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 Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com The Titan Program 12-­‐Week Strength Program (3 Day/Week, 3 Phase – 4-­‐Week Mini-­‐Cycles) Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com TITAN PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Titan is a 3-­‐day per week training protocol that utilizes full body workouts and a variety of advanced training methodologies. Over the course of the 12-­‐week program, a 4-­‐week pendulum wave will be utilized to progressively overload the main lifts that starts each workout. Some lifts in the workout will be listed in a template or “Choose Your Own Adventure” format where you can substitute your favorite exercise variation to allow you to create the best program for your individual weaknesses, strengths, and restrictions. You have the choice of two options with the Titan program; Option 1: Keep the main lifts the same for the 12-­‐week program, or Option 2: Change the main lifts every 4-­‐weeks in the program. You will use the Titan Program Calculator (.xls) to determine the weights you’ll use throughout each phase of the program. Be conservative with choosing your repetition maxes (RM) when starting the program so that you will be able to progress and continue to achieve the target volume for each exercise in every workout. TITAL ADVANCED TRAINING METHODOLOGIES § Utilizing Compound Exercises – ground-­‐based exercises that involve multiple joints and multiple muscle groups – not only build strength, increase the intensity of the workout, and also increase the caloric expenditure § Utilizing Undulating Periodization with the Main Lifts in each workout – each workout contains a main compound lift that is performed with a variety of set x rep schemes to increase the intensity: o Heavy weights used x lower rep scheme, and o Moderate weights x higher volume rep scheme, o BOTH combine to target STRENGTH and MUSCLE MASS in the same workout! § Utilizing Dropsets – a dropset is performed after the first main lift to “build on” the target muscle groups used in the main lift and also focus on greater ranges of motions, different angles, and higher volumes (sets x reps) for the movement pattern. § Utilizing E2MOM (Every Two Minutes On the Minute) protocol – shortens the rest periods, keeps the intensity high, and keeps the lifter “accountable” to actually ensuring the rest periods are structured and adhered to. Simply perform the target exercise and rest the remainder of the two minute block before moving to the next exercise. The lifter could keep the weight the same for the 4 rounds or increase the weights slightly as the rounds progress. § Targeting Two Weaknesses in each workout – in the program you will target two weaknesses in each and every workout to ensure that we bring up your individual weak points while you are also building your overall strength and adding muscle. § Utilizing a Metabolic Finisher – the finishers are included to finish the workouts with a “bang.” High intensity, high metabolic stress, and short in duration will help the lifter stay focused and on track with each round / effort. Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com PHASE HEAVY MAIN LIFT DROPSET* *Rest 120 seconds after last set of the heavy main lift and then hit dropset E2MOM Rep Effort (Sub-­‐Maximal Loads) WORKOUT #1 WORKOUT #2 WORKOUT #3 1) Deadlift Variation Weeks 1, 5, 9: 8 sets x 3 reps Weeks 2, 6, 10: 5 sets x 5 reps Weeks 3, 7, 11: 3 sets x 8 reps Weeks 4, 8, 12: 4 sets x 6 reps * 90-­‐120 sec rest between sets DROPSET Goblet Squat Variation 1 set x AMRAP* with 30% of Your Bodyweight *As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) 1) Bench Press Variation 1) Heavy Back Variation Weeks 1, 5, 9: 4 sets x 6 reps Weeks 1, 5, 9: 3 sets x 8 reps Weeks 2, 6, 10: 8 sets x 3 reps Weeks 2, 6, 10: 4 sets x 6 reps Weeks 3, 7, 11: 5 sets x 5 reps Weeks 3, 7, 11: 8 sets x 3 reps Weeks 4, 8, 12: 3 sets x 8 reps Weeks 4, 8, 12: 5 sets x 5 reps * 90-­‐120 sec rest between sets * 90-­‐120 sec rest between sets DROPSET DROPSET Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Row Variation Variation (on Slight Incline) 1 set x AMRAP with 30% of Your 1 set x AMRAP with 30% of Bodyweight (in each hand) Your Bodyweight (in each hand) E2MOM Every Two Minutes on the Minute; Repeat 3 Exercise Sequence for 4 Rounds = 24 Minutes 2A) Military Press Variation 8 reps 2A) Barbell Squat Variation 8 reps 2A) Dumbbell Clean & Press 8 reps 2B) Lat Pull Down Variation 10 reps 2C) Seated Row Variation, Inverted Rows (with Feet Elevated), or DB Posterior Flye Variation 10 reps Calves 1A) Standing Calves Variation*, 3-­‐4 sets x 20 reps 1B) Seated Calves Variation, 3-­‐4 sets x 20 reps * Change angle of foot for every set. Grip 1A) Plate Pinch, 2-­‐3 sets x ALAP 1B) DB Farmers Holds, 2-­‐3 sets x ALAP 2B) Romanian Deadlift (RDL), Rack Pull, or Back Raise Variation 10 reps 2C) Rear-­‐Foot Elevated Split Squats, Lunge Variation, or Heavy Prowler / Sled Variation 8 reps/leg or 10-­‐20 yards Gun Show 1A) 5/5/5 Seated DB Curls (at 45 deg angle), 3 sets x 5 sec iso-­‐hold, 5 reps, 5 rounds 1B) Tricep Extension Variation, 1 set x 100 reps (Rest-­‐pause technique, i.e., rest as short as possible before continuing) Core 1A) Anti-­‐Movement Variation (any plane of motion), 3-­‐4 sets x 10-­‐20 reps 1B) Hip Flexion Variation, 3-­‐4 sets x 10-­‐20 reps Farmers Walks with Dumbbells 30 seconds overhead 30 seconds in front rack 30 seconds at sides Rest 120 seconds Repeat 5 Rounds 2B) DB / KB Swing or Hip Thrust Variation 10-­‐20 reps 2C) Push-­‐up Variation (with Weight) 10-­‐20 reps Start at the top of a minute and perform 8 reps for the first exercise 2A). If it takes 40 seconds (4 sec/rep) to perform entire set, rest the remainder of a two-­‐minute block or 80 seconds of rest after 2A). Then move to next exercise and repeat same E2MOM technique for 2B) and 2C. This will equal a total of 6 minutes / round x 4 rounds. Supplemental Exercises WEAKPOINT TRAINING FINISHER Treadmill Sprints: 8 sec No Rest Push-­‐up Plank Hold: 30 sec Rest 90 sec Repeat for 10 Rounds * Nasal only breathing Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com Lower Body Mobility 1A) Cossack Squats, 3 sets x 5-­‐8 reps / leg 1B) High Box Step-­‐ups, 3 sets x 5-­‐8 reps / leg Upper Body Mobility 1A) Static Hang from Bar, 3 sets x ALAP (with 5 long breaths) 1B) Top-­‐Anchored Thoracic Extension, 3 sets x 5 breaths 1C) Barbell Overhead Carry, 3 sets x 40 yards Bear Crawls: 20 Feet, no rest Push-­‐up Plank Hold: 10 sec, no rest Flutter Kicks: 50 alt. reps Rest 120 seconds Perform for 10 Rounds FAQ’s FAQ #1: What weights should I use for each set? After you input your 1RM into the Titan Program Calculator, it will determine the “target weight” you should work up to for the main lift in each workout. If a set calls for 5 sets x 5 reps, each set will pyramid up in weight so that your last few sets will be the absolute most weight you can use and still hit the target reps at your goal weight according to the program calculator. For example, if your 5RM for deadlifts is 365lbs, then a potential pyramid loading scheme for the workout might be the following: Set 1: 135 lbs x 5 reps Intraworkout Primer: 1B) Foam roll adductors x 30 sec each 1C) Glute bridges x 5 reps (contraction as hard as possible at lockout) Set 2: 225 lbs x 5 reps 1B) Foam roll adductors x 30 sec each 1C) Glute bridges x 5 reps (contraction as hard as possible at lockout) Set 3: 275 lbs x 5 reps 1B) Foam roll adductors x 30 sec each 1C) Glute bridges x 5 reps (contraction as hard as possible at lockout) Set 4: 315 lbs x 5 reps Set 5: 365 lbs x 5 reps Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com FAQ #2: How do I progress the 3 workouts each week over the entire 12 weeks of the program? You have the choice of two options with the Titan program; Option 1: Keep the main lifts the same for the 12-­‐week program, or Option 2: Change the main lifts every 4-­‐weeks in the program. You will use the Titan Program Calculator (.xls) to determine the weights you’ll use throughout each phase of the program. Titan Program | Option 1: You will use a 4-­‐week pendulum wave to change the intensity (amount of weight lifted) over the course of each 4-­‐week mini-­‐cycle while keeping the main lifts the same. For each progressive workout each week, you will increase the amount of weight utilized for both the main upper body lift and main lower body lift by +2.5% and +5.0%, respectively. Since each week has two upper body main lifts, you will progress them at the same percentage of +2.5%. After the first 4-­‐week mini-­‐cycle (Phase 1) is complete, you will start over with a weight +2.5% greater than the weights you used in Week 1 for both of the upper body lifts and +5.0% for the main lower body lift. Titan Progression Strategy OPTION #1 Main Lift Phase 1 Phase 2 Week 1 Week 3 Week 4 Choose your 1RM for each lift and plug into workout calculator. The calculator will determine your 3RM, 5RM, 6RM, and 8RM and provide you with your weights (lbs) for the first 4 weeks. Pick Your: Main Upper Body Lift Main Lower Body Lift Heavy Back Exercise Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 The workout calculator will increase main upper body exercise and heavy back exercise by +2.5% and the main lower body exercise by +5.0% for the weights used in Week 1. Week 9 Phase 3 Week 2 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 The workout calculator will increase main upper body exercise and heavy back exercise by +5.0% and the main lower body exercise by +10.0% for the weights used in Week 1. Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com Titan Program | Option 2: For Option 2, you will choose your favorite exercise variation for the main upper and lower body lifts. You will then input your 1RM for each of those exercise variations. The Titan Program Calculator will provide the target goal weights for each workout over the course of the 4-­‐week cycle or Phase 1. For Phases 2 and 3, you will repeat this process for different exercises. Titan Progression Strategy OPTION #1 Main Lift Phase 1 Pick Your: Main Upper Body Lift Main Lower Body Lift Heavy Back Exercise Phase 2 Pick Your: Main Upper Body Lift Main Lower Body Lift Heavy Back Exercise Phase 3 Pick Your: Main Upper Body Lift Main Lower Body Lift Heavy Back Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Choose your 1RM for each lift and plug into workout calculator. The calculator will determine your 3RM, 5RM, 6RM, and 8RM and provide you with your weights (lbs) for each workout in the 4-­‐week phase. Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Choose your 1RM for each lift and plug into workout calculator. The calculator will determine your 3RM, 5RM, 6RM, and 8RM and provide you with your weights (lbs) for each workout in the 4-­‐week phase. Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Choose your 1RM for each lift and plug into workout calculator. The calculator will determine your 3RM, 5RM, 6RM, and 8RM and provide you with your weights (lbs) for each workout in the 4-­‐week phase. Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com FAQ #3: What are your favorite exercise variations? Here is a table that will help you make Titan your personalized program: Deadlift Bench Press Heavy Back Goblet Squat DB Bench Press Variations Variations Variations Variations Variations §
Sumo Deadlifts Conventional Deadlifts Deficit Deadlifts Band-­‐Resisted Deadlifts Deadlifts with Chains 3-­‐Position Deadlifts Trap Bar Deadlifts Slow-­‐Eccentric Deadlifts §
Barbell Bench Press Close-­‐Grip Bench Press Wide-­‐Grip Bench Press Bench Press to Blocks Bench Press to Foam Roller Pause Bench Press Swiss Bar Bench Press §
Barbell Bent Over Rows Weighted Pull-­‐
ups Weighted Chin-­‐
ups Prone DB Rows Seated Cable Rows Lat Pull Downs §
Goblet Squats Pause Goblet Squats Slow-­‐Eccentric Goblet Squats 1 ½ Rep Goblet Squats Goblet Squats with Heels Elevated Front Racked KB Squats §
Flat DB Bench Press Incline DB Bench Press Neutral-­‐Grip DB Bench Key Press DB Bench Press with Slow-­‐
Eccentrics Pause DB Bench Press DB Row Variations §
Standing DB Rows Prone DB Rows Prone DB High Rows Prone DB Neutral-­‐Grip Rows Prone DB Neutral-­‐Grip Rows with Slow Eccentrics DB Rows with Back Extensions Military Press Variations §
Barbell Military Press DB Military Press Seated DB Military Press Arnold DB Military Press Neutral-­‐Grip DB Military Press Axle Press Swiss Bar Military Press Romanian Deadlift Variations Barbell Squat Variations §
Barbell Back Squats Front Squats Box Squats Squats to Box Pause Squats SSB Squats Giant Camber Bar Squats Barbell Split Squats Barbell Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats §
Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Sumo Stance RDL’s Split Stance RDL’s Trap Bar RDL’s DB RDL’s KB RDL’s Band-­‐Assisted DB RDL’s Heavy Sled / Prowler Variations Lat Pull Down Variations §
Wide-­‐Grip Lat Pull Downs Narrow Grip Lat Pull Downs Underhand Lat Pull Downs Fat Grip Lat Pull Downs One Arm Lat Pull Downs Lat Pull Downs with Slow Eccentrics §
Table: Favorite Exercise Variations Copyright 2017 and Beyond. All Rights Reserved. www.defrancoinsider.com Forward Pushing Forward Pulling Lateral Dragging Wide-­‐Stance Pushing Duck Walks Forward Pulls with Two KB’s (front racked) Weighted Push-­‐
up Variations §
Push-­‐ups Wide-­‐Grip Push-­‐
ups Push-­‐ups with Feet Elevated Neutral Grip Push-­‐ups on Dumbbells Staggered Hand Push-­‐ups One-­‐Arm Push-­‐
ups on Med Ball 