SCHIZOPHRENIA The main cause of schizophrenia is b it is thought to be caused genetics by an excess of Dopamine NHz SIGNS to SYMPTOMS p HO 1 positive symptoms psychotic on 2 Negativesymptoms Negative state Hallucinations Wtf Mor FLATAFFECT visual toy L Delusions auditorynoise'll crandiose maybelieve they are all powerful tell how accomplishedtheyare persecutory feelssingled out for harm by others such as beinghunteddown by the FBI referential believerandom occurrences directlyrelate tothem Eino'atienatisbelissiengthmaetaothers 3 Cognitivesymptoms problems in thinking disordered thinkin inability to make decisions Poor Problem solving a difficultyconcentrating short term memorydeficits impairedabstractthinking talking about him Thought disturbance Neologisms Loose association unconscious inabilits to focus on nought mayprogresstoflightofideas Echolalia repitition attempt to identify with who is speaking worthIggy schizophrenia causes disturbances in thoughtprocessess perception and affect normally appears in late teens to early adulthood severe deterioration of social and occupational functioning schizophrenia has varying degrees CTIVE PSYCHOTIC PHASE OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Psychotic symptomsprominent Delusions toHallucinations Disorganizedspeech b behaviors This is why people w schizophrenia a RESIDUALPHASE positive symptoms go away negativesymptomsremain Flat affect Do not return to full functioning get hospitalized OUTCOMES OFTREATMENT recognizes distortions of reality perceives self realistically no harm to self or others TREATMENTOFACUTE SX meant to stabilize them grouptherapy is in affective individualized therapy medications to control Sx FAMILYtherapy may experience grief PHARMACOLOGY FIRST GENTYPICALS Halodot good for positivesymptoms HIGH risk for side effects might see cogentin Benadryl PRN for treatment of EPS WHAT IS EPS EXTRA PYRAMIDALSYMPTOMS these most commonly include Dystonia contractions of the neck face b tongue BENADRYL COGENTIN seudoparkinsonism characterized bybradykinesia rigidityshuffling gait droolingtotremors can be treated with antiparkinsonianssuch as Benz tropine