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Transport in Plants - AS Level CAIE

Transport in plants
Dr. Sunjukta Ahsan
Different types of cells in plants
Cross-section of plant stem
Cross-section of root
Xylem-Structure and Function
Xylem tissue
• They are made from cells joined end to end to form tubes
• The cells are dead
• The walls of the cells are thickened with a hard, strong material called
• Xylem tissue has two functions, namely support and transport.
• It contains several different types of cell.
Xylem tissue
• In flowering plants, xylem tissue contains vessel
elements, tracheids, fibres and parenchyma
• ■■ Vessel elements and tracheids are the cells
that are involved with the transport of water.
• Unlike other plants, flowering plants rely mostly
on the vessel elements for their water transport.
• ■■ Sclerenchyma fibres are elongated cells
with lignified walls that help to support the
plant. They are dead cells; they have no living
contents at all.
• ■■ Parenchyma cells
Xylem vessels and vessel elements
• Vessels are made up of many elongated cells called vessel
elements, arranged end to end.
• Each vessel element begins life as a normal plant cell in whose wall
lignin is laid down.
• Lignin is a very hard, strong substance, which is impermeable to
• As lignin builds up around the cell, the contents of the cell die,
leaving a completely empty space, or lumen, inside.
Xylem vessels and vessel elements
• Groups of plasmodesmata are found where no lignin is laid down.
• These non-lignified areas can be seen as ‘gaps’ in the thick walls of
the xylem vessel, and are called pits.
• Pits are not open pores; they are crossed by permeable, unthickened
cellulose cell wall.
• The pits in one cell link with those in the neighbouring cells, so
water can pass freely from one cell to the next.
• The end walls of neighbouring vessel elements break down
completely, to form a continuous tube rather like a drainpipe running
through the plant.
• This long, non-living tube is a xylem vessel.
The transport of water
• Water moves from a region of higher to lower water potential.
• The movement of water is passive as it is driven by evaporation from
the leaves.
• The process starts in the leaves. The energy of the Sun causes water
to evaporate from the leaves, a process called transpiration.
• This reduces the water potential in the leaves and sets up a water
potential gradient throughout the plant.
• Water moves down this gradient from the soil into the plant – for
example, through its root hairs.
From leaf to atmosphere – transpiration
• Water then moves across the root into the xylem tissue in the
• The walls of the mesophyll cells are wet, and some of this water
evaporates into the air spaces so that the air inside the leaf is
usually saturated with water vapour.
• The air in the internal spaces of the leaf has direct contact with the
air outside the leaf, through small pores called stomata.
• If there is a water potential gradient between the air inside the leaf
and the air outside then water vapour will diffuse out of the leaf
down this gradient.
From soil into root hair
• The tip of a young root is covered by a tough, protective root cap and
is not permeable to water.
• However, just behind the tip some of the cells in the outer layer, or
epidermis, are drawn out into long, thin extensions called root hairs.
• These reach into spaces between the soil particles, from where they
absorb water.
From soil into root hair (contd.)
• Water moves into the root hairs by osmosis down a water potential
• Although soil water contains some inorganic ions in solution, it is a
relatively dilute solution and so has a relatively high water potential.
• However, the cytoplasm and cell sap inside the root hairs have
considerable quantities of inorganic ions and organic substances
such as proteins and sugars dissolved in them, and so have a
relatively low water potential.
• Water, therefore, diffuses down this water potential gradient,
through the partially permeable cell surface membrane and into the
cytoplasm and vacuole of the root hair cell.
From soil into root hair (contd.)
• The large number of very fine root hairs provides a large surface area
in contact with the soil surrounding the root, thus increasing the rate
at which water can be absorbed.
• However, these root hairs are very delicate and often only function
for a few days before being replaced by new ones as the root grows.
• Root hairs are also important for the absorption of mineral ions such
as nitrate and magnesium.
From soil into root hair (contd.)
• Many plants, especially trees, have fungi located in or on their roots,
forming associations called mycorrhizas, which serve a similar
function to root hairs.
• The mycorrhizas act like a mass of fine roots which absorb water and
nutrients, especially phosphate, from the soil and transport them
into the plant.
• Some trees, if growing on poor soils, are unable to survive without
these fungi.
• In return, the fungi receive organic nutrients from the plant.
• The name given to a relationship such as this, in which two organisms
of different species both benefit, is mutualism.
Root pressure
• Plants may also increase the pressure difference between the top
and bottom by raising the water pressure at the base of the vessels
• The pressure is raised by the active secretion of solutes into the
water in the xylem vessels in the root.
• Cells surrounding the xylem vessels use energy to pump solutes
across their membranes and into the xylem by active transport.
• The presence of the solutes lowers the water potential of the
solution in the xylem, thus drawing in water from the surrounding
root cells.
• This influx of water increases the water pressure at the base of the
xylem vessel.
From root hair to xylem
• Water transport in plants is largely a passive process, driven by
transpiration from the leaves.
• Water taken up by root hairs crosses the cortex of the root and
enters the xylem in the centre of the root.
• It does this because the water potential inside the xylem vessels is
lower than the water potential in the root hairs.
• Therefore, the water moves down this water potential gradient
across the root.
From root hair to xylem
• The water takes two routes through the cortex. Individual molecules can
switch from one route to the other at any time.
• The cells of the cortex, like all plant cells, are surrounded by cell walls
made of several layers of cellulose fibres criss-crossing one another.
• Water can soak into these walls, rather as it would soak into blotting
paper, and can seep across the root from cell wall to cell wall without
ever entering the cytoplasm of the cortical cells. This is called the
apoplastic pathway.
• Another possibility is for the water to move into the cytoplasm or vacuole
of a cortical cell by osmosis, and then into adjacent cells through the
interconnecting plasmodesmata. This is the symplastic pathway
From root hair to xylem
• Normally, it is probable that the symplastic pathway is more important but,
when transpiration rates are especially high, more water travels by the
apoplastic pathway.
• Once the water reaches the endodermis, the apoplastic pathway is
abruptly blocked.
• The cells in the endodermis have a thick, waterproof, waxy band of
suberin in their cell walls. This band, called the Casparian strip, forms an
impenetrable barrier to water in the walls of the endodermis cells.
• The only way for water to cross the endodermis is through the cytoplasm
of the endodermal cells. As the endodermal cells get older, the suberin
deposits become more extensive, except in certain cells called passage
cells, through which water can continue to pass freely.
From root hair to xylem
• It is thought that this arrangement gives a plant control over what
mineral ions pass into its xylem vessels, as everything has to cross
cell surface membranes.
• It may also help with the generation of root pressure.
• Once across the endodermis, water continues to move down the
water potential gradient across the pericycle (parenchyma and
sclerenchyma) and towards the xylem vessels.
• Water moves into the xylem vessels through the pits in their walls.
From xylem across the leaf
• Water constantly moves out of the xylem vessels through the
unlignified parts of the xylem vessel walls.
• Symplastic pathway, water moves from cell to cell via the
• In the other pathway, known as the apoplastic pathway, water moves
through the cell walls.
From root to stem and leaf in the xylem
• From root to stem and leaf in the xylem
• The removal of water from xylem vessels in the leaf reduces the
hydrostatic pressure in the xylem vessels. (Hydrostatic pressure is
pressure exerted by a liquid.)
• The hydrostatic pressure at the top of the xylem vessel becomes
lower than the pressure at the bottom.
• This pressure difference causes water to move up the xylem vessels
in continuous columns.
From root to stem and leaf in the xylem
• The lower the hydrostatic pressure, the lower the water potential, so
a hydrostatic pressure gradient is also a water potential gradient.
• The water in the xylem vessels, like the liquid in a ‘sucked’ straw, is
under tension.
• The movement of water up through xylem vessels is by mass flow.
This means that all the water molecules (and any dissolved solutes)
move together, as a body of liquid, like water in a river.
• This is helped by the fact that water molecules are attracted to each
other by hydrogen bonding; this attraction is called cohesion.
From root to stem and leaf in the xylem
• They are also attracted to the cellulose and lignin in the walls of the
xylem vessels, and this attraction is called adhesion.
• Cohesion and adhesion help to keep the water in a xylem vessel moving as
a continuous column.
• The vessels are full of water. The fact that the cells are dead is an
advantage, because it means there is no protoplasm to get in the way of
• The small diameter of xylem vessels helps to prevent breaks in water
column due to air bubbles from occurring.
• Also, the pits in the vessel walls allow water to move out into
neighbouring vessels and so bypass such an air lock.
• Air bubbles cannot pass through pits. Pits are also important because they
allow water to move out of xylem vessels to surrounding living cells.
Factors affecting transpiration
• ■■ Humidity. If the water potential gradient between the air spaces
in the leaf and the air outside becomes steeper, the rate of
transpiration will increase.
• ■■ Wind speed and temperature. Transpiration may also be
increased by an increase in wind speed or rise in temperature.
• ■■ Light intensity. In most plants, stomata open during the day and
close at night. The rate of transpiration is almost zero at night.
Stomata must be open during the day to allow carbon dioxide to
diffuse into the leaf for photosynthesis, which increases the rate of
transpiration. Closing at night, when photosynthesis is impossible,
reduces unnecessary water loss.
Factors affecting transpiration (contd.)
• ■■ Very dry conditions. Partially or completely closing its stomata to
prevent its leaves drying out, even if this means reducing the rate of
photosynthesis. As water evaporates from the cell walls inside the
leaf, it absorbs heat energy from these cells, thus reducing their
Xerophytes-Adaptations and Examples
• Xerophytes (or xerophytic plants) are plants that live in places where
water is in short supply.
• Many xerophytes have evolved special adaptations of their leaves
that keep water loss down to a minimum.
Marram grass
• Very long roots to search for water deep down in sand dunes.
• Leaves that roll up in dry weather to increase humidity around
stomata, reducing transpiration.
• Sunken stomata to create high humidity and reduce transpiration.
• Fine hairs around stomata, reducing air movement so humidity builds
up and transpiration is reduced.
• Very long roots to search for water deep down in sand dunes.
• Leaves that roll up in dry weather to increase humidity around
stomata, reducing transpiration.
• Sunken stomata to create high humidity and reduce transpiration.
• Fine hairs around stomata, reducing air movement so humidity builds
up and transpiration is reduced.
Transport of mineral ions
• Apart from the carbohydrates made in photosynthesis, plants need a
supply of mineral ions to complete their nutrition. Examples are
nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
• Mineral ions in solution are absorbed along with water by the roots,
particularly by the root hairs.
• Their route through the plant is the same as that for water, crossing
the root by apoplastic and symplastic pathways before moving in the
mass flow of xylem sap up the xylem to the rest of the plant.
• From the xylem they enter the apoplastic and symplastic pathways
Xylem and Sclerenchyma
• Similarities
• 1. Both are mechanical tissues.
• 2. In both the cell walls are thickened due to the deposition of lignin.
• 3. Both the tissues are dead at maturity.
• Differences
• 1. Sclerenchyma is a simple tissue while xylem is a complex tissue.
• 2. Lignin deposition is uniform in sclerenchyma, while it uneven in xylem.
• 3. Sclerenchyma offers only mechanical support while xylem is mechanical and it also helps in
Transport in Phloem
Transport of mineral ions (contd.)
• As well as moving by mass flow through the apoplastic pathway and
xylem, mineral ions can also move by diffusion and active transport.
For example, they can diffuse into the apoplastic pathway of the root
from the soil and once in the apoplastic pathway can diffuse in any
direction according to concentration gradients.
• They can also enter cells by methods such as diffusion, facilitated
diffusion and active transport.
• Facilitated diffusion and active transport allow cells to control what
ions enter or leave cells.
• One important control point is the root endodermis, where the
Casparian strip forces ions to pass through living cells before they
can enter the xylem.
Translocation in phloem
• The term translocation can be applied to transport in both xylem and
phloem – it means literally moving from one place to another.
• It usually describes the transport of soluble organic substances within
a plant.
• These are substances which the plant itself has made – for example,
sugars which are made by photosynthesis in the leaves. These
substances are sometimes called assimilates.
Assimilation and Assimilates
• Assimilates are the chemical compounds made by the plant itself as a
result of assimilation
• Assimilation in plants is the range of processes by which the plant
converts its inorganic nutrients into organic compounds. An example
of assimilation is photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, inorganic
carbon dioxide and water are converted, using energy, to organic
solutes like sugars. Another example of assimilation is the use of
nitrates obtained from the soil to help make amino acids. Sucrose and
amino acids are two of the common assimilates that are transported
over long distances in the phloem.
• Assimilates are transported from sources to sinks in phloem.
• A source is the place where the assimilate is located.
• A sink is the place it has to be moved to and where it is needed for
growth and development or for storage. Common sources are leaves
and storage organs, such as tubers. Common sinks are buds, flowers,
fruits, roots and storage organs.
Structure of phloem
Sieve Tube Elements and Companion Cells
• Sieve tube elements are elongated in shape. The cells are joined end
to end vertically to form a continuous tube. Like a typical plant cell, a
sieve tube element has a cell wall containing cellulose, a cell surface
membrane and cytoplasm containing endoplasmic reticulum and
mitochondria. However, the amount of cytoplasm is very reduced and
only forms a thin layer lining the inside of the cell wall. There is no
nucleus and there are no ribosomes.
• The most striking feature of sieve tube elements is their end walls.
Where the end walls of two sieve tube elements meet, a sieve plate is
formed. This is made up of the walls of both cells, perforated by large
pores. These pores are easily visible with a good light microscope.
Sieve Tube Elements and Companion Cells
• The pores are open, presenting little barrier to the flow of liquids through
• Each sieve tube element has at least one companion cell lying close beside
it. Companion cells have the structure of a typical plant cell, with a cell wall
containing cellulose, a cell surface membrane, cytoplasm, a small vacuole
and a nucleus. However, the number of mitochondria and ribosomes is
greater than normal, and the cells are metabolically very active.
• Companion cells are very closely linked with their neighbouring sieve tube
elements in terms of their function. In fact, they are regarded as a single
functional unit. Numerous plasmodesmata pass through their cell walls,
making direct contact between the cytoplasm of the companion cell and
that of the sieve tube element.
Translocation in Phloem
• Phloem sap, like xylem sap, moves by mass flow
• In xylem vessels, the movement is passive, meaning it requires no
energy input from the plant (only the Sun). This is not the case in
phloem. To create the pressure differences needed for mass flow in
phloem, the plant has to use energy.
• Phloem transport is therefore an active process, in contrast to the
passive transport in xylem. The pressure difference in phloem is
produced by active loading (moving) of sucrose into the sieve tube
elements at the source (the place where sucrose starts its journey).
The source is usually a photosynthesising leaf or a storage organ.
Translocation in Phloem
• Loading a high concentration of sucrose into a sieve tube element
greatly decreases the water potential of the sap inside it. Therefore,
water enters the sieve tube element, moving down a water potential
gradient by osmosis. This causes a build-up of pressure inside the
sieve tube element. The pressure is referred to as hydrostatic
pressure. A pressure difference is created between the source and
the sink. This pressure difference causes a mass flow of water and
dissolved solutes through the sieve tubes, from the high pressure
area to the low pressure area. At the sink, sucrose is removed,
causing the water to follow by osmosis. The loss of water from the
tube reduces pressure inside the tube, thus maintaining the
hydrostatic pressure gradient.
Translocation in Phloem
• The sucrose, in solution, moves from the mesophyll cells, across the leaf to
the phloem tissue. It may move by the symplast pathway, moving from cell
to cell via plasmodesmata. Alternatively, it may move by the apoplast
pathway, travelling along cell walls. It is now known that companion cells
and sieve tube elements work together. Sucrose is loaded into a
companion cell by active transport.
• Hydrogen ions (protons, H+) are pumped out of the companion cell into its
cell wall by a proton pump using ATP as an energy source. Proton pumps
are proteins found in the cell surface membrane. The proton pump creates
a large excess of hydrogen ions in the apoplast pathway outside the
companion cell. The hydrogen ions can move back into the cell by passive
diffusion down their concentration gradient, through a protein which acts
as a carrier for both a hydrogen ion and a sucrose molecule at the same
• Because it carries two substances at the same time, the protein is
called a co-transporter. The sucrose molecules are carried through
this co-transporter molecule into the companion cell, against the
concentration gradient for sucrose, but down the concentration
gradient for hydrogen ions. The co-transporter will only work if both a
hydrogen ion and a sucrose molecule move through it together. Once
inside the companion cell, the sucrose molecules can move by
diffusion into the sieve tube. They do this by moving through the
plasmodesmata which connect the companion cell to the sieve tube
(the symplast pathway).
Mass flow in phloem