INTRODUCTION TO RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES JHON G. FURIO H.O.P.E Instructor Discusses the nature of different recreational activities. (PEH12FH-IIa-20) LEARNING ● Self-assesses health-related COMPETENCI fitness (HRF) status, barriers to ES physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet. (PEH12FH-IIg-i-6) ● Identify the types of Recreational Activities. ● Cite examples of Recreational Activities LEARNING ● Demonstrate awareness OBJECTIVES towards the benefits and barriers in performing Recreational Activities through a group activity. ● THINK-PAIRSHARE ACTIVITY QUESTION: How much time do you spend to your leisure activities as a student? Is it enough or not? RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES WHAT WILL BE LEARNING TODAY? Recreational means “activity of leisure," , which was originally "the curing of a sick person," combines the Latin re, "again" and creare, "to create." Recreational Activities - Recreation is the expenditure of time with an intent to gain some refreshment. - Recreation is anything that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual. - It is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine. OUTDOOR RECREATION TWO CLASSIFICATI ON OF RECREATION - being able to go out - opportunity to bond outside school or work. INDOOR RECREATION - alternative for rainy and very hot weather. - bond among the family by doing family activities. - rekindles the harmonious relationship that has faded. OUTDOOR RECREATION - being able to go out - opportunity to bond outside school or work. INDOOR RECREATION - alternative for rainy and very hot weather. - bond among the family by doing family activities. - rekindles the harmonious relationship that has faded. TYPES OF RECREATIO NAL ACTIVITIES PHYSIC AL Includes physical exertion such as sports, camping, swimming, etc. SOCIA L Activities that bring people together such as Social Dances, Parties, Parlour Games, or any Social Gatherings. CULTUR AL Activities that revive the cultural aspects of society. INTELLECT UAL Individual engages in different creative activities which stimulate the functions of the brain ACTIVITY: WHAT CAN YOU RECOMMEND? 1. During Power Interruptions 2. During Travel 3. After a breakup 4. After an exam BENEFITS OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES BE HAPPIER –FEEL GREAT BUILD FAMILY UNITY PROVIDE CHILD CARE CONTROL WEIGHT, LOOK BETTER, BUILD STRONG BODIES DIMINISH CHANCE OF DISEASE = LIVE LONGER! REDUCE STRESS AND BUILD SELF-ESSTEEM PROMOTE SENSITIVITY TO CULTURAL DIVERSITY ELIMINATE LONELINESS –CONQUER BOREDOM! INCREASE COMMUNITY PRIDE VALUES DERIVED FROM RECREATION: 1. Mental Health 2. Physical Health and Growth 3. Emotional Stability 4. Social Fitness 5. Psychological Awareness GENERAL BARRIERS IN PERFORMING RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES - LACK OF TIME - SOCIAL INFLUENCE - LACK OF ENERGY - LACK OF MOTIVATION - FEAR OF INJURY - TRAVEL - WEATHER CONDITIONS - FAMILY INVOLVEMENT - LACK OF RESOURCES ACTIVIT Y: PICTURE PUZZLE GAME The learners will be grouped into 4. The primary task is to solve the given picture puzzle. The picture puzzles contains pictures of different recreational activities. 2. After solving the puzzle students will try to answer the following question shown in the powerpoint. 1. ACTIVIT Y: PICTURE PUZZLE GAME The Questions: What image is formed? b. What type of Recreational Activities it is? c. What specific benefits could you gain in participating on the activity displayed on your picture puzzle? d. What are barriers that could hinder someone to participate on the said activity? a. WORDS TO PONDER: Recreation's purpose is not to kill time, but to make life. Not to keep a person occupied, but to keep them refreshed. Not to offer an escape from life, but to provide a discovery of life. IDENTIFICATION: EVALUATI ON 1. It is a break from monotony and a diversion from the daily routine? 2. Type of Recreational activities wherein it includes activities that brings people together? 3. Common barrier for outdoor recreation? 4-5. Give at least 2 benefits of Recreational Activities. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTCIPATI ON CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik