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Indian Adolescent Identity: Cultural Views & Development

Indian views on adolescents identity
Identity formation is a dynamic and life-long process, characterized by
continuous changes in the amount of exploration and strength of
commitments. At special situations in life when one’s identity is challenged,
then these changes seem noticeable and pronounced. Identity development
leads to a change in how we feel, we start to identify who we are(selfidentity), how others see us(social identity).
Despite the fact identity formation is a one time process, adolescence is the
age when individual understands how our identity affects our lives. But it is
neither the beginning nor the end of the identity formation. Identity
formation in adolescence leads to various physical,social,emotional,cognitive
changes in the individual.
Systems Theory
Urie Bronfenbrenner (april 29, 1917- september 25, 2005)
was a russian born american psychologist who is most known
or his ecological systems theory. This theory was renamed as
bio-ecological theory to understand the biological development
in process.
Bronfenbrenner’s structure of environment:● The Microsystem- This layer is the closest layer to the
child environment. Structures in the microsystem
contains parents, relatives, peers.
● The Mesosystem- This layer interconnects the
microsystems. Interactions between the teachers and
● The Exosystem- Child does not have direct interaction
with this layer but any disturbances in this layer may
affect child’s environment also. This layer involves
parent’s workplace.
● The Macrosystem- This layer focuses on how cultural
elements effects a child’s development. Like cultural
values, beliefs, customs etc.
● The Chronosystem- Those environmental changes that
occur over a lifetime. Major changes like changing to a
new house, parents getting divorced
Indian views
It is difficult to consider Indians as a homogenous group of
As India is a diversified country, people follow many religions,
beliefs and practices. These factors helps in the identity
formation of the adolescence. Family offers a fundamental and
vital context for adolescent identity formation. Family helps in
building up an individual’s reciprocity with his/her social
environment. With a right blend of tradition and modernity
family aid in building emotional affiliations.
Menarche is treated in different ways across India. In some
areas in India women are segregated from other members of
the family and provided a space for 5-6 days to stay as they
are considered polluted during menstruation. They are not
allowed to do any household work and go anywhere else other
than the place which was provided to her and doing her work
like washing her own clothes,utensils and room.
Whereas in some southern societies menarche is
welcomed through a coming-of-age ceremony
called Ritusuddhi or Ritu Kala Samskara or a halfsari function. It is celebrated and various rituals are
performed to announce the beginning of the
adolescent age of respective family member. These
rituals are mainly performed in the southern part of
India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka).
In India, generally topics like sexuality, sex
education, menarche, spermarche arenot
openly discussed between parents and
children. Nowadays also people feel it's a
taboo to discuss about these topics with their
children. Girl’s and boy’s are not aware
about the sexual changes that are taking
place in their body. Most of the adolescents
get information from friends, social
networking sites and by reading
pornographic literature. These sources of
information may be misleading, confusing
and incomplete.
Adolescents face experiences nocturnal emission
(wet dream, sex dream,nigtfall or sleep orgasm,
is a spontaneous orgasm during sleep that
includes ejaculation for a male or vaginal
wetness or orgasm for a female. It may happen
at night and sometimes during day time also.
And due to lack of knowledge, misleading
information or confusion; this may lead to
feeling of guilt or shame in the individual also
they think that they are losing their masculinity
or have a disease. In some religions like Islam
and Judaism tell us that who experience
nocturnal emission are required to take a bath
immediately, as it is considered dirty.
In some communities boys have
initiation ceremony as they reach
the adolescence age. It is known
as Upanayanam,(Janeu) in which
they have to wear sacred thread
in a puja in order to transfer some
responsibilities to the boy. This
ceremony is usually performed by
upper caste families, in both urban
and rural areas.