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Warm-up and Flexibility Quiz

Warm-up and Flexibility:
1) As a result of aging and inactivity, what process leads to decreased range of motion?
a. Sarcopenia
b. Atrophy
c. Fibrosis
Fibrosis is the process of connective tissue replacing degenerating muscle fibers.
This leads to decreased ROM. Sarcopenia and atrophy occur with age and
inactivity leading to loss of strength but not necessarily loss of range of motion.
2) What is the recommended time to hold a static stretch?
a. 10-15 seconds
b. 15-30 seconds
c. At least 1 minute
Evidence suggests that a 15-30 second stretch is effective and there are
diminishing returns after that duration.
3) What length of prestretch should be provided during PNF Stretching?
a. 10 seconds
b. 30 seconds
c. 1 minute
A 10 second prestretch should be used in PNF stretching prior to muscle
activation. The subsequent stretch after activation should be a greater stretch
than the prestretch.
4) During contract-relax PNF stretching, the Golgi Tendon organ provides what type of
a. Autogenic inhibition to the stretched muscle
b. Reciprocal inhibition to the opposite muscle
c. Reciprocal inhibition to the stretched muscle
During PNF stretching, the GTO senses the contraction. The tendon tension then
causes relaxation of the same muscle (autogenic inhibition) allowing for a deeper