THE COMEBACK Getting back into the gym We have been pushed away from the gym for 8 months, its been a long and tiring 8 months but we are back! We are going to appreciate every moment we spend in the gym and make the most of it! So this plan is made for people like you and I, to help get us back into a good routine and back to our best in the gym. We want to show gratitude to every single person who has supported us, we love you all. So please enjoy this guide as thank you from us to you! Don't forget to enjoy the journey and enjoy every moment of it! With love from Livin’Toned Toni & Loewi KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER • Your body needs to readjust to the gym again, you will need to readjust to the exercises again, you will need to gain your strength back. It may take time but it will come back! • Rest and sleep is important now more than ever • Slow and steady wins the race. Live to fight another day. Don't overdo it in the gym because you miss it, the harder go you the sorer you will be and the longer you will have to rest! • Protein is life, focus on eating enough high protein foods to help your body heal and recover. Take your diet seriously because it will give you a better chance at recovering faster and getting your strength back • Don't be hard on yourself. Strength will be back sooner than you think. Don't let your ego guide you. TRAINING Working sets are the sets you do after finishing your warm up sets. For week 1, you should be using a weight that is between 60% of what you were normally using. For week 2, you should be doing around 70% of what you were doing before the gyms closed. And we don't mean your 1 rep max, we mean the working weights you were doing before. Example: if you squatted 50 kg for 8 reps before lockdown, use 30 kg. Week 2 you will work with 35 kg. Make sure you have at least 5-6 reps left in the tank. So this means if you are doing 10 reps, use a weight you can do 15 reps with. Rest times: Rest until you are fully ready to use the same weight again. You don't have to rush into every set. Be strong enough to do the sets with perfect form Take this seriously, this will prevent injury, you can’t expect your body to be able to do the same amount of work after 8 months of no heavy lifting. You’ll also notice we reduced the amount of sets you’ll be doing, don’t over do them. Trust the process you’ll be training with more volume soon enough. DAY 1 : LOWER EXERCISE REPS WORKING SETS (WEEK 1) Low Box Squats 8 3 4 Stay upright Hip Thrusts 12 3 4 - Goblet Squats 15 2 3 - Seated Hamstring Curls 15 2 3 - 2 3 Keep the kettlebell close to your body WORKING SETS (WEEK 2) EXTRA Kettlebell Swings 30 WORKING SETS (WEEK 2) EXTRA DAY 2 : UPPER EXERCISE REPS WORKING SETS (WEEK 1) Inclined Dumbbell Presses 12 3 4 - Lat Pull Downs 15 3 4 - Dumbbell Overhead Presses 8 2 3 Keep your core braced Cable Rows 12 2 3 - Lateral Raises 15 2 3 - DAY 3 : REST DAY DAY 4 : LOWER EXERCISE REPS WORKING SETS (WEEK 1) Deadlifts 10 3 4 Keep your spine neutral Bulgarian Split Squats 15 per leg 2 3 - Glute Bridges 15 2 3 - 45 Degree Hypers 15 2 3 Round your back 3 4 Pause for a second at the hardest part WORKING SETS (WEEK 2) EXTRA Hip Abductor Machine 20 WORKING SETS (WEEK 2) EXTRA DAY 5 : UPPER EXERCISE REPS WORKING SETS (WEEK 1) Bench Presses 8 2 3 - Rear Delt Flys 12 2 3 - Pull Ups (supported) 15 2 3 Do them regularly if you can, or assisted if you can’t Concentrated Bicep Curls 12 2 3 - Rope Tricep Pull Downs 15 2 3 - DAY 6 : REST DAY DAY 7 : REST DAY What after these 2 weeks? After this your body should be getting used to weight training again. You can now start The Glute Journey or pick up more or less where you left off. We advise repeating the phase of TGJ you were on before lockdown. ¤102 ¤85 for 6 months of quality training, that’s ¤14/month! Join the journey FAT LOSS: Say no to yo-yo Click here to learn more FOR MUSCLE GAIN: We have a guide on how to build muscle/ gain weight on the way! It’s called “Let’s gain” Soon to be released on We hope this helps! Enjoy being back in the gym with lots of love form us at Livin’Toned Toni & loewi