Uploaded by Jonathan Vazquez

Conjugate Strength Training Program

Dearest Reader,
Below is 53 Pages worth of conjugate programming that is incredibly simple yet
unimaginably hard.
The program itself is very straight forward and may even seem repetitive at times - You
do 6 weeks of 3 Rep Maxes & speed work followed by 6 weeks of 1 Rep Maxes and the
same speed work. You will never be bored but you may feel like you are in a very heavy
version of Groundhog Day at times.
Though that may be the case, NOTHING I have ever run in my entire career has made me
or my athletes gain raw strength at the speed this program has.
I won’t lie to you, it will definitely beat you up and ask a lot of your body, but if strength is
your goal and you put in the effort…this program will deliver.
As you go through this process, you may be thinking that the volume seems low…It is.
Please don’t do more than what is written. The volume is intentionally low because the
intensity should be so high and the majority of your effort should be aimed toward your
Maximum Effort (ME) days and then having the focus to achieve your most perfect form
and explosiveness on your Dynamic Effort (DE) days.
…If you find you still want to do more work, opt in for the optional Bodyweight
Conditioning sessions I have provided. They will build your lungs, shrink your gut and
convince you to stop asking silly questions about doing “more work”.
Know that Conjugate is EXTREMELY punishing on your CNS if you are doing it correctly, so
your recovery needs to be a priority! If your body starts falling behind, sometimes just
completing the Maximum Effort or Dynamic Effort sections are enough…Thus, if you are
completely shot after your main work and the Assistance portion is going to run you into
the ground and isn’t going to “Assist” you…Don’t do it. It is ok to skip it every once in a
while… just don’t turn the practice into a habit!
Remember that the principal focus of your Maximum Effort Day is to work variations of
your competition movements (Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press) to strengthen all
of the weak points of that MAIN lift.
Also, when I say MAXIMUM Effort, I truly mean maximum. Do your absolute best to
NEVER miss an attempt but you should be trying to get every single ounce out of every
variation that you can!
On your Dynamic Effort days, you will be focusing primarily on performing your main
competition lifts as perfect and explosively as possible.
Here is the rule: Never sacrifice form for speed and never sacrifice speed for weight. If
you start losing form, pull back on the accelerator a little bit until your form is tight
again. And if the bar starts slowing down, drop the weights until your bar speed returns.
The last thing you want to do is turn your dynamic session into another maximum effort
Also, while scanning this book, you may find yourself wondering why the Dynamic Effort
Day’s percentages reset after week 6 back to 50%?
Well, it’s because in weeks 5+6 you are tossing around 70-75% of your 1RM for speed
work - at any intensities heavier than that, your form is probably beginning to suffer and
the bar is most likely slowing down - Resetting the percentages ensures that you are
truly moving the bar as explosively as possible and ingraining good, “perfect” reps
Once the reset occurs, you will begin building back up for the remainder of the program
ending just in time for your competition lift’s testing week(s).
You DO NOT NEED bands or chains on your Dynamic Effort Days to run this program…If
you don’t have them, just run those days with straight plate weight on the bar.
But if you do have access to bands or chains and a way to set them up, then the benefits
are numerous and will almost definitely yield better results over the course of this
Also understand that there are numerous ways to manipulate your bands or chains so
don’t be surprised if your setup looks different than someone else’s. Each person will
have to choose how much of the resistance on the bar is band/Chain tension versus how
much is actual plate weight. This decision is usually left up to personal preference and
is chosen by the individual athlete.
The most accurate way I have found to be spot on with my Dynamic Effort Day’s
percentage work is to find a BANDED Traditional 1RM on the completion lift and then use
that 1RM to pull my Dynamic effort PERCENTAGES from them.
I have a few videos on my channel about how I personally set up my bands for dynamic
effort work and how I measure the tension they add to a locked out bar. If you search my
name + BANDS, then watch the video, it will remove much of the guesswork as you get
your own situation dialed in…
Finally, I get to live my dream job because of the generosity of people like you. I truly
cannot express how thankful I am, not only for you purchasing this book but for all of the
ways you support the channel and myself. I am humbled and truly overwhelmed by this
reality — from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. Truly.
Much Respect, Brian
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Deficit Deadlifts or Snatch Grip Deadlifts
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlift
Between Attempts Complete:
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Snatches (Each Side)
Set 1: As many Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlifts as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
Set 2: 8 Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlifts @ 80% of your 3RM
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
Set 3: 8 Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlifts @ 80% of your 3RM
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
ASSISTANCE WORK - 5 Rounds (Beltless)
:20 Seconds Max Reps Sumo Deadlift (Moderate Weight)
:10 Seconds Rest
:20 Seconds Max Reps Stiff Leg Deadlift (Same Bar)
:10 Seconds Rest
5 Rounds
:20 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Row (Left Side)
:10 Seconds Burpees or Push-Ups
:20 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Row (Right Side)
:10 Seconds Rest
Imagine you are the second Hand standing on top of a big clock face.
Face the 12 and complete 12 Stepping lunges or 24 Squats.
Turn to 11 O’Clock and perform 11 Stepping Lunges or 22 Squats.
Turn to 10 O’Clock and perform 10 Stepping Lunges or 20 Squats.
Continue to go back in time until you complete all the numbers on the Face of the Clock.
If this is too easy, make every rep Jumping. It will no longer be easy.
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Floor Press or Pin Bench Press (Pins set a few inches off the
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Floor or Pin Press
Between Attempts Complete:
8 Pendlay Rows - Strict & Heavy as Possible
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk (Each Side) or :30 Seconds Marching In Place (Each Side) - As
Close to Bodyweight As Possible
Set 1: As many Floor or Pin Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk or Marching (Each Side)
Set 2: 8 Floor or Pin Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk or Marching (Each Side)
Set 3: 8 Floor or Pin Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk or Marching (Each Side)
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
15 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
15 Dips (Bench Dips if Necessary)
15 Cable or band Tricep Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
Begin in a standing position.
Drop and Complete 1 Push-Up
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 2 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 3 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
….Work you way up to 15 Push-Ups, then work your way back down the ladder. No rest on this one.
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Bulgarian Split Squats- Each Side (As Heavy As Possible)
5 Front Squats (Same Bar & Weight as Above)
15 Cable or Banded Standing Crunches (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 8, 10 Reps of
Glute Ham Raises or Nordic Hamstring Curls
Max Height Squat Jumps
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows- Each Side (As Heavy As Possible)
10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
10 Dumbbell Pull-Overs (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
10 Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows
1 Handstand Push-Up or Pike Push-Up
9 Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
2 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike Push-Ups
8 Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
3 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike Push-Ups
7 Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
4 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike Push-Ups
Continue to manipulate the reps (They should always total 11) Until, you complete the ladder.
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Front Squat or Zercher Squat
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Front Squat or Zercher Squat
Between Attempts Complete:
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or :40 Second March In Place - As Close to Bodyweight in each hand as
3 High Box Jumps (As High As Possible)
Set 1: As many Front or Zercher Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in Place
Set 2: 8 Front or Zercher Squats @ 80% of your 3RM
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in Place
Set 3: 8 Front or Zercher Squats @ 80% of your 3RM
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in Place
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
5 DEEP Good Mornings (Moderate Weight - Good Form)
:30 Seconds Glute Ham Raises or Other Leg Curl (Moderate Weight)
:30 Second RKC Plank
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - Get outside & In Front of A Running Clock for 10 Minutes
From Bear Walk Position or Standing if you are less agile
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Forward
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Side Shuffle to the Left
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Back Peddle
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Side Shuffle to the Right
:20 Seconds Rest
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Jerk or Split Jerk (Out of the Rack)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Jerk or Split Jerk
Between Attempts Complete:
3 Weighted Pull-Ups (Heavy as Possible)
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 1: As many Jerks or Split Jerks as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 2: 8 Jerks or Split Jerks @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 3: 8 Jerks or Split Jerks @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
Max Reps Chest to Bar Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
8 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Standing Strict Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
15 Dumbbell Tate Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gator Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Bear Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Pike Push-Ups or Regular Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
8 Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
20 Dumbbell Goblet Squats - As Heavy As Possible
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
20 Squats
20 Stepping Lunges (Single Count)
20 Jumping Lunges (Single Count)
10 Jumping Squats
…Welcome to Soreness…..
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gorilla Rows (Left Side)
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gorilla Rows (Right Side)
:30 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Dumbbell Floor Presses
:30 Seconds Max Effort Dumbbell Straight Arm Pull-Overs
:30 Seconds Rest
:90 Seconds Max Reps Close Grip Push-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
:60 Seconds Max Reps Deficit Push-Ups (Hands on Bumper Plates)
:60 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Reps Regular Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Paused Deadlifts (Pause 1-2” off the Floor)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Paused Deadlift
Between Attempts Complete:
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
4 Broad Jumps (As Far As Possible)
Set 1: As many Paused Deadlifts as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
Set 2: 8 Paused Deadlifts @ 80% of your 3RM
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
Set 3: 8 Paused Deadlifts @ 80% of your 3RM
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
ASSISTANCE WORK - Load the Bar with 60-70% of Your 1RM Deadlift
10 Deadlifts
:60 Seconds Rest
9 Deadlifts
:50 Seconds Rest
8 Deadlifts
:40 Seconds Rest
7 Deadlifts
:30 Seconds Rest
6 Deadlifts
:20 Seconds Rest
4 Deadlifts
:10 Seconds Rest
2 Deadlifts
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reps of
Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Side) Hold onto something if Necessary
Step Ups (Each Side)
Hollow Rocks x2 (10 = 20 Reps, 9 = 18, etc.)
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Press
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench
Between Attempts Complete:
8 Chest Supported Rows - Strict & Heavy as Possible
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
Set 1: As many Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
Set 2: 8 Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
Set 3: 8 Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
50 Foot Offset Carry (One DB or KB Locked out overhead - the other down in Farmer’s walk position)
50 Foot Offset Carry (Switch Arm Positions) - As Heavy As Possible
:30 Seconds Max Reps Squeeze Presses (Push DB’s Together for the entirety of the rep)
15 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
:20 Seconds Max Reps Plyometric Push-Ups onto Bumper Plates
:10 Seconds RKC Plank
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Then Take 1 Minute Rest
Followed by:
:20 Seconds Max Reps Deficit Push-Ups on Bumper Plates
:10 Seconds RKC Plank
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes
4-5 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats - Each Side (front foot on top of a 45lb Bumper Plate)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Top of Every Minute for 10-15 Minutes depending on your level
5 Burpees
5 Squats
5 Push-Ups
15 Mountain Climbers
15 Jumping Jacks
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take as Long as Needed Before next Round
At the top of every minute, complete 3 Pull-Ups or 6 Inverted Rows as your buy in.
For the remainder of the minute, perform as many Bodyweight Man Makers As Possible
You can stop when you have performed 75 Bodyweight Man Makers. But…
Remember that at the top of every minute you still Owe those pull-ups. Don’t Fall behind…
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Box Squat or Pause Squat
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Box Squat or Pause Squat
Between Attempts Complete:
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or :60 Second March In Place - As Close to Bodyweight in each hand as
5 Kettebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Set 1: As many Box or Pause Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in place
Set 2: 8 Box or Pause Squats @ 80% of your 3RM
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in place
Set 3: 8 Box or Pause Squats @ 80% of your 3RM
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in place
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
5-7 Front Squats (Moderate Weight)
5-7 Good Mornings (Moderate Weight Same Bar)
:45 Seconds Wall Sit (Hands Above your Head)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock - Use Inverted Rows if You can’t Do Pull-Ups
Minute 1: 1 Pull-Up/2 Burpee Box Jumps/3 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 2: 2 Pull-Ups/3 Burpee Box Jumps/4 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 3: 3 Pull-Ups/4 Burpee Box Jumps/5 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 4: 4 Pull-Ups/5 Burpee Box Jumps/6 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 5: 5 Pull-Ups/6 Burpee Box Jumps/7 MMA Get-Ups
…Continue to add reps every minute until you can no longer keep up with the clock. If you aren’t
tired enough, work your way back down the ladder.
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Push Press (Out of the Rack)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Push-Press (Out of the Rack)
Between Attempts Complete:
3 Weighted Close Grip Chin-Ups (Heavy as Possible)
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 1: As many Push Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 2: 8 Push Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 3: 8 Push Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
3 Weighted Close Grip Chin-Ups (Heavy as Possible)
8 Dumbbell “Z” Presses
:30 Seconds Face Pulls
:90 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gator Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Bear Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Pike Push-Ups or Regular Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes
3 Zercher Bulgarian Spilt Squats (Each Side)
:60 Seconds Max Effort Walking Lunges or Jumping Squats (FULL RANGE OF MOTION)
:30 Seconds Prisoner Squat Jumps (High as Possible) Don’t make weak faces.
:30 Seconds Rest to Rub your burning quads then start again.
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
100 Foot Dumbbell Waiter’s Walk (Left Side)
:30 Seconds Push-Ups
100 Foot Dumbbell Waiter’s Walk (Right Side)
:30 Seconds RKC Plank
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps of:
Bodyweight Man Makers*
Burpee Pull-Ups or Burpee Bar touches (Bar should be at least 12” above arm’s Full reach)
- Complete 10 Man Makers followed by 10 Burpee Pull-Ups, then 10 Bodyweight Russian Twists
each side, then 8/8/8/, 6/6/6, 4/4/4 etc…
*Bodyweight Man Maker =
Begin Standing.
Drop and perform 1 push-up.
Once Done, rotate completely to the side pointing your left hand toward the sky.
Return your hand and perform another push-up.
Now rotate all the way with your right hand and then Return to push-up position.
Stand and jump.
This is one rep.
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Block Pulls (13”- 18” Bar Height)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Block Pull
Between Attempts Complete:
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
:20 Seconds Explosive Kettbell Swings
Set 1: As many Block Pulls as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
Set 2: 8 Block Pulls @ 80% of your 3RM
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
Set 3: 8 Block Pulls @ 80% of your 3RM
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
ASSISTANCE WORK - Use same Bar with Moderate Weight
2 Pendlay Rows
2 Zercher Deadlifts
4 Pendlay Rows
4 Zercher Deadlifts
6 Pendlay Rows
6 Zercher Deadlifts
8 Pendlay Rows
8 Zercher Deadlifts
60 Meter Hill Sprint (If You don’t have a hill - make it a 100 Meter Sprint)
10 Burpees
Bear walk Back Down the Hill
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Bench Pin Press or Larson Press
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Bench Pin Press or Larson Press
Between Attempts Complete:
Deadlift Rows - Heavy as Possible
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
Set 1: As many Pin or Larson Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
Set 2: 8 Pin or Larson Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
Set 3: 8 Pin or Larson Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As possible in 12 Minutes
6 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows (Each Side)
10 Dumbbell Incline Presses
:20 Seconds Dips or Bench Dips
:30 Seconds Max Reps Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows
:30 Seconds Max Reps Handstand or Pike Push-Ups
:30 Seconds RKC Plank
:30 Seconds Rest
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Fast As Possible
20 Dumbbell Lunges (Each Side)
20 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts
20 Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side)
16 Dumbbell Lunges (Each Side)
16 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts
16 Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side)
12 Dumbbell Lunges (Each Side)
12 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts
12 Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - Deck of Cards Workout - Complete the number of reps corresponding
with the number on the Card. Face Cards = 10 Reps, Aces = 11. Jokers are a 3 Minute Plank.
HEARTS: Burpees
SPADES: Wide Grip Push-Ups
DIAMONDS: Jumping Lunges (Each Side)
CLUBS: Pull-Ups of Inverted Rows
*It is called the “Deck” of cards workout. That means you do the whole deck.
Advanced = Less than 20 Minutes
Intermediate = Less than 30 Minutes
Beginner = Less than 40 Minutes
(Times Not including Planking time)
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Fast As Possible
10 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
10 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
9 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
9 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
8 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
8 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
7 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
7 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
6 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
6 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10 Rounds on the Clock
:20 Seconds Deficit Push-Ups on Bumper Plates
:10 Seconds Chin-Ups or Just Dead Hang From the Bar
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Pin Squat or Anderson Squat
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Pin Squat or Anderson Squat
Between Attempts Complete:
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other)
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Opposite Side
Set 1: As many Pin or Anderson Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Both Sides
Set 2: 8 Pin or Anderson Squats @ 80% of your 3RM
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Both Sides
Set 3: 8 Pin or Anderson Squats @ 80% of your 3RM
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Both Sides
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
Work up to a 5 Rep Max Zercher or Front Squat
300 Hindu Squats (Broken into whatever Reps & Sets you want)
200 Feet Anchored Sit-Ups - Full Range of Motion (Broken into whatever Reps & Sets you want)
100 Jumping Prisoner Squats (Broken into whatever Reps & Sets you want)
*Do not Move onto Sit Ups until ALL reps of Hindu Squat are done. Do not move onto Prisoner squats
until all Sit-Ups are done.
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Z Press or Seated Strict Press
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 3RM Z Press or Seated Press
Between Attempts Complete:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or Lat Pull Downs (Long Range of Motion)
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 1: As many Z or Seated Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 2: 8 Z or Seated Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 3: 8 Z or Seated Presses @ 80% of your 3RM
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Fast As Possible
20 Standing Supinated Dumbbell Presses
20 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes
20 Face-Pulls
15 Standing Supinated Dumbbell Presses
15 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes
15 Face-Pulls
10 Standing Supinated Dumbbell Presses
10 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes
10 Face-Pulls
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
150 Foot Bear Crawl
10 Handstand Push-Ups or 20 Regular Push-Ups
20 Double Unders or 80 Regular Jumps
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - In Front of A Clock
2:00 Minutes Dumbbell Lunges or Step-Ups
2:00 Minutes Rest
:90 Seconds Dumbbell Lunges or Step-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
:60 Seconds Dumbbell Lunges or Step-Ups
1 Broad Jump
1 Burpee
2 Broad Jumps
2 Burpees
3 Broad Jumps
3 Burpees
4 Broad Jumps
4 Burpees
…Continue to add Broad Jump until you complete the 8 Minutes
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
3 Pull-Ups (Weighted If Possible)
3 Dumbbell ManMakers (Heavy)
10 Dumbbell Floor Presses (Same DB’s as ManMakers)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
:20 Seconds Max Reps Close Grip Push-Ups
:10 Seconds Max Reps Inverted Rows (these can be done on a table if you can’t find anywhere else)
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Then Take 1 Minute Rest
Followed by:
:20 Seconds Max Reps Deficit Push-Ups
:10 Seconds Max Reps Mountain Climbers (Large Range of Motion)
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Then Take 1 Minute Rest
Followed by:
:20 Seconds Max Reps Hand Release Push-Ups
:10 Seconds Plank
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Deficit Deadlifts or Snatch Grip Deadlifts
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlift
Between Attempts Complete:
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Snatches (Each Side)
Set 1: As many Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlifts as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
Set 2: 5 Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlifts @ 80% of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
Set 3: 5 Deficit or Snatch Grip Deadlifts @ 80% of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Plank (Weighted if Possible)
ASSISTANCE WORK - 5 Rounds (Beltless)
:20 Seconds Max Reps Sumo Deadlift (Moderate Weight)
:10 Seconds Rest
:20 Seconds Max Reps Stiff Leg Deadlift (Same Bar)
:10 Seconds Rest
5 Rounds
:20 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Row (Left Side)
:10 Seconds Burpees or Push-Ups
:20 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Row (Right Side)
:10 Seconds Rest
Imagine you are the second Hand standing on top of a big clock face.
Face the 12 and complete 12 Stepping lunges or 24 Squats.
Turn to 11 O’Clock and perform 11 Stepping Lunges or 22 Squats.
Turn to 10 O’Clock and perform 10 Stepping Lunges or 20 Squats.
Continue to go back in time until you complete all the numbers on the Face of the Clock.
If this is too easy, make every rep Jumping. It will no longer be easy.
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Floor Press or Pin Bench Press (Pins set a few inches off the
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Floor or Pin Press
Between Attempts Complete:
8 Pendlay Rows - Strict & Heavy as Possible
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk (Each Side) or :30 Seconds Marching In Place (Each Side)- As
Close to Bodyweight As Possible
Set 1: As many Floor or Pin Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk or Marching (Each Side)
Set 2: 5 Floor or Pin Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk or Marching (Each Side)
Set 3: 5 Floor or Pin Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
50 Foot Single Arm Farmer’s Walk or Marching (Each Side)
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
15 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
15 Dips (Bench Dips if Necessary)
15 Cable or band Tricep Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
Begin in a standing position.
Drop and Complete 1 Push-Up
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 2 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 3 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
….Work you way up to 15 Push-Ups, then work your way back down the ladder. No rest on this one.
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Bulgarian Split Squats- Each Side (As Heavy As Possible)
5 Front Squats (Same Bar & Weight as Above)
15 Cable or Banded Standing Crunches (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 8, 10 Reps of
Glute Ham Raises or Nordic Hamstring Curls
Max Height Squat Jumps
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 50% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows- Each Side (As Heavy As Possible)
10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
10 Dumbbell Pull-Overs (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
10 Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows
1 Handstand Push-Up or Pike Push-Up
9 Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
2 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike Push-Ups
8 Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
3 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike Push-Ups
7 Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
4 Handstand Push-Ups or Pike Push-Ups
Continue to manipulate the reps (They should always total 11) Until, you complete the ladder.
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Front Squat or Zercher Squat
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Front Squat or Zercher Squat
Between Attempts Complete:
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or :40 Second March In Place - As Close to Bodyweight in each hand as
3 High Box Jumps (As High As Possible)
Set 1: As many Front or Zercher Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in Place
Set 2: 5 Front or Zercher Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in Place
Set 3: 5 Front or Zercher Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
100 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in Place
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
5 DEEP Good Mornings (Moderate Weight - Good Form)
:30 Seconds Glute Ham Raises or Other Leg Curl (Moderate Weight)
:30 Second RKC Plank
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - Get outside & In Front of A Running Clock for 10 Minutes
From Bear Walk Position or Standing if you are less agile
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Forward
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Side Shuffle to the Left
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Back Peddle
:10 Seconds Full Sprint Side Shuffle to the Right
:20 Seconds Rest
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Jerk or Split Jerk (Out of the Rack)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Jerk or Split Jerk
Between Attempts Complete:
3 Weighted Pull-Ups (Heavy as Possible)
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 1: As many Jerks or Split Jerks as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 2: 5 Jerks or Split Jerks @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 3: 5 Jerks or Split Jerks @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Barbell Full Contact Twists (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
Max Reps Chest to Bar Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
8 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Standing Strict Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
15 Dumbbell Tate Presses (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gator Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Bear Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Pike Push-Ups or Regular Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
8 Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
20 Dumbbell Goblet Squats - As Heavy As Possible
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
20 Squats
20 Stepping Lunges (Single Count)
20 Jumping Lunges (Single Count)
10 Jumping Squats
…Welcome to Soreness…..
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 55% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gorilla Rows (Left Side)
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gorilla Rows (Right Side)
:30 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Dumbbell Floor Presses
:30 Seconds Max Effort Dumbbell Straight Arm Pull-Overs
:30 Seconds Rest
:90 Seconds Max Reps Close Grip Push-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
:60 Seconds Max Reps Deficit Push-Ups (Hands on Bumper Plates)
:60 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Reps Regular Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Paused Deadlifts (Pause 1-2” off the Floor)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Paused Deadlift
Between Attempts Complete:
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
4 Broad Jumps (As Far As Possible)
Set 1: As many Paused Deadlifts as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
Set 2: 5 Paused Deadlifts @ 80% of your 1RM
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
Set 3: 5 Paused Deadlifts @ 80% of your 1RM
5 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Uppercuts
ASSISTANCE WORK - Load the Bar with 60-70% of Your 1RM Deadlift
10 Deadlifts
:60 Seconds Rest
9 Deadlifts
:50 Seconds Rest
8 Deadlifts
:40 Seconds Rest
7 Deadlifts
:30 Seconds Rest
6 Deadlifts
:20 Seconds Rest
4 Deadlifts
:10 Seconds Rest
2 Deadlifts
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reps of
Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Side) Hold onto something if Necessary
Step Ups (Each Side)
Hollow Rocks x2 (10 = 20 Reps, 9 = 18, etc.)
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Press
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench
Between Attempts Complete:
8 Chest Supported Rows - Strict & Heavy as Possible
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
Set 1: As many Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
Set 2: 5 Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
Set 3: 5 Close Grip or Neutral Grip Bench Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side) - Hanging If Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
50 Foot Offset Carry (One DB or KB Locked out overhead - the other down in Farmer’s walk position)
50 Foot Offset Carry (Switch Arm Positions) - As Heavy As Possible
:30 Seconds Max Reps Squeeze Presses (Push DB’s Together for the entirety of the rep)
15 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
:20 Seconds Max Reps Plyometric Push-Ups onto Bumper Plates
:10 Seconds RKC Plank
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Then Take 1 Minute Rest
Followed by:
:20 Seconds Max Reps Deficit Push-Ups on Bumper Plates
:10 Seconds RKC Plank
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes
4-5 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats - Each Side (front foot on top of a 45lb Bumper Plate)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Top of Every Minute for 10-15 Minutes depending on your level
5 Burpees
5 Squats
5 Push-Ups
15 Mountain Climbers
15 Jumping Jacks
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 60% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take 5 Steps Forward
Complete 5 Standing Strict Dumbbell Presses + Hold DB’s at Lockout
Take as Long as Needed Before next Round
At the top of every minute, complete 3 Pull-Ups or 6 Inverted Rows as your buy in.
For the remainder of the minute, perform as many Bodyweight Man Makers As Possible
You can stop when you have performed 75 Bodyweight Man Makers. But…
Remember that at the top of every minute you still Owe those pull-ups. Don’t Fall behind…
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Box Squat or Pause Squat
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Box Squat or Pause Squat
Between Attempts Complete:
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or :60 Second March In Place - As Close to Bodyweight in each hand as
5 Kettebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Set 1: As many Box or Pause Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in place
Set 2: 5 Box or Pause Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in place
Set 3: 5 Box or Pause Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
150 Foot Farmer’s Walk or March in place
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
5-7 Front Squats (Moderate Weight)
5-7 Good Mornings (Moderate Weight Same Bar)
:45 Seconds Wall Sit (Hands Above your Head)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock - Use Inverted Rows if You can’t Do Pull-Ups
Minute 1: 1 Pull-Up/2 Burpee Box Jumps/3 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 2: 2 Pull-Ups/3 Burpee Box Jumps/4 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 3: 3 Pull-Ups/4 Burpee Box Jumps/5 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 4: 4 Pull-Ups/5 Burpee Box Jumps/6 MMA Get-Ups
Minute 5: 5 Pull-Ups/6 Burpee Box Jumps/7 MMA Get-Ups
…Continue to add reps every minute until you can no longer keep up with the clock. If you aren’t
tired enough, work your way back down the ladder.
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Push Press (Out of the Rack)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Push-Press (Out of the Rack)
Between Attempts Complete:
3 Weighted Close Grip Chin-Ups (Heavy as Possible)
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 1: As many Push Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 2: 5 Push Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 3: 5 Push Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Barbell Overhead Side Bends (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
3 Weighted Close Grip Chin-Ups (Heavy as Possible)
8 Dumbbell “Z” Presses
:30 Seconds Face Pulls
:90 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Gator Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
:30 Seconds Max Effort Bear Walk
:30 Seconds Max Effort Pike Push-Ups or Regular Push-Ups
:30 Seconds Rest
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes
3 Zercher Bulgarian Spilt Squats (Each Side)
:60 Seconds Max Effort Walking Lunges or Jumping Squats (FULL RANGE OF MOTION)
:30 Seconds Prisoner Squat Jumps (High as Possible) Don’t make weak faces.
:30 Seconds Rest to Rub your burning quads then start again.
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 65% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
100 Foot Dumbbell Waiter’s Walk (Left Side)
:30 Seconds Push-Ups
100 Foot Dumbbell Waiter’s Walk (Right Side)
:30 Seconds RKC Plank
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps of:
Bodyweight Man Makers*
Burpee Pull-Ups or Burpee Bar touches (Bar should be at least 12” above arm’s Full reach)
- Complete 10 Man Makers followed by 10 Burpee Pull-Ups, then 10 Bodyweight Russian Twists
each side, then 8/8/8/, 6/6/6, 4/4/4 etc…
*Bodyweight Man Maker =
Begin Standing.
Drop and perform 1 push-up.
Once Done, rotate completely to the side pointing your left hand toward the sky.
Return your hand and perform another push-up.
Now rotate all the way with your right hand and then Return to push-up position.
Stand and jump.
This is one rep.
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Block Pulls (13”- 18” Bar Height)
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Block Pull
Between Attempts Complete:
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
:20 Seconds Explosive Kettbell Swings
Set 1: As many Block Pulls as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
Set 2: 5 Block Pulls @ 80% of your 1RM
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
Set 3: 5 Block Pulls @ 80% of your 1RM
:20 Seconds Ab Wheel Roll-Outs
ASSISTANCE WORK - Use same Bar with Moderate Weight
2 Pendlay Rows
2 Zercher Deadlifts
4 Pendlay Rows
4 Zercher Deadlifts
6 Pendlay Rows
6 Zercher Deadlifts
8 Pendlay Rows
8 Zercher Deadlifts
60 Meter Hill Sprint (If You don’t have a hill - make it a 100 Meter Sprint)
10 Burpees
Bear walk Back Down the Hill
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Bench Pin Press or Larson Press
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Bench Pin Press or Larson Press
Between Attempts Complete:
Deadlift Rows - Heavy as Possible
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
Set 1: As many Pin or Larson Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
Set 2: 5 Pin or Larson Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
Set 3: 5 Pin or Larson Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
5 Dragon Flags or 10 Lying Leg Raises
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As possible in 12 Minutes
6 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows (Each Side)
10 Dumbbell Incline Presses
:20 Seconds Dips or Bench Dips
:30 Seconds Max Reps Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows
:30 Seconds Max Reps Handstand or Pike Push-Ups
:30 Seconds RKC Plank
:30 Seconds Rest
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Fast As Possible
20 Dumbbell Lunges (Each Side)
20 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts
20 Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side)
16 Dumbbell Lunges (Each Side)
16 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts
16 Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side)
12 Dumbbell Lunges (Each Side)
12 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts
12 Suitcase Deadlifts (Each Side)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - Deck of Cards Workout - Complete the number of reps corresponding
with the number on the Card. Face Cards = 10 Reps, Aces = 11. Jokers are a 3 Minute Plank.
HEARTS: Burpees
SPADES: Wide Grip Push-Ups
DIAMONDS: Jumping Lunges (Each Side)
CLUBS: Pull-Ups of Inverted Rows
*It is called the “Deck” of cards workout. That means you do the whole deck.
Advanced = Less than 20 Minutes
Intermediate = Less than 30 Minutes
Beginner = Less than 40 Minutes
(Times Not including Planking time)
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 70% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Fast As Possible
10 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
10 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
9 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
9 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
8 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
8 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
7 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
7 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
6 Gorilla Rows (Each Side)
6 Dumbbell Squeeze Floor Presses
1:00 Minute Hollow Rocks
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10 Rounds on the Clock
:20 Seconds Deficit Push-Ups on Bumper Plates
:10 Seconds Chin-Ups or Just Dead Hang From the Bar
Maximum Effort (ME) LOWER - Variation: Pin Squat or Anderson Squat
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Pin Squat or Anderson Squat
Between Attempts Complete:
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other)
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Opposite Side
Set 1: As many Pin or Anderson Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Both Sides
Set 2: 5 Pin or Anderson Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Both Sides
Set 3: 5 Pin or Anderson Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
50 Foot Offset Carry (DB/KB in Hand, Farmer’s Carry in the other) - Both Sides
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
Work up to a 5 Rep Max Zercher or Front Squat
300 Hindu Squats (Broken into whatever Reps & Sets you want)
200 Feet Anchored Sit-Ups - Full Range of Motion (Broken into whatever Reps & Sets you want)
100 Jumping Prisoner Squats (Broken into whatever Reps & Sets you want)
*Do not Move onto Sit Ups until ALL reps of Hindu Squat are done. Do not move onto Prisoner squats
until all Sit-Ups are done.
Maximum Effort (ME) UPPER - Variation: Z Press or Seated Strict Press
STRENGTH GIANT SET - You Have 30 Minutes to Work up to a 1RM Z Press or Seated Press
Between Attempts Complete:
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or Lat Pull Downs (Long Range of Motion)
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 1: As many Z or Seated Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 2: 5 Z or Seated Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
Set 3: 5 Z or Seated Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
6 Kettlebell Uppercuts (Each Side) - As Heavy As Possible
ASSISTANCE WORK - As Fast As Possible
20 Standing Supinated Dumbbell Presses
20 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes
20 Face-Pulls
15 Standing Supinated Dumbbell Presses
15 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes
15 Face-Pulls
10 Standing Supinated Dumbbell Presses
10 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes
10 Face-Pulls
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
150 Foot Bear Crawl
10 Handstand Push-Ups or 20 Regular Push-Ups
20 Double Unders or 80 Regular Jumps
Dynamic Effort (DE) LOWER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Deadlift or Squat.
USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Squats @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Deadlifts @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - In Front of A Clock
2:00 Minutes Dumbbell Lunges or Step-Ups
2:00 Minutes Rest
:90 Seconds Dumbbell Lunges or Step-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
:60 Seconds Dumbbell Lunges or Step-Ups
1 Broad Jump
1 Burpee
2 Broad Jumps
2 Burpees
3 Broad Jumps
3 Burpees
4 Broad Jumps
4 Burpees
…Continue to add Broad Jump until you complete the 8 Minutes
Dynamic Effort (DE) UPPER - Use your Competition stance, grip and cues for the Bench or Overhead
Press. USE BANDS or CHAINS here if possible!
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Overhead Presses @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
SPEED SETS - At the Top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes Complete:
2-3 Bench Presses @ 75% of Your 1RM (Band/Chain+Weight Combined)
Use Perfect Form and lower reps if bar speed slows down.
ASSISTANCE WORK - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
3 Pull-Ups (Weighted If Possible)
3 Dumbbell ManMakers (Heavy)
10 Dumbbell Floor Presses (Same DB’s as ManMakers)
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
:20 Seconds Max Reps Close Grip Push-Ups
:10 Seconds Max Reps Inverted Rows (these can be done on a table if you can’t find anywhere else)
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Then Take 1 Minute Rest
Followed by:
:20 Seconds Max Reps Deficit Push-Ups
:10 Seconds Max Reps Mountain Climbers (Large Range of Motion)
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Then Take 1 Minute Rest
Followed by:
:20 Seconds Max Reps Hand Release Push-Ups
:10 Seconds Plank
For 8 Rounds (4:00 Minutes)
Week 13: DELOAD
Week 14: Break All Competition Lift PRs
***At this point I would take a Week to deload, then attempt to beat all of your previous PRs on your
main strength movements. If you stick to the program, you will be shocked at how much you will
have gained.
If you need help on how to deload or test out, then just check out the videos on both topics on my
YouTube channel!
Thank you again so much for the support and I hope this was an amazing experience for you!
p.s. If you body feels like it needs a break from heavy lifting for a short while, I don’t blame you.
Usually after Conjugate I will run 6-8 Weeks of My RPM Program to give my body a little break and to
burn off some of the excess Body fat I may have accrued while going for so many maximum Effort
I hope that Helps!
Much Respect,