc. 191 192 6.8.4 Sequence O.airams 6.8.S State Transition Oiograms 6.8.6 Activity Diagrams 6.8.7 Susineu Process Modeling 192 193 194 6.9 Tools A Question of Ethics 195 6.1 0 Summary Key Terms Exercises 195 195 197 199 Chapter 7 Development Strategies Learning Objectives 7. 1 Traditional Versus Web-Based Systems Development 200 201 7.1.I Traditional Oevelopmenc In a U'ldltlonal systems development environment 7. 1.2 Web-Based Oevalopmenc: In a web-based systems development environment 7.2 Evolving Trends 7.3 In-House Software Development Options 73.1 Make or Buy Decision 7.3 l Developing Softw1re In-House 733 Purclwin1 • ~ Pac.kage 201 201 202 203 203 204 205 (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. 7.3.4 Custom1%1ng •Software Pad<ogc 7.3.S Cre.tlng User Appli<att0ns PHASE 3 : SYSTEMS DESIGN Chapter 8 User Interface Design Leaming Objectives 8.1 User Interfaces 8.2 Human-Computer Interaction Case in Point 8. 1: Casual Observer Software 228 8.3 Seven Habits of Suceessful Interface Designers 8.3.1 Undeni:and the Busman 8.3.2 Maxlml1e Graphical Effectiveness 8.3.3 Think like a User 8.3.4 Use Models and Prototype> 8.3.5 Focus on Usability 8.3.6 Invite Feedback 8.3.7 Document Everythln& 232 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 8.4. 1 Create an Interface That Is Easy to Learn and Use 8.4.2 Enhance User Producuvlty 8.4.3 Provide Flexibility 8.4.4 Provide U1en wich Help and Feedback 8.4.5 Create an Atll'lctove Layout and Oesl&n 8.4.6 Enhance che Interface 8.4.7 Focus on Oaa Entry Screens 8.4.8 Use Validation Rules 8.4.9 Manoge Data Effectro'Oly 8.4.10 Reduce lnputVolume 234 234 235 236 236 137 238 240 143 245 145 229 230 232 232 232 233 233 233 233 234 Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. ix Ta ble o f Contents 2'46 Case in Point 8.l : Boolean Toys 8.5 Source Document and Form Design 146 8.6 Printed Output 2'47 8.6.1 Report ~'II' 8.6.2 Report ~lgn Pnndples 8.6.3 Tn- of R"'°ru 2'48 248 250 Ca.e in Point 8 .3: Luy Eddie 251 251 8.7 Technology Issues 252 8.7.1 Output Technology 8.7.2 Input TechnolocY 25'4 8.8. I 0uq>Vt Secumy and Control 255 255 8.8 2 Input Securtl}' and Control 156 8.8 Security and Control Issues 257 257 8.9 EmergingTrends 8.9. 1 Modulor Deslsn 8.9.2 Re•pon•lve Web Design 8.9.3 Prototyp1n1 158 258 260 260 262 A Question or Ethics 8.10 Summary Key Terms Exercises 266 Chapter 9 Data Design 268 269 269 Learning Objectives 9. 1 Data Design Concepts 9.1.1 O.ta Scructures 9.1.2 Mano and o.,,.ca: Ao.a cnsiin Ex.omple 9.1.3 Database Manaaement Systems 269 271 272 9.1 DBMS Components 9.2. I lnU!rfaces lor Usen, Database Administrators. and Related Systems 9.2.2 Schema 9.2.3 Physical Data Repository 273 2n 273 274 275 9.3 Web-Based Design 9.4 Data Design Terms 9.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams Case In Point 9. 1: TopText Publishing 9.6 Data N ormalii.ation 9.6. I Saindard N otation Format 9.6.2 First Normal Form 9.6.3 Second Normal Form 9.6.'4 Third Normal Form Case In Point 9.2: CyberToys 9.6.S Two Re>l-World Examples 9.7 Codes .........""_.. ... .-................. 9.9 Data Control A Question or Ethics 305 306 9. 10 Summary 306 KeyTe,.ms Exercises 308 313 Chapter 10 System Architecture 316 317 Learning Objectives I 0. 1 A,.chitecture Checklist I0.1.1 Corporat0 Organludon and Culture I0.1.2 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) I 0. 1.3 lnltQI Cost and TCO I 0. 1.'4 Sal•b•lity I0. 1.S Web Integration I 0.1.6 Legacy Systems 10. 1.7 Processing Options I 0. 1.8 Security Issues 10. 1 9 Corporote Portals 317 317 318 319 319 319 320 320 320 32 1 Case in Point 10.1 ABC Sy.terns I O.l The Evolution of System Architecture 321 321 322 I0.2.1 Mainframe Arch1tec:wre IO.l.l Impact of the Ptrsonal Computer I0.2.3 Network Evoluuon 322 I 0.3 Client/Server An:hitecture 323 324 325 326 326 327 10.3 I The Client's Role I 0.3.2 OoentJSeM1er Tiers I 0.3.3 M1ddleware 10.3.'4 Cost-Benefit luues 10.3.S Ptrformanco Issues 276 279 I 0.5 E-Commerce Architecture 329 I 0.5. 1 In-House Solutions I 0.5.2 Packaged Solu11ons I0.5.3 Service Providers 183 Case in Point I O.l . Small Potatoes 284 284 285 I 0.6 Processing Methods 330 33 1 33 1 332 332 332 286 I0.6. 1 Online Processing I0.6.2 Batch Processing I0.6.3 Example 287 10.7 N etwork Models 334 290 291 291 I 0.7. 1 The OSI Model 10.7.2 NetworkTopology 10.7.3 Network Devices 335 337 297 I 0.8 W ireless Networks 338 299 333 333 331 I 0.8.1 Stand•rds 338 I 0.8 2 Topolog1u 1083 Trends 339 ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... 302 303 328 328 329 298 _..__ ................... 301 327 297 9.7. 1 Ottrv.-ofCodes 9.7.l Types of Codes 9.1.3 Designing Cod.s 9 8.1 Tools and Techniques 9.8.2 Logial Venu• Phytical Storage 9 8.3 O.ta Cod•ng 10.4 .I lntemet·BuedArchiteca.o,. I 0.'4 2 Cloud Computing 10.4 .3 Web 2.0 280 180 180 9.5. 1 Drawing an ERO 9.5.2 Typos of Refadon•hlps 9.5.3 Cardinality 300 301 I 0.4 The Impact of the Internet 175 9.'4. 1 Definitions 9.'4.2 Key Field• 9.'4.3 Refttential Integrity Case 1n Point 9.3= Madera Tools 9.8 Data Storage and Access 339 -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Table of Contents x 340 Case In Point I 0 .3: Spider IT Services '-- I 382 383 387 I l.93 Dati Conve.-..on 11.9.4 Training 11.9.S Post-lmplementadon Tasks 10.9 Systems D esign Completion 10.9.1 System DHlgn Speclflcauon I0.9.2 Us..-ApprCMI 10 9.3 PreS4'lc11lons 341 341 3'12 342 A Question of Ethics 3 43 A Q uestion of Ethics 391 I 0.1 0 Summary 343 I I. I0 Summary 391 Key Terms 346 Key Terms 394 Exercises 350 Exercises 398 ~ tdwtrica PHASE S : SYSTEMS SUPPORT AND SECURITY PHASE 4 : SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION Managing Systems Support and Security Managing Systems Implementation Le arning Objectives 352 Lear ning O bjectives 400 11 .1 Quality A ssurance I I. I. I Softw.lre Englneerlnc I 1.1.2 Systems Engineering I 1.13 International Organization for St»ndardlution 353 353 3S3 355 12. 1 U ser Support 12.1 .1 UserTralnlng 12.1.2 Help Desks 12.1.3 Outsourcing Issues 401 I 1.2 Application D evelopment 11.2.1 Review the System Design I 1.2.2 Application De..lopment Tuks I l.2J Syncms Development Tools 356 356 356 403 I I .3 Structured Deve lo pment 11.J. I Strvcture Chuts I I 3.2 CohesK>n .nd Coupl 111 11.3.3 Drawing a StrvCture Chart 359 12.2 Maintenance Tasks 12.2.1 Types of Maintenance 12.2.2 Correctl\'e Maintenance 12.2.3 Adaptm: Mimt~ncc 12.2.4 P..-fectrVe Maintenance 12.2.S ~ntive Maintenance 11 .4 Object-Orie nted Developme nt 11.4.1 Charactenstlcs of Object-Onented De-ttlopment 11.4.2 lmplementadon of Obtect-Onented Designs 114.3 Object-Oriented Cohesion and Couplin& 3 64 365 366 366 I 1.5 Agile D e velopment 11 5.1 en.- Programml11g 11 S 2 UJ1r Scones 11.5.3 Iterations and Releases 367 368 369 369 11 .6 Coding 369 I I.7 Testing 11.7.1 Unlt Teulng 11.7.2 Integration Tesung 11.7.3 System Tesdng 370 357 360 361 362 Case n Po 12 0 0 12.3 Maintenance Management 12.l. I The Mimtenance Te"'" 12.3.2 Maintenance Requests 12.33 Establishing Pnorrt1u 12.l.4 Configuration Management 12.l.S M•intemnce Releases 12.l.6 VersK>n Control 12.3.7 Basehnes 401 401 403 404 404 406 406 407 1n:lng, Inc, 7 408 408 409 410 411 412 412 414 12.4 System Pe rformance Manage ment 12.4. I fault Management 12.4.2 Performance and Workload Measurement 12.4.3 Cap•clty Planning 4 14 3 l 12. 5 System Security 12.S. I System Security Concepts 12.S.2 Risk Management 12.S.3 Attacker Promos and Attacks 419 419 420 421 11.8 D ocum entation 11.8. 1 Program Documcntodon 11.8.2 System Documentation 11.8.3 Operations Documentition 11.8.4 User Documentitlon I 1.8.5 Online Documentation 373 374 12.6 Security Levels 12.6.1 Physical Security 423 423 I I •9 Installation 11.9.1 Operational andTest Environments 11.9.2 System Changeover 3 78 Case in Point 12.2: Outer B;mks County 12.6.2 Network Security 12.6.3 Application Security 12.6.4 Ric Security 12.6.S User Security 12.6.6 Procedur.ll Security 426 426 429 431 432 434 C:... I 370 372 372 M...,., lnc. 374 375 375 376 378 379 (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. 414 416 417 Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. xi Ta b le o f Contents c. l'uw 17 C on L 1 Consulting, Inc. 4)4 435 12.7 Backup and Recovery 12.7.1 Global Terrorism 12.7.l Backup f>ojKoes 12.7.3 Business ContJnUtty Issues 12.8 System Re tirement 435 435 436 437 438 12.9 Future Challenges and Opportunities 12.9.1 T..-.nds and Predoc:tJOns 12.9 l Strateiic Ptann•f\g for IT Pro(euionals 12.9.3 IT Credentials and Cerofoc:aaon .........""_.. ... .-................. A Question of Ethics 443 11.10 Summary 443 Key Terms Exercises 446 438 Glossary 452 453 +40 Index 471 +41 _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... 442 442 12.9.4 CnocalThonkln&Skills 12.9.S Cybcretllla -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 xii i PREFACE The Shelly C:ishman Series~ offers the finesr rexes in compurer education. \Ve are proud char our previous editions of Systems Anafysis and Design have been so well received by insrructors and srudenrs. Systems Analysis and Design, 12th edition continues with the innovation, qualiry, and reliabiliry you have come to expect. T he Shelly Cashman Series dcvelopmenr ream carefully reviewed our pedagogy and analyzed its effectiveness in reaching roday's srudenr. Conremporary srudents read les~ but need to retain more. As rhey develop and perform skills, students must know how co apply the skills ro different ~errings. Today's students need co be continually engaged and challenged to rerain whar they're learning. With chis book, we continue our commitment to focusing on the user and how the)' learn besr. Facing a c hallenging global markerplace, companies need strong IT resources ro 5ur· vive and compete effecrivcly. Many of today's students will become the systems analysts, managers, and lT professionals of tomorrow. This text will help prepare them for rh o e ro les. Overview Systems A nalysis and Design, 12th edition offers a practical, streamlined, and updated approach to information systems development. Systems analysis and design is a disciplined process for creating high-qualiry enterprise information systems. An information system is an amalgam of people, data, and technology to provide support for business furn'tiom .. •. As technology evolves, so docs systems analysis. The book cmphasi.i:es the role of the systems ana lyst in a dynamic, business-related environment. A !.ystcms analyst ii. a valued team member who helps plan, develop, and maintain information systems. Analysrs must be exccllenr communicators with st rong analytical and crincal thinking skills. The y must also be business savvy, technically competent, and be cquall)' comfortable working with managers and programmers. Throughout the book, realworld examples emphasize critical thinking and l T skills. I\1any two· and four-year colleges and schools use this book in information systems and computer science curriculums. The 12th edition includes expanded coverage of emerging technologies, such as agile methods, cloud computing, and mobile applications. Thi!> new marcrial complements the updated treatment of traditional approaches to systems analysis and design. Using chi~ book, ~tudents learn how to translate business requirements into informa· tion systems char support a compan y's strategic objectives. Case srudies and assignments teach analytical reasoning, critical thinking, and p roblem-solving skills. Numerous projects, assignments, and end-of-chapter exercises are provided, along with detailed instructor support material. Objectives of This Text Syst ems Analysis and Design, 12th edition is inrended for a three credit-hour introductory systems analysis and design course. This rexr is designed ro: • explain systems analysis and design using an appealing full-color format, numerous scrcenshors and illusrrarions, and an easy-to-read srylc that invites students ro learn. • introduce project managemenr concepts early in the systems development process. • challenge students with a Question of Ethics mini-case in each chaprer that a ks them to respond to real-life ethical issues in an IT environment. c..., .... .31:8C....,:...._ Al~,,_~,..., •WGfd.~•~• ..... ••,__0.:•*'"-....... -61111,_,,..-_,-.c..........,.._ec ...lllil__.~ .t •......w~~-._....,..,....., ........ _ ._ _..........,....,. ... .-;11-...~~c-,,....i.__..~w._.._ ........ __ ..,.._.,......,..._..,....._...., .. xiv Preface • provide multi-method coverage, including a comparison of structured, objectorientcd, and agile systems development merhods. • explain how IT supporcs business requirements in todays intensely competitive environment, and • d~ribc major IT devclopmcntS and trends. Ne w and Updated Feature s in This Edition Systems Analysis and Design, 12th editio11 offers these exciting new and updated features: • Reexamined strucrure and subject coverage to ensure studentS can identify and focus on the main content readily. Confirmed chat related content has been aligned under comprehensive section headings to maintain a clear flow of topic and reduce distraction. • A renewed emphasis on aligning learning objectives with chapter content and assessments. The learning objectives have been updated and carefully reworded so that instructors know what m focus 011, and studencs know what is expected of them. T he questions, discussio n t<>pics, and projects have all been updated to better assess student mastery of the material. • Updated or replaced many Case in Point mini-cases ro ensure learners arc exposed to relevant and current examples of real-world business applicanons of key concepts. • Updated examples of CASE tools reflecting web-based and/or open source offerings. These cools are often free and are representative of modern systems analysis solutions. • Updated screenshots to Microsoft Office 2019 products and Visible Analyst 2016. Organizatio n of This Text Systems Analysis and Design, 12th edition contains 12 chapters that reach valuable cross-functional skills. The chapters are organized into five phases: planning, anal ysis, design, implemenrarion, and support and security. A four-part S)•stems Analyst's Toolkit, now available as an online appendix, reflects the most recenc changes in today's syscems analysis tools and a lso includes invaluable resources. Cross-functional toolkits provide scudents with che basic skills soughc after by o rganizations hiring systems analysts. Phase I: Systems Planning • Chapter 1 - Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design: Chapter l provides an introduction ro systems analysis and design by describing the role of information teclmology i.n today's dynamic business environment. • Chapter 2 - Analyzing the Business Case: Chaprer 2 explains how syscems projects gee srartcd and how co evaluate a projecc propost1l co determine ics feasibility. • Chapter 3 - Managing Systems Projects: Chapter 3 describes how to use project management tools and techniques, and how to plan, schedule, monicor, and report on n· projects. c..,....lla'c......,........, A1..,....ai-.en... ... ...,,..,.., ..,.......,,,... ........ ~-..,.~·----·~••klk<9i11,..,_0w.~,,... a:.a.ww~ .. - ... ,...,•_....,.._....,,..._.t._.,doA..,._~•. .. ., ...cn11.,.__..........,,..-:&-c~..,.--:c--•.,,. .. -~....._.....,.. .... ..,,, ......... ,... ........... ..,._.._ _.._...,~ xv Preface Phase 2: Systems Analysis • Chapter 4 - Requirements Engineering: Chapter 4 describes the requirements engineering process: gathering facts about a systems project, preparing documentation, and creating models char will be used to design and develop the S)Stem. • Chapter 5 - Data and Process Modeling: Chapter 5 discusses data and process modeling techniques that analysis use to show how the system transforms data into w.eful information. • Chapter 6 - Object ModcUng: Chapter 6 discusses object modeling techniques rhar analysts use ro crc:irc a logic:il model. • Chapter 7 - Development Strategies: Chapter 7 considers various development strategies for the new system and plans for the transition to the systems design phase. Phase 3: Systems Design • Chapter 8- User In terface Design: Chapter 8 explains how to design an effective user interface :ind how m handle data security and control issues. • Chapter 9 - Oaca Design: Chapter 9 focuses on the data design skills that arc necessary for a systems analyst to construct the physical model of the information system. • Chapter l 0 - System Architecture: Chapter I0 describes system architecture, which translates the logical design of an information system into a physical blueprint. Ph I • Chapter 11 - Managing Systems Implementation: Chapter 11 describes application development, documentation, testing, training, data con,·ersion, and system changeover. Phoue 5 S !> • St.. p - and Securit" Chapter 12 - Managing Systems Support and Security: Chapter 12 describes systems support and sccunry casks char continue throughour the useful file of rhe system, includmg maintenance, sccuriry, backup and disaster recovery, performance mcasurcmcnr, and system renremenr. Online Appendix:The Systems Analyst's Toolkit • Toolkit Part A - Conuuwiication Tools: Part A of the toolkit discui.ses coinmunication tools that can help the analyst write clearly, speak effectively, and deliver powerful presentations. • Toolkit Part B - CASE Tools: Part B describes CASE tools that be can used co design, cnn~truct, and document an information system. • Toolkit Part C- Financial Analysis Tools: Part C demonstrates financial analysis tools that can used ro measure project feasibility, develop accurate cost-benefit estimates, and make sound decisions. • Toolkit Part D - Internet Resource Tools: Part D describes Internet resource cools chat can be used co locate information, obtain reference material, and monitor IT trends and developments. c..., .... .31:8C....,:...._ Al ~ ,,_~,..., •WGfd.~•~• ..... ••,__0.:•*'"-....... -61111,_,,..-_,-.c..........,.._ec ...lllil __.~.t •......w~~ - ._...., ..,. ...., ........ _ ._ _..........,....,. ... .-;11-...~~c-,,....i.__..~w._.._ ........ _ _..,.._.,......,..._..,....._...., .. Features xvi FEATURES CHAPTER LEARNINGTOOLSAND HOWTHEYWILL HELPYOU Case In Point: Each chapter includes th.rec brief cases thar provide a comextual business example for students focused on the key issues covered in the chapter. A Q uesrion of Ethics: A realistic ethical issue is presented at the end of each chapter. These examples force you to examine your reactions and how you would respond to common workplace situations. Chapter Exercises: The chapter exercises are direct!)• related to the learning objectives. Your answers to the 10 questions will show that you understand the key points. Five discussion topics and five projects offer opportunities to dig deeper and learn even more. MINDTAP FOR SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN MindTap for Systems Analysis and Design, 12th edition is a personalized, fully onl ine, digital learning platform of content, assignments, and services that engages students and encourages them to thi nk critically whlle allowing instn1ctors to easily set their course through simple customization options. MindTap is designed to help students master the skills they need in today's workforce. Research shows employers need c ritical thinkers, troubleshooters, and creative problem-solvers to stay relevant in our fast paced, technology-driven world. MindTap helps sn1denrs achieve this with assignments and activities that provide hands-on prac· rice and real-life relevance. They are guided through assignments rhar help them master basic knowledge and undersranding before moving on to more challenging problems. i\1indTap is designed around learning objectives and provides the analytics and reporting to easily see where the class stands in terms of progress, engagement, and completion rates. Students can access eBook content in the ~l indTap Reader, which offers highlighting, note-taking, search and audio, and mobile access. learn more at www.cengage.com/mindrap. Co11ceptClips: ConceptClip videos focus learners on a key concept in each chapter and arc designed ro deepen their understanding of the topic. Running Case: Based on feedback from readers and instructors, we've created a new running case to replace the SCR Case from previous editions. The case challenges learners to apply key systems analysis and design concepts and skills to a realistic scenario they would encounter in the workplace. The case brings the key concepts and skills of the chapter rogether in an authentic assignment. The look and feel of rhe case tool has also been updared ro be an authenric, immersive experience for students. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES We are dedica ted to providing you all the tools yo u need ro make your class a success. information on all supplementary inaterials can be found on the password-protected website at logi11.ce11gage.com. If you need help accessing this page, please contact your (engage representative. The Instructor Resources include the fo llowing: • Online Appendix: The Systems Analyst's Toolkit: A 4-parr online appendix reflects rhc mosr recent changes in today's systems analysis tool . c..,....lla'c......,........, A1..,....ai-.en... ... ...,,..,.., ..,.......,,,... ........ ~-..,.~·----·~••klk<9i11,..,_0w.~,,... a:.a.ww~ .. - ... ,...,•_....,.._....,,..._.t._.,doA..,._~•. .. ., ...cn11.,.__..........,,..-:&-c~..,.--:c--•.,,. .. -~....._.....,.. .... ..,,, ......... ,... ........... ..,._.._ _.._...,~ x v ii About The Author • Instructor's Manual: Contains lecture notes summarizing the chapter sections, figures and boxed elemenrs found in ever>' chapter, teacher tips, classroom activities, and quick quives in ,\ilicrosoft Word files. • PowerPoint Presentations: A multimedia lecture presentation system provides slides for each chapter, based on chapter objectives. • Figure Files: Illustrations for every figure in the text in electronic form. • Solutions to Exercises: Includes solutions for end-of-chapter exercises. • Test Bank and Test Engine: Test banks include questions for every chapter, featuring objective-based and critical thinking question types, page number references, and figure references when appropriate. Cengage Leanling Testing powered by Cognero is a flexible, online S)•Stem that allows you to: • author, edit, and manage test bank content from multiple Cengage Leaming solutions. • create multiple test versions in an insranr. • deliver rests £rom your LMS, your classroom, or wherever you want. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Willi the 12th edition, Scott Tilley becomes the sole author of Systems Analysis and Design in the Shelly Cashman Series. Dr. Tilley is an emeritus profcs~or at the Florida Institute of Technology, president and founder of the Center for Technology & Society, president and co-founder of Big Data Florida, president of the Space Coast chapter of the international Council of Systems Engineering (IN COSE), and a Space Coast \X'riters' Guild f ellow. In addirion to this book, he is the author or editor of numerous other publications, including Software Testing in the Cloud: Migration 6r Execution (5pnnger, 2012), Testing iOS Apps with Hadoop Unit: Rapid Distributed GUI Testing ( ~1organ & Claypool, 20 14), The Vicious SUJans (And Other Tall Tales) (Precious Publishing, 2017), Dreams (Antholog) Alliance, 2018), and Technical justice (CTS Press, 2019). He wrote the weekly "Technology Today" column for Florida Today (Gannett) from 2010 to 2018. l le holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Victoria. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A book like Systems Analysis and Design would not be possible without rhc help and support of a great many people, both past and present. Harry Rosenblarr's contributions to previous editions of rhe book provided the foll!lldarion for the current edition. His foresight made updating the material much easieir than it might otherwise have been. Textbooks these days arc much more than just printed books; they arc educational platforms that have many moving parts. This means purring together an updated edirion of a book like this, particularly on an aggressive schedule, is a challenge. I'm pleased to say that the entire production ream rose to the occasion. Thanks to Jaymie Falconi, Michele Srulga, Emily Pope, and Maria Garguilo at Cengage for all of their help. Thanks to John Freitas for providing new screenshors of programs and applications. An>' errors or omissions in this edition of the text are purely my responsibility. Finally, sincere thanks to the insrn1ctors and students who offered feedback and comments. We have tried to address your concerns and incorporate your suggestions. As this field is constantly evolving, we srrongl)' encourage your participation in helping us provide the freshest, most relevant information possible. We will cenainly continue to listen carefully. If }'OU have an)' que tions or comments, please contact us through your local representative. c..., .... .31:8C....,:...._ Al~,,_~,..., •WGfd.~•~• ..... ••,__0.:•*'"-....... -61111,_,,..-_,-.c..........,.._ec ...lllil__.~.t •......w~~-._....,..,....., ........ _ ._ _..........,....,. ... .-;11-...~~c-,,....i.__..~w._.._ ........ __ ..,.._.,......,..._..,....._...., .. ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 PHASE Systems planning is the first of five phases in the systems development life cycle. It's always a good idea to know whether a project fits the company's overall strategy.A systems project that does not align with corporate strategies should not be approved. The role of an information system is to support business goals. Chapter I focuses on an introduction to systems analysis and design by describing the role of information technology in today's dynamic business environment.This includes information systems, lntemet business strategies, modeling business operations, business information systems, organizational information models, systems development, the information technology department. and the role of the systems analyst. Chapter 2 focuses on analyzing the business case, explains how systems projects get started, and describes how to evaluate a project proposal to determine its feasibility.This includes strategic planning and strategic planning tools, the business case, systems requests, factors affecting systems projects, processing systems requests, assessing request feasibility, setting priorities, and the preliminary investigation. Chapter 3 focuses on managing systems projecu.This includes an overview of project management, creating a work breakdown structure, task patterns, the critical path, project monitoring and cont.rel, reporting, project management so~ware, risk management, and managing for success. r..,,...J1DOr-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Chapter I is the first of three chapters in the systems planning phase. This chapter explains the role of information technology In today's dynamic business environment. This chapter describes the development of information systems. systems analysis and design concepts. and various systems development methods. This chapter also summarizes the role of the information technology department and its people in the enterprise. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" invites examination of the ACM's code of ethics and those of a developing systems analyst. LEARNl"IG OB ECT VES When yo11 fi11ish this d1apter, you should be able to: CONTENTS 1. Describe rhe impact of informario n rechnology on soc1ery 2. Describe che five main components of an informarion sysrem 3. Explain lnrerner business srratcgies and relationships, including B2C and B2B 4. Explain how rouse business profiles and models S. Undersrand rhe seven rypcs of information systems used in business 6. Describe the types of inform:i rion Lhe four classes of users need 7. Distinguish among struccured ana lysis, objeceorienccd ana lysis, and agi le systems development methods 8. Lise rhe tools chat enable rhc syseems ana lyse to develop, manage, and mainrain large-scale information systems 9. Explain the seven main functions of rhe information technology department 10. Describe the roles and responsibiliries of a systems analrst within the enterprise I . I Information Technolog) I .2 Information Systems Case in Point J. J: Data Breaches 1.3 Internet Business Strategies 1.4 Modeling Business Operations 1.5 Business lnformarion Systems Case in Point 1.2: Autonomous Vehicles 1.6 Organiz.arional Information Models 1.7 Systems Development 1.8 The Information Technology Department Case in Point 1.3: Global Horels m1d Momma 's Morels 1.9 The Systems Analyse A Question of Ethics I. I 0 Summary Key Terms Exercises r..,,...JmDr-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase I Systems Planning 3 I. I Information Technology I. I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information technology (IT) refers to the combination of hardware, software, and services that peop le use to manage, communicate, and share information. Companies use information as a way to increase productivity, deliver quality products and services, maintain customer Social Media loyalty, and make sound decisions. In a global economy Explodes! with in tense competit ion, information technology can mean the difference berween success and failure. l\1ore than ever, business success depends on inforAnother Home Run Fh c More Sillies Ban for Apple'! mation technology. IT is driving a new digital economy, Driver Toting where advances in hardware, software, and connectivity 1Math: 1Pod + can provide enormous benefits to businesses and indiDigital Cure fo r i Phone + 1Pat! = viduals. Although economic trends affect IT spending Health Care Costs SS$ levels, most companies give IT budgers a high priority, in good rimes or bad. The reason is simple: during periods of growth, companies cannot afford co lag behind the FIGURE 1- 1 These headlines Illustrate the enormous impact of information technology on our lives. IT curve. Conver&ely, when the economy slows down, firms often use IT co reduce operating costs a nd improve efficiency. lnforn1Jtion technology a lso has profound infl uence on modern li fe. Although fictitious, the headlines in Figure l -1 offer dramatic examples of how information technology issues such as data privacy, mobile devices, and social media affects our society. We live in a world where we can be traced , analyzed, and survei lled without our knowledge. This raises many important questions, such as how to secure personal dara while still providing useful functionality an d business value. The following sections provide a sense of IT history, an overview of systems analysis and design, and a description of the syst ems analyst's role. ---· 1. 1. 1 The Changing Nature of Information Technology ll1e history of IT is a fascinating srudy of human progress and achievemenr. \Ve are dazzled by the latest and greatest technology, just as our parents and grandparents were astonished by the arrival of television, space flight, and personal compuring. It is imporrant for IT professionals, w ho live a nd work in this exciting world, to realize rh~1t each technology advance is part of a long-term process that often brings dramatic change hut never really ends. The story of IBM is a good example. As its name suggesrs, International Business l\1achines was a major supplier of office equipment a nd rypewriters long before the modern computer era. Herman Hollerith, who invented a card th at identified characters by the location of punched holes, founded IBM's predecessor company in 1896. A deck of hundreds or even thousands of th ese cards cou ld store data that was easily sorted , queried, and printed by machines. This system sc)llnds archaic now, but punch card technology was a huge advance that revolu tionized the business world and was in use into th e 1960s and beyond. Today, IBM is a globe-spanning company with several hundred thousand employees. It has succeeded in part by constantly adapting to its changing business environment. For example, while it was once known primarily as a hardware company, today IBM makes a significant part of its revenue from software and services. It also inveMs in its people and tries to hire the best talent available. The result is that IBM has more parents and more Noble Prize winners than any other IT company in history. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.2 Info r mation Systems 4 1. 1.2 Systems Analysis and Design S)stcm s anal ysi~ and design is a s tep-by-step process for developing high-quality information syscems. An information system combines technology, people, and darn to pro\•ide support for business funcrions such as order processing, invencory control, human resources, accounting, and man)' more. Some information systems handle routine da y-to-day rasks, while ochers can help managers make bener decisions, spot marketplace trends, and reveal patterns that might be hidden in srored darn. Talented people, including a mix of managers, users, nerwork administrators, web designers, programmers, and systems analysts, typically develop information systems. Capable IT professiona ls like these a re always in demand, even in a slow economy. For example, norice how many positions related to information technology and information systems arc available in the Melbourne, Florida area, as shown on Monster. com's job search website in Figure 1-2. [ Q. Information l ecltnology & ~ F Melboume. FL_ _ _ __. MONSTER . Find Jobs • Post a Resume Caree< Resource• • ., ... C<lmpany Profiles Information technology & Information systems J obs In Melbourne, Florida (1081 Jobs Found) FIGURE I · 2 Monscer.com is an example of an online job search w ebsite that IT professionals can use. Sourc.r. nI en 1.1 .3 What Does a Systems Analyst Do? A ~yMems analy~t is a valued member of the IT department ream who helps plan, develop, and maintam information systems. Analysts mus t be excellent communicators wirh strong analytical and critical thinking skills. Because S)'Stems analysts transform business requirements into IT projects, they must be busmess-savvy as well as technically competent and be equally comfortable with managers and progranlmcrs, who sometimes have different points of view. :Vlost companies assign systems analysts to the IT department, but analysts can also report to a specific user area such as marketing, sales, or accounting. As a member of a functional team, an analyst is better able to understand the needs of that group and how IT supports rhe department's mission. Smaller companies often use consultants to perform sysrems analysis work on an as-needed basis. On any given day, an analyst mighr be asked to docwuent business processes, rest hardware and software packages, design input screens, train users, and plan e-commerce websites. A systems analyst n1ay occasionally manage IT projects, including tasks, resources, schedules, and costs. To keep managers and users informed, the analyst conducts meetings, delivers presentations, and writes memos, reports, and documenta tion. Section 1.9 lists typica l skills and education requirements, certifications, career opportunities, and the possible impacr. of future IT trends for systems analysts. 1.2 INFORMATION SYSTEMS A system is a set of related components that produces specific results. For example, specialized systems route lnternet traffic, manufacture microchips, and control complex entities like the Hubble telescope, which took the amazing image shown in (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning s 1.2 Information Systems Figure 1-3. A mission-critical ~stem is one that is vital to a company's operations. An order processing srsrem, for example, is mission-critical because the company cannot do business without it. Every system requires input data. For example, a computer receives data when a key is pressed or when a menu command is selected. In an information system, data consisrs of basic facrs that are the system's raw material. lnfonnation is data that has been transformed into output that is valuable to users. An mformarion system has five key componenrs, as shown in Figure 1-4: hardware, software, dara, processes, and people. 1.2.1 Hardware Hardware consists of everything in the physical layer of the information &ystem. For example, hardware can include servers, workstarions, networks, telecommunications FIGURE 1-l Consider the amazing technology that enabled the Hubble telescope to capture this equipment, fiber-optic cables, mobile devices, scanners, digital Image. capture devices, and other technology-based infrastructure. Sourcet Co..rt y of it,.. I "'-j,j A l::irge concentration of networked computers working together is called a data center. As new technologies emerge, / / . I manufacturers race to market the innovations and reap the rewards. Hardware purchasers today face a wide array of technology choices and I 1111111 •• • s decisions. In 1965, Gordon Moore, a cofounder of Intel, predicted that the y number of rransisrors on an inregrared circuir chip would double abour ' every 24 months. His concept, called Moore's law, has remained valid for s ' over 50 )'Cars. Fortunately, as hardware became more powerful, it abo [ • became much less expensive. Large businesses with thousands or millions T of sales rranc;actions require company-wide infor mation systems and pow. . 111111 < erful servers, which are often now in the cloud, such as those shown in E Figure 1-5. ~ l 8ol•• .,... I I ..... ~ T 1.2.2 Software M I.ii Soh\\arc refers to the programs rhar control the hardware and produce the FIGURE 1-4 An Information desired information or resulrs. Somvare consists of S)'Stem sofrware and system needs these components. application software. System software manages the hardware components, which can include a single computer or a global network with many tho usands of c(jents. Either the hardware manufacturer supplies the system software or a company purchases it from a vendor. Examples of sysrem software include the operating system, security software rhat protects the computer from intrusion, device drivers that communicate with hardware such as printers, and utility programs that handle specific tasks such as dara backup and disk management. System software also controls the flow of darn, provides darn security, and manages network operations. In today's inrerconnected busines!> world, network sofrware is virally importanr. Application software consists of programs that support day-to-day busines~ functions and provide users with the information they need. Example!> of company-wide applications, called l.'llterpri\e application~. include order proces!>ing !>y!>tems, payroll systems, and company conununications networks. On a smaller scale, individual users can boost productivity with tools such as spreadsheets, presentation software, and databa~e management systems. .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ·· · ---~~-.,.- " ~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.2 Information Systems 6 FIG URE 1-S Cloud compudng provides the enormous storage and speed that modern IT systems need. ( ry ~ I/I "°'- <Orr" Applic:nion software includes horizontal and vertical systems. A hori1ontal sy~ tem is a sysrem, such as an inventory or payroll application, that can be adapted for use in many differenr rypes of companies. A verrical system is designed to meer rhe unique requiremencs of a specific business or industry, such as an online rerailer, a medical practice, or an au to dealership. ~l ost companies use a mix of software that is acquired at various rimes. When planning an information system, a compan)' must consider how a new system will interface with older systems, which are called legacy systems. For example, a new human resources sysrem might n eed to exchange data with a legacy payroll application. 1.2.3 Data Data is the raw material that an in.formation system transforms into useful information. For exa mple, an information system using a relational database can store data in various locations, called rabies. By linking the tables, the system can display the specific information that the user needs-no more and no less. Figure 1-6 shows a payroll system that stores data in foLJr separate tables. Notice that the linked rabies work together to supply 19 different data items. A user c:.in display any or all darn items and filter the data ro fit defined limits. In this example, the user requested a list of employees who live in a certain city and worked more rhan 40 hours in the last pay period. Jane Doe's n:.ime was the first ro display. The growth of big data has given rise to new ways of scoring, sea rching, :ind managing data. Tradirional relational models are srill used, but so-called NoSQI databa~cs are gaining in popularity due to their ability ro scale to extremely large and unstrucrured datasets. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 7 1.2 Information Systems CUAAENTOfDUCTIONS O!OUCTION OPTIONS 9 Employet No fmplQYet No t Oedu<:llon Code Otpt Ply Rott I Otduruon Codt Otsalpllon fMPl,OVff P>yl'tnod Hoors Wotlrtd Amount frtqvtn()' f1rs.tNlMt Ml ltrt N1mt Strt:tt CllY FIGURE I ·6 In a typial payroll system using a relational model, daa is st0ttd on separate ables that are hnked to fonn an overall daabase. 1.2.4 Processes Processes de cribe the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and IT sraff members perform LO achieve specific results. Processes are the building blocks of an ioforn1ation system because they represent actual day·to-day business operations. To build a successful information system, analysts muse understand business processes and document them carefully. 1.2.5 People People who have an interest in an information system are called stakeholders. Stakeholders include che management group responsible for the system, the users (sometimes called end users) inside and outside the company who will interact with rhe system, and IT sea ff members, such as systems analysts, programmers, and network administrators, who develop and support the syscem. Each stakeholder group has a viral interest in the information system, bur most experienced IT professionals agree that chc success or failure of a system usually depends on whether it meets the needs of irs users. For that reason, it is essential to understand user requiremenrs and expectations rhroughout the development process. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. __.... -- ........... ...... o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.3 Internet Busin ess Strategies 8 A data breach occurs when a hacker gains illegal access to a system and steals personal data. such as credit card numbers or home addresses. With more of our information stored in the cloud. data breaches are becoming increasingly common. Research recent news articles about large-scale data breaches. summarize why they occurred, and suggest how they might be prevented in the fuwre. I J INTERNET BUSINESS STRATEGIES To design successful systems, systems analysts must understand a company's business operations. Each situation is different. For example, a retail ~tore, a medical practice, and a hotel chain all have unique informarion systems requirements. As the business world changes, systems analysts can expect to work in new kinds of compan ies tha t will require innovative IT solutions. Business mday is being shaped by rhree major trends: rapidly increasing globalization, technology integration for seamless informatio n access across ::i wide v::iriety of devices i.uch ::is laptop~ and smartphones, and the rapid growth of cloud-based computing and software services. These trends are being driven by the immen~c power of the Internet. 1.3. 1 The Internet Model Internet-based commerce is called e-commerce (electronic commerce). Internet-based systems involve various hardware and software designs, but a typical model is a series of web pages rhat provides a user interface, which communicates with database management sofnvare and a web-based data server. On mobile devices, the user mceracrs wich the system with an app, bur che same back-end services are accessed. As Internet-based commerce continues ro grow, career opportunities will expand sigmficanrly for IT profes!.1onals such as web designers, database developers, and systems analyses. 1.3.2 B2C (Business-to-Consumer) Using che Internee, consumers can go online to purchase an enormous variety of product) and services. This new shopping environment allow~ custome~ to do research, compare prices and features, check availability, arrange delivery, and choose payment methods in a single convenient session. Many companies, such as airlines, offer incentives for o n line cr::insactions because web-based processing cost~ are lower than traditional methods. By making Aight informa tion available online to lase-min ute travelers, some airlines also offer special discounts on seats that might otherwise go unfilled. B2C (business-to-consumer) is changing traditional business models and creating new ones. For example, a common business model is a retail store that sells a product to a customer. To carry o ut that same transactio n 0 11 the Internet, che company must develop an onl ine score and deal with a totally different set of marketing, advertising, and proficabilicy issues. Some companies have found ne'v ways to use established business models. For example, Airbnb and VRBO have transformed chc traditional hospitality service industry into a popular and successful way for individuals to rent chcir properties. Ocher retailers seek to enhance che oulinc shopping experience by offering gift advisors, buying guides, how-co clinics, and similar fcarures. In the e-commerce battles, the real winners are on line consumers, who have more information, better choices, and chc convenience of shopping ac borne. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase I Systems Planning 9 1.4 Modeling Business Operations 1.3.3 B2B (Business-to-Business) Alrhough rhe bu~mess-ro-consumer (B2C) sector is more familiar to rerail cu~romer;, the volume of B2B (bu~iness-ro-busine~s) transactions is many rimes greater. Industry observers predict that 828 sales will increase shar ply as more firms seek to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Initially, electronic commerce berween two companies used a darn sharing arrangement called electronic data interchange (EDI). EDI enabled computer-to-computer dara transfer, usually over private telecommunications lines. Firms used EDI to plan production, adjust inventory levels, or stock up on raw materials usmg dara from another company's information system. As B2B volume soared, compan)'·tocompany transactions migrated to the Internet, wbich offered srandard protocols, universal ::wailability, and low communication costs. The main advantage of the web is that it offers seamless communication between different hardware and software environments, anywhere and anytime. Because ir allows companies ro reach the global marketplace, B2B is especially i1nporrant to smaller suppliers and cusromers who need instant information about prices and avai lability. In an approach that resembles an open marketplace, some 82B sites invite buyers, sellers, distributors, and manufacturers to offer products, submit specifications, and transact business. r..~osr large firms and government agencies use supply chain managemenc (SCM ) software. A supply chain refers to all the companies who provide materials, services, and functions needed m provide a product to a custon1er. For example, a Sherwin-Williams customer who buys a gallon of paint is at the end of a chain that includes the raw mate· rial sources, packaging suppliers, manufacturers, transporters, warehouses, and rerail srores. Because SCM is complex and dynamic, specialized software helps businesses manage invenrory levels, costs, alternate suppliers, and much more. 1.4 MooFUNG Bus1~ess OPERATIONS Sysrems analysts U!.C modeling to represent company operations and informatton needs. Modeling produces a graphical rcpresenration of a concept or process that systems developers can analyze, cest, and modify. A S)'Stems analyst can describe and sunpltfy an information syscem by using a set of business, data, object, network, and process models. A business profile is an overview of a company's mission, functions, organizanon, products, services, customers, suppliers, competicors, constraints, and future direction. Although much of this informarion is readily available, a systems analyst usually needs co do additional research and fact-finding co fill our missing or incomplete infonnation. A business profile is the starting point for the modeling process, and a systems analyst can describe and simplify an infonnation syscem by using a set of business models and business process models. A business model describes the information that a system must provide. Analysts also create models to represent data, objects, oenvorks, and other system components. Although the models might appear to overlap, they actually work together to describe the same environment from different poincs of view. Business process modeling involves a business profile and a set of models that document business operation~. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is one of the leading methods used by systems analysts co develop informacion systems. A bu~ines\ process is a specific set of rransactions, events, and result<i that can be described and documented. A business process model (BPM) graphically displays one or more business processes, such as handling an airline reservation, filling a producr order, or updating a customer account. The sales order example in Figure 1-7 shows a simple model that includes an evenc, rbree processes, and a result. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.4 Modeling Business Operations 10 Ched< Customer Status P1ocess Verily Customer Veriy Customer Credit Cred~ Process Enter Customer j Enter Customer Order Data Order Data FIGURE I· 7 A simple business model might c:onsist of an event, three processes, and a result. FIGURE I · 8 This sample uses business process modeling nocation (BPMN) to represent the same events, processes, and workllow shown In Figure 1-7. $ourcet Or.iwo -n A rough skecch might be sufficient to document a simple business process. For complex models, analyses can choose computer-based tools thac use bu ~i ness process modeling notation (BPMN). BPMN includes standard s hapes and symbols to represenr evenrs, processes, workflows, and more . .Vlulcipurpose application such as Microsoft Visio or online diagramming tools such as draw.io can be used to create BPNIN models. Notice that tbe draw.io model in Figure 1-8 use:. BPMN symbols to represent the same sales order process shown in Figure 1-7. _____ ... _ -- · - - g Q. .. =====================·· ........__ _.... ~- · - · -·- ·- 0 0 00 0000 oooa 001 ( ... I OciCJO Cl . -· .. 00011 11== 0 ' C=i .... o.i:.c:..o 0000 QoO• fcoOo 0 -A><> ;: __ _ -·- .._.. V0(9@ • • - .,_ 0000 0 .. . . ~ • ·- -·-· . FIGURE I · 9 Lucidchart allows you to drag and drop various symbols and connect them to model a business process. Sowc.« Lu.. ,iJ s.... .,..,_ 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... ..,...,...... .,..~ __.~~ c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning II 1.5 Business Information Systems Systems developers often use multipurpose charring tools such as Lucidchart to display business-related models. Lucidchart is a popular tool that systems analysts can use to create business process diagrams, flowcharts, organization charts, network diagrams, floor plans, project timelines, and workflow diagrams, among others. Figure 1-9 shows how to drag and drop various symbols from the left pane into the drawing on the right and connect them to show a business process. 1.5 8USINS::SS INFORMATION SYSTEMS In rhe past, IT managers identified an information system based on its primary users. For example, administrative staff used office systems, operational people used operational systems, middle managers used decision support systems, and rop managers used executive i11for111atio11 systems. Today, those traditional labels no longer apply. For example, all employees, including top managers, use office productivity systems to do their jobs. Similarly, operational users often require decision support systems to do their jobs. As business changes, information use also changes, and now it makes more sense to identify a system by its functions and features, rather than by its users. A new set of system definitions includes enterprise computing systems, transaction processing systems, business support systems, knowledge management systems, user productivity systems, digital assisranrs, and systems inregrarion. 1.5. 1 Enterprise Computing Enterprise computing refers to information systems that supporc company-wide operations and dara management requiremenrs. Walman's inventory control system, Boeing's production control system, and Hilcon H otels' reservation system arc examples of enterprise computing systems. The main objective of enterprise compuring is ro integrarc a company's primary functions (such as production, sales, ervices, inventory control, and accounting) ro improve efficiency, reduce coses, and help managers make key decisions. Enterprise computing also improves data ecuriry and rcliahiliry by imposing a company-wide framework for data access and storage. In many large companies, applications called e nterprise re~ource planning (ERP) i.ystcm!> provide cosr-effecrive support for users and manageri. throughout the company. For example, a car rental company can use ERP to foreca~t cu~tomer demand for rental cars at hundreds of locations. Because of its growth and potentia~ many hardware and sofrware vendors target the enterprise computing marker and offer a wide a rray of produces and services. For example, Figure 1-10 highlights SAP's leading ERP solutions. SAP is a Germany company that is a market leader in enterprise application software. By providing a company-wide computing environment, many firms have been able to achieve dramatic cost reductions. Other companies have been disappointed in the time, money, and commitment necessary to implement ERP successfully. A potential disadvanrage is rhat ERP systems genera Uy impose an overall strucn1re rhar might or might not march the way a company operates. ERP is described in more detail in Chapter 7, which discusses development strategics. 1.5.2 Transaction Processing Transaction processing (TP) systems process data generated by day-ro-dar business operations. Examples of TP systems include customer order processing, accounts receivable, and warranry claim processing. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 12 1.5 Business Information Systems What is ERP? ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning What is the simplest ERP definition? Think about all the core processes needed to run a company: finance, HR, manufactur ing, supply chain, services, procurement, and others. At its most basic level, ERP integrates these processes into a single system . But new ERP systems are anything but basic. They provide intelligence, visibility, analytics, and efficiency across every aspect of a business. Using the latest technologies, ERP systems facilitate the flow of real-time information across departments and ecosystems, so businesses can make data-driven decisions and manage performance - live. F IGU RE 1-1 0 SAP is a leading vendor of ERP solutions that can boost productivity. s...r... Check Credit Status Verify Customer Data TP sysrems perform a series of casks whenever a specific transaction occurs. In the example shown in Figure 1-11, a TP syscem verifies the cuscomer's darn, checks the customer's credic starus, checks the stock starus, poses to accounts receivable, adjusts the inventory level, and updates the sales file. TP S)'Stems typically involve large amounts of data and are mission-critical syscems because the enterprise cannot function without them. T P syscems are efficient because they process a set of transacrion-relatt:d command~ as a group Check Post to Accounts Stock rat her than individually. To protect darn incegrity, Status Aece1vabla however, TP systems ensure that if any single elemenc of a crans~1 ctio11 fai ls, the system does not Adjust Inventory process the rest of the transaction. ~\ • ,.,. 1 Levels E.5.3 Business Suppo rt 6 Sates nsactlon Update Sales Fie F IGURE I · I I A single sales transaction consius of six separate tasks. which the TP system processes as a group. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ Business support system~ provide job-related information support to users at all levels of a company. These systems can analyze transactional data, generate information needed to manage and control business proces~es, and provide information that leads to better decision making. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 13 1.5 Business Information Systems The earliest business computer systems replaced manual tasks, such as payroll processing. Companies soon realized that computers also could produce valuable information. The new systems we re called manageme nt info rma tion 'Y~ tem s ( ~US) because managers were the primary users. Today, emplO)'ees at all levels need informanon to perform their jobs, and they rely on informanon system~ for that support. A business support system can work hand in hand with a TP sy tern. For example, when a cornpan)• sells merchandise to a cusromer, a TP system records the sale, updates the customer's balance, and makes a deduction from inventOf)'. A related business support system highlights slowor fast-moving items, customers with past-due balances, and inventory levels that need adjustment. To compete effectively, firms must collect production, sales, and shipping data and update the compan>r-wide business suppo rt system immediately. Auto ma ted data acquisition is possible using technology such as radio frequency identificatio n (RFJD), which uses high-frequency radio waves to track physical objects, such as the shirt shown in Figure 1- 12. Major retailers such as Walmart, which requires its suppliers co add RFlD rags to all item , have fueled RFlD's dramatic growth by tracking produces throughout the retail process. FIGURE 1- 1l With an RFID tag. items can be tracked and monitored throughout An imporrant feature of a the retail process. ~ b~mess supporr system is decision support capability. Decision supporr helps users make dec1 ions by creating a computer model and applying a sec of variables. For example, a truck Oeet dispatcher might run a series of what-if scenarios to determine the impact of increased shipments or bad weather. Alcernacively, a retailer might use what-if analysis to decermine the price it must charge co increase profits by a specific amount while volume and costs remain unchanged. 1.5.4 Knowledge Management Knowledge management systems use a large data base called a knowledge base that alJows users to find information by entering keywords or questions in normal English phrases. A know ledge ma nagement system uses inference rules, which are logical rules char identify data patterns and relationships. The WolframAlpha website, shown in Figure 1-13, describes itself as a "computational knowledge engine." Ir has a sophisticated na tural language front end that understands user queries in several domains. As shown in the figure, these domains include mathematics, science and technology, society a nd culnire, and everyday life. WolframAlpha relics upon a large knowledge base spanning multiple websites and its own proprietarr algorithms ro provide users witb detailed answers to rheir questions on many different topics. The results are displayed using a mix of multimedia, including mathematical equations if appropriate. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.5 Business Information Systems 14 • WolframAlpha - - •I _..,_ Matte• a:1 •• 1... • ~Ult .!:! - · - s 1 .a . . """" >: 1 - . •:. L._..'*'t rt' ........ ._.. ~ J ... t ............... [). C::...,,nt.oqo; Sclfl'ICll ·- ~ .. \ ~1'9"1i.tll•.. •'Hll'll 11111 ,._,,~ ~ .,_, ..,,,,, !C.""1CM -· "':!JI( f•1o''*POtUt1Clrl .. ... " --- Sodo!y & Culluze • .,.,...,._ 1 • -·- Sdnn & '!echnclagy • .. ... ...... m \v; O.tnll.Tima v ..,...,~, ~ ._.,,rtNl>Q • t.: FM 4' Nl.0'•1 •tfl. •• ..... Poll*'lfAOtrt""J' - IMPo"lllWWIW • tto.fh<ll41 ~ Ho!.lw1014IV1W\ :.:..i · - • .... T.clfly tWllll1d ..... . FIGURE 1- 13 WolframAlpha describes itself as a "computational knowledge engine." Soun:•: IM. ,.,,., "' plu l. I .S.S User Productivity Companies provide employees at alJ levels with technology that improves productiviry. Examples of user productivity system s ioclude email, voice mail, video and web conferencing, word processing, automated calendars, database managemenc, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, presentation graphics, company inrranets, and integrated mobile computing systems. User productivity systems also include group ware, which enables users to share dara, colJaborate on projects, and work in teams. One popular groupware product is Slack, shown in Figure 1- l 4. Slack provides common app integration and unified communication channels for distributed teams. Slade Is where work happens ·-··-·" - _ -·-----...---------............--.....,. - -----..-·----·-··-·- FIGURE 1- 14 Slack Is a popular groupware application that provides common app Integration and unified communkation channels for distributed teams. Sou~.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning IS 1.5 Business lnforma cion 5yscems \'V'hen companies first installed word processing systems, managers expected ro reduce the number of employees as office efficiency increased. Thar did nor happen, primaril) because rhe basic nature of clerical work changed. With computers performing the reperirive work, office personnel were able co handle tasks char required more judgment, decision making, and access to information. Computer-based office work expanded rapidly as companies assigned more responsibility co employees at lower organizational levels. Relatively inexpensl\·e hardware, powerful networks, corporate downsizing, and a move coward employee empowerment also conrribured ro this rrend. Today, administranve assistants and company presidents alike are nerworked, use computer workstations, and share corporate data co perform their jobs. 1.5.6 Digital Assistants Rapid advanceb in na tura l language processing have made a new rype of business information system possible: the personal digital ab5i!.tant. T hese i.ysrems a re combinations of knowledge management systems a nd user productivit y systems, enhanced with artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. They are typica lly cloud based and can be embed ded in hardware devices of vario us sizes a nd types. Digita l absisrants are exemplified by products such as Amazon.com's Alexa, Apple's Siri, a nd Google Assistant. Users speak to these applications just as they would speak to a real person. The device replies in a human-sounding voice. These services increase their capabilirics over rime. They can integrate with other software applications and actual hardware, such as controlling lights ar home or the rempera·r ure ar the office. An image of the Amazon Echo Dor, which is a sman speaker powered by Alexa, is shown in Figure 1-15. FIGURE 1-15 Amazoncom·s Echo Dot.a digital assistant embedded 1n a smart speaker powered by Alexa. Sow«< 1.5.7 Systems Integration Most large companies requi re systems that combine transaction proce sing, business support, knowledge managcmenc, and user productivity features. For example, !tuppose an international customer makes a warranty claim. A customer service representative enters the claim into a TP system, which updates rwo other systems: a knowledge management S)'!ttem that tracks produce problems and warranry activity a nd a quali ty control system with decision support capabiliries. A qualiry control engineer uses what-if analysis to determine if the firm should make prod uct design c hanges to reduce warranty claims. lo this example, a TP system is inregrated with a knowledge management sy!ttem and a business support system with decisio n suppo rt features. Imagine you work for a large automotive company. Your manager asks you to look into integrating a digital as.sistant into a new vehicle for the next production year. How would understanding your company·s business profile help you complete chis task? r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I .6 Organizational Information Models 16 1.6 ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION MODELS Corporate organizationa l strucn1re has changed considerably in recent years. In an effort to increase producriviry, many companies reduced the number of managemenr levels and delegated responsibility ro operational personnel. Although modern organization charts rend to be flatter, an organizational hierarchy still exists in most firms. 1.6. 1 Functions and Organizational Levels A rypica I organizarional model identifies business functions and organizational levels, as shown in Figure 1-16. Within the functional areas, operational personnel report to supervisors and team leaders. The next level includes middle m:inagers and knowledge workers, who, in turn, report to top managers. In a corporate srrucrure, the top managers reporr to a board of directors elected by the company's shareholders. Top Managers Middle Managers and Know edge Workers SupervlSOl'S and Team LeadatS Operabonal Efr4>toyees Business Functions Organizational Levels FIGURE 1-1 6 A typical organizational model identifies business functions and organiutional levels. A systems analyst must understand the compan)''s organitational model to recognize who is responsible for specific processes and decisions and ro be aware of what information is required by whom. 1.6.2 Top Managers Top managers develop long-range plans, called srrategic plan~, which define the company's overall mission and goals. To plot a future course, top managers ask questions such as " How much should the company invest in information technology?", " How much will Internet sales grow in the next five years?", or "Should the company build new factories or conrract out production functions?" Strategic planning affects the company's future survival and growth, including long-term IT plans. Top managers focus on the overall business enterprise and use IT to set the company's course and direction. To develop a strategic plan, top managers also need information from outside the company, such as economic forecasts, technology trends, competitive threats, and governmental issues. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 17 1.7 Systems Development 1.6.3 Middle Managers and Knowledge Workers Jusr below rhe rop management level, most companies have a layer of middle managers and knowledge workers. Middle managers provide direction, necessary resources, and performance feedback ro supervisors and ream leaders. Becau e they focus on a omewhat shorter time frame, middle managers need more detailed informarion than top managers but somewhat less than supervisors who oversee da)'-to-day operations. For example, a middle manager might review a weekly sales summary for a threestare area, whereas a local sales team leader would need a daily report on customer sales at a single location. In addition to middle managers, every company has people called knowledge workers. Knowledge workers include systems analyses, programmers, accountants, researchers, tramers, human resource specialists, and other professionals. Knowledge workers also use business support systems, knowledge management systems, and user productiviry systems. Knowledge workers provide support for the organization's basic functions. J ust as a mi litary unit requires logistical support, a successful company needs knowledge workers to carry out its missio111. 1.6.4 Supervisors and Team Leaders Supervisors, often called team leaders, oversee operational employees ;'Ind carry out day-to-day functions. They coordinare operational tasks and people, make necessary decisions, and ensure that the right rools, materials, and training are avai lable. Like other managers, supervisors and team leaders need decision support information, knowledge management systems, and user productivity systems to carry out their responsibilities. 1.6.5 Operational Employees Operational emplo)'ees include users who rely on transaction processing systems ro enter and receive dara they need to perform their jobs. In many companies, operational U)ers also need mformation ro handle tasks and make decisions t hat were assigned previously to supervisors. lliis rrend, called empo\\'erment, gives employees more responsibiliry and accounrabiliry. ~1any companies find char empowerment improves employee morivarion and increases customer sarisfactio11. I. 7 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Many options exist for developing information systems, bur the most popular a lternative~ are !itructurcd analysis, which is a traditiona l method that scill is widely used, object-oriented (0-0) analysis, which is a more recent approach thac many analysts prefer, and agile methods, which incl ude t he laresc trends in software development. Figure 1-17 provide~ an overview of the th ree methods, which are discussed in the following !.Cccions. Although most projects utilize one approach, it i!> not unusual for systems developers to mix and match methods to gain a better perspective. [n addition tO rhese three main development methods, some organiza1tions choose to develop their own in-house approache!> or use techniques offered br software suppliers, cool vendors, or consultants. Manr alternatives exist, and IT experts agree that no single development method is bei.c in all cases. An approach that works well for one project might have disadvantages or risks in another situation. The imponant thing is to understand the various methods and the srrengths and weaknesses of each approach. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I. 7 Systems Development 18 Description STRUCTURED ANALYSIS OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS AGILE METHODS Represents !he system in terms Views the system in terms of objects that combine data and processes. The objects represent actual people, things, transactions. and events. Compared to structural analysis, 0-0 phases tend to be more interactive. Can use the waterfall model or a model that stresses greater iteration. Scresses intense team-based effort. Breaks development into cycles. or iterations, that add functionality. Each cycle 1s designed. built. and tested in an ongoing process. Attempts to reduce ma1or risks by incremental steps In short time intervals. al daa and !he processes !hat act upon that data.System de< elcpment IS organized into phases. with deMrables and milestones to measure pi ogi ess.The watemll model typically consists al five phases: requil el IM!l ltS. desipl. ConstruCOOl'I. testing. and mamtenanee & e\IOlution. Iteration is possible among !he phases. Mode ling Tools Data flow diagrams (DFDs) and process descriptions, which are described In Chapter S. Also, business process modeling. Various object-oriented diagrams depict system actors, methods, and messages, which are described in Chapter 6. Also, business process modeling. Tools that enhance communication, such as collaborative software, brainstorming. and whiteborads. Business process modeling works well with agile methods. Pros Traditional method that has been very popular over time. Relies heavily on written documentation. Frequent phase iteration can provide flexibility comparable to other methods. Well-suited to traditional project management tools and techniques. Integrates easily with object-oriented programming languages. Code is modular and reusable, which can reduce cost and development time. Easy to maintain and expand because new objects can be created using inherited properties. Very flexible and efficient in dealing with change. Stresses team lnteraroon and reflects a set of community-based values. Frequent deliverables consandy v.ahdate the project and reduce risk. C o ns Changes can be cosdy, especially in later phases. Requirements are defined early, and can change during development. Users might not be able to describe their needs until they can see examples of features and functions. Somewhat newer method might be less familiar to development team members. Interaction of objectS and classes can be complex in larger systems. Team members need a high level of technical and communications skills. Lack of structure and documentation can Introduce risk factors. Overall project might be subject t0 scope change as user requirements change. FIGU RE 1-17 Comparison of structured, object-oriented, and agile development methods. Regardless of rhe devclopmenr stra tegy, people, tasks, rimerables, and cosrs must be managed effectively. Complex projects can involve dozens of people, hundreds of ra~ks, and many thousands of dollars. Project management is the process of planning, scheduling, monitoring, controlling, a nd reporring upon the devclopmcnr of an informarion system. Chapcer 3 describes projecc management rools and rcchniques in derail. I. 7. I Structured AnaJysis Srrucrured anal)•sis is a traditional systems developmenr rechniquc rhac is rime rested and easy co undersrand. Srrucrured analysis uses a series of phases, called rhe ('...,...., Jlt.'lit(ftllllpl. . . . . " ' It............. \I _,- "'"""«iflN ~- .............. .... ,,......_ ........ _ ... ,..y... .., . . ...,.....,.4 .._ ........ -··~~ ............w. .................................. ......., . . . . . ....-i .......~. c:...a.-..---•"'• · ............... - ..... - 4 ............... ~ ..... . Phase I Systems Planning 19 1.7 Systems Development ~ys tems develo pment life cycle (SDLC), co plan, analyze, design, implement, and support an information system. Although structured analysis evolved many years ago, it remains a popular systems development method. Structured analysis is based on an overall plnn, similar to a blueprint for constructing a building, so it is called n predictive nppro:ich. rrucrured :innl)•sis use a sec of process models co describe a system graphically. Because it focu~e~ on processes that transform data into useful mformarion, structured anal)'sis 1s called a process-centered technique. In addition ro modeling the processes, srrucrured analysis also addresses data organization and structure, rel:uional database design, and user interface issues. A process model shows rhe data that flows in and our of system processes. Inside each process, input data is transformed by business rules that generate the output. Figure 1-18 shows a process model that was ere-aced with the Visible Analyst CASE tool. The model, which represents a school registration system, is a called a data flow diagram (DFD) because it uses various symbols and shapes to represent data flow, processing, and storage. DFDs are discussed in more detail in Chapter 5. 41 V•,.blt 4n4'y11 · IRfGIST RATION PROCESS MODEU>FD) li F~t [d< Vo<w CJC!J:.l °"''°"' 1~ vj •4 14, I .J -" Rq>OMt"')' 0..gftm Tools W.ndow - " Help W .J1' ~ '1.a ia l • 4 • x [J ~ o""'a "' ol .. ,"\ ..,, , T . I SCHOOL REGISTRATIO~ SYSTEl\1 OUTPUT Sl\JDENTS REGI STRATIOll Oo\TA R£CIST£R 1 - - - - - - - - -M .....--------1.t ~DC..''TS COURS{OATA CL\.SS ROSTERS C'Ol'RS£S > < I~ ISOiOOL REGlS- F IG URE 1- 18 This Visible Analyst sc:reen shows a process model for a sc:hool registration system.The REGISTER STUDENTS process accepts Input data from two sources and transforms it into output data. Source:: V" ! ,,. t"" ("'Pl~ 11(~1 Structured analysis uses the SDLC to plan and manage the systems development process. The SDLC describes activities and functions that all systems developers perform, regardless of which approach they use. In the waterfall model, the result of each phase is called a deliverable, which flows into the next phase. Some analysts see a disadvanrage in rhe built-in structure of rhe SDLC because the waterfall model does not emphasize interacriviry among the phases. This criticism can be valid if the SDLC phases are followed too rigidly. However, adjacent phases can and do interact, as shown by the circular arrows in Figure 1-19, and interaction among several phases is nor uncommon. Used in chis manner, the traditional model is not as different from agile methods as ir might appear ro be. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 20 1.7 Systems Development The SDLC model usually includes five seeps, which are described in the following sections: systems planning, systems analysis, systems design, systems implemencarion, and systems support and security. SYSTEMS PLANNING: The sy~tem \ planning phase usually begins wi th a formal request to the IT department, called a systems request, which describes problems or desired chaDges in an information system or • System teqUitements a business process. In many companies, IT systems document planning is an integral part of overall business planDing. When managers and users develop their business plans, they usually include lT requirements thar generate systems requests. A systems request can come • Systrim from a rop manager, a planning team, a department design spec1ftcat1on bead, or the IT department itself. The request can be very siignificant or relatively minor. A major request might involve a new info rmarion system or the upgradi ng of an existing system. In contrast, a minor request might ask for a new feature or a c hange to the • Functioning system user interface. The purpose of this phase is m perform a prelimina ry investigatio n co evaluate an IT-related business opportunity o r problem. The preliminary Systems • Fully investigation is a critical step because the outcome will Security and operahonaJ affect the entire development process. A key part of system S u pport the preliminary investigation is a feasibility Mudy that reviews anticipated COM~ and benefits and recommends a course of action based on operational, technical, economic, and time factors. FIGURE 1-1 9 Development phases and deliverables are Suppose a systems analyst receives a request for shown in the waterfall model.The circular symbols indie1te a system change or improvement. The first step is to Interaction among the phases. determine whether it makes sense co launch a preliminary investigation at a ll. Before a conclusion can be reached, more information about the business operations may be needed. After an investigation, the systems analyst n1ight determine that the information system functions properly, bur users need more training. ln some situations, a business process review may be recommended rather than an IT solution. ln o ther cases, a fu ll-scale systems review may be necessary. U tbe development process continues, the next step is the systems analysis phase. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS: The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system. T he first step is requirements engineering, where the a nalyst invc~tigates business processes a nd dlocuments what the new system must do to satisfy users. Requirements engineering continues the investigation that began during the system~ planning phase. To understa nd rhe system, fact-finding using techniques such as interviews, surveys, document rev iew, ob:.ervacion, and sampling is performed. The fact-finding results a re used to build business models, data and process models, and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the ~>~tern req uirements document. The system requiremencs document describes management and user requirements, costs, and benefits and outlines alternative development strategies. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 21 1.7 Systems Development SYSTEMS DESIGN: The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model thar will satisfy all documented requiremenrs for the system. At this srage, che user interface is desii,'lled, and necessary outputs, inpucs, and processes are idenrified. In addirion, internal and external controls are designed, including computer-based and manual features, to guarantee that the system will be reliable, accurate, maintainable, and -;ecure. During the systems design pbase, the applicarion a rchirecrure is also determined, which programmers will use ro cransform the logicaJ design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the system de5ign specifica tion, which is presented to management and users for review and approval. Management and user involvement are critical to avoid any misunderstanding about what the new system will do, how it will do 1r, and what it will cost. SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION: During the syste ms implementation phase, the new system is constructed. Whether the developers use structured analysis or 0-0 methods, the procedure is the same-programs are written, tested, and documenced, and the system is installed. rf the system was purchased as a package, systems analysts configure the sofrwarc a nd perform any necessary modifications. The objective of the systems implementation phase is to deliver a completely functioning and documented informa tion system. Ac the conclusion of this phase, the system is ready for use. Final preparations include converting data to the new system's files, training users, a nd performing the actual transirion to the new system. The systems implementation phase a lso includes a n assessment, called a systems evaluation, to determine whether the system operates properly and if co~ts and benefits are within expecrarions. SYSTEMS SUPPORT AND SECURITY: During che systems ~ uppo rt and security phase, the IT staff maintains, enhances, and proteccs the system. M aintenance changes correct errors and adapt to changes in the environment, such as new rax races. Enhancements provide new features and benefits. The objective du ri ng this phase is to maximize return on the IT investment. Security controls safeguard the system from both external and internal threats. A well-designed system must be secure, reliable, maintarna ble, and scalable. A scalable design can expand to meet new business requirements and volumes. lnfom1ation systems development is always a work in progress. Business processes change rapidly, and most information systems need to be updated significantly or replaced after several years of operation. For example, a web-based sysrem may need more servers added to cope with increased workJoad. I. 7 .2 Object-Oriented Analysis Whereas structured a nalysis rreats processes and data as separate componenrs, object-oriented analysis combines data and the processes that act on the data as objects. Systems analysts use 0-0 to mode l rea l-world business processes and operatio ns. The result is a set of softwa re objects that represent actual people, things, rransactions, and events. Usi ng an 0 -0 programming la nguage, a programmer then writes the code rhat creates the objects. An object is a member of a class, which is a collection of similar objects. Objects possess characteristics called properties, which the object inherits from its class or possesses on its own. As shown in Figure 1-20, the class called PERSON includes I STRUCTOR and STUDENT. Because the PERSON class bas a property called Address, a STUDENT inherirs the Address propeny. A STUDE1'.'T also has a property called Nla1or thar is nor shared by ocher members of the PERSON class. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.7 Systems Development 22 In 0-0 design, built-in processes called nzethods can change an object's properties. For Name example, in an online catalog store, a n ORDER Address o bject might have a properry called STATUS that Date of S.rih changes when a CUSTOMER object clicks to place, confirm, or cancel the order. One objecr can send information to another object by using a message. A message requests STUDENT INSTRUCTOR specific behavior or information from another lnhefll&d Name Name object. For example, an ORDER object might send Address properties Address a message to a CUSTOM ER ob1ect that requests Dale of Birlh Dale ol Bir1h a shipping address. When it receives the message, the CUSTOMER object supplies the information. Otlice Location GPA Other - { Adv<SOr The ORDER object has the capability to send the Olllce Phone properties message, and the CUSTOMER object knows what Email actions to perform when it receives the message. 0-0 analysis uses object models to represent data FIGURE I · 20 The PERSON class includes INSTRUCTOR and STUDENT objects. which have Inherited properties and their own and behavior and to show how objects affect other properties. objects. By describing the objects and methods needed to suppon a business operation, a systems developer can design reusable components that speed up system implementation and reduce development cost. Object-oriented methods usually follow a series of analysts and design phases that arc simil:ir to the SDLC, although rhere is less agreement on rbe number of phases and their names. In an 0-0 model, the phases tend ro be more interactive. Figi1re 1-21 shows an 0-0 development model where planning, analysis, and design tasks interact ro produce procotypes that can be rested and implemented. The result is an interactive model that can accurately depict real-world business processes. 0-0 merhodolog)' is popular because it provides an easy transition to 0-0 programming languages ~uch as C++, Java, and Swift. Chapter 6 covers 0-0 analysis and design, with a detailed de cription of 0-0 terms, concept!., tools, and techniques. PERSON I. 7.3 Agi ~e Methods FIGURE 1-21 In a cyplc:al o.o development model. planning. analysis. and design tasks Interact continuously to generate protocypes that can be tested. Development tcchnjques change over time. For example, structured analysis is a traditional approach, ~md agile methods are the newest development. Structured analysis builds an overall plan for the information system, just as a conn·actor might use a blueprint for constructing a building. Agile methods, in conrmsr, attempt ro develop a system incrcmcntall)' by building a series of prototypes and constantly ad justing them to user rcquircmcnrs. As the agile process continues, developers revise, extend, and merge earlier versions into the final product. An agile approach emphasizes continuous feedback, :ind each incremental step is affected by what was learned in rhc prior steps. Although relatively new to software development, the norion of iterative development can be traced back to Japanese auto firms that were able ro boost productivity by using a flexible manufacturing system, where team-based effort and short-term milestones helped keep quality up and costs down. Agile methods have attracted a wide following and an entire community of users, as shown in f igure 1-22. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 23 1.7 Systems Development ...., ____ lQ Scrum.org EVENTS The Scrum.org community is Large and active! Here is a list of some of the events that members of our community are participating in. Scot.So~ - 1. 2018 9 Edncugn ScolScft Is tno ~ teen conll!nlnce in~ ts on anruat fes!NDI d Ideas end Wlo\latlOn that ShowCases the best cf!Jle ~ tlldviology S«10r and llrtl'gS you saugnt all8r si: eaha rs from tar lb.ing IOC4~ International Conference on Data Science, £-learning and ln(ormot/on Systems 2018 0 0t lob.< I Z018 READ MORE 9 Mi\dnd Don t miss ScNm org CEO Dave West as he is a keynote speaker fO< lhlS ....,•nl FIG URE I 022 Scrum.org is a popular website supporting the agile community. ,.,,.,, 1 s~.l ~ Agile merhods typically use a ~piral model, which represents a series of itcrarions, or revisions, based on user feedback. As the process continues, the final product gradually evolves. An agile approach requires intense interacrivity between developers and individual users and does not begin with an overall objective. Instead, the agile process determines the end result. Proponents of the spiral model believe that this approach reduces risks and speeds up software development. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. ........... ... ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Q Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 24 1.7 Systems Development Barry Boehm, a noted sofrware eagineering professor, initially suggested spiral models in the 1990s. He seated that each ireration, or phase, of the model musr have a specific goal char is accepted, rejecced, or changed by rhe u'er or clienr. Thu , each irerarion produces feedback and enhancemenrs, which enable the ream ro reach the overall project goal. Typically, each iteration in a spiral model includes planning, risk analysis, engineering, and evaluation. The repeated irerarions produce a series of procorype~. which evolve inco the fin ished system. orice that rhese phases re emble SD LC rasks, which also can be icerative. Numerous orher adaprive variarions and related methods exi~t, and most TT developers expect this trend ro continue in che future. Two examples arc Scrum, which is discussed in Chapter 4, and Extreme Programming (XP), which is discussed in Chapter 11. Alchough agile methods are becoming popular, ana lysts should recognize char these approaches have advantages and disadvantages. By their nature, agile methods can a llow developers co be much more flexible and responsive bur can be riskier than more tradition::il methods. For example, without a derailed set of system requirements, certa in features requested by some users might not be consistent with the company's larger game plan. Other potential disadvantages of agile methods can include weak documentation, blurred lines of accountabiJity, and too little emphasis on the larger business picture. Also, unless properly implemented, a long series of iterations might accually add ro project cost and development time. The bottom line is that sysrems analysrs should undcrsrand the pros and cons of any approach before selecting a devclopmenr merhod for a specific projecr. I . 7.4 Pro totyping Srrucrured analysii., object-oriented analysis, and agile merhods can all employ protoq·ping as a supporting sysrem s development method. ProtOt)·ping resrs system concepts and provides an opportunity to examine input, ourput, and user in terfaces before final decisions are made. A pro to t}pe is an early working version of ::in information sysrem. Jusr as an ai rcrafr manufacturer resrs a new design in a wind tunnel, sysrems analysts construct and study informarion system protorypes. A protorype can serve as an initial model thar is used as a benchmark ro evaluarc rhe finished system, or the prototype irself can develop into the final version of the system. Either way, prototyping speeds up the development process significantly. A possible disadvantage of prototyping is that imporrant decisions might be made too early, before business or IT issues are undersrood thoroughly. A prototype based on careful fact-finding and modeling rechniques, however, con be an extremely valuable tool. 1.7.S Tools All systems development methods must be supported by tools to en:.ible the systems analyst to develop, manage, and maintain large-scale information systems. These tools go by various names, including a pplication lifecycle management (ALM), a lso called prod uct li fccycle management (PLM ); integrated development environments (IDE); ::ind computer-a ided systems enginee ring (CASE), also called computer-a ided software engineering. CASE tools provide an overall framework for systems development and support a wide variety of design methodologies, including structured analysis and objcct-orienred analysis. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 25 1.7 Systems Development Tools make ir easier ro build an informarion system, t hereby boosring IT productiviry and improving rhe qualiry of the finished product. After developing a model, many CA E rools can generare program code, which speeds che implemenrarion process. Figure 1-23 shows the wehsire for Polarion, an ALtvl solution from iemens that 1~ part of cheir larger ~uire of offerings. Figure 1-24 shows the website for Microsoft Visual cudio, a leading IDE. Figure 1-25 shows che web ite for Cameo Systems Modeler, a leading MBSE CASE cool. Polarion® application lifecycle management solutions overview Polarion Po&lnon & a u,,1fted appl.c-•tion tiftc)<t. 11\11"1i19f"Wf\t so' ... hon YrNte )Vt' an d e -. bl.ltd lftl Ind "'IN99 ...,.,pla tcftwllt• S)"lle!M on I un.lltd Dl..O 10M- lNl W"4S llNll leltnl « 100 pert8'l - of users "'°""'"°' lnnowtr, pn>blem solw, and untodt syntfg~es woss d1str1bult'd teams fl«Jcoble 1rd1lte<W,. end ll<ltM•ng en1bl., organlz•tlans 10 go H tlwy grow. Po anon ALM Polarion REQUIREMENTS Polarlon QA .. fHt«r - mo<e , _ , M1ilt ~nmg- lr«Nblr.ty ond ~ty lr>•o your oppll(11.,., 1 let)dc Ehoiwfy ~'-· ..,.,_• •W-ond ,.,.._,_.,_II for complu SJ"I_,. ondtnt>ng~ "°"ides comclle•~ IOI...,_ qunty .....,_.. K1otS ........ pqea lifK)'des D D D Variants Add-on Polanon Pro Polarlon Reviewer ll<ipidly INI el!.ttiwfy o..ign. ~Ind ~· complu f1mlfies CJf ptodUtl _...,,,. 1NI va-11 wilh lndintty lffcf"'ll - l o g y 1NI lr-tegrll"'"' unify Chl"llO .......met'I. llSli & is.... trodJoog 11'<! _ ,_.."9 KrOU 111 P'O)KI [Nble ln~nll •nd Ule<nel It.I~ IO ,....,...""and COftVT1iil"M on ""°'t. ,..,... M'ld piOlllcle lndunry-complio<U t l « - contribt.itof5 Kf'Cl55 tre entefp\M D D lill""""" ond ll'PfOli'll\. D FIGURE 1-ll Polarton ,. a unified application lifecycle management (ALM) solution from Siemens. 5-<s .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ··----~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 1.8 The Information Technology Department 26 --·- - Visual Studio IDE - ·············.·---·-:==:... • ·-· ·-· ···-===::.... .. - Fully-featurtd 1ntt.'9rak-d o.:vdoprrn:t l t:riwonment (IOE) fo< Android. 10S. rnacOS, web, and doud ···- Download Vo~ual Studio for Mac .!. . ·-·I' ..--- -- t • • •• •• ,,,,,_.' - ,.. - - - -· · --I"------·· t ' , 7111 I • .._ I - - .......... =----............................--.. ·-.... -·-·oo= -- -·- .- r". - ~ ........ -~ ~=~- ­ • -~ J - - FIGURE I · 2 4 Microsoft Visual Studio is a fully-feawred integrated development environment (IDE). Sour<e: """ •o • tt Co• p• .. 1 No Magic Cameo Systems Modeler c - ~.... MrDllllw.." . . ~" . . . . .cnw.--~ CClllabar•Nit Modllt B.wlofld ..,.,.... (• . . . . . . ~lllillltbiilll & --..--.....-·.......... I ......a..,-°""*'~,....Wld~"'feoolsto . . . . tne*.lftel~.al---bOI tt'AWIR thtMGAM a d cx....Srr'IMlmidelSD...,.,lllt••••w•••................... .• c.........,_ ... ~ ... -<v '••CNdl ...... • Trn. . . .....-n~b-.ntl ~~c..tlt ~"'~' 4 ' 1H Jl~M ....... XMI ~ 0t(IUbill1fkld to~ "ffllt. ..... ---·---~ FIGURE I ·25 Cameo Systems Modeler is a cross-platform collaborative Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) environment. SOYrc:•: " ' ""ltt ·( n: 1.8 THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT The IT department develops and maintains information systems. The IT group provides technical support, which iodudes seven main functions: application development, systems support and securiry, user support, database administration, network administration, web s uppon, and quality assurance. These functions overlap considerably and often have different names in different companies. The structure of the IT department varies among companies, as does its name and placement within the organization. In a small firm, one person might handle ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 27 1.8 The Information Technology Department all computer support activities and services, whereas a large corporation might require many people with peciali1ed skills co provide information systems support. Figure 1-26 shows a typical IT organization in a company char has networked PCs, enterprise-wide databa~es, centralized processing, and web-based operations. IT Departme nt Otrector lnlonnation Technology I l Apphcauoo Development I_ Syslems Support and Secunty I User Support I ~'- _ I_ Database AdminlstrallOn Network Administration Web Support I Ouahty Assurance (QA) FIGURE 1-26 Depending on its size, an IT department might have separate organization units for these functions. or they might be combined Into a smaller number o f ceams. 1.8. I Application Development The IT application development group typically provides leadership and overall guidance, but teams consisting of users, managers, and LT staff members develop the systems themselves. A popular model for information systems development is a project-oriented ream with IT professionals providing overall coordination, guidance, and technical support. Suppose you work in the IT department of Global Hotels. a multinational hotel cham. Global Hotels runs several specialized business support systems. induding a guest reservations system that was developed in-house to meet the requirements of a large company with worldwide operations. Guests can make one-stop online reservations by visiting Globals website, which has links to all major vavel industry sites. Global Hotels fust acqu ired Mom ma's, a regional chain of 20 motels. Momma 's uses a vertical reservations package suitable for small- to medium-sized businesses and a generic accounting and finance package. Should Momma's use Global Hotels' information systems or continue with its ownl In your answer, consider issues such as business profiles, business processes, system interactivity, and e-commerce.What addit ional informat ion would be helpful to you in making a recommendation? 1.8.2 Systems Support and Security Systems support and security provides vital protection and maintenance services for system hardware and software, including enterprise computing systems, networks, transaction processing systems, and corporate IT infrastructure. The systems support and security group implements and monitors physical and electronic security hardware, software, and procedures. This group also installs and supports operating systems, telecommunications software, and cencralized database management systems. ln addition, systems support and security technicians provide technical assistance to ocher groups in the IT department. If a site has a large number of remote clients, the systems support group often includes a deplorment ream that installs and configures the workstations. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I. 9 The Systems Analyst 28 1.8.3 Use r Support User support provides u ers with technical informarion, training, and produccivicy support. The user su pport function usually is called a help de\k. A help desk's staff crams u~crs and managers on application sofnvare such as email, word processing, spreadsheets, and g raph ics packages. User support specialists answer questions, croubleshooc problems, and serve as a clearinghouse for user problems and solutions. 1.8.4 Database Administration Dara base administration involves data design, management, sccurit)', backup, and access. In small- and medium-sized companies, an IT support person performs chose roles in addition to other duties. Regar d less of company size, mission-critical database applications require continuous attention and technical support. 1.8.5 Ne twork Administration Business operations depend on networks chat enable compa ny-wide informa tion systems. Network administration includes hardware and so~wa re mai ntena nce, support, and security. In addition to controlling user access, netwo rk administrato rs insrall, config ure, m::inage, monitor, and maintain ne twork a ppl ications. Nerwork a dministration is discussed in more d etail in Chapter 10. 1.8.6 Web Support \'V'cb ~upporr is a vital technical support function. Web support spccialisrs design and construct web pages, monitor traffic, manage hardware and sofnvare, and link webbased ::ipplic::irions to the company's information systems. Reliable, high-quality web support is especia ll y critical for companies engaged in e-commerce. 1.8.7 Quality Assurance (QA} Many la rge IT deparrments also use a quality assurance (QA) team thac reviews a nd tests all applicarions and systems changes to verify specifications and software quality standards. The QA team usually is a separate umr that reports directly ro IT management. I. 9 THE SYSTEMS ANALYST A systems analyse invest igates, analyzes, designs, develops, insralls, evalua tes, and maintains a company's information s ystems. To perform chose tasks, a sysrcms analys t constan tl y interacts with users ai!ld managers within and o utside rhe compan y. The fo llowing sections describe a systems analyst's ro le, knowledge, skills, ed ucation, certifications, a nd career opportunities. 1.9. 1 Role A systems analyst helps d evelop IT systems rha r s upport business requirements. To succeed, ana lysts often mus t ace as translato rs. For exam ple, when chey descri be business processes to programmers, t hey muse speak a language thar programmers will undersrand clearly. Typically, the analyse build s a series of models, diagrams, and decision rabies and uses other descriptive cools and technique . Similarly, w hen (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 29 1.9 The Systems Analyst communicating with managers, the analyst often must cranslate complex technical issues into words and images thar nontechnical people can grasp. To do this, the analyst uses various presentation s kills, models, and communication methods. Analyse arc often che company's best line of defense against an IT disaster-a <tystcm that is rcchnically sound bur fail s because it does not meet the needs of u<;e~ and managers. \Xlhen thil> occur<;, poor communication i usually to blame. For an analyst, the most valuable skill i<t the ability to listen. An effective analyse will involve users in every <ttcp of the development process and listen carefully ro what they have to say. As the process continue , the analyse will seek feedback and comments from the users. This mput can provide a valuable early wammg system for projecrs chat might otherwise go off the crack. 1.9.2 Knowledge, Skills, and Education A successful systems analyst needs technical knowledge, oral and written commu· nication skills, an understanding of business operations, and critical thinking skills. Educational requiremenrs vary widely depending on the company a nd the position. In a rapidly changing fT marketplace, a syste1ns analyst must manage his or her own career and have a pla n for professiona l development. TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE: Sracc-of-the-a rt knowledge is extremely import· an t in a rapidly changing business and tech nical environment. T he Internet offers numerous opportunities to update technical knowledge and skills. M any IT pro· fcssionals go online ro learn about technical developments, exchange experiences, and get answers co qucsrions. For example, the International Council on Systems Engineering (I COSE), shown in Figure 1-27, is one of the leading organizations offering ystems analysts a wealth of information, news, training, supporr communities, and more. Analysrs also maintain cheir skills by actending training courses, borh I ~ E -~-- ~ , - . -- - WHAT ts S¥SltMS CNGIN((llllNG1 L.. ,, • .ai.u1 1hit .._,..nr..e ....... r . ' GIOW IN SYSTCMS £NGINClllllHG V..pe lh• •~Id en4 .tw..w-e ,_., C•t..-t IMCOSl"S IMPACT l•Mlf\& t~ rwtt.1.r• of 5"'i•m' En1•1'\ff_rif'1g ) rltOM me CUTIING lDGE lll'lpeictfwl ,'9d«.b end Mat.... the--.,,, nHO YOUA COMMliNIT't ltwol"4 toc.ify •tit INCOS["" yow ,-~...-ch. FIGURE 1-27 INCOSE Is one of the leading organizations offering systems analysts a w~lth of lnfonnation. news. training. communities, and more. .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. __.... -- ........... ...... o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I. 9 The Systems Analyst 30 on-site and online. Nerworking with colleagues is another way to keep up with new developments, and membership in professional associations also is important. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: A systems analyst need~ s rrong oral and written communication ~kills and che ability to interact with people at all levels, from operational staff to senior executives. Often, the analyst must work with people outside the company, such as sofrware and hardware vendors, customers, and government official s. Analysts often coordinate IT project teams, where they use commumcation skills co guide and motivate team members. BUSINESS SKILLS: A systems analyst works closely with managers, supervisors, and operational employees. To be effective, be or she must understand business operations and processes, communicate clearly, and translate business needs into requirements that can be understood by programmers and systems developers. A successful analyst is business-oriented, curious, comfortable with financial cools, and able ro sec the big picture. Chapter 2 describes some basic concepts, including strategic planning, SWOT analysis, and feasibility tests. CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: Most educators agree that critical thinking skills include Lhe abi lity co compare, classify, evaluate, recognize patcerns, an3 lyt.e cause and effect, and apply logic. Critical thinkers often use a what-if approach, and they have rhe ability to evaluate rheir own thinking and reasoning. Critical thinking skills are valuable in the IT industry, where employers seek job candidates who can demonstrate these skills and bring them to the workplace. Figure 1-28 shows the website for Critical Thinking Community, a nonprofit organization rhat provides encouragement and resources for critical thinkers. Defining Critical Thinking Cnmi.i tJ•li"tl....141 •-.U.., qfIM W<ll«t IO ... ,..q ofUH~ Cn~cel u.ntono,. a ncn conoept 1na1 ha been cM•alopng throughout the pat 2500 )'Mf'I. The !Mm "cnbelf thinking" ha• lb IOOls In the mid-late 20lll century. We olret here O'tet1apping o.flnillonl, lDgellle< wl1ich lorm • IUbllantllle, lre"8Clladplinaly concel)Clon of Ctfticlal thinking Crltlcal Thinking• Defined by llM - Coundl tor Eacetlen. . In Cttu..1Thinking,1117 Aatalement by MlcllMi Sa1ven & Rlctlard Pa!A. ~ at 11>8 80> Annual ln.,,,.tlcnal C o n - on en~ce1ri.n1c1no anc1 e - . i fWorm. s-1oe1. Critical I~ Is 11>8 ~ualy disdc>lned proceM ol ~ and alclllul1y concec>CUallZJl'IO. applylng, ·~~and/or ..,.bating inl'o11118fiongalhatad Imm. otgane,.led by,~ 1eftadlol1, IMIOllfng, ot ~ H •~IO belef and •clan. ln 1111 .......ry fotm , l le on u n i - 01111 ;t• lt>at Itel-id oubj9ct dMelont doallly. 9CCUtaeY I" oclal<>ot --18-. --..Y. ••••""'· - - - g o o d -, do!#>. blMdth. IRI r--. FIGURE 1-28 The Critical Thinking Community Is a nonprofit organlzadon that provides encouragement and resources for critical thinkers. Soun:. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . 0 ..r ,~,..."' I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 31 1.9 The Systems Analyst EDUCATION: Companies rypically require systems analysts to have a college degree in information systems, compurer science. or business, and some IT experience usually is required. For higher-level posirions, many companies require an advanced degree. Sometimes, educarional requirements can be waived if a candidate has significant experience, skills, or profcs~ional certifications. 1.9.3 Certification ~1any hardware and software companies offer certification for IT professionals. Certification 'erifies that an individual demonstrated a certain level of knowledge and skill on a standardized test. Certification is an excellent way for IT professionals to learn new skills and gain recognition for their efforts. Although certification does not guarantee competence or abtliry, many companies regard certification as an import· ant credential for hiring or promotion. Certification is discussed in more detail in Chapter 12. In addition to traditional hardware and software certifications, some firms :.ire exploring ways to assess critica l thinking skills, as shown in Figure 1-29. These ski lls include perception, organization, analysis, problem solving, and decision making. Whether or not form:.i l certification is involved, these skills are extremely valuable ro IT professiona ls and the employers who hire thetin. THINK Watson - - ,..,.. I 'nloU- I - · I ... I - I c.ua The Gold Standard Critical Thinking Test • menti There ,. 1 ,.,....., wny IM W.tson·u.-r Ct1Ucal T1llnlOl!g Apprals&i ts w mo.t w1c1r1y used tool for Wlecu,. creat manaeers aod de\'elopin& Min !Hden: lt worb. ~In 1925. tod.y IM Watson-Glaser Is t"4! premier tool for rvaluatlnt w a11ni1;.,. abtltty ~ l)<Ofess10N1ls. .- =-- -.._________ _ ---.-------------- -· - ..==-----====---·--=:.------- ==-----· _, ------·--- --:::-----~-~"'"'=='-- ':···~ii!!' - ...----::---..--=---::. ·- W -..._~==-- :::-::::::::..~ - - r .:-.:---a.:;::_::: • 1111 _ • ic,_ _., !!O>rt ll>"ll\Jo'f Cn11<o!lv -.>•uQln>""'°""' • fllrecilcll JUOrttnt. ~ to1"""1. CNlllmtty, GPrMm io c;cpc •w» I "'°'9 • ~ '-ttary of UM tft Mlf'IJ'll. F' I '""* It, WICI ~r:iort • c.r.i..t" '#ftl'I IOCtty Md Pl"'O'll'''Y t-.i ot•'-d'i,. • °'4 .,.......,.,._flClfl It -ltfl~ . "*" 4 ·--· 1bp Scat .. on W G twlp "odlCt • _,......,. Ct1ttcll tfll"9 ... ltlfllty 1'1111 dldCD\ ll'IUi"I CDtl • !?Br;~ t!!!ll p.tl\ utnWW; "IM'I ""'-..,,,. C1'mla mt -.tth """"'twpxt. . ciptfon& .... itudr. lill " ... " . . ret'WI\ • l*'fca WWW l (at!W ,,...,, U'IC9 ~ kDfftl 1111 h ...... ~ ..,. ~ ........ efW.tliDr't-GIM« ............ .. F I GURE 1- 29 Employers lllce co hire people who can think logically and effectively. Sourc.,. lu _ ....-................. ..__ __.. ................... ("..,_...,llll!Ot ...... 1.--s .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ .......,..""_.. -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----··----~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I. 9 The Systems Analyst 32 1.9.4 Career Opportunities The demand for sysrems analyses is expected co remain srrong. Companies will need S)'SCems analysrs co apply new informacion rechnology, and che explo!>ion in e-commerce will fuel IT job growth. The sysrems analyse position is a challenging and rewarding one that can lead to a cop managemenr posirion. \Vith an understanding of technical and business issues, a sysrerns analyse has an unlimited horizon. ~!any companies have presidents and senior managers who srarted in IT departments as systems analysts. The responsibiliries of a systems analyst at a small firm are different from those ar a large corporarion. Working ar a small or large company is a marcer of personal choice. Firsr, do nor rely on job rides alone. Some positions are called sys rems analysts bur involve only programming or rechnical support. In ocher cases, sysrcms analyst responsibilirics a re found in positions rirled computer specialist, programmer, programmer/analyse, sysrems designer, software engineer, and variou~ ochers. Be sure rhc responsibi lities of the job are stated clearly when considering a position. JOB TITLES: COMPANY ORGANIZATION: Find our everything about the company and where the IT department fits in the organizarion chart: Where are IT functions performed, and by whom? A firm n1igbr have a central IT group bur decentralize the systems development function. This situation sometimes occurs in large conglomerates, where rhe parcnc company consolidates information char actually is developed and managed at the subsidiary level. COMPANY SIZE: A smaller firm migbr provide more variety. However, a larger com- pany wirh scare-of-the-arr sysrems provides opportuniti~ for speciah.mrion. Alrhough there mighr be more responsibiliry in a smaller company, rhe promorional opporrunines and financial rewards could be grearer in larger companies. Working as an independent consulraor is also an option. l\1aoy consuJring firms have been successful in offering rheir services ro smaller business enterprises that do nor have the experrise co handle systems development on their own. SALARY, LOCATION,AND FUTURE GROWTH: Finally, consider salary, location, and the company's prospecrs for future growth and success. Initial impre sions from employment interviews with the company and its people are important. lvlosr importantly, review shore- and long-term goals very carefull y before deciding which position is most suirablc. CORPORATE CULTURE: fn addition to having goals, methods, and information systems requirements, every firm has an underlying corpo ra Lc culLure. A corpora re culture is the set of beliefs, ru les, traditions, values, and attitudes char define a company a nd influence its way of doing business. To be successful, a systems ana l)1St must understand rhc corporate culture and how it affects the way informarion is managed. Companies sometimes include statements about corporate culrurc in rheir mission sraremenrs, which are explained in Chapter 2. A systems analyse must undersrand the firm's culture and find it comforrable. If the company encourages personal growth and empowerment, work is much more enjoyable. For example, consider the Salesforce corporare culture described in Figure 1-30. A company like Salesforce is likely ro attract, rerain, and morivare the besr and brighrest people. In fact, Salesforce ranked# I in Fortune's 21st annual list of rhe country's grearesr places to wor k. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 33 1.9 The Systems Analyst Our Salesforce culture. M~..._Ol.At°*'"f/llMl. Wl..., . .Gllllft.....,,,Mll . . . . llf. . . ~~W ... ~ew---.9'11t......,,,_MfN• ..... Ow ....... ..w-.-ONflllM,,_.li a IS ZW- M,~Md ......... to~'ftlf"*--._ Our Ohana blazes trails ¥111>W artM•1' . . . . ,....,_ ....-:1MWOft. 9 ,..., ................ ...._._.. ~ · f~ LlMHMC*• Our values connect and 1nsp1re us Trust _,..,,,,......_,.,.. ........ ~ ..................." .....,.,. . _°"'ONN ............ lnnOlr.ltlOll OJ<,t~r Sore@S.~ ..... 0...---... ...- ,_.,. _..,,.. .,_DNA Oii. :pl ,.. . . . . . .ra- --·- 0wr weiw....,, w p I ~.,,,~.,., ,,...,,.,.,., to_.... .. ...... ... __ ... ......... .. .,.. Equo ty ~·,,.,.·-~· MON ..... w' t' I Cl llNll worid FIGURE 1-30 A corporate culture like Salesforce is likely to attract. retain. and motivate the best and brightest people. ,_.., 1.9.5 Trends in Information Technology Systems analysts need to rrack trends in information technology because technological changes affect business operations, career opponunities, and enterprise strategies. Very few areas evolve as fast as information technology. Each year sees evolutionary developments in current technology, such as faster processors, wider network bandwidth, and increased storage capabilities. Once in a while, a truly transformative cbange occurs, such as the injection of artificial intelligence applications across the enterprise o r a revolution in the basic tenets of computation with the nascent introduction of quantum computing. Some of the key trends that are disrupting information tech11ology include agile methods, artificial cloud computing, data science, mobile devices, service orientation, and social medio networks. These trends can affect education and training needs, give rise to new certifications, and open lucrative career opportunities. Agile methods have a lready been discussed in this chapter and are covered in more derail later in the book. The agile movement is a significant trend in information technology thot all systems analysts should follow. It scarred as a response to the heavyweig ht process models ::ind was iniri:.tlly used for smaller teams, bur interest in agile methods has grown to encompass almost all application areas and business organizations. Cloud computing is in many ways a rerum to the past: a model of shared computing and data storage resources accessed from remote clients, rather like the mainframe era. Howe,·er, cloud computing is different in that it offers virrualiled re~ources that can grow to accommodate increased requirements as needed. It'~ abo different in .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I. 9 The Systems Analyst 34 that buying capaciry on demand from a thriving vendor marketplace can reduce the capital co ts needed for in-house computing infrastructure. It also present<> addi tional securiry needs to address. If cloud computing represencs the computational aspect of processing, data ~ciencc represents the data aspect. The world is producing more and more data at an incredible rate. New cools and techniques are being developed to manage these large datasets. Areas such as machine learning and predictive analyncs are expericncmg tremendous growth as companies try to apply artificial intelligence techniques ro the problem of big darn. As depicted in Figure L-3 I, many of the developments related co big data arc driving trends in information technology-trends rhe S)'5tems analyst must follow to stay current. FIG U RE 1-3 1 Big data is driving many new developments 1n information ttthnology. I ('< ~ Mobile devices and the app ecosystem that goe!> with them are a revolurionary development in information technology. The shift of computing capabilities ro "the edge" of rhe network has put unprecedented power in the hands of end users. Smartphones are rhe most common computing device on the planet, and ~ystems analysts will need to know about the role of apps and the effect of the bring your own device (BYOD) movement in the enterprise. Traditionally, IT companies were identified as product-oriented or serviceoriented. Prod uct-o riented firms manufactured computers, routers, or microchips, while service-oriented companies included consultants, vendors, software developers, and service providers. Today, those distinctions are gone. Most successful IT companies offer a mix of products, services, and support. Value-added services such as consulting, software, and technical support often are more profitable than hardware sales. Social media rides on some of the trends mentioned earlier, such as cloud computing, darn science, mobile devices, and service orientation. 1lowever, social media has had arguably the most profound influence on sociery. \'Vitness the popularity of Facebook, with over 2 billion users worldwide. Companies tap into the power of social media, coupled with location-aware apps, to create truly innovative solutions that arc chnnging the face of information technology. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning I. I0 Summa ry You are enjoying your job as a summer intern in the IT department of a local company. At lunch yesterday, several people were discussing ethical issues. You learned that some of them belong to IT organizations that have ethical codes to guide members and set professional standards. For example. your supervisor belongs to the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which has over 100,000 members from more than 100 countries and a website at ocm.org.Your supervisor said that the ACM code of ethics is important to her and would definitely influence her views. On the other hand, one of the senior programmers believes that his own personal standards would be sufficient to guide him if ethical questions were to arise. Because you are excited about your career as an IT professional, you decide to visitACM's website to examine the code of ethics and make up your own mind.After you do so, would you tend to agree more with your supervisor or with the senior programmer! I . I 0 SUMMARY Information technolog)' (IT) refers to the combina tion of ha rdware, software, and services rhat people use to manage, communicate, and share informarion. Technology is changing rapidly, and IT professionals must prepare for the future. IT suppor~ business operations, improves productivitr, and helps managers make decisions. Systems analysis and de 1gn is the process of developing information systems that rransform data into useful information, and systems analysts are IT team member who help plan, develop, and maintain information systems. The essenrial components of an informarion system are hardware, software, data, processes, and people. Hardware consists of everythi ng in the physical layer of the informanon system. Sofrware consists of system software, which manages the hardware components, and application software, which supports day-to-day business operations. Data is rhe raw material chat an information system transforms into useful information. Processes describe the tasks and functions char users, managers, and IT staff members perform. People who interact with a system include users, from both within and outside the company. M ost s ucces~ful companies offer a mix of produces, technical and financia l services, consulting, and customer support. A rapidly growing business category is the Internet-dependent fi rm, which relies solely on Internet- based operations. E-commerce includes business-to-consumer (B2C) sales, and business-to-busi ness (B2B) transactions that use Internet-based digital marketplaces or private electro nic data inte rchange (EDI) systems. A systems analyst starts with a business profile, which is an overview of company fu nctions, and then he or she creates a series of busi ness models that rep resent business processes, which describe specific tra nsactions, events, tasks, and results. Analysts use business process modeling rools to document complex operarions. Systems analysts u e modeling, prototyping, and computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) tools. Modeling produces a graphical representatio n of a concept or process, whereas prototyping involves the creation of an early working model of the information or its components. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ 35 Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design I. I0 Summary 36 Based on their functions and features, business information systems are identified as enterprise computing systems, transaction processing systems, business support systems, knowledge management systems, user productivity systems, digital a5sistants, or systems integration. In most companies, significant overlap and integration exists among the various types of information systems. A typical organization structure includes top managers, middle manager5 and knowledge workers, supervisors and team leaders, and operanonal employees. Top managers develop strategic plans, which define an overall mission and goals. Middle managers provide direction, resources, and feedback to supervisors and team leaders. Knowledge workers include various professionals who function as support staff. Supervisors and ceam leaders oversee operational employees. Each organi1arional level has a different set of responsibi Ii ties a nd information needs. Three popular system development approaches are structured analysis, which is a tradi tional method that still is widely used, object-oriented analysis (0-0), which is a more recent approach chat many analysts prefer, and agile methods, which include the latest trends in software development. Structured a nalysis uses a series of phases, called the systems development lLfe cycle (SDLC) that usually is shown as a waterfall model. Structured a nal ysis uses a n overall plan, similar to a blueprint for construc ting a building, so it is called a predicti ve approach. This method uses a set of process models co describe a system graphically and also addresses data o rganization and structure, relational database design, and user inrerfacc issues. Objecr-orienred anal ysis combines data and the processes that act on the data inro things called objects chat represent people, things, transactions, and events. Objects have characccrisrics, called properties, and built-in processes, called methods, and can send information to ocher objects by using messages. Using an 0-0 programming language, a programmer then writes the code that creates the objects. Object-oriented methods usual!)' follow a series of analysis and design phases similar co the SDLC, but the phases arc more interactive. Agile methods are the newest development approach and anempt co develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and con5ranrly adjusting them to user requirements. Agile methods typically use a spiral model, which reprcsenn, a !>ertes of iteration , or revisions, based on user feedback. The repeated 1terauons produce a series of prototypes, which evolve into the finished system. Regardless of the development stra tegy, people, tasks, timetables, and costs must be managed effectively using project management tools and techniques, which are described in derail in Chapter 3. The IT department develops, mai11tains, and operates a company's information systems. IT staff members provide technical support, including application development, systems suppo rt, user support, database administra tion, network administratio n, web support, and quality assurance. These functions overlap considerably and often have different names in different companies. In addition to technical knowledge, a systcn1s analyst must understand rhc business, chink critically, and commUI\icace effectively. Valuable credentials such as certifications arc available to systems analysts. A systems analyst's responsibilities depend on a company's o rganization, size, and culture. Systems analysts need to consider salary, location, a nd future growth potential when making a career decision. Some of the key trends in information technology include agile methods, artificial cloud computing, data science, mobile devices, service orientation, and social media networks. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 37 Key Terms Ke y Te rms agile method\ Sy\ttms de' clopmcnr methods char arrempr 10 de,·elop a sys1em incrementally by build· ing a senc> of prOIOt) pes and cons13Jltly ad1usliog them to user requiremems. Rela1ed to ad.iptin• methods. app A soff\, are appltc.mon th.it runs on a mobtle dence. such as a smartphone or tablet. applocat10n hftC)dt mana11cmcnt (ALM) Acrivitie\ 1ha1 co,·cr rhe entire SDLC, indudmg requ1remen1>, dc"11n, de,•dnpmcnr, tc,nn11, and dcplopncnr and management of ~nftware appli~non\. apphcaunn ,oftwarc Sofn.arc program\, such as email, word proc~'o", .,prcad,hecr-. and graphic' packages. u..ed hy emplo)'ce<. in rypica I office o;cenarios. artificial intelligence The atrempr co recreate narural inreUigence through software in machines. B2B (busincss·to bu1ineu) A commercial exchange (e.g., producrs or services) bcn,een businesses, typi· cally enabled by tlw lmernet or electronic means. B2C (bu•it11.'\ \·to-co111umcr) A commercial exchange (e.g., produces or service,) between bu\inc\\eS and con•umeri. conducted over the Internet. hi11 d:ll,\ F.xircmcly laq.\c datnsct\ (c.11., pctahytcs) requiring no ntraditiona l ~ppruache, to deal wi th them. Snmcrime\ chnracrcri1.cd hy three term<: volume, variety, and velocity. bring your own de, ice (B\'Ol>) An equipmenr managemenr model where employees arc in charge of their devices (e.g .. computers, 1ablets, smartphones) ac work, noc 1he lT deparrmcm. Tlus includes device selecuon Jnd Sl'lup. progum installation and updating. and network connecti' ity (indudmg security). busineu model A graphica l representauou of business functions that consist of busin~s processes, such .1s s.iles, .1ccoun11ng, and purch.1S1ng. hu'1nC\\ prncc" A dC'lc,.iprion of •pecific event<, ra<ks, and dc<ircd rc<ult<. bu,inc" pr!ICC\\ model RPM ) A graphical reprco;enratiun of one or more bu<inc" procc,'>C<. businC'ls proce<< modeling no1a11on (BPM:-:) A srandard sec of shapes and symhols used to repr~nt e\ enrs. processes. and work flows m computer-based modeling cools. business profile A definition of a company's overall functions, processes, organiunon, product>, servic~. customer.. >upphtrs, compernon., constramt>, .md furure drrecuoo. bu,ine<,\ rule\ How a » •tcm handle> data and produces U5Cful informauon. Busincs;, rule\, al;o ~allcd hu>incs' logic, rcflcct the operational requirements of the busincs>. Fxamplc, 1ndudc adding the proper amount of <ale< tax m invoices, calculating customer balances and finance charge<, and dc1cr· mining whether a c:usmmcr is eligihlc for a ,·olume-ba\Cd discounr. bu\ine-.\ \upport \Y\IClll\ Provide job-related informarion support co user< at all lt'vel\ of a company. CASE 1ools Powerful software used in computer-aided S)'Stems engineering (CASE) ro help systems ana· l)'St> develop Jnd mamrn in information S)''tetus. certificauon A credenii.11 Jn individual earns by demonstrating a certam level of knowll'dge .ind skill on a sta11dard1ted tcsr. das~ A term u\cd 111 object-oriented modeling to indicate a collection of ~iniilar objc"'· computcr-a1dcd \Oftwarc cngmccring (CASE) A technique that use< powerful program< ca lled CA ~r. tool< co provide an overal l framework for systems development. T he tools ~upport a wide varicry of design methodologie,, including srrucnired analysis and objecr-orienced analysis. Also referred to a' compmcr-aidcd ;y;1e1m engineering. computer-.udcd >>Stem; cn111neet1nR 1CM.£) See compmer-aided software engmeermg (<..A~E). wrporatc culture A >et of beliefs, rul~. 1radmons, \alues. and attitude~ that define J cornpau) and mflu· em:e 1r< wa) of doing business. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Key Terms 38 critical Lhinl.mg ~I.ill> The abilif} to compare, dassif), evaluJte, rccognne panem>. anal) Lt cause and effect, and apply logic. Such skills are valued m the IT mdusrry. dat.t The ra\\ m.11erial or basic facts used by informauon S) stem>. d.ua center A !Jrgc ton~cntrarion of ncrworkcd computer' working together. data no\\ d1a11ram (Df D) Graphical rcprC\cnlation of the \)>Lem, \hem mg II \tore\, prnu:"e', and tran>form' Jara mm u-cful information. data ~ocnce lnrerd1~1pltnary field rhar blends computer science, math and stausucs, and bu~iness merhods 10 anal)'Zc large darasers. Involves artificial imelligcnce. machinc learning .ind prcdicn"c analytics, and v1sualitation techniques. Jell\ crabl~ A polished, fu1al product, suitable for its intended use. £nd product> or del1verJbles often cornc1de wnh the complenon of each SDLC phase. e·commcf(C tclccironic conuncrcc) Transactions (e.g., buying anti ,cllinµ of l\(X>U\ and onfnrmaunn) that c><:cur on the Internet. Includes both businc~-to-consuoncr and bu,ine.-· to· l)l1'inc,s. clcc1ronic dnra inrcrchanJle (FDT) A process that involve' computer-co-computer transfer of darn bcrwccn companies. cmpo"ermcnt A business prnccice chac places more responsibility and ,1ccoumuhiht) rhrougbour all levels of .Ill org.mizaliou. enterprise applic.mons Comp.tn)·wide applications, such as order processwg systems. pJyroll systems, Jnd compJn) communicanons networks. c:nterpri\c rnmpurini: Information 'YMcms char >t1pport lompany-w1Je data ma11a11emcnt requirement\, ,uch a• airline rc<;crvanon' or credit card billing sy.tcms. cntcrpri\e re\our'c planning (FRP A process that cstablishc, an cnccrpri-c-w1Je \trnrei:y for IT rc,ourccs. FRP defines a <pecific archirccrure, including ''andard< for data, procc,,ini;. network, and u-er imcrfol-C d<'\1gn. fcasibilm study An mmal in\'esrig;uion to clearly identify the n.uure and scope of the business opporrnmr) or problem. Also called preluninary 1.Dvestigauon. groupn.ire J>r~ams thar run on a necwork chat enable users to share data, collaborate on pro1«ts, and work m teams. Also called workgroup sohware. hardnarc The phy<ical layer of rhc information system, to include computer\, network\, communication< equopmenr, and orher rcchnolo&>y·hased infrastructure. help dc\k A cenrrali1cd resource miffed by TT professionals that provide' U\Cr' with che \upporr rhey need to do 1he1r job>. A help de>k h,.,., three main objel"tivc~: to ~how people: how to U\c ~y,ccm re.uur~C> more dfc:ctivcly. to provide an~wcn. to 1,-chnical or opcrarion,11 quc.,1 io11~, and to make user\ more productive by reaching rhcm how to mcer their own mformation need<. horiiontal sy\Ccm A basic sysrcm, such as an inventory or payroll packap,e, that 1s commonly used by a vnricry of companies. inference rule' lnsrructions that direct a knowledge management sys1em ro idcmify data pat1crns and rdanonsh1ps. information Dnm rhar has been changed inro n useful form of outpur. informauon S)\lcon A combination of infom1arion 1cdinology. people, and data co '>upport bminc~s requirements. Ilic five key components a~e hardware. software, data, proccs.es, and people. 1nforma11on tcchnoloiiy (IT ) A combination of hardware, software, and telecommun1c.111on< S)>lem'i that support business operations, improve producuvitl, and help manager\ make decisions. intCjlr.ued dc\Clopmcnr environments (IDE) An application for hu1lding orhcr \Oft" .ire appli~tions. T)·picall> includes a visual code editor, an integrated compiler, a debugger. a configuration manageme111 ~)Mem, and a rest framework. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-.. - "*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase I Systems Planning 39 Key Terms i1aa1ht: An ;idapme method I) pictll) use,, a spiral de,·elopmenr model, which builds on J series of ncrauoru.. I.no\\ ledge b.i\c A popular ws1cm\ dn·elopmem 1echnique that uses a group of ~r.. man.igcr~. and IT profc:,~1onal\ who work t<>gc1hcr to gather mformanon, <l~u~ bu~mess need>, and define the new \y~rcm rcqu1rcment'\. lcitaq. '}"tern An older 'l)'\tcm rhat is rypically less rechnologically advanced than currcnrly available 'Y'rcm\. machine learning An application of compurer science and anifkial intelligence thar uses automattd approaches 10 pattern recognition and predictive analytics based on large darJsets. management informauon ~)>tern (MlS) A computer-based information system used in business plJnnmg, control, decision making, and problem solvmg. mi"ion-criuul \)'\lcm An information 'Y'tcm rhar i> vital to a company'~ upt:rauons. mc>dt:l-ha,cd 'Y'lcm' c1111incc1 ing (MBSE) An approach to ,,.ystcm' engineering that relit' on doma111 models, rather than rrnd inona l documcn r., to dc<ii;n la rg:e·,calc <rtcm' and convey information hctwccn cnginee rs. modeling J\ process th,11 produces a graphical representacion of a concept or process tbtlt systems developers can analy tc, test. a nd modify. Moore's l.i" A prediction 1h,11 compuring power would double every 18 to 24 months due 10 wcreJsed nuui.1rurw11011 of elecrron1c components. NoSQl. dataha\c) Da1.1ba"' 'y>tcrn' that use a flat, nonrabular (nonrdarional) \lrULlur" 10 'tore :ind procc" largc-..calc da ra,cr\. objc.:t In obJl-Ct-oricntcd analy<;i• or programming, an object rcprcscnr- a real pcrwn, place, event, or rra0\act1on. objcct-oritntcd 0-0J ;inal~s1s The act of understanding an information S)Stem b) rdenufymg things c.tlled ob1m~. An ob1ec1 represents a real person, place, event. or transaction. Obiecr-onemed analysis ~ .i popul.u .1ppro.1ch 1h.1r ;ees .i S)>tem Crom the viewpoint of the obiect> tbetrueh cs .I) the> funcuon and interact wuh the sysrem. personal d1g11al assistant A progr.im rhat responds rouser requesrs through a natural interface, such as regular speech, to provide assmancc to general-purpose queries. Often embedded m devices such JS lmemet<Onnl'Cted )peaJ..ers and smarrphones. prdiminal} imc\Ugaunn 1\n cnirial analy)is ro de:trly idenri fy the narure and scope of the hu,ine,~ opponumty or problem. /\l'o called fca>ibility >tUd). procl~\ PrQ\cuore or ta'k 1ha1 user>, managers, and IT sraff member) perform. Al;o, the logkal rules of a 'Y'tcm that arc applied m rran5fonn dara mro meaningfu l infom1anon. ln data Aow diagram5, a pmce'~ receives input darn and produces nurput tha r has a d ifferent content, form, o r hoch. produc1 lifccycle management (Pl .M) See application lifocycle management (A LM.). product oriented Comp,mie~ that manu facture computers, routecs, or microchips. projccc management The proccs5 of planning, scheduling, mo ni roring, conrrolling, a nd reporting upon the development of nn informarion sys1cm . propcrtic' In oh1t.'Ct·o riemcd (0·0) analysis, characteristics rha t objects inherit from their da>S or po~­ >css on their own. prototH>C An c.1rly, rJp1dl) constructed workmg version of the proposed uuorm.ition >y>tcm. radio frequency idcnt1fic.111on (RI Ill) Technology rh.~r uses high-frequency radio waves to tr.1ck physical ob1c•·ts. requirement\ en11mccring Used m the systems planning phase of the SDLC. It invoh·cs using various focr-finding techniques, such as interviews, 5urvers, observation, and samplmg, ro d~nt>c the current system and ident1f) the requ1rcmcni> for the new sysrem. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Key Terms 40 SL-.alablc Ille abihry of a S)»tem to expand ro meer new business requirements and 'olumes. ;en ice-oriented A comp:my that primarilr offers information or o,erviu:·~ or .,.,11, i;0<xh produced b} other\. \ofc"arc A proi;ram run h)· computer. for a >pec1Fic functmn or ta.>k. >p1r.tl modd A developmem modd wub a series of iterations. or rev1s1oos. ba.cd on user feedback. s1akcholdu An)·one who 1s affected by cbe companr's performance, sud1 as customers. emplO)'ttS, suppliers. srockholdcrs. and members of the comrnuruty. \tratt111c plan' The loni;-rani;c plans thar define t he corporate mis,ion and goal\. Typically defined by top manni;cmcnt, with inpuc from all le,·els. \trucmrcd anal)~;, A trndirional sysrems developmenr cechnique that U'>e'> phase; ro plan, analpc, de,ii;n, 1mplemenr, and \ uppon on information sysrem. Proces•es and cla1a Jrc treated a' scpara1t component•. supply cb.un A rradm on,11 systems developmenr ceduuque th.ir uses phases to pl.111, analyze, design, implenienr. and supporr ;rn information sysrem. Processes and data .ire treated as scp.iratc componcn1s. suppl> chain management (SCM! The coordination. integracion, and man,1gemenr of ma terials, infor· ma11on. and finances as they move from suppliers to customers, both w1dun and between comparues. In a rornlly 1megr.1ted supply chain, J. customer order could CJ use J production planrung system to schedule a work order, which in rum could mgger a call for certam pJrtS from one or more suppliers. \)'tern \ o;et of related componcnrs thac produces specific re~uJt.,. ')\tern dc-.1gn 'fl"ofic:uion A document that preo;encs the complece design for the new information'>"'tem, along with derailed ccMs, ~mffing, and scheduling for completing chc next SDL.C pha\c, \)\tern<. implemcm.atson. Also called the technical d~'h'" \pc<:1fo:at1un ur the dct:ulcd de,1i;n 'pcc1fica11on. >)>tCm requirement> document A docwnent !hat conram> the reqwremelll> for the new S) >tern. describes the .iltern.im ts th.ii were considered, and makes a specific r«ommend.mon to mana~ement. It 1s the end product of the systems aoal)·s1s phase. S}Stcm softwa re Programs that control the comp uter, including chc opcranng sysrcm. de' ice drive~ that commumca1e \~uh hardware, and lo"·level utilities. \)>IClll\ anal)\I\ and dcsii;n The process of developing information sy\rems that eff1.-crively uo;e hard- ware, wftware, data. proces~cs, and people to support the cumpany'; bussn""' obje... uvc,. ');tcm\ anal)\i\ pha\c The >ewnd SDLC phase. The purpose of this ph.i;e I> to build a log"a l model of rhc new sr,rcm. systems anal) st A person who pla ns, analyzes, and implemcnrs mformanon systems. T hey 111.1y work im crnall y within a compan) 's IT department o r be hired b) a company as an independent consultant. ~>SICm\ design pha~c The third SDLC phase. Thie purpose of syotems design is to creme a bl ueprint for the new S)'\tem that will sacisfy all documented requirements, whether the syMem is being developed in-how.e or purchased os a package. ~)>lcm; Jc•cloprncnt life C)dc (SDI C) Activiti~ and fum:rions that ;ystcm> developers t)pically per· form, rci;a rdlc's of how t ho•c acnvirics a nd foncrions fit mro a partku lar mcthodolofly. The SD I C model include~ five phaws: ( I) sysccms planning, (2) systems analysis, Pl sy\tcms dcsifln, (4) sy,tcms implementation, and (5) systems support and securiry. ')\!Cm' implcmcntauon phase The fourth phase of the SDLC. During this pha;c, the ne'~ &)Stem is con· sm1ctcd-pr~rams arc wmtcn, tested, and documented, and the ;ystcm is ms1,1llcd. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase I Systems Planning 41 Key Terms S}Stcms pbnntng pha~c lhc first phase of the SDLC. During this phase, che S)>tems prOJl'Ct get> starred. rhc proic.:t propo•.il is C\,ilu.ued to determine its fea.ibility. lhe project managemem pl.in 1s formu- 1.itcd, w11h the help of <...ASL rooh where appropnatc. ~}~tcm• requc\t A form~! rcquc\t to the IT department that describe~ problem' or dc\ircd .:hangc\ tn an information \)'\tcm or bu\inc\s process. It might propose enhancements for an cxi~nng >)'Stem, the correctmn of problem,, or the development of an entirely new S)"'item. rr \}~ICm\ \uppon and ~Cl'Urit) pha,c During the sysrems support and !>CCUriry pha..e of the SDLC, the \laff maintain\, cnhan.:o:\, and protect' the .,y;rcm. techni,aJ support Tcchmcal supporr is neces>ar)' ro supporr che wide \Jtiet) of 11 S)Stellli .ind u>ers. lt mdudes six mam funcuons: applicanon developmenr, systems support, user support, d.11JbJse .1dmtnis1ra11on, nttwork admin1strarion, and web support. These functions ovcrl.ip cons1dr.rably and often have diffcrrnr names 111 different companies. transaction proccssiog !Tl') S)'Stcnt~ Operational systems used co process day-10-day recurnng business cransacuons, such as cusromer billing. u.,..,r produl!i' ity '}'lcnh Applkation' 1hm provide employet:s of :ill levch n wide array of tool, to improve jnh performance. Fxamplc' indudc email, word prcx:c,;in11, graphic~, nnd comp.111y inrrnncc-. met\ 'irakcholdcr- in,idc and out~idc the company who wil I mrc:ract with the 'YMcm. vertical S}SlCUI A S)'Srem designed to meet the unique requirements of a spectf1c busmess or mdustry, such as a wtb-based retailer or nuro-supplr srore. warcrfall model The tradmonal model of soft\vare de,·elopmenr. A graph that depicts the result of each 5DLC phase £lowing do,~o mto the nei.r phase. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter I Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Exercises 42 Exercises Questions 1. Whac is information rechnology, and why is it imporranr co socicry? 2. What are the five main components of an information S)'Stem? 3. Explain how ndcsharing services such as Uber and Lyft are disrupting rradir1onal raxicab business models. 4. Describe the busine~s profile of a home improvemenr srore like Home Depot or Lowe's and how it i~ used. 5. What are the seven types of information systems used in business? 6. What cypes of informacion do the four organizational levels common ro many businesses need? 7. Compare three sysrems dcvelopmenr merhods. 8. Name rhe too ls rhar enable che sysccms analyst to deve lop, manage, and maintain large-sca le informa· tion systems. 9. Sumrn:irizc the seven main functions of rhe IT department. I 0. Whar arc the ro les and respons ibilities of a sysrems analysr in a modern business? Discussion Topics 1. Some experts believe rhar rhc growrh in e-commerce will cause states and local governments ro lose rax revenue, unless lmcrner transactions are subject ro sales rax. Whar is one argument rhar supports this view and one rhar opposes ir? 2. When team memberl> .ire geographically dispersed, communication bccomcl> more challenging. Explain how groupware can increase user producrivicy in chis contexc. 3. Under whac circumsrances should a systems analyse recommend an agile merhodology over Struccurcd devclopmenr or ob1ecr-orienced analysis? 4. Should che IT dirccror reporc co che company presidenc or somewhere else? Does it marrer? 5. Rapid advancements in areas such as machine learning and predictive analycics in dara science are affecting the daily operarions of many IT deparnnenrs. What should a syscems analyst do ro stay currenr? Project s 1. Contact three people ac your school who use informacion systems. Lise cheir positions, the mformacion they need, the sysrems they use, and the business functions they perform. 2. Visir rhree websites ro learn more about agile system deve lopment. Prepare a lisr of the sires you visited and a ~ummary of the results. 3. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is one of che leading methods used by systems ana lyses to develop informarion systems. Cameo Systems Modeler is one of the leading cools supporting MBSE. Research magazine articles and the web ro learn more about th is tool's capabi lities. Identify three of its srrengrhs in terms of improving rhe qualiry of the finished product. 4. Explore the Critical Thinking Community website ac criticalthinki11g.org. Identify three importanr topic~ currencly being di~cussed and describe your findings. 5. Compare the corporate culrure of three leading IT companies and show how rheir ~tarement of values could atcracr (or repel ) sysrems analysts from joining their organization. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case Analyzing the Business Case Chapter 2 explains how to analyze a business case.This chapter also explains why it is Important to understand business operations and requirements, how IT projects support a company's overall strategic plan, how systems projects get started, and how systems analysts conduct a feasibility study and perform preliminary investigations, which concludes with a report to management. Fact-finding techniques that begin at this point and carry over into later development phases are also described. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" asks the systems analyst to consider the Implications of granting preferential treatment to a system enhancement request when the request originates with a friend of the project's manager. LEARNING OB ECTIVES Wl1e11 you fi11isb this d1apter, you s/Jould be able to: CONTENTS I . Describe the strategic planning process. 2. Conduct a SWOT analysis. 3. Explam how cools can support strategic planning. 4. Explain the concept of a business case. 5. Summarize the ~ix main rea~ons for systems requests. 6. Describe the two factors affecting systems projects. 7. Explain how systems requests are processed. 8. Explain how systems request feasibility is assessed. 2. 1 Strategic Planning Case in Point 2. 1: Pets for Rent 2.2 Strategic Planning Tools 2 .3 The Business Case 2 .4 Systems Requests 2 .5 Factors Affecting Systems Projects 2 .6 Processing Systems Reque~cs Case in Point 2.2: Actaway Airlines, Part One 2 .7 Assessing Request Feasibility 2 .8 Setting Priorities Case in Point 2.3: Arra way Airlines, Parr Two 2 .9 The Preliminary Investigation A Question of Ethics 2 . 10 Summary Key Term~ Exercises 9. Explain how systems requests arc prioritized. I 0. Conduct a preliminary invesrigarion. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,...... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase I Systems Planning 2.1 Strategic Planning 2 I 45 STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic planning is the process of identifying long-term organizational goals, strategies, and resources. A strategic plan looks beyond day-to-day activities and focuses on a horizon that is three, five, ten, or more years in the forure. The IT ream must deliver IT resources ro support the firm's long-term strategic goals. Therefore, IT managers and systems analysts must understand and participate in strategic planning acriviries. IT managers ha\'e ro prepare for long-range needs, such as a new darn warehouse, even as they handle immediate problems, such as a logic bug in the payroll system. In mosr companies, the IT ream reviews each IT-rela ted proposal, project, and systems request ro determine if it presents a strong business case, or justification. T he following sections provide an overview o f strategic planning, a description of SWOT analysis, and a look at the role of the IT d epartment. 2. 1. 1 Strate gic Planning Ove rview Strategic plan ning starts with a missio n ~tatemen t that reflects rhe firm's vision, purpose, and v:ilues. Mission statements usually focus o n lo ng-term cha llenges and goa ls, the importance of the firm's stakeholders, :rn d a commitment to the fi rm's ro le as a corporate citizen. For example, Google's mission statement posted on their website is stated succinctly as," ... to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." \Vi ch the mission statement as a backdrop, a f'irm develops short-ter m goals and objectives. For example, the company might establish one-year, three-year, and fiveyear goals for expanding market share. To achieve those goals, the company might develop a list of shorter-term objecrives. lf it wants to increase online orders by 30% next year, a company might sec quarterly objectives with monthly milestones. High-priority objectives arc called crirical success factors. A critical success facto r is one that must be achie\'ed to fulfill the company's mission. Objccti\•cs also might include tactical plans, such as creating a new website and training a special customer support group to answer email inquiries. Finally, the objectives translate into day-to-day business operations, supported by IT and other corporate resources. The outcome is a sec of business resulcs thar affect company stakeholders. Pets for Rent is an innovative company that brings puppies to corporate meetings. The company's CEO says that having puppies in a room with employees in an informal setting helps break down communication barriers and fosters. a greater sense of teamwork and comradery. Since this is a new company, the CEO has asked you if a mission statement is necessary. After you review the chapter material, write a brief memo with your views. Be sure to include good (and not-so-good) examples of actual mission statements that you find on the web. 2. 1.2 SWOT Analysis The letters SWOT stand for st rengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT a na lysis can focus on a specific product or project, an operating division, the entire company, or the mission statement itself. The overall aim is to avoid seeking goals that are unrealistic, unprofitable, or unachievable. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2.1 Strategic Planning 46 An enterprise SWOT analysis us ually begins with these questions: • • • • What are our strengths, and how can we use them to achieve our business goals? What are our weaknesses, and how can we reduce or eliminate chem? \'Qhac arc our opportunities, aod how do we plan ro rake advanragc of them? \'Qhat are our threats, and ho\V can we assess, manage, and respond m the possible risks? STRENGTHS A SWOT analysis examines a firm's technical, human, and financial resources. In Figure 2-1, the butlered lists show samples of rypical strengths, wca kncsscs, opportu nities, and threats for an organization considering cxp:tnding their web-based online operations. As the SWOT process conrinues, management reviews specific resources, business operations, and valm1blc assets. For example, suppose rhat the company owns an imporranr patent. A SWOT review for rhe parent might resemble Figure 2-2. There is no srandard approach to WEAKNESSES • Excellent web design staff • low systems analyst • Still using 58\/eral legacy turnover • Recently upgraded notwork • Budget Increase was turned down • Documentation needs updaUng OPPORTUNmES THREATS • Well-pos1Uoned for expansion • Can be first with new software • High potenbal tor B2B growth • Aggressiv e new web competition systems • Impact ol new FCC rules strategic planning. Some managers • Other firms oller bener benefits believe that a firm's mi sion sratement !.hould contain an inspirational message to its stakeholders. Others feel that unless a firm starts with a FIGURE 2 - 1 A SWOT analysis might produce l"e$Ults similar to those realistic SWOT assessment, ic might shown here. develop a mission statement that is unachievable. Most companies view the strategic planning process as a dynamic iorcraction, where the company's mission statement reflects a long-term horizon, but sets forch goals that arc achievable and consistent with real-world conditions. 2. 1.3 The Ro le of the IT De partme nt A systems analyst should be interested in strategic planning because it reflects a higher level of involvement in supporring the direcrion of rhe project. For example, while working on rhe same project, one analyst might say, "I am using a CASE cool," while another might say, "I am helping the company succeed in a major new business venture." Systems ana lysts should focus on the larger, strategic role of the IT department even as they carry out their day-to-da y technical tasks. Experienced analysts know that planning is essentia l for IT project success, and it must srarr as early as possible. Ca reful planning can help assure chat: • The proiect supports overall business strategy and operarional needs. • The project scope is well defined and clearly stated. • The project goals are realistic, achievable, and tied ro specific statements, assumptions, constraints, factors, and other inpucs. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 47 2.3 The Business Case SWOT Analysis of a Corporate Patent During the planning process, management and IT should be closely linked. In the past, a typical IT department handled Strengths Weaknesses all aspects of systems development and • Our patent has a hmrted Me • Our patent covers valuable consulted uc;er~ only when, and if, the Whetl 11 expires. the technology technology that we can use in depamnent wanted user input. Today, will no longer be prot8C1ed popular products systems development 1c; much more team-onenred. New approaches to systems Patent development, such as agile methods, typically involve groups of users, managers, Opportunities Threats and IT staff working together right from • We can use the technology on • A compehtor might develop the start of the project. more products, license 11 to similar technology thal does Although ream-oriented development others, or seek more patents. not legally lnfnnge our patent. is the norm, some companies still sec the role of the IT department as a gatekeeper, responsible for screening and evaluating FIGURE 2-2 This SWOT analysis example focuses on a specific asset: a systems requests. Should the IT department company patent. perform the initial evaluation, or shouJd a cross-functional team do it? The answer probably depends on rhc company's size, the nature of the system request, and the scale of the project. For example, in smaller companies or firms where only one person has IT skills, that person acts as a coordinator and consults closely with users and managers to evaluate systems requests. Larger firms are more likely to use an cvaluarion team or a srsrems review committee. 2 2 STqATEGIC PLAl'INING TOOLS Irrespective of the development strategy used, many organizations still rely on the IT group to provide guidance when it comes to selecting tools to support strategic planning activities. Some analyses srick to tradicional text-based methods, using tvl icrosofc \'(lord rabies, to pro,•ide srrucrure and clarity. Ochers prefer a spreadsheet, such as t..1icrosoft Excel, because it is easy to display prioriries and the relative importance of planning assumptions. A more sophisticated approach is co use a CASE tool to define and document the overall environment. Such tools can integrate various statements, entities, data elemencs, and graphical models into an overall structure. The result is more consistency, better quality, and much less effort for the system analyst. Figure 2-3 shows a cloudbased road mapping software product from Aha! chat provides inccgraced support for product scracegy visioning and strategy develop1nent. There arc other strategic planning "cools" that are not CASE tools, bur more techniques that ore sometimes supported by software programs. For example, mind maps, balanced scorecards, and gap analysis are all valuable techniques thac can be parr of strategic planning in an organizarion. An imporrant role for the systems ana lyst is to know when each of these rools and cechniques can best be used in particular project conwxcs. 2.3 THE BUSINESS CASE During the systems planning phase, the IT ream reviews a request co determine if it presents a strong businesc; case. The term business case refers co the reasons, or .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2.3 The Business Case 48 Ahal - - _, - _,, ..... - -0 - Strategy first -- - .. ...,............. .,,... ... .......... I"' .... · -~-- - ....-.;,~ -=--- ·- - .-- ••• • • = - . ._..,_, ............ _.,. .......... .,_, .. ,_ ~ -.. .... -- ...,., -"«.,... .,............, ...... c..... FIGURE 2-l Aha! provides Integrated support for product strategy visioning. ·~• .&.1\. 1 ,_ jusrificarion, for a proposal. To perform rhe review, the analysr muse consider rhe company's overall mission, objectives, and IT needs. A business case shouJd be comprehensive yet easy to understand. It should describe rhe project clearly, provide the juscificarioa to proceed, and estimate the project's financial impact. SpecificaUy, che business case should answer questions such as the following: • Why are we doing this project? • What is the project about? • How docs this solution address key business issues? • • I low much will it cost and how long will it rake? Will we suffer a productivity loss during the transition? • What is the return OJl investment and payback period? • What arc the risks of doing rhe project? What are the risks of nor doing the projccr? • How will we measure success? • What alternatives exist? Examples of business cases, borh good and bad, can be found on line. Just search for "sample business case" and examine the structure and content of some of rhe samples available. It is particularly instructive to compare and contrast business cases for different areas, such as chose for go\•emmenr contracts versus private enterprises. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 49 2.4 Systems Requests 2.4 SYSTEMS REQUESTS Stronger The starting point for most information systems projects is called a systems request, which is a formal way of asking for IT support. A srsrems requesr might propose enhancements for an existing system, the correction of problems, the replacemenr of an older sy rem, or rhe developmenr of an enrirel)• new informarion sysrem char is needed ro support a company's cur renr and future busine s need . As Figure 2-4 shows, rhe six main reasons for ~ystems request are stronger controls, reduced cost, more information, bener performance, improved service to customers, and more support for new produces and services. STRONGER CONTROLS: A system must Controls Reduced Cos1 More Suppo<1 Systems Request Improved Service t/ More _J I lnlormatt~ Better Performance J FIGURE 2-4 Six main reasons for systems requests. have effective controls to ensure that data is secure and accurate. This is becoming increasingly important given the number of darn breaches that seem to occur on a daily ba!.i . ome common securiry con- trols include passwords, various levels of user acces~, and encryption, or coding data to keep it safe from unauthorized users. l lardware-based security conrrols include biometric devices that can identify a person by a retina scan or b>• mapping a fingerprint pattern. The technology uses infrared scanners that create images with thousands of measurements of personal physical characteristics, as shown in Figure 2-5, which displays Apple's Face ID security mechanism on the iPhonc. In addition to being secure, data also must be accurate. Controls ~hou ld minimize data entry errors whenever possible. For example, if a user enters an invalid FIGURE 2-5 Apple Face ID uses advanced machine leamirig co recognize users. customer number, the order processing system should reject the entry immediately and prompt the user to enter a valid number. Darn entry controls must be effective without being excessive. If a !.)'Stem requires users to confirm every item with an "Are you sure? YIN" message, internal users and customers might complain that the system is not user-friendly. REDUCED COST: The current system could be expensive ro operate or maintain as a result of rechnical problems, design weaknesses, or the changing demands of che busine s. Ir might be possible to adapr the system co newer technology or upgrade it. On the other hand, cost-benefit analysis might show that a new system would be more cost effective and provide bener supporr for long-term objectives. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case so 2.5 Factors Affecting Systems Projects MORE INFORMATION: The syscem mighc produce informacion char is insuf- ficienc, incomple re, or unable ro supporc the company's changing informarion needs. For example, a syscem chat tracks customer orders mighr nor be capable of analy1.1ng and predicring marketing rrends. In the face of intense compericion and rapid product development cycles, managers need the best po~s1ble informacion to make major decisions on planning, designing, and marketing new products and services. BETTER PERFORMANCE: The current system mjght not meec performance require- mencs. For example, ic n1ighc respond slowly co data inquiries at certain times, or it mighc be unable co support company growth. Performance limicarions also result when a system that was designed for a specific hardware configuration becomes obsolete when new hardware is introduced. IMPROVED SERVICE: Systems requests often are aimed ac improving service ro cus- tomers or users within the company. For instance, allowing mutual fund investors ro check their acco unt balances on a website, storing data on rental car customer preferences, or creating an online college registration system arc all examples of providing valuable services and increased cusromer satisfaction. MORE SUPPORT FOR NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: New products and services often require new types or levels of IT supporc. For example, a sofrware vendor might offer an a utomacic upgrade service for subscribers; or a package delivery company might add a special service for RFID-tagged shipment!>. In situations like rhe!>e, it is most likely that addjtional IT support will be required. At the other end of the speetrum, product obsolescence can also be an important factor in IT planning. As new products enter the marketplace, vendors often announce that they will no longer provide support for older versions. A lack of vendor support would be an important consideracion in deciding whether or not to upgrade. 2.5 f ACTORS AFFECTING SYSTEMS PROJECTS internal and external factors affecc every business decision that a company makes, and IT projects are no exception. Figure 2-6 shows internal and external factors that shape corporate IT choices. 2.S. I Internal Factors Internal focrors include the strategic plan, top managers, user requests, information technology deparcment, existing systems and data, and company finances. STRATEGIC PLAN: A company's srrategic plan sets the overall direction for the firm and has an importa nt impact on IT projects. Company goals and objectives rhat need IT support will generate sysrems requests and influence IT priorities. A strategic plan that stresses technology rends to create a favorable climate for IT projects that extends throughout the organization. TOP MANAGERS: Because significant resources arc required, top management usu- ally initiates large-scale projects. Those decisions often result from strategic business goals that require new IT systems, more information for decision making processes, or better supporr for mission-critical information systems. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 51 2.5 Factors Affecting Systems Projects External Fact ors Lr------... Teclinology l..__ _ _ _~J Suppliers Government The Economy l. ------ Custome~ Competitors JL- - - - - - FIGURE 2·6 Internal and CKternal factors that affect IT projecrs. As users rely more heavily on information systems to perform their jobs, they arc likely to request even more IT services and support. For example, USER REQUESTS: sales rep might request improvemencs to the company's web ire, a more powerful sales analysis report, a network ro link all sales locations, or an on line S)'Stem that allows customers to obrain the status of their orders instantly. Or, users might nor be satisfied with the current system because it is difficult to learn or lacks flexibtliry. They might want 111formation S)'Stems support for business requirement!> that did nor even exist when the S)'Stem was first developed. Systems project requests come also &om the IT department itself. TT staff members often make recommendations based on their knowledge of business operations and cechno1ogy trends. IT proposals might be strictly technical matters, such as replacement of certain nenvork components, or suggestions might be more business oriented, such as proposing a new reporting or data collection srstem. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT: Errors or problems in existing systems can trigger requests for sysrcms projects. When dealing with older systems, analyses sometimes spend coo much rime reacting ro day-to·day problems without looking at underlying causes. This approach can curn an iniormarion system into a patchwork of corrections and changes that cannot support the company's overa ll business needs. This problem typically occurs with legacy systems, which are older systems rhat are less technologically advanced. When migrating ro a new system, IT pl:inners must plan the conversion of existing data, which is described in detai l in Chapter I I. EXISTING SYSTEMS AND DATA: COMPANY FINANCES: A company's financial status can affect systems projects. If rhe company is going through a difficult time, the project may be postponed until there is more cash available to finance the effort. On the other hand, if the company is enjoying financ ial success, the decision ro embark on a new project may be easier to make. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 52 2.5 Factors Affecting Systems Projects 2.S.2 External Factors Exrernal facrors include technology, suppliers, cusromers, comperiror<;, the economy, and government. Changing technology is a major force affecting business and society in general. For example, the rapid growth of telecommunications, coupled with increased computing power and continuous miniaturization of electronic components, has created entire new industries and technologies, including the proliferarion of smarrphones and the app ecosysrem. Technology also dramatically reshapes existing business opcrarions . The success of scanner technology resulted in universal bar coding rhat now affects vi rtually all products. Some industry experts predict that bar code technology, which is over 40 years o ld, will be overshadowed in the furure by electronic product code (EPC) technology that uses RF ID rags to identify and monitor the movement of each individual product, from the factory floor to the rernil checkout counter. Quick Response codes (QR Codes), as shown in Figure 2-7, are like bar codes bur square in shape. T hey contain more information than traditional ba r codes, but less than RF ID rags. T hey do ha vc the advantage of being less expensive to use than RFID rags, and they can be printed o n a lmost an ything-including online advertisements. The Internet-of-Things (JOT) is a newer development that involves almost all electronic devices con1municating with one another over a comFIGURE 2·7 QR Code. puter network. The communication can use radio signal~, as with RFID cags, digical messages, or other means. loT devices can act as sensors, sending important information to centralized data storage and procetising nodes. IoT devices also raise new security and privacy concerns that the systems analyst must coru.ider. TECHNOLOGY: • SUPPLIERS: With the growth of clcctroaic data interchange (EDI), relationships with suppliers arc crirically importanr. For example, an automobile company might require t hat suppliers code their parts in a certain manner to march rhc auto company's inventor)' conrrol system. EDI also enables just-in-time UIT ) inventory ystems that rely on computer-to-computer data exchange to minimize unneces ary inventory. The purpose of a JIT system is to provide the right products at the right place at rhc right rime. Blockchain technology is a promising mechanism for managing upply chains more powerfully rhan before. Blockchain provides a distributed ledger ysrem that is efficient, secure, transparent. Large companies such as 181\ll are already using blockchain to improve operarions for their customers, such as the Food Trust product shown in Figure 2-8 rhar \'<'almart uses for tracking food safety from grower to consumer. IBM Blockchaln at work ...... ,....~.....nc:rwe,..; -.............. ---·-- __...._,.,._...,..,. ----~----- _........ ,.._..___,. ......._.___.......... ._.. ...__ ..__ ....... ... ._ FIGURE 2·8 IBM 81ockcha1n. -------..... ...... .....--------. _,..._ . .............. ....-......."..__ - .- Sourt• »1( (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 53 2.5 Factors Affecting Systems Projects Customers are virally important 1to any business. Information S)'Stcm that interact with customers usually receive top prioriry. Many companies implement customer relationship management (C RM ) systems char integrate all customer-related event<; and transactions, including marketing, sales, and customer service acnvines. Vendor-oriented CRNI systems often interconnect with supply chain management (SCM) systems, which were discu sed in Chapter 1. CR;\it components can provide automated responses to sales inquiries, online order processing, and inventory tracking. Some suppliers use robots for order fulfillment, such as the Kiva robots shown in Figure 2-9 rhar Amazon.com uses in their warehouses. CUSTOMERS: FIGURE l -9 Amnon Roboucs' Krva robots. Another RFID application is called electronic proof of delivery (EPOD). Using EPOD, a supplier uses RFID tags on each crate, case, or shipping unit ro create a digital shipping list. The customer receives the list and scans rbe incoming shipment. If a discrepancy is detected, iris reported and adjusted automatically. Because they would be expensive ro invesrigare manually, small shipping inconsistencies might nor otherwise be traced. This is an example of technolog)r- related cost control. Competition drives many information systems decisions. For example, if one cellula r telephone provider offers a new cype of digiral service, orher firm s musr match rhe plan in order to remai n competitive. New product research and developmcnr, marketing, sales, and service all require IT support. COMPETITORS: Economic activity bas a powerful influence on corporate information management. In a period of economic expansion, firms need to be rea<ly with i.calable systems that can handle additional volume and growth. Predicting the business cycle is not an exact science, and careful research and planning are important. THE ECONOMY: Federal, stare, and local government regulations directly affect the design of corporate information systems. For example, up-to-dare fRS reporting requiremenrs must be designed into a payroll package. GOVERNMENT: .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2.6 Processing Systems Requests 54 2.6 PROCESSING SYSTEMS REQUESTS In most organizacions, che IT deparcment receives more systems requests than it can hancUe. Many organizations assign responsibility for evaluating systems requests to a group of key managers and users. tvlany companies call this group a systems rC\ iew com mince or a computer resources committee. RegardJess of che name, che objective 1s to use the combined judgn1ent and experience of severaJ analysts co evaluate project requests. 2.6. 1 Systems Request Forms Many organizations use a special form for systems requests, similar to the online sample hown in Figure 2-10. A properly designed form streamlines che request process and ensures consistency. The form must be easy to understand and include clear instructions. It shou ld include enough space for all required information and )hould indicate what supporting documents Tech Support Request Sysleni 1/••r1,.:.. ·"~' ::..·, ~· ,,, "'·'"''· 1 are needed. Most companies use onJine systems request Submit Roqueet forms rh:H users submit electronically because the form can be processed automatically. When a systems request form is received, a systems analyst or IT manager examines it o-awio . . ~ _ _ ., olllllO Cl• co determine what IT resources arc required for the preliminary investigation. A designated person or a committee then decides whether m proceed wirh a prelimmary inve tigation. omerimes, a situation o a - .... o ... requires an immediate response. For example, if the problem involves a mission-critical sysFIGURE 2- 10 Example of an onhne systems request form. tem, an IT maintenance team must restore normal operacions immediately. \'Qhen the sysrem is functioning properly, die ream conduce a review and prepares a systems request to docwnent the work that was perfom1ed. 7 • ) 2.6.2 Systems RequestTools \Xfhen the number of requests su bmitted throug h automated fo rms becomes significant, or if the requests can origi nate from intern al sou rces as well as extern a I customers, special-purpose systems request tools can be used to help manage t he work flow. For example, Figure 2-'l 1 ill ustrates the service request capa bilities from l'nregrify that captures, manages, a nd routes requests to systems analysts based on definable business rules. In th is way, req uests are tracked and analyzed for improved performance. 2.6.3 Systems Review Committee Most large companies use a systems review comminee to evaluate systems requests. Instead of relying on a single individual, a committee approach provides a variety of experience and knowledge. \Vith a broader viewpoint, a committee can establish priorities more effectively t ban an individual, and one person's bias is less likely ro affect the decisions. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gl( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning SS 2.6 Processing Systems Requests A rypical committee consists of C . ··• •' "' .... c • • • • '·' the IT director and several managers or representarives from other Service Request Management departmencs. The IT dirccror usuall)' serve:. as a technical consultant co ensure that committee members are aware of crucial issues, prob~ .... &"!ilil• ~ ---·-----~---- .... · - lems, and opportunities. - ........ - - -..... ,..._ ...................... ~o.. ...,.._,___..., _.. ,... _... Although a committee offers ._ many advantages, some disadvan--~ s..1.....-r .. tagei. exist. For example, action ......... on requescs must wait unri l the committee meets. Another potential disadva ntage of a committee is that members might favor projects req uested by their own departments, and internal polit ical differences could delay important decisio ns. M any sma ller companies re ly FIGURE 2- 11 A service request management system from lntegrify. on one person to evaluate sysrem requests instead of a committee. If only one person has the necessary IT skills and ex perience, t hat person must consult closely with users and managers throughout t he company to ensure that bu5iness and operational needs arc considered carefully. p ::::. GM11o.rno -·----_................... ........... .... .............. ...... --- .. ............. ........ -......................... ... ~ . . . . . . . . . ;ill . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . ..,. _ __ -- -- - -- \Vherher one person or a commitrec is responsible, the goal is to evaluate the requests and ser priorities. Suppose four requests must be reviewed: 1. The marketing group wanes to analyze current customer spending habits and forecast future trends. 2. The technical supporr group wanes a cellular link, so sen•ice representatives can download rechnical dara instantly. 3. The account ing department wanes ro redesjgn customer starements and allow Internet access. 4. The producrion sraff wants an inventory control system that can exchange dara wirh major suppliers. \'<lhich projects should che firm pursue? What criteria should be applied? I low should p riorities be determined? To answer chose questions, the individual or the commirtce m use assess rhc feasibiliry of each request. __ , . . . .CASEJN;.P.OINfl:,.2.2: .. . ,ATITAWAY AIRLINES, ~ RART:: O;,a·> ~ -- ---- ' ·.:4 You are the IT director at Attaway Airlines, a small regional air carrier.You chair the company's systems review committee. and you currently are dealing with strong disagreements about two key projeets. The marketing manager says it is vital to have a new computerized reservation system that can provide better customer service and reduce operational costs.The vice president of finance is equally adamant that a new accounting system is needed immediately because it will be very expensive to adjust the current system to new federal reporting requirements.The VP outranks the marketing manager. and the VP is your boss.The next meeting, which promises to be a real showdown, is set for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. How will you prepare for the meeting! What questions and issues should be discussed! r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ - Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 56 2. 7 Assessing Request Feasibility 2. 7 ASSESSING REQUEST FEASIBILITY As described in Chapter 1, a sysrerns request must pass several tests to see whether it is worthwhile to proceed further. The first step is to identify and weed out systems requests that arc not feasible. For example, a request would not be feasible if it required hardware or software that the company al ready had rejected. Even if the request is feasible, it might not be necessary. For example, a request for multiple versions of a report could require considerable design and programming effort. A bencr alternarive might be to download the server dara ro a personal compurerbased sofnvare package and show users how to produce their own reports. In this case, rraming users would be a bener investment than producing reports for them. Somerimes assessing request feasibility is quite simple and can be done in a few hours. If rhc request involves a new system or a major change, however, extensive fact-finding and investigation in rhe form of feasibility studies are reqwred. 2.7. I Feasibility Studies As shown in Figure 2- 12, a feasibi lity study uses four main yardsticks ro measure a proposal: operational feasibi lity, eco111omic feasibi lity, technical feasibility, and schedule fcasibil icy. How much effort should go into a feasibility study depends on nature of the request. For example, if a deparunent wants an existing report sorted in a different o rder, the analyst can decide quickly whether the request is feasible. On the other hand, a proposal by the marketing department for a new market research system to predict sales trends would require much more effort. Jn either case, the systems analyst should ask these important questions: • ls the proposal desirable in an operational sense? Is it a practical approach char will soh·e a problem or rake advantage of an opporruniry to achieve company goals? • Is the proposal technically feasible? Are the necessary technical resources and people available for the project? • Is rhe proposal economically desirable? What are the projected saving~ and costs? Are ocher intangible factors involved, such as customer satisfocrion or company image? ls the problem worrh solving, and will the request result in a sound business investment? 0pe1"8tlonal • WiH If be easy to team and vse? Schedule • Can we do 11in time? Fualble? =:=a • Economic Will b enefits e'Kceed costs? Technlcel • Do we have the tech resources? FIGURE l -1l A feasibility study examines operational, technical, economic, and schedule factors. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... • Can the proposal be accomplished within an acceptable rime frame? To obtain mo re information about a systems request, ini tial fact-finding migh t be accomplished by stud ying o rganization charts, performing interviews, reviewing current d ocumentation, observing operations, and surveying users. Sometimes, developing prototypes can provide additional insight into the feasibility of the request. If the systems request is approved, more intensive face-finding will continue during the systems analysis phase. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 57 2.7 Assessing Request Feasibility 2.7.2 O perational Feasibility Operational feasibi lity means that a proposed system will be used effectively after ir has been developed. If users have difficulry with a new sysrem, it will nor produce the expected benefits. Orgamtarional culture can also affect operational feasibility. For instance, a system that works well in a highly structured workplace might be very unpopular in a more relaxed corporate culture. Operational feas ibility is difficult ro measure wirh precision but must be studied very carefully. The follo·wing questions would help predict a system's operational feasibility: • • • • • • Does management support the project? Do users support the pro1ecr? ls rhe current !>yi.cem well liked and effectively used? Do users see the need for change? \Xfill the new system result in a workforce reduction? lf so, what will happen to the affected employees? Will the new system require training for users? lf so, is the company prepared to provide the necessary resources for training current employees? Will users be involved in planning rhe new system right from the start? Will rhc new system place any new demands on users or require any operaring changes? For example, will any information be less accessible or produced less frequencly? Will performance decJjne in any way? lf so, will an overall gain co the organizarion outweigh individual losses? Will customers experience adverse effects in any way, either temporarily or permanently? • Will any risk co rhe company's image or goodwill resulc? • Does the development schedule conflict with other company priorities? • Do legal or ethical issues need to be considered? 2.7.l Economic Feasibility Economic feasibility means thar the projected benefits of the proposed !>ystem outweigh the est11nated coses usually considered the total cost of o wnenhip ( fCO), whic h includes ongoing support and maintenance cosrs, as well as acquisition co~ts. To determine TCO, the analyst must estimate coses in each of the folio\\ mg a reas: • People, including IT staff and users • J lardwarc and equipment • Software, including in-house development as well as purchases from vendors • Formal :.tnd informal craining, including peer-to-peer support • • Licenses and fees Consulting expenses • Facility costs • The e~timatcd cost of not developing the system or postponing the project Tangible co~ts, such as those listed above, usually can be measured in dollars. But intangible co~ts also must be considered. For exainple, low employee morale might not have an immediate dollar impact, bur certainly will affect the company's performance. In addition to costs, tangible and inrangible benefits to the company must be assessed. The systems review commirtee will use those figures, along with the cost estimates, to decide whether ro pursue rhe project beyond the preliminary investigation phase. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2. 7 Assessing Request Feasibility 58 Tangible benefi ts are benefits that can be measured in dollars. Tangible benefits result from a decrease in expenses, an increase in revenues, or both. Examples of tangible benefits include the following: • • • A new scheduling l>ysrem that reduces overtime An online package tracking system that improves service and decreases the need for clerical staff A sophisticated inventory control system that curs excess inventory and eliminates production delays lniangible benefits are advantages tbat are difficult to measure in dollars but are important to the company. Examples of intangible benefits include rhe following: • • A user-friendly system that improves employee job satisfaction A sales tracking system that supplies berter information for marketing decisions • A new website that enhances the company's image The development timetable must also be considered, because some benefits mighr occur as soon as rhe system is operational, but others might not rake place until later. 2.7.4 Technical Feasibility Technical feasibility refers to the technical resources needed to develop, purchase, install, or operate the system. When assessing technical feasib ility, an analyst should consider the following points: • Does the company have the necessary hardware, software, and network resources? If not, can those resources be acquired without difficult)•? • Docs the company have the needed technical expertise? If not, can it be acquired? • Does rhe proposed platform have sufficient capacit} for future needs? If not, can it be expanded? Will a prototype be required? • • \Xfill the hardware and software environment be reliable? \Xfill tt integrate with ocher company information systems, both now and in the future? Will ir mrerface properl y with external systems operated by customer~ and suppliers? • Will the combination of hardware and software supply adequate performance? Do clear expecta tions and performance specifications exist? • Will rhe system be able to handle future transaction volume and company growth? Keep in mind that systems requests that are not currently technically feasible cao be resubmitted as new ha rdware, software, or expertise becomes available. Development costs might decrease, or the val ue of benefits might increase enough that a systems request eventua lly becomes feasible. Conversely, an initially feasible project can be rejected later. 2. 7 .S Schedule Feasibility Schedule feasibility means rhar a project can be implemented in an acceptable rime frame. \'V'hen assessing schedule feasibility, a systems analyst must consider the inter· action between time and costs. For example, speeding up a project schedule might make a project feasible, but much more expensive. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 59 2.8 Setting Priorities Other issues that relate ro schedule feasibiliry include the following: • • • • • • Can the company or the IT ream control the factors chat affect schedule feasibiliry? Has management established a firm cimetable for the project? \Xlhar condition~ must be satisfied during the development of the system? \Xlill an accelerated schedule pose any risks? If so, arc the risks acceptable? \Xl11l project management techniques be available to coordinate and control the project? Will a project manager be appointed? Chapter 3 describes various project management tools and techniques. 2.8 SFTTING PRIORITIES After rejecting systems requests that are not feasible, the systems review committee must establish priorities for the remaining items. lf tools are used as part of the review process, the requests may already be in a partially or fully sorted order. The highest priority goes to project requests that provide the greatest benefit, at the lowest cost, in the shortest period of rime. Many faccors, however, influence project evaluation. 2.8.1 Dynamic Priorities It's important to note that many projects are dynamic in nature. For example, projects chat have adopted an agile merhodology are prone ro rapid changes rhroughout the system development lifecycle. These changes can cause request priorities to change as well. For example, acquisition costs mighc increase over time, making the project more expensive than anticipated. This can affect the economic feasibility of a number of requests. In addition, managers and users somecimes lose confidence in a project. For all those reasons, feasibiliry anal)•sis and priority setting are ongoing rask that must be performed throughout the S)'Stems development process. 2.8.2 FactorsThatAffect Priority When assessing a project's priority, a systems analyst should consider the following: • • • • • • • Will the proposed system reduce costs? Where? When? How? By how much? Will the system increase revenue for the company? Where? When? How? By how much? Will the systems project res ul t in more information or produce better results? I low? Are the results measurable? Will rhe system serve customers better? \'(fill the system serve the organization berrer? Can the project be implemented in a reasonable time period? How long will the results last? Are the necessary financial, human, and technical resources available? Few projects will score high in all areas. Some proposals might not reduce costs but will provide important new features. Other systems might reduce operating costs .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2.9 The Preliminary Investigation 60 substantially but require che purchase or lease of additional hardware. Some systems might be very desirable but require several years of development before producing significant benefits. \'<lhenever possible, the analyst should use tangible costs and benefits that can be measured in dollars. However, the proposal might invoh·e intangible benefits, such as enhancing the organization's image, raising employee morale, or improving customer service. These examples are harder to measu re but should aJ50 be considered. 2.8.3 Disc~tionary and Nondiscretionary Projects Pro1eccs where management has a choice in implementing chem are called di~crecion ary project!;. Projects where no choice exists are called nondiscretionary projects. Creating a new report for a user is an example of a discretionary project; adding a reporc required by a new federal law is an example of a nondiscretionary project. If a particular project is not discretionary, the systems analyst should ask if it is really necessary for the systems review committee to evaluate it. Some people believe th:i t waiting for com111irtee approval delays critical nondiscrecionary projects unnecessarily. Others believe t bat submitting all requests to the systems review keeps the committee aware of all projects that compete for IT resources. As a resul t, the committee can review priorities and create realistic schedules. Many nondiscrerionary projects are predictable. Examples include annual updates ro payroll, cax percentages, or quarterly changes in reporting requirements for an insurance processing system. By planning ahead for predictable projects, the IT department manages its resources berrer and keeps the systems review committee fully informed without needing prior approval in every case. Back at Ar.u.way Airlines, the morning meeting ended with no agreement between the VP of finance and the marketing manager. In fact, a new issue arose.The VP now says that the new accounting system is entided to the highest priority because the federal government soon will require the reporting of certain types of company-paid health insurance premiums. Because the current system will not handle this report. the VP insists that the entire accounting system is a nondiscretionary project. As you might expect. the marketing manager Is upset. Can pare of a project be nondiscretionary? What issues need co be discussed/ The committee meets again tomorrow. and the members will look to you. as the IT director, for guidance. 2. 9 THE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION A systems analyst conducts a prelimina ry investigation to study the systems request and recommend specific action. After obtain ing an authorization to proceed, the analyst interacts wirh managers, users, and other stakeholders, as shown in the model in Figure 2-13. The analyst garhers faces about the problem or opportunity, project scope and constraints, project benefits, and estimated development rime and coses. T he end produce of the preliminary investigation is a report to management. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase I Systems Planning 61 2.9 The Preliminary Investigation 2.9.1 Planning the Preliminary Investigation Before starting a preliminary inve rigarion, iris importanr co let Problem or people know about chc invcstigarion and explain the role of the Benefits Opportunity system analyst. 1\lleetings with key managers, users, and ocher stakeholders such as the rT staff should be scheduled, to describe the proiect, e'<plain roles and responsibilities, answer questions, and invite comments. Interactive communication with users starts at this point and continues throughout the development Projec1 Scope Costs and Cons1ra1nts process. A systems project often produces significant changes in company operarions. Employees may be curious, concerned, or even opposed to those changes. It is not surprising ro encounter some user resistance during a preliminary investigation. Report to Management J Employee attitudes and reactions arc important and must be considered. FIGURE 2- 13 Model ofa preliminary When interacting with users, use t he word problem careInvestigation. Note the Importance of fact-finding fully, because ir has a negative meaning. When users are asked In each of the four areas. about problems, some will stress current system limita tions rather than desirable new features or enha ncements. Instead of focusing on difficulties, question users about additional capabi lity they would like to have. This approach highlights ways to improve the user's job, provides a better understanding of operations, and builds better, more positive relationships with users. 2.9.2 Pe rforming the Preliminary Investigation During a preluninary investigation, a systems analyst typically follows a series of steps, as ~hown in Figure 2-14. The exact procedure depends on the nature of the request, the size of the project, and the degree of urgency. Step I: Understand t he Problem or O pportunity lf the systems request mvolves a new informacion system or a substantial change 111 an existing syscem, sysre1ns analysts might need co develop a business profile chat descnbes current business processes and funcrioos, as explained in Chapter I. Even where the request involves relatively minor changes or enhancements, how chose modifications will affect business operations and ocher information systems must be understood. Often a change in one system has an unexpected ripple effect on another system. When a systems request is analyzed, which departmen ts, users, and business processes are involved must be determined. Jn many cases, the systems request does not reveal the underlying problem, bur only a symptom. For example, a request to invest igate centralized processing delays might reveal improper scheduling practices rather than hardware problems. Similarly, a request for analysis of customer complaints might disclose a lack of sales representative training, rather than problems with the product. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - • • • 0 Undersland the problem or opponun11y _J Dehne fhe pro1ect sc;ope and consframts Perform lact-fond1ng • Analyze organlzauon charts • Review documentauon • Observe operaflons • Conducf a user survey Study usablhty, cost, benefit. and schedule data Evaluate feaslbllity 0 • Operational • Technical • Economic • Schedule FIGURE 2- 1 ~ Five main steps in a typical preliminary invesug~uon. -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2. 9 The Preliminary Investigation 62 A popular rechnique for investigaring causes and effecrs is called a fi 5hbone diag ram, a shown in Figure 2-15. A fishbone diagram is an analysis cool rhar represenrs the possible causes of a problem as a graphical ourline. \Vhen using a fish bone diagram, an analyse firsr scares rhe problem and draws a main bone wirh sub-bones chat rcpresenr possible causes of rhe problem. In rhe example shown in Figure 2-15, rhe problem is Low M orale, and rhe analyst has identified four areas to investigate: £11vironme11t, People, Management, and Mac/1111es. In each area, the analyst idenrifies possible causes and draws chem as horizontal sub-bones. For example, Temp too hot or cold is a possible cause in rhe £11viro11me11t bone. For each cause, the analyse muse dig deeper and ask rhe quesrion: Whar could be causing this symprom co occur? For example, why is it too hoc? If the answer is a Faulty thermostat, rhe analyst indicates this as a sub-bone co rhe Temp too hot or cold cause. In ch is manner, the anal yst adds addirional sub-bones to the diagram, until he or she uncovers root causes of a problem, rather than just the symptoms. fl! •• ~- - ---~-- ·- _....... ·--·- :. .... • - -- • •• , •• - ... FIGURE l - 1S A fishbone diagram displays the causes of a problem.Typically, you must dig deeper to identify anual causes rather than just symptoms Step 2: Define the Project Scope and Constraints Determining the project scope means defining the specific boundaries, or extent, of the project. For example, a statemen't that, payroll is not being produced accurate/)' is very general, compared with the statement, overtime pay is 1101 being calc11/ated correctly (or production workers on the second shift at the Yorktown pla11t. Similarly, the statement, the project scope is to modify the accounts receivable system, is not as specific as the sta tement, the project scope is to allow customers to inquire 011/i11e about acco1111t balances and recent transactions. Some analysrs find it helpful ro define project scope by creating a list with sections called Nfust Do, Should Do, Could Do, and W/011't Do. T his list can be reviewed later, during the systems analysis phase, when the systems requirements document is developed. Projects with very general scope definitions are at risk of expanding gradually, without specific au thorization, in a process called project creep. To avoid thi~ problem, project scope should be defined as clearly as possible. A graphical model 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 63 2.9 The Preliminary Investigation that shows the systems, people, and business processes that will be affected is sometimes useful. The scope of the project also establishes the boundaries of the preliminary investigation itself. A systems analyst should limit the focus to the problem at hand and avoid unnecessary expendirure of time and money. Along with defining the scope of the project, any constraincs on the '>)'Stem must be identified. A con~traint is a requirement or condition that the system must .,arisfy or an outcome that the system must achieve. A constraint can im·olve hardware, software, rime, policy, law, or cosr. System constraints also define project cope. For example, if the system must operate with cxisring hardware, that is a constraint that affects porential solutions. Other examples of consrraincs are: • The order entry sy!.rem must accept input from 15 remote site . • The human resources information system must produce statistics on hiring practices. The new website must be operational by March 1. • When examining constraints, their characteristics should be identified, as follows. PRESENTVERSUS FUTURE: Is t he constraint something that must be met as soon as the system is developed or modified, or is the constraint necessary ar some fucure time? Ls the consrrainr due ro a requirement within the organization, or docs some external force, such as government regulation, impose it? INTERNAL VERSUS EXTERNAL: MANDATORY VERSUS DESIRABLE: Is the coosuaint mandatory? ls it absolutely essential to meet rhe constraint, or is ir merely desirable? Figure 2-16 shows five examples of constraints. Notice rhar each constraint has three characterisrics, which arc indjcarcd by ics position in the figure and by the srmbol thac represents the consrrainr, as follows: Sample Constrai nts Shown byTlming, Type, and Urgency ("'E;';'mple A: New IRS I ~must be used 1n !he payroll system as I Example B: Sometime neX1 year our largest cus1omer wdl require a seounty code for all onhne transactlOlls as poSSlble Future Present I • Mandatory constraint • £ • Desirable constraint Internal Example C: Managemen1 prefers that the project be completed now rather than next quarter Example 0 : Starting next week, the marketing system must track all repeat visits to the webslle. Example E: To reduce raw material costs. we should build supply chain management capabthty Into lhe next versoo of our purcnasmg system FIGURE l - t 6 Examples of v.1nous types of constraints. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2. 9 The Preliminary Investigation 64 • • The consrraint in Example A is presenr, external, and mandatory. The constraint in Example B is future, external, and mandatory. • The constraint in Example C is present, internal, and desirable. • The constrJint in Example D is present, internal, and mandatory. • The con rrainr in Example Eis future, interna~ and desirable. Regardless of the type, all constraints should be identified as early as possible to avoid future problems and surprises. A clear definition of project scope and constraints avoids misunderstandings that arise when managers assume that the system will have a certain feature or support for a project, but later find that the feature is nor included. Ste p 3: Pe rform Fact-Finding The object ive of face- finding is to gather data about project usability, costs, benefits, ;ind schedules. Fact-finding involves various techniques, which arc described below. Depending on what info rmation is need ed to investigate the systems request, fact-finding mig ht cons ume several hours, days, or weeks. For example, a change in a report forma t o r data entry screen might requ ire a single telephone call or emai l message to a use r, whereas a new inventory system wou ld involve a series of interviews. During fact- finding, the analyst might analyze organization charts, conduct interviews, review current d ocumentation, observe operations, and carry out a user survey. ANALYZE ORGANIZATIO N CHARTS: An analyst will not alway~ know the organi- .tational structure of departments involved in the study. Organization charts should be obtained to understand the functions and identify people to interview. If organization charts are not available, or are out-of-date, the necessary information should be obtained from department personnel and construct the charts, as shown in Figure 2-17. Even when c harts are available, their accuracy should be ve rified. Keep in mind t hat an organization chart shows formal reporting relationships but nor the informal alignment of a group, which also is important. CONDUCT INTERVIEWS: The Customer Service Department primary merhod of obraining informatio n during the preliminary investigation is the interview. The interviewing process involves a series of steps: 1. Determine the people to interview. 2. Establish objecri vcs for t he interview. - 3. Develop interview questions. ~ FIGURE 2- 17 Specialo:z.ed tools such as MlcrosoftVisoo an be used to draw organizational charu. but general purpose presentation tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint shown here can also be used. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 4. Prepare for the interview. 5. Conduct the interview. 6. Document the interview. 7. Evaluate rhe interview. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 65 2.9 The Preliminary Investigation These seven steps arc discussed in derail in Chapter 4, which describes fact-finding techniques that occur during the systems analysis phase of the SDLC. Rememher that the purpose of the interview, and of che preliminary mvestiganon itself, is co uncover facts, nor ro convince others char che project is justified. The analyst's primary role in an interview is co ask effective questions and listen carefully. If several people will be asked about the same topic, a standard set of questions for all the interviews should be prepared. Also be sure to include open-ended que ttons, such as " \Xlhat else do you think I should know about the system?" or .. Is there any other relevant information that we have not discussed?"' \'(!hen conducting interviews during the preliminary investigation, interview managers and supervisors who have a broad knowledge of the system and can provide an overview of the business processes involved. Depending on the situation, talking to operational personnel to learn how the system functions on a day-to-day basis may also be helpful. REVIEW DOCUMENTATION: Although interviews are an extremely important method of obtaining information, investigating the current system documentation is also useful. The documentation might nor be up ro dare, so check with users co confirm that the informa tion is accurate a nd complete. Another fact-finding method is to observe the current system in operation. Observe how workers carry out typical tasks. Trace or follow the actual paths taken by input source documents or output reports. ln addition to observing operations, consider sampling the inputs or outputs of the system. Using sampling techniques described in Chapter 4, valuable information about the nature and frequency of the problem can be obtained. OBSERVE OPERATIONS: Interviews can be rime consuming. Sometimes information from a larger group can be obtained by conducting a user survey. In this case, design a form that users complete and reru rn for cabularion. A survc}' is nor as Aexible as a series of interviews, bur ir is less expensive, generally rakes less time, and can involve a broad cross-secrion of Pareto Chart: Inventory System Errors people. CONDUCT A USER SURVEY: ANALYZE THE DATA: Systems analysts use many techniques to locate the source of a problem. For example, the Pareto chart is a widely used tool for visualizing issues that need attention. Named for a nineteenth century economist, a Pareto chart is drawn as a vertical bar graph, as shown in Figure 2- J 8. The bars, which represent various causes of a problem, are arranged in descending order, so the team can focus on the most important causes. ln the example shown, a systems analyst mighr use a Pareto chart to learn more about the causes of inventory system problems, so that necessary improvements can be made. .........""_.. ... .-................. - ..... FIGURE l -18 A Pareto chart displays the causes ofa problem. in priority order. so an analyst can tackle the most lmpon:ant cases first. In this example. the part number issue would be the obvious starting point. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- - -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2. 9 The Preliminary Investigation 66 The XY chart, somerimes called a scatter diagnim, is anorher problem-solving root. Often, an :malysr looks for a correlation becween two variables. For example, suppose complainrs are received about network response time, and rhe cause needs robe derermined. The analyst would rry to identify variables, such as rhe number of users, to see whecher there is a correlation, or pan ern. Figure 2- 19 shows rwo XY charts wirh dara samples. The firsr chart sample would suggest thar rhere is no corrclacion __ .. .• .. . ... ~- ............... --..._ - ·• .. 0-. .... _ • - .A . II - '• - ........... - .... .. • • - ·- p I ~ • Network Response Time vs. Number of Users .. . .. •• .. •• --- n ...... t • n...,...1 • .,.. --- • • • -- •• • p I . ... • • ......_ Network Response Time vs. Number of Users .. .. •..... -1 ... .. " • • - - .. ... r - • • -~· • .. FIGURE 2- 19 An XY chart shows correlation between variables, which is very important in problem solving. Conversely, a lack of correlation suggests that the vari:lbles are independent. and that you should look elsewhere for the cause. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,...... .,..~ __.~~ c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 67 2.9 The Preliminary Investigation between the delays and the number of users, so the analyst would look elsewhere for the source of the problem. However, if the data resembles the second XY sample, it indicates a strong relationship between the number of users and the longer response rimes. Thar informanon would be extremely valuable in the problem-solving process. Step 4:Analyze Project Usability, Cost, Be nefit, and Schedule Data During fact-finding, data is gathered about the project's predicted cosrs, anticipated benefits, and chedule issues that could affect implementation. Before feasibilit y can be evaluated, this data must be analyzed carefuUy. If interviews were conducted or surveys used, the data should be tabulated to make it easier to understand. If current operations were observed, the results should be reviewed and key facts that will be useful in the feasibihry analysis highlighted. If cost and benefit data were gathered, financial analysis and impact statements can be prepared using spreadsheets and other decision-support tools. Also, time and cost estimates should be developed for the requirements modeling tasks for the next SDLC phase, systems analysis. Specifically, the following should be considered: • What informa tion must be obta ined, and how will it be gathered and analyzed? • Who will conduct the interviews? How many people will be interviewed, and how much time will be needed to meet with the people and i.umnrnrize their responses? \'(fill a survey be conducted? Who will be involved? How much time will it cake people to complete it? How much rime will it take to tabulate the results? • • How much will it cost to :rnalyze che information and prepare a report with findings and recommendations? Step S: Evaluate Feasibility At chis point, the problem or opportunity has been analyzed, the proiect scope and consrraincs have been defined, and fact-finding has been performed ro evaluate project usab1liry, costs, benefits, and time constraints. The next step is to as ess the project'!> feasibility, beginning wi th reviewing che answers to the questions listed in Section 2.7. The following guidelines should also be considered: OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY: Fact-finding should have included a review of user needs, requirements, and expectations. When this data is analyzed, look for areas that might present problems for system users and how chey might be resolved. Because operational feasibility mea ns that a system will be used effectively, this is a vital area of concern. ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY: Using che fact-findi ng data, financia l ana lysis tools can be applied to :i~sess feas ihiliry. The cost-benefit da ra will be an important factor fo r management co consider. Also, a cost estimate for the project development ream wi ll be built into the project management plan. TECHN ICAL FEASIBILITY: The fact-finding data should identify the hardware, soft- ware, and network resources needed co develop, install, and operate the system. \~ith this data, a checklist can be developed that will highlight technical costs and concerns, if any. SCHEDULE FEASIBILITY: The fact-finding data should include stakeholder expec- tations regarding acceptable timing and completion dares. As mentioned previously, .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case 2. 9 The Preliminary Investigation 68 often a trade-off exisrs berween a project's schedule and its cosrs. For example, compressing a projecr schedule mighr be possible, but only if the budget is increased accordingly co add ext ra personnel. The schedule data will be incorporated into the pro1cct plan in che form of task durations and milestones. At rhis stage of the preliminary investigation, there are several alrernarives. It might be rhat no action is necessary or thar some other srrateg)', such as addirional training, is needed. To solve a minor problem, a simple solurion might be chosen wirhour performing further analysis. In other situations, it will be recommended that rhe project proceed to the next phase, which is systems analysis. 2.9.3 Summarizing the Preliminary Investigation The fina l cask in the preliminary investigation is to summarize the results and recommendations, which can be conveying to management in a report and/or in a presentation. The written report and the oral presentation are examples of the need for systems analysts to develop strong conu11unicacions skills. The report includes an evaluation of the systems request, ao estimate of costs and benefits, and a case for actio n, which is a summary of che pi:oject reques t and a specific recommenda tion. T he spcci fie format of a preliminary investigation report varies. A typical report might consist of the fo llowing sections: • /ntroductio11-tbe fi rst section is an overview of che reporc. The introduction contains a brief description of the system, the name of the person or group who performed the investigation, and the name of the person or group who initiated the investigation. • Systems Request Summary-the summary describes the basis of the systems request. • • • • • • findings-the findings section contains the res ults of che preliminar)' investigation, including a descriptjoa of the project's scope, constraints, and feasibiliry. Recommendations-a summary of the project request and a specific recommendation. Management will make the final dec1s1on, but the IT department's input is an important factor. Pro1ect Roles-this section lists the people who will participate in the project and describes each person's role. Time and Cost Estimates- this section describes the cost of acquiring and installing the system, and che coral cost of ownership during the system's useful life. Intangible costs a lso shou ld be noted. Expected Benefits-this section incl udes anticipated tangible and intangible benefits and a timetable that shows when they are to occur. Appendix- an ap pendix is included in the report if supporting information must be attac hed. For example, the interviews conducted might be listed, the documencacion reviewed, and other sources for the information obtained. Detailed interview reporrs do not need to be included, but those documents that support t he report's findings should be retained for future reference. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 2. 10 Summa ry As a new systems analyst at Premier Financial Services. you are getting quite an education. You report to the IT manager, who also chairs the systems review committee. Several months ago. the committee rejected a request from the finance director for an expensive new accounts payable system because the benefits did not appear to outweigh the costs. Yesterday. the IT manager's boss asked the IT manager to reconsider the finance director's request. and to persuade the other members to approve it. The IT manager wanted to discuss the merits of the request, but the discuss ion was cut off rather abruptly. It turns out the IT manager's boss and the finance director are longtime friends. The IT manager is now very uncomfortable meeting with her boss. She believes the directive to reconsider the finance director's request would undermine the integrity of the systems review process. She feels it would be unethical to grant preferred treatment just because a friendship is involved. She is thinking of submitting a request to step down as review committee chair, even though that might harm her career at the company. Is this an ethical question, or just a matter of office politics? What would you do if you were the IT manager! 2. I 0 SUMMARY Systems plann ing is rhe firsr phase of rhe systems development life cycle. Effective information systems help an organization support irs business processes, carry out its mission, and serve its stakeholders. During strategic planning, a company examines its purpose, vision, and values and develops a mission scacement, which leads to goals, objecttve!>, day-to-day operauons, and business resulcs that affect compan)' stakeholders. SWOT analysis exammes strengths, weaknesses, opponumries, and threats. S\XIOT analysis can be u ed at the enterprise level and for mdividual pro1ect~. During the }'Stems planning phase, an analyse reviews the busines~ case, which is the basis, or reason, for a proposed system. A business case should de cribe the project clearly, provide the jusrificarion to proceed, and estimate rhe project's financial impact. Sy~tem~ projects are initiaced co improve performance, provide more information, reduce costs, strengthen controls, or provide bener service. Various internal and external factors affect syscems projects, such as user requests, top management directives, existing sy~tems, the IT depa rtment, software and hardware vendors, technology, cu~­ tomers, competitors, the economy, and government. Duri ng the preliminary investigation, the analyst evaluates the systems request and determine~ whether the project is feasible from an o perational, technical, economic, and schedule standpoi nt. Analysts evaluate systems requests on the basis of their expected costs and benefits, both tangible and intangible. The steps in the preliminary in vestigation are to understand the problem or opportunity; define the project scope and constraints; perform fact-finding; analyze project usability, cost, benefit, and schedule dara; evaluate feasibility; and present results and recommendations to management. During the preliminary investigation, analysts often use investigative rools such as fishbone diagrams, Pareto charts, and XY charts. The last cask in a preliminary invescigarion is to prepare a report to management. The report must include an estimate of time, staffing requirements, cosrs, benefits, and expected results for the next phase of the SDLC. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ 69 Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case Key Terms 70 Ke y Te rms biomclric de' kes A mech3ntSm used co uniquely identify a per~n by J rcuna scan or b> mJpping J fa"al panern. blod..-h.un A distributed ledger srstem. The technology underl}1ng B11corn. bu'"''"'' ""'" Refer' to the rca>On>, or ju.cification, for a propo"11. ca\c: for a•"l1on A part of the prd1m111ary 1n\'e>t1gat1on report to mdna11c:ment that \ummar11e> pro1c.t rcque\r. and make> ,pcxific recommendation,. computer resources commim~e A group oi key managers and users responsible for cvaluanng systems requests. Inc rcrm "systems review commircee ~ is also used. constraint A requirement or a condirion rhar rhe sysrem must satisf>' or an ourcomc chat 1he system muse achieve. critical \Uccc" focwrs Viral objectives that mu>t be achieved for rhe entcrpri>e m fulfill ir' mi,,,ion. cu,ttuncr rdatiomhip nurna11ement (CRM) l\fany companie; implement 'Y'len1' to mtci;rotc all cU\lomer·rdarcd event> and tran,action'> including mnrkcrin11, >ale,, and ""l<>mer wrvicc activitics. discrc1i0Mry projects Where managemenr has a cboice in implementing a pro1ect, rhey arc c;11ied d1screrionJry. l·or example, cre:iring a new reporr for a user is .111 example of .1 discreuonary pro1ccr. economic fcas1b1lit)' Achieved if the projecred benefits of rhe proposed system ou1we1gh rhc csrirnarcd cosrs involved in acquiring, installing, and operating ir. clcccrnnic darn interchange !EDT) The exchange of busine's document\ hctwccn compute" ll'ing a scan· Jard clcctronk format. dcuronic produu ~ode (EPCJ Technology char U!>l"> RFID la);) co idcntit) and monicor chc movement of each 1nd1ndual product, from rhc factory Aoor ro the retail chc~kolll counter. dcctron1c proof of dcli''l'f} (U'OO) A supplier uses RHD t.igs 011 e.ich cr.ite. case, or shipping unu ro crearc J d1giral shipping hsr ro verify receipt oi goods. cncrypuon A process where data is coded (oonverted into unrc.idable char.1cters) so char only those wnh the required authorization can access the da1a. fi,hhonc diagram \n analy-;is rool rhar represenrs rhe pos'>ible cau<e<> of a problem a< a graphical nm· line. ""'.:ailed an bhikawa <liah'l"am. intang1hlc hencfih Po\1ll•c ouKomcs that a~ difficult to mea~ure 1n dollars. Howc\'cr, intangible hcne· fib can he very important m che calculation of economic fca>1b1hry. An c'<amplc of an intan111blc hen· cfir m1ghr he a new wch<ite rhar improve-; a company'' ima11e. intangible co-.s lrems that are difficulr ro measure in dollar remlS, such a~ employee d1~sa11~focnon. ln1emc1 of Thing~ (IOT) Devices connected to one anorhcr over a computer nerwork. j1M m·rimc (]TT) The exchange or dclh·ery of informanon when and where It i< needed. For c-camplc, just·m·rimc 11wcntory sysrcms rely on compmer-co-compurer darn exchange rn minimize unncccs"3ry 111ven1ory. 111i,)io11 ~1a1c111cnt 1\ documcnr or >ratcmenr rbar <lc;c1·ibes 1hr.: company for Ill• stakeholder; and bricny ' rare' the company's overall purpose, produces, services, and value,. nond1scrctionary pro1ccts Where managemem has no choice in 1mplemcnt111g a pro1ccr, they ore called nond1screrionar)'· For example, adding a report required by a new fedcrJI law. operational fca~ib1lit)' A •y,rcm char that will be used effecth•cly afrcr i1 has hccn developed. Parero chart \vertical har graph named for a nineceench century economist. The bar<, which rcpre<cm 'arn>u., cau~e~ of a problem, are arranged in descending order, o;o rhe reJm can focu< on rhc mmr 11nport.1nt cau>e>. prd1minal"} 10\C\llga11on An mmal :malysIS to clearly 1dennfy the namre and scope of the business opportumry or problem. Al,o called a feasibilicy study. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase I Systems Planning 71 Key Terms pro1cct cr•-ep !"he procco~ b> which projects with ,.et) general scope definirions exp.ind gradual!)." 11h· out ~pcc1ftc .1u1horua11on. proi«t \.:ope A ~pc..1fic dctcrmmanon of a pro1en's boundaries or extent. \c.ttter diagram A tool u\cd hy 'Y'lem anal)\"' co graphicall) show the corrd;mon between two variabl~. Al'-<> c..1llcd an XY chart. \cbcdulc fcas1biliry A proiect can be 1mplcmemed in an acceptable rune frame. str.1t1:111c planomg Inc process o( 1dennfy1ng long-rerm orga nizanonal goals. s1rateg1es, and resource. 'iWOT analy\1' An c~ammarion of a company'• srreni,'ths (S), wcaknc•scs (W ), oppnrruni11c' (0), and threat• (T). \}'>tern\ rcquc•t A formal appeal m rhe IT departmem rhar describes problem\ or de\ired chanitc' in an information •>''lean ur hu\lnes• proces;. Ti mighr propose t.>nham:emenl:!> for an exi;uni; 'Y>tem, the corrcx:1iun of problem,, 01 the devdvpment vf an entirely new system. systems renew commiuee A group of key nunagers and users responsible for cvalu.11mg systems requests. The term computer resources committee is somerimes J!so used. tangible benefit~ Pomivc o utcomes that can be measured in dollars. The)' can resulr from ,1 decrc.1se 1n expenses. an increase in revenues, or botb. tangible cmi. f.xpen•cs that haven ~pecific dollar value. Examples include employee o;al.iric• and hard ware pun.. ha>c,. U!thnital fca.,ihilil) \Vhcn an ori:ani1:1ri11n ha~ the resources to develop or purcha_,e, 1mtall, and operate rhc ~JMcm. 101.il co~1 of o" ocrsh1p (TCO) A number used in assessing costs. which tndudes oogomg suppon .ind numrenJnct costs, .1s well a~ acqu1sinon cosrs. XY chart A tool used b> S)Stcm analysts 10 graphie<1lly show rhe corrcla1ion between mo \ar1.1hlcs. Also called J scancr diagram. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 2 Analyzing the Business Case Exercises 72 Exercises Questions 1. Why should a S)'Stems analyst be interested in strategic planmng? 2. Lisr the four factors invoked in a S\'V'OT analysis. 3. Describe how CASE rools can support strategic planning. 4. List five que~tions rhe business case should answer. 5. What arc the six main reasons for sysrems requests? 6. Explain the two main factors affecting systems requescs. 7. Describe the role of rhc sy~rems review committee in processing systems requests. 8. Define operational, economic, technical, and schedule feasibility. 9. List seven questions the sysrcms analyst should consider when assessing project priorities. 10. What are rhe five seeps of :i prel iminary investigation? Discussion Topics 1. One of your coworkers says, "Mission statements are nice, but rhey really don'r change things down here where rhc work gets done." How would you reply? 2. Discuss how a company's financial status can affect systems projects. 3. The vice prc~idenr of accounting ~ays to you, the IT direcror, "This request procedure takes too long. My people know what they are doing, and their systems requests are necessary and important." She ~uggcsts char the IT deparrmenr bypass rhe initial seeps and immediately get ro work on her requesrs. What would you say ro her? 4. When setting prioriries for system requests, the highest priority goes to projects that provide rhe great· e~t benefit, at the lowest cost, in rhe shortest period of time. H ow would you reconcile projects thar can produce good results in che shorr rerm versus projects rbac can produce excellent resulcs in rhe long term? 5. The final cask 1n rhe preliminar)' invesngation is to summan1e chc r~ults and recommendations in a report and/o r 1n a presenrarion. Which form of communicarion, wrirren or oral, do you chink is rhe most effci.-ri'e for come)·ing your findings co managemenc? Projects 1. Use rhe lnrcrncr rn find rluec examples of corporare mission stacemcncs. 2. Prepare a SWOT anal)·sis of your school or your employer. 3. A mind map is a diagram used ro visua ll y organize information. ldencify a tool rhat supports the crcacion of mind maps and explain how they can be a valuable part of srraregic planning. 4. Visit che website for an IT magazine and find an article chac discusses business cases. Summarize rhe article and what you learned from it. 5. Think of a problem you have experienced ar school or at work and draw a sample fishbone diagram with at lease two levels. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects Managing Systems Projects Chapte r 3 is the final chapter in the systems planning phase of the SDLC. This chapter describes project management and explains how to plan, schedule, monitor, and report on IT projects. LEARNING OBJECTIVES When you fi11ish this chapter, you shottld be able to: 1. Wustrate pro1ect priorities in the form of a project triangle 2. E..xplain project planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporting 3. Create a work breakdown srrucrure 4. Identify cask pattern~ 5. Calculate a project's crirical parh 6. Describe project monitoring and concrol techniques Lo keep a project on sc hedule 7. Explain how project starus is reported 8. Describe project management sofrware and how it can be of assisrance 9. Create a risk m:magcmcnt plan 10. Describe why projects sometimes fail The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion q,uestions to help contextualize the concepts described in the teXt. The "Question or Ethics" considers the implications of raising awareness of a project going astray even when the project manager Is reluctant to do so. CONTENTS 3.1 Overview of Project Nlanagemcnt 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdown Structure Case in Point 3.J: Sunr1~e Software 3.3 Task Patterns Case in Point 3.2: Parallel Sernces 3.4 The Critical Path 3 .5 Project Monitoring and Control 3.6 Reporting 3 .7 Project ~1anagement Software 3 .8 Risk Management 3 .9 Managing for Succes~ Case in Point 3.3: Ju ~r-in-lime Software A Question of Ethics 3.10 Summary Key Terms Exercises r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase I Systems Planning 75 3.1 Overview of Project Management 3.1 OvERv1cw OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Many professionals manage business and personal projects every day bur do nor always give it much thought. The management process for developing an information system or working on a construction project is much the same. The only difference is the nature of the project. To manage a large-scale IT project, specific tools and techniques arc needed. A project manager is also needed, someone who is responsible for overseeing all relevant tasks. Project management for IT professionals includes planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling, and reporting on information S)'Stcm development. A project manager will break rhe project dow11 into individual tasks, determine the order in which the tasks need to be performed, and figure out how long each task will take. \Xlith this informarion, Gantt charts or PERT/CPM charts can be used to schedule and manage the work. Microsoft Project is a popular project management roof that can help create and then monitor the project plan, report progress, and u~e risk management to make rhc whole process easier for everyone. 3. 1.1 W hat Shapes a Project? A succe~sful project must be completed on time, be within budget, and deliver a quality product that satisfies users and meets requirements. Project management techniques can be used throughout the SDLC. Systems developers can initiate a formal project as early as the preliminary investigation stage, or later on, as analysis, design, and implementarion acrivities occur. Systems development projects tend to be dynamic and challenging. There is always a balance between constraints, which '-\'as discussed in Chapter 2, and interactive clements such as project cost, scope, and time. 3. 1.2 W hat Is a ProjectTriangle? Figure 3-1 shows a very simple example of a project triangle. for each PICK ANY TWO FIGURE l· I You can't get everything you want; you have to make chokes. project, it must be decided what is most important, because the work cannot be good and fast and cheap. When it comes to project management, things are not quite so simple. Decisions do nor need to be all-or-nothing but recognize that any change in one leg of the triangle "rill affect the other two legs. Figure 3-2 represents a common view of a project triangle, where the three legs are cost, scope, and time. The challenge is to find rhe optimal balance among these factors. Most successful project managers rely on personal experience, communication ability, and resourcefulness. For example, if an exrremely time-critical project starts to slip, the project man~1gcr might have to rrim some features, seek approval for a budget increase, add new personnel, or a combination of all three actions. On its website, Microsoft offers an interesting suggestion for project managers who h:ive a project at risk: Find the "stuck side" of the triangle. Microsoft states that in most projects, at Time least one side of the triangle is fixed and unlikely co change. It might be a budget cast in stone, a scope that is inflexible, FIGURE l·l A typical project triangle includes or a schedule driven by factors beyond the firm's control. coSt. scope. and time. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 76 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdown Structure \~hi chever side is fixed is probably crirical co rhe projecr's success. The leg where the problem re ides must also be identified: cost, scope, or rime. 3. 1.3 What Does a Project Manager Do? \~hether a pro1ect involves a new office building or an informauon system, good leadership is essential. In a sysrems project, rhe project manager, or pro ject leader, usually 1s a senior sy rems analyst or an IT department manager 1f the project 1s large. An analyst or a programmer/analyst might manage smaller projects. In addition to the project manager, mo t large projects have a project coordinator. A project coordinator handles administrative responsibilities for the ream and negotiates with users who might have conflicting requi rements or want changes that would require additional time or expense. Project managers typically perforn1 four activities or functions: planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporti11g: • • Project planning includes identifying all project rasks and esrimaring rhe completion rime and cost of each. Project scheduling involves the creation of a specific timetable, usually in the form of charrs that show tasks, task dependencies, and critical casks thar might delay the project. Scheduling also involves selecting and staffing rhe project rea m and assigning specific tasks co ream members. Project scheduling uses Gantt charts and PERT/CPNl charts, which are explained in rhe following sections. • Project moniroring requires guiding, supervising, and coordmaring the project • team's workload. The project manager must monitor the progress, evaluate the results, and rake corrective action when necessary to control the project and stay on target. Project rcponing includes regular progress reports to management, users, and the project team itself. Effective reporting requires srrong communication skills and a sense of what others want and need to know about the pro1ect. The following sections describe the project planning and scheduling steps: how ro create a work breakdown structure, identify task patterns, and calculate the project's critical parh. 3.2 CREATING A WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE A work breakdown structure (WBS) involves breaking a project down into a series of smaller tasks. Before creating WBSs, the two primary chart types should be understood: Gantt charts and PERT/CPM charts. 3.2.1 G antt Charts I lenry L. Gantt, a mechanical engineer and management consultant, developed Gantt charts almost I 00 years ago. His goal was to design a chart that could show planned and actual progress on a project. A Gann chart is a horizontal bar chart chat represents a sec of tasks. For example, the Gantt chart in Figure 3-3 displays five casks in a vertical arra y, with time shown on the horizontal axis. The position of the bar shows the planned starti ng a nd ending time of each task, and the length of rhe bar indicates it~ duration. On the horizontal axis, time can be shown as elapsed rime (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 77 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdown Structure from a fixed starting point or as actual calendar dates. A Gantt chart also can simplify a complex project by combining several acriviries into a wsk gro up that contains subsidiary tasks. This allows a complex project to be viewed as a set of integrated modules. ..., . ..... .'·-·-· ..... . -· - - --·- ·-- -.... - . - --· ·- - - ... .._ - -c-•-- ... - ~ -----~'"' -- -- .. --· - --- --· - --·-- i.ao-.... ::. --=-~ m........... "'-;-' . . • • ,_..,.. .._....,....._ FIGURE 3-3 In this Gantc chart. note the yellow bars that show the percentage of task completion. A Gantt chart can show task starus by adding a contrasting color to the horizontal bars. For example, a vertical red arrow marks the current date in Figure 3-3. With a fixed reference point, it is easy to see that Task I is way behind schedule; Task 2 is on ly about 80% done and is running behind schedule; Task 3 should have started, bur no work has been done; Task 4 actuall y is running ahead of schedule; and Task ) will begin in several weeks. Gantt charts can present an overview of the project's status, but they do not provide enough detailed information, which is necessary when managing a complex project. Some project managers ma> find char PERT/CPM charts, which are discussed in che followmg section, are better cools for managing large projects. 3.2.2 PERT/CPM Charts The Program Eval uation Re' iew T echniq u e (PERT) was developed by the U.S. Navy ro manage very complex project , such as rhe construction of nuclear submarines. Ar appro'<imately the same time, the C r itical Path M eth o d (C PM ) was developed by private industry to meet simLlar project management needs. The distinction between the two methods has disappeared over time, and today the technique is called either PERT, CPM, or PERT/CPM. This text will u~e the term PERT chart. PERT is a b ou om-up ccchn iq ue because it analyzes a large, complex projecr as a series of individual tasks, just as a pyramid is builr from the borcom up using individual blocks. To create a PERT charr, first identify all the project cask~ and esrimatc how much time each cask will rake to perform. Next, determine the logical order in wh.icb the tasks must be performed. For example, some tasks cannot start Lmtil other casks bave been completed. In o th er siruations, several tasks can be performed at th e same rime. Once the tasks arc known, their durations, and the order in which they must be performed, calculate the time that it will take to complete the project. The specific casks that will be critical to the project's on-time completion can also be identified. An example of a PERT chart, which ~1icrosoft calls a network d iagran1, is shown in che lower screen in Figure 3-4. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdown Structure 78 - - . . .... .. - --- =--. Although a Gantt charr offers a valuable snapshor view of the proj- - L.: ecr, PERT charts are more useful for scheduling, moniroring, and controlling the actual work. \'(.lith a PFRT chart, _ ,c.... .. _ Ii . ....__..._ _ _ a projec t manager can converr task I ..,,..._.............,.. -·-----~ start and fini sh rimes to acrual dates • ....c..... ........ .,. . (_...._........... = . by laying our the entire pro1ect on a ,.. .... -. ._. ,.._ ..._ ..._ ...... calendar. Then, on any given day, the manager can compare what should be happening wirh what is raking place and react accordingly. Also, a PERT '-+ • • chart displays complex task patterns and relationships. This in formarion is ...... valuable to a manager who is trying ro address high priority issues. PERT and '""' S kNI out lntorvlow t<hedulo Gaorr charts are not mutually exclusive Stut Tuo 9/3/19 10 5 recltniques, and project managers often fon11h Tue t/S/19 Dut I d• v use both methods. Ars FigLtre 3 -4 shows both chart types. FIGURE 3-4 The top screen shows a Gantt chart with six tasks.The PERT T he top screen is a Gantt chart with six chart in the bottom screen dlsplnys an easy-to-follow task pattern for the same t asks. T he PERT chart below it shows project. When the user mouses over the summary box for Task 5, the derails become visible. rhe same project, using a separate box for each rask instead of a horizontal bar. Alrhough rhey borh show rhc rask pancrns and flow, rhc PERT chart boxes can provide more information, such as task duration, start dare, finish date, and the names of resources assigned co cbe cask. The PERT chart in Figure 3-4 would be too small ro view the acrual derails, which are shown in the expanded rexr box ac che bottom of che figure. How co create PERT charts is explained in a later section. w .. ... ·-· ~--- - --- ... - ... -- ~ ~- ...·---- . --- ---·- . - - a 1 - 3.2.l Ide ntifying Tasks in a Work Breakdown Structure A WB musr clearly identify each task and include an estimated duration. A task, or an acrivi t y, is an y work char has a beginning and an end and requires che use of company resources such as people, time, or money. Examples of casks include conducting interviews, designing a report, select ing software, waiting for the delivery of eq uipment, or training users. Tasks are basic units of work that the project manager plans, schedules, and mon itors-so they should be relatively small and manageable. In add ition ro rasks, every project has events, or mile~tones. An event, or a milestone, is a recognizable reference point that can be used to monitor progress. For example, an event might be the start of user training, the conversion of system data, or the completion of interviews. A m.ilestone such as "complete 50% o f program testing" would not be useful informat ion unless it could be determined exactly w hen that even c wi II occur. Figure 3-5 shows casks and events chat might be invo lved in che creation, distribution, and tabulation of a questionnaire. Note that the beginning ::tnd end of e::1ch cas k are marked by a recognizable eveor. It would be virtually impossible to manage a projecr as one large cask. Instead, the project is broken down into smaller tasks, creating a WBS. The first step in creating a \'(.!BS is to list all che tasks. (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 79 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdown Structure All Start work oo ques110no8"• Tabulate Prepare quesbonnaire Prepare repon Awart return of questionnaJre 00 questioma&res responses quesbOMalre resuhs e Evoot or Milestone . . Task FIGURE l -S Using a questionnaire requires a series of ta.sks and eventS to crack the progress.The 1ilustration shows the relationship between the tasks and the eventS, or milestones, which mark the beginning and end of each task. While this step so unds simple, it can be c hallenging because the rasks might be embedded in a document, such as d1e one shown in the first version of Figure 3-6. One crick is ro srarr by highlighting the individual casks, as !>hown in the second version. Adding bullets makes the tal>k~ stand our more clearly, as shown in the rbird version. The next step is to number rhe casks and create a cable, First, reserve the meeting room Then order the marketing materials and brief the similar to the one shown in Figure 3-7, with columns for cask managers After the bne~ngs. send out number, description, duration, and p redecessor ca sks, which customer emails and upload program to the LISTING THE TASKS: muse be compleced before anocher rask can scan. ESTIMATING TASK DURATION: Task duration can be hours, days, or wceks--dependmg on the project. Because che following example uses days, the units of measurement arc called person-days. A pcrson-da) represents the work char one person can complete in one day. This approach, howe\re~ can present some problems. For example, if it will cake one person 20 days to perform a particular cask, it might not be t rue that two people couJd complete chc same task in 10 days or that I0 people could perform tbe task in two days. Some tasks can be divided evenly so it is possible to use different combinations of time and people--up to a point-bur not all. in most sysrems analysis rasks, rime and people are not inter· changeable. If one ana lyst needs two hours to interview a user, two analysrs a lso will need two hours co do the same interview. Project managers often use a weighted formula for estimating the durarion of each cask. T he project manager fixst ma kes three time esrimatcl> for each cask: an optimisric, or bes t-case e~ timatc (B), a prob ablc-ca\c e~ timate (P), and a pessimisric, or wo rse-case e~ timatc (W ). T he manager rhen assigns a weight, which is an importance value, to each estimate. The weight can vary, bur a common approach i'i to use a ratio of B = 1, P = 4, and W = J. Tbe expected task duration is calculated as follows: (B+4P+W) _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- .............. __.... Firs1. rr; ve t t> '"'9 ,.., o.... Then orcJer and b · I the manat "' After lhe bnefings, nd out cus:onn r m s and ''' IOad progrNn to It>" app store. When the emails are soot and the program is available on the a.pp store ready, ioad tt>e ne,. ul!wa,,. When the marketing erials have amved and the software 1s ready. a dr'"' rthearsal. ,.,. mr ----- • First, reserve tho mooting room. • Then order rhe mar~ellflg materi&/$ and brief the manage1S. • Aller the briefings, sand out customer omalls and upload program to the app store. • When the emails are sent and the program is available on the opp store ready, load !he now solrware. • When the mart<ehng materials have arrived and the software Is ready, do a dre~s rohearsal. FIGURE l-6 The three versions show how to transform a wk scatement into a list of specific casks for a work breakdown strucwre. 6 .........""_.. ... .-................. app store When lhe emails are sent and lhe program is available on the app store ready, load the new software. When the mar!(ebng materiats have emved and the software is ready, do a dress rehearsal. -- ........... ...... . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdow n Structure 80 • Description Duration (Days) Predecessor Tasks Reserve the meeting room 2 O rder the marketing materials 3 4 Brief the managers 5 Send out customer emails Upload program to the app store ......._ _ ___.._ _ _ __..... 6 Load the new software 7 Do a dress rehearsal FIG URE 3-7 In this table, columns hM! been addl!d for wk number,descripuon. duration. and predecessor casks, which mun be completed before another task can start. For example, a projecr manager mighr estimare rhar a file-conversion task could be completed in as few as 20 days or could take as many as 34 days, bur most likely will require 24 days. Using the form ula, the expected task dura rion is 25 days, calculated as follows: (20 + (4 *24) +34 ) = 25 6 A lively discussion is under way at Sunrise Software, where you are a project manager. The main question is whether the person-days concept has limitations. In other words. if a task will require I00 person-days. does it matter whethe r two people in SO days, five peo ple in 20 days, ten people in I 0 days, or some other combination that adds up to I 00 performs the work? Two programmers on the project seem to think it doesn't matter. O n the other hand, o ne of the project's systems analysts says it is ridiculous to think that any combination would work.To support his point, this extreme example was offered: Could 100 people accomplish a task estimated at 100 person-days in one day? Is the systems analyst correct? If so. what are the limits in the "people versus days" equat ion?Taking the concept a step further. is there an optimum numbe r of people to be assigned to a task! If so, how would that number be determined? You need to offer some guidance at the next project team meeting.What will you say! 3.2.4 Factors Affecting Duration When developing duration estimates, project managers consider fou r factors: I . Project size 2. 1luman resources 3. Experience with similar projects 4. Constraints PROJECT SIZE: As described in Chapter 1, infom1acion systems have various charactcr- iscics char affect their complex:iry and cost. ln addition to considering chose factors, a project manager must estimate rhc time required to complete each proje<.1: phase. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase I Systems Planning 81 3.2 Creating a Work Breakdown Structure To develop accurate esrimaces, a project manager must identify all project tasks, from initial fact-finding to system implementation. Regardless of the systems development methodology used, the project manager must determine how much time will be needed to perform each task. In de,·eloping an estimate, che project manager must allow rime for meetings, project re\'iews, craining, and any ocher factors (e.g., scheduled vacations or unscheduled medical leave) that could affect che productivity of the development team. HUMAN RESOURCES: Companies muse invest heavily in cutting-edge technology to remain competici\'e in a connected world. ln many areas, skilled IT profes ionals arc in greac demand, and firms must work hard to attract and retain the talent they need. A project manager must assemble and guide a development team that has the skill and experience to handle the project. lf necessary, additional systems analysts or programmers 111ust be hired or crained, and this must be accomplished within a specific time frame. After a project gets under way, rhe project manager muse deal with curnover, job vacancies, and escalating salaries in rhe redu1ology sector-all of which can aHect whether che project can be completed on time and within budget. The project manager also has to accommodate official holidays, family emergencies, and other events that may affect the schedule. EXPERIENCE WITH SIMILAR PROJECTS: A project manager can develop rime and cost estimates based on the resources used for si1nilar, previously developed information systems. The experience merhod works besc for small- or medium-sized projeccs where the two systems are similar in size, basic content, and operating environment. In large systems with more variables, the estimates are less reliable. CONSTRAINTS: Chapter 2 explained chat constraints are defined during the prelim- inary investigation. A constraint is a condition, restriction, or requirement chat the system must sarisfy. For example, a constraint might involve maximums for one or more resources, such as time, dollars, or people. A project manager must define system requirements that can be achieved realistically within the required constraints. In the absence of constraints, the project manager simply calculates the resources needed. 1lowever, if constraints arc presenr, the project manager must adjust other resources or change the scope of the project. TI1is approach is similar to the what-if analysis described in Chapter 12. 3.2.S Displaying the Work Breakdown Structure After the task durations are entered, the \X'BS will look like Figure 3 -8. Task groups can be used to manage a complex project with many tasks, just as with a Description Duration (Days) Predecessor Tasks Reserve the meeting room Order the marketing materials 9 Brief the managers Send out customer emails 2 3 3 6 Upload program to the app store Load the new software 7 Do a dress rehearsal 2 3 "s 2 FIGURE 3·8 Task duraoons have been added, and the WBS is complete except for predecessor ask information.The predecessor tasks will determine task ~tterns and sequence or performance. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.3 Task Patterns 82 Gantt chart, to simplify the list. Nore rhat the WBS shown in Figure 3-8 is still incomplete: It does nor show fields such as Starr Date, End Dare, Tas k ame, Duration, and Predecessors-fields thar can be ke)' for project managers. \Vith ~1icrosoft Project, the \VBS (i ncluding some of these missing fields) might resemble Figure 3-9. ·--- ·-·-. .. _____ .,_ ,_ _ .... . ---·-- ...... ....... .... - - - :=,.::..--- ... ·..................... .... ........ ... _ .. _ ..... ..... _____ I ·..... ... ·I ................... ............... ............... ·.... ... .. .... .. --·. . ·- ·- -... .. .. e.. • ct:= "-:- #,_,.,'- I I t ~ • · ~.I - . .. . "'\ • o • ....,_ ::--- ::. :J ..... ...,_ B , :: --:::~ ; • - ..... ,,_...... .......,........, • • FIGURE 3-9 This Microsoft Project screen displays the same WBS, including task number. task name, duration. and predecessor tasks. 3.3 TASK PATTERNS Tasks in a WBS must be arranged in a logical sequence called a ta\k pattern. In any project, la rge or small, casks depend on each other and must be performed in a sequence, not unlike the commands in a software program. Task patterns can involve dependent rasks, multiple successor tasks, and mulciplc predecessor rasks. In larger projecrs, these patterns can be very complex, and an analyst must study the logical flow carefully. This section explains how to understand and create graphical models of these patterns. 3.3. 1 Using Task Boxes to Create a Mode l In a PERT/CPM chart, project tasks a re shown as rectangular boxes, arranged in the sequence m which they must be performed. Each rectangular box, called a w k box, has five sections, as shown in Figure 3- J 0. Each section of the task box contains important infon11ation about the task, including the Task Name, Task ID, Task Duration, Start Day/ Date, and Finish Day/Date. TASK NAME: The task name should be brief and descriptive, bur it docs not ha ve to be uJlique in the project. For example, a cask named Conducr Interviews might occur in several phases of the project. TASK BOX FORMAT TASK ID: The task ID can be a number or code that provides unique id en ti ficati<>n. Task Name Start Day/Date TASK DURATION: The duration is the amount of time it will rake to Task ID Finish Day/Date Task DuratlOO FIGURE 3-10 Each section of the task box concains important Information about the cask. including the Task Name. Task ID. Task Duration. Start Day/Date. and Fmish Day/Date. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . complete a task, which is not necessarily the same as rhe e lapsed rime. For example, a cask that takes eight botirs of effort to complete would be done in o ne day by a person dedicated lOOo/o, but if the person assigned this task is only working 50% on this project, the task would take rwo days elapsed time to complete. All tasks must use the same time units, which can be hours, days, weeks, or months, depending on the project. An actual project scans on a specific date bur can also be measured from a point in rime, such as Day J. I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 83 3.3 Task Patterns START DAY/DATE: The stan day/date is the time that a rask is scheduled to begin. For example, suppose that a simple project has cwo tasks: Task 1 and Task 2. Also suppose that Task 2 cannot begin until Task 1 is finished. An analogy might be that a program cannot run until che compurer is turned on. If Task 1 begins on Day 1 and has duration of three days, it will finish on Day 3. Because Task 2 cannot begin until Task I is completed, the start rime for Ta~k 2 is Day 4, which is the day after Task 1 is finished. FINISH DAY/DATE: The finish day/date is the time that a task is scheduled for com- pletion. To calculate the finish day or date, add tbe duration to the start day or date. \Vhen doing this, be very careful not to add too many days. For example, if a task starts on Day I 0 and has duration of five days, then the finish date would be on Day 14-not Day 15. 3.3.2 Task Pattern Types A project is based on a pattern of casks. In a large project, the overall parrern would be quire complex, bur it can be broken down inco three basic rypes of parrerns: dependent casks, multiple i.uccessor rasks, and multiple predecessor tasks. When casks must be completed one after another, like the relay race shown in Figure 3-11 , they are called dependent task~ because one depends on the other. For example, Figure 3-12 shows that Task 2 depends on Task 1, DEPENDENT TASKS: FIGURE l - 11 In a relay race. each runner is dependent on the preceding runner and cannot start because Task 2 can nor start unril Task 1 is completed. In this until me earlier finishes. example, the finish time of Task 1, Day 5, controls the start dare of Task 2, which is Day 6. Y- MULTIPLE SUCCESSOR TASKS: \Xlhen Se\•eral tasks can start at the same time, each 1s cilled a concurrent ta~!.. . Often, rwo or more concurrent tasks depend on a single prior task, which is called a predeces~or cask. In this situation, each concurrent task is called a ~ucc~sor task. In the example shown in Figure 3 -13, ~ucces or Tasks 2 and 3 both can begin as soon as Task I is finished. ore that the finish time for Task l determines the start time for both Tasks 2 and 3. In other words, the earliest that Task l can finish is Day 30, so Day 31 is the earliest that Tasks 2 and 3 can start. Suppose t hat a task requires two o r more prior tasks to be completed before it can start. Figure 3- 14 shows that example because Task 3 cannot begin until Tasks 1 and 2 arc both completed. Since the rwo tasks might not finish at the same time, the longest (larcsr) predecessor rask becomes the controlling factor. Note char rhe srarr for Task 3 is Day 16, nor Day 6. \'V'hy is chis so? Because Task 3 depends on two predecessor tasks, Tasks 1 and 2, Task 3 cannot begin until the later of those MULTIPLE PREDECESSOR TASKS: .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - Fn E XA~I PLE OF A DEPEN DE NT TASK Prepare Oull"'8 Start Day 1 ID 1 Finish. Day S Dur S CtNlllOocumenl .. Start Day6 ID. 2 An1sh Day 14 Dur 9 FIGURE l-12 This example of a dependent iask shows that the fontsh cme ofTask I. Day s. controls me start date of Task 2. which tS Day 6. EXAMPLE O F MULTIPL E SUCCE SSOR TASKS Arrange Interviews Develop Plan ,J4 S1ar1: Day 31 Finish· Day 60 Slart Day 1 ID: 1 Finish: Day 30 Dur 30 ~ ID: 2 Dur30 Design Survey Start Day 31 ID 3 Finish Dey 40 Dur 10 FIGURE 3- 1l This example of multiple successor wlc.s shows that me finish ame for Task I detennines the Start ome lo<' both Tasks 2 and 3. -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~----···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.3 Task Patterns 84 EXAMPLE OF MJLTIPLE PREDECESSOFl TASi<S aic.ri Authonullon Start Day 1 10 1 Fi111Sh; Day 15 °"' [\ Conduct 1i ......... 15 Start Day 16 Cnlale Job Oeecripl!On ID 3 ~ Anlsh: Day 45 Our30 Slllrt Day 1 10 2 Aoish Oay5 0urs tasks is complete. Therefore, the start time for a successor rask must be the latest {largest} finish time for any of its preceding rasks. In the example shown, Task I ends on Da)' 15, while Task 2 ends on Day 5, so Task 1 control~ the srarr time for Task 3. Task pattern type~ are idenufied by looking carefully at the wording of the task sratemcnt. Words like then, when, or and are action words that signal a sequence of events. Here are three simple examples: • Do Task 1, then do Task 2 describes dependent tasks char must be completed one after rhe ocher. • When Task 2 is finished, start rwo tasks: Task 3 and Task 4 describe multiple successor tasks that can both start as soon as Task 2 is finished. W/Jen Tasks 5 and 6 are done, starr Task 7 indicates that Task 7 is a multiple predecessor task bec3use ir ca11't srarr until rwo or more previous tasks all are completed. FIGURE 3· 14 This example of multiple predecessor tasks shows that the start umc for a successor cask must be the latest (largest) finish dme for any of lcs preceding tasks. In the example shown, Task I ends on Day IS. while Task 2 ends on Day S, so Task I controls the start time for Task 3. • 3.3.3 Working with Complex Task Patterns When several task patterns combine, rhe facts must be studied very carcfullr rounderstand the logic and sequeDce. A project schedule will nor he accurate if the underlying rask pattern is incorrect. For example, consider the following three foct statements and the rask patterns they represent. Examples of the task patterns are shown in Figures 3-15, 3-16, and 3- 17. 1 1 I ·I 2 4 2 FIGURE 3 - 1S Dependent tasks. 1 FIGURE 3 - 16 Dependent tasks and multlple successor tasks. 2 FIGURE 3 - 17 Dependent tasks, muldple successor wks. and multiple predecessor tasks. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 85 3.4 The Critical Path DEPENDENT TASKS: Perform Task 1. \Vhen Task 1 is complete, perform Task 2. Perform Task I. \Xlhen Task I is complete, perform Task 2. \Xlhen Task 2 is finished, start rwo tasks: Task 3 and Task 4. \Vhen Task 3 1s complete, start two more tasks: Task 5 and Task 6. DEPENDENT TASKS AND MULTIPLE SUCCESSOR TASKS: DEPENDENT TASKS, MULTIPLE SUCCESSORTASKS, AND MULTIPLE PRED ECESSO R TASKS: Perform Task 1. When Task 1 is complete, perform Task 2. When Task 2 is finished, start cwo Tasks: Task 3 and Task 4. When Task 3 is complete, srart rwo more rasks: Task 5 and Task 6. When Tasks 5 and 6 arc done, srarr Task 7. Then, when Tasks 4 and 7 arc finished, perform Task 8. The project management team at Parallel Services is having a debate about how to define casks In the WBS.The project manager wants to break wks down into the smallest possible units. For example, she objected to a broad task statement called "Develop a training schedule.'' Instead, she suggested three subwks: (I) "Determine availability of training room," (2) "Determine availability of attendees," and (3) "Select specific dates and training times.'' Another project team member disagrees. He feels that the broader task statement is better because It allows more flexibility and will produce the same result. He says that if you break tasks Into pieces that are too small, you r isk overmanaglng the work and spending more t ime on mon itoring than actually performing the tasks. As a member of the team, wh ich approach do you agree with more? What are the pros and cons of each? 3.4 T!-iE CRITICAL PATH Task patterns determine rhe order in which rhe casks are performed. Once rhe rask sequence has been defined, a project manager can schedule the rasks and calculate rhe critical path. A critical path is a series of tasks chat, if delayed, would affect the completion dare of the overall projecr. If any cask on rhe critical path faUs behind schedule, the entire projecr will be delayed. For example, suppose that Joan and Jim are invited to someone's home for dinner. Joan arrives on time, bur Jim arrives 30 minures !are. Jim's arrival is part of the critical path because the host does not wane to start without him, so the meal will be served 30 minutes later than originally planned. Project managers always muse be aware of che critical parh, so they can respond qu ickly co keep the project on track. Microsoft Project and other project management software can highlight the series of tasks that forn1 the critical path. 3.4. 1 Calculating the Critical Path Figure 3- J8 shows a rraining project with five tasks. Note that the analyst has arranged the tasks and entered rask names, IDs, and durations. The task patterns should be reviewed firsr. In this example, Task 1 js followed by Task 2, which is a dependent task. Task 2 has nvo successor tasks: Task 3 and Task 4. Tasks 3 and 4 are predecessor tasks for Task 5. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.4 The Critical Path 86 Plan Training ID: 3 )" Hire Analysl Obtain Authorization ~ ID· 1 Dur : 5 ~ Announce Training tD· 5 ID: 2 Dur: 10 Arrange Logistics Dur: 30 \. ID: 4 Dur: 30 V' Dur: 25 FIGURE 3 - 18 Example of a PERT/CPM chart with five tasks.Task 2 is a dependent task that has multiple successor tasks.Task S has multiple predecessor tasks. In this figure, the analyst has arranged the casks and entered task names, IDs. and durations. The next step is ro derermine srart and finish dates, which will determine the crirical path for rhe project. The following explanation outlines a step-by-srep process. The result is shown in Figure 3-19. • Task I starts on Day 1 and has duration of 10 days, so the finish date is Day 10. • Task 2, which is dependent 011Task1, can start 011 Day 11-the day afcer Ta~k I ends. Wirh duration of 30 days, Task 2 will end on Day 40. • Tasks 3 and 4 are multiple successor tasks that can start after Task 2 is done. Task 2 ends on Day 40, so Tasks 3 and 4 both can stare on Day 41. Task 3 has duration of five days and wiU end 011 Day 45. Task 4 has duration of 25 days and will nor end until Day 65. • Task 5 depends on Tasks 3 and 4, which are multiple predecessors. Because Task 5 depends on both tasks, it cannot srart until the later of the two tasks is complete. In this example, Task 3 ends earlier, but Task 4 will not be completed until Day 65, so Task 5 cannot srarr until Day 66. Plan Training Obtain Authorization Start: Day 1 ID. 1 Finish: Day 1O Dur: 10 _. Day 41 ID: 3 )" Start: ~ Finish: Day 45 Dur: 5 Hire Analyst Start. Day 11 Announce Training Start Day 66 ID:2 Arrange Logistics Finish: Day 40 Our: 30 \. Start: Day 41 ID: 4 ID: 5 Finish: Day 95 Dur: 30 V' Finish: Day 65 Dur: 25 CRITICAL PATH:1·2·4·5 FIGURE 3- 19 Now the analyst has entered the start and finish times, using the rules explained in this section. Note that the overall project has duration of 95 days. Recall char the critical path is a series of tasks chat, if delayed, would affccr rhc final complcrion dace of rhe overall project. In this exan1plc, Tasks 1 and 2 arc the first casks on rhc crirical path. Now look ar Task 5, which cannot start until borh Tasks 3 and 4 arc done. In chis case, Task 4 is the controlling factor because Task 4 finishes on Day 65, which is 20 days larer than Task 3, which is completed on Day 45. Therefore, rhe start dare for Task 5 is determined by the finish date for Task 4. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 87 3.6 Reporting In contrast, Task 3 has slack rime and could be delayed up to 20 days wirhour affecting Task 5. Slack rime is the amount of rime rhar the rask could be late without pushing back the completion dare of the entire project. Tasks 1, 2, 4, and 5 repre ent the critical path, which i highlighted with red arrows in Figure 3-19. 3.5 PROJECT MONITORING A~D CONTROL Regardless of whether the project was planned and scheduled wirh projccr management software or in some other manner, the project manager mUSt keep track of rhe casks and progress of ream members, compare acrual progress with the project plan, verify the completion of project milestones, and set standards and ensure thar they are followed. 3.S. I Monitoring and Control Techniques To help en!.ure rhar qualiry standards are met, many project managers institute structured walk-th roughs. A structured walk-through is a review of a project team member's work hy orher members of rhe ream. Generally, systems analysts review the work of other sybtems analysts, and programn1ers review the work of other programmers, as a form of peer review. Structured walk-throughs take place throughout the SDLC and are called de!.ign reviews, code reviews, or testing review!., depending on the phase in which they occur. 3.S.2 Maintaining a Schedule Mainraimng a project schedule can be challenging, and most projccrs run into at least some problems or dela ys. By monitoring and controlling the work, the project manager tries to anticipate problems, avoid them or minimize their impact, ide ntify potential solutions, and select the best way to solve the problem. The better the original plan, the easier it will be to control the project. If clear, verifiable milcsrones exist, ir will be simple ro determine if and when rhosc rargcts arc achieved. If enough milestones and frcquenr checkpoints exist, problems will be dcrccted rapidly. A project chat is planned and scheduled wirb PERT/CPM or in a \'(18$ with Gantt charr can be tracked and controlled using these same techniques. As work continues, the project manager revises che plan ro record acrual times for completed casks and revises rimes for tasks that are nor ycr finished. 3.S.3 Tasks and the Critical Path Project managers spend mosr of rheir time cracking rhc tasks along rhe critical path because delays in rhose rasks have rhe greatest porenrial to delay or jeopardize the project. Orhcr tasks cannot be ignored, however. For example, suppose that a rask nor on the critical path rakes roo long and dcpleres the allotted slack time. Ar that point, the rask acruall)• becomes part of rhe crirical path, and any further delay will push back the overall project. 3.6 REPORTING Members of the project team regularly report their progress ro che project manager, who in rurn reports ro management and users. The project manager collcccs, verifies, organizes, and evaluates the information he or she receh·es from the ream. Then the manager decides which information needs to be passed along, prepares a summary .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.6 Reporting 88 that can be undersrood easily, adds comments and explanations if needed, and s ubmits it to management and users. 3.6.1 Project Status Meetings Project manager , like the one shown in Figure 3-20, schedule regular meermgs to update the ream and discuss project status, issues, problems, and opportunitie . Although meeting can be time consuming, most pro1ect managers believe they are worth the effort. The sessions give team members an opportunity to share information, discuss common problems, and explain new techniques. The meetings also give the project manager an opportunity to seek input and conduct brainstorming sessions. FIGURE 3·20 Project managers schedule regular meetings to update the project team and discuss project staws. Issues. problems. and opportunities. t ~.... llf~ 3.6.2 Project Status Reports A project manager must report regularly co hjs or her immediate s upervisor, upper management, and users. Although a progress report might be given verha lly co an immediate supervisor, reports to management and users ui.ually are written. Ganrr chartS often are included in progress reports to show project status graphically. 3.6.3 Dealing with Problems Deciding how to handle porenrial problems can be difficult. At what point should management be informed about the possibility of cost overruns, schedule delays, or technical problems? At one extreme is the overly cautious project manager who alerts management to every potential snag and slight delay. The danger here is that the manager loses credibility over a period of time, and management might ignore potentially serious situations. At the other extreme is the project manager who tries to handle all situations single-handedly and does not alert management until a problem is serious. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 89 3.7 Project Management Software By the rime management learns of the problem, linle time might remain in which to react or devise a solution. A project manager's best course of action lies somewhere berwcen the rwo extremes but is probably closer co the first. If the con.sequences are unclear, the analy t hould err on the ide of caution and warn management about the possibility of a problem. \Xlhen the s1ruarion 1 reported, explain what is being done to handle and monitor the problem. If the siruarion is beyond the analyst's control, suggest possible acnons that management can rake to resolve the siruarion. Most managers recognii.e that problems do occur on mo t project ; 1t is berrer to alen management sooner rather than later. J. 7 PROIECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Project managers use sofrware applications to help plan, schedule, monitor, and report on a project. Most programs offer features such as PERT/CPM, Gann charts, resource scheduling, project calendars, a nd cost tracking. As shown in Figure 3-2 1, M icrosoft Pro ject is a full -featured program that holds the domi nant share of the market. Ir is available as a software product for W indows and as an add-on on line service as parr of i\llicrosoft's Office 365. -- -·- - - - ,_ __ .... °"'......, Project Project management ....... .__ M~l'nlfe<thelperou,etnanod ......, _ _ .....i---.--1n......,..i.--..o........,_help,..... ,_,....,,., ..... twnl s\ey pr I d~ C'liv.. FIGURE 3-2 1 Microsoft Proje~ '°"ref': ,.. ' C I In addition to 1\i1icrosofr Project, there are a number of other project management tools available. For example, GanttProiect is a free open-source Java-based project management too l that is available on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux). It can produce Ga ntt and PERT/CPM charts, calculate the critical path auto· marically, and read/write M icrosofr Project files . Canlter is a free cloud-based project management tool. It runs in a browser window, so there's no sofrware to install to use it. Apptivo and smartsheel are other example~ of web-ba~ed project management tools offering simi lar capabilities but on a paid subscription model. Monday is a project management tool that is 11:ailored toward Mac u ers. As shown in Figure 3-22, it is a highly visual cloud-based tool that supports agile development. Trello, shown in Figure 3-23, is aoorher project management tool that is tailored toward agile development. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.7 Project Management Software 90 A new way to manage your projects Pion Orgon11e Trock In one VISUO~ colloboroltve space .. ,; Sprint 0 Spmt2(TMWffli) II 11> ... Allignfl p""' ...., ~... """"'°Pon:.. "-••Part. IOM brnp 1 "'9 " ii ' '!M Spr1m 1 (IA11 _ , s..1... I ,,,... ....... I ---Ito-. c1o,. HOllWl>lge OJllayo Fdrurt Ollllyt Epoc Ettlf'l'lll~ lkJ9 02doft Hew 0 E111m1110n Epic St11u1 ,....,. 0 01-,. I g - u.,. FIGURE 3-22 Monday is a project management tool that is tailored toward Mac users. Sour«< ..., ............ • _a ,_ Don'•--~ n ... U t ............ ~CNdft!A ,,.,,...n.n orH'*9 1 filil "°"1 • Ofll. Ill • tt• fD ~ ,_., o..g. _____ ~r - a '*••• , • "' - FIGURE 3. 23 Trello is a project management tool that is tailored toward agile development. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 91 3.7 Project M anagement Software The websites for all of rhese cools have more information about their capabilmes, including demos, trial versions (where applicable), and rraining material. Lrrespective of which projecr management tool used, a seep-by-seep process is followed co develop a WBS, work wirh cask patterns, and aoal)'ze cbe critical path. Tbe main difference is thar the sofrware does most of cbe work automatically, which enables much more effective managemenr. The followmg secnons explain how ~licrosofr Project could be used to handle the sample cask summary for a preliminary investigation shown in Figure 3-24. This example illusrrares that project management is dynamic and challenging. One significant advamagc of intcgraced project 1nanagement software is that it allows the proiecc manager to adjust schedules, estimates, and resource assignments rapidly in response to real-world evenrs. PIMH etucty the following t.ak aunnMry: • First. we need to spend one day studying potential problems or opportunities. • Then. we will define the project scope and constraints. That will take two days. • Next, we will a11&lyze the organization ollarts That will take one day. • After we analyze the charts. tour fact.finding tasl<s can start at once ' Observe operabons (two days) > Conduct a user survey (three days) > Conduct 11\terv- (two days) > Review dOcumentatlOO (One day) • When alt lour fact-finding tasks are fil'llShed, we win spend one day evaluating leasibilly • Then we wlll spend one day presenllng the resuns and recommendallons to management. FIGU RE 3-24 A sample ask summary for a preliminary investig;itiOfl. WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE: Creating a WBS usmg Microsoft Project is much the same as creating it manually. The tasks, durations, and task pacterns mu~t still be identified. This informauon might have to be developed, or a task summary like the one in Figure 3-24 might be used. The goal is co document all casks, dependencies, dac~, and total projecr durarion. The first step is to create a Gann chart showing the necessary information. As the information for each task is entered into Microsoft Project, the duration and the predecessor tasks, if any, should also be noted. GANTT CHART: As casks arc entered, the progcam automatically performs the c::ilculations, detect~ the task patterns, and creates a Gann chart. The charr consists of horizontal bars, connected with arrows that indicate task dependencies. If a typical workweek is selected, casks wi ll not be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays. However, for a mission-critica l project, a 24/7 calendar might be created. Whatever is specified, the program will handle che tasks accordingly. Microsoft Project offers numerous choice~ of display senings, formats, and calculation methods. NETWORK DIAGRAM: After the Gann chart is completed, rhe darn can he viewed in the form of a tvlicrosoft Project network diagram, which is simil::ir to a PERT chart. When rhe Network Diagram option is selected, the project tasks, dependencies, and stare and finish dares for each task are shown. A network diagram displays the same information as the Gantt chart, including cask dependencies, but use task boxes .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.7 Project Management Software 92 to include much more derail. Using Microsoft Projecr, each cask can be assigned to one or more people, budgets can be assigned targets, progress reports produced, and schedules and deadlines readjusted as necessary. CALENDAR VIEW: Calendar view is a good way to manage da y-to-da)' activity. This view !.hows the tasks, simila r to a PERT charr, as an overlay on the actual calendar. Because the criucal path is highlighted in red, it is easy for a project manager to determine priorities at any poim in rime. Suppose the project manager wants to view the preliminary investigation in Figure 3-24 as a Gantt chart, a PERT chan, and a day-to-day calendar. All three views are shown in Figure 3-25. Each view sbo\vs the tasks, tbe riming, the dependencies, and the critical parh. Note rhat of the four tasks scheduled for September 25, onl)1 the user surve)' is on rhe critical path, therefore that should be rbe project manager's primary concen1. Gantt Chart View ..... .........................,....... .... ,o.e-,,,.,............... ·~~.......... •9\" ...........,.._..... ....,...... -·---................... . .. .,..,..... ' ...·-... '' .... • .,.-.-_....,... I i ~· u .... ~- ~.-......... - ·- _ • .,....... ....................... t_. ... fl'lllWllll....... . .... ---···· . .............. - PERT Chart View .. -..._ --· ......... u •• -·--•ft• •• _ h_..,, ... .. -....... ...,_ ......."" . .... • •. .. .-....... ........ ·~- ~ ~ - .... .........-......· ~ '+ .... fl'Wl1 ... ,._,., WV.• ., • .... I...,. C11lendarVlew l1 ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2t. ,----~-----'-' FIGU RE 3-2S Note how each view displays tile project and highlights tile crttial patll If you were the project manager on September 25, your primary concern should be conduct1ng tile user survey. (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 93 3.8 Risk Management J.8 RisK MANAGEMENT Every IT project involves risks that systems analysts and project managers must address. A risk is an event char could affect the project negati\·ely. Risk management is the process of identifying, analrzing, anriciparing, and monitoring risks to minimize their impact on the projecr. Although project management experts differ \vith regard to the number of seeps or phases, a basic list of risk management casks would include rhe following: • Develop a risk ma11ageme11t plan. A risk management plan includes a review of the project's scope, stakeholders, budget, schedule, and any other internal or external factors t hat might affect the project. The plan should define project roles and responsibilities, risk management methods and procedures, categories of risks, and contingency plans. • fdenti(y tl1e risks. Ri\k identification lists each risk and as~esses the likelihood that it could affect the project. The derails ·w ould depend on the specific projCl't, but most lists would include a mean~ of identification, and a brief description of the risk, what might cause it to occur, who would be responsible for responding, and t he potential impact of the ris k. • Analyze the risks. This typically is a rwo-step process: Qua litative risk analysis and quantitative risk analysis. Qualitative risk analysis evaluates each risk by estimating the probability that it will occur and the degree of impact. Project managers can u~e a formula to weigh risk and impact values, or they can display the result~ in a two-axis grid. For example, a Microsoft Excel XY chart can be used ro display rhc marrix, as shown in Figure 3-26. In rhe chart, norc the various combinarions of risk and impact racings for the five sample values. This tool can help a project manager focus on the most critical areas, where risk probability and porenrial impact are high. High impact Low probability High impact • High probability Risk Matrix 10..->o~---~-------~~~~~~~ Medium impact Medium probabt~ty 9 • 8 7 t; "' 8 5 ~ -" .!! Low Impact High probability 4 a: 3 2 1 0 *-~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;..-~~~~--! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .--~'"-----. 2 Low Impact Low probabiltty 4 4 t • Risk Probability .:. ~ ------ ~· • • FIGURE 3-2 6 You can use a Microsoft Excel XY chart cype to display a nsk rmtr1x that shows risk probability and potential impact. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.9 Managing for Success 94 The purpose of quantitative risk analysis is to understand rhe actual impact in terms of dollars, rime, project scope, o r quality. Quantitative risk analysis can involve a modeling process called what-if analysis, which allows a project manager ro var)' one or more elemenr(s) in a model to measure the effect on other elements. This topic is di5cu5scd in more detail in Chapter 12. • • Create a risk response plan. A risk response plan is a proactive effort ro anticipate a risk and describe an acrion plan to deal with 1t. An effective risk response plan can reduce the overall impact by triggering rimely and appropriate acnon. Monitor risks. This activity is ongoing throughout the risk management process. Ir is important to conduct a continuous tracking process that can identify new risks, note changes in existing risks, a nd update any other areas of rhe risk management pla11. Forrunarely, there is a wide variety of risk ma nagement ~ofrware available to help a project manager with these casks. Most packages allow a project manager to assign specific dares as constra ints, a lign task dependencies, note external factors rh a t might affect a task, track progress, and displa)' casks that a re behind schedule. Armed with rhis information, the IT ream can quantify the project's risks, just as rhcy use financia l analysis tools to quantify costs and benefits. 3.9 MANAGING FOR SUCCESS Project management is a challenging task. Project managers musr he alert, rcchnically competent, and highly resourceful. They also must be good communicators with strong human resource skills. Project managers can be proud when they handle a succes-;ful project that helps rhe company achieve irs business objecrive5. Unfortunately, projects can and do get derailed for a wide variety of reasons. \'<'hen problems occur, the project manager's abiliry to handle the siruarion becomes t he crincal factor. When a project manager first recognizes that a project 1s 111 trouble, what options arc available? Alternatives can include t rimming the project requirements, adding to the project resources, delaying the project deadline, and improving management controls and procedures. Sometimes, when a project experiences delays or cosc overruns, the system still can be delivered o n time and within budget if several less critical requirements are trimmed. The system can be delivered to satisfy the mosr necessary requ iremen ts, and additional features can be added later as a part of a ma intenance or enhancement project. If a project is in trouble because of a lack of resources or o rga nizational support, management 1night be willing to give rhe project more commitment and higher priority. For example, ma nagement might agree to add mo re people to a project that is behind schedule. Adding staff, however, will reduce the project's completio n time o nly if the addiciona I people can be integrated effectively into the development team. If tea m members lack experience with certain aspects of the req uired technology, temporary he lp might be o bta ined from IT consultants or part-time staff. Adding sraff can mean t rai ning a nd o rienting the new people, however. In some situations, adding more people to a project actually might increase the time necessary ro complete the project because of a principle called Brooks' law. Frederick Brooks, Jr., then an IBM engineer, observed that add ing manpower to a late software project only makes it lacer. Brooks reached this conclusion when he saw that new workers on a project first had to be educated and instructed by existing empl oyee~ whose own productiviry was reduced according!)'. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase I Systems Planning 3.9 Managing for Success To be successful, an informarion sysrem muse satisfy business requiremenrs, sray wichin budger, be complered on rime, and-mosr imporranr of all-be managed effectively. As stated earlier and derailed next, when a project develops problems, the reasons typically involve business, budget, or schedule issues, as explained in the followmg sections. In addition ro planning and managmg the project, a project manager must be able to recognize these problems and deal with them effectively. You are a systems analyst at Just-In-Time Software. a company that specializes in short delivery cycles for itS products.The current project is running ~hind schedule, and the project manager wantS to bring a few extra programmers onboard co help with the work. You are familiar with Brook's Law. How can you best explain co the project manager that adding more people co che project at this late stage may make things worse1 You don 't want co be seen as a negative team player. but you're convinced that If you don't speak up. the project's schedule will slip even more. 3.9. I Business Issues TI1e major objective of every system is to provide a solution co a business problem or opportunity. If the system docs nor do this, then it is a failure-regardless of positive reaction from users, acceptable budget performance, or timely delivery. When the information system does nor meet business requirements, causes can include unidentified or unclear requirements, inadequarely defined scope, imprecise targers, shortcuts or sloppy work during systems analysis, poor design choices, insufficienr resting or inadequate tcstmg procedures, and lack of change control procedures. Systems also fail because of changes in the organization's culrure, funding, or objectives. A system chat falls short of business needs also produces problems for users and reduces employee morale and productivity. As explained in Chapter 2, projecrs without clear scope definitions are risky because they rend to expand gradually, wfrhout specific authorization, in a process called project creep. However, even when a project is clearly described, ir must be managed consrnnrly. 3.9.2 Budget Issues Cost overruns rypically resu lt from one or more o f the following: • • • • • Unrcalisric estimates that are roo o ptimisric or based on incomplete information Failure w devel<>p an accurate forecast chat considers all costs over the life of the project Poor monitoring of progress and slow response to early warning signs of problems Schedule delays due ro focrors chat were nor foreseen Human resource issues, including mrnover, inadequate training, and motivation r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ 95 Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects 3.10 Summary 96 3.9.3 Sc hedule Issues Problems with timetables and project milestones can indicate a failure co recognize task dependencies, confusion between effort and progress, poor monitoring and control methods, personality conAicrs among ream members, or cu mover of project personnel. The failure of an IT project also can be caused by poor pro1ect management techniques. If the project manager fails co plan, staff, organi1_e, supervise, communicate, monvate, evaluate, direct, and control properly, then t he project is certain co foil. Even when factors outside his or her control contribute to the fai lure, the project manager is responsible for recogn izing the early warning signs a nd handling chem effectively. "Better blow the whistle," says your friend and project teammate at work."The project is out of control, and you know it!" " Maybe so," you respond, "But that's not my call- I'm not the project manager." What you don't say is that the project manager feels like her career is on the line. and she is reluctant to bring bad news to management at this time. She honestly believes t hat the project can catch up and says that a bad report on a major project could resu lt in bad publicity for the firm and frighten potential customers. To be fair. the next management progress report is scheduled in three weeks. It is possible that the team could catch up. but you doubt it. You wonder if there is an ethical question here: Even though the report isn't due yet. should a significant problem be reported to management as soon as possible I You are concerned about the issue, and you decide to discuss it with Stephanie. What will you say to her1 3 IQ SUMMARY Project management is the process of planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporting on rhe development of an information system. Plan ning includes identifying all project tasks and esrimaring the completion rime and coM of each. Project scheduling involves rhe crearion of a specific timetable, u!.ualJy in che form of charts t har show casks, cask dependencies, and critical tasks char might delay rhe project. Projecr monitoring requires guiding, supervising, and coordinating the project ream\ workload. The project manager muse monito r the progress, eva luate the results, and cake corrective action when necessa ry to contro l the project and stay o n carget. Project reporting includes regu la r progress reports ro management, users, a nd the project rea m itself. Effective reporting requi res st rong communication skills a nd a sense of what others wa nt and need ro know a bo ut the project. A successful project must be com pleted on time, be within b udget, and deliver a quality pro duct that satisfies users and meets requiremen cs. A project t riangle shows three legs: project cost, scope, and time. A project manager musr find rhe besr balance amo ng these clemeDrs because a change in any leg of rhc triangle will affccr rhe orher two legs. Project management techniques can be used rhroughour rhe SDLC. Planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporting-all rake place within a larger project development framework, \vh.ich includes three key steps: creating a WBS, identifying task parrerns, and calcula ting the critical path. A WBS must clearly r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase I Systems Planning 97 3.10 Summary idenrify each task and include an estimated duration. A rask, or activity, is any work that has a beginning and an end and requires the use of company resources such as people, rime, or mone)•. Time and cost esrimares for rasks usually are made m personda)'s. A person-day represents the work rhac one person can accomphsh in one day. Esnmaring the rime for project activities is more difficult with larger systems. Project managers musr consider rhe project size and scope, IT resources, prior experience with similar pro1eccs or systems, and applicable constraints. In addition to tasks, every project has cvenrs, or mile!>tones. An event, or a milestone, is a recognizable reference point rhat can be used ro monitor progress. Task patterns establish the sequence of work in a project. Task patterns involve dependent casks, mulriple successor tasks, and multiple predecessor tasks. In larger projects, rhese patterns can be very complex. A critical path is a series of casks that, if delayed, would affect the completion dare of rhe overall project. If any task on the critical path falls behind schedule, the entire project will be delayed. Tasks on the critical path cannot have slack time. To identify the critical path, calculate the start and finish date for each cask, which will determine the critical path for the project. In project schedu ling, rhc project manager de\•elops a specific rime for each rask, based on available resources and whether or not -cbe task is dependent on ocher predecessor tasks. The manager can use graphical rools such as Gantt charts and PERT charts ro assist in rhe scheduling process. A Gann chart is a horizontal bar c hart that represents the project schedule with rime on the horizontal axis and tasks arranged vertically. ft shows individual tasks and rask groups, which include several casks. In a Gantt chart, the Ieng-ch of the bar indicarcs rhc durarion of the rasks. A Gann chart can display progress bur docs nor show rask dependency derails or re ource assign ment unless the charr was created with a project management program that suppon:s dependency linking and rhe entry of other information. A PERT/C P~I charr shows the project as a nerwork diagram with tasks connected by arrows. Using a prescribed calculation method, the project manager uses a PERT chart to determine the overall duration of the project and provide specific information for each task, including the rask IDs, their durarions, start and finish rimes, and the order in which they must be performed. \Xlirh this information, the manager can determine the critical path, which is the sequence of tasks that has no slack time and must be performed on schedule in o rder to meet the overall project deadline. Mose project managers use software applications such as Microsoft Project co plan, schedule, and monitor projects. Project managers are responsible for risk management, which is rhe process of identifying, analyzing, a nticipating, and monitoring risks 10 minimize their impact on the project. In ihe end, project management involves the same skills as any o ther management. The project manager must be perceptive, analytical, well organized, and a good communicator. If the project manager senses that the project is off-track, he or she muse take immediate steps to diagnose and solve the proble1n. lf the project manager fai ls to plan, staff, organize, supervise, communicate, motivate, evaluate, direct, and control properly, then the project is certain to fail. Even when factors outside his or her control contribute to the failure, the project manager is responsible for recognizing the early warning signs and handling them effectively. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects Key Terms 98 Ke y Te rms actJ\11)- Any work rhar ha~ a beginning and an end and require> the use ol compan) rc<.oorce' including people, tmte, :rnd/or mone). Example$ indu<le conducung a >erto of 1nten 1cw,, de-1gnmg a report, \clet.:ung ,ofrware, waifing for the delivery of equipment, and 1ra1nmg u..er~. <iu 11/su l.t\L.. best-ca~ c<itimatc The mosr opcirnisric outcome. bonom-up technique A method for analyung a large, complex protect as a serii-s of mdl\·idual tasks, called project tasks. Brool..s' la" hedenck Brooks, an IB~l engineer, observed that adding more rnanpO\\Cr 10 a !are soft· \I ar~ proiect 01il) mak~ 11 later. code re1 iew See structured walk-through. concurrent 1a;I.. A rask that can be completed ar the same tune as (in p.1rnllel wnh) another task. ~riucal path A 'cric• of events and activities with no ;lack time. If any act1v11y along tht• critical path foils hchind schedule, the entire project 'chedule i\ similarly delayed. 1\s the name implic,, a critica l parh include., all activities rhar are vir:il t() rhe project M:hedule. Critical !~uh Method (Cl'M) Sbows a project as a nerwork diagram. The ,tctivitics Jre shown as vectors, .ind the events are displayed graphically as nodes. Although Cl'M developed sepJrarely from the Progr.1rn fa .1luarion Re1iew Technique (PERT), che two methods are essentially idenucal. See a'5o l'l:R l /CPM . dependent t.1sk A task is said robe depeodem when ir has robe completed ma seri.11sequence. design re\lew See srrucrured walk-through. durauon lne amounr of time 1r will rake ro complere a rask. cwnc 1\ reference point thar marh a major occurrence. U~ to monitor pro11rc\\ and mana11c a projen. Sec .ilso m1fc,tone. fin,.,h day/d:ue The dov or d:irc when a cask i:. scheduled to be finbhed. C~nn ,h;an A hormmtal bar chart chat illusrrate> a ,.:hcduf.,. Dc1•dopcd man) year' a110 b) Henry L Gann as a proJouion 'ontrol c.,,hniquc. Still arc in common LI><: todJ). nufc,tnnc \ reference point that mark. a major occurrence. U«:d to monitor pmgre" and manage a projccr. See also event. ncmnrk d1agr:im A PF.RT chan al~o is referred to as a network diagram. open source Sofrware thac is supported b) a large group of users and developer•. The source code is mJde free!) available. pcrson-dav I he amoum of work that one person can comple1e in one d.1y. l'l:.R f /Cl'M lbe l'rogr.im Ev•lua11011 Review Tecbmque (Pl:.RT) "a> developed by 1he U.S. Navy 10 man.tgc very complex projects, such as rhe construction of nuclear submarines. At appro,imarcly rhe same 11me, the Cnrical Pach Method (CPM) was de, eloped by pnvare indusrr) to rnccr ~1m1lar project management needs. The tmporranr disrincrions berween the two methods hal'e disappeared over rime, and rot.lay 1he rechmque is cillled either PERl~ CPM, or l'ERT/Cl'M. prc<lccc"or ta\k A <mglc prior task upon wl1 ich two or more concurrent 1.1sk\ depend. probablc·<:a\c c\limarc The most likely outcome is called a probable-ca~c c\timatc. Prol\ram [·.valuation Re\ i~ Technique (PERT} See l'ERT/CPM. project coordin;11or The person who handles administrative responsihilitie< for the development team and negoriate' wirh u~ers who might have conAicring requirement~ or wane changes that would rc4uirc .11Jditional time or c..:pcnse. pro1c't lc:ldcr The perwn chJrgcd with leading a project from a rechnical per~pc,rivc. pro1c.:1 m.inJgcment The process of planning, schedtilm!(, mon11onng, controlltng, .1ntl reportutg upon che dcl'elopmen1 of an information system. pro1c.:r manager The pcrwn charged ,,;th maaagiag a projccc from an admm1stranve pcr<ipective. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase I Systems Planning 99 Key Terms pro1cct monitonng Gu1dmg, supervising. and coordin:iriog chc project 1eam's worlJoad. project planninl( ldcnufymg prOJC\:t IJ>b and estimating completion ume Jnd cosb. projcc1 rcporunit Pro,1dmg regular progress reports 10 managemen1. users, .md the pro1ecr 1eam nsclf. pro1cx1 "'hrdulin11 The vca11on of a ">pc<:ific umcrable ro faciliratc complcuon ot J pro1a:1. Al'o m'ol'c' <electing and ;,1;iffing rhc pro1ccr ream and a'\~1gnmg specific tasks to team mcmh<:.-. pro1cct 1nan11k The thr« ma1or component~ of a project: co<t, scope, and nmc. A projc~'t manager rric\ to find the optimal balance among the\C facrors. qualuati'c mk anal}"' Fvaluaring ri\k by escimaring che probability rhar ir will occur and the dcgrc-e of impact. quantitauvc ri~k anal) m cvaluaung mk m rerms of rhe acmal impact m terms of dollars, tune, pro1ccr scope, or qualiry. ri~k An C\'ent th.tr could affccr the pro1ccr negatively. ri~k identification Lming each risk and assessing the likelihood thar it could affect a pro1ccr. ri'\k manai;cmcnt The procc'' of idcnrifying, evaluati ng. cracking, and controll ing ri'h to minimize rhcir impact. ri,I.. management plan lnducJc, n rcvi<.·w of the prujt:t.'t's scope, sr:akeholtle,.,., hud11tt, •chet.lulc, and any other internal or c'rcrnal factor' chat might affect the project. The plan <hould define projc~1 role\ and rC"pomihi liric<, ri'k m,inagcmcnr mcrhod< and procedures, categoric< of ri<h, and contini;cncy plan<. risl.. response plan A proaciive cffon to .inricipare a risk and describe an action plan rode.ii with ii. An effecche rt>!. respon.)t p!Jn can reduce che o~erall llllpacr by criggenng a timely and appropri.ue acuon. ~I.tel. urnc !be amount of ume b) which an e\'enr can be !are without delaymg the pro1ecr. lbc difference bet~ttn btest compleuon ume (LC!) and earliest completion titne (l:.Cf). start day/dare lhc dJ) or date when a rask 1s scheduled to begin. \tructurcd "alk-through \ rc,·1ew of a project ream member's work h}' other member\ of the ream. Generali)', 'l'rcm' analy•r• review the work of orher S)"St:ems analym, and programmer\ renew rhc worl.. of other programmer-, a' a form of peer re,·iew. Should take place throughout chi: SOI.( and ar1: called rcqu1n:mcnt r.-vicw•, dc\lgn review<, code rC\;ews, or tc:>tmg n:v1cw•, dcp1:nd1ng on the pha\C in "h11:h thcr occur. \UCCC\\nr ta'k F.ach nf the cnncurrcnr ra•k' of a prcdeccswr cask. ca'k An} worl.. that ha<i a beginn ing and an end and requires the use of company resources 111clud111g people, time, ,111d/or money. Examples include conducting a series of inter\'iews. designing .1 report, ~elect111g buff\\ are, waiting for the deJi,ery of equipment, and training users. See .:1/su a1..1 .. it>ta>k bu" A i:o111ponc111 of a PF.RT/CPM charr that contains imporranr scheduling and duration informa tion abour J tJ>k. Fnch ra>k in a pruic1..-i is represented by its own task box in the PF.RT/CPM 1..hart. ta>k group A ta'k thnt rcprc~cnr~ ~C\'eral activ11ics. task ID A number or code thn1 uniquely identifies a task. task name A brief dcscrip11ve name for a task, which does not have to be unique in the pro1ecr. Fc>r example, a task 11.1med Conduct l111erv1ews might appear in several phases of the proiecr. tasl.. paucrn A log"al •~quence of ra~ks ma WBS. Can involve sequential tJsk>, muluple >U"e;;or tasks, and muluple predecessor tasks. tcmng rc•icw See '\tructured \\all..-through. \\eight An important mulupher th,1r managers facror inro esnmares so the) c.in he an3lyzed. \\Ork brcal..do" n uructurc (WBS) A pro1ect broken down imo a series of smaller task\. Su also Gantt chan; PERT/CPM chan. wo~t -ca'c C\t1111.1tc The most pcss1m1sric outcome. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 3 Managing Systems Projects Exercises 100 Exercises Quest ions I. Draw a pro1ect rriangle that shows rhe relationship among project cost, scope, and time. 2. \Vrite the S(.Tipt for a one-minute explanation of basic project management concepts. 3. Explain the differences bcrwecn a Gann charr and a PERT/CP~I chart. 4. \Vhat are the three main task parrerns t)'Pes? Provide an example of each. 5. Why is the critical path important? 6. What is a srrucrured walk-through? 7. What arc the rwo main ways project starus is reported to management? 8. What i~ a significanr advanrnge of project management sofrware? 9. List the basic tasks in a risk management plan. 1 O. Explain Brooks' law. Discussion Topics I . When using a project rriangle to illustrate conflicti-ng priorities, Microsoft suggests rhar if rhe problem is in the fixed leg, work on rhe other rwo legs. For example, if rhe project must nor exceed rhe budger and it is starting to run over, adjust rhe schedule, or the scope, or hoth. However, if the problem is nor related ro rhe fixed leg, rhe adju~rmenr mighr have to be in the remaining leg. So, when faced wirh an inflexible budget (fixed leg) and the schedule is slipping (problem leg), rhe project's ~cope (remaining leg) mighr have robe adjusred. Why is explaining this siruarion ro management sometime~ a very difficulc cask for chc sysccms analyst? 2. lf you are managing a large project, would you prefer Gantt charts or PERT/CPM charts ro represent project status? Explain why. 3. Consider a scenario where a cask is dependent on another task being started bur nor necessarily completed. for example, a prOJect may depend oa a cask being started and one-fourrh compleced before the group could start 1heir porrion of the project. Do you think this situation occurs frequently in systems pro1ects? Wh>• or why not? 4. Some project management applications can be quire expensive. As a manager, how would you justify the purchase of this sofrware? 5. Risk analysis is rypically a two-step process: qualitative risk analysis and quantitative risk analysis. As a systems analyst, for which sores of project management decision!. would you use the results from qualitative risk analysis? 1-rom the quantitative risk analysis? Projects 1. Think of all the tasks chat you perform when you p urchase a car. Include any research, decisions, or financial issues that re lare ro the purchase. Crea re a \X'BS that shows all the rnsks, their estimated duration, and an)' predecessor rasks. 2. Figure 3-27 shows a \XfBS with l Ltasks. Note tbat each rask has an ID, a description, durarion, and a reference to predecessor tasks, if any, which must be completed before the task can begin. Also note that dependent casks can have one predecessor task or several. Construct a PERT/CPM chart from rhese tasks. Reca ll that rhis is done as a rwo-step process: (l) display the casks and task patterns, and (2) enter start and finish rime. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~... .... .,... ~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._ .,,.,.. _..,. ~ ,...... ..., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ........... ........ ..., .................... . . .... -.., .n..-. ....-i k-s c~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase I Systems Planning I0I Exercises • D escr ipt ion D ur ation ( D ays) Predecessor Tasks I Develop Plan 2 Assign Tasks 4 3 .. Obtain Hardware 17 Programming 70 2 5 Install Hardware 10 3 6 Program Test 7 Write User Manual B 9 Convert Files System Test 10 User Training II User Test 30 25 20 25 20 25 .. 5 5 6 7,8 9,10 FIGURE 3-27 Example of a work breakdown structure listing 11 tasks. together with their descriptions. durations, and predecessor casks. 3. Many of roday's projects involve team members scanercd across different time zones and in different phy~ical locations. Moreover, the projects may have adopted an agile mechodology, which reduces cycle time dramarically. Wrire a brief report rhat summarizes some of the key differences a manager would face managing chi~ rypc of projecr, as opposed to a traditional pro1ecc. 4. Go to the websites for project management rools (besides Microsoft Project), such as Apptivo (www .apptit'O.com ), GanttPro1ecr (www.ganttprojed.biz), Ganner (wwmga11Ner.com), smarrshcet (u11uw .s111arts/Jeel.comlprod11d-to11r/gm1N-charts), }vlonday (U11t•w.mo11day.com), and Trello (www.trello.com). I:xplorc each program's fearures and describe what you like and don't like. 5. Perform an Internet research co learn more about project risk management and write a summary of the resulrs. Be sure to search for cbe classic book titled Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk 0 11 So(tw<1re Projects, by Tom Demarco and Timothy Lister. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 PHASE Systems analysis is the second of five phases in the systems development life cycle. In the previous phase, systems planning, a preliminary investigation was conducted to determine the project's feasibility.The output of that phase, the preliminary investigation report. is used as input to the systems analysis phase, where a system requirements document is created that captures the needs of the all stakeholders. A successful project manager must determine the requirements before starting the design process. not the other way around. It may be tempting to "just do something" to give the appearance of productivity, but a systems project that does not satisfy business requirements serves no useful purpose. Chapter 4 focuses on the requirements engineering process. This includes system requirements, team-based techniques, gathering requirements through interviews and other methods, gathering requirements in agile projects, representing requirements. validating and verifying requirements, and requirements tools. Chapter 5 focuses on data and process modeling techniques that analysts use to show how the system transforms data into useful information. This includes logical versus physical models, data flow diagrams and symbols, drawing data flow diagrams. drawing context diagrams, drawing diagram 0 DFDs, drawing lower-level OF Os, data dictionaries, and process descriptions. Chapter 6 focuses on object modeling techniques that analysts use to create a logical model. This includes object-oriented analysis, objects, attributes, methods, messages, classes, relationships among objects and classes, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), and tools. Chapter 7 focuses on development strategies for the new system and plans for the transition to the systems design phase.This includes traditional versus web-based systems development, evolving trends, in-house software development options, outsourcing, offshoring. Software as a Service (SaaS). selecting a development strategy, the software acquisition process, and completion of systems analysis casks. 103 r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering • • ••• • •• • •••• ••••••••••• ••••• • •• ••••• • ······----···· ·····---··-·· ...... - ····· ---· -- Requirements Engineering Chapter 4 is the first of the four chapters m the systems analysis phase. This chapter describes the requirements engineering process: gathering facts about a systems project. creating models that will be used to design and develop the system, and verifying and validating that the models are correct before proceeding to the next phase of the SDLC. The chapter includes three "Case In Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" raises the issue of considering a request by a supervisor to identify departments that reported the lowest ratings in a survey that was supposed to be kept anonymous. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Whe11 you finish tl1is chapter, you should be able to: CONTENTS 1. Explain system rcquiremenrs and rhc challenges associated with the rcquircmcnrs engineering process 2. Compare and contrast funcnonal and non-functional requirements 3. Apply team-based rcquircmcnrs engineering techniques, including joinr application development UAD), rapid appltcaaon development (RAD), and agile method~ 4. De1'elop a face-finding plan for gathering requirements 5. Conduct an interview to gather sy3tem requircmcntS 6. Use other requirement~ garhering rcchniqucs, including document review, observation, questionnaires and surveys, brainstorming, sampling, and research 4. 1 System Requiremenrs 4 .2 Team-Based Techniques Case in Poinr 4.1: 'orch Hills College 4.3 Gathering Requirements 4.4 Garnering Requirements Through lnrerviews 4.5 Gathering Requirements Using Other Techniques Case in Point 4.2: CyberStuff 4 .6 Gathering Requirements in Agile Projects 4 .7 Represenring Rcquircmcnrs Ca3e in Point 4.3: Digital Pen Transcription 4 .8 Validating and Verifying Requirements 4 .9 Tools A Question of Ethics 4. 10 Summary Key Terms Exercises 7. Explain how requircmcnrs arc gathered in agile projects 8. Utilize different requircmenrs representation techniques, including natural language, diagram~, and mo<leb 9. Explain how ro validate and verify requiremenrs 10. E.x:plain bow roob can help wirh requirements engineering acciv1ti~ f"........., ,.,.r...., t . . . . . 4•111..-.•...__. ....... • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ~ ~------.. .,...~ ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........,.., ........... ._... ..,.,...,.~" ... ~ ........................ -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,...,. ..... ID>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................_ .... ._ Phase 2 Systems Analysis 105 4.1 System Requirements 4. I SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS During the first part of the srstems analysis phase of the SDLC, systems analysts must idenrify and describe all system requirements. A system requirement is a characteristic or feature that must be included in an informarion system to satisfy business requirements and be acceprable to users. System requirements serve as benchmarks to measure the overall acceprabiliry of the finished system. Because system requirements arc the focus of t he start of the systems analrs1s phase, it's important to get rhcm correct, right at rhc start of the process. Any problems with the requirements will have a ripple effect that could negacively affect subsequent phases of the DLC. In facr, poor requirements engineering is a leading cause of failed projects. Requirements engineering is composed of three main activities: 1. Gathering requirements: 1111derstanding the problem 2. Representing requirements: describing the problem 3. Validating and verifying requirements: agreeing upon the problem Each of these activities is described in more decailt in this chapter. The output of requirements engineeri ng are requirements docun1enrs that capture the essence of what the system should do. These documents are the input to the next step in the SDLC, data and process modeling, which is described in Chapter 5. 4.1.1 Types of Requirements Requirements can be classified according to various characteristics. For example, requirements may be primarily for the system user, in which case they are referred to as requirementS definitions. Requirements may also be primarily for the engineering team, in which case they arc referred to as requirements specifications. System requirements can also be classified as functionaJ and non-functional. A functional requirement is a statement of the services a system provides. Examples of functional requirements include the folJowing: • The website shall report online volume srariscics every four hours and hourly during peak periods. • The inventory system shall produce a daily report showing the part number, description, quantiry on hand, quanriry alJocated, quantity avaiJable, and unit cost of all sorted by pare number. • The contact management system sball generate a daily reminder list for all sales representatives. Each input form must include date, time, product code, customer number, and quantity. The system must provide logon securiry at the operating system level and at the application level. • • A non-functional requirement is a statement of operational system constraints. Non-functional requirements are also known as quality attributes. Examples of functional requirements include the following: • Data entry screens must be uniform, except for background color, which can be changed by the user. • The ~)·stem must support 25 users online simuJtaneously. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.1 Syscem Requ irem encs 106 • • Response rime muse nor exceed four seconds. The system must be operational 7 days a week, 365 days a year. • The sysrcm should work on Windows and Nlac platforms. Non-funcrional requirements may be more critical rhan funcrional rcquiremcnrs; if t he former are not satisfied, the system is useless. Conflicts berween different non-functional requirements arc common in complex systems. For example, a user may requcsr chac a sysrem be 100% secure but very usable--rwo requirements chat arc hard co reconcile. 4. 1.2 Requirements Challenges Requirements present numerous challenges to the systems analyst. Three of the most imporrant arc imprecision, agreement, and creep. IMPRECISION: Requirements arc often imprecise because rhcy are usuall y repre- scnccd using natural language, such as the examples shown in Secrion 4.1.1. Natural language is expressive, bur it is prone to misintcrprerarion. Ir is not uncommon for vnrious i.rakeholde rs to completely dlisagrec as to the mea ning of a simple req uirement. It is for chis reason chat other techniques are used to represent requirements, as described in Secrion 4. 7. A req uirement may be a high-level abstract statement of a service or of a system constra int, bur it can a lso be a derailed mathematical specifica tion. T his is because requirement~ often berve rwo functions: as a basis for a bid for a contract, a nd as the basis for rhe cotitract itself. If rhe requirements are the basis for the contract bid, it muse be open to interpretation. Bur if the requirements are the basis for rhe contract itself, it must be defined in detail. These rwo constraints are difficult to satisfy. AGREEMENT: One of the main problems with requirements is getting everyone co agree on the exact meaning of the requirements statements. Jn other words, we want ro develop requirements in such a way that, upon completion of the system, borh t he systems analyse and rhe client can agree on whether or nor a specific requirement has been met. In theory, requirements shou ld be both complete and consistent. A requirement is complete if it includes descriptions of all faci lities needed by the system. In pr::ictice, it's 11npossible to corn plerely descri be the requirements for a complex system. A requ irement is consisrenr if there are no conflicts or contradictions in the description of rhc system facilities. In practice, ensuring char there are no conflicts in the system requiremencs when there may be thousands is quite cha llenging. CREEP: There are many social and organizational factors that influence sysrem requirements. For example, business changes inevitably lead to ch:mging requirements-usually more of them ;ts the project progresses. T his is particularl y true for long-lived projects where the personnel involved change over rime. This phenomenon is known as "feature creep." Rapidly c hangi ng requirements can cause numerous problems for systems analysts and other ream members. T his is particularly true for project!. that follow a traditional waterfall model of the SDLC. It is partly for th is reason rhar agile methods are popular: They explicitly address changing requirements as part of rhe project's managemen t structure. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 107 4.1 System Requirements 4.1 .3 Additional Considerations In addition to the three challenges ourlined earlier, syscems analysts muse consider three important supplementary factors: ( 1) scalability, which determines how a system will handle future gro\\'th and demands; (2) security, which 1s all-imporrnnc for today's networked systems; and (3) che coral cost of ownership, which includes all future operanonal and support coses. SCALABILITY: Scalability refers co a system's ability to handle increased business volume and transactions in the future. Because it will have a longer useful life, a scalable S)'Stem offers a bener rerum on the initial invesanent. To evaluate scalability, information is needed about projected future volume for all outputs, inputs, and processes. For example, for a web-based order processing system, one needs to know the maximum projected number of concurrent users, the periods of pc:ik onlinc activity, the number a nd types of data items required for each transaction, and the method of nccessing and updating customer files. Even to print customer statements, the analyst needs to know the number of active accounts and h:we a forecast for one, rwo, or five years because char informa tion affeccs fucure hardwa re decisions. In addirion, wich realistic volume projeccions, reliable cosc estimates for rcl:ued expenses, s uch as postage and online charges, can be provided. Similnrly, to ensure thac a web-based hotel reservation system is sufficientl y scalable, the anal)'St would need ro project ncrivity levels for several years of operation. For example, one might forec:ist the frequency of oaline queries :ibout room availability and e~timate the time required for e:ich query nnd the average respon~e time. With that information, server transaction volume and nerwork requirements could be estimated. Transaction volume has :1 significant impact on operating costs. When volume exceeds a system's limitations, mainrenance costs increase sharply. Volume can ch:inge dramatic:illy if a comp:iny expands or enters a new line of business. For example, a new lntemet-b:ised marketing effort might require an additional server and a 24-hour technical support. Darn storage also is an important scalability issue. The analyst must determine how much datn storage is required currently and predict future needs based on system activity and growth. Those requirements affect hardware, software, and network bandwidth needed to maintain system performance. Data retention requirements must also be considered to determine whether data can be deleted or archived on a specific timetable. SECURITY: Jn rhc past, security was considered an add-on to a system'& de ign. This is particul:irly true for legacy sysrems that have been deployed for some time. Nowadays, security is so important for networked systems that it has changed from a non-functional requirement to a functional requirement. ln other words, security is :in ei.sential consider:ition for a ll systems development. incorporating security as a first-class requiretnent is particularly important in lig ht of the seemingly endless news reports of 1nassive data breaches. These hacks tele:isc personal information from o nline systems at a scale previously unseen. lf the systems h:id been m:ide with security in mind from the beginning, they would be much harder to infiltrate. The ch:illenge with security as a system requirement is tha t it is often in conflict with other user requirements. For example, a requirement that the system should be accessible online using n web interface immediately makes securing the system much more challenging. The systems analyst must attempt co reconcile and prioritize the conflicting requirements during the requirements engineering process. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.2 Team-Based Techniques 108 In addition to direct costs, systems developers must identify and document indirect expenses that contribute to the total cost of ownership (TCO ). TCO is especially important if the development team is as!.essing several alternative!.. Afcer considering the indirect costs, which are not always apparent, a syscem thar seems inexpensive iniriaUy migbt actually rurn our ro be rhe cosrliesr choice. One problem is that cost estimates rend to understate indirect col.ts such as user support and downtime productivity losses. Eve n if accurate figures are unavailable, syscems analysts should try to identify indirect costs and include them TCO for Cloud Computing in TCO estimates. Because cost contro l is so important, vendors ofren claim that their products or services will reduce T CO significantly. For example, one of the most commo n reasons to migrate n legacy system to the clo ud is reduced TCO. As shown in Figure 4- 1, cloud computing offers rhe opportunity for lower operational costs due to the our ourcing of expenses such as ca pita I investment in exchange for a FIGURE 4-1 Total cost of ownership when migraung co the cloud can be significandy less pay-as-rou-go pricing model. than current computing platforms. TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP: 29°10 57°10 v 4.2 TEAM-BASED TECHNIQUES The IT department's goal is to deliver the best possible information system, at the lowest possible cost, in the shortest possible time. To acbjeve the best results, systems developers view users as partners in the development process. Greater user involvement usually results i11 better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users. The traditional model for systems development was an IT department that used st ructured analysis and consulted users o nlr when their inpur o r approval was needed. Although the TT staff still has a central role, and structured analrsis remains a popular merhod of systems development, mosr IT ma nagers invire system users to parricipare actively in various development tasks. As described in Chapter 1, ream-based approaches have been around for some rime. A popular example is joint application development UAD), wh ich is a user-oriented technique for fact-finding and requirements engineering. Because it is not linked ro a specific development methodology, systems developers use JAD whenever group input ::ind inreraccion are desired. Another popular user-oriented method is rapid application development (RAD ). RAD resembles a condensed version of the entire SDLC, with users involved every seep of the way. While JAD typically focuses only on fact-finding and requirements determination, RAD provides a fast-track approach to a full spectrum of systems development tasks, including planning, design, construction, and implementation. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 109 4.2 Team-Based Techniques Finally, as described in Chapter 1, agile merhods represent a recent trend that srresscs intense interaction between systems developers and users. JAD, RAD, and agile methods arc discussed in the following seccions. 4.2. 1 Joint Applicatio n Deve lopme nt Jome application dc\.clopmcnc UAD) is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users 111to the development process as active participanrs. USER INVOLVEMENT: Users have a vital stake in an information system, and they should participate fully in rhe development process. Many years ago, rhe IT department usually had sole rcsponsibiliry for systems development and users had a relatively passive role. During rhe development process, the IT staff would collect information from users, define system requirements, and construct the new system. At various stages of che process, che IT staff might ask users to review the design, offer comments, and submit changes. Today, users rypically have a much more active role in systems development. IT professionals now recognize that successful systems must be user oricnrcd, and users need to be involved, formally or informally, at every stage of systems development. One popular strategy fo r user involvement is a JAD team approach, which involves a cask force of users, managers, and IT µrofessiona ls who wo rk togcrhcr to gather information, discuss business needs, and define the new system requirements. JAD PARTICIPANTS AND ROLES: A JAD team usually meets over a period of days or weeks in a special conference room or at an off-sire location. Either way, JAD participanci. should be insulated from rhe distraction of day-co-day operations. The objecti,·e is to analyze the existing system, obtain user input and expectations, and document user requirements for the new system. The JAD group usually has a project leader, who needs strong interpersonal and organizational skills, and one or more members who document and record the results and decisions. Figure 4-2 describes typical JAD participants and their roles. IT staff members often serve as JAD project leaders, but that is not always the case. JAD PARTICIPANT ROLE JAD protect leader Develops an agenda. acu as a facilitator. and leads the JAD session Top manageme nt Provides enterprise-level authorization and support for the project Managers Provide department-level support for the project and understanding of how the project must support business functions and requirements Users Provide operational-level input on current operations. desired changes, input and output requirements. user interface issues, and how the project will support day-to-day tasks Systems analysts and other IT staff members Provide technical assistance and resources for JAD team members on issues such as security, backup. hardware. software. and network capability Recorder Documents results of JAD sessions and works with systems analysts to build system models and develop CASE tool documentation FIGURE '4-2 Typial JAD partlcipancs and roles. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.2 Team- Based Tec hniques I I0 Syscems analysts on rhe JAD ream participate in discussions, ask questions, rake note , and provide support to rhe team. If CASE tools are available, analysts can develop models and enter document ation from the JAD session directly into the CASF tool. A typical JAD session agenda is s hown in Figure 4-3. The JAD process involves intensive effort by all ream members. Because of the wide range of input and constant interaction among the participants, many companies believe th:u a JAD group produces the best possible definition of tbe new system. Project leader • Introduce all JAD team members • Discuss ground rules, goals. and objecuves for the JAD sessions • Explain methods of documentation and use of CASE tools, if any Top management (sometimes called the project owner or sponsor) • Explain the reason for the project and express top management authorization and support Project leader • Provide overview of the current system and proposed project scope and constraints • Present outline of specific topics and issues to be investigated Open discussion session, moderated by project leader • Review the main business processes, tasks, user roles. input. and output • Identify specific areas of agreement or disagreement • Break team into smaller groups to study specific issues and assign group leaders JAD team members working • Discuss and document all system requiremenu • Develop models and prototypes in smaller group sessions, supported by IT staff -------- Group leaders • Report on results and assigned tasks and toptcs • Present issues that should be addressed by the overall JAD team Open discussion session, moderated by pro1ect leader • Review reporn from small group sessions • Reach consensus on main issues • Document all topics Project leader • Present overall recap of JAD session • Prepare report that will be sent to JAD team members FIGURE 4-3 Typical agenda for a )AD session. )AD ADVANTAGES AND DISADVA.NTAGES: Compared with traditio nal meth ods, J AO is more expensive and can be cumbersome if the grou p is too large relative co the size of rhe project. M any companies find, however, that JAD a llows key users to pa rticipate effectively in the requ irements engineeri ng process. When users participate in rhe sysrems development process, they arc more likely ro feel a sense of ownership in the results and support for the new sysrem. When properly used, JAD can result in a more acc urate statement of system requirement , a better understanding of common goals, a nd a stronger commirment to the s uccess of the new system. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis I II 4.2 Team-Based Techniques CASE IN POINT 4.1: N ORTH H ILLS C OLLEGE North Hills College has decided to implement a new registration system that will allow students to register online as well as in person. As IT manager, you decide to set up a JAO session to help define the requirements for the new system.The North Hills organizaoon is fairly typical, with administrative staff that includes a registrar. a student support and services team, a business office, an IT group, and a number of academic departments. Using this information, you start work on a plan to carry out the JAD session. Who would you invite to the session, and why! What would be your agenda for the session, and what would take place at each stage of the session! 4.2.2 Rapid Application Development Rapid application d evelo pment (RAD) is a team-lbased technique that speeds up information systems development a nd produces a function ing information system. Like J AD, RAD uses a group approach bur goes much further. \Xlhtle t he end product of J AD is a requ irements model, the end product of RAD is the new informa tion sys· rem. RAD is 3 complete merhodoloh')', with a four-phase life cycle that p:.uallcls rhe cradicional SDLC pha!ies. Companies use RAD to reduce cost a nd development rime and increa!ie the prohabiliry of success. RAD rel ies heavi ly on prototyping and user involvement. The RAD process allows u!ier!i to examine a working model as early as possible, deter mine if it meets their neeru., and suggest necessar}' changes. Based on user input, the prototype is modified, and the interactive process conrinues until the system is completely developed and users are i.atisfied. The project team uses CASE tools to build the prototypes and create a concinuou!i stream of documentation. RAD PHASES AND ACTIVITIES: The RAD model consists of four phases: require- ments planning, user design, construction, and cucover, as shown in Figure 4-4. the continuous inreract ion between the user design and construction phases. 1 ote Require me nts planning. The requirements planning phase combines element~ of the systems planning and l>ystems analysis phases of t he SDLC. Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business need s, project scope, constraints, and sy~tem requirements. The requirements planning phase ends when the team agrees on the key issues and obtains management authorization to continue. User design. During the user design pha~e, users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes chat represent a ll system p rocesses, outputs, and inputs. T he RAD group or subgroups typically use a combinatio n of J AD techniques and CASF, roo ls co transla te user need s into wor kin g models. User design is a conti nuous, interactive p rocess that allows users to u ndersta nd, modify, a nd eventua ll y approve a working model of the system tha t meecs cheic needs. Constructio n. The constru ction phase focuses on program and application development tasks similar to the SDLC. In RAD, however, users continue co participate and still can suggest changes or improvements as acrual screens or reports are developed. Cutove r. The curovcr phase resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, including data conversion, resting, changeover to the new system, and user training. Compared with traditional methods, the entire process is compressed. As a result, the new S)'Stem is built, delivered, and placed in operation much sooner. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.2 Team-Based Techniques I 12 Requi rements Plannlng Task s • Users, managers, and IT staff agree upon business needs, project scope, and systems requirements • Obtain approval to continue User Design Tasks • Interact with users • Build models and prototypes • Conduct intensive JAD-type sessions Continuous interaclton between the user design and construction phases Construction Tasks • Program and application development • Coding • Unit, Integration, and system testing User Design Cutover CutoverTasks • Data conversion • Full-scale testing • System changeover • User training FIGURE 4·4 Tho fo11r ph11s~ of tile R.AD rno<!el ;i,~ ~quire111entt planning, user design, connruction, arid cucover. Note the continuous lnceractlon between the user design and construction phases. RAD OBJECTIVES: The main objective of all RAD approaches is co cue developmenr rime and expense by involving users in every phase of sysrems development. Because iris a conrinuous process, RAD allows rhe developmenr ream ro make necessary modificarions quickly, as the design evolves. In times of right corporare hudgers, iris especially imporranc co limit che cost of changes chat typically occur in a long, drawn-our development schedule. In addition to user involvement, a successful RAD team muse have IT resources, skills, and management support. Because ic is a dynamic, user-driven process, RAD is especially v::iluahle when a company needs an information :.yMem to support a new business function. By obtaining user input from the beginning, RAD also helps a development ream design a system that requ ires a highly interactive or complex user interface. R.A D ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: RAD has advantages and disadvantages compared with rraditiooal structured analysis methods. The primary advantage is that systems can be developed more quickly with significanc cosr savings. A disadvanrage is rbat RAD srresses rhe mechanics of the sysccms irsclf and docs nor emphasize rhe company's suategic business needs. The risk is that a system mighr work well in rhe shore term, but the corporare and long-term objectives for che S)'Srcm might nor be mer. Anorber pocenrial disadvantage is char the accclcrared rime cycle migh t allow less rime co develop quality, consistency, and design standards. RAD can be an arrracrive alrernarive, however, if an organizarion understands rhe possible risks. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 113 4.2 Team-Based Techniques 4.2.l Agile M ethods Chapter I explained that agile methods attempt to develop a system incrementally by buildmg a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to u er requiremenrs. A~ the agile process continues, developers revise, extend, and merge earlier versions into the final producr. An agile approach emphasizes continuous feedback, and each incremental step is affected by what was learned in the prior steps. As agile methods become more popular, a large con1munity of agile-related software and &ervices ha~ evolved. Many agile developers prefer not to use CASE toob at all, and as ~hown in Figure 4-5 rely instead on whiteboard displays and arrangements of movable sticky notes. This approach, they believe, reinforces the agile strategy: si1nple, rapid, flexible, and user oriented. -- i •• -- - -~ ,. - - • aI I • • -,... - - ,,::: • -1 • I FIGURE 4-5 Reinforcing the agile stntegy: simple, rapid.flexible. and user oriented. S..., ~d..,. 'I IO l<n 'Vt'f1 lfTI Scrum is anod1er agile approach. The name cornes from the rugby term scr11111, where team members lunge ar each other to achieve their objectives, as shown in Figure 4-6. ll1e systems development version of Scrum involves the same intense interaction, though it is more mental than physical. ln a Scrwn session, agile ream members play specific roles, including colorful designations such as pigs or chickens. These roles arc based on the old joke about the pig and chicken who discuss a restaurant where ham and eggs would be served. I lowever, rhe pig declines, because that role would require a total c01nmirmenr, while for rhe chicken, ir would only be a contribution. Jn the agile world, rhe pigs include the product owner, the facilitator, and the development team, while rhe chickens include users, ocher stakeholders, and managers. Scrum sessions have specific guidelines that emphasize time blocks, interaction, and team-based activities thar result in deliverable software. An agile ream uses a series of scrums to pause the action and allow the players to reset the game plan, which remains in effect until the next scru m. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.3 Gathering Requirements I 14 FIGURE 4-6 In a rugby scrum. team members prepare to lunge at each other to achieve their objectives. .... ~~ tlCf h~~ ""' Agile, or adaprive, methods are very flexible and cfficienr in dealing wirh cbange. The)' are popular because rhey srress ream inreracrion and reflecr a set of community-based values. Also, frequenr deliverables consranrly validare rhe projecr and reduce risk. I lowever, some porenrial problems exist. For example, ream members need a high level of technical and interpersonal skills. Also, a lack of structure and documenrarion can introduce risk factors, such as blurring of roles and responsibilities, and loss of corporate knowledge. Finally, rhe overall projecr may be subject to significant change in cope as user requirements continue to evolve during the projecr. AGILE METHOD ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: 4.3 GATHERING REQUIREMENTS Gathering requirements is the fi rst step in the requirements engineering process. This step is also known as requirements elicitation or fact- finding (collecting information). Whether working solo or as a me1nber of a team, during requirements gathering, the systems a nal yst will use various teclu1jques, including interviews, document review, observation, surveys and questionnaires, sampling, a nd research. Although software can help gather and analyze requirements, no program actuall y gathers them a uto matically. First, the information needed must be identified. Typically, t his activity begins by asking a series of questions, such as the following: • • (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . \'<i'hat bu'>iness functions are su pported by the current system? What strategic objectives and business requirements must be supported by the new sysrem? I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis llS 4.3 Gathering Requirements • • \Xlhat arc the benefits and TCO of rhe proposed system? \XThat transactions will the system process? • \Xlhar information do users and managers 111eed from the system? • Must the new sy~rem interface with legacy systems? • What procedures could be eliminated by business process reengineering? • What security issues exist? • • What risks are acccprable? What budget and rimerable constrainrs will affecr sysrems development? To obtain answers to these questions, the analyst develops a face-finding plan, which involves answers to five familiar questions: who, what, where, when, and how. For each of those questions, one a lso must ask another very important question: why. Some examples of rhese questions a re as follows: 1. \'(I/Jo? \'V'ho performs each of the procedures within the system? Why? Arc the correct people performing rhe activity? Could other people perform rhe casks more effectively ? 2. \'(/hat? What is being done? What procedures are being followed? Why is the process necessary? Often, procedures are fo llowed for many years and no one knows why. Question why a procedure is being followed ar a ll. 3. \'(/here? Where are operations being performed? \Vhy? Where could they be performed? Could they be performed more efficientlr elsewhere? 4. \'(!hen? \'V'hen is a procedure performed? Why is it being performed ac chis ame? ls this the best time? 5. I l ow? I low is a procedure performed? Why is it performed in that manner? Could it be performed better, more efficiently, or less expensively in ~ome ocher manner? There 1s a difference between asking whar is being done and whar could or should be done. The sysrems analyse first must understand the current siruation. Onl)' then can rhe question of whar should be done be answered. Figure 4-7 liscs rhe basic questions and when rhey should be asked. Note thar the first two columns relarc co rhe current system bur the third column focuses on rhe proposed system. PROPOSED SYSTEM CURRENT SYSTEM Who does It! Why does this person do ltl Who should do itl What Is donel Why Is it donel What should be donel Where is it donel Why is it done there! Where should It be done! When Is It donel Why Is It done then! When should It be donel How is it donel Why Is It done this way! How should It be donel FIGURE 4-7 Sample quesaons during requirements elicitation as the focus shifts from the current system co the proposed system. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.4 Gathering Requirements Through Interviews I 16 4.4 GATHERING REQUIREMENTS THROUGH INTERVIEWS interviewing is an imporrant requirement gathering technique during the systems analysis phase. An interview is a planned meeting during which the analyse obrains information from another person. The skills needed to plan, conduct, document, and evaluate interviews successfully must be understood. 4.4. 1 The Interview Process After identifying che information needed, as described earlier in rhe chapter, the interviewing process commences, which consists of seven steps for each interview: I. Determine the people to interview. 2. E.srablish objecti ves for the interview. 3. Develop interview questions. 4. Prepare for rhe interview. 5. Conduct the interview. 6. Documenr rhe interview. 7. Evaluate the interview. STEP I: DETERMINE THE PEOPLE TO INTERVIEW: To ger an accurate picture, rhe analyse mu~t select che rig ht people to interview and ask chem the right questions. The preliminary investigation involved mainly middle manager or department heads. Now, during the systems analysis phase, people from all levels of rhe organization should be interviewed. In some situations, it might be prudent to interview stakeholders that are nor members of the organization, because their opinion is valuable. Although interview candidates can be selected from the formal orgamzarion charts reviewed earlier, one must also consider any informal structures that exist in the organization. Informal structures usual!)' are based on interpersonal relationships and can develop from previous work assignments, physical proxjmity, unofficial procedures, or personal relationships such as tbe informal gathering shown in Figure 4-8. In an informal structure, some people have more influence or knowledge than appears on FIGURE 4-8 When setting up interviews. an analyst should look outside a formal organization chart to identify people who might provide valuable information. c #.f"Sl-- .....ay LU"' 1 (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . 4 I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis I 17 4.4 Gathering Requirements Through Interviews an organizarion charr. The analysr's knowledge of rhe company's formal and informal srrucrures helps derermine rhe people ro inrervie'v during the systems analysis phase. Should several people be interviewed at the same time? Group interviews can ave time and provide an opporrunicy to observe interacrion among the participant<;. Group interviews also can present problems. One person might dominate the convcration, even when questions are addressed specifically to others. Organization level also can present a problem because the presence of senior managers in an interview might prevent lower-level employees from expressing themselves candidly. STEP 2: ESTABLISH OBJECTIVES FOR THE INTERVIEW: After deciding on the people to interview, objectives for tbe session must be established. First, the general areas to be discussed should be determined, and then the facts to be gathered should be listed. Soliciting ideas, suggesrions, and opinions during thc interview is also a good idea. The objectives of an inrerview depend on the role of the person being interviewed. Upper-level managers can provide the big picture to help understand the system as a whole. Specific details about operarions and business processes are best learned from people who actually work wirh the sysrem on a daily basis. In the early stages of systems analysis, interviews usually are general. As the fact-finding process continues, however, the interviews focus more on specific topics. Interview objectives a lso vary at different stages of the investigation. Interviews should be as brief as possible (though as long as needed), since time is so valuable m employees, e.~pecially managers. By sening specific objectives, a framework is created that helps the analyst decide what quescions to ask a nd how ro phrase them. STEP 3: DEVELOP INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Creating a Standard list of interview questions help to keep the session on track and avoid unnece~ar) tangents. Also, if everal people who perform the same job are interviewed, a s tandard question list permits a comparison of their answers. AJtbough there may be a list of specific questions, the mterv1ewer might decide to depart from ir because an answer to one quei.tion leads to another topic that warrants pursuing. Thar question or topic then should be included m a re' 1 ed set of questions used ro conduct future interviews. If the question proves to be extremely important, it may be needed ro return to a previous interviewee to query him or her on the topic. The interview should consist of several different kinds of questions: open-ended, closed-ended, or questions wirh a range of responses. When phrasing questions, :ivoid leading questions that suggest or favor a particular reply. for example, rather than asking, "What advantages do you see in the proposed system?" ask instead, "Do you see any advan tages in the proposed system?" Open-ended questions. Open-ended ques tions encourage spontaneous and unstructured responses. Such questions are useful to understand a larger process or draw our rhe interviewee's opinions, attitudes, or suggestions. Here are some examples of open-ended questions: • \Vhat arc users saying about the new system? • • How is rhis cask performed? Why do you perform the task that way? • How are the checks reconciled? • What added features would you like to have in the new billing system? .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.4 Gathering Requirements Th rough Interviews I 18 Also, an open-ended question can be used ro probe further by asking: ls rhcre anything else you can rell me abour rhis ropic? Closed-ended questions. Clo~ed-ended q uestions limit or restrict the response. C losed-ended questions are used wbea informarion chat i more specific is needed or when facts must be verified. Examples of closed-ended questions include the following: • How many personal compurers do you have in this department? • Do you review the repo rts before rhey are sent our? • How many hours of training does a clerk receive? • • Is the calculacion procedure described in the manual? How many cusromers ordered products from rhe website lasr month? Range-of-response questions. Ra nge-of-res ponse questio ns are closed-ended questions chat ask the person ro evaluate something by providing limited answers ro specific responses or on a numeric scale. This metho d makes it easier co tabulate the answers a nd interpret che results. Ra nge-of-response questions might include the fol lowing: • • On a scale o f I co 10, with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest, how effective was your training? How would you rate rhe severity of rhe problem: low, medium, or high? • Is rhe system shutdown something that occurs never, sometimes, often, usuall>•, or always? STEP 4: PREPARE FOR THE INTERVIEW: After setting the objccti\'eS and develop- ing the quesrions, preparing for rhe incerview is next. Careful preparation is essenrial because an interview is an important meeting and nor just a casual char. \Xfhen the interview is scheduled, suggest a specific day and time and let the interviewee know how long the meeting is expecced ro last. Ir is also a good idea to send an email o r place a reminder call rhe day before the interview. Remember rhat rhc interview is an inrerruprion of the other per~on 's routine, so rhc interview should be limited re> no more than one hour. If business pressures force a postponement of the meeting, schedule another appoinrment as soon as ic is convenient. Remember co keep de partment managers informed of meetings with cheir srnff members. Sending a message to each department manager listing planned appointments is a good way co keep them informed. Figure 4·9 is an example of such a message. A list of topics should be se11c to an interviewee several days before rhe mcecing, especially when detailed in£ormatioo is needed, so the person can prepare for the interview and minimize the need for a follow-up meeting. Figure 4- J 0 shows a sample message chat lists specif ic questions and confirms the date, time, location, purpose, and anticipated duration of the interview. If there are questions about documents, ask the interviewee to have samples avaiJable at the meeting. The ad vance memo should include a list of the documents co discuss (if it is known what they are). Also, a general request for documents can be made, as the a nalyst did in the email shown in Figure 4· 10. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,...... .,..~ __.~~ c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 119 4.4 Gathering Requirements Through Interviews ••• d •• I) - °"""'-· - 0 B From: Soon Tiiiy - t• f ~.. . . •••a. Miii I wetM ..._ • ""9l!t _ . . tie¥Wlll I em~ M U..Mw,.....,. ,....a~..,_.. I ....o .......... fWe .-.out uw""" ~ ol,,...... ~ tN 1'11.W IYlhl'ft. ,._.. iM. me io.w 6 O'lt ,.....,.. 9CNdlolle • OK: ..rr '° •ff _ _ .... , _ · - i - . . - 1 1 .. , .1·- . _ ..........- : u .. to,,,.. ..... .,.,, ottw.,..... 1 ... ,.. k1'0W, I MM WI ,...., ••• tl•*'lll..,. r. ~w ~It netCS4f I Nft ta~..... tfllt ....leml .,......., .,,.... ..... tM end ti the~ ... rt ........... ct. ayllCm . . .~ dow"*" .. toon . . ~ ......ble M¥t ·~ ~. ...... · - ~ Tt\tnld, copy"' u.,.... FIGURE 4-9 Sample message to a department head about interviews . ••• d •• 0 I) 8 Cc: llcc - "°"""',....,...,.., l oa.-., oa.o. 1.L rm~.,. .. ,.... t....o ~ x ,._...., , ..,., .. _.,...,.~...,.~~.-e~w. .,..~u.'" wcu.,...,.tN __ TM-....,..,_"'¥~""'°'.,.., \fl ....,.~• ..... ..,. •s...,•• "*'.....,at .. • Wt' tJ'W,.. ~ M"'f ~ 1octbotl&1 • 0. .,._...,. ~,..... .......... ~ ~ tit tN: . . . .,"""' ,,..,-? • W"llC ..,,,,., ~ .... 0 . . . . . . , . ,...,.,.. .,. the,..... ~? • Wt'9 . . ~· .ll'\ tht~411cltMAon~" • HIDW....,. .. .,.... ·~~ !ft ~,.,... wipiCll If""" h9W! "'" ~-..,.....,,..or-..... O\IC dOni '*" thl: TM"b ,_yew~ GM"IWft s...-em. P'MM No-.. UIOl9 ....._.._•I wn rnicw ""-"".._,.we nllefll ....... Scott Tii ey FIGURE 4-1 0 Sample message to confirm an interview. Two schools of thought exist about the best location for an interview. Some analysts believe that interviews should take place in the interviewee's office, whereas other analysts feel that a neutral location such as a conference room is better. Supporters of interviews in the interviewee's office believe that is the best locntion bccnu~e it m:.ikel> the interviewee feel comfortable during the meeting. A second argument in favor of che interviewee's office is that the office is where he or she has .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.4 Gathering Requirements Through Interviews 120 the easiesr access co supporting material that might be needed during the di cussion. If a complete list of copies is provided in advance, however, che interviewee can bring the necessary items co a conference room or other location. Supporters of neutral locations srress the importance of keeping interruptions to a minimum so both people can concentrate fully. In addition, an interview that is free of interruptions takes less rime. If the meeting does take place in the interviewee's office, tactfull y suggest that all calls be held until the conclusion of the interview. STEPS: CONDUCT THE INTERVIEW: After detennining the people to interview, setting che objectives, and preparing the questions, a specific plan for the meeting should be developed. When cond ucting an interview, begin with introductions, describe the project, and explain tbe interview objectives. During the interview, ask questions in the order in which they were prepared and give the interviewee sufficient time to provide thoughtful answers. Some answers will lead co additional questions, which should be asked in a logical order. Establishing a good rapport with rhc interviewee is important, especia lly if this is the first meecing. If the other person feels comfortable and at ease, they will probably provide more complete and candid a nswers. T he analyst's primary responsibility during a n interview is co listen carefull y to the answers. Analyses sometimes hear only what they expect co hear. Concentrate o n what is said and notice an)' non ve rbal communication that takes place. This process i called engaged Hstening. After asking a question, allow the person enough time to think about the question and arrive ar an answer. Studies have shown rhar the maximum pause during a conversation i ~ usually rhree to five seconds. After that interval, one person will begin talking. An analyst needs co be patient and practice his or her skills in many acrnal interview !>iruarions to be successful. When all the q uestions have been asked, summarize the main points covered in the interview and explain t he next course of action. For example, mention that a follow-up memo will be sent or that the interviewee should send certain requested information after the meeting. When the interview has concluded, thank the person and encourage him or her to reach out with any questions or additional comments. Also, when the interview ends, it is a good idea to ask the interviewee whether he or she can suggest any additional topics that should be discussed. After an interview, sumuiarize the session and seek a confirmation from the other person. By stating the interviewer's understanding of the discussion, the interviewee can respond and provide corrections, if necessary. One approach is to rephrase the interviewee's answers. For example, the analyse could say, "If I understand you correctly, you arc saying rhat ...."and then reiterate rhe information given by the inrcrviewcc. STEP 6: DOCUMENT THE INTERVIEW: Although taking notes during an interview has both advantages and disadvantages, it should be kept co a minimum. It 1s a good idea to write down a few notes to remember key poin ts after the interview but avoid writing down everything that is said. Too much writing distr::1crs the other person a nd makes ir harder ro establish a good rapport. After conducting the interview, record the informa tion quickly. Set aside rime right after the meeting to record the facts and evaluate the information. For that reason, try not to schedule back-to-back interviews. Studies have shown char 50o/o of a conversarion is forgotten within 30 min utes. Therefore, use the notes ro record the facrs immediately so they will not be forgotten. Sun1marize the facts by preparing a narrative describing wbar cook place or by recording the answers received next to each question on the prepared list. Small, portable recorders are effective tools for interviews, but some people arc uncomfortable when they are used. Before using a recorder, discusr. ics use with the 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 121 4.5 Gathering Requirements Using Oth er Techniqu es interviewee. Assure the interviewee rhar rhe recording will be erased after its contents are transcribed into note form and t hat rhe inrerview can be stopped ar any time ar the inrer\'iewee's request. If sensitive questions are asked, or the interviewee wants ro answer a question without being recorded, explain that the recorder can be turned off for a period of rime during che incerview. Instead of u~ing a traditional recorder that calls anenrion to its presence, an incerviewer can use built-in audio (or even video) recording features on a notebook or mobile device. Also, as pointed our in Section 4.9, an interviewer can use powerful informarion management software, such as Microsoft OneNote, co record the meeting, store rhe resulrs, and create a searchable file for easy access. lrrespecrive of che mechanism used co record che meeting, all participants should be aware that what they say is being recorded. Wherher or not rhe meeting is recorded, listen carefully to the interviewee's responses so good follow-up questions can be asked. Otherwise, a second visir might be needed to ask the questions missed the firsr rime. Also, remember that each recorded interview takes twice the amount of ri1111e, because the analyst must listen to or view the recorded meeting again after conducting the interview itself. After the meeting, a memo should be sent to the interviewee, expressing appreciation for his or her time and cooperation. In the memo, note the dare, rime, location, purpose of rhe interview, and rhe main points discussed, so the interviewee has a written summary and can offer additions or corrections. STEP 7: EVALUATE THE INTERVIEW: In addition to recording the facts obrained in an interview, rry co identify any possible biases. For example, an interviewee who tries to protect hi~ or her own area or function might give incomplece answers or refrain from volunteering information. Or, an interviewee with strong opinions about the current or future system might distort the facts. Some interviewees mighc answer quescions in an arrempr to be helpful even though they do nor have rhe necessary experience to provide accurate information. Some interviews are unsuccessful irrespective of the amount of preparacion. One of the main reasons could be rhar the interviewer and the interviewee did not get along well. Such a siruarion can be caused b)' several facrors. For example, a misunderstanding or personal1ry conflict could affect the interview negatively, or the interviewee might be afraid that the new sysrem will eliminare or change his or her job. In other cases, the inter viewee might give onJy shon or incomplete responses to rhe open-ended questions. If so, switching ro closed-ended questions, or questions with a range of replies, may elicit more favorable responses. If that stilJ does nor help, find a tactful way to conclude the meeting. Continuing an unproductive interview is difficult. T he inrerviewce could be more cooperarive later, or the analyse might find the information required elsewhere. If fai lure to obtain specific information will jeopardize rhe success of the project, the supervisor s hould be informed, who can help decide what action to take. The supervisor might contact the interviewee's supervisor, ask another systems analyst to interview the person, or find some other way to get the needed information. 4.5 GATHERING REQUIREMENTS USING OTHER TECHNIQUES In addition ro interviewing, syMems analysts use other requirement gathering techniques, including document review, observation, questionnaires and surveys, sampling, and research. Such techniques are used before interviewing begins to obtain a good overview and to help develop bener interview questions. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.5 Gathering Requ irements Using Other Techniques 122 4.5. 1 Docume nt Review Document review c:in help the analyse undersrand how the current system is supposed to work. Remember that system documenrarion sometimes 1s our of d:itc. Forms can change or be discontinued, and documented procedures often arc modified or eliminated. It is prudenr to obtain copies of actual forms and operating documents currently in use, and ro review blank copies of forms, as well as samples of actual completed forms. Document samples can be obtained during interviews with the people who perform that procedure. If rhe system uses a software package, review the documentation for that software. 4.5.2 Observation The observation of current operating procedures is another fact-finding technique. Seeing the system in action provides additional perspective and a better understanding of system procedures. Personal observation also allows the analyst ro verify statements made in interviews and deterounc whether procedures really operate as they arc described. Through observacion, it might be discovered that neither the system documentation nor rhe interview statements are accurate. Personal observation also can pro vide important advantages as the development process continues. For example, recommendations often arc better accepted when they arc based on personal observation of actual operations. Observation also can provide the know ledge needed to rest or install future changes and can help build relationships with the users who will work wirh the new system. Plan observations in advance by preparing a checklist of specific casks to observe and qucscions co ask. Consider the following issues when preparing che lisc: • Ask sufficient questions co ensure a complete understanding of rhe present system operation. A primary goal is to idenrify the methods of handling sicuarions that arc not covered by standard operating procedures. For example, what happens in a payroll system if an employee loses a rime card? \Vhar is rhe procedure if an employee starts a shift 10 minutes late but then works 20 minutes overtime? Often, rhe rules for exceptions such as these arc nor written or formalized; therefore, try ro document any procedures for handling exceptions. • Observe all rhe steps in a transaccion a nd note the docu1nents, inputs, oucpurs, and processes involved. • Examine each form, record, and report. Determine the purpose each item of information serves. • Consider each user who works with the system and the following questions: What informa tion does tbat person receive from other people? Wh:ir information does this person generate? How is the information communicated? How often do interruptions occur? How much downtime occur)? I low much support does the user require, and who provides it? • Talk ro the people who receive current reports to sec whether the reporrs arc complete, timely, accurate, and in a useful form. Ask whether information can be eliminated or improved and whether people would like to receive additional information. As people are observed at work, as s hown in Figure 4-11, consider a factor called the Hawthorne Effect. The name comes from a well-known study performed in the Hawthorne plane of rhe Western Electric Company in the 1920s. The purpose of the study was co determine how various changes in the work environment would affect (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4 111.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~• -fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~-- - t fta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-.. • ~-" .....- ""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 123 4.5 Gathering Requirements Using Oth er Techniqu es employee productivity. The surprising result was that productivity improved during observation whether the conditions were made better or worse. Researchers concluded that producriviry seemed to improve whenever the workers knew they were being obsen·ed. FIGURE 4-1 1 The Hawthorne swdy suggested !hat worker productivity improves during observaaon. Always consider the Hawthorne Effect when observing the operation of an existing synem. ..... Although some recent srudies have raised questions about the original findings, be aware that observation can and does have an effect on normal operations. With this in mind, always give advance notice ro the supervisor in that area. In some situations, it might be helpful to explain the purpose of the visit to the people being observed. 4.5.3 Questionnaires and Surveys In projects where it is desirable ro obrain input from a large number of people, a questionnaire can be a valuable tool. A questionnaire, also called a survey, i~ a document containing a number of standard questions that can be sent to many individuals. Questionnaires can he used ro obta in information about a wide range of topics, including workloads, reports received, volumes of transactions handled, job duties, difficulties, and opinions of how the job could be performed better or more efficienrly. Figuie 4-12 shows a sample questionnaire that includes several different question and response formats. A typical questionnaire starts with a heading, which includes a tirle, a brief statement of purpo e, the name and telephone number of the contact person, the deadline date for completion, and how and where to return the form. The beading usually is followed b)• general instructions that provide clear guidance on how .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~----···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.5 Gathering Requ irements Using Other Techniques 124 .......... ..._,...... ..... . .. .............. . __....... ---·-- ,._ ......_...._ __... _.. ........................ _....,._._.,,...... ...-~ tt•W . . . . _ _ . . _ . ,.......... - . - - - - ·· . . . --··-·-·..... ,,_ I_ . . . . . . . . . . . .,.., . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ a.0.,. ............ - -.........l --· ... .. •••,. ··--- ----- ...... --- . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . _ _ _ .....,..l .............................., .. ..,,.. lUOOltT'IOMI -- a. ......................... .,...,............, _ _ _ _ _ ,.. -- _....,,, __ .._IN............. - to answer rhe questions. Heading~ also arc used to introduce each main section or portion of the survey and include instructions when rhe type of question or response changes. A long questionnaire might end with a conclusion that thank~ the participants and reminds them how to return the form. What about the is ue of anonymity? Should people be asked to sign the questionnaire, or is tr bener to allow anonymous responses? The answer depend~ on two questions. First, does an analyst really need ro know who the respondents arc in order to march or correlate informatio n? For example, it might be important to know what percentage of users need a certain software feature, but specific usernames might not be relevant. Second, docs the questionnaire include any sensitive or controversial topics? Many people do not want to be identified when answering a question s uch as " H ow well has yo ur supervisor explained the system to you?" In such cases, a nonymous res ponses might provide better information. Wben designing a questionnaire, the most important rule of all is to make sure that the questions collect rhe right data in a form that can be used to further the fact-finding effort. Herc arc some additional ideas to keep in mind ·when designing the questionnaire: • Keep the questioonaLre brief and uscr-fricndlr. • Provide clear instructions chat will answer all anticiFIGURE '4-12 Online version of a sample questionnaire. Does it follow the suggested guidelines! pated questions. • Arrange the questions in a logical order, going from simple to more complex topics. • Phrase questions to avoid misunderstandings; use simple terms and wording. • Try not to lead the response or use questions that give clues to expected answers. • Limir the use of open-ended questions that are difficulr to tabulate. • Limit the use of questions that can raise concern~ about job security or other negative issues. • Include a secrion at the end of the questionnaire for general comments. • Test the questionnaire whenever possible on a small test group before fina lizing ir and distributing ro a large grou p. A questionnaire can be a traditional paper form, or it can be created in a fill-in form , and the data can be collected on the internet or a company intrnnct. Before publishing the form, protect ir so users can fill it in but cannot change the layou t or design. O nline survey websites, such as SurveyMonkey and Google Forms, ca n also be used to create and manage questionnaires . 4.5.4 lnterviewsVersus Questionnaires \'<i'hcn seeking input from a large group, a questionnaire is a very useful cool. On the other hand, if detailed information is required from only a few people, then each (....,..... J:gl( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~• -fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---t fta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-.. • ~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 125 4.5 Gathering Requirements Using Oth er Techniqu es person should probably be interviewed individual!)•. ls it bener co interview or use a questionnaire? Each sicuacion is different; consider the rype of information, time constraints, and expense factors. The interview is more familiar and personal than a questionnaire. People who are unwilling co put critical or conrro,·ersial comments in writing might talk more freely in person. ~l oreover, during a face-co-face interview, the interviewer can react immediately co anything che interviewee says. If surprising or confu~111g statements arc made, the topic can be pursued with additional questions. In addition, during a personal interview, the analyst can watch for clues co help determine if responses are knowledgeable and unbiased. Participation in interviews also can affect user anirudes because people who arc asked for their opin ions often view the project more favorably. Interviewing, however, is a costly and rime-consuming process. IJ1 addition to the meeting itself, both people must prepare, and the interviewer has to do follow-up work. When a number of interviews are planned, the rotal cost can be quite subsrnntial. The personal interview usually is the most expensive fact-finding technique. ln contrast, a question naire gives many people the opportunity to provide input and suggestions. Questionnaire recipients can answer the questions at their convenience and do not ha vc to set aside a block of time for an interview. If the questionnaire allows anonymous responses, people might offer more candid responses than they would in an interview. Preparing a good questionnaire, however, like a good interview, requires skill and time. If a question is misinterpreted, its meaning cannot be clarified as easi ly as in a face-to-face interview. Furthermore, unless questionnaires arc designed well, recipients mighr view rhem as inrrusive, rime-consuming, and impersonal. The analysr should elect rhe rechnique char will work besr in a particular siniarion. 4.5.5 Brainstorming Another popular method of obtaining input is called brainstorming, which refers to a small group disCu$s1on of a specific problem, opporruniry, or issue. Thi'! technique encourages new ideas, allows team parricipation, and enables participants to build on each other's inputs and thoughts. Brainstorming can be structured or unstructured. In struccured brain\torming, each participant speaks when it is his or her turn or passes. In un \ tructured brainstorming, anyone can speak ac any rime. At some point, the resulrs are recorded and made pare of che fact-finding documenratton process. 4.5.6 Sampling When studying an information system, examples of actual documents should be collected using a process called sampling. The samples might include records, reports, operational logs, data entry documents, complaint summaries, wo rk requests, and various types of forms. Sampling techniques include systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and random sampling. Suppose there is a list of 200 cusromers who complained abour errors in their statements, and a representative sample of 20 customers will be reviewed. A systematic !>ample would select every cench customer for review. To ensure that the sample is balanced geographically, however, a stratified sample could be used to select five customers from each of the four postal codes. Anocher example of stratified sampling is to select a certain percencage of rransaccions from each postal code, rather than a fixed number. Finally, a random sample selects any 20 customers. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.5 Gathering Requirements Using Other Techniques 126 The main objective of a sample is co ensure that ir represents the overall popularion accurately. If inventory transactions are being analy7ed, for example, select a sample of tran actions char is typical of actual inventory operations and docs not include unusual or unrelated examples. For insrance, if a company performs special processing on the last business day of rhe month, char day is not a good time to sample typical daily operations. To be useful, a sample must be large enough to provide a fair reprcsenrarion of the overall data. Sampling should also be considered when using interviews or questionnaires. Rather than interviewing everyone or sending a quesrionna1re to the entire group, a sample of participants can be used. Sound sampling techniques muse be used to reflect the overall population and obtain a n accurate picture. 4.S.7 Research Research is another important fact-finding technique. Research can include the Internet, IT magazines, and books to obtain background information, technical material, and news about industry trends and developments. In addition, attending professional meetings, seminars, and discussions with other IT professionals can be very helpful in problem solving. The Internet is rin extremely valuable resource. Using the Internet, the analyst can access information from federal and state governments as well as from publishers, universities, and libraries around the world. Online forums and newsgroups arc good resources for exchanging information with other professionals, seeking answers co questions, and monitoring discussions that are of mutual interest. All major hardware and software vendors maintain websites with information abour product<> and services offered by the company. There arc also websites mainrained by publishers and independent firms that provide links co hundreds of hardware and software vendors. Examples of popular websites for IT professionals include Ars Technica, CNET, Info World, TechCrunch, and the Wlal/ Street journal's Technology pages (shown in Figure 4-13). . . -~--- - . .. .. 'VSJ lICll --· - -- "" ...................... .,_,. w.•• .......... _._ -a. _,. - ·--- _ ......... ------......_...._ ..... ~...._ .........<-. - __ - "' .....,._...,._ ,._ __ ........ . _.,._ •·--·---.. --· ~ ~-· --~ .,,..._. 1- - 1 __ ........ ,_...._,. ......... -.. _ _ ............. ......... ....................... !-··! ...,._ ... .......... .. ,....._.,_,.. _ ... .. .....__........,_ .., ............. ,_._ .. ... --·· -·-· . . r...J.....~c:.ar... ~ \ f\>llllcal Rtallly: Buy Ads _......._..,._ ._ ...... ~ on Fatfbook or lllik Loi.Ins the ElecUoo -- .......... ....... ___ ...... _................. -............... _...,... __.....·-_--........ .... ....... -----· ~ ..._._ ...,_~ ------·~ --·--- FIGURE 4 . 13 The WoH Sr:reetjoumo/'sTechnology website contains valuable infonnadon for IT professionals. ~re-= (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . .. ~ ~• n.l. I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 4.6 Gathering Requirements in Agile Projects Research also can involve a visir ro a physical location, called a site \tsit, where the objective is to observe a system in use at another location. For example, if a firm's human resources information system is the subject of study, it might be beneficial co see how another company's system works. Site visirs also are important when considering the purchase of a sofrware package. If the sofrware vendor suggests possible sites to vi~it, be aware that such sires might constirute a biased sample. A single site visit seldom provides crue picrures, so try co visit more than one installation. Before a site visir, prepare just as for an interview. Contact rhe appropriate manager and explain rhe purpose of the visir. Decide what questions will be asked and what processes will be observed. During the visir, observe how rhe S)'Stem works and note any problems or limiracions. Also learn about the support provided by the vendor, the quality of the system documentation, and so on. CASE IN POINT 4.2: CYBERSTUFF CyberSwff is a large company that sells computer hardware and software via telephone and online. CyberSwff processes several thousand transactions per week on a three-shift operation and employs SO full-time and 125 part-time employees. Lately. the billing department has experienced an Increase In the number of customer complaints about incorrect bills.You have been tasked with finding out why this is happening. During your preliminary Investigation, you discovered that some CyberStuff representatives did not follow established order entry procedures.You feel that with more Information. you might find a pattern and identify a solution for the problem, but you are not sure how to proceed. Is a que stionnaire the best approach, or would interviews be better? And whether you use interviews, a questionnaire, or both techniques. should you select the par ticipants at random, include an equal number of people from each shift. or use some other approach? How do you proceed? 4.6 GATHERING REQUIREMENTS IN AGILE PROJECTS Lf agile methodi. are used for requi rements gathering, a variation on interviews that focuses on features, user ~tories, scenarios, a nd storyboards is used. A feature (sometime~ called an epic) is a simple, bigh-level statement of a requirement. A feature has a descriptive name, an estimate of its size in terms of derived requi remenrs or user stories, and a priority. Featu res are typically provided by the stakeholders through initial interviews with rhe systems analyst. User stories represent more fine-grai ned requirements. Taken together, a set of user stories forms a fearure. A user story also has a descriptive name, along with a i.imple sentence of the form "As a Iuser role], I want [action] so that [goal I." User roles, actions, and goals arc terms that represent a category of stakeholder, a particular effect, and an outcome, respectively. User stories also include an optional condition of satisfaction, wh ich can be used as a guide to determine whether or not the requirement was satisfied by the produce. A user story is: 1neanr to be succinct and is often drawn on a 3" x 5" index card (or the software equivalent). A scenario is a real-world example of how users will interact with the system. A scenario describes a parricular ser of seeps raken or events that wiU occur while the r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ 127 Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.7 Representing Requ irements 128 system is used for a specific function. Ir is used to refine rhe system requirements ro better reflect actual usage of the sysrem. A storyboard is a simple graphic organi7..er rhar helps systems analysts visuali7..C rhe srarus of a project. A sror)•board can be as rudimentary as a wall with <;rick)' norcs. There arc also many software roots that enhance storyboards while still maintaining their essential feel. Because agile methods are iterative in nature, requirements are gathered and successively refined. They begin as features, which are then spllC mro smaller user stories, which in rurn are refined inro scenarios. Agile methods are particularly well suited ro pro1ccrs where rhe requirements are expected to change frequently. 4. 7 REPRESENTING REQUIREMENTS Once requirements have been gathered, they must be recorded. Keeping accurate records of inrerviews, faces, ideas, and observations is essential to s uccessful systems development. As information is garhered, the importance of a sing le item can be overlooked or complex system derails can be forgotten. The abili ty ro manage infor1narion is rhe mark of a successful systems analyst and an important skill for all .IT professionals. The basic rule is to write it down. Analysts shou ld document their work according to the following principles: • Record information as soon as it is obtained. • Use the simple'lt recording method possible. • • Record findings in such a way rhat someone else can understand them. Organize documenrarion so related material is located easily. There arc several techniques used to do this, ranging from an unordered collection of sentences to a structured database of formal models. Whatever representation is chosen, proper!)' managing the requirements over rhe lifetime of a project is a key to irs success. 4.7. I Natural Language The vast majoriry of requirements are represented using unstructured natural language, that is, plain English. Examples of these requirements were shown in Section 4. ·1.1. This represcnrarion is easy to create but is prone co problems such as imprecision and a lack of shared understanding. Requirements represented as unstrucrured natura l language can he ~tored in a simple file, in a database that may facilitate sea rch ing its contents, or in an Excel spreadsheet. The larrer choice is a popular one, because most systems analysts are familiar with rhe root, a nd chey are likely to have access co it already. An improvement upon unstructured natural language is structured natural language. This representation rags part o f the requirement, rather like an XML document. This facilitates automated processing of the requirement statements, but it's not very user-friendly. Requirements represented as structured natura l language can be stored on a simple index card. The Volere shell from the Atlantic Systems Guild, shown in Figure 4- 14, i~ a mature method of representing single requirements on a 3" x 5" card. There are several tools that mimic these fearures, providing automation while maintaining the simple representational format. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 129 4.7 Representing Requirements There arc also formal techniques, based on mathematics, that can be used to represent complex requirements. Languages such as VDM and Z are used for this purpose. They have the advantage of mathematical consistency, but a major disadvantage of this technique is that many systems analysts are unfamiliar with the language's consrrucrs, which can affect the requirements' understandability. lrrespecttvc of the natural language cechnique chosen, md1v1dual requirement<; must be collected into a requirements document. This document is the official statement of what is requi red of rhe syscem by the users. The Volere template is a good template for a comprehensive requirements document. It is populated by atomic requi rements from the Volcre shells. CASE IN POINT 4.3: Volere FIGUR E 4- 14 TheVolere shell. ~ A tr• \... 1 r DIGITAL PEN TRANSCRll'l ION You are the lead systems analyst on a large project.A big part of your responsibilities is to handle the system requirements. Extensive interviews have taken place, and you have written down your notes using a digital pen system.This system recognizes letters and words while you write on paper and srores them in digital format on your computer. In this way. the requirements are written in unstructured nawral language but stored digitally, which means they can be searched and processed. Do you think it would be worthwhile to edit the transcription and insert tigs to delineate key terms in the requirements, so that a CASE tool could better analyze them/There's a lot of effort required to do the manual tagging. but the rewards could be better requirements. How would you perform the tradeoff analysis! 4.7.2 Diagrams ~lany people are more visual rhan texrual. For them, diagrams are an excellent choice co repre!.en r system requirements. Diagrams help users, managers, and IT professionals understand the design of a system. Diagramming involves graphical methods and nontechnical language that represent the system at various stages of development. During requiremen ts engineering, the analyst can use various cools co describe business processes, requirements, and user interaction with the system. Systems analysts use diagram1ning and fact-finding interactively-first they build fact-finding resu lts into diagra ms, then they study the diagrams to determine whether additiona l face-finding is needed. To help chem understa nd system requirements, ana lysts use fu nctional decomposition diagrams, business process diagrams, a nd dara flow diagrams. Any of these diagrams can be created wi th CASE cools or sta nd-alone drawi ng tools if desired. A fun ctional decomposition diagram (I-OD) is a mp-down rep resentation of a. fu nction or process. Using an f DD, an analyst can show business functions and break chem down inco lower-level func· tions and processes. Crearing an FDD is sin1ilar co drawing an organization chart: Scare at rhe top and work downward. Figure 4-15 shows an FOO of a library system drawn with the Visible Analyst CASE cool. FDDs can be used at several stages of FUNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION DIAGRAMS: r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.7 Representing Requi rem ents 130 systems development. During requi rements engineering, analysts use FD Os to model business functions and show how they are organized into lower-level processes. These processes translate into program modules during application development. Finan: e & Human Resources AccOUlbng Operalons Budge:ing Add& Remove Books CheckolJ& RetumBooks Bock Management Personnel AssigfT1'1ef11 Arctwe CheckolJ l.Jst and Use' l.Jst FIGURE 4- 15 This Visible Analyse FDD shows a library system with five top-level functJons. The Library Operadons function includes cwo additional levels of processes and sub-processes. BUSINESS PROCESS DIAGRAMS: A~ described in Chapter I, a bu\iness proce~s model (BPM) represents one o r more ,. Create Sh1. p p1ng busi11ess processes, such as handling an Pfoce11 Order - t Prepare 81111no H E Oata airline reservation, filling a product order, ~ ti; or updating a customer account. During ~ c ;;; requirements engineering, analysts ofren w create diagrams that use a standard !! syntax called business process modeling ~ Assign notation (BJ>MN). BPMN includes si ' Obtain Crtidil I-+ " Validate Credit H Customer 011• S tatus Number various shapes and symbols to represent 3 'events, processes, :1 nd workflows. When creating a business process diagram using a CASE tool such as Visible Analyst, the diagram automatically FIGURE <4- 16 Using the Visible Analyst CASE tool, an analyst can create a busine.ss process diagram.The overall diagram Is called a pool. and the cwo becomes part of the overall model. In separate customer areas are c:alled swim lanes. the example shown in Figure 4- 16, using s.-... ,.,_ _ _ ,,. ""' ''"' - """"'...,,. BPMN terminology, the overall diagram is called a pool and che designated customer areas arc called swim lanes. Integrating BP~1 into the CASE development process leads to faster results, fewer errors, and reduced cost. -.. -.. -.. i ! a .. ~ ~· Q. a -- I (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 131 4.7 Representing Requirements DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS: \Xforking from an FDD, analysts can creace daca now diagrams (DFOs) co show how che syscem scores, processes, and cransforms daca. The DFD in Figure 4- 17 describes adding and removing books, which is a function shown in the Librar)' Managemenc diagram in Figure 4-15. ore char the cwo boxes in che DFD repre'lenc processes, each with various inpucs and outputs. Additional le,·els of informacion and decail are depicted in o rher, related DFDs. Daca and process modeling is deM:rihed in derail in Chapter 5 . .. Boob Bool<Tllo ,. ~ ---2..!.. Ir'"':' - A61'S"' ~ Add---- . . AWlOl's Updaled AIA!"Ol'S Boob Doob ' '. . •• Boolcs " FIGURE 4-1 7 This Visible Amlyst DFD shows how books are added and removed 1n a library system. ' 4 .7 .3 M odels Models provide a more formal representation of system requirements. They arc o ften depicted as graphical in nature, so they share some of the cbaractcriscics of rhc techniques described in Secrion 4.7.2. But models have an additional feature: The underlying language has semantics, which means the diagram has a significance that can be aucomatically analyzed by a CASE rool. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is perhaps rhe most widely used modeling technique for visual izing and documenting software sysrems design. UML uses object-oriented design concepts, but it is independent of any specific programming language and can be used ro describe business processes and requirements generally. SysML is a dialecr of UML and has become the sitandard for Model-Based Sysrems Engineering (M BSE) applications. UJ\ll L provides various graphical cools, such as use case diagrams and sequence diagrams. During requirements engineering, a systems analyse can utilize the UJ\ll L co represcnc the informacion syscem from a user's viewpoinr. Use case dia!,'Tams, sequence diagrams, and other U~1L concepcs are discussed in mo re derail in C haprer 6, along with other object-orienced analysis conceprs. A brief description of each technique follows. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.7 Representing Requireme nts 132 USE CASE DIAGRAMS: During requirements engi- neering, S}'Stems analysts and users work together to document requirements and model system functions. A use case diagram visually represents the interaction between users and the information system. In a use case Submits card O..ta diagram, the user becomes an actor, with a specific role that describes how he or she interacts with the sy5tem. Systems analysts can draw use case diagrams freehand or use CASE tools t hat integrate the use cases into the Customer overall systems design. Figure 4-18 shows a simple use case diagram for a sales system where the actor is a customer and FIGURE 4-18 This Visible Analyst use case diagram the use case involves a credit card validation that is shows a sales system, where the actor Is a customer and perforn1ed by the system . Because use cases depict the use case is a credit card validation. the system through the eyes of a user, common I " '" f "1\/ •4 'Y'i I C ~ I •I Jll'I business language can be used to describe the transactio ns. For example, Figure 4-1 9 shows a table that documents the credit card validation use case, and Fig ure 4-20 shows a student records system, with severa l use cases a nd actors. ' ¥<' I f SEQUENCE DIAGRAM: A sequence diagram shows t he timing of interactions between objects as t hey occur. A systems a nalyst might u~e a sequence diagram to show all possible outcomes o r focus on a single scenario. Figure 4-2 1 shows a ~im­ ple sequence diaE,'Tam of a successful credit card validation. T he interaction proceeds from top to bottom along a vertical rimeline, while the horizonral arrows represent messages from one object co another. Name of Use Case: Credit card validation process ~~~~~~~~~- Actor: Customer Description: Describes the credit card validation process Successful Completion: I. Custo mer clicks the input selector and enters credit card number and e)(piration date 2. System verifies card 3. System sends autho rization message Alternative: I. Customer clicks the input selector and enters credit card number and e)(piration date 2. System rejects card 3. System sends rejection message Precondition: Customer has selected at least one item and has proceeded to checko ut area Postcondition: Credit card information has been validated Customer can continue with order Assumptio ns: None FIGURE 4- 19 This table documents the credit card validaaon use case shown in Figure 4-18. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 133 4.8 Validating and Verifying Requirements Registration System Student Advisor Record Grades Registrar lnstruttor FIG URE 4-20 This Vislble Analyst use case diagram shows a student records system. Sou~: •r• I ~ 1 ....1tk pC'f'Tn1 "' 1•om\l'~I~ !)~CoiporatlO'\- V•lldate Card.:Credll Card Cu1toma11 Customer Credll Card Cutlomen I I Enter Card Number I I Verify Card Number I I I I Authortlation FIGURE 4· 21 ThisVlsibleAnalyst sequence diagram shows a credit card vatldatlon process. Soutt•:ti. V..ll. wl'1;:> onl -iV ·bicS~~ · 4.8 VALIDATING AND VERIFYING REQUIREMENTS Requirements validation and verificarion (V&V) is concerned with demonstrating that the requirements define the system that the customer really wants. Since require· ments error costs arc high, V&V is very important; it is many times more expensive to fix a system later in the SDLC rhan iris to fix it during requirements engineering. Requirements V&V focuses on answering rwo important questions: .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. __.... -- ........... ...... o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 134 4.9 Tools • • Validation: Are rhe correct requirements stared? Verification: Are the requirements stated correctly? To answer these questions, the following requirements anributes should be checked: • Validity: Does rbc system provide the functions that best support rhe customer's needs? • • Consistency: Are rhere confliccing requirements? Completeness: Are all funcrioos required by rhe customer included? • • Realism: Can che requiremenrs be implemented given avmlahle budget and technology? Verifiability: Can the requirements be checked? • Comprehensibility: Is the requirement properly understood? • • Traceability: Is the origin of rbe requirement clearly seated? Adapt:ibiliry: Can the requirement be changed without a large impact on ocher requirements? To check rhese, the following techniques can be used: • Requirements reviews: Systen1atic manual analysis of the requirements. • Prototyping: Using an cxecucable model of the system to check the req u iremcn rs. • Test-case generation: Developing resrs for requirements co check testability. • Automated consistency anaJysis: Checking the consistency of a srrucrured or formal requirements descripcions. Consider requirements reviews. Regular reviews can be held while the requirements are initially being formulated. Ideally, the systems analyse and the customer (a nd perhaps other key scakeholders) should be involved in the reviews. The reviews can be forma l (with complete documentation) or informal. The key is that good communicauons berween analyses, customers, and others can resolve problems ar an early stage, which is better for everyone. 4.9 TOOLS All requirements engineering activities can be helped through rhc judicious use of tools. For example, many softwa re programs a re available co help record and document information elicited during the requirements gathering process. This type of productivity software includes automation, word processing, spreadsheet, database management, presentation grap hics, and collaboration software programs. Although Microsoft Office is the best-known set of productivity software programs, ocher vendors offer produces in each of these categories. A pcr5onal information manager (PIM), such as Microsoft Outlook, includes a personal calendar, a to-do list with priorities and the capabi lity co check off completed items, and powerful contact management features. Outlook can manage email and appointments and supports collaboration and team projects. Although a PL\il such as Microsoft Outlook can handle day-to-day activities, tasks, and schedules, it is nor the best wa)' co capture and organize large amounrs of 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 135 4.9 Tools information. lnsrcad, analysts use information management sofrware such as Microsofr OneNore, which is a powerful, flexible tool that can handle many differenr types of input, including text, handwritten notes, images, audio and video recording, web link~, and much more. One ore is included in several versions of the Office suire. Figure 4-22 show~ anorher popular Pl~1 called Evernote. Ir is available for free on mosr computing plarforms, including smanphones and on rhe web. There are also premium versions available on a monchly subscriprion model. Evernote does a great job of handling all sorts of mulcimedia concent, adding free-form nores, and providing templates for organizing projects. It also syncs files across all devices. 4 Evemote _;__...J - · . , Ll FIGURE 4-ll Evernole offers a free version of its popular infonnation managemenl software for mon computing platforms. Including smartphones and on the web. Sowcc Using word processing sofrware such as rvlicrosoft Word, the analyst can create repons, summaries, tables, and forms. In addicion ro standard document prepararion, the program can help o rga nize a presentation wirb templates, bookmarks, annotations, revision control, and an index. Fill-in forms can also be creared ro conduct surveys and quesrionnaires, as described earlier in this chaprer. Spreadsheet software, s uch as Microsoft Excel, can help track and manage numeric dara or financial informarion. fn fact, Excel is one of the most popular ways of representing requirements in an informal manmer. Graphs and charrs can also be generarcd thar display rhe darn and show possible parrerns. The statistical functions in a spreadsheer can be used to tabulate and analyze quesrionnaire data. A graphica l formar often is used in qua liry conrrol analysis because it highlights problems and their po s ible causes, and iris effective when presenting results to management. A common tool for showing rhe disrribution of questionnaire or sampl ing results is a vertical bar cha re called a histogram. Most spreadsheet programs can create histograms and other charts chac can display the daca collected. Figure 4-23 displays a typical histogram char might have resulted from rhe questionnaire shown in figure 4- 12. Database management software allows the analyst co document and organite fact-finding results such as events, observations, and daca samples. A database prograrn such as Microsoft Access can be used to manage the details of a complex project, create queries to retrieve specific informarion, and generate custom reports. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.9 Tools 136 A c B (j E D 1 Question 2: 2 What percenblge of your time do you spend processing niqulsltlon•? 3 4 s 6 1 8 9 C•l!QO'Y < 20% 20-3t% .o.tit% 60-7t% 80% or mora Number 11 21 36 2A !I 10 le Question 2 results 40 35 30 + - - - - - --1> Jl - - - - ---1 25 'l l---:::::----1 20 +-------a. . ~-' 11 12 13 15 .__ _-f.; :1--1 ,,1 --1 .1 - - ---1 10 -'--'....,._ _,, ..._ ... . . _ ... 14 1!> 16 11 0 ~-.._.-............- .....................- .. 5 ..... <20% 2039% ; --n-~ · 4059% 60- 80% or 79% more 18 19 4 ,. • •1 SheetJ St (11.-u ID •~-======::=======================~· ____ . _ __,' FIGURE 4·ll This histogram displays the results fro m Question 2 In the questionnaire shown In Figure '4-12. Presenrarion graphics software, such as tvl icrosoft PowerPoint, is :i powerful tool for organ i.ling and developing formal presentations. Presentation graph ics programs enable the creation of org:inizarion charts that can be ui.ed in a preliminary inve~ciga­ tion and later during requirements engineering. T hese high-quality charts also can be included in written reports and management presentations. Collaborarion sofrware is the latest weapon in the struggle co boost productivity. People work m reams and use web-based software such as Google Docs and Microsoft Office 365 co access data and share files. Google and others are betting char cloud com· puring will create a vinual workplace, where people will be able co interact in real time, with all the benefits of a traditional face-to-face workplace bur none of che limirarions. When it comes co creating diagrams char represent requirements, Microsoft Visio is a ... .._ popular graphic modeling cool char can produce a wide range of charts and diagrams . • Visio includes a library of templates, stencils, and shapes. An analyst can use Visio co create I " many types of visual models, including business processes, flowcharts, network diagrams, orga~ nization charts, and ma ny more. For example, .... in Figure 4-24, the :inalyst used drag-and-d rop Ii.. shapes to represen r a business process . For more forma l models of rcqui rcmcnrs, '1l special-purpose tools such as IBM Rational e DOORS are used. These cools faci litate the use fJ of UML (and SysM L) co model sysrcm require:l· ments in a way that enables desirable character0 istics, such as traceability, where rhe origin of a requirement i~ connected back co the requirement itself, which in turn is linked forward co design artifacts, code fragment~, and even rest cases in the SDLC. Figure 4-25 illustrates some FIGURE 4-24 Th1sV1sio drawinc uses drag-and·drop shapes of the capabilities of DOORS Next Generation. to re present a business process. ., - - - - -- '..• ••• - •I•1 c: •.]l .. - .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4 111.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~• -fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~-- - t fta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-.. • ~-" .....- ""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 4.10 Summary FIGURE 4-25 IBM DOORS Is a to0I for capturing. analyzing, an d tr.icing system requirements. ISM C. P r& Your supervisor manages the corporate office where you work as a systems analyst. Several weeks ago, after hearing rumors of employee dissatisfaction, he asked you to create a survey for all IT employees.After the responses were returned and tabulated. he was disappointed to team that many employees assigned low ratings to morale and management policies. This morning he called you into his office and asked whether you could identify the departments that submitted the lowest ratings. No names were used on the individual survey forms. However, with a little analysis, you probably could identify the departments because several questions were department related_ Now you are not sure how to respond.The expectation was that the survey would be anonymous. Even though no individuals would be identified, would it be ethical to reveal which departments sent in the low ratings/ Would your supervisor's motives for wanting this information matter1 4.1 0 SUMMARY The systems analysis phase includes three activities: requirements engineering, data and process modeling, and consideration of development scrategies. The main objecu,·e is co understand rhe proposed project, ensure char ir will support business requirements, and build a solid foundation for the systems design phase. Requirements r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ 13 7 Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering 4.10 Summary 138 engineering irself is composed of three main parts: ( 1) garhering rcquiremenrs, (2) represenring requiremencs, and (3) validating and verifying requiremenrs. During requi remcnrs engineering, che business-relared requircmenrs for rhe new information sysrcm a re idenrified. Scalabiliry is considered ro ensure rhar rhe sysrem can supporr fururc growth and expansion. Securiry is an essenrial requiremenr of all modern connccred sysrcms. The TCO is also esti mated to idenrify all coses, including ind1 recr cos rs. Popular team-based approaches include JAD, RAD, and agile methods. J AD is a popular, ream-based approach co fact-finding and requ1remenrs engineering. JAD involves an interactive group of users, managers, and IT professionals who participare in requiremenrs engineering and develop a greater commirmenc co the project and to their common goals. RAD is a team-based technique that speeds up informar ion sysrems dcvelopmenc and produces a functioning information sysrem. RAD is a complete methodology, with a four-phase life cycle tha t parallels the cradirional SDLC phases. Agile mechods a ttempc co develop a system incremenrnlly by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements. Tools are o ften :ivo ided and repbced with simpler ailds, such as whiteboards and sticky notes to faci litate communication. The requirements gathering process includes interviewing, document review, observation, questionnaires, sampling, and research. Successful interviewing requires good planning a nd stro ng interpersonal and communication skills. The sysrems ana lyst musr decide on rhc people to intervie w; ser interview objectives; and prepare for, conduct, and :inalyzc incerviews. The analyst a lso might find ic helpful ro use one or more software rools during facr-finding. Systems analysts use va rious tools and techniques ro represent system requirements. N:irural language, srrucrured or unstrucrured, is still the default. Requirements can be stored as simple text in a plain file or in an Excel spreadshcer.11ley can :ilso be srored online for automated search and analysis. Diagrams are another way of represenring requirements. They are suic:ible for analysrs who arc more visually oriented. They can a lso capture complementary aspects of t he system reqmrements. Sample diagram rypes include FDDs, busine s process diagram!>, and DfDs. Nlodels provide a more formal represenration of system requirements. The UML is a widely used method of visualizing a nd documenting i.ofrware de!>ign through the eyes of the bu~iness user. UML cools include use case diagrams and sequence diagmms ro represent actors, their roles, and the sequence of trans:iccion!. that occurs. Systems :inalysts should carefully record and d ocumenr factua l information as it is collected, and various software tools can help a n analyst visualize and describe an informorion system . Requirements V&V is concerned wirh demonstraring that the requirements define the system that the customer really wants. Validarion :isks if the correct requircmenrs :ire srated, while verification asks if the requiren1cnts arc stated correctl y. All requirements engineering activities can be helped through rhc judicious use of tools. They provide automated support for req uirements atrriburcs such as rraceabiliry. For very large systems with thousands of requirements to manage, CASE tool aS!.isrn nee is necessary. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 139 Key Terms Key Terms aaor An external enm> wirh a ~pt.'Cific role. ln a use case model, a<.<ors are u>ed !O model mierac.:tion w11h 1hc >)\lem. agile method• ~)>leim deH~lopmem methods !ha1 anempt to de,elop a system incrememally h) buildmg a series of protOt) pes and constantly adiusang them rouser reqwremeots. Also calltd adapuvt method>. brain~tomung A fact-finding technique for gaining information rhrough the use of a small group d1scu~­ sion of a specific problem, opporrunir), or issue. bu\ine<>\ pr<~.,., model (BPMJ A b'l"aphical representation of one or more husine>> prnce~e>. bu.,inc\\ prcx:c\\ modeling notation ( BP~) A standard set: of >hape> and 'ymbol> used to rtpre~cnc evcnL,, proc.e"~• and workOow> in compucer-ha,\ed modding cool>. clo;cd-endcd qucsuoos Queries thm Imm or restrict che range of responses. Used 10 the 1men 1ew process when sp«1fic mform.irion or facr verificanon ts desired. cons1rue1ion phase A ph.1se rhnt focuses on progr,un and applkanon development tasks s1mil.1r to rhe SDLC. cuun·cr pha'c A pha\C chat resemble' rhc final ca~ks in che 501 C implementation pha,c, including dam converoion, te,ring, chnnflcovcr m rhe new •ysrem, and tL~er rraining. data Oow diagram (DFD) Diaflram rh:u ,how~ how che syscem scores, proces,e•,, and tran,form' data into u,cful information. document re•icw A review of b.iselme docurnemauon. A useful fact-finding techuique tllJt helps ,rn .111.1lyst underst.ind how the current system rs supposed co work. eng.igcd lmcmng lne ab1lary ro reall} concenrrare on whar someone as saying and .tvo1d the temptauon to he.ir "h.1t is e'l.pteted. Alw includes noricmg nonverbal communicanon. epic In an awlc rro1ccr, a •imple, h1gh-lcvel •caccmcnt of a requirement. Sec feature. fact-finding The procc•s of pthcring rcquircmenr•. Sec requirement\ elicitation. feature lo an agile pro1cc1, a sample, high-level staremem of a requirement. See epic. fill ·in form A template used 10 collect data on the lmemet or a compan) intranet functional dccornpo\ltion diagram (FOO) A top-down representation of husine'' function\ and pro· ce..>;e<.. '"'"called a 'truccure chart. functional requirement A 'taiement of rhe -;en ice, a ..ysrem providei.. H;m 1home Ufcc1 A phenomenon where emptor~ who know chey arc bemg obsef\ ed .ire more producttvc. histogram A ~ommon tool for showing rhe d1str1burion of quesrionna1re or sampling results. It take• 1he form of a vcmcal bar charr. informal \lructurc An organi73rion based on interpersonal relationships, w hich can develop from prcvi ou~ work n~~ignmcnr~, physica l rruximiry, unofficial procedures, or per~ona l rclation~hip>. intcr"icw J\ planned meeting during which i11formario11 is obrnined from onorhcr pcr,011. join1 applica1io11 dcvclopmcni UAD) A systems development tecb.aique !h.ir uses a rask force of users, manager>. and IT profc>>tonal~ who work rogether to gather information, dii;cu~> bu;in~> n~cd>, and define the new S)'Stcm requirements. lcadtng qucsuons Queries th.11 suggcsr or fovor a particular reply. non-fun<11onal requirement\ A sratemt'nt of operational sysrcm con~tramt~. ob~cnauon A facr-fmd1n~ technique where an analrsr sees a system in dctton. Obsen·auon allow' th<' veraficanon of statements made in interviews. oix:n·cnded quc\lion~ Quenc> that allow for a range of answers. The)' encourage spontaneous and umtru~1ured respon!>e> and are u..eful in under..canding a larger proces>. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering Key Terms 140 pcl"Jonal information manager (PIM ) A cool chac helps manage rnsks and schedules. Many handheld devices also indude tlus luncuon. pool Tiie merall d1a11ram 1n BPMN. produ,,,, II) .,.,r''""" Applic:mons wc:h as word proce\~inµ, .,pread_~heec, dat.iba..., manaitemtnt, and preo,cnranon 11raphic., program'>. quahf) annbur~ Su non-functional requiremems. quescionna1rc A document conrainmg a number of srandard questions that can be scnr co many individuals. Also called a survey. random ,ample A ~elecrion rnken in a random, unplanned manner. For example, a random \ample mighc be n >ample char 'ele•"ts nny 20 cusromers. rn1111.:-ur-re,pon'c quc\UOn> Closed-ended quescions that a>k the p<!r,un to evaluate >omctliing hy pm' id11111 limited an\wtr> to specific re,ponses or 011 a numeric >ca lc. rapid .1pphca11on de,·clopment (RAD) A ream-based technique that speeds up mformA non sysrems developmcn1 .ind produces a funcrioniug information system. RAD is simil.1r in concept co JAL) buc goes furrher by including all phases of che SDLC. requirement~ definition~ A description of che sysrem requirements from the user's poinc of view. rcquircmcnl\ elicitation The process of gathering requirement~. Sec f.tcJ-findinjl. requirement\ engineering Used in rhe ~)'l>-Yem< planning pha-;e of rhe SDLC It involve; fact findini: m de.,.ribl: the ~urrenr sy,rcm and identify rhe requirement> tor the new \)'.tcm. rcquircmeng plnnning pb:ise A phase ch:u combines elements of the systems plJnrung Jnd systems Jn:1l)S1s phas~ or rhe SDLC. rcqULremcnts •pcc1fica11ons A descnpnon of che system reqwremenrs from the Jnalyst or engineering ceam's point of \1cw. rc,c;irch ,\n imporranr fact-finding technique thar includes rhe review of journal~, periodicals, and hook• m ohr:un h:ickgmund information, rechnical marenal, and new• about mdu-rf)' trends and de• elopmenr~. 'an1plrnq A pr<><.-e" where an an:ilr<t colleas e'<ample, or a•-rual document,, wh1~h ~oul<l mdude rc~urd,, report;, or variou~ fum1~. scalab1l11~ A characrerisnc of a system, 101plying chat the S)'Slem can be expanded, modified, or down- sized cas1l) to mecr the rapidly changing needs of a business enrerpnse. <ccnario< In an agile project, a real-world example of how users w1ll 10tcr.1ct wnh the system. ~rum ;\ popubr rechniquc for agile projecr managemcnr. Derived from a rugby rerm. In Scrum, rc~m memhe~ play specific roles nnd interact in intense •es•ions. \Cqucncc dia11rnm /\ UML diagram th3t 'hnws the riming of transaction~ between ohjccn, a' rhey occur durin!I ~y~tcm execution. ~itc vis11 A mp 10 a physical location to observe a system Ln use at :1nocber location. ~1ra11ficJ ~ample A set memc 1s collected across fwJCtional ure:i>. l-ur example ••1 ct'rr.1111 pcrccnrjge of trnn~acrion< from every work shift, or five cusromers from cuch of four zip code~. could be a 'tr<uified 'ample. 'toryboard In an agile project, a simple graphic organi1er rhar helps system< ;in.ily~ts vi~ua l iu rhe •mtu' of a project. \tru~turcd br.iin\lorming A group discussion where each parricipant speab "hen it i> his or her tum or pas~'· ~unc) A dcxument conra1n10g a number of standard questioll!i rhat t:J.11 b.: .ent to mJny 111J1v1<lual>. Also called a que~11onMirc. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis I41 Key Terms swim lane> In .i bu•ine'; pr<><.e<>\ diagram, che overall diagram is called a pool and the des1gna1ed C:U> tomer area> are c:alled >w1m !:inn. S)s.\11 A dialect of U/\iL 2, used for representing requiremerus (and other thing;). pmn.inl) m .\IBSL applications. system rcqu1Ccment A charac1ens1ic or fe;irure that musr be included in an mformauon S) stem to sans!) bu~ine~\ requirements and he accc-prable ro users. 'Y\lcma11c \ample A \ample char occur~ ac a predeccrmincd pcriodiciry. For example, every tenth cu<comcr record mighr he sclccred a~ a sy~emaric sample for review. wtal co-r of o"ncnh1p (TCO) A numhcr used in assessing cosrs, which include' ongoini; 'upporc and mamcenance co\t' ,1, well 3> acquisinon cosr•. uaceabi!Jty ·1be Jbtht)' co follow a reqtmemellt backward to JtS ongms and forw.1rd through the SDLC to link design documcnrs, code fragments, .rnd 1esr artifacrs. Unified Modeling l anguagc (UM I ) A widely used method of visualizing and documenunp. softw,1rc systems design. UML uses objccc-oricntcd design concepts. bur iris iudcpcndcnr of any specific programming language and c.in be used 10 describe business processes and requiremcms generally. un\lructurcd brain,turmini: A i:mup di~ussion where any parricipanr can speak at any time. u_\e ca\c diagram A vi,ual repre~enrntion chac represenrs the inreracrion between u'er~ and the informa- ti<>n 'Ystem in lJM L. user d~ign ph.ise In tht> phase, users inter.1c1 with systems 3Jl:tlyscs and develop models and protott~ thdt represent all S)srtm processes, ourpurs, and inputs. user stories In Jn agile pro1ecr, a ser of more refined requtremenrs derived from features. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 4 Requirements Engineering Exercises 142 Exercises Questions I. \'(lhar is a srstem requiremenr and what are the three challenges it presents co the S) stems analyst? 2. Is the requirement "The system shall respond within 2 seconds" a functional or non-functional requirement? 3. What is scrum? 4. \'(lhar five questions typically are used in fact-finding? 5. Provide rhree examples each of closed-ended, open-ended, and range-of-response questions. 6. Explain how the observation fact-finding technique works, including the I la wthorne Effect. 7. Wh:it is rhe rel:irionship berween user stories and fcarures in :igi le projecrs? 8. What is an FDD and why would you use o ne? 9. What is the d ifference between validation and verificat ion of sysrem requirement~? 10. Why is rraceabiliry important in tool support for requirements engineering? Discussion Topics I. JAD requires strong interpersonal and communicacion skills on the part of the sysrems analyst. Are those skills different from che ones that an analy~r needs when conducting one-to-one inten•iews? Explain your answer. 2. Agile methods use rapid development cycles to iteratively produce running versions of the system. How would these shorrer cycles affect the abiliry of the analyst ro manage sysrem requirements? 3. A group meeting sometimes is suggesred as a useful compromise bcrwccn mrerviews and questionnaires. In a group meeting, a systems analysr meets with a number of users at one time. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group mccrin~. 4. Research the Internet, magazines, or textbooks co find examples of visual aids, including a bar chart, pie chan, line chart, table, diagram, and bulleted lisr. How effective was each example? Find at least one example char you could improve. Explain your choice. 5. Traceability is an important requirements atcribute. lt'!> one of the things that should be checked when performing V&V of the syMem requi rements. Describe how you would manually check traceability for an existing system and list a few features of a CASE tool rhat you think wou ld help you with the task. Projects I. Use the requiremcncs gathering techniques of document review, observ:ition, brainstorming, sampling, and research co capture the requirements of a typical elevator control system. Use narura l language and the UML to represent the siruauon where people on different floors push the ''Up" button at the same time. 2. Prepare a presentation summarizing JAD and RAD. Explain how t hey differ from traditional facr-finding merhods. What arc the m:iin advantages of teambased methods? r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis Exercises 3. Design a questionnaire ro learn what srudenrs think of the registration process at your school. Apply the guidelines you learned in this chapter. 4. Create an FDD similar to the one in Figure 4-15 but showing your school mstead of the librar) example. 5. A desirable characteristic of a requirement is that it be borh consisrenr and complete. Examine several requirements engineering CASE tools and document how (if ar all ) they support automated consistency analysis for validatmg :rnd verifying requirement<;. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ 143 Chapter S Data and Process Modeling Data and Process Modeling Chapter S is the second of four chapters in the systems analysis phase of the SDLC. This chapter discusses data and process modeling techniques that analysts use to show how the system transforms data into useful information. Data and process modeling involves three main items: data flow diagrams, a data dictionary, and process descriptions.The deliverable, or end produce, of data and process modeling Is a logical model that will support business operations and meet user needs. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" raises the issue of how to respond to subtle but insistent requests by an IT manager In a systems analyst's new organization for proprietary information related to the business processes used by the analyst's previous employer. which is a competitor of the analyst's current company. LEARNING OB ECTIVES CONTENTS 5. 1 Logical Versus Physical Models 5.2 Data Flow Diagrams 5.3 Data Flow Diagram Symbols 5.4 Drawing Dara Flow Diagrams 5.5 Drawing a Context Diagram 5 .6 Drawing a Diagram 0 01-D 5 .7 Drawing Lower-Level DFDs Case in Poinr 5.1: Big Ten Univcrsiry 5 .8 Data Dictionary 5 .9 Process Description Tools in Modular Design Case in Point 5 .2: Rock olid Outfitrers (Parr 1) Case in Point 5 .3: Rock Solid Outfitters (Part 2) A Question of Ethics 5 . 10 Summary Key Terms Exercises W/Jen you finish tbis chapter, you sl101tld be able to: l. Describe rhe relarionship bcrween logical and physical models 2. Explain data flow diagrams 3. Draw rhe four basic dara flow diagram symbols 4. Explain the si.~ guidelines used when drawing data flow d1agr:ims 5. Draw context diagrams 6. Draw diagram 0 data flow diagrams 7. Draw lower-level darn flow diagrams 8. Explain how to level and balance data flow diagrams 9. Create a darn dictionary IO. Apply process description tools in modular design r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase 2 Systems Analysis 145 5.2 Data Flow Diagrams 5.1 LOGICAL VERSUS PHYSICAL MODELS During rhe requiremenrs engineering process described in Chaprer 4, face-finding techniques were used ro invesrigare rhe currenr sysrem and idenrify user requirements. Chaprcrs 5 and 6 explain how char information is used ro develop a logical model of rhe proposed system and documenr the sysrem requirements. A logical model shows what rhe sysrem musr do, regardless of how ir will be implemented physically. L1rer, in rhe S)'Srems design phase, a physical model is built that describes how rhe system will be consrrucred. While srrucrured analysis cools are used ro develop a logical model for a new informarion sysrem, such cools also can be used to develop physical model of an information system. A physical model shows how rhe system's requirements are implemented. During rhe systems design phase, a physical model of rhe new information system •~created chat follows from the logical model and involves operational tasks and techniques. To undersrnnd rhe relationship between logical and physical models, think back to rhe beginning of the systems analysis phase. To understand how the current tasks were carried our in the existing system, the physical operations of the existing system were studied before the logical model. Many systems analysts create a physical model of rhe currem S)1srem and then develop a logical model of the currenr system before tackling a logical model of the new system. Performing that extra step a llows them to understand rhe current system better. Many analysts follow a four-model approach, which means that they develop a physical model of the current system, a logical model of the current system, a logical model of the new system, and a physical model of the new system. The major benefit of the four-model approach is rhat it provides a clear picrure of current system functions before any modifications or improvements are made. Thar is important because misrakes made early in syscems de\•elopment will affect later SDLC phases and can result in unhappy users and additional cosrs. Taking additional steps to avoid these potentially costly mistakes can prO\'e to be weU worth the effort. Another advantage is thar the requirements of a new information system often are quite similar to those of rhe current information system. especially where the proposal is based on new computer technology rather than a large number of new requirements. Adapting the current system logical model to the new system logical model in these cases is a straightforward process. The only disadvantage of the four-model approach is the added rime and cost needed to develop a logical and physical model of rhe current sysrem. Most projects have very right schedules that might nor allow rime ro create the current system models. Additionally, users and managers want ro see progress on rhe new system-they are much less concerned about documenting the current sy:.tem. The ~ystems ana lyst must stress the importance of careful documencation and resist the pressure to hurry the development process at the risk of creating serious problem:. later. 5.2 DATA f LOW DIAGRAMS Systems analysts use many graphical techniques ro describe an information system. One popular method is to draw a set of dara flow diagrams. A data flO\\ diagram (DFD) uses various symbols to show how the system transforms input data into useful informatton. Other graphical tools include object models, which are explamed in .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.3 Data Flo w Diagram Symbols 146 Chaprer 6 (Object Modeli ng), and enriry-relationship diagrams, which arc described in Chapter 9 (Dara Design). During the sysrems analysis phase of che SDLC, the systems anal)'St creates a visual model of the information system using a set of O FDs. In his seminal book The Visual Display of Quantitative 111(ormatio11, aurhor and renowned academic Edward Tufte provides guidance on crearing effecrive diagrams to concisely convey complex 111formation. A DFD is an example of this rype of visual e'<planation of system behavior. A DFD shows how data moves th rough an inforrnanon system but does not show program logic o r processing steps. A ser of DFDs provides a logical model that shows what the system does, nor how ir does it. T hac discinction is important because focusing on implementation issues at this point would restrict the search for the most effective system design. 5.3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM SYMBOLS DFDs use fou r basic symbols tha t represent processes, da ta flows, data stores, a nd entities. Several different versions o f DFD symbols exist, but they a ll serve t he same pu rpose. DFD examples in this rexr use the Gane and Sarson symbol set. Another popu lar symbol set is the Yourdon sym bol set. Figure 5- 1 shows examples of both version'>. In this text, symbols are referenced using all capital letters for the symbol name. Gane and Sarson Symbols Symbol Name Yourdon Symbols APPLY PAYMENT Process APPLY PAYMENT II BANK DEPOSIT Data Flow BANK DEPOSIT STUDENTS Data Store STUDENTS CUSTOMER External Entity CUSTOMER FIGURE S- 1 Data flow diagram symbols, symbol names, and examples of the Gane and Sarson and Yourdon symbol sets. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 147 S.3 Data Flow Diagram Symbols 5.3.1 Process Symbols A process receive input data and produces ourpur rhar has a different content, form, or both. For instance, the process for calculating pay uses rwo inpurs (pay rate and hours worked) to produce one output (total pay). Processes can be very simple or quire complex. In a typical company, processes might include calculating sale trends, filing online insurance claims, ordering inventory from a supplier's y tern, or verifying email addresses for web customers. Processes contain the business logic, also called busine s rules, that transforms the data and produces the required resulrs. The symbol for a process 1s a rectangle with rounded comers. The name of the process appears inside the rectangle. The process name identifies a specific function and consists of a verb (and an adjective, if necessary) followed by a singular noun. Examples of process names arc APPLY REl\lT PAYMENT, CALCULATE COMMISSION, ASSIGN Fl Al GRADE, VERIFY ORDER, and FILL ORDER. Processing derails arc nor sho,vn in a DFD. For example, there might be a process named DEPOSIT PAYMENT. The process symbol does nor reveal the business logic for the DEPOSIT PAYMENT process. To document the logic, a process description is created, which is explained later in this cbapteL In DFDs, a process symbol can be referred to as a black box, because the inputs, outputs, and general functions of the process are knov.m, but the underlying details and logic of the process arc hidden. By showing processes as black boxes, an analyst can create DFDs that show how the system functions bur avoid unnecessary detail and clutter. When the analyst wishes ro show additional levels of detail, he or she can zoom in on a process symbol and creacc a more in-depth DFD that shows the process's inrernal workingswhich mighr reveal even more processes, dara flows, and data stores. In this manner, the information )'Stem can be modeled as a series of increasingly detailed picrures. The network rourer shown in Figure 5-2 is an example of a black box. An observer can see cables rhar carry data inro and ouc of the router, but rhe rourer's internal operations are nor revealed-on!)' che results are apparent. FIGURE 5·2 A router acts like a block box for network data. Cables carry data In and out, but internal operations are hidden inside the case. ""' .. I' 5.3.2 Data Flow Symbols A data flow is a path for data to move from one part of rhe information system to another. A dara flow in a DFD rcpresenrs one or more data irems. For example, a daca .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.3 Data Flow Diagram Symbols 148 flow could consist of a single dara item (such as a student ID number), or it could include a set of data (such as a class roster with student ID numbers, names, and registration dates for a specific class). Although che DFD does not show the detailed contents of a data flow, that information is included in the darn dictionary, which is de'ICribcd later in this chapter. The symbol for a data flow is a line with a single or double arrowhead. The data flow name appears above, below, or alongside the line. A data flow name consists of a singular noun and an adjective, if needed. Examples of dara flow names are DEPOSIT, INVOICE PAYMENT, STUDENT GRADE, ORDER, and COMMISSION. Exceptions co the singular name rule are data flow names, such as GRADING PARAMETERS, where a singular name could mislead the analyst into thinking a single parameter or single icem of daca exists. Figure 5-3 shows correct examples of data flow and process symbol connections. Because a process changes rbe data's content or form, ar least one data flow must enter and one data flow must exit each process symbol, as they do in the CREATE rNVO ICE process. A process symbol can have more than one outgoing data flow, as shown 111 t be GRADE STUDENT WORK process, or more than one incomi ng data flow, as shown in the CALCULATE GROSS PAY process. A process also can connect to any o t he r symbol, including another process symbo l, as shown by the connection benveen VERIFY ORDER and ASSEMBLE ORDER in Figure 5-3. A data flow, therefore, must have a process symbol on at least one end. SERVICES PERFORMED CREATE INVOCE INVOICE GRADED WORK SUBMITIED WORK l- o w a: a: 0 GRADE STUDENT WORK STUDENT GRADE HOURS WORKED 0 PAY RATE ORDER VERIFY ORDER CALCULATE GROSS PAY ACCEPTED ORDER GROSS PAY ASSEMBLE ORDER INVENTORY CHANGE FIGURE S-3 Examples of correct combinations or data flow and process symbols. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 149 S.3 Data Flow Diagram Symbols Figure 5-4 shows three data Aow and process combinations that must be avoided: • Spontaneous generatio n. The APPLY INSURANCE PREMIUM process, for instance, produces output but has no input data flow. Because it has no input, the proce s is called a spontaneous generation process. • Black hole. CALCULATE GROSS PAY IS called a black hole process, which is a proce&s that has input bur produces no output. Gray hole. A gray hole is a process that has ar least one input and one ourpur, but the input obviously is insufficient to generate rhe output shown. For example, a date of birth input is nor sufficient ro produce a final grade output in the CALCULATE GRADE process. • Spontaneous generation, black holes, a nd gray holes are impossible logically in a DFD because a process must act on input, shown by an incoming data flow, and produce output, represented by an outgoing data flow. S.3.3 Data Store Symbols A data ~tore is used in a DFD to represent APPLY dara that the system stores because one or POLICY NUMBER INSURANCE PAYMENT AMOUNT more processes need to use the dara ar a PREMIUM later time. For instance, instructors need to store student scores on rests and assignments during the semester, so they can assign final grades at the end of the term. Similarly, a (.) company stores employee salary and deducUJ a: HOURS WORKED PAY RATE tion data during the year in order ro print CALCULATE a: GROSS PAY \Y/-2 forms with total earnings and deduc0 0 tions ar the end of rhe year. A DFD does nor z show the derailed contents of a data store-the specific structure and data elements are defined in rhe dara dictionary, which is discus&ed later in this chapter. DATE OF BIRTH FINAL GRADE CALCULATE The phy ical characteristics of a daca &tore GRADE are unimportant because the logical model is the only concern at this point. Also, the length of time that the data i~ ~tored i& unimportant-it can be a matter of seconds while IFIGURE 5-'4 Examples of Incorrect combinations of data flow and process symbols. APPLY INSURANCE PREMIUM has no input and is a transaction is processed or a period of called a spontaneous generation process. CALCULATE GROSS PAY has months while data is accumulated for yearno outputs and is called a black hole process. CALCULATE GRADE has end processing. What is important is that a :an input that is obviously unable to produce the output. This process is process needs access to the data at some later called a gray hole. time. In a DFD, rhc Gane and Sarson symbol for a data store is a flat rectangle that is open on the r ig ht side and closed on the left side. The name of the data store appears between the lines and idenrifies the data it contains. A data store name is a plural name consisting of a noun and adjectives, if needed. Examples of data store names arc STUDENTS, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, PRODUCTS, DAILY PAYMENTS, PURCI IASE ORDERS, OUTSTANDING CHECKS, INSURANCE POLICIES, and EMPLOYEES. Exceptions to the plural name rule are coUective nouns that represent multiple occurrences of objects. For example, GRADEBOOK represents a group of students and their scores. .... .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.3 Data Flo w Diagram Symbols I SO A data store must be connected to a process with a data flow. Figure 5-5 illust rates typical examples of data stores. Since data scores represent data storage for use by another process in the furure, in each case, che data store has ac least one incoming and one outgoing data flow and is connected to a process symbol wich a data flow. CREATE INVOICE POST PAYMENT CUSTOMER PAYMENT 1- u w INVOICE DAILY PAYMENTS a: a: ADMIT PATIENT ADMISSION FORM ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PATIENTS ·1 0 u DAI LY PAYMENT PAYMENT DETAIL INVOICE DETAIL PREPARE DEPOSIT SYMPTOM DIAGNOSE PATIENT POST PAYMENT TREATMENT TREAT PATIENT FIGU RE 5-S Examples of correct use of dat:a ttore symbols in a dat:a flow diairam. Violations of the rule that a data store must have at least one mcoming and one outgoing data flow are shown in Figure 5-6. In che first example, rwo dara stores are connected mcorrectly because no process 1s between them. Also, COURSES has no incoming data flow and STUDENTS has no outgoing data flow. In the second and rhird examples, rhe da ta stores lack either an outgoing or incoming data flow. 1- u COURSES w a: a: 0 POST PAYMENT I CLASS LIST u z BOOK FLIGHT CUSTOMER PAYMENT STUDENTS I DAILY PAYMENTS FLIGHT REOU EST PASSENGERS I I FIGU RE S-6 Examples of incorrect use of data store symbols in a data flow diagram.Two data stores cannot be connected by a data flow without an intervening process. and each data store should have an ouigoing and incoming data flow. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 151 S.3 Data Flow Diagram Symbols There is an exception to the requirement that a data store must have at least one incoming and one outgoing data Aow. In some siruarions, a data store has no input data Aow because it contains fixed reference data that is nor updated b)• the system. For example, consider a data store called TAX TABLE, which contains withholding ta-.: data that a company downloads from the Internal Re\•enue Service. When the company runs its payroll, the CALCULATE \XflTH HOLDI G process accesses data from this data store. On a DFD, this would be represented as a one-way outgomg data Aow from rhe TAX TABLE data score into the CALCULAT E WITHHOLD Ii G process. 5.3.4 Entity Symbols T he symbol for an entity is a rectangle, which may be shaded to make ir look three-dimensional. T he name of the entity appears inside the symbol. A DFD shows only cxrernal entities th:H provide data to rhe sysrcm or receive output from the system. A DrD shows the boundaries of the system and how the system interfaces with the outside world. For example, a cusromer enriry submits an order to an order processing system. Other examples of entiti~ include a patient who supplie~ data to a medical record~ sy~tem, a homeowner who receives a bill from a ciry property tax S)•Mem, or an accouncs payable system that receives data from the compan)•'s purchasing system. DFD entities also are called terminator) because they are data origins or final dcsrin:irions. Systems analysts call an enriry that supplies data to rhe system a source and an enriry that receives data from the system a sink. An enriry na me is the singular form of a dcparm1ent, an outside organiz;:irion, other information system, or a person. An external entity can be a source or a sink or both, bur each entiry must be connected ro a process by :i d:ita Aow. Figure 5-7 and Figure 5-8 show correct and incorrect e-.::imples of this rule, re pecrively. .........""_.. ... .-................. BANK CUSTOMER PAYMENT INVOICE ORDER l- o w a: a: VERIFY ORDER PREPARE DEPOSIT APPLY PAYMENT 0 0 TIME CARO VERIFY TIME CARD EMPLOYEE PAYCHECK CREATE PAYCHEC1< FIGURE 5-7 Examples of correct uses of e>nemal entitles on a cnu flow diagr.tm. PAYROLL DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER BANK I- 0 w PAYCHEC K a: a: BANK DEPOSIT PAYMENT 0 0 z ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DAILY PAYMENTS I EMPLOYEE FIGURE 5-8 Examples of incorrect uses of external ent1t1es on a cnu flow doagr.tm. An external entity must be connected by a cnca flow to a process and not directly to a data store or co another external entity. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... BANK DEPOSIT CUSTOMER -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.4 Drawing Dae.a Flow Diagrams 152 S.3.S Using DFD Symbols \'<'ith a n undersranding of the proper use of DFD symbols, the next step is co construct diagrams chat use these symbols. Figure 5-9 shows a summary of the rules for using DFD symbols. Correct and Incorrect Examples of Data Rows LJ LJ LJ - LJ D D D II D II Process to Process ./ Process to External Entity ./ Process to Data Store ./ '· External Entity to External Enllty II External Entity to Data Store II Data Store to Data Store '- x x x FIGURE S-9 Examples of correct and incorrect uses of data flows. 5.4 DRAWING DATA fLOW DIAGRAMS During requiremen ts engineering, interviews, questionnaires, and ocher techniques were used to gather facts about the system, and it was explained how the various people, departments, data, and processes fit together to support business operations. Now a grnphical model of the information system is created based on the fact-finding results. To learn how to draw DFDs, examples of two information systems will be used. The first example is a grading system rhat instructors use co assign final grades based on the scores that students receive during the term. The second example is an order system that a company uses to enter orders and apply payments against a customer's balance. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 153 S.4 Drawing Data Flow Diagrams When drawing a context diagram and other DFDs, these guidelines should be followed: • Draw the context diagram so it firs on one page. • Use the name of the infonnarion system as the process name in the context diagram. For example, the process name in Figure 5-10 1s GRAD! G YSTEM. , ore that rhe process name is the same as t he system name. This is because the conte>.t diagram shows rhe entire information system as if it were a single proce!.s. For processes in lower-level DFDs, use a verb followed by a de criptl\e noun, such as ESTABLISH GRADEBOOK, ASSIG FINAL GRADE, or PRODUCE GRADE REPORT. • Use unique names within each ser of symbols. For instance, the diagram in Figure 5-10 shows on ly one enrity named STUDENT and only one data flow named FINAL GRADE. Whenever the entity STUDENT appears on any other DFD in the grading S)'Stem, ir indicares that it is the same entity. Whenever the FINAL GRADE data Aow appea rs, it indicates that ir is rhc same dara flow. The naming convention also applies to data stores. • Do not cross lines. One way to achieve that goal is to rest rict t he number of symbols in any DFD. On lower-level diagrams with multiple processes, there should not be more than nine process symbols. Including more than nine symbols usually is a signa l that rhe diagram is too complex and that the ana lysis should be reconsidered. Another way to avoid crossing lines is to duplicate an entity or a data store. When duplicating a symbol on a diagram, make sure to document rhc duplicarion to avoid possible confusion. A special notation, such as an asterisk, nexr to rhe symbol name and inside rhe duplicated symbols signifies that they are duplicared on the diagram. FINAL GRADE SUBMITTED WORK STUDENT RECORDS SYSTEM STUDENT o... CLASS ROSTER process o represents lhe entire gred1ng sys1em GRADING PARAMETERS ...... GRADED ~ WORK GRADING SYSTEM ' . ' unique reference number for each process GRADE REPORT INSTRUCTOR FIGURE 5- 10 Context diagram DFD for a grading system. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.5 Drawing a Context Diagram I 54 • Provide a unique name and reference nlLmber for each process. Because it is the highesr-levcl DFD, the contexr diagram concains process 0, which repre encs the entire infonnacion sysrem, bur does not show the incernal workings. To de~cribe the next level of detail ins ide process 0, create a DFD named diagram 0, which will reveal additional processes thar must be named and numbered. As lower-level DFDs are created, assign unique names and reference numbers to all processes, until che logical model is completed. • Obtain as much user input and feedback as possible. TI1e main objective is to ensure that the model is accurate, is easy co understand, and meets the needs of its users. 5.5 DRAWING A CONTEXT DIAGRAM The first srep in constructing a set of DFDs is co draw a context diagram. A context diagram is a rop-level view of an information system that shows the sysrem's boundaries and scope. To draw a context diagram, stare by placing a single process symbol in rhe center of the page. Tbe symbol repres·ents the entire information system, and ir is identified as process 0 (the numeral zero, and nor tbe letter 0). Then place the S)•Stcm entiries around the perimeter of the page and use data flows to connect the enriries to the central process. Data stores are not shown in the concext diagram because they arc contained within the system and remain hidden until more detailed diagrams are created. To determine which entities and data flows to place in the context diagram, begin by reviewing the system requirements to identify a U external data sources and desti· nations. During that process, identify the entities, the name and content of rhe data flows, and the direcrion of the data flows. If that is done carefully, and rhe job of fact-finding was done well in the previous stage, drawing the context diagram should be relatively easy. !'\ow review the following context diagram examples. EXAMPLE: CONTEXT DIAGRAM FORA GRADING SYSTEM: The context diagram for a grading ~ystem is shown in Figure 5- 10. The GRADING SY TEM process is at the center of the diagram. The three entities (STUDE 'T RECORDS SYSTE~1, STUDE :T, and INSTRUCTOR) are placed around the central process. lnreracrion among rhe cencral process and the entities involves six different data flows. The TUDENT RECORDS SYSTEM entity supplies dara through rhe CLASS ROSTER daca flow and receives darn chrough che flNAL GRADE daca flow. The STUDENT enciry supplies dara through the SUBMITTED WORK data flow and receives data through the GRADED \VORK data flow. Finally, che INSTRUCTOR entiry supplies data through rhe GRADING PARAMETERS data flow and receives daca through the GRADE REPORT data flow. EXAMPLE: CONTEXT DIAGRAM FORAN ORDER SYSTEM: The context diagram for an order system is shown in Figure 5-11. Note chat the ORDER SYSTEM process is at the center of the diagram and five entities surround the process. Three of the entities, SALES REP, BANK, and ACCOUNTING , have single incoming data flows for COMMISSION, BANK DEPOSIT, and CASH RECEIPTS ENTRY, respectively. The WARE! IOUSE entity has one incoming data flow-PICKING LIST-char is, a report chat shows the items ordered and their quantity, location, and sequence to pick from the warehouse. T he WAREHOUSE entity has one outgoing data flow: COtvl PLETED ORDER. Finally, the CUSTOMER entity has two outgoing data flows, O RD ER and PAYMENT, and rwo incoming data flows, ORDER REJECT OTICE and INVOICE. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 155 S.6 Drawing a Diagram 0 DFD ORDER CUSTOMER ORDER PICKING UST WAREHOUSE REJECT NOTICE INVOICE PAYMENT COMMISSION SALES REP 0 ORDER SYSTEM COMPLETED ORDER CASH RECEIPTS ENTRY BANK DEPOSIT BANK ACCOUNTING FIGURE S· 11 C.:.nte>n diagram DFD for an order system. The context diagram for the order system appears more complex than the grading sy~cem becau1.e tt has two more entities and three more data flows. What makes one ~y~tcm more complex than another is the number of components, the number of levels, and the degree of interaction among irs processes, entities, data stores, and data flows. 5.6 DRAWING A DIAGRAM 0 DFD In the previous step, it was explained how a context diagram provides the most general view of an information S)'Stem and contains a single process symbol, which is like a black box. To show rhe derail inside the black box, a DFD diagram 0 is created. Diagram 0 (the numeral zero, and not che letter 0 ) provides an overview of all the components tha t interact to form the overall system. lt zooms in on the system and shows major internal processes, dara flows, and data scores. Diagram 0 also repeats the entities and data flows rhar appear in the context diagram. When the context diagram is expanded into DFD diagram 0, all the connections that flow into and out of process 0 must he retained. Figure 5- I 2 shows a context diagram ar rhe top and diagram 0 beneath it. Note that diagram 0 is an expansion of process 0. Also note chat the three same entities (STUDENT RECORDS SYSTEt.1, STUDENT, and I STRUCTOR) and che same six data flows (FINAL GRADE, CLASS ROSTER, SUBMITTED WORK, GRADED ~'ORK, GRADING PARAMETERS, and GRADE REPO RT) appear in both diagram!>. In addition, diagram 0 expands process 0 to reveal four internal processes, one data store, and fi,·e additional data flows. EXAMPLE: DIAGRAM 0 DFD FOR A GRADING SYSTEM: .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.6 Drawing a Diagram 0 DFD 156 Conlexl Diagram for Grading System FINAL G RADE STUDENT RECORDS SYSTEM SUBMITTED WORK STUDENT 0 GRADED WORK CLASS ROSTER GRADING SYSTEM • GRADING PARAMETERS GRADE REPORT INSTRUCTOR Diagram 0 for Grading Syslem 3 2 STUDENT RECORDS SYSTEM STUDENT GRADE ASSIGN FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE CLASS ROSTER GRADING DETAIL GRADE STUDENT WORK SUBMITTED WORK GRAOED WORK 1 ESTABLISH GRADEBOOK CLASS GRADEBOOK 01 GRADEBOOK STUDENT I CLASS DETAIL GRADING PARAMETERS 4 INSTRUCTOR GRADE REPORT PRODUCE GRADE REPORT F IGURE 5- 12 Context diagram and d~gram 0 for the grading system. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 157 S.6 Drawing a Diagram 0 DFD Note that each process in diagram 0 has a reference number: ESTABLISH GRADEBOOK is I, ASSIGN FlNAL GRADE is 2, GRADE STUDENT \X!ORK is 3, and PRODUCF GRADF REPORT is 4. These reference numbers are important because the)' identify a cries of DFDs. If more detail were needed for ESTABLISH GRADEBOOK, for example, a diagram 1 would be drawn, because ESTABLISH GRADEBOOK is process 1. The process numbers do nor suggest char the processes are accomplished in a sequennal order. Each process always is considered ro be available, active, and awaiting data co be processed. If processes musr be performed in a specific sequence, the information should be documented in the process descriptions (discussed later in this chapter), nor in the DFD. The FINAL GRADE data flow output from the ASSIG FINAL GRADE process is a diverging data Aow that becomes an input to the STUDENT RECORDS SYSTEM entity and co the GRADEBOOK data store. A diverging data Aow is a data Aow iu which the same data travels to rwo or more diHereot locations. l11 that situation, a diverging data Aow is the best way ro show the flow rather than showing rwo identical data flows, which could be misleading. If the same data flows in borb directions, a double-headed arrow can be used to connect the symbols. To identify specific data flows into and out of a symbol, however, separate data Aow symbols with single arrowheads should be used. For example, in Figure 5-12, the separate data flows (SUBMIITED WORK and GRADED WORK) go into and out of rhe GRADE STUDENT WORK process. Because diagram 0 is an exploded version of process 0, it shows considerably more derail than the context diagram. Diagram 0 can also be referred ro as a partitioned or decomposed view of process 0. When a DFD is exploded, t he higher-level diagram is called the parent diagram and the lower-level diagram is referred to as the child diagram. The grading system is simple enough that no additional DFDs arc needed to model che syscem. At chat point, che four processes, the one data score, and the I 0 data Aow can be documented in the data dictionary. \Xlhen a sec of Of'Ds is created for a system, the processing logic is broken down mto smaller units, called functional primitives, which programmers will use co de\'elop code. A functional prinuci"e is a process that consists of a single function rhat 1s not exploded further. for e'<ample, each of the four processes shown in the lower portion of Figure 5-12 is :i functional prnninve. The logic for a functional primitive is documented by wriong a proce!.s description in the data dictionary. Later, when the logical design is implemented as a physical system, programmers wiJJ transform e:ich function:il primitive into program code and modules that carry our the required steps. Deciding whether to explode a process further or determine that it is a functional primitive is a marcer of experience, judgment, and inceraction with programmers who musL translaLe the logical design imo code. EXAMPLE: DIAGRAM 0 DFD FORAN ORDER SYSTEM: Figure 5-13 is the diagram 0 for an order system. Process 0 o n the order system's context diagram is exploded to reveal three processes (FILL ORDER, CREATE INVOICE, and APPLY PAYMENT}, one data store (ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE), two additional data flows (INVOICE DETAIL and PAYMENT DETAIL), a nd one diverging data Aow (lNVOICE). The following walk-through explains the DFD shown in Figure 5- 13: L A CUSTOMER submits an ORDER. Depending on the processing logic, che FILL ORDER process either sends an ORDER REJECT NOTlCE back to rhc customer or sends a PICKING LIST to the WAREHOUSE. .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,. .., ~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~ --- - ·· · ---~~-.,.- " ~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.7 Drawing Lower-Level DFDs 158 2. A COMPLFTED ORDER from rhe \'V'AREHOUSE is inpur ro rhc CREATE INVOICE process, which ourpurs an INVOICE ro borh rhe CUSTOMER process and rhe ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE dara store. 3. A CUST01'1ER makes a PAY1vl8'.T that is processed by APPLY PAYMENT. APPLY PAYMENT requires INVOICE DETAIL input from rhe ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE dara store along with the PAY1'1ENT. APPLY PAYMENT also ourpurs PAY1'1ENT DETAIL back to the ACCOill'.iS RECEIVABLE dara store and ourpurs COMMlSSION ro the SALES DEPT, BANK DEPOSIT ro the BANK, and CASH RECEIPTS ENTRY ro ACCOUNTING. 1 ORDER PICKING UST FILL ORDER ORDER REJECT NOTICE CUSTOMER WAREHOUSE 2 CREATE INVOICE INVOICE DI ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INVOICE DETAIL PAYMENT COMPLETED ORDER PAYMENT DETAIL 3 APPLY PAYMENT COMM ,SSION BANK DEPOSIT SALES DEPT BANK CASH RECEIPTS ENTRY ACCOUNTING FI GUR E S- 13 Diagram 0 DfD for the order system. The walk-through of diagram 0 iUustrates the basic requirements of the order system. Examine the detailed description of each separate process to learn more. S. 7 DRAWING LowER-LEVEL DFDs This set of lower-level DFDs is based on the order system. To creace lower-level diagrams, leveling and balancing techniques must be used. Leveling is rhe process of drawing a series of increasingly detailed diagrams, until all functional primicives are identified. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 159 S.7 Drawing Lower-Leve l DFDs Balancing mainrains consistency among a set of DFDs by ensuring that input and output dam flows align properly. Leveling and balancing are described in more derail in the following sections. Leveling uses a series of increasingly derailed DFDs to de&cnbe an information S)'stem. For example, a system might consist of doi.ens, or even hundreds, of separate processes. Using leveling, an analyst scares with an overall view, which is a context diagram with a single process symbol. Next, the analyst creates diagram 0, which sho,vs more detail. The analyst contmues to create lower-level DFDs until all processes are identified as functional primitives, which represent single processing functions. More complex systems have more processes, and analysts must wor k through many levels to identify the functional primitives. Leveling also is called exploding , partitioning, or decomposing. Figures 5-13 and 5-1 4 provide an example of leveling. Figure 5-13 shows diagram 0 for an order system, with the FILL O RDER process labeled as process 1. Now consider Figure 5 - 14, which p rovides an exploded view of the RLL O RDER process. Note rhat FILL ORDER (process l ) actually cons ists of t hree processes: VERIFY O RD ER (process 1. 1), PREPA RE REJECT NOTICE (process L.2), and ASSEMBLE ORDER (process 1.3). EX AMPLE: LE VELING EXAMPLES: CUSTOMER ORDER REJECT NOTICE ORDER 1.1 I2 VERIFY ORDER PREPARE REJECT NOTICE REJECTED ORDER PRODUCT DETAIL CREDIT STATUS ACCEPTED ORDER CREDIT HISTORY I D2 CUSTOMERS I 1.3 D3 PRODUCTS PICKING DETAIL ASSEMBLE ORDER PICKING LIST WAREHOUSE INVENTORY CHANGE FIGURE S- 14 Diigram I OFD shows details of the FILL ORDER process in the order system. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.7 Drawing Lower-Level DFDs 160 As Figure 5-14 shows, all processes are numbered using a decimal notation consisting of the parent's reference number, a decimal point, and a sequence number within the new diagram. In Figure 5-14, the parent process of diagram I 1 process I, so the proces cs in diagram 1 have reference numbers of 1.1, 1.2, and I. 3. If process 1.3, ASSE~I BLE ORDER, is decomposed further, then it would appear in diagram 1.3 and the processe!> in diagram 1.3 would be numbered as 1.3.1, 1.3.2, I. 3.3, and so on. This numbering technique makes it easy to integrate and idenrify all DFDs. \'Qhen Figure 5- 13 and Figure 5-14 are compared, it is apparent that Figure 5-14 (the exploded FILL ORDER process) shows two data stores (CUSTOMER and PRODUCTS) that do nor appear on Figure 5-13, which is rhe parent DFD. Why not? Tiie answer is based on a simple rule: When drawing DFDs, a data store is shown on ly when rwo or more processes use that data store. The CUSTOMER and PRODUCTS data stores were internal to rbe FILL ORDER process, so the analyst did not show chem on diagram 0, which is the parent. When the FILL ORDER process is exploded into a diagram 1 DFD, however, three processes ( l. J, 1.2, and 1.3) interacting with the two data stores are now shown. Now compare Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-15. Note that Figure 5-15 shows the same data flows as Figure 5-14 but does not sbow tbe CUSTOMER a nd WAREH OUSE entities. Analysts often use this technique to simplify a DFD and reduce unnecessary cluner. Because the missing symbols appear on the parent DFD, that diagram can be used to identify rhc source or destination of rhe data flows. • ORDER REJECT NOTICE ORDER 1 1 1.2 VERIFY ORDER PREPARE REJECT NOTICE PRODUCT DETAIL REJECTED ORDER CREDIT STATUS ACCEPTED ORDER CREDIT HISTORY I D2 CUSTOMERS I 1.3 D3 PRODUCTS PICKING DETAIL ASSEMBLE ORDER PICKING UST INVENTORY CHANGE FIGURE 5- 15 This diagram does not show the symbols that connect to data flows entering or leaving FILL ORDER on the context diagram. Balancing ensures that the input and output data flows of the parent DFD are maintained on the chjld DFD. For example, Figure 5- 16 shows two 0 1- D : The order S)•stem diagram 0 is shown at the cop of che figure, and the exploded diagram 3 DFD is shown ac the bottom. BALANCING EXAMPLES: (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 161 S.7 Drawing Lower-Level DFDs The rwo DFDs arc balanced because the child diagram at the bottom has the same input and output Aows as rhe parent process 3 shown ar the top. To verify rhe , Order System Diagram O DFD P<CKING UST ORlJEA flil ORDER ORDER REJECT I NOTICE CUSTOMER WAREHOUSE 2 COMPLETED CREATE INVOCE INVOICE II D1 ACCOUNTS - - -"" ll"YMENT RECEIVABLE DETAIL INVOICEf . DETAIL . -- PAYMENT • 3 I I I APF'\.Y PAYMENT ' - -i!!AN!!' ' COMMISSION CASH RECEIPTS ENTRY DEPOSIT SAlES DEPT !IANJ( ,-- t - I I I I I I I I I I I - ACCOUl"1"NO 1NllOICE Order System Diagram 3 DFD CVSTOMER I ORDER PAYMENT I - - - - - - - ,, I "'I 31 ' I POST I PAYUENT I I 1 DEll'&. \ ID' ACCOU'<TS RECEIVAlll.E I I I PAYMENT OET.tJL - - - - - .. - - - ... CUSTOt.IER PAYMENT OOMMISS ION EARNED tw1.Y AAl'MENTS DAILY ACCOUNT1NG PAYMENT PAYMENT 32 H 33 I I PREPAA£ DEPOSIT ACCOUNTING PAYMENT ENTRY .. - 1BANK - ---- DEPOSIT ~ <.'Xst-1'" PAY COMMISSION -- - - - RECEIPTS ENTRY ACCOIJNf,NG BAM< I I I I I I - i ~:ss~ON SALES REP FIGURE S- 16 The order system diagram 0 is shown at the top of the figure. and the exploded diagram 3 DFD (for the APPLY PAYMENT process) is shown at the boaom.The two DFDs are balanced because the child diagram at the bottom has the same Input and output flows as the p;arent process 3 shown at top. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.7 Drawing Low er-Level DFDs 162 balancing, note that the parent process 3, APPLY PAYMENT, has one incoming dara flow from an external enriry and three outgoing data flows to external entities. Fxamine the child DFD, which is diagram 3. Ignore the internal data flows and count the data flows co and from external entities. From the diagram, it is evident chat the three processes maintain the same one incoming and three outgoing data flows as the parent process. Another example of balancing is shown in Figures 5-17 and 5-18. l11e DFDs in the e figures we re created using the Visible Analyst CASE tool. Figure 5-17 shows a sample concext diagram. The process 0 symbol has cwo input flows and two output flows. Note char process 0 can be considered as a black box ... . uo.c ..,. .... ,," ' T • EXTERNAL ENTITY A I• INPUT DATA FLOW1 I 1-. -----. OUTPUT DATA FLOW 1 EXTERNAL ENTITY C 1 I I I PROCESSO I OUTPUT DATA INPUT DATA FLOW2 .I I • FLOW2 • EXTERNAL EXTERNAL ENTITY B ENTITY D FIGURE 5- 17 Examples of a parent DFD diagram. showing process 0 as a black box. t; .iJ ¥ lol A I A -. :& J• I • \ !:J-Q 'l.-"l"\ '- "T .l •- wJ "~I -' • • I ------- ---------, 3 1 I INPUT DATA EXTERNAL ENTITY A • - FLOW I UT OATA I I FLOW I PROCESS 1 PROCESS3 ' I I I I . I I EXTERNAL ENTITY 8 I I I I I EXTERNAL ENTITYC INTERNAL DATA FLOW1 INTERNAL DATA FLOW2 los 1041 DATA STORE 1 INTERNAL DATA FLOW3 INPUT DATA FLOW 2 I I I I DATA STORE 2 I I INTERNAL DATA FLOW4 I 2 OUTPUT DATA FLOW 2 I I I • PROCESS2 I ' ----------~----- EXTERNAL ENTITY 0 I I FIGURE 5- 18 In the next level of detail. the process 0 black box reveals three processes, tw0 <ba scores, and four internal data ffows---gll of which are shown inside the dashed line. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gl( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 163 S.7 D raw ing Lo wer-Leve l DFDs with no inrernal derail shown. In Figure 5-18, process 0 (che parent DFO) is exploded inro rhe nexr level of detail. Now rhree processes, rwo dara scores, and four inrernal dara Aows are visible. Note that the derails of process 0 are shown inside a dashed line, 1ust as if the inside of the process was visible. The DFDs in Figures 5- 17 and 5-18 are balanced because rhe four data flows into and out of process 0 are maintained on the child DFD. The DFDs also are leveled because each internal process 1s numbered co show that it is a child of the parent process. CASE IN POINT 5.1: B1G TEN U N1VERs1n' You are the IT director at Big Ten University.As part of a training program, you decide to draw a DFD that includes some obvious mistakes to see whether your newly hired junior analysts can find them.You came up with the diagram 0 DFD shown in Figure 5-19. Based on the rules explained in this chapter, how many problems should the analysts find? 3 2 1 ASSIGN AO\llSOR STUDENT ID N UMBER TENTATIVE SCHEDULE MEET WITH AOlllSOR CHECK OPEN CLASSES FINAL CLASS SCHEDULE INSTRUCTOR CLASS ROSTER 05 CLASS ROSTER STUDENTS ATTENDING D6 SEATING C HART SCH EDULE OF OFFICE HOURS 4 STUDENT STUDENT ID NUMBER CALCULATE GRADE FINAL GRADE 04 GRADES FIGURE 5- 19 What are the mistakes in this diagram 0 DFD! r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.8 Data Dictionary 164 5.8 DATA DICTIONARY A set of DFDs produces a logical model of the system, but the details within those DFDs are documented separarely in a data dictionary, which is the second component of stn1crurcd analysis. A data dictionary, or data repository, is a ccnrral storehouse of information about the system's data. An analyst uses rhe data dictionary to collect, document, and organi1c specific facts about the system, including the contents of data flows, data stores, entities, and processes. The data d ictionary also defines and describes all data elements and meaningful combinarions of dara elements. A data clcmcnr, also called a data item or field, is che smallest piece of dara that has meaning within an information system. Examples of data elements are student grade, salary, Social ccurity number, account balance, and company name. Dara e lements are combined into records, also called daLa structures. A record is a meaningful combination of related data elements t hat is included in a data flow or ret:iined in a data score. For example, an auto parts store inventory record might irnclude part number, description, su pplier code, minimum and maximum stock levels, cost, a nd list price. Significant relationships exist among the items in a data diction~iry. For example, darn stores a nd data flows are based on data structures, which in rurn are composed of data c lements. Data flows are connected to data s tores, entiLies, and processes. Accurately documenting these relationships is essential so the data dictionary is consistent with the DFDs. The more complex the system, the more d ifficult it is co maintain fu ll and accurate documentation. Fortunately, modern CASE tools simplify the task by flowing documentation automatically from the modeling diagrams into the central repository, along with information entered by the user. A CASE reposi tory ensures data consistency, which is especially imporranc where multiple srsrems require the same data. In a large company, for example, the sales, accounting, and shipping systems all might use a data element called CUSTOMER NU.tvl BER. Once the CUSTOMER NUMBER element has been defined in the repository, other processes can access it, data flows, and data stores. The result is that all sysrems across the enterprise can share data that is up to date and consistent. 5.8. 1 Documenting the Data Elements Every dara element in the dara dictionary muse be documented. Some analysts like to record their notes in o nline o r manual forms. Ochers prefer ro enter rhe information directly inro a CASE rool. Irrespective of the specific CASE tool used, rhc objecrive is the same: ro provide clear, comprehensive information about the data and processes rhat make up the system. Figure 5-20 shows a sample screen that illustrates how a data element representing o SOCIAL SECURITY NU.tvl BER might be recorded in the Visible Analyst dara dictionary. Regardless of the terminology or method, the follow ing attrib utes usually arc recorded and described in the data dictionary: • • (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . Data element name or label. The data element's standard name, which should be meaningful to users. Alias. Any name(s) other than the standard darn element name; this Jlternate name is called an alias. For example, if there is a dat:i element named CURR ENT BALANCE, various users might refer to it by alternate names such as OUTSTANDING BALANCE, CUSTOMER BALANCE, RECEIVABLE BALANCE, or AMOUNT OWED. I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 165 S.8 Data Dictionary • Type and length. Type refers ro whether chc data element conrains numeric, alphabetic, or character values. Length 1s the maximum number of character~ for an alphabetic or a character data element or the maximum number of digits and number of decimal posirions for a numeric data element. In addition to text and numeric data, sounds and images also can be stored in digital form. In some systems, these binary data objects are m:inaged and processed just as traditional data clements are. for example, an employee record might include u digitized photo image of the person. • i.w Enbybpc ~ A!Us: Default 11al11c. The default value is the value for the data clemenr if a value - I of4 1-s.a..cySSH \/oJues & :::===:::___ n ~ O.twlt.- Notes; otherwise is not entered for it. For example, all new cu~tomers might have a default value of $500 for the CREDIT LIMIT data element. ISOCIAi. sicUltl'TY NUMlllJt TJ!I< lengsh: !IN Acc.-- None 5oufCC Sttun1y Appl1c1tton rorm Pl)"Oll dq>tnmonl R"'f>O"sib~ \Ml". PoyniH d~l Mf-"'9'1-- long Nome: • Acceptable t•al11es. Spccificarion of ArtOO!bi't objt<t llbfl an bt uP to 128 ctilrxt11s ID!lo. Jlld tllt Int c:IQ/xtt1 l'l\&St bt the data element's domain, which is • mtter. the set of values permitted for rhe data element. These values either can FIGURE S-20 A VlsibleA!Qlyst screen describes the data element named be specifically listed or referenced SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. in a table or can be selected from a -~.... - ,,.l specified range of values. Also indicare if a value for the data element 1s optional. Some data clements have additional validity rules. For example, an emplo)'cc's salary musr he within the range defined for rhe employee's job classification. • Source. The specification for the origination point for the data element's values. The source could be a specific form, a depam11ent or an outside organization, another information system, or rhe result of a calculation. • Security. Identification for the individual or department that has access or • • update privileges for each data clement. For example, only a credit manager has the aurhority to change a credit limit, while sales reps are au thorized co access dara in a read-only mode. Responsible 11ser(s). Identification of the user(s} responsible for entering and cha nging values for the data c lement. Description and comments. This part of the documentation permits che entry of addirional norcs. S.8.2 Docume nting the Data Flows In addirion to documenring each dara elcmenr, all data flows in the data dicrionary must be documented. Alrhough terms can vary, the typical attribures arc as follows: • Data flow 11ame or label. The data flow name as it appears on che DFDs. • Description. Describes the data flow and irs purpose. .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 166 5.8 Data Dictionary • • • • • Alternate name(s). Aliases for che DFD dara flow name(s). Origin. The DFD beginning, or source, for che dara flow; the origin can be a process, a dara score, or an entiry. Destmation. The DFD ending poinc(s) for the dara flow; che destinarion can be a process, a dara store, or an entiry. Record. Each daca flow represents a group of related dara elements called a record or data srrucrure. Ln mosc data dictionarie~. records are defined separately from the data flows and data scores. When records are defined, more than one data flow or data store can use the same record, if necessary. Volume and frequency. Describes the expected number of occurrences for che data flow per unic of time. For example, if a company has 300 employees, a T IME. CARD dara flow would involve 300 transactions and records each week as employees submit their work hour darn. 5.8.3 Documenting the Data Stores every DrD data srore in rhe data dicrionary must be documented. Figure 5-2 1 shows che definition of a data score named l N STOCK. Typical characteristics of a darn store a re as follows: • Data store name or label. The dara store name as it appears on the DFDs. • • Description. Describes the data srore and its purpose. Alternate name(s). Aliases for che DFD daca store name. • • Attrib11tes. Standard DFD names that enter or leave che data score. Volume and freq11e11cy. Describes the cscimaced number of records in the dara store and how frequently they are updated. I. This data Store has an altemauve name. or alias. 2. For consistency. data flow names are stan· dardlzed throughout the data dictionary. 3. It Is important to document these enimates because they will affect design decisions In subsequent SDLC phases. l .... J .... -.......... ,........ ...... FIGURE 5-21 A Visible Analyst screen that documents a data store named IN STOCK. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 167 S.8 Data Dictionary 5.8.4 Documenting the Processes Every proces<; mu t be documenred, as shown in Figure 5-22. The documentation includes a description of the process's charaaeristics and, for functional primitive , a process description, which is a model that documenrs the processing seeps and busme<;s logic. The following are typical characteriscics of a process: • Process name or label. The process name as it appears on the DFDs. • DescrtfJ/1011. A brief <;tacement of the process's purpose. • Process 1111mber. A reference number that identifies the process and indicates relationships among various levels in the system. • Process description. This section includes the input and output data flows. For functional primicives, the process description also documents the processing seeps and bu~iness logic. The next section explains how co write process descriptions. I . The process num· ber identifies mis process.Any subprocesses are numbered I. I, 1.2, 1.3, and so on. 2. These data flows will be described spcclflcally elsewhere in the data ...,..r,,._ _ _ _ ___, """' L'""'"""" °'8qlpl!Oft [ ftc.(tf'l tit •¥rt~.....,_ NMd tifl l · - W .......IN<t h•IWiWltf 1 '1--1+- ·• · "9cMc ~ rr,,. .,._, .._. ~.. Cltttlll UAl\l!o MfJO! "1 OflM 0...-4.lf.t.._ UCllD<mll:~ M.CllflOOlllllll diccionary. -[ -- ,___, -.. .... --Qp t- ... ·-· A ""8111tor'f~-- oP'I . . te ' - l.a C!Wlet". . . . . . . . W'9 h ~.,.. M FIGURE S-22 A Visible Analyst screen that descnbes a process named VERIFY ORDER. 5.8.5 Documenting the Entities By documenting all entities, the data dictionary can describe all external encities char interact with rhe system. Typical characteristics of an entity include the following: • • • • • Entity 11a111e. The enricy name as it appears on the DFDs. Description. Describe the entity and its purpose. Alternate na111e(s). Any aliases for the entity name. Input data flows. The standard DFD names for the input data flows co the entity. Output data (10111s. The standard DFD names for the data flows leaving the entity. 5.8.6 Documenting the Records A record is a daca srrucrure chac contains a set of related data elements that are stored and processed together. Data flows and data stores consist of records that must .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.8 Data Dictionary 168 be documented in the data dictionary. Characteristics of each record mu~t also be defin ed, as shown in Figure 5-23. Typical characteristics of a record include the following: • Record or data structure name. The record name as it appears in the related data flow and daca store entries in che data d ictionary. • • De(i11itio11 or description. A brief definition of the record. Alternate name(s). Any aliases for che record name. • Attributes. A list of all the daca elements, or fields, included in rhe record. The dara elemenc names must march exactly those entered in the dara dicrionary. o.....- 1.oc...... ...... EIU'.Dlt STAM laMI ""'Y lYPI' Oac.vP'IOftl '"' J I . Alflf\: ....... ,,,, ill CUSTOMllt MJMll!l !JI CUSlOMlll STATUS Ch• Attrlbults: lftJ l C:witomtr (fedC d.tt• ...... ....glh ..... Ch" I. This data structure is named CREDIT STATUS. 2. The CREDIT STATUS data structure consists ofcwo data elements: CUSTOMER NUMBER and CUSTOMER STATUS CODE. y ...... FIGURE S·ll A Visible Analyst screen that documents a record. or data structure. named CREDIT STATUS. 5.8.7 Data Dictionary Re ports The data dictionary serves as a central storehouse of documcnration for an informa· rion sysrem. A data dictionary is created when rhe system is d eveloped and is updated constantly as rhc system is implemen ted, operated, and maintained. In addition co describing eac h daca clement, dara flow, dara store, record, emity, and process, the darn dictionary documenrs the relationships among these components. Many valuable reporrs can be obtained from a data dictionary, including the following: • An alphaberizcd list of all data elements by name • A report describing each daca element and indicaring the user or dcparrmenc chat is responsible for daca entry, updaring, or delerion A report of all data flows and daca stores char use a particular dara clcmenc • • Detailed reports s howing all characteristics of data elements, records, dara flows , processes, or any ocher selected item stored in the d ara dictio nary ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 169 S.9 Process Description Tools in Modular Design 5. 9 PROCESS DESCRIPTION TOOLS IN MODULAR DESIGN A process d e~cription documents the derails of a functional primitive and represents a specific set of processing steps and business logic. When a functional primitive is analyzed, the processing steps arc broken down into smaller unirs in a process called modular design. Using a set of process description tools, a model is created chat is accurate, complete, and concise. Typical process description tools include scrucrured English, decision rabies, and decision crees. 5.9. 1 Process Descriptions in Object-Oriented Development This chapter deals with srrucrured analysis, but the process descriptions can also he used in object-oriented (0 -0) development, which is described in Chapter 6. As explained in Chapter I, 0 -0 analysis combines data and the processes that acr on the data into things called objects, and similar objects can be grouped together into dasse~, and 0 -0 processc~ are called methods. Although 0-0 programmers use different rermi11ology, they create the same ki11d of modul::ir coding structures, except that the processes, or methods, are stored inside the objecrs, rather than as separate components. VERIFY PRODUCT CODE 5.9.2 Modula r Design Modular design is based on combinations of three logical structures, sometimes called control structures, which serve as building blocks for the process. E.ach logical strucrure must have a single entry and exit point. The three structures are called sequence, selection, and iteration. A rectangle represents a step or process, a diamond shape represents a condition or decision, and the logic follows the Imes in the direction indicated by the arrows. - VERIFY PRICE FIGURE 5-2<4 Sequence structure. YES CALCULATE OVERTIME PAY l. Sequence. The complerion of steps in sequential order, one after another, as shown in Figure 5-24. One or more of the steps might represent a subprocess that contains addirional logical strucrurcs. 2. Selection. The complerion of one of two or more process steps based on the resu lts of a res t or condirion. In the example shown in Figure 5-25, the sysrem rests the input, and if the hours are greater than 40, ir performs the CALCULATE OVERT IME PAY process. NO FIGURE S-25 Selection structure. NO 3. Ite ration. The completion of a process step thar is repeated until a specific condition changes, as shown in Figure 5-26. An example of iteration is a process that conrinues to print paychecks until it reaches the end of the pa)•roll file. Iteration also is called looping. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... PRINT PAYCHECK YES FIGURE 5-26 lte~tion structUre. ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... VERIFY STOCK LEVEL -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5 .9 Process Description Too ls in Modular Design 170 Sequence, selection, and iteration structures can be combined in various ways to de cri bc proces ing logic. 5.9.3 Structured English Structured English is a subset of standard English that describes logical processes clearly and accurately. \Xlhen using st rucrured English, be mindful of the following gu1delt11es: • Use only the three building blocks of equence, selection, and iteration. .... &oorltP< --==-----~ ~ f •••'f"C<•~.,.... NW!lf9fll1 -dl1 ~Y1.,..,_,~, ~ I • Use indentation for readability. • Use a Ii mired vocabulary, including standard terms used in the dara dictionary a nd specific words that de cribe the processing rules. ........ "-'cOn«sll_. 111pt.1f Ml ..._. ~ ...._. fllfwll 01U1U. C'-'0!1 STAlUl, H<OJC1 OOAl llUCTlD°'°"MXlPTmOltCtl ,_. . M Ch OftOIJt W CUSltWO!Sl~MCOOl •" """''~004'1. • OtC [I,. o....- AC<CPTlOO«DU +---1---1 Structured English An example of srrucrured English appears in Figure 5-27, which shows the VERIFY ORDER process that was illustrated earlier. Note that the strucrured English version documents the actual logic char will be coded into the system. Srruccured English can help process descriptions accurate and understandable to users and system developers. FIGURE 5 . 27 The VERIFY ORDER process description includes logical rules and Structured English might look a structured English verst0n of the policy. Note the alignment and indentation of familiar to programming srudenrs the logic statements. because it resembles p'eudocode, which is used in program design. Although the techniques are similar, the primary purpose of structured Eaglisb is ro de~cribe the underlying business logic, while programmers, who are concerned with coding, mainly use pseudocode as a ~horth::md notation for the actual code. Following structured English ruJes ensures that process descriptions are underMandahle to users who must confirm that the process is correct, as well as to other analysts a nd programmers wbo must design the information sy~rem from the descriptio ns. OV!pue '1•CttDOfl0.-l statements - ~-- °""' . . . S.9.4 Decision Tables A decision ta ble is a logical structure that shows every combination of conditions and outcomes. Analysts often use dccisio11 tables to describe a process a nd ensure that they have considered all possible situations. Decision rabies can be created using tools such as M icrosofr PowerPoint, Word , or Excel. If a process has a single condition, there only are rwo possibilirie-;-yes or no. Either the condition is present or it is not, so there are only two rules. For example, to trigger an overtime calculation, the process condition mighr be: Are the hours greater than 40? If so, the calculation is made. Otherwise, it is not. TABLES WITH ONE CONDITION: ~- )U, - Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 4 111.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . .., ...,...... .,..~ - ·~• -fllllie<'f• ,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~-- - t fta111&. ...-.~ ~ij __. ~ ~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-.. • ~-" .....- ""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems Analysis I71 S.9 Process Description Tools in Modular Design TABLES WITH TWO CONDITIONS: Suppose there is a need to create a decision rable based on rhe VERIFY ORDER business process shown in Figure 5-28. When documcnring a process, it is importanr ro ensure char every possibility is listed. In chis example, rhc process description contain~ two conditions: product srock sratus and cuscomer credit srarus. If both conditions arc mer, rhc order is accepted. Otherwise che order 1s rejecred. VERIFY ORDER Business Process with Two Conditions • All order will be accepted only if the product is in stock and the customer's credit status 1s OK. • All other orders will be rejected. FIGURE 5-28 The VERIFY ORDER business process has two conditions. For an order to bi! accepted. the product must be In stock and the customer must have an acceptable credit status. After all the conditions and outcomes have been identified, rhe nexr step i~ to create a decision tnhle simil:ir co the one shown in Figure 5-29. Nore that each condition has rwo possible v:ilues, so the number of rules doub les each time another condition is added. For example, one condition creates two rules, two ,conditions create four rules, three conditions create eight ru les, and so on. In rhe two-condition example in Figure 5-29, four pos~ibilities exist, bur Ruic I is the only combination that will accept :in order. TABLES WITH THREE CONDITIONS: Suppose the company now decides rhar rhc credit manager can waive the customer credit requirement, as shown in Figure 5-30. Th:.ir creates a third condition, so there will be eight possible rules. The new decision cable might resemble rhc one shown in Figure 5-31. 1. Place the l"i'----VERIFY ORDER Process nameofthe ~ I 2 l 4 process ma heading at y y N N ~ Credit status is OK the top left. y y \!,/---. Product 1 s in stock N N _. 2. Enter the conditions x Accept order under the Reject order x x heading. with one condiFIGURE 5-2 9 Example or a simple decision table showing the processing logic or the VERIFY ORDER tion per line. process. To create the table. follow the four steps shown. to represent the customer status and availability or products. 3. Enter all potential VERIFY ORDER Business Process with Three Conditions combinations ofY/N for the conditions. • An order will be accepted only if the product is in stock and the customer's credit status is OK. Each column rep• The credit manager can waive the credit status requirement. resents a numbered possibility called a • All other orders will be rejected. }--W __ x --@ rule. 4. Place an X on the FI GURE 5 -30 A third condition has been added to the VERIFY ORDER business process. For an order to be actJon entries area for accepted, the product must be in stock and the customer must have an accepable credit status. However. the each rule to indicate whether to accept or reiect the order. credit manager now has the authority to waive the credit saws requirements. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.9 Process Description Too ls in Modular Design 172 First, the Y-N patterns must be filled in, as shown in Figure 5-3 1. The best way to assure that a ll combinations appear is rouse parterns like these. The first condition uses a pattern of Y-Y-Y-Y followed by -N-N-N, the second condition uses a repeating Y-Y-1 -N pattern, and rhe pattern in the third condition is a series of Y-N~. VERIFY ORDER Process with Credit Waiver (initial ve rsion) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Credit saws is OK Product is In stoek Waiver from credit manager y y y y y y y N N N y y y y N N N N N N y N N N Accept order Re1ect order x x x x x x x x FIGURE 5-l 1 This decision 1:1ble is based on the VERIFY ORDER conditions shown in Figure S-30. With three conditions. there are eight possible combinations or rules. The nexr seep is very important, regardless of the number of condirions. Each numbered column, or ru le, represents a different set of conditions. The logic muse be carefully analyzed and che outcome f or each r ule shown. Before going further, srudy the cable in Figure 5-31 co be sure the logical outcome for each of the eight rules is understood. \Vhen all the ourcomes have beeo determined, the next step is ro simplify rhe rable. ln a multi-condition cable, some rules might be duplicates, redundant, or unrealistic. To simplify the table, follow rhese steps: I. Stud> each combination of conditions and outcomes. \Xlhen there are rules with three conditions, only one or two of chem may control the outcome, and the ocher conditions simply do not matter. 2. If there are conditions that do not affect the outcome, mark them with dashes (-) as shown in the first table in Figure 5-32. 3. Now combine and renumber the rules, as shown in the second table in Figure 5-32. Afrer following these steps, Rules 1 and 2 can be combined, because credit status is OK in both ru les, so the waiver would not matter. Rules 3, 4, 7, and 8 also can be combined because chc product is not in stock, so other conditions do noc matter. The resulr is rhar instead of eight possibilities, only four logical rules concrol rhe Verify Order process. In addition co mu ltiple conditions, decision rabies can have more t han rwo possible outcomes. For example, the sales promotion policy shown in Figure 5-33 includes three conditions: Was the customer a preferred customer, did the customer order $1,000 or mo re, a nd did the customer use our company charge card? Based on these conditions, four possible actions can occur, as shown in the decision table in Figure 5-34. MULTIPLE OUTCOMES: ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 173 S.9 Process D escription Tools in Mo d ular De sign VERIFY ORDER Process with Credit Waiver (with rules marked for combination) Credit status 1s OK Produet 1s in stock Waiver from credit manager I 2 3 y y y y Jt Accept order Re1ect order .C N x N x 5 N y y x 6 7 8 N y N N N x x x I . Because the product is not in stock. the other conditions do not matter. 2. Because the other conditions are met.the waiver does not matter. VERIFY ORDER Process with C redit Waiver (after rule combination and simplification) 3 .C (PREVIO US S) (PREVIOUS 6) (COMSINES PREVIOUS J, 4, 7,1) N y N N x x I 2 (COMBI NES PREVIOUS 1, l) C redit staws Is O K Produet is in stock Waiver from credit manager y y N y y Accept order Reject o rder x x FIGURE S-3 2 In the first decision table.dashes have been added to indicate that a condition is not relevant. In the second version of the decision table. rules have been combined following the steps shown below. Note that in the final version. only four rules remain.These rules document the logic and will be transformed into program code when the system is developed. SALES PROMOTION POLICY - Holida y Season • Preferred customers who order $1 .000 or more are entided t o a 5% discount and an additional 5% discount rf they use our charge card. • Preferred customers who do not order S1,000 or more will receive a $25 bonus coupon. • All other customers w ill receive a $5 bonus coupon. FIGURE S-33 A sales promotion policy with three conditions. Note that the first statement contains tw0 separate conditions: one for the 5% discount and another for the additional discount. Sales Promotion Po licy (initial version) Preferred customer O rdered S 1,000 or more Used our charge card y y y y y 5% d iscount Additional 5% discount $25 bonus coupon $5 bonus coupon x x x N y N y y N N x x N y y N y N N N y N N N x x x x FIGURE S-34 This decision table 1s based on the sales promot ion policy in figure S-33.This 1s the 1n1t1al version of the table before simplification. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- .............. __.... -- ........... ...... . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. ........... ... ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5 .9 Pr o c ess Descri ption Tools in Modul ar Design 174 As explained in rhe preceding section, most rabies can be simplified, and this one is no exception. After studying rhe condirions and outcomes, the following becomes apparent: • • In Ruic I, all three condirions are mer, so both 5% discounts apply. In Ruic 2, a preferred customer orders $ 1,000 or more bur does not use our charge card, so only one 5% discount applies. • Rules 3 and 4 can be combined into a single rule. \Vhy? If preferred customers do nor order $ 1,000 or more, it does not matter whether they use our charge card-either way, they earn onJy a S25 bonus coupon. Therefore, Rules 3 and 4 really arc a single rule. • Rules 5, 6, 7, and 8 also can be combined into a ~ingle rulc-hecause if rhe person is not a preferred customer, he or she can only receive a $5 hon us coupon, and the other conditions simply do not matter. A da~h is inserted if a condition is irrelevant, as shown in figUie 5-35. If das hes are added for rules that are not relevant, the table should resemble the one shown in Figu re 5-35. When the results are combined and simplified, only four ru les rema in: Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3 (a combination of initial Rules 3 and 4), and Ruic 4 (a combination of initial Ru les 5, 6, 7, and 8). Sales Promotion Policy (final version) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Preferred customer y y y y N N N N Ordered $1 ,000 or more y y N N Used our charge card y N 5% disco unt x x x x x x x x x Additional 5% discount $25 bonus coupon $5 bonus coupon FIGURE 5-lS In chis version of me decision table. dashes have been added to indicate chat a condition is not relevant.As chis point. le appears mac several rules can be combined. Decision tables ofren are rhe best way ro describe a complex set of conditions. Many analysts use decision rabies because they are easy ro construct and unde rstand, and programmers fi nd it easy to work from a decision table when developing code. CASE IN POINT 5.2: llocKSouD O u rn ITt:Rs (PART 1) The marketing director at Rock Solid Outfitters, a medium-sized supplier of outdoor climbing and camping gear; has asked the IT manager to develop a special web-based promotion. Rock Solid will provide free shipping for any customer who either completes an online survey form or signs up for the Rock Solid online newsletter.Additionally. if a customer completes the survey and signs up for the newsletter, Rock Solid will provide a $ 10 merchandise credit for orders of $ I00 or more. The IT manager has asked you co develop a decision table that will reflect the promotional rules that a programmer will use.She wantS you ro show all possibilities, and then to simplify the results to eliminate any combinations that would be unrealistic or redundant. How will you proceed! r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 175 S.9 Process Descr iption Tools in Modular De sign 5.9.5 Decision Trees A decision tree is a graphical represencarion of che conditions, actions, and rules found in a decision table. Decision crees show the logic structure in a hori1ontal form chat re embles a tree with the roots at the left and the branches to che right. Like flowcharts, decision trees are useful ways to present the system to management. Decision trees and deci~ion tables provide the same results but in different forms. In many s1ruanons, :i graphic 1s the most effective means of communication. Figure 5-36 is based on the sales promotion policy shown in Figure 5-33. A decision tree is read from lefr to right, with the conditions along the various branches and the actions at the for right. Because the example has two conditions with four resulting sets of actions, the example has four terminating branches at the righ t side of che tree. y y Ordered $1 ,000 o r more? Preferred customer? Used our charge card? ,---------< Y --- 5% discount and an additional 5% discount - - - 5% dlacount N ' - - - - - - - - - - - - $25 bonus coupon N N'--------------------~ S5bonuscoupon FIGURE 5-36 This decision tree example is based on the same Sales Promotion Policy shown 1n the decision ables in Figures S-34 and S-35. Uke a decision table. a decision tree shows all combinations of conditions and outcomes.The main difference is the graphical format. which some viewers may find easier to interpret. \Xlhether co use a decision table or a decision tree often is a matter of personal preference. A decision cable might be a better way ro handle complex combination~ of conditions. On the other hand, a decision tree is an effective way to describe a relatively simple process. CASE IN PO INT 5.3: RocK Souo 0ITTFITIFRS (PART 2) The IT manager at Rock Solid Outfitters thinks you did a good job on the decision table task she assigned to you. Now she wants you to use the same data to develop a decision tree that will show all the possibilities for the web-based promotion described in Part I of the case. She also wants you to discuss the pros and cons of decision tables versus decision trees. How shall you proceed this time! r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter S Data and Process Modeling 5.10 Summary 176 This is your first week in your new job at Safety Zone , a leading producer of IT modeling software.Your prio r experience with a. smaller competitor gave you an edge in landing the job, and you are excited about jo ining a larger company in the same field. So far, all is going well, and you are getting used to the new routine. However. you are concerned abo ut o ne issue. In your initial meeting with the IT manager. she seemed very interested in the details of your prior position, and some of her questions made you a little uncomfortable. She did not actually ask you to reveal any proprietary information, but she made it clear that Safety Zone likes to know as much as possible abo ut its competitors. Thinking about it some more, you try to draw a line between information that is OK to discuss and topics such as software specifics or strategy that should be co nsidered private. This is the first time you have ever been in a situation like this. How will you handle !ti S. I 0 SUMMARY Structured analysis tools can be used to develop a logical model during one systems analysis phase and a physical model during the systems design phase. Many analyses use a four-model approach, which involves a physical model of the current system, a logical model of the current system, a logical model of the new system, and a physical model of the new system. During data and process modeling, a systems analyst develops graphical models to show how the system transforms data into useful information. The end product of data and process modeling is a logical model that wilJ support business operations and meet user needs. Dara and process modeling involves three main tools: DFDs, a data dictionary, and process descriptions. DFDs graphically show the movement and rransformarion of data in the information sy rem. DFDs use four symbols: The process symbol transform data, the data flow symbol shows data movement, che data store symbol shows dara ar resr, and the external entity S)'mbol represents someone or something connected ro the information system. Various rules and techniques are used to name, number, arrange, and annotate the ~et of DFDs to make them consistent and understandable. A set of DFDs is like a pyramid \Vith the context diagram at the top. The context diagram represents the information system's scope and its external connections bur not its inremal workings. Diagram 0 displays the information syscem's major processes, darn stores, and dam flows and is the exploded version of the context diagram's process symbol, which represents the entire information system. Lower-level DFDs show additiona l detail of t he information s,ystem through t he leveling technique of numbering :1nd partitioning. Leveling continues until the functional primitive processes arc reached, which are nor decomposed further and are documented with process descriptions. All diagrams must be balanced to ensure their consistency and accuracy. l11c data dictionary is the central documentation tool for structured analysis. All data elements, data flows, data stores, processes, entities, and records are docwnentcd in the data dictionary. Consolidating documentation in one location allows the analyst to verify the information sysrcm's accuracy and consistency more easily and generate a variety of useful reporcs. Each functional primitive process is documented using structured English, decision tables, and decision trees. Structured English uses a subset of standard English that defines each process with combinacions of the basic building blocks of sequence, sclecnon, and iteration. Using decision tables or decision trees can also document the logic. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 177 Key Terms Key Terms alias A term used m various Jara d1cttonaries 10 indicate an altemare name, or J name other than rhe ;,randard Jar.1 dcmem name, rhar 1s used co de.cribe the same data element. balanunit A pr<><.c:-.\ u>ed to mam1.1m .:on~1scency among an enrire seri~ of dfagram•., mdudin11 mpu1 and output data Omn, Jara definmon, and pr0<.-e-;s dc::>cripuon~. blad. ho' t\ metaphor for a proce>\ or an acrion that produces rc~ult~ an a non-rran\parcnt or nonoh-crvahle manner. In OFO~. a proce<.~ appears as a black box where che inpul', output\, and general function of the prcx:C\~ arc known, bur rhe underlying demi ls are not ~hown. black hole A process rhar has no output. business logK Rules 10 derermme how a system handles data and produces useful informauon, rcflecnng the operanonal rcqu1remenrs of rhe bustness. E..xamples include adding the proper amo•tnt of sales tJll. to invoices, calcul.111ng customer balances and fmance charges, and deternunmg wherher a customer is eligible for ,1 volum~-bascd discount. Also called business rules. bu"n''" rule, Sec hminc\\ lo111c. child diagrnm The lower-level diagram in an exploded DFD. context diagram A rop-lcvcl view of an informarion system that shows the bound<lrics ond ~cope. conrrol ~trucrurc ~crvc as bui lding blocks for a process. Conrrol structures have one entry ond cxir point. '1 be) may be completed m sequential order, as the resulr of a rest or condmon, or repe.ncd until J >pec1fic condmon ch.111ges. Also c.alled logic.ii structure. data Jiu1onal') A ~c:nrral \torc:hou'c: of information about a >Y>tc:m'> data. dara cli:mcnr 1\ ''"Jllc <:haracttri~c11: or fau ahout an cntil)-. A data clcrnc:m, fidd, or arrributt" the 'malle>t pic.:t of data that ha• meaning within an information sy,tcm. For example, a 'KK:1al Security number or companr name could be example~ of a daca element. Alo;o called data item. data Oo" A path for data to mo•e from ooe part of the informarion S) stem to a nor her. data Oo" diagram !DfD) Diagram rhar shows how the S)"Stem scores, processes, and rraosforms dara 11110 useful informauon. cilia item Sci! datJ dc:mc:nt. Jar.a rc:po\llOI') t\ wmhol u>ed 111 DFO, to reprl!l>cllt a siruarion in which a s)stem mu\t rc:1a111 data becau;,e cme or more prcK:~'-<"\ nc:c:d 10 use rhat stored data at a later time. u,c:d inrerchan11~hly wnh the term dat.1 'tore. data nore Su data rcposllOI) . dara 'itructurc A m~anmgful comhmar1on of related data element<> rhar are included 111 a data flow or retained ma data siorc. A frame\\ Ork for organizing and storing data. dcci\ion table A ta hie char shows a logical structure, with all possible comhmatiom of condi11011\ and re~u h ing acnon\. dcl:i,ion rrcc A graphical rcprc;,c111,11ion of rhc cond itions, actions, and rule> found in ;1 dcci,ion 1:1blc. decompo~in11 Anorher w:1y of conveying a process or >ysrem char has been broken down from .1 genera l, top-level view 10 more dct.1i l. 1 he rerms exploded and part1tio11ed also can be used. dia11mm 0 A diagr.1111 dcpic1111g rhc fir~r level of derail below the mirial conrext diagram. Diagram 0 (lcroJ 7.ooms rn on rhe context diagram and shows rna1or processes. darn flows, and d(l(a \tores, as well as repeating che external enricies and data flows thac appear in the context diJgram. di•crgmg dara flow A darn flow in which che same dam rra\"els co rwo or more different locarions. domain The set ot value<; pcrmmcd for a d:na elemenc. enut• A person, a pla1.:e, J rhmg, or an evem for which dara is collecred and m.110t;11ned. !'or example. an ouhne >JI~ >»tcm mJ) mdude enm1~ n:tmed CUST0~1ER. ORDER, PRODUCT. .ind SUPPLIER. explodtnit A J1agr;im 1s s.~td to be exploded 1i 11 "drills down" ro a more derailed or expanded view ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 5 Data and Process Modeling Key Terms 178 field A ~mgle char.1crens11c or fact abour an enriry. A field, or anribuce, 1s 1hc ~m.iUest pie.:c of d.11a th:u h.i; mumng wuhm an rnformation system. For example. a Social S«ut1t} numlx:r or company name could!)( e~amples of a field. The rerms data eleme11t, data item, .ind field are used m1crchangeably. four-moJd approach A ph)">ical model of the currenr system, a logu:al moJd of thc L-UITtnt \)\!em, a loi;1cal model of rhe new S)-.rem, and a physical model of rhe new >y>tcm are all developed. funuional pnm1tl\e A >mgle function char 1s nor exploded furrher. The logi~ for fun~t1onal prumrive' is J0<;umcntcJ m a J~ta dictionary proct'.Ss description. Gane and Sarson A popular symbol sec used in DFDs. Processes, data flows, dat.l scores, and exrernal enrmcs all have a unique symbol. gr:iy hole A process with an lllput obviously insufficient to geuerare the shown output. i1cr.11ioo The complenon of a process step chat is repeated unttl a spectfic condiuon changes. lcvdin11 The prt>ec" of drawinµ a scrie- of increasingly detailed diai:ram~ to rcai:h 1hc dc,ircJ IL-vd of detail. logical model Shows what a S)n;rcm mu>r do, regardle's of how it will be implemented phy,ically. logica l s1ruccure See cooirol scruccure. looping Refers ro a process step that is repeated until a specific condition ch.1nges. !·or example. a process that continues ro prmr paychecks unul 11 reaches the end of the payroll file 1s loopin11. Also known .is rcpem1on. modular design A design that can be broken do\\n inro logical blocks. Also known as partitioning or 1op·dow11 design. p.arcnt Jiai.:ram The hi11hcr or more !Op-kvd dia11ram in an exploded DFD. panitionini: The brcakini: down of overall objective• into •uh..y•rcm' and mudulc•. ph) ~ical model A model chat describes how a system will be consrructed. proccS> Procedure or ta.k that users, managers, md JT scaff members perfom1. Aho, the logic.11 rules of .i S)Stcm chat are .ipplted ro rrmsform data mto mea.rungful utform.iuon. ln l)l l)s, a process receives tnput d.11a and produces ourput that bas a ctiHerenr content. form, or both. proccs~ 0 In a DfD, process 0 (zero) represenrs the entire infom1.ition sy:;rcm but does nm sho" the internal workings. pnK~" d~~-rtption A dcxumenrarion of a functional prnn1rivc':; detail;, whkh repre\Cnh a '>pc:~1fic.: sec of prt><:c:<>,mg >rep\ and bu.,mcss logic. p'cudocodc A rechnique for rcpreseming program logic. record A set of related fields that describes one instance, or member of an entif), such a~ one customer, one order, or one product. A record mighr ha'e one or do£ens of field~. depending on \\h3c mformanon is needed. Also called a tuple. ~eleccion A control strucrure 111 modular design, it is rhe complenon of two or more proce~~ steps based on rhc re~ults of :i test or condicion. ,cqucncc The completion of sreps in sequential order, one 3.fter :lllother. \inl.. An cx tcrn,d entity chat receives daca from an informarion syMcm. \nurcc An external cnriry rhat supplies data roan information system. ~pontancou~ generation An unexplained generation of data or information. With re~pccr ro DrDs, proccs;es c:mnor spomaaeouslr generace data flows-they must have an inpur m have an oucput. )trui;1ured [nglt>h A subser of standard English char describe> logical proccsse; dearly and JCCur3rel). tcrmmalUr A D~D >ymbol that mdtcares a dara ongrn or final dc;rmarion. Al>o called an C'(tcrnal emit). •altdtr) rule~ Chech thar are applied ro dara elemems when data is entered to ensure thar rhc value entered is valid. For e..;ample, a validiry rule mighr require thar an employee·~ ~ala') numl>cr l>c wirnin rhe cmplo)cr's predefined range for rhar position. )ourdon A type of srmbol ser rhar 1s used in DFDs. Proccsse>, data flows, data stores, .ind exrcmal cnriucs each have a unique symbol in rhe Yourdon srmbol set. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . ............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis Exercises 179 Exercises Questions I. \Xlhar is rhe relationship bcrwccn logical and physical models ? 1. What is the function of a DFD in the SDLC? 3. Draw examples of rhe four basic DFD symbols. 4. \Xlhar are the six guidelines to follow when drawing DFDs? 5. What is rhe difference bcrween a conte"''t diagram and diagram O? 6. \Xlh1ch symbol is not used in a coarext dfagram? 7. I low would you level a DFD? 8. How would you balance a DFD? 9. What is a dat:i clement? I 0. What is rhe purpose of a decision rab le? Discussion Topics I. How would you convince management char following a four-model approach is wise? 1. \'V'hen might it be :ippropriare co violate the "no crossed lines" guideline in DFDs? 3. \'<'hat is the relationship berween system requirements and context diagrams? 4. How might CASE cools be used to document rhe design of a data dicrion:iry? 5. Some systems analysts find it berrer to start with a decision table, and then construct a decision tree. Others believe it is easier to do ir in the reverse order. Which do you prefer? Why? Projects 1. The data flow symbols shown in Figure 5-1 were designed by Ed Yourdon, who was a well-known IT author, lecrurer, and consulcant. t.1an)' IT professionals consider him to be among the most influenrial men and women in rhe software field. Learn more about ~1r. Yourdon by visiting online resources and write a brief re\•iew of his work. 2. Explore rhree CASE tools that provide the ability to dra\\ the four basic DFD symbols and describe what you liked and disliked about each tool. 3. Draw :i context diagram and a diagram 0 D FD char represents the information system at a rypical library. 4. Create a decision rable with three conditions. You can make one up or use a scenario from everyday life. Eirher way, be sure co show all possible ourcomes. 5. Explore the use of Structured English to describe processes in fields other rhan systems analysis. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~... . ... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., ...................... .... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Chapter 6 Object Modeling Object Modeling Chapter 6 is the third of the four chapters in the systems analysis phase of the SDLC. This chapter discusses object modeling techniques that analysts use to create a logical model. In addition to structured analysis, object-oriented analysis is another way to represent and design an information system. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextuali1e the concepts described in the text. A "Question of Ethics" considers the situation where an employee wants to skip a course and just sit the exam and requests a copy of the training materials from someone else who took the course. LEARNING OBJECTIVES CONTENTS When you fi11is/J this chapter, yo11 should be able to: 6. 1 Objecr·Orienrcd Analysis 1. Demonstrate how objccr-orientcd analysis can be used to describe an informarion system 2. Explain whar an objecr represenrs in an informa· tion sysrcm 3. Explain obiect artribures 4. Explain objecc mcrho<ls 5. Explain objccr messages 6. Explain classes 7. Explain relarion~hips among objccrs and classes 8. Draw an objecr relarionship diagram 9. Demonscrace use of the UML ro describe objecr-oriented l.ystems, including use cases, use case diagrams, class di:igrams, sequence diagrams, scare transirion diagrams, activiry dia· grams, and business process models Case in Point 6.1: TravelBiz 6 .2 Objects 6.3 Attributes 6.4 ~lethods 6.5 ~lessages 6.6 Classes 6.7 Relationships Among Objecr~ and Classes 6 .8 The Unified Modeling Language (UML) Case in Poinr 6.2: Hilltop Motors Case in Poinr 6.3: Train rhe Trninerb, Inc. 6 .9 Tools A Question of Ethics 6. 10 Summary Key Terms Exercises lO. Explain how roob can bupporr object modeling r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 181 6.2 Objects 6.1 OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS As seated in Chapter I, rhe mosr popular systems development options are structured analysis, object-oriented (0-0) anal)·sis, and agile methods. The table in Figure 1-17 shows rhe three alrernati,·es and describes some pros and cons for each approach. As tbe rable indicares, 0-0 methodology is popular because it inregrares easily wirh 0-0 programming languages such as C++, Ja,·a, and Python. Programmers also ltke 0-0 code because it is modular, reusable, and easy to m aintain. Object-oriented (0 -0 ) analy~is describes an information system by idenrifying things called objects. An object represents a real person, place, event, or rransacrion. For example, when a patient makes an appointment to sec a doctor, the patient is an object, the doctor is an object, and the appoinanent itself is an object. 0-0 analysis is a popular approach that sees a system from the viewpoint of the objects themselves as they function and interact. The end product of 0-0 analysis is an object model, which represents the information system in rerms of objects and 0 -0 concepts. Chapter 4 stated that the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely used method of vi~ua l izi n g and documenti ng an information system. ln this chapter, the UML is used to develop object models. The first s tep is ro unde rstand basic 0 -0 terms, incl uding objects, attributes, methods, mes.sages, and classe~ . Th is chapter shows how systems ana lysts use those te rms ro describe an information system. CASE IN PO INT 6.1: T RAVELBIZ TravelBiz is a nationwide travel agency that speciali1.es in business traVel. It has decided to expand into the vacation travel market by launching a new business division calledTravelFun. The IT director assigned tw0 systems analysts to create a flexible and an efficient information system for the new division. One analyst wants to use traditional analysis and modeling techniques for the project, while the other analyst wants to use an 0-0 methodology. Which approach would you suggest and why? 6.2 OBJECTS An object represenrs a person, a place, an event, or a transaction that is significanr ro the information ~ysrem. In Chapter 5, DFDs were created that treated data and processes separately. An object, however, includes data and the processes that affect that data. For example, a c ustomer object has a name, an address, an account number, and a current balance. Customer objects also can perform specific tasks, such as placing an order, paying a bill, and changing their address. Consider a simplistic example of how the UML might describe a famjJy wirh parents and children. UM L represenrs an o bject as a rectangle with the object name at tbe cop, fo llowed by rhc object's attri butes and m ethods. Figure 6- 1 shows a PARENT object ~vi th certain attributes such as name, age, sex, and hair color. If there arc nvo parents, then there arc rwo instances of the PA RENT object. T he PA RENT object can perform methods, such as reading a bedtime story, driving the carpool van, or preparing a school lunch. When a PARE rT object receives a message, it performs an acrion, or method. For example, the message GOOD NIGHT from a child nught cell rhc PARENT object to read a bedtime srory, while the message DRrYE from another parent signals chat iris rhe PARF.NT object's turn co drive in the carpool. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.2 Objects 182 PARENT Object Attributes Cllaracter.stlCS that describe tile PARENT object Name Age Sex Hair color •a Mary Smith Age25 Female Red Ahmec:IAll Age34 Male Brown ........... Task.s tllat the PARENT objoct can perform Instances of the PARENT Object "ill a1111112m ui.-. AnthonyGrMna Age 42 Mate Brown FIGURE 6 - 1 The PA RENT object has four attributes and two methods. Mary Smith, Ahmed All, and Anthony Greene are Instances or the PAREN T •object. Continuing with the fami ly example, che CHJLD object in Figure 6-2 posse ses che same artrilrntes as the PARENT object and an additional arrribute thac shows the number of siblings. A CHllD object performs certain methods, such as picking up roys, eat· ing dinner, playing, cooperating, and getting ready for bed. To signal the CHILD object to perform those casks, a parent can send certain messages that rhe CHILD objecr will undcrsrand. For example, rhe DINNER'S READY message cells a CHILD obiect to come to the rable, while rhe SHARE \XfJTH YOUR BROTHER/SISTER message tells a Cl ll LD object co cooperate wich other CHILD objects. CHILD Object CfSD James Smltll Age3 Attributes Characteristics Name Age Sex Hair color Number of slbllngs that describe the CHILD Object Instances of the CHILD Object Male Red Amelia All Age 1 Female Brown •... -·· ,.., ......... tl?h•lfr Tasks that the CHILD objecl can perform MlatyGreene Age t2 Female Blonde , D Ji I FIGURE 6 -2 The CHILD object has rive attributes and five methods. James Smith. Amelia A li. and Mosty Greene are Instances or the CHILD object. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 183 6.5 Messages 6.3 ATTRIBUTES An object has certain attributes, which are characteristics that describe the object. If objects are similar to nouns, attributes are similar co adjectives that describe the characteristics of an object. For example, a car has attributes such as make, model, and color. Some ob1ects might have a few attributes; ochers might have doz.ens. Systems analysts define an object's attributes during the systems design proce~s. ln an 0-0 system, ob1ecrs can inherit, or acquire, cercain attribuces from other objects. Objects can have a specific attribute called a state. The state of an object i an adjective that describes rhe object's current status. For example, depending on the stare, a student can he a future srudenc, a current srudenr, or a past student. Similarly, a bank account can be acrive, inactive, closed, or frozen. 6.4 METHODS An object also has methods, which are rasks or functions that the object performs when it receives a message, or command, to do so. For example, a car performs a method called OPERATE WIPERS when it is sent a message with the wiper conrrol, and it can APPLY Method: Steps: BRAKES when it is sent a message by pressing the MORE FRIES t Heat oll brake pedal. A method defines specific tasks that 2. All fry basket with frozen :in object can perform. Ju~r ::is objects are similar co potato strips nouns ::ind ::irrribuces are similar to adjecrives, meThods 3. Lowe< basket Into hot oil resemble verbs rhar describe what and how an object does something. 4. Check for readiness Consider a server who prepares fries in a fasc5. When ready, raise basket and let drain food re!.taurant. A systems analyst might describe the operation as a method called r.10RE FRIES, as shown 6. Pour fries Into warming lfllY in Figure 6-3. The t.10 RE FRIES method includes the steps required to heat the oil, fill the fry basket with 7. Add salt frozen potato strips, lower it into the hot oil, check for readines!>, remove che basket when ready and drain the FIGURE 6-l The MORE FRIES method requires the server to perform scvcn specific steps. oil, pour the fries into a warming tray, and add salt. 6.5 MESSAGES A message is ~1 command that tells an object co perform a certain method. For example, the message PfCK UP TOYS directs rhe CHILD class to perform all the necessary steps to pick up the toys. The Cl llLD class understands the message and executes the method. The same message to rwo different objects can produce different results. The concept that a message gives different meanings to different objects is called pol>morphism. For example, in Figure 6-4, the message GOOD NIGHT signals the PARENT object to read a .........""_.. ... .-................. Message: GOOD NIGHT PARENT DOG CHILD Causes Ille PARENT oo,ect lo read a bedlime SlQ(y Causes the DOG obJOCI to go ro sleep Causes lhe CHILD object ID gel ready for bed FIGURE 6-4 In an example or polymorphism. the message GOOD NIGHT produces different results. depending on wtuch ob1en receives 1L _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.6 Classes 184 bcdrime story, but the same message to rhe CHILD object signals it to get ready for bed. If the family also had a DOG object, the same message would tell the dog to leep. An object can be viewed as a black box, because a message to the object triggers changes within the object without specifying how the changes must be carried our. A gas pump is an example of a black box. \Vhen the economy grade 1s selected at a pump, it is not neces ary to think about how the pump determines the correct price and selects the righ t fuel, as long as ir does so properly. The black box concept is an example of encapsulation, which means that all daca and methods are self-contained. A black box docs not want or need outside interference. By limiting access to internal processes, an ob1ccr prevents its internal code from being altered by another object or process. Encapsularion allows objects to be used as modular components anywhere in the system, because objects send and receive messages but do not alter the internal methods of other objects. 0-0 designs typically arc implemented with 0-0 programming languages. A major advantage of 0-0 designs is that systems analysts can save time and avoid errors by using modular objects, and programmers can translate the designs into code, working with reusable program modules t ha t have been tested and verified. For example, in Figure 6-5, an INSTRUCTOR object sends an ENTER GRADE message roan instance of the STUDENT RECORD Message: class. Note that the INSTRUCTOR ENTER GRADE object and STUDENT RECORD class STUDENT could be reused, with minor modifiINSTRUCTOR RECORD cations, in ocher school information systems where many of the attributes FIGURE 6-5 In a school Information system. an INSTRUCTOR object sends an and mcrhocls would be similar. ENTER GRADE message to an instance ol the STUDENT RECORD class. 6.6 C LASSES An objecr belongs to a group or category called a class. For example, Ford Fiestas belong ro a class called CAR. An instance is a specific member of a class. A Toyota Camry, for example, is an instance of the CAR class. Ar an auto dealership, many insranccs of rhc CAR class may be observed: rhe TRUCK class, the ~11NIVAN class, and the SPO RT lITlLITY VEHICLE class, among others. All objccrs within a class share common attributes and methods, so a class is like a blueprint or template for all tbe objects within tbe class. Objects within a class can be grouped into subclasses, which arc more specific categories within a class. For example, TRUCK objects represent a subclass within rhe VEHICLE class, along wirh other subclasses called CA R, M INTVAN, and SCHOOL BUS, as shown in Figure 6-6. Nore that a ll four subclasses share common traits of the VEHICLE class, such as make, model, year, weight, and color. Each subclass also ca n possess traits that are uncommon, such as a load lim it for the TRUCK or an emergency exit location for the SCHOOL BUS. A class can belong to a more general category called a supcrcla~s . For example, a NOVEL class belongs co a s uperclass called BOOK, because all novels are books in this example. T he NOVEL class can have subclasses called HARDCOVER, PAPERBACK, and DIGITAL. Similarly, consider a fitness cenrer illusrrared in Figure 6-7 char might have students, inst ructors, class schedules, and a regisrration process. As shown in Figure 6-8, the EMPLOYEE class belongs to the PERSON superclass, because every emplO)'Ce is a person, and the rNSTRUCTOR class is a subclass of EMPLOYEE. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 185 6.6 Classes Subclass Class Vlllat E Attributes Common allnbulH Common methOds Attributes Make Model Yur Weight Color lmlYAN ....-. Attributes Attributes Uncommon ottnbutes Load limit FIGURE 6-7 A typical flmess center might have students. Instructors. class schedules, and a registration process. SI<> I 1!1,.,'Shttlr1 1 '"" SCHOOL BUS Attributes Uncommon Emergeoncy e•il location allttbutes FIGURE 6-4 The VEHICLE dass includes common attributes and methods. CAR. TRUCK. MINIVAN. and SCHOOL BUS are instances of the VEHICLE class. Superclass PERIOH Supeictass name Class Attributes Name Common --:r Date of birth attnbu1os ........ •11 .. r:Com:::::mo=n'---,:A.111 methods Class name Attributes Subclass Social Security number Uncommon attributes ... Telephone number Hire date Title Pay rate Uncommon methods ... llJltiodl Subelass name WllRUCIOR Uncommon attrlbutos Attributes lnatructor type Avatlabillty Giit.... 7 0 0 • Uncommon methods FIGURE 6-8 At the fitness center, the PERSON subclass includes common attributes and methods. EMPLOYEE is a dass within the PERSON superclass. INSTRUCTOR is a subclass within the EMPLOYEE class. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.7 Re lationships Among Objects and Classes 186 6. 7 RELATIONSHIPS AMONG OBJECTS AND CLASSES Relationships enable objects to communicate and interact as they perform business functions and t ransactions required by the system. Relationships describe what objects need to know about each other, how objects respond to changes in other objects, and the effects of membership in classes, superclasses, and subclasses. Some relationships arc stronger than others (jusr as a relations hip berween family members is stronger than one between casual acquaintances). The strongest relationship is called inheritance. Inheritance enables an object, called a child, to derive one or more of its attributes from another object, called a parent. In t he example in Figure 6,9, the INSTRUCTOR object (child) inherits many t raits from rhe FMPLOYEE object (parent), including SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, TELEPHO E NUMBER, and HIRE DATE. T he INSTRUCTOR object also can posses~ additional attribures, such as TYPE Of I STRUCTO R. Because a ll employees sh:ue cercnin attributes, rhose attributes are assumed through inheritance and do not need to be repeated in the INSTRUCTOR object. Inheritance Child Inherits Parent •llWCIOR Attributes Attributes So<:lal Security number Telephone number Hire date Type ol lnslNCtor So<:lal Security number ~:.,.._--h Telephone number Title Pay rate Hlredate _ J Tiiie Pay rate ....•••llOlllt 1lt LS CIAO 7 'ct 111' FIGURE 6,9 An inheritance relationship exists between the INSTRUCTOR and EMPLOYEE objecLS. The INSTRUCTOR (child) object Inherits characteristics lrom che EMPLOYEE (parent) class. and can have additional attributes of Its own. After objects, classes, and relationships have been identified, an object relation, ship diagram can be prepared to provide an overview of the sy~tem. Thac model is used as a guide to continue co develop additional diagrams and documenracion. Figure 6, J 0 s hows an object relationship diagram for a fitne~s cencer. Note rhac che model shows che objects and how they interact to perform business functions and transactions. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 187 6.8 The Unified Modeling language (U ML) EMPLOYEE Isa MANAGER OFRCESTAFF INSTRUCTOR Indicates RTNESS-CLASS avallabillty FITNESS-CLASS SCHEDULE Takes roster ST\JDENT FIG URE 6 - 10 An object relationship diagram for a fitness center. 6.8 THE UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE (UML) just as strucrnred analysis uses DFDs to model data and processes, systems analysts use UM L co describe 0-0 ~yscems. Chapter 4 explained that UM L ts a popular technique for documenting and modeling a system. UML uses a set of symbols to represent graphically the various components and relationships within a system. Although che UML can be used for business process modeling and requirements modeling, it is mainly used to support 0-0 system analysis and to develop object models. 6.8. 1 Use C ase Modeling A use case represents the seeps in a specific business function or process. An external entity, called an actor, initiates a use case by requesting the system to perform a function or process. For example, in a medical office system, a PATIENT (actor) can MAKE APPOINTMENT (use case), as shown in Figure 6-11. Note that the UML symbol for a use case is an oval with a label that describes the action or event. The actor is shown as a stick figure, with a label that identifies the actor's role. The JiJJe from the actor to the use case is called an association, because it links a particular actor to a use case. Use cases also can interact with other use cases. When the outcome of one use case is incorporated by another use case, we say that the second case ttses the first case. UM L indicates the relationship with an arrow char points at rhe MAKE APPOINTMENT use case being used. Figure 6- 12 shows an example where a (Use Case) PATIENT student adds a fitness class and PRODUCE FITNESS-CLASS (Actor) ROSTER uses the results of ADD FITNESS-CLASS to FIG URE 6 - 11 In a medical office s11tem. a generate a new fitnes.'>·clas.'> roster. Similarly, if an instructor PATIENT (actor) can MAKE APPOINTMENT (use changes hts or her availability, UPDATE TNSTRUCTOR case). The UHL symbol for a use case is an oval.The actor is shown as a stick figure. h FORMATIO 11ses the CHA GE AVAILABILITY .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.8 The Unified Modeling Language (UML) 188 use case to update the instructor's in formation. To creare use cases, start b)' reviewing rhe information that gathered during the requirements modeling <<U5eS>> Produce Frtnes~lass phase. The obrective is to Add Rtness-Class Student Roster identify the actors and the functions or transactions they initiate. For each use case, develop a u~e case description in the form of a table. A use case description documents the name <<USeS>> of the use case, the actor, a Change Avallablllty Update lnslructor description of the use case, Instructor ln1ormatlon a step-by-step list of the ra~ks and actions requi red FIGURE 6- 12 When a student adds a class, PRODUCE FITNESS-CLASS ROSTER uses the results of ADD FITNESS-CLASS to generate a new roster. When an instructor changes his or for successfu l completion, her availability, UPDATE INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION uses the CHANGE AVAILABILITY use a description of alternative case co update the Instructor's Information. courses of action, preconditions, posrcondirions, and assumptions. Figure 6-13 shows an example of the ADD NEW STUDENT use case for the fitness center. ADD NEW STUDENT Use Case Name: Add New Student Actor: Student/Manager Add New Student Description: Describes the process used to add a student to a fitness-class Successful completion: 1. Manager checks FITNESS-CLASS SCHEDULE ob1ect for availabihty 2. Manager notifies student 3. Fitness-class is open and student pays fee 4. Manager registers student Alternative: 1. Manager checks FITNESS-CLASS SCHEDULE object for availability 2. Fitness-class Is full 3. Manager notifies student Precondition: Student requests litn ess-class Postcondition: Student is enrolled in fitness-class and fees have been paid Assumptions: None FIGURE 6- 13 The ADD NEW STUDENT use case description documents the process used to add a current student into an existing dass at the fimess center. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 6.8 The Unified Modeling Language (UML) \'V'hen use cases arc idcnrified, al l rhe relaced cransacrions should be grouped inro a single use case. For example, when a horcl customer reserves a room, rhe rescrvarion S)'Srem blocks a room, updares rhe occupancy forecasr, and sends rhe cusromer a confirmarion. Those cvcnrs are all part of a single use case called RE ERVE R00~'1, and the specific acrions are ~tep-by-srep casks within the use case. 6.8 .2 Use Case Diagrams A u~e ca~e diagram is a visual summary of several related use case!. w1chm a sy~tem or subs) stem. Consider a C) pica I au co service deparr:menc, as shown in Figure 6- 14. The service department involves customers, service writers who prepare work orders and invoices, and mechanics who perform che work. Figure 6-15 shows a possible use case diagram for the auro service department. FIGURE 6- 1'4 A cyplal auto service department might involve custome". service write" who prepare work orde" and invoices. and mechanics who perform the wo/1(. . " \'<'hen a use case diagram is crearcd, the first step is co ide11cify the sysrcm boundary, which is represented by a recrangle. T he system boundary shows whar is included in rhe system (inside che recrangle) and whar is nor included in rhe system (outside the rectangle). After the system boundary is identified, use cases are placed on the diagram, the actors arc added, and the relationships shown. CASE IN PO INT 6.2: H1u.;roP MoroRs You were hired by Hilltop Motors as a consultant to help the company plan a new information system. Hilltop is an old-line dealership, and the prior owner was slow to change. A new management team has taken over. and they are eager to develop a first-class system. Right now, you are reviewing the service department. which is going through a major expansion. You decide to create a model of the service department in the form of a use case diagram. The main actors in the service operation are customers. service writers who prepare work orders and invoices, and mechanics who perform the work. You are meeting with the management team tomorrow morning. How would you create a draft of the diagram to present to them? r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ 189 Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.8 The Unified Modeling Language (UML) 190 Use Case Diagram: Auto Service Department Requests Writes service Update Customer Service Writer Update Work Schedule Performs work Mechanic Prepare Invoice FIGURE 6- 1S A use case diagram t o handle work at an auto service department. 6.8.3 Class Diagrams A cl:u~ diagram shows the object classes and relationships involved in a use case. Like a DFD, a class diagram is a logical model, which evolves into a physical model and finally becomes a functioning information system. In ~rructurcd analysis, enritics, data stores, and processes are transformed into data structures and program code. Similarly, class diagrams evolve into code modules, daca objects, and other system components. In a class diagram, each class appears as a recrangle, with the class name at the top, followed by the class's attributes and method~. Lines &how relationships berween classes and have labels identifying the action that relates the two classes. To create a class diagram, review the use case and identify the classe~ that panicipate in the underlying business process. The class diagram also includes a concept called cardinal ity, which describes how instances of one class relate to instarnces of another class. For example, an employee might h:ive e:irned no vocation days or one vacation day or many vacation doys. Similarly, an employee migh t have no spouse o r one spouse. Figure 6- 16 shows v:irious UML notations and cardinaliity examples. Note char in Figure 6· 16, the first column shows a UML notation symbol that identifies the relationship shown in the second column. The third column provides a typical example of che relationship, which is described in the last column. In the first row of the figure, the UML notation 0.. • identifies a zero or many relation. The example is thar an employee can have no payroll deductions or many deductions. Figure 6-17 shows a class diagram for a sales order use case. Note rhat the sales office has one sales manager who can have anpvhere from zero to many sales reps. Each sales rep can have anywhere from zero to many customers, but each customer has only one sales rep. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis I91 6.8 The U nified Modeling Language (UML) UML Notation Nature of the Rellltlonshlp o. • Zero or many Employee Payroll Deduction 1 0 .• 1 1 Zero or one One end only one Description Example H Manager H Order H 0. • Employee I Office One or many Spouse An employee can have no spouse or one spouse Sales Office An olfoce manager manages one and only one olfice. Item Ordered One order can include one or many items ordered 0 .. 1 1 t: An employee can have no payroll deductions or many deductiOns 1 t..• FIGURE 6· 16 Examples of UML notations that Indicate the narnre o f che relationship betwee n instances of one class and instances of another class. Manages 1 S11h!s Manager Attributes Methods Methods 1 1 Assigned Manages o..• Attributes Methods Methods Includes 1..- Items Ordered Attributes Attributes Methods Methods FIGURE 6-17 Class diagram for a sales order· use case (attributes and methods omitted for clarity). CASE IN POINT 6.3: TRAIN THE TRAl:."JERS, INC. Train the Tralner develops seminars and workshops for corporate training managers, who in tum train their employees. Your job at Train the Trainer is to put together the actual training materials. Right now, you are up against a deadline. The new object modeling seminar has a chapter on cardinality. and the client wants you to come up with at least three more examples for each of the four cardinality categories listed in Figure 6-1 6. The four categories are zero or many. zero or one. one and on"t one. and one or many. Even though you are under pressure, you are detennined to use examples that are realistic and familiar to the students. What examples will you submit/ r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.8 The Unified Modeling Language (UML) 192 6.8.4 Seque nce Diagrams A ~cqu ence diagram is a dynamic model of a use case, ~howing the inreracrion among classes during a specified rime period. A sequence diagram graphically documents the use case hy showing che classes, r:he messages, and the riming of the messages. Sequence diagrams include symbols that represent classes, lifelines, messages, and focuses. These symbols are shown in Figure 6-18. a,,112 Life line Message 1 Focus Focus Message 2 I I I ~ Lifeline I I I I I * FIGURE 6 -18 A sequence diagram with two cla.nes. Notice the X that indicates the end or the Cl.ASS 2 lifeline. Also noace that each message is represented by a line with a label that describes the me=ge, and that each class has a focus that shows che penod when messages are sent or received. C LASSES: A class is idcnrified by a rectangle with the name inside. Classes char send or receive messages arc shown ar the top of the sequence diagram. LIFELINES: A lifeline is identified by a dashed line. The lifeline represents the time during which the object above iris able ro interact with the other objects in the use case. An X marks the end of rhe lifcljne. MESSAGES: A message is identified by a line showing direction that runs between two objecrs. The label shows the name of the message and can include additional information abour the contencs. A focus is identified by a narrow vertical shape that covers the lifeline. The focus indicates when au object sends or receives a message. Figure 6-19 shows a sequence diagram for the ADD NEW STUDENT use case in the fitness center example. Note that the vertical position of each message indicates the riming of the message. FOCUSES: 6.8.S State Transition Diagrams Earlier in this chapter, it was explained that state refers to an object's current status. A state rran ~it ion diagra m shows how an object changes from one scare co another, depending on events that affect the object. AU possible states must be documented in the state transition diagram, as shown in Figure 6-20. A bank account, for example, could be opened as a NEW account, change co an ACTIVE or EXISTING account, and eventually become a CLOSED or FOR:vtER account. Another possible stare for a bank account could be FROZEN, if the account's assers are legally anached. (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 193 6.8 The Unified Modeling language (U ML) Request fitness-class Focus I I I I I I I I I I I Check I I I I I I Notify I Pay Register * FIGURE 6- 19 The sequence diagram for the ADD NEW STUDENT use case.The use case dcscripdon for ADD NEW STUDENT Is shown in Figure 6-13. Bank closes account Opens account Makes l1rst deposit Customer closes account Act Existing Assets attached Frozen FIGURE 6 -20 An example of a sate crans1don diagram for a bank account. ln a state transition diagram, the states appear as rounded rectangles with the stare names inside. The small circle ro rhe left is rhe initial stare or rhe point where the object first interacts with rhe system. Reading from left ro right, the lines show direction and describe the action or event that causes a transition from one state to another. The circle at the right with a hollow border is the final state. 6.8.6 Activity Diagrams An acti\ity diagram resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows rhe actions and evenrs as they occur. Activity diagrams show the order in which rhe actions rake place and identify the outcomes. Figure 6-21 shows an activity diagram for a cash withdrawal ::it an ATM machine. Note that the customer initiates the activity by inserting an ATM c::ird and requesting cash. Activity diagrams also can display multiple use cases in the form of a grid, where classes a re shown as vertical bars and actions appear as horizontal arrows. Sequence diagrams, state transition diagrams, and activity diagrams are dynamic modeling tools that can help a systems analyst understand how objects behave and interact with the system. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.8 The Unified Modeling Language (U ML) 194 Card is Customer accepted Custom41r enters PIN Inserts ATM card PIN ts accepted Customer requests ~sh Sufficlenl funds available ATM ATM provides ltd Justs balance cash Sufficient funds nol available ATM notifies customer FIGURE 6-2 1 An activity diagram $howing the a.ction$ and evcnrs Involved In wlLhdrawlng cash from an ATM. 6.8. 7 Business Process Mode ling In addirion to sequence diagrams and acrivity diagran1s, business process modeling (BPM) can be used to represent the people, events, and interaction in a system. BPM initially was discussed in Chapter 4 as a requircmenc diagramming tool, bur ir can be used anytime during tbe systems development process. BPM works well with object modeling, because both methods focus on the actors and the way they behave. There arc a number of cools supporting BPM. For example, on Windows, the Bizagi N!odclcr rool supports business process modeling and simulation using the standard BP:tvl notation. On the w1ac, Visual Paradigm supports the creation of BP.M diagrams {and several other modeling notations). Figure 6-22 shows a sample BPM for an online discussion cycle. ~ Tl·-· 0••. l'M•WflftN Ollcv.on Nt .. , . . . • ........... u-- -i ,,__ ,_ r ..a;. . ~__,.i o-- ..... .... ... • • ~ 1--M') .... ' _ ,.. 111. 1oc• . -.......... . IYOu9" • • Of c••• - .... .....,_ .... .. c .,,..nc. c.. 1----" .,__ FIGURE 6-22 A BPM for an online discussion cycle. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~• -fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---t fta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-.. • ~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 6.10 Summary 6.9 TOOLS Object modeling requires many types of diagrams to represent the proposed system. Creating the diagrams by hand is time consuming and tedious, so systems analysts rely on tools to speed up the process and provide an overall framework for documenting the system components. In addition, cools ensure consistenq' and provide common links so that once objects are described and used in one pare of the design, they can be reused mulriple times without further effort. There arc many CASE tools tailored to UML. Tools such as Visio are popular for drawing UM L diagrams, but they lack semanrics: T hey are useful for creating visually pleasing figu re , but they have no knowledge of the underlying artifacts. This means a system~ analyst can create diagrams tha t appear co be correct but are in fact incorrect when it comes to rhe rules of the UM L. To overcome this shortcoming, proper systems modeling tools, such as Cameo Systems Modeler or IBM's Rational product fami ly, are typically used. These rool underlttand t he meaning of the diagrams they hel!P create, wh ich suggests it's difficult to create a UM L diagrnm that is syntactically incorrect. These tools al!.o provide traceability, an importa nt feature in the SDLC tha t links design a rtifacts backward ro requirements a nd fo rward to development a nd testing. Your company sent several staff members for UML training by an outside vendor. Everyone who attended the training received a copy of the instructor s materials. which included study guides and sample exam questions and solutions. After completing the training course, you are eligible to sit a certification exam. If you pass the exam, you will be credentialed as a "UML Expert" by an independent agency. You can parlay these credentials into a higher salary and boost your career. A coworker who did not attend the training asks for a copy of the training materials. He wants to take the exam without "wasting his time in class." Should you give him a copy of the training materials1 If you do, how might this diminish your accomplishments? If you don't. would you be hurting the team by not helping another member become more knowledgeable about the UMU 6.10 SUMMARY T his chapter introduced object modeling, which is a popular technique th::it describes a system in terms of objects. O bjects represent real people, places, events, and rransactions. Unlike structured a nal ysis, which treats da ta and processes separately, objects include data and processes t hat can affec t the data. During the i.mplemenrntion process, systems analysts and programmers transform objects into program code modules that can be optimized, tested, and reused as often as necessary. 0-0 terms include arrributcs, methods, messages, and classes. Attributes arc characteristics that describe the object. Methods a re tasks or functions that the object performs when it receives a command co do so. O bjects can send messages, or commands, that require other objects to perform certain methods, or tasks. The concept that a message gives different meanings to different objects is called polymorphism. An object resembles a black box with encapsulated, or self-contained, data and methods. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~... . ... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., ...................... .... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ 195 Chapter 6 Object Modeling 6.10 Summary 196 Classes include objects that have similar attributes, or characteristics. Individual members of a class are called object instances. Objeccs within a class can be grouped into s ubclas~es, which are more specific categories within the class. A class also can belong to a more general category called a superclass. Afrer identifying the objecrs, classes, and relationships, an object relationship diagram is prepared chat hows the objecrs and how chey interact co perform business fun crions and cransacrions. The Strongest relationship between object~ is inheritance. The UML is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting an information system. UML techniques include use cases, use case diagrams, class diagram~, sequence diagrams, state transition d iagrams, and activity diagrams. A use case describes a business situation initiated by an actor, who interacts with the information system. Each use case represenrs a specific transaction, or scenario. A use case diagram is a visual summary of related use cases within a S)'Stem or subsystem. A class diagram represents a detailed view of a single use case, showing the classes that participate in the underlying business transaction, and the relationship among class instances, which is called cardinality. A sequence diagram is a dynamic model of a use case, showing the interaction among classes during a specified time period. Sequence diagrams include lifelines, messages, and focuses. A sta te transition diagra m shows how an object changes from one state to another, depending on events that affect the object. An activity diagram resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows accions and events as they occur in a system. In addition co object models, business process modeling (BPM) can be used ro represenc the people, evencs, and interaction in a sysrem. CASE tools provide an overall framework for system documentation. CASE cools can speed up rhe development process, ensure consistency, and provide common links that enable reuse during 0 -0 analysis. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 197 Key Terms Key Terms acti\lt) J1<lgram A diai,-ram rh<lr re-.emble!> a borizonral flowcbarr chat •how~ the acnon; and eveni- 3\ the) occur. Act,.lt) diagram; sho" the order in which acno11> rake place and idennf) the out~ome. actor An external emit) wnh a spectfic role. In a use case model. actors are used to model mtcran1on with the system. aunbutc A sm1dc char.icrensnc or fact about an ennty. An annbuce, or field, 1s the smallest p1«e of d.ua that has meaning wnhm an informanon srstcm. For example, a Social Security number or company o.ime could be examples of an anribute. In 0-0 analysis, ao attribure is parr of a d.t~s diagram that describes the -.haractensuc, of ob1ccts in the class. Also kno" n as a data element. black box A metaphor for a proces' or an action thar produces resulr; in a nun-tramparent or non-ob,ervablc manner. In daca flow diagram,, a proces~ appears as a black bo" where chc input,, output,, and 11cncral fonction of the procc\S arc known, but the undcrlyini; dcta1b arc nor ,hown. cardinal1C) A concept that dc•cribe< how m<tancc• of one entity rdarc to imtancc< of nnuthcr cnmy. De,eribcd in cntiry· rcl arion~hip dinwams by notation chm indicates comhination~ that include 1ero or onc· to· mnny, onc·lo-onc, and many-ro·mnny. child ln i.11herit.1nce, J child is 1he object thar derives one or more arrribuces from another object, called tbe parem. cl.ISS A cerm used 111 ob1ecc-or1e11red modelmg ro indic.1te a collection of snrul.ir ob1ec1s. da,., dia11ra111 A detailed view of a ,inglc U'>c ca•c, ,howing rhc da,~ char parcicipatc in the U'>c ca'>C, .md dc,.:umcnrini; rhc rclatinn•hip among rhc da<<es. cncap,ulatoon The idea that all data and methods arc self-contained, as in a black bo"<. focus In a sequence diagram, a focus md1carcs when an objecr sends or rec(wes a message. It 1s indicated b) a narrow vertical rcctJngle thJt co,ers the lifeline. iobcric.tncc At) pe of object relationslup. Inheritance enables an object to derive one or more of its .i.tmbute~ from another objecc (t.g., an INSTRUCTOR object may lllhecit man) traus £rom che L/\11'LOYll ob1ecr, such as hire dare). in.,~n.:c A ,pcc1fic member of a da>s. lifeline In a \cqucn"c diagram, a lifeline 1s u..cd ro represent the time during which rhc ob1c<t above it i~ able to mrcract with rhc orhcr objccrs in rb<" u..c ca<e. An X marks rhc end of a hfchnc. message An 0 -0 command thac cells an ob1ec:t ro perform a certain method. mcchod Defines sp«1fic casks chac an object must perform. Describes what and how an obiccr does something. object RepreM:nt\ a real person, place, C\'ent. or transaction. objecc model Dc~crihe~ oh1ecr~, which combine darn and processes. Object models are chc cnJ produce of O·O ana lybb. objecc-orienced (0 -0 ) anJly~i; Describes an lnformarion system by idenrifymg things called objects. An ob1ect reprc,cnt~ a real per<oon, place, evenr, or cransacnon. 0-0 :tnalysis is .1 popular appro,tch that sees a ~ystem from the viewpoinr of rhc objecrs themselves ,1s they function and interact w1rh 1he system. parent Ill i11herirnncc, n parent i~ the objecr from which the other object, the child, derives one or more Jttnbucc>. polymorphm11 The con~cpt chat a me...age gives different meanings ro diffcrcm ob1cc1s (e.g., a GOOD NIGi IT message m1ghr produce different rcsulrs depending if it 1s received by a child or the family dog). rclatiomhip<> Enable objccr' to communicate and inreract a~ rhey perfonn rhe btmncs' funcnoM and transaction; required by a syo;tcm. Relationships describe wbar objects need to kno\\ abouc each other, ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 6 Object Modeling Key Terms 198 how ob1ec1s r~pond to changes in orher objecrs, and 1he effccrs of mcmbcnh1p m classes, superdasscs. Jnd subclasses. ~cqucncc diagram A diagram rhat sho\\ s tht> timing of transactions bcrwcen ob1ccrs as 1he) occur. \late An aJ1e~ri•e that de...:ribe; an oh1ecc's current scaru; (e.g., a ;rudmt could be a CURRENT, rlITURF, or PAST ~1udenr). •talc tr;m\ltmn J1a11ram !>how' how an oh1cct cbani:"-' from one \tat.: to another, depending on 1he cvcnc- that affe<:t the object. subclas\ A funhcr d1v1s1on of oh1ecrs m a class. Subclasses are more ~pccific categories w1rh1n a class. superclass A more gener.1liicd category ro which objects may belong (e.g., a NOVEL cl.1ss might belong 10 J superclass called BOOK). W\lcm boundary Shows wha1 is included and excluded from a >yMem. Depicted by n ,haded rccrangle in u...: ca'c diagram>. Unified M0Jdm1o: Lm11o:ua)lc (UML) A wicldy used method of vi,uali1.ing and documen1ini; >of1wnrc: 'Y'tcm' dc,ii;11. UM I u'c' 0-0 design concepts, but it;, independen t of ony 'Jl«cific rrui.1ra111mini; lnni;nngc ond can he u~ccl m describe business processes and requirement' f;cncr:tlly. use case Represents che s1eps in a specific business function or process in UML. use c:t~c dc~criprion A dcscnprion in UML char documems the name of the use cJsc, 1he .1ctor, a dcscrip1ion of the use case, a s1ep-by-srep lisc of the tJsks required for successful completion, and 01her key descnpnons and assumptions. uw c;hc diai;r.:tm A vi,ual repre..enrarion chat illusrrare-. the interacuon between U'>e" anJ rhe i11format1on 'l'rcm in UM!.. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw I Phase 2 Systems Analysis Exercises Exercises Questions I. Whar 1s 0-0 analysis? 1. Define an ob1ect in an information system and provide rhree examples. 3. Define an attribute and provide rhrcc examples. 4. Define a method and provide rhree examples. 5. Define e11caps11/atio11 and explain how ir is used in 0-0 analysis. 6. Define a class, subclass, and superclass and provide rhree examples of each. 7. Explain rhe concept of inherirance in object relationships. 8. Draw an object relationshi p diagram for a rypical library system. 9. Define a use case and a use case diagram and prepare a sample of each. I 0. Why is ir imporranr co use a modeling rool a nd nor just a diagramming rool during 0-0 analysi~? Discussion Topics I. You arc an IT consulranr, and you arc asked co create a new sysrem for a small real esrarc brokerage firm. You have no experience with 0-0 approach, and you decide co rry ir. How will you begin? How will the tasks differ from ~rrucrurcd analysis? 1. Some professionals believe char ir is harder for experienced analy~rs ro learn object-modeling rechniques, because the analysts are accustomed to thinking abour data and processes as separate entities. Ochers believe that ~olid analytical skills are easily transferable and do not see a problem in crossing over ro the newer approach. Whar do you chink, and why? 3. The concept that rhe same message gives different meanings ro different ob1ects is called polymorphism. Can you chink of examples where this behavior may provide une'<pected results? 4. You arc crearing a sysrcm for a bowling alley to manage information about its leagues. During rhe modeling process, you create a scare transition diagram for an objecr called League Bowlers. \Xl'har are rhe possible scares of a league bowler, and what happens to a bowler who quits rhe league and rejoins the following season? 5. The UML is a large and complex modeling language. How can an IT profc~sional tell when a UML diagram is correct and nor just visually plea~ing? Projects l. Contact the IT htaff ar your school or ar a local business to learn if they use 0-0 programming languages. lf so, determine what languages and versions are used, how long they have been in use, and why they were selected. 2. Create a prcscnrnrion explaining 0-0 analysis, including definitions of basic terms, including objects, attributes, methods, messages, and classes. 3. Draw an acriviry diagram showing rhe actions and evenrs involved in depositing a check to a bank accounr using a mobile app. 4. Investigate business process modeling languages, such as BPEL. 5. Prepare a report on at lease three cools char provide UML support. Use the tools' capah1liries for crearing class diagrams and sequence diagrams as a key requ1remenr. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ 199 Chapter 7 Development Strategies Development Strategies Cha pt e r 7 is the final chapter in the systems analysis phase of the SDLC. The main objective of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new information system. Chapters 4, S, and 6 explained requirements modeling. data and process modeling. and object modeling. Chapter 7 describes the remaining activities In the systems analysis phase, which include evaluation of alternative solutions, preparation of the system requlremenu document, and pre.s entation of the system requirementS document to management. The chapter also explains the transition to systems design. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" concerns how truthful an answer should be when submitting a response to an RFP. Is a slight exaggeration acceptable if it means the company will win the contract! LEARNING OBJECTIVES W/Jen you finish tbis chapter, you sl101tld be able to: CONTENTS l. Explain the differences between traditional and web-based S)Stems development 2. Explain how Web 2.0, cloud computing, and mobile devices may affect systems development 3. Explain how to selecr one of the four in-house :.oftware development options 4. Explain outsourcing 5. Explain the main advanrages and the unique concerns of off:.hori ng 6. Describe rhe concept of Sofrware a~ a Service 7. Explain how a systems :rnalysr helps in selecting a development strategy 8. Execute the five steps in the software acquisition 7. 1 Traditional Versus Web-Based Systems Development 7.2 Evolving Trends 7.3 In-House Software Oevelopmenc Options Case in Point 7 .1: Doug·s Sporting Goods 7 .4 Oursourcing 7 .5 Offshoring Case in Point 7.2: Turnkey Services 7 .6 Software as a Service 7 .7 Selecting a Development Strategy Case in Point 7.3: Sterling A~sociares 7.8 The Software Acquisition Process 7.9 Completion of Systems Ana lysis Tasks A Question of Ethics 7.10 Summary Key Terms Exercises process 9. Describe a requesr for proposal (RFP) and a request for quotation (RFQ) I 0. Summarize the rasks involved in completing the sr stems analysis phase of rhe SDLC r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase 2 Systems Analysis 201 7.1 Trad itional Versus Web-Based Systems Development 7.1 TRADITIONAL VERSUS Wee-BASED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT ]use a few years ago, a rypical company either developed software itself, purchased a software package (which might need some modification), or hired consulcants or outside resources to perform the work. Today, a company has many more choices for software acquisition, including application service providers, web-hosted software options, and firms that offer a variety of enterprise-\vide software solucions. This proliferarion of choices is due in part due to the enormous changes in business methods and operarions made possible by the Internet. A systems analyst must consider whether development will cake place in a rra· ditional environment or in a web-centric framework. There are similarities and differences with both approaches. For example, in an Internet-based sy~tem, the web become~ an inregral parr of the application, rather than jusr a communication channel, and systems analysts need new applicarion development tools and &olutions tO handle the new systems. Two represenrarive web-based development environmenrs are M icrosoft's .NET and rhe open source MERN stack. Microsoft describes .NET as a developer platform for building and running a variety of applica tion types written in C# and Visual Basic, including web-based, mobile, and traditional deskrop applications. The acronym M ERN srands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. MERN is used to develop universal applications in JavaScript. MongoDB is a darabase, and Express, React, and Node arc libraries or frameworks used for full -srack web development. Although cherc is a major trend toward web-based architecture, many firms rely on traditional systems, either because they arc using legacy applications that arc not easily replaced, or because they do not require a web component to satisl) user needs. To choose berween traditional and web-based development. consider some key differences between them. Building the application in a web-based environment can offer greater benefits (and sometimes greater risks) when compared to a traditional environment. The following sections list some characteristics of traditional versus webbased development. 7. 1. 1 Traditional D evelopment In a t.radit.ional systems development. environment. • • • • • • • Compatibility issues, including existing hardware and software platforms and legacy system requirements, influence systems design. Systems arc designed to run on local and wide-area company networks. Systems often utilize Internet links and resources, but web-based featu res arc treated as enhancemen ts rather than core elements of the design. Development rypically follows one of three main paths: in-house development, purchase of a boftware package with possible modific~Hion, or use of outside consulta nts. Scalability can be affected by network limitations and constraints. Nlany applications require subsranrial desktop computing power and resources. Security issues usually arc less complex than with web-based systems, because the system operates on a private company network, rather than the Internet. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- .............. . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.2 Evolving Trends 202 7.1 .2 W eb-Based Development: In a web-based system s development e nvironme nt • • • • Systems arc developed and delivered in an Lncerncr-ba~d framework such as .NET lnrernet-bascd development rrears the web as rhe platform, rather than just a communication channel. Web-based systems are easily scalable and can run on multiple hardware environments. Large firms rend to deploy web-based sysrems as enterprise-wide software solutions for applications such as customer relationship management, order processing, and materials management. • Web-based software treats the software application as a service that is less dependent on desktop computing power and resources. • When companies acquire web-based software as a service rather than a product rhey purchase, they can limit in-house involvement and have rhe vendor insrall, configure, and mainrain the system by paying agreed-upon fees. • Web-ba~ed softwa re us ually requires additional layers, called midd leware, to commun icate with existing software and legacy systems. • Web-based solutions open more complex security issues that should be addressed. 7.2 EVOLVING TRENDS In the consrantly changing world of IT, no area is more dynamic than lnrerner rechnology. Three examples of evolving trends arc Web 2.0, cloud compuring, and mobile devices. Sysrems analysts shouJd be aware of these trends and consider them as they plan large-scale sysrems. Many IT professionals use the term \''cb 2.0 ro describe a second generation of the web rhat enables people ro NIST Cloud Computing Program - NCCP collaborate, interact, and share information much more effectively. This new environment is based on conrinuously DESCRIPTION available user applications rather than Static HTJ\-1 L wcba.....,...i...... ....................... , pages, wirhour limitations regarding rhe number of users o r """"""....,..n..,...,••. how they access, modify, and exchange data. The Web 2.0 NIST Cloud environmenr enhances interactive experiences, including , wikis and biogs, a nd social networking applications such as Computing Facebook, Linkedln, and Twiner. .... fltolt• Program As shown in Figure 7- 1, the Nationa l Institute of Stanllltl'Klloa. TNldeuf dards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as . . . ~.,"" ....... ~ . . . . . . . Will """*' 18M(f ........... "'*"" ....... .......Cf. . . . . .. . "a model f or enabling ubiquitous, convenient, o n-demand ••• """9(P'HSi,a-. ... •• ...... tM-S ...... ................... .... hlkm.tlJl!rtiN .... ........ network access ro a shared pool of configurable computing ....,.,.. -....111• ...... .........,ta ........... ........,. ....... ........_ ... ca resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and ._,...,.nm..,.......... services) chat can be rapidly provisioned and relea ed with llirClilwf~ . . . . ~"'~- ................................ ... ....._ •• __............. _......,.,._......,. ... w,,....,..,. minimal management effort or service provider interacrion." ...............-.c...--................................ Ml'W" ............................................ _,a... Cloud computing is often represented by a cloud symbol ......... .......... WI*" • • kll .... ,.,...... . . . . . . . ..,.._. that indicates a network or the Internet. Cloud computing can be viewed as an onlioe SaaS and data environment supFIGURE 7- 1 NIST definition of cloud computing. ported by powerful computers that makes Web 2.0 possible. 5-«< "' .. ........___,..,........ ... .. ...... ---.-_ ~,.......,. ~ ~ ..... !'@I. . . . . --~,...~ Wwt.f~ ~,_ ~ CS...S~ C..."*'" l#IW• ...... l(Q1l. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ......_.~ .............. ~.._. • ._..,.. 0w.,,,.._._,..." ....... ,_,.,..,....,. -~,__.., ,,.......... ~~ij (....,..... J:gl( . . . . . , _ , . . 41 11.,.. ~-""'_..,.Olp" -·~·-"*<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ t11ru . . __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. ................. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 203 7.3 In-House Software Development Options Mobile device~ have become ubiquitous. Smartphones and tablets are now found in personal use and across the enterprise in most organizations. Today's mobile devices have enough computing power to provide processing "at the edge," which means at the end of a network, in rhe user's hands. Developing apps for mobile devices requires many new platforms, although many of today's development tools support web-based and mobile application development at the same time. 7 .3 IN-HOUSE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS A compan)' can choose to develop its own systems or purchase (and possibly customize) a sofrw:ire package. These development alternatives arc shown in Figure 7-2. Although many factors influence this decision, rhe mosr important consideration is rhe total cost of ownership (TCO), which was explained in Chapter 4. In addition to rhcse options, comp:inies also develop user applications designed around commercial sofrw:ire packages, such as Microsoft Office, ro improve user productivity and efficiency. In-house syslem software Commercial soltware padtage FIGURE 7-l Instead of outsourcing.a company can choose co develop a system in-house or purchase and possibly aJstomize a commercial package.. 7 .3. 1 Make or Buy Decision The choice between developing ver[>uS purchasing software often is called a make or buy, or build or buy, decision. The company's IT department makes, builds, and develops in-hou\e \Oftware. A software package is obtained from a vendor or an application service provider. Tht: package might be a standard commercial application or a customized package designed specifically for the purchaser. Companies that develop f>ofrware for sale are caUed software vendors. A firm that enhances a c.:ommercial package by add ing custom features a nd configuring it for a panicular industry is called a value-added reseller (VAR). Software package~ are available for every type of business activity. A software package that can be used by many different types <>f organizations is called a horizontal application. An accounting package is a good example of a horizontal application because man)' different businesses or separate divisions that exist in large, diversified companies can utilize it. In contrast, a software package developed co handle information requirements for a specific type of business is called a vertical application. For example, organizations .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.3 In-House Software Development Options 204 with special system requirements include colleges, banks, hospitals, insurance companies, construction companies, real estate firms, and airlines. Figure 7-3 shows a typical restaurant point of sale (POS) system running on various devices. The organi7ations may need verrical applications to handle their unique business requirements bur often use horizontal applications for basic business needs, such as payroll proce sing and accounts payable. Thousands of Restaurants Use Restaurant Manager Tne POS of Chc><ce f0t Restauronts for Neosty 30 Yeors FIGURE 7-3 Restaurants use vertical applications like point of sale (POS) systems to support their unique business requirements. Sour<e; .- • Of the in-house software acquisition options-developing a sy rem, bu) ing a software package, or customizing a software package-each ha~ advantages, disadvantage~, and cosr considerations, as shown in Figure 7-4. These l>Ofrware acquisition options are described in detail in the following sections. REASONS FOR IN-HOUSE DEVELOPMENT REASONS FOR PURCHASING A SOFTWARE PACKAGE Saosfy unique business requireme nts Lower costs Minimize changes in business procedures and policies Requires less time to implement Meet constraints of existing systems Proven reliability and performance benchmarks Mee t constraints of existing technology Requires less technical development staff Develop Internal resources and capabilities Future upgrades provided by the vendor Satisfy uniqu e security requirements Obtain input from other companies FIGURE 7-4 Companies consider various factors when comparing in-house development with the purchase of a software package. 7.3.2 Developing Software In-House \Vith an enormous va riery of software packages available to handle horizontal and vertical business operations, why would a firm choose to develop its own software? Typically, companies choose in-house development to satisfy unique business (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 205 7.3 In-House Software Development Options requirements, minimize changes in business procedures and policies, meet constraints of existing systems and existing technology, and develop internal resources and ca pa biliries. Companies often decide to de velop software in-house because no commercially available software package can meet their unique business requirements. A college, for example, needs a course scheduling system based o n curriculum requirements, student demand, classroom space, and available instructors. A package delivery company needs a system to identif>• the best combination of routes and loading panerns for the company's fleet of deliver y trucks. If existing software packages cannot handle those requirements, then in-house developed sofcware might be the only choice. SATISFY UNIQUE BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS: MINIMIZE CHANGES IN BUSINESS PROCEDURES AND POLICIES: A company also might choose to develop its own software if available packages will require changes in current business operations or processes. lnstalling a new software package a lmost always requires some degree of clhange in how a company docs business; however, if the insta llation of a purchased package wil l be too disruptive, the organization might decide to develop its own software instead. MEET CONSTRAINTS OF EXISTING SYSTEMS: Any new software installed must work with existing systems. For example, if a new budgeting system must interface with an existing accounting system, finding a sofrware package that works correctly with the existing accounting system might prove difficult. If so, a company could develop its own software to ensure that the new system will interface with the old system. MEET CONSTRAINTS OF EXISTING TECHNOLOGY: Another reason to develop software in-house is chat rhe new system must work with existing hardware and legacy systems. That could requi re a custom design, an upgrade ro the environment, or in-house sofrware that can operate within those constraints. A systems analyst addresses the issue of technical feasibiliry during the preliminary investigation. Now, in the sy~tems analysis phase, the analyse muse determine whether in-house software develo pment is the best overall solution. DEVELOP INTERNAL RESOURCES AND CAPABILITIES: By designing a system in-house, companies can develop and crain an IT staff who understands the organization's business functions and information support needs. Many firms feel that in-house IT resources and capabilities provide a competitive advantage because an in-house ream can respond quickly when business problems or opportunities arise. For example, if a company lacks internal resources, it must depend on an outside fi rm for vital business support. Also, outsourcing options might be actraccive, but a series of shore-term solutions would nor necessarily translate into lower TCO over the long term. Top managers often feel more comfortable with an internal IT team to provide overall guidance and long-term stability. In-house development also allows a firm co leverage the skill set of the IT team, which is already on board and being compensated. 7.3.3 Purchasing a Softwa.r e Package If a companr decides no t to o utsource, a commercially available software package might be an attractive alternative co developing irs own software. Advantages of purchasing a software package over developing soft·Nare in-house include lower coses, .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.3 In-House Software Development Options 206 less rime to implement a sysrem, proven reliabiliry and performance benchmarks, less technical development staff, future upgrades chat are provided by the vendor, and the ability to obrain input from other companies who already have implemented the software. LOWER COSTS: Because many companies use software packages, software vendors spread the development costs over many customers. Compared with software developed in-house, a software package almost always is less expensive, parricularly in terms of initial i11vesnnent. However, even though the initial cost is less, purchased software can involve expenses caused by business disruption, changing business processes, and retraining employees. REQUIRES LESS TIME TO IMPLEMENT: When a software package is purchased, it already has been designed, programmed, rested, and documented. The in-house rime normally spent on those tasks, therefore, is eliminated. Of course, rhe sofrware must still be installed a nd integrated into the systems environment, which can rake a significant amou nt of time. Also, even though implementation is quicker, TCO ca n be higher due to added training expenses and softwa re modifications. PROVEN RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKS: If the package has been on the market for any lengcb of rime, any major problems probably have been detected already and corrected by the vendor. if the product is popular, it almost certainl y has been rated and evaluated by independent reviewers. REQUIRES LESS TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT STAFF: Companies that use commercial software packages often are able to reduce the number of programmers and systems analysts on the IT sraff. Using commercial software also means that the IT staff can concentrate on systems whose requirements cannot be satisfied by software packages. FUTURE UPGRADES PROVIDED BYTHEVENDOR: Software vendors regularly upgrade oftware packages by adding improvements and enhancements to create a new ve rsion or release. A new release of a software package, for example, can include drivers ro support a new laser printer or a new type of data srorage technology. In many cases, the vendor receives input and suggestions from current users when planning future upgrades. INPUT FROM OTHER COMPANIES: Using a con11nercial software package means that users in other companies can be contacted ro obtain their input and impressions. Tryi ng rhe package or making a site visit to observe the system in operation may be very usefu l before a final decision is made. Companies can make use of user groups ro share experiences with a software package. 7.3.4 Customizing a Software Package lf the standard version of a software product does not satisfy a company's requirements, the firm can consider adapting rbe package to meet its needs. Three ways to customize a software package are as fo llows: • Purchase a basic package that vendors will customize to suit the project's needs. Many vendors offer basic packages in a standard version with add-on components rhat are configured individually. A vendor offers oprions when the 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 207 7.3 In-House Software Development Options • • standard applicarion will nor sarisfy all customers. A human resources informarion sysrem is a rypical example, because each compan)' handles employee compensation and benefics differently. 1 cgotiatc directly with rhe software vendor to make enhanccmcntS to meet the project's needs by paying for the changes. Purchase the package and make project-specific modifications, if this is permissible under the rerms of the sofrware license. A disadvantage of this approach is that srsrems analysrs and programmers might be unfamiliar with rhe sofnvarc and will need time to learn the package and make the modifications correctly. Addirionally, some advanrages of purchasing a standard package disappear if the product must be cusromized. If the vendor does the customizing, the modified package probably will cosr more and rake longer ro obrain. Another issue is fururc support: Although vendors regularly upgrade their standard software packages, rhey might not upgrade a customized version. In addition, if the modifications are done by the company purchasing the sofrwarc, when a new release of the package becomes available, the company might have to modify the new version on it~ own, because the vendor will not support modifications installed by the customer. 7 .3.S Creating User Applications Business requirements sometimes can be fulfilled by a user application, rather th;in a formal information system or commercial package. User applications arc examples of user productivity systems, which were discussed in Chapcer 1. A user applicalion utilizes standard business s<>ftware, sucb as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel, which has been configured in a specific manner to enhance user productiv1ry. For example, to help a sales rep respond rapidly co customer price requests, an IT support person can sec up a form letter with links to a spreadsheet chat calculates mcencives and discounts. ln addition to configuring the sofnvare, che IT staff can create a user interface, which includes screens, commands, concrols, and features that enable users to interact more effectively with tbe application. In some siruauons, user applications offer a simple, low-cost solution. Mosr IT departments have a backlog of projects, and IT solutions for individuals or small groups do not always receive a high priority. At the same time, application software is more powerful, flexible, and user-friendly than ever. Companies such as Apple and Microsoft offer software suites and integrated applications that can exchange dara with programs that include rurorials, wizards, and H elp features to guide lessexpericnced users who know whar they need to do but do not know how to make it happen. Many companies empower lower-level employees by providing more access to dara and more powerful data management tools. The main objective is co allow lower· level employees more access ro the data rhey rcqUJire to perform their jobs, with no intervenrion from the IT department. This can be accomplished by creating effecrive user interfaces for company-wide applications, such as accounting, inventory, a nd sa les systems. Another technique is to customize standard productivity software, such as Microsoft \'Qo rd or Nlicrosofc Excel, ro create user applications. In either case, empowerment makes the IT deparrment more productive because ir can spend less time responding to rhe daily concerns and da{a needs of users and more rime on high-impact systems development projects rhat support strategic business goals. Empowerment reduces costs and makes good business sense, but Companie chat adopt this approach muse provide the technical support that empowered users require. In mo~t large- and medium-sized companies, a sen ice d~k within the IT .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapte r 7 Development Strategies 7.4 Outsourcing 208 deparnnenr is responsible for providing user support. The service desk offers services such as hotline assistance, training, and guidance to users who need technical help. Users typically requ ire spreadsheets, dacabase management programs, and other software packages to meet t heir information needs. If user applications access corporate data, appropriate controls must be provided to ensure data security and integrity. For example, some files should be hidden totally from view; other-; should have readonly properties, so users can view, bur nor change, the data. CASE lN POINT 7.1: Douc's S1•0RTING Goons Doug's Sporting Goods sells hiking and camping supplies. The company has grown considerably in the past tw0 years. They want to develop a customer order entry system and hired your IT consulting firm to advise them about development strategies. They are leaning toward in-house development because they do not want to depend on outside vendors and suppliers for technical support and upgrades. They also S'irf they are not interested in selling on the Web, but that could change in the future. They want to meet with you tomorrow to make a decision. What will you say to them ac the meeting? 7 .4 OUTSOURCING Outsourcing is the transfer of information sysrems development, operation, or maintenance roan outside firm char provides these services, for a fee, on a temporary or long-term basis. Outsourcing can refer co relatively minor programming tasks: renting software from a service provider, outsourcing a basic business process (often called business process outsourcing, or BPO), or handling a company's enrire IT function. 7.4. 1 The Growth of Outsourcing T raditionally, firms out~ourced IT tasks as a way of controlling coses and dealing \vith r:ipid technologica l change. Oracle cites data that ~hows that businesses spend up ro 80°/o of their IT budgets maintaining existing software and !>Y!>tems, which forces IT managers " ... to spend rime managing tedious upgrade~ in~tead of revenue-generating IT projects." \Xlhile those reasons srilJ are valid, outsourcing has become part of ::1n overall IT strategy for many organizations. T he outsourcing trend abo has ::1ffecred software vendors, who have adjusted their ma rketing accordingly. A fi rm drnr offers outsourcing solutions is called a service provider. Some service providers concentra te on specific software a pplications; others offer business services such as order processing a nd customer billing. Still o thers offer enrerprise-w idc softwa re solutions that integrate and manage functio ns such as accounting, manufacturing, and inventory contro l. Two popular outsourcing options involve application service providers and firms tha t offer Internet business services. These terms are explained in the fo llo wing sections. APPLICATION SERVICE PROVIDERS: An application sen ice provider (ASP) is a firm t ha t delivers a software applica tion, or access to an application, by charging a usage or sub~cription fee. An ASP provides more than a license to use the software; it rents an operational package ro rbe cusromer. ASPs typically provide commercially r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 209 7.4 Outsourcing available sofrwarc such as darabases and accounting packages. If a company uses an ASP ro supply a dara managcmenr package, for example, rhe company does nor have to design, develop, implemenr, or mainrain the package. INTERNET BUSINESS SERVICES: Some firms offer Internet business ~er\ ices (lBSs), which provide powerful web-based support for transactions such a~ order proce sing, billing, and customer relationship managemenr. Another term for IBS is managed hosting, because the outside firm (host) manages system operations. An IBS solunon is attracrive to customers because it offers online data center support, mainframe computing power for mission-critical functions, and universal access via the Internet. Many firms, such as Rackspace, compete in the managed cloud services marker, as shown in Figure 7-5. o,.."'.,.. .._.. . ..,_ ........ -· -- -- --- , .. • .. .. - .. - .... ............_.._____ ........ ....... __... . VDU CllOGSf thf Clouds. Wf'll Ma~ge Tll!m for You. ~ ---- ---- __..... --~----,.. -- ...., .._. _. -- ·- - FIGURE 7-S Rackspace managed cloud services. Sourc.1~ .o;, 7.4.2 Outsourcing Fees Firms thar offer Software as a Service, rather rhan a product, have developed fee structures that are based on how rhe application is used by customers during a specific time period. Several models exist, including fixed fee, subscription, and usage or transaction. A fixed fee model uses a sec fee based on a specified level of service and user support. A subscription model has a variable fee based on the number of users or workstations that have access ro the application. Finally, a usage model or transaction model charges a variable fee based on the volume of transactions or operations performed by the application. When a company considers outsourcing, it should estin1ate usage characteristics co determine which fee structure would be most desirable and tben attempt co negotiate a service provider contract based on that model. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.S Offshoring 210 7.4.3 Outsourcing Issues and Concerns \'(!hen a company decides to outsource IT functions, it takes an imponant srep rhar can affecr the firm's resources, operations, and profitability. IVlission-crirical IT ~ystems should be oursourced only if the resulr is a cosr-anracrive, reliable business solution that fits the company's long-term business strategy and involves an acceprable level of risk. Moving IT work overseas raises even more issue5, including potential concerns about control, culture, communication, and security. In addinon to long-term strategic consequences, outsourcing also can raise some concerns. For example, a company must turn over sensiti\'e data to an external service provider and trust the provider to maintain security, confidentiality, and quality. Also, before oursourcing, a company must carefully review issues relating to insurance, porenrial liability, licensing and information ownership, warranties, and disaster recovery. Mosr important, a company considering outsourcing must realize that the solution ca n be only as good as the outsourcing firm that provides the service. A dynamic economy can give rise to business failures and uncertainty about the furure. ln this climate, it is especially important to review t he history and financial condition of an outsourcing firm before making a commionent. Mergers and acq uisitions a lso caa affect ou tsourcing clients. Even with large, financ ially healthy fi rms, a merger o r acq uisition can have some impact on clients and customers. If stability is importa nt, an outsourcing client shou ld consider these issues. Outsourcing can be especially a ttractive co a company whose volume flucruates widely, such as a defense contractor. In other situations, a company might decide ro outsource application development rasks to an IT consu lring firm if che company lacks the time or expertise to handle the work on its own. Outsourcing relieves a company of che responsibility of add ing IT sta ff in busy rimes and downsizing when the workload lightens. A major disadvantage of outsourcing is rhar it raises emplo>•ee concerns about job security. Talented IT people usually prefer posinons where the firm ts commirred to in-house IT development-if they do nor feel secure, they mighr decide to work directly for the service provider. 7 .5 0FFSHORING Off~horing, also known as offshore o utsourcing or global out~ourcing, refers ro the practice of shifting IT development, support, and operations to other countries. In a trend similar to the outflow of manufacturing jobs over a several-decade period, many firms arc sending IT work overseas. IT work can move offshore even fasrer than manufacturing, because it is easier to ship work across networks and put consultants on airplanes tha n it is to ship bulky raw materia ls, bui ld factor ies, and deal with tariffs and transportation issues. Several years ago, rhe IT consul ting firm Gartner, Inc., accurately forccasted the steady growth of offsho re outsourcing and predicted that outsourcing would evolve from labor-intensive main tenance and support to higher-level systems development and sofrware design. The main reason for offshoring is the same as domestic outsourcing: lower bottom-line co~ts. Offshore outsourcing, however, involves some un ique risks and concerns. For example, wo rkers, customers, and shareholders in some companies have protested this tre nd and have raised public awarenes5 of possible economic impact. Even more important, offshore outsourcing involves unique concerns regarding project control, security iss ues, djsparate cultures, and effecrive communicarion with critical functions rhar might be located halfway around the globe. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 211 7.7 Selecting a Development Strategy CASE IN POINT 7.2: T URNKEY SERVICES Tumkey Services is an ASP that offers payroll and tax preparation services for hundreds of businesses in the Midwest. The finn is considering a major expansion into accounting and financial services and is looking into the possibility of supporting this move by hiring IT subcontractors in several foreign countries. Turnkey's president has asked you to help him reach a decist0n. Specifically. he wants you to cite the pros and cons of offshoring. He wants you to present your views at a meeting of Turnkey managers next week. How will you proceed! 7 .6 SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE In rhe tradirional model, sofrware vendors develop and sell application packages ro customers. Typically, customers purchase licenses chat give t hem the righr to use the software under the terms o f the license agreement. Although this model still acco unts for a large percentage of software acq uisition, a new model, called Software as a Ser vice (SaaS), is changing rhe picture dramaticallly. SaaS is a model of software deploymenr in which an applicarion is hosred as a service provided to customers over rhe lnrerner. SaaS reduces the customer's need for software maintenance, operation, and support. ln effect, SaaS provides the funcrionaliry the customer needs, bur without the associated development, infrasrructure, and maintenance costs. In a highly compentive marketplace, major vendors constantly srrive co deliver new and bercer ltolutions. For example, J\1icrosoft claims rhat irs SaaS plarform offers the best solution and business value. One of their more popular consumer SaaS offering!> is Office 365, shown in Figure 7-6. This is a full-Aedged version of the tvl icro~ofr Office smce char runs in a browser window. :!. -Offo<• Apps Wood hul Documents Reunt - FIGURE 7-6 Microsoft Office 365 provides web-based access to the complete Office suite. SOU'rc~ l"'l tn tC' itp01·14•,, 7. 7 SELECTING A DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Selecting the besr development scrategy is an imporraot decision thac requires companies co consider multiple factors. The syscems analyst has an imporcant role co play in this decision-making process. In particular, anal)'zing the coses and benefics of each development alcernative is a key co providing objective dara co managemenc. A cosc-benefic checklisc can help guide chis analysis. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7. 7 Selecting a Development Strategy 212 7.7. 1 The Systems Analyst's Role Ac ~ome poinc in the systems developmenc process, che company mu~c decide whether m use an oucsourcing option, develop software in-house, acquire a software package, develop u~er applications, or select some combination of these solutions. The dcci~ion depends on che company's currenc and anticipared future needs. It will affccc che remaining SDLC phases and the systems anal)'St's subsequenc involvement in the pro1ect. The decision to develop software in-house, for example, will require more parcic1parion from the sysrems analyst than outsourcing or choosing a commercial p:ickage. ,\lfan:igcment usually makes a determination after receiving wrinen recommendations from the IT staff a nd a formal presentation, which is described later in this chapter. Even a single system can use a mjx of sofrware alternati ves. For example, a company might purchase a standard software package to process its payroll and then develop irs own sofrware to handle tbe interface berween the payroll package and rhc company's in-house manufacturing cost analysis system. The evaluation a nd selection of a lternatives is not a simple process. The objective is co obrnin the product with rbe lowest TCO, but actual cost and performance can be difficult to forecast. When selecting hardware and software, systems analysts often work as an evaluation and selection ream. A team approach ensures that c ritical faccors arc not overlooked and that a sound choice is made. The evalua tion and selection ream also must include users, who \viii participate in rhc selection process and feel a sense of ownership in the new system. The primary objective of the evaluation and selection ream is ro eliminate system alrcrnarivcs that will nor meet requirements, rank the a lternatives rhar arc feasible, and present the viable alternatives to management for a final decision. The process begins wi th a careful srudy of the coses and benefits of each alternative, as explained in rhc following section. 7.7.2 Analyzing Cost and Benefits Financial analysis tools have been around for a long time. From the abacu~ to the pocket calculator, people have always sought easier ways ro work with numbers. This section describes cost and benefit analysis and explains popular roots rhar can help a sysrem~ an::tl)'St examine an IT project. Chapter 2 explained rhar economic feasibility is one of rhe four feasibility mea~uremenrs that are made during the preliminary investigation of a systems request. Now, ar the end of the systems analysis phase of the SDLC, financial analysis rools and rechniques must be applied to evaluate development strategies and decide how the project will move forward. Part C of the Systems Analyst's Toolkit describes three popular rools, which are payback analysis, return on investment (ROI ), and net present value (NPV). Payback ana lysis determines how long it takes an information system co pay for itself through reduced costs and increased benefits. Rclurn o n investmenl (RO I) is a percentage rare that compares the rota! ncr benefits (the return) received from a project to the total costs (the investment) of the project. The net present value (NPV) of a project is the total value of the benefits minus the total value of the costs, with both costs and benefits adjusted ro reflect the point in rime at which they occur. These tools, and others, can be used to determine TCO, which was described in Chapter 4. Ar this stage, the analyst will identify specific systems development srraregies and choose a course of action. For example, a company might find char its TCO will be higher if it develops a system in-house, compared with outsourcing the project or using an ASP. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 213 7.7 Selecting a Development Strategy An accurate forccasr ofTCO is critical, because nearly 80o/o of roral cosrs occur after rhe purchase of rhc hardware and software, according to Carmer, Inc. An IT departmenr can develop irs own TCO escimares or use TCO calculation rools offered by vendor . For example, as hown in Figure 7-7, HP Enterprise offer-; several free TCO calcularors ro dererrnine rhe ROI of various development straregies and migration options. You Buy Once-But You Pay for the Llfecyde ......-.....,.,._.......... ................_._.. .......... ..... __..______ ......_____ .. ___ ...........-... --...,..,,..__....., ....... ..,-"..., n_,._...,..,......._..,,.......,.~.,,"_._... ~ ~.,.,...,_--.,. c..~(TCD) ............ ........ ............ ~ ........... .. ... .. ,,..., ·~ --~ "" ...................... C*:JO ................................................ ~ ..... ._..,...., .. .,...._~--.,.,. .... w __ - WhyS ','nd ..... TCOwtaot•: 1eM1 ~~--_..- ~.-.... UM Ow R-. Mo O' l a rlun TCO - ROI~°'' FIGURE 7-7 HP Enterprise provides se11eral freeTCO calculacon. Sourc..: tt1 r. H 7.7 .3 Cost-Benefit Analysis Checklist Chapter 2 explained how ro use rhe payback analysis tool during the preliminary invescigarion ro help determine whcrher a project is economically feasible. Now, all the financial analy~is rools will be used to evaluate various development strategics. The best way to apply the tools is co develop a cost-bcnefir checklist with rhe following sreps: • • List each development srrarcgy being cons~dcred. Identify all cosrs and benefits for each alterna tive. Be sure to indicate when co~ts will he incurred and benefirs realized. • Consider future growth and the need for scalability. • Include support costs for hardware and software. • Analyze various software licensing oprions, including fixed fees and formulas based on the number of users or transactions. • Apply the finan cial analysis rools to each alremarive. • Srudy the resu lt~ and prepare a report ro management. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapte r 7 Development Strategies 7.8 The Software Acquisition Process 2 14 CASE IN POINT 7.3: STERLING A ssoclATI.S SterlingAssociates specializes in advising dients on IT projeccs and information systems development. Marketing is creating a brochure for prospective new clients, and they want you to develop a section that describes payback analysis, ROI, and NPV in simple tenns and mentions the pros and cons of each financial analysis tool. How do you proceed~ 7.8 THE SOFTWARE ACQUISITION PROCESS Although each situation is different, the following section describes a rypical example of the issues and tasks involved in software acq uisition. Ste p I: Evaluate the Information System Re quireme nts Based on the analysis of the system requirements, the system's key features must be identified; network and web-related issues considered; volume and future growth estimated; any hardware, software, or personnel constraints specified; and an RFP or a quotation prepared. IDENTIFY KEY FEATURES: Whether in-house development or outsourcing options are being considered, the analyst must develop a clear, detailed list of features that can serve as an overall specification for the system. Using the data gathered during fact-finding, which was discussed in Chapter 4, list all system requirements and critical features. T his information will be included in the system rcquiremcnb document, which is cbe end product of the SDLC systems analysis phase. CONSIDER NETWORKANDWEB-RELATED ISSUES: As the system requirements are evaluated, the network and web-related issues must be considered. The analyst must decide whether the system will run on a network, the Internet, or a company intranet and build these requirements into the design. Also, it must be determined whether the system will exchange data with vendor or customer systems and ensure that the system will be compatible. ESTIMATE VOLUME AND FUTURE GROWTH: The analyse needs to know the current volume of transactions and forecast futu re growth. Figure 7-8 shows volume estimates for an ()rder processing system. In addition to current level~ , the figure displays cwo forecasts; one based on the existing order processing procedures and ::inother char assumes a new website is operational. A comp::irison of rhe two forecasts s hows chat the website will genera re more new customers, process almost 80o/o more orders, and substantially reduces the need for sa les rep~ and support staff. If in-house development is being considered, make sure that the software and hardware can handle future transaction volumes and data !.forage requirements. Conversely, if outsourcing is being considered, volume and usage data is es~ential co analyze ASP fee structures and develop coi.t estimates for outsourcing options. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 215 7.8 The Software Acquisition Process Online Order Processing System Estimated Activity During Next 12-Month Period CURRENT LEVEL FUTURE GROW TH (based on ex1sung procedures) FUTURE GROWTH (assuming new website IS operational) Customers 36,500 40,1 50 63,875 Daily Orders l,·435 1,579 2,8 11 Daily Order Lines 7,715 7,893 12.556 Sales Reps 29 32 12 O rder Processing Support Staff 2 4 3 Producu 600 650 900 FIGURE 7-8 Volume estimates for an order processing system showing current activity levels and two forecasts: one based on the existing order processing procedures and another that assumes a new website is operational. SPECIFY HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, OR PERSONNEL CONSTRAINTS: The analyst must determine whether existing hardware, software, or personnel issues wi ll affect the acquisition decision. For example, if the firm has a large number of legacy systems or if an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) strategy has been adopted, these factors will have an impact on the decision. Also, the compa11y's policy regarding outsourcing IT functions mu~t be investigated, and whether outsourcing is pare of a long-rerm straregy. Wirh regard ro personnel issues, in-house sraffing requircmenrs must be defined to develop, acquire, implement, and maintain the system-and determine whether the compan}' is willing to commit to those staffing levels versus an oursourcmg opnon. PREPARE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR QUOTATION: To obtain the informa- cion needed to m:ike a decision, che analyst should prepare an RFP or an RFQ. The two documencs are similar but used in different sicuacions, based on whether or not a specific software produce has been selected. A request for proposal (RFP) is a documeot that describes the company, lists the IT services or products needed, and specifies the features required. An RFP helps ensure char the organizarion's business needs will be met. An RFP also spells out the service and support levels required. Based on the RFP, vendors can decide if rhey have a produce that will meet the company's needs. RFPs vary in size and complexity, just like the systems they describe. An RFP for a large system can contain dozens of pages with unique requirements and features. An RFP can be used to designate some features as essential and others as desirable. An RFP also requests specific pricing and paymcnr terms. There are several online sources where RFP templates can be found. When several responses to an RFP are evaluared, it is helpful to use an evaluation model. An evaluation model is a technique that uses a common yardstick to measure and compare vendor ratings. Figure 7-9 s hows two evaluation models for a network project. The evaluation model at the top of the figure simply lists the key elements and each vendor's score. The model at the bottom of the figure adds a weight factor. ln this example, each element receives a rating based on its relative importance. Although the initial scores are the same 111 both models, note that vendor A has rhc highest point total in the top example, bur ,·endor C emerges as the besr in the wcighred model. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- .............. __.... -- ........... ...... . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. ........... ... ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.8 The Software Acquisition Process 216 Unweighte d Evaluation Model for a Network Project Inst ructions: Rate each vendor on a scale from I (low) to I 0 (high). then add vendor scores to calculate total points. V ENDO R C 2 s s 8 Layout/Design 8 8 5 References 10 6 3 TOTAL POINTS 26 24 25 Price 6 Completion Date 9 Weighte d Evaluation Model for a Network Project Instruc tio n s: Rate each vendor on a scale from I (low) to I 0 (high), then multiply the vendor's score by the weight factor. Add vendor scores to calculate tot.ii points. ~~~~~~~- -~~~~~~~ WEIGHT FACTOR VENDOR A VENDOR B VENDOR C Price 25 6 * 25=150 5 * 25 = 125 9 . 25 = 225 Compledon Date 25 2 * 25 = so 5 " 25 = 125 8 . 25 = 200 Layout/Deslp 35 8 * 35 =280 8 . 35 = 280 s .. 35 = 175 References IS 10 * IS= ISO 6 * 1S = 90 3 * IS = 4S TOTAL POINTS 100 630 620 645 FIGURE 7 -9 The three vef\dors have che same initial raungs, but the two evaluauon models produce different results. In the unweighted model at the top of the figure, vendor A has the highest toal points. However. after applying we1ghong factors., vendor C is the winner. as shown in the model at the bottom of the figure. o standard method exists for assigning the weight factors. Each firm will have its own approach, which might be tailored to fit a specific situation. An analyse usu· ally obtains as much input as possible and then circulates proposed values for further comment and, hopefully, a consensus. Evaluation models are valuable cools that can be used throughout the SDLC. A spreadsheet program can be used to build an evaluation model, experiment with different weighting factors, and graph the results. A request for quotation (RFQ) is more specific than an RFP. When an RFQ is used, the speci fie product or service desired is already known; only price quotations or bids a rc needed. RFQs can involve outright purchase or a variety of leasing options and can include maintenance or tech.nical support terms. Some vendors even provide convenient RFP o r RFQ forms on their websites. RFPs and RFQs have the same objective: to obtain vendor replies that are clear, comparable, and responsive, so that a well-informed selection decision can be made. Step 2: Identify Potential Vendors or Outsourcing Options The next step is to identify potential vendors or outsourcing providers. The Internet is a primary marketplace for all IT products and services, and descriptive information can be found on the web abour all major products and acquisition alrernacives. ~- )U, - Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 217 7.8 The Software Acquisition Process If vercical applications for specific industries need ro be locared, industry rrade journals or websites can be used to find reviews for industry-specific sofrware. Industry trade groups can often provide referrals to companies that offer specific software solutions. Another approach 1 to work with a consulting firm. Many IT consulranrs offer specialized services chat help companies select somvare packages. A major advantage of using a consultant is that rhe analyst can tap into broad experience that is difficult for any one company to acquire. Consultants can be located by contacting profcsional organizations or industry sources or simply b)' searching the Internet. Using a consulranr involves additional expense but can prevent even more costly misrakes. No matter what rhe topics of interest are, there are sure to be one or more on line forum s where people gather to meet, offer support, and exchange ideas. Forums can be hosted by private or public entities, or reside in larger communities such as Google Groups or Reddit, which allow users to join existiug groups or start their own. A web search can locate forums of interest, or the websites of specific companies, such as Microsoft, and can provide a valuable source of information for IT professionals, including biogs, forums, webcasts, and other resources, as shown in Figure 7-10. ·~I '--- - Alie ""' Mlaooofl c - n i t y. w.·,. here to help! --= - - 0 ,~ DJ - 0 -- --- --e ---co --e ~ -·- CJ. L> .. FIGURE 7- 10 Microsoft Community is a valuable resource for IT professionals. Sovt<tet ~ .. ,. "" Step 3: Evaluate the Alternatives After identifying the a lternatives, the analyst must select the one that best firs the company's needs. Information abou t the options should be obtained from as many sources as possible, including vendor presentations and literature, product documcntarion, trade publications, a nd companies that perform software testing and evaluation. To learn more abour particular software packages, search rhe Internet using keywords that describe the application. Websites maintained by consu ltants and ~ofr­ ware publishers often include product references and links to vendors. As parr of the evaluation process, try ro obtain information from existing users, tesr the application, and benchmark the package. EXISTING USERS: Existing users can be contacted to obtain feedback and learn abour their experiences. For large-scale software packages, ASPs and vendors typically .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.8 The Software Acqu isition Process 218 supply user references. User references are important because it must be known whether the software package has worked well for similar companies. Be aware that some vendors limit their reference lists to satisfied clients, so mostl y positive feedback should be expected from those firms. APPLICATION TESTING: If a software package is one of the options, find out if it is possible for users in the organization to try the product. For horizontal applications or small systems, using a den10 copy to enter a few sample transacnons could be an accepcable test. For vertical applications or large systems, a team of IT staff and users might need several days or weeks to perform rests. BENCHMARKING: To determine whether a package can handle a certain transac- tion volume efficienrly, a benchmark rest can be performed. A benchmark measures the time a pack;"tge takes co process a certain number of rrnnsacrions. For example, a benchmark rest can measure the time needed to post l,000 sales rransacrions. If benchmarks arc used, remember that a benchmark rest is conducted in a controlled environment, which might no t resemble the actual dtiy-ro-day situation tit the project's company. Although benchmarking cannot predict project-specific resu lts, benchmark resting is a good way co measure relative performance of cwo or more competing produces in a srandard environment. Many IT publications publish regular reviews of individutil ptickages, including benchmark rests, and ofcen have annual surveys covering various categories of sofcwarc. Most of rhe publications now offer online and mobile versions, wich addicional features, search capabiliry, and IT Links. lnform<uion can also be obcained from independent firms that benchmark various software packages and sell comparative analyses of the results, as shown m Figure 7- 11. The Transticrion Processing Performance Council {TPC) is an ex.·unple of a nonprofit organization that publishes standards and repons for its members and the general public. TPC -·-·-·-· ·---- ·--··Gctxwl ----· ~ - (1 AHO::i , 1(1,1f1, '" CISCO e - ~ .If- FUJITSU IBlt IOSpur - - - TTA i...,_,m - FIGURE 7-1 I The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) is a nonprofit organizauon chat publishes sundards and reports for Its members and the general public. Sour«:.. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . • '"'~~ '1""'Nl' Cb.t'llt.(:C I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 219 7.9 Completion of Systems Analysis Tasks Finally, each package should be marched against the RFP features and rank the choices. If some features are more important rhan others, give them a higher weight using an evaluation model similar to rhe one shown in Figure 7- 11. Step 4: Perform Cost-Benefit Analysis Review the suggesrions in chis chapter and in Part C of che Systems Analyst's Toolkir to develop a preadsheet ro idenrify and calculate TCO for each option being considered. Be sure to include all cosrs, using rhe volume forecasts prepared. If outsourcing options are being considered, carefully study the alternative fee structure models described earlier. If possible, prepare charts to show the resulrs graphically, and build in what-if capab1liry so rhe impact of one or more variables changing can be gauged. If a software package is being considered, be sure to consider acquisition options. When software is purchased, a ~oftware license is being boughL that give~ the purchaser the right to use the software under certain cerms and conditions. For example, rhe licen~e could a llow the software ro be used only on a single computer, a specified number of computers, a network, or an entire site, depending on the terms of the agreement. Other license restrictions could prohibit making the soft\vare available to others or modifying the program. For desktop applications, software license terms and conditions usually cannot be modified. For large-scale systems, license agreement terms often can be nt::gotiated. Also consider user support issues, which can account for a significant part of TCO. If an outsourcing alternative is selected, rhe arrangement probably will include cer· rain technical support and maintenance. !I in-house development is chosen, the cost of providing these services musr be considered. lI a software package is purchased, consider a supplemental maintenance agreement, which offers additional support and assistance from the vendor. The agreement might provide full support for a period of time or list specific charges for particular services. Some sofnvare packages provide free technical support for a period of rime. Atterward, support is offered with a charge per occurrence, or per minute or hour of technical support time. Some software vendors contact registered owners whenever a new release is available and usually offer the new release at a reduced price. Step S: Prepare a Recommendation T he anal)'St should prepare a recommendation that evaluates and describes rhe alternatives, together with the coses, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of each option. At this point, it may be required to submit a formal system requirements document and deliver a presentation. Review the suggestions for presenting written proposals and oral presentations in Part A of the Sysrems Analyst's Toolkit. Additional suggestions about preparing the system requirements document and the management presenrarion are contained in the followi ng section. 7. 9 COMPLETION OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS TASKS To complete the systems analysis phase, the a nal)'St muse finalize the system requirements document, present their findings co management, a nd begin the transition ro systems design. 7.9. 1 System Requirements Document The system requirements document contains the requiremenrs for the new !>)'Stem, describes rhe alternarives that were considered, and makes a specific recommendation to management. This important document is the starring point for measuring the .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 220 7.9 Completion of Systems Analysis Tasks performance, accuracy, and completeness of the finished system before entering the systems design phase. The system requirements document is like a contract that identifies what the system developer mu t deliver co users. Recall chat system requirements are identified during the fact-finding process, and a system requirements checklist is c reated at char nme. Various examples of system requiremenrs are listed in C hapter 4. The i.ystem requirements document should be written in language that users can underscand so they can offer input, suggest improvements, and approve the final version. Because the system requirements document can be lengthy, they should be formatted and organized, so it is easy co read and use. The system requirements document should include a cover page and a detailed cable of contents. An index and a glossary of terms can be added to make the document easier to use. The content of the system requirements document will depend on the company and the complexiry of the system. 7.9.2 Presentation to Managem e nt The presentation tO management at tthe end of the systems analysis phase is one of the most criric::il milestones in rhe systems development process. At this point, managers make key decisions that affect the future development of the system. Prior to a management presentation, two ocher presentations may be given: one co the principal individuals in the IT department co keep chem posted, and another pre· sentation to users co answer their questions and invite feedback. The system requirements document is the basis for all three presentations, and it (or a summary) should be distributed in advance so the recipients can review it. \Xr'hen preparing the presentation, review the suggestions in Part A of the Systems Analyst's Toolkit, which can help design and deliver a successful presentation. If a slide presentation is planned, review the Toolkit guidelines for effective presentations. In addition to rhe rechniques found in the Toolkit, also keep rhe following suggestions in mind: • • • • • Begin che presentation with a brief overview of the purpose and primary objectives of the system project, the objectives of thjs presentation, and what decisions need to be made. ummarize rhe primary viable alternatives. For each a lternati ve, describe rhe coses, advanrages, and clisadvantages. Explain why the evaluation and selection team chose the recommended a!tern:. rive. Allow rime for discussion and for questions and answers. Obtain a final decision from 1nanagemenr or agree on a timcrablc for rhe next step in rhe process. The objecr of the management presenrarion is to obtain approval for the develop· ment of the system and to gain management's full support, including nece)sary financial resources. Managemenr probably will choose one of five alternatives: develop an in-house system, modify a currenr system, purchase or customize a software package, perform additional systems analysis work, or stop all further work. Depending on their decision, the next task of rhe systems analyst will be one of the following: • lm plemenr an oursourcing alternative. If oursourcing is selected, the analyse will work with representatives of the service provider to achieve a smooth transition to the new environment. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. I' I Phase 2 Systems A nalysis 221 7.9 Completion of Systems Analysis Tasks • • Develop an in-house system. Begin systems design tasks, as described in Chapters 8, 9, and 10. Purchase or customize a software package_ Negotiate the purchase terms with the software vendor for management approval. Then, if the package will be used without modification, the analyst can begin planning the systems implementation phase. If modifications must be made to the package, the next step is to start the systems design phase. If the vendor will make the modifications, then the analyst's next step is to start planning the testing and documentation of the modifications as part of the systems implementation phase, which is described in Chapter l l. • Perform additional S)1Stems analysis work. Management might want the analyse to invesngace certai n alternatives further, explore alternatives nor examined, develop a prototype, reduce the project scope because of cost constraints, or expand the project scope based on new developments. If necessary, the analyst will perform the additional work and schedule a follow-up presentation. • Stop a ll further work. The decision mighr be based on the analyst's recommendation, a shift in priorities or costs, or for o ther reasons. Wha tever rhe reason, if that is managemcm's decision, then there are no additional tas ks for the project o ther than ro file a ll the research in a logical location, so it can he retrieved if the project is reopened in the furure. After the presenrarion and management decision, the project will begin a transition to the S)'Stems design phase of the SDLC. If an in-house system is being developed, or a package is being modified, a model of the proposed system wiU be built, and the analyst will srart designing the user interface, output, input, and dara structures. 7.9.3 Transition to Systems Design In a traditional SDLC environment, systems design usually scarred when the systems analysis phase was done. Using the system requirements specification as a blueprint, developers transformed the logical design inro a working model that could be rested, reviewed by users, and implemented. Today, the process is much more dynamic. In general, systems developmen t is faster, more flexible, and more user oriented. The introduction of agile development has changed rhe landscape significantly. Depending on the project, system developers often blend tradirional and cutting-edge development methods, because what works in one siruarion might nor work in another. This textbook discusses systems analysis in Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 and systems design in Chapters 8, 9, and 10. However, in a typical IT workplace, a ll these tasksand more-are inregrated and managed together. Regardle~s o f the developmenr method, systems design requires accurate documentation. Traditio nall y, a sy!>tem requirements document provided detai led specificatio ns for output, input, dara, processes, and whatever else was needed. Although agile merhocli. do not require :.t particular form of documenta tion, a s uccei.~ful develo pment team must understand and record user requirements as they evolve during the project. A logical design defines what must rake place, nor how it will be accomplished. Logical designs do nor address the actual methods of implementation. In contrast, a physical design is like a set of blueprints for the actual constructio n of a building. Typically, a physical design describes the acrual processes of entering, verifying, and scoring data; the physical layout of data files and sorting procedures; the format of reports; and so on. Because logical and physical designs are related so closely, good systems design is impossible wirhour careful, accurate systems analysis. For example, .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies 7.10 Summary 222 the analyst migh t return ro fact-finding if it was discovered that an important issue was overlooked, if users had significant new needs, or if legal or governmental requirements c hanged. A junior analyst at a medium-sized IT consulting firm has been asked by her manager to draft a response to an RFP from a large company that is seeking IT consulting services in connection with a new accounting system. As the analyst worked on the RFP. she noticed a specific question about her firm 's recent experience on this type of system. To the best of her knowledge. the firm has only worked on one other accounting project in the past three years. When the manager saw the analyst's draft response, he was upset about the way she answered the question."You don't have to be quite that candid," he said. " Even though we only had one formal project, we do have several people who worked on accounting systems before they came here." "Yes," the analyst replied," But that isn't what the question is asking." As he left her office, the manager's final comment was, "If we wan t that job, we' ll have to come up with a better answer." Thinking about it, the analyst isn't comfortable with anyth ing but a straight answer. Is th is an ethical question? What are her options! 7. I 0 SUMMARY This chapter described system development strategies and the preparation and presentation of the system requirements document. Traditional systems must function in various hardware and software environments, be compatible with legacy systems, and operate within the constraints of company nerworks and desktop computing capability. Such systems utilize Internet links and resources as enhancements. In contrast, Internet-based systems treat the web as the platform, rather than just a communication channel. Many large companies use web-based systems co handle enterprise-wide applications. Compared to traditional systems, web-based systems are more scalable, less dependent on specific hardware and software, and more adaptable to outsourcing the operation and support of a software application. Systems analysts must consider •veb-based development environments such as .NET, M ERN, and various outsourcing options, including ASPs and IBSs. ASPs charge subscriprion fees for providing application sofrware packages. IBSs offer powerful web-based servers, software hosti ng,, a nd IT support services ro customers. The web generation called Web 2.0 is fueling the expansion of information sharing, user collaborarion, and social networking applications such a~ Twiner, Linkedfn, and Faccbook. Another development, called cloud computing because of the commonly used cloud symbol for the Internet, describes an overall online software and data environment, powered by supercomputer technology that i the ultimate form of SaaS. If a company chooses to handle ics own software development needs, it can create in-house systems or purchase (and possibly customize) commercially available software packages from a software vendor or VAR. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ I' I P hase 2 Systems A nalysis 223 7.10 Summary Compared with developing an in-house system, an existing commercial software package can be an arrractive alrernative, because a package generally costs less, takes less time to implement, has a proven track record, and is upgraded frequently. In-house development or customizing a software package might be the best choice when a standard software package cannot meet specific business requirements or constraints. In addition to customizing software packages, companies can create user applications based on standard software that has been specially configured ro enhance user producnvity. An 11nporcanr trend that views SaaS, rather than a product, has created new developmenr options. SaaS 1s a model of software deployment in which an application is hosted as a service provided to customers over the lnterner. Offshoring, :ilso known :is offshore outsourcing or global 011tso11rc111g, refers to the practice of shifting TT development, support, and operations co other countries. In a trend similar co the ourflow of manufacturing jobs over :1 several-decade period, many firms are sending IT work overseas. The main reason for offshoring is the same as domestic outsourcing: lower borrom-line costs. Offshore outsourcing, however, involves some unique risks and concerns. The systems analyst's role in the software development process depends 011 the specific development strategy. In-house development requires much more involvement than outsourcing or choosing a commercial package. The most important facror in choosing a development strategy is TCO. Financial analysis tools include payback analysis, which determines how long it takes for a system co pay for itself through reduced costs and increased benefits; ROI, which compares a project's total return with its total coses; and NPV, which analyzes the value of a projecr by adjusting cosrs and benefits to reflecc che rime thar they occur. The process of acquiring software involves a series of steps: Evaluate the system requiremenrs, consider network and web-related issues, identify potential sofnvarc vendors or outsourcing options, evaluate the alternatives, perform cost-benefit analysis, prepare a recommendation, and implement the solution. During software acquisition, a company can use an RFP or an RFQ. An Rf P invices vendors ro respond to a list of &)·stem requirements and features; an RFQ seeks bids for a specific product or service. The S)'~tem requirements document is the deliverable, or end produce, of the systems analysis phase. The document derails all system requirements and constraints, recommends the best ~olution, and provides cost and time estimate~ for future development work. The sr~rem requirements document is t11e basis for the management presentation. At chis poim, the firm might decide to develop an in-house sy~tem, modify the current system, purchase or customize a software package, perform additional systems analysis work, or stop all further work. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 7 Development Strategies Key Terms 224 Ke y Te rms applicauon \Ct\ ice pro' idtl (ASP) A finn chm delivers a wfrware applicauon, or aC(c.,s IO an appltcarion, h) chargoni; a u-.ai:c or 'ub..cnpnon fee. h.,nchmark A mea\urc<. of rhe rime a package rak~ ro procc<s a certain numhcr of tram.1c11on,, hu1ld or buy A choice between developmg 10-house sofrware and pur.:hasmg software, often called a but Id or bu)', or make or buy, decision. bu<ine<< procc<~ our<ourcing !BPOl The oucsourcing of a basic busin~s process. See a/50 outsourcing. cloud computing An online <;<>ftware and da-i:a em~ronmenc in which applicanon' and 'crvice' arc Jcce<.-cd and used ch rough an lncerner connection rather than on a local rnmpucer; refer> co the cloud .,ymhol for the Internet. evaluation .ind 'ck-.:tion team A group of people involved in ~deurni: h.irdwa rc and >Oft ware:. The group 111dudc' \)"tcm~ analy>t\ and users. A team a pproac:h cmurc' 1ha1 cnrical fnctor' arc nor overlooked and that a sound choice is made. evaluation model A technique rba r uses a common yardstick to mci1sure and comp.ire vendor ratings. fixed fee model A service model thar charges a sec fee based on a specified level of service and user supp0rt. forum An on line di,cu,,ion on a parcicular copic, where people mecl, offer >upport, and e>echani;e idea,, glob.ii out.,ourdni: The pracrke of ohifting IT development, >upport, and operation' w other countries. boruon1al application A software pJckage char can be used by man) d1ffercm types of organwmons. in-bouic >Oft\\ arc An mfonnation cenrer or help desk wubin the 11 dep.rnmem resp0ns1ble for providmg user supporr and offering sen-ices such as hodme ass1sr.111ce, tr.lllltng, and gu1d.1ncc ro users who need teduuc.il belp. Internet hu'1nC\\ \cn;cc\ (IBS' Scn•iccs rhar provide powerful wcb-bao,cd \upport for iran•action• •uch a• order pmce<smg, billing, and customer relariomhip management. l~ical dc,ign The definition of an information system's fun~-rions and feature-., and rhc relanon,hip< among ir, componenn.. maintcnam:e agr.'Cmeot A >pecification of the condiuons, ch.uge;, .ind tune fr.une for u>efi to com.1ct the vendor for assistance when che)' have system problems or quesuons. mal..c or bu~ The choice between de,eloping in-house sofcware and purchasmg soft\\Jre often 1s called a make or buy, or bm ld or buy, deos1on. man.1gcd ho,t1ng 1\n opcrarion 1< managed by the oursidc firm, or hem. t\nothcr term for me;., middlcware Software rhat connects dissimilar applications and enables them to commun1cacc and e-ichangc data. For exnrnple, rniddleware can link a deparnnentnl darnba'e to a wch server rhn r can be aClC>~ed by tlienr computers via the Tnrcmet or a company intranct. mobile dc,·icc )nrnrtphones, cablers, and orb.er computing devices t bar Jre nor permanenrly terhered ro a desk. T hey connect to 1he ncrwork wirelessly. nc1 present l'alue (Nl'V} The rocal va lue of rhe beneffrs minus the tota l v.1lue of the coqs, w ith both the cost~ and benefits being adjusted to reAecr the poinr in tome .it which t hey occur. off~horc outmurcini: The practice of shifting IT development, su pport, and operation~ m orhcr coumrie~. uff.,horing See nff'ihorc out~ourcing. outwun.;ng Tbe transfer of information systems development, operJuon, or mamrenance tO an out~ide tmn rbat pro\ldc; the~e ser\1ces, for a fee, on a temporary or long-term ba~•~. p.i)b;icl.. anal~s·~ A deremurumon of ho\\ long it ca kes an informanoo sy~tcm to pa) for uself through reduced costs and increased henefirs. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw I' I I Phase 2 Systems Analysis 225 Key Terms ph},ical d~illJI A plan for che actual 1mplememarion of che system. requc\t for propo.,.al (RFP) A wrinen Im of fearures and specificarioru. gi•en co pro>pe<:llve vendor:. before a >pc.:ific product or pa~kaj\e has been ~b.'ted. requto't for 1.1uot.auon (RI Q u.,cd 10 obtain a pnce quotanon or bid on a \pcctfic produu or packaj\e. return on Ul\C\tmcm (ROI) A percemage rate that measure!. profitabw!} by comparing the total net benefirs (the return ) received from a pro1ecr ro rhe roral costs (rbe mvescment) of r:he project. ROI = (rotal bcncfirs - 1otal cosrs)/total cosrs. ~en-ice d~k A centra lized resource staffed by IT professionals char provides users with the supporr they need ro do cbeir )Obs. Also called help desk. •en ice prm 1der A firm rhnr offer, oursourdng solucion~. Two popular outsourdng option., involve ASP~ and finm that offer IRS, . Software J\ a )crvice (\an\) A mu<ld of >ofrwa re <lel i,•cry in which funcrionn liry i, <ldiverc<l 1111 demand '"a ncrwurk-accc''ihlc '>Crvicc, ra ther rhan a' a tradicional ,o ftwa rc applica tion that ;, duwnlondcd and in,ta llcd on the cusrnmcr\ compmcr. sofcwarc license J\ legal agreemeni thar gives users rhe right rouse rhc software under certain cerms nnd condirions. softwMe pack.1gc ~frware that is purch.ised or leased from another firm. A corumercit1Uy produced softw.tre produce. or fonuly or producrs. '>'tcm requirement' Jo.:umcnt A uo<;ument rhat cunrains the requirement' for the new 'Y'tem, dc...:ribe' the altcmattve' thar were considered, and makes a •pccific rccommcndattun to mana11cmcnt. It ;, rhc end producr of rhe 'Y'rcm< nn'11y<i< pha<c. ,ofn,arc 'cndnr Company rh;ir de,·clops <ofr:ware for <ale. subscription model A sen-ice model that charges a ,·ari<lble fee for an application based on the number of users or worksrauons char haH' acctss ro che application. cram.i.:uon model A sen-ict model r:hat charges a variable fee for an applicauon based on rhe \Olume of transacuoos or oper.mons performed by rhe appltcacion. Also called a usage model. u,aitc model Su cran,action model . u~cr apploc.111un Progra1m 1ha1 utili1c ;randard bu~ine>s •oftwarc, •uch a> Mivowft Offilc, wh"h ha' been confil\urcd in a •pec1fic manner ro enhance user product1v1ry. mer interface Includes screens, commands, controls, and fea rures rhar enable users to mrernet more effectively with an applicanon. See <1/so graphical user interface (GUI). ' 'alU•'-addcd rc-.dlcr (VAR ) A firm t ha t enhances a commercial package by adding custom feature~ and conf1gunng 11 for a parucular md usrry. vertical application A ,oftwan: package that has been develo ped ro handle informnrion requirement\ for a •pcc1fic rype of bu,i ne,~. \\'ch 2.0 A ' ccond 11cncr:irio n of 1hc web ihnt enables people to collaborate, interact, Jnd ,h,irc on formation much more dynamically, ba~ed on con cinuo usly avai lable user applications rather than Sto rie HTML. web page~. lnrcracrivc experience is n ha llmark ofWeh 2.0. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 7 Development Strategies Exercises 226 Exercises Questions I. List three characreristics each of rraditional and web-based development. 2. How does cloud computing support Web 2.0 applications? 3. Why would a company choose in-house sofrware de,·elopment? 4. \Vhat 1s outsourcing? 5. List two reasons offshoring may be risky. 6. What is SaaS? 7. What i!> the primary objeetive of the evaluation and selection team in ~electing a development strategy? 8. What are the five steps in rhe sofcware acquisition process? 9. What is an RFP, and how does it differ from an RFQ? 10. Explain the relationship between logical and physical design. Discussion Topics I. How has the prolifcrarion of mobile devices affected IT professionals? 2. A~ more companies outsource systems development, will there be less need for in-house system~ analysts? Why or why not? 3. Select a financial SaaS applicarion, and describe its main features. 4. Suppose you rned to explain the concept of weighted evaluation models to a manager, and she responded by asking, "So, how do you set the weight factors? ls it just a subjecti\'e guess?" I low would you reply? 5. What decisions might managemenr reach at rhe end of the systems analysis phase, and what would be the next step in each case? Projects I. lnvestigate the ROI of cloud-based software development environments. 2. t-.1any financial cools :ire developed using t-.1icrosoft E.xcel. ldeotlfy three applications builr usmg Excel, and describe how the)' are used in an organization. 3. Visit the IT deparnnem ar your school or at a local company, and dercrmine wherhcr the sysrcms were developed in-house or purchased. If packages were acquired, find our whar customizing was done, if any. Write a brief memo describing the results. 4. Profile three companies rhat provide offshore sofcware development services. 5. Various firms and organizations offer IT benchmarking. Locate an example on the Internet, and describe its ~crv i ces. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ PHASE SYSTEMS DESIGN Systems design Is the third of five phases in the systems development life cycle. In the previous phase, systems analysis, a logical model of the new system was developed. The output of that phase, the system requirements document, is used as input to the systems design phase, where a physical design is created that satisfies the system requirements. The components of a system are interdependent; therefore, the design phase Is not a series of clearly defined steps. Although work may start in one area, it is possible to be working with several different elements at the same time. For example, a decision to change a report format might require changes in data design or input screens. The design checklist will Include the user interface, input and output procedures, data design, and system architecture. At the end of this phase, the analyst prepares a systems design specification and delivers a presentation to management. The goal of systems design is to build a system that is effective, reliable, and maintainable: • A system is effective if it supports business requirements and meets user needs. • A system is reliable if it handles input errors, processing errors, hardware failures, or human mistakes. A good design will anticipate errors. detect them as early as possible, make it easy to correct them, and prevent them from damaging the system itself. Other characteristics of a reliable system include it being available nearly all of the time and proper backups maintained in case of system failure. • A system is maintainable if it is flexible, scalable, and easily modified. Changes might be needed to correct problems, adapt to user requirements, or take advantage of new technology. Chapter 8 focuses on user interface design. This includes human-computer interaction, seven habits of successful interface designers, guidelines for user interface design, source document and form design, printed output, technology issues, security and control issues. and emerging trends. Chapter 9 focuses on the data design skills that are necessary for a systems analyst to construct the physical model of the information system. This includes DBMS components, web-based design. data design terms, entity-relationship diagrams, data normalization, codes, data storage and access. and data control. Chapter I 0 focuses on system architecture, which translates the logical design of an Information system into a physical blueprint. This includes an architecture checklist. the evolution of system architecture, client/server architecture, the impact of the Internet, e-commerce architecture, processing methods, network models, wireless networks, and systems design completion. 227 r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 8 User Interface Design • • ••• • •• • •••• ••••••••••• ••••• • •• ••••• • ······----···· ·····---··-·· ...... - ····· ---· -- User Interface Design Chapte r 8 is the first of three chapters in the systems design phase of the SDLC. User Interface design is the first task in this phase. Designing the interface is extremely important because everyone wants a system that is easy to learn and use. This chapter explains how to design an effective user Interface and how to handle data security and control issues. The chapter stresses the importance of user feedback and involvement in all design decisions. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help con textualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" considers the ethical (and possibly legal) constraints on how far the creative work of others can be used without crediting the source. for example, In the design of a company's website. LEARNING OBJECTIVES When you fi11is/1 this chapter, you s/Jould be able to: CONTENTS 1. Explain user interfaces 2. Explain che concept of hum:m-computer imeracrion, including user-friendly interface design 3. Summarize th e seven habits of successful interface designers 4. Summarize rhe 10 guidelines for user interface design 5. Design effective source documents a nd forms 6. Explain printed output report design guidelines and principles 7. Describe three types of printed output reports 8. Discus~ output and input technology issues 8 . 1 User Interfaces 8.2 Human-Computer lntcracuon Case in Point 8.1: Casual Observer Software 8 .3 Seven Habir5 of Successful lncerfoce Designers 8 .4 Guidelines for User lncerfoce Design Case in Poinr 8.2: Boolean Toys 8.5 Source Documenc and Form Design 8.6 Printed Output Case in Point 8.3: Laty Eddie 8 . 7 Technology Issues 8 .8 Securiry and Co ntrol Issues 8. 9 Emerging Trends A Question of Ethics 8.10 Summar y Key Terms Exercises 9. Describe output and input security and conrrol issues 10. Explain emerging user interface trends, including modular design, responsive web design, and prototyp e~ r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase l Systems Design 229 8.1 User Interfaces 8.1 USER INTERFACES A u~er interface (UT) describes how users interact with a computer system and consisrs of all the hardware, software, screens, menus, functions, output, and features that affect rwo-way communications between the user and the computer. The user interface is the key t0 usability, which includes user satisfaction, support for busines~ functions, and system effectiveness. Traditionally, a chapter on user interface design started wirh a discussion of ourput because ourpur •~ whar u~ers rouched, viewed, and needed to do their jobs. Today, the situation is different, for several important reasons: • Users can design their own output. System designers are more aware of user needs and desires. A system can maintain dara integrity and still allow users ro view, sorr, filrcr, and examine dara in any way that helps them do rheir jobs. There was a rime when rhe MIS depanmenr made those choices and users had little or no ~ay in the matter. Today, successful applicarions are designed quite differently-the system developer identifies user needs and then creates a design that will s:icisfy users and meet corporate requirements. • Centralized IT departments no lo nger produce reams of printed reports. Those reports often gathered dust while sitting on top of file cabinets. \Xlhile a few examples mighr persist, the overwhelming trend has been to customer-designed output. The customer might be an individual user, or a community of users, such as a department. As Chapter 4 pointed out, the IT team must undersrand user requiremcnrs before creating a solution. • The user inrcrfacc itself has evolved into a rwo-way channel, with powerful output capability, and most user information needs can be met wirh creen-generated darn, which a user can print, view, or save. Well into the 1980s and be)·ond, a user incerface was a blank character-based screen, which mighr or mighc nor offer menu choices. ff a user entered a command improperly, che system responded w1rh an error message, which frustrated u ers and stifled product1v1ry. ~1any hardware-cenrric vendors did not understand the imporrance of the user mrerface and irs implications. Apple was a pioneer in user interface development, introducing the graphical user interface (GUI), complete with mouse and screen icons, in the early 1980s. At char point, nor many companies were ready for this concept. When software giant Microsoft finally jumped on rhe GUI bandwagon with its Windows~ operating sysrem, the corporate doors swung open, and everyone from managers on down said, "How did we ever do without chis?" Many indu~try leaders believe chat rhe besr interfaces are the ones that users do not even notice-they make sense because they do what user!> expect them ro do. For example, as :.hown in Figure 8- J, Apple believes that designing an exceptiona l user incerfoce is essentia l to a !>uccessful app. Apple has long di~cinguished itself from it5 competitor~ by the incuiciveness of its produces. Apple's command of che marker suggests that consumers are willing to pay a premium for products that "ju~t work." When developing older systems, analysts typically designed all tbe printed and screen output firsc and then worked on the inputs necessary to produce the re~ults. Often, the user interface mainly consisted of process-control screenl> chat allowed the user co send commands to rhe syscem. Thar approach worked well with tradirional systems that simply cransformcd input data into structured output. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 8.2 Human -Computer Interaction 230 - - - - Designing for iPhone Leam how to opi.,..ze the design of your app °'game l0t the al-screen displays or 1Phone Xs, 1Phone Xs Max, end 1Phone XA Down.,,.d, FIGURE 8 - 1 Apple has long been a. leader in creating elegant user Interlaces for Its products. SOUi"(~ ~ .\- In< As information management evolved from centraJized darn proces~ing to dynamic, enterprise-wide systems, rhe primary focus also shifted-from rhe IT department to the users themselves. The IT group became a supplier of information technology, rather than a supplier of information. Today, tbe main focus is on users within and outside the company, how they communicate with the information system, and how the system supports the firm's business operations. In a user-centered system, the distinction blurs between inpur, output, and the interface itself. Most users work with a varied mix of input, screen ourput, and data queries as the}' perform their day-to-day job fw1ctions. Because all those casks require inrcraction with rhe compurer system, the user inrerface is a vital eleme nt in the S)'Stems design phase. User interface design requires an understanding of human-computer interaction and user-centered design principles, which are discussed in rhe next section. 8.2 HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION A user interface is based on basic principles of human-computer inreracrion. Human-computer interaction (H Cij describes tbe relationship between computers and the people who use rhcm ro perform rheir jobs, like the worker shown in Figure 8-2. HCTconcepts apply to everything from smarrphones to globa l networks. In its broadest sense, HCI includes all the commun ications and instructions necessary ro enter inpul to the system and to obtain output in the form of screen displays or printed reports. Earl y user interfaces involved users ryping complex commands on a keyboard, which displayed as green cexr on a black screen. Then came rhe GUI, which was a huge improvement because it used icons, graphical objects, and pointing devices. Today, designers strive to translate user behavior, needs, and desire& into an interface that user!> don't really notice. 18,\.1 has stated char the best user interfaces are "almost transparent-you can ee right through rhe interface to your own work." In ocher words, a tran~parcnt interface does not disrracr the user and calls no attention to itself. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 231 8.2 Human-Computer Interaction FIGURE 8-2 HCI Is essential to employee product.ivicy. whether the work Is done In a traditional office setting or on a construetion site like the one shown In this figure. A systems analyst designs user interfaces for in-house-developed software and customizes incerfaces for various commercial packages and user productivity applicarions. The main objective is ro create a user-friendly design that is easy to learn and use. Industry leaders Nlicrosofr and IBM both devote considerable resources to u~er interface research. Figure 8-3 describes IBM Research's work on HCI. Their stated goal is to "design ystems that a re easier and more deligbrfuJ for people to use." Human-Computer Interaction and Data Visualization - :--..·- - -=--I.:..:.- ..... = ..............,,............. o.. ....... . . .... : ·•di.·•• . ~J.~ --~ ......... .,.., .. ,....OWl.tll~aMtir---....- ..c coWiiJrw e - . ·'' j SOCl'"'I otlon &- .c " ~ .,.,.....,.,......,a"'49 ... ... ~till- ....... .... Olllr~ .. to ftilt prodllC'bMI ..,_... .,..,............. .,..._ 111•~·~- l•chillilo:OC*:oew ..... HuMM~ _ ______ ... . ... ill'Wtlt'............... ,.,,., . . ~...._,. .. ,. . . . . . . ...... . :[::(~-11=---· :-~~,t ' ! - - ' • ' -·,-..Iii 1 • .. Cl) ' I !/j ............l'ld ..........."" ........... . ltd ................. '" .... .. _ ..... Ny _, ..,...,.....,..,..........., .,.. . o.,.. ......................... ~ .. -~ td....._ •.,..,.,.. AtH011wad••••... ....,..,~ .. .....,..._... . .,....,,.. . ........ ....,...,.,,_....,... ..... ,.,.,.,._..wMClw..,. ....et1n.,..ez• eacot..O•CHLM.1££t'VlS..,...C$CW ill ................."*,........... ~ ................ FIGURE 8-3 IBM's research division is a leAder in exploring human-computer interaction (H CI). Sowc• .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~ --- - ·· · ---~~-.,.- " ~ Chapter 8 U ser Interface Design 8 .3 Seven Habits o f Successful Interface Designers 232 Because I ICI has a major impact on user productivity, it get!. lots of anentionespccially where multimillion-dollar issues are concerned. For example, in the article "Human-Computer lnceraccion in EJeccronic Medical Records: From the Perspect ives of Physicians and Dara ciencisrs" by E. Bologva er al. from Procedta Computer Saence 100 (Elsevier, 2016), che authors describe how software usability has a major impact on rhe medical profession, a nd noc everyone is happy about it-par ticularly phy)icians who often struggle with electron ic health records ( !:'. HR\ ) systems that are poorly designed. In her article, 1'1s. Ga rdner points out that physicians often multirask, answering a question about one patient while writing a prescnpnon for another, and EHR sofrware was nor designed around char rypc of workflow. CASE IN POINT 8.1: CASUAL OBSERVER So i:1 \\',\R E Casual Observer Software's main product is a program that monitors and analyzes user keystrokes and mouse clicks to learn more about the way employees use their computer systems. The problem Is that some users feel this is an unwarranted intrusion into their privacy. and they prefer not to be observed. Some even fear that the data would be used for other reasons, including performance appraisal. You are a consultant who has been hired by a client firm that is trying to decide whether or not to use this software. Before you advise the client, remember the Hawthorne effect, which suggests that employees might behave differently when they know they are being observed. Finally, think about the ethical issues that might be involved in this situation. What will you advise your client, and why? 8.3 SEVEN HABITS OF SUCCESSFUL INTERFACE DESIGNERS Although IT professionals have different views about interface design, most would agree rhar good design depends on seven basic principles. Successful interface designers use these basic principles as a matter of course-they become habits. These desirable habits are described in the following sections. 8.3. 1 Understand the Business The inrcrfocc designer must understand rhe u nderlyi ng business funcrions and how the sysrem supports individual, departmental, and enrerprise goals. The overall objective is ro design an inrerface t har helps users to perform t heir jobs. A good srarting point mighr be ro analyze a functional decom position diagra m (FDD). As descri bed in Chapter 4, an FDD is a graph ical represenracion of business functions rhac srarcs wirh major functions and rhen breaks rbem down inro several levels of derail. An FDD can provide a checklist of user rasks rhat must be included in the interface design. 8.3.2 Maximize Graphical Effectiveness Studies show chat people learn bener visually. T he immense popularity of Apple's iOS and ~1icrosoft Windows is largely che result of their GUls that are easy to learn and use. A well-designed interface can help users learn a new system rapidly and be more productive. Also, in a graphical environment, a user can display and work wich r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase 3 Systems Design 233 8.3 Seven Habits of Successful Interface Designers muhiple windows on a single screen and transfer data between programs. If the interface supports data entry, it must follow the guidelines for data entry screen design that are discussed farer in this chapter. 8.3.3 Think like a User A systems analyst should understand user experience, knowledge, and skill levels. If a wide range of capability exists, the interface should be flexible enough ro accommodate novices as well as experienced users. To develop a user-centered interface, the designer must learn ro think like a user and see the S)'Stem through a user's eyes. The user interface must be easy to learn, using terms and metaphors that arc familiar to users. Users are likely to have realworld experience with many other machines and devices char provide feedback, such as automobiles, ATMs, and microwave ovens. Based on chat experience, users will expect useful, undersrandable feedback from a computer systen1. Carefully examine any poinr where users provide input or receive output. Input processes shou ld be easy co follow, intuitive, and forgivi ng of errors. Predcsigncd output should be attractive a nd easy to understand, with an appropriate level of detail. 8.3.4 Use Models and Prototypes From a user's viewpoint, rhe interface is the most critical part of the system design because it is where he or ~he interacts with the sysrem-perhaps for many hours each day. It is essenrial ro construct models and prorotypes for user approval. An interface designer should obtain as much feedback as possible, as early as possible. Initial screen designs can be presented to users in the form of a sroryboard, which is a sketch that shows rhe general screen layout and design. The storyboard can be created with software or drawn freehand. Users must test all aspects of che interface design and provide feedback to the designers. User inpuc can be obtained in interviews, via questionnaires, and by observanon. Interface designers also can obtain data, called usability metrics, by using software chac can record and measure user inceracrion with the system. 8.3.S Focus on Usability STUDENT SERVICES - Register The user interface should include all tasks, commands, and communications berween users and the information system. The opening screen should show the main options (Figure 8-4 is an illustration). Each screen option leads to another screen, with more options. The objective is ro offer a reasonable number of choices that a user easily can comprehend. Too many options on one screen can confuse a user-but coo few options increase the number of su bmenu levels and complica te rhe navigation process. Often, an effective strategy is to present the most common choice as a default bur allow the u~er to select ocher options. SludenlS - I I Pnnt Grade Repof1S Help Enter Grades Exll System FIGURE 8-4 The opening screen displays the main options for a student registration system.A user can click an option to see lower-level actions and menu choices. 8.3.6 Invite Feedback Even after the sysrem is operational, it is important to monitor system usage and solicit user suggestions. The analyst can determine if system features are being used as intended by observing and surveying users. Son1erin1es, full-scale operations highlight problems char were nor apparent when the prototype was tested. Based on user feedback, 1lclp screens might need re,;sion and design changes to allow the system ro reach its full potential. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 234 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 8.3.7 Document Ever ything All screen designs should be documenred for larer use by programmers. If a CASE root or screen generaror is being used, the screen designs should be numbered and saved in a hierarchy s imilar co a menu rree. U er-approved skerches and sroryboards also can be used to document the user interface. B)• applyi ng basic user-centered design principles, a systems analyst can plan, design, and deliver a successful user farerface. 8.4 GUIDELINES FOR USER INTERFACE DESIGN A system might have advanced cechoology and powe rful fearures, bur rhe real rest is wherher users like it and feel that ir meets their needs. What follows is a set of general guidelines for s uccessfu l user interface design. These guidelines arc disrilled from years of best prncrices in the industry. There is some overlap because many of rhe main guidelines share common elements. Although there is no standard approach 10 interface design, these guidelines are a starting point su itable for rradirional systems development. User interface development for web applicati.ons or for mobile apps has its own unique considerations, above and beyond these general guidelines. Perhaps rhe most important guideline is rhar not all of these recommendations musr be followed-the best interface is the one rhat works besr for the users. 8.4.1 C reat e an Inte rface That Is Easy t o Learn and Use 1. Focus on system design objectives, rather than calling arrention ro the interface. I I Dau -•• IOildl Pluse s1an --.. Dat a ts nol sultablP. 3. Provide commands, actions, and ~y rem re~ponses that are consistent and predictable. a-It ti... 1ru.1rucuoru for t his taslt and t i..."'""''°"' tast l I IT'"' 2. Create a design rbat is easy ro undersrand and remember. Mainrain a common design in all modules of the interface, including rbe use of color, screen placements, fonts, and rhe overaU "look and feel." 4. Allow users ro correct errors easily. Not enough a l• t o prOCHd. 5. Clearly label all controls, butrons, and icons. 6. Select familiar images thar users can understand, and provide on-screen instructions that are logical, concise, and cle.1r. For example, the top screen in Figure 8-5 shows four control buttons, but none of them has an obvious meaning. Jn the bottom screen, the first five messages provide little or no information. The last message i.s rhc only one rhar is easy ro understand. data Is lncorrec:I. Ple•stt use l he proper format: Three lette.,. f ollowed by three numMrs. w ith no~ EJtomple: CTSU$ FIGURE 8· 5 In the example at the top. the icons do not have a clear menage. In the Help text examples at the bottom. only one message is understandable.The others would frustrate and annoy most users. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . 7. Show all commands in a list of menu items, bur dim any commands that are not available ro rhe user. 8. Make it easy to navigate or return ro any level in rhe menu srructure. I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 235 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 8.4.2 Enhance User Productivity The interface is where a u er interacts with the system, so it can have a dramatic effect on productivity. If the interface empowers a user and enables him or her to handle more complex tasks, the user becomes more productive. Conversely, if the interface 1~ difficult to work with, productivity declines. I. Organize tasks, commands, a nd functions in groups that resemble actual business operations. Group functions and submenu items in a multilevel menu hierarchy, or rree, that is logical and reflects how users typically perform the tasks. Figure 8-6 shows an example of a menu hierarchy for an order tracking system. Customer Order Tracking System Main Menu Customers Orders Products Add 11 New Customer Enter a New Order Enter a New Product Update Customer Data Modify Order Data Update Product Data Delete a Cuslomer Csncel an Order Deleta a Product FIGURE 8-6 This menu hierarchy shows casks. commands. and functions organized into logical groups and sequences. The structure resembles a functional decomposition diagram (FOO). which is a model of business functions and processes. 2. Create alphabetical menu hsrs or place che selectioas used frequently at the top of the menu list. No universally accepted approach co menu item placement exists. The best strategy is co design a prototype and obtain feedback from users. Some applicacioas even allow menus to show recently used commands first. Some users like char feature, but ochers find it distracting. The best approach is to offer a choice and lee users decide. 3. Provide shorrcurs for experienced users so they can avoid multiple menu levels. Shortcuts can be created using hot keys that allow a user to press rhe Ale key + the underlined lener of a command. 4. Use default values if the majority of values in a field are the same. For example, if 90% of the firm's customers live in Albuquerque, use Albuquerque as the default va lue in the City field. 5. Use a dup licate vnluc function that enables users co insert the value from the same field in the previous record, bur allow users to turn this feature on or off as they prefer. 6. Provide a fast-find feature chat displays a list of possible values a11 soon as users enter the first few letters. 7. Lf available, consider a natural language feature chat allows users to type commands or rcquesrs in normal text phrases. For example, many applicat1ons allow users to request Help by typing a question into a dialog box. The software chen uses natural language technology to retrieve a list of topics that .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 236 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design match the request. Narural language technology is used in speech recognition sy rems, text-to-speech synthesizers, automated voice response sysrems, web search engines, text editors, and language insrrucrion material~. 8.4.3 Provide Flexibility Suppose that a user wants a screen display of all customer balances that exceed $5,000 in an accounts receivable system. How should that featu re be designed? The program could be coded to check customer bala11ces against a fixed value of 5000, which is a simple solution for both the progranuner and the user because no extra keysrrokes are required to produce the display. However, thar approach is inflexible. A berrer approach would be to let cite user enter the amount. Or Starr wirh a default value that displays automatically. Users can press ENTER to accept rhc value or type in another value. Ofcen the best design strategy is to offer severa I alternati ves, so users can decide what will work best for them. 8.4.4 Provide Users with Help and Feedback This is one of the most important guidelines because it has a high impact on users. Never allow Help to slow a user down. Instead, make 1 lelp easy to find but not around when users don't need it. I. Ensure that help is always available on demand. Help screens should provide informarion about menu choices, procedures, shortcut!>, and errors. 2. Provide user-selected help and context-sensitive help. User-selected help displays information when rhe user requests it. By 1naking appropriate choices through the menus and submenus, the user eventually reaches a screen with the desired information. figure 8-7 shows the majn Help screen for the student regiscradon S)'Srem. Context-sensitive help offers assistance for the task in progress. Help Topics Register Studeflts Print Class Ros1ars Enter Grades Print Grade Reports Index of Help T op1cs ~ct Tedi Supportj FIGURE 8 -7 The main Help screi!n for a student registration system. 3. Provide a direct route for users co return co the point from where help was requeMed. Title every help screen co jdentify the topic, and keep help cext simple and concise. lnserr blank lines between paragraphs to make Help easier ro read, and provide examples where appropriate. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 237 4. Include conrnct information, such as a celephone extension or email addres if a deparrment or help desk is responsible for assisting users. 5. Require user confirmation before data deletion (Are you sure?) and provide a method of recovering data that is deleted inadvertently. Build in safeguards that prevent critical data from being changed or erased. 6. Provide an "Undo" key or a menu choice rhar allows rhe user to undo rhe results of rhc most recent command or action. 7. When a user-entered command contains a11 error, highlight the erroneous part and allow the user to make the correction without rerypmg the entire command. 8. Use hypertext links to assist users as rhey navigate help topics. 9. Display messages ac a logical place on the screen, and be consistent. 10. Alert users ro lengthy processing rimes or delays. Give users an on-screen progress report, especially if the delay is lengthy. 11. Allow messages to remain on the screen long enough for users to read them. ln some cases, the screen should display messages until the user takes some action. 12. Let the user know whether the task or operation was successfu l or not. For example, use messages such as Update cornpleted, All transactions have been posted, or The ID Number iuas not found. 13. Provide a text explanation if an icon or image is used on a control button. This can be accomplished using a "mouse hover" to displar a pop-up box with explanation when the mouse is moved over an icon or image. 14. Use messages that arc specific, understandable, and professional. Avoid messages that arc cute, cryptic, or vague, such as ERROR-You have entered a11 unacceptable L'alue, or Error DE-4-16. Better examples are as follows: • l:.nter a number from 1 (low) to 5 (high) • Customer 1111111ber 11111st be 1111meric • Please re-enter a numeric LJalue • Oil/ the Acco1111ti11g Department, Ext. 239 for assistance 8.4.5 Create an Attractive Layout and Design This is a subjective area because reasonable people can differ on what is attractive. The analyst should consider color, layout, and ease of use. Screen mock-ups and menu trees can be created and tried on users to gee thei:r input. If in doubt, err on the side of doing a bit less. For example, blinking messages initially may seem like a good idea, they might noc be the best choice for the interface design. Also try to avoid too many fonts, styles, and sizes, which can be distracting. Each separate style should communicate something-a different level of detail, another copic, mandatory versus optional actions, and so on. 1. Use appropriate colors to highlight different areas of the screen; avoid gaudy and bright colors. 2. Use special effects sparingly. For example, animation and sound might be effective in some situations, but too many special effects can be distracting and annoying to a user, especially if he or she must view them repeatedly. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ......... ~.. __.... ~~·~--- - ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 238 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 3. Use hyperlinks that allow users to navigate to related topics. 4. Group related objects and information. Visualize the screen the way a user will see it, and simulate the tasks that the user will perform. 5. Screen density is important. Keep screen displays uncluttered, with enough white space co create an artracrive, readable design. 6. Display titles, messages, and instructions in a consistent manner and in the same general locations on all screens. 7. Use consistent terminology. For example, do nor use the terms delete, cancel, and erase co indicate the same action. Similarly, the ame sound always should signal rhe same evenr. 8. Ensure that commands always will have the same effect. For example, if the BACK control button returns a user to the prior screen, rhe BACK command always shou ld perform that function throughout the application. 9. Ensure that similar mouse actions will produce the same results throughout the application. The resu lts of pointing, clicking, and double-clicking should be consistent and predictable. l 0. \Xlhen the user enters data tha;c completely fills the field, do not move au tomatically co the next field. Instead, require the user to confirm the entry by pressing the Enter key or Tab key at the end of every fill-in field. I I. Remember that users are accustomed to a pattern of red stop, yellow caution, and green =go. Stick to that partern and use it when appropriate to reinforce on-screen instructions. 12. Provide a keystroke alternative for each menu command, with easy-to-remember letters, such as File, Exit, and Help. 13. Use familiar commands if possible, such as Cur, Copy, and Paste. 14. Provide a \Vindows look and feel in the interface design if users are familiar with Windows-based applications. 15. Avoid complex terms and technical jargon; instead, select terms that come from ever)•day business processes and the vocabulary of a typical user. = ___...._............ __ ... __.... . _,.,,.,.. ............. __ .... - 8.4.6 Enhance the Interface A designer can include many features, such as menu bars, roolbars, dialog boxes, text boxes, toggle buttons, list boxes, scroll bars, drop-down list boxes, oprion burrons, check boxes, command buttons, and calendar controls, among others. Screen design requires a sense of aesrhctics as well as technical skills. U er feedback should be obtained early and often as the design process continues . ...,..,. .. FIGURE 8 -8 An e~mple of a switchboard introducing TurboTax. The main options are tlearly displayed on an uncluttered screen-something particularly Important for users who are hkcly to be confused and/or ner<0us when beginning the iax preparation process. Souttg • •, (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. = ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ 1. The opening screen is especially important because it introduces the application and allows users to view the primary options. The starting point can be a ~witchboard with well-placed command buttons that allow users to navigate the system. Figure 8-8 shows the switchboard of TurboTax introducing a tax preparation program. The main options are clearly displayed on an uncluttered -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 239 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design screen. The addition of che picrure showing cax professionals ready co help provides a en e of calm and confidence co che user-someching parricularly imporcanc for users who are likely co be confused and/or nervous when beginning the cax prepararion process. 2. Use a conunand buHon co initiace an action such as printing a form or requesting help. For example, when a user clicks the Find Student command button in Figure 8-9, a dialog box opens wich instructions. - • - .. STUDENT REGISTRATION SYSTEM r Cont.ct IT Help at Ext. 2236 for user support -..1cv... 2019-2020 City New Hope E2I AdYhof Aj•ls~ Liil N•nwt H.amftton ST PA !atr•n.al~t Olt rlot N..,.e R..., Zlp l2J45 SSH 111.. 11.. 11 11 • rvll TlrM HornePo"°""(S55)9"-- MI M , Street 607 w..15princ Strfft O PMITune Worll Pl>oM (555) SU-- Courses Pref · MAT OS IUS -· x 0 • Nutnbel • SKtJon • lU 2 l Find Student Print Record HELP -- ,_-r-ltudtnU "'~""' -by•h«llrit U., ol Fond~ • P!Nse a x ent~ a SocYl Security Numbe<. use the format w u ·UU. FIGURE 8-9 A dar.a enrry screen for a student registration system.This screen uses several design reacures that are described in the text. When a user dicks the Find Student command button. a dialog box ls displayed with instructions. 3. If a sofcware p:ickage is being used, check ro sec if it allows the creation of cu:.tomized menu bars and coolbars. lf so, consider these opcions. 4. Add a shorccuc feature chac Ices a user select a menu command either by clicking the desired choice or by pressing the Alt key+ the underlined letccr. Some forms also use a coolbar that contains icons or buttons that represenc shortcucs for cxecucing common commands. 5. lf variable inpuc daca is needed, provide a dialog box chat explains what is required. 6. A toggle bunon makes it easy to show on or off stacus-dicking che coggle button switches co the ocher stare. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 240 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 7. Use liq boxe~ rhar display rhe ava ilable choices. If rhe lisr docs n ot fir in rhe box, a scro ll bar allows the user ro move through the available choices. Also, be sure ro provide another way ro enter data rhat does not align with a specific lisr choice. 8. Use an option b utton, or radio bunon, to control user choices. For exa1nple, if the user can select only one option, display a smtable message (Choose one item), but if chere is no restriction, display a d ifferent message (Choose all that apply). Use a black dot to show selected options. 9. If check b oxes are used to select one or more choices from a group, show the choices with a checkmark or an X. 10. \Xlhen dares must be entered, use a calendar control that allows the user to select a dare that rhe system will use as a field value. 8.4. 7 Focus on Data Entry Screens Data entry is especially important because it is in rh e job description of so many users. I. Whenever possible, use a data entry method called form filling, where a blank form that duplicates or resemb les rhe sou rce document is completed on the screen. 2. Restrict user access ro screen locarions where data is entered. For example, in the Eventbrirc event manage ment data entry when rh e screen in Figu re 8-10 appears, the sysrem should position the insertion point in rhe first data enrry location. After rhe operator enters an event ride, rhe insertion point should move auroma rically ro the enuy location for rhe next field (Location ). A user should be able to position che insertion poinr only in places where data is enrcrcd on rhe form. 4 I --- -. o -- I ... -- ----·-----a-- . -..... -,_ FIGURE 8-10 In this data entry screen for creating ewints. the system generates start and end dates and times automatically, but these can be changed by the user at any time.A red asterisk, as shown beside Event Title, indicates required fields. Gray text within the data entry field leis the user know what information to provide.This text is replaced with user input. ,......, (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 241 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 3. Provide a way ro leave rhe data enrry screen ar any time without entering the current record, such as a "Cancel" burron. Since che application shown in Figure 8- I 0 is web based, chis can be accomplished by selecting the" Back" bunon of rhe browser (not shown). 4. Provide a descriptive caption for every field, and show the user where co enter the data and che required or maximum field size. Typically, wluce boxes show the location and length of each field. Other methods used to indicate field locations are video highlighting, underscores, special symbols, or a combination of these features. 5. Provide a means for users co move among fields on the form in a standard order or 111 any o rde r the) choose. In a GUI, the user can override the standard field order and select field locations using the mouse or arrow keys. 6. Allow users co add, change, delete, and vie'v records. Messages such as Apply these changes? (YIN) o r Delete this record?. (YIN) should requfrc users co confirm the accions. Highlighting che letter N as a defaulc response will avoid problems if the user presses the Enter key by mistake. 7. Design rhe screen form layout ro march the layout of the source document. If the i.ource dc>cumenr fie lds srarr at the mp of the form and run down in a column, the input screen shou ld use the same design. 8. Display a sample format if a user must enter values in a field in a specific format. For example, provide an on-screen instruction ro let users know that rhe dare format is MMDDYY, and provide an example if rhe user must enter separators, such as slashes. 9. In addition to rhe sample format in che preceding rule, it might be better to use an mput mas!-, which is a template or pattern that reMricts data entry and prevents errors. Microsofr Access provides standard input masks for fields such as dates, telephone numbers, postal codes, and Social Securit)' numbers. In adduion, custom inpur masks can be c reated, as shown in Figure 8-1 1. Note char a mask can have a specific format. For example, if a user enters cext in lowercase letters, che input mask will capitalize the first letter auromarically. 10. Require an ending keystroke for every field. Pressing the Enter key or che Tab key should signify the end of a field entry. Avoid a design char moves auromarically 10 rhe next irem when rhe field is full. The latter approach requires an ending keystroke only when the data entered is less rhan the maximum field length. It is confusing rouse two different dara entry procedures. 11. Do not require users to type leading zeroes. for numeric fields. For example, if a three-digit projecr number is 045, rhe operator should be able to type 45 instead of 045 before pressing the Enter key. An exception to that ru le might occur when entering a date, where a leading zero is needed to identify singledigit monchs or days, such as 06-04-2013. 12. Do not require users to type trailing zeroes for numbers that include decimals. For example, when a user rypes a value of 98, the system should interpret che value as 98.00 if the field has been formatted to include numbers with rwo decimal places. The decimal point is needed only ro indicate nonzero decunal places, such as 98.76. 13. Display default values so operators can press the Enter key to accept the suggested value. If the default value is not appropriate, the operator can change ir. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 242 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design . . ..l_..... ............ - Hllp p ......,..__ ........... __---.-----............. - ........... ... -.,__ ..........__ .......... .. ......................................... ---__..,. -- -·-__ ....... .......... ... .............. --- ......... ________ ,.. .,..,, ....c- ... _.,.....__ ... ......,....._ .... ._, - . . . . - - - - - - - . . . . . . c -.. - • • • __... Q:li. \lt- tti.l _., --~---__,. ...................... ......,....,.. ~ ~"---~ -.---................ - -... Htlp ... • . . p • uw..._.. ....... .i . . . t u... ................ '----·- llW•-·-.. * ................ .. .............. ..._ __ ........ _ .. ' .,... ~---·- FIGURE 8 -1 1 MicrosoftAccess provides various input masks for dates, phone numbers, and postcodes, among others. In addition, it is easy to create a custom mask using the characters shown here. 56u~e1 ~ e,....~7.00tl' 14. Use a default value when a field value will be constant for successive records or throughout rhe data entry session. For example, if records are input in order by dace, the dare used in che first transaction should be used as the default date until a new date is entered, at which time the new date becomes the default value. 15. Display a list of acceptable values for fields, and provide meaningful error messages if the user enters an unacceptable v:ilue. An even better method, which was described under Rule 5: Enhance the Imerface, is co provide :i drop-down list box containing acceptable values that allows the user co select a value by clicking. 16. Provide users with an opportunity to confirm the accuracy of input data before entering it by displaying a message such as, Add this record? (YIN). A positive response (Y) adds the record, clears the entry fields, and position~ rhe insertion point in the first field so the user can input another record. If rhe response is negative (N), the current record is nor added and the user can correct the errors. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 243 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design Dara enrry screens should also anricipare furure needs. Consider a parts invenror}' database rhar contains a one-character field for category, such as elecrrical, mechanical, or hydraulic. The design works well, bur whar if rhe compan)' decides ro break these overall groups down inro more specific segmenrs? A bener design would anticipate pos~ible expansion ro two or more characters. For example, in 1999, there was widespread concern about whar was called rhe Y2K issue because many older programs used only rwo characters co store the year and might not recogni1e the start of a new century. 8.4.8 Use Validation Rules Reducing inpur errors improves data quality. One way to reduce input errors is to eliminate unnecessary data entry. For example, a user cannol misspell a customer name if i1 is not entered or is entered automatically based on the user enrering the customer ID. Similarly, an outdated item price cannot be used if the item price is retrieved from a master file instead of being entered manually. The best defense against incorrect dara is to identify and correct errors before they enrer the sysrcm by using data validation rules, as shown in Figure 8-12. A data validation rule improves input quality by testing rhe data and rejecting any entry that fails to meet specified conditions. The design can include at least eight types of data validation ru les. • p ....... -... ~------- --___ • ...,, ...____ ..... _.... .. ,...,._ ..... _____ ....-----.-.----.__.....,. ...-... ..._ .. _ .....____.., -·- ._._ --~ - ........ _..... -...... • • .. ,.... . . _.....__.._.._............... . ---......... ..•,....,_ • l!OJ • _ _ _ _ ..._ -·•mtiau - .......... . __._ ............. -_...51111 ~ -~ ..... .._, s... ........................ _............ ____ ,,,,. _ _ _ _ - - - - ...- •4 ... - - - - - - ........- .......,...... FIGURE 8-12 Microsoft Access provides varidauon rules that can improve daa quality by requiring the input to meet specific requirements or conditions. - .........""_.. ... .-................. c _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~----··----~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design 244 I. A sequence check can be used when the data must be in some predetermined sequence. If the user musr enter work orders in numerical sequence, for example, then an our-of-sequence order number indicates an error, or if rhe user must enter transactions chronologically, then a transaction with an out-of-sequence dare indicates an error. 2. An existence check can apply to mandatory data items. For example, if an employee record requires a Social SecUiity number, an existence check would not a llow the user to save the record until he o r she enters a suitable value in the Social Security number field. 3. A da ra I ) pc check can rest to ensure that a data item fits the required data type. For example, a numeric field must have on ly numbers or numeric symbols, and an alphabetic field can contain only the characters A through Z (or a through z). 4. A ra nge check can be used to verify that data items fall between a specified minimum and 1naximum value. The daily hours worked by an employee, for example, must fall within the range of 0 to 24. When the validation check involves a minimum or a maximum value, but nor both, it is called a limit check. Checking t hat a payment amount is greater than zero, but not specifying a maximum value, is an example of a limit check. 5. A reasonableness check identi fies values that are questionable bur not necessarily wrong. For example, input payment values of $0.05 and $5,000,000.00 both pass a simple limit check for a payment value greater than zero, and yet both values could be errors. Similarly, a daily-hours-worked value of 24 passes a 0 to 24 range check; however, the v:tlue seems unusual, ,1nd the system should verify it using a reasonableness check. 6. A validi ty check can be used for data items that muse have cerrain values. For example, if an invenrory system has 20 valid item classes, then any input item that docs nor march one of the valid classes will fail rhe check. Verifying that a cusromer number on an order marches a customer number m rhc customer file is another rypc of validity check. Because the value entered musr refer ro another value, tha t type of check also is called referential integrity, which is explained in Chaprcr 9, Dara Design. Another validity check might verify thar a new cusromer number does nor march a number already stored in the customer master file. 7. A combina tion check is performed on rwo or more fields to ensure that they arc consistent or reasonable \Vben considered together. Even though all rhe fields involved in a combination check might pass their individual validarion checks, rhe combination of the field values might be inconsistent or unreasonable. For example, if an order input for 30 units of a particula r item has an input discount rate applicable on ly for purchases of I 00 or mo re units, then the combination is inval id; either the input order quantity or the input discount rare i~ incorrect. 8. Barch controls are totals used to verify batch input. Batch controls might check data items such as record counts and numeric field torals. For example, before entering a batch of orders, a user might calculate the total number of orders and rhe sum of all the order q uantities. When the batch of orders is entered, the order system also calculates the same two totals. lf the system corals do 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 245 8.4 Guidelines for User Interface Design nor match the input totals, then a data entry error has occurred. Unlike rhe other validation checks, batch controls do nor idenrify specific errors. For example, if the sum of all the order quantities does not march rhe batch control total, the only thing known is that one or more orders in that batch were entered incorrecrly or nor input. The batch control totals often are called ha ~h total ~ because they are nor meaningful numbers themselves but are useful for comparison purpo~es. 8.4.9 Manage Data Effectively In addition to irs effect on users, data management impacrs company efficiency, producriviry, and security. To reduce input errors, the system should enter and verify dara as soon as possible, and each dara irem should have a specific rype, such as alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric, and a range of acceptable values. It is important ro collect inpur dara as close to irs source as possible. For insrance, using barcode scanners r:icher rhan manual forms on a warehouse freight dock, or having sa lespeople use rablers to record orders rather than filling in source documents. The easiest, mosr accur:ire, and least expensive dara input strategy is automated dara capture. In an efficient design, data is en tered only once. For example, if input data for a payroll system also is needed for a human resources system, the analyse could design an interface co transfer data automatically, or a central data storage area could be created char both systems can access. Chapter 9 describes normalizarion, which is a sec of rules chat can help avoid data design problems. A secure sysrem also includes audit trails rhat can log every instance of data entry and changes. For example, the system should record when a customer's credit limit was sec, by whom, and any ocher information necessary to consrruct the history of a transaction. 8.4. 10 Reduce Input Volume This is the final guideline, bur in some ways it sbouJd be the first because it affects all the resr. When input volume is reduced, unnecessary labor coses are avoided, which in turn gets the data inro rhe system more quickly and decreases the number of errors. Therefore, the analyst should start by reducing the number of data items required for each transaction. 1. Input necessary data onl)•. Do not input a data item unless it is needed by the system. A completed order form, for exaJnplc, might contain the name of rhe clerk who took rhe order. If that data is not needed by the system, the user should nor enter it. 2. Do nor input dara rhar rhe user can retrieve from system files or ca lculate from ocher dara. This reduces input errors and dara inconsistencies. 3. Do not input constant dara. lf orders are in batches with the same date, then a user sho uld enter the order date only once for the firsr order in the batch. If orders are entered online, then the user can retrieve the order date automatically using the current sysrem date. 4. Use code~. Codes arc shorter than the data they represent, and coded input can reduce data entry rime. Codes are discussed more in Chapter 9. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 U ser Interface Design 8.5 Source Document and Form Design 246 CASE IN POINT 8.2: BOOLEAN TOYS Suppose you are a systems analyst swdying the order processing system at Boolean Toys. a fast-growing developer of software for preschool children. You know that many data entry users have complained about the input screens. Some users would prefer to rearrange the order of the fields. others would like to change the background color on their screens. and still others want shortcuts that would allow them to avoid a series of introductory screens. What if Boolean's users could customize their own data entry screens without assistance from the IT staff by using a menu-driven utility program? What wou ld be the pros and cons of such an approach1When should a systems analyst decide a design issue, and when should users be allowed to select what works best for them? 8.5 SOURCE DOCUMENT ANO fORM DESIGN No marrer how data enters a n information system, the quality of the output is only as good as the quality of the input. The term garbage in, garbage out (G IGO) is fami liar to IT professionals, who know that the best time to avoid problems is when the data is entered. The main objective is to ensure the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of input data. Unfortunately, the dream of a "paperless office" has never been realized. Even with RFlD technology and automated data capture, we still enter data on source documents and fo rms, and instead of a human-computer interface, systems analysts muse deal with the challenge of a human-paper interface. A ~ource document collects inpur dara, rriggers or authorizes an input acrion, and provides a record of the original transaction. During the input design stage, the analyst develops source documents that are easy to complete and u e for dara entry. Source documents generally are paper based but also can be pro,ided online. Eicher wa)', the design considerarions are che same. Consider a rime when it was a srruggle to complete a poorly designed form. There mighc have been insufficient space, confusing instructions, or poor organ1.l.3non-all symptoms of incorrect fonn layout. Good form la)'OUt makes the form easy to complete and provides enough space, both vercically and horizonrally, for users to enter the data. A form should indicate data entry positions clearly using bla nk lines or boxes and descriptive captions. Also consider using check boxes whenever possible, so users can select choices easily. However, be sure to include an option for any input that does not match a specific check box. The placement of information 011 a form a lso is important. Source documents typically incl ude most of the zones shown in Figure 8-13. The heading zone usua lly contains the company name or logo and the title and number of the form. The control zone contains codes, identification information, numbers, and dates rhat are used for storing completed forms. The instruction zone contains instructions for completing rbe form. The main part of the form, called rhe body zone, usually cakes up at least half of the space on the form and contains captions and areas for entering variable data. If rota ls are included on the form, they appear in the totals zone. Finally, the authorization zone contatns any required signatures. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase l Systems Design 24 7 8.6 Print ed Output Heading Control Zone Zone lnstructioo Zone Body Zone Totals Zone Authorization Zone FIGU RE 8- 13 Source document zones. lnformanon shou ld flow on a form from left co right and top to bottom to match the way users read documents naturally. That layout makes the form easy to use for the individual who completes the form and for users who enter daca into the system using the completed form. The same user-friendly design principles also apply to printed forms such a~ invoices and monthly statement , except that heading information usuall)' 1s preprinted. Column headmgs should be short but descriptive, avoiding non!>tandard abbre\lat1on!>, wtch reasonable spacing becween columns for bener readability. The order and placement of printed fields should be logical, and totals should be identified clearly. When de~igning a preprinted form, contact the form's vendor for advice on paper sizes, rype styles and sizes, paper and ink colors, field placement, and other important form derails. The goal is to design a form that is anractive, readable, and effective. Layout and design a lso are important on web-based forms. TI1ere arc many resources that will help with designing efficient, user-friendly forms. These include websites that muse conform to the U.S. Federal Government's accessibi lity guidelines, which can be found o nline ar http://www.section508.gov. 8.6 PRINTED OUTPUT Before designing printed output, there arc several questions to consider: • • Why is this being delivered as printed output, rather than screen-based information, with an option for users to view, print, or save as needed? \'<'ho wants the information, why is it needed, and how will it be used? • • \'<'hat specific informarion will be included? \'V1ll the printed output be designed for a specific device? .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 248 8.6 Printed Output • • When and how will the information be delivered, and how ofren must it be updated? Do security or confidentialiry issues exist? How will they be managed? The design process should not begin until these questions have been answe red. ome information probably was gathered during the systems analysis phase. To gain more understanding, the analyst should meet with users to find out exactly what kind of output they are requesting. Prototypes and mock-ups can be u~ed to obtain feed back throughout the design process. 8.6. 1 Re port Design Although many organizations strive to reduce the flow of paper and printed reports, few firms have been able to eliminate printed output totally. Because they are porrable, printed reports are convenient and even necessary io some situations. Many users find it handy to view screen output and then print the information they need for a discussion or business meeting. Prinred output also is used in turnaround documents, which :ire output documents rhat are later entered back into the sa me or another information system. In some areas, the telephone or utility bill, for exa mple, might be a turnaround document printed by the company's billing system. When the required portion of rhe bill is returned with payment, rhe bil l is scanned into the company's accounts receivable system to record the payment acc urately. Designers use a variety of styles, fonts, and images ro produce reports that arc attractive and user-friendly. Whether printed or viewed on-screen, reports must be easy to read and well organized. Rightl y or wrongly, some managers judge an entire project by the quality of the reports t hey receive. Databa~e programs such as ~1icrosofr Access include a variery of report design tools, including a Re port Wizard, which is a menu-driven fearure that designers can use to create reports quickly and easily. Many online web-based database systems also provide similar report design guidelines. Although the vast majorit}' of reports are designed graphically, some S)'Stems srill produce one or more ch aracter-based reports that use a characcer set with fixed spacing. Pruning character-based reports on high-speed impact pnncer~ 1s a fasr, inexpensive method for producing large-scale reports, such as payroll or mventory reports, or registra tion rosters at a school. This is especially true if multiple copie :ire required. Users should approve all report designs in advance. The best approach is ro prepare a sample report, called a mock-up, or prototype, for users to review. The sample should include typical field values and contain enough records to show all the design features. Depending on the type of printed output, a Microsoft \"Qord documenc can be created, or a report generator used, to create mock-up reports. 8.6.2 Re port Design Principles Printed reporrs must be att ractive, professional, and easy to read. For example, a well-designed report should provide totals and subtotals for numeric fields. In the reporr shown in Figure 8- 14, nore thar when the value of a control field, s uch as Store Number, changes, a control break occurs. A control break usually causes specific actions, such as printing subtotals for a gro up of records. Thar rype of derail report is called a control break repo rt. To produce a control break report, the records must be arranged, o r sorred, in control field order. Good report design requires effort and attention to detail. To produce a welldesigned report, the analyst must consider design features )uch as reporr headers and footers, page headers and footers, column headings and alignment, column spacing, field order, and grouping of detail lines. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 249 8.6 Print ed Output REPORT HEADER.S AND FOOTERS: Every report should have a report header and a report footer. The report header, which appears at the beginning of the report, identifies the report and contains the report title, date, and other necessary information. The report footer, which appears ac che end of rhe report, can include grand totals for numeric fields and ocher end-of-report information. as shown in Figure 8-14. Every page should include a page header, which appears at the rop of rhe page and includes the column headings that identify the PAGE HEADERS AND FOOTERS: lden~fying ftelds hours fields Employee Hours Week end ing date: 6128/2019 Store Number Emp loyee Name Position Regular Hours Overtime Hours Total Hours 8 8 8 8 8 8 Andres, Marguerite Bogema, Michelle Davenport, Kim Lemka, Susan Ramirez, Rudy Ullery, Ruth Clerk Clerk Asst Mgr Clerk Manager Clerk 20.0 12.5 40.0 32.7 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 8.5 0.0 20.0 12.5 45.0 32.7 48.5 20.0 Store 8 totals: 165.2 13.5 178.7 Clerk Manager Cterk Clerk Clerk 40.0 40.0 40.0 20.0 32.0 8.4 00 11 0 00 00 48.4 40.0 51.0 20.0 32.0 Store 17 totals: 172.0 19 4 191.4 Grand totals: 337.2 32.9 control break on Store Number field 17 17 17 17 17 De Mar!Jnl, Jenniler Haff Lisa R1ttenbery, Sandra Wyer. Elizabeth Zeogler Cealle o.o } } report header page header } group footer 370.1 } report footer Page 1 } page footer FI GU RE 8 - 14 The Employee Hours report is a detailed report with concrol breaks, subtotals, and grand totals. N ote that a report header identifies the report. a p~ge header contains column headings, a group footer contains subtotals for each score. a report footer contains grand totals, and a page footer identifies the page number. data. The head ings s hould be shorr but descriptive. Avoid abbreviations unless the users will unde rstand them clearly. Either a page header or a page footer, which appears ar rhe borrom of the page, is used ro display rhe report title and the page number. Database programs such as Microsoft Access make it easy ro create groups and !>ubgroup~ based on particular fields. The report can also calculate and display torn Ii., average~, record counts, and orher data for any group or subgroup. For example, a large company might want to see total sales and number of sales broken down by product within each of the 50 stares. The information shown in Figure 8-15 is part of Acct!l>!>' on line help that refers co a step-by-step process for creating multilevel group mg. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 8.6 Printed Output 250 Create a grouped or summary report OOt.... -'019.-20•8,-2t!1--~ !), lnlonna1lon IS often ID undlnland when~ IS inlO groupL For_,_., . report lhet groups by NglOn can hlgllloghl tnnds tNll ,,._,.. moghl go u11110Ciced In lddi1'0t\ ~ tOCllll c.ICh a ...... or a>•~ ot lhl tnl ol wh graup., your repor1 can replKe a lol ol menuel ln!inclO'l ,..th 1 ClbAa!or .-.:c.a mel;ee worldng "'"" giouped teports 911SY. 'lb.I Cll1 . . . . . . bulc grouped report by ...ng lhl ~ Wlzald. )IOU can edd ~ng and son.>g to an OXlltJng t9pOtl. or )IOU can - grouping and IOt""O Oll(IOnt tnet have en.ly been dellned. Not•: Tl* - _ , , llllPll' pUllll9l1 Ol'lllne "'----tho kind"' d i ! _ you deolgn- - .,., In this article C..ata a quick grouped or sorted report Build 1 new grouped report by us.ng the Report Wlzatt:I Acid or modlly Q""""'111 and sort.ng in an elOSbng report FIGURE 8 - IS MicrosoftAccess includes an easy-co-use tool for grouping data. Sourc:.. M roi a-- r "'P' .JOfl REPEATING FIELDS: Report design is an art, noc a science. User involvemcnc is csscnrial, hue users ofcen don'r know whar they want without seeing samples. for example, consider che issue of repeating fields. The sample report in Figure 8- 14 repeats the store number on every row. Is chat a good thing? The best advice is co ask users what they think and be guided accordingly. A similar issue exiscs with regard to the overtime hours column. ls ir bener co print the zero·O\'ertime data, or only print actual hours, so che data srands our clearly? Again, the best answer is usually the one that works best for users. CONSISTENT DESIGN: Look and feel are important to users, so reports should be uniform and consiscenr. When a system produces multiple reports, each reporr should share common design elements. For example, the date and page numbers should print in the same place on each report page. Abbreviations used in reporcs also should be consistent. For example, when indicating a ntuneric value, it is confusing for one reporc to use#, anorher NO, and a chi.rd NUM. ltems in a report also should be consistent. ff one report displays the inventor)' location as a shelf number column followed by a bin number column, that same layout should be used on all inventory location reports. 8.6.3 Types of Re ports To be useful, ::i report must include the information that a user needs. From a user's point of view, a report with too Little information is of no value. Too much information, however, can make a report confusing and difficult to understand. When design· ing reports, the essential goal is ro match the report co the user's specific informarion needs. Depending on rhcir job functions, users might need one or more of the reports described in rhe following sections. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 251 8.7 Technology Issues DETAIL REPORTS: A derail report produces one or more lines of ourpur for each record processed. Because it contains one or more lines for each record, a derail report can be quite lengthy. Consider, for example, a large auto parts bu5iness. If the firm stocks 3,000 parts, then rhe derail report would include 3,000 derail lines on approximately 50 printed pages. A user who wants to locate any part in short supply has ro examine 3,000 derail lines ro find the critical items. A better alternative might be an exceprion reporr. EXCEPTION REPORTS: An exception report displays only those records that meet a specific condinon or conditions. Exception reports are useful when the user wanrs information only on records char might require action bur does not need to know the derails. For example, a credit manager might use an exception report ro identify only those customers with pasr-duc accounts, or a customer service n1anager might want a report on all packages tha t were not delivered wi-rhin a specified time period. SUMMARY REPORTS: Upper-level managers often wa nt ro sec toral figu res a nd do nor need supporting details. A sales manager, for example, might want ro know total sales fo r each sa les representa tive but not want a derail report listing every sale made by them. In rhat case, a ~ ummary report is approp riate. Simila rl y, a personnel 111:111ager might need ro know the rota I regular and overtime hours worked by employees in each store bu r might nor be interested in the number of hours worked by each employee. CASE JN POINT 8.3: L AZY EoorE Lazy Eddie is a furniture chain specializing in recliners. Their management has asked you to review the large number of printed reports that are distributed to Lazy Eddie's 35 store managers. Management is not sure that the managers actually read or use the reports, even though the store managers say they want them. Store visits have shown many of the reports end up sucked on top of filing cabinets. seemingly untouched. To determine if store managers really use the p rinted reports. management has asked you to create a procedure that requires users to review and justify their information needs. You could design a form that asks if the information still is required, and why. You could try to get users co decide if a report is worth che cost of producing it. How do you proceed! 8. 7 TECHNOLOGY Issues Unlike early innovations such as the mouse and the inkjet printer, most tech nology advances today affect both output and input. In a very real sense, output and input have become interdependent, as rhey are in a user interface, and it is difficult to cite examples of changes in one that wo uld acn cause, or at least encourage, changes in the other. For example, new touch-screen input technology generates output that must be properly designed and sized for a panicllllar device, which might be a smarcphone, a tablcr, or a 23-inch desktop monitor. The following sections discuss outpur and input technology separately, bur interface designers should always be al ere to the possible opportunities, or potential problems, of input/output linkage. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 252 8.7 Technology Issues 8.7.1 OutputTechnology Alrhough business information systems srill provide mosr output as screen di~plays and printed matter, technology is having an enormous impact on how people communicate and obtain information. This rrend is especial!)' important ro firms char use informarion technology to lower their costS, improve employee producriv1ry, and communicate effectively with their customers. In addirion to screen output and printed matter, output can be delivered m many wa)'S. The system requirementS document probably identified user output needs. Now, in the systems design phase, rhe analyst creates the actual forms, reports, documents, and orher rypes of output that might be accessed from workstarions, notebooks, tablets, smarrphones, and other devices. How the information will be used, stored, and retrieved must also be considered. The following subsections explain va rious output types and technologies. INTERNET-BASED INFORMATION DELIVERY: Millions of fi rms use the Internet to reach new customers and markets around the world. To support rhe explosive growth in e-commerce, web dcsi&rners must provide user-friendly screen inte rfaces that display ourpur and nccept input from cusromers. For example, a business can link irs invenmry system to its website so the o urput from the inven tory system is displayed as an o n line cam log. Customers visiting the site can review the items, obtain current prices, and check product availabiliry. Another example of web-based o utput is a system that provides customized re~ponses to product or technical questions. When a user enters a product inquiry or requests technical support, the system responds with appropriate information from an on-site knowledge base. Web- based delivery a llows users to download a universe of fi les and documents to support their information needs. For example, the web provides consumers with instant access to brochures, product manual , and parts lists, while prospective homeburers can obtain instant quotes on mortgages, insurance, and other financial services. To reach prospective customers and investors, companies also use a live or prerecorded \.. ebcast, which is an audio or video media file distributed over the Internet. Radio and TV stations also use this technique to broadcast program material to their a udiences. Email is an essential means of internal and external business communication. Employees send and receive email on local or wide area networks, including the Internet. Companies send new product information to customers via email, and financial services companies use email messages ro confirm on line srock trades. Employees use ema il to exchange documents, data, a nd schedules and to share business-related information they need to perform th eir jobs. In ma ny firms, email has virtually replaced traditio nal memos and pri nted correspondence. EMAIL: BLOGS: \Xleb-based logs, called biogs, are anorher form of web-based output. Because biogs are journals written from a particular point o f view, rhey nor only deliver facts to web readers bur also provide opinjons. Biogs are useful for po~ting news, reviewing currenr events, and promoting products. INSTANT MESSAGING: This popular form of communication is another way for individuals and companies ro communicate effectively over the Internet. Although some users feel that it can be a distraction, others like rhe constant flow of communication, especially as a team member in a collaborative situation. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 253 8.7 Technology Issues WIRELESS DEVICES: ~1cssages and data can be transmitted to a wide array of mobile devices, including rabler computers, smarrphones, and similar wireless produces rhar combine porrable computing power, multimedia capabilit)', and lnterncr access. DIGITAL AUDIO, IMAGES, AND V I DEO: Sounds, images, and video clips can be cap- tured, srored in d1g1ral format, and cransmirred as output to users who can reproduce the content. Audio or video ourput can be attached to an email message or inserred as a clip in a Nlicrosofr \Xlord document. Businesses also use automated systems to handle voice transactions and provide information ro customers. For example, using a telephone keypad, a cusromer can confirm an airline seat assignment, check a credir card balance, or derermine rhe current price of a mutual fund. If a picture i!> worrh a rhousand words, then digital images and video clips certainly are high-value ourpur types char offer a whole new dimension. For example, an insurance adjuster with a digita l camera phone can take a picture, submit the image via a wireless device, and receive immediate authorization to pay a claim on the bpOt. 1f unages are a valuable form of output, video clips are even better in some situations. for example, video clips provide online virtual tours that allow realtors to show off the best features of homes they are marketing. The user can zoom in or out and rota re the iJnage in any direction. An automated fax or f~back sy:.rem allows a customer ro request a fax using email, via the company website, or by telephone. AUTOMATED FAX SYSTEMS: The respon e is transmitted in a matter of seconds back co the user's fax machine. Although most users prefer to download documents from the web, many established organizations still offer an automated faxback service as another way to provide inunediate response 24 hours a day to a certain ser of customers. Certain industries in particular, such as drug scores and doctor's offices, insurance companies, and real estate brokers, still rely on fax machines as a primary way of communication. PODCASTS: A podcast is a specially formaned digital audio file that can be down- loaded by internet users from a variety of content providers. Many firms use podcasts as sales and marketing cools and to communicate witb their own employees. Using software such as iTunes, users can receive a podcast, launch the file on tbeir computer, and store it on their porrable player. Podcasrs can include images, sounds, and video. COMPUTER OUTPUT TO DIGITAL MEDIA: This process is used when many paper docun1ents muse be sc::inned, stored in digital format, and retrieved quickly. For example, if an insurance company stores rhousands of paper applic::ition forms, special software can treat the documents as data and extract inforn1ation from a particular column or area on rhe form. Digita l storage media can include n1agnetic tape, CDs, DVDs, and high-density laser disks. An incredibly diverse marketplace requires many forms of specialized output and devices. For example: SPECIALIZED FORMS OF OUTPUT: • • Portable, web-connected devices that can run multiple apps, handle multimedia output, and provide powerful, mulripurpose communication for users Retail poinr-of-sale terminals rhat handle computer-based credit cord transactions, print receipts, and updare inventory records .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 2 54 8.7 Technology Issues • • Auromaric relier machines (AT Ms) that can process bank transacrions and print deposir and withdrawal slips Special-purpose printers rhat can produce labels, employee ID cards, driver's licenses, gasoline pump receipts, and, in some states, lottery rickets • Plotters that can produce high-quality images such as blueprints, maps, and electronic circuit diagrams • Electronic detection of dara einbedded in credir cards, bank cards, and employee identification cards 8.7.2 lnputTechnology Input rechnology has changed dramarically in recent years. ln addition ro traditional devices and methods, there has been a rapid expansion of new hardware and ways to capture and enter data into a system, some of which are shown in Figure 8-16. Businesses are using the new rechnology to speed up the input process, reduce cosrs, and capture daca in new forms, such as digital signatures. INPUT TECHNOLOGY Traditional Evolving Emerging Keyboard Body motion detection Brain-computer interfaoe (BCI) Mouse Advanced voice recognition Neural networks Polnhng devices Biological feedback Arllfcal intelligence (Al) MicrophOne Embedded magnetic data Advanced motion sensors OCR (optical character recogn1lion) RAD Two-way satellite interface MICA (magnetic mk character recognnion) Advanced opt'Cal recogn&tiOl'I V1nual environments Graphic input devices Physical adaptaoon dev>ees 3·0 tecnnok>gy FIGURE 8- 16 Input devtees can be very traditional or based on the latest technology. Input methods should be cost-efficient, timely, and as simple a~ possible. Systems analysts study transactions and business operarions to determine how and when data should enter the system. Usually, the first decision is whether to use batch or online inpul meLhods. Each metbod has advantages and disadvantages, and the systems analyst must consider the following factors. BATCH INPUT: Using batch input, data entry usually is performed on a specified rime schedule, such as dai ly, weekly, monthly, or longer. For example, batch input occurs when a payroll department collcctS rime cards at the end of the week and enters the data as a barch. Anorher example is a school that enters all grades for the academic term in a batch. ONLINE INPUT: Although batch input is used in specific situations, most busi- ness activity requires o nline data en t ry. The online method offers major advantages, including the immediate validation and availability of data. A popular online input method is ~o u rce da ta a uto mation, which combines online dara entry and automated (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 255 8.8 Security and Control Issues data capture using input devices such as radio frequency idenrificario n(RFID) tags, magnetic data srrips, or even smarrphones. Source data automation is fast and accurate and minimizes human invokement in the translation process. ~1any large companies use a combination of source daca automation and a powerful communication network to manage global operations insranrl)'· Some common examples of source data automation are as follows: • Businesses that use point-of-sale (POS) terminals equipped with bar code scanners and magnetic swipe scanners ro input credit card data • Automatic teller machine (ATMs) that read data srrip on bank cards • Factory employees who use magnetic ID cards to clock on and off specific jobs so the company can track production coSts accurately • Hospitals that imprint bar codes on patient identification bracelets and use portable scanners when gathering data on patient treatment and medic:ition • Retail stores that use porrablc bar code scanners to log new shipments a nd update inventory dara • Libraries that use hand held scanners co read optical strips on books TRADE-OFFS: Although on line input offers man y advantages, it does have some dis- advanrages. For example, unless source data automation is used, manual data entry is slower and more expensive than batch input because it is performed at the rime the transaction occur5 and often done when computer demand is at its highest. The decision to use batch or online input depends on business requirements. For example, hotel reservations must be entered and processed immediately, bur hotels can enter their monthly performance figures in a batch. ln fact, some input occurs naturally in batches. A cable TV provider, for example, receives customer paymenrs an batches when the mail arrives. 8.8 SECURITY AND CONTROL Issues A company must do everything in its power to protect its data. This includes not only the firm's own information bur that of its customers, en1ployees, and suppliers. Most assers have a value, bu r corporate data is priceless because without safe, secure, and accurate data, a company cannot function. The following sections discuss output and input data security and control. 8.8.1 Output Security and Control Ourpur must be accurate, complete, current, and secure. Companies use various output control methods to main rain output integrity and secu rity. For example, every reporr ~hou ld include an appropriate title, report number or code, printing date, and time period covered. Reporrs should have pages that are numbered consecutively, identified <lS Page 1111 of nn, <lnd the end of the report should be labeled cle<lrly. Control totals and record counrs should be reconciled against input totals and counts. Reports should be selected at random for a thorough check of correctness <lnd completeness. All processing errors or interruptions must be logged so they can be analyzed. Output ~ecuri ty protects privacy rights and shields the organization's proprietary data from theft or unauthori.ted access. To ensure o utput securirr, several important .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 8.8 Security and Control Issues 256 tasks must be performed. First, limit the number of printed copies and use a tracking procedure to account for each copy. \'(Then printed ourput is distributed from a central location, !>pecific procedures should be used ro ensure th3t the output is delivered to 3Uthonzed recipienrs only. Thar is especially true when reports contam sensirive inform3non, such 3S payroll data. All sensitive reporrs should be stored in secure 3re3s. All p3ges of confidential reports should be labeled appropriately. As shown 111 Figure 8-17, it is important to shred sensitive reporcs, our-of-date reporrs, and output from aborted print runs. Blank check forms must be stored in a secure loc3tion and be inventoried regularly to verify that no forms 3re missing. If signarure scamps 3re used, they must be stored in a secure locanon away from the forms storage location. FIGURE 8 - 17 To maintain output security.it is important to shred sensitive material. In most organizations, the IT department is responsible for coordinating output control and security measures. Systems analyses must be concerned with security issues as they design, implement, and support information systems. \Xlhenever pos· sible, security should be designed into the system by using passwords, shielding sensitive data, and controlling user access. Physical security a lways will be necess3ry, especially in the case of printed output that is tangible and can be viewed and h3n· died easily. Enterprise-wide daca access creates a whole new ser of security and control issues. Many firms have responded to those concerns by installing disk less workstations. A di ~ klcss wo rkstation is a network terminal that supports 3 full -featured user interface but limits the printing or copying of data, except to certain network resources rhar can be monitored and controlled. This concept would typically preclude rhe use of portable storage devices, such as USB thumb drives. 8.8.2 Input Security and Control Input control includes the necessary measures to ensure that input data is correct, complete, and secure. lnput control must be the focus during every phase of input design, starting with source documents that promote data accuracy and quality. \Vhen a batch input method is used, the computer can produce an input log file thar identi· fies and documents the data entered. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 257 8.9 Emerging Trends Every piece of informarion should be craceabJe back ro the inpur dara rhar produced ir. Thar means rhe analysr muse provide an audir rrail rhat records rhc source of each dara ircm and when ir enrered the sysrem. In addirion ro recording the original source, an audi r rrail must show how and when data 1s accessed or changed, and by whom. All those actions must be logged in an audic rrail file and monirored carefull}. A company must have procedures for handling source documents co ensure char data is nor lost before ic cnrers che system. All source documents char origmare from outside rhe organi1.acion should be logged when they are received. Whenever source documents pass between dcparnnenrs, che transfer should be recorded. Data securit)' policies and procedures protect dara from loss or damage, which is a viral goal in every organization. If the safeguards are nor 100% effective, dara recovery utilities should be able co restore lost or damaged data. Once data is entered, che company should srore source documents in a safe locacion for some specified length of time. The company should have a records rerention policy that meets all legal requirements and business needs. Audit trail files and reports should be stored a nd saved. Then, if a data file is damaged, the information can be used to reconstruct the lost data. Dara security also involves protecting data from unauthorized access. System sign-on procedures should prevent unauchorized individuals from enttering rhe sysrem, and users should change their passwords regularly. Having several levels of access also is advisable. For example, a data enrry person mighr be allowed co view a credit Limit but nor change ic. Sensitive data can be encrypted, or coded, in a process called encryption, so only users wich decoding software can read ir. 8. 9 EMERGING TRENDS The user interface conri nues ro evolve. The widespread use of mobile devices such as the iPad and other tablcrs, coupled with the ubiquiry of the iPhone and ocher smarcphones, has greacly influenced user inrerface design. lndeed, key user experience lessons from chese devices have been rcflecced back into the user interface for mainscream operaring sy~rems such as Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. le is d1fficulc ro predict the future, but the introducrion of che Apple \Xlacch, G<x>glc's Wear OS, Ficbit's fimess crackers, and other wearable devices promises ro furrher shake up user incerface design principles. Advanced technology will supporr rhe evolurion, but rhe real driving force will be user empowerment, which re~u lts in customer :.atisfacrion, increased producrivity, and bottom-Line savings. 8.9. 1 Modular D esign ln a modular dc~ign , individual compo nenrs, called modules, are created rhat connccr to a higher-level program or process. In a scrucrured design, each module represents a specific process, which is shown on a DFD and documented in a process description. If an object-oriented design is being used, as described in Chapter 6, code modules rcpresenc classes. Modula r design is explained in more detail in C ha peer I I, which describes systems implemenrarion. Modules should be designed ro perform a single funcrion. Indcpendenc modules provide grearcr Aexihiliry because they can be developed and rested individually and rhen combined or reused larer in che developmem: process. ~1odular design is especially imporranr in designing large-scale systems because separare reams of analysrs and programmer can work on different a reas and then integrate the resulrs. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 258 8.9 Emerging Trends 8.9.2 Responsive Web Design Today's conccnc is viewed by users on mulriple devices: compucers, cablcts, and smartphones. Each device has irs own form factors char can limir rhe user experience. For example, rhc physical dimensions of a smartphone preclude rhe use of wide mcnusw1thour forcing rhe user to scroll horizontally coo much. Responsive web design is an emerging trend chat renders web concent properly, independencly of rhe device in use. This means the developer only has to focus on essential user incerfoce issues; how che GUI arrifoccs are presented on che device is handled automatically by the underling framework. Responsive web design addre ses various nonfunctional anribuces, including usability, performance, and maintainability. Responsive web design relies on a number of underlying technologies, including CSS3, flexible images, and fluid grids. Page clements are expressed in relative ccrms (e.g., perccnragcs), racher than absolute cerms (e.g., pixels). This a llows rhe conrenr to "flow " properly in the user interface, irrespective of the display device. 8.9.3 Prototyping Prototyping produces an early, rapid ly conscructed working version o f the proposed information system, called a procotype. Prototyping, which involves a reperirive sequence of analysis, design, modeling, and testing, is a common technique rhac can be used co design a nything from a ne w home co a computer network. For example, engineers use a prororype co evaluate an aircraft design before production begins, as shown in rhe wind runnel testing in Figure 8- 18. FIGURE 8- 18 Wind tunnel t esting is a typical example of prototyping. t-o:J·1.esy off'lAS.A User inpur and feedback is essenrial ar every srage of the systems devclopmcnr process. Prororyping allows users co examine a model rhar accurately represenrs sysrem o urpurs, inpurs, inrerfaces, and processes. Users can " tesr-drivc" rhc model in a risk-free environmenr a nd eirher approve ir or request changes. In some siruarions, the protorype evolves inro the final version of rhe information system. In orher cases, rhc prororype is inrended o nly ro validate user requirements and is disca rded afterward. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 259 8.9 Emerging Trends Perhaps the most intense form of prororyping occurs when agile methods are u~cd. As described in Chapter I, agile methods build a sysrem by creating a series of prototypes and constanrly adjusting them to user requirements. As the agile process continues, developers revise, extend, and merge earlier versions into the final product. An agile approach empha~i1es continuous feedback, and each incremental step •~affected by what was learned in the prior steps. Systems analysts generally use two protoryping methods: system protoryping and design protoryping. SYSTEM PROTOTYPING: System prototyping produces a full-featured, working model of the information system. A system prototype that meets all requirements is ready for implementation, as shown in Figure 8-19. Because the model is "on track" for implementation, it is especially important to obtain user feedback and to be sure that the prototype meets all requirements of users and management. Planning / Implement the system FIG URE 8- 19 The end product of system prototyping is a working model of the information system. ready for proper implementation. DESIGN PROTOTYPING: Systems analyses also use protoryping to verif)' user requirements, after which the procorype is discarded and implementation continues. The approach is called design protot)'ping, or throwaway prototyping. ln this case, the prororyping objectives arc more limited but no less important. The end product of design procoryping is a user-approved model tha t documents and benchmarks the features of the finished system. Design prototyping makes it possible ro capture user input and approval while continuing co develop the system within che framework of the SDLC. Systems analyses typically use design prototyping as they construct outputs, inputs, and user interfaces. TRADE- OFFS: Prororyping offers many benefits, including rhe following: • Users and systems developers can avoid misunderstandings. • System developers can create accurate specifications for the finished system ba11ed on the prototype. • ,\ lanagers can evaluate a working model more eHectivelr than a paper specification. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design 8.10 Summary 260 • • S>•Stcms analysts can use a prototype ro develop resring and training procedures before rhe finished sysrem is available. Prototyping reduces the risk and potential financial exposure char occur when a finished system fails co support business needs. Alrhough most systems analysts believe rhar rhe advantages of prororypmg far outweigh any disadvantages, the following porenrial problems should be considered: • • • • The rapid pace of development can creare quality problems, which are nor discovered until the finished system is operarionaJ. Other sysrem requiremenrs, such as reliability and mamtainabiliry, cannot be rested adequately using a prororype. In very complex systems, the prototype can become unwieldy and difficult ro manage. A client or user might wanr to adopt the prototype with few to no changes, mistakenl y thinking that the prororype will meet their needs though it may need further customization, leading to increased maintenance costs later in che SDLC. One of the systems analysts on the project team thought that he dad a good job of designing the company's tech support webpage, but his supervisor isn't so sure. His supervisor is concerned that the design is very similar to a page used by the company's major competitor, and she asked him whether he had used any HTML code from that site in his design. Although the analyst didn't copy any of the code. he did examine it in his web browser to see how they handled some design issues. The supervisor asked the analyst to investigate webpage copyright issues and report back to her. In his research, the analyst learned that outright copying would be a copyright violation, but merely viewing other sites to get design ideas would be permissible. What is not so clear is the gray area in the middle. The analyst asked you, as a friend, for your opinion on this question: Even if no acrual copying is involved, are there ethical constraints on how far you should go in using the creative work of others! How would you answer! 8. I 0 SUMMARY The chaprer began with a discussion of user inrerface design and HCI concepts. A GUI uses visu::tl objects and techniques tha r allow users to communicate effecrively with the system. User-centered design principles include understanding rhe business, maximizing graphic effectiveness, thinking like a user, using models and prororypes, focusing on usabiliry, inviting feedback, and documenting everything. When designing rhe user inrerface, it should be transparent; create an inrerface that is easy to learn and use; enhance user productivity; make ir easy ro obtain help or correct errors; minimize inpur dara problems; provide feedback; create an attractive layout and design; and use famjliar terms and images. Control features, such as menu r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~... . ... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., ...................... .... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase l Systems Design 26 1 8.10 Summary bars, toolbars, drop-down lisr boxes, dialog boxes, toggle burrons, list boxes, oprion burrons, check boxes, and command burrons can also be added. Controls are placed on a main swirchhoard, which is like a graphical version of a main menu. The discussion of input design began with a description of source documents and the various 1.ones in a document, including the heading zone, the control zone, rhe instruction zone, the body 1one, the totals zone, and the authorization 1one. The discussion of darn enrry screen design explained the use of input masks and vahdauon rules to reduce data errors. Input masks are like templates rhar only permit certain combinations of characters, and data validation rules can provide checks ro ensure that inappropriate data is prevented from enreri11g the system. These checks can include dara sequence, existence, range and limit, reasonableness, and validity, among others. The chapter described various rypes of printed reports, including detail, exception, and summary reports. The features and sections of reports, including control fields, control breaks, report headers and footers, page headers and footers, and group headers and footers were explained. Other types of output, such as web-based information delivery, audio output, instant messagi.ng, podcasts, email, and other specialized forms of output were also discussed. Batch and on line input methods were also described, as were input media and procedures, and input volume. Input methods include data capture and data entry. Dara capture, which may be automated, involves identifying and recording source dara. Dara entry involves converting source data into a computer-readable form and entering it inro rhe system. New technology offers optical and voice recognition systems, biological feedback devices, morion sensors, and a variery of graphical input devices. Securiry and conrrol were discussed. Ourpur control includes physical protection of data and reporrs and control of unauthorized ports or devices that can extract data from rhc system. Input conrrols include audir trails, encryption, password security, data security, and rhe creation of access levels ro limit persons authorized to view or use data. Finally, che emerging trends of modular design, responsive web design, and prototyping were discussed. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 8 User Interface Design Key Terms 262 Ke y Te rms audit cra1I A re.:ord of the ;ource of each daca item and when 11 l!ncercd a >y>tem. In add111on IO recording the cmgmal 'ource, an audu trail mu_\~ sho\\ how and when tbt.1 '' 3l"<:C\\Cd or changed, and hy "horn. \II the'>e action> mu>t he logged in an audit trail file and monitored carefullr. authori1,;uion zone Part of a form that contajns any required \lgnaturc'>. automated f.ix A system rhar allows a cusromer ro request a fax using cmJil, the company website. or a telephone. The response is cransmirrcd i:n a matter of seconds back to cbe user"s fax ma,hme. See fall back. batch A group of dara, usually mpurted mto an mfoananon system at the same mne. b.uch uintrol A 1n1al u,ed to verify batch input. Batch control> might check data item\ wch 3'> r..-cord count~ and numeric field totals. For example, before cnterin11 a hatch of order,, a lt'>tr mi11ht .:.1kulatc the roral number of order; and rhe <um of all rhc order quantiric~. When the hatch of order< i'> enrcrcd, rhc order i.ystem al'>o ca lculates rhe same cwo IOtak If the ;y~tcm meals do not match the 111put torn I,, rhcn a tbt:t entry error has t>ecurred. batch input A proces' where d:ua enrry is performed on a ~pecified cime ~chcdu lc:, ~uch O'> daily, weekly. monrhl)', or longer. For example, hatch input occur~ when a payroll dq>arm1c11t collect' mne c.1rd' at the end of the week and enters the data as a batch. blog An onlme journJl. The rerm is a conrraction of "web log." calendar control A calendar control allows che user to select a dJtc that the system will d1spla> and store JS .1 field value. character·ha'>cd report J\ report created using a single mono-'>paced characcer ...:c. chccl. box U.;ed to '>elect one or more choices from a group. A check mark, or an X, repre-cnr- .;elected option'>. combuuuon chc:d A t) pe of d.11a \ alidacjon check that LS perfonned oo cwo or more field; to ensure chJt che) arc con~mcnr or reasonable when considered together. ben though Jll the fields involved m a combmauon check m1ghc pass rheir individual \alidation checks, the comhmauon of chc field values might be incontjstent or lillrcasonable. command button Onscreen button that initiates an action such as prinung a form or re<Juesnng Help. contc"·'cn,irhc A fearurc that i< sen~itive ro rhe currenr conditions when it i\ imokcd. For example, conte"t·\en'>!tiq: hdp offer- :i5sisrance for a rask in progress. control hrcJk A control break u~uall y causes specific a•-rion~ to occur, ~ud1 .I'> pnn11n11 >ubtotal> for a 11roup of records. control break report A detail rcporr that focuses on control breaks. control field order In a conrrol break reporr, the records are arranged or sorted on the same order as the cont rol fields. data security Prorccrion of darn from loss or damage and recovers darn when it is lost or damaged. dam rypc check A type of darn va li dation check rhat is used ro ensure thar o darn item fir~ the requi red dJm type. For example, a numeric ticld must have onl) numbers or numeric ~ymbt>I~. and an alpha· bc11c field can contain only chc characters A through Z or the character~ a through t.. datJ 'alidJtion rule: A me.::hanism to improve input quality by tesung tbe datJ .ind re1e~11ng .111y entry that f.111~ to meet specified condmons. default \aluc A "alue that a system displays auroma11cally. dc\1gn prototyping Creating a protocypc of user requirements, after whu:h the prororypc 1s d1..cardcd and 1mplementarion connnues. Also called rhrowawar promryping. detail report A derail report produces one or more lines of output for each record proccs<ed. dialo11 bo'< Allows a u~r ro enrcr information about a cask that a system wtll perform. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase l Systems Design 263 Key Terms d1\klc\\ \\Orl.\lauon A nc1work 1crminal 1ha1 <upportS a full-foarurcd user mtcrfaL"C hu1 limit\ 1he prinl· ing or cop)·mg of data, c"<ct'pt to certain network r~urccs chac can be monitored and conrrolled more ea;il). electronic hcahh record EHR An electronic record of a patienc's bealch information gencrJtcd as the paacm encounters various health-care prondcrs and shared among muluplc facwncs Jnd a@.enc1~. cncr)pllon A proce;; where data 1s coded (converted into unreadable characters) ;o that only tho;e wuh cbe required au1hor1z.tnon can access the data (usuallr via decoding software ). cucpllon rcpor1 A d1xumcn1 di,playing only 1ho"' rc.:ords chat meet a \p«1lic cunditmn or L·ondit11111\. Fxccption rcpom arc u\eful when the u<;er wane• information on ly on records that might require aL"tllln hut doc.; nor need m know rhe derail~. exi\tcnce check A cype of d:im validation check chat is used for mandmory darn item\. For cx:imple, if an employc:c record rc4uirc' a Social Securiry number, an exisrence check would no1 allow the ui.er to ,.we 1hc record u111il he or \he enter., a .,uitable value in the SSN field. faxback See .1urom.11cd fox . Conn fillins A very effcc1ivc method of online data enrry where a blank form thJt duplicates or resem· hies the source document i~ completed on the screen. The user enters rhe da!l1 and rhen movcs to the 11ext field. form layoul The phr•ical appearance and placemem of data on a form. Form layout make~ the form ca') m complete and provide' enough ~pace, horh vertically and horizomally, for U\t!f\ m enter the data. garb;age m, g.irb.li;c ou1 (GIGO! The concept that rhe quality of rhe ourpur" only"' good'" rhe qual1ry of the in put. graphical user interface (GUI) Inc usc of graphical objects and techniques allowing user~ 10 commum· cate with a s~·srem. A well-designed GUI can help users learn a new S)Stem rapidl) and work with rhe sys1cm effecuvcl). bash totals !\ot meaningful numbers 1hentieh es but are u.>eful for comparison purposes. Also knO\\ n as batch control 101.ils. human-cnmpu1er 1n1craL"linn (I ICH A d~cnpnon of the n:lanon~hip between computer~ and the people who u>e them to perform hu~inc<i~·rclarcd ra5ks. HO concepts appl)' to cvcry-rhing from a PC' de~krop to the marn menu for a glohal network. inpul comrol The ntxc''"'1 me:hure• ro ensure rhar input d ata is correct, complete, and \ecurc. 1\ '>Y•· tern~ anal)M mu\I focu'> on rnput conrrol during every p h ase of input design, srnmng wi1h \ourcc doc· umcms 1h:t1 promote d:ua a''uraq and quality. mput mas!. femplare or pattern char makes 1r easier for users to enter data. Often used 111 automated forms to guide an unfamiliar user. limi1 check Occurs when a va lidmion check involl'~ a minimum or a maximum value, hut nor both. Checking 1hat a payment amount is greater than zero, bur nor specifying a maxim um value. i; an example of n lunic check. 1;,, box An output mcchani>m that di>plays a liM of choices rhar the user can >elcLl. menu b.1r A >Ct of user->clcLtable •ofrware applicariun uptiom, usually locarcu acro~s 1hc rop of Lhc >erccn. mocl.·up When dc;,igmng a report, a 'ample report is prepared, which 1s a mcxk·up, or pro101ypc, for users 10re\1cw. rhc s.1mple should include ryp1cal field va lues and com.tin enough records to ~how all the de~ign fcamrc\. modular dc,1gn A deMgn that can be broken down into logical block» Abo known a; partirionmg, or top-down deMgn. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 8 User Interface Design Key Terms 264 module Rel:ued program code or:ganaed into small uruts that Jn~ eaS) to undent.rnd and m.umam. A complex program could have hundreds or even chousands of modules. n~tural l~n11ua11c A \<Jftwarc feature that allows u~~ to l)'J>C command, or re<1u"'t' m normal En11l"h (or other lan1,'llai;c) phra'>CS. onl1nc dat;i cnin A data enrry method used for most hu~ine'~ activ11)'. The onlinc mcrhod offer. major advanca~es. mduding che immediate \•alidation and arnilability of data. opuon button Radio bunons that represenc groups of options. The user can select only one option at a ume; a ~ele-:ted op11011 contains a black dot. Se!' also radio button. outpu1 control Methods to mrumam ourpur mregrity and secunry. l'or cx.1mple, C\ery report should include an appropriate title, repon number or code. primmg dare, and tune period covered. Reporn should ha\'C pages that arc numbered consecutively, 1dcnn6cd as 1'.1gc X'X of xx, .ind the end of rhc rcpor1 should be labeled clearly. output i.ccuri1y Ourpur security prorects privacy rights and bhield~ the nri;ani1ario11·~ propricrnry darn from 1hch or unnuchorizcd accc,~s. pa11c footer Appears at rhc hotcom of rhe page and is used to display the name of chc report and 1hc pa11c numhcr. pjgc header Appears .u the top of the page and mdudes the coh1lllll he.1dmgs tl1Jt 1denrif) rhe dara. podcast A wcb-b.1scd broadcast that allows J user ro receive .1udio or 111ulumcd1,1 file5 using music pla)Cr sofrware such as iTunes, and listen to them on a PC or download them ro a portable MP3 pla}er or smart phone. protol)pt An e.~rl)', rapidly con<rrucced working ver;ion of rhe propo-.cd mformarion ~y<tcm. promr) pini; The merhod br which a prorocype is developed. Jc inH>lve- a repc:riri\c ~equcnt:c of an:ilr~i<, de\l)ln, modclm11, and te;ung. It 1~ a common technique chat can be u-.cd m de\1i;n an) th11111 from a new home ma computer nerwork. radio button 8unons rhar represent groups of options. The user can select onl) one opuon ;u .1 ume; a selected opuon contains a black dor. See also option button. radio frcqucn() idenrific:iuon RFID) tag An input de,ice used in source data au1oma11on. range check A type of dara ,·alidation check chac tests data icems ro "enfy chat they fall l'Crwcen a specified minimum and maximum \'alue. The daily hours worked b) an employee, for e\amplc, mu<c fall \\ 11h111 1hc rani;e of 0 IO 24. rca,onahlcnev, check A t) pc ot data validation check tha1 idcmific> v;ilue> 1ha1 arc <1uc,tionablc but not necc<sanly wrong. For c"Xamplc, input payment va lues of $0.05 and $5,000,000.00 borh pass a sim· pie limit check for a payment value greater than 1ero, and yet both va lue' could he error,, record~ retention policy Rules designed co meet all legal requirements and busm~s needs for keeping records. rcpnr1 fonrer Appears at the end of the report, can include grand ror.1ls for numeric fields Jnd ocher endof-rcporr information. report header Appears oc the beginning of a report and identifies 1hc report a\ well a• the report title, d.1rt, and o ther nc,c.sar)' information. ,croll bar In ll>Cr imcrface design, a scroll b:tr allows the user IO movt' through 1hc av11i lablc choice; for Jn input field. (Cqucm:c chccl A t) pe of daia validation check rha1 is used when the data musl be Ill ~omc predetermined ,equence. If rhc user must enrcr work orders in numerical sequence, for example, then Jn out-of-,equence order number indicate. an error. lf the user must corer rr:tnSJuions 1.hronolog1c.ill). then a rra~acnon with an out-of-s'<!ueu'c dare 111tLcatts .m error. ~ JD» (".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-.. - "*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_ ._.... ~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ .... . _ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase l Systems Design 265 Key Terms soun:e d;ua auromation A popular onhne inpur method char combines oaline data enrrv and auromarcd data upturc u<,ing input de"'""' 5Ulh ~ magnenc data scrip> or .wipe ..:aaacri.. source documcm A form used to request and coUect input data, trigger or authorue .in mput .llllon• .inJ provide a record of the original rransacnoa. During che input design stage. you deYelop source documents that arc caS} ro complcrc and inexpensive. noryhoard Skt>tchc~ u~ during promtypmg ro ~how rhe general screen layour and d~1gn. 'ummal) rcpon A reporr 11-.cd h)' indi,idual' at higher lcvch in the organi7ation that indudc' le'~ dct.1il than report• u-.cd b) lower· le,·el employees. "'itchboard The U\C of 'ommand burrnns in a u-;er inrerfoce to enable users ro navigate a 'Y'tem and -eled from 11rou1h of related ta\k-. sy~tcm prototyping l'roducmg a full-featured, working model of the inform.ttiou sy;tem being developed. throwaway protot)pin11 See dc~ign prorocypin11. tu!(!\lc hutton A GUl clcmcnr used tn rcprc'Cnt on or nff statu•. Clicking the COffillc button >Witchc' tu the other >rntu•. wnlhar A Gln clement that contain• icom or button~ that represent •hnrtcurs for executing common command~. t0tals zone If ,1 form h.1s dat.1 totals, they will appear in this secrion of rhe form. 1tan}pJrent intcrfocc A user mterfoce thar users don't reaUy notice-a user-friendly interface that does not dmr.ict rhr usrr .ind c.alls no arrencion to uself. turnaround dt><.-umcnt Output doc.:umcnt that 1;, later entered back into the ~amc or another 1nforma· tion 'Y'tcm. A telephone or utility hill, for example, might be a turnaround document printed by the company·, hilhng ,Y'tcm. When the bill 1' returned with pa)ment, it i' <canned into the company'' account\ rcceivahlc '>)"'>tem m record the payment accuraTely. u.\ahilu> In u\cr 1ntcrfo1.:c de-1i11n. include< u...:r satisfaction, support for busin"'' funcuon,, and '>'tern etie~tivenC\\. u~abilit~ mcuic~ D.tta that u11erface designers can obratn by usmg sofrware chat C.lll re.:ord and measure user mteracuo11> with the s~srem. "'er-centered A term that 1nd1carcs the pnmaf)' focus 1s upon rhe user. ln a user-centered system, the d1'· fincrion blurs between input, output, and the interface irselI. u'cr interface (Ul) The mechanism rhrough which the user interact' with the system. The interface can be graphical, textual, aura l, or a combinarion of differenr mode~ of interaction. \•alidity d1e1.:k A rypc ol darn "alidation check that is used for dara icem' rhat mu~t have certain values. f'or example, if an 111\'cntory ;,y,tcm has 20 ,·alid llcm da~~c;,, thcn any input nem that doc' no1 mJtch one of the va lid dass<'s will foi l the check. wcbc.1st A onc·WJ) tr.111sm1s~ion of information or training materi.1ls, such as a Wcbinar session, .ivailablc on demand or for a specific period co online participants. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 8 User Interface Design Exercises 266 Exercises Question s I. Explain Apple's view of user imerfoce design, especially for apps. 2. What is l-ICI? 3. \Xfhy 1s a transparent interface desirable? 4. What are the SC\'en habits of successful interface designers? 5. How would you rank the I 0 guidelines for user interface design in order of importance? Explain your answer. 6. What are the main principles of source document design? 7. What is che difference berween a derail report, a summary report, and an exception report? 8. How has input technology changed in recent years? 9. What is output security? 10. What are three emerging trends in user interface design? Discussion Topics I . Some sy~tem~ analysts argue, "Give users what they ask for. If they want lot~ of report& and reams of data, then chat is what you should provide. Otherwise, they will feel that you are crying co cell them how to do their job~." Others say, "Systems analysts should let users know what information can be obtained from the system. If you Listen to users, you'll never get anywhere because rhey really don't know wh::u they want and don't understand information systems." What do }'OU think of these arguments? 2. Some systems analysts maintain chat source documents are unnecessary. They say that all input can be entered directly into the system, without wasting rime in an intermediate step. Do you agree? Can you think of an)' situations where source documents are essential? 3. Suppose your network support company employs 75 technicians who travel constancl) and work ar customer sires. Your task is co design an informarion system chat provides techmcal data and informanon to the field team. \Vhat rrpes of output aod mformarion delivery would you suggest for the system? 4. A user interface can be quite restrictive. For example, rhe interface design might nor allow a user to exit co a Window!t desktop or co log on co rhe Internee. Should a user interface include such restrictions? Why or why nor? 5. How is che increased use of smarrphones and tablets, with their smaller screen site, affecting user inLerface design practices? Projects I. Yihit rhc administrative office at your school or a local company. Ask co sec examples of input screens. Analyze che design and appearance of each screen and try to identify at least one possible improvement. 2. Search the web co find an especial ly good example of a user interface that includes guidelines in chis chapter. Document your research and discuss it with your class. 3. Re' iew Seccion 8.2 and the comments abouc EHR usability. Research the currenc status of EHR usability and de!tcnbe all noteworthy developments. 4. Suggest at lea~r two good examples and rwo bad examples of source document design. 5. Explore the cmergmg area of wearable computing, such as the Apple \Vatch, and comment on the impact of thehe dences on user interface design. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 Chapter 9 Data Design Data Design Chapte r 9 is the second of three chapters in the systems design phase of the SOLC. During the systems analysis phase, a logical model of the system was created. Now, it must be decided how data will be organized, stored, and managed. These are important issues that affect data quality and consistency. This chapter focuses on the data design skills that are necessary for a systems analyst to construct the physical model of the information system. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" raises the important and timely issue of sharing customer data w ithout their explicit consent. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Wl1e11 you finis/J t/Jis c/Japter, you should be able to: CONTENTS l. E..xplain basic data design conceprs, including data srrucrures, DBMSs, and rhe evolution of the relariot1al databa~e model 2. Explain the mam components of a DB~1S 3. Define the major characrcrisrics of web-based design 4. Define dara design rerminology 5. Draw enriry-rel::irionship diagram~ 6. Apply data normalization 7. Utilize codes to sim plify ourpur, input, ;:ind dara formats 8. Explain dara storage roots and techniques, including logical versus physical srorage 9. 1 9.2 9 .3 9.4 9 .5 Dara Design Conceprs DBMS Components \'<'eh-Based Design Data Design Terms E.ntiry-Relarionship Dtagrams Case in Point 9.1: TopText Publishing 9.6 Dara 'ormalization Case in Point 9 .2: CyberTo)'S 9 .7 Codes Case in Point 9.3: Madera Tools 9.8 Dara Storage and Access 9.9 Dara Control A Question of Ethics 9 . 1O Summary Key Terms Exercises 9. Explain data coding I 0. Explain darn control mea~urcs r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase l Systems Design 269 9.1 Data Design Concepts 9.1 DATA DESIGN CONCEPTS Systems analysts must understand basic data design concepts, including data structures and the evolution of the relational database model. 9. 1. I Data Structures A data \trucrure is a framework for organizing, storing, and managing data. Dara structure'> consist of files or rabies char inreracr in various ways. Each file or rable contains dara about people, places, things, or events. For example, one file or rable might conrain darn about customers, and other files or cables might store data about products, orders, suppliers, or employees. Many older legacy systems urilized file processjng because it worked well with mainframe hardware and batch input. Some companies still use this merhod to handle large volumes of srructured data on a regular basis because can be cost-effective in certain situations. For example, consider a credit card company that posts thous::inds of daily transactions from a TRANSACTIONS fille to account b::i lances stored in ::i CUSTOMERS file, as shown in Figure 9-1. For that relatively simple process, file processing might be an option. CUSTOMERS r;w______.. ~lliiM ~ 53914 Transaction ' Cuatomff flumber , Number O.te ICode lunovnt 109823497 53914 11-03 2019 °'4<g!! no.so 2100485/6 53914 11-04 2019 Re1 .. n 23.98 994184424 X9810 11 04 -2019 Owlrgr 62.67 U ·ll-2019 86.S2 FIGURE 9- 1 A credit card company that posts thousands of daily transactions might consider a file processing option. Over time, the modern relational darabase became a standard model for systems developers. The following example of an auto service shop will compare the rwo concepts. 9. 1.2 Mario and Danica: A Data Design Example Figure 9-2 shows an auto shop mechanic at work. Imagine two shops that arc very similar bur use two different informarion system .designs. Let's call them Mario's Auto Shop and Danica's Auto Shop. Mario uses two file-oriented S)'Stems, while Danica uses a database management system. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.1 Data Design Concepts 270 MARIO'S AUTO SHOP: Ivlario relics on rwo file-<>riented systems, sometimes called file processing systems, to manage his business. The two sysrems store data in separate files that arc not connected or linked. Figure 9-3 ~how Mario's file-<>riented systems: • The JvlECHA !JC SYSTEM u~es the MECHANIC file to store dara abour shop en1ployees • The JOB SYSTE~I uses the JOB file ro ~tore data about work performed ar the shop. Unforrunarely, using rwo separate systems means that some dara is stored in rwo different FIGURE 9 -2 In the example shown here. data about the places, and the data might o r might not be conmechanic, the customer, and the brake job might be stored in a file-oriented system or In a dacabase system. sistent. For example, rliree data items (Mechanic No, Name, :111d Pay Rate) are srorcd in both files. This redundancy is a major disadvantage of file-oriented systems because it threatens data quality and inregriry. In face, Figure 9-3 includes a typical discrepancy: Jim J ones' pay rate is s hown as $18.90 in the Ivl ECHANIC SYSTEM. file a nd$ L9.80 in the JOB SYSTEM file. r -No - MECHANIC MECHANIC SYSTEM ,.,,_ ""°"' ......,....,. 5UIUS !:i! MIOW« 112 11 13 . Pay Rate . HtreOate . Name Mecham< N, • a Le•ir, Robert Jones, Jim $15.00 $15.70 ~lotus 4/17/'lfJlO PMt time 1/15/1998 full ti""' . ''™"•nee . No y.,. r ~ ~ JOB JOB SYSTEM JobNo Worl: Coclf Houn Dolt r..wchan.cNo ~ Poy Rlt• ,!:ll IOll lob No ·· i'"' 1110 ... 1.14 Wot~ Cod. . Hoon . 0.•~ . M«hanlc No . TUN £ l .2 l\IW<CS ... 0 U/6/l019 U U/)/201q 11 ALIGN .J.O 12/6/lOJS 2J N""'" . P.y AAte • l Pilf. Rotwr' s1~.oo J.,.,...,fm SllSO """'"' \\ .. y $20.00 ' FIGURE 9-3 Mario's shop uses cwo separate systems, so certain data must be entered twice. This redundancy Is Inefficient and can produce erron. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 271 9.1 Data Design Concepts DANICA'S AUTO SHOP: Danica uses a database managemenr system (DBMS) wirh rwo separate rabies rhar are joined, so they ace like one l:irge cable, :is shown in Figure 9-4. In Danica\ SHOP OPERATIONS SYSTEi\1, the cables are linked by the Mech:inic 1 o field, which is called a common field because it connects the rabies. Note that except for the common field, no ocher d:ica items are duplicated. The DB~IS design, also called a relarional database or relatio nal model, was introduced in the 1970s and continues to be the dominant approach for organizing, scoring, and managing business data. SHOP OPERATIONS SYSTEM ._ ....... ..... ...,._,.. ... ,.,Mt ..,..,.. ...... ....... .., • ..... • fYr Miit • · - Ollllt • . . . . • ......... • - ... • WQril, c.- • ...,,,, . 0.. • t:1 ,., .._,. lti C10 '411'7Df0 ,..,._.. No tt1 0.N )' •l'IJnOpt ti .......... .... .-i_ l lSl'CI '10111 tJt:'Jtl'Jlllf ...... V• 1IO lM (iqN(l.S fl :SO IZWl!H9 H 1 ti-1n:r.-- Y• M.-oN l~n FIGURE 9 . 4 Danica's SHOP OPERATIONS SYSTEM uses a databa$e design, which avoids duplication. The data can be viewed as if it were one large table. regardless of where che data is physically stored. t.1ario's file-oriented systems show rwo different pay rares for Jim Jones, most likely because of a darn enrry error in one of chem . Thar type of error could nor occur in Danica's relational database, because an employee's pay rate is srorcd in only one place. However, DBMSs are nor immune ro dara entry problems, which are discussed in derail lacer m chis chapter. 9. 1.3 Database Management Systems A database provides an overall framework rhac avoids data redundancy and l>Upports a real-time, dynamic environment. Figure 9-5 shows a company-wide data base that supports four separate information systems. A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of cools, features, and interfaces that enables users to add, update, man:igc, access, and analyze data. From a user's point of view, the main advantage of a DBMS is that it offers timely, inrcracrive, and flexible data access. Specific DB,VIS advantages include the following: SALES DATABASE • Scalability. Scalability means chat a system can be expanded, modified, or downsized easily co meet the rapidlr changing needs of a business enterprise. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... FIGURE 9-5 In chis enmple, a sales dacabase an support four separate business systems. ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.2 DBMS Components 272 • For example, if a company decides to add data about secondary suppliers of material it uses, a new table can be added to the relational database and linked with a common field. £co110111y of scale. Database design allows becrer utilization of hardware. If a company maintains an enterprise-wide database, processing is less expensive using powerful servers and communication nerworks. The inherent efficiency of high-volume processing on larger computers is called economy of scale. • enterprise-wide a{Jplicatio11. A DBMS is typically managed by a person called a database administrator (OBA). The OBA assesses overall requirements and maintains the database for the benefit of the entire organization rather than a single department or user. Database systems can support enterprise-wide applications more effectively than file processing systems. • Stronger standards. Effective database administration helps ensure that stan· <lards for data names, formats, and documentation are followed uniformly throughout the organization. • Better security. The OBA can define authorization procedures to ensure char only legitimate users can access the database ancl can allow differem users ro have different levels of access. Most DB1v1Ss provide sophistica ted security support. • Data i11depe11.de11ce. Systems that interact with a DBMS are relatively independent of how the physical data is maintained. That design provides the DBA Aexibiliry ro airer data strucn1res without modifying information systems char use the data. Alchough che trend is toward enrerprise-wide dacabase design, man)' companies still use a combination of centralized DBMSs and smaller, department-level dacabasc systems. This is because most large businesses view data as a company-wide resource that must be accessible to users throughout the company. Ar the same time, other factors encourage a decenrraJized design, including network expense; a reluctance to n1ove away from smaller, more flexible systems; and a realization that enterprise-wide DBMSs can be higl1ly complex and expensive to maintain. The compromise, in many cases, is a Database clienr/server design, where processing is shared 1 Adm n1s1rators among several computers. Client/server systems are described in detail in Chapter 10. As with many design decisions, the best solution depends on rhe organization's needs and particular circumstances. 9.2 DBMS COMPONENTS Users Relatedt J Systems Information FIGURE 9-6 In addition to interfac.es for useN. database administratoN, and related information systems. a DBMS also has a data manipulation language. a sc.hema and subschemas, and a physkal data repository. A DBMS provides an interface between a database and users who need to access the data. Although users are concerned primarily with an easy-to-use interface and support for their business requirements, a systems analyst must understand all of the components of a DBMS. ln addition ro interfaces for users, DBAs, and related systems, a DBMS also has a data manipulation language, a schema and subschemas, and a physical data repository, as shown in Figure 9-6. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 273 9.2 DBM S Components 9.2.1 Interfaces for Users, Database Administrators, and Related Systems When user~, DBAs, and related information systems request data and senrices, the DBMS processes che request, manipulate:. the dara, and provides a response. A data manipulation language (OMI .) conrrols database operations, including storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting data. tvlost commercial DB~1Ss, such as Oracle and IBM's 082, use a 0~1L. Some database products, 'iuch as ~1icrosofc Access, also provide an easy-to-use graphical environment rhat enables users co control operations with menu-dri\"en commands. Users typically work with predefined queries and switchboard commands but also use query languages to access stored data. A query language allows a user co specify a task without specifying how the task will be accomplished. Some query languages use narural language com1nands chat resemble ordjnary English sentences. \Xlith a quer y by example (QBE) language, che user provides an example of the data requested. Many database programs also use Strucrured Query Lang uage (SQL), ·which is a language that a llows client workstations to co1nrnurucate with servers and mainframe computers. Figure 9-7 shows a QBE request for all Lime Squeeze or Blue Candy 2019 Ford Fusions with a power moonroof. The QBE request generates the SQL commands shown a t the bottom of Figure 9-7. USERS: DATABASE ADMINISTRATORS: --·- -- A DBA is responsible for DBMS management and supporrOBAs are concerned with dam security and inregriry, preventing unauthorized access, providjng backup and recovery, audit trails, maintaining the database, and supporting user need:•. Mo~r DBMSs provide uriliry programs ro assist the DBA in creanng and updating data Mructures, collecting and reporting parrems of database usage, and detecting and reporting database irregularities. -- ---____...... - --- --• ... --• ..-- __ ---__ -.. . .._ -= ~-- QBE ll II ) request • " _,..,......,._,.......,.._ ,.. .... ~-===-=·~·· ~ ~..... SOL ) commands _..,. - . c - .............. FIGURE 9-7 Using QBE.a user can display all 2019 Ford A DBMS Fusions that have a power moonroof and are either Ume can support several related information systems that Squeeze or Blue Candy color. provide input to, and require specific data from, che DBMS. Unlike a user interface, no human intervention is required for rwo-way communication between the DBMS and the related systems. RELATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS: 9.2.2 Schema The complete definition of a database, including descriptions of all fields, tables, and relationships, is called a schema. One or more subschemas can a lso be defined. A subschema is a view of the database used by one or more systems or users. A subschema defines only chose portions of the database tbar a particular system or user needs or is allowed ro access. For example, ro protect indjvidua l privacy, rhe project management system should nor be permitted to retrieve employee pay rares. In that case, che project management system subschema would nor include the pay rare field. Database designers also use subschemas co restrict the level of access permitted. For example, specific users, sysrems, or locations mjgfhr be permirred ro create, retrieve, update, or delete data, depending on rheir needs and the company's security policies. 9.2.3 Physical Data Repository Chapter 5 discussed a dara dictionary, wruch describes all data elements included in the logical dei.ign. At this stage of rhe systems development process, the data .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ......... ~.. __.... ~~·~--- - ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.3 Web-Based Design 274 dictionary is transformed into a physical data repository, which also contains the schema and subschemas. The physical repository might be centrnli1ed, or it might be distributed at several locations. In addition, the smred data might be managed by a single DBMS, or several systems. To resolve potential database connectivity and access problems, companies use OD BC-compliant software that enables communication among various systems and DB:VISs. Open database connecti,it) (O OBC) is an industry-standard protocol that makes it possible for software from different vendors to interact and exchange dara. ODBC uses SQL statements that the DBMS understands and can execute, similar ro the ones shown in Figure 9-7. Another common standard is called java database connecti,;ty (JDBC). J DBC enables J:iv:i :ipplicarions to exchange data with any database that uses SQL statements and is JD BC-compliant. Physical design issues are described in Chapter I0, which discusses system :irchitccture, and in Chapter 11 , which discusses system implementation and data conversion. 9.3 Wee-BASED DESIGN Figure 9-8 lists some major characteristics of web-based design. Ln a web-based design, the Internet serves as the front end, or interface, for the DBMS. internet technology provides enormous power and flexibility because the related information system is oot tied to any specific combinarion of hardware and software. Access to the database requi res only a web browser and an Internet connection. \~eb-based ~ystems are popular because they offer ease of access, cost-effectiveness, and worldwide connecriviry-all of which are vital to companies that must compete in a global economy. CHARACTERISTIC EXPLANATION Global access The Internet enables worldwide access, using existing infrastructure and standard telecommunications protocols. Web browsers provide a familiar interface that 1s user-friendly and easily learned. Ease of use Multiple platforms Cost effectiveness Security issues Adaptability Issues Web-based design is not dependent on a specific combination of hardware or software. All that is required is a browser and an Internet connection. Initial investment is relatively low because the Internet serves as the communication network. Users require only a browser. and webbased systems do not require powerful workstations. Flexibility is high because numerous outsourcing options exist for development, hosting. maintenance. and system support. Security is a universal issue, but Internet connectivity raises special concerns. These can be addressed with a combination of good design, software that can protect the system and detect intrusion, stringent rules for passwords and user identification, and vigilant users and managers. The Internet offers many advantages in terms of access, connectivity. and flexibility. Migrating a traditional database design to the web, however, can require design modification, additional software, and some added expense. FIGURE 9-8 Web-based design characteristics include global access, ease of use. multiple platforms. cost-effectiveness, security iuues. and adapability issues. In a web-Wed design. the Internet serves as the front end. or interlace. to die cbcab;lse management system. Access to die database requires only a web browser and an lnU!met conneeuon. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 275 9.4 Data Design Terms To access data in a web-based system, the database must be connected to the Internet or inrranet. The daraba e and the Internet speak rwo different languages, howc\·cr. Databases are created and managed by using \'arious languages and commands that ha,·e nothing to do with HT~I L, which is the language of the web. The objecti\e is ro connect the database to the web and enable data to be viewed and updated. To bridge the gap, it is necessary to use middleware, which is a software that integrates different applications and allows them to exchange data. ~liddleware can interpret client requests in HT~1L form and translate the requescs into commands that the database can execute. When the database responds to the commands, m1ddleware translates the results into HT~tl pages that can be displayed by the user's browser, as shown in Figure 9-9. Nore char the four steps in the process can take place using the Internee or a company intranet as the communications channel. Middleware is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10. lw•- .......,_, IOM- )--·-- - 4bul0- FIGURE 9-9 When a client worl<staaon requests a web page ( 1), the web server uses middleware to generate a data query t0 the database server (2). The database server responds (3). and the mtddleware translates the retrieved data into an HTML page tN.t can be sent by the web server and displayed by rhe user's browser (4). Web-based data must be secure, yet easily accessible co authorized users. To achieve thjs goal, well-designed systems provide security atr three levels: the database itself, che web server, and the telecommunication links that connect the components of che system. Dara security is discu~sed in more derail in Section 9.9 and in Chapter 12. 9.4 DATA DESIGN TERMS Using the concepts discussed in the previous sections, a systems analyse can select a design approach and begin co construct the systetn. The first step is to understand data design terminology. 9.4. 1 Definitions Data design terms include cnrity, table, file, field, record, tuple, and key field. These terms arc explained in the following sections. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.4 Data Design Terms 276 ENTITY: An entiry is a person, a pl~ce, a thing, or an event for which data is collected and maintained. For example, an online sales system may include enricies named CUSTOMER, ORDER, PRODUCT, and SUPPLIER. \'<lhen DFDs were prepared during the systems analysis phase, various entities and data stores were identified. Now the rela tionships among the entities wall be considered. TABLE OR FILE: Data is organhed into tables or files. A table, or file, contains a set of related records that store data about a specific entity. Tables and files are shown as two-dimensional structures tbat consist of vertical columns and horizontal rows. Each column represents a field, or characteristic of the entity, and each row represents a record, which is an individual instance, or occurrence of the entity. For example, if a company has 10,000 customers, the CUSTOMER table will include J0,000 records, each representing a specific customer. Although they can have different meanings in a specific context, the rerms table and file often can be used interchangeably. FIELD: A fi eld, a lso called an attribute, is a single characteristic or fact abour an entity. For example, a CUSTOMER enrity might include th.e Customer ID, Firsr Name, Last Name, Address, City, Stare, Postal Code, and Email Address. A common fi eld is an attribute thar appears in mo re than one enrity. Common fields can be used to link entities in various types of relationships. A record, also called a tu ple (rh)'mes with couple), is a set of related fields that describes one instance, or occurrence, of an entity, s uch a~ one customer, one RECORD: order, or one product. A record might have one or dozens of Cields, depending on what information is needed. 9.4.2 Key Fields During the systems design phase, ke}1 fields are used to organize, access, and maintain data structures. The four types of keys are primary keys, candidate keys, foreign keys, and secondary keys. PRIMARY KEY: A primary key is a field or combinarion of fields that uniquely and minimally identifies a particular member of an entity. For example, in a customer rnble, the customer number is a unique primary key because no rwo customers can have the same customer number. That key also is minimal because ir contains no information beyond what is needed to identify the customer. In a CUSTOMER table, a Customer ID might be used as a unique primary key. Customer ID is an example of a primary key based on a single field!. A primary key a lso can be composed of t\VO or more fields. For example, if a student registers for three courses, his or her student number will nppear in three records in the registration system. If one of those courses has 20 srudenrs, 20 separate records will exist for that course number-<>ne record for each student who registered. In the registration file, neither the student number nor the cou rse ID is unique, so neither field can be a primary key. To identify a specific student in a specific cou rse, the primary key must be a combination of student number a nd course ID. In that case, the primary key is called a combination key. A combination key a lso can be called a composite key, concatena ted key, or multivalued key. Figure 9-10 shows four different tables: STUDENT, ADVISOR, COURSE, and GRADE. Three of these tables have single-field primary ke ys. Note thar in the (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 277 9.4 Data Design Terms GRADE rable, however, the primary key is a combination of rwo fields: STUDENT NUMBER and COURSE 'UMBER. STUDENT NUMBER I STUDENT TOTAl CREDITS ' GPA NAME 1035 Linda Mllrk 14 3.40 49 3397 SamCerr 9 3. 75 49 407D Kelly Goldman 8 2.50 23 1' I ADVISOR NUMBER i -- - - 1 common fields ,_ _ _., 23 Alice Jones 8 230 49 Carlton Smith 0 ·331 ~====~+======~}k•~~~~---11~~ 1 STUDENT NUMBER II COURSE NUMBER I GRADE I I COURSE I CREDIT DESCRIPTION 1 HOURS CHM112 General Chemistry I s CSClSl Computer Science I 3 ENG101 EnsfLSh Composition 3 MKT2U Macfoeting Management 3 COURSE NUMBER FIGURE 9- 10 Examples of common fields, primary keys. candidate keys. foreign keys, and seconcbry keys. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- .............. __.... -- ........... ...... . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 278 9.4 Dat a Design Terms Sometimes tbere is a choice of fields or field combinations ro use as the primary key. Any field that can serve as a primary key is called a candidate kc} . For example, if every employee has a unique employee number, then it could be used as a primary key. Note that an employee's Social ecurity number would not be a good choice for a candidate key: Con trary to popular belief, Social Security numbers are not unique. Because only one field can be designated as a primary key, the field that contains the least amount of data and is the easiest to use should be ~elected. Any field that is not a primary key or a candidate key is called a nonkey field . The primary keys shown in Figure 9-10 also are candidate keys. Another candidate key is the COURSE DESCRTPTTO field in the COURSE table. What about the OFFICE field in the ADVJSOR r.able? lt could not be a candidate key because more than one advisor might share the same office. CANDIDATE KEY: FOREIGN KEY: Recall that a common field exists in more than one table and can be u~ed to form a relationship, or link, between the tables. For example, in Figure 9- 10, the ADVJSOR NUMBE R fie ld appea rs in both the STUDENT table and the ADVISOR table a nd joins t he tables together. Note that ADVISOR NUMBER is a primaqr key in the ADVJSO R table, where it uniq uely identifies each advisor, and is a foreign key in the STUDENT table. A foreig n key is a field in one table that must match a primnry key value in another table in order to establish the relationship between the two rabies. Unlike a primary key, a foreign key need not be unique. For example, Carlton Smith has advi~or number 49. T he value 49 must be a unique vnlue in the ADVISOR table because it is the primary key, but 49 can appear any number of rime!. in the STUDENT ca hie, where the advisor number serve5 as a foreign key. Figure 9-10 also shows how rwo foreign keys can serve as n composite primary key in another rable. Consider the GRADE table at the bottom of the figure. The two fields that form the primary key for the GRADE table are both foreign keys: the STUDE IT NUMBER field, which must match a student number in the STUDE1'1T cable, and the COURSE NU.t\IBER field, which must march one of the course IDs in the COURSE cable. How can these rwo foreign keys serve as a primary key in the GRADE table? Nore rhat srudenr numbers and course IDs can appear any number of times in the table, bur rhe combi11atio11 of a specific student and a specific course occurs onl>• once. For example, srudent 1035 appears four rimes and course CSC 151 appears rhree rimes-but there is only one combined instance of student l 035 and course CSC 151. Because the combinarion of the specific student (1035) and the specific course (CSC 151 ) is unique, it ensures rhat rhe grade (B) will be assigned to the proper student in the proper course. A secondary key is a field or combination of fields that can be used to access o r retrieve records. Secondary key values a re not unique. For example, to access records for only those customers in a specific postal code, the postal code field wou ld be used as a secondary key. Seconda ry keys a lso can be used to sort or display records in a certain order. For example, the G PA field in a STUDENT fi le could be used ro displny records for a ll students in grade point order. The need for a secondary key arises because a table can have on ly one primary key. In a CUSTOMER fi le, the CUSTOMER NUMBER is the primary key, ~o it must be unique. The customer's name might be known, but not the customer's number. For example, to access a customer named James tvlorgan without knowing hi~ cusromer number, the table is searched using the CUSTOMER Atvl E field as n secondary key. The records for all customers named James Morgan are retrieved and then the correcr record il> selected. SECONDARY KEY: (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 279 9.4 Data Design Terms In Figure 9-10, student name and advisor names are idenrified as secondary keys, but other fields also could be used. For example, to find all students who have a particular advisor, the ADVISOR NUMBER field in the STUDENT table could be used as a secondary key. 9.4.3 Referential Integrity Validity checks can help avoid data input errors. One type of validity check, called referential incegrity, is a set of rules that avoids daca inconsistency and quality problems. In a relational database, referential integrity means that a foreign key value cannot be entered in one table unless It marches an existing primary key in another table. For example, referential integrity would prevent a customer order from bemg enrered in an order table unless that customer already exists in the customer table. Without referennal i111egrity, there might be an order called an orphan, because it had no related customer. In the example shown in Figure 9- 10, referenda! integrity will not allow a user to enter an advisor number (foreign key value) in the STUDENT table un less a va lid advisor number (primary key value) already exists in the ADVISOR table. Referential integrity can also prevent the deletion of a record if the record h as a pri1nary key that marches foreign keys in another table. For example, suppose that an advisor resigns to :iccept a position at another school. The advisor cannot be deleted from the ADVISOR table while records in the STUDENT t able still refer to that advisor number. Otherwise, the STUDENT records would be orphans. To avoid the problem, students must be reassigned ro other advisors by changing the value in the ADVISOR NUMBER field; then the advisor record can be deleted. When crearing a relational darabase, referential integrity can be built int o rhe design. Figure 9-11 shows a Microsoft Access screen thar identifies a common field and allows rhc user ro enforce referential integrity rules. x JOB lOONo Woft.Codir Houn - MlCHAN:C °"'' -· IM<NIN<No P ly RM> Patble Httt O•tt status 1 Edll Re~11onsh1ps lmutanc:t ~ x !l,datm Table}lue-y: .., JOB .., .., Mechanic No ,.. •] 0~§!..c:r~t'f!_"!L~!!l~ti CCCildo ~ ll<l&:.d Fields c..c.do ~ l!da:.d ~ds FIGURE 9· I I Microsoft Access allows a user to specify that referential integrity rules will ~ enforced In a relational database design. .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ·· · ---~~-.,.- " ~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams 280 9.5 ENTITY•RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAMS Recall rhar an entiry is a person, a place, a thing, or an event for which dara is collected and mainrained. For example, entities might be cuscomers, sales regions, produces, or o rders. An information system muse recognize the relationships a mo ng encities. For example, a CUSTONlER entiry can have several instances of an ORDER cnriry, and an E~ I PLOYEE enriry can have one instance, or none, of a SPOUSE entity. An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a model char shows the logical rclarionships and interaction among syscem entities. An ERD provides an overall view of rhe syscem and a blueprint for creating rhe physical data st ructures. 9.5. 1 Drawing an ERO The first step is co list the entities chat were idenrified during rhe systems analysis phase and ro consider the nacure of the re larion~hips rhar link chem. Ar rhis stage, a simplified method can be used ro show rhe relations hi ps between entities. Although there a re different ways co draw ERDs, a popular merhod is ro represen t entities as recta ngles and re lationships as diamond shapes. T he enti ry rectangles are labeled with s ingular nouns, and the relarionshi p diamo nds a re labeled with verbs, usually in a cop-tobottom and left-to-right fashion. Fo r example, in Figure 9- l2, a DOCTOR entity treats a PATIENT entiry. Unlike dara flow diagrams, ERDs depict relationships, not data or information flows. DOCTOR A doctor treats a patient TREATS PATIENT 9.5.2 Types of Relationships T hree rypes of relationships can exist between entities: one-co-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. A one-to-one relationship, abbreviated 1: l , exists when exactly one of the second entity occurs for each instance of rhe first entity. Figure 9-13 shows examples of several l: l relationships. A number I is placed alongside e ach of the two connecting lines ro indicate the I: I relationship. A one-to-man)' relationship, abbreviated l :M, exists when one occur1 rence of the first entity can relate to many HEADS OFFICE insrances of the second enriry, bur each instance of rhe second entity can associate wirh only one insrance of rhe first enri1y. For example, rhc re lationship herween 1 ASSIGNED VEHICLE DEPARTMENT a nd EM PLOYEE is TO one-to-ma ny: One depa rrmen t can have many employees, but each employee works in only one deparcmenr at a time. 1 ASSIGNED PERSON Figure 9-14 shows several l:M relaTO tionships. T he line connccring the many entity is labeled with the Jeerer M, and the number l labels the other connect1 CHAIRS DEPARTMENT ing line. How many is many? The first I :NI relationship shown in Figure 9-14 shows the entities IN DIVIDUAL and FIGURE 9 - 12 In an enuty-relaaonship diagram, entities are labeled with singular nouns and relationships are labeled with verbs. The rebuonship is interpreted as a Slmple Enghsh sentence OFFICE MANAGER 1 VEHICLE ID NUMBER 1 SOCIAL SECURITY 1 DEPARTMENT HEAD 1 FIGURE 9- 13 Examples of one-to-one ( 1:1) relationships. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 281 9.5 Entity-Re lationship Diagrams AUTOMOBILE. One individual mighr own five auromobile , or one, or none. Thus, many can mean any number, including 1ero. A man y-to-man} relation\hip, abbreviared M :N , exisrs when one instance of the first entity can relate ro man y instances of rhe second enriry, and one instance of the second entit)' can relate to many instances of the first entity. The relation· ship between STUDENT and CLASS, for example, is many-ro-many-one student can take many classes, and one class can have many students enrolled. Figure 9-15 shows several M:N entity relationships. One of the connecting lines is labeled with the letter M, and the lctrer N labels the other connection. DEPARTMENT EMPLOYS INDIVIDUAL OINNS M 1 - - - ' AUTOMOBILE M CUSTOMER PLACES FACULTY ADVISOR ADVISES ORDER M STUDENT FIGURE 9-14 Examples of one-to-many (l :M) relationships. N M ENROLLS IN STUDENT EMPLOYEE CLASS REGISTRATION M N RESERVES SEATON PASSENGER RESERVATION --- - - - - - - - - - - --l assocoahve entity N M ORDER LISTS FLIGHT PRODUCT ORDER LINE FIGURE 9-15 Examples of many-co-many (M:N) ~lationships. Notice that the event or transaction that llnlu the cwo entitles Is an associative entry with its own sec -of attributes and characteristics. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- .............. . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams 282 Note that an M:N relationship is different from 1:1 o r l:M relationships because the event or transacrion that links the two entities is acrually a third entity, called an a \sociati ve entity, that has irs own characteristics. In the first example in Figure 9-15, the ENROLL IN symbol represents a REGISTRATIO encity chat records each instance of a specific student enrolling in a specific course. Similar!)·, the RF-SERVES SEAT ON symbol represents a RESERVATION entity that records each instance of a specific passenger reserving a sear on a specific flight. In che ch1rd example, the LISTS symbol represents an ORDER LINE entity that records each instance of a specific product listed in a specific customer order. Figure 9-16 shows an ERD for a sales system. Note the various entities and relationships shown in the figure, including the associative entity named ORDER LINE. The detailed nature of these relationships is called cardinality. An analyst must understand cardinality in order to create a data design that accurately reflects all relationships among system entities. SALES REP 1 SERVES M M CUSTOMER PLACES ORDER WAREHOUSE M ORDER LINE assocla11ve enllty / STORES LISTS N M PRODUCT FIGURE 9- 16 An entity-relationship diagram for SALES REP. CUSTOMER. ORDER. PRODUCT. and WAREHOUSE. Notice that the ORDER and PRODUCT entities arc joined by an associative entity named ORDER LINE. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 283 9.5 Entity-Re lationship Diagrams 9.5.3 Cardina lity Afcer an analyst draws an initial ERD, he or she must define the relationships in more detail hy u~mg a technique called cardinality. Cardinality describes the numeric relationship between two entities and shows how instances of one entity relate to instances of another entity. For example, consider the relationship between two entities: CUSTOMER and ORDER. One customer can have one order, many orders, or none, but each order must have one and only one customer. An analyst can model this interaction by adding cardinality notation, which uses special symbols to represent the relationship. A common method of cardina lity notation is called crow'~ foot notation because of the shapes, which include circles, bars, and symbols that indicate various possibilities. A single bar indicates one, a double bar indicates one and only one, a circle indicates zero, and a crow's foot indicates many. Figure 9- 17 shows various cardinality symbols, their meanings, and the UML representations of rhe relationships. As described 111 Chapter 4, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting software ~ystems design. In Figure 9-18, four examples of cardinality notation are shown. In the first example, one and only one CUSTOMER can place anywhere from zero to many of the ORDER entity. In the second example, one and only one ORDER can include one ITEM ORDERED or many. In the third example, one and only one EMPLOYEE can have one SPOUSE or none. Jn rhe fourth example, one EMPLOYEE, or many employees, or none, can be assigned to one PROJECT, or many projects, or none. Most CASE products support the drawing of ERDs from entities in the data repository. Figure 9- 19 shows part of a library system ERD drawn using the Visible Analyst CASE cool. Nore that crow's foot notation i~ used to show the nature of the relarionship~. which are described in both directions. .........""_.. ... .-................. MEANING UML REPRESENTATION I One •nd only one 1 Oneorm•ny 1.: Zero, or one, or m•ny o.: Zero, or one 0 ..1 111 I p1 po I I I 0 I FIGURE 9- 17 Crow's foot notation Is a common method of indicating cardinality. The four examples show how various symbols can be used to describe che relationships between entitles. EXAMPLES OF CARDINALITY NOTATION CUSTOMER PLACES ORDER One and only one CUSTOMER can place anywhere from zero 10 many of !he ORDER entity. ORDER ITEM ORDERED INCLUDES One and only one ORDER can Include one ITEM ORDERED or many. EMPLOYEE SPOUSE HAS One and only one EMPLOYEE can have one SPOUSE or NONE. EMPLOYEE ASSIGNED TO PROJECT One EMPLOYEE, or many employees, or none, can be asS<gned lo one PROJECT, or many projec1s. or none. FI GURE 9- 18 In the first example of cardinality notation.one and only one CUSTOMER an place anywhere from zero to many of the ORDER entity. In the second example. one and only one ORDER can include one ITEM ORDERED or many. In the third example, one ~d only one EMPLOYEE an tl3Ye one SPOUSE or none. In the fourth eicample. one EMPLOYEE.or many employees.or none. can be assigned ro one PROJECT. or many projecu. or none. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - SYMBOL -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- .............. . ,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ........... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.6 Data Normalization 284 l..ibracy System Data Model USER BOOK ADO NEW BOOK AUTHOR FI GURE 9. 19 An ERO for a library synem drawn with V1S1bleAnalyst. Nott<:e that crow·s foot notation has been used and relationships are descnbed m both d1rect10M. CASE IN POINT 9.1: T orTE..' \I Pusus11L'\ G TopText Publishing is a textbook publishing company with a headquarters location. a warehouse, and three sales offices that each has a sales manager and sales reps. TopText sells to schools, colleges, and individual customers. Many authors write more than one book for TopText, and more than one author writes some books. TopText maintains an active list of more than 100 books, each identified by a unive rsal code called an ISBN. How would you draw an ERO for the TopText information system, including cardinality notation! 9.6 DATA NORMALIZATION Normalizatio n is the process of c reating table designs by assign ing specific fields or attributes to each table in t he da tabase. A ta ble design specifics the fields a nd identifies the primary key in a particular table or file . Working with a set of initial table designs, normalization is used to develop an overall database design tha t is simple, Acxiblc, and free of data redundancy. Normalization involves applying a set of ru les chat can help identify and correct inherent problems and complexities in table designs. The concept of normalization is based on the work of Edgar Codd, a British computer scientist, who for mulated the basic principles of relational database design. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase l Systems Design 285 9.6 Data N ormalizat ion The normalizarion proces~ rypically involves four stages: unnormalized design, firsr normal form, econd normal form, and rhird normal form. The three normal forms consrirure a progression in which third normal form represents the best design. Most business-related databases musr be designed in third normal form. Note that normal forms beyond 3NF exist, but they rarely are used in business-oriented systems. 9 .6. 1 Standard Notation Format Designing rabies is easier if a ~tandard notation format is used to show a table'!> structure, fields, and primary key. The standard notation format in the following examples of an ORDl:.R S)'Stem starts with the name of the cable, followed by a parenthetical expression that contains the field names separated by commas. The primary key field(s) is/are underlined, like this: NAME (FIELD 1, FIELD 2, FIELD 3) During data design, the analyst must be able to recognize a repeating group of fields. A repeating group is a set of one or more fields that can occur any number of times in a single record, with each occurrence having different va lues. A rypical example of a repeating grou p is s hown in Figu re 9-20. If a company used written source documents to record orders, they might look like this. As Figure 9-20 shows, two orders contain multiple items, which constitute repeating groups within rhe same order number. Note that in addition to the order number and date, the records with mulriple products contain repetitions of the product number, description, number ordered, supplier number, supplier name, and I 0 status. A repeating group can be thought of as a set of child (s ubsidiary) records contained within the parent (main ) record. pnmary key primary key tor for ORDER repeating group OllDER (Unnor11 1H1 1ii) OllD£R DATt '1 ii 'M>l>UCT NUMllll I DUCall'TION NUMUll OllOfll!D I SU,"1.1£11 NVMllll SVl'Plllll NAME ISO 304 Bluepdget 7 A-602 Ac:me Yes these two orders have 633 ~v 1 J 9'1S J~ No repeating 684 Sui-sizmo 4 C-876 Cebot YM 121! Stttlw• 12 A-602 Ac~ Ye• 304 Bluepdget 3 A-602 Ac:me ve, 304 Blue gadget 144 A·602 Ac:me Yes 86223 9·1l 2019 croups 86390 86467 g 14 2019 9- l S-2019 FIGURE 9·20 In the ORDER table design. cwo orders have repeating groups that contain several products. ORDER is the primary key for the ORDER cable. and PRODUCT N UMBER serves as a primary key for the repeating group. Becaun it contains repeating groups. the ORDER table is unnormalized. A table design rhar contains a repcaring group is called un.normali1ed. The srandard norarion merhod for representing an unnormalized design is ro enclose rhe repeating group of fields within a second ser of parentheses. An example of an unnormali7ed table looks like chis: .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.6 Data Normalization 286 AME (FIELD 1, FIELD 2, FIELD 3, (REPEATING FIELD I, REPEATING FIELD 2)) Now review the unnormalized ORDER table design shown in Figure 9-20. Following the notation guidelines, rhe design can be described as follows: ORDER (ORDER, DATE, (PRODUCT ruMBER, DESCRIPTI01 , NUi\1BER ORDERED, SUPPLIER U.\.lBER, SUPPLIER NA~1E, I 0 )) The notation indicates char che ORDER table de~ign contain~ eight fields, which are listed within the outer parencheses. TI1e ORDER field is underlined to show that it is the primary kc)'· The PRODUCT NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, NU~tBER ORDERED, SUPPLIER NUMBER, SUPPLIER NAME, and ISO and NUMBER ORDERED fields arc enclosed within an inner set of parentheses to indicate that they arc fields within a repeating group. Note that PRODUCT NUMBER also is underlined because it acts as the prunary key of the repeating group. If a customer orders three different products in one order, tbcn six fie lds must be repeated for each product, as shown in Figure 9-20. 9.6.2 First No rmal Form A table is in first normal form (INF) if it does not contain a repeating group. To convert an unnormalized design to 1 NF, the table's primary key must be expanded to include the primary key of the repeating group. For example, in the ORDER cable shown in Figure 9-20, the repeating group consists of six fields: PRODUCT NUMBER, DESCRlPTJON, NUMBER ORDERED, SUPPLI ER NU.tvl BER, SUPPLIER NAME, and ISO. Of the three fields, only PRODUCT NUMBER can be a primary key becau~e it uniquely identifies each inMance of the repeating group. Tbe DESCRlPTIOr cannot be a primar)• key because it might or might nor be unique. For example, a company might sell a large number of parts with the same descriptive name, such as washer, relymg on a coded part number to identify uniquel)' each washer size. \Vhen rhe primary key of the ORDER table is expanded to include PRODUCT NUMBER, the repeating group is elimmated, and the ORDER table is now in lNF, as shown: ORDER (ORDER, DATE, PRODUCT NUMBER, DESCRWflO , NUMBER ORDERED, SUPPLIER NUMBER , SUPPLIER NAME, JSO) Figure 9-21 shows the ORDER table in lNF. Note that when the repealing group is eliminated, additional records emerge-one for each combination of a specific order and a specific product. The result is more records but a greatly simplified design. In the new version, che repeatmg group for order number 86223 has become three separate records, and the repeating group for order number 86390 has become two separate records. Therefore, when a table is in lNF, each record stores data about a single instance of a specific order and a specific product. Also note that the !NF design shown in Figure 9-2 1 has a combination primary key. The primary key of the lNF design cannot be the ORDER field a lone, because the order number does not uniquely identify eacb product in a multiple-item order. Similarly, PRODUCT NUMBER cannot be me primary key, because it appears more than once if several orders include the same product. Because each record must reflect a specific product in a specific order, both fields are needed, ORDER and PRODUCT NUtvl BER, to identify a single record uniquely. T herefore, the primary key is the combi11atio11 of rwo fields: ORDER and PRODUCT NUMBER. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 287 9.6 Data Normalization in 1NF. 1he primary key Is a unique combmabon of a specific ORDER and a speofic PRODUCT NUMBER ORDER lnlNF OllDER I DAT£ PRODUCT : DESCltll'TlON NUMBER I I NUMBER I ORDERED ' SUPPLIER NUMBER SUPPLIER NAME ! ISO I 86223 9-13·2019 304 Blue gadget 7 A-602 Acme Yes 86223 9·13·2019 633 Assembly 1 J·995 Jones No 86223 9·13 2019 684 Super gmno 4 C·876 ca bot Yes 86390 9·14 2019 128 Steel widget 12 A·602 Acme Yes 86390 9·14·2019 304 Blue gadget 3 A-602 Acme Yes 86467 9·15·2019 304 Blue gadget 144 A·602 Acme Yes t t 1n 1NF • There are no repeating groups • The pnmary key Is a unique combination of lWo foretgn key values: ORDER and PRODUCT NUMBER • All fields depend on lhe pnmary key, bul some fields do not depend on 1he whole key - only part of it FIGURE 9·2 1 The ORDER cable as 11 appears in INF.The repeadng groups have been ehminated. Notke that the repeating group for order 86223 has become three sepante records, and the repeating group for order 86390 has become two sepante records. The I NF primary key is a combination of ORDER and PRODUCT NUMBER. which uniquely Identifies each record. 9.6.3 Second NormaJ Form To understand second normal form (2NF), rbe concept of functional dependence must be understood. For example, Field A is functionally dependent on Field B if the value of Field A depends on Field B. For example, in Figure 9-21, cbe DATE value is func· tionally dependent on the ORDER, because for a specific order number, there can be only one date. ln concrasr, a produce description is not dependent oo the order number. For a panicular order number, there mighr be several product descriptions--<>ne for each item ordered. A cable design is in second normal form (2NF) if iris in lNF and if all fields char arc not part of chc primary key are functionally dependent on the entire primary key. lf any field in :i INF cable depends on only one of the fields in a combination primary key, rhen the table is not in 2 IF. Note rhar if a l NF design has a primary key rhac consists of only one field, the problem of partial dependence docs not arise-because rhe entire primary key is a single field. Therefore, a I NF table with a single-field primary key is automatically in 2 F. Now reexamine the I NF design for the ORDER table shown in Figure 9-2 1: ORDER (ORPER, DATE, PRODUCT NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, NUMBER ORDERED, SUPPLIER NUMBER, SUPPLIER NA.i\llE, ISO) Recall that the primary key is the combination of the order number and the product number. The NUMBER ORDERED field depends on the entire primary key because NUMBER ORDERED refers to a specific product number and a specific order number. In contrast, the DATE field depends on the order number, which is only .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.6 Data Normalization 288 a part of rhe primary key. Similarly, the DESCRIPTION field depends on the product number, which also is only a part of rhe primary key. Because some fields are nor dependenr on rhe entire primary key, rhe design is nor in 2NF. A standard process exists for converting a cable from 1NF to 2NF. The objective is to break the original table into two or more new tables and rea'iStgn the fields so that each nonkey field will depend on rhe enrire primary key in its table. To accomplish this, the following steps should be followed: I. Create and name a scparare cable for each field in rhe existing primarr kcr. For example, in Figure 9-21, rhe ORDER rable's primary key has two fields, ORDER and PRODUCT NUMBER, so rwo rabies muse be created. The ellipsis (... ) indicates thar fields will be assigned lacer. The result is: ORDER (ORDER, ... ) PRODUCT (PRODUCT NUMBER, ... ) 2. Create ::i new table for each possible combination of the origina l primary key fields. In rhe Figure 9-21 example, a new table would be created wirh a combination primary key of ORDER and PRODUCT NUMBER. This rable describes individual lines in an order, so it is named ORDER LINE, as shown: ORDER LINE (ORDER, PRODUCT NUMBER) 3. Study rhe three rabies and place each field wirh irs appropriate primary key, which is the m111imal key on which ir fw1crionally depends. When all rhe fields have been placed, remove any cable that did nor have any additional fields assigned co it. The remaining tables are the 2NF version of rhe original cable. The chree rabies can be shown as: ORDER (ORDER, DATE) PRODUCT (PRODUCT NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, SUPPLIER 1UMBER, SUPPLIER 1AME, ISO) ORDER LINE (ORDER, PRODUCT NUr.1BERl Figure 9-22 shows rbe 2NF cable designs. By following the seeps, rhe original lNF table has been converted into three 2NF rabies. \Vhy is ir important ro move from INF ro 2NF? Four kinds of problems are found with 1 rF designs char do nor exist in 2NF: I. Consider rhe work necessary to change a particular product's description. Suppose 500 current orders exist for product number 304. Changing the product description involves modifying 500 records for product number 304. Updating all 500 records would be cumbersome and expensive. 2. I NF rabies ca n conrain inconsistent data. Because someone must enter the product description in each record, nothing prevents producr number 304 from having different product descriptions in different records. In face, if product number 304 appears in a large number of order records, some of rhe marching product descriptions might be inaccurate or improperly spelled. Even the presence or absence of a hyphen in the orders for all-purpose gadget would create consistency problems. If a data entry person must enter a term such as 10 I Queue Controlfer numerous times, ir certainly is possible char some inconsisrcncy will result. 3. Adding a new product is a problem. Because the primary key muse include an order number and a produce number, values arc needed for borh fields in order to add a record. What value should be used for the order number when no 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 289 9.6 Data N ormalizat ion ORDER ln2NF PRODUCT In 2NF ORDER ORDER DATE PRODUCT NUMBER DESCRI PTION 86223 9-13·2019 128 86390 9 · 14·2019 9·1S·2019 86467 j I SUPPLIER SUPPLIER 1 ' ISO NUMBER NAME Steel widget A-602 Acme Yes 304 Blue gadget A ·602 Acme Yes 633 Assembly 1·995 Jones No 684 Supergjzmo C·876 Cabot Yes ' ·~ ICJWll UNE In JNf I OllOEll PilOOUCT NUMll£11 86225 504 7 86225 635 1 86225 68' 4 116390 128 .l2 116390 !!04 3 16467 304 144 • on 2NF the primary key of ORDER LINE IS a un combonat1on of two foreign keys FIGURE 9-l l ORDER. PRODUCT. and ORDER LINE tables in 2NF. All fields are functionally dependent on die pnrmry key c ustomer has ordered che product? A dummy order numbe r could be used and later replaced with a real order number when the product is ordered ro solve the pro blem, bur char solution also creates difficulties. 4. Deleting a produce is a problem. If all the related records are deleted once an order is filled and paid for, whar happens if the only record that contains product number 633 is deleted? The information about that product number and its description is lost. I las the 2 f design eliminated all potential problems? To change a product description, now just one PRODUCT record needs to be changed. Multiple, inconsistent values for the product description are impossible because the description appears in only one location. To add a new product, a new PRODUCT record is created, instead of creating a dummy order record. When the last ORDER LINE record for a particular product number is removed, that product number and its description is not lost because the PRODUCT record still exists. The four potential problems are eliminated, and the three 2NF designs are superior ro both the original unnormalized rable and the INF design. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Cha p ter 9 Data Design 9.6 Data Nor malizat ion 290 9.6.4 Third Normal Fo rm A popular ru le of t humb is that a design is in 3NF if every non key field depends o n the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key. A 3 NF d esign avoids redunda ncy and dara inccgriC) probl ems cha t Still can exisr in 2NF designs. Conti nui ng th e ORDER example, now review che PRODUCT rable design in Figu re 9-23: PRODUCT (PRODUCT NUMBER, DESCRIPTION, SUPPLIER NUMBER, SUPPLfER NAtvlE, ISO) PRODUCT In 2NF ~~~~~~~~ ' IDESCRIPTION 128 Steel widget A-602 304 Blue gadget A-602 633 Assembly 684 Super gizmo PRODUCT NUMBER ••• •• • ..• . I ISO SUPPLIER : SUPPLIER NUMBER ; NAME • : Acme Yes Acme Yes J-995 Jones No C-876 Cabot Yes •• ....................• ' SUPPLIER In 3NF PRODUCT In 3NF PRODUCT NUMBER ' DESCRIPTION 128 ''' ' ISUPPLIER 11so NUMBER SUPPLIER NUMBER Steel widget A-602 A-602 Acme Yes 304 Blue gadget A- 602 J-995 Jones No 633 Assembly J-995 C876 Cabot Yes 684 Supergizmo C-876 ISUPPLIER NAME FIGURE 9-23 Wilen tile PRODUCT table Is transformed from 2NF to JNF, tile result Is cwo separate tables: PRODUCT and SUPPLIER. Note mat In JNF, all fields depend on tile key alone. The PRODUCT cable is in J NF because ic has no repeacing group~. T he c:i ble a lso is in 2NF bcc:iusc the primary key is a single fi eld. But the table still has four po tcncial problems: I. To cha nge a supplier na me, every record in which tha t na me a ppears must be cha nged. With hundreds, o r even thousands o f record s, the process would be slow, expensive, and subject to input erro rs. 2. T he 2NF d esign a llows a supplier co ha ve a different name or ISO sta rus in different recor ds. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 29 1 9.6 Data N ormalization 3. Because the supplier name is included in che O RDER cable, a dummy ORDER record muse be created co add a new supplier who has not yec been received any orders. 4. If all the orders for a supplier are deleted, that supplier's number and name will be lost. Those potential problems are caused because the design is not in 3NF. A cable design is m thi rd nom1al fonn (3NF) if it is in 2NF and if no nonkey field is dependent on another nonkey field. Remember that a nonkey field is a field that is not a candidate ke)' for the primary key. T he PRODUCT table at the top of Figure 9-23 is not in 3NF because two nonkey fields, SUPPLI ER NAME and ISO, both depend on another nonkey field, SUPPLIER NUMBER. To converr the rable to 3NF, all fields from the 2NF table that depend on another nonkey field must be removed and placed in a new table that uses the nonkey field as a primary key. In the PRODUCT example, SUPPLIER NAME and ISO must be removed and placed into a new table that uses SUPPUER NUMBER as the primary key. As shown in Figure 9-23, 3NF divides the 2NF version into two scp<uace 3NF tables: PRODUCT (PRODUCT NU MBER, DESCRIPTION, SUPPLIER NUMBER) SUPPLI ER (SUPPLIER NUMBER, SUPPLIER NAME, ISO) CASE IN POINT 9.2: CYBERTOYS You handle administrative support for CyberToys, a small chain that sells computer hardware and software and specializes in personal service. The company has four stores located at malls and is planning more. Each store has a manager. a technician, and between one and four sales reps. The owners want to create a personnel records database, and they asked you co review a cable chat they had designed. They suggested fields for score number. location, score telephone, manager name, and manager home telephone. They also wane fields for technician name and technician home telephone and fields for up co four sales rep names and sales rep home telephones. Draw their suggested design and analyze it using the normali"Zation concepts you learned in the chapter. What do you think o f their design and why/ W hat would you propose? 9.6.5 Two Re al-World Examples A good way to learn about norma lization is to apply the r ules to a representative situa tion. This section presents two diffe rent scenarios: first a school a nd tben a rechnical service company. If a step-by-step process is followed, data designs can be created tha t a re efficient, maincainable, and er ror-resistant. Crossroads Co llege: Consider the fami liar situation in Figure 9-24, which depicts several entities in the Crossroads College advising system: ADVlSOR, COURSE, and STUDENT. The relationships among the three entities are shown in the ERO in Figure 9-25. The following secnons discuss normali1.arion rules for these three entities. EXAMPLE I : FIG URE 9·24 A faculty advisor, who represents an em1ty, can advise many students, each of whom can reginer for one or many courses. "' r r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Chapter 9 Data Design 9 .6 Data Normalization 292 Before the normaliz~nion process is scarred, it is noted that the TUDENT cable contains field5 rhar rclarc ro rhe ADVISOR and COURSE cnrirics, so a d ecision is made co begin with the initial design for the STUDEl\'T cable, which is shown m Figure 9-26. Nore rhac the rable design includes the student number, student name, coral credits taken, grade point average (GPA), advisor number, advisor name, and, for every course the student has taken, the course number, course description, number of credits, and grade received. The STUDENT table in Figure 9-26 is m1nor111aljzed because it has a repeating group. Tbe STUDENT table design can be written as: M ADVISOR STUDENT ADVISES TAKES N COURSE FIGURE 9°25 An Initial entity-relationship diagram for ADVISOR, STUDENT. and COURSE. STUDENT (STUDENT NUMBER, STUDENT NAME, TOTAL CREDITS, Gl'A, ADVISOR NUMBER, ADVfSOR NAME, OFFICE, (COURSf.. ~l..!.i.~B~R, CREDIT HOURS, GRADE)) To convert the STUDENT record to I NF, the primary key must be expanded co include the key of the repeating grou p, producing: STUDENT (STUDENT NUMBER, STUDENT NAME, TOTAL CREDITS, CPA, ADVISOR NUNlBER, ADVISOR NAME, OFFICE, COURSE NUMBER, CREDIT HOURS, GRADE) STUDENT(Umom...lnd) STUDENT NUMIEll 101) 3397 4070 I STUDENT TOTAL I GPA I ADVISOR I ADVISOll I OFRCE NAME CREDITS Unda 41 Sam Kelly 29 14 NUMBEll l.fiO ].(]() 2.90 ! NAME Smith 49 49 Smtih Jones 23 82.12 8212 C333 '1 COUllSE NUMIEll I CREOIT I GllAOE HOURS CSCUl 4 a MKT212 3 A ENGlOl 3 a CHM112 4 A BUS105 2 A ENGlOl l A MKT212 ! CSCl.Sl 4 c a CSCUl 4 B CHMlU 4 ENG101 3 BUS1~ 2 c c c FIGURE 9-26 The STUDENT table is unnormalized because It contains ;a repeating group that represents the course each student has taken. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f •,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 293 9.6 Data Normalization Figure 9-27 shows the 1NF version of rhe sample STUDENT data. Do any of the fields in the l F STUDENT table depend on only a portion of the primary key? The student name, total credits, GPA, advisor number, and advisor name all relate only to the student number and have no relationship to che course number. The course description depend~ on che course number but not on the srudent number. Onl)' che GRADE field depends on the entire primary key. 111 1NF. 1he pnmary key is a unique combmatlO!l ol a STUDENT NUMBER and a speofic COURSE NUMBER STUDENT In lNF 1035 Un.U 47 3.60 49 Smith 82U CSCl.51 4 8 1015 unda 47 3.60 49 Smlllt 82U MICTU2 l A 1015 Lindi 41 J.60 49 Sm1th B2U ENGlOl l B 1035 l..nd1 47 3.60 49 Smrth B2U CHMll2 4 A 1015 Un.U 47 3.60 49 Smith Blll 8US105 2 A 3397 Sam 29 l.00 49 Smith 82U ENG101 l A 3397 5.tm 29 l.00 49 Smith 82U MICT2U 3 c 3397 s.tm 29 3.00 82U CSCUl 4 B 4(J7Q kelty 14 2.90 "' Sm1th 23 Jones 033 CSClSl 4 8 <IOJO Kelly 14 2.90 23 Jones C333 CHM Ill 4 c <IO'IO Kelly 14 2.90 23 JO<> es Clll ENGIOl 3 "°'° Kelly 14 2.90 23 Jones 013 lkJSUIS 2 c c rn 1NF. • There are no repeating groups • The prmary key Is a unique combtnahon of two foretgn key values: STUDENT NUMBER and COURSE NUMBER • All field$ depend on Ille primary key. but some fields do not depend on the whole key - only part of ii FIGURE 9-27 The student cable in I NF. Notice that the primary key has been expanded to include STUDENT NUMBER and COURSE NUMBER. Following the I NF-2 F conversion process described earlier, a new table would be created for each field and combination o f fields in rhe primary key, and rhe other fields would be placed with their appropriate key. The result is: STUDENT (STUDENT NUMBER, STUDENT NAME, TOTAL CRED ITS, GPA, ADVISOR NUMBER, ADVISOR NAME, OFFICE) COURSE (COURSE NUMBER, CREDIT HOURS) GRADE (STUDENT NUMBER, COURSE NUMBER, GRADE) The original I F STUD ENT rable has now been convened into three tables, all in 2NF. In each table, every nonkcy field depends on che entire primary key. Figure 9-28 shows the 2NF STUDENT, COURSE, and GRADE designs and sample data. Are all three tables STUDENT in 3NF? The COURSE and GRADE .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9 .6 Data Normalization 294 rabies arc in 3NF. STUDENT is not in 3 F, however, because rhe ADVISOR NAME and OFFICF fields depend on the ADV1SOR 1UN1BER field, which 1s nor part of che STUDFNT primary key. To convert STUDENT co 3NF, the ADVI OR NAME and OFFICE fields are removed from che STUDE. T cable and placed into a cable with ADVISOR NUtvl BER as che primary key. COURSE In ZNF STUDENT In ZNF STUDENT I STUDENT NUMBEll , NAME lOlS '' llr>da ITOTAL I GPA 47 ' CREDIT HOURS ADVISOR NAME 3.60 49 Smith B2U BUSlOS 2 CREDITS OFFICE COUllSE NUMBER ADVISOR NUMBER I' 3397 Sam l.00 49 Smith B2U CHM112 4 4070 Kelly 2.90 23 Jones C333 CSClSl 4 ENG101 3 MKTlU 3 GRADElnZNF STUDENT ! COURSE I GRADE ' ' ' + ' ' ' NUMBER NUMBER I I 1n2NF • All fields now depend on the whole pnmary key, but some fields aleo might depend on other fields lhat are nol pan of the pnrnary key • The pnrnary key of GRADE ls a unique combination of two foreign key values. STUDENT NUMBER and COURSE NUMBER 1035 CSCJ.51 B 1035 MKT212 A 103S ENGlOl a lOlS CHMU2 A lOlS BUSlOS A 3397 ENG101 A 3397 MICT2U c 3397 CSCUl a 4070 CSCUl a 4070 OiMlU c 4070 ENG101 c 4070 BUSlOS c c......... FIGURE 9-28 The STUDENT, COURSE, and GRADE tables In 2NF. Notice that all fields are functionally dependent on the entire primary key of their o-espective tables. Figure 9-29 shows the 3NF versions of rhe sample data for ST UDENT, ADVISOR, COURSE, and GRADE. The final 3.NF design is: ST UDENT (STUDENT NUMBER, STUDE1''T NAME, TOTAL CREDITS, GPA, ADVISOR NUNIBER) (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~• -fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,.. ..,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Sys tems Design 295 9.6 Data N ormalizat ion ADVISOR (ADVISOR NUMBER, ADVISOR A?vlE, OFFICE) COURSE (COURSE NUMBER, CREDIT HOURS) GRADE (STUDENT NUMBER, COURSE NUfy1BER, GRADE) STUDENT In ZNF STUDENT NUMBER I STUDENT NAME I TOTAL CREDITS IGPA I ADVISOR . ADVISOR I OFFICE NUMBER : NAME 1035 Linda 47 3.60 49 Smith 8212 3397 Sam 29 3.00 49 Smith 8212 4070 Kelly 14 2.90 23 Jones 033 ....•............ ' STUDENT In 3NF ' ADVISOR In 3NF I ICREDITS I NUMBER NAME STUDENT STUDENT 101) 3397 TOTAL GPA 47 Sam 4070 14 ''' INUMBER ADVISOR ' ADVISOR I ADVISOR I OFFICE NUMBER NAME 3.60 49 Smith B2U 3.00 23 Jones C333 2.90 23 FIG URE 9-29 STUDENT. ADVISOR. COURSE. and GRADE tables in lNF. When the STUDENT table 1s transformed from lNF to lNF, che result is tw0 tables: STUDENT and ADVISOR. Figure 9-30 hows the complere ERD after normalizarion. Now rhere are four entities: STUDENT, ADVISOR, COURSE, and GRADE (which is an associative entiry). Note how Figure 9-25, which was drawn before GRADE was identified as an entity, shows that che M:N relationship between STUDENT and COURSE has been converted inco two l:M relationships: one relationship between STUDENT and GRADE and rhe other rclacionship bcrween COURSE and GRADE. .........""_.. ... .-................. 1 ADVISOR ADVISES M STUDENT 1 RECEIVES M 1 COURSE SHOWS M GRADE l assoc1atm enllty FIGURE 9 °30 The entity-relationship diagram for STUDENT. ADVISOR. and COURSE after normaliution. The GRADE entry was idemified during the normaliution process. GRADE is an associative enoty that links the STUDENT and COURSE tables _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.6 Data Normalization 296 -,..._ - . To creare 3NF designs, the nanire of first, second, and rhird normal forms must be understood. A S)' rems analyst will encounter designs that are much more complex than the examples in this chapter. ,. ....... -- \• -----·- . .--- ....I -·\.. -·------ I -T- • • • Magic J\i\ aintenance: .Nlagic Maintenance provides on-sire service for eleccronic equipment. Figure 9-31 shows the overall database design drnr such a finn might use. The 6guce contains examples of many concepts described earlier. The database consists of seven separate rabies, all joined by common 6elds, so they form an integral data scructure. Figure 9-32 shows even more derail, including sample dara, primary keys, and common fields. Nore rhat rhe eariries include customers, technicians, service calls, EXAMPLE 2: ~ FIGURE 9-31 A relational database design for a computer service company uses common fields co link the cables and form an overall daca structure. Notice the one-to-many notation symbols and the primary keys. which are indicated with gold-colored key symbols. s ".J <Um>MIR lW IAIOll ('OOf \ lAllOR COD£ HOURLY-RATl • • A • • Sl5.00 $<U.OO . 0 SMOO •c • 1456 • 1913 • 2S16 • 6121 • ll7<iO ~soo CAU· NUM • lABOR-CODE '10796 " cA 107'6 10791 B 10799 c 10799 D A 10801 ::;J SEIMCC Pi ITTOfTAll \ CAU·lllUM PART·NUM 107'6 00-9192 SS·llll 10796 10797 AB-6784 10799 AB-6784 10799 XC-3133 SS-1024 10800 . I i1] PARTS \ ' PART· NUM • AB-6784 • 00-9192 • SS-1024 I • SS-1099 • 5$-lUI • XC·llll CUSHAST · ' CVSHlllST • ' CUST·A~S • CUH-Cll'f • CUU·STAT( · Dtnv..JonH Albo'1 •J0.11.DrM co 1011 H1lllop Rood Chotlott• ~c vatdt:J 1nn1 Gonutez 67UthSttHt Stott It WA Jul"I --- .... · 1848 :::J SUMCl 1.-'- OOAll' - x C~T-NUM · a.111 thly SAruono JIC~le . lABOR·HOURS . , 3;JlSm!1hUM CAU·N~JM . CUST·NUM . 14)6 • 10796 • 10797 • 10791 • 10799 LS 2.0 s.o LS I 1.S 101 MJlti Slfoet ~ SOMCf <ALl\ x s." Jat1nto CA '""•bt"V c..... ......., 1456 6J21 14)6 - 10800 Fl H\.ldlOn x T OATf . T[(H·NUM . U/U/2019 04 U/13/2019 17 11/13/201' 04 12/l.S/2019 21 U/16/201' 21 1211"'2019 09 2136 • 10801 "'A 2.5 x . QTY . ;:J TI'OI ' TECH NUM 4 • 04 2 • 0'9 x . T£CH·lAST . TECH FIRST . HlRE·OATI . Robison Wh1tf1eld Kaplan Chood Johnson ~ 17 6 1 • 20 • . 21 15 GefTY oa..d ~·· L11land Mane 6/1/'1008 8/1/2001 1/1/l'J93 U/1/2003 10/1/2014 8 x . PART·DESC . Tcosr. PRICE . QTY-ON·HANO . MffiR DISC COVER EMBLEM JUMPER CABLE SL30 $125.00 33 $1.69 220 $16.00 $19.7'9 71 S38.00 S50.00 41 SlS.00 3 $98.50 SU.SO <:6 75 •' Primary Keys Common fields <=7.9!1 77 FIGURE 9-ll Sample data, promary keys, and common fields for the database shown in Figure 9-31 . The design is in )NF. Notice that all nonkey fields functionally depend on a primary key alone. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. r..a...w...,..._...., ..I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru .. (....,..... J:gl( . . . . . ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ .........,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 29 7 9.7 Codes and parts. Orher tahles srore dara abour labor and pans char are used on specific service calls. Also nore that all rabies use a single field as a primary key, except the SERVICE-L.ABOR-DFTAIL and SERVICE-PARTS-DETAIL rabies, where the primary key requires a combinarion of rwo fields to uniquely identify each record. 9.7 CODES A code is a ser of letters or numbers thar represents a data item. Codes can be used to simplify outpur, inpur, and data formars. 9.7. I Ove rview of Code s Because codes can represent dara, they are encountered constantly in everyday life. Student numbers, for example, are unique codes to identify srudents in a school regisrr:irion ~ystem. Three srudents with the name j ohn Turner might be enrolled ar the same school, bur <lnly one is srudenr number 268960. A poswl code is another common example. A nine-digit posta l code contain~ n lot of inform:irion. Por example, the first digit idenciifies 1 of 10 main geographical areas in the United St:Jtes. The combinarion of the next three digits idencifies a major city or m:ijor distribution poinc. The fifth digit identifies an individual post office, an :irea within a city, or a specific delivery unit. The lasr four digirs identify a post office box or a specific ~rreet address. For example, consider the zip code 3290 1-6975 shown in Figure 9-33. This is called the "5+4" zip code format. The first digit, 3, indicares a broad geographical area in the southea~rem Unired Srares. The nex't two digits, 29, indicate the area east of Orlando in Florida. The next rwo digits, 01, represent the city of Nlelbourne, Florida. The last four digits represent the specific location of the Florida institute of Technology: 150 W. University Blvd. Codes can be used in many ways. Because codes are shorter than the data they represent, they save storage space and costs, reduce dara transmission time, and decrease data entry rime. Codes also can be used ro reveal or conceal information. The last two digits of a seven-digit part number, for example, mighr represent the supplier number or the maximum discounr thar a salesperson can offer. Finall)', codes can reduce dara input errors in situations when the coded data is easier to remember and enter than the original source data, when only certain valid codes arc allowed, and when something within the code itself can provide immediate verification that the entr y is correct. Broad geographical locallon In soUlheastem US FL Ot1ando East Melbourne 3 29 01 Florida Tech 150 W. Unlvers11y Blvd. 6975 F IG URE 9 -33 A zip code Is an example of a significant digit code that uses groups and subgroups to store data. Th is example is for the zip code 32901-6975. which Is the location of the Florida Institute or Technology in Melbourne, Florida. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.7 Codes 298 9.7.2 Types of Codes Companies use many djfferent cocling methods. Because information system users mu~c work wirh coded data, the codes should be ea!>y to learn and apply. If it is planned to create new codes or change existing oaes, comments and feedback from u~rs should be obtained. The following section describes seven cominon coding methods. 1. Sequence codes are numbers or leners assigned in a specific order. equcncc codes contain no additional information ocher than an indicarion of order of enrry into the sy tern. For example, a human resource sysrem issues consccurive cmplo)•ec numbers ro identify employees. Because the codes arc as~igned in the orde r in which employees are hired, rhe code can be used to 'ce thar employee number 584 was hired after employee number 433. The code, however, does not indicate the starting date of either person's emplo)'ment. 2. Block sequence codes use blocks of numbers for different classifications. College course numbers usually are assigned using a block sequence code. JOO-level courses, such as Chemistry 110 and Mathematics 125, are freshman-level courses, whereas course numbers in the 200s indicate sophomore-level courses. Within a particular block, the sequence of numbers can have some addirional meaning, such as when English 151 is rhe prerequisite for English 152. 3. Alpha betic codes use alphabet lecters to distinguish one item from another ba~ed on a category, an abbreviation, or an easy-to-remember value, called a mnemonic code.1'tlany classification codes fir more than one of the following definitions: a. Category codes identify a group of related items. For example, a local department store uses a two-character category code ro identify the department in which a product is sold: GN for gardening supplies, .... HW for hardware, and EL for electronics. b. AbbreYiation codes are alphabetic abbreviations. For example, standard state codes include NY for New York, ME for ~l aine, and MN for Minne................. sota. Some abbreviation codes arc called mnemonic codes because they .. _ . __ .... use a specific combination of lcncrs _,........ .. ..... that arc easy to remember. Many three-character airport codes such _, _____. ..... ..... ....... as those pictured in Figure 9-34 arc mnemonic codes, such as ATL for Atlanta and MIA for Miami. I Iowcver, ............. ......... ..-... .... ----·~ some airport codes arc not mnemonic, such as ORD (Chicago O'Hare) or FIG UR E 9-3 4 Abbreviations for some of the world's busiest airports. MCO (Orlando). ' " ATL ORO u-IR HNO LAX __ -------oFW FRA aDG OEN -·--- AMS ···PHX IAH HKG --- LAS --- MAD -.-... . ._ . MSP o1W -·-- aKK SFO MIA JFK LGW EWR SIN NRT ---·- -~....... ... PEK _._ - sTL ------ seA -·---- MCO VY! 4. Significant digit codes distinguish items by using a series of subgroups of digits. Postal codes, for example, are significant digit codes. Ocher such codes include inventory location codes that consist of a rwo-digit warehouse code, followed by a one-digir floor number code, a two-digit section code, a one-digit aisle number, and a two-digit bin number code. Figure 9-35 illustrates the invenrory locarion code l 1205327. \~bat looks like a large eight-digit number is actually five separarc numbers, each of which has significance. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 299 9.7 Codes Section code Warehouse location code Bin number ' 11 ' 2 05 3 ' 27 A Floor number - - - - - - - ~------ Aisle number FIGURE 9.35 »mple o( a code that uses signifle3nt digits to pinpoint the loation of an inventory item. 5. Derivation codes combine data from different item attributes, or characteristics. Most magazine subscription codes arc derivation codes. For example, one popular magazine uses a subscriber's five-digit postal code, followedl by 31749 ADE 34 EBE the first, third, and fourth letters of the subscriber's last name, the last two digits of the subscriber's house number, and the first, third, FIGURE 9-36 A magazine subscriber code is derived from and fourth letters of the subscriber's street various parts of the name and addreu. name. A sample is shown in Figure 9-36. 6. Cipher codes use a keyword to encode a number. A retail store, for example, might use a 10-letter word, such as CAMPGROUND, to code wholesale prices, where the letter C represents 1, A represents 2, and so on. Thus, the code, GRAND, indicates that the store paid $562.90 for the item. 7. Action codes indicate what action is to be taken with an associated item. For example, a student records program might prompt a user to enter or dick an action code such as D (to display a record), A (to add a record), and X (to exit the program). 9.7.3 Designing Codes H ere arc some code design suggestions: • Keep codes concise. Do not create codes that are longer than necessary. For example, if a code is needed to identify each of 250 customers, a six-digit code is not needed. • A/10111 for expansion. A coding scheme must allow for reasonable growth in the number of assigned codes. For example, if the company currently has eight warehouses, do not use a one-digit code for the warehouse number. If rwo more warehouses are added, rhe code must be increased ro two digits or changed ro a character code in order to identify each location. The rule also applies to u~ing a single letter as a character code hecause more than 26 data items might be needed in the future. Of course, more characters can be added, which is just what the airline industry has done. Most airlines now use six-character codes char allow millions of combinations. • Keep codes stable. Changes in codes can cause consistency problems and require data updates. During the changeover period, all the stored occurrences of a particular code and all documencs containing the old code will have to change as users switch ro the new code. Usually, both the old and new codes arc used for an interim period, and special procedures arc required to handle the two codes. For example, when telephone area codes change, either area code (old or new) can be used for a certain time period. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 300 9.7 Codes • Make codes unique. Codes used for idencification purposes must be unique co have meaning. If che code H\V can indicace hardware or houscware, che code is nor ver)' usefu I. • Use sortable codes. If products with three-digic codes in the I OOs or the 300s are of one type, while produces with codes in the 200s are a different type, a simple sort will nor group all t he products of one type together. In addition, be careful rhar single-digit character codes will sort properly with double-digit codes-in some cases a leading zero must be added (0 1, 02, 03, ere.) to ensure char codes sorr correcrly. • Use a simple structure. Do noc code some part numbers wich two letters, a hyphen, and one digit, and ot hers with one letter, a h)•phen, and two digits. Avoid allowing both letters and numbers to occupy the same positions wichin a code because some of those are easily confused. This situation mighc be a good place co u~e an inpuc mask to assure that the correct data type b entered. • Avoid co11f11sio11. It is easy ro confuse the number zero (0) and the uppercase letter 0, o r the num ber o ne (1 ) with the lowercase lette r L (I) or uppercase lcrrer I. For example, rhe five-character code 5Z08 l easi ly can be misread as 5Z08I, o r 52081. • Make codes meaningful. Codes should be easy to remember, user-friend ly, convenient, and easy to interpret. Using S\Xl as a code for the southwest sa les region, for example, has far more mea ning than t he code 14. Using ENG as t he code for t he English department is easier to interpret and remember than eicher XVA or 132. • • Use a code for a single purpose. Do not use a code co classify unrelaced attributes. For example, if a single code is used to identify the combination of an employee's depa rtment and t he employee's insurance plan C)'pe, users will have difficulty idenrifying all the subscribers of a particular plan, or all the workers 1n a particular depa rtment, or both. A separare code for each separate characteristic makes much more sense. Keep codes consistent. Foe example, if the payroll system al ready is using twodigir codes for departments, do not create a new, different coding scheme for rhe personnel sysrcm. lf the two systems already arc using differen t coding schemes, cry to esrablish a consistent coding scheme. CASE IN POINT 9.3: MADERA TOOLS Madera Tools operates a small business that specializes in hard-to-find woodworking tools. The firm advertises in various woodworking magazines and currently accepts mail and telephone orders. Madera Is planning a website that will be the firm's primary sales channel. The site will feature an online catalog. powerful search capabilities, and links to woodworking information and resources. Madera has asked you, an IT consu leant, whether a set of codes would be advantageous. What codes would you suggest? Provide at least two choices for a customer code and at least two choices for a product code. Be sure to describe your choices and provide some specific examples. Also include an explanation of why you selected these particular codes and what advantages they might offer. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase l Systems Design 301 9.8 Data Storage and Access 9.8 DATA STORAGE AND Access Data storage and access involve scraregic business cools, such as data warehousing and data mining software, as well as logical and physical storage issues, selecrion of data storage formats, and special considerations regarding storage of date fields. 9.8. 1 Tools a nd Techniques Companies use data warehousing and data minj11g as srraregic tools to help manage the huge quanriries of data they need for business operations and decisions. A large number of sofr.vare vendors compete for business in chis fast-growing IT sector. Large firms maintain many darabases, which mtght or might not be linked together inro an overall structure. To provide rapid access to this i11formation, companies use software packages that organize and store data in special configurations called data warehouses. A data warehouse is an integrated collection of daca that can include seemingly unrelated information, no matter where it is stored in the company. Because it can link various in£0C1Ination systems and databases, a data warehouse provides an enterprise-wide view to supporc management analysis and decision making. A darn warehouse allows users to specify certain din1ensions, or characteristics. By selecting values for each characteristic, a user can obtain multidimensional information from the stored data. For example, in a typical company, n1ost data is generated by transaction-based systems, such as order processing systems, inventory systems, and payroll systems. If a user wants ro identify the customer on sales order 34071, he or she can retrieve the data easily DliMn•lon• from the order processing system by entering an order number. On the other hand, suppose rhat Sales a user warns co see June 2019 sales T!ITl8Penod results for che sales rep assigned to jo-l\1ar lndusrne . The data 1s stored 111 rwo different systems wirh different darabases: the sales information ~ystcm and the human DATA WAREHOUSE resources informarion ~ystem, as !.hown in Figure 9-37. Without a Human data warehouse, it would be diffiResources cult for a user to extract darn char Information Information Results System spans several information systems System Sates ref)<esenta1ive 121 and time frames. Rather than sold $375.784 10 Jo·Mar Input data Input data accessing separate system~, a data lndustnea during Juno 2019 warehouse stores transaction data in a format that allows users to FIG URE 9-3 7 A data warehouse stores dat3 frolTl several systems. By selecting data retrieve and analyze the data easily. dimensions. a user can retrieve specific Information without having to know how or where the data is stored. While a data warehouse typically spans the entire enterprise, many firms prefer to use a data mart, which is designed to serve the needs of a specific department, such as sales, marketing, or finance. Each data mart includes only the data that users in that depanmcnc require co perform their jobs. There arc pros and cons to both approaches, and the best solution usually depends on the s pecific situation. DATA WAREHOUSING: \ 1 I r .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... 1 -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.8 Data Storage and Access 302 Regard less of rhe overall approach, storing large quanriries of dara is like building a house-ir doesn'r jusr happen. A well-constructed dara warehouse needs an archirecrure rhar includes derailed planning and specifications. DATA MINING: Da ta mining software looks for meaningful data patterns and rela- tionships. For example, dara mining sofrware could help a consumer products firm identify porenrial customers based on their prior purchases. lnformalion about customer behavior is valuable, but data mining also raises serious ethical and privacy issues, such as the example in the Question of Ethics feature in rhis chapter. The enormous growrh in e-commerce has focused attention on dara mining as a marketing tool. In an article called "Data Mining on the Web" that appeared in the January 2000 issue of New Architect, a web-based magazine, Dan R. Greening noted thar web hosrs rypically possess a lot of information about visito rs, bur most of it is of lirrle value. His article mentions tbar smart marketers and business analysts are using data mining techniq ues, which he describes as "machine learning algorirhms thar find buried parrerns in databases, and report or act on those findings." He concludes by saying tha r "the great advan tage of web marketing is thar you can measure visiror interactions more effectively rhan in brick-and-morrar srores or direct mail. Dara mining works best when you have clear, meas urab le goals." Some of rhc goals he suggesrs are :is follows: • Increase the number of pages viewed per session. • • Increase the number of referred customers. Reduce clicks to d ose, which means average page views to accomplish a pur- chase or obtain desired information. • Increase checkouts per visit. • Increase average profit per cbeckour. This t)'pe of darn garhering is sometimes called clickstteam storage. Armed with this inform:ition, a skillful web designer could build a profile of typical new cusromers, returning customers, :ind customers who browse but do not buy. Although this inform:irion would be very valua ble to rhe retailer, clicksrream storage could raise serious legal :ind privacy issues if an unscrupulous firm sought to link :i customer's web behavior to :i specific n:ime or email address and then sell or otherwise misuse the informarion. Because ir can derect parrerns and trends in large amounts of data, dara mining is a valu:ible rool for m:inagers. There is a well-known story about a chain of superm:irkers that performed a derailed affiniry analysis of purchases and found chat beer and diapers were often purchased rogetber. Ir is unclear whether or not this story is true, but without actempting to explain this correlation, the obvious tactic for a retailer would be to display these irems in the same area of the store. This data mining technique relies on associariou r u.le learning and is often called mar ket basker a nalysis. 9.8.2 Logical Versus Physical Storage It is important to uuderstand the difference between logical stornge and physical storage. Logical sto rage refers to data that a user can view, undersrand, and access, regardless of how or where that information actually is organized or stored. Tn contrast, phy~ical storage is strictly hardware related because it involves the process of reading and writing binary data ro physical media such as a hard drive, CD/DVD, or network-based sroragc device. For example, portions of a documenr migh t be stored in differcnr physical locations on a hard drive, but the user secs the document as a single logical entiry on the compurer screen. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase 3 Systems Design 303 9.8 Data Storage and Access Logical storage consists of alphaberic and numeric characters, such as rhe letter A or the number 9. As de cribed earlier in rhis chapter, a sec of related characters forms a field, which dc~cribes a single characteristic, or anribure, of a person, a place, a thing, or an event. A field also is called a data element or a data item. When designing fields, space should be provided for che largesr values char can be ancicipared, wichour allocaring unnecessarily large storage capacities char will nor be used. For example, suppose a cuscomer order enrry sysrem is being designed for a firm with 800 cusromers. Ir would be a mistake co lim ic the customer numher field to chrce or even four characters. Instead, a five-character field wirh leading zeros thar could store cusromer numbers from 00001 ro 99999 should be considered. A mix of alphabetic and numeric characters can also be considered, which many people find easier co view and use. Alphabetic characcers expand the storage capacity because there arc 26 possible values for each character position. Mose airlines now use six alphabetic characters as a record locator, which has over 300 million possible value!>. A logicaJ record is a set of field values that describes a single person, place, thing, or event. For example, a logical customer record contains specific field values for a single customer, including the customer ntunber, name, address, telephone number, credit limit, and so on. Application programs see a logical record as a group of related fields, regardless of how or where t he data is stored physically. The term record usually refers ro a logical record. Whenever an application progran1 issues a read or write command, the operating system supplies one logical record to the program or acceprs one logical record from the program. The physical data might be stored on one or more servers, in the same building or thousands of miles away, bur all rhc applicarion program sees is rhe logical rccord-rhe physical srorage locacion is irrelevant. 9.8.3 Data Coding Computers represent data as bits (shorr for binary digits) that have only two possible values: I and 0. A computer understands a group of bits as a digital code that can be transmitted, received, and stored. Computers use various data coding and storage schemes, such as EBCDIC, ASCII, and binary. A more recent coding standard called Unicode also i!> popular. Also, the storage of dates raises some design issues that mu~t be considered. EBCDIC, ASCII, AND BINARY: EBCDIC (pronounced EB-see-dik), which stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, is a coding method used on mainframe compurers and high-capacity servers. ASCII (pronounced ASK-cc), which stands for American Standard Code for In£ormatJion Interchange, is a coding method used on mosr personal computers. EBCDIC and ASCII both require eight bits, or one byre, for each characrer. For example, the name Ann requires 3 bytes of srorage, chc number 12.345 requires 5 bytes of storage, and the number 1,234,567,890 requires 10 byres of storage. Compared with character-based formats, a binary storage format offers a more efficient storage method because it represents numbers as actual binary values, rather than as coded numeric digits. For example, an integer format uses only 16 bits, or nvo byres, to represent the number 12,345 in binary form. A long integer format uses 32 bits, or four bytes, co represenr the number 1,234,567,890 in binary form. UNICODE: Unicode is a more recent coding srandard rhar uses two byres per character, rather than one. This expanded scheme enables Unicode co represent more .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.8 Data Storage and Access 304 than 65,000 unique, mu ltilingual characters. Why is this important? Consider rhe challenge of running a multinational information system or developing a program that will be sold in Asia, Europe, and North America. Because it supports \irtually all languages, Unicode has become a global standard. Traditionally, domestic software firms developed a product in English and rhen tran lated t he program inro one or more languages. This process was e\.pcnsive, slow, and error-prone. In contrast, Unicode creates translatable content right from the srart. Today, most popular operating systems support Unicode, and the Unicode Consornum maintains standa rds and support, as shown in Figure 9-38. ~ The Unicode Consortium c.-. .,, , .,. _ , s- ---- . ... _ . -. _ .. -. ,.Q n.c n.-- ... OuktlUr>b C:-0- • ••• n.u............ .. .............. (C\.OllQ "1t• I w.-O. .. ......... o... UTC_,.._ • a.Oii QJTC • 7 CW-11- .. UTC~ ........ • ........ • -- ~~.Jd!Llf!JA&Ht0soctrQl.llll t'' 't W l:lV'IVGil -·~ wr--110 . . pp1t• l'll.._~ l!lll.Lll!lllllll.Jj--.il!C- ,_., ..., FIGURE 9-38 Unicode Is an international coding format that represents charaeters as Integers, using 16 bits (two bytes) per character. The Unicode Consortium maintains standards and support for Unicode. SouK.t ""' ,,,... "' STORING DATES: What is the best wa)' to store dares? ·me answer depends on how the dates will be displayed and wbether rhey will be used in calculations. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, man)' firms that used only two digits to represent t he yea r were faced wirh a major problem called the Y2K issue. Based on rhar experience, most date formats now are based on the model established b)' the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which requires a format of four digits for rhe year, rwo for the month, and two for the day (YYYYMMDD). A dare stored in rha r format can be soned easily and used in comparisons. If a dare in lSO form is larger rhan another date in the san1e form, then the first date is later. For example, 20150504 (May 4, 20 15) is later than 2013092 7 (September 27, 20 L3 ). But wbat if dates must be used in calculations? For example, if a manufacturing order placed on June 23 takes three weeks co complete, when will the order be ready? If a • .!. • • 1 M payment due o n August 13 is nor paid until April 27 of the DI , following year, exactl y how late is the payment a nd how c 0 t • • much inteTesr is owed? In these s ituatio ns, it is easier rouse 2' 1 absolu te daces. •s An absolute date is the total number of da ys from some specific base date. To calculate the number of days berween 'I, rwo absolute daces, one dare is suhtracccd from rhc other. t(21fU • For example, if the base date is January I, 1900, then May 10 UIS 4, 2015, bas an absolute date of 42 128. Similar!)', Seprember ,,11 27, 20 13, has an absolute date value of 41 544. If rhe earlier FIGURE 9.39 Microsoft Excel uses absolute dates In dace value is subtracted from the later one, che re ult is 584 calculations. In this example. May 4, 2019, ls displayed as days. A spreadsheet can be used ro determine and displa) 43589.and September 27. 2015.ls displayed as 42274. The difference between the dates Is 13 I5 days. a bsolute daces easily, as shown in hgure 9-39. - .. -· (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 4111.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 305 9.9 Data Control 9.9 DATA CONTROL ]use as it is important co secure the physical part of the syscem, as shown in Figure 9-40, file and database control must include all measures necessary to ensure that data storage is correct, complete, and secure. File and database control is also related to input and ourpur techniques discussed earlier. FIGURE 9_.0 In addition to network monitoring, system securicy includes access codes, data encryption, pa,sswords. and audit crails. A well-de 1gned DBM must provide built-in control and secunty features, including subschemas, passwords, encryption, audit rrajl files, and backup and recovery procedures to maintain data. The analyst's main responsibility is to ensure that the DBMS features are used properly. Earlier in this chapcer, it was explained that a subschema can be u ed ro provide a limited view of the database to a specific user or level of users. Limiting accei.s to files and database& is the most common way of procecting stored data. Users must furnish a proper ui.er ID and password co access a file or database. Different privileges, also called permi~si on~, can he associated wid1 differenc users, so some employees can be limited ro read-only access, while ocher users might be allowed ro update or delere data. For highly sensitive data, additional access codes can be established thar restrict i.pecific records or fields within records. Stored data also can be encrypted to pre· vent unauthorized access. Encr yption is the process of converting readable data into unreadable charnccers to prevent unauthorized access to the data. All system fi les and databases must be backed up regularly and a series of backup copies must be retained for a specified period of time. In the event of a file catastrophe, recovery procedures can be used to restore the file or database to its current state at the time of the last backup. Audfr log fil es, which record details of all accesses and changes to the file or database, can be used to recover changes made since the last backup. Audit fields, which are special fields within data records to provide additional control or security information, can also be included. Typical audit fields include the date the record \Vas created or modified, the name of the user who performed the action, and the number of times the record has been accessed. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter 9 Data Design 9.10 Summary 306 Tip Top Toys is a relatively small division ofWorldwide Enterprises. Worldwide has nine other divisio ns, which include insurance, health-care products. and financial planning services, to name a few. The cor porate marketing director for Worldwide has requested Tip Top's customer shopping data to target people who might be likely to purchase items o r ser vices from other Worldwide divisions. The database manager is not totally comfortable wich chis and pointed out Tip Top's web privacy policy, which states "Tip Top Toys. a division of Worldwide Enterprises, will not share personal data with other companies without a customer's consent." The marketing director replied that the statement only applies to outside companiesnoc other Worldwide divisions. He said he checked with the corporate legal department. and they agreed. The database manager replied, "Even if it is legally OK, it's not the right thing co do. Many people take our statement co mean that their data does not leave Tip Top. At the very least, we should give customers a choice, and share the data only with their consent." Do you agree with the marketing director? Why or why not? 9. I 0 SUMMARY This chaprer conrinued the scudy of the systen1s design phase of rhe SDLC. Ir was explained rhar files and tables contain data abour people, places, things, or evenrs that affect the information system. File-oriented systems, also called file processing systems, manage data stored in separate. A database consisrs of linked tables that form an overall data St ructure. A DB~1S is a collection of tools, features, and inrerfaces that enable users to add, update, manage, access, and analrze dara in a dat abase. DBMS designs are more powerful and flexible than crad1tional file-oriented srstems. A database environment offers scalabiliry, support for organization-wide access, economy of scale, data sharing among user groups, balancing of conflicring user requirements, enforcement of standards, controlled redundancy, effective security, flexibility, better programmer productivity, and data independence. Large-scale databases are complex and require extensive security and backup/recovery features. DBMS components include interfaces for users, DBAs, and related systems; a DM L; a schema; and a physical data repository. Other data management techniques include data warehousing, which stores data in an easily accessible form for user access, and da ta mini ng, which looks for meaningful patterns and relationships among d:ira. Dara mining also includes clickstrearn storage, which records how users interact with :i site, :ind marker baskec analysis, which c:in iJentify pro<luct relacionships :ind consumer buying patterns. In a web-based design, the Internet serves as the front end, or interface, for che DBMS. Access to the database requires only a web browser client and an Internee conne<..-cion. Middleware can interpret client requests in HTML form :ind cranslate r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase l Systems Design 307 9.10 Summary the requesrs into commands rhar rhe database can execute. \'Veb-based dara must he secure, yet easily accessible ro authorized users. To achieve this goal, well-designed systems provide security ar rhree levels: rhe database itself, the web server, and the telecommunication links that connect rhe componencs of the system In an information system, an entity is a person, a place, a thing, or an event for which dara is collected and maintained. A field, or attribute, is a single characteristic of an entity. A record, or tuple, is a set of related fields that describes one msrance of an entity. Dara 1s 5torcd in files (in a file-oriented system) and cables (in a database environment). A primary key is the field or field combination that uniquely and mimmally identifies a specific record; a candidare kc)' is any field rhat could serve as a primary key. A foreign key is a field or field combination that muse match rhe primary key of another file or table. A secondary key is a field or field combination used as the basis for sorting or retrieving records. An ERD is a graphic representation of all system entities and the relationships among them. The ERD is based o n entities and data stores in DFDs prepared during rhe systems analysis phase. The three basic relationships represented in an ERD are one-to-one ( l: 1 ), one-co-many ( J :M), and many-to-many (M:N). In a M:N relationship, the two entities arc linked by an associative entity. The relationship between cwo entities also is referred to as cardinality. A common form of cardinality notation is called crow's foot norarion, which uses various symbols co describe rhe characteristics of the relationship. Normalization is a process for avoiding problems in data design. A I NF record has no repeating groups. A record is in 2NF if it is in I NF and all nonkcy fields depend on chc cncirc primary key. A record is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and if no field depends on a non key field. Dara design tasks include creating an initial ERD; assigning data elements ro an entity; normalizing all table designs; and completing the data dictionary entries for files, records, and data clements. A code is a set of letters or numbers used to represenr data 111 a system. Using codes can speed up data entry, reduce data storage space, and reduce transmission time. Codes also can be used to reveal or to conceal informacion. The main types of codes are ~equence codes, block sequence codes, classification codes, alphaberic codes (e.g., caregory codes, abbreviation codes, and mnemonic codes), sig111ficanr digit code5, dcnvarion code~, cipher codes, and action codes. Logical storage is information seen through a user's eyes, regardless of how or where rhat information actually is organized or stored. Physical srorage 1s hardware related and involves reading and writing binary data to physical media. A logical record is a related set of field values that describes a single person, place, thing, or event. Dara storage formats include EBCDIC, ASCH, binary, and Unicode. Dares can be siored in several formats, including ISO and absolute forma t. File and database control measures include limiting access to the data, data encryption, backup/recovery procedures, audit trail files, and internal audit fields. .........""_.. ....-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_..., llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ·· · ---~~-.,.- " ~ Chapter 9 Data Design Key Terms 308 Key Terms I: I .\ type of en!lt) rcl:111onsh1p. A one-ro-one relarionship, abbreviated I: I, e'1srs when exactl) one of the ~ond enm) occurs for e-.ich instance of the first eouty. I :M A rype ol cnnn rc'3rion)h1p. A one-to-man>• refanomhip, abbre,·iatctl I :M, cx1>t> when one <><:cur· rcm.e of the finr cnt1ry .:an be related ro many 0<:currcncc\ of the '-"LOntl cnnty, hut each ou:urrcncc of the -.ccontl enriry can be associated with only one occurrence of the fil'or cnnl)'. ahhrc~iat;on cock Alphal>etic ahhreviarion. For example, ~randartl \t,lle codt..., include '"Y for '-:ew York, ME for ~faine, 3nd MN for Minnesot:L abwlute date lbe total number oi days from some specific bnse date. fo calcufotc the number of da)'S between two .1bsolute dat.-s, subtract one date from the other. For example, usmg a bJse date of Janu· Jr) 1, 1900, September 27, 2012, has an absolute date "alue of 4117!1 Jnd Jul) JJ, 2011, has an absolute dare of 40737. If rhc earlier dar<' value is subrracted from the IJtcr one, the result is 442 d,1rs. acuon code Indicates whJt ,1crion is robe taken with an associJted Item. For exJmple, a student records progrnm might prompt a user ro enter or click an action code such as D (to d1spla> the student's record}, A (ro add a record), and X (co exit the program). alphabetic rntlc Use' alphab"c leacr~ to tlisringuish one item from another ha\Cd on a catci:ory, an Jbhrcvint1011, C>r an ea,y·tC>-remcmber value, ca lled a mnemonic code. A~Cll ScanJ, for American Standa rd C.<Jde for Information lntcrchani:c, a lLita 'mrasc coding method u'ed on mo~t pcrmna I computers and workstation<. a~~ociath·e cnriry An enriry thar hns its own set of .irrributes .rnd ch,uacrcnstics. AssoctJt1\·e enrirics are used to link between many-to-many (M:N) relationships. attribute A srngle chJractenstic or fact abottt an entiry. An arrnbute. or field. 1s the smallest piece of dJta th.u h.is meanmg within ao information system. For example • .t 5oc1JJ ~urtC) number or company n.1me could l>e examples of an armbure. Ln ob1ect-oneored .m.ilys1s, an atmbute as pan of J class d1a· gram th.it describes the characrenstics of objects in the class. Also kno\\n as J data elemeot. 3.udu field\ <;pccial fields ,~;rhin data records ro provide additional control or '>«Uri!)' informarion. T)•pical audu fields include rhe dare the record was created or modified, the name of the user who performed rhe action, and the number oi rimes che record hJ'> been an:.,.,.,.,J. :audit IO)I file\ Roxord detail~ of all accesses and change> co a file or tl.naha\C and can he u'>Ctl to nx:o•cr changes made since the last backup. bad.up fhe process of saving a series of file or data copies to be retJtned for a specified period of mne. Data can he hacked up conunuously, or ar prescribed intervals. binary qora~e format A formar that offers efficient storage of numeric data . For t.'xample, when numeric data t) pes are specified using Microsoft Access, there are a variety of sroragc formats choices, includ· mg mteger and long mteger, among others. bit The 'niallc.i unit of darn is one bin:try digit. block ;cqucncc code Cipher that u;e; blocks of numberb for different cla;~ification'>. by1e A group of e1ghr bus is called a byre, or a character. A ser of byres forms .1 field, which is an ind1v1tl· u.11 f.1ct about a person, a pl.ace, a thi11g, or an event. candidate key ~omctim~ iris po<sible ro have a choice of field~ or field comhinauon~ to use as the pri· mary key. Anr field thac could serve as a primary key is called a candid.ire kc). cardinaliC) i\ concept rhar de<cribes how instances of one cnnl)· relate to instance< of another cnriry. Described in FRDs br norarion rhar indicates combinarions rhat include 1cro or one·rn·many, one-co· one, anti many-to-man}. c.ud1naht) notation Code rhat shows relationships between emmes. o;'jtci;ory cod.~ Cipher;. that identify a group of related 1tem>. !'or e.,a.mplc, j lo..al tlepJrtmcnr >tore ma> use a l'•o·charactcr category code ro identify the deparrmenr 1n whKh a produll "sold. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase l Systems Design 309 Key Terms char.1c1cr A i:roup of c111h1 hot> i~ .:ailed a characrer, or a brre. A ..et of brr~ fonm a field, which i, an 1nd1V1dual f.11.t ahouc a pcr\on, a place, a rhing, or an cvenr. cipher cod<:'> Use of a kcrword 10 encode a number. A reratl srore, for example, may use a I 0-lctter word, \uch as Cl\Ml'GROU:-<D, ro code wholes.ile prices, where chc lcncr C reprcscnr~ I, A rep· rescncs 2, and so on. Thus, the code, GRA:>.D, would indicate char the store paid $562.90 for che uecn. clich 10 close fhe average number of page views 10 accomplish a purchase or obtam des1ted mformJt1on. did..,trcam \10ra11c R<-<;ordini; wch Vl\itor hchav10r and traffic trend, for later dara m1n1ni:. U\c. cudc A -.er of lcrter\ or numhef\ chat represents a data item. Codes can be used to ,;mplify output, input, and darn formats. combination key A type of dara validation check d1at is performed on rwo or more fields 10 ensure that they arc consistenr or reasonable when considered rogecher. Even diough all the fields involved in J combutauon check might pass th~ir ind iHdual validation checks, the combi11,11io11 of the field v.1lue> nught be inconsasccnr or unreasonable. common field An attnburc rhar appears in more rhan one euriry. Common fields can be used ro link entities in vacious types of relarionships. compmire key Somcrime< it i< nccc<<ary for a primary ker m comi\I of a combination of field,. In that case, the primary key i< called a comhinarion key, composite key, concatenated key, or multivalued key. conca1e11atcd key Sec ;:on•P<hllc kc) . cro" ·, £001 oot.iuon A type of cardinaLit) notation. Ir is called crow·s foot 1101atio11 because o( rhe shapes, wruch uiclude c1tdes, bars, and S)'mbols. that mdtcate vanous poss1btlmes. A sangle bar uid1c.11es one, a double b.lr and1c.11es one and onl) one, a cU'cle mdicares zero. and a crow's foot mdicates m.iny. data clement A single char.1ctcrm1c or fact about an enriry. Adara element, field, or .mnbute cs the smallest pac~ce of data that bas meanmg within an information system. for ex.implc, a Social Sccurit) number or comp.in) name could be ei..amples of a data l'lemenr. The rean d.J/J item is also used. data 11cm Sec Jara clement. data manipulation h1n11uai.:c (0\.fl) A DML controls database operations. including ~torini:. rctncving, up<latini;, and dclc11n11 data. Mo<e commercial DBMSs, such as Oracle and IBM\ DBl, use J DMI.. data lllMI A spe<1ahled d.u.1base designed 10 serve the needs of a spectfic department, such JS sales, m.irkeung, or finance. Each data marr includes only rhe dara rhat users m rhac dep.irtment require to perform their 1obs. daca mining Lookmg for meaningful patterns and relationships among dt\ca. For example, data mm ing software could help a consumer products firm identify potential cw.tomers based on their prior purchases. data 'tructurc A mcaninf;fu l combination of related daca clements that is indudcd in a data flow or retained in a d<1ra >tore. A framcwork for organizi ng and storing data. data woirchnu~c An inrcgrarcd collccrion of darn that can Sltpporr managemcnr analysi~ and dcci~ion making. dntaba~c odmoniHr.itM (OBA! Someone who manages a DBMS. The DBA assesses overall requirement~ and ma1or.11ns the darabai.c for the benefit of the entire organuacion rather than a smgle deparrmenr or user. Jatab.i>e mJna11cmcn1 >) ;ccm (OBMS i A rnllecnon of cools, features, .ind interface> that enable> u>er> co add, update, manage, acce~~. and analpe dara in a darabase. dcnv01tion code Comhonmg dara from different item attributes, or charactcrisnc~, ro build rhc code. Mo\t magazine sulxcnpnon codes are dcrivarron codes. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 9 Data Design Key Terms 3 10 f BCOIC Stands for E..'l.tended Bina!") Coded Decimal lntercbaoge Code, a cod mg method used on mamframe .:ompmers and M>me high-capacity secvers. cwnonl\ of ,~.de The inhcrenr cfficienc)' of high-volume proces>ing on larger <omputer>. Databa>e de"gn allmY'> better uulizanon of hardware. If a company maintain\ an enrerpri,e-w1dc databa...,, procc<>\lng i~ le<>\ ex~n'i"e using a po\vcrful mainframe server instead of u~ing <.C\'eral \mailer compmers. cncrn>tinn A proce-;~ where data i~ coded (convened into unreadable char.1cter•) '>O rhar only tho~ wirh the required nurhori1ation can access rhe data (usuallr via de<oding ,oftware) entity A person, a place, a thing, or an e'·enr for which dara is coUcacd and mamtJ1ned. ~or example, an onlme sales S)Stem may inc.:lude entities named CUSTOM..l:.R, ORDJ:.R. l'RODUCf, and SUPl'UER. cnllt)·-rclauon>lup diagram (ERO) A grapluca1 model of the mformation system that depicts the relanonslups among system enri11es. fidd A 'inglc ~harnctcrl<,tic or fact about an cntiry. A field, or attribute, i' the 'mallc~t piece of data that ha' meaning with in an infnnnation ')'stem. For example, a Social Sccurit)' numhcr or company name cou ld he examples of a field. The terms data element, data item, and field are u'cd intcrchani;cably. file Each file or rahlc comnins dam a hour people, p laces, things, or evenLs that intera..-1 w ith the informa- tion 'Yl>lcm. iile-oricnicd sy~tcm A ftle-onented system, also called a file processlllg system, stores .ind manages d.ita Ill one or more separare files. first normal form ( LNI') A record is said to be in lNF 1£ 1t does not contain a repe.mng group (,1 set of data items that can occur any number of times in a single record). forci~n key A field in one table that must match a primary key \"aluc: in another table in order ro esrab- ll\h rhc rcl;uion'>hip between the two tables. fun•'tionall) dcp<ndent Funnional dependence is an imponant concept for under\tanding the 2l-.'F. The field X "'aid to be fun,·wm.11ly dependent on rhe fidd Y 1f the \·aluc of X depend, on the \·alue of Y. For example, an order date is dependent on an order number. for a pamwlar order numhcr, rherc 1s only one \'alue for rhe order dare. Jn conrra<r, rhe product de-;cription os not dependent on the order number. For a panicular order number, there might be ~veral product dc><:ription\, one tor each item ordered. lntemauonal OrganiLation for 5tandardiLation (150) A networL. of nauon.il ~tand.irds 1m111u1es lrom over a hundred counmes working in pannership wub 1mcrnanon.il orgaml.lnons, govcmmenrs, industncs, and bus111css and consumer representanves. The ISO acts as a hndgc llCtween public and private seetors. ja\a databa\c conncctivit) UDBC) A >tandar d that enables Java application~ to cxch;mge data with any darJbase th.It uses SQL statements and is ODBC-compliant. key field\ Ui,ed during the ~)''terns design phase ro organi1e, accc>>, and mainrnon data \tructure,, The four typt·~ of key fields arc primary keys, candidate key>, foreign keys, and ~crnndary key~. lo11ica l record A lo11ical record concain< field values that describe a ~inglc pcr>on, place, thin11, or event. Applicncion program< see a logica l record as a set of field<, rcgard lcs'> of how or where the data is 'torcd phy<1cally. logical \tOraAc Refer& to informa tion as seen th rough a user's eyes, regardlcs~ of how or where that information 1; organiLed or srored. M:l\ A rype of encity relationship. A man}·to-m.1.n} relauouslup, abbrevi.ued M:N, exist> when one instance of the firq enrity can be related ro many instance<> of the second enmy, and one 1n~t.incc of the ~ond cnm) can he related 10 many instances of the first ent1t). man}-to-man) rdatiomhip See \{:N. markrt h.1d.:et analy<i< A rype of analysis rhat can derecr pattern~ and trend~ in large amounts of data. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase l Systems Design 311 Key Terms m1ddlc\\arc 5oft\\arc that conne.:t~ d1\>1m1br apphcanons and enables them to communicate and c'\,hange data. For c\amplc, m1ddlcwarc can lmk a dcpa rtmcntal databa..c to a \\ cb \cn·cr 1ha1 can be accessed by client computers via rhe lnrcmcc or a company inrranet. mnemonic code Cipher~ u~ing a ~p«1fic combanarion of lerrers that arc easr co rcmembcr. Man)' thrce<haractcr J1rpon codes are mnemonic codes. For example, LAX represents Lo> Angeles. mulcivalued kc~ Someumes Jt 1s necessary for a primary key co consist of a comb111Jrion of fields. In that case, the prill1Jry key 1; ~ailed a combuiauon ke), composite key, concatenated key, or mulm alued key. nookcy field Any field that i'> nor a primar) kc)' or a candidate key;,, called a nonkey field. nor1nal1uuon A pr<"'"" hv which analy'll• 1dent1fy and corn-ct inherent problems and complc\illc' m their record dc,ign,. one·to-man) rclat1on~h1p See J :M. one-to-one rclauon\hip Sel' I: I. open databa>c connectivity (ODBC) An inclusrry-standard protocol that make' it po~'ihlc for ;oftwa1·c from different vendors ro inrcrncr nnd exchange dnrn. orphan An unassociared or unrelared record or field. An orphan could be created if J cusromer order was emercd in an order table where rhar cuscomer did nor already exist in che cuscomer tJble. Refer· cntial integrity would prevent rhc creation of thi~ orphan. permissions Uscr-spcc1f1c pnv1ley.es th.Jr derermme the rype of access a user has to a dacabJsc, file, or dtrectory. Also called user nghrs. phrical 'tl'f1111t Information 'ttorai;c mcd1ani'rn that is <tri~Tly hardwari; related, ~"t;rnw it invuh·c-- the process of rcadmg Jnd writing binaf) data to physical me<lia. such .is a h•ud dri\e, fl.ish drive. or DVD. primal) t..,") \ field or comhm:mon of fields rhar uniquely and minimally identifie' a particular member of an cnut). For example, 111 a c.:u,t0mer mhle the cu~tomer number is a umquc pnmal') kc) hct:au-.e no mo c.:u>tomcr' .:an have the !hlmc ~-u>tomer number. That kc) aho i~ m1n11nal bccau-.e n contain., no mfnrmannn bcrond what " needed ro identify rhc cusromcr. query b) c~ampk QRf 1 A language allow~ the user co pro,;dc an example of the data reque,ted. quef) lanRuagc Allows a user ro ~rcc1f)· a task wirhour spccif)'ing how the task wtll be accomplished. Some query languagrs use natural language commands that resemble ordinaf) English senrencrs record A set of related fields that describes one instance, or member of an emit), ;uch as one customer, one order, or one produu. A record m1gl11 have one or doreus of fields, depeudmg ou "hat mformauon 1s needed. Al~o called a ruple. rcco,cry procedure Pmce" for resrorin11 data and rcsrarrin~ a ~ys1cm after an interruption. Recovery procedure' can be UM"d m rc<rorc a file or database ro its current state at the time of rhc la~r backup. referential integrity A rypc of validity check. Referential inregriry i< a sec of rule<> thar avoid< dara incon 'i~tcncy and quality problem\. rela1iooal databa~c A darahnse in which rnhles are related by common fields, creating a unified d.1C,1 strucrnre th.11 provides improved data qua licy and access. relational model A model u;ed in relational databases. The relattonal model was mtroduced du rang the 1970; and be'ame popular bec.1usc n was fleXtble and powerful. rcpca111111 group A >CC of one or more field; char can occur any number of rime; in a single rc<:ord, wuh each occurrence having d1ffcrenr values. scalabtlit) A characrcri~ric implying rhc system can be expanded, modified, or dowmi1cd easily m meet che raptdl> changing need~ of a business enterprise. ~cbema The complete definmon of a database, indudmg descriptions of all fields, records, and relaoon;lups. ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... . .............. _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Chapter 9 Data Design Key Terms 312 ~c~ond normal form (2'\1- A record design is in 2NF if ic is Ill l;\J and uall fields thar arc not pan of che pnmJI) Ley are depeudem on the enure primar) ke). lf .Ill) field in .1 l~ l rC\:orJ depend; on only one of rhe fu~lds ma combmanon prunary key, then the record 1s not m 2::-;1. A I ::-;1 record wirh a primary key rhac ts a single field is aucomaricallr m 2::>:F. \ccondal') kC} .\ field or comhinarion of fields char can be u~ ro a•CC\S or rcrric,·e rcc:ord\. ~ondary key \'.llue; are nm unique. For example, co acces; records for only tho..e lu,comcr\ m a '11<!dfic p<>'>-ral rndc. rhc Jl(l\CJI •ode field could he used as a secondary ke). \cquenlc wdc Number- ()r letter- assigned in a specific order. Sequcnlc: rndc\ lontain no add111onal information other than an indicanon of order of entry inro a ;y\ttm. s111nific;m1 d1111c code Cipher rhar d1srmguishes items by usmg a series of subgroups of dagm. U.S. l'osra l Service ii p codes, for example, arc significant digir codes. \Candard nocarion formm A rcprcscnrnrion cha r makes designing cables easier as ic clearly ~how~ a mblc's s1ruc1ure, fields, and primary key. Strucrna·cd Query Uinguagc (SQL) t\ query language char allows PC u~er' co communica te with 'crver., and mainframe computcn.. 'ubi.d1cma t\ view nf rhc datab:isc used by one or mo re: syMem; or u;cr;. t\ .,ub.,lhcma defi ne., only rho' c p<>rtiom of the database char a parncular ' YStcm o r u' cr need' or i' allowed m accc". rablc Lach file or r-.ible contains darn abour people, places, thmgs, or events ch.11 uueracc wirh rhe uuormauon S)'~tem. rablc de\ign Speofies the fields and identifies che primary key in a p.1rricular rable or file. third normal form ( 3"11') A record design is in 3:-.'F if it i< in 2NF and if no mmkC)' field i< dcpcndcm on anocher nonkey field. A nonkey field is a field that is nm a candidare ke) for the pram:iry key. ruplc ,\ ruple (rhyme., with .:ouple), or record, is a >et of relace<l ltcld... chat de-..:nbc<. one in~t:1nce, or mc:mhc:r of an c:ntatv, wch a; one: c~romcr, one order, or one: produ~'t. A cu pie nui:ht h;l\c: one or do7cn< of field<, depending on whac information is needed. l.,nacode A relam·dy recem coding merhod thar represents duracrers JS mcegers. Unlike l:.BC.:DIC and ASCII, which use e1gh1 btts for each characrer, Unicode requires 16 bars per characcer, which allows IC to rcpr~nr more than 65,000 unique cbaracrers. Uru6c<l \iodclmg Language (Ui\il) A widely used method of vi!.uafumg and documenung sofrware sy.rems des111.n. U~lL uses ob1ecc--0nemed design conceprs, but 1t 1s tndepcndent of any specific progra nurnng language and can be used to descrihe busmess processes .ind requaremcms genera II). unnonnali1cd ;\ record rhar contains a repeating group. wh ich mean> rhac a "ngle record ha> mu lt iple uccurrcnce< of a particular field, with each occurrence having diffcrcnr value<. Y2K i\\UC 1\ problem faced by mnny fi rm< in rhe rear 2000 hecau'e their C()mpurcr '>Y'>tcam used only f \\ O di1:1r' IO represent rhc yc:ar; most dares now use 11 four-digit format for rhc yea r (YYYYM MDD ). ~JD»(".............. .-\l ........... .,.... _.,."'flllll.~-....-..-"*-·,..,_o.: .........,. _ _ .._ ......... .., .. ..,,.........,..~_.......,_,_,_._....~~ ... ............... _ .... ~---11rt~ -,..~---~ ~ ....._ .......... _ _ _ , _ • .......,.. .................... C'ftlpll"&.-..,~fw Phase 3 Systems Design 313 Exercises Questions I. \Xlhar is a dam srrucrurc? 1. Brief!)' describe the componenrs of a DB.\ILS. 3. Lisr the major characrerisrics of web-based design. 4. l:.xpl;un primary key, candidate key, secondary key, and foreign key. 5. What arc ERDs and how are they used? 6. How do you convert an unnormalized design to lNF? Lo your answer, refer ro specific pages and figures in rh1s chapter. 7. How arc codes used in data design? 8. Whar is data warehousing and dara mining? 9. How would a specific date, such as March 15, 2019, be represented as an absolute date? I 0. How arc permissions used ro control access ro data? Discussion Topics I. Jn the auto shop examples in Section 9.1.2, what arc some problems thar might arise in Mario's system? \Xlhy won 'r Danica run into the same problems? Provide ~pecific C'Camples in your answer. 2. Many large organizations have had tbeir database system hacked and customer dara srolen. How should rhe secunry for rhe database be differenr than security for the resr of rhe system? Does ir make a difference for web-based dara designs? lf so, how? 3. Suggesr rhree rypical business siruacions where referenrial integnry avoids data problems. 4. \Xie use tors of codes m our personal and business live!>. How many can you name? 5. Are there erhical issues ro consider when planning a database? For example, should sensitive personal dara (such as medical information) be stored in the same DBMS rhar manages employee salary and benefirs data? \Vhy or why nor? Projects I. Consider an automobile dealership with chree locations. Dara fields exist for srock number, vehicle identificarion number, make, model, year, color, and invoice cost. Identify rhe possible candidate keys, the likely primary key, a probable foreign key, and porenrial secondary keys. 2. Vis1r the bookstore ar your school or in your area. Interview the manager or store employees ro learn more about the business and the entiries rbar are involved m book~tore operations. Remember that an cmiry is a person, a place, a thing, or an event that affects an information system. Draw an ERD, including cardinality, which describes the bookstore's operarions. 3. Cludadwy Chairs sells a parented sear rhar spectarors can take ro youth soccer games. The scat folds so it is small enough ro fir in rhc glove box of most vehicles. The company opcr:ites a facrory in Kansas and also contr:icts irs manufacturing projects ro small firms in Canada and Mexico. An unusual problem has occurred for this small multinationa l company: People are gemng confused about dares in internal memos, purchase orders, and email. When the company's database was originally designed, the designer was nor aware that the format for dares in Canada and Mex~ico was different from the format used in the Unired Stares. For example, in Canada and Nlexico, the notation 7/ 1/19 indicates January 7, 2019, whereas in the Uni red Stares the same norarion indicates July l, 2019. Although ir seems like a small point, the date confusion has resulted in several order cancellations. Cludadw) Chairs has asked for your advice. You could suggest writing a simple program ro convert the dares automaticall)' or design a switchboard command thar would allow users ro select a date r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4• 11_.. • ...__. ~... . ... .,...~ • ........._ . ....._.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.. _ ..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... .., .,. ..,.~" ................... ..., ...................... .... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Chapter 9 314 Data Design Exercises formar as d:na is cnrcrcd. You reali1e, however, rhac Cludadwy Chairs mighr wanr ro do business in orhcr councrics in rhe fururc. \Xlhar would be che besc course of accion? Should rhc compan)' adapr ro rhc ~randard of each counrry, or should ic mainrain a single international formar? \Xlhar arc che argumenrs for each opnon? 4. Use ~11crosofc Access or sinular dacabase software co create a DBMS for the imaginar)' company called TopTexc Publishing, which is dt'scribed in Cast' in Poinr 9.1. Add several sample records co each rable and report 10 the class on your progress. 5. Search rhe internet to find information about date formats. Determine whether rhe date formar used in chc Unired Stares is rhe most common formac. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ~ JIJ»C....... ~ Al RlilfD ~ ... _ l,eocl\olld.,...,. _WOlfi'l'l.~• ......-W.Mdk«iil,_._DIK•dtc--.: ......,_ . . . ,_.,~-.lit .......... .._.,._.__..,~•\ . . . _ . .... ..., ~...,.._,_..,..., J\&."9 ... --.11 ......... ~ C'dptl"~~d.tt ...... - ............ - ..... - .......... -.-.....w--...-.11 Chapter I 0 System Architecture System Architecture Chapter I 0 is the final chapter in the systems design phase of the SDLC. This chapter describes system architecture. which translates the logical design of an information system into a physical blueprint. Designing the system architecture requires consideration of servers. clients, processing methods, networks, and related issues. The chapter includes three "Case in Point" discussion questions to help contextualize the concepts described in the text. The "Question of Ethics" explores the trade-offs between the potential benefits of Installing tracking software on users' computers to Improve the system's response to common usage patterns versus the ethical issues related to invasion of privacy by constant monitoring of employees' online activity. LEARNING OBJECTIVES W/Jen you finis/, this chapter, yo11 should be able to: CONTENTS I . Provide a checklist of issues ro consider when selecting a system architecture 2. Trace the evolution of !>ysrem architecrure from mainframes ro current designs 3. Explain client/server architecture 4. Describe Lhe impacl of the lnterner on syi.rem archirecrure 5. Compare in-house e-commerce dcvclopmenr with packaged solutions and service providers 6. Explain online and barch processing 7. Describe network models, including hierarchical, bus, ring, star, and mesh topologies 8. Explain network devices, including routers, gateways, and proxy servers 9. Describe wireless networking, including wireless standards, topologies, and trends I 0. 1 Architecn1re Checklist Case in Point I 0. J: ABC Systems I 0.2 The Evolution of Sysrcm Archirccrurc I 0.3 Client/Server Arcbirecturc I 0.4 The Impact of the lnrcrnct I O.S E-Commerce Architecture Case in Poinr 10.2: Small Poraroc~ I 0.6 Processing l\1cthods I 0. 7 crwork Models I 0.8 Wireless Networks Case in Point 10.3: Spider IT Services I 0. 9 Sysrems Design Completion A Question of Ethics I 0. 10 Su mmary Key Terms Exercises IO. Explain rhe final activities in rhe systems design phase r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. • ...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ Phase l Systems Design 317 I 0.1 Architecture Checklist I 0.1 ARCHITECTURE CHECKLIST At this point in the SDLC, the objecrive is ro determine an overaU architecture to implement the information system. System architecture translates the logical design of an informarion system into a physical structure that includes hardware, sofrware, network support, processing methods, and security. The end product of the systems design phase is the system design specification. If this document is approved, the next step i systems implementation. Just as an architect begins a project wirh a lisr of the owner's requirements, a system analyst must consider several issues char will affect the architecture choice. This is done with an overall architecture checklist: • Corporate organiz.arion and culrure • Enterpri c resource planning (ERP) • Initial and total cost of ownership (TCO) • • Scalability Web integration • Legacy system interface requirements • Processing options • Secu riry issues • Corporate portals I 0.1.1 Corporate Organization and Culture To be successful, an information S)'Stem must perform well in a company's organization and culture. For example, consider cwo large bicycle brands, Green Bikes and Blue Bikes. Each firm has three operating di,·isions: an Asian subsidiary that manufactures the bicycles, a factory in Los Angeles that produces bike accessories and clothing, and a plant in Canada that makes bike carriers, racks, and custom trailers. On the surface, the t\\ o fi rms are similar, bur they have very different organ11.ations and corporate culrures. Green Bikes is highly cenrrali1ed and oversees day-co-day operations from its Los Angeles office. Blue Bikes also has a Los Angeles executive office hut allows its three business unirs co operate separatel)•, with minimal corporate oversight. Both firms are successful, and it is unlikely that their managerial sryles will change anytime soon. Suppose borh firms asked a consultant to suggest a n IT architecture that would boost productivity and reduce costs. How might corporate organization and culture issues affect the consultant's recommendation? l11ere is no easy a nswer ro that question. The best approach probably would be to srudy day-to-day business functions, talk ro users at a ll levels, and focus on operational feasibility issues, jusr as was done earlier in the development process. I 0. 1.2 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Many companies use e nterpri~e resource planning (ERP) software to establish a company-wide strategy for using IT chat includes a specific architecture, standards for data, processing, nerwork, and user interface design. A main advantage of ERP is that it describes a specific hardware and software environment, also called a platform, which ensures connectivity and easy inregrarion of furure systems, including in-house sofrware and commercial packages. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture I 0.1 Architecture Checklist 318 Many companies are extending internal ERP systems to their suppliers and customers, using a concept called supply chain management ( CM). For example, in a totally integrated supply chain system, a customer order could cau~c a manufacturing system to schedule a work o rder, which in n1m rriggers a call for more parts from one or more suppliers. In a dynamic, highl)' competitive economy, CM can help companies achieve faster res ponse, bener customer service, and lower operating costs. Oracle 1s an example of a company offering ERP solutions. A~ shown in Figure 10-1, Oracle's ERP products are cloud-based services that support emplO)'ec collaboration, provide access to information from mobile devices, and deliver data analytics capabilities co gain insight into business processes. FIGURE I 0- 1 Oracle offcn ERP solunons as a cloud-based service. Sour«:~O • I 0.1.3 Initial Cost and TCO The importance of considering economic feasibility and TCO during systems planning and analysis was discussed earl ier. TCO includes tangible purchases, fees, a nd contracts called hard costs. However, additional soft costs of mnnagement, supporr, training, and downtime are just as important but more difficult to measure. A TCO analysis should address tbe following questions: • If in-house development was selected as the best altcrnarive initially, is it still rhe best choice? ls rhe necessary technical expertise avai lable, and docs the o riginal cost estimate appear r ealistic? • If a specific package was chosen in itially, is it still the best choice? Arc newer versions or competitive products available? H ave any changes occurred in pricing or support? Have any new rypes of outsourcing become available? I lave any economic, governmental, or regulatory events occurred that could affect chc proposed project? • • (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 319 I 0.1 Architecture Checklist • • • Have any significanr rechnical developments occurred char could affect rhe proposed project? I lave any major assumprions changed since the compan)' made the build versus buy decision? Are chere an)' merger or acquisirion issues ro consider, whereby rhe company might require comparibiliry wirh a specific environment? • Have any new crends occurred in the markerplace? Are new products or technologies on rhe verge of being introduced? • Have rhe original TCO estimates been updaced? If so, are there any significanr differences? The answers ro rhese questions mighr affecr the initial cost and TCO for the proposed system. The system requirements and alternarivcs should be reviewed now, before proceeding ro design rhc sysrem architecture. I 0. 1.4 Scalability A nerwork is composed of individual nodes. A node represents a physical device, wired or wireless, rhar can send, receive, or manage network data. For example, nodes can be servers, compurers, shared printers, mass storage devices, wireless access points, or tablets. Scalability, somerimes also called exrensibiliry, refers co a system's ability co expand, change, or downsize co meet the changing needs of a business enterprise. Scalability is especially important in implementing systems char are volume relared, such as rrans::iction processing S)'Stems. A scalable system il> necessary to suppon a dynamic, growing business. For example, a scalable nerwork could handle anywhere from a few dozen nodes co thousands of nodes, and a scalable DB!vlS could supporr the ::icquisition of an enrire new sales division. When invesring large amounts of money in a projecr, management is especially concerned about scalability issues rhar could ::iffecr the system's life expectancy. I 0.1.S W eb Integration An mformation system includes applications, which are programs that handle rhe input, manage the processing logic, and provide the required ourpur. The systems analyst must know if a new application will be pan of an e-commerce strategy and the degree of integration with ocher web-based components. As mentioned earlier, a web-centric architecture follows internee design protocols and enables a company co integrate the new application into its e-commerce strategy. Even where e-commerce is not i1wolved, a web-centric application can run on the luterner or a company inrraner or cxrrancr. A web-based application avoids many of the connectivity and compatibility problems rhar typically arise when different hardware envirornncnrs arc involved. In a web-based environment, a firm's external business partners can use standard web browsers to import and export data. I 0.1.6 Legacy Systems A new system might have co interface with one or more legacy systems, which arc older systems that use ourdared rechnology bur still are functional. For example, a new markering information system might need co report sales data co a server-b::iscd accounring system and obtain product cosr data from a legacy manufacturing S)' rem. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~----···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture I 0.1 Architecture Checklist 320 Interfacing a new system wirh a legacy system involves analysis of data formats and compatibility. In some cases, a company will need co convert legacy fil e data, which can be an expensive and rime-consuming process. ~1iddleware, which is di cussed later in this c hapter, might be needed to pass dara between new systems and legacy systems. Finally, to select the best architecture, rhe analyst mu~t know if the new application eventually will replace the legacy system or will coexist With it. I 0. 1.7 Processing Options In planning the architecture, designers also must consider how the S)'Stem will process dara: on line or in batches. For example, a high-capacit)' transacrion processing system, such as an order entry system, requires more network, processing, and darn storage resources than a monthly billing system that handles data in batches. Also, if the system must operate online, 24 hours a day and seven days a week (24/7), provision must be made for backup and speedy recovery in tbe event of system failure. The c haracteristics of on.line and batch processing methods are described later in this chapter, with examples of each type. I 0. 1.8 Security Issues From the simple password prorecrion shown in Figure I 0-2 ro complex intrusion detecrion systems, security th.rea rs and defenses are a major concern co a systems analyst. As the physical design is translated into specific hardware and software, the analyst must consider security issues and determine how the company will address rhem. Security is especially imporrant when dara or processing is performed at remorc locarions, rather than at a cenrralized facility. In mission-critical systems, securiry issues will have a major impact on system architectu re and design. Web-based systems introduce addmonal security concerns, as critical data muse be protected in che lnrerner environment. Also, firms that use e-commerce applications must assure custo mers rhar their pen.onal dara is safe and secure. The lamentable number of high-profile securiry breaches in large corporations in recent years suggest~ that security issues should play an even larger role in FIGURE I 0 -2 User IDs and passwords are tr:tditional elements of system architecture considerations. System secusyscem security. rity concepts a nd strategies are discussed in detail in Chapter 12. I 0. 1.9 Corporate Portals Depending o n the system, the planned architecture might include a corporate portal. A portal is an entrance co a multifunction website. After entering a portal, a user can navigate to a desrinarion using various tools and features provided by the portal designer. A corporate portal can provide access for customers, employees, suppliers, and the public. A well-designed portal can integrate with various other systems and provide a consistent look and feel across multiple organizational divisions. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design I 0.2 The Evo lut ion of System Archite ctu r e CASE IN POINT 10.1: ABC SYSlRiS You are a systems analyst at ABC Systems, a fast-growing IT consulting finn, that provides a wide range of services to companies that wane co establish e-commerce operations. During the past 18 months, ABC acquired two smaller finns and sec up a new division that specializes 1n SCM. AligningABC's intemal systems was quite a challenge, and top management was not especially happy With the integration cost or the timetable. To avoid furure problems, you have decided to suggest an ERP strategy, and you plan to present your views at the staff meeting tomorrow. ABC's management team is very informal and prefers a loose, flexible style of management. How will you persuade them that ERP is the Wirf to go? I 0.2 THE EVOLUTION OF SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Every business informarion sysrem musr carry ou r three mai n functions: • Ma nage applications tha r perform che processing logic • Handle dara sroragc a nd access • Provide ~1n interface rhar allows users ro i1ueract with the system Depending on the archi recrurc, rhc three functions are performed on a server, on a clienr, or arc divided berwecn rhc server and che clienr. During system design, rhc analyst must dererminc where rhe functions will be carried our and ascertain the advanrages and disadvanrages of each design approach. I 0.2. 1 Mainframe Archite cture A sen er 1s a computer thac supplies dara, p rocessing services, or other support to one or more compurers, called client>. The earliesr servers were mainframe computers, and a sy~rem design where che server performs all rhe p rocessing someume~ is described as mainframe architecture. Alt hough che actual server does nor have robe a mainframe, the term mainframe architecture typicalJy describes a multiuser environment where the ~erver is significanrly more powerful than the client). A sy~tem) :inalysr should know the history of mainfrrune architecrure ro understand the :.erver's role in modern system design. In the I 960:., mai nfra me architecture was che 011/y choice. In addition to centralized data processing, the earl iest systems performed all data input and outpur at a centra l locat ion, often called a data processing center. Physical dara was delivered or tra nsmitted in some manner ro the data processirng center, where it was enrered into rhe sysrem. Users in the o rga nization had no input or o utput capa biliry, except for pri nted reporrs rhat were d istri b uted by a corpora te IT depa rtment. As nerwork technology adva nced, compa nies inst alled terminals a t remote locations, so t ha t use rs could c nrer a nd access da ta from a nyw he re in the organization, regardless of where rhe ccnr ralized computer was locared. A terminal included a keyboard and display screen co handle in put a nd o utput but lacked independenr processing capabi liry. In a cenrralized design, as shown in Figure 10-3, rhe remote user's keystrokes arc cransmirred from his or her renninal to the mai nframe, which responds by sending screen outpur back co che user's screen. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ 321 Chapter I 0 System Architecture I0.2 The Evolution of System Architecture 322 Today, mainframe architecntre still is used in indusrrie~ that require large amounts of processing that can be done at a centra l location. For example, a bank might use mainframe servers to update customer balances each night. In a blend of old and new technology, man y organi1arions arc moving s ome of thei r dara processmg off their mainframes and into the cloud. Indeed, a mainframe can be used ro implement part of a cloud co mpunng infrastruccure. Mainframe I0.2.2 Impact of the Personal Computer FIGURE I O·l In a centralized design. the remote user's keystrokes are transmitted to the mainframe, which responds by sending screen output back to the user's screen. Pnnter When PC tecl1nology exploded in the 1990s, powerful microcomputers quickly appeared on corporate desktops. Users found that they could run their own word pro· cessing, spreadsheet, and database applications, without assistance from the IT group, in a mode caJJed stand-alone computing. Before long, companies linked the stand-alone computers into networks that enabled the user cli ents to exchange data and perform local processing. When an individual user works in stand-alone mode, the workstocion performs a II the functions of a server by storing, accessing, and processing do ca, as well as providing a user interface. Although stand-alone PCs improved employee productivity and a llowed users to perform tasks that previously required IT department assistance, ~rand -a l one computing could be inefficient and expensive. Even worse, mainraining data on individual workscarions ra ised major CODCerns about data security, inregrity, and consistency. Without a central srorage location, it was impossible to protect and back up valuable business data, a nd companies were exposed ro enormous risks. In some cases, users who were frustrated by a lack of support and services from the IT department Scanner created and managed their own d:nabases. In addition co security concerns, rhis led ro data inconsistency and unreliability. I 0.2.3 Network Evolution As technology become available, companies resolved the problems of stand-alone computing by joining clients into a local area ncl\\Ork Client (LAN) that allows haring of data and hardware resources, as shown in figure 10-4. One or more LANs, in turn, can connect to a centralized server. further adv;:inces in technology made it possible to creote powerful nerworks that could use satelUte li11ks, high-speed fiber-optic lines, or AllUllil Client the Internet to share data. Client A wide area network (WAN) spans long FIGURE I 0-4 A LAN allows sharing of data and hardware, such as distances and can connect LANs rhat are conprinters and scanners. tinents apart, as shown in Figure 10·5. \Xlhen a user accesses data on a LAN or WAN, the network is transparent because users see the data as if it were stored on t heir own workstation. Company-wide systems that connect one or more LANs or WANs are called distributed systems. The capabilities of a distributed system depend on the power and capacity of the underlying data LAN I (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . 'Q ····- I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru - Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. - ~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 323 I 0.3 ClientlServer Architecture communication network. Compared to mainframe architecture, distributed systems increase concerns about data securiry and integriry because many individual clients require access to perform processing. '- ToronlO I I.AN London WAN I ~:Jv LAN Brisbane FIGURE I 0-5 A WA N can connect many LANs and link users who are continents apart. I 0.3 CLIENT/SERVER ARCHITECTURE Today's interconnected world requires an information architecture that spans the entire enterprise. Whether it's a departmental net'.vork or a multinational corporation, a systems analyst works with a distributed computing strategy called client/server architecture. The term clienr/server generally refers to systems that divide processing between one or more networked clients and a central server. In a typical client/sen·er system, the client handles the entire user interface, including data entry, data query, and screen presentation logic. The server stores the daca and provides data access and database management functions. Application logic is divided in some manner between the server and the clients. In a client/server interaction, the client submits a request for information from the server, which carries out the operation and responds ro the client. As shown in Figure 10-6, the data file is not transferred from the server to the client--only the request and lhe result arc transmitted across the network. To fulfill a request from a client, the server might contact other servers fo r data or processing support, but that process is transparent to the client. cue111 submits data query 10 ser.ier Q Client Server 1tan&mits onto/ the '9$uftS Of lhe client query 0 CINJnl FIGURE I 0-6 In a client/server design.data is stored and usually processed on the 5enlel". .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "-> - -- ........... ...... "'Allf'W ~- ...............,.. o-....._ ...... _ ... ,..,...,..., ~ ..,._.. ..... ...... ... ~.. __.... ~~·~---- ···---~~ - .,.-" ~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture 324 I 0.3 Client/Server Architecture Figure I 0-7 lists some major differences between clienc/server and traditional mainframe systems. M any early client/server systems did nor produce expected savings because few clear standards existed, and development costs often were higher than anticipated. Implementation was expensive because clients needed powerful hardware and software to handle shared processing tasks. In addition, many companies had an installed base of data, called legacy data, which was difficult to access and transport to a client/server environment. Comparison of Client/Server and Mainframe Systems Characteristics ClientlServer Mainframe Basic archHecture Very ftex1b!e Very rigid Appl1cabon dollelopmont Flexible Fast Objecl -oriented Highly structured Slow Traditional User environment PC-based GUI Empowers the user Improves productivity Uses terminals Text interlace Constrains the user Limited options Security and control fealures Decentralized DifficuJt to control Centralized Easier to con1rol Processing options Can be shared and configured In any form desired Extensive and programmable Data storage options Can be distributed to AUdata 1s stored centrally place data closer to users 1-tardWare/sottware 1ntegrabon Very l1;ex1ble MultJvendor model Very 1191<1 Single proprietary 119ndor FIGURE I 0-7 Comparison of the characteristics of d1entlserver and rrn11nframe systems. As large-scale networks grew more powerful, client/server systems became more cost-effccrive. Many companies invested in clienr/server systems to achieve a unique combinacion of computing power, flexibility, and support for changing business operacions. Today, client/server architecture remains a popular form of systems design, using Internet protocols and nerwork models such as the ones described later in this chapter. As businesses form new alliances with customers and suppliers, the clienr/scrver concept continues ro expand tO include clientS and servers outside the organization. Serviccoriented architecture (SOA) is an example of a networked system where a service can be a client and a server simulta neously, and it can exist ourside of corporate boundaries. Cloud computing is seen by some observers as an entirely new concept. Others sec it as the u ltimate form of client/server architecture, where Internet-based computing becomes the server part of client/server and hand les processing rasks, while che T1nernet itself becomes the platform that r eplaces traditional networks. The bottom line is chat it doesn't marcer whether cloud computing is part of a client/server evolution or a whole new way of thinking about computing. Eicher way, successfu l systems must support business requirements, and system archirecnrre is an imporranr step in the systems development process. I 0.3.1 The Client's Role The client/server relationship must specify how the processing will be divided between the client a nd the server. A fat client, also called a chick client, design locates all or (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~- " .....- ""'*" ....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 325 I 0.3 ClientlServer Architecture most of the application processing logic at the client. A chin client design locaccs all or most of the processing logic at rhe sen •er. In the late 1990s, un Microsystems (now part of Oracle) was a strong advocate of thin-client computing, which was also referred to as net-centric computing. The thin client was a Java-powered terminal, which communicated using standard Internet protocol~ with powerful servers. Thin cliencs were expected co provide lower T CO, since maintenance was centralized. However, many users rebelled at the hmtted funcnonaliry provided by thin clients (e.g., no Microsoft Office) and the latency problems mherenr in network access to remote applications and dara. In the end, far clients (e.g., regular PCs) remained popular, even with all their management issues and higher T CO. Today's l:iptop computers, cablets, and smarrphones a re so powerful rhat the allure of thin clients has mostly passed, with the exception of access to the cloud for large datasets and specialized processing needs. The app ecosystem has also changed the TCO equation in favor of powerful computing for clients at the edge of the system architecture. I 0.3.2 Client/Server Tiers Early client/server designs were called two-tier designs. In a two-tier design, the user interface resides on the client, all da ta resides on t he server., and tbe application logic can run either on the server or on the client or be divided between the client and the server. Another form of client/server desit,'11, called a mree-rier design, has become more popular. In a three-tier dcsi~ , the user interface runs on the client and the dara is stored on the server, just as with a rwo-cier design. A three-tier design also has a middle l:tyer between the client and server that processes the client requests and translate!. them inm data access commands that can be understood and carried our by rhe server, a'> shown in Figure 10-8 . The middle larer can be considered an application \ en cr, because it provides rhe application logic, or bu ~inc~~ logic, required by che system. Three-tier design~ also are called 1r-rier design~ . to indicate char some designs use more than one intermediate layer. Application logic 0818 Two-tier Three-tier Server ..,.. ____ _ -- -- _____ ,.. Application serwr - User interface -- -- Cllenl Client FIGURE I 0-8 C~racteristJcs of two-tier versus three-tier client/server de$ign. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture I0.3 Client/Server Architecture 326 The advantage of the application logic layer is thac a three-tier design may enhance overall performance by reducing rhe data server's workload. The separate application logic la)'er also relieves clients of complex processing tasks. Because it can run on a sen·cr that is much more powerful than the typical client work'itarions, the middle layer i'> more efficient and cost-effective in large-scale sy~ems. Figure I 0-9 hows where the data, the application logic, and the user interface a re located on various architectures. In a diem/server system, the tiers communicate using software called middleware, as described in the following section. Data Apphcat1on Logic User Interlace x x x x x Client x -- Sland·alone client Sel'ller 1 l\.vo·tier cllenVserver Sel'ller Architecture Cenlral data processing center Central server with remote terminals Server Client Server x x Client Client Application server ,.Client x ---, x • I I x Data server Three-tier cllenVserver x x x x I x I FIGURE I 0-9 The location ol the data. the application logic, and the user Interlace depend on the type of architecwre . I 0.3.3 Middleware In a multitier system, special software called middlev.'aJ'C enables the tiers to communicace and pass data back and forth. Middle·.vare is sometimes called glueware because it i'i used co connecr two or more software components in a federated system archirccrure. Middleware plays an important role in integrating legacy systems and web-based and/ or cloud-based applicarjons. !vtiddleware can also be seen a<: representing the slash in che term clie11tlser11er. I 0.3.4 C ost-Benefit Issues To support business requirements, information systems need co he scalable, powerful, and flexible. For most companies, client/server systems offer the best combination of features co meet those needs. Whether a business is t:xpanding or downsizing, client/ server systems enable the firm to scale the system in a rapidl y changing environment. As the size of t he business changes, it is easier to adjust the number of clients and the processing functions they perform than it is to a lter the capability of a large-scale cencra I server. Client/server computing also allows companies to transfer applications from expensive mainframes to less-expensive client platforms, sometimes moving heavyweight processing needs ro rhe cloud\. ln addition, using common languages such as SQL, clients and servers can communicate across multiple platforms. Thar difference is important because many businesses have substantial investments in a variety of hardware and software environments. (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 327 I 0.4 The Impact of the Internet Finally, client/server systems can influence nerwork load and improve response times. For example, consider a user at a company headquarrers who wants information about total sales figures. In a client/server system, che server locates the data, performs the necessary processing, and responds immediately co the client's request. The data retrieval and proces~ing functions are transparent to the client because they are done on the server, not the client. I0.3.S Performance Issues \Xlhile it provides many ad\'ancages, client/server architecture does involve performance is~ues that relate co che separation of server-based daca and networked clients chat must access che data. Consider che difference between clienc/server design and a centralized environment, where a server-based program issues a command that is executed by the server's own CPU. Processing speed is enhanced because program instructions and data boch travel on an internal syscem bus, which moves data more efficiently than an external network. In contrast co the centralized system, a clienc/server design separates applications and data. Nerworked clients submit data requests ro the server, which responds by sending data back to che clients. When the number of clients and che demand for services increases beyond a certain level, network capacity becomes a constraint and syscem performance declines dramatically. According co IBM, the performance characteristics of a clienc/server system arc nor the same as a centralized processing environment. Clienc/server response times increase gradually as more requests are made, but then rise dramatically when rhe sysrem nears its capacity. This point is called the knee of the curve, because it marks a sharp decline in che system's speed and efficiency. To deliver and maintain acceptable performance, system developers must anricipace the number of users, network rraffic, :.erver size and locarion, and design a clienc/server architecture that can support current and furure business needs. To enhance performance, client/server systems musr be designed so the client contacts the server only when necessary and makes as few rrips as pos~ible. This is one of the goab of the HITP/2 prorocol used berween a server and a web brow~er. Another issue that affecrs client/server performance is data storage. Jusc as processing can be done at various places, data can be stored in more than one location using a di~tributed databa\e management ~y~tem (DDBMS). Using a DDBMS offers several advantages: Dara stored closer ro users can reduce network traffic; the sysrem is scalable, so new data sires can be added without reworking the system design; and with data scored in various locations, the system is less likely to experience a cacasrrophic failure. A potential disadvantage of distributed data storage involves data security: It can be more difficult to maintain controls and standards when data is stored in various locations. In addition, the architecture of a DDBMS is more complex a nd difficult to manage. From a system design standpoint, the challenge is that companies often want it both ways-they want the control that comes with centralization and the flexib il ity associated with decentralization. I 0.4 THE IMPACT OF THE INTERNET The internet has had an enormous impact on system archirecrure. The internee has become more than a communication channel-many IT observers see it as a fundamentally different environment for system development. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture I 0.4 The Impact of the Internet 328 I 0.4. 1 Internet -Based Architecture Recall rhar in a rradirional client/server system, rhe client handles the user interface, a~ shown in Figure 10-9 , and the server (or servers in a mulritier system) handles the dara and application logic. In a sense, part of che syscem run~ on che client, part on che server. In contrast, in an Internet-based architecture, in addition co data and application logic, the entire user ince rface is provided by che web server in the form of HTML documents char are displayed by the client's browser. hifnng the responsib1liry for the interface from the client co the server simplifies data transmission and results m lower hardware cost and complexiry. The advantages of Internet-based architecture have changed fundamental ideas about how computer systems should be designed, and we are moving rapidly to a coral on line environment. At the same time, millions of people arc using web-based collaboration and social networking applications to accomplish casks that used to be done in person, over the phone, or by more traditional Internet channels. I 0.4.2 Cloud Computing C loud com puring refers to tbe cloud sy1ubol that often is used ro represent the Internet. The cloud computing concept envisions a cloud of remote computers rhar provide a total on line software and data environment thac is hosted by third parties. For example, a user's computer does not perform all the processing or computing tasks-the cloud dues some or all of it. This concept is in contrast to today's computing model, which is based on networks that strategically distribute processing and data across che enterprise. In a sense, the cloud of computers aces as one giant computer that performs rasks for users. Figure I 0- 10 shows users connected co che cloud, which performs che computing work. Inscead of requiring specific hardware and software cm che user's compucer, cloud computing spreads rhe workload co powerful remote ~)'Mems chac are part of che cloud. The user appears to be work ing on a local c;ystem, but all compuring is acrually performed in rhe cloud. o Cloud sofcware updates or system maintenance are required of the user. Cloud computing effectively eliminates comparibilit)' issues, because the Internet itself is the platform. This architecture also provides scaling on demand, which marches resources to needs at any given time. For Web server example, during peak loads, additional cloud servers mighr come online auromarically ro support rhe workload. Cloud com puring is an ideal platform for powerful Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. As described in Chapter 7, SaaS is a popular deployment FIGURE I 0-10 Cloud computing. c ,/\ D I 8 8 (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~---tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase l Systems Design 329 I 0.5 E-Commerce Architecture method where software is nor purchased bur is paid for as a service, much like one pays for electricity or cable TV each month. In rhis a rchitecn1re, service providers can easily make updates and changes ro services without involving the users. Even though cloud computing has tremendous advantages, some concerns exist. First, cloud computing may require more bandwidth (the amount of data that can be transferred in a fixed rime period) than traditional clienrl erver networks. Second, because cloud compurmg is Internet-based, if a user's Internee connecnon becomes unavailable, the user will be unable to access any cloud-based services. In addition, there are security concerns associated with sending large amouncs of data over the Internet, as well as concerns about scoring it securely. Finally, there 1s the issue of control. Becau e a service provider hosts the resources and manages data storage and access, rhe provider has complete control of the system. Many firms are wary of handing over control of mission-critical data and systems to a third-parry provider. This is particularly true when the cloud provider's servers arc physically located in another jurisdkrion or country. Future technology advances will make cloud computing even more feasible, desirable, and secure. As the IT industry moves coward a web-based architecture, cloud computing is being marketed aggressively and growing rapidly. Ir has become a cornerstone of enterprise system a rchitecture and will continue to be for the foreseeab le future. I 0.4.l W eb 2.0 The shifc to Internee-based collaboration has been so powerful and compelling that it has been named \Xleb 2.0. \Xleb 2.0 is not a reference to a more technically advanced version of the current web. Rather., Web 2.0 envisions a second generation of the web that will enable people co collaborate, interact, and share information more dynamical!)'· Some view Web 2.0 as a stepping stone toward the semantic web, called \Xleb 3.0 b)• !>Orne, where the documents shared on the Internee have semantics (meaning) and not just syntax (I IT.ML markup). Social networking sires, such as Facebook, T\viner., and Linkedln, are seeing explosive growth in the Web 2.0 environment. Another form of social collaboration is called a wiki. A wiki is a web-based repository of information char anyone can access, contribute to, or modify. In a sense, a wikj representS the collective knowledge of a group of people. One of the best-known wikis is \Vikipedia.org, bur smaller-scale wikis arc growing rapidly at businesses, schools, and other organizations thar want to compile and share informarion. One of rhe goals of Web 2.0 is to enhance creativity, interaction, and shared ideas. In rhis regard, the \Xleb 2.0 concept resembles the agile development proces~ and the open-source software movement. Web 2.0 communities and services are based on a body of dat~1 created by users. As users collaborate, new layers of informarion are added in an overa ll environment known as the Internet operating system. These layers can contain text, audio, images, and video clips rhat are shared with the user community. I 0.5 E-COMMERCE ARCHITECTURE The huge expansion of online commerce is reshaping the IT landscape. Internet business solutions must be efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. When planning an e-commerce architecture, analysts can examine in-house development, packaged solutions, and service providers. The following sections discuss these options. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture 330 I 0 .5 E-Com me r c e A rch itectu re I O.S. I In-H ouse Solutions Chaprer 7 descri bed how to analyze adva ntages and disadvantages of in-house de\'clopmenr versus purchasing a software package. The same basic principles apply to system design. If a decision is made to proceed with an in-house solution, there musr be an overall plan to help achieve the project's goals. Figure I 0-1 t offers guidelines for companies developing e-commerce st rategies. An in-house solution usually requi res a greater mirial invest ment but provides more fl exibility for a company tha t must ada pr quickl)• in a dyna mic e-commerce en\'iron ment. By working m-house, a company has more freedom to inregrarc wit h c usromers a nd suppliers and is less dependent o n vendor-specific solutions. Guidelines for In-house E-commerce Site Development ' Analyze 1he company's busmess needs and dovelop a clear stalement ol your goals. Consider the experienoe of other companies wllh similar projects. Obtain lnpu1 from users who understand lhe business and technology Issues involved in the projecL Plan for future growth, but alm lor ease of use. Oe1ermme whether the rT staff has the necessary skills and experience to lmplomenl the project. Consider tra1n1ng, additional resources, and the use or consultants 1r necessary Consider integration requirements for ex1st1ng legacy systems or emerprise resource planning. Select a physical 1nfras1ructure carolully so It will support the appt1cat1on, now and later. Develop the project in modular form so users can lest and approve the funchonal elements as )IOU go along Connect the applicaooo to ex1shng in·house systems and verdy interactivity Test every aspect of the site exhauslively. Consider a preliminary rollout to a pilot group to oblain feedback before a lul launch FIGURE I 0- 1 1 G uidelines for companies developing e·commerce strategies. For s ma ller companies, the decision about in-house web development is even mo re critical, because this approach will require fina ncial resources a nd management attentio n tha t many small companies might be unable or unwilling to commi t. An in-house strategy, ho weve r, can pro vide valua ble benefits, including the fo llowing: • • • • • A unique website, with a look and feel consistenr with the compa ny's orher ma rketing effo rts Complete control over the orga nization o f the site, the num ber of pages, a nd the size of the fil es A scala ble structure to handle increases in sales a nd producr offerings in rhe fu ru re More flex ibi lity to modify a nd manage the site as the company changes T he opp<irrun iry to integrate rbe fi rm's web-based business systems with its o ther informa rion systems, c reating rhe po tential for more savings a nd berrer customer service (....,..... J:gi ( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, ..,...,...... .,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. Woip-M ._..,.. - ·~•-fllllie<'f •,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_, .,_.,....,. - ~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij .................,.t11ru .. __.~~ c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase 3 Systems Design 331 I 0.5 E-Commerce Architecture Whether a firm uses an in-house or a packaged design, the decision abour web hosting is a separare issue. Alrhough inremal hosring has some advanrages, such as grearcr control and security, the expense would be much greater, especially for a small- ro medium-s11ed firm. I 0.5.2 Packaged Solutions If a small company is reluctant ro cake on che challenge and complexity of developing an Internee commerce ~ire in-house, an alternati,·e can be a packaged olurion. rh1~ is crue even for medium- to large-sited firms. Many vendors, including IBM and Microsoft, offer turnkey systems for companies thac wanr to get an e-busmess up and running quickly, as shown 111 Figure 10-12 . For large-scale sysrems thac mu~t integrate wirh exisring applications, packaged solutions might be less attractive. - --- IBM 82C and 828 commerce platform for your omnichannel business Willl • .,...,......._._.... .......,.. . wtl~--· .._.,.._ ................. 9',...... , ..............,.CM.............._..,... .. ,._....___ ~-- ZldtA a ·~ ... .,............ .................. .._,......... ...,...,_.-.r1 ... ...-- ( I ......... FIGURE I 0-12 IBM WcbSphere Commerce offers software solutions for companies that want to get an e-business up and running quickly. SoUll"C:.: I O' I WI I 0.5.3 Service Providers Another a lternative is to use an application service provider (ASP). As explained in Chapter 7, an ASP provides applications, or access to applications, by charging a usage or s ubscription fee. Today, many ASPs offer full-scale lntcrnet business services for companies char decide to outsource rhose functions. A sysrcms analys r confronrs a bewildering array of producrs and strategics when implementing Lntcrnet-bascd sysrcms. A good starring point might be to conJ.ider the experience of other companies in the same industry. Many firms offer the names of clients and customers, along wirh chcir success stories. Alrhough chis information may nor be reliable, it can provide valuable knowledge regarding a vendor's products and services. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture I0.6 Processing Methods 332 CASE IN POINT 10.2: S.\tALL PoTAT0 1.~s Small Potatoes is a family-operated seed business that has grown rapidly. It specializes in supplying home gardeners with the finest seeds and gardening supplies. Until now, the finn has done all i ts business by placing ads in gardening and health magazines and taking orders using a toll-free telephone number. Now, the family has decided to establish a website and sell online. but there 1s some disagreement about the best way to proceed. Some say it would be better to develop the site on their own, and one of the employees, who is a recent computer science graduate, believes she can handle the task. Others feel it wou ld be better to outsource the site and focus on the business itself. Suppose t he family asked for your opinion. What would you say? What addit ional questions would you ask? I 0.6 PROCESSING METHODS ln selecting an architecture, the systems analyst must determine which transactions will be handled online, and what functions, if any, can be carried out using a batch processing method. I 0.6. 1 Online Processing Early computer systems were designed to handle data records as a group, or batch. Fewer systems use that model today. H owever, even the most advanced online systems must perform maintenance, post large quantities of data during off-hours when network traffic is low, and carry out housekeeping tasks just as their legacy computer ancestors did. This section discusses the online processing capability that is at the core of powerful, modern systems, and the following section describes the evolution of batch processing. An online system handles transactions when and where they occur and provides output directly to users. Because it is interactive, online processing avoids delays and allows a constant dialog between the user and the system. An airline reservations system is a familia r example of online processing. When on line customers visit the ai rline's we bsite, they can enter their origin, destination, travel dates, and rravel times. The system searches a database and responds by displaying avai lable Aighrs, rimes, and prices. The customer can make a reservation, enter a name, address, credit card informa tion, and other required data, and the sysrem creates the reservation, assigns a seat, and updates the flight datab~1se immed iately. Online processing also can be used with fi le-oriented systems. Figure 10-13 s hows what happens when a customer uses an ATM to inqu ire about an account balance. After the ATM verifies the customer's card and password, rhe customer enters the request (Step l ). Then, the system accesses the account master file using the account number as the primary key and retrieves the customer'i> record (Step 2). The system verifies the account number and displays the balance (Step 3). Data is retrieved and rhe system transmits the current balance to the AT~1, which prints it for rhe customer. r..,,...JID)r-..1-.. 4•11_.. •...__. ~....... .,...~ • ........._ ......_.,.,.. o-... ..,._.,,.,.._..,.~ ,........., ................. .._... ..,.,...,.~" .. ~ ........................._ .... ._ ................... ..., .......................... -..,.n..-.....-ik-sc~ c....,a..-.,.,....,. ..... 111>_... ........ _ Phase 3 Systems Design 333 I 0.6 Processing Methods Online processing systems have four typical characteristics: ATM QUERY PROCESS 1. The system processes transacrions completely when and where they occur. 2. Users interact direct!) with the informaaon !>ystem. 3. Users can access data randomly. 4. The information system must be available whenever neces~ary to support business functions. J_§~j E Step 1: Customer enters his or her account number and requests an account balance St ep 2: Retrieves current account balance St ep 3: Verifies bank account number and displays balance on ATM screen E J :::::::::::31 ONLINE PROCESSING SYSTEM I 0.6.2 Batch Processing Batch processing means char data is managed in groups or batches. That was an acccprable choice in the 1960s, and for most firms, it was the only choice. Today, all businesses need real-rime inforCUSTOMER FILE mation to operate, and batch processing is not always desirable. However, batch methods can be efficient and convenient in some siruations. FIGURE I 0 - 13 When a customer requests a balance. the ATM For example, batch processing can be used system verifies the account number. submits the query. retrieves the for large amounts of daca rhat must be procurrent balance, and displays the balance on the ATM screen. cessed on a routine schedule, such as weekly paychecks, daily credit card transaction updates, or clo~ing stock data that must be calculated and published in the following da)•'s new!> media. The advantages of batch methods include the following: • Tasks can be planned and run on a predetermined schedule, without user mvolvement. • Batch programs that require major network resources can run at nmes when costs, and impact on other t raffic, will be lowest. • A batch method is well suited to address securicy, audit, and privacy concerns, because it runs in a relatively controlled environment. I 0.6.3 Example The diagram in Figure I 0- 14 shows how a point-of-sale (POS) terminal, such as that used in a supermarket, migh t trigger a series of onJinc and batch processing events. Note rhat chc sysrcm uses onlinc processing to handle data entry and inventory updates, while reports a nd accou nring entries are performed in a batch. A company would choose a mix of onlinc and batch processi111g when it makes good business sense. Consider t he following scenario in a typical retai l store: • • During business hours, a salesperson enters a sale on a POS terminal, which is part of an on line system that handles daily sales transactions and maintains an up-co-date invencory file. \Vhen the salesperson enters the transaction, online processing occurs. The sy~tem performs calcularions, updates the inventory file, and produces output on the POS rerminal in the form of a screen display and a printed receipt. At the same time, each sales transaction creates input data for day-end hatch processing. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture 334 I0.7 Netwo rk Models When rhe ~core closes, rhe system uses the sales transactions to produce che daily 5ales report, perform the relaced accounting enrries, and ::maly1e rhe data to idencify slow- or fasr-moving irems, sales crends, and related issue -such as store discounrs for rhe next day. • POINT-OF-SALE (POS) PROCESS ING POS Terminal -4 - ... POS Sales Daily Sales Program Transaction File Program (Online) (Batch) _ .,. Daily Sales Report t t Accounllng Files Inventory FIGURE 10- 14 Many retailel"l use a combination of online and batch processing.When a salesperlon enters the sale on the POS terminal, the online system retrieves data from the item file, updates the quantity in stock, and produces a sales transaction record. At the end of the day. a batch processing program produces a daily sales report and updates the accounting system. Online or barch processing are totally different bur can work well together. In this scenario, an online system bandies POS processing, wbich must be done as it occurs, while a batch mechod provides routine, overnight processing and marketing analysis. Online processing allows tbe daca to be entered and validated immediately, so the informarion always is up ro date. However, a heavy volume of online transaction~ can be expensive for smaller firms, and data backup and recover)' also add to IT costs. In contrast, when used properly, bacch processing can be cost-effective and less vulnerable to system disruption. I 0. 7 NETWORK MODELS A network allows rhe sharing of hardware, software, and data resources in order co reduce expenses and provide more capability co users. When planning a network design, chc sysccms analyst must consider network terms and concepts, including the OSI model, network modeling tools, network topology, network protocols, and wireless networks, which arc covered in rhis secrion. Other imporranc issues, such as nccwork performance and security, arc covered in Chapter 12. 10.7. 1 The OSI Model The discussion of system architeccure earlier in this chapter already inrroduced basic network terms such as client, server, LAN, WAN, clienr/scrver architccrurc, cicrs, middlcwarc, and cloud computing. To fully understand how nerworks are configured, che Open Sy~rcm~ Interconnection (OSI) model should also be understood. The OSI model describes how data moves from an application on one computer to an applicarion on anorher nenvorked compuccr. The OSI model consists of seven layers, and each layer performs a specific function. The OSI model provides physical design srandards rhar assure seamless nerwork connectivicy, regardless of che specific hardware environmcnc. 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- t fta111&....-.~~ ij (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. ~- )U, -Woip-M ._..,.. -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... ..,...,.......,..~ __.~~c.....,..~ r..a...w...,..._...., .. .................,.t11ru .. ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase 3 Systems Design 335 I 0.7 Network Models 10.7.2 Ne tworkTopology The way a necwork is configured is called the net\>.'ork copology. Topology can refer co a physical or a logical view of che network. For example, phy~ical copology describes che actual network cabling and connections, while logical copology describes che way the components inceract. le is importanc to understand the disnncrion, because a specific physical topology might be able co support more than one logical topology. For example, it is noc uncommon to run cabling in a certain pauern because of physical installation and cosc issues but to use a different partern for the log1cal topology. Compucers may be physically arranged in a circular shape, but that mighc or might not reflect che network topology. The examples shown in Figures 10-15 to 10-19 represent a logical copology, as seen by network users, who may not know or care about che physical cabling panern. LAN and WAN networks cypically arc arranged in four patterns: hierarchical, bus, ring, and star. The concepts are the same regardless of the size of the network, but the physical implementation is different for a large-scale WAN that spans an entire business enterprise compared wi th a sma ll LAN in a single department. These four common topologies arc described in the following sections. HIERARCHICAL NETWORK: Jn a hierarchical network, as shown in Figure 10- 15, one or more powerful servers control the entire nerwork. Departmental servers control lower levels of processing and network devices. An example of a hierarchical network might he a retail clothing chain, with a central computer rhac store& data about sales activity :ind inventory levels and local compucers char handle ~core-level operations. The ~tore:. tran:.mit data co the central computer, which analyze~ ~ales trend~, detennine~ optimum stock levels, and coordinates a SCM system. In chis l>ituacion, a hierarchical network might be used, because it mirrors the acrual operational flow in the organizanon. -- FIGURE 10- 15 A hierarchical network with a single server that controls the network. .........""_.. ... .-................. _..__ ................... ("..,_...,llll!O( ...... . . - - . .\) ....... ~ "->-"'Allf'W ~- ............... ,.. o-....._ ...... _ __.... -- ........... ...... ... ,..,...,...,~..,._.. .............. ~.. ~~·~---- ···---~~-.,.-"~ Chapter I 0 System Architecture I0.7 N etwork Models 336 One disad,·antage of a hierarchical network is that if a business adds additional processing levels, the network becomes more complex and expensive ro operate and maintain. Hierarchical networks were often used in traditional mainframe-ba<;ed S)'Stems but are less common today. PC g - g PC ~B>--~~-- ~ U Termnals Q --Ci} PC PC s Ci} In a bu~ net\\ Ork, as shown m Figure 10-16 , a single communication path connects cbe central server, departmental servers, workstations, and peripheral devices. [nformation is transmirted in either direction between networked devices, and all messages travel over the same central bus. Bus networks require less cabling than ocher topologies, because only a single cable is used. Devices can also be attached or detached from the network at any point without disturbing the rest of the network. Jn addirion, a fa ilure in one workstation on the network does nor necessaril y affect other workstations on the network. O ne major disadvan tage of a bus network is that if rhe central bus becomes damaged or defective, the entire network shuts down. Anorher disadvantage is that overall performance decl ines as more users and devices are added, because all message traffic must flow along the central bu~. This does nor occur in the treelike srruccure of a hierarchical nerwork or the huband-spoke design of a star network, where nerwork paths are more isolated and independent. The bus nerwork is one of the oldest LAl ropol· ogies and is a simple way co connect mulriple work· scarions. Before the proliferation of scar nerworks, bus networks were very common. They share char· acceriscics of hardware bus nerworks. Today, che bus design is less popular, but some fim1s have retained bus networks co avoid the expense of new wiring and hardware. BUS NETWORK: Te1mina1s ~/ FIGURE I 0-1 6 A bus network with all the devices connected to a single communication path. g RING NETWORK: Although ring networks arc st ill around, they are somewhat outdated. rBM was a leader in ring network technology when they introduced their token ring LAN, and large companies who use [BNl mainframe equipment sti ll deploy the ring network design. A rinA network, as shown in Figure L0- 17 , resembles a circle where the data flows Oepartmon1a11etver in only one direction from one device to the nexr. In function, a ring network can be thought of as a bus FIGURE I 0 - 17 A ring network with a set of computers that network with rhe ends connected. One di~advanrnge sends and receives data flowing In one d1rect1on. of a ring network is that if a network device (e.g., a PC or a server) fails, the devices downstream from the foiled device cannot communicate with the network. PC PC (....,..... J:gi( . . . . . I_,.. 41 11.,.. .................,.t11ru -Woip-M ._..,.. .. r..a...w...,..._...., .. ~- )U, ..,...,.......,..~ -·~•-fllllie<'f•,... 0w.,,,.._.._,..."-,.._..,.,_,.,_.,....,. -~--- tfta111&....-.~~ij __.~~c.....,..~ ........ .,..,. .. ._.,.,.,.......c:-..•~-".....-""'*"....,.._...,.. .. Phase 3 Systems Design 337 I 0.7 Network Models STAR NETWORK: Because of its speed and versa- tility, the star network i a popular LAN topology. A ~tar network has a central networking device called a switch, which manages the network and Oepartmenllll acts a~ a communications conduit for all network traffic. In the past, a device known as a hub was used to connect star ncrworks, but a switch offers advanced technology and much better performance. A hub or switch functions like a familiar mulnsocket power strip but with network devices such as servers, workstations, and printers plugged in rather than electrical appliances. The hub broad~nner casts network traffic, called data frames, to all connected devices. In concrasr, a switch enhances network performance by sending traffic only ro specific network devices that need co receive the data. A star configuration, as shown in Figure 10-18, FIGURE I 0-18 A star network with a switch, departmental server, provides a high degree of network control, because and connected computers and devices. all traffic flows into and our of the switch. An inherent disadvanragc of the srar design is rhar rhe entire network is dependent on the switch. However, in most large star networks, backup switches arc available immediately