PHONATORY SYSTEM Subdivisions Laryngeal cartilages and structures Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Epiglottis Arytenoid cartilages (Muscular process) (Vocal process) Corniculate cartilages Intrinsic laryngeal muscles Extrinsic laryngeal muscles Vocal Folds Cuneiform cartilages Thyroarytenoid (Internal- vocalis muscle) (External- thyro-muscularis) Posterior cricoarytenoid Lateral cricoarytenoid Transverse arytenoid Oblique arytenoid Cricothyroid Digastric Geniohyoid Stylohyoid Mylohyoid Genioglossus Hyoglossus Thyrohyoid Omohyoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid True vocal folds (Epithelium, lamina propria, vocalis muscle) Function Muscles of the tongue, mandible, larynx, skull attached Protective function during swallow Attached to S/P cricoid via cricoarytenoid joint, permitting sliding, circular movements. Intrinsic muscles attach at the muscular process- abduction/adduction Reduction of laryngeal movement during swallow Tensing aryepiglottic folds Internal: Vibrates to produce sound External: Adduction VF abduction* VF adduction: increase medial compression VF adduction VF adduction: pulls arytenoid apex medially Tenses VF Laryngeal elevation Laryngeal elevation Laryngeal elevation Laryngeal elevation Laryngeal elevation Laryngeal elevation Laryngeal depression Laryngeal depression Laryngeal depression Laryngeal depression Epithelium: Outer cover Lamina (superficial, intermediate, deep) Vocalis: stability and mass Innervation N/A Notes: Overall functions: 1. Phonation 2. Biological: protecting airway, lifting heavy objects, cough reflex Aryepiglottic folds Ventricular vocal folds Physiology: Myoelastic aerodynamic theory and Bernoulli effect Mucosal wave action Separate laryngeal vestibule from pharynx (preserve airway) Compression during coughing and lifting. Vibrate at only very low fundamental frequencies RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Process Category Muscles/ Subdivisions Function Innervation Inspiration Direct Diaphragm Distend abdomen, enlarge vertical dimension of thorax, depresses central tendon of diaphragm Elevates ribcage Elevate sternum Control head, elongate neck Stabilize and rotate head Elevate ribcage and increase (or decrease) its dimensions C3-C5 Indirect: Muscles of the neck Other Shoulder & upper arm Expiration General framework External intercostals Accessory: Sternocleidomastoid Accessory: Trapezius Accessory: Scalene Serratus posterior superior/ anterior Levator costarum brevis and longis Organs Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Internal intercostals Rectus abdomonis Transverse abdomonis Internal oblique Lattismus dorsi Quadratus lumborum Lungs (with bronchi) Vertebrae and bones Spinal column Main Abdomen T2-T11 C7, T1-T4 T2-T12 Increase transverse dimension of ribs C4-T1 Depresses ribs Flexes vertebral column Compress abdomen Compress abdomen, flex rotate trunk Stabilize posterior abdominal wall T2-T11 T7-T12 Gaseous exchange through bronchioles and alveoli Ratio of expiration to inspiration in 90% and 10% in speech breathing, as opposed to 60-40% for normal tidal breathing 32-33 vertbrae. 7 cervical (C1-C7) 12 thoracic (T1-T12) 5 lumbar (L1-L5) 5 sacral (S1-S5) 2-4 coccygeal (Coccyx) C6-C8 T12, L1-L4 Trachea Sternum Ribcage 11 cm, 20 tracheal rings, top most the posterior edge of cricoid cartilage Manubrium, corpus, xiphoid 12 pairs of ribs Physiology: Boils law: Negative pressure in lungs during inspiration, particles of air flow from high pressure to low pressure regions (inward) Positive pressure in lungs during expiration, particles of air flow from high pressure to low pressure (outward) RESONATORY SYSTEM Cavities Description Laryngopharynx Oropharynx Function Cavities of the pharynx that “filter” the sound coming from the phonatory system Nasopharynx Muscles Superior pharyngeal constrictor Middle pharyngeal constrictor Inferior pharyngeal constrictor: crycopharyngeus Inferior pharyngeal constrictor: thyropharyngeus Salpingopharyngeus Stylopharyngeus Physiology: Source filter theory Constricts pharyngeal diameter, pulls pharyngeal wall forward Narrows pharynx diameter Constricts superior orifice of esophagus Reduces diameter of lower pharynx Elevates lateral pharyngeal wall and moves medially (shortens pharynx) Elevates and opens pharynx (widens pharynx) Innervation ARTICULATORY SYSTEM