Cancer Project Create a PowerPoint presentation that you will turn in to the fchstushare drive, _classDrop folder, by 4/23/10 answering the following questions about a cancer type of your choice. No cancer types may be done more than once. Sign up with Mr. Foster for a type of cancer that interests you. You will be graded on neatness, presentation and creativity (pictures, font size, color contrast…). Use at least 4-5 vocabulary terms from Chp. 17 in your presentation Suggested but not only resource: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What type of Cancer are you researching? What are the key statistics associated with this type of cancer? (Survival rate, Frequency in population…) What are the risk factors associated with this type of cancer? (Pre-existing conditions – Genetics…) Do we know what causes this type of cancer? (Habits, behaviors, environmental…) Can we prevent this type of cancer? Is there a method to detect this type of cancer early? How is this type of cancer diagnosed? Are there stages to this type of cancer? a. If so, how many? What differentiates the stages? b. If not, why not? 9. How is this type of cancer treated? 10. What should someone who is concerned about this type of cancer ask their doctor? 11. Bibliography- No set number but site all sources used to complete this project Types to choose from: 1. Adrenal Cortical Cancer 2. Anal Cancer 3. Aplastic Anemia 4. Bile Duct Cancer 5. Bladder Cancer 6. Bone Cancer 7. Brain Cancer 8. Breast Cancer 9. Cervical Cancer 10. Colon / Rectum Cancer 11. Endometrial Cancer 12. Esophagus Cancer 13. Eye Cancer 14. Gallbladder Cancer 15. Kidney Cancer 16. Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Cancer 17. Leukemia 18. Liver Cancer 19. Lung Cancer 20. Oral Cavity Cancer 21. Ovarian Cancer 22. Pancreatic Cancer 23. Prostate Cancer 24. Retinoblastoma 25. Salivary Gland Cancer 26. Skin Cancer Basal and Squamous Cell 27. Skin Cancer Melanoma 28. Small Intestine Cancer 29. Stomach Cancer 30. Testicular Cancer 31. Thymus Cancer 32. Thyroid Cancer 33. Lymphoma