ROLE OF A COOPERATIVE IN BUILDING COMMUNITY HEALTH They often provide quality goods and services to areas that have been shunned by traditional businesses. They typically invest in local communities . Since most cooperatives are local residents, business profits remain and circulate within the community. Cooperative membership builds social networks and strength collusion. Concern for community Education training and information Worker cooperatives create quality empowering jobs for community members. TRADE UNIONS -Consist of workers and union leaders, united to protect and promote their common interest. TYPES OF TRADE UNION HOUSE UNION– A company union that represents of only one company and no connection with the other unions INDUSTRIAL UNION –A general union that represents workers from several companies in the sane industry . CRAFT UNION – Represents skilled workers in a particular P field such as carpentry or welding PURPOSE OF TRADE UNION Negotiate wages and working conditions . Regulate relations between workers and employer. Take collective action to enforce the terms of collective bargaining. Raise new demands on behalf of its members. Help settle their grievances.