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Project Management Exam Questions

1) Projects, rather than repetitive tasks, are now the basis for most value-added in business.
Answer: TRUE
2) Projects are typically ongoing, day-to-day activities that have goods and services as outputs.
Answer: FALSE
3) The special nature of projects relieves project managers from their routine of planning,
organizing, motivating, directing, and controlling.
Answer: FALSE
4) A project exists outside of the standard line organization.
Answer: TRUE
5) Product life cycles are longer now than twenty years ago.
Answer: FALSE
6) The initial goal and technical specifications of the project are developed during the planning
Answer: FALSE
7) Client interest in a project is highest during the termination and conceptual phases.
Answer: TRUE
8) The classic triple constraint standard for project performance is composed of time, cost, and
client acceptance.
Answer: FALSE
9) The business success dimension of project success determines whether the project achieved
significant commercial success.
Answer: TRUE
10) A(n) ________ refers to ongoing, day-to-day activities in which an organization engages
while producing goods and services.
Answer: process
11) The goals of a project are sometimes called ________.
Answer: deliverables
12) Projects are ________-focused.
Answer: customer
13) Project management entails crossing ________ and ________ boundaries.
Answer: functional, organizational
14) The stages in a project’s development are known as the ________.
Answer: project life cycle
15) Detailed specifications, schematics, and schedules are all developed during the ________
Answer: planning
16) Creativity is at its zenith during the ________ stage of the project life cycle.
Answer: execution
17) The degree of risk associated with the project is at its highest during the ________ stage.
Answer: conceptualization
18) The triple constraint of project success is ________.
Answer: time, cost, performance
19) Which of the following types of activities is more closely associated with projects rather
than processes?
A) an activity that is ongoing
B) an activity that is day-to-day
C) an activity that uses existing systems
D) an activity that establishes its own work rules
Answer: D
20) Which of the following is accomplished through project management?
A) A cellular phone company activates a new customer’s service.
B) An automotive manufacturer produces a day’s quota of vehicles.
C) A software developer creates a new crash-proof operating system.
D) A retailer restocks the shelves after a day of brisk sales.
Answer: C
21) A project typically has:
A) a defined start and end date.
B) a defined start date but no defined end date.
C) no defined start but a defined end date.
D) no defined start or end date.
Answer: A
22) The Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide definition of a project indicates that a
project is:
A) multifunctional.
B) temporary.
C) designed to consume human resources.
D) limited by a budget.
Answer: B
23) Project members may be from:
A) different departments.
B) other organizational units.
C) one functional area.
D) all of the above.
Answer: D
24) There is no such thing as a project team:
A) with a deliverable.
B) with an ongoing, non-specific purpose.
C) with a goal.
D) with a project manager.
Answer: B
25) A project that results in “doing the wrong things well” has ignored the:
A) budgetary goal.
B) technical goal.
C) customer satisfaction goal.
D) scheduling goal.
Answer: C
26) Which of these is NOT characteristic of a project?
A) Projects are responsible for the newest and most improved products, services, and
organizational processes.
B) Projects are ad hoc endeavors with a clear life cycle.
C) Projects provide a philosophy and strategy for the management of change.
D) Traditional process management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling do not
apply to project management.
Answer: D
27) Which of the following is NOT a project constraint?
A) the budget
B) the customer requirements
C) the schedule
D) the technical specifications
Answer: B
28) Projects differ from classic organizational processes because projects are:
A) discrete activities.
B) part of line organization.
C) well established systems in place to integrate efforts.
D) multi-objective.
Answer: A
29) Process management features ________ with respect to project management.
A) greater team member heterogeneity
B) greater certainty of performance
C) fewer numbers of goals and objectives
D) lower adherence to established practices
Answer: C
1- ________ are all individuals or groups who can potentially impact a project's development.
Answer: Project stakeholders
2- Which of the following is an internal project stakeholder group?
A) clients
B) suppliers
C) functional managers
D) competitors
Answer: C
3- The group that provides raw materials or resources that the project team needs to complete
the project is:
A) suppliers.
B) intervenor groups.
C) top management.
D) functional managers.
Answer: A
4- Which of the following is an external stakeholder group?
A) project team members
B) top management
C) accountants
D) environmental groups
Answer: D
5- Which of the following is an internal project stakeholder group?
A) clients
B) suppliers
C) functional managers
D) competitors
Answer: C
6- The management department at the university decides to add a new program in restaurant,
hotel, and institutional management. As part of the development process they hold focus
groups consisting of area business leaders, current and former students, and restaurant and
hotel owners. These groups can be described as:
A) project leaders.
B) project workers.
C) stakeholders.
D) clients.
Answer: C
7- Which statement about stakeholders is best?
A) Stakeholders wield considerable power.
B) Stakeholders can potentially impact project development.
C) Stakeholders are external to a company.
D) By definition, clients are not stakeholders, they are customers.
Answer: B
8- Suppliers and competitors are possible intervenor groups in a project.
Answer: TRUE
9- External stakeholders that are external to a project but possess the power to effectively
disrupt the project's development are:
A) intervenor groups.
B) environmental groups.
C) stressor groups.
D) special-interest groups.
Answer: A
10- An important step in stakeholder management is the assessment of your own capabilities.
Answer: TRUE
11- The first step in Block's framework of the political process as applied to stakeholder
management is to:
A) assess your own capabilities.
B) assess the environment.
C) identify the goals of the principal actors.
D) define the problem.
Answer: B
12- A(n) ________ is interested in efficiency of operations, but a(n) ________ is interested in
effectiveness of outcomes.
Answer: manager, leader
13- Which of these is more characteristic of a manager?
A) develop new processes
B) originate
C) state their position
D) focus on people
Answer: C
14- Which of these is more characteristic of a leader?
A) strive for control
B) do things right
C) demand respect
D) inspire trust
Answer: D
15- Which of these tasks is NOT presented as a responsibility of a project manager?
A) to control the “soft” people issues.
B) to manage the hard technical details.
C) to holistically manage the entire project.
D) to apply a laissez faire approach and let the work progress unimpeded.
Answer: D
16- Most project resources are negotiated with:
A) project managers.
B) potential team members.
C) top management.
D) external stakeholders.
Answer: A
17- Team building and conflict management skills are two of the most important people skills
that project managers can cultivate.
Answer: TRUE
18- Which statement regarding the duties of leaders and managers is best?
A) Leaders embrace the status quo while managers support change.
B) A manager’s title is bestowed by the organization.
C) Leaders aim for efficiency.
D) Managers aim for effectiveness.
Answer: B
19- The project management pearl of wisdom that declares, “If they know nothing of what you
are doing, they assume you are doing nothing,” means that:
A) stakeholders must be communicated with on a continual basis throughout the project’s
B) the duration of most projects is sufficiently long as to contain many days when no actual
progress is being made.
C) the more complex a project is, the more likely that the client who will ultimately receive the
project has no idea how it is being executed.
D) a project manager that holds lengthy progress meetings with his team will generally complete
projects more successfully.
Answer: A
20- Task-oriented leadership behavior is characterized by:
A) showing trust in project team members.
B) acting friendly and supportive towards project team members.
C) contributing to the completion of project assignments.
D) recognizing the accomplishments of team members.
Answer: C
21- Which of these behaviors is task-oriented?
A) Every Friday is ice-cream day at the job site; everyone gets a double dip of their favorite
B) The employee of the month plaque is updated monthly and placed in a prominent position
near the checkout stand.
C) The dean reached into his pocket, extracted his money clip and peeled off $3,000, saying,
“Why don’t you pick out some window treatments for the office? Something nice.”
D) When my computer broke, the project manager had it replaced immediately.
Answer: D
22- Project meetings do not generally serve this purpose for the project team:
A) help all stakeholders increase their commitment to the project.
B) provide a forum for airing grievances with stakeholders and team members.
C) provide visibility for the project manager’s role in managing the project.
D) define the project and all the major team players.
Answer: B
23- Which of these is NOT an element of emotional intelligence?
A) intelligence
B) self-awareness
C) motivation
D) empathy
Answer: A
24- Which of these is the more meaningful measure of leadership effectiveness?
A) subject matter knowledge
B) emotional intelligence
C) technical skill
D) analytical ability
Answer: B
25- The emotional intelligence element that implies having a deep understanding of one’s own
strengths and weaknesses, ego needs, drives, and motives is called:
A) motivation.
B) self-regulation.
C) self-awareness.
D) social skill.
Answer: C
26- ________ is the element of emotional intelligence that describes a person’s ability to keep
themselves under control.
Answer: Self-regulation
27- ________ is the element of emotional intelligence that implies having a deep understanding
of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, ego needs, drives, and motives.
Answer: Self-awareness
28- Friendliness with a purpose describes:
A) empathy.
B) self-regulation.
C) obsequiousness.
D) social skill.
Answer: D
1- Scope management is the function controlling a project in terms of its goals and objectives during the
execution phase.
Answer: FALSE
2- The statement of work is a detailed narrative description of the work required for a project.
Answer: TRUE
3- A work package may be composed of one or more subdeliverables.
Answer: FALSE
4- A work package may consist of more than one milestone.
Answer: TRUE
5- Scope reporting not only identifies the type of information that will be reported, but also to whom it
will be reported and with what frequency.
Answer: TRUE
6- Work content and expected outcomes are called __________ in project management.
Answer: scope
7- __________ are formally defined as "any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item
that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project."
Answer: Deliverables
8- __________ are the lowest level in the work breakdown structure, composed of short duration tasks
that have a defined beginning and end.
Answer: Work packages
9- The type of information that will be reported regularly, who will receive it, and how the information
will be collected and disseminated falls under the umbrella of __________.
Answer: scope reporting
10- Scope management for a project begins with:
A) a work package.
B) an organization breakdown structure.
C) a statement of goals.
D) a configuration statement.
Answer: C
11- Conceptual development for a project concludes with:
A) project objectives.
B) alternative analysis.
C) project delivery.
D) team dissolution.
Answer: A
12- Which of these is NOT a typical element of a statement of work?
A) introduction and background
B) a list of activities needed to complete the project
C) technical description of the project
D) timeline and milestones
Answer: B
13- Which of the following is NOT a project goal criteria?
A) cost
B) schedule
C) team membership
D) review and approval gates
Answer: C
14- The organizational structure for the project team, including policies and procedures, is the:
A) work breakdown structure.
B) rules statement.
C) scope statement.
D) management plan.
Answer: D
15- Which of these scope statement steps creates the all-important bureaucracy for a project?
A) the management plan
B) the work breakdown structure
C) the scope baseline
D) the project goal criteria
Answer: A
16- The mountaineers all agreed that their quest to build a bridge between the two peaks of Mount
Kilimanjaro was a noble one, but they had no idea how long it would take to complete until they finished
A) project goal criteria.
B) work breakdown structure.
C) scope baseline.
D) management plan.
Answer: B
17- The new Magic Pan coming soon to your area usually serves 20,000 customers in the first year of
operation. Construction plans include site selection, foundation, framing, finishing, egglaying, and
chicken acquisition. The scope statement step that determines relationships among these steps, e.g.
does the chicken acquisition come before the egg laying, etc., is the:
A) project goal criteria.
B) management plan.
C) work breakdown structure.
D) scope baseline
Answer: C
18- Budget and schedule information for each activity in a project is contained in the:
A) project goal criteria.
B) management plan.
C) work breakdown structure.
D) scope baseline.
Answer: D
19- The PMBoK definition stating, "a process that sets a project's scope by breaking down its overall
mission into a cohesive set of synchronous, increasingly specific tasks," is for the:
A) project plan.
B) work breakdown structure.
C) deliverable statement.
D) scope expansion.
Answer: B
20- What are work breakdown structure elements that must be completed to conclude the project
A) activities
B) tasks
C) work packages
D) milestones
Answer: C
21- The lowest level in work breakdown structure contains the:
A) atoms.
B) activities.
C) finite elements.
D) work packages.
Answer: D
22- The highest level of work breakdown structure is the:
A) project.
B) deliverable.
C) subdeliverable.
D) work package.
Answer: A
23- The second level in work breakdown structure contains the:
A) projects.
B) deliverables.
C) subdeliverables.
D) work packages.
Answer: B
24- Which of these statements about subdeliverables is best?
A) Subdeliverables have durations of their own.
B) Subdeliverables consume resources.
C) Subdeliverables have direct assignable costs.
D) Subdeliverables summarize the outcomes of work packages.
Answer: D
25- The costs attached to subdeliverables:
A) are the summary of the work packages that support it.
B) are called phantom costs.
C) should be subtracted directly from deliverable costs.
D) are not recoverable unless explicitly stated in the work breakdown structure.
Answer: A
26- Organizational breakdown structure (OBS) allows companies to:
A) assign the duties of tracking costs to the customer's accounting function.
B) circumvent the onerous task of work breakdown structure.
C) issue a preliminary TPS report.
D) define the work to be accomplished
27- The step that reflects the formal "go ahead" given to the project to commence once the scope
definition, planning documents, and other contractual documents have been prepared and approved is
A) go ahead.
B) send off.
C) work authorization.
D) work release.
Answer: C
28- All projects are promised in terms of the specific functionality or performance criteria they will meet.
The key feature of the contractual documentation that specifies this functionality or criteria is the:
A) contractual requirements.
B) valid consideration.
C) contracted terms.
D) contractual performance.
Answer: A
29- The exchange that is specified by the contractual documentation documents is:
A) the terms.
B) valid consideration.
C) reciprocity.
D) fair and unencumbered.
Answer: B
30- The section of the contractual documentation that identifies what are the excusable delays,
allowable costs, and criteria for inspection is called the:
A) bylaws.
B) amendments.
C) contracted terms.
D) dissolution factors.
Answer: C
31- Updates on how the project is performing against milestones can be accomplished by issuing a
report containing:
A) S-curves.
B) schedule status.
C) earned value.
D) technical performance.
Answer: B