lOMoARcPSD|20452023 MCN-LEC- Reviewer - MCN Bachelors of science in nursing (University of Iloilo - PHINMA) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 MCN LEC REVIEWER MDG’s – 8 goals, set by the United Nations back in 2000 to eradicate poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease, expire in 2015. SDG’s - are a collection of 17 global goals set by United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. - It aims to transform our world and to improve people’s lives and prosperity on a healthy planet. Family Structures Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 CHARACTERISTICS OF A FAMILY - Small social system- interrelated; actions of 1 affect the other - Performs certain basic functions: provides for the physical, spiritual, mental health, socialization of member, provision of economic well-being - Has structure- who are the members? - Has its own cultural values and roles - Moves through stages in the life cycle STAGES OF FAMILY LIFE CYCLE PARTS OF FEMALE INTERNAL REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - Ovaries – to produce mature and discharge ova. Organ of ovulation, oogenesis, and hormone production. - Fallopian tube – (8-10cm long) to convey the ovum from the ovaries to the uterus and to provide a place for fertilization of the ovum by the sperm. - Uterus- it is a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ located in the lower pelvis. FUNCTIONS: receives the ovum from the oviduct, implantation and nourishment, protection of the fetus, expulsion during birth - Vagina – organ of intercourse and birth canal Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 FUNCTIONS OF REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS o TESTES - manufacture male sex (gametes) or spermatozoa - produce several steroid hormones primarily testosterone o OVARIES – to produce, mature, and discharge ova (egg cells). In the process of producing ova, the ovaries also produce estrogen and progesterone and initiate and regulate menstrual cycles. - organ of ovulation, oogenesis, and hormone production REPRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT (INTRO AND EXTRA UTERINE) o INTRAUTERINE DEVELOPMENT -BY WEEK 5 – mesonephric (Wolffian) and paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts, the tissue that will become ovaries and testes, have already formed. -BY WEEK 7 OR 8 – in chromosomal males, this early gonadal tissue begins formation of testosterone. Under the influence of testosterone, the mesonephric duct develops into male reproductive organs and the paramesonephric duct regresses. -BY WEEK 10 – if testosterone is not present, the paramesonephric duct becomes dominant and develops into female reproductive organ. -BY WEEK 12 – the external genitals begins to develop. In chromosomal males, penile tissue elongates and the ventral surface of the penis closes to form a urethra. In chromosomal females, with no testosterone present, the uterus, labia minora and labia majora form. ROLE OF HORMONES IN REPRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT o ANDROGEN – responsible for muscular development, physical growth, and the increase in sebaceous gland secretion that cause typical acne in adolescents. o ESTROGEN – increases the development of uterus, fallopian tubes. And vagina; typical fat distribution; hair patterns; and breast development. ANATOMY OF HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM MAMMARY GLANDS - Mammary glands or breasts, form early in intrauterine life. They then remain in a halted stage of development until a rise of estrogen at puberty causes them to increase in size. Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 - GYNECOMASTIA – males, especially those who are obese, developed an increase in breast size BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION - When palpating the breast, always include the axillary region because breast tissue extends into the axilla. PHASES OF MENSTRUAL CYCLE o PROFILERATIVE PHASE - after menstrual flow o SECRETORY PHASE – the uterine endometrium become corkscrew or twisted in appearance o ISCHEMIC PHASE – the endometrium of the uterus begins to degenerate. o MENSTRUAL PHASE – first day of the menstrual flow to 5 days OVULATION TEST - Ovulation occurs 14 days before the beginning of the next menstrual cycle o FERN TEST o SPINNBARKEIT TEST CHANGES DURING MENOPAUSE o PERIMENOPAUSAL – the period during which menopausal changes occur o POSTMENOPAUSAL - the time of life following the final menses PARTS OF OVUM AND THE SPERM CELL AREA OF ASSESSMENT IN DIVERSITY AND MCN Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 SEXUAL ORIENTATION SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN MCN CULTURAL COMPETENCE GENETIC DISORDERS - Inherited or genetic disorders are disorders that can be passed from one generation to the next because they result from some disorder in the gene or chromosome structure PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE o Dominant allele is expressed even if it is paired with a recessive allele o Recessive allele is only visible when paired with another recessive allele o HOMOZYGOUS – a person who has two like genes for a trait – 2 healthy genes o HETEROZYGOUS – if the genes differ (a healthy gene from the mother and an unhealthy gene form the father, and vice versa) o AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE – disease does not occur unless 2 genes for the disease are present (homozygous recessive pattern) o AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT – either a person has 2 unhealthy genes or is heterozygous o X-LINKED DOMINANT INHERITANCE – genes are located on and transmitted only by the female sex chromosome (X chromosome) o X-LINKED RECESSIVE INHERITANCE – usually, only males will have the disorder Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC DISORDERS o A. HISTORY Document diseases in family members Ethnic background Mother’s age, spontaneous miscarriage o B. PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT Physical examination of family member with a disorder, siblings, and the couple Check: space between the eyes, height, contour, shape of eras, number of fingers & toes, webbing, dermatoglyphics (markings on skin), abnormal fingerprints, palmar creases, abnormal hair whorls or hair coloring PARTS OF OVUM AND SPERM CELL FERTILIZATION - It is the union of the ovum and spermatozoon in the outer 3rd of the fallopian tube, in the ampullar segment EMBRYONIC AND FETAL STRUCTURES o DECIDUA o CHORIONIC VILLI o PLACENTA o UMBILICAL CORD o PLACENTAL MEMBRANE FETAL CIRCULATION o 12TH DAY OF GESTATION – maternal blood begins to collect at the intervillous spaces of the uterine endometrium surrounding the chorionic villi o 3rd WEEK – O2 and nutrients like glucose,a mino acids, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins & water diffuse from the maternal blood through the layers of the chorionic villi to the capillaries and are transported to the developing embryo. PHASES OF IMPLANTATION o IMPLANTATION OR NIDATION is the contact between the blastocyst and the endometrium occurs 8 to 10 days of fertilization. o 3 PHASES OF IMPLANTATION: APPOSITION – blastocyst brushes against the endometrium ADHESION – blastocyst attaches to the surface INVASION – blastocyst settles down Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 UMBILICAL CORD - Arising from the chorion and amnion, it provides a circulatory pathway that connects the embryo to the CV of the placenta - FUNCTION: transports O2 & nutrients to the fetus from the placenta and to return waste products to the placenta - 55cm (21 in) long at term & 2cm (3/4 in) thick GERM LAYERS o ECTODERM CNS (brain and spinal cord) PNS Skin, hair, nails Sebaceous glands Sense organs Mucous membranes of anus, mouth and nose Mammary glands o MESODERM Supporting structure (connective tissue, bones, cartilage, muscle, ligaments, and tendons) Dentin of the teeth Upper portion of the urinary system (kidneys & ureters) Reproductive system Heart Circulatory system Blood cells Lymph vessels o ENDODERM Lining of the pericardial, pleural & peritoneal cavities Lining of the GI tract, respiratory tract, tonsils, parathyroid Thyroid, thymus glands Lower urinary system (bladder & urethra) AMNIOTIC FLUID Fetus continually swallows AF Volume at term: 800 to 1200 ml Slightly alkaline: pH 7.2 If unable to swallow may cause esophageal atresia or anencephaly o FUNCTION: shields fetus from pressure or blow of the abdomen\ regulates temperature aid in muscular development since it allows fetus to move freely protects umbilical cord from pressure thus protecting the fetal O2 supply PLACENTA Arises from the trophoblast tissue Serves as a fetal lungs, kidneys, GIT, a separate endocrine organ throughout the pregnancy 15 to 20 cm in diameter & 2 to 3 cm in depth at term, covering about half the surface area of the internal uterus AMNIOCENTESIS - Aspiration of AF from the pregnant uterus for analysis Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 - 15 ml of AF is aspirated - Done at 14th to 16th week - Ask women to void o PURPOSE COLOR NORMAL – colorless or slightly yellow STRONG YELLOW COLOR – suggest blood incompability GREEN-MECONIUM STAINING – suggest fetal distress LECITHIN/SPINGOMYELIN RATIO SHAKE TEST – if bubbly, the ratio is mature LABORATORY ANALYSIS – 2:1 is the normal ratio suggesting lung maturity INFANTS OF DIABETIC MOMS – falsely mature readings because stress matures lecithin pathways early (N= 2.5:1 OR 3:1) FETOSCOPY - Fetus is visualized by a fetoscope (an extremely narrow, hallow tube inserted by amniocentesis technique) - A photograph may be taken of the fetus o PURPOSES Confirms intactness of the spinal column Obtain biopsy samples of the fetal tissue & fetal blood samples Perform elemental surgery (shunt for hydrocephalus) Can be performed 16th or 17th week of life PSYCHOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY o PSYCHOLOGICAL TASKS OF PREGNANCY BY REVA RUBIN 1ST TRIMESTER: ACCEPTING THE PREGNANCY – “I AM PREGNANT” TASK: accept the reality of the pregnancy ND 2 TRIMESTER: ACCEPTING THE BABY – “I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABY” TASK: accepting the reality of having a baby RD 3 TRIMESTER: PREPARING FOR PARENTHOOD – “ I AM GOING TO BE A MOTHER” Nest building RELIEF OF DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY o Module 7; page 69 FETAL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE SCREENING o Fetal breathing o Fetal movement o Fetal tone o Amniotic fluid volume o Fetal heart reactivity HAASE’S RULE o Determines length of fetus in cm Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com) lOMoARcPSD|20452023 o 1st half (1-5 months) = month2 o 2nd half = months x 5 LEOPOLD’S MANUEVER o Fundic grip/ fundal grip o Lateral grip o Pawlik’s grip o Pelvic grip EDC & AOG o EDC JANUARY TO MARCH APRIL TO DECEMBER o AOG +9 -3 +7 +7 +1 CALORIE REQUIREMENT FOR WOMEN o NONPREGNANT – 2,200 calories/day o PREGNANT - +300 calories (2,500 calories/day) o LACTATING - +500 (2,700 calories/day) DIET AND NUTRITION DURING PREGNANCY Downloaded by Keziah Marie Chua Santaana (kech.santaana.ui@phinmaed.com)