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2007 Proctor PublicSectorMarketing

Public Sector Marketing
Pearson Education
Tony Proctor
Pearson Education, 2007
0273708090, 9780273708094
225 pages
Chapter 1 Marketing in the public sector
There are many different types of organisation, some of which are profit motivated
and others which operate not with making a profit in mind. This book is about
marketing in the public-sector (essentially a non-profit-making sector). The non-profit
making organisations are many in number and range from large corporations carrying
out public services (i.e. municipal councils) to charitable institutions and other bodies
of various sizes and purposes. In this book we will pay prime attention to the
functioning of municipal authorities in the belief that the varied activities and
purposes they serve provide a veritable panacea for new understanding and
appreciation of the concepts that being put forward. At the same time, it is recognised
that more recent changes in local government in particular have led to the
establishment of a trend towards managerialism with its accent on targets and
accountability and also to the formation of joint venture companies where the profitmotive is usually present. However, many of comments and suggestions put forward
here will also be relevant to the large variety of non-profit making organisations and
to profit organisations as well.
The nature of marketing
There are numerous definitions of marketing, but the official definition from the
Chartered Institute of Marketing is:
“Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and
satisfying customer requirements profitably”.
Many people think of marketing as just advertising and/or selling of goods and
services despite the argument put forward in the marketing literature that these are
just two of the many marketing activities carried out by organizations (MOTI, 2005).
Marketing activities are those associated with identifying the particular wants and
needs of a target market of customers, and then going about them at least as well as or
better than competitors. This view is consistent with the definition by Boone and
Kurtz. (1998):
"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing,
promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to
create and maintain relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational
In the public sector much of the marketing related activity is concerned with the
satisfaction of customers despite the fact that there is frequently the absence of any
direct or even indirect form of competition. Having a monopoly in terms of supply
does not in itself kill off the need for marketing. In the case of the public sector a poor
customer image does not enhance the organisation’s image in the eyes of it other
stakeholders. Indeed, in the context of such organisations, marketing may have a
broader role to play by having to satisfy the interests of different and sometimes
conflicting interests.
We might consider replacing the term “customers” with stakeholders in any definition
of the role and scope of marketing since these include customers as well as the many
other individuals, groups and organizations that deal with or are even employed by an
organization. A definition of marketing that best suits the purpose here is:
“Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and
satisfying stakeholder requirements and in so doing serves to facilitate the
achievement of the organization’s objectives”.
The various means that public sector organisations use to bring about satisfaction are
used to communicate ideas, benefits and values about products and services that it has
to offer the stakeholder. Communication then is central to the effective conduct of
marketing operations. Three primary types of corporate communication exist within
an organisation - management, marketing and organisational (van Riel 1995). In
addition it has been suggested (van Riel, ibid.) that management communication
refers to messages conveyed by management to both internal and external
stakeholders. Marketing communications are those directly aimed towards the
consumer, e.g. advertising, direct mail, personal selling and sponsorship.
Organisational communication covers all other communications based within an
organisation, such as PR, public affairs, environmental communications, investor
relations and internal communication. While not disputing these definitions, it could
be argued that values communication to stakeholders occurs through a combination of
all three forms of communication. Moreover, the view expressed here is that
persuasive communications of all forms involve marketing in one form or another.
By and large public sector organisations are concerned with providing services rather
than products. There are some differences involved in the marketing of services and
we will look at these in the next section.
The difference between marketing services and products
Marketing a service-based business differs from marketing a product-based business.
Cowell (1984) argued that what is significant about services is the relative dominance
of intangible attributes in the make-up of the “service product”. As a consequence,
services may require special understanding and special marketing efforts. For
example, the personnel providing the service are just as important as the service itself
and the interaction between service provider and service receiver is of paramount
importance. Service-based organizations are essentially concerned with managing
relations because they manage the total “buyer-seller” interaction process (Reid &
Worthington, 2004). This is done as part of attracting, maintaining, and improving
customer relationships.
While many services marketed in public sector are amenable to the same kinds of
treatment as one would follow with services in the private sector some services have a
different kind of aim. Use of marketing techniques and concepts within some aspects
of public service are concerned with promoting ideas and are frequently referred to as
Social Marketing. Kotler and Zaltman (2001) suggested that social marketing is :
“The design, implementation and control of programs calculated to influence
the acceptability of social ideas and involving considerations of product,
planning, pricing, communication, distribution and marketing research.”
Social marketing aims to bring about specific behavioural goals relevant to social
good - e.g. the prevention of anti-social behaviour such as vandalism or alcohol abuse
in the community. However, it is only one of a number of possible intervention
strategies and its limitations or suitability for particular purposes does have to be well
To understand more about marketing and the subsequently its relevance to public
sector organisations let us first review how marketing has developed over the years in
the private sector.
Marketing and the organisation
Marketing was first conceptualised in the context of the profit-making organisation
where various economic theories of the firm had influence on the perceived purpose
of marketing. Most management theories have focused on the firm's responsibility to
its shareholders, with some degree of duty owed to employees or customers. Whether
economic theories of the firm indicated that firms should maximize sales, profits or
simply stay in business, they maintained that it was marketing’s role to assist in
achieving this purpose.
Market conditions influence how profit making organisations pursue their primary
purpose and aims and this is reflected in their business orientations. Back at the turn
of the 20th century, Henry Ford saw this in terms of finding a way of reducing the unit
costs of production through more efficient production methods, driving down prices
to the consumer and thence making the motor car available for enjoyment by the
masses. At the heart of this business philosophy was the idea of creating consumer
satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction along with the various ways in which it might be
achieved were to become central themes in what marketing was all about. However,
the business philosophies that followed later were somewhat different to that of Henry
While all the business orientations shown below can be successful, their likelihood of
being so depends very much upon the market conditions in which they are employed.
If people do not want cheap mass-produced products then production orientation has
no value. Similarly if the market is well served with high quality products then it may
not be possible to produce anything better and market it as such. Where customers are
well informed about the product or service on offer then it is unlikely that a sales
orientation will be very successful. Only marketing and societal orientations seem
likely to succeed in the long run in sophisticated modern day markets in the developed
economies of the world. However, the societal approach may only be successful if
both consumer and producer believe that adopting the product or service to be strictly
in society’s best interest is truly worthwhile.
Figure 1 Business orientations.
Organisational Business Orientations
Customer will buy provided it is cheap
Concentrate on
producing a better
A good sales
person can sell
anything to anyone
Sales orientation
Produce goods and
services which satisfy
Customers’ wants and needs
Produce goods and
services which are
in society's best
Markets are dynamic and the environments in which they operate are constantly
changing. Political, Economic, Social-cultural, Technological, Legal and Ecological
forces all influence the way in which marketers seek to achieve their objectives.
Consumer and other stakeholder satisfaction along with achieving organisational
objectives underpin the strategic direction that marketers prefer, but the manner in
which they seek to achieve this end may differ according to the market conditions.
The rise of marketing as a force within the business world has been paralleled in the
business literature by questions about the main underlying objectives of enterprises.
Mere survival of the organisation, often stated as the principle objective, may seem
too vaguely stated an objective to bring any poignancy of meaning to what firms are
seeking to achieve. In the case of profit making organisations various alternatives
have been suggested. Central to most recent thinking has been the idea of creating
values for owners of the business. Profit making businesses can vary in terms of
ownership from sole trades to large multinational organisations with many
shareholders who own or have a stake in the company. As the organisation continues
to create value for its owners, they will want to continue their investment in terms of
time and money spent or invested in the organisation.
Shareholders are only one set of stakeholders in a business for customers, employees,
suppliers and many others also have a vested interest in how the organisation fares. A
more complex overall objective for a profit making organisation would be to create
value for its stakeholders in order to retain their interest and commitment of time and
investment, financial or otherwise, to the organisation.
During the 1980s and 1990s academics and practitioners in the field of strategic
management began to focus on creating ‘shareholder value’ as the overall purpose of
any commercial enterprise (Rapaport, 1986). The benefits suggested for this approach
to strategic management were considered twofold: first, it put the interests of the
owners of the business at the heart of strategy, and, second, it engendered a more
long-term approach to business decision-making than an emphasis upon profitability.
Doyle (2000) argued that the creation of shareholder value should be used as the
yardstick against which to measure marketing strategies. The shareholder value
criterion replaces older notions, for example that the aims of marketing strategy
should be to generate increased sales or to build market share. Slater (1997:164)
argued that: “Superior performance is the result of providing superior customer value;
it is not an end in itself”. He cited evidence that businesses achieving long-term
excellence focus on delivering value to customers, rather than directly on profitability.
Here we will argue that at least in the case of the non-profit making sector the
objective is to create value for stakeholders. Such a view is complicated by the
possible existence of conflicting stakeholder interests and an implicit hierarchy of
preferences that may be built into an organisation when resolving stakeholder
interests in the pursuit of attaining objectives. Such is the situation in many public
sector organisations.
Marketing challenges faced by public sector managers
In the 1990s, the public sector in various European countries started to see its clientele
as customers and perceived the benefits of applying marketing tools and strategic
marketing planning (Cousins, 1990), in order to "sell" policies to citizens. Public
organizations employ four types of marketing, which differ from each other in the
objectives underlying them.
First, "marketisation" means that certain aspects of public-sector activities become
akin to commercial marketing in the private sector by subjecting products and
services to the competitive forces of the commercial marketplace. The aim is to bring
down the price level and to bring the standard of quality more into line with customer
demands (Chapman and Cowdell, 1998).
Second, all organizations use marketing for promoting their self-interest. For instance,
Burton (1999) suggests that public organizations use stakeholder marketing, to secure
their continued existence by support from the market and society.
Third, in the case of local authorities, marketing is used to promote the area under the
responsibility of the public organization, such as city marketing.
Finally, marketing may be instrumental in promoting key political objectives, i.e. the
realization of social effects.
Marketing skills developed in the private sector can be employed in the public sector
to promote and deliver non-profit motivated services. A municipal council, for
example, can have a "product mix" which comprises product categories from a plant
nursery to refuse collection and a legal department and can use the same techniques as
private sector marketers. Research, graphic design, mail-shots and advertising can all
be done in-house and the use of retail marketing skills can be employed in launching
various new services. Raising awareness of the services, existing or planned, among
potential users of those services is a priority for most public sector organisations.
The possession of a marketing strategy enables public organisations to go about their
business in a customer orientated fashion, since setting priorities is helpful in giving
the public what they want. It could encompass providing residents with a full range
of leisure, education, recreation, economic and social services and making them aware
that their local authority does that efficiently and quickly. Yet another important
priority for local authorities is concerned with speaking on behalf of the people they
serve. People expect the Authority to speak on their behalf and even protest on their
behalf," particularly when there may be a threat such as plans to build a new
motorway in the area or some other new development which impinges on their lives.
It has been suggested that the public and non profit sectors are badly in need of
improved marketing practices (Kotler & Zaltman, 2001). However, given the many
political and economic complexities of the public sector, marketing within this
environment is more problematic than within the private sector. An example of
marketing at work is where a local council conducted borough-wide market research
on library usage which led to a closer understanding of the nature of its customers and
their experience. As a result, residents actually receive the services they required. In
another instance, a council commissioned in-depth market research to investigate the
views of both its own residents and those in over 400 local authorities towards
environmental issues. It found that 83% of the area's residents wanted the council to
establish a formal policy explaining its position and aims on Green issues. As a result
of its findings, the council brought in an environmental audit to be conducted by its
environment and leisure department and a range of other initiatives on recycling and
In the past, public sector organizations have concentrated more on the way in which
services are delivered rather than on putting emphasis on the end user. Arguably this
has developed because an organization has had an idea of what the customer wanted,
or considered that it knew what the customer needed from a professional perspective
(Bean and Hussey, 1997).
Constraints faced by public sector organisations
The public sector is constrained in terms of the services it is obliged to provide and
hence may be unable to implement a customer-led approach even if this is desired.
Constraints may include:
1 Legislative restrictions
2 Political philosophies
3 Lack of physical resources
4 Lack of financial resources
(Bean and Hussey, ibid.)
Another problem has been to do with something which is fundamental to the
marketing concept - respecting the customer's wishes at all times. Marketers maintain
"the customer is always right", but in the public sector this principle is sometimes
compromised. The customer can sometimes be wrong and the public sector
organization always has to adopt the best professional practice whether the customer
agrees or not. Many public sector organizations provide services for the public good
which are often restrictive and controlling in nature. In such cases the user is far from
happy with the service. Unlike the private sector the public sector does not depend on
individual users for its survival. Many organizations are in place due to legislation,
government policies, and so on.
This does not mean that the public sector organization loses customers because it may
A monopoly provider so the customer has no choice but to accept the service
on offer even if it does not fully meet its requirements (e.g. social services).
Offering a free service so the customer has to accept that something is better
than nothing. This is especially so if the customer cannot afford to pay for an
equivalent service (e.g. basic education services).
Providing a service to customers which they must have even if they do not
want it (e.g. Inland Revenue services).
(Bean and Hussey, ibid.)
The tools of marketing
Marketing has a number of tools at its disposition. The first of these is what is known
as the 7 ps of the marketing mix.
Figure 2. The seven P’s of the Marketing Mix
in service
and inter
Style, Brand
Listed price,
Selling, Sales
Public Relations
Viewed as a
system of inputs
and outputs, e.g.
involved in the
delivery of a
product or service
Policies and
Evaluation of
Design of
Information in
facilitating the
n of the
and buildings
Charter Mark,
Investors in
Open Door Policy
The seven P’s and four C’s of the Marketing Mix
In the pursuit of marketing objectives an organization requires a strategy that makes
use of the marketing mix. This term, originally used by Borden (1965), comprised of
the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Promotion and Place). The original four P’s of the
marketing mix were considered by many to be too restrictive, particularly with the
developing service economy. Other academics (e.g. Booms and Bitner (1981) ;
Moorthi, 2002; Gilmore, 2003) extended this framework to include three additional
variables – people, physical evidence and process. Each element impacts upon each
other and are all dynamic. A successful marketing mix will combine these variables in
a way that will facilitate meeting or exceeding organizational objectives.
An alternative view has also been put forward (Baker, 2001; Elliott de Sáez, 2002)
where the focus is on the four C’s (developed by Lauterborn, 1990). He argued that
the four Ps approach was passé and that instead marketers should examine customer’s
needs and wants, their costs and issues of convenience and communication.
Figure 3 – The Four C’s
The 4 C's reflect a more client-oriented marketing philosophy, which meets with the
principal of a customer centred approach to marketing (Graham, 1995). However, as
indicated by Elliott de Sáez (2002), the real issue is what constitutes the best way to
offer value to the user. Gilmore (2003) describes the services marketing mix as “the
set of tools and activities available to an organization to shape the nature of its offer to
customers”. She also describes it as having distinguishing characteristics and say
these are important in the design of an appropriate marketing mix. Here we will keep
to the earlier nomenclature when referring to the marketing mix while bearing in mind
that they can be thought of more from the more client-oriented approach.
In order to create stakeholder value the elements of the marketing mix have to be
managed effectively. This is achieved by recognising that stakeholders make up
different segments of a market and that they will need to be addressed in different
ways with different marketing strategies. Individual strategies will require different
marketing mixes. Each group of stakeholders will have to be targeted in turn and the
service positioned in stakeholders, minds in such a way that the service will be
perceived to create value for the stakeholder.
Managing the Marketing Process
The first steps involve segmenting the market, targeting and positioning:
Both Wind (1978) and McDonald & Dunbar (1995) argue that one of the most
important aspects of managing the marketing process is market segmentation. Where
clear differences can be identified, it is possible to group people together in to market
segments. Groups of people who share common characteristics as interested parties
(i.e. stakeholders) are identified and services are adapted to fit their need. It allows the
organisation to identify stakeholder groups, target the group and deploy resources
effectively. Segmentation should begin with a clear analysis of stakeholder interests
and wants/needs.
Positioning services in people’s minds and making the services attractive to market
segments requires careful formulation of the marketing mix. All the elements have to
be put together and interrelated in such away as to convey the message or image that
the service will create the kind of value that stakeholders desire.
The need for staff in public sector organisations to be marketing oriented
Changes in government legislation in more recent times have produced competitive
practices in the public sector that were previously only experienced in the private
sector. These have created internal markets and a competitive culture whereby local
authorities are expected to respond to the needs of their local communities. As a
consequence they are departing from their established role, as providers of social
services, towards meeting the needs of local residents, or "customers" under the
banner of a market-led orientation.
Marketing principles can be applied within the public sector but there may be
difficulty in relating service delivery entirely to market principles. In suggesting that
``market'' principles may be applied in the public sector, there is an assumption that
the market is an efficient and appropriate allocating mechanism for distributing public
sector goods and services. Mellors (1993) argues that the notion of a ``public good''
and the ``public interest'' remain problematic in adopting market solutions to service
provision. However, whatever the context, marketing principles can apply and staff
need to be marketing oriented.
Value based marketing
The governing objective of an enterprise is to create value for stakeholders. Strong
brands, customer awareness, market share and satisfied customers are means to create
stakeholder value. In competitive markets the key to creating shareholder value is
possessing a differential advantage that gives customers superior value through offers
that are perceived as either superior in quality or lower in cost. Achieving this
differential advantage in turn depends upon the effectiveness of the firm’s business
processes. In the public sector the competitive element may be absent but stakeholder
expectations demand that superior value is created in a similar way.
Core business processes are the drivers of the organisation’s ability to create
stakeholder value and these processes themselves are founded on the organization’s
core capabilities, which derive from the resources or assets it possesses. An
organisation cannot have superior business processes unless it has access to the
necessary resources and the ability to coordinate them effectively. Resources can be
divided between tangible and intangible assets. Investors increasingly view intangible
assets — the organisation’s knowledge, skills and reputation — as the key to superior
business processes. Maintaining the up-to-date asset base depends upon investment in
physical assets, recruitment, training, staff development and even brands, advertising
and communications.
How marketing should be seen as relevant to management at all levels in a public
sector organisation.
Stakeholders interact and participate in the organisation at all levels. Indeed the very
functioning of an organisation may be thought of as the outcomes of interactions
between different stakeholder groups in the organisation. A behavioural theory of
organisations would see the decisions and policies that are set as being produced by a
coalition of people representing the ideas and wishes that they are pursuing.
Outcomes may well be related to the power possessed by individual groups of
stakeholders or coalitions between sub-groupings. With any decision that is taken or
policy that is set there may be parties that are satisfied or dissatisfied with the
outcome of the interaction that has taken place and what it has produced in the way of
policies or decision. Marketing has a dual role: to help promote the view that the
most satisfactory outcome has been achieved and to persuade all parties that there
interests have been taken into account in achieving the outcome.
Large public sector organisations such as municipal councils often have several layers
of management co-ordinating work of a large number of employees. All levels of
management therefore have to take account of employees as stakeholders and take
into account employees’ interests when setting policies or making decisions.
Individuals in such organisations who deal with the organisations customers or other
publics such as government departments have got external stakeholders whose
interests have also to be taken into account. In all these instances marketing has
relevance to the cross boundary interactions that have to take place.
In the past the public sector may have been lacking in possessing a marketing
orientation. Indeed, as indicated in box 1 this may still be the case.
Box 1 A cry for more marketing in the public sector
Des Pearson - AUDITOR GENERAL, Government of Western Australia said at a conference in
“Public confidence in public administration can be reduced to three fundamental principles of
transparency, accountability and trust. There is a persistent trend across the developed world that
public confidence in public institutions is in a state of decline. “ He went on to say: “ I believe we,
the public sector collectively and individually, have sold ourselves short, very short in fact. The best
light I believe we can put on our lack of achievement to date is that generally speaking we have
tended to be too task orientated and conscientious, to a fault. In consequence I strongly believe our
skills inventory and record of achievement is grossly underrated. Marketing oneself, and our
function, especially in the public sector is not easy. Nevertheless we cannot continue to ignore the
need. Demonstrably we recruit the better educated. We possess tremendous intellectual capital and
do a very effective job. Regrettably though we have not capitalised on this as well as we might
have. I believe we should more clearly establish our role and purpose in the eyes of our stakeholder
and client groups. ”
Quotes from : "Contemporary issues in public sector accountability", Des Pearson - AUDITOR
GENERAL, Government of Western Australia , Wednesday 23 February, 2000 Mecure Hotel, Perth.
1. How relevant is marketing to the successful functioning of a public sector
organisation. Discuss.
2 It is argued by some that “marketisation" of public services does not always
bring down the price level and often creates an unacceptable standard of quality for
recipients of certain services. Marketing is not a universal antidote for bureaucratic
inefficiency. Discuss.
3. In setting policies and making decisions it is not always possible to reconcile
differences of interest. In trying to reconcile conflicting interests, marketing is bound
to fail. What evidence would you advance to support this argument and what evidence
might you call upon to gainsay it?
Case Study
Riverside Ambulance Services
The Primary Functions of the organisation are to delivery of Emergency Medical
Service within the Pre Hospital environment and to provide transport provision for
clients to Hospital Outpatients and Day Units. Secondary functions of the service are
aimed at income generation and include:
Delivery of Health and Safety at Work First Aid Training to External Bodies
Provision of Medical Cover at organised public events
Collection of clinical waste from GP Surgeries and dental Practices
Very limited marketing is conducted by the organisation and is mostly reactive to
situations, with a press officer dealing with media issues. The organisation attends
careers evenings in schools occasionally, though this area has no clear direction or
strategy. Other activities include school visits with other Emergency Services to
emphasize safety, etc.
The organisation feels that it does not market what it does. The public on the whole
are unaware of the extent of the level of Pre Hospital Care that can be delivered by
Paramedics working for the Riverside Service. Often the service is called out to
trivial issues, toothache being a prime example, or a cut finger. It feels that by
marketing the skill level of paramedics and technicians, raising public awareness, it
could create a similar culture to how the public view doctors and develop a reluctance
to call upon it for trivial issues.
The organisation receives both letters of appreciation from the public and also letters
of complaints, but does not undertake any customer satisfaction studies. It is exploring
alternative care pathways for patients in conjunction with other stakeholders and feels
this could be an area to explore for marketing. The objective is to reduce the volume
of patients being taken into Accident and Emergency Departments, so there are
benefits for the wider NHS
Among some of the ideas that it has come up with are
Getting greater patient and public involvement
Putting more emphasis on accident prevention
Increased collaboration with other Emergency Services
Promoting school based projects to raise awareness with children
Improving public awareness of paramedic cover at events
Developing a dedicated team to deliver First Aid at work Training to the public
There is no budgetary allocation specifically for marketing so on that basis it does not
have a high priority within the strategic aims of the organisation.
Discuss how a role for marketing might be developed within this organisation.
The GP surgery
Woods, Mather, Fotherdew and Oglethorpe provide a GP service under the NHS to
patients in Grimsborough. The practice of one of four similar establishments
providing such a service in the town. The practice has a fairly modern approach to
customer care but it is not without its shortcomings. In the past few years quite a few
patients have left the practice indicating their dissatisfaction with the service offered.
Dr. Woods, the senior associate and founder of the practice is keen to maintain the
reputation of the practice and asked the office manager, Pam, who has been there for
many years, to identify the kind of complaints and grumbles that the patients of the
practice have made known to her in the past and also to set up a system whereby
complaints / suggestions for improvements can be collected / solicited. In response
Pam has done three things:
1. Written down all the complaints she can remember receiving over the previous
6 months.
2. Set up a “complaints / suggestion” box in reception.
3. Produced and circulated a wad of short forms to all staff in the surgery (GPs,
nursing staff and administrative /clerical staff) which ask them to record on it
briefly the nature of any complaints/ suggestions received and to place the
completed forms in the box provided in reception.
Recently, Pam and Dr. Woods reviewed the list of complaints and suggestions that
had been recorded and sorted them into similar types. The following are typical of the
kind of complaints/ suggestions received:
“Can’t stand Fotherdew’s manner. One of the rudest people I know!”
“Sister Meredith is too bossy!”
“Need new carpets in the waiting rooms.”
“Can’t you get something different to fish tanks in the waiting room? They make me
“Why do I have to wait a fortnight to see Oglethorpe? Is he always very busy?”
“Never seem to be able to make a telephone appointment at the surgery and have to
trudge in two miles to make it in person.”
“Why should I have to ring the surgery to find the results of blood tests? Why not
just let me know if there is something wrong?”
“Fotherdew has B.O.”
“Do you really think I can get into the surgery when I am running a temperature of
104 and coughing my heart out!”
What action do you think Dr. Woods should consider?
Social marketing and the NHS
Billion of pounds of tax-payers money could be saved with the help of Social
Marketing. Preventable ill health caused by smoking, poor diet, alcohol, unsafe sex
and obesity costs the taxpayer billions of pounds. . While the UK has been very slow
to invest in a marketing approach to public health, countries such as Canada and
Australia have found that such an approach works well. Preventable ill health every
year costs:
· individuals in extra spending and loss of income
· British business in days lost to sickness
· NHS and other public care services
· society from the impact of early death and disability.
Discuss how Social marketing might be developed on a grand scale to counter the
problems encountered above.
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Further Reading
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Cousins, L. (1990), ‘Marketing planning in the public and non-profit sectors’,
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Doyle, P. (2000) ‘Value-Based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate
Growth and Shareholder Value’, John Wiley, Chichester
Moorthi, Y. L. R. (2002), An approach to branding services, The Journal of Services
Marketing, 16, (2/3), 259-275
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