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State & Non-State Institutions Module

(Quarter 4- Module 1/Week 1)
The State and
Non-State Institution
Department of Education
SDO- City of San Fernando (LU)
Region 1
(Quarter 4- Module 1/Week 1)
Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institution
Our Guide
For the parents:
1. Please guide your child while he is studying and answering the tasks provided in
this module.
2. Remind your child about his study time and schedule so he can finish the module.
3. Let your child answer the module activities independently, however, assist him only
when necessary.
4. I will call on a certain time based on the schedule to explain the lessons in the
5. Kindly return the whole module and answer sheets on _________ during Fridays at
For the learners:
1. Carefully read the directions so that you will know what to do.
2. If there are directions or topics in the module that are difficult for you to understand,
feel free to ask from your parents or companions at home. However, if you still
could not understand, you can call me at this number, _____________so I could
explain it to you clearly.
3. Answer the activities in the module on the specific day for the subject. Use a separate
sheet of paper for your answers. Avoid writing or tearing the pages of this module
because this will be used by other pupils/students like you.
4. Write important concepts in your notebook regarding your lesson. This will help
you in your review later.
5. You need to finish the activities in this module so that you can give this to your
parents on ___________________________.
Always remember these health tips:
Remember to wear your face mask properly and regularly.
Always wash your hands with clean water and soap.
Cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief whenever you cough or sneeze.
Follow the one-meter distance so that you will prevent the spread of the virus.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to Know
This will give you an idea of the skills or competencies you
are expected to learn in the module.
What I know
This part includes an activity that aims to check what you
already know about the lesson to take. If you get all the
answers correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the current
lesson with the previous one.
What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced to you in
various ways; a story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.
What is it
This section provides a brief discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and
What’s More
This comprises activities for independent practice to
solidify your understanding and skills of the topic. You may
check the answers to the exercises using the Answer Key at
the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank sentence/paragraph to be
filled in to process what you learned from the lesson.
What I have Learned
What I can do
This section provides an activity which will help you
transfer your new knowledge or skill into real life situations
or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of mastery
in achieving the learning competency.
Additional Activities
In this portion, another activity will be given to you to
enrich your knowledge or skill of the lesson learned.
What I Need to Know
You have learned a lot from your previous module. I believe that it is time for you to
level up your knowledge. In this module you will be able to learn and understand the different
forms and functions of state and non-state institution.
What I Know
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
_____1. Institution is composed of a set of formal rules and informal norms.
_____2. Transnational advocacy network includes actors working together nationally.
_____3. There can be no state without territory.
_____4. State institutions are institutions that have state functions and are established
to support the government.
_____5. Internal sovereign is independent and free from outside control.
What’s In
Before we move on to the next lesson let us first turn back the hands of time and see if
you still remember what was discussed in the previous module.
Direction: Read the statement carefully and choose the letter that corresponds to the correct
_____1. These are groups which are organized to meet the special interest of the members.
A. Influence groups
B. In-groups
C. Special interest groups
D. Task groups
_____2. The goal of these groups are clearly stated.
A. Formal groups
B. In-groups
C. Out groups
D. Relationship groups
_____3. It is a social unit in which the individual feel at home.
A. Formal group
B. In group
C. Primary group
D. Psychological group
_____4. A collection of people where members interact on a regular basis.
A. Formal group
B. primary group
C. Secondary group
D. Social group
_____5. These are group that are organized to fulfill the feeling of companionship.
A. Formal groups
B. Informal groups
C. Relationship groups
D. Task group
What’s New
You often hear the word ‘state.’ But do you really understand what it is? Is it simply a
place that we live in? or, have you come across with the term ‘non-state’? Most of us are not
really familiar with these terms or we are not really aware about them. However, it is important
for us to understand these since we are a part of it. Furthermore, there are state and non-state
institutions whose functions may benefit every individual being a part of the state.
What is It
What is a State?
It is a community of persons, more or less numerous, occupying a definite portion of the earth’s
surface, having its own government, through which the inhabitants render habitual obedience
free from outside control.
Four Elements of State
1. People/ population– It is important that the community of persons is composed of both
females and males for purpose of reproduction. Reproduction is indispensable. It is
through reproduction that the state can continue to exist. However, there is no
requirement as to the number of people living in a territory for it to be classified as state.
2. Territory – There can be no state without territory. People need territory to live and
organized themselves socially and politically. It may be remembered that the territory of
the state includes land, water and air/space. Within it are natural resources which are
vital for people to live and they have the responsibility to protect and conserve it.
Furthermore, the people must be able to defend their state from invaders, and in doing
so, the use of force may be justified.
3. Government – This is the vital ingredient of the state. There can be no state without
government. The government is the working agency of the state. It is the political
organization of the state. This is where the laws to be implemented in the country are
enacted. Since it is believed that the government should be established by the people
themselves, through the constitution that they will promulgate, it is but logical for them
to bestow their obedience to it. The people should follow the laws and respect the
4. Sovereignty – It refers to the supreme power of the state to rule itself without interference
from other states. This means that the state is an independent entity where people enjoy
freedom. A territory is not a state if it is not independent.
Two aspects of Sovereignty
Internal Sovereign – The state is supreme over all its citizens, and associations.
External Sovereignty – The state is independent and free from foreign or outside
What is institution?
Composed of a set of formal rules, informal norms, or agreed upon understanding that
constraints or prescribed political actor’s behaviour and interaction with one another.
Main Function: Keep society in order and implement specific tasks assigned to them.
State Institutions
Institutions that have state functions and are established to govern the state.
3 Branches of the Government
1. Executive
2. Legislative
3. Judiciary
Non-State Institution
Non-state are a group of people or an organizations and individuals that are not affiliated with,
directed by, or funded through the government. However, some of the non-state institutions are
also major players in state or market-related activities. Some of them operate globally, while
some operate at the global level.
A. Banks and Corporations
Banks – a financial institution licensed to provide several financial services to different
types of customers
There are many role of the bank but the most basic role it has is the
regulation of the society’s flow of money
Corporations – known as body of people acting as a single entity.
It is created by a group of shareholders who have ownership of the
Corporation usually set up to create profit and to provide return for its
B. Cooperatives and Trade Unions
Cooperatives – association of persons united to meet their common economic, social
and cultural needs through a jointly owned and democratically controlled
Cooperatives exist among different industries and are composed of different
types of people, it may be farmers, consumers, or workers.
Trade Unions – were organized by workers to share in a mutual benefit between
It is also called labor unions.
These are organizations composed of workers and laborers or employees
from related fields, which aims to represent the interest and rights of its
members, both in the workplace and in the society.
C. Transnational advocacy Groups
ADVOCACY is an idea from an individual or group which aims to influence a
political, economic and social decision.
- Transnational advocacy network includes actors working together
internationally on an issue.
Advocacy groups - spread information in support of a cause across borders in attempt
to change international policies and practices.
D. Development Agencies
- Economic development agencies are described to be independent organizations that
aim to implement strategic ways of developing territories and societies.
- Usually molded by public and private institutions.
- Development agencies are organizations that simply wish to improve the current
standpoint of a certain society.
E. International Organizations
- Refers to institutions established by three or more states as voluntary members in
order to promote cooperation and coordination among them
What Have I Learned?
You have learned what a state is and its four elements which are the
people/population, territory, Government, and sovereignty. Within a state are institutions.
Institutions keep society in order and implement specific tasks assigned to them. State
institutions have state functions and is established to govern the state. On the other hand, nonstate institutions are people or organizations that participate in international affairs and
relations but are not affiliated with any state or nation.
What I can do
Direction: Write an essay on the implications of the presence of the non-state institutions in
our country. What benefits do we get from them as individual? What are the adverse issues that
arise from their presence?
Your essay will be rated according to the rubrics below:
Quality of
Essay was very Essay
informative and somewhat
was Essay
gives Essay gives no
informative and information but information and
poorly very
Grammar usage No
and mechanics
Clarity of
spelling, Few
spelling, A number of So
punctuation, or punctuation or spelling,
punctuation or punctuation, or
error is present
Very clear
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.
_____1. They are institutions that have the state functions and are established to govern the
A. Bank
C. Non-state institutions
B. International Organizations
D. State institutions
_____2. It aims to influence a political, economic and social decision.
A. Advocacy
C. International Sovereign
B. Development Agencies
D. Legislative
_____3. It exist among different industries and are composed of different types of people.
A. Advocacy
C. Corporation
B. Cooperative
D. Union
_____4. It is a community of persons, more or less numerous having its own government.
A. Corporations
C. Judiciary
B. Government
D. State
_____5. It is a financial institution licensed to provide several financial services to different
types of customers.
A. Advocacy
C. Development Agencies
B. Bank
D. Trade Unions
_____6. It refers to institutions established by three or more states as voluntary members.
A. Advocacy Groups
C. Cooperative
B. International Organization
D. Corporation
_____7. It is usually molded by public and private institutions.
A. Cooperatives
C. International Organizations
B. Development Agencies
D. Development Agencies
_____8. It is also known as labor union.
A. Cooperatives
C. non-state institutions
B. Judiciary
D. Trade Unions
_____9. It is usually set up to create profit and provide return for its shareholders.
A. Advocacy Groups
C. Corporations
B. Cooperatives
D. Trade Unions
_____10. These are groups of people or an organizations and individuals that are not affiliated
with the government.
A. Bank
C. Non-state institutions
B. Institution
D. State
Printed Resources
Contreras et al. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Aguilar et al. (2016) Understanding Society, Culture, and Politics for Senior High School
Electronic Resources
Development Team of the Module
Sherryl V. Soriano, Teacher II
Writer/Illustrator/Layout Artist:
Bernardo T. Rombawa- EPS in charge
Brenda A. Sabado, Principal IV – LUNHS
Thea Zonette S. Medrano, OIC-Assistant Principal
Management Team:
Dr. Rowena C. Banzon, CESO V, SDS
Dr. Wilfredo E. Sindayen, ASDS
Dr. Agnes B. Cacap, Chief- CID
Dr. Jose Mari P. Almeida, Chief- SGOD
Genevieve B. Ugay, EPS- LRMS
Hazel B. Libatique, Librarian II
Aurelio C. Dayag, Jr., PDO II
Key Answer
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
What’s In
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. C