Quiz 11

Quiz 11
1. Secondary growth results from cell division of :
a. leaves
b. roots
c. apical meristems
d. lateral meristems
e. damaged tissue
2. the type of ground tissue mainly involved in photosynthesis is:
a. parenchyma
b. collenchyma
c. schlerenchyma
d. meristematic
e. none of the above
3. Stems with vascular tissue organized in a circular fashion, thus having a central pith, are
characteristic of
a. palm trees
b. monocots
c. dicots
d. ferns
e. moss
4. The structure that gives rise to lateral roots is called
a. casparian strip
b. cortex
c. epidermis
d. pericycle
e. root cap
5. Annual rings in a tree trunk result from differences in
a. deposition of colored amterials in the oldest cells
b. the growth rate of secondary xylem at different seasons
c. the amounts of heartwood and sapwood
d. the kinds of cells, xylem or phloem, produced by the cambium
e. the proportion of wood cells and cork cells in the xylem