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LPBF Surface Characterization via Feature-Based Topography Analysis

Joint Special Interest Group meeting between euspen and ASPE
Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing
KU Leuven, BE, October 2017
Feature-based characterisation of laser powder bed fusion surfaces
Nicola Senin 1,2 , Adam Thompson1 , Richard K Leach1
1 Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK
2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
A novel algorithmic pipeline for the automated identification a nd dimensional/geometric characterisation of topographic forma tions
of i nterest (surface features) is proposed, specifically a imed at the investigation of signature features left by laser powder bed fusion
of meta llic s urfaces. Unmelted a nd pa rtially-melted particles, a s well a s spatter forma tions and weld tra cks, a re a utomatically
identified and extracted from topography datasets obtained via state-of-the-art a real topography measurement i nstruments, and
then characterised in terms of their size and shape properties. Feature -based characterisation approaches, such as the one proposed
in this work, allow for development of new solutions for the study of a dvanced manufacturing processes through the investigation
of their surfa ce fingerpri nt.
Feature-based topography characterisation, laser powder bed fusion, surface metrology, manufacturing process fingerprint.
1. Introduction
The investigation of ma nufacturing processes through the
si gnature they l eave on the fa bricated surface pla ys an
important role in process development a nd optimisation,
especially for those manufacturing technologies that a re still at
a n ea rl y sta ge of industrialisation, s uch a s a dditive
ma nufacturing of metals vi a l aser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
[1,2]. Recent a dvances in a real topography measurement [3]
now a llow a n unprecedented level of detail in the a cquisition of
topographic i nformation at mi crometric a nd sub-micrometric
scales. However, conventional topography da ta a nalysis and
cha ra cterisation methods a re still strongly rooted i n the
computation of a real texture parameters (in particular, the set
of a real pa rameters defined i n ISO 25178-2), a nd thus, are
conceptually oriented towards capturing the properties of the
enti re measured region i nto a s eries of s ummary indicators
(texture parameters). An opportunity i s , therefore, missed in
ful ly exploiting the acquired topographic information, pertaining
to i ndivi dua l topographi c fea tures [4].
The focus of this work is on LPBF of metals. First attempts at
the i dentification of topographic features in LPBF surfaces are
found in recent works by the a uthors [5] a nd elsewhere [6,7]. In
this work, a n a pproach is presented for that a l lows for a
comprehensive identification and characterisation of the most
re levant s i gnature topographic fea tures of LPBF s urfaces. An
origi nal a lgorithmic a pproach to a utomated identification and
cha ra cterisation of the signature features is proposed, which can
be a pplied to topography da tasets normally obtainable from
current state-of-the-art topography measurement instruments.
2. Methods
A Ti 6Al4V sample (40 mm 14 mm 10 mm) fabricated via
LPBF usi ng a Renishaw AM250 s elective laser melting machine
with the manufac
build settings is selected
a s a test specimen. An Alicona InfiniteFocus G5 focus variation
(FV) mi cros cope i s used for measurement (20 ma gnification
objective: NA 0.4, si ngle fi eld of view (FOV) of (0.808
0.808) mm, pi xel width (0.439 0.439) µm). The top l a yer is
investigated i n the a s -built condi tions, i .e. wi th no postprocessing, to reta i n a s many topographic formations as
possible; useful to i nvestigate the signature of the process.
Severa l regions a re mea sured us i ng a si ngle FOV wi th no
sti tching, located sufficiently fa r from the s ample borders to be
considered representative of steady-state ma nufacturing
process conditions (i.e. avoiding unconventional thermal effects
typi ca l of edge regions). The measurement results in a height
ma p of 1840 1840 poi nts .
The ta rgeted topographic features (attached particles, spatter
forma ti ons , wel d tra cks ) are summa ri sed i n figure 1.
Weld track
attached particles
and spatter formations
300 µm
Figure 1. Main topographic formations visible on the LPBF surface (top
layer). Focus-stackedimage takenwitha confocal microscope (FOV (1.78
1.78) mm, pixel width (0.625 0.625) µm).
2.1. Pre-processing of the topography datasets
The fea ture i dentification a lgorithmic pi peline consists of a
fi rs t pre-processing step of the entire topography, comprised of
levelling by l east-squares mea n pl ane subtraction, and
re pl acement by weighted interpolation of valid neighbours
of non-measured points (voi ds) a nd l oca lised s pike-like
mea surement a rtefacts identified via loca l outl ier detecti on.
2.2. Identification and characterisation of attached particles
and spatter formations
Atta ched particles a nd spa tter forma tions a re processed
through the same algorithmic procedures as they are both seen
a s protruded singularities; the main discriminating factor being
si ze (the s pa tter formati ons a re la rger, resulting from
coa lescence of mul tiple melted pa rticles). The s hape of the
protruded singularities is a pproximately s pherical, except when
multiple particles are clustered together, so shape/size-related
considerations ca n be used for further dis crimination, once
generic protruded s ingularities have been i solated. To isolate
the fea tures, the topography is fi rst filtered using a high-pass
Ga ussian filter (ISO 16610-61) to remove the underlying, largerscale waviness, then height-based segmentation is performed
vi a k-means clustering [8] to obtain a coarse identification of the
fea tures. Shape/size post-processing on the two-dimensional
fea ture footprint (blob a nalysis vi a i mage moments) leads to
further discrimination between individual particles (unmelted or
parti ally-melted pa rticles), spatter formations (approximately
ci rcul ar footprint but projected area larger than a single particle)
a nd particle cl usters (large projected area, non-circular footprint
a nd low isoperimetric quotient). Attri butes such a s pa rticle
numerosity, aspect ratio, size a nd l ocalisation wi thin the FOV
ca n be determined once the features ha ve been i ndividually
extra cted.
2.3. Identification and characterisation of weld tracks
Once deprived of particles and s patter (masked out a s nonmea sured points), the topography is fi tted to a s moothed
a pproximation via l ocal non-parametric regression (Lowess
loca lly weighted sca tterplot smoothing [9]). Morphological
segmentation i nto hills with Wolf and a rea pruning (ISO 251782 and [10]) is then applied to isolate the weld tracks. Once the
individual tra cks have been isolated, their shape/size properties
(thickness, width and cross-sectional shape) can be investigated
by sl icing each tra ck along their respective a xes, found via blob
a na l ysi s of the wel d tra ck footpri nt.
3. Results
In figure 3, fea ture post-processing vi a blob-analysis is shown
a s a means to further discriminating the protruded singularities
into individual particles, spatter formations and particle clusters.
Figure 3. Feature post-processing via blob-analysis.
The i dentification results for the weld tra cks a re s hown in
fi gure 4, for the same test dataset shown in figure 2 a nd figure
3. In figure 5, a n extracted weld tra ck is shown, along with the
re sults of weld tra ck sl icing a nd loca l wel d tra ck width
computa ti on on the cross -secti ons.
Figure 4. Results of the algorithmic identification of the weld tracks for
the same test dataset shown in figure 2 and figure 3. Each track is
rendered in different colour.
The i dentification results for the a ttached particles are shown
in figure 2, as obtained on one of the test datasets. The identified
fea tures a re rendered i n fa lse col our.
Figure 5. Extraction, cross-sectioning and local width computation for
one of the identified weld tracks.
Figure 2. Results of the algorithmic identification of attached particles
for one of the test datasets.
4. Conclusions
An a lgorithmic pipeline has been i mplemented which allows
for both the a utomated identification a nd the dimensional/
geometric characterisation of localised topographic features of
interest, starting from areal topography datasets. The pipeline
has been designed to ta rget signature features left by the LPBF
process on the top surfa ce of meta l pa rts, a nd a llows the
investi ga ti on of the manufa cturi ng process fingerpri nt.
The results promote the approach of feature-based
cha ra cterisation a s a vi a ble a l ternative to the summary
des cription of topographic properties vi a computation of areal
fi eld texture parameters (e.g. roughness pa rameters), and
a llows a more di rect targeting of the geometric a nd size
properties of topographic features left by the manufacturing
process under i nvestiga tion.
AT a nd RKL would like to thank EPSRC (Grants EP/ M008983/1
a nd EP/L01534X/1) and 3TRPD Ltd. for funding this work. NS and
RKL would a lso like to tha nk the EC for supporting this work
through the grant FP7-PEOPLE-MC 624770 METROSURF. The
a uthors would l ike to tha nk Prof. Chri s Tuck (Uni versity of
Notti ngham) for helpful dis cussi ons on the LPBF process.
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