Stakeholders: Government NGOs Local community Coca cola Farmers landlords Coca cola plant in kaladera in rajistan Lack of water Overexploited But they still planted Some companies were against of them (NGOs) They should Take care of human rights NGOs protested then in 2004 company got shutdown Farmers faced difficulties Water crisis: Food and culture organization of UN . In US per capita 9943 cubic meters In india 1614 cubic meters 9 meter water was below earlier and now 36 meters Women also suffer because of death of buffalo Causes of water crisis: No rainfall, but its not actual reason 1. 2. 3. 4. Population growth Income and life style Urbanization (10%-15% per decade) Dig well for agriculture purpose 5. Farmers using electric pumps because it is consuming more water 6. Farmers have free electricity (leave the pumps on) Lack of regulation: No policy for landlords, no matter what the purpose is Rajistan govt came up with policy, separate for irrigation, power gen, drinking, industrial. 95.06 farmers 0.61 industries 4.33 domestic use. Coca Cola plant Location: Why opened plant asked by NGOs Reply: excutives of coca cola said that they had got permission from govt TERI Report: This report gave solution to company: Four alternatives: 1. 2. 3. 4. Transport water from somewhere else where there is more water. Store water Close the coca cola company Shift the plant Company rejected all of these.