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Quick email guide 20240501 133635 0000

- The Quick Email Guide -
Welcome Mr / Miss Reader,
Thank me later for this, here I have got
you a guide on email sequence,
When to send which email "NO BS" to
keep audience retained. Now you may
have been curious like, " WHY I NEED
This is preety simple and straight
forward, the longer they are connected
with you, the higher the value you
deliver, the more the money you are
gonna make our of them.
Your audience are the cash cows all
you have to feed them is grass (value),
you get the milk similar to grass you
feed. If you give NO VALUE you are
gonna get NO CASH
Now comes the question that why use
sequence and WHY? How does
sending them in a specific sequence
makes different impact then just
giving value randomly.
Though you provide great value to
your readers you won't make it until
and unless you can keep them
engaged with you. This is where the
sequence comes in, sequence acts as a
manipulation trick that we usually see
in the soap operas
They actually know how the game
works, they know who things actually
human brain is inclined towards
DRAMA, we love drama, we love
suspense, we love fantasizing. That is
what they take advantage of and that
is exactly what we are going to be
Now comes the question that why use
sequence and WHY? How does
sending them in a specific sequence
makes different impact then just
giving value randomly.
Though you provide great value to
your readers you won't make it until
and unless you can keep them
engaged with you. This is where the
sequence comes in, sequence acts as a
manipulation trick that we usually see
in the soap operas
They actually know how the game
works, they know who things actually
human brain is inclined towards
DRAMA, we love drama, we love
suspense, we love fantasizing. That is
what they take advantage of and that
is exactly what we are going to be
Now that we have understood that we
need a sequence now let's understand
what this sequence is going to be in.
1). Set The Stage
2). Open With High Drama
3). New Dawn
4). Hidden Benifits
5). Urgency & CTA
This is the sequence that most soap
operas use to engage their viewers for
weeks and weeks
Now Lets take a quick look at how to
exactly write emails in this sequence,
for each stage I'll give you 3 email that
you can study and understand the
pattern, which will further help you
write your own emails
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 2 of 5
Body: Hey there, it's Russell! Ready for the
next chapter in my journey?
When I first dipped my toes into online
business, I was still navigating the waters
of traditional education. Little did I know,
the real lessons were waiting for me in the
world of entrepreneurship.
In Chapter 2, I'll share the pivotal moment
when my education fell short, and how that
sparked a whole new approach to learning.
Get ready to dive in and discover how
failure can be the ultimate teacher.
Look out for the email tomorrow — you
won't want to miss it!
Talk soon,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 3 of 5
Body: Hey, it's Russell again!
In the upcoming chapter of my journey, I'll
unveil the turning point that transformed
my online ventures from mere experiments
to thriving businesses.
Curious about how I turned my passion into
profit? Stay tuned for tomorrow's email,
where I reveal the secrets that shifted my
perspective forever.
I'm excited to continue this journey with
Keep an eye on your inbox,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 4 of 5
Body: Hi there,
Russell here. I hope you're enjoying the ride
so far!
Chapter 4 is where things get really
interesting. I'll be sharing the strategies
and tactics that propelled my online
businesses to new heights.
Discover how I cracked the code to
effective marketing and turned my ventures
into a success story.
Tomorrow's email will be packed with
insights you can't afford to miss.
Stay tuned,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 3 of 5: Expert Secrets
Body: "How did it come to this?"
I remember standing in my cluttered apartment, surrounded
by overdue bills and the weight of uncertainty pressing
down on me. Just a few years ago, I was on top of the world
—full of dreams and ambitions.
But then life threw me a curveball. It was the day I was let
go from my job, unexpectedly and without reason. The
corporate ladder I'd been climbing vanished beneath my
As I gazed at the stack of rejection emails from job
applications, reality hit hard. Despite all my education and
hard work, I was struggling to make ends meet.
That's when I hit a wall—a wall of frustration, doubt, and
fear. But little did I know, this moment of despair would
become the catalyst for my greatest breakthrough.
Tomorrow, I'll share the pivotal realization that changed
everything for me. The lesson I learned transformed my
approach to success and unlocked opportunities I never
thought possible.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's email where I reveal this gamechanging insight.
Talk soon,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 4 of 5: Unleashing Potential
Body: Hey there,
Picture this: I was sitting in my cramped office, staring at
the computer screen, feeling defeated and exhausted.
Years of hard work and late nights had led me to this point
—struggling to keep my business afloat. Despite pouring my
heart and soul into it, success seemed elusive.
It was in that moment of doubt that I reflected on my
journey, realizing where I went wrong and how I could pivot
towards a new direction.
In tomorrow's email, I'll take you through this critical
turning point. The breakthrough I had not only reignited my
passion but also propelled my business towards
unprecedented growth.
Get ready to uncover the strategy that transformed my
struggles into triumphs.
Look out for my next email,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 5 of 5: The Road Less Traveled
Body: "How did I end up here?"
I stood at the crossroads of uncertainty, grappling with
decisions that could shape my future. It was a defining
moment—a culmination of failures and lessons learned.
Years prior, I was caught in the rat race, chasing someone
else's definition of success. But when adversity struck, it
forced me to reassess my path and seek alternatives.
In tomorrow's email, I'll share the pivotal choice that
changed my trajectory. This decision not only empowered
me to break free from mediocrity but also led to profound
personal and professional growth.
Stay tuned for my final chapter, where I unveil the key to
forging your own path to success.
Catch you soon,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 4 of 5: The Turning Point
Body: It was a regular morning, much like any other. I was sipping
my coffee, scanning through my to-do list, when suddenly it hit me
like a bolt of lightning.
I had been hustling tirelessly, trading my time for money, just like
everyone else. But as I reflected on my goals and aspirations, I
realized there had to be a better way—a way to leverage my
expertise without being confined by the limitations of traditional
That's when the idea struck me like a revelation. I needed to shift
my approach. Instead of trading hours for dollars, I needed to
package my knowledge into a scalable solution that could reach
countless individuals simultaneously.
I stumbled upon a revolutionary concept—the power of digital
products. By creating a digital course that encapsulated my
expertise, I could break free from the constraints of time and
In that moment of clarity, I saw the potential for exponential growth
and impact. I understood that I could create something once and
continue to reap its benefits indefinitely.
This epiphany transformed my trajectory. It propelled me towards
building a thriving online business, where I could share my insights
with a global audience and generate sustainable income.
Curious to learn how you can harness this transformative strategy
for yourself? Join me as I unveil the key to unlocking your potential:
Explore the possibilities and discover how your epiphany can lead to
extraordinary outcomes.
Looking forward to connecting with you,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 5 of 5: A New Perspective
Body: Picture this—I was engrossed in my daily routine, navigating
the demands of life and work, when suddenly, a new perspective
dawned on me.
For years, I had been chasing conventional success, adhering to
societal norms of trading time for a paycheck. But deep down, I
knew there had to be a more fulfilling path—one that aligned with
my aspirations and values.
It was during a moment of introspection that I had my epiphany. I
realized that my true wealth lay not in the hours I worked but in the
impact I could make by sharing my expertise at scale.
This realization ignited a fire within me. I decided to shift gears,
leveraging digital platforms to package my knowledge into
transformative products that could transcend geographical
In that pivotal moment, I understood the potential of online courses
and digital content to revolutionize not just my income but also my
lifestyle and sense of purpose.
If you're ready to embrace a new perspective and unlock the door to
limitless possibilities, then join me on this journey of discovery:
Experience the power of epiphany and witness the transformative
effects it can have on your life.
Looking forward to sharing this journey with you,
Subject: [DCS] Embracing Innovation
Body: It was a seemingly ordinary day, but something extraordinary
happened—an idea struck me like a thunderbolt.
I had been laboring under the illusion that success was synonymous
with grinding endless hours. But in a moment of clarity, I realized
there was a smarter way to leverage my skills and expertise.6
The epiphany was simple yet profound. I needed to embrace
innovation and harness the power of digital transformation.
By translating my knowledge into a scalable digital format, I could
break free from the constraints of traditional work and reach a
global audience.
This revelation opened up a world of possibilities. It allowed me to
cultivate multiple streams of income and create a lasting impact
beyond conventional boundaries.
If you're ready to embrace innovation and carve out a path of
abundance, then join me on this transformative journey:
Explore the power of epiphany and discover how it can propel you
towards unparalleled success.
Excited to embark on this adventure with you,
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 5 of 5: The Unseen Rewards
Body: Hey there,
When I embarked on this journey, I never anticipated the
hidden treasures waiting on the other side.
Yes, the financial gains have been substantial, but what truly
enriches my life are the unexpected perks that come with
helping others achieve their dreams.
Imagine waking up each day with a sense of purpose, knowing
that your actions are transforming lives beyond your own.
Through this path, I've discovered newfound freedom—not just
financially, but in the ability to craft my own schedule and
prioritize what truly matters.
One of the most remarkable benefits has been the connections
forged along the way. By sharing my expertise, I've crossed
paths with inspiring individuals and thought leaders, opening
doors I never thought possible.
But beyond the tangible rewards lies the profound satisfaction
of witnessing transformation firsthand. It's the joy of seeing
someone break free from limitations and embrace their full
If you resonate with this vision—if you crave more than just
financial success—then join me on this remarkable journey.
I'm offering an exclusive opportunity to experience my insights
firsthand, risk-free. You'll gain access to invaluable knowledge
and a community dedicated to mutual growth.
Secure your spot now and uncover the hidden rewards that
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Subject: [DCS] Bonus Insights Await
Body: Hey,
As I reflect on the impact of sharing my expertise, I've come to
realize that the true rewards extend far beyond monetary gains.
Yes, financial stability is a tangible outcome, but what truly
excites me are the unforeseen advantages that enrich my life
Picture this: By mastering the principles I teach, you'll not only
achieve financial freedom but also gain the flexibility to pursue
your passions without constraints.
The real magic happens when you realize the ripple effect of
your actions—how empowering others creates a cycle of
positivity that fuels your own growth.
Through this journey, I've uncovered hidden benefits like the
ability to set my own terms, embrace new opportunities, and
experience fulfillment on a profound level.
Join me in exploring these transformative insights firsthand.
Your decision today could unlock a world of possibilities you
never thought possible.
Seize this chance to tap into hidden rewards and chart your
course towards lasting success:
Excited to have you onboard!
Subject: [DCS] Unlocking Life's Riches
Body: Hey,
Beyond the allure of financial prosperity lies a treasure trove of
unexpected rewards waiting for those who dare to embark on
this journey.
Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose,
knowing that your actions have a meaningful impact on others'
By embracing this path, you'll not only achieve financial
independence but also unlock the keys to personal fulfillment
and freedom.
The greatest joys emerge when you witness firsthand the
transformations sparked by your guidance—when you see
dreams materialize and lives change for the better.
Through this journey, I've uncovered hidden gems like the
ability to dictate my own schedule, forge invaluable
connections, and experience the profound joy of making a
Embrace the unseen riches that come with this transformative
experience. Your decision to join us could be the catalyst for a
life of abundance and purpose.
Secure your spot now and unveil the hidden rewards that await:
Let's embark on this extraordinary adventure together!
Subject: [DCS] Ch. 5 of 5: Final Opportunity
Body: Time is running out, and I want to make sure
you don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity.
I've been sharing invaluable insights all week, but the
clock is ticking. This special offer expires TODAY.
If you've been contemplating joining my "Expert
Secrets" course for free, now is the time to act.
Tomorrow will be too late.
Starting tomorrow, the doors close on this unique
opportunity. The chance to explore this
transformative training without any upfront
commitment will be gone.
Don't wait until it's too late. Secure your spot now:
This isn't a gimmick—it's your last chance to embark
on this journey at no cost.
Take action now and seize this final opportunity to
access game-changing knowledge.
I look forward to seeing you inside the course.
Best regards,
Subject: [DCS] Limited Time Offer: Act Now!
Body: Urgent reminder: Today is your last chance to
claim your spot in my "Expert Secrets" course for free.
I've extended this special offer all week, but it expires
at midnight tonight.
If you want to dive into this comprehensive training
without any financial commitment, now is the
moment to take action.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize
your approach to success.
Join now before it's too late:
This is not a drill—act now and secure your access to
life-changing insights.
I'll be waiting to welcome you onboard!
Warm regards,
Subject: [DCS] Final Call: Don't Miss Out!
Body: This is your final call to enroll in my "Expert
Secrets" course at no cost.
The doors are closing tonight, and I don't want you to
miss this chance to transform your life.
If you've been considering joining us, seize the
moment and reserve your spot before it's too late.
Once the clock strikes midnight, this opportunity
Take action now:
Don't let this window of opportunity slip away. Secure
your access and unlock the path to success.
Looking forward to having you join us,
Note :
These emails are not for copy paste these
are to understand the pattern of approach.
How do you exactly need to format your
first email for the highest impact on the
The Higher The Impact
The More The Sales
The More The Sales
The More The Money
These were just some simple preety straight
forward examples of the emails.
Keep on practicing, if you need more
resources just go online and try to find more
and more educational or sales pages and
sign up for their email newsletters and start
to study them, the more you study the more
sharp you'll get.....