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Student's Role During COVID-19: Helping the Community

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) tremendously impacted the community in terms of
economy, social life, including education causing a worldwide phenomenon, the pandemic. The
pandemic severely affected the lives of citizens globally. Its consequences limited our daily
activities to minimize human contact. Citizens are encouraged to stay at their home, while
doctors, nurses, and other health professionals are struggling in helping those who are unwell.
With this, every resident in the community are expected to provide help in order to fully
eradicate this problem in our society. Every individual pertain a role in the nation to come up
with solutions to the obstacles we are currently facing. As a student, what is my role and how
can I help the community considering the challenges amidst the pandemic?
Developing ways on how you can help the community as a current student is limited
considering the limited resources as well as capabilities a student has. A student mainly has
responsibilities over their studies and academics together with their responsibilities at home.
Despite these limitations, there are still ways in deriving simple actions to help the community.
The health government provided health guidelines and protocols concerning to the preventive
measures of the virus. This is considered as the simplest order a citizen must follow. I including
my family, must always follow health protocols such as wearing of face masks when outside,
maintaining social distancing with other individuals, and staying at home as much as possible.
Vaccination is essentially important to protect oneself from the disease. I can encourage
everyone I know to be vaccinated and be protected. With this, it can help reduce further risk of
transmissions. Following the government will let you be able to protect yourself and being safe
constantly. It is also of utmost importance to be wary of the health of everyone surrounding
you, including your neighbors especially the elders. Examining their current situation and
healthcare is essential since elders are more prone in acquiring sickness. Being aware of your
neighborhood's health will also let you be more alert of the happenings around you.
Economically speaking, local businesses are not going well. Numerous companies and
business are forced to close due to the struggle of income. The loss of jobs of workers and
employees resulted to unemployment. According to a labor report of the International Labor
Organization (ILO), around 10.9 million Filipino workers lost their jobs. The termination of
contracts of these individuals resulted to them starting small businesses for the sake of their
family's expenses. As a student, showing support to their business is of great help. Purchasing
from their shops and business such as food, beverages, items, and services will boost their
current condition. Moreover, this will also help achieve economic growth in the country.
Additionally, I can also help them in promoting their business. Encouraging my friends and
acquaintances to buy from their business will improve their condition.
Without compromising the health of the students, teaching and non-teaching staff,
other modes of learning were implemented. The shift of learning through face-to-face classes
towards modular and online learning resulted to the negligence of traditional learning, and
introduction to modern education. Coping with a new mode of learning is challenging as
supposed to adopting a different way of learning. Modular learning uses SIPacks or known as
Self-Instruction Packets as an instrument of learning while in online learning, the use of
technology such as laptops, computers, and cellphones is insisted. According to UNESCO 2020,
more than twenty-eight (28) millions of students are affected by the pandemic. Based on the
survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd), over 6.9 million students have
insufficient means for online learning such as lack of gadgets and instability of mobile and
internet connections. Outcome of these include students to work during this time of pandemic
to maintain their studies and sustain their daily needs. This may cause the inability to comply
with online learning, making some students to work or find a job to be able to adapt with a new
mode of learning. These show that students are eager to learn and embrace a different
modality of learning however, not all are capable of achieving modern education. These also
show that students divide their time in studying and in working and may result to negative
effects. Those who possess an identical situation of these students same to my classmates, I can
assist them by providing teachings to lessons they do not understand. I can also help them by
answering their queries and questions they have in the lesson or in the school's
announcements. Other than that, I may also be able to help them in matters of schedules and
conflicts. I can check their current condition and welfare to support their mental health.
Speaking of mental health, I also believe that my welfare is of great importance as well.
Isolation is terrifying as it brings negative effects to us. Research shows that the negative effects
social isolation gives are namely loneliness, stress, anxiety, anger, and nervousness. A study
entitled “Psychological Consequences of Social Isolation During COVID-19 Outbreak” written by
Pietrabissa and Simpson and published last September 2020 presented the mental health
consequences brought by isolating. Indicated in the study are the risks of depression especially
to those who are more socially vulnerable. Checking on ourselves from time to time is crucially
required at the present moment. I must be able to cope up with anxiety and stress to take care
of my mental health. To a greater extent, I can take care of myself by observing my own wellbeing along with my comfort and happiness. Exploring my own interests, hobbies, and my skills
can help promote personal growth. Thus, it can also help achieve my continuous battle towards
reaching my aspirations and dreams in life. Being concern to my loved ones is also a must. Every
now and then I can check their welfare and well-being. I can be more welcoming to the
thoughts they have and be more open in listening.
Coming across with volunteering opportunities are possible as well. Regardless of the
problem faced, volunteer help is available and needed. These include the donation and
distribution of canned goods, bottled water, and other necessities. I can help by donating extra
goods and supplies to organizations. I can also help by volunteer work safely in the organization
itself and provide support. Volunteering must be done safely and I must maintain practicing
safety protocols and keeping myself on being healthy. I can also spread news and information
on how to donate and contribute help. I can provide contact details of different organizations
to request help from other citizens. This can also be accomplished by using social media.
Social media became a platform for disseminating information. As of now, there are
4.62 billion numbers of users of social media. This medium is often utilized in browsing current
issues online which can be also utilized in promoting health regulations as well as alarming
individuals to current news. I, as a technology user, can use this social platform to communicate
with the internet community regarding the current situation we are facing. I can also share the
safety protocols and orders of health sectors such as World Health Organization (WHO) and
Department of Health (DOH). Circulation of fake news is also encountered in social media.
Several articles are proven untrue however citizens may potentially be confused and be
unclear. I will make sure to spread news from credible sources to avoid misunderstandings and
disinformation. Furthermore, I can continue on communicating with my family, friends, and
loved ones with our current condition to notify them. Being updated is necessary to this date to
be well connected to announcements and reports.
Pandemic has adversely affected billions of people and brought us negative effects.
Nevertheless the pandemic has brought all of us together to fight this obstacle. All throughout
the years of my existence, I would never have thought to experience something like this. This
tragedy is truly agonizing. But this can all be solved by fulfilling what we are capable of doing.
The little assistance we can provide at this time is appreciated by each and every one.
Recognizing the efforts of those who are dreadfully battling in this difficulty will help them gain
faith and hope. The biggest help I can offer is by continue doing these until the world can fully
recover. Influencing my peers is an essential key in gradually healing the world. As we, students,
continue on overcoming these challenges in life, we slowly move towards becoming a stronger
individual. From simple to more complex efforts, step by step we can move closer in regaining
the normal life we had before. Nevertheless, this battle is not yet finished. I hope the help I can
contribute will bloom into a greater outcome. Likewise, I hope my peers can also come up with
ways to give aid to those who are in need.