INTERNATIONALIZATION MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES AND BORN GLOBAL COMPANIES From incremental to born global Knight & Liesch (2016). Well-established MNE applying a logic of monopolistic or oligopolistic rents, efficiency-seeking, and power, to a logic of young, resource-constrained firms emphasizing a logic of profit, opportunity creation, and resourceful innovativeness BG´s are those companies that conduct international business at or near their founding. They tend to internationalize faster than described by traditional perspectives which have observed that internationalizing firms often operate in domestic markets before venturing overseas RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FACTORS FUTURE RESEARCH Resources, capabilities, and strategies are important antecedents, mediators and moderators that impact internationalization, performance and the long-term survival of BGs. The role of digitalization and servitization on BG international opportunity discovery and exploitation. Technologies in communications and other areas have hugely influenced the rise of BG firms. Integrate entrepreneurship and international perspectives to create new models that advance an opportunitybased understanding of international entrepreneurship. THE RISE OF BG FIRMS SIGNALS Future research Early and rapid adopters of internationalization. Knowledge International business field substantially evolved from theorizing the MNE Trend Newer forms of internationalizing firms invite robust theorization. By the 2000s, scholars highlighted factors in the firm’s external environment thought to drive early internationalization, including the liberalization of international markets, advances in information and communications technologies, and emergence of the Internet.