Uploaded by Joseph Aguinea


1. Differentiate
Orthographic views.
2. Understand the different
views in making
orthographic drawing.
3. Apply the knowledge and
skills learn in constructing
orthographic views.
Orthographic View
It is a representation of
two or more separate views.
This can be represented into
six principal views and
regular views.
The Three Regular
1. Top View
2. Front View
3. Side View
The Six Principal
1. Top View
2. Front View
3. Right Side View
4. Left Side View
5. Rear View
6. Bottom View
1. Top View- it is drawn above
the front.
2. Front View- it is drawn
vertically aligned and below
the top view.
3. Right Side View- this is
located at the right side and
aligned with the front view.
4. Left Side View- the opposite of the
right side view. It is located at the
left side and aligned with the front
5. Rear View- the opposite view of the
front view. It is located aligned after
either at the right side view or left
side view.
6. Bottom View- the opposite view of
the top view. This must be drawn
vertically aligned and below the front
Direction: Supply the missing visible and hidden
lines in the Orthographic views below.
Direction: True or False. Write T if the statement is correct
and F if otherwise.
1. The Bottom view is drawn below the front view.
2. Orthographic view can be represented only using the six
principal views.
3. Side views are horizontally aligned with the front view and
rear view.
4. The Rear view can also be drawn beside the left side view.
5. The Right Side view is located at the right side and aligned
with the Top view.
6. The Top view is drawn above the front.
7. The width of the top view is equal to the width of the front
8. Top view is directly above the bottom view.
9. Front view is the opposite view of the rear view.
10. Left Side view is located at the left side and aligned with
the front view.
Thank you!!