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Law of Obligations Quiz

1. Which of the following can never be enforced in court?
a. Obligation based on positive law
b. Obligation based on conscience
c. Obligation based on voluntariness
d. Obligation based on contracts
2. It is he who in whose favor the obligation is constituted, established or created.
a. Active subject
b. Passive subject
c. Obligor
d. Debtor
3. It is the one in whom it is incumbent to fulfill the prestation.
a. Active subject
b. Passive subject
c. Obligee
d. Creditor
4. Which of the following is an obligation not to do?
a. Obligation of seller in a contract of sale
b. Obligation of landowner in easement of way
c. Obligation of painter in a contract of service
d. Obligation of depositary in a contract of deposit
5. It is a juridical relation whereby a person may demand from another the observance of a
determinative conduct, and in case of breach, may demand satisfaction from the assets of the
a. Natural obligations
b. Moral obligations
c. Civil obligations
d. Contracts