Uploaded by Taha Subzwari

Renewable Energy Integration Research Proposal

Renewable Energy Integration into Homes
I am writing this proposal to seek approval for conducting research on the integration
of renewable energy systems, specifically solar energy, into residential homes, with a
particular focus on the relevance of this topic to electrical engineering students and its
importance in the modern world. As a future electrical engineer, I have identified a pressing
need to explore the implications and the opportunities associated with renewable energy,
given its potential to shape the future of electrical engineering and address established (and
growing) environmental concerns.
The Problem
The main issue I have identified pertains to the increasing global demand for
sustainable energy solutions and its lack of accessibility and reliability. Renewable energy
integration, which currently focuses on solar panels and energy storage systems, is becoming
increasingly crucial in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change.
There are two main reasons that explain the significance of this issue:
Firstly, as future electrical engineers, we have a responsibility to understand and
contribute to innovation in sustainable energy practices. Our generation faces the critical task
of transitioning to cleaner energy sources making it imperative that we possess the
knowledge and skills to design, implement, and optimise renewable energy systems in
various applications in order to better deal with the effects that fossil fuels have had on the
environment as well as scale down energy costs to reduce some of the impact of inflation
while trying to reverse the upward trend of the cost of living.
Secondly, by researching this topic, I aim to highlight the practical benefits of solar
power as it pertains to our generation. By exploring innovative solutions and best practices,
we can potentially empower young adults to make informed decisions about renewable
energy adoption in their homes, thereby reducing their carbon footprint while also creating
career opportunities that are highly pertinent to our area of study.
The primary objective of my research is to investigate the following key topics:
a) The current state of solar energy technology and its feasibility for residential applications.
b) Challenges and barriers to widespread adoption of solar power in homes.
c) The role of electrical engineers in designing and implementing innovative residential
renewable energy solutions.
d) Environmental and economic benefits of renewable energy integration for young adults.
Through this research, I aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of renewable
energy technologies and their relevance to electrical engineering, learn about the career
opportunities associated with renewable energy solutions, and learn more about the role of
electrical engineers in the transition to sustainable energy practices.
Research Methods
To complete this research project, I plan to primarily research energy companies that
are contenders in renewable energy innovation like Tesla and FranklinWH and compare my
findings with studies and statistics that have documented the effectiveness of renewable
energy in Canada. Additionally, I will survey homeowners and students about their
experience/opinions (or lack thereof) with renewable energy. I will also consider my own
prior knowledge of renewable energy/solar power and my values during the research process
in order to implement a more personalised approach that would resonate better with electrical
engineering students like myself.
Tentative Work Schedule With Due Dates
Closing Remarks
I respectfully request your approval of this proposal to undertake research on
renewable energy integration into residential homes. This research aligns with our academic
goals, fosters sustainability awareness among our peers, and equips us with the knowledge
and skills to address pressing global challenges.
Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to your feedback and the
opportunity to conduct this research.