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Jihad in Islam: Exam Question

Q-5a - There are five forms of jihad. Write an account of any three of them. [10]
Paragraph 1: (Introduction)
The word Jihad is derived from the word ‘Juhud’ which means struggling or striving and it literally means ‘to
struggle for something with determination’. In Islam, Jihad is striving in the way of Allah by spiritual,
mental, and physical capabilities. This can be done by using pen, hand, wealth, worship and if needed
arms/weapons. It is a duty of a Muslim – both at individual level & collective level – to struggle against all forms
of evil, corruption, injustice tyranny & oppression in society or state, whether this injustice is committed against
Muslim's or Non Muslim's. Allah says, “And fight in the cause of Allah and know that he hears and sees
everything.” (Baqarah). The five types of Jihad are: Jihad bil Nafs (Qalb), Jihad bil Yad, Jihad bil Qalam,
Jihab bil Lisaan and Jihad Bis Saif (Jihad Bil Qital)
Paragraph 2: (Jihad bin Nafs)
It is referred to as the greater Jihad as well as it is the inner struggle of good against evil. It is to fight one’s evil
desires and passion and is fought by every Muslim, rich, poor, old, young, healthy or sick. Humans are born
venerable before Satan whose mission is to misguide people, “Verily, Satan is a vowed enemy of every man.”
(Yusuf 12:5) One has to detest all kinds of evil that may find way to his heart. He has to fight the temptations
within himself or the world outside. One struggles constantly to stay on path of righteousness. Prophet (SAW)
said: “The greatest jihad is to fight against the evil passions of oneself.” He also mentioned in Ahadith
how Satan attacks specially when we are heedless. The Prophet (SAW) reminded the Muslim's after conquest
of Khayber when they received huge spoils that they were returning from Jihad Qital to the greater Jihad. He
also instructed the Muslim's to be aware of the temptations associated with a state of prosperity. The Muslims
get to practice their control of Nafs every year in the month of Ramadan by giving up eating, drinking and other
lawful actions from dawn to sunset seeking Allah’s pleasure. The tools given to practice this Jihad are Tawuz,
Maudhatain, Ayat ul Kursi, Surah Fatiha and also the 5 daily obligatory prayers as all these keep the Muslim's
safe from whisperings of Satan. Muslims can practice this in everyday lives in a number of ways e.g. obeying
each and every command of Allah, praying, zakah, fasting and he should also stay away from everything that
is forbidden and that is the actual form of struggle e.g. one should prevent himself from lying, backbiting,
gossiping, listening to music, drinking and other unlawful acts. This is the form practiced by every person from
their first to last breath.
Paragraph 3: (Jihad bil Lisaan)
The Muslims are required to conduct Jihad-nil-Lisan and it can be carried out in multiple ways, firstly by using
the power of tongue by inviting others to Islam, protesting against violence committed against other Muslims,
striving for justice through words condemning violent actions, speaking against tyrant ruler as Prophet (SAW)
said, “The most excellent jihad is to speak truth in presence of an oppressive ruler.” (Ibn Majah) It also
includes speaking truth under all circumstances. Another Hadith similarly commands, “Whosoever of you
sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able to do so, then with his
tongue…” In Shariah, this is called Dawah (inviting others to Islam). This Dawah is an ever-continued process
throughout the world by peaceful Muslim missionaries through oral preaching, writing and media such as
through various social media platforms on the internet e.g. (YouTube, Twitter etc.) This mission may be possible
for those who have sufficient knowledge about Islam and they have the repute of a pious scholar with good
behavior and wisdom. Allah says: ‘Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom & beautiful preaching, &
argue with them in ways that are best & most gracious.’ (an-Nahl 16:125) The Prophet (SAW) himself
practiced this for 13 years in Makkah at the beginning when he was warning his relatives and inviting others
to Islam & as a result, he also had to face extreme rejection but he stayed steadfast & patient. So one needs to
be patient and steadfast while conducting this type of Jihad. The Quran reminds the Muslim's of their duty in
the verse: ‘You are the best of the people evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what
is wrong & believing in God.’ (Aal-i-Imran 3:110)
Paragraph 5: (Jihad bis Saif)
It is also known as Jihad bil Qital or Harb. Qital means an armed struggle in the way of God and it may result
in bloodshed. It is the type of struggle that is aimed at saving a Muslim state/community against a visible
enemy. It is the last option for a Muslim state or Muslim community. There are however, pre-conditions for it
that includes a visible threat to a Muslim state, availability of that much resources with which at least a
defensive war can be fought, permission by head of state. The Prophet (SAW) told the Muslim's as a head of
state whenever they had to wage a war, this clearly indicates that individual cannot conduct armed struggle
(qital) without permission of the head of the State. Prophet (SAW) didn’t receive any revelation to wage this kind
of Jihad throughout his 13 years of prophethood in Makkah even in self-defense. The Muslim's had to migrate
to Abyssinia due to Quraysh’s extreme hostility towards them but they didn’t raise a sword against Quraysh.
Prophet (SAW) received divine permission for this jihad before the battle of Badr, “To those against whom
war is made, permission is granted to fight since they are wronged.” (al-Hajj 22:39). According to
different muffasirs of Quran this verse is thought to be the first regarding permission of Jihad bil Qital against
the disbelievers. However, Muslim never initiate the war. Islam further guides the Muslim's that they should
always prefer peace and reconciliation over war. Allah says: ‘If your enemy inclines towards peace, then
you should seek peace, and trust in God; verily Allah is the All Hearer, All-Knower.’ (al-Anfal 8:61) This
Quranic injection is demonstrated by Prophet (SAW) when he agreed to the terms of Treaty of Hudaybiyah &
also one more time at the conquest of Makah when he announced general forgiveness to all the enemies.
Similarly the four rightly guided caliphs followed the footsteps of Prophet (SAW) of avoiding unnecessary
bloodshed. Khalid bin walid’s conquest of Hira in the time of Abu Bakr and Umar’s conquest of Jerusalem are
good examples in this regard. Quran strictly forbids unjustified attack or killing, ‘Fight in the cause of God
those who fight you, but do not transgress the limits.’ (al-Baqarah 2:190) In case Muslim's have to face
the enemy in Jihad bil Qital it should always preceded by Invitation to Islam, payment of Jizyah & before
commencement of actual fight they should wait for 3 days. They have to observe code of conduct of war taught
by Prophet (SAW) i.e. not to harm environment, women, children, elderly, not to mutilate the body of dead and
to respect treaties. Livestock or animals whose meat can be eaten should not be destroyed or burnt in the
enemy territory. Churches, mosques and other places of worship should not be destroyed. The captives should
be treated with care as was in Badr. Ambassadors should be respected and booty shouldn’t be stolen. Lastly,
if the enemy surrenders, Muslims must also stop fighting and agree to the terms of the treaty. For Qital, Quran
and Hadith empathetically instruct Muslims to conduct it in the way of God, “And fight in the way of God.”
Ali (RA) is reported to have spared an enemy when he was about to kill him because he spat in his face. Qital
also involves observing limits defined by Islam which include not insulting the dead or captives and accepting
peace if enemy surrender, “But if the enemy inclines towards peace you too incline towards.” This verse sums
up mes sage of peace in Qital.
a) Write an account of the
Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (Jihad)
Under what circumstances is Jihad thought to be compulsory
The Jihad used to describe armed struggle against non-Muslims is known as Qital. Throughout the Makki life
of Prophet (SAW) he did not receive any teaching related to this Jihad but when he moved to Madinah &
established the first Islamic state, they were then given the permission to fight in Quran, “Permission to fight
has been given to those who have been wronged, and surely Allah is able to give them victory.” (al-Hajj
22:39). The Quraysh were using their trade benefits to wage a war against the Muslim's who had settled in
It was then that the Prophet (SAW) set upon comprehensive rules related to the conduct of war. He
explained these to the people before the Battle of Badr. Muslims should never be the first to initiate
fighting. He said, “Do not wish to meet your enemy but if you do, then act with patience.” The
women, children, sick and old should not be harmed and kept to safety. According to Abdullah, Prophet
(SAW) saw the body of a dead woman on the battlefield and got very disturbed and forbade strongly to
attack women. Weak nations should not be attacked. The Prophet (SAW) instructed that livestock or
animals whose meat can be eaten should not be destroyed or burnt in the enemy territory. Churches,
synagogue, mosques and other places of worship should not be destroyed. The Prophet (SAW) put an
end to the ill practice of the mutilation of dead. This means Muslims must respect the enemy’s dead
bodies and not use it as an expression of revenge. The captives should be treated with care as was in
Badr where they were allowed easy way to buy freedom. Those who gave ransom were immediately
released and those who couldn’t pay had to teach 10 children how to read and write and those who
couldn’t do that were let go respectfully. A man was impressed that he was freed without ransom and
said to Prophet (SAW), “None of the faces on the earth were more disliked by me than yours and
now it is the most beloved to me.” He also ordered to loosen the ropes of the prisoners and fed them
well. He also accepted Islam. Ambassadors should be treated with kindness and booty shouldn’t be
stolen. Lastly, if the enemy surrenders, Muslims must also stop fighting and agree to the terms of the
treaty and do not violate once the treaty is finalized e.g Prophet (SAW) sent back Abu Jandal who fleed
from Makkah and came when the Prophet (SAW) was signing the treaty of Hudaybiyah.
Jihad is thought to be compulsory not only when the lives of Muslims are in danger but also when their
property, faith and everything else is in danger. When the Muslims were in Madinah, they were given
permission to fight because Quraysh were threatening to attack their government and community in
Madinah. They had tortured Muslims in Makkah and Muslims left all their belongings in Makkah as
well. A Muslim is not allowed to wage wars for pride but rather to promote the causes of Allah and
maintain peace: “Fight in the name of Allah but do not transgress limits for Allah loves not the
transgressors.” If it becomes sure that the Muslim country will be attacked, then the head of state
becomes responsible for defending the state. All people of the nation should join and if they are weak,
all Muslim countries must help. Fighting is to be done until the restoration of peace. Muslims must try
to maintain their treaties and must never be the first to attack. Transgression of limits applies violating
the code of conduct of Jihad.
b) In your opinion, what is the importance of following the rules of armed jihad in modern warfare?
The importance of following the rules of the Prophet (SAW)’s conduct of war teaches us that Islam is a religion
pf peace and mercy and that it demands justice. It also teaches us that how the best man to step on earth,
Prophet (SAW) handled his enemies. The rules teach us that we must negotiate for peace so that the earth
would be a safer place to live in: “And if the enemy inclines to peace you must incline as well and trust Allah.”
They also teach us to maintain treaties which will justify our truthfulness and create good impressions. If we
remain true to our word, then the non-Muslims will be impressed and attracted towards Islam. Another rule is
not to attack women, children, sick or ill which shows that Islam does not allow to fight everyone and ensures
a healthy survival for civilians. Islam instructs us to fight only when attacked, which clears misconceptions
about terrorism. Churches and worship places shouldn’t be destroyed showing tolerance.