Discuss the neurobiological circuitry and empirical evidence that supports the idea that aggression is rewarding Aggression is defined as “any behaviour that harms another individual who is motivated to avoid such harm” (Benjamin Jr, 2015). Humans generally look down upon aggressive behaviour as it is viewed as impulsive, antisocial and posing negative consequences to both “victims… and perpetrators” (Bresin, 2019). However, in evolutionary history and among many different species today, aggression is itself “a biological mechanism shaped by natural selection into an adaptive force which helps to establish and maintain primate societies” (Bernstein, 1974), perhaps by attracting mates and protecting other group members from threat. In the absence of these evolutionary driving forces, there remains the question as to why animals often resort to aggression even when this behaviour is unnecessary. Recent studies have indicated that aggression is itself a motivational factor, as it has been found to be linked with activation of the reward circuit in the brain. Emerging evidence from recent animal and human studies shows a connection between aggressive behaviour and activation of the reward circuit in the brain; but, in humans, more evidence is needed to determine a causal role. Animal studies involving mice have often used operant conditioning as a tool for investigating the rewarding effects of aggression, finding a strong link between this behaviour and activation of the reward circuit, including the Nucleus Accumbens and dopamine receptors. Operant conditioning is the study of reversible behaviour maintained by reinforcement (Staddon, 2003), first demonstrated by Skinner in his classic lever-pressing experiments (Pritchett, 2004). This experimental method has since been implemented for the study of the neural mechanisms involved in aggression and reward. Couppis and Kennedy (2008) developed a study in which resident mice were trained to nose-poke on a VR-5 reinforcement schedule in order to earn access to an intruder mouse, to then be injected with varying levels of D1and D2-like receptor antagonists (Couppis, 2008). They found that 50-ng SCH23390 suppressed aggressive response rates by 40%, while 25 and 50 ng sulpiride doses almost completely inhibited responding and suppressed biting by 50% (Couppis, 2008). Their results indicate that dopamine receptors are involved in whether or not mice experience aggression as rewarding, as the more the dopamine response is inhibited, the less the mice respond aggressively. Further research is needed as a causal role between aggression and reward cannot be inferred from these results. Golden et al. (2019) developed a mouse model of appetitive operant aggression, using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization to measure Fos (Golden S. A., 2019). The Fos protein product is often used as an indicator of neuronal activity in the NAc, part of the reward system in the brain. They found that “the inhibition of NAc Drd1- but not Drd2-expressing neurons decreased aggression self-administration and seeking” (Golden S. A., 2019), supporting Couppis’ earlier findings of a link between dopamine and the rewarding components of aggression. Golden et al. (2019) were also able to establish a causal role of dopamine, as they used a transgenic hybrid breeding strategy to breed mice with inhibited NAc Drd1and Drd2-expressing neuron activity, finding that “30-50% of the F1 hybrids do not acquire operant aggression self-administration” (Golden S. A., 2019). This is a particular strength of the study as it shows that aggressive behaviour is only exhibited on a repetitive basis when there is excitation of the dopamine receptors in the reward circuit of the brain. Classical conditioning is also a commonly used experimental method for the study of aggression and reward in mice, often referred to as conditioned place preference (CPP). CPP is “a form of Pavlovian conditioning routinely used to measure the rewarding or aversive motivational effects of objects or experiences” (Cunningham, 2006). In the case of neurobiological research on aggression and reward, the motivational experience is aggression itself. Golden et al. (2016) established a mouse model to measure the valence of aggressive social interaction between a resident mouse and smaller subordinate intruder, as reinforcement for the development of CPP (Golden S. H., 2016). They found that the aggressor mice developed a ”behavioural preference for environmental contexts associated with the interaction” (Golden S. H., 2016), suggesting that a CPP was indeed exhibited by the mice. CPP experiments have typically been used to study the rewarding effect of drugs, as mice tend to return to the environment in which they experienced the pleasant or rewarding sensation. In CPP studies of aggression, we may assume the same behavioural motivation – mice return to the environment in which they experienced pleasure or reward through aggressive interactions. They also found a “critical GABAergic projection from the BF to the LHb that bidirectionally controls aggression motivation” (Golden S. A., 2019). Since the lateral habenula has been found to be “a major candidate for a source of negative reward-related signal in dopamine receptors” (Matsumoto, 2007), it can be concluded that aggression during CPP activated the reward circuitry of the brain. However, further research in this area is needed “to cover the full spectrum of ethologically relevant aggressive behaviors” (Golden S. A., 2019), such as unconditioned as well as conditioned aggression, so that there is a deeper understanding of the neural mechanisms involved in aggression-reward. Furthermore, a typical limitation of the studies involving aggression and reward (including Golden’s study) is that they often conduct their research with only male rats – leaving others to question whether this same behaviour is exhibited in female rats also. Börcher’s (2023) study aimed to investigate this by conducting an experiment in which both male and female rats underwent aggression CPP training, while being measured for mesolimbic dopamine turnover. They found that female rats “experience winning aggressive behaviors as rewarding, and do so to a similar extent as male rats in a dopamine-dependent manner” (Borchers, 2023). This suggests that there is a similar neural circuitry between both male and female rats in regards to aggression and reward; although, further research in this area is needed to establish the extent of any differences that may be present as there is the question that female rats and mice “differ in how rewarding they perceive aggression or how much they are willing to act on it” (Borchers, 2023). Mice and rat studies have allowed for researchers to examine brain circuitry post mortem, as well as other experimental techniques that would be unethical to conduct on humans. However, as much information as can be gained from these studies, the results cannot be generalised to humans. Human studies into aggression and reward have found a link between the two, but in much weaker terms. Ramírez et al (2006) conducted a self-report study in which participants were asked questions relating to hedonicity, decision making, justification of aggression and impulsiveness. They found that “mean hedonicity ratings followed a bell curve with increasing levels of aggressiveness” with participants choosing “neither passive nor highly aggressive responses to social conflicts” (Ramirez, 2006). As Ramírez concluded, this suggests that individuals experience aggression as pleasant and rewarding up to a certain point, as responses of medium intensity were rated as less unpleasant than the most passive or most aggressive responses (Ramirez, 2006). The self-report nature does present some limitations for the validity of the study, as participants may have felt reluctant to admit to finding more aggressive responses as pleasant, so as to present themselves in a more appealing manner. Ramírez’s study also did not consider the neural mechanisms playing a part in whether or not aggression was deemed as rewarding. Chester et al (2015) did consider the neurobiological circuitry at play during aggression and reward-seeking, and found that “lower-functioning DRD2 profiles were associated with greater sensation-seeking, which then predicted greater aggression”, putting these individuals “at risk for violence because it motivates them to experience aggression’s hedonically rewarding qualities” (Chester, 2015). This provides support for previous mouse studies that have found dopamine to be an important factor in whether mice experience aggression as rewarding, as here it can be seen that individuals with reduced dopaminergic brain activity find themselves seeking reward through aggression and violence. As is a problem with most human studies, it can only be inferred that there is a link or correlation between aggression and reward; thus, causation cannot be determined. Furthermore, the study involved only students of Caucasian heritage meaning that results cannot be applied across cultures – perhaps there is a need for further research into the cultural differences of whether aggression is experienced as pleasurable. Aggression is likely a highly rewarding experience for most animals. In mice, aggression has consistently been seen to activate the reward circuitry of the brain, as inhibition of specific dopamine receptors significantly reduced aggressive responding. Dopamine has also been linked with human experiences of aggression, as individuals lower in dopaminergic brain activity often resort to violence for the ‘high’ that it provides. What remains clear is that humans and animals experience the rewarding effects of aggression at varying degrees and intensity, and more research is needed to determine whether this is due to social factors and norms present within humans and not animals, or whether there are significant differences in brain functioning between the two. References Benjamin Jr, A. J. (2015). Definition of aggression. In Encyclopedia of Mental Health (p. 33). Oxford: Elsevier Inc. Bernstein, I. S. (1974). The Function of Aggression in Primate Societies: Uncontrolled aggression may threaten human survival, but aggression may be vital to the establishment and regulation of primate societies and sociality. American Scientist, 62(3), 304-311. Borchers, S. C.-P. (2023). An appetite for aggressive behavior? Female rats, too derive reward from winning aggressive interactions. Translational Psychiatry, 13, 331. Bresin, K. (2019). Impulisvity and aggression: A meta-analysis using the UPPS model of impulsivity. Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 48, 124-140. Chester, D. S. (2015). Looking for reward in all the wrong places: dopamine receptor gene polymorphisms indirectly affect aggression through sensation-seeking. Social Neuroscience, 11(5), 487-494. Couppis, M. H. (2008). The rewarding effect of aggression is reduced by nucleus accumbens dopamine receptor antagonism in mice. Psychopharmacology, 197, 449456. Cunningham, C. L. (2006). Drug-induced conditioned place preference and aversion in mice . Nature Protocols, 1, 1662-1670. Golden, S. A. (2019). Animal Models of (or for) Aggression Reward, Addiction, and Relapse: Behavior and Circuits. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(21), 3996-4008. Golden, S. A. (2019). Nucleus Accumbens DRD1-Expressing Neurons Contol Aggression Self-Administration and Aggression Seeking in Mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(13), 2482-2496. Golden, S. H. (2016). Basal forebrain projections to the lateral habenula modulate aggression reward. Nature, 534, 688-692. Matsumoto, M. &. (2007). Lateral habenula as a source of negative reward signals in dopamine neurons. Nature, 447, 1111-1115. Pritchett, K. &. (2004). Operant Conditioning. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, 43(4), 35-36. Ramírez, J. M.-C.-C. (2006). Can Aggression Provide Pleasure. European Psychologist, 10(2). Staddon, J. E. (2003). Operant Conditioning. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 115-144.