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 Perfect Male Body
Workout Routine
Bonus PDF Guide
Greg O’Gallagher
A Workout Routine To Build The Perfect
Male Body
This is a sample workout routine that combines the 5 lifts that
most contribute to the perfect male body. For a full program on
how to develop a chiseled physique and strong, dense muscle,
you’ll find everything you need in my Greek God Workout
1a) Incline DB Bench Press: 3 sets x 5-7 reps
1b) Pull-ups (add weight if necessary): 3 sets x 5-7 reps
2) Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 6-10 reps
3a) Bar Dips (add weight if necessary): 3 sets x 6-10 reps
3b) Biceps Curl Variation: 3 x 6-10 reps
4) Plank: 3 sets x 60 seconds (contract abs as hard as possible)
Workout Notes
• Stick with the given rep ranges if you are looking to add
muscle size
• If you just want to add muscle density than you can lower
the rep ranges to 3-5
• Perform this workout 2-3x per week on non-consecutive
• 1a and 1b means you perform a set of 1a rest then perform
a set of 1b rest and repeat for desired sets
• If you need to add muscle to your legs you can perform 3
sets of 4-6 reps of squats or deadlifts
To check out the full Greek God Program to build strength and
density, visit http://greekgodprogram.com
Kinobody Bonus Guide – Kinobody.com | Greg O’Gallagher