Name: Activity no. Grade & Section: Group no. Date: The Basis for Dividing the Atmosphere into Layers Overview Objectives Do you remember climbing into the car on a Specifically, you will: warm, sunny day? Why was it so hot inside the 1. model the greenhouse effect; and car when it wasn’t that hot outside? It was 2. measure and graph temperature hotter in the car because the car functioned changes. like a greenhouse. You experienced the greenhouse effect. MATERIALS TO BE USED ● ● ● identical large, empty glass jars (2) lid for one jar non mercury thermometers (2) PROCEDURE ● ● ● ● ● ● Lay a thermometer inside each jar. Place the jars next to each other by a sunny window. Record the temperatures of the two thermometers. They should be the same. Place the lid on one jar. Record the temperatures of all three thermometers at the end of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 min. Plot your data on the graph in the Data and Observations section that shows the temperatures of the three thermometers for the 25 minutes of the experiment. DATA & OBSERVATION: State the outcome of the experiment. Include graphs and/or tables if applicable. CONCLUSION 1. Explain why you placed thermometers inside the two jars. 2. List the constants in this experiment? 3. What was the variable in the experiment? 4. Identify which thermometer showed the greatest temperature change during your experiment. 5. Analyze what occurred in this experiment. How was the lid in this experiment like the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? 6. Infer from this experiment why you should never leave a pet inside a closed car in warm weather.