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Double-Entry Journal Worksheet for Text Analysis

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Name: ______________________________________________ Week of: ________________________
Title of Book: _________________________________________________________________________
Author: ______________________________________________________________________________
Lexile Level:
Circle one
Double-Entry Journal:
A note-taking method for deepening your thinking while reading.
(You must complete 3 entries for each chapter)
Page # From the text…
 A passage
 Interesting Language
 Quotation
 Key Event
 Critical Fact
 Main Idea
 A problem or conflict
From your mind…
 A reaction
 A theory or hypothesis
 A comparison
 An explanation
 A discussion of significance
 A discussion of reactions to the text
Assignment: As you read this week, fill out the double entry journal to help you understand what you are
Name: Jason M. Beard
Title of Book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Fiction: X Nonfiction:
Author: J.K Rowling
Lexile Level: 880L
Double-Entry Journal:
A note-taking method for deepening your thinking while reading.
Page #
From the text…
 A passage
 Interesting Language
 Quotation
 Key Event
 Critical Fact
 Main Idea
 A problem or conflict
From your mind…
 A reaction
 A theory or hypothesis
 A comparison
 An explanation
 A discussion of significance
 A discussion of reactions to the text
194 214
Interesting Language:
 The Mirror of Erised
From my mind: (A discussion of significance)
 Erised is Desire backwards.
 Desire meaning: a strong feeling of
wanting to have something, or have
something happen.
 Philip realized that Erised was desire
backwards and in the book Dumbledore
tells Harry that, “the Mirror shows us
nothing more than the deepest, most
desperate desire of our hearts.”
A key event:
 Harry was left a mysterious
Christmas present with an
anonymous note that read, “Your
father left this in my possession
before he died. It is time it was
returned to you. Use it well. A
Very Merry Christmas to you.”
A theory or hypothesis:
 I believe that Professor Dumbledore sent
Harry the gift because Dumbledore saw
Harry in front of the mirror and knew he was
going to be there and he did not question
the cloak at all.
210 211
A critical fact:
 Harry saw his family in the Mirror of
Erised, but Ron saw himself older
as the head boy of Gryffindor.
An explanation:
 Like it was stated in interesting language,
Erised is Desire backwards and Harry
desired to be with his family most. Ron, on
the other hand, desired to be very important
and stand out from his family, so he saw
himself as head boy of Gryffindor.