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Beowulf Part I Reading Assignment

ENG 205 Beowulf Part I Reading Assignment
1. Describe King Shield and his fame. How were he and his son Beow regarded by the Danes? (pp. 4243).
- King Shield was the king of the Danes, and he was known for taking control of all of the
surrounding civilizations and making them pay tribute to the Danes. King Shield and his son
Beow were well respected by the Danes, the Danes were very loyal to them. When Shield was
put away, the passage states that, “they decked his body no less bountifully”, which meant they
had many generous offerings and treasures to him when he passed away.
2. How did the grandson, the Halfdane, exceed his fathers before him? What great project did his son
Hrothgar complete?
- Halfdane exceeded his fathers before him because he was four times a father. Hrothgar
completed a great project called Heorot.
3. Who is the powerful demon who attacks Heorot? Who is he a descendant of? For how many years
does he terrorize Heorot? (pp. 44-45)
- The demon who attacked Heorot was named Grendel. Grendel is a descendant of “Cain’s clan”.
Grendel terrorized Heorot for 12 years.
4. In what way is Grendel a law breaker? (p. 46)
- Grendel had vicious raids and ravages and he would never stop killing or pay the death price for
slaying people.
5. Who sets out from Geatland with the purpose of coming to Denmark to confront the monster
Grendel? Describe him.
- Hyeglac’s thane, Beowulf, comes with the purpose of confronting Grendel. He is described as
“the mightiest man on earth, highborn and powerful.”
6. Do the Shieldings greet him favorably? (p. 47) What does the leader-visitor propose? (p. 48)
- The shieldings demand to know why Beowulf has come. The leader-visitor proposes to show
Hrothgar how to defeat his enemy and find respite.
7. What is the name of this mighty leader? What is he known for? (p. 49)
- Beowulf is the name of the mighty leader. He is well known for his wisdom and the temper of
his mind.
8. Does Hrothgar know this mighty man? What does he promise him? (p. 50)
- Hrothgar knew Beowulf when he was a young boy. He promised him a “rich treasure” if he
defeated Grendel.
9. How does Beowulf plan to fight Grendel? What is his strategy to defeat him? (p. 51)
- Beowulf plans to fight Grendel in a single combat. His strategy to defeat him
10. In what way does Beowulf owe Hrothgar his services? Is there a debt he owes? (p. 52)
- Hrothgar sent treasure to the Wulfings to mend the feud, and Beowulf father pledged his
allegiance to Hrothgar. Hrothgar accepts Beowulf’s offer to fight Grendel.
11. Who is Unferth? Of what does he accuse Beowulf? (p. 53)
- Unferth is the son of Ecglaf and he accused Beowulf of losing a battle against Breca.
12. How does Beowulf refute Unferth’s accusation? (p. 53-54) What great deed did Beowulf
accomplish, according to his refutation? Of what is Unferth guilty? (p. 54)
- Beowulf accuses Unferth of being drunk. He says that he defeated a sea monster while he was in
the water. Unferth is guilty of killing his own “kith and kin”
13. What purpose and what boast does Beowulf make before the queen? (p. 55)
- Beowulf’s boast reassures the people of Heorot that they will be safe and boost their morale. He
boasts about who he is and who his people are to prove he is a great warrier.
14. What happens when Grendel first comes to the mead-hall of the slumbering men of Hrothgar? (p.
- Grendel arrives at meadhall and coldheartedly ravages the human community.
15. What happens when Grendel encounters Beowulf, who is lying in his bed? (p. 58)
- Grendel wants to flee in his den and hide.
16. Why are weaponry, metal, and steel no match for Grendel? (p. 59)
- Grendel is protected by a charm against metals.
17. What is Beowulf able to take from Grendel? (p. 59) What happens to Grendel? (p. 60)
- Beowulf rips Grendel’s arm out of its socket. Grendel then goes to his marsh-den where he later
18. Whom does Hrothgar thank first for his victory? (p. 61) What does he promise Beowulf? (p. 62)
- Hrothgar thanks the “Almighty father” for Beowulf’s win over Grendel. He promises Beowulf
lavish rewards and tells him that he will never have to want for anything.
19. What does Unferth see that silences him? (pp. 62-63)
- Unferth is silenced when he sees Grendel’s hand and arm on display as a trophy.
20. What does Hrothgar present to Beowulf as his victory gift? (pp. 63-64)
- Hrothgar presents Beowulf with gold, and embroidered banner, breast-mail, a helmet, a sword,
and eight of his finest horses. He also rewards Beowulf’s men.
21. The speaker credits whom for sparing the Danish men from further atrocities under Grendel? (p.
- The speaker credits the Jutes.
22. What further gift and honor is bestowed upon Beowulf? (p. 69)
- A golden torque, two arm bangles, and a mail-shirt and rings.
23. What new menace attacks the mead-hall? Who is killed? Where was Beowulf? (pp. 70-71)
- Grendel’s mother comes to attack mead-hall. One of Hrothgar’s trusted advisor was killed.
Beowulf was in a different sleeping quarters.
24. Who are the “fatherless creatures” described on p. 72? Where do they dwell? (p.72)
- Grendel and his mother are the “fatherless creatures” that “dwell apart among wolves on the
25. What task does Hrothgar assign Beowulf? What would be his prize? (p. 73)
- Hrothgar asks Beowulf to defeat Grendel’s mother and he promises him gold if he comes back.