DIGITAL. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS THOMAS A. DEMASSA ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY ZACK CICCONE VLSI TECHNOLOGY INC. JOHN WILEY & SONS New York • Chichester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore Acquisitions Editor Steven M. Elliot Marketing Manager Debra Riegert Designer Laura Nicholls Manufacturing Manager Mark Cirillo Production Service University Graphics Production Services Cover Photo: Fuzzy Logic Chip/Courtesy VLSI Technology, Inc. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is a policy of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. to have books of enduring value published in the United States printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. The paper on this book was manufactured by a mill whose forest management programs include sustained yield harvesting of its timberlands. Sustained yield harvesting principles ensure that the number of trees cut each year does not exceed the amount of new growth. Copyright © 1996, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Libran; of Congress Cataloging in P11blication Data DeMassa, Thomas A Digital integrated circuits/ Thomas A. DcMassa, Zack Ciccone. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-471-10805-7 (cloth: alk. paper) 1. Digital integrated circuits. I. Ciccone, Zack. II. Title. TK7874.65.D38 1996 95-312 621.3815-dc20 CIP 10 9 S 7 6 5 To my patient and loving wife, Joann; To Kari, Tom and Dcbb, Andrea, as well as Mary and Karen -with particular thanks to my mom and dad for their lifelong support Tha111as A OcMassn To the memory of Louise Ciccone and David E. Duick Zack Jahn Ciccone BACKGROUND GOALS Digital Integrated Circuits is intended as a textbook suitable for electrical engineering students as well as electronic technology students. This text has been used in note form for a senior/first-year graduatelevel electrical engineering course and an upper-level electronic technology course with excellent results. It can also serve as a self-teaching tool for practicing circuit designers in the IC development profession or as a reference for engineers in industry that need familiarization with the operation and design of various digital integrated circuits. The text, written in a clear and concise manner, provides maximum coverage of the material and requires a minimum of instructor support. This is achieved by providing complete, qualitative descriptions of circuit operation followed by indepth analysis and SPICE simulations whenever appropriate. There are numerous example problems throughout the text, and solutions have been provided. These problems enhance the text material and provide an additional learning tool for the reader. Both static and transient operation are considered in detail. The text provides the most extensive coverage of digital integrated circuit principles available in a single resource. The circuit families described in detail are: transistor-transistor logic (TTL, STTL, and ASTTL), emitter-coupled logic (ECL), NMOS logic, CMOS logic, dynamic CMOS, BiCMOS structures, and various GASFET technologies. In addition to presentations of the basic inverter circuits for each digital logic family, complete details of other logic circuits for these families are presented. The logic circuits include NAND, AND, NOR, OR, XOR, XNOR, complex logic functions such as AOI and OAI, as well as latches, flip-flops, memory elements, and Schmitt trigger gates. A manual is provided with the book which contains the solutions to the end-of-chapter problems, and a detailed outline for a general course study of 15 weeks. We had definite goals in mind as we were preparing this manuscript for publication. Some of those goals were: V 1. To offer extensive knowledge and a broad background base for the operation and design of digital integrated circuits by furnishing easy-toread descriptions and including numerous examples 2. To describe the details of the internal operation and use of digital integrated circuits 3. To emphasize CMOS digital logic, since this circuit family has become the most extensively used 4. To provide extensive and detailed descriptions of the operation and design of gallium arsenide digital-logic families 5. To present a thorough description of the operation of various logic gates from each family, not just the inverters. Entire chapters are dedicated to the following: a. TTL design of AND, NOR, OR, complex AOI and OAI, Schmitt trigger, and tri-state gates b. ECL design of AND and NAND (not just OR and NOR) gates using collector dotting and series gating methods c. CMOS and NMOS design of NAND, NOR, complex AOI and OAI, XOR, XNOR, tristate, Schmitt trigger, as well as dynamic CMOS gates 6. To explain the DC behavior, as well as the transient behavior of digital integrated circuits 7. To compare SPICE modeling for each of the digital logic families with theoretical circuit analysis 8. To demonstrate the operation and design of latches, memory circuits, and BiCMOS gates VI Preface IMPROVEMENTS ON THE COMPETITION In writing this text, extremely important topics have been addressed without skipping steps. There are over 200 clearly written examples that have been worked out. Furthermore, learning is promoted by the fact that the order of each family has been done in a similar fashion. Additionally, a new technique of Kirchoff's Voltage law (KVLt shown along a dashed path in a complex circuit figure, allows the reader to rnaximize ltis understanding of this new approach. A great deal of the material contained in the STTL, ECL, NMOS, CMOS, and gallium arsenide digital integrated circuit chapters is not available in any other textbook. Chapter 1 introduces the basic properties and definitions of digital integrated circuits and the five basic combinational logic operations for digital electronic circuits (NOT, AND, OK NAND, and NOR). Chapter 2 describes the behavior of semiconductor PN junction diodes and metal-semiconductor MN Schottky diodes. These two-terminal devices are used in digital logic circuits to perform logic operations, provide DC voltage level shifting, as well as to operate as variable capacitors and clamping diodes at logic circuit inputs and outputs. The diode SPICE model also is completely detailed. Chapter 3 indicates basic methods used to fabricate bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) in digital logic families. Also, the BJT modes of operation and the BJT models, Ebers-Moll, Gummel-Poon, and SPICE are described. Chapters 4-15 deal with bipolar digital integrated circuits. The resistor-transistor logic (RTL) family is described in Chapters 4 and 5. This family was the first logic family to be commercially available. RTL has very poor power-speed performance, due primarily to the use of resistors. To improve RTL circuits, diode-transistor logic (DTL) was introduced based on the design of preexisting circuits. Basic and modified DTL circuits are described in Chapter 6. As the name implies, circuits of the DTL logic family use diodes and transistors in their design. However, because this family uses a resistor as the passive pullup element DTL circuits provide poor pull-up speeds. In 1965, the transistor-transistor logic (TTL) family was introduced. This name implies that the usage of diodes in DTL was replaced with transistors in TfL. Basic TTL circuits are described in Chapter 7. The resulting TTL circuits provided increased fanout, improved transient response, and a reduction in chip area. The main improvement in TTL design over DTL was the inclusion of an active pull-up subcircuit. This resulted in faster charging of the equivalent output capacitance which improves the output rise time. Standard TTL circuits, however, continue to have the disadvantage of long propagation delay time because these circuits provide operation in the saturation mode. This can be avoided when Schottky transistors are used in place of ordinary bipolar transistors. In 1970, Schottky transistor-transistor logic (STTL) was introduced. The major advantage of using STTL circuits was a much-improved delay time because the Schottky-clamped BJTs can not operate in the saturation mode. Hence, the switching speed was improved and the time delays shortened. In 1985, advanced Schottky TTL (ASTTL) was introduced. These circuits were made possible in part by improving BJT fabrication techniques. Ion implantation, 3 µ minimum size, and oxide isolation were major improvements that reduced the ASTTL propagation delays, while maintaining the typical power dissipation. Schottky TTL circuits are described in Chapters 8-10. Another important bipolar digital logic family is emitter-coupled logic (ECL). ECL circuits are described in Chapters 11-15. The BJTs in ECL circuits operate only in the forward-active and cutoff regions. Therefore, the major improvements of ECL circuits are the faster switching time and larger fan-out. Moreover, ECL has a smaller logic swing than TTL. This small logic swing combined with the use of emitter-coupled pairs eliminate current spikes and result in a lower susceptibility to noise. However, the improved performance is achieved at the expense of much higher power dissipation among all of the logic families. In Chapter 16, silicon MOS transistors are introduced. This chapter contains the semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) including geometry, modes of operations, parameters, and the SPICE MOSFET model. In Chapters 18-22, NMOS digital circuits are described. The NMOS digital logic families detailed are: The resistor loaded NMOS, the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS, the linear enhancementonly-loaded NMOS, and the enhancement-deple- Preface tion loaded NMOS. The basic NMOS circuits can be augmented to perform all of the combinational logic functions. These circuits are presented in Chapter 22. Chapter 23 introduces the important features of complementary MOS (CMOS) inverters, including modes of operation, power dissipation, fan-out, and latch-up. Currently, CMOS is the most widely used digital circuit technology and this family is emphasized throughout this text. CMOS logic families have the lowest power dissipation and the highest packing density of all logic families. In Chapters 24-27, the various combinational CMOS digital logic circuits are presented. CMOS tristate gates are discussed as well as a presentation of output contention. CMOS Schmitt trigger circuits exhibiting output hysteresis are implemented using source-follower feedback MOSFETs. The hysteresis is the result of the output feedback to intermediate points of stacked NMOS and PMOS transistors. Gates with such an output hysteresis have a high noise immunity and are useful for noisy inputs, non rail-to-rail inputs, and slow inputs. Chapter 28 deals with additional forms of CMOS logic referred to as dynamic CMOS logic; pseudo NMOS logic, dynamic CMOS logic, and CMOS domino logic. Chapter 29 compares digital logic families. These include the various silicon integrated circuits families (both bipolar and MOS) as well as the high speed gallium arsenide logic families. Chapter 30 describes circuits referred to as BiCMOS. This is an advanced technology digital in- VU tegrated circuit family that consists of both bipolar as well as CMOS transistor structures on the same chip. Such BiCMOS circuits provide the advantages of bipolar and CMOS technologies. Chapter 31 contains a detailed description of both latches and flip-flops. These are the memory elements in the digital integrated circuit area. Edgetriggered and tri-statc gates are also described. In Chapters 32 and 33, semiconductor memory circuits are provided. Chapter 32 includes the readonly memories (ROMs) and Chapter 33 describes static random access memories (RAMs). Diode, transistor, NMOS, and CMOS memories are described in detail. Chapter 34 provides details of the metal-semiconductor FET called the MESFET. A model is developed for these devices that leads to the SPICE NMESFET model. Chapters 35-37 detail the important gallium arsenide digital logic circuits. The important families described are: (1) the direct-coupled NMESFET logic (DCFL) family, (2) the Schottky diode NMESFET logic (SDFL) family, and (3) the buffered NMESFET logic (BFL) family. Finally, Chapters 38 and 39 provide descriptions of various other gallium arsenide digital logic families. Chapter 39 also includes various gates such as DCFL OR gates, BFL NOR gates, and a DCFL XOR gate. Additionally, transmission gates and RAM memory elements are discussed in Chapter 39. Thomas A. DeMassa Zack Ciccone ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the many colleagues and students who suggested corrections and changes to the original manuscript. In addition, thanks are extended to Manda J. Turley Linda Rawles Marney Thompson Sherrie Benton Jennifer Yee Jeff Miles Beth J. Quang Steve J. Macia Victor Tiginini Ron Roedel Ginny Reggiani Deborah Thornber Douglas Cochran Chris Springfield Chris J. Ciccone Tom J. Ciccone Richard J. Huebner Wendell Wells Debra DeMassa Edward Gyeki Suzanne Azzarella Shankar Chandrashekaran Hiram Upadhyay Joseph Perez Bhaskar Aravind Mathew Joseph Sharada Yeluri Peter J. Young Mindy J. McCormick Brian G. Kirkland Shannon Bushard Rakesh Cheerla Denise J. Marques Tim Beatty Carl Liepold Melanie J. Nemetz Dawn J. Johnson Dena J. Douglas John Crum Marc Buer Edie J. Eiker Val J. Lipton Jim J. Corbett Chuck J. Day Allen Sulliven The authors would also like to thank the following reviewers for their comments and suggestions: Arthur D. van Rheenen University of Minnesota Richard B. Brown University of Michigan Krzyszof Iniewski University of Toronto Edward Maby Rensselaer Polytechnicd Institute Walter Varhue University of Vermont Darrell L. Vines Texas Tech University Special thanks are extended to Steven J. Nemetz. ix CONTENT 1 PROPERTIES AND DEFINITIONS OF DIGITAL ICS 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1. 7 1.8 1.9 Inverting and Non-Inverting Gates 1 Ideal Logic Elements 2 Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic Logic Swing and Transition Width 6 Noise in Digital Circuits 6 Fan-In and Fan-Out 7 Transient Characteristics 8 Power Dissipation 10 Power-Delay Product 11 2 DIODES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 PN Junction and MN Schottky Diodes 15 Diode Modelling 15 Diode Capacitance 18 SPICE Diode Model 18 Diode- Resistor Logic 19 Level-Shifted Diode-Resistor Logic 21 Clamping Diodes 23 Level-Shifting Diodes 24 3 BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS 5 15 27 Junction Isolated NPN BJT 27 Oxide Isolated NPN BJT 27 3.3 Multi-Emitter BJT 27 3.4 Schottky-Clamped BJT 28 3.5 Lateral PNP BJTs 31 3.6 The Ebers-Moll BJT Model 31 3.7 BJT Modes of Operation 32 3.8 The Gummel-Poon BJT Model 35 3.9 SPICE BJT Model 37 3.10 Integrated Circuit Resistors 39 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 INTRODUCTION TO BIPOLAR DIGITAL CIRCUITS Analysis of BJT Circuits with Known States 42 BJT Inverter 45 TTL Super-Circuitry 46 Level-Shifting BJTs 48 4.6 4.7 4 3.1 4 4.5 RESISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC (RTL) 56 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Basic RTL Inverter 56 Basic RTL NOR Gate 56 Basic RTL NAND Gate 57 RTL Fan-Out 59 RTL Power Dissipation 62 Basic RTL Non-Inverter 62 Basic RTL OR and AND Gates 64 RTL with Active Pull-Up 64 RTL SPICE Simulation 67 Direct Coupled Transistor Logic and Current Hogging 68 6 DIODE-TRANSISTOR LOGIC (DTL) 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Basic DTL Inverter 72 Modified DTL 73 Transistor Modified DTL 74 DTL NAND Gate 75 DTL Fan-Out 75 DTL Power Dissipation 78 DTL SPICE Simulation 80 7 TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC (TTL) 7.1 7.2 7.3 42 Discharge Paths and Base Driving Circuitry 48 Self-Biasing BJTs 49 Power Dissipation of Bipolar Logic Circuits 50 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 72 83 Basic TTL Inverter 83 Comparison of Stored-Charge Removal from DTL and TTL 84 Basic TTL NAND Gate and the MultipleEmitter BJT 85 Standard TTL NAND Gate with Totem Pole Output 85 Standard TTL Voltage Transfer Characteristic 87 TTL Fan-Out 89 TTL Power Dissipation 91 xii Table of Contents 7.8 Open -Collector TI"'L 91 7. 9 Low Power TTL (L TTL) 92 7.10 High Speed TTL (HTTL) 92 7.11 TfL SPICE Simulation 93 8 SCHOTTKY TRANSISTORTRANSISTOR LOGIC (STTL) 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Schottky-Barrier Diodes 98 Schottky-Clamped BJTs 98 Schottky-Clamped TTL (STTL) 101 STIL Fan-Out 104 STTL Power Dissipation 104 Low-Power STTL (LSTTL) 107 STTL SPICE Simulation 110 9 ADVANCED SCHOTTKY TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC (ASTTL) 9.1 9.2 9.3 98 12 TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING EMITTERCOUPLED LOGIC 12.1 12.5 12.6 12.7 MECL II with Temperature Compensating Bias Network 171 DC Analysis of the Bias Network 173 The Need For Temperature Compensation 174 Bias Network Compensation for Temperature Variation 176 Fan-Out of MECL II 177 Power Dissipation of MECL II 177 MECL II SPICE Simulation 179 13 MECL III and ECL 10K 12.2 12.3 12.4 115 Advanced LSTTL (ALSTTL) 115 Fairchild Advanced Schottky TTL (FAST) 118 Advanced Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (ASTTL) 121 13.1 MECL III 182 13.2 MECL III Voltage Transfer Characteristic 183 13.3 MECL III Fan-Out 185 13.4 MECL III Power Dissipation 187 13.5 ECL 10K Series 189 13.6 ECL 10K Series SPICE Simulation 14 10 OTHER TTL GATES 124 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 TTL AND Gates 124 TTL NOR Gates 129 TTL OR Gates 131 TTL AND-OR-Invert (AOI) Gates 133 TTL XOR Gates 137 TTL Schmitt Trigger Inverters and NAND Gates 140 10.7 TTL Tri-State Buffers 144 11 BASIC EMITTER-COUPLED LOGIC (ECL) 11.1 BJT Current Switch 155 11.2 ECL Current Switch Voltage Transfer Characteristic 156 11.3 ECL Super-Circuitry 158 11.4 Basic ECL NOR/OR Gate 159 11.5 MECL I NOR/OR Gate with Output Buffers 161 11.6 MECL I Voltage Transfer Characteristic 11.7 MECL I Fan-Out 163 11.8 MECL I Power Dissipation 165 11.9 MECL I SPICE Simulation 167 1n 182 189 MODERN EMITTER-COUPLED LOGIC 194 14.1 100K ECL Subfamily 194 14.2 DC Analysis of the 100K ECL Bias Network 196 14.3 Bias Network Compensation for Temperature Variation 198 14.4 Power Dissipation of 100K ECL Subfamily 199 14.5 Other ECL Families 199 155 15 OTHER ECL GATES 15.1 Use of NOR/OR Gates as AND/NAND Gates with Inverted Inputs 201 Collector Dotting Wired-AND Gates 202 Collector Dotting Complex OR-AND Logic Gates 206 Series Gating-Basic ECL NANO/AND Current Switch 208 Series Gating NANO/AND Gate 211 Series Gating Complex OR-AND Gates 215 ECL XOR/XNOR Gates 216 ECL Decoding Tree 219 15.2 15.3 15.4 162 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 201 Table of Contents 16 METAL OXIDE SEMICONDUCTOR FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS 19.2 221 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16. 7 16.8 16.9 16.10 Metal Gate N-Channel MOSFETs 221 Silicon Gate N-Channel MOSFETs 221 MOSFET Modes of Operation 221 MOSFET Transconductance Parameter 225 MOSFET Threshold Voltage 226 P-Channel MOSFET 227 MOSFET Capacitances 227 SPICE MOSFET Model 228 CMOS Devices 230 Integrated Circuit Capacitors 232 17 INTRODUCTION TO MOS DIGITAL CIRCUITS RESISTOR LOADED NMOS INVERTER Graphical Determination of Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter VTC 263 19.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 264 19.4 Body Bias Considerations for Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 266 19.5 Power Dissipation of Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS 270 19.6 Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS SPICE Simulation 271 20 234 17.1 General NMOS Inverter 234 17.2 The Zero Drain Current Active MOSFET 234 17.3 Graphical Solution of the NMOS Inverter 237 17.4 Partial Differentials 239 17.5 Analytical Solution of the NMOS Inverter 240 17.6 Power Dissipation 240 17.7 MOSFan-Out 240 18 xiii LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER 274 20.1 244 18.1 Operation of Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 244 18.2 Graphical Determination of VTC for Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 245 18.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 247 18.4 Power Dissipation of Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 250 18.5 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Dynamic Response 252 18.6 Resistor Loaded NMOS SPICE Simulation 258 19 SATURATED ENHANCEMENTONLY LOADED NMOS 261 INVERTER 19.1 Operation of Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 261 Operation of Linear Enhancemnet-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 274 20.2 Graphical Determination of Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter VTC 276 20.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 277 20.4 Body Bias Consideration for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 281 20.5 Power Dissipation of Linear EnhancementOnly Loaded NMOS 284 20.6 Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS SPICE Simulation 285 21 21.1 ENHANCEMENT-DEPLETION LOADED NMOS INVERTER 288 Operation of Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter 288 21.2 Graphical Determination of EnhancementDepletion NMOS Inverter VTC 289 21.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter 290 21.4 Body Bias Considerations for EnhancementDepletion Loaded NMOS Inverter 294 21.5 Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Power Dissipation 297 21.6 Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS SPICE Simulation 298 XIV Table of Contents 22 NMOS GATES 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 NMOS NMOS NMOS NMOS OAls) NMOS NMOS NMOS 23 CMOS INVERTER 23.1 Operation of Complementary MOS (CMOS) Inverter 336 Power Dissipation of CMOS 338 Graphical Determination of CMOS Inverter VTC 339 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for CMOS Inverter 340 The Symmetric CMOS Inverter 343 The Minimum Size CMOS Inverter 345 CMOS Inverter Capacitances 346 CMOS Inverter Dynamic Response 349 CMOS Fan-Out 358 CMOS Inverter SPICE Simulation 361 Design of CMOS Inverters 364 CMOS Latch-Up 367 Electro-Static Discharge and Input Clamping Sections 369 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 23.10 23.11 23.12 23.13 24 24.1 CMOS COMBINATIONAL LOGIC GATES 24.6 CMOS Inverter Pull-Up and Pull-Down Review 373 CMOS NANO Cate 374 CMOS NOR Gate 379 CMOS AND and OR Gates 384 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AOis and OAis) 384 CMOS XOR/XNOR Gates 399 25 CMOS TRI-STATE GATES 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.1 301 NOR Gate 303 NANO Gate 305 OR and AND Gates 308 Complex Logic Gates (AOis and 308 XNOR/XOR Logic Gates 313 Schmitt Triggers 316 Transmission Gates 323 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 25.10 336 373 26 CMOS SCHMITT TRIGGER GATES 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.7 Hysteresis 437 CMOS Schmitt Inverter 439 Operation and Voltage Transfer Characteristic of the CMOS Schmitt Inverter 441 Design of CMOS Schmitt Inverter 444 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output 446 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Feedback 447 CMOS Schmitt NANO Gates 451 27 CMOS DRIVERS 27.1 Cascaded CMOS Inverters Driving a Load Capacitance 454 CMOS Multi-Stage Inverter Drivers 457 CMOS Tri-State Pin Drivers (Pad Drivers) 461 Pad Driver with Break-Before-Make Embodiment 463 26.4 26.5 26.6 27.2 27.3 27.4 411 CMOS Logic Gates with High Impedance Z-States 411 25.2 CMOS Logic Gates with Contention X-States 414 25.3 CMOS Tri-State (Clocked) Inverters 417 25.4 Application of Tri-State Inverters 419 25.5 Integrated Circuit BUSes Utilizing Tri-State Inverters 422 Ordering of Stack Transistors in Tri-State Inverters 422 Tri-State Logic of Multi-Input Logic Functions 422 CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gate (Switch) 426 Application of CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gates 431 Disadvantages of CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gates (Non-Fnult Gmdnbility) 432 28 DYNAMIC CMOS 28.1 28.2 Pseudo-NMOS Logic 467 CMOS Precharging and Discharging of a Load Capacitance 467 Dynamic CMOS Logic 469 CMOS Domino Logic 4 71 283. 28.4 29 29.1 COMPARISON AND INTERFACING OF LOGIC FAMILIES Comparison of Silicon IC Logic Families 477 437 453 467 477 Table of Contents 33 29.3 Comparison with Gallium Arsenide Digital Logic Families 478 Interfacing Logic Families 478 30 BiCMOS 33.1 29.2 486 30.1 Reason for BiCMOS 486 30.2 BiCMOS Devices 486 30.3 BiCMOS Inverters with Resistive Shunts 488 30.4 BiCMOS Inverters with Active Shunts 488 30.5 BiCMOS Inverters with Parallel Output CMOS Inverter 488 30.6 BiCMOS NAND Gates with Resistive Shunts 490 30.7 BiCMOS NAND Gates with Active Shunts 491 30.8 BiCMOS Drivers 492 30.9 Full Swing Methods 494 31 LATCHES AND FLIP-FLOPS 31.1 Basic Definitions for Sequential Logic Gates 498 Cross Coupled Inverters 501 Reset-Set (RS) Latch 504 Gated RS Latches 511 Gated RS Latches with Asynchronous Clear and Preset 513 Edge-Triggered Master-Slave RS FlipFlops 515 JK Latch 526 Edge-Triggered Master-Slave JK Flip-Flops 0KFF) 528 Basic Data (D) Latch 534 Gated Data (D) Latch 536 Tri-State Embodied Gated Data (D) Latches 540 Edge-Triggered Master-Slave D Flip-Flops 543 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 31.8 31.9 31.10 31.11 31.12 32 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.7 498 SEMICONDUCTOR READ-ONLY MEMORIES 556 Diode Read-Only Memories 557 BJT Read-Only Memories 563 Bipolar ROM Line Amplifier 572 NMOS NOR Read-Only Memories 572 NMOS NAND Read-Only Memories 580 CMOS Precharging and Discharging of a Load Capacitance 583 CMOS Read-Only Memories 585 33.2 33.3 34 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9 35 SEMICONDUCTOR STATIC RANDOM-ACCESS MEMORIES Static RAM Cell with Transmission Gates 603 MOSFET Static RAM Cell Technologies BJT Static RAM Cell Technologies 608 GALLIUM ARSENIDE METAL SEMICONDUCTOR FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS XV 603 607 613 N-Channel MESFETs (NMESFETs) 613 Enhancement-Depletion NMESFETs 615 Enhancement-Only NMESFETs 616 NMESFET Modes of Operation 616 NMESFET Transconductance Parameter 618 NMESFET Threshold Voltage 618 NMESFET Capacitance 619 NMESFET Choice 619 SPICE NMESFET Model 620 DIRECT COUPLED NMESFET LOGIC (DCFL) INVERTER 622 35.1 Direct-Coupled Enhancement-Only NMESFET Inverters 622 35.2 Operation of Direct Coupled NMESFET Inverter 622 35.3 Graphical Determination of Direct Coupled Inverter VTC 624 35.4 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for DCFL Inverter 624 35.5 Optimum f3 0 /f3L (W0 /W 1J Ratio for DCFL Inverter 627 35.6 Power Dissipation of DCFL Inverter 628 35.7 DCFL Fan-Out 628 35.8 DCFL Inverter SPICE Simulation 629 36 36.1 SCHOTTKY DIODE NMESFET LOGIC (SDFL) INVERTER 633 Schottky Diode Enhancement-Depletion Inverters 633 36.2 Operation of SDFL Inverter 633 36.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Voltages for the SDFL Inverter 635 36.4 Optimum f3t)f3L = Wn/WL Ratio for SDFL Inverter 636 XVI Table of Contents 36.5 Power Dissipation of SDFL Inverter 637 36.6 SDFL Fan-Out 638 36.7 SDFL Inverter SPICE Simulation 639 37 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 38 BUFFERED NMESFET LOGIC (BFL) INVERTER 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 642 Buffered Enhancement-Depletion NMESFET Inverters 642 Operation of BFL Inverter 642 Calculation of vrc Critical Voltages for the BFL Inverter 643 Power Dissipation of BFL Inverter 645 BFL Fan-Out 646 BFL Inverter SPICE Simulation 646 OTHER GALLIUM ARSENIDE LOGIC FAMILY INVERTERS 649 38.1 Capacitor Coupled NMESFET Logic (CCFL) Inverter 649 38.2 Capacitor-Diode NMESFET Logic (CDFL) Inverter 649 38.3 Source Coupled NMESFET Logic (SCFL) Inverter 650 38.4 Low Pinch-Off Voltage NMESFET Logic (LPFL) Inverter 651 38.5 Gallium Arsenide Transmission Gates 652 38.6 Power Dissipation 653 39 GALLIUM ARSENIDE NMESFET GATES 39.1 DCFL NOR Gate 655 39.2 DCFL NANO Gate 656 39.3 DCFL OR Gate 657 655 39.9 39.10 39.11 39.12 SDFL NOR Gate 657 SDFL NANO Gate 658 BFL NOR Gate 659 BFL NANO Gate 659 Gallium Arsenide NMESFET Complex ANDOR-Invert (AOI) and OR-AND-Invert (OAI) Gates 659 DCFL XOR Gate 660 Other OR/NOR Gates 661 Gallium Arsenide Transmission Gate Logic 662 Gallium Arsenide Static RAM Memory Elements 663 APPENDIX A A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 Development of the Stored Charge Equation 666 Shockley's Expression 667 Diode Turn-On Transient 668 Diode Turn-Off Transient 669 APPENDIX B B.1 B.2 B.3 DIODE SWITCHING TIMES 666 BJT SWITCHING TIMES 670 Development of the Stored Charge Equation 670 BJT Turn-On Transient 670 BJT Turn-Off Transient 671 SUPPLEMENTARY READING 672 SELECTED ANSWERS 674 INDEX 679 PROPE TIES A D DEFINITIONS OF DIGITAL ICS This chapter introduces the general properties and definitions of digital circuits. These properties and definitions are common to all digital integrated circuit families and are used throughout this text. Digital electronic circuits are represented by five basic logic operations. These are as follows: • We begin by describing the basic building blocks of digital integrated circuits, the inverter and the non -inverter. 1.1 INVERTING AND NON-INVERTING GATES NOT • AND • OR Inverter • NAND Figure 1.1 displays circuit symbols that are used to represent gates that perform logic inversion. That is, if the input voltage is low, the output voltage will be high and vice versa. This device is usually referred to as an inverter or NOT gate, since it performs the logical NOT operation. The small circle in Figure and b is referred to as an inverting bubble or inverting circle. The small circle denotes logical inversion and is used extensively in digital logic circuits. It makes no difference whether the inverting circle is at the input or output. • NOR When one of these operations is carried out by an electronic circuit, the citcuit that performs this logic function is referred to as a gate. The logic gates that perform one or more of the basic operations are referred to as combinational gates. In these cases, the outputs depend only upon the present value of the inputs. We will describe many electronic circuits that are used to carry out combinational logic operations throughout the text. Circuits that perform sequential logic operations are also presented in later chapters. Sequential gates have output(s) that depend upon past values of input(s), as well as present values. Implementation of these digital logic functions is also accomplished feasibly using quite a few different digital electronic circuits. The voltages (or currents) in digital logic circuits have two possible states indicating that the variables are binary. Considering voltage as a variable, the two possible states correspond to a low voltage or a high voltage, where we usually define the low voltage to correspond to a binary O and the high voltage to a binary 1. This is referred to as positive voltage logic and is used for all IC logic families throughout this text. Non-Inverter (Buffer) Another basic digital circuit device is the non-inverting gate which is sometimes referred to as a buffer. Alternate circuit symbols for these devices are shown in Figure 1.2. Buffers are used to regenerate voltage levels, making degraded high levels higher and degraded low levels lower. The inverting and non-inverting elements are the fundamental building blocks for all digital logic families. The basic inverter and its operation are described for each logic family in succeeding chapters. 1 2 Chapter 1/Properties and Definitions of Digital !CS 1.2 IDEAL LOGIC ELEMENTS Ideal Static and Power Characteristic (a) (b) Figure 1.3a shows an ideal logic inverter. It operates with a single power supply (Vcc in this case). A typical operating voltage of many logic families is 5 V. The current Ice drawn from Vcc is ideally zero, giving a power dissipation P cc of zero. In actual digital circuits the power dissipated is minimized for optimum design. Figure 1.3b shows how voltage levels are ideally used to represent the input and output logical 0 and logical 1 states in digital circuits. The logical 1 output voltage is ideally at the power supply voltage Vcc· The logical O output voltage is ideally at ground (O V). Logic gates with output voltage transitions from ground to the power supply voltage are said to operate "rail-to-rail". The transition between output logic states ideally occurs abruptly at an input of Vcc/2. Thus, logical input O is represented by the voltage range O :s; V1;--.: < Vcc/2, since an input in this range will gen- Alternate Inverter Logic Symbols FIGURE 1.1 ~ ~ (a) FIGURE 1.Z (b) Alternate Non-inverting Logic Symbols (a) YaurCV) logical 1 output Yee I"""_ _ _....., YIN(V) t,_ V cc logical O input i logical 1 input ► t ► t Yaur(V) ◄--- + Yee,-!---, logical 0 output L___ _ __ . . _. . . . ._ _~ - - - Ya/2 YIN(V) Yee (c) (b) FIGURE 1.3 Ideal Logic Inverter: (a) Operates from a single power supply, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic, (c) Transient response 1.2 Ideal Logic Elements Ideal Transient Characteristic erate a logical 1 output state. Similarly, logical input 1 is represented by the voltage range Vcc/2 < V1;-..: ::::: Vee• The input voltage V1;-..: = Vcc/2 has an undefined output and will cause unpredictable results, and is therefore avoided. As will be seen in Chapter 23, the CMOS logic family comes closest to meeting these ideal static characteristics. Figure 1.3c illustrates the transient response of the ideal logic inverter. Upon transition of the input from logical O to logical 1, the output instantaneously, and without delay, switches from logical 1 to logical 0. (As will be seen in section 1.7 the switching speed is Your -► Iour V' IN 1~ ► . I' i IN - - - - -- - load gates I driving gate (b) FIGURE 1.4 3 (a) Modelling of inverter input and output impedance, (b) Static driving of multiple (identical) inverters 4 Chapter 1/Propertics and Definitions of Digital !CS V'om: I :;:: C'IN I load gate driving gate (c) FIGURE 1.4 (continued) (c) Charging of load capacitance not instantaneous and a delay between the output and input transitions is present.) Ideal Input and Output Gate Impedances The transient response, as well as the driving ability (referred to as fan-out and discussed in section 1.6) of logic gates is directly dependent upon the gate's input and output impedance. Figure 1.4a shows a model of the input and output impedance of a logic inverter. The input can be modelled as a parallel resistance and capacitance. The output is modelled as resistance in series with a complemented voltage source. Examining Figure 1.4b, which shows an inverter driving multiple (identical) logic inverters, it is observed that the driving gate must provide enough output current to drive all the load gates. Quantitatively speaking, for N load gates, the output current must be where the primed terms of Figure 1.4 refer to the load gates. For a very large input resistance, the input current is zero and the driving capabilities are maximized. Ideally, an infinite input resistance is desired, giving infinite driving capability. Referring to Figure 1.4c, which shows cascaded inverters with infinite input resistance, it can be seen that the input capacitance of load gates must be charged through the output resistance of the driving inverter. Thus, a smaller output resistance will provide a larger charging current for the load capacitance and a faster switching time, suggesting an ideal zero output resistance. Of course, a smaller input capacitance will also speed up the switching time of load gates. This is provided when fewer gates are attached at the output. 1.3 INVERTER VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC The voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) for logic inverters have been standardized. Figure 1.5 displays the linearized form of an idealized voltage transfer characteristic. Indicated on the output (vertical) axis are the voltages VoH and Vm, which correspond to the output high and output low voltage levels, respectively. On the input (horizontal) axis, the input low voltage is Vn_ and the input high voltage is V11+ Note that as the input voltage is increased from 0, V1L is the maximum input voltage that provides a high output voltage (logical 1 output). Furthermore, V1H has the definition of being the minimum input voltage that provides a low output voltage (logical O output). The values Vc)H, V0 1,, V,L, and V1H are referred to as the critical voltages of the voltage transfer characteristic. It is customary to list output voltages VoL and VoH on the input axis. This is because these outputs for the present inverter will be inputs to the next ] .3 Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic 5 Vour(V) T VOH t 5 4.3 4 3 2 1 0.2 1..-'.,----+tt--------,------+--+-t--+------Vm (V) 2 3 4 I 5 V DL=O.~ 1 p.9 V 0 H=4.3 0.7 FIGURE 1.5 Idealized Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic gate. Additionally, in order that the high and low voltage levels always be distinguishable, we must always have FIGURE 1.6 Voltage Transfer Characteristic for Examples 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 Solution The highest and lowest output voltages are 4.3 V and 0.2 V, respectively. Thus and Vi,H = 4.3 VoL < V1L Manufacturers usually specify worst case values for the four voltages Vrn,, VoL, V1H, and Vu. One final critical point labeled on the VTC of Figure 1.5 is the midpoint voltage VM, sometimes referred to as the threshold voltage Vth (not to be confused with the MOSFET threshold voltage Vr)- The midpoint voltage is defined as the point on the transfer characteristic where VoUT = V,N and ideally appears at the center of the transition r_egion. VM c~n be found graphically by superirnposmg (the urnty slope) Your = V,N and finding its intersection with the VTC. Example 1.1 Voltage Transfer Characteristic Critical Points What are the critical voltages V oH, VoL, Yiu V,H, and VM for the voltage transfer characteristic of Figure 1.6? V and VOL= 0.2 V The input voltage at which the output begins to drop is 0.7 V. The output reaches its lowest value at an input of 0.9 V. Hence Vrt = 0.7 V and Vu 1 = 0.9 V The point on the VTC at which the input and output are equal is calculated to be 0.87 V. The midpoint voltage is therefore VM = 0.9 V which is far from being ideal. (Note the output low and high voltages are labeled on the input axis.) 6 Chapter 1/Properties and Definitions of Digital !CS 1.4 LOGIC SWING AND TRANSITION WIDTH digital circuits is referred to as voltage level degradation and is termed noise. Two important parameters that are obtained from voltage differences of VTC critical voltages on a mutual axis are logic swing and transition width. Logic Swing Logic swing is defined as the magnitude of voltage difference between the output high and low voltage levels. Hence, the logic swing is equal to Transition Width The transition width is the amount of voltage change that is required of the input voltage to cause a change in the output voltage from the high to the low level (or vice-versa). Hence, from the VTC the transition width is equal to Example 1.2 Logic Swing and Transition Width Determine the logic swing and transition width for the VTC of Figure 1.6. Solution Substituting the critical points determined in Example 1.1 directly into the definitions for the logic swing and transition width yields VLs = (4.3) - (0.2) = 4.1 Vyw = V Noise Margins Since variations in the high and low logic levels occur, terminology is used to describe these fluctuations. From the idealized inverter VTC of Figure 1.5 with the defined voltages VoH, V0u Vn-1, and VrL, the following definitions are made: VNMH = Vm1 - VNML = V1L - V111 and Var_ where NM stands for noise margin, VNMH is the high noise margin (for the logic 1 level), and VNML is the low noise margin (for the logic 0 level). The voltage noise margins represent a safety margin for the high and low voltage levels. Extraneous noise voltages must have magnitudes less than the voltage noise margins. The exact magnitudes of the high and low voltage level is not important. However, the high or low magnitude of voltage must remain in the range of voltages that provide positive noise margins. Noise Sensitivities The effects of input variations are quantified in terms of the noise sensitivities. The high and low noise sensitivities are defined as the difference between the input and midpoint voltage for V 1N at V 0H and V0u respectively. Expressions for each are VNsH = Vo11 - VM and and 1.5 (0.9) - (0.7) = 0.2 V NOISE IN DIGITAL CIRCUITS Noise Immunities The quantity noise immunity is the ability of a gate to reject noise. The high and low noise immunities are quantitatively defined as the quotient of the noise sensitivities and the logic swing as follows: Noise Variations in the steady-state voltage levels of digital circuits (i.e. the logical 1 and the logical 0 states) are undesirable and cause logic errors if the fluctuation from the desired or specified voltage levels is too great. This variation of steady state voltage levels in VNill - VNS/i V LS and 1.6 Fan-In and Fan-Out The maximum fan-out possible during the driving gate's logical O output state is Example 1.3 Noise Margins, Noise Sensitivities and Noise Immunities By direct substitution the noise margins are V NM// = (4.3) - (0.9) = 3.4 V and VN,vlL = (0.7) - (0.2) = 0.5 V Using the results of Examples 1.1 and 1.2, the noise sensitivities are by direct substitution (4.3) - (0.9) = 3.4 VNSI/ = VNS/ = (0.9) - V and (0.2) = 0.7 V The noise immunities by direct substitution are then (3.4) VNIH _ lourUow) N Determine the noise margins, noise sensitivities, and noise immunities for the VTC displayed in Figure 1.6. Solution 7 /mu - [' IN (/ OW ) The maximum fan-out of a digital gate is limited by both of the previous expressions and is determined from the lesser of the two. Further, the fan-out (and fan-in) is an integer because fractions of gates have no meaning as indicated in the following example. Fan-in is of lesser concern and is determined in a similar manner. Example 1.4 Maximum Fan-Out The inverter of Figure 1.7 has the terminal currents I,N(low) = 2.43 mA (out), 11N(high) = 98.9 µA (in), IourOow) = 54.3 mA (in), and Iocr(high) = 71.4 mA (out). What is the maximum fan-out? Solution The maximum fan-out for the driving gate with logical 1 output state is = -(-) = 0.83 (71.4111) 4.1 N1i;:,;1i = (98 _9 µ,) = 721.9 and For the driving gate logical O output state, we have (0.7) VNIL 1.6 = -() = 4.1 FAN-IN AND FAN-OUT A general logic gate has multiple inputs and multiple outputs. By multiple outputs we mean the output of a given gate is connected to (driving) the inputs of several load gates. The term fan-in is used to describe the number of inputs of a gate. Similarly, the term fan-out is used to describe the number of outputs of a gate. The maximum fan-out of a digital logic circuit is restricted by its input and output currents as discussed in section 1.2. Not mentioned in section 1.2 is that the input and output currents of a gate are in general different for the logical Oand logical 1 states. Also, the input and output currents can be either into or out of the gate. The maximum fan-out possible during the driving gate's logical 1 output state is N _ lm 17 (high) 1; N(high) 1,igi, - (54.3111) N101,, = ( ) = 22.3 0.17 2.4 3111 The maximum fan-out is clearly limited by the output low state of the driving gate. The least greatest integer of N 10w is 22, and this is the maximum fanout. As will be seen with logic circuits utilizing MOSFETs, the input current of such a logic gate is limited to the MOSFET's infinitesimal gate current. This suggests that logic circuits using MOSFET technol- Irn(low) = 2.43 mA (out) IIN(high) = 98.9 µA (in) FIGURE 1.7 Logic States I0 ur(low) = 54.3 mA (in) lour(high) = 71.4 mA (out) Inverter with Terminal Currents for both 8 Chapter 1/Properties and Definitions of Digital JCS ogy have an infinite fan-out. However, this is not the case. As will be seen in Chapter 16, the fan-out of MOSFET digital circuits is limited by the input capacitance of the gate which is the gate oxide capacitance. As just mentioned, the transient characteristics of digital circuits employing MOSFETs are limited by the gate oxide capacitance. This will be further discussed in later chapters. Switching Speed Definitions 1.7 Figure 1.8 shows an input pulse and the output response of a logic inverting circuit. On the output response, which does not necessarily reach V cc (i.e. usually YoH < Yee), the 10% YoH and 90% YoH points are marked on both the rising and falling edges of the output voltage. The characteristic switching speed times are then defined in general in terms of these output values as follows: TRANSIENT CHARACTERISTICS Digital logic circuits have finite switching speeds. That is, switching a voltage from high to low (or viceversa) requires a finite amount of time. Additionally, when the input voltage changes from one level to another, the output voltage response is delayed in time. This is referred to as propagation delay. These limitations are present for all circuits and in particular digital logic circuits. For digital circuits employing BJTs, these time limitations are caused by the time required to store and remove charge from the base region. Section 4.5 discusses methods for decreasing the storage and removal times required by the base. 0 = = = = t., 11 = toff = td tr t, tr delay time rise time storage time fall time turn on time = td turn off time = ts ~------------------+--------------- t(ns) (a) Your<V) --------,---- -------------~-------------------,..- 90% -- -:- -- ---- --------- -- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- -- ---'. --- --- ---- ---' 10% - ·--r -- -- - --- . -- . ··--- ------ ---- ------------ - ----- ' (b) FIGURE 1.8 + tr + tr Switching Speed Definitions: (a) Input pulse, (b) Output pulse 1. 7 Tr,msien t Characteristics 9 The overall propagation delav time t"(avg) is defined as the average of these two, given by The rise time and fall time are the times associates with charging and discharging load capacitances. The delay time and storage time are associated with stored charge of PN junctions. The turn on time and turn off time are sums of these quantities. See Figure 1.8b. Propagation Delays Example 1.5 Figure 1.9 shows an input waveform and output response of a logic circuit. The output delay is typical of all digital logic gates and represents the response of the output voltage to a change in the input voltage. The 50% V0 H points are labeled on the rising and falling edges of both the input and output waveforms. The 50% points are used to define the time required for the output to respond to the input. These response times are called the propagation delay times. The /ow-to-11igh propagation delay time tl'LH refers to the low-to-high transition of the output and the high-to-low propagation delay time tp 11 L is for the output high-to-low transition. TI1e definitions of tp 11 L and t,u, are as shown in Figure 1.9. Transient Characteristics For the input and output waveforms of Figure 1.10, determine (a) the switching times t, and t 1 (b) the propagation delay times tl'LJJ and tl'llL· Solution (a) By direct examination of Figure 1.10 t, = 168 11S tr= 168 11S and Note that the output falling edge is to the left of the output rising edge. L___----------------------~--~--- ► (a) VOUT(V) (b) FIGURE 1.9 Propagation Delay Definitions: (a) Input waveforms, (b) Output response t(ns) 10 Chapter 1/Properties and Definitions of Digital JCS VOH f---- -------------------------------------------------- VOL i-------" 90% · 10% ·---- ------------------------------------~--+----+----+-----+-----+-----+------1-----+----------+---,► t(ns) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 (a) VOH - - - - - - - - - - -... I 90% ---- ----------------------- VOL' ~--+----+----+-----+-----+-----+--~-----------,1-----+----------+--~ ► 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 t(ns) 1100 (b) FIGURE 1.10 Input and Output Waveforms of Example 1.5 Solution (b) The propagation delay times are tPI/L = 100 115 Calculation of average power dissipation for actual digital circuits entails the determination of the current supplied by the power source for both output logic states and is determined as follows: tl'LI/ = 115 Pcc(avg) = Icc(OH) + lec(OL) Vee and 250 2 1.8 POWER DISSIPATION In section 1.2, it is stated that an ideal gate has a single power supply as shown in Figure 1.3a. The power dissipation for such a gate is obtained by realizing it is equal to the power supplied. Furthermore, the power dissipated in this gate for the output high (logical 1 output) and output low (logical Ooutput) states, P cc(OH) and P cc(OL), respectively, will generally be different. Manufacturers therefore in general specify the average power dissipation for a gate with two possible output states as follows: p ( ) Pcc(OH) + Pec(OL) cc avg = 2 Some logic circuits have two power supplies, one with a positive voltage and one with a negative voltage. Figure 1.11 shows such a gate. In this case, both currents Ice and IEE are obtained for each of the output high and output low logic states. The average PEE= IP.EVEE FIGURE 1.11 Power Dissipation in a Logic Gate with Two Power Supplies Chapter 1 Problems power supplied by this gate with two possible states is then defined c1s Pcdavg) + Pn (avg) Icc(OH) + Icc(OL) V cc 2 + hi:(OH) + Ii:i:COL) V 2 E£ Pee = IccVcc PEE = IFEVEE Note that the current IEE flowing into -VEE does yield a positive power dissipation. Example 1.6 Average Power Dissipation Determine the average power dissipation for a gate supplied by a 5 V power supply with I(OH) = 1 mA and I(OL) = 3.18 mA. Solution The average power dissipation by direct substitution is P(avg) (1m) + (3.18111) ( ) =- - - - 5 = 10.5 2 m W However, as will be seen, faster propagation delay times are achieved at the cost of increased power dissipation. Conversely, lower power dissipation results in longer propagation delays. Thus, a practical figure of merit used for digital logic gates is the product of the Jverage power dissipation P(avg) and the average propagation delay time tr(avg). This is referred to as the power-delay product and is written as follows: PD POWER-DELAY PRODUCT = Prnss(avg)tp(avg) This value is sometimes referred to as the speed-power product. The smaller the power-delay product is for a given gate, the more ideal the gate is. For the ideal gJte, PD = 0. Note thJt since power has units of watts and propagation delay has units of seconds, the power-delay product has units of joules. Example 1. 7 Power-Delay Product The gate of example 1.6 has propagation de!Jy times of tPHL = 1.4 ns and tPLH = 3.2 ns. Calculate the power-delay product for this gate. Solution The average propagation delay is tp (avg) = 1.9 11 (1.411) + (3.2n) 2 = 2.3 ns The power-delay product is therefore PD = (10.5111)(2.311) = 24.2 Low power dissipation and short propagation delay times are both desirable for digital logic circuits. pf CHAPTER 1 PROBLEMS Ymrr(V) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) for a logic inverter is shown in Figure Pl.1. For this inverter, determine the following: (a) Vo11, You V1L, Vll 1, and VM (b) the logic swing (c) the transition width (d) the noise margins, noise sensitivities, and noise immunity levels Repeat Problem 1.1 for the VTC of Figure Pl.2. Repeat Problem 1.1 for the VTC of Figure P1.3. Repeat Problem 1.1 for the VTC of the non-inverting logic gate of Figure P1.4. (For a non-inverter, V1L is the highest input that provides a low output and Vll 1 is the lowest input that provides a high output.) Sketch the VTC for a logic inverter with V011 = 5 V, Vm = 0.2 V, v,L = 1.4 V, and V11-l = 1.6 V. Also, determine the logic swing, transition width, and the noise margins. 3 - - -.... 2 0.2 ~ - - - - - + + - J - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - VIN 1 FIGURE Pl.I 2 3 (V) 12 Chapter 1/Properties and Definitions of Digital !CS V 011,(V) Yaur(V) A 5-1---- 51 4.3" --- - ------ 41- 4 I 3 3t I 2f 2 1LJ: i ' o.~ . I\~-------- I ,' '--------++'-t'---+----+----t------.------+-----VIN (V) 1 1. 2 3 4 i 3 4 1.9 FIGURE Pl.4 Yaur(V) -1.5 munity levels for the VTCs described in Problems 1.5 through 1.9. VIN (V) -0.5 1.11 Find the maximum fan-out for a gate with I011 = 12 mA (out), IoL = 7 mA (in), ! 111 = 0, and In. = 124 µ,A (out). 1.12 Find the maximum fan-out for a gate with Ioi 1 = 4 mA (out), IoL = 6.2 mA (in), I1r1 = 240 µ,A (in), and Ill.= 0. 1.13 Find the maximum fan-out for a gate with IoL = 57.5 mA (in), 11L = 1.09 mA, and lu 1 = 0. Find the maximum fan-out for a gate with IoL = 79.3 mA (in), I1L = 1 mA, and 1111 = 0. -0.8 -1.0 -1.5 -1.6 1.14 1.15 FIGURE P1.3 1.6 Repeat Problems 1.5 for Vm1 = 3.6 V, VoL = 0.2 V, ViL = 0.5 V, and V111 = 1.2 V. 1.7 Repeat Problem 1.5 for Vrn-i = 4.3 V, Vm = 0.5 V, V1L = 0.9 V, and V1H = 1.1 V. Repeat Problem 1.5 for VoH = -0.77 V, Vm = -1.58 V, V 1L = -1.225 V, and V111 = -1.125 V. 1.10 I 121 ~-1 -1.2 1.9 : :' 0.2·' 5 1.4 FIGURE Pl.2 1.8 : Repeat Problem 1.5 for V011 = 5 V, Vm = 0 V, V1L = -2 V, and V1r1 = 3 V. 1.16 1.17 A non-inverter has a voltage pulse applied at the input and the corresponding output voltage response as shown in Figure Pl.17. Determine the delay, rise, storage, and fall times. Also, find the propagation delays. 1.18 Repeat Problem 1.17 for Figure Pl.18. 1.19 Sketch the input and output waveshapes for a TTL inverter with t, = 10 ns and t, = 30 ns. 1.20 Repeat Problem 1.19 for an STIL inverter with t, = 5 ns and t, = 7 ns. 1.21 Repeat Problem 1. 19 for an ASITL inverter with t, = 2 ns and t1 = 3 ns. (a) Find the high and low noise sensitivities for the VTCs described in Problems 1.5 through 1.9. Assume the midpoint voltage is in the center of the transition region for each VTC. (b) Using the results of part (a), find the noise im- Find the maximum fan-out for a gate with IoL = 199 mA (in), I1L = 1.32 mA, and 1111 = 0. A rookie electrical engineer designs a digital gate with Irn 1 = 3.9 mA (out), Im= 5.4 mA (in), I111 = 0 mA, and 11L = 56 µ,A (in). Is there anything inherently wrong with this design? If so, what? Chapter 1 Problems 13 VIN(V) v•• t I I ~:- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - t ( µ s ) ' ~ - 20~ Yom(Y) ' VIT - - - - - - -90% 10% ~~-~~-----t(µs) f'---15 __.!: FIGURE P1.17 VIN(V) t v•• I ~•- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - t ( µ s ) 90% ~------;--------------------~-------+---•t(µs) ~·-40---~ I :---20~ I I • FIGURE Pl.18 1.22 A gate is powered by a single 5 V supply. The current delivered by the power supply is 4.2 mA for the output high state and 1.7 mA for the output low state. What is the average power supplied? = 0.52 mA and 1.23 Repeat Problem 1.22 for Icc(OH) Icc(OL) = 42 µA 1.24 Find the average power supplied to the inverter of Figure Pl.24. 14 Chapter 1/Properties and Definitions of Digital !CS Vee= 5V 1.25 What is the power-delay product for P(avg) = 2 mW and (a) tp(avg) = 100 ns? (b) tp(avg) = 250 ns? (c) tp(avg) = 500 ns? 1.26 Repeat Problem 1.25 for P(avg) 0 FIGURE P1.24 = 10.2 mW. In this chapter, two-terminal semiconductor PN junction and MN Schottky diodes are introduced. These important elements are used in digital logic circuits to perform various logic operations, as well as variable capacitors, DC voltage level shifting, and clamping diodes at logic circuit inputs. The chapter begins by describing semiconductor diode circuit models. Diode-resistor logic is also presented. This is the simplest of all logic families but also possesses many intolerable disadvantages. In the latter sections, the function of clamping diodes and level-shifting diodes are described. mize the BJT performance and it is not feasible to use additional layers for diodes. Schottky-Barrier (MN Junction) Diodes For MN diodes, the N- semiconductor region and a particular metal form the Schottky diode. Schottky diodes are rectifying junctions entirely analogous to PN diodes, except that the P-region is replaced with a particular metal that provides a barrier to electron flow in one direction. Not all metals provide Schottky diodes with N doped silicon. When N-type silicon is the semiconductor material, platinum silicide (Pt 5 Si 2) is the metal most often used to form the MN Schottky diode. This is accomplished by depositing Pt on Si and heating (annealing) at 600°C to form Pt 5 Si 2 . PN JUNCTION AND MN SCHOTTKY DIODES 2.1 PN junction semiconductor diodes and Schottky barrier MN diodes are important elements in digital integrated circuits. The circuit symbols for these two terminal devices are shown in Figure 2.1 along with definitions of forward current and voltage. Diodes are used in bipolar IC families as actual circuit components, as well as clamping diodes at logic circuit inputs. When used as clamping diodes, their purpose is to reduce transient voltages that result from switching transitions. However, these clamping diodes do not affect normal circuit operation. Figure 2.2 displays device cross-sections for digital IC PN and MN diodes. Typical cross-sections arc indicated for the case of a double diffused implanted epitaxial bipolar IC. The particular diode geometries of Figure 2.2 are chosen because of fabrication compatibility with the double diffused epitaxial BJT discussed in the following chapter. DIODE MODELLING 2.2 Shockley's Current-Voltage Expression The theoretical current-voltage relation that represents the DC current dependence on voltage for PN junction and MN Schottky diodes is 10 = 15 (ev,,i<t,r - 1) where I5 = reverse saturation current [A] cf>T = thermal voltage [V] calculated by kT q q>T = - = Boltzmann's constant= 1.34 T = Temperature [°K] k x 10- 23 J/°K q = elementary electronic charge = 1.60 X 10- 19 C PN Junction Diodes This expression, often referred to as Shockley's equation, is temperature dependent, as seen by the Usually, the PN junction diodes utilize two out of the three regions of a bipolar junction transistor, instead of a separate device structure. This is because the various P and N layers have been selected to opti- temperature dependence of the thermal voltage q>y. The reverse saturation current is the minute leakage current that flows through a reverse biased diode and 15 16 Chapter 2/Diodcs 'it . (a) Shockley's Equation at Room Temperature (b) At room temperature (T = 27°C or 3OO°K) ¢ 1 is given by FIGURE 2.1 Diode Symbols: (a) PN junction diode, (b) MN Schottky barrier diode PN junction ; ohmic contact P+ ( -- ' N- epitxiai layer -( - ) N+ buried layer I _ \ P+ / ) Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks __ ) Note that the 1/¢T term in the exponential has a magnitude of approximately ·40 for room temperature leading to the more compact expression I -1 ( P substrate 20 _. K = (1.34 X 10- )(300) _ ¢,(3000 ) (1.6Ox10-l'J) -25.9111V In(T = 3OO°K) = I 5 (e 40 vn - 1) which is valid only at room temperature. \ (a) Solution By direction substitution Schottky MN contact Si02 /ohmi'.:,contact ~\-_-\-~+-}_->-'.--,~.~~~,{ \ L , ~ P substrate In(VD Io(Vn I , ( ~ In(Vo (b) In(Vn ln(Vn In(Vn In(Vo = = = = = = = (1O-14)[e40(0 0.2) oo- 14) [e4o(o 21 0.5) oo-14)[e40(05) - 1)] 0.7) (10-14)[e40(01) _ l) l is typically a pA or less for PN junction diodes and a µA or less for MN Schottky diodes. The following examples indicate magnitudes for positive and negative diode voltages. Example 2.1 Relative Forward-Biased PN Junction Diode Current Magnitudes Use Shockley's expression to determine the diode current for V0 = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1, and 2.3 V. Use Is = 10- 14 A and assume room temperature. I) _ _ 0.8) (1O-H)[e40(0~) _ 1)] 1.0) (1O-l4)[e4ll(IO) _ 1)] 2.3) oo-14) [e40(23) _ 1)] = FIGURE 2.2 Diode Cross Sections: (a) PN junction diode, (b) MN Schottky barrier diode l)j = 536 JA l) l = 29.8 pA 0.1) = = = = 4.85 µA 14.5 mA 790 111A 2.35 kA 9.02 X 10 25 A As can be seen, the diode current's exponential dependence on VD is quite pronounced. For a diode voltage of 0.5 V the diode current is a few microamps and approaches zero rapidly for smaller voltages. For currents in the milliamp range, the diode voltage is 0.7 V and the diode current reaches hundreds of 111i//iamps for another 0.1 V increase to 0.8 V. For a diode voltage of 1 V, the current magnitude is at a normally unobtainable hundreds of amps. Note that for VD = 2.3 V the diode current is an unprecedented 9.02 X 10 25 A and the IDVI) power dissipated in the diode exceeds the entire power output of our sun. The diode would surely become damaged long before this would happen. 2.2 Diode Modelling Example 2.2 Relative Reverse-Biased PN Junction Diode Current Magnitudes 17 Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks ex >> 1 or e-x << 1 Use Shockley's expression to determine the diode current for VD = -1, -10, -100, and -200 m V. As in Example 2.1 use 15 = 10- 14 A and assume room temperature. The two previous examples suggest the following approximations: Solution By direct substitution and Io(Vo = -1 mV) = (10- 14)[e'l0(-llll) IoWo InWo - > 0.1) = fsev[)1<1>1 < -0.1) = -]5 1)] = -392 aA InWo = -10 mV) = (10-14)[e40(-10,11l - 1)] = -3.30 fA Io(VD = -100 mV) = (1o-14)[e40(-100111) 1)] -9.82fA ][)(VD= -200 mV) = (1o-14)[e40(-200111) - 1)] -10.0 fA -10-14 A As seen, at V0 s -0.2 V the reverse diode current has a magnitude equal to 15, accurate to three decimal places. Hence, 15 is called the reverse saturation current. The following section utilizes the computational infonnation of the previous examples in suggesting a reasonable piecewise linear model for diodes. Piecewise Linear Diode Model Example 2.1 indicates that a forward diode voltage of 0.5 V corresponds to a diode current of only a few microamps. Furthermore, increasing the forward voltage to 0.8 V increases the current to hundreds of milliamps. For currents up to a few milliamps, which is a practical order of magnitude for active IC device currents, the diode voltage is approximately 0. 7 V. This suggests that a practical diode model for hand l>t- - cutoff - - - - - - - - - / - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - VD (V) Vo(ON)=0.7 (a) FIGURE 2.3 (b) Piecewise Linear Diode Model: (a) Diode current versus diode voltage, (b) Diode symbol 18 Chapter 2/Diodes TABLE 2.1 Diode Modes of Operation PN Junction Bias Reverse Forward Cl){1 junction capacitance [F] Mode of Operation Cutoff Conducting ¢n = junction potential m = grading coefficient (typically 0. 7 to 0.9 V) TT analysis is the piecewise linear model shown in Figure 2.3. This model has two linear regions: I0 = 0 for V0 :s: V0 (0N) and Vn = Vi/ON) for I 0 2: 0 where a practical value for VD(ON) is the aforementioned 0.7 V. Thus, for diode voltages less than V0(ON), the diode is cutoff and for diodes conducting forward current, a forward voltage of 0.7 V is present. A similar model for MN Schottky diodes is also used but with a s1T1aller turn on voltage Vstm(ON) of 0.3 V for silicon. From the above discussion, a diode can be seen to have two modes of operation, cutoff and conducting, the operating mode of a diode depe'.,ding upon the magnitude and polarity of the diode junction bias VD. These modes and the corresponding junction biases are tabulated in Table 2.1. The diode breakdown region of operation is avoided in digital circuits and no 1nodeling for this mode is necessary. 2.3 DIODE CAP A CIT AN CE A PN junction diode has a capacitance associated with it due to charge in the depletion region and for forward bias, charge stored in the semiconductor bulk regions due to injected minority carriers. The capacitance contributes to transient response limitations. Furthermore, this capacitance must be fully charged to switch the diode into the conducting state and discharged to switch the diode to the cutoff state. Thus, the capacitance of a diode is voltage-dependent and can be represented by the expression = zero-bias (i.e. VI) = O) = (m = ½ or 1/3 for digital IC diodes) minority carrier transit time It is further noted that the first term is due to stored minority charge, whereas the second term is due to depletion region charge. The magnitudes of these pJrarneters can be calculated from the diode's physical attributes and fabrication processing paran,eters, such as doping densities. Varactor Diodes The PN junction capacitance can be utilized in ICs by applying a negative bias to a diode. Diodes used for this purpose are referred to as varactor diodes and have the modified diode circuit symbol of Figure 2.4. For this device, the forward diode voltage VD is negative. As will be seen in Chapter 9, advanced STrL logic families utilize varactors in a configuration that improves the overall transient response of the logic gate. 2.4 SPICE DIODE MODEL This section introduces the SPICE diode model and the physical significance of each cf the SPICE diode model pa m111etcrs. The large signal diode model used in SPICE is shown in Figure 2.5. SPICE Diode DC Characteristic "n1e nonlinear current source lb has a value according to the empirically modified Shockley expression Ib - 1) .-------t>l 1---FIGURE 2.4 where = JS(evniN<t,, Varactor Diode (Voltage Dependent Capocitor for Vn < 0) 19 2.5 Diode-Resistor Logic + Q0 = TT X IS(ev1,1N,t,T + CJO Rs _ f" (1 - ~rM 1) - dV For V0 > FC</> 0 , where FC is a model parameter specified as a fraction, the forward biased diode capacitance is calculated by the expression __J I'D FIGURE 2.5 SPICE Diode Model where the quantity N is called the emission coefficient and is typically 1 but may be slightly higher as sometimes is the case for Schottky diodes. The resistance RS in Figure 2.5 represents the sum of the ohmic resistances on both sides of the diode junction. The parameters IS, N, and RS are used to calculate the DC response of the diode in SPICE and are tabulated in Table 2.2. [ C]O + --"---~ (1 - 0)M 1 - FC(1 + M) + MV] <PT X ---------- (1 - FC)(1+M) The parameters TT, CJO, VJ, M, and FC, which determine the transient response of the SPICE diode, are tabulated in Table 2.3. Note that TT and CJO both have default values of zero. Therefore, in order for SPICE to calculate a transient response, one or both of these values must be specified by the user. SPICE Diode Transient Response The transient response of the diode in SPICE is calculated considering the capacitor C0 . This variable capacitor is determined by the expression = TT _I_S_ ev,,1N<1,, + C o N<f>T C]O ( 1v1 1 - ~; ) The capacitor C 0 can be equivalently represented as a charge storage element with TABLE 2.2 2.5 DIODE-RESISTOR LOGIC This section presents the simplest logic circuits that can be constructed from semiconductor devices. These logic circuits consist only of diodes and resistors and are referred to as members of the dioderesistor logic family. The two logic functions available with diode-resistor logic are AND gates and OR gates. SPICE DC Diode Model Parameters Symbol Name Parameter Units Default Is IS RS N Saturation current Parasitic resistance Emission coefficient A .(1 lE-14 0 1 Rs Typical lE-14 10 1 TABLE 2.3 SPICE Transient Diode Model Parameters Symbol Name Parameter Units Default Typical cDo TT C]O </Jo VJ s F V m M FC Transit Time Zero-bias junction capacitance Junction potential Junction grading coefficient Forward bias depletion capacitance coefficient 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 0.1NS 2PF 0.8 0.5 TT 20 Chapter 2/Diodes Diode AND Gate Diode OR Gate Figure 2.6a displays the first circuit belonging to the diode-resistor logic family. It is easily seen that this circuit provides the AND function. If any input V1N is less than VDc - V 0 (ONt then the corresponding input diode is allowed to conduct and The diode-resistor circuit in Figure 2.7a provides the OR logic function. With all inputs less than VD(ON), all input diodes are cut-off and VouT = Also, for V1N = ViN + VouT = 0 = VcJL If any inputs are greater than V D(ON), a current then Vo(ON) flows through Rand the output voltage is 0, VouT VoUT = Vo(ON) = VoL With all inputs greater than Vnc - VD(ON) all input diodes are reverse biased (cutoff) and no current flows through R. The output-high voltage is therefore = - Vo(ON) The VTC for the diode-resistor OR gate is shown in Figure 2. 7b where V1N = ViNA = V1r--.:ll• This VTC is also piecewise linear. The output begins to rise from a minimum Vm = Vn(ON) at an input of V1N VD(ON) and rises with unity-slope. The current through R is VoH = VIN Voe The voltage transfer characteristic of this dioderesistor AND gate is shown in Figure 2.6b, where V1:---: = VIN/\ = ViNB· Note that the VTC is piece-wise linear. The output rises from a minimum voltage of VoL = VD(ON) with unity slope, and reaches a maximum ofVoH = Voe at an input of Example 2.3 Diode-Resistor AND Gate For the two-input diode-resistor AND gate of Figure 2.6, show that if V1r--.:/\ is 1 V above ViNB, DA is cutoff. Solution To show that DA is cutoff for this situation in Figure 2.6, consider the voltage across each input diode, given by: and V1N = Vix: - Vo(ON). V TN.A 0-------Klf--------j D. Vm.e o - ~ 1<1----· ----------D Vour ~ - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - . V m (V) Voc- Vo(ON) (a) FIGURE 2.6 Diode AND Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic (b) 2.6 Level-Shifted Diode-Resistor Logic 21 YourCV) DA VIN.A o--------{>1--- v!NJj o-------------1>1- - - ---0 V our De R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V I N (V) V 0 (0N) (b) (a) FIGURE 2.7 Diode OR Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic Assuming D /\ is conducting, the junction voltage for DI\ is VD/\ = 0. 7 V. The output voltage in Figure 2.6 is then Your = VINA + 0.7 V and the voltage across D8 is + 0.7) - ViNB By substitution of V1N/\ = V1Ns + 1 V, the voltage Voll = W1NA across DB is v[)Ll 1f = (VIN/l + 1) + 0.7 - VwB = 1.7 V However, this diode voltage is not attainable and indicates that the original assumption of DA conducting is not correct. Hence, DA is open circuited. With DA open, D 8 is shorted and the output voltage is V,Ns + 0.7 while VoA = VINA - = ViNA = (1) + 0.7) - ViNB - 0.7 (0.7) = 0.3 V W1NB further indicating that D /\ is cutoff. Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Diode Logic: "IN" or "OUT" A simple memory tool for diode as well as transistor logic circuits is the correspondence between the following words: IN= OR OUT= AND where "IN" and "OUT" refer to the input diodes pointing 0_to the logic circuit or out of the logic circuit. This correspondence is always true in logic circuits with diodes at the input. Thus, since OUT and AND have three letters, while IN and OR have two letters, a no-thought easy method of circuit determination is provided. 2.6 LEVEL-SHIFTED DIODE-RESISTOR LOGIC The VTCs of the diode-resistor AND or OR gate of the previous section both rise with unity slope. However, each is offset from the origin with the output and input voltages never zero together. This offset is referred to as voltage degradation, which is a reduction or increase in the output voltage level by one diode drop [V 0 (0N)]. Voltage degradation is easily corrected for by including an additional diode at the output, referred to as a level-shifting diode, as explained in the following sub-sections. 22 Chapter 2/Diodes Your(Y) ! I Yee 0 I~~ D, y IN,A D1 open YOH- ~-,<Je-------~--(1 DL D. YIN~O---«l<J1----~-x_ __,l>*l------(Q 1 Your ''-------1 __ D_co_pe_n__,/__________ y OL (b) (a) FIGURE 2.8 Level-Shifting Diode AND Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic 11,e output high voltage is then obtained by either Level-Shifted AND Gate Figure 2.8a shows the level-shifted diode-resistor AND gate. A level-shifting diode D 1_ has been added to the diode-resistor AND gate of the previous section along with a second resistor RL connected from the output to a negative voltage source -Vrn for generality. If any input voltage is low, its corresponding input diode is conducting and the voltage at the point labeled Xis The output voltage with DL conducting is then VouT = Vx - Vo1,(0N) = V1N Vo11 = Vee - IDL(ON)Ru - VDI (ON) _ V - cc _ Vee+ V[E - V[)J_(ON) R + R Ru /I L - Vm(ON) or Vnu = -Vic[ + lrn(ON)R1, Vee+ Vu: - VDL(ON) VLE + _____::c.=___...c=_ __:_:..::....:__ _;_ R1 Ru+ RL · The voltage transfer characteristic for the levelshifted diode-resistor AND gate with VrN = VrNA = V1:--:R is shown in Figure 2.86. Note that the VTC passes through the origin. Note that for an input below -VEE, Vx is less than -V Er: + VD(ON) and DL is cutoff. Thus, the output low voltage of this circuit is Level-Shifted OR Gate Furthermore, for all input voltages above Vee VD(ON), all input diodes are cutoff. The output voltage is then obtained by first solving for IDL by writing KVL along dashed path 1 of Figure 2.8 in the form Figure 2.9a displays a level-shifted diode-resistor OR gate. Similar to the level-shifted diode-resistor AND gate already discussed, a level shifting diode DL is added with a resistor RH between the output and a high voltage source Vcc• With all inputs low, all input diodes are cutoff. The output low voltage is obtained by first solving for the current through D1_ following dashed path 1 of Figure 2.9a to obtain Vee + VEE - V1x(ON) IDI = - - - - - - - - . Ru+ R1, '2.7 Clamping Diodes 23 DL open VOH X VIN.A O----------J-:>1---~---K:1------+---~-------( J -------------------- Your -- ---1------'' (b) (a) FIGURE 2.9 Level-Shifting Diode OR Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic IoL Vee+ VEE - VoL(ON) =-------- Ru+ RL The output low voltage is then obtained by either or VouT = - VEE + + V DL (ON) Vee + VEE - Vo(ON) R -Vu:+ R +R L IoLRL II L + V 0 L(ON) If either input is high, its corresponding input diode is conducting and the voltage at the point labeled Xis Example 2.4 AND Gate Level-Shifted Diode-Resistor Find the output low and high voltages for the level shifted diode-resistor AND gate shown in Figure 2.8a. Use Vee= 4 V, -VEE= -4 V, VD(ON) = 0.7 V, RH = 1 k!l and RL = 2 kfl. Solution The output low and high voltages for the level-shifted diode-resistor AND gate are found by direct substitution into the expressions derived in this section to obtain VOL= -4 V and Von= (-4) + = 0.87 (4) + (4) - (0.7) ( k) (lk) + (2k) 2 V Vx = VIN - VD1(0N) The output voltage is then Von= Vx + Vo1(0N) = V1N The voltage transfer characteristic for the levelshifted diode-resistor OR gate with V 1N = VrNA = V1N 11 is shown in Figure 2.96. Note that this VTC passes through origin. 2. 7 CLAMPING DIODES When the input to a gate is switched high-to-low, the input voltage sometimes swings beyond 0 V. This is referred to as ringing and may cause physical damage to the gate itself. Connecting diodes to each input of a gate as in Figure 2.10 considerably reduces 24 Chapter 2/Diodcs v,NA o---T---------v 0---_J____ ____ _ INB I I I I v!NC f l - - - - - - - + - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - ¥ input stage I V-=? VIN; t ti: * I FIGURE 2.11 Input Clamping Diodes such problems by preventing the inputs from falling below one diode drop of -0.7 V. Furthermore, as long as the input voltages are positive, these additional input diodes are open circuits. As will be seen in Chapter 9, advanced TTL sub-families employ clamping of the output for analogous purposes. 2.8 i I + Vo(ON) I J_ FIGURE 2.10 + Vo(ON) Level-Shifting Series Diodes for Example 2.5 ensures the desired operation by allowing only one driver to be on at a given time. The conducting diode voltage V0 (0N) = 0.7 V is an ideal element for these purposes. As will be seen in the next chapter, the base-emitter portion of a BJT can also be used for level-shifting and has the advantage of providing additional driving current. LEVEL-SHIFTING DIODES It is often desired to change the voltage level across particular portions of digital circuits. Recall that in section 2.6 it was shown that diodes can be used to level shift the output voltage. Another use of the diode forward voltage is to ensure that sub-circuits with complementary objectives are not conducting sinmltaneously. For example, certain BJT digital gates employ two output drivers. Additionally, only one driver is on for the output-low state while only the other is on for the output-high state. Placement of a voltage level-shifting device between the two drivers Example 2.5 Level-Shifting What is the level-shifting voltage VsHir-r of the series diodes in Figure 2.11? Assume both diodes are forward biased with a forward voltage of VD(ON) = 0.7V. Solution The level-shifting voltage of the diode configuration is obtained by adding the voltages across each diode yielding V5111 n = 2 V 0(0N) = 2(0. 7) = 1.4 V CHAPThK 2 !'KUHL.EMS 2.1 Draw the two-dimensional cross section of a PN junction diode and label the different regions. Indicate the doping densities and label the ohmic contact. 2.2 Repeat Problem 2.1 for the Schottky MN junction diode. Clearly indicate the Schottky MN contact. 2.3 What type of metal are most often used in Schottky MN silicon diodes? Describe the metal deposition process. 2.4 Using Shockley's Ill-VD expression for a PN diode, calculate the reverse saturation current for 10 = 1 mAand VI)= 0.7V. Chapter 2 Problems 2.5 Under forward bias conditions, use Shockley's equation to calculate the change in diode voltage that results when the diode current is increased by a factor of 10. 2.6 Consider two PN junction diodes with reverse saturation currents of Is 1 = 10-H A and 152 = 10 - 12 A (a) Calculate the diode current and individual voltages if the diodes are connected in series with 1 V applied across the combination. (b) Calculate the voltage and individual currents for the diodes connected in parallel with a total of 1 mA conducting through them. 2.7 2.8 Voe R DA 2.9 Calculate I1, from Shockley's equation using ¢ 1 = 0.0259 V and Is = 10- 14 A for VI)= 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, and 1.0 V. Compare with the values in Example 2.1. 2.10 Repeat Problem 2.9 for negative VD values of -1, -2, -10, -200, and -500 mV. Compare with Example 2.2. 2.11 Plot values of In JD versus VDs for a diode using Shockley's expression. Use Is = 10-i-1 A for ¢T = 0.0259 V. 2.12 Repeat Problems 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11 for a diode with ls = 10 1" A 2.13 Repeat Problems 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11 for a diode with ls = 10 IJ A 2.14 Calculate the diode capacitance CD using the typical parameters from the SPICE tables for VD = 0.3 V and CJO = 10 pF. 2.15 Repeat Problem 2.14 for VD= -0.5 V. 2.16 For the diode AND gate of Figure P2.16, show that the output low voltage level is degraded by the forward voltage drop of one diode. For input voltages of O or 5 V, consider all combinations of inputs and calculate the corresponding outputs. Let V1x: = 5 V. VIN.A 0 VIN.B 0-- 1<1~--D. FIGURE PZ.16 Consider a Schottky MN diode with current-voltage variation given by the Shockley equation where Is is several orders of magnitude larger than that for the PN diode. (a) Calculate the value of Is based upon a current and voltage measurement given by In = 1 mA and Vn = 0.3 V. (b) For a PN diode with the same ID-VD variation, the reverse saturation current is 10 14 A If the diode voltage is Vu = 0.3 V, what is the diode current? Use Shockley's expression to determine the diode currents for an MN Schottky diode for V0 = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1, and 2 V. Use Is = 10 nA. 25 DA VIN.A D. VIN.B R JFIGURE P2.17 2.17 For the diode OR gate of Figure P2.17 show that the output voltage level is degraded by the forward voltage drop of a diode. Additionally, if this output is the input to another similar OR gate, show that the output is degraded by an additional diode drop. 2.18 Sketch the vrc (VOUT versus V1N) for the diode level-shifting circuit shown in Figure P2.18 over the range -Vue :s V1N :s VDc• Use Vuc = 4 V and R11 = RL = 1 k!1. Also, let V0 (ON) = 0.7 V. 2.19 Repeat Problem 2.18 for the diode level shifting circuit shown in Figure P2.19. FIGURE P2.18 26 Chapter 2/Diodes 2.20 The circuit shown in Figure P2.20 is a diode AND gate with a level-shifting diode DL. Sketch the vrc for Vocr versus v,N = v/\ with Vil = 0 and 5 V. Let VDc = 5 V, -VDc = -5 V, R11 = 5 kfl, RL = 100 kfl, Vl)(ON) = 0. 7 V, and consider O '.'S V/\ '.'S 5 V. 2.21 Repeat Problem 2.18 for the diode level shifting OR gate of Figure P2.21. Let v,/\ = Vrn = v,N and V 0 (0N) = 0.7 V. FIGURE PZ.19 DA VIN.A o-~ -t>to. VIN.A ( } - - - K l - - - - , VIN.B o-------t>f~ -Vgg = -5 V FIGURE PZ.21 FIGURE PZ.20 JU In this chapter, the fabrication sequence of NPN and PNP bipolar junction transistors is described. The Ebers-Moll BJT model and the BJT modes of operation are then discussed. The Gummel-Poon BJT model and the SPICE BJT model are then described. and this is accomplished by applying the most negative voltage in the circuit (usually ground) to the substrate. 3.2 3.1 CTION JUNCTION ISOLATED NPN BJT OXIDE ISOLATED NPN BJT For the oxide isolated NPN BJT of Figure 3.2, a p- epitaxial layer is grown after the buried layer is formed. This is followed by oxide layer growth, silicon nitride (Si"N 4) layer deposition and a second oxide layer deposition (see Figure 3.2b). The top Si0 2 layer is then used as a mask to selectively remove SbN 4 and then Si0 2 . Trenches are then etched in the P-type epitaxial layer resulting in the cross section of Figure 3.2c. Another Si0 2 growth step is then carried out which consumes silicon (as usual) from the P-epitaxial region, with 0 2 supplied at the surface. The Si0 2 layer grows downward as well as upward from the silicon surface. After this step, the crosssection shown in Figure 3.2d results and the Si0 2 trench completely surrounds and isolates the P-type epitaxial region. The N+ buried layer and the P-substrate form an isolation junction on the bottom. The last silicon processing steps for this are a deep N+ collector diffusion, p+ base diffusion, and N+ emitter diffusion. This is followed by metalization. Figure 3.2e displays the final device crosssection for the oxide isolated NPN BJT and Figure 3.2f shows the 3-D version. In the fabrication sequence of Figure 3.1, an N-epitaxial layer is grown on the P-substrate, the isolation diffusion is performed, and two diffusions (or implants) are used to form the emitter and base regions. The resulting NPN transistor is referred to as a double-diffused epitaxial device. It should be noted that while this sequence of processing steps for the NPN BJT is taking place, other devices are fabricated at the same time at other surface locations. For example, a resistor using the P base diffused region is formed at the sa1T1c time as the base is diffused or implanted by providing an additional window in the pattern. Both NPN BJT processes begin with a P-type substrate and buried layer formation, which involves a N+ selective diffusion or implant through oxide windows. This step is followed with the growth of an epitaxial silicon layer. However, the epitaxial layer is N- in one case and p- in the other. Continuing with the processing steps in Figure 3.1, after the N-epitaxial layer growth, the P isolation diffusion is carried out (Figure, followed by the P-base selective diffusion/implant (Figure 3.1c). The next processing step is an N+ emitter-collector diffusion implant (Figure 3. ld) and finally metalization. Figure 3. le displays the final cross-section for the double diffused epitaxial NPN BJT and Figure 3. lf shows a 3-D version without metalization. Note again that the isolation junction must always be reverse biased 3.3 MULTI-EMITTER BJT Other BJTs that are widely used in TTL and STTL are displayed in Figure 3.3. These devices provide mul- 27 28 Chapter 3/Bipolar Junction Transistors N+ buried layer \ \ P substrate ~\~T P+ (a) ~ / p · ~-- ~ N+~ : N- epttaxial layer \ N+ buried layer ) P+ ~ ) P substrate j' r N- epttaxial layer \ P+ ---{~---N-+-b-un-'ed.~lay_e_r- - - _ ) ~ - ~ -- \ -- (d) I ) P subsirtt.itt \ (b) P+ c--i p P+ N- epitaxial layer -------~ N+ buried layer P substrate P+l' / IN+p \_~----- ~~ ___ N· epHaxial layer _i \ N_+_b_uri_ed_l~ay~er_ _ _ _) - - - l P+ ) f P substrate I --~ ) (e) (c) (f) FIGURE 3.1 Junction Isolated NPN BJT Process Sequence: (a) Buried layer diffusion/implant, (b) N- epitaxial layer growth and P+ isolation diffusion, (c) P base diffusion/implant, (d) N + emitter and collector diffusion/implant, (e) Metalization, (f) Three-dimensional cross section (without metalization) tiple inputs for these logic families and consist of a multi-emitter NPN BJT. Essentially no additional processing steps are required for their fabrication. However, more chip area is used. Multi-emitter NPN BJTs are shown using both the junction and the Si0 2 isolation in Figure 3.3a and b respectively. 3.4 SCHOTTKY-CLAMPED BJT Figure 3.4a displays a modified NPN BJT which is called a Schottky-clamped BJT. The base contact is extended over the N collector region, thus placing a Schottky MN diode in parallel with the base-collec- 3.4 Schottky-Clamped BJT Si02 Si 3N4 29 -~---7 \ ____ __ _____ N+ buried layer __,1 I P substrate - \ --------------" 1 (a) Si 3 N4 Si02 i S10, ( } P· epitaxial layer ~ P substrate N+ buried layer (d) P substrate Si02 8 (b) u I \ --c \ P· epitaxial layer N+ buried layer P substrate C S10, Si 3 N4 Si02 E ~~ P substrate s (e) (c) s (f) FIGURE 3.2 Oxide Isolated NPN BJT Process Sequence: (a) Buried layer diffusion/implant, (b) P- epitaxial growth, Si0 2, Si 3 N 4, Si0 2 growth, (c) Trenches etched in P- epi-layer, (d) Oxide growth, ! ( N+ buried layer ----------- - - ------ - - P- epitaxial layer S10, (e) N+ collector, P+ base, N+ emitter, aluminum metalization, (f) Three-dimensional cross section (without metalization) 30 Chapter 3/Bipolar Junction Transistors Si0 2 "' P+ P substrate (a) Si02 e ... .... ..., ,,.. C C C "" SiO, P substrate s (b) FIGURE 3.3 Multi-emitter NPN BJTs: (a) Junction isolation technology, (b) Oxide isolation technology Si0 2 E B s C P+ N+ buried layer P substrate (a) Si02 E, E, E, B C s P+ N+ buried layer P substrate (b) FIGURE 3.4 Schottky-clamped BJTs using Junction Isolation: (a) Single emitter, (b) Multi-emitter 3.6 tor PN junction. The device has a huge advantage over the standard BJT, as we will see. Multi-emitter BJTs are also converted to Schottky-clamped BJTs by placing a Schottky MN diode in parallel with the PN base-collector junction as shown in Figure 3.4b. 3.5 hi,ndVllE) = lcs(e\lml<br - 1) lruic(Vllc) = lcs(e\11<c 1<l'r 1) ! I, collecto, DBC - VBC + IB ~ base , + DBB VBE 3.6 THE EBERS-MOLL BJT MODEL A simple model that represents the first order DC operation of a BJT is the Ebers-Moll model (1954), FIGURE 3.5 Lateral PNP BJT 31 shown for an NPN BJT in Figure 3.6. This model can be used to calculate the terminal currents for all modes of operation with the same set of two equations. The base-emitter and base-collector PN junctions are represented by Shockley diodes labeled DBE and DBc• The currents through these diodes are dependent upon their respective junction voltages: LATERAL PNP BJTs In some bipolar circuits, it is convenient to use PNP transistors along with the NPN BJTs. In particular, the digital logic families ASTfL and ALSTfL use such complimentary devices. However, the fabrication of PNP BJTs along with NPN BJTs is difficult to accomplish in a compatible manner. One technique that has been successful for the case of double diffused epitaxial NPNs has resulted in the PNP structure as shown in Figure 3.5. This device is referred to as a lateral PNP transistor because the current flow from emitter to collector is lateral (i.e. parallel to the surface). Note that the emitter and collector regions of this PNP use the P-base diffused region of the NPN. These lateral PNPs have a much reduced f3F primarily because the base width is about an order of magnitude larger than that of the NPN. Additionally, /3r for the PNP is reduced because of uniform N base doping as well as reduced emitter carrier collection at the collector (as compared with the NPN). The Ebers- Moll BJT Model FIGURE 3.6 Ebcrs-Moll NPN BJT Model 32 Chapter 3/Bipolar Junction Transistors where the base-emitter and base-collector reverse saturation currents li, 5 and Ics (for modern small BJTs) are typically in the range 10- 16 to 10-n_ For an NPN BJT, the current Io.BE consists primarily of electrons (flowing in a direction opposite to that of the current). A fraction of these electrons injected from the emitter into the base region reach the collector. These electrons contribute to the collector current and are represented by the dependent current source with magnitude In Figure 3.6, this current source appears in parallel with the base-collector diode having current ID.BC· The other dependent current source in Figure 3.6. of magnitude is in parallel with ID,BE and these elements are present for analogous reasons. aF and aR are called the common base forward and reverse rnrrent amplification factors, with typical values of a 1 slightly less than 1 and aR between 0.2 and 0.6. Expressions for the emitter and collector termi- nal currents are the sum of each region's diode and dependent source currents and are collectively referred to as the Ebers-Moll equations and are given by and Then, from Kirchhoff's current law, the base current is simply Ill = h le The Ebe rs- Moll model for the PNP BJT is the same as that for the NPN with the directions of the voltage polarities, diodes, diode currents, and dependent current sources reversed, as shown in Figure 3. 7. The Ebers-Moll equations for the PNP BJT are given by h = hs(evrni,t,, - 1) - aRlcs(eVcn 1"' 1 - 1) and the proof of which is left as an exercise to the reader in the homework problems. Reciprocity Theorem collector The Ebers-Moll equations show that the BJT terminal currents are described by two voltage variables, namely the junction biases V13 E and Vrn, as well as four device parameters, 11:s, Ics, aF, and aR. The four parameters are related by the reciprocity theorem for the ideal BJT: base cl-------, where ls is known as the transport saturation current. 3. 7 + emitter FIGURE 3.7 Ebers-Moll PNP BJT Model BJT MODES OF OPERATION In section 3.2, the diode is shown to have two modes of operation, conducting and cutoff, which depend upon the polarity of the PN junction bias voltage. Considering the Ebers-Moll model for the NPN BJT in Figure 3.6, it is observed that there are two PN junction voltages to consider: the base-emitter PN junction, and the base-collector PN junction. Considering all possible combinations of forward and reverse biasing of these two PN junctions, there are 3.7 TABLE 3.1 BJT Modes of Operation Base-Emitter PN Junction Bias Base-Collector PN Junction Bias Reverse Forward Forward Reverse Reverse Reverse Forward Forward Mode of Operation Cutoff Forward active Saturation Reverse active four possible modes of operation for the BJT. These four modes are tabulated along with their corresponding junction biasing (forward or reverse) in Table 3.1. The remainder of this section discusses these modes of operation and formulates reduced BJT circuit models for each of the operational modes. Cutoff Mode BJT Modes of Operation range by a factor of about 10h, and are certainly negligible. Figure 3.8 shows the reduced BJT model for the cutoff mode and consists of open circuits between all three terminals. Forward Active Mode In the forward active mode of operation, the baseemitter PN junction is forward biased and the basecollector PN junction is reverse biased. For the reverse biased base-collector PN junction, we again approximate ID.Be = 0 (and therefore a 1.)D.BC = 0). Assuming the forward biased base-emitter PN junction also has the piecewise linear characteristic of Figure 2.3, and a non-zero emitter current exists, the base-emitter PN junction can be represented by a voltage source of magnitude v/lE(FA) For the cutoff mode of operation, both PN junctions of the BJT are reverse biased. Assuming the EbersMoll base-emitter and base-collector diodes DBE and Dile adhere to the piecewise linear characteristic of Figure 2.3, both ID.BE and ID.Be are zero. The dependent current sources ar-ID.BE and a RID.BC are also zero as a result. Terminal currents in the cutoff mode are therefore given simply by the expressions lr(OFF) = 0 and Ic(OFF) 33 = o.7 v for silicon diodes. The collector current for the forward active mode of operation reduces to lc(FA) = arl[ Substituting IE = I8 + le and solving for le gives the more common expression where the common-emitter current amplification factor /3, is related to ll'r as follows = 0 The actual currents are in the nanoamp range, which is less than the current magnitudes in the active Figure 3.9 shows the reduced BJT model for the forward active mode of operation. Saturation Mode I.== 0 ~ base o · For the saturation mode of operation, both the baseemitter and base-collector PN junctions are forward biased. Also, large collector, base, and emitter currents may be present. The base-emitter voltage for this magnitude of current is larger than V8 E(FA) = 0. 7 V since the currents are larger. Hence, the baseemitter PN junction is represented by a voltage source of larger magnitude, given by V8 r(SAT) = 0.8 V FIGURE 3.8 Reduced NPN BJT Model for the Cutoff Mode of Operation Due to lighter doping the base-collector voltage will typically not exceed the forward voltage of VBc(SAT) = 0.6 V 34 Chapter 3/Bipolar Junction Transistors ool1'cto, I!~ <XplB = P.Je le ---11..► base o--------- ,+ J..I'_ emitter VBB(FA) = 0.7 V l I" ' FIGURE 3.9 Reduced NPN BJT Model for the Forward Active Mode of Operation Reverse Active Mode The reverse active mode of operation for the BJT is defined to occur when the base-emitter PN junction is reverse biased and the base-collector PN junction is forward biased. The reduced BJT model shown in Figure 3.11 is obtained in an analogous manner as the forward active case. Note that the positive currents flow out of the collector and into the emitter. le and IE are specified as negative in comparison with their standard current directions. Expressions for this rnode of operation are given by ViidRA) = 0.7 V h(RA) = D'1)c = -{3Rlil < 0 where Hence, the voltage between the collector and emitter for the saturation mode is therefore VcdSAT) = 0.2 V A saturation parameter u is used to indicate the relationship between le and IB and is defined leu=f3Flil where er :S 1. Note that a = 1 denotes forward active operation and/or edge of saturation operation. Figure 3.10 shows the nwdel for a BJT in the saturation mode of operation. Note that all terminal voltages are known relative to one another when the BJT is operating in saturation. collwm base r!~ As seen in the previous chapter, a BJT is not a symmetric device and use of the collector as an emitter and emitter as collector will exhibit poor amplification performance. Thus, f3R << f3F• Since amplification of currents is generally not of concern in digital circuits, the reverse active mode of operation is occasionally utilized. Family of Curves Figure 3.12 shows a family of Ic versus Vcrc characteristics for changes in I8 of amount ~ as predicted by the Ebers-Moll model. For equal increments in 18 , the curves in the active regions are approximately ooll~tm I! Vec(RA) = 0.7 V V0 c(SAT) = 0.6 V . ~<0 + + base,,--_ _ _____, I! + t = PRIB V0 s(SAT) = 0.8 V ,nritttt I, FIGURE 3.10 Reduced NPN BJT Model for the Saturated Mode of Operation <mitte, ~!I, <O FIGURE 3.11 Reduced NPN BJT Model for the Reverse Active Mode of Operation 3.8 The Gummel-Poon BJT Model Is =4A forward active \ l 35 r. increasing cutoff IIs I increasing j FIGURE 3.12 -A -_ -_ -_ -_, , IsIs= =-2A _______-_ Ia =-3A Ia=-4A Ia =-SA Ia= -6A"I ------""'-----, -_ -_ -_ -_ -,,,, _____-_ Family of Ic versus VcE Characteristics with Ill as a Parameter evenly spaced, although the curves in the reverse active region are much closer together than those in the forward active region. This indicates that the Ebers-Moll model predicts that f3F and f3R are independent of the terminal current magnitudes. As will be shown in the following section, this is not entirely true. THE GUMMEL-POON BJT MODEL 3.8 The Ebers-Moll model discussed in the previous two sections made no accounting of second order effects. The Gummel-Poon BJT model (1970), proposed 16 years after the Ebers- Moll model, considers several second-order effects by using a charge-control relation that links junction voltages, collector current, and charge stored in the base. Some of these second order effects are the following: • The Early effect (base-width modulation) which contributes a VcE dependence on Ic Sah-Noyce-Shockley effect (spacecharge-layer generation at high current levels and recombination at low current levels) • The Webster effect (conductivity modulation in the base) • The Kirk effect (base width widening) • Emitter crowding • The The second order effects of the Gummel-Poon model that are discussed in this section are those included in the SPICE BJT model (the Early, SahNoyce-Shockley, and Kirk effects). The Early Effect (Base-Width Modulation) The family of le versus VcE curves obtained from the Ebers-Moll model, shown in Figure 3.12, exhibit no dependence of Ic on VCE· However, a dependence of le on VcE is observed due to the Early effect and is demonstrated in Figure 3.13. The slopes of the Ic versus VcE curves are seen to increase as I8 increases. Note that when the linear portion of the curves are 36 Chapter 3/Bipolar Junction Transistors extrapolated to the negative Vn: axis, they intersect at a common voltage -VA· VA is referred to as the Early voltage. The Early effect is also present in the reverse active mode. The simplest form of equations exhibiting the forward Early effect are Ic = ls(evH,11>., - evHci<f,.,)( 1 Is _.:._ (e\/acl<t,., - 1) /31, The Kirk Effect (Base Width Widening) The le dependence on Vn given above is somewhat idealized. \A/hen the minority carrier concentration across the base-collector junction increases, the electron concentration becomes comparable to the doping density of the collector. This has the effect of widening the base region and reducing the injected minority carriers that reach the collector and, hence, /3 1 is reduced. J and O"IAT r11lr'-ro"l"lf .iU'IJWW J oirrol nn.T'l.lo-1-~lla .... '--'11..&'l.,JI.JlL Jl.,j'i..,W1il..,.I. ,JL..,l'i..,l'.1.1(....L.1.U.I..I. J ''t .L.JUJ\J.1. Recombination In section 3.2 it was shown that SPICE uses a modified Shockley diode equation with an emission coefficient Nin the denominator of the exponent given bv where These equations reduce to the Ebers-Moll equations in the limit as the Early voltage approaches infinity (see problem 3.15). Ifi = L;(ev"iN<1,., - 1) For a BJT, depletion layer recombination increases the base current and therefore decreases the current VA= forward Early voltage l FIGURE 3.13 VCE Dependence on Ic due to the Early Effect IB increasing 3.9 collector gain. This is modelled by varying emission coefficients in the base-emitter and base-collector diode currents of the Ebers-Moll model. 0 3. 9 SPICE BJT MODEL This section introduces the SPICE BJT model and the physical significance of each of t/1e SPICE BJT model parameters. Figure 3.14 shows the modified Gummel-Poon model used in SPICE to represent the large signal behavior of a BJT. As can be seen, this model contains junction capacitances, including that for the collector-substrate junction, and parasitic resistances for the collector, base, and emitter terminals. 37 SPICE BJT Model fc~-t¼ ~~~I 6 substrate RB base o---.1\/1./\r------ SPICE BJT DC Characteristic The nonlinear current sources exhibit the GummelPoon DC characteristics presented in section 3. 7 with the inclusion of emission coefficients for both junctions. The expressions are given by Ics = IS(ev",INF<l>T - eVeclNR<Pr)( 1 ~) VAF emitter _IS _ (ev",-INR,/,r _ 1) BR FIGURE 3.14 Poon model) and duce the SPICE model to the simpler Ebers-Moll model. where IBr = Ill + Irn The parameters used to calculate the DC operation of a BJT are tabulated in Tables 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Note that the parameters corresponding to the GummelPoon model in Table 3.3 have default values that re- TABLE 3.2 SPICE BJT Model (Modified Gummel- SPICE BJT Transient Response The BJT parameters that contribute to the transient response calculated by SPICE are tabulated in Table 3.5. The three capacitances of Figure 3.14 have the SPICE DC BJT Model Parameters Corresponding to the Ebers-Moll Model Symbol Name Parameter Units Default Typical Is IS BF NF BR NR Junction saturation current Ideal maximum forward beta Forward current emission coefficient Ideal maximum reverse beta Reverse current emission coefficient A lE-16 100 1.0 1 1 lE-16 100 1 0.1 1 /31 f3R 38 Chapter 3/Bipolar Jun cti on Transisto rs TABLE 3.3 SPICE DC BJT Model Parameters Corresponding to the Gummel-Poon Model Symbol Name Parame ter VA VAF IKF ISE NE VAR IKR ISC NC Forward Earl y voltage Co rn e r for forward beta high cu rrent roll-off Base-emitter leakage saturation current Base -emitter leakage em ission coefficient Reverse Early voltage Co rner for reverse beta high current roll-off Base-collector leakage saturation current Base-coll ector lea kage emission coefficie nt TABLE 3.4 Name RB RB RBM IRB RE RC Re Parameter Zero-bias base resistance Minimum base resistance a t hi gh currents Curre nt a t w hi ch RB fa lls hal fway to RB M Emitter resista nce Collector resistance TABLE 3.5 SPICE Transient BJT Model Parameters Symbol Name C11rn <pBE mE TF CJE VJE MJE TF XTF VTF ITF Clleo </>ne me 'TR Cesa </J es m, Default V C/J A A C/J Typical V 00 A 00 A 0 2 200 lOE-3 lE-13 2 200 lE-3 lE-13 1.5 Units Default Typical 0 100 10 0.1 1 10 0 1.5 SPICE DC BJT Parasitic Resistance Model Parameters Symbol RE Units PTF CJC VJC MJC XCJC TR CJS VJS MJS FC Param eter fl, n RB A 00 n n 0 0 Units Zero-bias base-emitter depl e tion capacitance Base-e mitter built-in potential Base-em itte r juncti on grading coefficie nt Idea l forward transit tim e TF bias depend ence coefficient TF dependency on V11 e TF dependency on le Excess phase a t frequency l/(27T X TF) Hz Zero-bias base-collector deple ti on capaci tan ce Base-collecto r built-in potential Base -collector junction grad ing coefficie nt Fracti o n of CHc co nnected inte rn al to R11 Idea l reverse trans it Collec tor-substrate zero-bias deple ti o n capacitance Collec tor-substrate built-in po tenti al Collecto r-substrate junction grading coefficient Forward-bias de ple tion capacitance coeffici ent F V s V A deg F V s F V Default Typical 0 0.75 0.33 0 0 2PF 0.85 0.33 OJNS 00 0 0 0 0.75 0.33 1 0 0 0.75 0 0.5 30 2PF 0.8 0.5 lONS 2PF 0.8 0.5 and va lu es V - -llC - VJC ) MJC As with the diod e, th ese capaci tances can also be modelled as charge storage elem ents: 3.10 T F x IS (cv" 11 NE,t,1 (\/HI ( + CJ E Jo - 1) V )-MJE 1 - VJ E Integrated Circuit Resistors 39 that are used in integrated circuits along with an ideal resistor. d\l and A model parameter F C similar to that for the diode is also available for modeling the forward biased junction capacitances of the SPICE BJT. 3.10 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT RESISTORS Although resistors in digital and analog ICs have been replaced in many instances with transistors, TTL and ECL families continue to use these passive components. Figure 3.15 displays several IC resistors Ideal Rectangular Resistor Figure 3.15a shows an ideal rectangular resistor with the resistance expression in terms of constant resistivity p, length L and cross-sectional area A This resistance is included for comparison with the IC resistors. The ideal resistance Rab is defined between planes a and b as follows: R,,1, = L PA The integrated circuit resistors shown in the other portions of Figure 3.15 are compatible with the double diffused epitaxial BJT and use different layers of this device for the resistor structure. Diffused Base Resistor Figure 3.15b shows a resistor that uses the base diffusion/implant region for the resistor. The sheet re- p N P substrate (a) (b) N+ p N+ p N N P substrate P substrate (c) (d) FIGURE 3.15 Integrated Circuit Resistor Crosssections: (a) Ideal rectangular resistor, (b) Diffused base resistor, (c) Diffused emitter resistor, (d) Pinch resistor 40 Chapter 3/Bipolar Junction Transistors sistivity PsB of this region is comparatively large and is useful for larger IC resistors. Typically p 513 = 200 !!/square. The resistance expression for this structure is Diffused Emitter Resistor Figure 3.15c uses the emitter N+ region for the resistor and is used for small valued resistors. Typically, PsE = 2 fl/square. The resistance expression is Pinch Resistor Figure 3.15d shows a pinch resistor which has the largest value of resistance for a fixed length/width ratio of any of the IC resistors. This is because the cross section of the resistor has been reduced by the N+ diffusion. The reduced cross-section has the effect of increasing the sheet resistivity and hence the resistor value. For the reduced sheet resistivity PsB, the resistance is CHAPTER 3 PROBLEMS 3.1 Outline the basic processing steps for the fabrication of a double diffused NPN BJT. 3.8 Derive equations for Vcr(SAT) and VmJSAT) from the Ebers-Moll equations. 3.2 Repeat Problem 3.1 for the NPN BJT that uses oxide isolation. 3.9 3.3 Draw the two-dimensional cross-section of a double diffused NPN BJT and label the different regions. Be sure to indicate the relative doping densities, i.e. N·, N, N+, p-, P, or p+_ From the equations of Problem 3.8, calculate values for V81 (SAT) and Vn(SAT) for the circuit of Figure P3.9. Use aF = 0.98,aR = 0.5, I1.:s = 10- 1" A, Ics = 2 X 10- 10 A. Choose initial values of V8 F = 0.7 V and Vn = 0.2 V and iterate. 3.10 3.4 Repeat Problem 3.3 for the oxide isolatd NPN BJT. For the forward active mode, use the Ebers-Moll equations to show that 3.5 Show that the multi-emitter NPN BJT of Figure P3.5 acts as a single-emitter BJT. (Hint: What PN junctions are reverse-biased?) 3.6 What part of an NPN BJT is modified to create a Schottky-clamped BJT? 3.7 Repeat Problem 3.3 for the lateral PNP BJT. and Va:= 5V f 10 Jill FIGURE P3.5 FIGURE P3.9 l Chapter 3 Problems 3.11 Calculate the BJT capacitance values using the typical parameters from the SPICE tables. Use VBE = 0.7 V, Vrn = 5 V, and C1" = 10 pF (for the emitter and collector junctions). 3.12 Repeat Problem 3.11 for a BJT in saturation. 3.13 List the three types of integrated circuit resistors discussed in this chapter in order of increasing resistance per square. 3.14 For the circuit shown in Figure P3.14, calculate the values of IRE ( = - IF), Vm and VER· Let a" = 0.05 and Vile= 0.7 V. What is the operating state of the transistor? 3.15 Show that the Gummel-Poon equations reduce to the Ebers-Moll equations as the Early voltage approached infinity. FIGURE P3.14 41 4 INTRODUCTION TO BIPOLAR DIGITAL CIRCUITS This chapter is a preview of bipolar digital circuit analysis methods with accompanying calculations that are very beneficial in later chapters. As will be seen, the analysis of bipolar digital circuits follows an inherent pattern. Since each transistor, diode, and resistor in the circuit is intended for a specific purpose and/or operates in a specific mode, knowing the state of each transistor and diode allows a quick and simple method of circuit solution. In this chapter basic types of logic circuits are presented in order to convey digital circuit principles. The basic circuits to be considered here are the diode-resistor logic circuits and the BJT inverter. The BJT inverter provides simple logic inversion using a common-emitter configuration. These basic logic circuits lead into transistor-transistor logic (TTL) circuits. To complete this chapter, a general block diagran1 for TTL logic families is presented along with basic diode and BJT operating configurations. This material is extremely useful in laler chapters. of operation are shown in Figures, b, and c. For the cutoff mode of operation, which occurs for VBE < VBdFA) = 0. 7 V, all terminal currents are zero. For the forward active and saturation modes of operation, relationships between each of the BJT terminal currents and some of the terminal voltage differences are inherent. The reverse active mode of BJT operation was also presented in the previous chapter. The terminal current and voltage relationships for this mode are shown in Figure 4.2. If the state of a BJT in a circuit is known, the known voltage differences can be used to determine the node voltages in the circuit and the branch currents in the circuit. The following example demonstrates this method of determination for the saturation mode. Example 4.1 BJT Saturation Determine the base and collector currents and u for the saturated BJT in Figure 4.3. Let f3F = 65. Solution Since the BJT in Figure 4.3 is in saturation and the emitter is at ground, V8 = V13 E(SAT) = 0.8 V and Vc = V0,(SAT) = 0.2 V. The base and collector currents are now easily determined to be ANALYSIS OF BJT CIRCUITS WITH KNOWN STATES 4.1 The four modes of BJT operation were presented in the previous chapter and are 1. cutoff mode 2. forward active mode 3. saturation mode 4. reverse active mode (5) (0.8) _ µA (Sk) - 840 and Each of these modes have characteristic terminal current and voltage relationships. The relationships for the cutoff, forward active, and saturation modes (5) - (0. 2) = 7.5 mA (640) 42 4.1 J\nalvsis of BJT Circuits with Known States 43 (b) (a) - I lc(SAT) = ap,J. v.c(SAT) =0.6V l + YciSAT) =0.2 V (0 <a< 1) Q(SAT) V•.(SAT) =0.8 V FIGURE 4.1 (SAT) BJT Terminal Current and Voltage Relationships: (a) Cutoff (OFF), (b) Forward active (FA), (c) Saturation The saturation parameter is then (7.Slll) (65)(840µ,) = 0 137 · This example demonstrates techniques used to analyze digital circuits. The state of the BJT is known and the voltages for the solution are therefore also known. The calculations then necessary to determine the currents only involve applying Ohm's law. More complex circuits can be analyzed just as easily. Analysis of circuits containing B]Ts in the reverse active mode of operation can also be analyzed in a similar manner. As will be seen in the following examples (and in the chapters on bipolar digital circuits), when the operating states of the diodes and transistors in a digital circuit are known, this is sufficient information for complete circuit analysis. Yee= 5V 0 I J +-I,(RA)" M 1. -++ v.c(RA) =0.7V R. 5 k.Q 6400 Re j Q(RA) +-le= I.+ (-I,,) Yca(SAT) Q(SAT) ~+ I. V•.(SAT) -:- FIGURE 4.2 Reverse Active (RA) BJT Terminal Current and Voltage Relationship FIGURE 4.3 BJT Digital Sub-circuit with Known State of Operation for Example 4.1 44 Chapter 4/lntroduction to Bipolar Digital Circuits Example 4.2 BJT Analysis with Known States Figure 4.4 shows a portion of a digital circuit where the state of each transistor is known. Solve for the voltages at the base and emitter of each BJT. Solution The state of each BJT is given and thus voltages between transistor terminals are known. The emitter of the output BJT Q0 is at ground and thus VE,O = 0 With Q 0 forward active, V8 F.,o = 0.7 V giving VB,o = V8 E,o(FA) = 0.7 V Hence, VE,s = V 8 , 0 and since Q5 is also forward active, VB,s is the sum of two forward-active B-E voltages Vs,s = VBE,o(FA) + VsE,s(FA) = 2V8 E(FA) = 2(0.7) = 1.4 V With the input transistor Q1 saturated, VcE,I is known and thus VE,1 = VeE,o(FA) + VsE,s(FA) - VcE,J(SAT) = 2(0.7) - (0.2) = 1.2 V Just as the operating state of BJTs provides a tool for analysis of digital circuits, a similar situation is found with PN junction semiconductor diodes. The next example demonstrates the procedure. Example 4.3 Diode Analysis with Known States Determine the current I through the branch in Figure 4.5. Also, find the voltage at the base of the transistor Q. Assume the BJT base current is negligible. Solution Using KVL for the output branch gives GND - IR, - IR 2 V01 (0N) - - V02 (0N) - lR3 = -Vff Solving for I, we have I= VEE - 2V0 (0N) R1 + R2 + R3 (5.2) - 2(0.7) = 3.04 mA (200) + (750) + (300) The state of Q is not given but is not needed since the voltage at its base can be obtained without knowing the state of Q, where Finally, Va,1 = Vc,1 + V 8 c,1(SAT) = (1.2) + (0.8) = 2.0 V Notice that in this analysis none of the BJT terminal currents were of concern. Q(SAT) ~(FA) -::- FIGURE 4.4 BJT Digital Sub-circuit with Known States of Operation for Example 4.2 -V.,,,_ = -5.2 V FIGURE 4.5 BJT/Diode Digital Sub-circuit with Known States of Operation for Example 4.3 4.2 Vil= CND - IR 1 = (0) - (3.04111)(200) = -608 111V The previous examples demonstrate the use of BJT and diode terminal voltage differences for analysis of digital circuits. At the end of this chapter there are many probleff1S of this type, none of which 1f BJT Inverter 45 should take more than a minute to solve. The reader is encouraged to solve these problems and become familiar with this style of circuit solution. 4.2 BJT INVERTER Figure 4.6a displays the first active gate to be considered. The circuit consists of a BJT with base and collector resistors and one voltage source Vcc• This simple arrangement is a logic inverter. Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks BJT Analysis with Known Operating States To summarize this section, knowing the state of a BJT or diode in a digital circuit allows certain voltage and current calculations. Important operating voltages and currents are listed as follows: Diode conducting: VD(ON) = 0.7 V Fo1ward-active: VBE(FA) = 0.7 V and Ic = f3FIB Saturation: V13 E(SAT) = 0.8 V and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V Reverse-active: V8 c:(RA) = 0.7 V and IE = -/3Rifl As will be seen in the digital circuits employing metal-semiconductor (usually Al-NSi) Schottky barrier MN diodes and Schottkyclamped NPN BJTs the following additional expressions are of great importance: Schottky diode (N-Si) conducting: V58 D(ON) = 0.3 V Schottky clamped BJT Jonuard-active (Schottky-barrier diode not conducting): VBE(ON) = 0.7 V Schottky-clamped BJT on hard: VBF.(HARD) = 0.8 V, V8 c(ON) = VsrdON) = 0.3 V, and VcE(HARD) = 0.5 V Note that operation of Schottky barrier MN diodes is identical to that of PN semiconductor diodes, except that the diode ON voltage is reduced. Furthermore, a Schottky-clamped BJT is simply a BJT with a Schottky barrier diode connected between the base and collector. This diode prevents the BJT from operating in the saturation region. Output High Voltage= VoH For VBE < V13 E(FA), the BJT is cutoff and Ic = IRc = 0. With no voltage drop across Re, the output voltage is given by Input Low Voltage= V1L When V8 E reaches VBE(FA), the BJT is at the edge of conduction, where the cutoff and forward active regions meet. As VIN passes V8 E(FA), the voltage VIN - V8 E(FA) across R8 corresponds to a base current I8 = IRB and collector current Ic = f3FIB. The output is now diminished by IcRc. Hence, VIL= VBr(FA) Output Low Voltage = VoL Increasing VIN to the point of saturating the BJT gives Vo1 = Vcr(SAT) which is the minimum collector-emitter voltage. Input High Voltage = Vrn Vu-1 is the input voltage at the edge of saturation which is also defined to be at the edge of the active region. With the collector-emitter voltage at VcE(SAT), the collector current is given by _ Vee - VcE(SAT) I cRc At the edge of saturation, u- = 1 and the base and collector currents are still related by Ic = f3Fl 8 . Thus, IB(EOS) = Ic = Vee - VcE(SAT) f3r /3rRc 46 Chapter 4/lntroduction to Bipolar Digital Circuits edge of conduction / Your edge of saturation VoL = Vce(SAT) I Q(SAT) t '------Mf-------------vIN ,vm (a) (V) VIL= V BE(FA) (b) FIGURE 4.6 BJT Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic With V8 E = V8 E(SAT), the input high voltage is Vu.1 = V8 E(SAT) + Thus, by definition from the previous chapter I 8 (EOS)R 8 VNM/-1 = V (SAT) + Vee - VcE(SAT) R f3rRc BE = VOi-{ - V111 = (5) - (1.6) = 3.4 V and B The voltage transfer characteristic for this basic BJT inverter is displayed in Figure 4.66. The logical NOT function is clearly exhibited outside the narrow amplifier region. Vivi& = Vn - VoL = (0.7) - (0.2) = 0.5 V As we shall see, the low noise margin of the simple BJT inverter is unacceptably small. However, the basic RTL inverter plays an integral part in the structure of more complex bipolar logic circuits, as will be seen in future chapters. Example 4.4 BJT Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic For the BJT inverter of Figure 4.6, determine the high and low noise margins for Vcc = 5 V, R 8 = 10 kfl, Re = 1 kfl, and f3F = 60. Solution Substituting these values and the known BJT voltages directly into the expressions derived in this section yields V0 u = 5 V ViL = TTL SUPER-CIRCUITRY To provide a preview to succeeding chapters, this section considers all TTL logic families to have circuitry designed with the same considerations shown in Figure 4.7. This is not at all surprising, since new BJT logic families have been mere improvements of their basic sub-circuits of TTL circuitry. 0.7 V Input Section VoL = 0.2 V and Vu 1 = (0.8) 4.3 (5) - (0.2) + (60)(lk) (10k) = 1.6 V The input section consists of an ANDing of all inputs. The parallel diode configuration contained within the diode AND gate of section 2.5 is an example of this type input. However, a multi-emitter BJT with 4.3 I -- N0 VINA .. VINB . Diode or Multi-emitter AND gate VAND Drive Splitter ~ I ? I Yies I FIGURE 4.7 TTL Super-Circuitry Output High Pull-up Driver VNAND - Output Low Pull-down Driver TTL Family Super-circuitry Block Diagram the different emitters being the inputs can also serve this purpose as we shall see. Drive Splitter Depending on the result of the input ANDing, the drive splitter turns on one of the two output sections. A typical drive splitter is the BJT inverter of the last section. If the output of the AND gate is logic low, the input voltage to the drive splitter is also low. A BJT inverter used for the drive splitter would then be cutoff. This would cutoff the output-low pull-down and activate the output-high pull-up portion of the output. For a logic high output from the AND gate, the opposite output results. Note that the two output drivers are never on simultaneously. The drive splitter section also provides additional base driving current to the output-low pull-down driver. From the block diagram, it can be seen that the TTL super-circuitry provides the NANO logic function. The input stage ANDs the multiple inputs, while the drive splitter section provides inversion. If the circuit has only one input, or if all inputs are connected together the logic circuit then reduces to an inverter. Output-High Pull-Up Driver As discussed in the previous chapter, as the output goes low-to-high, current is required to charge the equivalent input-capacitance of the load gates. The output-high pull-up section provides sourcing current for this charging. A simple embodiment would be a voltage driven resistor as in Figure 4.8a. However, an emitter-follower as in Figure 4.8b is an active solution which provides a higher sourcing current and hence faster switching time. For even more sourcing current, a Darlington pair configuration, as L'.:;:: IACl1Vll (a) FIGURE 4.8 47 (b) Pull-up Current Sources: (a) Passive, (b) Active, (c) Darlington pair active (c) VOH 48 Chapter 4/Introduction to Bipolar Digital Circuits shown in Figure 4.8c, is used. This active pull-up circuit also provides greater fan-out. Output-Low Pull-Down Driver The purpose of the output-low pull-down section is two-fold. A large sinking current must be available to discharge the capacitive load. In addition, the pulldown circuitry provides larger fan-out by sinking (non-zero) currents I11, from all the load gates as indicated in Figure 4.9. The current Im is collector current for a BJT and allows adequate fan-out, as we shall see. FIGURE 4.10 Example 4.5 4.4 BJT-diode Voltage Level-shifting for LEVEL-SHIFTING BJTs It is often desired to increase the voltage drop across particular portions of digital circuits. One reason is to ensure that sub-circuits with complementary objectives are not conducting simultaneously. For example, consider the two output drivers of Figure 4.7. One is on for the output-low state and the other for the output-high state. Placement of a voltage levelshifting device between the two drivers provides the desired isolation. The conducting diode voltage V1i0N) = 0.7 V is an ideal element for this purpose. Alternatively, the base-emitter portion of a BJT can also be used for level-shifting and has the advantage of providing additional driving current. Example 4.5 Level-Shifting What is the level-shifting voltage VsHiFr of the BJTdiode pair in Figure 4.10? Assume the BJT is forwardactive and the diode is conducting. Solution The level-shifting voltage of the BJTdiode configuration is obtained by adding the known voltages as follows: Vs111FT = VBE,o(FA) + Vo,L(ON) = (0.7) + (0.7) = 1.4 V 4.5 DISCHARGE PATHS AND BASE DRIVING CIRCUITRY As mentioned in section 4.1, in order to turn off a saturated BJT, all of the stored charge in the base region must be removed. A path must therefore be available for base discharge. If the circuitry connected to the base of a BJT is non-conducting, for instance a reverse biased diode or another BJT in cutoff, a saturated BJT will not be able to discharge the stored charge from its base. Figure 4.1 la displays a circuit with an additional resistor R0 that provides passive charge removal. The current magnitude is the base voltage of Q0 divided by the resistor, or IJ<D Output Low Pull-down Driver FIGURE 4.9 Fan-out Current Sinking _ - Viio Ro Figure 4.116 shows an active configuration for stored charge removal. This circuit provides a much faster discharge than R0 in Figure 4.lla. Conversely, the turn-on time of a BJT is dependent on the time required to charge the base of the BJT. Active base driving current is often supplied to BJTs that require a brief switching time. An emitter- 4.h 49 Self-Biasing BJTs -::- (c) (b) (a) FIGURE 4.11 Stored Charge and Drive Currents: (a) Passive stored charge removal, (b) Active stored charge removal, (c) Active base driving VBE(FA) = 0.7 V and Ic = f3FIB, a desired value of VCE must be selected before values for the resistors can be chosen. The base and collector currents would then respectively be follower BJT configuration usually provides this driving current. Figure 4.11c shows an emitter-follower Q 5 that provides base driving current to Q 0 . 4.6 SELF-BIASING BJTs If the resistors in the self-biasing BJT configuration of Figure 4.12a are chosen properly, the BJT will operate in the forward-active region. The usual application of the self-biased BJT is as a current sink. Since and :!I I V cr: RB r_ 1~7 Re RB t V I Re RB Q f L Re _ Q -::- (a) FIGURE 4.12 Various Self-biasing BJT Configurations: (a) Self-biasing BJT, (6) Current sinking self-biasing BJT, (b) (c) (c) Self-biasing BJT operating from a neighboring node voltage 50 Chapter 4/Introduction to Bipolar Digital Cirn1its Solving for R8 /Re gives RH - Re Pcc=lccVcc Vee - VHE(FA) = /31 - - - - - Vee - VcE This shows that the ratio of the resistors is approximately f3F, since V cE = VHE· Note that the base resistor should be the larger resistance, since the base current is smaller than the collector current. While the actual magnitude of each resistor determines how much current is conducted, the ratio Rri/Rc determines how hard the BJT is driven, and thus the n-1agnitude of stored charge in the base. Self-Biasing BJT Determine the ratio Rfi/Re for a self-biasing BJT with Example 4.6 VcE = 0.6 V. Let Vee= 4 V and f3F = 60. Solution Direct substitution into the derived expression yields ;; = (60) ~:~ =~~::~ = 58.2 The self-biasing BJT is exploited in BJT digital circuits for the purposes of sinking, current sourcing, and driving currents. Figure 4.126 shows a configuration in which an incoming current is said to be sinked. Figure 4.12c shows a configuration where the operating voltage is determined by a node voltage of another portion of the circuit. 4.7 POWER DISSIPATION OF BIPOLAR LOGIC CIRCUITS The power dissipation of logic circuits is an important consideration in their design and use. For bipolar logic circuits that have a single voltage supply (like the block diagram in Figure 4.13), the power dissipation for a particular gate and operating state is taken to be the power supplied, given by Pee = FIGURE 4.13 Power Supplied to a Logic Gate The average power dissipated in a logic circuit with two output states is defined as the average current supplied by Vcc for the output high and low logic states multiplied by the magnitude of V cc• Hence, Pcc (avg) Example 4. 7 = lce(OH) + Icc(OL) 2 Vee A veruge Power Dissipation Figure 4.15 shows the top portion of a bipolar logic gate. The resistor currents for the output high state are IR 8 (OH) = 1.55 mA, 11dOH) · = 24.7 µ,A, R) ii• .J ii" I Q Ro [___ Q, Your IccVcc where Ice is the current supplied by Vcc and is obtained by summing all the currents leaving the supply voltage source. For the bipolar logic gate of Figure 4.14, the current supplied by Vee is Ice = I1w + I1,c + !Rel' FIGURE 4.14 Current Supplied to a Bipolar Logic Gate Chapter 4 Problems 51 Solution To find the average power dissipated, the total current for each output logic state is obtained by summing the various currents. Hence, for the output high logic state we have Icc(OH) = IR 8 (OH) + IRc(OH) + IRco(OH) = (1.55m) + (24.7µ,) + (1.21m) = 2.78 mA For the output low logic state Icc(OL) FIGURE 4.15 Output High and Low Currents Through the Top Portion of a Bipolar Logic Gate for Example 4.7 = JRll(OL) + IRc(OL) + Im>(OL) = (1.14111) + (4.48m) + (104µ,) = 5.72 mA The average power dissipated is then by definition I,Kr(OH) = 1.21 mA, and for the output low state I,w(OL) = 1.14 mA, IRc(OL) = 4.48 mA, and IRcr(OL) = 104 µA What is the average power dissipated in this gate? Pee (avg) = (2. 78111) + (5. 72m) ( ) 2 5 = 21.3 mW CHAPTER 4 PROBLEMS 4.1 Determine I8 , le, and VCE for the circuit in Figure P4.1 using f3F = 100 and the following values: (a) V,m = 6.7 V, Vee= 10 V, Rn = 60 kD, and Re = 1 kD (b) Vs 8 = 5.7 V, Vee = 30 V, R8 = 100 kD, and Re= 3 kD (c) V88 = 2 V, Vee = 5 V, Rn = 4 kD, and Re = 2 kD (d) V,m = 3 V, Vcc = 5 V, R8 = 10 kD, and Re = 1 k.!1 4.2 4.3 Determine Is, le, and VCE for the circuit in Figure P4.1 using Rs= 10 kD, Re= 1 kD, Vee= 5 V, and f3F = 40 for each of the following values of VRB· State the mode of operation for the BJT in each case. (a) VBB = 0.2 V (b) V 1m = 1.7 V (c) \!Bil = 5 V Determine u for the circuit of Figure P4.1 for operation in saturation with V,m = Vcc = 5 V, RB = Re= 5 kD, and f3F = 100. (Remember, Vc:E = 0.2 V in the saturation mode and Ic is the collector current at the edge of saturation.) 4.4 For each of the circuits in Figure P4.4 determine the indicated quantity. Use V0 (ON) = 0.7 V. 4.5 For each of the circuits in Figure P4.5 determine the power dissipated. Use V0 (ON) = 0.7 V, VBE(FA) = 0.7 V, and Ver:(SAT) = 0.2 V. Neglect base currents. FIGURE P4.1 = 4.6 Find le for the circuits of Figure P4.6. Assume IE le (i.e. f3F >> 1) where appropriate. 4.7 For each of the circuits in Figure P4. 7 determine the indicated quantity. 4.8 For the BJT logic inverter of Figure P4.8, calculate the output voltage for the input voltages of O and 5 V. Let f3F = 100, VnE(FA) = V8 E(SAT) = 0.7 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V. Additionally, calculate the minimum input voltage that causes the BJT to operate in saturation. Finally, sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins. 4.9 Repeat Problem 4.8 for R8 reduced to 1 kD. 4.10 Repeat Problem 4.8 for Re reduced to 1 kD. 52 Chapter 4/Introduction to Bipolar Digital Circuits Vee= 5V Vee= 5V 0 I Q,(SAT) D,(ON) Qi(SAT) D,(ON) y_ D.(ON) R, -J,. t V ~~Q,(FA) 10 ill I V., ~? 6 -VPJJ=-5 V (a) -VPJJ = -5.2 V (b) (c) (d) FIGURE P4.4 Vee= 5V Vee;:_ 5V y R, 731 n R, R, ~ 731 fl I R, soon Re I ".¥- D,(ON) R, R, R, 2550 1.32 ill i¾ D,(ON) R, R, ~ 1 ill I 2550 D,(ON) D,(ON) D,(ON) R, D,(ON) ~ 1.32 ldl R, 20ill Rs I f 3.5 ill -::::::-:- -VPJJ = -5.2 V (a) (b) 0 -VPJJ=-5.2V (c) -Vl!l!=-5.2 V (d) FIGUREP4.5 4.11 Analyze the circuit of Figure P4.11 to determine the operating state of the BJT, I, and Ic for the following values of V 1N: (a) 0, (b) 0.2 V, (c) 0.5 V, (d) 2 V Let f3r = 100, R1 = 2 kn, and R2 = 3 kn 4.12 The BJT inverter circuit shown in P4.12 has a resistor R0 connected to -Vss to provide passive pull-down of the BJT. Determine Is for V1N = 5 V. Is the transistor saturated? Determine V,L and V111 . Let f3F = 100, V8 dFA) = 0.7 V, V8 E(SAT) = 0.75 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.1 V. 4.13 For a BJT inverter similar to the one in Figure P4.8, determine the values of Rs and Re such that the BJT Chapter 4 Problems Vee= 5V Vee= 5V Q.(FA) (b) (a) FIGURE P4.6 Q,.(SAT) (b) (a) Your=? (c) FIGURE P4.7 Your (d) 53 54 Chapter 4/Introduction to Bipolar Digital Circuits operates at the edge of saturation for V111 = 2 V. Let lc(SAT) = 10 mA, V 8 F(FA) = 0.7 V, V0 ,(SAT) = 0.2 V, f3F = 100, and Vee = 5 V. Vee= 5 V Re i 4.14 For the BJT inverter circuit of Figure P4.8, determine and sketch the VTC CVour versus V,:,il. Let Vcc = 6 V, R 11 = 20 ki1, Re = 2 kD, f3F = 100, V1lE(FA) = Vm(SAT) = 0.7 V, and V0 ,(SAT) = 0.2 V. Also, determine the noise margins. 4.15 Determine the maximum fan-out of the BJT inverter shown in Figure P4.8. Assume the output gates are identical as shown in Figure P4.15. Let Vee = 5 V, Rn = 10 kf!, and Re = 1 k!1. For the BJT, let f3F = 50, V 11 E(FA) = 0.7 V, V111 ,(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vu(SAT) = 0.2 V. 4 kn VOUT FIGURE P4.8 You-r Q Q FIGURE P4.12 FIGURE P4.11 V' cc V'our R'8 Q ~ , ~. ~ ____.. --{ }--v_o_u-r_ _---1. I' Bl J. N identical load gates FIGURE P4.15 Chapter 4 Problems 4.16 55 For the circuit shown in Figure P4.16, V1 and V 2 are either Oor 5 V. IfVu(SAT) = 0.2 V, what is the fanin of this gate that will maintain the output low voltage less than VBdFA) = 0.7 V? FIGURE P4.21 Your y' ' -~----, Q, 4.22 Y, o-------------- Q, FIGURE P4.16 4.17 For the top portion of the logic gate shown in Figure P4.22, Vm(OL) = 2.5 V, VBl(OH) = 0.2 V, Vcs(OL) = 1 V, and Vcp(OH) = 4.95 V. Vcs is not connected for the output high state and Vcp is not connected for the output low state. Calculate the average power dissipated. Use R8 = 4 kfl, Re = 1.6 kfl, and Rel'= 120 !l. For the BJT inverter of Figure P4.8, calculate the minimum input voltage Vll I required to drive the BJT into saturation. Let Vee = 10 V, RB = Re = 5 kfl, /3 1 = 100, Vlll:(FA) = 0.7 V, V1dSAT) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V. 4.18 Repeat Problem 4.18 for RR= 2 kfl 4.19 For the BJT inverter of Figure P4.8, calculate the value of Rt: that provides Vll 1 = 0.8 V. Let Vee = 5 V, Rn= 4.5 kfl, f3F = 100, VB 1(FA) = 0.7V, V1H(FA) = 0.75 V, and Vc,,(SAT) = 0.15 V. Ycc=5Y R, 4.20 For the top portions of the logic gates shown in Figure P4.20a and b, determine the power dissipation. 4.21 For the top portion of a logic gate shown in Figure P4.21, 11m(OL) = 10 mA, l1rn(OH) = 24 µ.A, IRe(OL) = 4 mA, !Rc(OH) = 0.6 µ.A, IRCP(OL) = 20 nA, and !Ru,(OH) = 2.85 mA. Determine the average power dissipated in this gate. IRCP 0 Y., ~t 6 0 Yes YCP 4.23 Repeat Problem 4.22 for RB and Re doubled in magnitude. 4.24 Draw the block diagram of a TTL circuit and label the individual blocks. List different circuit arrangements that can be used for each block. = 5 rnA 1 + 2.3Y _ (a) I FIGURE P4.22 4kil FIGURE P4.20 ~1 ~ f 1.6 ill R: l.OY _' 1 (b) No connection 5 RESISTORTRANSISTOR LOGIC [RTL] modifications that realize AND and OR gates. Improvements in RTL design along with analyses for determination of maximum fan-out and power dissipation are also presented. The different BJT families discussed in the following chapters are presented in essentially chronological order. About every five years, a new BJT logic subfamily was introduced starting with RTL in 1962. Subsequent models (DTL, TTL, STIL, ... ) are improvements of previous sub-families with the same general TfL super-circuitry discussed in section 4.3. The logic family presented in this chapter is resistor-transistor logic (RTL). As the name implies, circuits of the Resistor-Transistor logic family are constructed from resistors and transistors (BJTs). RTL was the first logic family to become commercially available. Inverters (NOT), non-inverters (buffers), NOR, NAND, OR, and AND gates can all be constructed with RTL logic. In addition, low-, medium-, and high-power versions of the various RTL gates were obtained by varying the magnitudes of the resistors. Large resistors are used for low power applications and small resistors for high power. 5.1 5.2 Figure 5.2 shows an RTL configuration of parallel (ideally matched) BJTs and base resistors using a common collector resistor. For this circuit, the current through the single collector resistor is the sum of the BJT collector currents and is given by II The output voltage is then VouT = Vee - IReRe This circuit is in fact a NOR gate, as can be seen by examining various combinations of input voltage levels with corresponding output as in the following sub-sections. BASIC RTL INVERTER Figure 5.1 shows the basic RTL inverter and its voltage transfer characteristic. TI1is is the simple BJT inverter presented and analyzed in section 4.2. The critical voltages are All Inputs Low If all inputs V 1, V2, ••• , and Vn are less than VBdFA), then all BJTs are cutoff. As a result, IRc = 0 and the output voltage is Vo11 = Vee Vo11 = Vee Vu_ = Vin(FA) _ V - (SAT) Bl< (all inputs low) Any Input High Vm = Vn(SAT) V Ill BASIC RTL NOR GATE + Vee - Ve1c(SAT) /3 R RIJ F e If any input is greater than or equal to VBE(FA), the corresponding BJT conducts collector current and the resulting output is less than Yee• If any input reaches Vn 1 (from Chapter 4) the corresponding BJT enters saturation and the output drops to The following sections show that NOR and NAND gates can be constructed by adding additional transistors and base resistors. Later in the chapter, a noninverting RTL circuit will be presented along with Vm. = V0 (SAT) 56 (for input high) 5.3 YourCV) Basic RTL NAND Gate 57 edge of conduction / VOH = Vcc Q(OFF) ~ Vour edge of saturation Q(SAT) (a) (b) FIGURE 5.1 Basic RTL Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic Since the circuit of Figure 5.2 has a high output voltage for all inputs low and a low output voltage for any input high, the logical NOR function is realized. 5.3 BASIC RTL NAND GATE Figure 5.3 shows a two-input RTL configuration with stacked BJTs. Assuming f3F is large (i.e. f3F >> 1) for both BJTs, the base currents are negligible in comparison with the collector currents giving In = Ic1 VIN, 0--- FIGURE 5.2 Basic RTL NOR Gate and Hence, it is clear that and thus As with the RTL inverter and the RTL NOR gate, the output is given by 58 Chapter 5/Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) Further increc1se of V2 is accompc1nied by a decrec1sing output voltage. When both Q 1 and Q 2 are saturnted, the output is = 2Vc[(SAT) (both inputs high) Vc)L Your RB2 VIN2 0 - ---------1\/V'v R., -{o V., o-------'sM FIGURE 5.3 Q, , 1• Since the circuit of Figure 5.3 has a high output voltage for any input low and a low output voltage for both inputs high, this gate rec1lizes the logirnl NAND function. Multi-Inout RTL NAND Gate .ii. An RTL NAND gate with more than two inputs can be fabricated by including more BJTs in the "stack" as shown in Figure 5.4. The output low voltc1ge for the multi-input NAND gate of Figure 5.4 is then equal to Two-input Basic RTL NAND Gate II VoL = I VcE,;(SAT) i=l The circuit of Figure 5.3 is an RTL NAND gate and to verify that it provides this logical function, all combinc1tions of inputs are exc1mined in the following sub-sections. As demonstrated in the following example, the number of inputs to an RTL NAND gc1te is extremely limited. Any Input Low If the input to the BJT at the bottom of the stack in ~~ Figure 5.3 is less than V8 E(FA), then it will conduct no collector current. Since the collector currents c1re equal, the top BJT will also have zero collector current. From this, it is clear that if the bottom BJT is cutoff, then the top BJT must also be cutoff regardless of the top BJT input. If the bottom BJT input is high and the top BJT input low, then the collector current lc: 2, and therefore IRo is still zero. Thus, if any input is low, IRc: = 0 and the output voltage is V011 = Vee ~ Vour (for input low) All Inputs High If the input to the bottom BJT in Figure 5.3 is high enough to saturate it, the emitter voltage of the top BJT is VE2 = VCJ = VCE(SAT) .~"! ~ Vm, o ~ v v ~Q, l For the top BJT input to be forward active, its input must then be at least FIGURE 5.4 Multi-input Basic RTL NAND Gate 5.4 Example 5.1 5.4 Multi-Input RTL NAND Gate What is the maximum fan-in for the basic RTL NAND gate of Figure 5.4, if all stack BJTs have VeE(SAT) = 0.17 Vandall load gates have V8 E(FA) = 0.7 V? nVeE(SAT) < VBE(FA) That is, the output low voltage must be low enough to maintain all load BJT in cutoff. The maximum number of inputs is thus < VBdFA) = VeE(SAT) 59 RTL FAN-OUT When an RTL gate, such as the NOR gate of Figure 5.2, is in the output low state, any load gate would be cutoff and draw no input current, since v;N = VeE(SAT) < V8 E(FA). For a driving gate in the output high state, all load gates are operating in saturation and draw input current. The maximum fan-out of RTL gates is therefore limited by the output high state of the load gate. That is, the driving gate must supply enough driving current to saturate all load gates. This current must be supplied through Re of the driving gate as shown in Figure 5.5a. As a result, in the output high state a driving gate has an output high voltage degraded by the voltage drop across Re or Solution The number of inputs to this gate is limited by the expression 11 RTL Fan-Out (0.7) = 4.12 (0.17) The maximum number of inputs is 4, since a fraction of an input is meaningless. V'cc R'c, V'our1 V'cc Your= V'IN .. r R'C2 VIN o--------1\./V' ~Qo(OFF) Y'oun V'cc ..;.. I'.,CSAT) R' r ~ Lv'oUTo - Q'0 .(SAT) I'••(SAT) -:- (a) FIGURE 5.5 Development of Equivalent Circuit for RTL Fan-out Calculation: (a) RTL Inverter in output high state with n identical load gates 60 Chapter 5/Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) Development of Equivalent Circuit To solve for the maximum fan-out of an RTL gate, it is convenient to develop an equivalent circuit for analysis. Figure 5.Sa shows an RTL inverter in the output high state with several identical RTL inverters as load gates (with element values primed to indicate load elements). All of the load gates have inputs that are high and thus the load BJTs are in saturation. At the output of the driving gate, each load inverter appears as a base resistor in series with a voltage source of magnitude VnE(SAT) to ground; as shown in Figure 5.Sb. The driving gate can be represented by just the source voltage Vcc and the pull-up resistor Re, as shown in Figure 5.5c, since the BJT is cutoff. Substituting the equivalent representations for the driving and load gates results in the equivalent circuit of Figure 5.5d. Since all base resistors in Figure 5.5d are connected to ground through a voltage source of magnitude V8 E(SAT), a further reduction to a single source, as shown in Figure 5.5e is justified. Finally, the parallel base resistors (of equal magnitude) of Figure 5.Se can be combined into a single resistor of magnitude Ri'i/N, as shown in Figure 5.5f. Hence, the current through Re is the sum of the input currents or N times the base current of each load transistor, given by 11 Fan-Out Analysis From the equivalent circuit of Figure 5.5f, an expression for the number of gates as a function of operating voltages and device parameters can be derived by substituting for IRc and I~ to obtain Vee - VouT = N(VouT - Vi1F.(SAT)) Re R~ Solving for N and dropping the primes yields N = Vee - VouT RR VouT - VRt;(SAT) Re ---=-=-----'--''--'--- V'cc 0 I R'c f r-u V'om V' IN Votrr ~~ _____yQ' (SAT) 1-fsin ~ 0----------___J\ 0 -=- ~ Vee R'B V'"' o----'\/\/y-~~- ti'8 (SAT) V'8 .{SAT) + ~- (b) FIGURE 5.5 (continued) (b) Equivalent model for a RTI" inverter in the output low state as seen from the f Re Lv(c) input, (c) Equivalent circuit for driving RTL inverter in the output high state 5.4 RTL Fan-Out 61 Vee I Re f VOlif = V' fN R'Bl L--cr~-~----------1\/V'v-~ : I~ - 7 Re l + Il-{ v_.v,. R'., )-------,---U·-~ I~ .i(SAT) ~'.iSAT) I -=- I I -- 1 I 1'.,(SAT) I~ B.(SAT) (e) (d) FIGURE 5.5 (continued) (d) All load gates replaced with equivalent circuits of (b) and driving gate replaced with equivalent gate of (ct (e) Equivalent circuit for the driving RTL inverter in the output high state still be large enough to saturate the load gates. That is, the output high voltage must be at least VrH, which was found to be V0 m=V'fN '------0- R',IN ~----O--·----A./1/v----·1 -l-- Icc(OH) = NI'.(SAT) V011 (min) = Vi11 + ~'.iSAT) (f) FIGURE 5.5 (continued) (f) Parallel base resistors combined into a single base resistor As more current is sourced to the load gates through Re of the driving gate, the voltage across Re increases and V0 H decreases. The limiting factor in the maximum fan-out of the RTI inverter shown in Figure 5.Sa is that the output voltage of the driver gate must Hence, substitution of VoH(min) into the previous expression for N gives an eguation for the maximum fan-out of RTI gates. The next example provides an aid to understanding calculations of the maximum fan-out. Example 5.2 Busic RTL Maximum Fun-Out What is the maximum fan-out for a basic RTI gate with Vee = 5 V, R13 = 10 kfl, and Re = 1 k!1? Let f3r = 25, V8 E(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VeE(SAT) = 0.2 V. 62 Chapter 5/Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) Solution The minimum output high voltage is V011 (min) = V 111 = (0.8) + Average Power Dissipation= Pcdavg) The average power dissipated is obtained from (5) - (0.2) (25) (1k) (10k) p ( ) cc avg = Icc(OL) + lce(OH) Vee 2 = 2.7 V Substitution into the expression for N yields N = (5) - (2. 7) (10k) (2.7) - (0.8) (1/c) The maximum tan-out is thus Example 5.3 = N:viAX 12 = _1 12. RTL Power Dissipation Find the average power dissipated in a basic RTL inverter with (a) no load (b) a fan-out of 1 5.5 RTL POWER DISSIPATION To determine the average power dissipation of RTL gates, the current supplied by Vee for the output high and low state must be determined. These are the currents through Re for both output states, !Rc(OH) and IrdOL). Use Vcc = 5 V, Rll = 10 kf!, and Re = 1 kf!. Let 25, V8E(SAT) = 0.8 Y, and YcE(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. f3F = Solution (a) For no load lcc-(OL) = (5) - (0.2) (lk) = 4.8 mA and Output Low Current Supplied - IcdOL) lec(OH) 0 The average power dissipated is then In the output low state, the driver BJT of a basic RTL inverter is saturated. As discussed in the previous section on fan-out, any load gates will be cutoff since the output YoL = Ycr(SAT) < Y8E(FA). Therefore, the current supplied by Vcc in the output low state is (4.8m) + (O) Pedavg) = - - - - - (5) = 12 mW 2 Solution {b) For a load of one gate, IedOL) is unchanged and IedOH) is the input current to a gate in the input high state (output low state) given by !--(OH) = I = Output High Current Supplied = IcdOH) As shown in the previous section, the current supplied in the output high state depends upon the fanout. For no load gates, Ic:c(OH) = Ic(OFF) = 0, since the BJT is cutoff. When load gates are connected, Ic:c(OH) is the sum of the current sourced to all the load gates. From Figure 5.Sf, this is seen to be Icc(OH) = NI{i(SAT) = I 1,c Vee - V~ 1JSAT) Re+ RfJN V~1:(SAT) Re+ R!i = Vee 111 LC = = (5) - (0.8) = 382 (1k) + (10k) µA The average power dissipated is (4.8111) + (382µ,) -Pcc(nvg) = - - -2- - - (5) = 12.96 ml/\/ 5.6 BASIC RTL NON-INVERTER The basic RTL inverter can be modified to produce a non-inverting output. Such a circuit is shown in Fig- 5.6 63 Basic RTL Non-Inverter Q(SAT) ······:~ edge of saturation Your (b) (a) FIGURE 5.6 Basic RTL Non-inverting Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic ure 5.63. The output of this basic RTL non-inverter is taken at the emitter and has a magnitude equal to This digital logic circuit is just the emitter-follower used in analog circuits. The VTC of the RTL noninverter is analyzed in the following sub-sections. As will be seen, the input high voltage of the RTL noninverter exceeds the supply voltage, sometimes by as much as 50%, and limits its practical applications. Output Low Voltage = VOL Output High Voltage = Vott With the RTL inverter, the output can only drop to VcE(SAT) above ground. Conversely, the noninverter output can rise to only V cdSAT) below V cc• Hence, the output high voltage is Vol/ = Vee - VcE(SAT) Input High Voltage = Vrn The input high voltage is the minimum input necessary to saturate the BJT. With the collector-emitter voltage at VeE(SAT), the emitter current is For V,N < V8 E(FA), the BJT in the non-inverter of Figure 5.6a is cutoff and IE = IRE = 0. With no voltage drop across RE, the output is I (SAT) = Vee - Vcr:(SAT) E Rr: VouT = 0 = Vor, At the edge of saturation, er= 1 and the base current is related to the emitter current by Input Low Voltage= V1L When V13 E reaches V8 E(FA), the BJT enters the forward active region. When V,l'-: is increased beyond V,i,JFA), BJT terminal currents begin to conduct and the output voltage begins to increase. The input low voltage is therefore IB(EOS) = _J_E_ = Vee - VcdSAT) {3, + 1 (f3F + l)Rr: With V8 c Vm = V8 c(SAT), the input high voltage is = Vee + VBc(SAT) + =V cc Iu(EOS)RB + V (SAT) + Vee - VcdSAT) RH BC f3r + 1 Re: 64 Chapter 5/Rcsistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) Vee Note that the input high voltage for the RTL noninverter is greater than the supply voltage Vco thus limiting its usage as a practical digital circuit. 0 I VIN, Example 5.4 R., V Q----------------h,Q,, Basic RTL Non-inverter VTC I Determine the critical voltages for the basic RTL noninverter in Figure 5.6 and show that V1H is higher than Vee- Use Vee= 5 V, R8 = 10 kD, and RE = 1 kD. Let f3F = 25, V8 E(FA) = 0.2 V, V8 E(SAT) = 0.8 V, and V0 (SAT) = 0.2 for the BJT. Solution The critical points are found by substituting directly into the expressions derived in this section: R., VIN! 0---------J\/V'y = 0 Vn = 0.7 V VoL V 0 u = (5) - (0.2) = 4.8 V and VIH = (5) + (0.6) + (5) - (0.2) (10k) (25) + 1 (lk) = 7.4 V The input high voltage of 7.4 Vis almost 50% higher than Vcc and is too high to be practical. 5.7 Basic RTL AND Gate FIGURE 5.8 AND gates. The basic RTL multi-input OR and AND gates are shown in Figures 5.7 and 5.8, respectively. The proofs that these gates perform the intended logic functions are left as homework exercises. BASIC RTL OR AND AND GATES In sections 5.2 and 5.3 additional inputs were added to the basic RTL inverter (NOT gate) to form NOR and NAND gates. Similarly, additional inputs can be added to the basic RTL non-inverter to form OR and VIN, R.J o---'V\ Q, 5.8 RTL WITH ACTIVE PULL-UP A metho~o increase the fan-out of RTL gates includes an active pull-up configuration as discussed f R.,~ 0---------'\!\/\.---(Q, V 00 ~-----'-----------r~------------ FIGURE 5.7 Basic RTL OR Gate R••~ ------V:,------ • 0----------'\IV\~ Q,, - J 0 Your 5.8 65 RTL With Active Pull-Up TABLE 5.2 States of BJTs for Output High and Low States :l l J Your Element VoH VoL Qs Qp Qo Cutoff Saturated Cutoff Saturated Cutoff Saturated ining VBEY for a high input. With the gate input high, Qs and Q 0 are both saturated. Thus VRllP + ViiE,I' = VcE,s(SAT) - VcE,o(SAT) = 0 and Qp is cutoff. The purpose of each circuit element of Figure 5.9 is tabulated in Table 5.1. The state of all three BJTs for the output high and low states are indicated in Table 5.2. These operating states are explained in the following subsections. FIGURE 5.9 RTL Inverter with Active Pull-up Fan-Out of RTL with Active Pull-Up in Chapter 4. An RTL inverter using active pull-up is shown in Figure 5.9. It consists of the BJT Qp, the resistors RBr and Rep, and provides additional sourcing current in the output high state than did the simpler RTL inverter of Figure 5. la. To accomplish active pull-up, Rep is smaller than Re by approximately one order of magnitude. Q 0 operates as a BJT inverter and supplies active current sinking during the output low state. The magnitudes of R8 s and Rllo are equal so that Q 5 and Q 0 turn on and off simultaneously. The BJT Q 5 operates as a BJT inverter and provides logic inversion to Qp, such that Qp and Q 0 are not on simultaneously. This can be seen by exam- TABLE 5.1 Purpose of Each Element for an RTL Gate with Active Pull-Up Element Purpose Rr,s, Rn() Matched input resistors Drive splitter, pull-down of Qp Along with Qs provides logic inversion to output-high driver Limits base current to Qp Output inverting BJT, output-low driver for current sourcing pull-down Provides active current-sourcing pull-up Part of active pull-up Qs R, The fan-out of RTL with active pull-up can be determined using a method similar to that used for the basic RTL inverter in section 5.4. An equivalent circuit is first obtained and then analyzed. As with the basic RTL, the fan-out is limited by the current sourcing capability of the driving gate in the output high state. In the output high state, the driving gate will be connected to a low input, since the load gates conduct a great deal of current. As a result, Q 5 and Q 0 will be cutoff and Qp will be saturated. Figure 5.10a shows the equivalent representation of the driving gate for the output high state. Also shown in Figure 5.106 are the equivalent circuits for a single load gate with v;i': high. As seen from the input of the load gate, R{i and Rf 0 are both connected to voltage sources of magnitude Y8 E(SAT). Since Rf and Rf 0 are chosen to be equal in magnitude, an equivalent representation for a load gate when its input is high is a resistance ofRM2 in series with V8 E(SAT), as shown in Figure 5.106. Figure 5.10c shows the equivalent representation for a driving gate with N load gates. Note that a resistance of Rf/2N is present, since each load gate has an equivalent input resistance of RM2. An expression for the number of load gates as a function of operating voltages and device parameters can be written by equating the emitter current of Qp from 66 Chapter 5/Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) V' IN R'BP + T V' .,s(SAT) J-- 0 Q.(SAT) R'.f2 V'IN ~ + Your= You l ~' (a) 0 .,s(SAT) (b) FIGURE 5.10 Development of Equivalent Circuit for Fan-out Calculation of RTL with Active Pull-up: (a) Equivalent circuit for output high state, (b) Equivalent circuit for input high the driving gate and the total load current NI;H as follows: Solving for N yields N = Assuming IEP = 10 Vee - VeE(SAT) Vee - VeE(SAT) - VoUT R~ -==-----=.::....:__--..:._--=-=--.:. -VouT - Vh(SAT) ,, Vow ---=-=---=-'---'-------'-'-'--'- Ra As the number of load gates is increased, more current is sourced to the load gates through Qp of the driving gate and the voltage drop across Rep in- VouT - V{ic:(SAT) R~2N Q.(SAT) R'.f2N -- Your NI'1H (c) FIGURE 5.10 (continued) 2Rep (c) Circuit for fan-out calculation 5.9 Vo11(min) = (5) - (0.2) = + Vee ( ) (lk) 25 (10k) 2.7 V Substituting into the expression for N yields Substitution of Vrn 1(min) into the expression for N gives the maximum fan-out of RTL gates with active pull-up. The following example shows that active pull-up does increase the fan-out for RTL. (5) - (0.2) - (2.7) (10k) (2.7) - (0.8) 2(100) N = 5.9 Compare the maximum fan-out for the RTL inverter with active pull-up (shown in Figure 5.9) with that of basic RTL obtained in Example 5.2. Use the values of Vee= 5 V, Rill'= R8 s = Rllo = 10 kfl, Re= 1 kfl, f3F = 25, V1ir:(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V, which are the same values used in Example 5.2. Also, let Rcr = 100 fl. RTL SPICE SIMULATION Figure 5.11 shows the RTL inverter with active pullup with appropriate spice la be lings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: RTL inverter with active pull-up VCC 7 D DC SV n+ 7 vcc-T oc sv n- o 7 RC lKOHM RCP l00OHM 6 RBP --~ RBS 2 ~ QP l0KOHM 6 1 4 2 4 n~ VINn± 1 RB0 '------_J\/ 3 = 55 · Thus, the maximum fan-out for RTL with active pullup is 55, an improvement of over 450% as compared to the basic RTL fan-out found in Example 5.2. Example 5.5 Maximum Fan-Out of RTL with Active Pull-Up 4 3 3 \~----l l0KOHM FIGURE 5.11 Vi11 = (0.8) + Vi11 = VBE(SAT) 67 Solution As in Example 5.2, the minimum output high voltage is creases, while VOi I decreases. The lirniting factor in the maximum fan-out of RTL with active pull-up is that the output voltage of the driver gate must be large enough to saturate Q~ and Q() of the load gates. In section 5.4, it was indicated that Vrn I must be at least v,H or V011 (min) = RTL SPICE Simulation RTL with Active Pull-up and SPICE Labelings Your 68 Chapter 5/Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) VIN(V) 4 5-..-------. 4 Your (V) i 3 5 2 1 4 0 _,__-+--+--+---....------41---+--. t(ns) 100 200 300 400 600 0 3 Yaur(V) • 2 54 - 3 -+-----"""----..,.......,_.,.......,_""i-~V~V) 1 2 3 4 2- 5 1- 0 __;__J-.,.......... ~-l----------!'------l----""'~~► 0 (a) 100 200 300 400 500 t(ns) 600 (b) FIGURE 5.12 Results of Section 5.9 SPICE Simulation of RTL Inverter with Active Pull-up: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic obtained from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response obtained from .TRAN sweep VIN 1 D DC DV PULSE<DV 5V 10NS 1DNS 200NS SOONS) RBS 1 2 10KOHM RB◊ 1 3 10KOHM RBP 6 5 10KOHM RC 7 6 1KOHM -PLOT TRAN V(1) V(4) -END □ NS + RCP 7 8 1000Hi•i QS 6 2 D QNPN QP 8 5 4 QNPN QO 4 3 D QNPN -MODEL QNPN NPN<BF=25 CJC=2PF + CJE=4PF) -DC VIN DV 5V □ -1V -PLOT DC V(4) -TRAN 1DNS b □ DNS Note that the BJT model used includes values for junction capacitance calculations so that a transient response can be simulated. Graphical results from this simulation are shown in Figures 5.12a and 5.126. 5.10 DIRECT COUPLED TRANSISTOR LOGIC AND CURRENT HOGGING In an attempt to improve the packing density of RTL in integrated circuit form, the base resistor RB was eliminated. This produced another logic family called Chapter 5 Problems 69 turn-on voltages given by 0.7 V, 0.7 V, 0.7 V, and 0.69 V. Determine the base current for each transistor and the output voltage of the inverter for the output high state (input low). FIGURE 5.13 Three-input Direct Coupled Transistor Logic (DCTL) NOR Gate (no base resistors) £tired ~oupled _!:ransistor logic (DCTL), which was doomed from its initiation. Figure 5.13 shows a three input DCTL NOR gate. This gate functions correctly with zero fan-out. The problem with DCTL occurs for VoL:T = V01- 1 with fan-out greater than one because BJTs do not have exactly the same VllE(FA) = 0.7 V. Under these conditions, since RB = 0 the connected BJTs at the output have their base-emitter junctions directly in parallel. Hence, the BJT with the smallest VsE(FA) will sink all of the current, while the remaining BJTs are cutoff, since each of these have VBE < VBE(FA). This phenomena is appropriately named current hogging, since a single BJT hogs all of the current. Current hogging is avoided by including bases or emitter resistors. Example 5.6 Solution Figure 5.14 is an equivalent circuit to replace the inverter with a fan-out of four. Each connected transistor base-to-emitter circuit has been replaced with a DC voltage and an ideal diode. Similarly, the BJT has been replaced with an open circuit, since the input is low. Note that the ideal diode D 4 is the only diode that conducts current. This is because when D 4 shorts Yoc'T = 0.69 V which is insufficient to short ideal diodes Dv D2 , and D3 . The base current of BJT 4 is therefore Ill4 = Vee - 0.69 R e Thus, BJT 4 "hogs" all the current and is the only transistor that conducts current. DCTL Current Hogging Consider a direct-coupled RTL inverter without base resistors (Rll = 0). Also, let the fan-out be four and the connected BJTs have slightly different V8 E(FA) FIGURE 5.14 Equivalent Circuit for a DCTL Inverter in the Output High State with a Fan-out of Four for Example 5.5 CHAPTER 5 PROBLEMS 5.1 5.2 For the RTL inverter of Figure P5.1 with Vee= 5 V and Rll = Re = 1 kO., determine Vocr, Ill, and le for (a) V 1N = 5 V (b) V 1[': = 0 V Use f3F = 30, VBl(FA) = 0.7 V, V13 E(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vcr(SAT) = 0.2 V. Repeat Problem 5.1 for RB = 5 kO. and Re = 1 kO.. 5.3 Repeat Problem 5.1 for R8 = 10 kO. and Re:= 1 kO.. 5.4 Repeat Problem 5.1 for RB= 1 kO. and Re = 500 0.. 5.5 Repeat Problem 5.1 for Rll = 4 kO. and Re = 2 kO.. 5.6 Find the critical points and sketch the VTC for Problem 5.1. 5.7 Find the critical points and sketch the VTC for Problem 5.2. 70 Chapter 5/Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL) 5.17 For the RTL NAND gate of Figure P5.17, find In 1, IH2, !Re, and Vuc-r for all combinations of V1 and V2 equal to 0 and 5 V. Use f3r = 20, VBE(FA) = 0.7 V, VR 1 (SAT) = 0.8 V, and VCE(SAT) = 0.2 V. Yee= 5Y Your Re 2ill Your -::- R., VYrT TDV TIE' -1 rJ,.l. J. J.UUJ."\..L y IN2 5.8 Find the critical points and sketch the VTC for Problem 5.3. 5.9 Find the critical points and sketch the VTC for Problem 5.4. 5.10 Find the critical points and sketch the VTC for Problem 5.5. 5.11 Figure P5.1 l shows an RTL inverter driving N identical gates. Determine Vmm IR, and le for N = 4 with Vee= 5 V and (a) VrN = 5 V (b) VIN= 0 V Hint: Are the load gates cutoff? If not, use an equivalent circuit representation as in Figure 5.5. r I FIGURE P5.17 Repeat Problem 5.19 for V8 E(FA) = 0.7 V and Vci:(SAT) = 0.15 V. 5.21 Repeat Problem 5.19 for V81 ,(FA) = 0.75 V and Vu(SAT) = 0.2 V. 5.22 Determine the maximum fan-out for an RTL inverter such that Vrn 1 = 2 V. Let Vcc = 5 V, R8 = fi.25 kn, and Re = 480 n. Let VB1(SAT) = 0.75 V for the BJT. ►"' 5.23 Repeat Problem 5.22 for Vrn 1 = 1.8 V and Vm,(SAT) = 0.8 V. 'J:l 5.24 Find the maximum fan-out for a basic RTL inverter with Vcc = 5 V, RR = 5 kn, and Re = 1 kn. Let f3F = 20, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJT. Also, determine the average power dissipation with maximum fan-out. 5.25 Repeat Problem 5.24 for Vcc = 4 V, Rll = 10 kn, and Re = 1 kn. 5.26 Repeat Problem 5.24 for Vee = 3 V, R8 = 10 kn, and Re: = 1 kn. 5.27 In an attempt to increase the maximum fan-out of the RTL inverter of Problem 5.24, the resistor values are lowered to RB = 1 kn and Re = 100 n. (a) Find the maximum fan-out of this gate with the smaller resistances. Is N reduced 7 ►~ ► bl) ] ~ 4z -::- FIGURE P5.11 5.14 Repeat Problem 5.11 for Rll = 10 kn and Re = 1 kn. 5.15 Repeat Problem 5.11 for RB = 4 kn, Re = 2 kn, and N = 3. 5.16 Repeat Problem 5.11 for RB = 800 200 n. n )Q, ') 5.20 Yee= 5Y I 4k0 What is the maximum number of inputs that an RTL NAND gate can have if the BJTs are designed to have VmJFA) = 0.7 V, 111 (SAT) = 0.8 Vand VcE(SAT) = 0.11 V? (Sec Example 5.1) Find the critical voltages and sketch the VTCs for the RTL inverter of Figure P5.ll with loads of N = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and compare. Use f3F = 50 and VmlSAT) = 0.8 V. y OUT = Y'IN - : 5.19 Repeat Problem 5.11 for N = 1, 2, 3, and 5. i~ ~ Repeat Problem 5.17 for R1n = RB 2 = 10 kn and Re= 1 kn. 5.13 R.,= lk!l 0 Q, 5.18 5.12 i v., I o----------1VVv and Re = Chapter 5 Problems 71 Vee= 5V 9 I Re lOOQ 3.6k.Q RBP A~B; r ► l~~I~ -::- Vaur=V'rn:► I N identical gates I 4 1.5k.Q FIGURE P5.29 5.28 5.29 = 2. (b) Calculate the average power dissipation for this 5.30 Repeat Problem 5.29 for N gate with maximum fan-out and compare with that of Problem 5.24. 5.31 Repeat Problem 5.30 for N = 3. 5.32 Repeat Problem 5.29 for N 5.33 Sketch the VTC for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.29. A low-power basic RTL inverter has resistances of RB = 25 k!1 and Re = 10 k!1. Let f3F = 20, Vm/SAT) = 0 .8 V, and VCE(SAT) = 0 .2 V for the BJT. (a) Find the fan-out of this gate with larger resistances. (b) Compare the average power dissipation to those for the gates of Problems 5.24 and 5.27. For the RTL inverter with active pull-up in Figure PS.29, find l 8 p, lcp, and Your for N = 0 (no load) and (a) V1N = 0 V (b) VIN= 5 V Use /3r- = 100, VnE(FA) = 0.7 V, VnE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and V0 JSAT) = 0.2 V for all BJTs. = 4. 5.34 Sketch the VTC for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.30. 5.35 Sketch the VTC for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.31. 5.36 Sketch the VTC for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.32. 5.37 Find the average power dissipated for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.29. 5.38 Find the average power dissipated for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.30. 5.39 Find the average power dissipated for the RTL inverter of Problem 5.31. 5.40 Find the average power dissipated in the RTL inverter of Problem 5.32. 6 DIODETRANSISTOR LOGIC [DTL] To improve upon the RTL circuits of the previous chapter, diode-transistor logic, or DTL, was introduced based upon the design of preexisting circuits. As the name implies, circuits of the DTL logic family utilize diodes and BJTs in their design. In 1964, a version of DTL was introduced and became the standard digital IC family for nearly ten years. This form of DTL, marketed as the 930 series, is easy to fabricate in IC form and was the standard digital IC for approximately 10 years after introduced in 1964. This family was still in use in some applications in the late 1980s. 6.1 Input Low Voltage= V1L Increasing V1"' to the point where Q0 just turns on is achieved when The corresponding increase in Vx is Vx = V,N + V0 ,1 (0N) = Vw(FA) = vllE,O(FA) + + V0 (ON) Vo,L(ON) and both DL and Q0 turn on (conduct), where Q0 is forward active. With Q0 forward active, V0 L7 = VcE,o and begins to reduce from Vcc for increases in VrN as Ic, 0 increases. BASIC DTL INVERTER Output Low Voltage - VoL Figure 6.1 shows the basic DTL inverter and its voltage transfer characteristic. This family of logic circuits was introduced to overcome the low fan-out of RTL for VouT = VoH• Note that when Vrn 1 is the input voltage to a load gate, the input diode D; is reverse biased and sinks only the reverse saturation current. Output High Voltage Increasing V1c-: (and therefore Vx) further, eventually drives Q0 into saturation giving Vow = Vcco(SAT) = VclL Input High Voltage= Vrn = VoH Transistor Q 0 enters saturation at V,N For VrN low, D 1 is forward biased as can be seen by following dashed path 1 in Figure 6.1. The voltage between the diodes is given by Vx = VIN + Vo, 1(0N) = Vm, 0 (SAT) + Vo_,(ON) -V0 , 1(0N) = 1/lldSA T) = Vi11 Since Vx can not increase any further, subsequent increasing of V1N opens D 1 . Resistor R8 must be chosen small enough such that Q0 is in saturation when Vx increases to < Vn,L(ON) + Viiw(FA) and is thus not large enough to turn on Dr. and Q0 . Hence, Q0 is cutoff and IRc = Ic = 0. The output voltage can be found by following dashed path 2 to obtain The logical NOT function is verified by examination of the resulting voltage transfer characteristic 72 A.2 Modified DTL 73 YourCV) I V~ a Vrn(SATJ- ______ ,.._- - - - - - - ~------t-t----------,.. ivIH = 0,8 VIN (V) Va=0.7 (a) FIGURE 6.1 (b) Basic DTL Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic of Figure Since Vn_ and V111 differ only by VllE(SAT) - V13 E(FA), the transition width between output high and low logic states is quite abrupt. The actual width can be obtained experimentally or by circuit simulation with results quite close to these. connected to a BJT inverter. Indeed, as we will see in section 6.4, the NAND function is inherently provided Basic DTL NANO Gate 6.2 Notice that addition of another input diode, as shown in Figure 6.2, resembles a diode AND gate Additional Level-Shifting 0 DIA I<]--~----< :,.____---I VINA O Dm V!NB -:- o----------l<J---- Your by the DTL logic family by adding diodes in parallel at the input pointing outward (OUT). MODIFIED DTL Figure 6.3 shows a modified DTL inverter and its associated voltage transfer characteristic. An additional level-shifting diode D1, 2 has been added in series with DL to shift the logic level transition by Vn(ON) on the VTC input voltage axis. This improves the low noise margin NML, while still exhibiting an acceptable high noise margin NMH. The additional level-shifting diode also avoids the problem of Q0 turning on before V1:-.: reaches 0.7 V (it was assumed in the previous section that D 1, DL, and Q0 all turn on at precisely 0.7 V, however, this is not achieved exactly). As seen in Figure 6.3b, the addition of Dt, 2 increases V1L and V1H by V0(ON) = 0. 7 V. ~ diode AND gate FIGURE 6.2 BIT inverter Basic DTL NAND Gate Discharge Path The inclusion of R0 and -VEE at the base of Q 0 provide a path for discharge of the stored base charge 74 Chapter 6/Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) YoA(V) /edge of conduction Qo(OFF) / YoH·------, VIN D, Du 0---k'l----____L-~--- / ~L 1 Ro additional level shifting diode ~ YolJf Qo ~ ~~i i -V BE discharge path / V0 L=VciSAT)- -----------------i / Qo(SAT) ... VIN(V) (b) Modified DTL: (a) Circuit with additional level-shifting diode and discharge path, (b) Voltage transfer of Q 0 , when switched from saturation to cutoff. This enhances the transition period and propagation delay time. The need for an additional source voltage (and corresponding pin on ICs) can be avoided by simply taking - VEE to be ground and using a smaller valued resistance for RD. 6.3 edge of saturation IYrn = 1.5 Yn.=1.4 (a) FIGURE 6.3 characteristic i; / Example 6.1 VTC of Transistor Modified DTL Determine the VTC of the transistor modified DTL inverter in Figure 6.4. Use V0 (0N) = 0.7 V for the diodes and VRrJFA) = 0.7 V, Vm.(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcdSAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. TRANSISTOR MODIFIED DTL The fan-out of DTL circuits can be further improved by replacing the level-shifting diode DL 2 with a BJT QL and splitting R8 into two resistors, pR8 and (1 - p)R8 , whose sum is R 6 , as in Figure 6.4. When QL is on, it is self-biased to operate in the forwardactive region and is used in the emitter-follower configuration. This circuit improves fan-out by QL providing more base-driving current to Q 0 , allowing Q 0 to sink more current from an output load. If p = 1, the base-collector junction of QL is shorted, causing QL to act as a diode. The circuit then reduces to the one in Figure 6.3. The role of each element of the DTL gate in Figure 6.4 is summarized in Table 6.1. The state of each diode and BJT is tabulated in Table 6.2. Re FIGURE 6.4 6 Jill Transistor Modified DTL (930 Series) 6.5 TABLE 6.1 Purpose of DTL Elements Element 6.4 75 DTL Fan-Out DTL NAND GATE Purpose Input diode, limits 1111, and provides ANDing Limits I,L Self biases QL Base-emitter level-shifting for shift of transition width and provides base driving current to Q 0 Level-shifting diode for shift of transition width Provides discharge path for saturation stored charge removal from base of Q 0 Output inverting BJT and output low driver for current sinking pull-down Passive current sourcing pull-up Adding additional inputs to a DTL inverter, as in Figure 6.5, provides a circuit that performs the NAND function. This can be seen by observing when any or all inputs are low, Vx = ViN(low) + V0 ,1(0N) < V8 E.L(FA) + Vo,L(ON) + VaE,o(FA) and Q0 is cutoff with VouT Vim = = V cc When all inputs are high, Vx is high, allowing Q0 to saturate (provided that pR 8 is chosen properly) and VOUT = VCE.o(SAT) = VoL Solution The VTC for this improved DTL inverter Thus, The DTL logic family provides the logical NANO operation is found in an analogous manner to the method of section 6.1. For VIN low, Q0 is cutoff and for VIN high, Q 0 is saturated. Thus, Vo11 = Vcc = 5 V 6.5 and DTL FAN-OUT Vo1, = Vcw(SAT) = 0.2 V In determining the maximum fan-out for DTL logic gates, we consider the case where V0 UT = VcJL for the driving gate. The opposite case, where VoUT = V0 H for the driving gate, reverse biases the input di- Furthermore, Q0 turns on at V1L = + Vo,L(ON) V13 E,o(FA) + VBE,L(FA) - Vo,1(0N) = 2Vlll(FA) = 2(0.7) = 1.4 V and saturates at V111 = Vllc,o(SAT) + + Vn, 1 (0N) Vm:, 1 (FA) - V0 ,1(0N) V13 E(SAT) = (0.8) + + V8 dFA) pR. (0.7) = 1.5 V Re I--, Note that QL can never saturate because the voltage polarity for the resistor (1 - p)RB maintains a negative VBc,L for QL· (1-p)R8 TABLE 6.2 State of Diodes and BJTs for Output High and Low Levels 6ill 2ill VINA Your <2i, VINB DIA Dm Ro YoH YoL VIN~ D, QL DL On Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Forward active On Saturated Du FIGURE 6.5 DL Qo Element Oo 1.75 ill 5 ill J.930 Series DTL NAND Gate 76 Chapter 6/Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) N= I IQL n, I'Il.l N identical load gates ,1 - I ..A I Dm ! • !NB ~ ' FIGURE 6.6 DTL NAND Gate in Output Low State Driving N Identical Load Gates odes of all load gates. Such gates sink very little current and hence do not impose a fan-out restriction. On the other hand, a low driving gate output voltage is established with all driving gate inputs high and fan-out is limited for this situation. The maximum fan-out is obtained by determining how much output current IoL the driving gate can sink from multiple, identical output gates as depicted in Figure 6.6. Since each load gate will have the same input current 11u from KCL, we have Nln = 10 1, or N = 101, lIL To determine N, we use Figure 6.7, which shows one of the load gate explicitly with Your = v;N = Vm. As previously noted, the individual device and components in the output load gate have a prime to distinguish the load gate components from the driving gate components. Input Low Current = l 1L IrL is found by following dashed path 1 of Figure 6.7, and writing this current as the difference in voltage across the resistors in series divided by the sum of the resistors. Hence, Output Low Current = IoL Im is found by writing KCL at the collector of Q 0 where loL = lc,o(SAT) - 11,e The current through Re is found by following dashed path 2 of Figure 6. 7, yielding fRe Vee - Vc,o(SAT) = ----·--Re The collector current of Qo(SAT) is obtained from lc, 0 (SAT) = crOLf3,IH,o(SAT) where um is the saturation parameter introduced in section 3.7. However, for maximum fan-out, Vv'C consider operation at the edge of saturation where er= 1 and lc, 0 (SAT) = lc, 0 (EOS) = /3 1 1/l,o(EOS) To determine this quantitatively, we write KCL at the base of Q 0 to obtain 6.5 DTL Fan-Out 77 V'cc 1 0 -~1 . -+-- I pR'•! R', Re 6 ill * (l-p)R i ---3--------· 0---- K ,-~~--------i ~ ' V',~ D'L Q'o 'OIIII IoL 5 ill ? _ ~ ____) driving gate (output low state) FIGURE 6.7 6k{l (l-p)R'•! VOL== V'rn 8 VIN I' 2 ~ load gates (output high state) Cascaded DTL Gates for Fan-out and Power Dissipation Calculation where The emitter current of QL is found by analyzing the portion of the driver gate including V cc, pR!l, (1 - p)Rll, Q1,, Du and Q 0 as redrawn in Figure 6.8. Considering Q1, and (1 - p)R 11 as a super-node, the current through pR 8 is equal to the emitter current of Q1,. Assuming IB.L negligible, the emitter current of Q 1 is Vee - Viiu(FA) - Vo.L(ON) - VHE,o(SAT) pRB The following example indicates the use of these equations. Example 6.2 DTL Fan-Out Calculate the fan-out for the DTL inverter of Figure 6.6 considering the circuit in Figure 6.7 and the sub- FIGURE 6.8 Portion of DTL Driving Gate for Fan-out Analysis and Power Dissipation Analysis 78 Chapter 6/Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) circuit in Figure 6.8. Let f3F = 49, Vtm(FA) = 0.7 V, V8 E(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs and V0 (ON) = 0.7 V for the diodes. Also, use cr01. = 0.85 for the output low state. Hence, the fan-out of this DTL gate is 54. Note that I8 _0 = 1.40 mA is indeed large enough to saturate Qo, Solution Substituting these values directly into the derived equations yields 6.6 - I - (5) - (0.7) - (0.2) - 1 09 In - pRB (3.75k) - . IRc I = (5) - (0.2) (6 k) = (5) - 2(0.7) - (0.8) ------(0.467)(3.75k) E,L IRD = (0.8) (5k) A 1/l = To determine the average power dissipation of a DTL gate, we first detenTtine the currents being supplied by Vcc for both the high and the low output states. Notice that these currents have already been obtained in the fan-out analysis of the previous section. = 800 µA = Output High Current Supplied = IcdOH) A 1. 60 m For the output high state, the input is low [i.e. = 160 V 0 :(SAT)], and considering dashed path 3 in Figure µA 6.7, we have 18 , 0 = (1.60m) - (160/L) = 1.44 mA Ic,o = (0.85)(49)(1.44111) = 60 mA IoL = (60m) - (800µ,) = 59.2 mA N DTL POWER DISSIPATION (59.2111) (1.09,n) Since Q0 is cutoff, IRc(OH) = 0, and = 54.3 lcc(OH) = 1"1w(OH) 8 1.75KOHM 8 4 RCP 6KOHM 7 i 4 2KOHM I 1/4 VO\J'f DIA s ------<·,--~,-a-,-L---3 " ' 'QL PULSE DI~ ,)1 DL 5 6 6 6 n+~3 VINB ¥PULSE RCD 0 -::- DTL Gate with SPICE Labelings QO 0 5KOHM 0 FIGURE 6.9 7 ! 6.6 79 DTL Power Dissipation Additionally, the current through Re for this output low state is simply Output Low Current Supplied= IcdOL) For the low output state, the input is high, then I"1w(OL) = lu Vee - VBdFA) - V0 (ON) - VBr(SAT) pRB Thus, 5--,,..--. 4 3 2 1 O VNAND (V) ------j1..._--1--------11---.....__---I--• t(ns) 0 50 100 150 200 250 vrn..(V) 5+----, 5-,----4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0 +----+---,&...-.....+----!---+-~ t(ns) 100 150 200 250 0 50 VAND(V) 0 0 2 3 4 5 5-4 32 1 0 ----1'-------1------l----LJ....,,,.,,..__ 0 (a) FIGURE 6.10 Results of Section 6.7 SPICE Simulation of DTL Gate: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic obtained 50 100 150 200 __,._ t(ns) 250 (b) from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response from .TRAN sweep 80 Chapter 6/Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) Average Power Dissipation= P0 (avg) The average power dissipated is now found by substituting into p ( D ) _ Icc(OH) avg - + Icc(OJ.',) V cc 2 = IpRB(OH) + lpRa(OL) + IRc(OL) Vee 2 Example 6.3 DTL NAND Gate VCC 8 0 DC 5V VIN1 1 D DC 5V PULSE(OV 5V OS + 2NS 2NS 50NS 1DDNS) VIN2 2 D DC 5V PULSE(OV 5V OS + 2NS 2NS 1DDNS 200NS) R81 8 4 1-75KOHM R82 4 3 2KOHM RC 8 7 bKOHM RD b D 5KOHM DI1 3 1 DIODE 1\T-, DTL Power Dissipuiiun l/l.C -, .:I -, C 1\T/\1\r- lll.Vllt. 6. 7 DTL SPICE SIMULATION DL 5 b DIODE -MODEL DIODE D(CJ0=-5PF) QL 4 3 5 QNPN QO 7 b D QNPN -MODEL QNPN NPN(8F=49 CJC=2PF + CJE=4PF) -DC VIN1 DV SV □ -1V -PLOT V(7) -TRAN 2NS 250NS -PLOT TRAN V(VINA) V(VINB) + V(7) -END Figure 6.9 shows a 930 series DTL NAND gate with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: The VTC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figures 6.10a and 6.106. Calculate the average power dissipation for the DTL gate in Example 6.2. Solution Direct substitution of the values calculated in Example 6.2 yields PD (avg) = (1.09m) + (1.60111) + (800µ,) ( ) 5 2 = 8.73 mW CHAPTER 6 PROBLEMS 6.1 Vll 1 (FA) = 0.7 V, Vm(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vu,(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJT. Also, determine the high and low noise margins. Determine the VTC (V0 uT versus V1N) for the DTL NAND circuit of Figure P6.l with V1N 1 = V1N 2 = V1:--J. Let VD(ON) = 0.7 V for the diodes and /3 1 = 100, 6.2 Repeat Problem 6.1 for the DTL circuit of Figure P6.2. 6.3 Show that the circuit of Figure P6.1 performs the logical NAND function by determining Von for all possible combinations of V1r-,: 1 and V1N 2 , where each of these are either low (0 V) or high (5 V). 6.4 Determine the VTC (Vrn;-i versus V1N) for the DTL NOR gate of Figure P6.4 with V1N1 = V1N 2 = VIN· Let VD(ON) = 0.7 V for the diodes and /3 1 = 100, V8 r(FA) = 0.7 V, Vm(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJT. Also determine the high and low noise margins. 6.5 Show that the circuit of Figure P6.5, with the input diodes reversed (from Figure P6.4) performs the log- Your DIA DL VINA 0---------kJ·~----,__L_~--f:>f-~--J VINII 0------ -- ~ - - FIG URE P6.1 Qo l 81 Chapter 6 Problems Let V1)(ON) = 0. 7 V for the diode and /3 1 100, V81 (FA) = 0.7 V, VtdSAT) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJT. Vcc=5V ___ _ l ~ Consider the basic DTL inverter of Figure P6.8. Let VD(ON) = 0. 7 V for the diode and /3, = 50, Vlll;(FA) = 0.7 V, Vm/SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vn(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJT. Sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins. 6.8 R, I 5Ml i[nu~ ~---0 D~ VINA ~T---t>f----v D V[NB VOUT ~ Oo 1 Vcc=4 V f I o-------14-__j - - - - - ___ f _ _ _ - - FIGURE P6.2 Re Vcc=5V 2kil Re 0 VOUT i Re 1 kil D~ INA ---0 Re ~ V~ o- - ~--- IOMl V OUT FIGURE P6.8 / - ~Oo ~ FIGURE P6.4 6.9 Repeat Problem 6.8 with DL replaced with three PN diodes connected in series. 6.10 For the circuit of Problem P6.8, calculate the following: (a) The input low value of current 111 _ (b) The output low value of current Im. (c) The maximum fan-out= N = IoLII1L (d) The average power dissipation 6.11 Repeat Problem 6.10 for R8 ical NAND function by determining Vour for all possible combinations of V1N 1 and V1N 2 , where each of these arc either low (0 V) or high (5 V). = 5 kn and Re = 1 kn. I I pRe i i 1.75 kil Re 5 kil I (1-p)Re o--+(1----i-L D~ 2 kil -0 Your VINA Dm V!NB I o------J<I-~' J VlNB o--l<J--- FIGURE P6.5 Dm 6.6 Repeat Problem 6.4 with a diode in series with Ru. 6.7 For the DTL gate of Figure P6.5, determine !RB, !Re, In.n, and Vrn;r for all possible combinations of low (0.2 V) and high (5 V) inputs. Also, sketch the VTC. ( FIGURE P6.12 Q_ DL ~-0>1------,-~7 82 6.12 Chapter 6/Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) Determine the VTC CVuur versus V,") for the transistor modified DTL NAND gate of Figure P6.12 with V1r,.; 1 = V1r,.; 2 = V,r,.;. Let VD(ON) = 0.7 V for the diode and f3F = 50, VndFA) = 0.7 V, VnE(SAT) = 0.8 V, V0 o(SAT) = 0.2 V, and u 0 L = 0.85 for the BJT. Also determine the noise margins. (a) The input low value of current I,L (b) The output low value of current Irn. (c) The maximum fan-out - N = 101 /I,L (d) The average power dissipation 6.15 Repeat Problem 6.14 for RB = Re = 1 kfl and p = 0.4. 6.13 Repeat Problem 6.12 for R8 = Re p = 0.4. 1 kfl and 6.16 For the circuit of Figure P6.12, determine V 011 and Vm for a fan-out of N = 10. 6.14 For the circuit and data of Figure P6.12, calculate the following: 6.17 Repeat Problem 6.14 for p = 0.3 and R8 = 5 kfl. 6.18 Repeat Problem 6.14 for p = 0.5 and RB = 2.5 kfl. TRANSi GIC In 1965, transistor-transistor logic (TTL) was introduced. As the name implies, the usage of diodes in DTL is replaced with transistors (BJTs) in TTL. The resulting TTL circuits provide increased fan-out, improved transient response, and a reduction in chip area required. TTL circuits are the first of the 54X00/ 74X00 series of BJT logic families. The 74X00 series are adequate for most commercial applications and operate over a temperature range of 0 to 70°C. The 54X00 series have the same logic circuit design as the 74X00 circuits but operate over the superior temperature range -55 to 125°C and are primarily used for military applications. As will be seen, the main improvement in TTL design over DTL is the inclusion of an active pull-up sub-circuit. This results in faster charging of the equivalent output capacitance and thus improved circuit performance. 7.1 high values and determine the corresponding output voltage range. Output High Voltage == VoH For V,N low, the base-emitter junction of the input BJT Q 1 is forward-biased. Following dashed path 1 in Figure 7.1 yields Ill.I Vee - Viiu - V1N =---~-- RB The magnitude of this current is in the milliamp range for typical values of R11, so Q1 operates in saturation for V1N low. The base-emitter bias of the output BJT Q0 is found by following dashed path 2 in Figure 7.1 to obtain v/3E,o = V1N + vcE_i(SA T) From this it is clear that Q0 is cutoff for low V1N giving BASIC TTL INVERTER The basic TTL inverter along with its voltage transfer characteristic are shown in Figure 7.1. Note that the input and level-shifting diodes of the basic DTL inverter have been replaced with a single BJT Q1 at the input. Moreover in this TTL circuit, the base-emitter junction of Q1 replaces the DTL input diode, the base-collector junction of Q 1 replaces the DTL levelshifting diode, and the base of the BJT acts as a common P region. The advantage of the input BJT over the diodes is two-fold. The BJT requires less silicon surface area than the two diodes and propagation delay time is improved by an order of magnitude, as will be discussed in section 7.2. To determine the voltage transfer characteristic, we consider V,N to vary from low values through Input Low Voltage== V1L As V 1N is increased, Q0 turns on when V,N reaches ViN = vllco(FA) - vCE_1(SAT) = V1L which is observed by following dashed path 2 in Figure 7.1. With further increase ofV1N, the output voltage begins to reduce, until Q 0 saturates. Output Low Voltage == VoL As VrN is increased further, the output voltage reaches its minimum which is VcE.o(SAT) and Vex 83 = V cE,o(SA T) 84 Chapter 7/Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) Your(V) • V~ = V~(SAT)+- -------- :+1_ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - - ; , + - - - - - - - - - - - . . vIN (V) lyrn = 0.6 Vn. = 0.5 (a) FIGURE 7.1 (b) Basic TTL Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic Input High Voltage == Vrn The corresponding input voltage for which Q0 just saturates is given by base when undergoing a transition from saturation to cutoff. The initial current (upon switching) for stored charge removal is I SCI< VrN = Var,o(SAT) - Veu(SAT) = Vin which is again observed by following dashed path 2 in Figure 7.1. Consequently, Q0 remains saturated for values of V 1N higher than V,flHowever, as V,N is increased further, the baseemitter junction of Q, eventually becomes reversebiased. Following dashed path 3 of Figure 7.1, it is seen that _ VBE,o(SAT) RD RD - For the basic TTL circuit of Figure 7.1, R0 is unnecessary because Q, provides a low resistance path for charge removal. When V1N is switched from high to low, Vc, 1 is still at Vc,r = V BE,o(SAT) and the input voltage to Q,, VBe,r = (Vee - l1l,/RB) - VBE,o(SAT) and the base-collector junction of Q1 is forward biased. Therefore, for high inputs, Q 1 operates in the reverse-active mode. Note that a significant current flows across the base-collector junction of Q1 into the base of Q0 providing further evidence of Q0 operating in saturation. _ I - Vu = VcJL = VE,I, is switched to Veui(SAT) where we assume that the input is connected to another TTL gate in the output low state. Since the base-emitter junction of Q 1 is now forward biased VB,r = VE,I + VBE,i(FA) = VeE(SAT) + VaE(FA) and 7.2 COMPARISON OF STORED-CHARGE REMOVAL FROM DTL AND TTL For DTL circuits, an additional resistor was added to the base of Q0 to remove stored charge from the vBc.1 = v B,1 - v c.1 = Vu(SAT) + VBdFA) - v/JE(SAT) While the base-collector junction of Q1 is forward biased, it is insufficient to saturate Q,, and Q 1 therefore operates in the forward active mode. The resulting collector current of Q1 is 7.4 Ic,1 = f3FIB,1 = f3F = Standard TTL NAND Gate with Totem Pole Output Va: Vee - VB,I y RB I ---- -- - - - - Vee - VBE(FA) - Vu(SAT) ~f which provides an enormous initial current (upon switching) for stored charge removal from the base of Q0 . This in turn improves propagation delay time by an equivalent factor. Example 7.1 Stored Charge Removal Comparison Calculate the factor of improvement for stored charge removal for TTL over DTL. Let Vcc = 5 V, R8 = 2 kfl, and Ro= 5 kfl. Use f3F = 50, VlldFA) = 0.7 V, VllE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJT. Solution Substituting these values directly into the derived expressions yields the magnitudes of the currents as follows: Irw = = 160 µA and 2 5 IB,o = (50) ( ) - (~;]) - (0. ) = 102.5 mA The factor of improvement is therefore 102.5m = 640.6 7 I f3F - - - - - - - - - - = - IB,0 RB (0.8) ( k) 5 85 Vairr FIGURE 7.2 Basic TTL NAND Gate with Multi-emitter BJT Input Stage To show that this multiple-emitter input provides the NAND function, all combinations of low and high inputs are considered. Any Input Low Considering Figure 7.2, if any input is low the corresponding base-emitter junction is forward biased allowing a large current to flow in R8 and forcing QI into saturation. Q0 will be cutoff since insufficient voltage is present with VsE,o = ViN(low) + Vcu(SAT) < VsdFA) and thus 160µ, 7.3 BASIC TTL NAND GATE AND THE MULTIPLE-EMITTER BJT The inherent similarity between DTL and TTL suggests that The TTL logic family provides the logical NAND operation and this is indeed true. The question at hand then is how to provide multiple inputs. A separate BJT could be used for each input with coupled bases and cou pled collectors. However, a unique alternative is to make use of the multiple-emitter BJT presented in Figure 3.3, as seen in Figure 7.2, The multiple-emitter BJT requires much less chip area than using individual transistors for each input and is the "heart" of TTL. All Inputs High With all inputs high, all base-emitter junctions of QI in Figure 7.2 are reverse biased with the base-collector junction forward biased. Thus, QI is operating in the reverse-active mode. With QI providing a large current to the base of Q 0 , Q0 is in saturation and VouT = VCE,o(SAT) = Vot Hence, the basic TTL multiple-emitter BJT gate provides the NAND operation. 7.4 STANDARD TTL NAND GATE WITH TOTEM POLE OUTPUT Figure 7.3 displays the circuit diagram for the series 5400/7400 Standard TTL gate in a 2-input NAND 86 Chapter 7/Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) with an initial current given by . I,, 1111 _11 /'(passzve) Vee - Vew(SAT) = ---'--'----="-C..----'--- Re For the TTL with active pull-up, the equivalent load capacitance charges through Rm giving where Rer is typically a tenth of Re. The initial current for the active pull-up circuit can be found folhmnrh of FiITT1rP 7 .1 lowine: u the totem 1nole outn11t 1 - -- -o-·~ -· · ·-, where l1,,i11_111 ,(active) _ Vee - VG,P(SAT) - Vo,L(ON) - VeE,o(SAT) Rer Vee - 2VedSAT) - V0 (0N) Rcr FIGURE 7.3 Standard 5400/7400 Series TTL NAND Gate with Totem-pole Output arrangement. The additional circuit components alleviate speed limitations manifested in the basic TTL gate of Figures 7.1 and 7.2, as we will see. The stacking of two BJTs, a resistor, and a diode in the output branch is called a totem pole output. To observe the improved switching performance, the output load is modelled as a capacitance CEQ and its charging and discharging is studied. Comparison of Load Capacitance Charging for Basic TTL and TTL with Totem Pole Output which is much larger than Ipull-up(passive) because Rep << Re. Hence, TTL gates with active pull-up have a much smaller rise time constant and much larger initial current than the basic TTL gates. Other Additional Elements An explanation of the other additional circuit elements in Figure 7.3 is appropriate. First, the addition of Q 5 provides base driving current to Q 0 to ensure saturation. Along with Re and DL, Q 5 also provides logic inversion to Qp in the following manner. When Q0 is in saturation, Q5 is also in saturation and Q" is off, since with The addition of Rep and Qr to the output high driver portion of the circuit provides active pull-up. This means that a large current is available for charging the equivalent load capacitance when the output switches from low to high (due to the input switching high to low). The improvement in rise time is easily observed by comparing RC time constants and initial currents provided at the output for the basic TfL gate of Figure 7.1 with passive pull-up and the standard m" gate in Figure 7.3. For the basic TTL gate, the equivalent load capacitance charges directly through Re, resulting in a rise time constant given by VE.P = VeE,o(SAT) + Vo,L(ON) and taking the difference yields Vau = VaE(SAT) - V0 (0N) < V8 dFA) Hence, Qp and Q0 are never on simultaneously. Additionally, the input BJT Q 1 aids in the pull down of Q5 . Second, the resistor R 0 is again necessary to remove stored charge from the base of Q0 , since Ie, 1 no longer directly sinks Q0 . For standard TTL, this is not as severe as in DTL, since Q0 for TTL does not become heavily saturated. 7.5 TABLE 7.1 Purpose of Each Element for a Series 5400/7400 Standard TTL Gate Element Purpose Multi-emitter input BJT, base-collector level shifting of transition width, pull-down of Qs Limits 11L Drive splitter, provides base driving current to Q0 , base-emitter level shifting for shift of transition width, pull-down of Standard TI'L Voltage Transfer Characteristic 87 Vmrr(V) t Vcc=5+ I 4 Q, and Q, turns on V oH = 3.6 Qo ~ 3 V 08 = 2.5 2. QI' Along with Qs provides logic inversion to output-high driver Output inverting BJT, output low driver for current sourcing pull-down Diode level shifting between Vcc and output Provides discharge path for saturation stored charge of Q0 Provides active current-sourcing pull-up Part of active pull-up and limits current spikes during output high-to-low transitions Input clamping diodes to limit the negative swing of the inputs to one diode drop below ground Q, and ~ enter saturation VOL= 0.2 ~-i-----t--i--r-----------------------,.-----,-----,------,...--.__. 2 3 4 V 11, = 0.5 V m = 1.4 Vm = 1.2 FIGURE 7.4 Voltage Transfer Characteristic for the Standard 5400/7400 Series TTL Gate VIN/\ = v,Nll = v,N- The resulting VTC is displayed in Figure 7.4 with all critical points labeled. Output High Voltage = Von For V1"' low, a large current (following dashed path 1 in Figure 7.3) flows into the base of Q 1, given by Finally, the clamp diodes beh-veen each input and ground are required in order to avoid high frequency LC oscillations at the output. These oscillations are a result of any inductance the load may exhibit. This in turn could cause the output, and its cascaded inputs, to rise above Vcc when switching from low to high and drop below VcE(SAT) when switching from high to low. Rll limits the input current for the first case but voltage spikes can occur at other nodes of the circuit for the second case. The clamping diodes serve to limit the negative swing of the input. The purpose of each element for the TTL inverter of Figure 7.3 is summarized in Table 7.1. 7.5 STANDARD TTL VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC ]BI . RB But the collector current of Q 1 is limited to the leakage current of Q 5 (which will momentarily be proven to be cutoff for low V1N), where lc, 1 = -IB,s(/eakage) << f3rIB,J Under these conditions Ic,1 << IB,1 And Q 1 is saturated. Following dashed path 2 in Figure 7.3, the voltage at the base of Q 5 is given by Vzi,s = VIN + Ve[,l(SAT) < VudFA) Hence, Q 5 , and therefore Q 0 , are cutoff for V,:-.i < VBE,s(FA) VeE, 1(SAT). With Qs cutoff, IRc = lc,s = 0 (neglecting 18 y) and VB,!' = Vcc- Thus, the baseemitter junction of Qp, and DL, will be forward biased. Following dashed path 3 in Figure 7.3, we have Vmrr = Vee - VllE,P(FA) - Vo,L(ON) Vee - VrJ(ON) - VaE(FA) = Vou Assuming a cap active load, V01-i is reached when the load is charged with QP and Q, at the edge of conduction (EOC). = To determine the voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) of the standard TTL gate in Figure 7.3, we consider the two inputs connected together with Vee - VuE,/ - VIN(/ow) =-------- 88 Chapter 7/Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) Input Low Voltage= V1L As Yi:'! is increased and VB,s reaches V 13 E(FA), Qs becomes forward active when VIN= VBE,s(FA) - VeE,1(SAT) = VIL With Q5 conducting current, V OL'T begins to drop as VIf\c increases because of the increasing voltage across Re. Input Breakpoint Voltage= Vrn A '\: 7 _ _ _ _I ( ,1 _ . • . _. T _ KS VIN !S lll(:!edseu IU!l!ler, Sll lCe IE,S ~ T _ lc,s - T IRI), the voltage at the base of Q0 begins to rise. Following dashed path 4 in Figure 7.3, we note that Q0 becomes forward active when ViN 1l1is value of output voltage is indicated on the VIf\c axis in Figure 7.4. Output Low Voltage = VoL With Q 0 operating in saturation, the output voltage is given by VouT = Ve£,o(SAT) = V0 1, Qp is then turned off, as discussed in section 7.4. The overall VTC is shown in Figure 7.4. Cutoff, turn on, and saturation operation are indicated on this diagram. Table 7.2 summarizes the state of each diode and BJT for the output high, breakpoint, and low voltages. = Vi,E,o(FA) + VBE,s(FA) - Veu(SAT) = 2V8 dFA) VeE(SAT) = Vrn Note that Q0 turning on causes a change in slope of the VTC as indicated in Figure 7.4 at VIN = Vrn, Example 7.2 Output Breakpoint Voltage = V08 Calculate V of!, VIL, VIH, and V 0L as well as Vrn and V 08 for the standard TTL gate of Figure 7.3. Let f3F = 100. The output voltage corresponding to V 18 can be found by noting that as Q0 just turns on IRe I = RD= V11E,o(FA) Ro Solution Substituting values from Figure 7.3 directly into the derived expressions yields = (5) - 2(0.7) = 3.6 V VIL = (0.7) - (0.2) = 0.5 V Vrn = 2(0.7) - (0.2) = 1.2 V V 011 Thus, VouT = Vee - lr<eRe - VBE,P(FA) - Vo.1(0N) = Vee - (:: + 1 )ViidFA) - Vo(ON) = Voa V08 Following dashed path 4, Q 0 and Q5 both saturate when ViN Element Qp DL Oo and = Va£,o(SAT) + VaE.s(SAT) - Vcu(SAT) = 2VBc(SAT) - Vu(SAT) = Vi11 TABLE 7.2 (1.6k) = (5) - (0.7) (lk) - 2(0.7) = 2.5 V Viu = 2(0.8) - (0.2) = 1.4 V Input High Voltage= Vrn 01 Os TTL Voltage Transfer Characteristic VoL = 0.2 V States of Diodes and BJTs for Break-points VoH VB VoL Saturated Cutoff EOC EOC Cutoff Saturated Forward active Forward active EOC Edge of conduction Reverse active Saturated Cutoff Cutoff Saturated 7.6 HL Fan-Out 89 I'ILi I'IL2 ~~ N identical load gates I'ILN J_ FIGURE 7.5 7.6 TTL Inverter (Driving Identical TTL Inverters) in Output Low State TTL FAN-OUT As with DTL, the maximum fan-out for TTL is dependent on the output low state of the driver gate. The maximum fan-out is again determined by how rnuch current the driving gate can sink from multiple (identical) load gates as depicted in Figure 7.5. Thus, maximum fan-out is obtained from 1. Hence, this current is given by Output Low Current = IoL Since Di. is cutoff for the output low state, IoL is the saturated collector current of Qu(SAT) and is given by lcn Figure 7.6 shows the driving gate with one of the output gates explicitly drawn. As usu.:t!, all parameters for the output gate are distinguished with a prime to indicate which gate is under consideration. In this circuit, Vm:T = v;N = Vm is used for the fanout analysis. = Ic.o(SAT) = <Tcnf3r11w where u 0 1. is the saturation parameter for Qu. Writing KCL at the base of Qu gives IB,o = l1c,s(SAT) - l1w where and also Input Low Current = l 1L The input current of a TTL gate is the emitter current of QI· For the input low state (i.e. output high state), QI is saturated and Q 5 is cutoff. Since lu = - 15,s, Ic,I is essentially zero for the input low state. The input low current is then just the current in R{i in Figure 7.6 and 111 is found by following dashed path IE.s(SAT) = IB,s + lc.s The collector current Ic,s of Q 5 is found by following dashed path 2 in Figure 7.6, where Ic.s = lgc Vee Vu.s(SAT) - Vaw(SAT) Re 90 Chapter ?/Transistor-Transistor Logic (TI'L) Re ~ 120n : 1.6 kQ z ' Q, Vm=VoH .;. I'IL2 I f--I I' IL, L:____ driving gate (output low state) Cascaded TTL Gates for Fan-out and Average Power Dissipation Calculations FIGURE 7.6 The base current 18 ,s of Qs is l/J,s = lc,i(RA) = (1 + f3rJIB,1 = (1 + f31<)I1ui where IRll is found by following dashed path 3 in Figure 7.6, yielding I load gates (output high state) where needed. For the output low state let f3F = 25, f3R = 0.1, and u 0 L = 0.85. Also use VBdFA) = VBdRA) = 0.7 V, V11 E(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VedSAT) = 0.2 V. Solution Substituting these values directly into the derived equations yields _ Vee - VHc,1(RA) - ViiE,s(SAT) - V8 E,o(SAT) B,/ - R/l I _ (5) - (0.8) - (0.2) _ (4k) - 1 111A IL - The following example serves as an aid in understanding the equations of this section. Example 7 .3 TTL Fan-Out Calculate the fan-out for the standard TTL inverter of Figure 7.5 considering the circuit of Figure 7.6 (0.8) I1w = (lk) = 800 µA lc,s = (5) - (0.2) - (0.8) . (1. k) = 2.5 mA 6 Il<B = (5) - (0.7) - 2(0.8) _ µA (4k) - 6 75 7.8 In,s = [1 + (0.1)](675µ.) = 743 µA h.s = (743µ.) + (2.5111) = 3.24 111A 11w = (3.24111) - (800µ.) = 2.44 mA IoL = N = The average power dissipation for an inverter is now obtained by substituting into (0.85)(25)(2.44111) = 51.9 mA ( ) Prra~ (51.9m) = 51.9 (1111) = TTL POWER DISSIPATION To determine the average power dissipation of a TTL gate, we first obtain the sum of all currents being supplied by Vee for both the output high [Icc(OH)] and low [Icc(OL)] states. We then obtain the average current supplied and multiply by Vcc- The values of these currents are taken directly from the fan-out analysis of the previous section. Output High Current Supplied = IcdOH) 2 rr 2 TTL Power Dissipation Calculate the power dissipation of the standard TTL inverter of Figure 7.5. Solution Direct substitution of the values calculated in Example 7.3 yields Pee (avg) = = 7 .8 For the output high state [the input is low with V1N = VcE(SAT) ], considering Figure 7.6, we have Iee(OH) + Iec(OL) V l1w(OH) + l1w(OL) + 11,e(OL) = - - - - - - - - - - - Vee Example 7.4 Iec(OH) 91 Average Power Dissipation= Pcdavg) Hence, the maximum fan-out of this TTL gate is 51. Also note that the value if Ill,o = IE,s = 2.44 mA is sufficient to saturate Q0 . 7.7 Open-Collector TfL (1111) + (675µ.) + (2.5m) ( ) 2 5 10.4 mW OPEN-COLLECTOR TTL Many of the TTL family logic gates are available with open-collector outputs. These gates do not include = 11,ll(OH) Vee - VBE,i(SAT) - V0 ,o(SAT) RR Output Low Current Supplied == IcdOL) 1.6 k.Q For the output low state (the input is high), considering Figure 7.6, we have Q, Your and and IRcP = 0 because QI' is cutoff for the output low case. Hence, FIGURE 7.7 Open-collector TTL Gate 92 Chapter ?/Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) the output-high pull-up driver made up of Qp, DL and Rep shown in Figure 7.3. Figure 7.7 shows a 5400/7400 series open-collector TIL gate. These gates are indicated in data sheets by specifying "open-collector" or "OC". Open-collector TIL gates are often used in data busses where multiple gate outputs must be ANDed. This can be accomplished by using a single pull-up resistor with open-collector TIL gates. This type of connection is referred to as a wired-AND because the output is high only when Q0 of all wired gates are cutoff. 7.9 LOW POWER TTL (LTTL) To decrease the power dissipated in TTL logic gates, the resistor magnitudes must be increased. With increased resistances, less current conducts in the gate and the Ice X Vcc product is decreased. Figure 7.8 shows the 54L00/74L00 low power TIL (LTIL) with increased resistances. As can be seen, the resistors are approximately one order of magnitude larger than those for the 5400/7400 standard TIL gate of Figure 7.3. However, along with lower power dissipation, there are a few unfortunate disadvantages: 1. decreased fan-out 2. longer transient response times These result from decreased currents which sink load gate input currents and charge load capacitances. Thus, a tradeoff exists between lower power dissipation and transient response. Example 7.5 Power Dissipation Comparison of TTL and LTTL Compare the power dissipation for LTIL in Figure 7.8 with that of TIL found in Example 7.4. Use the BJT terminal voltages of Example 7.4. Solution Using the equations of sections 7.6 and 7.7 and the LTTL circuit, we have (5) - (0. 7) - 2(0.8) (40k) (5) - (0.2) - (0.8) (20k) I RB Re = 675 µA = 200 µA (OH) = (5) - (0.8) - (0.2) = 100 .. Ll (40k) f-'4' and 20k.Q p ( ) _ (67.5µ,) cc avg - + (200µ,) 2 + (100µ,) ( ) 5 = 919 µ,W Q, Your Comparing with Example 7.4, we see that the power dissipation for the LTIL gate is about one tenth of that for TIL. 7.10 FIGURE 7.8 54L00/74L00 Low Power TTL (LTTL) with Increased Resistances HIGH SPEED TTL (HTTL) As mentioned in the previous section, a decrease in power dissipation is accompanied by a reduction in speed. This suggests that the transient response of TIL might be improved by decreasing resistance values and increasing the power dissipation. This is in fact the case and prompted the development of 7.11 ·+8k<l 93 high-speed TTL (HTTL). Figure 7.9 shows the 54H00/74H00 series high speed TTL (HTIL). In addition to the decreased resistances, the output-high driver section includes a Darlington pair configuration, Qp and Qp 2, in place of the single BJT Qr used in TTL. This allows more current to be sourced for charging of the load capacitance. REP is included as a discharge path for Qp 2 . 158 .n Rep TTL SPICE Simulation 760.Q I ~-~- VIN I I I 7.11 YoUT -0 Dc2S TTL SPICE SIMULATION Figure 7.10 shows a standard 5400/7400 TTL inverter with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: I I 470.Q Standard 5400/7400 TTL Inverter VCC 3 D DC 5V VIN 1 0 PULSE(OV 5V OS 2NS 2NS + SONS 100NS) RB 3 2 4KOHM RC 3 4 1-6K◊HM RCP 3 6 1200HM I I '-----------~------~ -:- FIGURE 7.9 54H00/74H00 High Speed TTL (HTTL) with Smaller Resistances and Darlington Pair Output High Driver ~ 3 4 KOHM RC ®- VIN 1 0. QI 9 DP 5 8 io * --0 YoUT 8 DC 5 0 5 Standard TTL Inverter with SPICE Labelings QO 0 0 FIGURE 7.10 1200HM 6 4 PULSE n- RCP 1.6KOHM 4 2 n f 3 94 Chapter 7 /Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) RD 5 D 1KOHM DP 7 8 DIODE DC D 1 DIODE -MODEL DIODE D(CJ0=-5PF) QI 9 2 1 QNPN QS 4 9 5 QNPN QP 6 4 7 QNPN QO 8 5 D QNPN -MODEL QNPN NPN(BF=10 □ VA=80 + IS=1E-14A VA=80 RB=1DOHM + RC=20HM CJC=2PF CJE=4PF) -DC VIN DV 5V □ -1V -PLOT DC V(8) -TRAN 1NS 125NS -PLOT TRAN V(1) V(8) -END The VIC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figures 7.lla and b. In order to carry out SPICE modelling of multiemitter BJTs, each emitter is regarded as a separate BJT with all common collectors numbered the same and all comm.on bases numbered the same. Homevvork Problern 7.17 discusses the rnodification of the preceding SPICE input CIRcuit file to simulate a two input 111, NAND gate. VIN(V) • 5 4 VOUT (V) t 3- 5 2 - 1 4 t(ns) 0 -,- 0 3 25 50 75 100 125 YourCV) ... i 2 5 4 1 3 - I o I 0 I 1 ► VIN(V) 2 3 4 2 5 0 -I 0 (a) FIGURE 7.11 Results of Section 7.11 TTL SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic from .DC - 25 -------+~ --t 50 75 iOO ► t(ns) i25 (b) sweep, (b) Transient response from .TRAN sweep Chapter 7 Problems 95 CHAPTER 7 PROBLEMS 7.1 7.2 For the basic TTL inverter of Figure P7.1, determine 11:-.:, I1rn, ls.o and IRc for the following conditions: (a) V 1N = 0 V (b) V1N = 3 V Let /3r- = 100, f3R = 0.05, Vm(FA) = Vnc(RA) = 0.7 V, V1nc(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. 4kQ Repeat Problem 7.1 for (a) Rn= 1 kfl (b) Rn = 5 kfl VINA 0----1 V !NB 7.3 ' Q 0 with all other parameters unchanged. Repeat Problem 7.1 for (a) Re= 500 fl (b) Re= 3 kfl with all other parameters unchanged. 7.4 For the basic TTL inverter of Figure P7.1 with Vee = 5 V, determine 11N, IRB, IB,o and IRc for the following conditions: (a) V1['; = 0 V = 5V (b) V 1['; Let /3 1• = 100, VBE(FA) = Vnc(RA) = 0.7V, VBdSAT) = 0.8 V, and VuJSAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. FIGURE P7.6 7.7 For the TTL NAND gate of Figure P7.6, assume Q0 and Qp saturate at the same time as Q 0 switches from saturation to cutoff. Determine the current in Ru, and Vny, VEY and Vey, What is the operating state of Q5 7 Let /3r = 100, VnE(FA) = V1ic(RA) = 0.7 V, VniJSAT) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. 7.8 For the standard TTL NAND gate of Figure P7.6, find the low and high noise margins. Let f3F = 75, V8 E(FA) = 0.7 V, VBl(SAT) = 0.75 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.1 V for the BJTs. 7.9 For the standard TTL NAND gate of Figure P7.6, calculate the following: (a) the input low current In. (b) the output low current IoL (c) the maximum fan-out= N = I0 L/In. (d) the average power dissipation Use /3 1 = 70, f3R = 0.05, V81 (FA) = 0.7 V, V8E(SAT) = 0.75 V, Vllc(RA) = 0.7 V, and Vu(SAT) = 0.15 V. Use cr0 = 0.8 for the output low state. 7.10 Repeat Problem 7.9 for 7.11 For the low power TTL inverter of Figure P7. l 1, obtain the following: (a) Sketch the VTC. (b) Calculate the maximum fan-out = N = IllL/IIL· FIGURE P7.1 7.5 7.6 Determine the VTC for the basic TTL inverter of Figure P7.1. Let /3r = 100, V81:(FA) = 0.7 V, V8 c(RA) = 0.7 V, Vllr-(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vn(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. Also, determine the high and low noise margins. For the standard TTL NANO gate of Figure P7.6, determine the currents Ill.I' and Ic, 1, for Q 0 and Qs operating in saturation. What is the operating state of Qp? /3 1 = 80 and cr0 = 0.7. 96 Chapter 7/Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) (c) Calculate the average power dissipation. Use f3F = 90, /3 1( = (l.05, V!lr(FA) = V1K(RA) = 0.7 V, Vll 1o(SA T) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V. Use ffo = 0.85 for the output low state. Ra, 7.13 For the standard TTL NANO gate of Figure P7.6, determine the state of the BJTs and the diode for (a) the output high state (b) the output low state 7.14 For the standard TTL NANO gate of Figure P7.6, list the elements that make up (a) the input stage (b) the drive splitter (c) the output high driver (d) the output low driver Refer to the TTL super-circuitry block diagram in Figure 4. 9 of section 1.3. 7.15 For the standard TTL NANO gate of Figure P7.6, list the purpose of all BJTs, diodes, and resistors. 7.16 Show that Qp in Figure P7.6 is cutoff for the output low state by finding VBEY in terms of terminal voltages of Qs, Q 0 , and D 1,. 7.17 In order to simulate a TTL NANO gate in SPICE, separate BJTs must be used for each input, since SPICE does not support a multi-emitter BJT. Verify the NANO operation by adding the following lines to the SPICE listing given in section 7.11: 5000 Your Qo Q12 9 2 10 QNPN VIN2 10 D DC SV PULSEC □ V SV OS + 2NS 2NS 1DDNS 2DDNS) -=FIGURE P7.11 7.12 For the "special" TTL inverter of Figure P7.12, let f3F = 100, Vlll-:(FA) = 0.7 V, vllE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vu,(SAT) = 0.1 V. Obtain the following: (a) Sketch the VTC. (b) Determine the average power dissipation. VIN o------f Q. ()_ The schematic for this double BJT Q1 is shown in Figure P7.17. Note the default DC value of 5 V for VIN2. This allows the .DC sweep of VINl to provide both output states (if VIN2 were held to the default DC value of O V, the output would remain high for the entire .DC sweep). 7.18 Find the VTC for the high speed HTTL inverter (V1i':,\ = V1:--m) of Figure P7.18. Use /3F = 70, Vm(FA) = V1ic(RA) = 0.7 V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vn(SAT) = 0.2 V for the BJTs. 7.19 For the HITL inverter (V1:-,;,\ = V,:--:K) of Figure P7.18, find the following: (a) the input low current I,L (b) the output low current Im (c) the maximum fan-out= N = I0 1.II,L (d) the average power dissipation (for the inverter) Use /3 1. = 70, f3R = 0.05, VRl(FA) = V11c(l<A) = 0.7 V, VB 1 (SAT) = 0.8 V, and V0 c(SAT) = 0.2 V. Use a 0 = 0.8 for the output low state. 7.20 Repeat Problem 7.19 for f3 F 7.21 Modify the SPICE listing given in section 7.11 to simulate the low-power TTL inverter of Figure P7.11. 7.22 Modify the SPICE listing given in section 7.11 to simulate the high speed HTTL inverter of Figure P7.18. - 0 'lour '<..I Qo Ro 1 kO L FIGURE P7.12 i_l = 80. Chapter 7 Problems 7.23 Show that Qp:2 of the HTIL gate in Figure P7.18 can not saturate for either the low or high output state. 7.24 For the HTIL NANO gate of Figure P7.18, determine the state of the BJTs for (a) the output high state (b) the output low state 58 Q For the HTIL NANO gate of Figure P7.18, list the elements that make up (a) the input stage (b) the drive splitter (c) the output high driver (d) the output low driver Refer to the TTL super-circuitry block diagram in Figure 4.9 of section 4.3. 7.26 For the HTIL NANO gate of Figure P7.18, list the purpose of all BJTs, diodes, and resistors. 7.25 Your -::- FIGURE P7.18 97 8 SCHOTTKY TRANSISTORTRANSISTOR LOGIC [STTL] In 1970, Schottky transistor-transistor logic (STIL) was introduced . 111is logic family is obtained by replacing the BJTs with Schottky-clamped BJTs (SBJTs). Furthermore, in 1975, a low power STIL (LSTIL) was first manufactured. To achieve the reduced power dissipation, the circuit resistor values are increased. However, as with TTL, increased resistor values produce increased propagation delay times and decrease fan-out capabilities. The primary advantage of using Schottkyclamped BJTs is their improved transient times. Since the Schottky-clamped BJTs cannot operate in saturation, the switching speeds and associated time delays are considerably shortened . We begin this chapter with a review of Schottky diodes and Schottky-clamped BJTs. 8.1 diode. The circuit symbo l for the MN SBD is shown in Figure 8.16 and the current-voltage characteristic is simi lar to that of a PN-junction diode, as observed in Figure for an AI-NSi diode. The important difference is that Schottky- barrier diodes using sili con as the semiconductor have a larger forward current for a smaller fotward voltage. This results in a turn-on voltage that is smaller than that of the PN silicon diod e. A typical va lue for a Silicon MN diode is VsRo (ON) = 0.3 V as indicated in Figure 8.2 SCHOTTKY-CLAMPED BJTs A serious problem that severely limits th e switching speed of a BJT inverter (and the TTL gates of the previous chapter) is the amount of time required to remove th e e normous stored charge from the base of a saturated BJT. Thus, an obvious solution to this problem is to use BJTs that do not, or cannot, saturate. Since the saturation mode of operation for a BJT is characterized by a forward biased base - collector voltage of SCHOTTKY-BARRIER DIODES A Schottky-ba rrier diode (SBD) is a metal -semiconductor (usually MN) rectifying junction . This device is made up of adjoining metal and N - type semiconductor regions (usually aluminum with N-type silicon) as shown in Figure 8.1a . The MN SBD differs from an ohmic contact in that a barrier to electron flow exists at the MN junction. As in the case of a PN diode this barrier is reduced on ly by applying a forward voltage. For the MN diode, a fotward voltage is positive on M relative to N. This polarity of voltage reduces the barrier to electron flow from N to M and depending upon the magnitude of the voltage may correspond to a large current from M to N. Hence, a simple way to view this device is that the metal M region rep laces the P-type region of a PN-junction V1ic(SAT) = V8 F.(SAT) - VcE(SAT) = 0.8 - 0.2 = 0.6 V the saturation region can be avoided by limiting the forward-biased base-collector voltage to values less than 0.6 V. This is accomp lished by placing a SBD across the base and collector terminals of a B)T as in Figure 8.2a. Note the defined positive currents in this diagram . Now, as the input current is increased, the 98 8.2 ISBD Schottky-Clamped BJTs 99 (mA) t (a) cutoff . __ _ _ _ __,__ _ _ _ _ _ _----J>- Vseo(V) VsaoCON) = 0.3 (b) (c) FIGURE 8.1 characteristic Schottky Barrier Si MN Diode: (a) MN representation, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Current-voltage I-V SBD will begin to conduct at VsBo(ON) = 0.3 V. Hence, the base-collector junction reaches the forward-bias of VBc = 0.3 V. Any further increase in current 1[1 entering this configuration will be diverted from the base of the BJT, through the SBD, and in turn into the collector of the BJT. Thus, V8 c is limited to V51 m(ON) = V8 c(HARD) = 0.3 V. This BJT-SBD combination is called a Schottky-clamped BJT (SBJT) or Schottky transistor and the BJT cannot operate in saturation. Hence, the time consuming saturation stored-charge removal (and insertion) for the base is eliminated. The circuit symbol for an SBJT is shown in Figure 8.2b, where the positive terminal currents are also indicated (compare this with Figure 8.2a). The advantage of the decreased switching time of the SBJT ! ! I'c I' J:_~1, r:-) I'c ? I'B ............... 0- 0 l'· t· (a) FIGURE 8.2 Schottky-clamped BJT: (a) Equivalent circuit, (b) Circuit symbol r (b) 100 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL) is essentially accomplished with no additional fabrication. The only difference between the SBJT and the regular BJT is that the base region metal contact is extended to overlap part of the collector N- region. Hence, the MN-junction appearing between the base and collector terminals is simply the base metal in contact with the collector N-region. of Vnc:(RA) = 0.7 V which is necessary to enter the reverse-active mode of operation. However, with the base-collector junction forward biased to 0.3 V, a current can still flow through the SBD, even with the BJT cutoff. In this textbook, this situation shall be referred to as the reverse Schottky mode: VBE < Vm,(FA), V8 c(RS) The mode of operation where the BJT is forward active and the Schottky diode is conducting is referred to as the "on-hard" mode. This mode is similar to saturation with V llE increased to 0.8 V, except Vile is only forward biased to 0.3 V. The terminal voltages and currents of an SBJT in the on-hard mode of operation are thus labeled in Figure 8.3a. Note that the collector current of the BJT is still given by (see Figure 8.2a) = IE = f3Fla - Is1io Note that the BJT does not saturate and u Example 8.1 Schottky-Clamped BJT Inverter Logic Swing Determine the logic swing of the SBJT inverter of Figure 8.4a. Solution (Output High Voltage) The output high voltage occurs when the input is low and insufficient to turn on the Q 51m, With the SBJT cutoff, IRe Ic(OFF) = 0 and VouT = Vee - IcRc = Vee= 5 V and the total collector terminal current is = 1. Reverse Schottky Mode With the base-collector junction of a SBJT limited to a forward-bias of Vllc(HARD) = Vs1m(ON) = 0.3 V, an SBJT cannot operate in the reverse-active mode of operation. This is clear since VBc: cannot reach the value (a) = Von Solution (Output Low Voltage) As the input voltage increases, the output voltage decreases to the minimum value. This is the on-hard collector-emitter voltage, where VouT(min) = Vu(HARD) = 0.5 V = VOL Solution (Logic Swing) The VTC is indicated in Figure 8.46 and the logic swing is therefore LS = V 011 - VoL = (5) - (0.5) = I'8 FIGURE 8.3 = le = 0, I~ = - I~ = IsoD On-Hard Mode [~(HARD) = 0.3 V, Ifl (b) Schottky Barrier Bf[ Modes of Operation: (a) "On hard" mode, (b) Reverse Schottky mode 4.5 V 8.3 YourCV) VOH = Vcc Schottky-Clamped TTL (STTL) 101 edge of conduction Q(OFF) =5V Vts=4.5 V Your Schottky clamped BIT enters on hard mode Q(HARD) VoL = VciHARD) = (a) FIGURE 8.4 f Example 8.1: (a) Schottky clamped BJT inverter, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Schottky-Clamped BJTs Similar to bipolar logic gates of previous chapters, knowing the state of Schottky-barrier diodes and associated Schottky-clamped BJTs, the circuit is easily analyzed. The equations governing the operation of Schottky-barrier diodes and Schottky-clamped BJTs will be needed in this chapter and are listed as follows: Schottky barrier diode conducting: VsBD(ON) = 0.3 V F01ward active: VriE(FA) = 0.7 V and Ic(FA) = f3FIB On Hard: VBE(HARD) = 0.8 V, VridHARD) = 0.3 V, Vc1:(HARD) = 0.5 V, and Ic(HARD) = f3Fill Reverse Schottky mode: V8 c(RS) = 0.3 V, I[i = - Ic(RS) = IssD, IE = 0 The output low voltage is higher than VcE(SAT) and results in a slightly reduced logic swing. This disadvantage is quite minor in comparison with the speed improvement achieved using Schottky-clamped BJTs in bipolar logic circuits. 8.3 SCHOTTKY-CLAMPED TTL (STTL) The basic 54S00/74S00 STTL gate is displayed in Figure 8.5. Note that all of the BJTs (with the exception of Qp 2) have been replaced with SBJTs and the input clamp diodes have been replaced with SBDs. In addition, DL has been replaced with Qp 2 which, along with Qp, make up a Darlington pair operating as an emitter-follower. This arrangement provides more source current to charge the load capacitance when the driver output is switched low-to-high, thus reducing the transition time. Note also that the 1.4 V voltage drop between the collector of Q5 and the output terminal has been preserved. When Qp and Qp 2 are on, the collector-emitter voltage of Qp 2 has a minimum value of VC£,p 2 (FA) = V 8 E.P2(FA) + VcE.P(HARD) > VcE(SAT) and Qp 2 therefore cannot saturate. Hence the use of a non-Schottky-clamped BJT for QP2· The inclusion of QD and biasing resistors R8D and Rrn contributes several advantages. First, for a low input voltage, no current flows through R8 D and Rrn. Then, as the input voltage is increased, QD and Q0 must turn on at the same time. As a result, Q 5 102 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STfL) son VINA'~~~ Q ---2-'----- --------- ---2--- VINB 0- l I ! I DcA ~ l.. FIGURE 8.5 Schottky TTL 54S00/74S00 Series NAND Gate does not have the alternate conduction path it had in TTL through the pull-down resistor R 0 when Q 0 is off. This eliminates the additional breakpoint between V0 H and V0 L present in TTL. Consequently, Q 0 is sometimes referred to as a squaring transistor. Additionally, a narrower transition width and improved noise margins are achieved using Q0 . The values of R1m and R0 J are chosen to ensure that most of lc,s goes to 113,0 and provides ample base driving current to Q0 . The current to just turn off Q0 is given by - IH,o = ln,c + Ic,o = (1 + f3r)IH,D (the negative 18 , 0 indicates the current is out of the base). Therefore, QD also provides active pull-down of Q0 during the output low-to-high transition. This amounts to an additional improvement in speed for STfL. Indeed, the STTL gate has a propagation delay time of approximately 2 ns, as compared to the 10 ns propagation delay time of non-Schottky-clamped TfL logic gates. A final comment should be made on the values of Rio and Re. They are about half of the corresponding values in TTL and therefore carry twice the current. This results in increased fan-out but also in- creases the power requirement necessary to operate STTL. The purpose of each element in a series 54S00/ 74S00 standard STTL gate of Figure 8.5 is sum.marized in Table 8,1, The states of each BJT for the output high and low logic levels arc tabulated in Table 8.2. Example 8.2 STTL Voltage Transfer Characteristic Determine the VIC of the STTL gate in Figure 8.5 with V 1:--.:A = ViNll and verify that Qp is on for both the output high and low states. Solution (Output High Voltage) For V1N low, Q 0 , Q 0 and Qs are off, while Qp and Qp 2 are both on. The output high voltage is then found by following dashed path 1 in Figure 8.5 yielding Vo11 = Vcc - VBE,/'(FA) - Vin:,r2(FA) (5) - 2(0. 7) = 3.6 V where V1w is zero because IRc(OH) gible, = IB,P is negli- 8.3 TABLE 8.1 Purpose of Each Element for a Series 54S00/74S00 Standard STTL Gate Element Q, RB Qs Re Qp & Qp 2 Ru, Ru, QD R,m & Rrn Q0 Dc 1 & De Purpose Multi-emitter input SBJT, base-collector level shifting of transition width, pulldown of Qs Limits In. Drive splitter, provides base driving current to Q0 , base-emitter level shifting for shift of transition width, pull-down of Q" Along with Qs provides logic inversion to output-high driver Active Darlington configuration currentsourcing pull-up, base-emitter levelshifting between Vee and output Part of active pull-up and limits current spikes during output high-to-low transition Provides discharge path for the base of Qp 2 Active pull-down of Q 0 , removes breakpoint between V011 and Vol Values ensure that most of Ic,s is provided as base driving current to Q0 Output inverting BJT, output low driver for current sourcing pull-down Input clamping diodes to limit the negative swing of the inputs to one SBD diode drop below ground Schottky-Clamped Tl'L (STfL) 103 Solution (Output Low Voltage) Since Qu is a Schottky-clamped BJT, it does not reach saturation and V0 1. is higher for STTL than TfL. The limiting low value is VOL = VcE,o(HARD) = 0.5 V Solution (Input High Voltage) Following dashed path 2 in Figure 8.5, considering the output low state, the input high voltage is vi// = VBE,o(HARD) + VaE,s(HARD) - Vee/HARD) (0.5) = 1.1 V = 2(0,8) - The resulting VTC is displayed in Figure 8,6 and verifies the logical NOT function. To verify that Qp is in active operation for the output low state, solve for VB,r following dashed path 3 in Figure 8.5 yielding VB,P = VBE,o(HARD) + VcE,s(HARD) (0.8) + (0.5) = 1.3 V This will turn on Qr because its emitter is connected to ground through REP· Qp is also on for the output high state because with Qs cutoff, Vcc is applied to the base of Qp through Re. Thus, Qp is on for both states, Solution (Input Low Voltage) Following dashed path 2 in Figure 8.5, for the output high state, the input voltage necessary to just turn on the output inverting transistor Q0 is V11 = ViiE,o(FA) + Viic,s(FA) ~ VcE,1(HARD) 3 . = 2(0.7) - (0.5) = 0.9 V 2 TABLE 8.2 BJT States for Output High and Low Logic Levels for a Series 54S00/74S00 Standard STTL Gate Transistor VoH Vol Q, Qs Qp On hard Cutoff Edge of conduction Edge of conduction Cutoff Cutoff Reverse On hard Forward active Cutoff On hard On hard Qp2 QD Qo V0 L=0,5·------- _.,__- - - - - - - - - 2 3 4 5 Ym(V) VIL=0.91 Vrn=l.1 FIGURE 8.6 STTL 54S00/74S00 Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic (Example 8,2) 104 8.4 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL) Follmving dashed path 2 in Figure 8.7, the current through Rll is STTL FAN-OUT The fan-out analysis of the STTL gate shown in Figure 8.5 is analogous to that of the non-Schottky TTL of the previous chapter. Two cascaded STTL gates connected as inverters are shown in Figure 8.7 with the load gate components labeled with primes, as usual. The driver gate is in the output low state and the load gates are in the output high state. The fanout is dependent on how much current the driver gate can sink from the load during the low output state of the driving gate or N = Im I,L Fan-out is not dependent upon the driving gate's output high state because each Q1for the load gates is in the reverse Schottky mode and 1111 = I~(IH) = 0 for each. Input Low Current As discussed in the previous chapter, the input low current is l 1L = I~, 1(IL) = I~, 1 since Ic, 1(IL) = -I 13, 5 (0FF). The input low current is found by following dashed path 1 in Figure 8. 7 yielding _ Vee - VHc,,(RS) - VaE.s(HARD) - Viir,o(HARD) Ru Neglecting IB,I' and following dashed path 3 in Figure 8. 7, the current through Re is I These expressions yield the magnitudes of currents for STTL and, as with DTL and TTL, are best indicated by example. Example 8.3 STTL Fun-Out Calculate the maximum fan-out for the STTL gate of Figure 8.5 considering the circuit of Figure 8.7. Let f3c = 49 for the BJTs. Solution Substituting these values directly into the derived equations yields In = V~e - V~u(HARD) - VeE,o(HARD) l11 = _ Vee - VcE,s(HARD) - V8 u1(HARD) Re RC - J,_-_ R~ 0 I Output Low Current (5) - (0.8) - (0.5) (2_8k) = 1.32 111A = (0. 8) - (0.5) - 1 20 mA (250) - . _ (5) - (0.3) - 2(0.8) _ (2.8k) - 1.11 R/l - The output low current I RC _ (5) - (0.5) - (0.8) _ ( ) - 4.11 900 - 111A A 111 1£.s = 1.llm + 4.11111 = 5.22 mA 18 ,0 = (5.22111) - (1.20111) = 4.02 nzA Io, = 49(4.02111) = 197 mA is found by analyzing the driving gate circuit in Figure 8.7. Note that the collector current of Q0 is f3Flll,o, neglecting lsllD· Further, the base current of Q0 , 113,o, is found by writing KCL at the base of Q0 and ignoring IA,D to obtain N = (l 97m) = 149.2 (1.32m) Hence, the maximum fan-out is 149. la,o = h,s - lc,o The collector current of Q0 is given by lc,o = IRc,o = VaE,o(HARD) - VeE,o(HARD) R 8.5 STTL POWER DISSIPATION e,D The emitter current of Q5 , IE,s is given by lcs = Ia.s + lc,s = IRB + IRe To determine the average power dissipation of an STTL inverter, we again average the sum of all current being supplied by Vcc for both the output high V'ee =5 V . f ,1 .- ,---- Vee= 5 V ? ' C) -2--____ R .8 ill / ',\ r Q \ ___ VIN=VoH i-- 0 . I -· ·- _F'/ ~ .! ]~ •~ 2 _ -- .--1111!=.::..:z-, -~-ti---~~--, , f 2sop I i ~ I ~~ (bz ~- ill J...... 1 e I,,L Qoj ,, I kQ ' RJ 900" _, Rao 500 Q j / - '. [ R',, <soon ~y· V'oH 2son I' ll.2 : : : / T ~- R~ ~Q'o I '' ~ , Sjso" ;/ rt-R~~,tn r:·· ir/ [Q', Rco De 3 , . . . , · 4 2,, ' I I I I'!Lo 1 ,I \..___ driving gate (output low state) FIGURE 8.7 (Q·> I l v~:v·• -- -=- --------. ··---4--- i ~// · , "".f' : r·:_ (.JI J,.... ,.-4-- f • 2.8 I'n,,-- 1 ~ ·--- ---~!son it""' ____ Re p 2 R' .s_] -' r Cascaded SITL Gates for Fan-out and Power Dissipation Analyses y/ load gates (output high state) ______ .,/;' 106 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL) and low logic states. This analysis is slightly more complicated than that for TfL because Qp is on for both cases. Notice that most of the current expressions were obtained in the fan-out analysis of the previous section. ligible and from Figure 8. 7, we have I 1,c(OH) Vee - V8 E,P(FA) REP Average Power Dissipation= Pcdavg) Output Low Current Supplied = IcdOL) Finally, the average power dissipation is given by p For the output low state, we have already found lpc(OL) = Vee - VeE(HARD) - V8 E(HARD) Re Furthermore, IRcP(OL) is equal to the collector current of Qp, since Qr 2 is cutoff. Assuming the base current of Qp negligible, IRcP = Iu. Then realizing that I 8y(OL) + Im,(OL) = lr,P and following dashed path 4 in Figure 8.7 yields Vlll:, 0 (HARD + Vu, 5 (HARD) - V8 E,P(FA) REI' Example 8.4 Output High Current Supplied = IcdOH) For the output high state, we found in the previous section IccCOL) + lcc(OH) Vee 2 STTL Power Dissipation Calculate the average power dissipation of the STTL inverter corresponding to Figure 8.5. Let f3F = 49 for the BJT as in Example 8.3. Solution Substituting the values into the expressions derived in section 8.5 yields I u (OL) _ (0.8) - I,vi(OL) = Vee - V1ic,,(RS) - VaE,s(HARD) - V1ll.o(HARD) Not that as discussed in section 8.2, Q, is in the reverse Schottky state where a current flows only through the SBD and the BJT portion of the SBJT is cutoff. ) and = R/l ( cc avg = where Finally, I1dOL) is. found by following dashed path 2 of Figure 8.7: I1rn(OL) + I,u(OH) = IE,P(OH) + (0.5) - (0. 7) _ 182 (3.3k) µ.A (5) - (0.3) - 2(0.8) ( _ k) = 1.11 mA 28 and lpc(OH) + IRCl'(OH) = h:.,,(OH) = (5) - (0. 7) (3.3k) = l. 3 111 /\ From Example 8.3, we have IRc(OL) = 4.11 mA and IRti(OH) = 1.32 mA. This gives lec(OL) = (1.11111) + (4.llm) + (182µ,) = 5.40 111A and Iec(OH) = (1.32111) + (1.3111) = 2.62 mA Thus, the average power dissipated for STTL is In determining the remaining current supplied, note that IRc(OH) = I8 y and IRcr(OH) = Icy- Since I8 ,I' is small and Q5 is cutoff, the voltage across Re is neg- Pee (avg) = (5.40111) + (2.62111) ( ) 2 = 20.05 mW 5 8.6 Note this is almost twice the power required for the TTL gate of Example 7.4. 8.6 LOW-POWER STTL (LSTTL) As mentioned in the previous sections, the increased fan-out and superior transient response for STTL is accompanied by a larger power requirement. Example 8.4 showed the STTL average power dissipation to be almost twice that of TTL. This prompted the development of a low power Schottky-clamped TTL (LSTTL) circuit. Figure 8.8 displays the 54LS00/ 74LS00 series LSTTL gate in its two-input NAND form. Larger Resistors The LSTTL resistor values are approximately ten times the STTL values. Hence only one tenth the current flows through these and approximately one tenth the power is dissipated. However, fan-out is also reduced and the propagation delay time is increased for this reduction in power dissipation. Low-Power STTL (LSTTL) Diode Input Section In addition to the change in resistor values, other improvements are included in the LSTTL circuit. The original intention of the multi-emitter input transistor Q 1 was to aid in stored charge removal from the base of Q5 . Since the SBJTs being utilized do not saturate, this is no longer necessary. Thus a return to a diode (Schottky) input. The Schottky input diodes require about one third of the silicon surface area of a multi-emitter transistor. Therefore, using diodes in place of the input SBJT has the advantage of reduced parasitic (input) capacitance. The connecting of REP to the output terminal (instead of ground as in the STTL circuit) allows Qp to begin charging the load capacitance before Qp 2 is on and therefore speeds up the low-to-high transition switching. Pull-Down Enhancements Diodes DDl and DD 2 are included to further enhance the transient properties. DD 1 allows Qp 2 to discharge through the collector of Qs when the output goes Yee= 5 V Re. R. 120n 20 kn DIA VINA Q, C VINB Dm ----0 Your Ra, 3 kn 1.5 kn Q,, FIGURE 8.8 107 Low-power Schottky LSTTL 54LS00/74LS00 Series NAND Gate 108 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (SITL) TABLE 8.3 Purpose of Each Element for 54LS00/74LS00 Series LSTTL Gate Element low. DD 2 provides for additional pull-down of the output. Purpose Diode input ANDing and level shifting Limits I,L Drive splitter, provides base driving current to Q0 , base-emitter level shifting for shift of transition width, pull-down of Q" and Q,, 2 Along with Q5 provides logic inversion to output-high driver Active Darlington configuration providing current-sourcing pull-up and baseemitter level-shifting between Vee and output Part of active pull-up and limits current spikes during output high-to-low transition Gives emitter of Qp a direct path to output and allows charging of load capacitance before Q,, 2 turns on Allows Q,, 2 to discharge through collector of Q 5 Provides additional pull-down of output Provides active pull-down of Q0 , removes breakpoint between V011 and Vm Values arc chosen to ensure most of Ic; is provided as base driving current to Q,, Output inverting BJT, output low driver for current sourcing pull-down Input clamping diodes to limit the negative swing of the inputs to one SBD drop below ground Changes in VTC The improvements from STTL to LSTTL cause input and output shifts in the voltage transfer characteristic. The emitter resistor Rm which was connected to ground for STTL, is now connected to the output. This raises the output high voltage to The input high and low voltages for STTL were dependent on -Vci:.,(HARD) = -0.5 V. With Q1 replaced by a Schottky-barrier diode, this term is replaced by -VD., = -0.3 V. This reduces V,L and V,, 1 for LSTTL by approximately 0.2 V. The purpose of each element in the series 54LS00/74LS00 LSTTL gate of Figure 8.8 is summarized in Table 8.3. The states of each BJT for the output high and low logic levels are tabulated in Table 8.4. LSTTL Power Dissipation Compare the average power dissipation for the lowpower LSTTL inverter circuit corresponding to Figure 8.8 with the "high-powd' STTL gate of Example 8.4. Example 8.5 Solution (Output High Supply Currents) For the output high state, following dashed path 1 in Figure 8.9, I,u/OH) is given by (5) - (0.3) - (0.5) = 210 µA (20k) TABLE 8.4 States of Diodes and BJTs in Output High and Low Logic Levels for 54LS00/74LS00 Series LSTTL Gate Element Du\ Qs QI) Qo Qp Q,,2 Doi DD2 & DIil and I,dOH) and IR 0 ,(OH) are both 0. VoH VoL On Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Edge of conduction Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff On hard On hard On hard Forward active Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Solution (Output Low Supply Currents) For the output low state, IR 8 (OL) is found by following dashed path 2 in Figure 8.9, yielding _ Vee - VaLs(HARD) - Vnco(HARD) I"/l (OL) - R /l (5) 2(0.8) (20k) = 170 µA V'cc= 5 V 0 Vcc=5V I: RB ,--2--------- i20w ~ ,~ 'f ------, d---------1- : --1--,--,:i R'CP .J'r['.."" R'Bif 20kQ Rc.!120<> I'II.I I , DI 1' : Q'n $ Vrn=VoH ~ On D'!'EP I 0 i:c 'a 3-- De~ _,--.-------1, IoL D'c i ;_____o V'oH 3kQ RBD ~~-~Q'o R'BD 2, 1.5 kQ R' '> CD<__ 3kQ Q'o t. . _..,._ -=- I'IL2 -=I'Il.o ~·- driving gate (output low state) FIGURE 8.9 ~ 4kQ VOL• V'rn ' 1--" --f<I 4kQ ,I'' ~12on Cascaded LSTTL Gates for Power Dissipation Analysis load gates (output high state) 110 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL) Following dashed path 3 in Figure 8.9, IRc(OL) is IRc(OL) = Vee - VeE,s(HARD) - VBE,o(HARD) Re _ (5) - (0.5) - (0.8) _ µA (8k) - 4 63 and IRCI,(OL) is negligible. Solution (Average Power Dissipation) The average power dissipation of the LSTTL gate is obtained by substitution as (210µ,) + (170µ,) + (463µ,) ( ) ~~=-~~--~---~s ( ) 2 = 2.11 mW This is slightly over a tenth of the power dissipation for the STTL gate calculated in Example 8.4. Hence, increasing the resistor values decreases the power dissipation by about the same factor. The m.aximum fan-out analysis for the low power STTL circuit of Figure 8.9 is left as a homework problem. 8. 7 STTL SPICE SIMULATION Figure 8.10 shows an STTL inverter with appropriate SPICE labelings. Note that the Schottky-clamping diodes for each of the SBJTs are shown in separate devices. This is to exemplify that SPICE does not provide explicit models for SBJTs and they must be specified in the input CIRcuit file as two separate devices: I n+ 14 VCC '.f DC 5V ! I () 0 FIGURE 8.10 STTL Inverter with Appropriate SPICE Labelings n--=-!a 8. 7 one BJT and one (Schottky-barrier) diode. The input CIRcuit file that corresponds to this circuit is as follows: Schottky TTL 54S00/74SOO *Series (STTL) Inverter VCC 4 0 DC 5V VIN 1 D PULSE<DV 5V OS 2NS 2NS + 50NS 1D □ NS) RB 4 2 2,8KOHM RC 4 5 9000HM RCP 4 10 500HM REP 11 D 3-5KOHM RBD 6 7 50DOHM RCD 6 8 2500HM QI 3 2 1 QNPN DQI 2 3 SBD QS 5 3 6 QNPN 111 STTL SPICE Simulation DQS 3 5 SBD QP 10 5 11 QNPN DQP 5 10 SBD QP2 10 11 9 QNPN QD 8 7 D QNPN DQD 7 8 SBD QO 9 6 D QNPN DQO 6 9 SBD DC D 1 SBD ,MODEL SBD D(IS=7,3E-11 + VJ=0,5V CJ0= □.□ 5PF EG= □ -69 + XTI=2- □) -MODEL QNPN NPN(IS=1E-14 BF=49 VA=80 TF=0,45NS TR=5NS CCS=3PFD CJE=2,6PFD CJC=2PFD R8=130HM RC=6,20HM) + + + + VIN(V) 51 VOlIT 4- (V) 3- - 2- - 54 0 t(ns) I 0 25 50 75 100 125 25 50 75 100 125 3 V 0 1rr(V) 2 5 4 f-----~+--~-+--~-+------ll> 0 0 2 3 4 V IN(V) 5 3 2 1 t(ns) 0 0 (a) FIGURE 8.11 Results of Section 8.7 STTL Inverter SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic (b) obtained .DC sweep, (6) Transient response obtained .TRAN sweep 112 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL) -DC VIN DV 5V □ -1V -PLOT DC V(9) -TRAN 1NS 125NS -PLOT TRAN V(1) V(9) Plots of the VTC and transient response obtained from this simulation are shown in Figures 8.lla and b, respectively. -END CHAPTER 8 PROBLEMS 8.1 = 100. = 10 kfl. (a) Analyze the SBJT circuit of Figure P8.1. Specif- 8.4 Repeat Problem 8.3 for /3 1 ically, determine IB, le, ls 1\D, and Vc 1 - Use /3 1 = 100, V1ff(FA) = 0.7 V, V111 (HARD) = 0.8 V, and Vu(HARD) = 0.5 V for the BJT and V, 1\D(ON) = 0.3 V for the SBD. (b) What is the operating state of the BJT? (c) Repeat parts (a) and (b) with the SBD removed from the circuit. Use VmJSAT) = 0.8 V and Vc 1 (SAT) = 0.2 V. 8.5 Repeat Problem 8.3 for R8 8.6 Sketch the VTC for the STTL NAND gate of Figure P8.n with V1N 1 = V1:-i 2 = V1N. Also, calculate the noise margins. Let /3r = 100, VB 1 (FA) = 0.7 V, V111 (HARD) = 0.8 V, and Vc 1 (HARD) = 0.5 V for the BJTs and V, 1m = 0.3 V for the SBDs. Ycc=5V 0 ··7 ~~3ill Re i ) ----{ ~ I I Ycc~5V I I Rc.~5011 1 kn VINA~~ Vma~ : i, Q i DJ1- 1 ~ J_ ~ FIGURE P8.1 = 10.7 V. 8.2 Repeat Problem 8.1 for V,m 8.3 Sketch the VTC for the SBJT inverter shown in Figure P8.3. Also, calculate the noise margins. Let /3 1. = 70, Vm,(FA) = 0.7 V, V81 (HARD) = 0.8 V, and Vcr(HARD) = 0.5 V for the BJT. Vee= 5 V f FIGURE P8.3 De, '.A Qo ~Do Ro 75011 i I FIGURE PB.6 8.7 Determine the state of each BJT and diode in the circuit of Figure PS.6 for the output high and low states. 8.8 For the Schottky gate of Problem S.n, calculate the following: (a) the input low current 111 (b) the output low current 101 (c) the maximum fan-out"" N = 101 /In. 8.9 Calculate the average power dissipation for the Schottky gate of Figure P8.6. Chapter 8 Problems 8.10 Sketch the VfC for the STfL gate of Figure P8.10. Use V1w(FA) = 0.7 V, V1dHARD) = 0.8 V, ,md Vu (HARD) = 0.5 V for the BJTs 113 8.17 Determine the state of each BJT for the STTL NANO gate of Figure PS.10 for the output high and low states. 8.18 Show that the circuit of Figure P8.10 performs the logical NAND function by determining VouT for all possible combinations of V1N I and V1:-.J2, where each of these are either low (O V) or high (5 V). 8.19 Sketch the VTC for the LSTTL circuit of Figure P8.19. Also, calculate the noise margins. Use {3 1 = 50, VBIJFA) = 0.7 V, Vlll,(HARD) = 0.8 V, and Vu,(HARD) = 0.5 V for the BJTs. 8.20 For the LSTTL gate of Figure P8.19, calculate the following: (a) the input low current I1L (b) the output low current IoL (c) the maximum fan-out= N = Im/1 11 Use f3F = 50, Vm,(FA) = 0.7 V, V8E(HARD) = 0.8 V, and VcdHARD) = 0.5 V for the BJTs. See Figure 8.9. 8.21 Calculate the average power dissipation for the LSTTL inverter corresponding to Figure P8.19. 8.22 Repeat Problem 8.20 and 8.21 for RB = 40 kfl, Re = 20 k.O, Rel' = 1 kn, and RE[' = 14 kft For fan-out sec Figure 8. 9. 8.23 Repeat Problem 8.20 and 8.21 for RH = 4 kn, Re FIGURE PB.10 8.11 For the STfL NAND gate of Figure P8.10, calculate the following with f3 = 100 for all BJTs: (a) the input low current 111 . (b) the output low current IuL (c) the maximum fan-out = N = Irn_/I 1L 8.12 Calculate the average power dissipation for the STTL inverter corresponding to Figure P8.10. 8.13 Repeat Problems 8.11 and 8.12 for RB 1.6 kD., and Ref' = 120 n. = 4 kfl, Re = 8.14 Repeat Problems 8.11 and 8.12 for RH 20 kD., and Re = 1 kfl. = 40 kfl, Re = 8.15 For the STTL NAND gate of Figure P8.10, list the clements that make up (a) the input stage (b) the drive splitter (c) the output high driver (d) the output low driver Refer to the TTL super-circuitry block diagram in Figure 4.9 of section 4.3. 8.16 For the STTL NAND gate of Figure P8.10, list the purpose of all BJTs, diodes, and resistors. = 114 Chapter 8/Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL) Q, Q,, V !NB o------- FIGURE P8.19 1.6 kD, Rel' = 130 see Figure 8.9. 8.24 n, and REI' = 1 kD. For fan-out For the LSTIL NANO gate of Figure PS.19, list the elements that make up (a) the input stage (b) the drive splitter (c) the output high driver (d) the output low driver Refer to the TTL super-circuitry block diagram in Figure 4.9 of section 4.3. 8.25 For the LSTTL NANO gate of Figure PS.19, list the purpose of all BJTs, diodes, and resistors. 8.26 Determine the state of each BJT for the LSTTL NAND gate of Figure PS.19 for the output high and low states. ADV SCHOTTKY TRANSISTORTRA SISTOR GIC [ASTTL] In 1985 Texas Instruments introduced improvements to the two TTL sub-families of the previous chapter. These improved subfamilies are 1. Advanced Schottky TTL (ASTTL), an advanced version of STTL, and 2. Advanced Low-Power Schottky TTL (ALSTTL), an advanced version of LSTTL (not a lower power version of the ASTTL) At about the same time Fairchild introduced its own improved TTL sub-family, which is 3. Fairchild Advanced Schottky TTL (FAST), which is intermediate (between ASTTL and ALSTTL) in performance and power dissipation while maintam1ng the typical power dissipation at 20 mW/gate calculated in the previous chapter for the STTL logic family. It should be noted that the smaller internal dimensions of the advanced Schottky TTL BJTs increases susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge due to shallower diffusions and thinner oxides. The three advanced Schottky TfL subfamilies (which were commercially introduced at roughly the same time) are introduced in this chapter in order of complexity. 9.1 These TTL sub-families were made possible in part by improvements in BJT fobrication techniques. IC BJTs with 3 f.Lm mininwm out size (as compared with 5 f.Ll11 in the TTL sub-families presented previously) were made possible through inclusion of walled bases and emitters. Ion implantation is used to give well-controlled shallow junctions for the active devices. Use of oxide isolation (as discussed in section 3.2) instead of PN junction isolation eliminates parasitic capacitance associated with the PN junction isolation regions. This reduced frequency limitations and allows internal nodes to charge faster. Hence, reduced junction capacitance results, with reduced propagation delays, on the order of 1.5 ns. ASTTL and ALSTfL logic families include a PNP BJT input section which reduces the input low current by 75%. The reduced input current allows ASTTL gates to reduce the propagation delay ADVANCED LSTTL (ALSTTL) Figure 9.1a shows the 54ALS00/74ALS00 series advanced low-power Schottky TTL (ALSTTL) gate. This gate is a design improvement of the low-power STTL (LSTfL) gate of the previous ch£Jpter, not a low-power version of the advanced STTL (ASTTL) discussed later in this chapter. Speed Improvements The ALSTTL circuit improves the high-to-low transition speed over the LSTTL gate (Figure 8.8) of the previous chapter by inclusion of Q513 and its collector resistor Res• Inclusion of the non-inverting BJT Q 58 increases the internal current drive by providing base driving current to Q5 . The diodes DsA and DsB provide low impedance paths for removal of storedcharge from the base of Q5 . This enhances the output low-to-high transition time. 115 116 Chapter 9/Advanced Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (ASTTL) ,,.-· .. 2 · .............. · ....... ···----2' ................................. .;. (a) Vour(V) Vcc=5 V 0 H=4.3 4 3 2t 1 VOL= 0.5 ----------- 1 VIL= 1.4 2 3 4 5 VINA =V INB(V) Vrn =1.7 (b) FIGURE 9.1 Advanced Low-power Schottky Transistor-transistor Logic (ALSTTL) 54ALS00/74ALS00 Two-input NAND Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic cJ 1 Adv;:rnced LSTIL (ALSTIL) Input Section The input diodes of the LSTTL circuit are replaced with emitter follower PNP BJTs, Q 1F;\ and Q 1Pll· The emitter-base PN junction of the Qw BJTs compensates for the additional base-emitter drop of Q 511 between the inputs and the output. The emitterfollower configuration also reduces h by a factor of approximately ¼, and thus increases the fan-out. Additional inputs can be added by duplication of the basic input circuit configuration (shown shaded for input A in Figure 9.1). Discharge of Pull-Up Section and Output Load Capacitance The diode DI' allows the base of Qp 2 to discharge through Q 5 when the output switches high-to-low and provides more rapid discharging of the load capacitance. Output Clamping Diode Finally, the output clamping diode Dco has been added to the output and provides the same function as the input clamping diode Q 1c, That is, Dco prevents the output from overshooting ground (during an output high-to-low transition) by more than a Schottky diode turn-on voltage VsllD(ON) = 0.3 V. TABLE 9.1 Element QS!l Res DsJ\ & Dss Qp & Qp2 117 The purpose of each circuit element is tabulated in Table 9.1. The state of each BJT and diode for the output high and low states is listed in Table 9.2. Example 9.1 ASTTL Voltage Transfer Characteristic Determine the critical voltages for the ALSTTL circuit of Figure and draw the voltage transfer characteristic. Use VBE,Nl'N(FA) = VEB.rrs:p(FA) = 0.7 V, VBE(HARD) = 0.8 V, and VcE(HARD) = 0.5 V. Solution (Output High Voltage) For low input voltages Q 0 will be cutoff (as will be seen mom en tarily) and Qp will be forward active. The output high voltage therefore can be obtained by writing KVL for dashed path 1 of Figure as follows: V 0 11 = Vee - Vmy(FA) = (5) - (0.7) = 4.3 V = Solution (Input Low Voltage V1J Following dashed path 2 of Figure, it is seen that PNP input BJT Qil'J\ is forward active for VINA < Vcc V EB,IPJ\(FA). Thus, the base voltage of QsB is equal to the emitter voltage of QII';\ and as long as Q 1rA is forward active Purpose of Each Element for a Series 54ALS00/74ALS00 ALSTTL Gate Purpose Emitter-follower configuration reduces I11 by¼, Vrn.w compensates for V1w.sB Limits I1L Drive splitter, provides base driving current to Q0 , base-emitter level shifting for shift of transition width, pull-down of Qr and Qp2 Along with Q 5 provides logic inversion to output-high driver Provides base driving current to Q5 Collector resistor for QsB Provides discharge path for base of Q 5 Active Darlington configuration currentsourcing pull-up, base-emitter levelshiftings between Vee and output Part of active pull-up and limits current spikes during output high-to-low transition Element Dco Purpose Gives emitter of Q,, a direct path to output and allows charging of load capacitance before Qp 2 is fully on Allows Qp 2 and load capacitance to discharge through collector of Q 5 Allows active pull-down of Q0 , removes breakpoint between V01 1 and VoL Values are chosen to ensure most of Ic.R is provided as base driving current to Q0 Output inverting BJT, output low driver for current-sourcing pull-down Input clamping diode to limit the negative swing of the inputs to one SBD drop below ground Output clamping diode, serves same purpose as Dc 1 at the input 118 Chapter 9/Advanced Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (ASTTL) TABLE 9.2 States of Diodes and BJTs in Output High and Low Logic Levels for 54ALS00/74ALS00 Series ASTTL Gate Element Vol-! YoL QIP Os OsB DsA & Dsn QD Oo Qp Qp2 DP On Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff EOC Cutoff Cutoff Cutoff On hard On hard Cutoff On hard On hard Fotward active Cutoff Cutoff f Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Varactor Diode From section 2.4, a PN junction has capacitance given by where = zero-bias (i.e. V = 0) junction capacitance [Fl cp = junction potential (typically 0.9 to 1 V) m = grading coefficient (m = 1/2 or C 00 0 0 Examining Figure 9.1a, it is seen that Q 0 , Q 5 , and Q 5 n turn on simultaneously, when the base voltage of Q58 reaches = VBE,o(FA) + VBE,s(FA) + VaE,sa(FA) V8 sa Thus, the turn on voltage for Q 0 , Q 5 , and Q 58 can be found by writing KVL along dashed path 3: 1/i,_ = VBE,o(FA) + vllE,s(FA) + VaE,sB(FA) - VEB,IP;\(FA) = 2V8 £(FA) = 2(0.7) = 1.4 V Solution (Output Low Voltage = V0 J As the input voltage is increased beyond V,L the output begins to drop. The output continues to drop until Q0 is on hard and the output low voltage is VOL = VCE,o(HARD) = 0.5 V Solution (Input High Voltage = VIH) The input voltage at which the output drops to Vm is the input voltage sufficient to bring Q 0 , Q 5 , and Q 58 on hard. Thus following dashed path 3 yields TT 1/3 for digital IC diodes) = minority carrier transit time Section 2.4 also discussed varactor diodes, which are reverse-biased diodes used as voltage-controlled capacitors characterized by the above capacitance expression. Since the diode is reverse biased, the first term is negligible and the expression reduces to the approximation C0 (V0 ) r ~ ( Coo l _ Vo (ceuc,scd b;,scd) <Po Figure 9.2 shows the circuit symbol for a varactor diode. The remaining two advanced STTL circuits employ varactors to improve dynamic response. -1>11~ . Viu = V13w(HARD) + VBE,s(HARD) + V8 csH(HARD) - VmtPA(FA) = 3 Vlll-:(HARD) - VEBl,(FA) = FIGURE 9.2 Varactor Diode Circuit Symbol 3(0.8) - (0.7) = 1.7 V If the input voltage is increased further, Q,rA will enter the cutoff mode of operation. Solution (Voltage Transfer Characteristic) The voltage transfer characteristic for the ALSTTL gate of Figure 9. la is shown in Figure 9.16 with the critical voltages labeled. 9.2 FAIRCHILD ADVANCED SCHOTTKY TTL (FAST) Figure 9.3a displays a two-input NAND gate of the Fairchild Advanced Schottky TTL (FAST) logic lJ.2 lOkn Fairchild Advanced Schottky TfL (FAST) R:, R: Q 4.1 kn D, (a) VOH= 4.3------. 4 3 2 ~--+----+-++--~+----+----+----- 3 4 VINA = V INB(V) 5 (b) FIGURE 9.3 Fairchild Advanced Schottky TfL (FAST) 54F00/74F00 Two-input NAND Gate: (a) Circuit with "Miller killd', (b) Voltage transfer characteristic 119 120 Chapter 9/Advanced Schottky Transistor-Transistor Lob>ic (ASTTL) family. This gate is intermediate in power-dissipation, fan-out, and speed between the ALSTTL circuit of the previous section and the ASTTL circuit in the following section. The most notable addition to the FAST logic circuitry is the presence of the Miller killer sub-circuit explained in the following sub-section. sub-circuit commonly referred to as a Miller killer. The Miller killer sub-circuit compensates for the Miller effect present in Q 0 in the following fashion: • Miller Killer Miller's theorem states that the equivalent baseemitter capacitance is approximately the base-collector capacitance of a BJT inuliiplie<l by f3r of the BJT. Thus, the BJTs in a TTL circuit are subject to an additional speed limitation since the base-collector capacitance increases with frequency of switching. This limitation is referred to as the Miller effect. The output BJT Q0 is particularly susceptible to this. Additional sub-circuitry has been added to the FAST gate of Figure 9.3a (and the ASTTL logic family presented in the following section) to compensate for the Miller effect. In Figure 9.3a, BJT Q1v Schottky diodes DB1v Dc1v and DP, and the varactor diode Dv make up a TABLE 9.3 Element QsB Res RBS Ds Qp & Qp2 Re" As the output rises during the output low-tohigh transition, the voltage at the emitter of Qp rises • This in turn induces a current in the varactor diode Dv • The varactor current then turns on QK momentarily • QK in the forward active mode pulls-down the base of Q 0 • This absorbs the current through the basecollector transition capacitance • This improves the output rise time and decreases the dynamic power dissipation that would have occurred from the output high and low drivers being on simulatneously When Q5 enters forward active operation, the varactor diode discharges through the Schottky diodes Purpose of Each Element for a Series 54F00/74F00 FAST Gate Purpose Input diodes Limits I1L Drive splitter, provides base driving current to Q0 , base-emitter level shifting for shift of transition width, pull-down of Qp and Qp2 Along with Q 5 provides logic inversion to output-high driver Provides base driving current to Q5 Collector resistor for QsB Provides discharge path for base of Q 5 Provides discharge path for base of Q5 Active Darlington configuration currentsourcing pull-up, base-emitter levelshiftings between Vee and output Part of active pull-up and limits current spikes during output high-to-low transition Gives emitter of Qp a direct path to output and allows charging of load capacitance before Qp 2 is fully on Allows load capacitance to discharge through collector of Qs Element Deo Purpose Allows Qp 2 to discharge through collector of Q5 and discharges Dv when Q5 is forward active Active pull-down of Q0 , removes breakpoint between Vm1 and VoL Values are chosen to ensure most of Ic-,R is provided as base driving current to Q 0 Output inverting BJT, output low driver for current sourcing pull-down Input clamping diodes to limit the negative swing of the inputs to one diode drop below ground Output clamping diode, serves same purpose as De 1at the input During output low-to-high transition induces a current which turns on QK momentarily Along with DP provides a discharge path for Dv Pulls down base of Q 0 during rapid switching Limits pull-down of QK to an adequate level without overkill 9.3 Advanced Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (AS1TL) 9.3 ADVANCED SCHOTTKY TRANSISTORm TRANSISTOR LOGIC (ASTTL) D 13 K and Dp. Finally, the Schottky diode DcK limits the pull-down of the base of Q0 to a satisfactory amount without reducing the speed enhancing effects. The final and most complex TTL logic family is the advanced Schottky transistor-transistor logic (ASTIL) family shown in its two-input NAND configuration in Figure 9.4. Input Diode Configuration Examining the FAST logic circuit in Figure 9.3a it should be noticed that Schottky diode input circuitry of the LSTIL gate presented in the previous chapter is employed (as opposed to multi-emitter or PNP input configurations). The voltage transfer characteristic for the FAST circuit is shown in Figure 9.3b. Calculation of the critical voltages is left as a homework exercise. Table 9.3 indicates the purpose of each element in the FAST gate. Modified PNP Input Section The ASTIL input section is a PNP BJT input section similar to that of the ALSTIL gate presented earlier in this chapter. The input clamping Schottky diode has been replaced with a base-emitter shorted SBD diode configuration. The input configuration has the w Re R. lOkW _,.,,r········ .. ··················· vm" c . Ql'A p;Q., • "· i .> > Rco <: 2kW < -[~. Ran< 1 k\V :kl , < Dss FIGURE 9.4 121 Advanced Schottky Transistor-transistor Logic (ASTTL) 54AS00/74AS00 Two-input NAl'\JD Gate 122 Chapter 9/J\dvanced Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (J\STTL) reduced input high current of the ALS"ITL gate and thus increased fon-out, lower power dissipation, and faster dynamic response is associated with it. Miller Killer Sub-Circuit The Miller killer sub-circuit presented in the previous section on the FAST sub-family is included in ASTTL logic gates. The operation is identical to that explained in the preceding section. Improved Output High Driver The output high driver has been improved by adding a third BJT Qp 3 . The diodes DR, and DR 2 and resistor R,w, maintain a constant reference voltage to the base of Qp 3 through the resistor Rlll, 2 · This provides additional drive current to the base of Qp 2, while increasing the available current to the varactor diode Dv during the low-to-high transition. TABLE 9.4 Element QI!'/\ & Qll'B QIC1\ & Q1rn RB Qs & Qsz QSB R,s RBS Ds, Q1,& Ql'2 Other Changes The diode DD present in the FAST gate of Figure 9.3 has been replaced with a BJT Qcm providing an active contribution to the discharge of the load capacitance. Also, the collector of the BJT Q 52 is fed by the output high driver through the Schottky diode D 52 . This allows capacitances of the output high to discharge through the collector of Q 52 when Q 52 is forward active. The purpose of each element in the ASTTL logic E;ite of Fii11nc• 9.4 is tc1bulated in Table 9.4. This and the previous four chapters trace the design development of TTL logic and history of its subfamilies. The intrinsic complexity of TTL logic gates presents a limiting factor on scale of integration for integr;:ited circuits. Very large scale integration (integr;:ited circuits with 10,000 or more logic gates) would be extremely difficult to fabricate with TTL Purpose of Each Element for a Series 54AS00/74AS0O FAST Gate Purpose Input diodes Input clamping diodes Limits I1L Drive splitter, provides base driving current to Q 0 , base-emitter level shifting for shift of transition width, pull-down of Q,. and Q1,e Along with Os provides logic inversion to output-high driver Provides base driving current to Os Collector resistor for Osn Provides discharge path for base of Os Provides discharge path for base of Os Active Darlington configuration currentsourcing pull-up, base-emitter levelshiftings between Vee and output Aids in discharge of base of Qp Part of active pull-up and limits current spikes during output high-to-low transition Gives emitter of Qp a direct path to output and allows charging of load capacitance before Q 1, 2 is fully on Active discharge of output load capacitance through collector of Os Limits base current of Q01, Active pull-down of Q 0 , removes breakpoint between V, ll I and Vm Element DP R1m & Rm Q0 Du Dcu Dv D 1lK QK DcK Qp1 0 1, 1 & DRz RB 2 RBI Purpose Allows Qp 2 to discharge through collector of Qs and discharges Dv when Os is forward active Values are chosen to ensure most of lc,R is provided as base driving current to Q 0 Output inverting BJT, output low driver for current sourcing pull-down Input clamping diode to limit the negative swing of the inputs to one diode drop below ground Output clamping diode, serves same purpose as Du at the input During output low-to-high transition induces a current which turns on QK momentarily Along with Dp provides a discharge path for Dv Pulls down base of Q 0 during rapid switching Limits pull-down of QK to an adequate level without overkill Decreases rise time at initiation of low-tohigh transition Provides a reference voltage to the base of Q1'3 Limits current of base of Qp3 Further limits current to and aids in reference voltage to base of QI'., Chc1pte1· 9 Problems technology because of the number of transistors per gate. Later chapters present logic fon,ilies con- 123 structed from MOSFETs which require only a few transistors per gate and overcome the VLSI barrier. CHAPTER 9 PROBLEMS 9.1 By inspection of the ALSTIL NANO circuit of Figure, determine the critical voltages. Docs a "knee" region exist in the voltage transfer characteristic of the corresponding inverter? Use VRE(FA) = 0. 7 V, VBl,(HARD) = 0.8 V, Vu,(HARD) = 0.5 V, and VsBu(ON) = 0.3 V. 9.2 For the ALSTIL NANO circuit of Figure 9. la, reduce the resistor values by a factor of 10 and discuss the effects of this modification on the following: (a) the circuit voltages (b) the average power dissipation (c) the switching speed 9.8 Indicate the type of operation for each transistor in Figure 9.3a for the output high and low states. 9.9 By inspection of the FAST NANO circuit of Figure 9.4, determine the critical voltages. Does a "knee" region exist in the voltage transfer characteristic of the corresponding inverter? Use V1,io(FA) = 0.7 V, VrnJHARD) = 0.8 V, VcE(HARD) = 0.5 V, and Vsim(ON) = 0.3 V. 9.10 For the FAST NAND circuit of Figure 9.4, reduce the resistor values by a factor of 10 and discuss the effects of this modification on the following: (a) the circuit voltages (b) the average power dissipation (c) the switching speed 9.3 Explain the purpose of each element in the ALSTIL circuit of Figure 9.4 Indicate the type of operation for each transistor in Figure 9.1a for the output high and low states. 9.11 Explain the purpose of each element in the FAST circuit of Figure 9.4. 9.5 By inspection of the FAST NANO circuit of Figure 9.3a, determine the critical voltages. Docs a "knee" region exist in the voltage transfer characteristic of the corresponding inverter? Use VBE(FA) = 0.7 V, VBJJHARD) = 0.8 V, Vc 1 (HARD) = 0.5 V, and Vs1m(ON) = 0.3 V. 9.12 Indicate the type of operation for each transistor in Figure 9.4 for the output high and low states. 9.13 Calculate the average power dissipated for the ALSTIL circuit of Figure 9.1a. Use V111 :(FA) = 0.7 V, VBE(HARD) = 0.8 V, Vn(HARD) = 0.5 V, and Vs 1m(ON) = 0.3 V. 9.14 Calculate the average power dissipated for the FAST circuit of Figure 9.3a. Use V,dFA) = 0.7 V, VB! (HARD) = 0.8 V, VCJ (HARD) = 0.5 V, and VsBu(ON) = 0.3 V. 9.15 Calculate the average power dissipated for the ASTIL circuit of Figure 9.4. Use VB 1,(FA) = 0.7 V, VB 1,(HARD) = 0.8 V, VcE(HARD) = 0.5 V, and V 5 ,m(ON) = 0.3 V. 9.6 9.7 For the FAST NANO circuit of Figure 9.3a, reduce the resistor values by a factor of 10 and discuss the effects of this modification on the following: (a) the circuit voltages (b) the average power dissipation (c) the switching speed Explain the purpose of each element in the FAST circuit of Figure 9.3a. 10 OTHER TTL GATES consisting of Q 1 and RB and the output section con- Preceding chapters contain descriptions of the various TIL logic families, indicating improvements made over the years from the earliest RTL and DTL subfamilies to the advanced STTL and ASTTL subfamilies. Throughout the TTL chapters, the inverter and multi-input NAND gates are used to demonstrate the design and analysis of TTL gates. In fact, TIL logic families can also realize the other basic logic functions AND, NOR, and OR, as well as ANDOR-invert. The present chapter indicates the modifications to the standard NAND circuitiy of the 5400/ 7400 standard TTL logic family to provide these other functions. Schematics for gates of additional TTL sub-families are presented in the homework problems at the end of the chapter. The schematics for each logic function of the TTL sub-families are tabulated in Table 10.1 for easy reference. sistini of Q 0 , DL, Qp, c1nd Rcr are identical to the previous TTL NAND gate of Figure 7.3 presented in section 7.4 with Q0 providing one level of inversion between the input and output. Also note the branch containing Qs, Re, and RD is left unchanged from the previous NAND gate. The drive splitter section, however, contains some additional circuit components which are Qs 2, QsD, D5, RsD, and Res• These are enclosed in the shaded block and provide a second level of inversion between the input and output. Thus, with two inversions the circuit realizes the logical AND function as predicted in the previous sub-section. It will be shown in the following sub-sections that the additional circuitry also removes the "knee" found in the TTL NAND gate VfC. Output Low Voltage = VoL 10.1 TTL AND GATES With either or both inputs low, a large current flows TTL AND Super-Circuitry into the base of Q 1• By following dashed path 1 of Figure, this current is given by Figure 4. 7 of section 4.3 is a block diagram for a TTL NAND gate. This block diagram indicates an output low driver being enabled for ANDing of the input voltages and an output high driver being enabled for NOT ANDing of the inputs. If the output drivers were enabled in the inverse fashion, the gate would become an AND gate. This is accomplished by using a inverting drive splitter as shown in the block diagram of Figure In this circuit the output high driver is enabled for ANDing of the inputs and the output low driver is enabled for NOT ANDing of the inputs. I _ Vee - VBE,1 - ViN(low) RB B,/ - Furthermore, for either input low, the collector current of Q 1 is essentially zero, while Q 1 is in saturation, since Ic, 1 = - 18 ,s2 (/eakage) << {3Fliu The voltage at the base of Q52 is then Hence, Q 52 and therefore Q 5 D are cutoff for V1N low. With Q 52 and Q 5 n cutoff, Q 0 and Q 5 are easily seen to be saturated along with D 5 conducting by following dashed path 2 of Figure 10.16. The output low voltage (for any input voltage low) is therefore TTL AND Gate Circuit Figure shows the 5408/7408 standard TTL AND gate circuit and the circuit symbol for this gate is shown in Figure Note that the input section VoL 124 = VeE,o(SAT) TABLE 10.1 Figure Numbers of TTL Sub-Family Logic Gates Sub-Family Inverter NAND DTL TTL LTTL HTTL STTL LSTTL 6.4 7.5 6.5 7.3 7.8 7.9 8.5 8.8 AND NOR OR AOI XOR Schmitt Tri-State 10.1b 10.3a Pl0.24 10.4a 10.5a 10.8a 10.10a 10.12a Pl0.12 Pl0.15 Pl0.20 Pl0.22 Pl0.30 Pl0.31 Pl0.25 P10.5 P10.8 I - Output High Pull-up Driver - Output Low Pull-down Driver Yies VINA VINB .. . Diode or Multi-emitter AND gate VAND Inverting Drive Splitter f,---. I? I N 0 I (a) (b) :=o--F=AB (c) FIGURE 10.1 Standard 5408/7408 TTL AND Gate: (a) Block diagram, (b) Circuit schematic, (c) Circuit symbol 125 126 Chapter 10/0ther TTL Gates As the input voltage is further increased and Q5 D begins to conduct, the base current of Qs is reduced still further and Qs as well as Q 0 come out of saturation. Hence, VocT begins to increase and Vc,s 2 begins to decrease. 4VOH = 3.6 - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - Input High Voltage= Vrn 3 When VH.s drops below VBE.o(FA) + VBE,s(FA), Q0 becomes cutoff and the output begins to go high. When Q 50 enters saturation, the voltage V,3, 5 = Vcc.;;D(SAT) is rlefinitely lmv enough to cutoff both Q0 and Q5 . The input voltage (with all inputs tied together) necessary to saturate Q 52 and Q 50 is then the input high voltage, given by 2 1 I 2 3 4 VIll = 1.4 Va= 1.2 vi.\' = ViiE,So(SAT) + VBE,s2(SAT) = (d) Output High Voltage FIGURE 10.1 (continued) transfer characteristic (d) TTL AND gate voltage Input Low Voltage = V1L To determine the input low voltage, note that QI, RH, Q 52, Q 50, Res, and R50 collectively resemble the portion of the TTL NAND gate (in Figure 7.3) containing Q,, RB, Q 5, Q 0 , Re, and R0 . Hence, the collector voltage of Q 50 will be high for any input low in a NANDlike fashion and the output will be low with Q5 and Q 0 in saturation. As the input voltage increases, the collector current of Q 52 increases, the base voltage of Q 52 increases, and Q 52 becomes forward active. Also, as the input voltage is increased further, the current through the diode D 5 decreases. However, the mag-nitude of the diverted current through Q 52 is insufficient to take Q 5 and Q 0 out of saturation. Thus, the voltage at the collector of Q52 remains approximately fixed at The input voltage necessary to turn on Q 50 can be found by writing KVL for dashed path 3 of Figure yielding ViN = VBE,so(FA) + VBE,dFA) - Veu(SAT) = 2VBE(FA) - VcE(SAT) = ViL = VoH With all inputs high, QI becomes reverse active. Q 52 and QsD are in saturation, which can be verified by following dashed path 3 of Figure 10. lb yielding ViN(high) > VHcso(SAT) + Vii£,s 2 (SAT) - Vc£. 1(RA) With Q5 D in saturation, VH,s = VcE,so(SAT) and thus Q5 and QO are cutoff. The output voltage is then found by following dashed path 4 of Figure yielding Vmrr = Vee - VH[.J'(FA) - V0 (0N) = V011 Voltage Transfer Characteristic The voltage transfer characteristic for the standard TfL AND gate is shown in Figure 10.ld for Vee = TABLE 10.2 States of Each BJT and Diode for Output Low and High Logic Levels for 5408/7408 Standard TTL AND Gate Element Vc.s2 = VBE,o(SAT) + VBE,s(SAT) + Vo,s(ON) VeE.l(SAT) 2VBr(SAT) - VeE(SAT) = V 111 0, Os Os2 OsD Ds op DL Ou VoL VoH Saturation Saturation Cutoff Cutoff On Cutoff Cutoff Saturation Reverse active Cutoff Saturation Saturation Cutoff Forward active On (EOC) Cutoff 10.1 TrL Jnd CJtes BJTs for a two input Q1• The SPlCE input C!Rcuit file for this circuit is as follows: 5 V. As mentioned earlier, the "knee" in the TfL NAND gate of Chapter 7 is not present in the VTC of the AND gate, and the transition region is more abrupt. The states of each BJT and diode for the output low and high states of the TTL AND gate are tabulated in Table 10.2. Standard 5408/7408 TTL AND Gate VCC 3 0 DC 5V VINA 1 0 PULSE(OV 5V OS 1NS 1NS + SONS 100NS) VINB 13 0 DC 5V PULSE(OV 5V OS + 1NS 1NS 100NS 20DNS) QIA 11 2 1 QNPN QIB 11 2 13 QNPN QS2 10 11 12 QNPN QS 4 9 5 QNPN QSD 9 12 0 QNPN QP 6 4 7 QNPN QO 8 5 0 QNPN -MODEL QNPN NPN(8F=100 IS=1E-1 + 14A VA=80 RB=100HM RC=20HM + CJC=2PF CJE=4Pf) DS 10 9 DIODE DL 7 8 DIODE DCA O 1 DIODE DCB O 13 DIODE -MODEL DIODE D(CJO=.SPF) RB 3 2 4KOHM Additional Inputs As with the TTL NAND gate, more inputs can be added by increasing the number of emitters in Q1• Example 10.1 TTL AND Gate SPICE Simulation Using SPICE, perform a DC sweep to find the voltage transfer characteristic for the "TTL AND gate of Figure and Vc,sD as a function of the input voltage. Also, verify realization of the logical AND function by using two SPICE BJTs in parallel to simubte the multi-emitter BJT Q1• Solution Figure 10.2a shows a 5408/7408 standard TTL AND gate with SPICE labelings and parallel 2KOHM DS ~1-0-l>fg~ 1Q n+ 1 VINA@ A 11 11 QS2 2 2 n- O * ~ 13 QIB 11 12 VINB "~ 1 _ DCA 0 ~--~91 9 4 QS 5 DL QP f 12 DCB RSD 5 0 RD 8000HM 0 (a) FIGURE 10.2 TIL AND Cate: (a) With appropriate SPICE labelings V 'r.~o;,= QSD 13 0 127 0 1KOHM 128 Chapter 10/0thcr TTL Gates 5 5 4 -- 34 2 1 3 0 0 25 I I I I I I ' 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 ► t(ns) VIN,B(V) t 5---.,1_ _ _ _ ___, 0-1---+... 0 -+ - +-·-+----+ -► VIN(V) 2 3 4 5 4 3 r 2 r (V) 1 - ' 0-+----+:--+:---;-....,-....:--+-,--*~ t(ns) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 V AND(V) • I 5-' I 4T _ _..,, 3 .. ' 2:I 1~ 0-1----+-:__.,,,,_*,--'i"'""""',-=~,-~,-~~ V IN(V) 0 1 2 3 4 5 (b) 0-+----+---+-------...-~ t(ns) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 (c) FIGURE 10.2 (continued) (b) Voltage transfer characteristic and collector voltage of Qs 0 from .DC sweep, (c) Transient response showing realization of logical AND function from .TRAN sweep RCS 3 10 2K◊HM RC 3 4 1-bK◊HM RCP 3 6 12D◊HM RSD 12 D 8DO◊HM RD 5 D 1KOHM -DC VINA DV 5V □ - □ 1V -PRINT DC VC(QSD) VC(QO) -TRAN 10PS 200NS -PRINT TRAN V(VINA) V(VINB) + VC(QO) -END The BJT and diode models are taken from the TrL NAND simulation of Chapter 7. rn.2 The VTC and Vc,su as a function of input obtained from the SPICE simulation are shown in Figure 10.2b. Note the output voltage rises simultaneously with the drop in the collector voltage of QsD· Figure 10.2c shows the transient response obtained from the SPICE simulation. Note the output is high for both inputs high and low for any input low. Thus, the AND function for this gate is verified. 10.2 TTL NOR GATES TTL NOR Gate Circuit The NOR logic function can also be obtained from TTL circuitry. Figure 10.3a shows the 5402/7402 standard TTL NOR gate. The logic symbol for this gate is shown in Figure 10.3b. The NOR logic function is obtained by duplicating Q 1, Q 5 , and RB (shown in the shaded region) with multiple Qs BJTs having coupled collectors and coupled emitters. Both of the Q 5 collectors are connected to Re and the base of Qp, v!Nl! ~~21. ::l. . '.:_ n····•·. ·,'.-.' ...'"'.··.•,2··.·.,_•. •... ',QI) • Output High State With both inputs low, both Q 1J\ and Q 1B are in saturation and both QsJ\ and QsB are cutoff, as is the case with the single Q 1 and single Qs in the TTL NAND gate (and inverter) as explained in section 7.5. With both QsA and Qsn cutoff, Q0 is cutoff and QI' is at the edge of conduction. Hence, this gate is in the output high state with VouT = Vee - VB1,l'(FA) - Vn(ON) = V0 11 for both inputs low. Output Low State With either or both inputs high, the corresopnding Q 1 is reverse active and the corresponding Q 5 is in <il('~ --~-2<,"-•,.c., VNOK -·-'---'----.:.....i DCALS: 2s:Drn J ·································:···-;·_ : (a) FIGURE 10.3 129 while both of the Qs emitters are connected to RL 1 and the base of Q( 1, as is the case with the single drive splitter Q, in the TTL NAND and inverter gates. Therefore, either Qs;\ or Qsn can activate Q 0 and force the output to the low state. . ..•. ·.·... . , TrL NOR Cc1tcs 5402/7402 Standard TTL NOR Gate: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit symbol (b) 130 Chapter 10/0ther TTL Gates saturation. Q, 1 is then in saturation giving an output low voltage of Input Low, Breakpoint, and Input High Voltages = V 1L, Vm, and Vm The input low and high voltages for the standard TTL NOR gate are the same for either input and are the same as that for the TTL NAND gate and inverter as can be seen by writing KVL for either dashed path 1 or 2 in Figure 10.3a yielding put high and low states as was done for the TTL inverter. Solution Both Inputs Low For both inputs low, both input BJTs are saturated, both Qsi\ and QsB are cutoff, Q 0 is cutoff, while Qp and D1, are at the edge of conduction. There is current flow through both R13 resistors given by I (II) _ Vcc RHA , (5) - (0.8) - (0.2) ( k) = 1.0 mA 4 = _ Vee - VHE,lll (SAT) - VIN(low) I /!BB (IL) R1w The breakpoint corner found in the standard TfL NAND gate is also present in the standard TTL NOR gate. It has the same value as in the NAND gate and is the same for either input: ViB = Vee - VHi:(SAT) - Vu(SAT) Rirn = VBl_o(FA) + Viics(FA) - Vcu(SAT) The breakpoint output voltage is also the same as that found for the NAND gate and following dashed path 3 Voll = Vee - Il<cRc - v/lE,P(FA) (5) - (0,8) - (0.2) (4k) = 1.0 mA The total current supplied by Vcc for both inputs low is Icc(LL) Vr),L(ON) = Vee - : : ViiE,o - VHc,r(FA) - Vn,L(ON) R Vee - Vn(SAT) - VcdSAT) and 2VaE(SAT) - VcE(SAT) (SAT) - VIN(low) Ill\ ViL = VBl(FA) - VcE(SAT) Viu = Vi,1-,1J1 - = IRBI\ (IL) + = (1.0111) 11,m/IL) + (1.0111) = 2.0 mA Solution (ViNA == high, VINn == low) With V 1r-m low, the current through R,m remains unchanged as Additional Inputs To increase the number of inputs to a TTL NOR gate, additional combinations of Q 1, RB, and Qs are duplicated for each new input. With V 1;s:A high, Q 1A is reverse active, Q 5 A saturated, Q 0 saturated, and Qp and Dr. cutoff. The current through R8 A is given by I1,w1UH) Example 10.2 TTL NOR Gate Power Dissipation Find the average power dissipated in the TTL NOR gate of Figure 10.3a. Reviewing section 7.7 before proceeding is recommended. Use VBE(FA) = V8 c(RA) = V0 (0N) = 0.7 V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V. Since the two-input TTL NOR gate has four output states, the power dissipation must be found as the average of the four separate combinations of inputs as opposed to the average of the out- Solution _ Vee - Vsc,1(RA) - VBE,sA(SAT) - VBi:,o(SAT) RBI\ (5) - (0. 7) - 2(0,8) = ---'-----'-------'----- = (4k) 6 75 µA With QsA and Q 0 saturated, the current through Re is Ii,c(OL) = Vee - Vo-,s/\(S~:) - Vm:, 0 (SAT) = (5) - (0.2) - (0.8) (1. 6k) = 2.5 mA 10.3 The total current supplied by Vee for V1:-.:A high and V,:-.:H low is then lccUIL) = IR/J/\(IH) + I1wnUL) + IRc(OL) (675µ,) + (1.0m) + (2.5m) = 4.175 = Solution (ViNA == Low, low the current through /RB/\ (IL) VINIJ RBA == High) With mA With V,"'B high, Qrn is reverse active and Qs 8 saturated, and therefore Q0 saturated. The current through R1m is then IRH/l(IH) Vee - Viic,/RA) - VBE,S1\(SAT) - vllE,O(SAT) (5) - (0.7) - 2(0.8) (4k) Comparing with Example 7.4, the average power dissipated in a TTL NOR gate is more than 70% higher than that for the TTL inverter. 10.3 TTL OR GATES TTL OR Gate Circuitry = 675 µ,A = l1w11 (IL) + l1wB(IH) + 11,c(OL) (1.0m) + (675µ,) + (2.5111) = 4.175 111A = Solution (Both Inputs High) With both inputs high, the currents through the two R8 resistors are obtained as previously and = 675 µ,A With both the Qs BJTs saturated and Q 0 saturated, the current through Re is still IRc(OL) = 17.75 mW Section 10.1 indicates that a TTL AND gate is obtained by including an extra level of inverting circuitry in the drive splitter section of the gate. The previous section shows that a TTL NOR gate requires duplication of the input section and a drive splitting BJT, Q 1, R13, and Q 5 • Combining both of these modifications produces a TTL OR gate. Figure 10.4a shows the circuit diagram for the 5432/7432 standard TTL OR gate. The circuit symbol for this logic gate is shown in Figure 10.4b. The circuitry contained in the lightly shaded region is the duplicated input section and the circuitry in the darker shaded region provides the additional drive splitter inversion. The total current supplied by V cc for this state is given by I1wB(IH) = (2.0111) + (4.175111) + (4.175111) + (3.85111) (5) R1rn The current through Re with either of the Q5 BJTs saturated and Q0 saturated is the previously calculated value Icc(LH) lc-c(LL) + Icc(HL) + Icc(LH) + lcc(HH) 4 Vee 4 ViNA is again = 1.0 131 Pcc(nvg) = mA TTL OR Cates = 2.5 mA Output Low State To show that the OR gate of Figure 10.4a is in the output low state for both inputs low, we must determine that Q0 is in saturation for this situation. With an input low, the corresponding Q 1 is in saturation and the corresponding Q 5 (either QsA or Q 513) is cutoff along with Qsu- With Q 5 u cutoff, the operation of Q 0 in saturation can easily be verified by writing KVL along dashed path 1 in Figure 10.4a. Thus, the output low voltage is v()L = VcE,o(SAT) The total current supplied for both inputs high is thus Icc(HH) = IRB11(IH) + IRBB(IH) + JRc(OL) = (675µ,) + (675µ,) + (2.5m) = 3.85 Output High State mA Solution (Average Power Dissipated) The average power dissipated by the TTL NOR gate is then The output high state for either input high is now verified. If an input is high, the corresponding Q1 is reverse active and the corresponding Qs (either Q 5 /\ or Q5 R) is in saturation and Q5 u is also in saturation. 132 Chapter 10/0thcr TTL Gates ,l Ra.3'120Q l "T'"'\ v.lNA c-~~· Qu. --- 2 - \'----+-- ------------------------l!---- DL , l; f ~4- ..,..... _ J-✓_)Q-~(l,_, VOR I "'l - ___±w_ 1 ~ ~ 1 (a) INA~INB --L_/--F=A+B (b) FIGURE 10.4 5432/7432 Standard TTL OR Gate: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit symbol This can be verified by writing KVL for either dashed path 2 or 3 in Figure 10.4a. With QsD in saturation, the base voltage of Qs[VB,s = Vc,so(SAT)] is insufficient to turn on Q 5 or Q 0 . With Q 5 and Q 0 cutoff, Q 1, and DL operate at the edge of conduction. Hence, the output high state is verified and the output high voltage following dashed path 4 of Figure 10.4a is given by follows: and Vi11 = 2ViidSAT) - VcE(SAT) Additional Inputs As with the TTL NOR gate of the previous section, additional input sections can be duplicated to increase the number of inputs. Input Low and High Voltages = V1L & Vm · The input low and high voltages for the TfL OR gate of Figure 10.4a are the same as those for the TTL AND gate presented in section 10.1. These are as Example 10.3 TTL OR Gate Noise Margins Calculate the noise margins for the TTL OR gate of Figure 10.4a. Use VBE(FA) = V1ic(RA) = VD(ON) = 0.7 V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V. 10.4 Solution (Critical Voltages) The critical voltages for the TTL OR gate are found by direct substitution into the equations derived in this section yielding VOL = 0.2 V V01 1 = (5) - (0.7) - (0.7) mode of operation and the gate enters the output low state. = With either VA AND V 8 bringing the output low or Ve AND V 0 bringing the output low, the output pro- 3.6 V vides a logical NORing of the input ANDings or V0 U7 Solution (Noise Margins) The noise margins are then calculated to be = Vc)H - VNML = 133 Output is NO Ring of the ANDings Vn = 2(0.7) - (0.2) = 1.2 V Vin = 2(0.8) - (0.2) = 1.4 V V."Jtvr1I TTL Al'\JD-OR-lnvert (AO!) Gates = (3.6) - (1.4) = 2.2 Vn - Vm = (1.2) - (0.2) = 1 V V 111 V = (VA AND V8 ) NOR (Ve AND Vo) This is expected since single emitter input transistors in TfL as in Figure 10.3 provide a NOR function output. AND-OR-Invert (AOI) Terminology TTL AND-OR-INVERT (AOI) GATES 10.4 Referring back to the TTL NOR gate of Figure 10.3a, single emitter BJTs are used for the input BJTs. The opportunity to construct more complex logic functions using TTL circuitry exists if multi-emitter input BJTs are used in place of the single emitter BJTs for the input sections. Such a gate is the 5471/7471 standard TTL AND-OR-invert gate of Figure 10.5a. The output of this gate is the logic function Vmrr =AB+ CD = NOT[(VA AND Va) OR (Ve AND V0 )] The circuit symbol for this logic gate is shown in Figure 10.Sb. This NORing of the ANDings is referred to as an AND-OR-Invert (AOI) gate. That is AND the inputs, OR the ANDings, and invert the ORing. Hence, the TTL gate of Figure 10.5a performs the logical function Vour = NOT[VA AND Vil) OR (Ve AND V0 )] Recipe for Other Complex Logic Gates From the logic techniques developed in this and the preceding sections, other complex logic gates can be constructed using the following general TTL circuit design realizations: 1. ANDing of signals is performed by multi-emitter input BJT sections. 2. ORing of signals is performed by multiple input sections (Q 1 and R8 ) and multiple drive splitting BJTs (Qs). 3. If inverting of the ORing is not desired, include the additional logic inversion circuitry. 4. Always include the totem-pole output branch. Input ANDing Sections Recall from section 7.3 that input multi-emitter BJTs are used in TfL circuits to provide ANDing of the emitter voltages at the collector. The circuit of Figure 10.Sa has two multi-emitter BJTs for the input sections. Examining the input BJT labeled Q,i\ 13, the collector voltage is the logical realization VA AND VB. Likewise the collector voltage of Q 1co is the logical realization Ve AND V 0 . Drive Splitter Section The ANDing of the inputs provided by the collectors of QrAB and Q 1co are then fed to the bases of the drive splitters Qsi\B and Qsco• A high voltage at either the base of QsAB or Qsco will saturate that particular BJT. This in turn forces Q 0 into the saturation Example 10.4 Non-Inverting Complex Logic TTL Gates Design a complex logic TTL gate that performs the logic function Vow = (VA AND Vil) OR Ve OR (VD AND VE AND VF) Solution (Input Sections) This gate will require three input sections to accommodate the OR logic. The first section consists of a double emitter BJT to 134 Chapter 10/0ther TTL Gates 1.6 kn VINA'~-~ V !NB ~ )-----t----, I I -:- R,rnf .-:· 1 kn -:- j_ (a) INA INB - -F=AB+CD INCIND- (b) FIGURE 10.5 Four-input 5471/7471 Standard TTL AND-OR-invert Gate: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit symbol perform VA AND V13, the second section is only a single emitter BJT to accommodi.lte V c, and the third section employs a triple emitter BJT to realize VD AND VE AND V r-• The three input sections are shown in separate shaded blocks in Figure 10.6a. Solution (Multi Q 52 Inversion Section) As with the TTL OR gate of Figure 10.4a, a second inverting section with coupled additional drive splitter BJTs, QszAB, Q 52 c, and Qs2DEF (one for each input section), is fed by the input sections. These allow for a noninverted AND-OR logical output. These additional drive splitter BJTs are shown in the middle of Figure 10.6a. Solution (Drive Splitter Section) The standard drive splitter section including Re, (the single) Q5 , and RD is now added directly after the middle splitter section in Figure 10.6a. Solution (Totem-Pole Output Section) Finally, the output of the circuit in Figure 10.6a, the standnrd TTL totem pole branch containing Rel', QI', DL, and Q0 is included ns in all other "TTL gates. 10.4 1TL AND-OR-Invert (AO!) Gates 135 r~c.'T/Qro Du:_i input section 2 inverting drive splitter (a) INA=D ~~o F=AB+C+DEF INEINF(b) FIGURE 10.6 Complex TTL (Non-inverting) AND-OR Gate rvour = VAo = (VA Af-JD Vs) OR Ve OR (VD AND VE AND Vp)] of Example 10.4: (a) Circuit schematic (b) Circuit symbol 136 Chapter 10/Othcr TTL Gates I R~i 4· . ...... . ···••··4w Dec input section 2 FIGURE 10.7 Six-input Complex 1TL AND-OR-invert Gate of Example 10.5: V, ,ur = VAUi = NOT[ (VA AND V11 ) OR Ve OR (Vil AND VE AND VF)]; Circuit of Figure Example 10.5 Inverting Complex Logic Gate Modify the gate of Example 10.4 in Figure 10.6a so that the output is inverted and the gate realizes the function VoUT = NOT[ (V1, AND ViJ OR Ve OR (Vn AND Vr AND Vr)l 10.6a (Example 10.4) Modified by Removal of Second Inversion Stage Solution To invert the output of the circuit in Figure 10.6a the second inverting section between the input sections and the drive splitter section in Figure 10.6 is removed. As a result, coupled drive splitter BJTs must be used in the drive splitter section in the same fashion as the TTL NOR gate of Figure 10.3a. Figure 10.7 shows the modified gate with an inverted 105 TTL XOR Gates 137 7486 standard TTL XOR gate. The circuit symbol for this logic gate is shown in Figure 10.86. output. Careful study of this circuit leads to a good understanding of TTL design principles. XOR Input Section 10.5 TTL XOR GATES Each input has an input section consisting of a single emitter BJT Q1 and input base resistor R13 as in all TTL input sections. In addition, each input section also includes an inversion section similar to the sec- An exclusive OR (XOR) gate is also provided with modified TTL circuitry. Figure 10.8a shows a 5486/ (a) :jD-F=AXORB=AEBB (b) FIGURE 10.8 5486/7486 Standard TTL XOR Gate: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit symbol 138 Chapter 10/0thcr 1TL Gates ond inversion section of the TTL AND gate of Figure This is the circuitry in Figure 10.8a containing Res,\, Qs 2!V Ds1v Rsoiv and QsDA for the first input and RcsB, Q 5 :m, Ds 8 , RsDB, and Q 508 for the second input. Note that the values for the Res and R50 resistors are smaller for the XOR gate than for the AND gate. The net effect of the input section is to invert the input voltage, which should be obvious since each input section resembles an open collector inverter. XORing Logic Pair The XOR logic function is realized by the pair of BJTs Qx 1 and Qx 2 in the middle section of Figure 10.Sa. To show this, we consider each combination of input logic states. Both Inputs Low With both inputs low, the nodes labeled VrN,\ and VrNR are both high, since the input section acts as an inverter. Examining the XO Ring logic pair, it is seen that both the base and emitter of Qx 1 are high (and should be at the same voltage) and Qx 1 is therefore cutoff. The same is easily observed for Qx 2 . With Qx 1 and Qx 2 both cutoff, Q 5 and Q 0 are both in the saturation region of operation, as can be seen by writing KVL for dashed path 1 of Figure 10.8a. Hence, the output voltage is in the low state. Both Inputs High When both inputs are high, the nodes labeled V 1NA and V 1r--:B are both low and a similar situation arises to the previous case. Since the base and emitter voltages of Qx 1 and Qx 2 are all at the same voltage VcF.(SAT), Qx 1 and Qx 2 are again cutoff. Hence, Q 5 1' Trip Voltages Figure 10.9a shows a pair of input and inverting output waveforms that demonstrate hysteresis. Examining these waveforms, it is seen that the output experiences a high-to-low transition only when a rising input voltage initially exceeds V1N = Vw Examples are shown at times t 2 and t8 in Figure 10.9a. Furthermore, the output experiences a low-to-high transition when a falling input initially drops below such as at time t 5 • The voltages Vm and V,u are referred to as trip voltages and in order for hysteresis to occur, the condition Vio > Viu is required. Good for Cleaning up Noisy Signals Considering Figure 10.9a again, note that at times t 1, t1,, and t 7, the input rises above Vn_; but not above V1u and the output does not change state. Likewise, at times t 3 and t 4 , the input falls below V1u but not below V1u and the output does not change. Therefore observing that V 1N is extremely noisy, whereas VouT is not, we observe that a circuit exhibiting hysteresis is excellent for cleaning up noisy signals. Even the spikes that occur at times t 1, t0 , and t 7 are not sufficient to change the output. Voltage Transfer Characteristic of Inverter with Hysteresis Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Hysteresis and Schmitt Triggers In the following section, a type of logic circuit is described that has a different voltage transfer characteristic for the output lzigh-to-low and low-to-high transitions. Unlike the logic circuits described previously, the output high-to-low and low--to-high transitions occur at different input voltages. This phenomenon is known as hysteresis and the voltage transfer characteristic exhibits a "hysteresis loop." Figure 10.9b displays the voltage transfer characteristic for a digital logic inverter circuit exhibiting hysteresis. This VfC indicates a highto-low output transition at an input voltage higher than that at which the output low-tohigh transition occurs. Note the familiar hysteresis "loop." Schmitt Triggers Circuits that exhibit hysteresis are referred to as Schmitt Triggers. 105 TTL XOR Gates 139 input rises above VID - -input low-to-high trip point -- - --;-----input h/gh-to-low trip point- ------ \__ - ---- -, - ----- -,------ 1\\ -+-~-+----~ --- -t~-i---j---~--•t , 1 I ½ t, t, t. I t,, t, t, input drops below V w y OH - 1 - - - - -... Your (Y) Output low-to-high transition YOH- t t ~Output high-to-low transition / t VOL Yru (b) FIGURE 10.9 (a) Input and inverting output voltage waveforms for a circuit exhibiting hysteresis, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic of a circuit exhibiting hysteresis; in both (a) and (b) the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions occur at a different input voltage 140 Chapter 10/0thcr TTL Gates and Q 0 are again saturated and the gate is in the output low state. VA '= Low and Vn '= High With VJ\ low and VB high, the inverted nods V1NJ\ and ViNH are high and low, respectively. The base-emitter voltage of Qx1 is therefore low-high and Qx 1 is cutoff. The base-emitter voltage of Qx 2, however, is highlow and Qx 2 is in saturation. The collector voltage of Qx2, which is the base voltage of Q 5 , is found by following dashed path 2 of Figure 10.Sa yielding VB,S = VC,X2 = Ve[,SoB(SAT) + Vu,x2(SAT) < Viic,s(FA) Hence, Q 5 and Q 0 are both cutoff and this gate is seen to be in the output high state. Writing KVL for dashed path 3 of Figure 10.Sa yields VoUT = Vee - Viiu(FA) - V0 (0N) = Rcs 2, and RE. The block is reproduced in Figure 10.lla for analysis and resembles cascaded RTL inverters with a common emitter resistor. This block is a noninverter. Schmitt Trigger Output Low Voltage Assuming V1Ns in Figure 10.lla is low, Q 51 is cutoff and all current through Rcs 1 is diverted to the base of Q 52 . Thus, Q 52 is in saturation and analysis of this circuit in this state requires summing the terminal currents of Qs 2 : Substituting expressions for each of these terminal currents in terms of VE yields Vee - Vr: - Viir:(SAT) Res1 + Vee - V, - Ve1-(SAT) Vo11 VA '= High and V8 '= Low With VA high and V8 low, the inverted V,NA and V,NB are low and high respectively. Hence, the baseemitter voltage of Qx, is high-low and Qx 1 is saturated. The base emitter voltage of Qx 2 is low-high and Qx 2 is cutoff. Because of the circuit symmetry, the gate is in the output high state as explained in the previous sub-section. With both inputs high or both inputs low, this gate is in the output low state. If either input is high and the other low, this gate is in the output high state. Hence, the XOR function is indeed realized by this circuit. Res2 Collecting terms and rewriting yields Vee - VHl:(SAT) + Vee - VeE(SAT) Re~1 Rc.,2 Figure 10.10a displays a TTL Schmitt trigger NAND gate. The circuit symbol for this element is shown in Figure 10.106. The voltage transfer characteristic for this circuit when connected as an inverter (V,NA = V,Nll) exhibits hysteresis as shown in Figure 10.10c. As explained in the previous Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box, circuits exhibiting hysteresis are useful for cleaning up noisy signals. Emitter-Coupled Schmitt Trigger The sub-circuitry in Figure 10.10a that provides hysteresis is the shaded block containing Qsv Qs2, Res 1, (-1- + _1_ + ~)v1- = Res1 Res2 Rr Solving for VE yields Vee - Va1-(SAT) + Vee - Vcr(SAT) . Res1 Res2 Vr = _____1_ _ _ 1 ___ 1 _ _ __ --+--+Res1 10.6 TTL SCHMITT TRIGGER INVERTERS AND NAND GATES Ve R; Rc,2 Rr The output low voltage at You-rs, is one V 0 ,(SAT) above the common emitter voltage and therefore or Vee - VM(SAT) . VuLs +Vee - -- -Ve,(SAT) --~ Res2 __ = ---="--1_ _ _1 ___1_:_c_,:.__ Rc;1 --+--+Res1 Res2 Rr + Vu(SAT) Schmitt Trigger Output Low-to-High Transition Trip Point If the input V,:-..:s in Figure 10.lla rises high enough, Q 51 will enter the forward active region of operation and current will be diverted from the base of Qs 2 to lll.6 TTL Schmitt Trigger Inverters and NAND Gates 141 V ,x =5V Rei,,>~ Ra YouTS DIA VINA V!NB Dm Du Da ~___/ diode input section BIT emitter coupled Schmitt trigger level shifter 5400/7400 TIL totem pole output and drive splitter (a) Yatrr(V) 4 YOH= 3 2 (b) FIGURE 10.10 Standard TTL 5424/7424 Positive NANO Schmitt Trigger: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit ...---------- Output high-to-low transition 3.6------------------ t t Output low-to-high transition (c) symbol indicating hysteresis in center of symbol, (c) Voltage transfer characteristic showing hysteresis 142 Chapter 10/0ther TTL Gates Yee= 5 V V,ouiV) , Output high-to-low transition i / ! t // ! t~ i-r 3- Output low-to-high transition VOLS= 1_9_2-- - - - - - - - - I- (a) (b) FIGURE 10.11 Base Emitter-coupled Schmitt Trigger: (a) Non-inverting circuit, (b) Non-inverting voltage transfer characteristic showing hysteresis the collector of Qs 1 . Since Qs 1 is initially cutoff, the input at which Q51 operates at the edge of conduction is V1Ns =VF+ VRF,s1(FA), where the value of VE is that in the calculation of VoL• Thus, the input voltage V1Ns that causes the output voltage VouTs to go up is The voltage at the base of Q52 is then the output high state value given by 'v\There the collector current Ic,s 1 is given by lc,s1 = VE v/NS - VBE,s/SAT) h:,s1 = -R RE E Thus, substituting for Ic,s 1 yields + VBE,s1(FA) Schmitt Trigger Output High Voltage vVith V1Ns high, Qs 1 enters saturation and Q 52 is cut off. With no current through Rcs 2, the output is VO/rs= Vee Schmitt Output High-to-Low Transition Trip Point Hence, referring to Figure 10.lOa with both ViNA and V1Ns high, Q51 is in saturation, and Q52 is cutoff. The emitter voltage of Q52 is thus VE = ViNs - VBE,s1(SAT) Va,s2 = Vee - Rcs1 Rr: [VJNs - Vm/SAT)] Subtracting VE, the base-emitter voltage of Q 52 is Vee - Rcs1 R WrNs - Vm (SAT)] 0 E - VJNs + Viii:(SA T) Rearranging yields (R;; + 1 + (R;; + 1 1 VBE,s2 = Vee - 1 )VrNs )vaE(SAT) Hl.6 Finally, substituting VB1.s:2 = VtdFA) and solving for V1Ns yields the input voltage necessary for Q52 to just turn on as follows: Vee VINs + (R;;' + 1 )vBE(SAT) - VB1:(fA) = --------------Res1 RE Schmitt Trigger Inverters and NAJ'\JD Gates put high and low voltages are those found in section 7.5. Also, the logic state at V~lur is inverted through the drive splitter. Finally, note that the emitter-coupled Schmitt trigger input V,Ns of Figure 10.l0a is one diode voltage above the inputs. This shifts both trip points down by V0 (ON): +1 = Vios This is the input voltage Vms for which the output high-to-low transition (the output goes down) occurs as shown in Figure 10.llb. Emitter-Coupled Schmitt Trigger Voltage Transfer Characteristic The non-inverting voltage transfer characteristic with hysteresis for the emitter-coupled Schmitt trigger of Figure 10.1 la is shown in Figure 10.llb. 5424/7424 Schmitt NAND Output Stage Examining the circuit of Figure 10.l0a, it is seen that the drive splitter and output branches are the same as those for a standard TfL 5408/7408 inverter or 5400/7400 NAND gate. 5424/7424 Schmitt NAND Level Shifter Stage The branch in Figure 10.lOa consisting of Qu DL, RLE, and RLc between the emitter-coupled Schmitt trigger and the drive splitter is a 2VBE level shifter. This is necessary so that the output of the emittercoupled schmitt trigger is appropriate for switching the drive splitter between the output high and low pull-up drivers. Diode Input Section Finally, it should be noted that the gate of Figure 10.l0a includes a multi-diode input section. This provides ANDing. Vm = Vws The voltage transfer characteristic of the 5424/7424 Schmitt trigger NAND gate of Figure 10. lOa exhibits hysteresis in the same fashion as the simpler e1T1ittercoupled Schmitt trigger of Figure 10.lla with a few exceptions. Since the output stage is that of the Chapter 7 5400/7400 TfL logic family series, the out- - VD(ON) and Vw = Vws - Vo(ON) Note that V10 is shifted from Vrus and V1u from V105, since this is an inverting Schmitt circuit. Figure 10. lOc shows the voltage transfer characteristic for the Schmitt trigger of Figure 10.lOa. TTL Schmitt Trigger Example 10.6 Trip Points Find the trip points Vrus and V 105 for the emittercoupled Schmitt trigger of Figure 10.1 la. Use resistor magnitudes of Rc 51 = 4 kfl, Re52 = 2.5 kfl, and REs = 1 kfl. Also, find the trip points for the NAND Schmitt trigger of Figure 10.lOa for the same resistor values. Use V8 E(FA) = 0.7 V, V8 E(SAT) = 0.8 V, and VcdSAT) = 0.2 V for both cases. Solution (Emitter-Coupled Schmitt Trigger Trip Points) The trip points for the Schmitt trigger of Figure 10.lla arc found by direct substitution as follows: Vius = (5) - (0.8) + (5) - (0.2) (4k) (2.5k) --------1 1 1 -+--+(4k) (2.5k) (lk) + (0. 7) = 2.5 V and (5) + [ ~~~~ Vms = + 1] (0.8) - (0. 7) (4k) lk 5424/7244 Schmitt Trigger Voltage Transfer Characteristic 143 = 1.66 V +1 Solution (5424/7424 NAND Schmitt Trigger Trip Points) The trip points for the corresponding Schmitt trigger of Figure 10. lOa are therefore Vio = (2.5) - (0.7) = 1.8 V and V1u = (1.66) - (0.7) = 0.96 V 144 Chapter 10/0ther TTL Gates 10.7 TTL TRI-STATE BUFFERS Output Driving Mode When the input VEN in Figure 10.12a is high, the right portion of the logic gate (labeled TTL AND gate) operates as a non-inverting buffer between the input V,~ and output VoL'l· Circuit In digital logic circuit applications, it is often necessary to connect the outputs of several logic blocks together with the ability to select the logic signal that will actually drive a common output. To achieve this, it is necessary to have each logic block possess one state in which both the output high pull-up driver and output low pull-down driver are disabled. Such a TTL circuit is shovvn in Figure 10.12a. This is a 54125/74125 TTL tri-state buffer. The circuit symbol for such a gate is a modified inverter symbol as shown in Figure 10.126. Output High Impedance Z-state When the enable input VE~ is low, both the output pull-up and pull-down drivers are disabled and the output is in a high impedance output state. This is generally denoted in truth tables as a Z-state. High Impedance Z-Nodes Are Floating A circuit node in a high-impedance Z-state is floating relative to all other voltages in the circuit. The V,:;,:=5 V ,.. ~: TILANDGate Enable TIL Inverter (a) IN~OUT EN (b) Figure 10.12 TTL 54125/74125 Tri-state (Non-inverting) Buffer: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit symbol showing enabling input at bottom 10.7 TTL Tri-State Buffers 145 following conditions of high impedance Z-state nodes cannot be under-emphasized: Outputs of Several Tri-State Buffers Can Be Connected Together 1. Figure 10.13a shows a simple illustration of several 1TL tri-state buffer outputs connected to a single node. The enabling inputs of all four tri-state buffers are controlled by a 2: 4 decoder so that only one of the enable signals will be high with the remaining three enable signals low. Figure 10.13b displays the case in which the enable line O is high and enable lines 1, 2, and 3 are low. This situation equivalently represents the single buffer TA driving the output node with the logic signal A T8, Tc, and TO are all in high impedance output 2. 3. High impedance Z-state nodes are NOT at ground High impedance Z-state nodes are NOT at Vcc High impedance Z-state nodes have NO driving ability The statement that best describes a node in a high impedance Z-state is A gate input cannot be driven by a node in a high impedance Z-state output of multiple tri-state buffers connected to a single node -------_ __ ----- ---------( --'~\-~•<. ______ _, A C 1--------- - - - I TA '' '' '' '' ' D . B -r-T~m ' ' ----+I ~,, '- - - - 0 control signals 1 2 3 2:4 decoder only one tri-state buffer at a time is enabled - thus, the multi-driven node is never in contention (a) FIGURE 10.13 (a) Outputs of several tri-state buffers connected to a single node 146 Chapter 10/0ther TTL Gates driven by A --z--~~~~-c ~.- IC.,, low AHN high: TD -~ -,' g} -~--~--- BHNlow D ; DHNlow Te B- 1z-,- ' ·-- i i. t1 ~ 0 ~ ~ .Q :E .Q .Q 1 2 3 __J_ control signals ~ -0- 2:4 decoder Te, Tc, and T0 are all in high impedance output Z-states (essentially dis connected from the output node) - TA is operating as a buffer (b) FIGURE 10.13 (continued) (b) Tri-state buffer TA is enabled; TB, Tc, and Tn arc all disabled Z-states and act as open circuits between the common output node and B, C and D, respectively. Circuit BUSes Utilizing Tri-State Buffers Tri-state buffers are often used to drive multi-bit circuit busses. A BUS is a set of wires that is used to carry several sets of signals, one set at a time. Figure 10.14 shows an 8-bit bus BUS[7: 0] connected to four sets of eight signals A[7:0L B[7:0L C[7:0L and 0[7:0]. The eight signals A[7:0] are connected to eight individual tri-state buffers that are all connected to a single enable signal AEN· Each tri-state buffer in turn is connected to a single line of BUS[7:0]. Likewise, B[7:0L C[7:0L and 0[7:0] are all connected to BUS[7: OJ through sets of eight tristate buffers, each set of eight buffers driven by a single enabling signal. The advantage of using a bus is the alleviation of huge multiplexors and corresponding wiring. 10. 7 TTL Tri-State Buffers --- --·- ------·-<1~-·- - - l 1 ~-~~-•---"--- o_ -· 14 7 ·--- -------~- 2 C[7:0] A[7:0] l D[7:0] B[7:0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BUS[7:0] FIGURE 10.14 8-bit Data Bus Driven By Four Register Outputs; each bit of each register output has a single tristate buffer driving a corresponding bus line; ENA, ENB, ENC, and END arc the enabling signals of register A, B, C, and D drivers, respectively-one enable signal; at most is high at any given time 148 Chapter 10/Othcr TTL Gates CHAPTER10PROBLEMS . 10.1 How is a TTL NANO gate modified to realize the logical AND function? 10.2 What is the purpose of each clement in the standard TTL AND gate of Figure 10.2? 10.3 Determine the state of each BJT and diode for the output low and high states for the standard TTL AND gate of Figure 10.2 (in section 10.1) and draw the voltage transfer characteristic for V,, == Vu. Use V11 F(FA) == 0.7 V, V1dSAT) == 0.8 V, Vo(SAT) == 0.2 V, and Vuc(RA) == 0. 7 V. 10.4 Find the average power dissipated in the standard TTL AND gate of Figure 10.2 (in section 10.1). Use V131,(FA) == 0.7 V, Vu 1,(SAT) == 0.8 V, Vc1(SAT) = 0.2 V, and V1ic(RA) = 0. 7 V. 10.5 Figure P10.5 shows a STTL 54S08/74S08 AND gate. The second inversion section consisting of Res, Q s1 , and Ds is simpler than that of the standard TTL AND gate. Determine the state of each BJT and diode for this gate in the output high and low states and sketch the VTC for V" = Vu. 10.6 What is the purpose of each element in the STTL AND gate of Figure P10.5? 10.7 (a) Find th e ave rage power dissipated in the STTL V, Vlll,(HARD) = 0.8 V, V0 ,(HARD) == 0.2 V, V11 c(RS) = 0.3 V, V0 (ON) = 0.7 V, and Vs1m(ON) = 0.3 V. (b) Compare with the average power dissipated in the STTL NANO gate obtained in Example 8.4 . 10.8 An LSTTL 54LS08/74LS08 AND gate is shown in Figure P10.8. The second inversion section is sim ilar to th a t in the STTL AND gate with a higher Res resistance. Determine the state of each BJT and diode for this gate and sketch the VTC for V,\ = Vu, 10.9 What is the purpose of each element in the LSTTL AND gate of Figure P1Q.8? 10.10 (a) Find AND gate of Figure P10.5. Use V1w(FA) = 0.7 the average power dissipated in the LSTTL AND gate of Figure P10.8. Use Vm,(FA) = 0. 7 V, Vu 1,(HARD) = 0.8 V, Vc1/HARD) = 0.5 V, Vuc(RS) = 0.3 V, V1iON) = 0. 7 V, and Vsnr:,(ON) = 0.3 V. (b) Compare with the average power dissipated for the STTL AND gate found in Problem 10.7. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated in the LSTTL NANO gate obtained in Example 8.5. Vcc=5V 0- Rs~ 2.8W nl . VINA 0-- I FIGURE Pl0.5 Q ' 54S08/74S08 STTL AND Gates Chapter 1ll Problems 149 DIA .... I<I .,. . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,c, D"' FIGURE P10.8 54LS08/74LS08 LSTTL AND Gate 10.11 How is a TTL NAND gate modified to provide the logical NOR gate? 10.12 Figure Pl0.12 shows a STTL 54S02/74S02 NOR gate. Determine the state of each BJT and diode for the output high and low states for this gate and sketch the VTC for V" = V11 • What is the purpose of each element in the STTL NOR gate of Figure P10.12? 10.13 10.14 (a) Find the average power dissipated in the STTL NOR gate of Figure Pl0.12. Use Vm/FA) = 0.7 V, VBI (HARD) = 0.8 V, Vc,(HARD) = 0.5 V, V11 c(RS) = 0.3 V, V/)(ON) = 0.7 V, and Vs1m(ON) = 0.3 V. (b) Compare with the average power dissipated in the STTL NAND gate found in Example 8.4. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated in the standard TTL NOR gate obtained in Example 10.2. 10.15 A 54LS02/74LS02 LSTTL NOR gate is shown in Figure Pl0.15. Determine the state of each BJT and diode for the output high and low states for this gate and sketch the VTC for V" = VB. 10.16 What is the purpose of each element in the LSTTL NOR gate of Figure Pl0.15? 10.17 (a) Find the average power dissipated in the LSTTL NOR gate of Figure P10.15. Use Vlll(FA) = 0.7 V, V8 dHARD) = 0.8 V, VcE(HARD) = 0.5 V, VBC:(RS) = 0.3 V, VD(ON) = 0.7 V, and V5 w(ON) = 0.3 V. (b) Compare with the average power dissipated in the LSTTL NAND gate of Example 8.5. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated for the STTL NOR gate obtained in Problem 10.4. 10.18 How is a TTL NOR gate modified to provide the logical OR function? How is a TTL NAND gate modified to provide the logical OR function? 10.19 Figure Pl0.19 shows the 54S32/74S32 STTL OR gate. What is the state of each BJT and diode for the output high and low states for this gate. Sketch the VTC Use V8 E(FA) = 0.7 V, VB 1 (SAT) = 0.8 V, VcE(SAT) = 0.2 V, and V8 c(RA) = 0.7 V. 10.20 Find the average power dissipated in the 5432/7432 standard TTL OR gate shown in Figure 10.4 (in section 10.3). UseVB1 (FA) = 0.7V, VlllJSAT) = 0.8 V, Vc,(SAT) = 0.2 V, and V8 c(RA) = 0.7 V. 10.21 (a) Find the average power dissipated in the STTL OR gate of Figure Pl0.19. Use V1ll:(FA) = 0.7 V, Vm(HARD) = 0.8 V, VcdHARD) = 0.5 V, Vcc=5V ,---~-~- T ~ ~ ~133il ~ 50 ~ Re ff--9-00-n~----1/ Q, v_T~\ r~ J "" l " r·-() VNO!t "--~,-,--.'---~:-- -f/oo 5000 Ren ~ 2so n · , ·:✓/) '1! i Q, ·, L ,,, · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · J ····-···1-.. FIGURE P10.12 54S02/74S02 SITL NOR Gate RJ:::,-~r= I . J . /n R,,f20n - DIA L.. _ _ __, -·J<l ~-~ >--) FIGURE Pt0.15 54LS02/74LS02 LSITL NOR Gate 150 o VN<lll Chapter 10 Problems 151 V,x=5 V 900[2 FIGURE Pl0.19 54S32/74S32 STTL OR Gate Vnc(RS) = 0.3 V, VD(ON) = 0.7 V, and Vs1m(ON) = 0.3 V. (b) Compare with the average power dissipated for the STTL NANO gate found in Example 8.4. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated in the TTL OR gate obtained in Problem 10.20. 10.22 10.23 10.24 The 54LS32/74LS32 LSTTL OR gate is shown in Figure Pl0.22. Note that this gate does not have the pull-down diode between the base and emitter of Qp that is found in the LS1TL NANO gate of Figure 8.8. (a) Find the average power dissipated in this gate. Use V1i1o(FA) = 0.7 V, V1,io(HARD) = 0.8 V, Vc 1(HARD) = 0.5 V, Vw(RS) = 0.3 V, Vl)(ON) = 0.7 V, and V51 m(ON) = 0.3 V. (b) Compare with the average power dissipated for the LSTTL NANO gate obtained in Example 8.5. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated in the TTL OR gate obtained in Problem 10.21. Sketch the VfC for the LSTTL OR gate of Figure P10.22. Use Vn 1JFA) = 0.7 V, Vn 1JSAT) = 0.8 V, Vc: 1JSAT) = 0.2 V, and V1w(RA) = 0.7 V. The low power TTL (LTTL) 54L02/74L02 NOR gate is shown in Figure Pl0.24. Note that the totem- pole output deviates from the LTTL NANO gate presented in Figure 7.8 in that the output high driver has a Darlington pair and pull-down resistor (as opposed to the standard TTL output high driver made up of a single BJT and diode). (a) Find the critical voltages and sketch the voltage transfer characteristic. (b) Find the average power dissipated in this gate for two inputs. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated in the TTL NOR gate obtained in Example 10.2. Use VidFA) = 0.7 V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, Vc 1(SAT) = 0.2 V, and VllC:(RA) = 0.7 V. 10.25 Figure Pl0.25 shows the high-speed TTL (HTTL) 54H11/74H11 three input AND gate. (a) Find the critical voltages and sketch the voltage transfer characteristic. (b) Find the average power dissipated in this gate. (c) Compare with the average power dissipated in the TTL AND gate obtained in Problem 10.4. Use Vn 1 (FA) = 0.7 V, VmJSAT) = 0.8 V, Vu(SAT) = 0.2 V, and Vnc(RA) = 0.7 V. 10.26 The 5427/7427 is a three input standard TTL NOR gate. Referring to the two input TTL NOR gate of Figure 10.3, draw the three input gate. Include resistor values. 152 Chapter 1()/0thcr TI'L Gates Vru,. C>········,·····························k,l··············'································ •··i·································· FIGURE P10.22 54LS 2/74LS32 LSTTL OR Gate 20k-'l VmA' ,.......... ,.............., i Ro~12W < FIGURE P10.24 54L02/74L02 LTTL NOR Gate Chapter 10 Problems Vcc":_,5V \.,/ FIGURE Pl0.25 54H11/74H11 HTIL Three-input AND Gate R,:,, Vmc'~~ VIND f"\ 'llco )---t-----1 -:- -:- FIGURE P10.30 54S51/74S51 STIL AND-OR-invert Gate 500 153 154 Chapter 10/Other TTL Gates 10.27 The 54LS27/74LS27 is a three input LSTTL NOR gate. Referring to the two input LSTTL NOR gate of Figure Pl0.15, draw the three input gate. Include resistor values. 10.28 How arc TTL NOR gates modified to realize complex AND-OR-invert logic functions? 10.29 How are TTL OR gates modified to realize complex AND-OR logic functions 7 10.30 The 54S51/74S51 STTL AND-OR-invert gate is shown in Figure Pl0.30. Verify that this gate performs the logical function 10.32 The 5454/7454 standard TTL AND-OR-invert gate is an eight input gate that performs the logical function VouT = AB Referring to the four input TTL AOI circuit of Figure 10.5, draw the eight input gate. Include resistor values. 10.33 The 54LS54/74LS54 LSTTL AND-OR-invert gate is a ten input gate that performs the logical function Vmrr = AB Vin1T 10.31 + COE + FGJ-l + If = AB + CD The 54LS51/74LS51 LSTTL AND-OR-invert gate is shown in Figure Pl0.31. Verify that this gate performs the logical function Referring to the four input LSTTL AOI circuit of Figure Pl0.31, draw the ten input gate. Include resistor values. Vour =AB+ CD -:- FIGURE 10.31 + CD+ EF + GI-! 54LS51/74LS51 LSITL AND-OR-invert Gate LOGIC Another bipolar logic family is E111itter-Co11pled Logic (ECL), which gets its name from a multi-transistor emitter-coupled configuration. The emitter-coupled configuration that is the basis of ECL is a current switch analogous to an analog difference amplifier. Output inverting BJTs are not used in ECL digital circuits. The BJTs in ECL circuits therefore avoid the saturation region of operation, operating only in the forward-active and cutoff regions. However, unlike Schottky TTL sub-families, ECL transistors are nonSchottky-clamped BJTs. Since ECL transistors are non-saturating, additional circuitry for internal pullup (base-driving) and pull-down (discharge paths) is not needed, thus reducing circuit design requirements. The design improvements in ECL over TTL subfamilies result in an improved fan-out and the fastest switching time of commercially available digital circuits. Typical propagation delay times are on the order of 1 ns, allowing for clock frequencies up to 1 GHz. 11,is improved performance is achieved at the expense of the highest power dissipation of all logic families, typically 25 mW per gate. As will be seen, ECL has a smaller logic swing than TTL sub-families. The smaller logic swing along with the use of the emitter-coupled pair, which results in a constant current source and the avoidance of a totem-pole output, eliminate current spikes inherent in TTL and results in a lower susceptibility to noise. This chapter introduces the ECL current switch, a general ECL super-circuitry block diagram, and the first commercially available ECL circuit, the MECL I, developed by Motorola and commercially introduced in 1962. The MECL I circuit has a 8 ns propagation 155 delay and flip flops constructed from MECL I circuits toggle at a rate of 30 MHz. 11.1 BJT CURRENT SWITCH Figure 11.1 shows the ideal BJT current switch. The input is at the base of Q 1, with the base of QR held at a constant reference voltage VBll· The coupledemitters are ideally connected to a constant current source IEE· An early ECL implementation is shown in Figure 11.2a, where a resistor RE is connected between the coupled-emitters and -VEE· The current IRE is then given by I RE _ VE - (-VEE) RE - where VE is the voltage at the coupled-emitters. Outputs are taken at the collectors of QI and Qiv giving both an inverting and non-inverting output: VINv = Ve,1 = Vee - lc,1Re1 and The states of the inverting and non-inverting outputs are determined by whether the input voltage VIN is less than or greater than the reference voltage VIm• If VIN is less than V 88 (input low state), the inverting output VNOT is in the output high state and the non-inverting output VNINV is in the output low state. If VIN is greater than V BB (input high state) then VNOT is low and VNINv is high. The states of the input and outputs are tabulated in Table 11.1. 156 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) TABLE 11.1 States of Input and Outputs for ECL Current Switch f Input Input State Inverting Output State Non-Inverting Output State V1~ < Vim V1~ > Vim Low High High Low Low High 11.2 ECL CURRENT SWITCH VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC The logical NOT function for the inverting output will now be justified. The basic ECL inverter of Figure 11.2a is considered throughout this section. Output High Voltage FIGURE 11.1 Basic ECL Current Switch = Vott With V1~ < V1m, Q 1 is off and QR is in the forwardactive region of operation. The current IRE therefore flows entirely through QR· This can be verified by solving for VHE,I· With QR forward active, the voltage of the coupled-emitters is Vr = VaB - VBu,(ECL) VNINV Q(SAT) Yaa (a) FIGURE 11.2 Resistor ECL Current Switch: (a) Circuit, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic (b) 11.2 Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Special mention should be made of the VBE(FA) magnitude used for ECL circuits. ECL BJTs are physically smaller than the BJTs used in the TTL sub-families. This leads to a larger baseemitter turn-on voltage. Experimental observation suggests using = 0.75 V VLllJECL) Since ECL circuits are designed to avoid operation of the BJTs in the saturation region, this value ofV13 E = V8 E(ECL) will be used throughout ECL circuit analyses in this and the following chapters for all active ECL BJTs. ECL Current Switch Voltage Transfer Characteristic 157 Input Low and High Voltages = V1L and Vrn For V1r-.: slightly less than V,rn, Q, is forward active, but not conducting as heavily as QR· For V,N slightly greater than V,m, QR is still on but not conducting as heavily as Q,. Furthermore, the transition width between V11 . and V,H is very narrow. Experimentally, the transition width is found to be approximately Vnv = 0.1 V and centered about V1N = Vm,· Therefore, the input low voltage, where Q1 turns on, and the input high voltage, where QR becomes cutoff, are defined as ViL = Viw - 0.05 V Vi11 = VBB + 0.05 V and Output Low Voltage = VoL and VBE,l = VIN - VE = VIN - Viw + Vm(ECL) Since V,N < V88, we have VBE,l = VIN - Vaa Thus, for V11': Ic, 1 = 0 and = low, VINv + VBc(ECL) < ViiE(ECL) As V1N is increased beyond V1L, Q1begins to conduct and V1Nv = Vee - Ic, 1Rc 1 begins to decrease. When V1N is increased beyond V1m, the coupled-emitter voltage is Q1 is cutoff. With Q, cutoff, = Vee= Vo11 Threshold Voltage =V TH When V1N = V138, Q, and QR are both active. The current IRE is therefore shared by both Q1 and QR. Assuming the base currents are negligible (i.e. f3F >> 1), Thus, raising V,N, raises Ve accordingly. However, the base of QR is fixed at V8 ,R = V86 . Thus, raising V1N by 0.05 V beyond Vsll decreases VBE,R sufficiently to cutoff QR· The input at which QR enters cutoff is defined as V1N = V111 and the output corresponding to V111 is Vm. Since QR no longer conducts collector current at this point, the input transistor collector current Iu is given by lc,1 = IRr = VE - (-VFF) R ·· E VIN - Vi1E,1(ECL) and the inverting output is VINv = V cc - IRE 2 RCI = V n 1 = V1w As will be seen, with proper choice of RCJ, Rm, and v,lB, the output voltage at the inverting output is That is, the output is also equal to V1m. Va Re Substituting the expression for Ic, 1 into the inverting output expression given by RE, for v,N = ViNvW1N = Vaa) = Vea + yields 158 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) where V1N = V 111 was substituted. Thus, the output low voltage is dependent on the ratio Rei/RE as well as Yee and VEE· Solution The critical points are found by substituting directly into the expressions derived in this section to obtain V0/1 = 5 V VIL = (2.6) - 0.05 = 2.55 V Voltage Transfer Characteristic Beyond Vm V111 = 2.6 When V1N is increased beyond V1H, the collector current Ic, 1 is still given by Ic 1 , + 0.05 = 2.65 V (lk) Vex = (5) - (lk) [(2.65) - (0.75) + (0)] VIN - ViidECL) + Vi:£ = ---.:..:..:____.c.c::....c_---'------'= = 3.10 V Rr tili /'1 1;\ (5) + (0.6) + and the output decreases linearly with V,N as follows: 1 VINv = Vee [(0.8) - (0)] (lk) + (lk) = 3.2 V Q, will eventually saturate with further increasing of Vi,w(V1N = Vs) = (3.2) - (0.6) = 2.6 V v,N- Beyond this point VINv = VIN - VHc(SA T) and the output increases with further increases of the input. Simultaneously solving the two preceding output voltage expressions [and replacing V1dECL) with VfdSAT)] yields the input voltage at which Q, saturates, V1N = V5 as The corresponding output can be found by substituting V1N = Vs into either of the above output expressions. Note, however, that the region of operation where QR saturates is generally avoided. Figure 11.2b shows the voltage transfer characteristics of the ECL current switch in Figure 11.2a. The following example calculates the critical voltages. The non-inverting output voltage transfer characteristic is also included in Figure 11.2b. Note that Y:--: 1:--:v does not drop below VO1., since QR does not operate in saturation. The more ideal output ofVN,NV results because the base of QR is limited to (held at) V,m, and QR is not driven hard enough for Y:--:,Nv to drop below Vm. The determination of the VN,NV voltage transfer characteristic critical points is left to the reader (see Problem 11.8). 11.3 ECL SUPER-CIRCUITRY Now that the operation of the current switch has been explained, the ECL super-circuitry required for optimum operation will be discussed. Figure 11.3 shows a block diagram of the ECL super-circuitry. The individual portions are explained in the following sub-sections. Current Switch Example 11.1 EGL Current Switch Voltage Transfer Curve Hie operation of the basic current switch is identical to that explained in the previous section. Determine the critical points for the VTC of V1Nv for the ECL current switch of Figure 11.2a. Let Vcc = 5 V, -VEE= GND = 0, Y88 = 2.6 V, and Rc 1 =Ro:= RE = 1 kD. Also, use VBE(ECL) = 0.75 V and V 1ic(SAT) = 0.6 V. Multiple Inputs Multiple inputs are accommodated by the use of additional input transistors with coupled collectors and coupled-emitters. Additional inputs will realize a 1H f I VINA VIND v!Nk .. I Current Switch Reference Voltage Network v•• . 159 NonInverting Output Buffer Inverting Output Buffer VNOR Basic ECL NOR/OR Gate ) FIGURE 11.3 ECL Super Circuitry Block Diagram NOR function at the inverting output and an OR function at the non-inverting output. This is the topic of the following section. Reference Voltage Network In the earlier (now obsolete) versions of ECL, the reference voltage Vrm was simply supplied by an additional voltage source. However, these gates were quite temperature-dependent, and exhibited extremely poor performance with temperature variations. A temperature-compensating voltage reference network was designed to eliminate this problem. As will be seen in section 11.5, the temperature compensating reference voltage V,m is a function of temperature and varies with the same temperature dependence of the current switch, providing an exceptionally stable temperature response. isolates the connected gates at the output from the driving gates and provides very high fan-out. 11.4 BASIC ECL NOR/OR GATE By adding additional input transistors with coupled collectors and coupled emitters to the ECL current switch, as in Figure 11.4, the inverting output becomes a NOR output and the non-inverting output V NOR ' >-~---------< Output Buffers The outputs of the ECL current switch cannot efficiently drive even a few load gates. This is because the current IoH available in the output high state cannot meet the ln 1 needed by any load gates. This problem is overcome by using emitter follower buffers as output stages for the ECL current switch. The emitter followers provide current amplification and have the additional advantage of low output impedance. This FIGURE 11.4 Basic ECL NOR/OR Gate 160 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) becomes an OR output. This is easily verified. Because RCJ is connected to the coupled collectors of all input transistors, if any input transistor is active, the corresponding collector current flows through Rei, and VNoR is low. Hence, VNoR is high only if all in- puts are low, cutting off all input transistors, which satisfies the NOR logic table. For the OR output, if any input is high, IRE will be supplied from the input side of the current switch, cutting off QR· with Ic,R = 0, VoR is high. Ra 3000 -1.175V +IRE ·a----- ---3 RBJ 1.24ill 3 2 3 -VFJ',=-5.2 V (a) VNOR. VoR(V) v•• = -1.175 -1.5 -1.0 Vs= -0.29 -0.5 • ---+'------+•--------- ► VIN (V) -0.5 INA INB V NOR VNOR -------vOH = -0,76 ,~r-, OR 1 : f- --1.0 -----------j------v•• = -1.175 -1.5 -.0.1 (b) vi (c) FIGURE 11.5 MECL I with Output Buffers: (a) Circuit, (b) Circuit symbol showing complementaiy outputs, (c) Voltage transfer characteristic 11.5 Thus, this gate realizes both the logical NOR and OR functions and The ECL logic family provides the logical NOR and OR operations MECL l NOR/OR Gate with Output Buffers 161 TABLE 11.2 Purpose of Each Element for MECL I Gate Element Qin 11.5 MECL I NOR/OR GATE WITH OUTPUT BUFFERS QR As mentioned previously, output buffers are connected to the current switch to improve fan-out and provide isolation from load gates. Figure 11.5a shows the first ECL gate (in its NOR/OR form) to use output buffers, called MECL I, for Motorola ECL I. The resistors RDN (NOR side) and R00 (OR side) are included to provide resistive loads for the emitter followers and passive pull down of the outputs. The circuit symbol for this ECL gate with dual outputs is shown in Figure 11.Sb. Since the outputs are the logical inverse of each other, they are referred to as complementary outputs. The emitter followers (Q 8N and QBO) are used for the output buffers and provide several advantages. First, the emitter follower configuration naturally provides a large sourcing current to a load with a low output impedance. This gives ECL gates their large driving capabilities and superior fan-out relative to other logic families. More importantly, the large driving currents contribute exceptional switching capabilities. Also, the emitter follower provides a voltage level shift between the BJT current switch outputs and the NOR/OR gate outputs in the fashion discussed in section 4.4 by introducing one baseemitter drop V8 E(ECL). This places the output voltage swing in a range compatible with the input voltage swing. Unfortunately, the emitter followers also contribute a few disadvantages. The decreased switching times are accompanied by large current spikes in the emitter followers, causing voltage spikes at the corresponding collectors. As will be seen in the following chapters, this problem is compensated for by isolating the Vcc and VEE voltage supplies of the emitter followers from the rest of the circuit. The MECL I circuit configuration also shows unbalanced collector resistors Rei and Rm. This is because if more than one input transistor is on, the current through Rc: 1 is greater in magnitude than the current through Rm if QR is on. Hence, using a smaller resistor for Rc 1 results in a VNOR for output low approximately the same as that for Yew• Rm RCI RE QRN QBO RD:--: Rno Purpose h Input BJT for n' input, input side of emittercoupled pair Reference voltage BJT, reference side of emitter-coupled pair Input side current switch collector resistor, balances NOR side of circuit with OR side Reference side current switch collector resistor IRE sourcing current resistance NOR output BJT, buffered output OR output BJT, buffer output NOR output passive pull-down OR output passive pull-down Table 11.2 tabulates the purpose of each elen1ent used in designing the MECL I circuit. Vee= Ground and -VEE= -5.2 V Most notable are the magnitudes of the voltage sources. Vcc is at ground and -VEE has the peculiar value -5.2 V, while V88 is -1.175 V. These values are used in consideration of the design of the tern perature compensating network of the following chapter. The reason the top of the circuit is at ground is because the collector currents of the output buffers vary widely, while the current-switch emitter current IRE is fairly constant. Since ground voltage is more stable then a power supply voltage, that is d(GND) d(Vn:) dV dV --'----'- << - holding the top of the ECL circuit at ground and the bottom of the circuit at a negative voltage less than ground provides less ringing and less noise. Table 11.3 lists the states of each BJT for the output high and low states. TABLE 11.3 States of BJTs for Output High and Low Logic Levels for a MECL I Gate Element VNoR(OH) VNoR(OL) Qin QR QBN Quo Cutoff Forward active Forward active Forward active Forward active Cutoff Forward active Forward active 162 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) 11.6 MECL I VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC lc, 1 is then found by following dashed path 3 (neglecting l1w:·J yielding VrN - Vau(ECL) + VEE The voltage transfer characteristic for the MECL I NOR output is obtained in this section. = VoH Output High Voltage With all inputs of the MECL I circuit of Figure 11.5a low, all Q 1 are cutoff. The V NOR output voltage is written by following dashed path 1 giving VNOi, = -Irl,lwRcr - VHE,l!N(ECL) To obtain V0 L for the inverter, realizing that it is symmetrically located about Vmi, we use V1N = ViH• Substituting the expression for Ic, 1 into the expression for V:-,.:oR with V1N = V11-l and V:-,.:oR = V01 _ yields Vor_ -__ V111 - ViiE(ECL) Re + Vff R _ V (ECL) cr BE VNOR Saturation Region Realizing that The input voltage at which Q1 goes into saturation is the same as found in section 11.2 with Vee= GND the base current of Q11 N is written by following dashed path 2 to obtain l 1-r =I rr=--c, ., RE- - - - - = 0, Hence, - Vi:c - ViiE,llN(ECL) H,llN - Rcr + (f3r + l)RoN Substituting IB,BN into the expression for VNoR yields the output high voltage VOii = - VEE - VBE:(ECL) Rcr - VaE(ECL) Rcr + (f3r + l)RoN Note that the first term in this equation is often negligible. Input Low and High Voltages =V 1L In section 11.2, it was mentioned that the transition width for the BJT current switch is very narrow, approximately 0.1 V. The input low and high voltages were also indicated to be approximately symmetric about the reference voltage V1313 • This is also the case for the MECL I NOR/OR circuit. That is, V11 _ = V 88 - VnH Output Low Voltage + Determine the logic swing, high and low noise margins, and noise immunities for the MECL I circuit of Figure 11.Sa. Also, calculate V5 using V8 c(SAT) = 0.6 V. Use /3r = 49, VB1:(FA) = 0.75 V, V8 c(SAT) = 0.6V, and Vm(SAT) = 0.8 V. Solution (Critical Voltages) First, the critical voltages are calculated from the expression derived in this section: (5.2) - (O. 75) Vo11 = - (270) + [(49) + 1](2k) (270) - (0.75) 0.05 V and Vr11 = Example 11.2 MECL I Critical Voltages and Noise Margins 0.05 V = VoL If any input is high, the corresponding input BJT is forward active. The collector current of this input BJT then dominates the current through Rei, i.e. IB,BN << Ic, 1, The V NOR output voltage is obtained by again following dashed path 1, where V NOR = - lcrRcr - Viiuw(ECL) -0.76 V V11_ = (-1.175) - (0.05) = -1.225 Vr11 = -1.175 + 0.05 = -1.125 V = _ (-0.76) - (0.75) + (5.2) (270) _ (0_ 75) (1,24k) OL = -1.55 V (~~;~i) [ (0.6) + (0.8) - (5.2) l Vs=---------l + (270) (1.24k) = -0.29 V 11.7 Note that the resistor values for Rc 1, R1., and RDN position Vm 1 and V0 L approximately symmetric about the reference voltage V1m = -1.175 V at each output. Solution (Logic Swing) iv!ECL I 163 fan-l)Ut The maximum fan-out of an ECL gate is therefore dependent upon the output high state of the driving gate. Hence, TI.e logic swing is cal- culated from V1.s = Vc)H - Vc)L = (-0.76) - (-1.55) = 0.79 V Solution (Noise Margins) The high and low noise margins are then calculated from VNM/1 = Vo11 - V111 = (-0.76) - (-1.125) Your = 0.365 V VNML = Figure 11.6 shows a MECL I NOR emitterfollower output buffer connected to the inputs of identical MECL I gates. All circuit elements and parameters for the load gates are distinguished with a prime. Only the current switch portion of the load gates are shown, since that is all that is needed for fan-out analysis. For the determination of fan-out, VIL - V01 = (-1.225) - (-1.55) = 0.325 V These noise margins appear to be relatively low compared to TTL logic circuits but arc acceptable for ECL circuits. This is because of ECL's small logic swing. Solution (Noise Immunities) Noting that Ytvt = Yrm, the noise immunities for the MECL I circuit are = v;N V Yo!-1· Input High Current = Im Examining Figure 11.6, the input high current is seen to be The current I{,i: in the load gate is , _ 1/ff - (-0.76) - (-1.175) (0.79) = 0.53 = v~ - v; (-Vi£)_ R' - v;E + R' r: [ and the voltage at the common emitters of the load gate current switch is and (-1.175) (-1.55) (0. 79) v; = v; ,\' - VnE,/(ECL) = VilE(ECL) vll// - Backward substitution yields the magnitude of = 0.475 V Output High Current liH• = Iott The output high current is Figure 11.5c shows the VfC of the MECL I circuit with Vcc at ground and -YEE at the negative voltage -5.2 V. The VfC takes the same form as that for the basic BJT current switch and appears entirely in the third quadrant, since both input and output voltages are negative. Verification of the Yem voltage transfer characteristic, which is also shown, is left as a homework exercise. Io11 = Ir:,nN(FA) - l1wN The current through the resistor I RON RDN is _ Von - (-VEE)_ Vo11 + VEL - - RoN RnN The forward active current through QBN is h,1w(FA) = (/3F + 1)1/l,llN 11.7 Following dashed path 1 in Figure 11.6, the base current of QBN is MECL I FAN-OUT For ECL gates, no current flows at the inverter input during the output high (input low) state. That is In = Ill,I(OJI) = In,i(OFF) = 0 I _ I ll,BN - _ - Vou - V 8 c 1w(ECL) RC/ - R Cl Backward substitution then provides 1011 . 164 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) V'cc Vee~ '~ Ra 2700 NOR output R'a i 2700 -1.175 V ',, V B 1 R'• I 6 +r RB ~ 1.24 kn 6 -V'88 =-5.2V -V 88 =-5.2 V output buffer of driving gate current switches of N load gates FIGURE 11.6 MECL I Gate Driving N Identical Gates for Fan-out Analysis of NOR Output (Note: the NOR output is shown driving multiple loads) VoH Is a Function of Fan-Out The analysis for the maximum ECL fan-out calculation is not yet complete. When an ECL gate in the output high state drives load gates, the output high voltage decreases as more load gates are driven, that is and VoH decreases as additional gates are added. Therefore, the expression for VoH derived in section 11.6 for a non-loaded gate cannot be used directly here. This can be understood by examining Figure 11.6. Rather than the driving gate sinking current from the input of the load gate, as is the case with TTL gates, the input of the ECL load gate draws current from the output of the driving gate. When more load gates are connected to the output of the driving gate, more current is drawn from the collector of the output BJT. If the collector current of Q 8 N is increased by Alc, 8 :-.:, its base currf'nt is increased by 61 8 , 8 N =, 8 :-.://h. This lowers the voltage at the base of QB!': by 61 8, 8:-.:Rc 1 and therefore the emitter output voltage also drops by 6.18 _8 NR 0 . Hence, the maximum fan- 11.8 out for ECL is calculated using a value of Vrn 1 slightly lower than that found for the non-loaded gate. Quite often this value is based upon the minimum tolerable high noise margin= Vr--:MH· Example 11.3 MECL I Fan-Out Calculate the maximum fan-out for the MECL 1 gate of Figure 11.Sa. Use the values of /3F = 49 and VdECL) = 0.75 V specified in Example 11.2. Assume that the load gates have reduced Voll of the driving gate from -0.76 V to -0.79 V. MECL I hiwcr Dissipation 165 NOR Output High Current Supplied = IEE (NOH) & Inn (NOH) For the NOR output high state in Figure 11.5a, all input BJTs are cutoff and QR is forward active. The current through RE therefore comes from the emitter of Q 1, and is given by The currents through the output buffer pull-down resistors are Solution (Input High Current) Substituting into the derived equations yields Vi= (-0.79) - (0.75) = -1.54 V (-1.54) + (5.2) (l_ 24 k) = 2.95 mA If,t: = I' = (2.95m) = 59 .. Ll (49) + 1 Ill ,-,.,.,, Solution (Output High Current) l1wN IB,BN and (-0. 79) + (5.2) ( k) = 2.205 mA 2 -(-0.79) - (0.75) = 270 = 148 µA The total current sinked by -VEE for the NOR output high state is then the sum = Iuw = [(49) + 1](148µ,) = 7.4 mA l0 u = (7.4m) - (2.2111) = 5.2 mA Solution (Maximum Fan-Out) N ? (5.2111) (59.4µ,) NOR Output Low Current Supplied = IEdNOL) & Inn(NOL) For the NOR output low state, at least one of the input BJTs is forward active (V1N = V01-1) and QR is cutoff. The current through RE is therefore = 87.5 Hence, the maximum fan-out for this gate is 87. The currents through the output buffer pull-down resistors are 11.8 MECL I POWER DISSIPATION For the analysis of this section, the notation NOH and NOL are used to denote the NOR output high and NOR output low voltages, respectively. To determine the average power dissipated in the MECL I gate of Figure 11.5a, we determine the sum of all currents sinked by -VEE for both the NOR output high [IE1-:(NOH)] and low [IEE(NOL)] states. However, the power supplied by V1m is negligible in comparison. From these we determine the average current supplied and multiply by -VEE· and The total current sinked by -VEE for the NOR output low state is then the sum 166 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) Average Power Dissipated = PEdavg) Solution (NOR Output Low Currents) The NOR output low currents are The average power dissipated is then obtained by substituting into PEc(avg) __ lr:E(NQH) + h;r:(NQL) 2 Example 11.4 Ve•[ ,_ = 2.98 mA MECL I Power Dissipation IRno(NOL) (-0.76) + (5.2) = .A 222 ( k) · 111 2 IRm,(NOH) = (-1.55) + (5.2) ( k) = 1.825 mA 2 IEE(NOH) ( 2 + (5.2) k) = 1.825 mA (-0.76) + (5.2) ( k) = 2.22 mA 2 = frE(t-JOL) - (2.981/l) + (1.825111) + (2.2211l) = 7.035 mA Solution (Average Power Dissipated) The average power dissipated is then PEE (avg) = = 2.64 mA = (-1.55) lm-JNOL) = Find the average power dissipated in the MECL I gate of Figure 11.Sa. Use VBE(ECL) = 0.75 V. Solution (NOR Output High Currents) Direct substitution of the element vaiues in Figure 11.5a into the expressions derived in this section yields the average power dissipated. The NOR output high currents are (-1.175) - (0.75) + (5.2) (1.24k) l1mo(NOH) + (5.2) (-0.76) - (0. 75) (1.24k) lRr(NOL) ::::: (6.685111) + (7.035111) ( ) . 5.2 2 = 35.6 mW In the analysis of this section and in the previous example, it was assumed that V01-1 and VoL were the same for the NOR and OR outputs. This is not exactly the case, since Rc 1 is slightly less than Rm. A = (2.64m) + (2.22111) + (1.825111) = 6.685 mA - -~n32 ~ VCC"io DC OV I RCI t2700HM RCR ,300OHM QBN 2 9 2 5 VNoR 0--- 3 v2 QBO I n~ QIB n+r:--~,QIA 10 :::Is ---0 VoR 7 7 RON ~INBn-To 3 VINA- VBBtDC1~ RE ~ 1.24KOHM l ·:1:~ -.--~;;,7------~}I ~·KOHM\ ,a 2KOHMIL8 _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ I n+l a VEEf DC5.2V FIGURE 11.7 MECL I NOR/OR Gate with Appropriate SPICE Labelings 11.Y more accurate calculation would require accounting for the difference in output critical voltages. 11.9 MECL I SPICE SIMULATION Figure 11.7 shows a MECL I NOR/OR gate with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: MECL I SPICE Simulation 167 MECL I NOR/OR Gate ,OPTIONS NOMOD NOECHO NOPAGE VCC 1 D DC DV VEE D 8 DC 5-2V VBB 6 D DC -1,175V VINA 5 D DC -5,2V PULSE(-1,SV + - □ .7V OS OS OS 2SNS SONS) VINB 4 0 DC -5,2V PULSE(-1,SV + - □ .7V OS OS OS SONS 1DDNS) VJNA(V) V NOR(V) A. -1.75 -LS -1._25 -L0-0._75 - 0 ~ - ~ - - ~ m (V) +-0.2 t:~: · -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 t-1.6 t-1.8 V0 .(V) l ~-__,1.f--1s_-__,1_.s_-1_.2_s_-_,_1._o_-o-+--.1_s_-o_.s_-_o.+-2_s--1---------v!N (V) -0.2 -0.4 0 f-----1-------'__J- ----+------+------1--1-------1-~ ► t(ns) -0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50 -0,75.,-.-....... -1.00 -1.25 -1.50 VINB(V) 0 _,______,_____,_____,_ ·--'--~---'---~---+------+---'---"- t(ns) -0.25- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50 -0.75------1.00 -1.25 -1.50 0 --1------1-----1 ---+------'----+-----4-~'---_j________,________j_______.., t(ns) -0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50 -0.75 -1.00 -1.25 7\ -1.50 ___u,..__ _ _ _ _ _---1 -0.6 I -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 (a) FIGURE 11.8 Results of Section 11.9 MECL I SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristics from .DC V0 .(V) 0 --1-----+----+-~~--+-------'-'---+-----l----1--_________. t(ns) -0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50 -0.75-L,----------. -1.00 -1.25- -1.50- (b) sweep, (b) Transient response verifying NOR and OR logical operations from .TRAN sweep 168 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) RCI 1 2 270◊HM RCR 1 3 3000HM RE 7 8 1-24KOHM RDN 9 8 2KOHM RD◊ 10 8 2KOHM QIB 2 4 7 QNPN QIA 2 5 7 QNPN QR 3 6 7 QNPN QBN 1 2 9 QNPN QB◊ 1 3 10 QNPN - MODEL QNPN NPN(IS=1E - 14 BF=49 + BR=D-2 VA=80 TF=D-45NS + TR=SNS CCS=1PFD CJE=1-6PFD CJC=O-SPFD RB=13 RC=b-2) -DC VINA -1-75V OV 0-01V -PLOT DC VE(QBN) VE(QBO) -TRAN 1 □ PS 1DONS -PLOT TRAN V(VINA) V(VINB) + VE(QBN) VE(QBO) -END + Note that VI N A and V 1N 8 have DC default values of -5.2 V to hold them low. This is because the default DC value for a voltage source with no DC specificati on is ground (O V) . The VTC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figure 11 .8a and b. CHAPTER11PROBLEMS 11.1 Determine the critical voltages for the non-inverting output of the ideal ECL current switch of Figure P11.1 and sketch the corresponding VTC. Use Re,1 = Rc,R = 1 kD, and IEE = 3 mA. 11.5 Repeat Problem 11.3 for the ideal ECL current switch of Problem 11.4. 11.6 Repeat Problem 11.2 for Vee = 0 V, V,m = -2.5 V, Re, = 1.9 k.O, Rm = 2 kfl, and IEE = 1 .145 mA. Use V~ 1,(ECL) = 0.75 V. 11.7 Repeat Problem 11 .3 for the ideal ECL current switch of Problem 11.6. 11.8 Determine the critical voltages for the non-inverting output of the ECL current switch of Figure Pll.8 and sketch the corresponding VTC. Vcc=SV 1 ill Ra v!NV VNINV v•• ·- - 0 V• o - ~ --,------, 2V Rei 1 ill Ra VINV VIN o--~ -Vil!! =-5V 1 ill VNINV Q. ~l V 88 =0 FIGURE Pll.1 11.2 Determine the critical voltages VcJH, Vrn , V,L, V,H, and V5 for the inverting output of the ideal ECL current switch of Figure P11.1. Use V81 (ECL) = 0. 75 V. Sketch the VTC. 11.3 For the ideal ECL current switch of Figure Pll .1, is the output voltage swing centered about the reference voltage V81i? 11.4 Repeat Problem 11.2 for Re, = 500 n, Rm = 500 = 7.5 mA. Use VsE(ECL) = 0.75 V. n, and IEE FIGURE Pll.8 11.9 Determine the critical voltages VoH, V0 1_, V1L, V,H, and V5 for the inverting output of the ECL current 169 Chapter 11 Problems 1-Ra 1 ,__----~--- VNOR 290Q ------------< O ·-- -VrIB = -5.2 V FIGURE P11.13 switch of Figure P11.8. Use VnE (ECL) = 0.75 V. Sketch the VTC. 11.10 What value of RE will center the output voltage swing about the reference voltage for the ECL current switch of Figure P11.8 7 11.11 Repeat Problem 11.9 using Vee = 0 V, -VEE = -5.2 V, Vsn = -2.3 V, Ru= Rm= 800 n, and RE = 1.5 kfl. Use VBE(ECL) = 0. 75 V. 11.12 Repeat Problem 11.9 using Vee = 0 V, -VEt' = -5.2 V, V,m = -1.175 V, Rn= Rm= 1.2 kD, and RE= 3 kn. Use Vm(ECL) = 0.75 V. 11.13 Determine the voltage transfer characteristic VNoR versus V,,\ for the ECL gate of Figure P11.13 and treat all other inputs as low. Use VHdECL) = 0.75 V. Neglect the base current of the emitter follower. 11.14 the text. Draw the voltage transfer characteristic using the solution of Problem 11.15. 11.17 Determine the fan-out for the ECL gate of Figure P11.15 and assume that the high-level noise margin is 0.2 V. For consistent answers, use Vu 1 = -1.1 V. For the ECL OR gate of Figure Pl 1.15, determine the values Vrn 1 and Vm, Include the emitter follower base current and use V11 dECL) = 0.75 V and /3, = 50. 11.16 For the gate of Problem 11.15, determine Vu, and V,L using the approximate technique developed in 245 n <Ji.a For the ECL NOR/OR gate of Problem 11.13 with RE = 2 kf!, determine the voltage transfer characteristic for VRti = -1.175 V. Use VB 1,(ECL) = 0.75 V. Additionally, include the base current of the emitter followers for the high level of VNoR and VoR• Use f3F = 50. 11.15 t Rm Q, ~ ~ VaR v,. ------0 -----0 -1.3 V __J Roo RB 780Q -VrIB=-5.2 V FIGURE P11.15 21ill 170 Chapter 11/Basic Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) 11.18 For the circuit of Figure Pl 1.18, determine V, ,11 and Vu 1, corresponding to V111 = -0. 7 V and V11 _ = -2 V. Use VBE(ECL) = 0.75 V and f3F = 50. 11.19 Ycc=5V ,-~ II Determine the fan-out of the ECL NOR/OR gate of Problem 11.13. Assume that the load gates have reduced V0 1-1 of the driving gate from -0.75 to -0.79 V. Use f3r- = 50 and V11 dECL) = 0.75 V. 11.20 List the super-circuitiy elements that make up ECL logic gates. 11.21 Determine the fan-out of the ECL NOR/OR gate of Problem 11.14. 11.22 For the ECL gate of Figure Pll.13 determine the average power dissipated. 11.23 For the ECL NOR/OR gate of Problem 11.14, determine the average power dissipated. Use the data given in Problem 11.14. 11.24 For the ECL NOR/OR gate of Problem P11.15, determine the average power dissipated. 11.25 Repeat Problem 11.19 with V011 reducing to -0.85 V. Rei i 220.Q Ra. II I/ 0--- 3k.Q -----·- i VINA i Q. ~VBB --0 / -1.3 V ~ "-, -Vl!E = -5.2 V FIGURE Pll.18 Qo Votrr --0 COMPENSATING EMITTERCOUPLED In 1964, Motorola introduced its second commercially available ECL sub-family called the MECL II. Amongst its improvements over MECL I are propagation delays down to 4 ns with flip-flop toggling frequencies up to 70 MHz. More importantly is the inclusion of an internal bias network to replace the need for the separate V88 bias voltage source. As will be seen, this bias network was designed to compensate for temperature variations in the logic portion of the circuit. Modifications were made to some of the MECL II circuitry to provide JK flip-flop toggle frequencies of 120 MHz and D-type flip-flop toggle frequencies of 180 MHz. These gates, while a part of the MECL II sub-family, were often referred to as MECL II 1/2. 12.1 MECL II WITH TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING BIAS NETWORK example, the changes in these resistor values has the effect of lowering both V011 and V01,. Overall operation of this circuit is the same as that for the MECL I and the purpose of each element is tabulated in Table 12.1. In the following example, the critical voltages and the voltage transfer characteristic are obtained by the methods of section 11.6. Table 12.2 lists the state of each BJT for the output high and low states. Example 12.1 MECL II Voltage Transfer Characteristic Find the critical voltages (analyze the NOR output) and logic swing for the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1. Use f3F = 49, V8 E(ECL) = 0.75 V, and V8 c(SAT) = 0.6 V. Assume Vmi = -1.175 V. Solution (Output High Voltage) In order to obtain the output high voltage, the current through Rei for the output high state must first be found. Table 12.2 shows that all input BJTs are cutoff for the output high state, so the current through R0 is the base current of QflN· Following dashed path 1 of Figure 12.1 yields Figure 12.1 shows the MECL II NOR/OR gate, introduced by Motorola in 1966. This circuit contains a major improvement to the MECL I circuit of the previous chapter in that a special bias network is used to provide the V88 reference voltage so that a separate voltage source is not needed. As will be seen in the next several sections, this bias network provides a bias voltage that varies with temperature in a fashion that compensates for temperature variations in output voltages. In addition to the inclusion of the temperature compensating bias network, resistor values have been slightly modified. R0 has been raised to 290 fl, RE lowered to 1.18 kfl, and RDN and RDo have been lowered to 1.5 kfl. As will be seen in the following I - VEE - VBE,llN(ECL) ll,BN - Ro + (f3F + l)RoN (5.2) - (0. 75) (290) + [(49) + 1](1.5k) = 59 µA Following dashed path 2 of Figure 12.1 then yields Vou = - In,1wRc1 - VBl,,BN(ECL) (5.2) - (0. 75) (290) + (49 + 1)(1.5/c) (290 ) - (0, 75 ) = 171 -0.77 V 172 Chapter 12/Ternperature Compensating Emitter-Coupled Logic \ - - - - -..,,,,---. temperature compensating bias network -VEI!.::::-5.2 V FIGURE 12.1 MECL II NOR/OR Gate with Temperature Compensating Bias Network TABLE 12.1 Purpose of Each Element for MECL II Gate Purpose Element Input BJT for n input, input side of emitter-coupled pair Reference voltage BJT, reference side of emitter-coupled pair Input side current switch collector resistor, balances NOR side of circuit with OR side Reference side current switch collector resistor IRE sourcing current resistance NOR output BJT, buffered output OR output BJT, buffered output NOR output passive pull-down OR output passive pull-down Qin QR QB:S: QBO QB Element th RE QllN QBR Rl)N Rno Temperature Compensating Bias Network QB Rm 1 Du DL 2 RBL R111, TABLE 12.2 States of BJTs for Output High and Low Logic Levels for a MECL II Gate Self-biasing BJT Self biases Q8 Level-shifting diode 1 Level-shifting diode 2 Base bias resistor Emitter bias resistor VNOH Cutoff Forward Forward Forward Forward On On VNOL Forward Cutoff Forward Forward Forward On On active active active Solution (Input Low and High Voltages) As D1.1 DL2 active active active active active with the MECL I circuit of the previous chapter, the input low and high voltages for the MECL II gate are symmetric about the reference voltage V88 with a very narrow output transition (V1H - V1L = 0.1). Thus, VIL = -1.175 - 0.05 = -1.225 V V111 = -1.175 + 0.05 = -1.125 V Solution (Output Low Voltage) The output low voltage is found by assuming the input is driven by 12.2 another MECL II gate in the output high state (V1N = V0 H)- First, the current through RCI for the output low state must be obtained. Assuming the base current of Q 8 N is negligible compared to the collector current of Q1, the Rc 1 current can be obtained by following dashed path 3 of Figure 12.l and using KVL yielding fc--,1(FA) VBE,1(ECL) + VEE V OH = h,1(FA) = ------'-'--'-----RE = (-0.77) - (0.75) + (5.2) = A 31 (1.18k) . m The output low voltage is then determined by following dashed path 1 with IRc = IciFA) and using KVL yields V0 1. -lc,i(FA)Rc,1 VBE,BN(ECL) = -(3.1111)(290) - (0.75) = -1.65 V The input at which Q 1 enters saturation is obtained using the following expression derived in section 11.2: (0.6) + (290) (1.18k) DC Analysis of the Bias Network 173 Solution (Logic Swing) The logic swing is therefore VLs = VoH - VOL= (-0.77) - (-1.65) = 0.88 V The VIC for the MECL II gate with the critical voltages labeled is shown in Figure 12.2. 12.2 DC ANALYSIS OF THE BIAS NETWORK The DC analysis of the temperature compensating bias network is quite simple. Figure 12.3 shows only the bias network portion of the MECL II circuit. Following dashed path 1 of Figure 12.3 and neglecting I8 ,B, the current down the branch containing Rm-i, R8 L, and the two diodes is lo= VEE - 2Vo(ON) R1-u1 + RaL The voltage at the base of Q8 is therefore Va.TB = -InRB11 (0.75 - 5.2) -0.386 V (290) 1 + (1.18k) VNOR, V 0 /V) V00 = -1.175 Vs= -0.386 -1.5 -0.5 v•• 0- VNOR - - - - -----------i-VOH: -0,77 D1.2 -1.0 v•• = -1.175 : R~i231 k1l -1.5 VOL= -1.65 --0.1 V ~- FIGURE 12.2 MECL II NOR/OR Gate Voltage Transfer Characteristics FIGURE 12.3 Bias Network MECL II Temperature Compensating 174 Chapter 12/Temperature Compensating Emitter-Coupled Logic Hence, the reference voltage Vfrn is one V11 E(ECL) drop below the base voltage of QB or V Bil = - IDRB/1 - Vil[,B (ECL) VI:£ - 2V0 (0N) - - - - - - - RB11 RBI/+ RllL VBr(ECL) Calculate the DC voltage supplied by the bias network of the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1. Use VD = , r n----.rr \ __ n V BE\C,'--L) - r-"7r: , U. / J r V. Solution Direct substitution of the resistor values and BJT and diode junction voltages yields VBB Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Temperature Independent Expressions for V 0u and VaL for EGL Gates with Output Buffers Bias Supply DC Voltage Example 12.2 1f In the following section, the temperature-dependent expressions for Voi-1(T) and Vrn_(T) are derived in terms of the temperature independent values (calculated at room temperature). The temperature independent expressions for V0 H(T 1J and Ym(T1J are the same as those for MECL I obtained in section 11.6, and are repeated here for reference as follows: V[E - Vm(ECL) = - (5 -2) - 2 (0 ·75 ) (300) - (0.75) (300) + (2.31k) Ro + (f3r + l)RoN R ° - vllf(ECL) -1.175 V 12.3 THE NEED FOR TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION Temperature Dependence of PN Junction Forward Bias Voltage Before showing that the bias network actually provides temperature compensation, it will first be shown why temperature compensation is needed. Figure 12.4 shows the equivalent circuit used to calculate the temperature-dependence of the NOR logic half of the MECL II gate. This figure includes voltage sources labeled l'.1VpN(T) in series with the base-emitter PN junctions of the BJTs to represent the temperature dependence of the PN junction forward voltages. The temperature dependence of a silicon PN junction forward voltage is measured as L1 VPN(T) = (-2 1 :;) X T Note that for each °C rise in temperature, duces by 2 mV. ~ VPN re- Temperature Dependent Output High Voltage = VoH(T) Considering Figure 12.4, for V1N =" low, Q1 is cutoff and the output high voltage is found by following dashed path 1 yielding V,wm(T) = -Ii,.1w(T)Rc, - Vauw(ECL) - ~ VPN(T) -VP£ =-5.2 V FIGURE 12.4 Output Stage Temperature Dependent MECL II 12.3 where the subscript NOH represents NOR output high. The base current IB.BN(T) is found by KVL along dashed path 2 (T) _ Vu: - VBr..BN(ECL) 6. vl'N(T) 1 B,BN RC/ + (f3r + l)RoN vEE - Comparing this expression to the temperature-independent expression of VcJH(T,J given in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box, it is seen that VNoH(T) can be expressed in terms of Vor 1(T,J as follows: VNo1-1(T) = Vo11(T1,) - 1] Thus, the change in VoH due to temperature variation is = LiVrN(T)[ RC/ RC/ + (/3r + l)RoN = - Li V1w(T) + l)RoN + (/3r + l)R1JN (/3r RCI Since RDN is usually more than three time RCI, for any reasonable ECL /3, this expression can be approximated by Temperature Dependent Output Low Voltage= V0 dT) = Again, considering Figure 12.4, for V,N high, Q, is forward active and VNoR = VNm is found by following dashed path 1 with the current through Re,, dominated by ICJ, Using KVL, we have VNOL (T) = - I c,/T) RC/ - VBE,BN (T) - Li VrN (T) The collector current of Q, is obtained by following dashed path 3 of Figure 12.4 yielding I L,-1 = 11·., I = VE - (-Vu:) -=-RE- ' - - - ViN(T) - VBr.,1(ECL) - Li VPN(T) + VE[ RE VNoL(T) = _ V 1N(T) - V 8 E,1(ECL) - Li VrN(T) + VEER ct Assuming that this gate is driven by an identical MECL II gate in the output high state and substituting v,N(T) = VNoH(T) = Vrn,(T,J + LiVNoH(T) = Vm1(TR) - Li v,,N(T) yields VN01(T) - VBE,BN(ECL) - 6. VrN(T) _c__c__ _ _ Backward substitution yields - Vm:,1w(T) - Li Viw(T) vBE.BN(ECL) - 6. vl'N(T) R RC/ + (f3r + l)RoN CI + Li Viw(T) _ _ _RC/ [ RC/ + (/3r + l)RoN 175 Re Backwards substitution yields a temperature dependent expression for the output high voltage _ The Need for Temperature Compensation = Vw1(TR) - LiViw(T) - VBr., 1(ECL) - LiVrN(T) R[IRCI + - VBE,llN(T) - Li VpN(T) As with the output high voltage, an expression for VNm(T) in terms of VNm(T1J is obtained as VNOL (T) = VNOL (T1,) + Li VPN(T) ( 2 RC/ Rr: - 1 ) This expression shows that a change in VNoL due to temperature variation is given by Li V NOL (T) = Li VrN(T) (2 Rei RE - 1 ) Problem Associated with Temperature Variation of V0 ,!T) and V0 dT) The problem that results because of the temperature variation in VoH and Vm is that the output voltage swing will no longer be centered about the reference voltage VHB· The deviation of the average voltage output due to temperature variation is Li V (T) ( ) _ Li VNot r(T) NOR avg - + Li VNOL (T) 2 and by substitution, we have Li VNoR(T)(avg) = Li VPN(T) (Re. - 1) RE As was seen in the previous chapter, the magnitudes of the emitter-coupled pair collector resistors and Rr. arc specifically chosen so that VcJH and Vm are symmetric about V88 . Hence, if the output critical voltages vary with temperature, then the output voltage swing will no longer exhibit the desired reference voltage symmetry. To accommodate for the output voltage temperature variance, a bias network that also changes with Vff 176 Chapter 12/Temperature Compensating Emitter-Coupled Logic temperature is necessary. The next section demonstrates that the ten,perature compensating bias network introduced with the MECL II circuit provides the exact temperature compensation needed. by following dashed path 1 in Figure 12.5 neglecting the base current of Q 13 to obtain ID(T) = Vii: - 2V D(ON) - 2t:. Vl'N(T) Rw1 12.4 BIAS NETWORK COMPENSATION FOR TEMPERATURE VARIATION In section 12.2 we determined the DC voltage Vm1 supplied by the bias network of Figure 12.3. In this section we determine the temperature dependence of V13 B(T). Figure 12.5 shows the equivalent circuit for calculating the temperature-dependence of the bias network in Figure 12.3. The circuit of Figure 12.5 includes a t:. VPN(T) voltage source in series with the base-emitter PN junction of Q 13 and a 2t:. VFN(T) voltage source in series with the two level shifting PN junction diodes. The temperature-dependent current IriT) in the diode-resistor branch of the bias network is obtained + R1n The temperature-dependent reference voltage is then Vim(T) = - Io(T)RB11 - ViiuJN(ECL) - t:. Vi'N(T) Vn: - 2V (0N) - 2t:.VPN(T) - - - - - -0- - - - - - - ' - - Ru11 Ru11 + Ru1 - vlll,llN(ECL) - t:. VrN(T) Recall that in section 12.2 the temperature independent expression for Vm/T,J was obtained as VBu(Tg) = - Vi:i - 2V0 (0N) R R Ll/1 + RL RH// - Vur(ECL) CmTtparing these two expressions and expressing V138 (T) in terms of V,m(T,J yields Vu1/T) = V/l/1(TR) Ru11 + t:. vl'N(T) [ 2 - - - - 1] RB11 + RuL Hence, the temperature variation of V,m is uV1w(T) = t:.Vl'N(T) [ 2 - Rau - - - 1] Rll/1 + Rill Note that the temperature variation in Vlll3 has the identical form of the average temperature variation of the NOR output. The following example shows that the resistor values of the logic and bias network portions of the MECL II gate provide a compensating temperature variance. Example 12.3 Verification of Bias Network's Temperature Compensation Verify that the resistor magnitudes of the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 provide equivalent temperature variations in the average output voltage and reference bias voltage. Solution By direct substitution, the variation in average output voltage is -VFE = -5.2 V t:.VNOJ,(T) (290) = t:.Vl'N(T) [ (1.18k) - 1 ] = -0.754t:. VPN(T) FIGURE 12.5 Network Temperature Dependent MECL II Bias Also by direct substitution, the temperature variation of the reference voltage is 12.6 Li V (T) = Li V (T) B/3 PN = [2 (3 00) (300) + (2.31k) 1] 12.5 177 Solution (Maximum Fan-Out) (5.69111) N:::; ( ) 6 l.9f.L -0.77M vl'N(T) As can be seen, the temperature variation of the bias network is only a few percent different than the temperature variation of the average output. Therefore, as the average output of the MECL II gate varies with temperature, the reference voltage due to the bias network varies in almost direct proportion maintaining approximately temperature independent noise margins. Power Dissipation of MECL II = 91.9 Hence, the maximum fan-out for this gate is 91. Comparing with the fan-out for the MECL I gate calculated in Example 11.3 it is seen that the fan-out is improved slightly for the lower resistor values of the MECL II gate. 12.6 POWER DISSIPATION OF MECL II FAN-OUT OF MECL II The procedure for finding the maximum fan-out of the MECL II circuit is identical to that for MECL I presented in the previous chapter. The following example shows that the lower resistor values of the MECL II (over the MECL I) provide a slight improvement in fan-out. Example 12.4 MECL II Fan-Out Calculate the maximum fan-out for the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1. Use the values of f3F = 49 and V8 E(ECL) = 0.75 V specified in Example 12.1 (and Example 11.3). Assume that the load gates have reduced Vm 1 of the driving gate from -0.77 V to -0.8 V. Compare with the fan-out calculated for the MECL I gate in Example 11.3. Solution (Input High Current) Substituting into the derived equations yields Determining the power dissipation for the MECL II circuit follows a procedure similar to that for the MECL I circuit presented in the previous chapter. The only difference is that the power dissipated in the bias network is appreciable and must be included. As can be seen by examining the MECL II circuit, the power dissipated in the bias network is the same for both the output high and low states. Temperature Compensated Bias Network Power Dissipation= PTc Neglecting the base current of Q 8 in Figure 12.3, the current through R8 L and R8 H is found by writing KVL along dashed path 1 yielding IRBL (3.09m) IIIJ = (49) + l = 61.9 µA + RBL The current through R8 E is obtained by writing KVL along dashed path 2 of Figure 12.3. This current is I . _ Vu: - IRBHRBu - VBr:, 8 (ECL) RllE - , I 2V0 (0N) VEE RBI/ V~ = (-0.8) - (0.75) = -1.55 V (-1.55) + (5.2) In = (l.l 8 k) = 3.09 mA _ - R BE The total current delivered to the -VEE voltage source through the bias network is the sum Solution (Output High Currents) IRoN = IBBN ' +(0.8) - (0.75) = = 172 µA 270 h.aN = IoH (-0.8) + (5.2) (l. k) = 2.93 mA 5 [(49) + 1](172/.L) = 8.62 mA = (8.62m) - (2.93111) = 5.69 mA NOR Output High Current Supplied IEE(NOH) = The NOR output high currents IRE(NOH), IrmN(NOH), and I1m 0 (NOH) were found in the previous chapter for the MECL I gate and are identical for the MECL II circuit. Repeating these, we have 178 Chapter 12/Ternpcraturc Compensating Emitter-Coupled Logic [, (NOH) Solution (Bias Network Currents) First, the power dissipated in the bias network is obtained substituting into the derived expressions yielding = ViJB - Viiu,(ECL) + ViL R[ k[. l1wN(NOH) = VOf~+ VEE (5.2) - 2(0. 75) (300) + (2.31k) DN I1wo(NOH) = VoL + R l1wL = VEE DO I1m The total NOR output high current to -VEE is then the sum of these and the current through the bias network: = = 1.42 111A (5.2) - (1.42m)(300) - (0.75) (2k) = 2.01 111A Summing, yields the total power dissipated in the bias network: !Tc = (1.42111) + (2.01m) = 3.43 mA Solution (NOR Output High Currents) The NOR output high currents are NOR Output Low Current Supplied IEiNOL) = NOH) _ (-1.175) - (0.75) + (5.2) _ I RE ( (1.18k) - 2.78 111A The NOR output low currents IRE(NOL), 11w1':(NOL), and IR 1)0(NOL) were also found in the previous chapter for the MECL I gate and are identical for the MECL II circuit. These are I,w,\•(NOH) = I1w 0 (NOH) = (-0.77) + (5.2) (l. k) 5 (-1.65) + (5.2) (l. k) 5 = 2.95 mA = 2.37 mA The total output high current is then IIE(NOH) = (2.78111) + (2.95111) + (2.37111) + (3.43m) = 11.5 mA Solution (NOR Output Low Currents) The outThe total NOR output low current to -VEE is then the sum of these and the current through the bias network. Thus IEE(NOL) = IRr:(NOL) + 11wN(NOL) + IRoo(NOL) + ITc Average Power Dissipated= PEE(avg) The average power dissipated is then found by substituting into put low currents are calculated to be IR[(NOL) = I1m,-(NOL) = I1w 0 (NOL) = (-0.77) - (0.75) + (5.2) (l.l k) = 3.12 mA 8 (-1.65111) + (5.2) (l. k) = 2.37 111A 5 (-0. 77) + (5.2) (l.Sk) = 2.95 mA The total output low current is then + (2.37m) + (2.95111) + (3.43111) b(NOL) = (3.12111) = 11.9 mA Solution (Average Power Dissipated) The avMECL II Power Dissipation Find the average power dissipated for the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1. Use V8 E(ECL) = V0 (ON) = 0.75 V. Example 12.5 erage power dissipated is then found by Pu: (nvg) = (11.5111) + (11.9111) ( ) 5.2 2 = 60.8 mW 12. 7 179 MECL II Spice Simulation ~ J~vcC$ocov 2 11 3 2 QBN 3 9 QBO 10 2 4 VNOR QIB n+ 4 ~INB"± RDN 2KOHM 7 ± 2 5 QR n+ 5 11 QB 3 _6 11 6 VaR DL1 7 VINA DL2 6 _ RBE • RE 8 1.24KOHM 2KOHM RBL 10 RDO 2KOHM 2.31KOHM o n+ 8 VEE -r. DC 5.2V n-1 O _L FIGURE 12.6 12.7 MECL II NOR/OR Gate with Appropriate SPICE Labelings MECL II SPICE SIMULATION Figure 12.6 shows a MECL II circuit with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents and simulates this circuit is as follows: MECL II NOR/OR Gate .OPTIONS NOMOD NOECHO N◊PAGE VCC 1 D DC DV VEE D 8 DC 5-2V VINA 5 D DC -5-2V PULSE<-5-2V + DV OS 2NS 2NS SONS 10DNS) VINB 4 D DC -5-2V PULSE<-5-2V + DV OS 2NS 2NS 1DONS 2DONS) RCI 1 2 270◊HM RCR 1 3 3000HM RE 7 8 1-24KOHM RDN 9 8 2KOHM RD◊ 10 8 2KOHM QIB 2 4 7 QNPN QIA 2 5 7 QNPN QR 3 6 7 QNPN QBN 1 2 9 QNPN QB◊ 1 3 10 QNPN RBH 1 11 2900HM RBL 13 8 2-31K◊HM RBE 6 8 2KOHM DL1 11 12 DIODE DL2 12 13 DIODE QB 1 11 6 QNPN -MODEL QNPN NPN<IS=1E-14 BF=49 + BR= □ -2 VA=80 TF=0-4SNS + TR=5NS CCS=3PfD CJE=7-6PFD + CJC=3PFD RB=13 RC=b-2) -MODEL DIODE D(VJ=D-75) ,DC VINA -5-2V DV □ -1V ,PLOT DC V(9) V(10) -TRAN 2NS 250NS -PLOT TRAN V<VINA) V<VINB) + VC(QBN) VC(QBO) -END As with the MECL I simulation of the previous chapter, VINA and V1NB have DC default values of -5.2 V to hold them low. The VIC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figure 12.7a and b. 180 Chapter 12/Temperature Compensating Emitter-Coupled Logic . YmiY) -1.75-1.5-1.25 -1.0-0.75-0.5-0.25 -- --+ ----l---r--+-----t----1---+-- -- --- Vm (V) -- ► -0.2 - -0.4 -0.6 7 -'--0.8 0-----t-+---+---+---,--~----¼ t(ns) -0.25- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50-0.75-:---1.00--i--1.25 _j__ -1.50--'-VINB(V) ... t-1.0 -1.2 0 -+----"--i----+---+-----1-+----l-------l--+--~------ t(ns) -0.25---l-- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50---'--0.75---'- - - - - -1.00-1.25 -1.50- -1.4 --1.6 -1.8 VNOR(V) ... ' -1.75-1.5-1.25 -1.0-0.75-0.5-0.25 Vm(V) O---''-+----+---+----+-+---+---+--------½ t(ns) -0.25-;- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50--,--- ----+---+-----+--+---+-----+---+-----+----- -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 I -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 Yaa(V) 0 --++-+----+----+-+---+--~-'--+---+- -1---+ t(ns) I -0.25T 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -1.25 -1.50 (a) FIGURE 12. 7 Results of Section 12. 7 MECL II NOR/OR Gate SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristics of NOR and OR output from .DC sweep, ----------.l -o.50+ -o.15f-1.00 --(b) (b) Transient response verifying realization of NOR and OR logic functions from .TRAN sweep CHAPTER12PROBLEMS 12.1 12.2 Analyze the temperature compensating reference voltage circuit of Figure P12.1 to determine the base voltage V8 and reference voltage Vrm• Neglect the base current and use VrdECL) = 0. 75 V. Repeat Problem 12.1 with RBL = 5 kn. 12.3 For the circuit of Figure P12.1, select a value for RBI_ which provides a reference voltage V1m = -2 V. 12.4 Determine the critical voltages Vo 11 , Vm, V1u V111, and Vs for the OR output of the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1. Use V1qo(ECL) = 0.75 V and neglect base current. Chapter 12 Problems R"" 3000 181 3500 RBH Q. v•. 0-- v•• Du DLI Du Du RBB 2 ill RBB RBL -VBB =-5.2 V FIGURE P12.13 FIGURE P12.1 Determine the critical voltages Vo 11, Vm, V1L, V1H, and Vs for the OR output of the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 with Rc,R = Rc,1 = 600 n. Use Vs1/ECL) = 0. 75 V and neglect base current. 12.6 Determine the critical voltages Vrn 1, V0 u V1L, Vni, and Vs for the OR output of the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 with RE = 3 kn. Use VsE(ECL) = 0.75 V and neglect base current. 12.7 Determine the fan-out for the NOR output of the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 for V011 reduced by 0.1 V. Use VsdECL) = 0.75 V, VsE =vi)= 0.75 V, and /3F = 49. 12.8 12.9 Determine the fan-out for the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 with Rc. 1 = Rc,R = 600 n for V011 reduced by 0.1 V. Use VsE(ECL) = 0.75 V, VHE =vi)= 0.75 V, and f3F = 49. Determine the fan-out for the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 with RE = 500 n for Vrn, reduced by 0.1 V. Use VBl,(ECL) = 0.75 V, VsE =vi)= 0.75 V, and f3F = 49. Repeat Problem 12.13 with Rs1 1 = 907 4.98 kn, and RBE = 6.1 kn. 12.15 Repeat Problem 12.13 by running a .DC analysis using SPICE and the circuit of Figure P12.15. RBH 3500HM 0 11 QB V BB 0-------- 6 DL1 12 6 RBE 2KOHM out 13 RBL 8 For a MECL II inverter similar to Figure 12.1, determine the average power dissipated. 8 12.11 For the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 with RoNo = RoNN = 3 kn, determine the average power dissipation. VEEtDC5.2V For the MECL II gate of Figure 12.1 with RE =3 kn, determine the average power dissipation. 12.13 Determine the voltage V88 for the circuit of Figure P12.13. n, 12.14 12.10 12.12 1.958 ill RBL -VBB = -5.2 V 12.5 2ill 2.31 ill n+ 8 FIGURE P12.15 1.958KOHM RsL = 13 MECL III AND ECL 10K In 1968 Motorola introduced a third family of ECL logic referred to as the tv1ECL III logic faiTdly. This logic family reduced the resistor values used in MECL II improving the fan-out and dynamic response. Rise and fall times on the order of 1 ns are attainable and flip-flop toggling rates of 500 MHz are possible. With the 1 ns edge speeds, all but the smallest systems require a transmission line environ ment and MECL III outputs are designed to drive 50 D loads. Multi-layer boards are recommended for toggling rates above 200 MHz. Pull-down resistors are included at each input so that unused inputs no longer need to be tied to -VEE· Also, the output pulldown resistors have been removed to lower the power dissipation. In 1971 a slower version of the MECL llI family referred to as the ECL lOK (or 10,000) series was made commercially available. The circuit is schematically identical to that of the MECL III but with larger resistor values. These larger resistor values were intended to slow down the edge speeds to approximately 3.5 ns (- 1 µ,V/s, about 80% of that for STTL) to make the newer ECL circuits more applicable. This minimizes ringing and reflection on interconnecting wires as well as reducing cross talk. Thus, wire wrap applications and printed circuit board utilization are possible with the ECL lOK series. The ECL lOK series was also used in large mainframes and high performance control and test systems. The larger resistor values also reduce the power dissipation to about 25 mW/gate, or about half of that for the MECL III gates. 13.1 Removal of Output Pull-Down Resistors The output pull-down resistors RDN and RDo present in the MECL I and MECL II families have been removed, since their presence is not necessary for logic operation. Removal of these resistors contributes to a lower power dissipation, since they draw current as explained in sections 11.8 and 12.6. As will be seen, the effective input resistance of the load gate will replace the resistances of RDN and RDo in analyses of the MECL III operation. Input Pull-Down Resistors Input pull-down resistors RDNi have been added to each input, so that unused inputs no longer need to be tied to the -VEE lower rail. Recall from the SPICE simulations of the MECL I and MECL II circuits presented in sections 11.9 and 12.7, respectively, the V 1:--:A inputs are swept, while the ViNB inputs are held at a constant -VEE level. The pinch resistor fabrication presented in section 3.11 is used for these input resistors of large magnitude. Resistor Values Comparing the MECL III circuit of Figure 13.1 with the MECL II circuit of the previous chapter, it is seen that the Rc 1, Rm., and RE resistor values for the MECL Ill gate are about 1/1 the magnitude of those used in the MECL II logic circuit. This provides a larger output sourcing current resulting in faster switching and larger fan-out but also contributes to an increased power dissipation. The resistor values of the temperature compensating bias network are approximately the same. MECL III Separate Vcc 1 and Vcc2 Starting with the MECL III ECL family, two separate sources are used for the upper rail. VcCJ for the current switch and bias network and Vcc 2 for the emitter Figure 13.1 shows the MECL III NOR/OR gate. Note that the basic schematic is identical to the MECL II gate of the previous chapter. 182 13.2 MECL III Voltage Transfer Characteristic 183 l12Q -Vtill = -5.2 V FIGURE 13.1 temperature compenstaing bias network MECL III NOR/OR Gate with Input Pull-down Resistors and No Output Pull-down Resistors follower output buffers, both of which are connected to ground. The separate grounds isolate the current switch from the large current spikes that appear in the collectors of Q 8 N and Q 110 during output logic transition. This provides additional noise immunity. The purpose of each element in the MECL III gate of Figure 13.1 is tabulated in Table 13.1. 13.2 MECL III VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC The voltage transfer characteristic for the MECL III NOR output is obtained using a method similar to that of the MECL I and MECL II circuits but with the output pull-down resistors of those circuits replaced with the input resistance of the load gate. VN01< = -IB,BNRc1 - VBE.B/'-i(ECL) The base current of Q11 r-.: with no load is 111,BN and the output high voltage is 0 Vo11 = - VBE(ECL) Input Low and High Voltages= Vn. As with the ECL families presented thus far, the transition region of the MECL III NOR/OR gate is narrow (- 0.1 V) and the input low and high voltages are symmetric about the transition region given by and Vi11 = VnB + 0.05 V = VoL Output High Voltage = Vott Output Low Voltage With all inputs of the MECL III circuit of Figure 13.1 low, all Q, are cutoff. The VNOR output voltage is written by following dashed path 1 giving If any input is high, the corresponding input BJT is forward active. The collector current of this input 13JT then dominates the current through Rei, i.e. In.Be-: 184 Chapter 13/MECL III and ECL 10K TABLE 13.1 Purpose of Each Element for MECL III Gate Element Rm RE QBN QBo RDNn Purpose Input BJT for n th input, input side of emitter-coupled pair Reference voltage BJT, reference side of emitter-coupled pair Input side current switch collector resistor, balances NOR side of circuit with OR side Reference side current switch collector resistor IRE sourcing current resistance NOR output BJT, buffered output OR output BJT, buffered output Input pull-down resistor for n th input Temperature Compensating Bias Network QB RBI, Du D 12 R8 L RBE Self-biasing BJT Self biases Q 13 Level-shifting diode 1 Level-shifting diode 2 Base bias resistor Emitter bias resistor Separate Upper Rail Supplies Vcci Vcc2 Ground rail for current switch and bias network Ground rail for emitter follower output buffers << Ic, 1. The VNOR output voltage is obtained by again following dashed path 1, where lc,r is then obtained by following dashed path 2 (neglecting In,BN) yielding VNOR Saturation Region The input voltage at which Q 1 goes into saturation is the same as found in section 11.2 with Vee"" GND = 0. Hence, Temoerature Comnensatim! L L Bias Network U 111e temperature compensating bias network for the MECL III logic family is the same as that for the MECL II with slightly different resistor values. The expression for calculating the reference voltage provided by the bias network is the same as that derived in section 12.3: The state of each BJT and diode in the MECL II NOR/OR gate for the NOR output high and low states is tabulated in Table 13.2. Example 13.1 MECL III NOR/OR Gate Bias Voltage and VTC (a) Determine the reference voltage V1rn provided by the bias network of Figure 13.1. (b) Determine the critical voltages and sketch the VTC for the NOR output. Use VBdECL) = VD(ON) = 0.75 V and V8 c(SAT) = 0.6 V. TABLE 13.2 States of BJTs for Output High and Low Logic Levels for a MECL III Gate Assuming this input is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, VrN = V oH which was determined earlier in this section. Substituting the expression for Ic, 1 into the expression for V NOR with VrN = VOH and VNoR = Vm yields Element Qin QR Q13:,; Qllo QR Du DL2 VNOH Cutoff Forward Forward Forward Forward On On active active active active VNOL Forward Cutoff Forward Forward Forward On On active active active active 13.3 MECL III Fan-Out 185 output high state, since Q1 is cutoff for low inputs. Thus, v .• = -1.31 -1.0 -1.5 i ---+------~- I1L = l 8 ,1(0II) l 8 _1(OFF) = 0 The maximum fan-out of an ECL gate is therefore dependent upon the output high state of the driving gate. Hence, -0.5 -1.0 ,v•• = -1.31 _!_ -1.5 VOL= -1.76 FIGURE 13.2 MECL II NOR and OR Output Voltage Transfer Characteristics Solution (a) The reference voltage by direct sub- stitution is Input High Current = Iitt Vaa = - (5.2) - 2(0.75) (350) (350) + (1. 958k) - (0.75) = -1.31 V Solution (b) The critical voltages for the MECL III gate are also found by direct substitution: V 011 = -(0.75) = -0.75 V = -1.36 V (-1.31) + 0.05 = -1.26 V VIL= (-1.31) - 0.05 ~ The current through the input pull-down resistor RDN is simply - Vrn1 + Vu: t,nN - RuN The current into the base of relation I' [(0.75) - (5.2)) (100) 1 + (365) Examining Figure 13.3, the input high current is seen to be I' _ (-0.75) - (0.75) + (5.2) (100) _ (0.75) (365) -1.76 V (0.6) + Figure 13.3 shows a MECL III NOR output buffer emitter-follower connected to the inputs of identical MECL III gates. All circuit elements and parameters for the load gate are distinguished with a prime. Only the current switch portion of the load gate is shown, since that is all that is needed for analysis. For the determination of fan -out, V OUT = v; N = Vrn 1• Note this is slightly different from the MECL I and MECL II fan-out analyses, since the MECL III gate has no output pull-down resistors RDN and RDo- - B.I - Qi is found by the ___!h;_ f3F + 1 -0.486 V The current source current I~E in the load gate is The VTC with the critical voltages labeled for the MECL III gate is shown in Figure 13.2. 13.3 MECL III FAN-OUT As mentioned in the previous chapters, for ECL gates, no current flows at the gate input during the and the voltage at the common emitters of the load gate current switch is Backward substitution yields the magnitude of r;H· 186 Chapter 13/MECL III and ECL 10K Vcc,T7 I V'cc,17 ~ I --=:=- -::- V'•• --0 -1.31 V NOR output buffer of driving gate R'DN 50 kn -V'rm = -5.2 V current switches of N load gates FIGURE 13.3 MECL III NOR Output Driving N Identical Gates for Fan-out Analysis (Note: the NOR output of the driving gate is driving the load gates) 13.4 Output High Current = 1011 13.4 The output high current for the MECL III gate is 1011 = h,HN(FJ\) = (f3r + l)Ia,BN(FA) = (f3F + l)IRC/(FA) Note that the output high current is not degraded since the output pull-down resistors hae been eliminated. The current through the resistor RCI is IRCI = -V8 E,BN(FA) - V0 H(reduced) R lv!ECL lil Power Dissipc1tion 187 MECL III POWER DISSIPATION The analysis for determining the power dissipated in a MECL III gate is sirn.ilar to that of the MECL II gate. As for the MECL II gate, a contribution to the power dissipated in the bias network is included. Since the output pull-down resistors have been removed, there is no contribution due to current leaving the emitter of the emitter-follower output buffers. However, a current does flow to -VEE through the input pull-down resistor. Cl It was mentioned in section 13.2 that the base current I13 _nN = IRci is zero for an unloaded MECL III output. Therefore, as with the MECL I and MECL II gates, the fan-out is calculated using a reduced value of VoH• The value often selected is VcJH(reduced) = V0 11 (unloaded) - 0.03 V Temperature Compensated Bias Network Power Dissipation PTc = The current through RBL of Figure 13.1 is found by writing KVL along dashed path 3 assuming the base current of Q 8 is much less than IRBL yielding Backward substitution then provides IoH• Example 13.2 MECL III Fan-Out Calculate the maximum fan-out for the MECL III gate of Figure 13.1. Use f3F = 49 and VBE(ECL) = 0.75 V. Assume that the load gates have reduced VoH of the driving gate from -0.75 V to -0.78 V. Solution Substituting into the derived equations yields Vi= (-0.78) - (0.75) = Ifn = (-1.53) + (5.2) ( ) = 10.05 mA 365 _ IRON - (-0.78) + (5.2) _ (50k) - 88.4 ,.L\ fA", 1111 = (88.4µ,) + (200µ,) = 288 µA -(0.75) - (-0.78) Iw = (lOO) = 300 µA 1011 = [(49) + The total current delivered to the -VEE voltage source through the bias network is the sum -1.53 V , (10.05111) IB,1 = (49) + 1 = 200 µA 1 The current through R8 E is found by writing KVL along dashed path 4 of Figure 13.1. Since the current through R8 H is IRBH = IRsu we have NOR Output High Current Supplied = IEdNOH) The NOR output high state is achieved for all inputs low. Thus, all input BJTs QJN are cutoff and QR is forward active. Assuming the inputs are driven by another MECL III gate in the output low state, each input pull-down resistor carries a current 1](300µ,) = 15 mA N ::; (l 5 m) = 52.08 (288µ,) Hence, the maximum fan-out for this MECL III gate is 52. The current through RE for the NOR output high state is the emitter current of QR given by 188 Chapter 13/MECL III and ECL lOK The total NOR output high current of-VF.Eis then the sum of these and the current through the bias network. Thus, hdNOH) = I1~dNOH) + N;,, X 11wN(NOH) + he where Nn is the number of inputs (since all inputs are low for the NOR output high state). NOR Output Low Current Supplied = IEdNOL) For anv hivh. .1 innut 1 u-, thP --NOR - - - n11tn11t - ---,--- ic; -- in --- thP ---- rn1trn1t --·-r-·low state. The corresponding input BJT Q1 is forward active and QR is cutoff. Therefore, the current through resistor RE is the emitter current of a forward active input BJT. Assuming the high input is driven by a MECL III output in the output high state, the current through RE is obtained by following dashed path 2 of Figure 13.1 yielding where each possible output state is considered to have equal occurrence. Example 13.3 Find the average power dissipated for the two-input MECL III NOR/OR gate of Figure 13.1. For the NOR output low state, assume Vr:---:A is high and V1018 is low. Use V13 E(ECL) = 0.75 V. Solution (Bias Network Currents) First, the power dissipated in the bias network 1_s obtained substituting into the derived expressions yielding (5.2) - 2(0. 75) IRBL I 1w[ = Vou R~ VEE Ire = (1.60111) + (1.95m) = 3.55 mA Solution (NOR Output High Currents) The current through RE for the NOR output high state is I The current through each input pull-down resistor with a low input (some inputs can be low for a NOR output low state) has the current Irw:.ANOH) specified above: lRoN(NOH) = VoL + _ (5.2) - (1.60111)(350) - (0.75) _ ( k) - 1.95 mA 2 Thus, the total current in the bias network is The current through each input pull-down resistor with a high input is l1wN(NOL) = (350) + (1.958k) = 1.60 mA and Iiv(NOL) = Vou - Viiu(ECL) + VEE Re MECL III Power Dissipation v[[ R[ (NOH) _ (-1.31) - (O. 75) + (5.2) _ (365) - 8 .6 A /11 Both inputs contribute currents through their input pull-down resistors of magnitude I RD,\ ,(NOH) = (- l. 76) + (5 -2) (50k) = 68.8 .. ,1 I-'-'' Rl)N The total NOR output low current to -VEE is then the sum of these and the current through the bias network. Thus hE(NOL) = IRE(NOL) + N 11 _ X l 1wN(NOL) + N 111 X l 1wN(NOH) + he where N 1L is the number of inputs remaining low for the NOR output low state and Nn-r is the number of inputs driven high. Average Power Dissipated= PEdavg) The average power dissipated for two inputs is obtained by PEE (avg) = hE(NOH) + 3h:c:(NOL) V 1-:1 4 The total output high current is then lEc(NOH) = (8.6111) + 2 x (68.8µ,) + (3.55) = 12.29 mA Solution (NOR Output Low Currents) The current through RE for the output low state is IRr(NOL) = (-0. 75) - (0. 75) ( ) 365 + (5.2) = . 10.1 mA The current through the input A (for input high) pull-down resistor is l1,P1\ (NOL) = (-0.75) + (5.2) (50k) = 89.0 µA The current through the input B (for input low) pulldown resistor is 13.6 (-1.76) 11,/JN(NOL) = + (5.2) ( 0k) 5 = 68.8 µ.A The total output low current is then Iu(NOL) = + (89.0µ..) + (68.8µ..) + (3.55m) = 13.8 mA (10.1111) The average power dissipated is then found by Pu(avg) = (12.29111) + 3(13.8111) 4 189 both the current switch and the bias network. This version of ECL is the ECL lOK or 10,000 series. Furthermore, the larger resistors reduce the power consumption and also the output current drive capability. The larger resistors also intentionally increase the rise and fall time and the propagation delay. 13.6 ECL 10K SERIES SPICE SIMULATION (5.2) = 69.8 mW Note that this is larger than previous MECL I and MECL II gates and this result was expected. 13.5 ECL 10K Series SPICE Simulation ECL 10K SERIES Figure 13.4 shows an ECL circuit that is schematically the same as the MECL III but with larger resistors in Ra Figure 13.5 shows the ECL 10K series NOR/OR gate with appropriate SPICE labelings. Since the ECL 10K series gates do not have output pull-down resistors, the NOR and OR outputs are each shown driving the current switch sections of separate load gates. The SPICE input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: ECL 1OK Series NOR/OR Gate -OPTIONS NOMOD NOECHO NOPAGE 217Q ~j -V""=-5.2 V FIGURE 13.4 10K ECL NOR/OR Gate temperature compensating bias network 190 Chapter 13/MECL III and ECL lOK n+ 14 vcc2-:!:oc ov n-' O n+j1 VCC1-=-DC0V n-: o 14 14 11 2 QBN 2 2 4 n+ 4 11 6 QR srQIA DL1 7 ~7 VINB± 11 3 12 DL2~ . 4 ! 13 RBE 5 RDNB SOKOHM RONA S0KOHM RE 8 7nOHM RBL 8 4.9KOHM 8 n+ 1 8 VEE~ DC 5.2V 17OHM RCR2 RCl2 22 45OHM Ql2 23 l1 41 26 DL1P!;41 .36~-~3__,6r ~ 26 RBE2 8 6.1 KOHM RBLP 32 33 QR3 Ql3 ~ DL2P 36 43 RBE3 4.9KOHM 8 ~ 37 ~-~--~ 6.1 KOHM 8 8 CB ECL NOR/OR Gate with Appropriate SPICE Labelings 450 M 33 ) ---~B3 26 RCI l3~ .41 23 27 FIGURE 13.5 - ~CR31170HM RBHP i~070HM QB2 22 1 C 13.6 ECL 10K Series SPICE Simulation 191 VIN/V) 0 I I I I I' I I I I --. t(ns) -0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50 --0.75 -1.00 --1.25 --1.50 --- -1.75 -1.5 -1.25 -1.0-0.75 -0.5 -0.25 l----1-- I ~-- --+---- ...VIN (V) -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 VINB(V) -1.0 0--l-----+---+----+- ----1---------l------"'--+--___,.. t(ns) -0.25-- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50--0.75--t-------1.00 -1.25 -1.50 -1.2 _ _ _ _..-,,,--1.4 -1.6 -1.8 VNO.(V) 0 -+---+---+-f------+---+---+--+----1---+--_,._ t(ns) -1.75 -1.5-1.25 -1.0-0.75 -0.5 -0.25 VIN (V) ---+---l------+--+-----+-+----+---l--------► · -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 I -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 (a) FIGURE 13.6 Results of Section 13.6 SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristics of NOR and OR outputs from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response -0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50 -0.75 -1.00-- -1.25 -1.50-L'----------' V 0 .(V) 0 -+----+---+~-+~---+----+-+--ic---+--------i. t(ns) -0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50--0.75--L,----------. -1.00- -1.25 -1.50 (b) verifying realization of NOR and OR logic functions from .TRAN sweep 192 Chapter 13/MECL III and ECL 10K VCC1 1 D DC DV VCC2 14 □ DC DV VEE D 8 DC 5-2V VINAS D PULSE<-S-2V DV OS 2NS + 2NS 2SNS SONS) VINB 4 D PULSE(-s.2v DV OS 2NS + 2NS SONS 1DONS) RDNA S 8 50KOHM RDNB 4 8 50KOHM RCI 1 2 2170HM RCR 1 3 24SOHM RE 7 8 77 70Hf'l QIB 2 4 7 QNPN QIA 2 S 7 QNPN QR 3 6 7 QNPN QBN 14 2 9 QNPN QB◊ 14 3 10 QNPN RBH 1 11 9070HM RBL 13 8 4-98KOHM RBE 6 8 6-1KOHM DL1 11 12 DIODE DL2 12 13 DIODE QB 1 11 6 QNPN *NOR output load current switch RCI2 1 RCR2 1 RE2 27 QI2 22 QR2 23 *◊R 22 2170HM 23 2450HM 8 7770HM 9 27 QNPN 26 27 QNPN output load current switch RCI3 1 RCR3 1 RE3 37 QI3 32 QR3 33 32 2170HM 33 2450HM 8 7770HM 10 37 QNPN 36 37 QNPN *bias network for load current switches RBHP 1 41 9070HM RBLP 43 8 4-98KOHM RBE2 26 8 6-1KOHM DL1P 41 42 DIODE DL2P 42 43 DIODE QB2 1 41 26 QNPN RBE3 36 8 6-1KOHM QB3 1 41 36 QNPN -MODEL QNPN NPN<IS=1E-14 BF=49 + BR= □ -2 VA=80 TF=D-4SNS + TR=SNS CCS=3PFD CJE=7-6PFD + CJC=3PFD RB=13 RC=6-2) -MODEL DIODE D(VJ=D-7S) -DC VINA -5-2V DV □ -1V -PLOT DC VC(QBN) VC(QBO) -TRAN 1NS 125NS -PLOT TRAN V<VINA) V<VINB) + VC(QBN) VC(QBO) -END The voltage transfer characteristic and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figure 13.6a and b. CHAPTER13PROBLEMS 13.1 Calculate the reference voltage V,18 in the MECL III gate of Figure 13.1. Neglect the base current and use V1dECL) =VD= 0.75 V. 13.6 Calculate the reference voltage V88 in the twoinput 10K ECL OR/NOR gate of Figure 13.4. Neglect the base current and use VBIJECL) = VD = 0.75 V. 13.2 Determine the bias voltage V1rn in the circuit of Figure 13.1 with the resistor values doubled. 13.3 Determine the critical voltages V011 , Vm, V11 ., and V111 , and V5 for the OR output of the MECL III circuit of Figure 13.1. Neglect base currents and use V8 ,(ECL) = VD = 0.75 V and VBc(SAT) = 0.6 V. 13.7 Determine the critical voltages Vrn 1, V0 1,, V1L, and V111, and Vs for the OR output of the two-input 10K ECL OR/NOR gate of Figure 13.4. Neglect base currents and use VmJECL) = V0 = 0.75 V and VBc(SAT) = 0.6 V. 13.4 Repeat Problem 13.3 for a circuit with RE doubled in magnitude. 13.8 Repeat Problem 13.7 for a circuit with Rr: doubled in magnitude. 13.5 Repeat Problem 13.3 for a circuit with collector resistors doubled in magnitude. 13.9 Repeat Problem 13.7 for a circuit with the collector resistors doubled in magnitude. Chapter 13 Problems 13.10 Determine the fan-out of the MECL III gate of Figure 13.1 for Vrn I reduced by 0.1 V. Use VB 1 (ECL) = VI) = 0.75 and /3, = 49. 13.11 Determine the fan-out of the two-input lOK ECL NOR/OR gate of Figure 13.4 for Vrn I reduced by 0.1 V. Use V8 r(ECL) =VD= 0.75 and /3 1 = 49. 193 13.12 For the MECL III gate of Figure 13.1, determine the average power dissipation. 13.13 Double all resistor values in Figure 13.1 and determine the average power dissipation. 13.14 For the lOK ECL NOR/OR gate of Figure 13.4, determine the average power dissipation. 14 MODERN EMITTERCOUPLED LOGIC Current Source Analysis The ECL 100K series is an ECL subfamily that provides a voltage transfer characteristic completely independent of supply voltage variations and temperature variations. In this chapter, the basic performance of this ECL subfamily is described. Additionally, other ECL subfamilies developed after the ECL 100K series called lOKH ECL and ECLinPS (which represents ECL in picoseconds) are mentioned. 14.1 In Figure 14.1, transistor QE and resistor R{; along with DC voltages V(lB and -VEE form an active current source. This avoids the condition in which the input transistors can be driven into saturation. The magnitude of the current lie in Figure 14.1 is given by This current is switched between the reference transistor and the input transistors depending upon the operating state of the gate. 100K ECL SUBFAMILY The ECL 100K series is an emitter-coupled logic subfamily that utilizes advanced fabrication techniques to achieve larger current amplification f3F and faster switching speeds. The primary reason for improved operation is due to the use of oxide isolation instead of junction isolation. This results in walled emitter transistor structures that enable the fabrication of BJTs with ve1y small parasitic capacitances and base widths. The design improvements have led to ve1y high switching speeds for this subfamily of ECL. Example 14.1 EGL Current Source Magnitude Calculate the current source magnitude for the 100K ECL NOR/OR gate in Figure 14.1. Use V13 E(ECL) = 0.75 V. Solution If Substituting values yields = (-3.3) - (0. 75) - (-4.5) = l.S mA 250 NOR/OR Gate Voltage Transfer Characteristic Figure 14.1 displays the ECL 100K NOR/OR gate with voltages V 1m and V(lB representing the unique compensation network of the 100K series described in the next section. The compensation network provides two bias reference voltages that are stabilized to temperature and DC supply variations. Note that the DC supply voltage is reduced in magnitude to VEE = 4.5 V in order to reduce power dissipation. Furthermore, the 100K subfamily uses a current source as a replacement for resistor RE. The circuit also has very huge resistors connected between the OR and NOR terminals to ground and we treat these resistors as open circuits. The operation of the NOR/OR ECL 100K gate of Figure 14.1 is quite siITtilar to the other subfamilies of ECL. In particular, the output voltages at the NOR and OR terminals are given by VNoR = -IR0Rc1 - VaE(ECL) and However, the current through each collector resistor is dependent upon that through the temperature compensating parnlleled diodes Du and Du. 194 14.1 ]()OK ECL Subfamily 195 500W VNOJ( -Vim;;:; -4.5 V FIGURE 14.1 ECL 100K NOR/OR Gate In the following example, the critical voltages and the voltage transfer characteristic are obtained by the methods of the previous ECL chapters. magnitude. From the equivalent circuit, neglecting base currents, note that Va,o = -2R11 - Vo,u(ON) and therefore, Example 14.2 100K ECL Critical Voltages Find the critical voltages VoH, V 0L, V1H, and V1L for the NOR/OR outputs of the ECL 100K gate in Figure 14.1. Use V8 E(ECL) = V0 (0N) = 0.75 V and neglect the base currents. Solution (VoL and VoHJ To determine VOH (and V0 L from the OR output) we consider the condition in which the NOR output is high. For this case, the input transistors in Figure 14.1 are cutoff and QR is conducting. Additionally, Du is conducting the forward voltage V0 (0N). The equivalent circuit for the VNoR output high is displayed in Figure 14.2 with all collector resistors labeled R, since they are equal in Also, from the equivalent circuit -V I -~ z R However, the sum of 11 and 12 is the collector current of QR which is approximately equal to the current source IE. Hence, Va,o R 196 Chapter 14/Modern Emitter-Coupled Logic R Q.(OPEN) Equivalent Circuit for ECL 100K NOR/OR Gate for V~oR FIGURE 14.2 Rearranging and solving for Vs,o yields V B" ·" or _ _ ~RI _ Vo,L(ON) 8,0 - 3 E VNOR Substituting values yields = V 8,0 VsE,ao(ECL) - = and furthermore this voltage is the output low voltage To determine the voltage at the NOR output, from Figure 14,2, we have = Va,o + Vo,u(ON) + I,R Substituting for I1 yields V B,N = V B,O +V (ON) _ Vs,o D,L1 + Vo,u(ON) R 2R or VBN ' VB,o Vo,u(ON) 2 2 = -- + ---- (0. 75) _ 2 + - - - -0,05 VB,N Vi1dECL) = -0.8 V = V011 = V11. (-0.85) - (0.75) = -1,6 V Va,N _ (-0,85) --2 - V = -0,05 - 0.75 Solution (VIL and Vi,-J The input high and low voltages are determined in the same manner as in previous ECL subfamilies and are therefore Hence, the OR output voltage is VoR = V0 1. Hence, the NOR output voltage is 3 2 (0, 75) VB,O = - -3 (500)(1.8111) - -3- = -0.85 V and VoR Substituting values yields 3V8 ,o = -2Rh - Vo,1(ON) V = Vrn-, = vllll - -1.25 v + 0.05 = -1.15 V o.o5 = and V111 = Vm1 14.2 DC ANALYSIS OF THE 100K ECL BIAS NETWORK Figure 14.3 displays the unique bias network used in the 100K ECL subfamily. This circuit provides two DC output voltages Vmi and V~ 8 . These voltages are temperature compensated as well as CO!Ttpensated to variations in the supply voltage -V EF> Note that a PNP transistor is on the right side of the network and acts as a shunt regulator. The behavior of this regulator is discussed in the next section. Also, note that the resistor Rx is used to compensate for variations in f3F and V8E(ECL). 14.2 ~oon DC Analysis of the 100K ECL Bias Network 197 R, Q,, v•• = -1.2 V o- ----l - -- -- : --~-------------2-- V'•• = -3.3 V FIGURE 14.3 IR ! ----2 i R ECL 100K DC Bias Network Providing V88 and Vf 8 Bias Voltage Expressions From the bias network circuit of Figure 14.3, the bias voltage V88 following dashed path 1 is given by VBB Q,H = Solution (Vnnl First, IR is determined by realizing that DL is driven quite hard resulting in V0 (0N) = 0.8 V which is greater than VBE,dECL). Thus, the emitter current of Q52 is given by (with Rx = 0) -IRRBII - VBE,Bl(ECL) Following dashed path 2, bias voltage Vf 8 is v~a = -vEE + Vi,E,S1(ECL) + I1,R + VB1,dECL) - ViJE,/32(ECL) or since the last two VsE(ECL) voltages cancel, we have and substituting values yields h:,s2 = (0.8) - (0. 75) (lO0) = 0.5 mA This emitter current is also approximately equal to the collector current which is IR. Therefore, IR Example 14.3 ECL 100K Bias Voltages Calculate the bias voltages V88 and V~ 8 . Use V8 E(ECL) = 0.75 V, V0 (0N) = 0.8 V, and Rx = 0. = li,;, 52 = 0.5 mA Substituting into the expression for V88 yields VBB = -(0.5111)(900) - (0.75) = -1.2 V 198 Chapter 14/Modern Emitter-Coupled Logic Solution (V~H) Substitution into the equation for v~B yields v~s = (-4.5) + (0.75) + (0.5111)(900) = -3.3 v work shown in Figure 14.3 were determined. In this section, we consider the temperature dependence of these voltages, as well as the dependence of the bias voltages upon the bias supply -VEE· Bias Supply Dependence Bias Network Power Dissipation The bias network power dissipation is constant. This is determined in the usual manner, namely, by considering the average power supplied by the supply voltage. Thus, the average pm-ver is Pmss = VEE(Io + Ic,s2 + Ic,s1) where lsH is neglected, since it is much less than the other currents. Also, since Ic, 51 = lc,s 2 = IR (by design), the average power dissipated by the bias supply network is Considering V(m initially, suppose that -VEE were to decrease becoming more negative. From the circuit of Figure 14.3, the increased voltage appears across R2 driving the shunt PNP transistor Q5 H harder. This causes the shunt currPnt T0; 11 to increase and shunt additional current through Qsl-f down to -VEE· Hence, Ic,s 1, Ic,s 2, and ID are unchanged keeping IR and VBE(ECL) unchanged. Also, the voltage V~ 5 is given by the previous expression and this varies in direct proportion to VEE· However, as we have seen, V~ 13 is only used in circuits with -VEE and the relative voltage Vf_m - (-VEE) is therefore independent of changes in the supply voltage Example 14.4 Power Dissipation for EGL 100K Bias Network Calculate the average power dissipated in the bias network of Figure 14.3. Use V8 E(ECL) = 0.75 V and V D(ON) = 0.8 V. Solution In order to substitute into the power dissipation expression, the current ID is first calculated from Figure 14.3. Note that Io = V/3u - [-Va: + V0 (0N)] -VI+ Next, considering V88 in the circuit of Figure 14.3, we again let-VEE become more negative. Since Ic,s 2 remains constant because of the shunt transistor Q51. 1, IR also remains constant. Furthermore, since Io.L remains constant, VBE.Ill (ECL) and V13 E.,dECL) are unchanged. Therefore, VBB = -IRR - Vin:,m(ECL) is also unchanged when -VEE changes. RE1 Substituting values yields I (-3.3) - [(-4.5) D 0~ = + (0.8)] = 0.4 mA Thus, since IR = 0.5 mA (from the previous example), substitution yields PDJss = (4.5)[(0.4m) + 2(0.5111)] = Temperature Dependence of Bias Voltage VBB and V~B The bias voltage expressions developed in the previous section are repeated for convenience as follows: 6.3 mW and v~ll = 14.3 BIAS NETWORK COMPENSATION FOR TEMPERATURE VARIATION In the previous section, the DC voltages V813 and V~ 5 provided by the 100K ECL subfamily bias net- -Vu: + ViiE(ECL) + IRR Also, for proper operation of the bias network, diode D must be driven with higher current which results in VD(ON) > V 8 E(ECL). This results in Q 52 operating as an emitter follower with Ic, 52 being proportional to V 0(ON) - V sE(ECL). Therefore, lc, 52 has a positive temperature coefficient as does IR. This implies that Chapter 14 both resistors labeled R have a positive tempernture coefficient. Thus, in viewing the bias voltage equations for V1m and Vi'm, we observe that the negative temperature coefficient of V1JE(ECL) is cancelled by the positive temperature coefficient of VR = IRR. Hence, V1rn and Vi'rn are independent of temperature. P£davg) = h£VEE where IEE = IE. That is, the average supply current is equal to the current source IE current. Thus, PEE(avg) = IEVEE Example 14.5 Total Average Power Dissipation Calculation Calculate the total power dissipated in the ECL 100K NOR/OR gate. Solution The total average power dissipated in the ECL 100K NOR/OR gate is given by PmT/\1. = P0155 + Pu: = VE:£Uo + 21") + Vr:r:lr: Substituting values gives PmT1\L = (4.5)[(0.4111) + 2(0.5111)] (4.5)(1.8m) = 6.3111 + 8.lm = 14.4 mA 199 It should be noted that the bias network is normally used to supply V 1rn and Vfm to several gates. Hence, the power dissipation per gate is less than 6.3 mW. For example, if the bias network is used to supply four gates, then the power dissipation per gate for the network is P0155 (bias network) 14.4 POWER DISSIPATION OF 100K ECL SUBFAMILY Determining the power dissipation for the 100K ECL subfamily circuit follows a procedure similar to that for the other ECL circuits presented in previous chapters. Considering the circuit of Figure 14.1 and disregarding the bias network dissipation, the average power dissipation is given by Problems 14.5 6.3111 4 1.58 mW per gate OTHER ECL FAMILIES Two other ECL families with improved characteristics arc 1. the ECL lOKH subfamily, and 2. the ECLinPS subfamily ECL 10KH Subfamily This subfamily is a combination of the 10K and 100K subfamilies. The lOKH series uses the same unique bias network and the current source of the 100K series but does not interconnect the outputs with two diodes (as in Figure 14.1). However, the lOKH series provides slightly improved propagation delay with similar power dissipation. This is achieved by using a special device fabrication procedure developed by Motorola and called the MOSAIC process. This fabrication procedure results in reduced parasitic capacitances and reduced device size which permits the reduced propagation delays. ECLinPS The ECLinPS (which stands for ECL in picoseconds) subfamily came out in 1987. This family takes advantage of advanced fabrication techniques and is capable of achieving edge speeds of less than 1 ns. CHAPTER14PROBLEMS 14.1 14.2 Analyze the temperature compensating and supply compensating reference voltage circuit of Figure 14.3 to determine the reference voltage magnitudes for VRR and v~B- Use vllE(ECL) = 0.75 V and VD(ON) = 0.8 V with Rx = 0. 14.3 Repeat Problem 14.1 with R reduced to 500 D. 14.4 (a) Show that the bias network of Figure 14.3 does indeed stabilize the voltages Vm, and V~B to temperature variations. (b) Also, show that V1m and V~B + VEE are stabilized to variations in power supply magnitudes. Repeat Problem 14.1 with VEE = -5.2 V. 200 Chapter 14/Modern Emitter-Coupled Logic 14.10 Determine the critical voltages for the ECL 100K NOR terminal of Figure 14.1. Use V81,(ECL) = 0.75 V and neglect the base currents. Determine the average power dissipation per gate for the ECL 100K circuit of Figure 14.1. Assume that the bias supply circuit provides three identical gates. 14.11 Determine the critical voltages for the ECL 100K NOR/OR gate ofFigure 14.1 with the modified current source of Problem 14.5. Use VlldECL) = 0.75 V and neglect base currents. Determine the average power dissipation per gate for the ECL 100K circuit of Figure 14.1. Assume that the bias circuit supplies three identical gates with -VEE= -5.2 V. 14.12 Determine the average power dissipation per gate for the ECL 100K circuit of Figure 14.1. Assume that the bias supply circuit provides three identical 14.5 Determine the magnitude of the current source I1 in Figure 14.1 for R( = 500 n. 14.6 14.7 14.8 Determine the average power dissipation for the compensating reference voltage circuit of Figure 1 A 'J .J."'.1:.J. 14.9 Determine the average power dissipation for the compensating reference voltage circuit of Figure 14.3 with -VEE= -5.2 V. p-;itps - - U with -V.-.I.J = -4 V "" GATES The previous several chapters traced development of the basic ECL current switch through the various ECL logic families. While the NAND function is the naturally occurring logic function of the TTL logic families presented earlier, the NOR and OR functions are inherent to the ECL current switch and logic gates. With TTL other logic functions such as NOR and OR are obtainable by modifying the NAND logic gate as we have seen. With ECL, NAND and AND functions are obtained through modifications of the ECL NOR/OR gate in a similar fashion. There are two circuit design techniques used for obtaining NAND/AND functions from ECL. These are the following: 1. Collector dotting, which uses two current switches in a wired-AND configuration. 2. Series gating, which consists of stacking the ECL current switch on an inverting BJT. ploy complementary NOR and OR outputs, ANDing and NANDing can easily be accomplished through exploitation of De Morgan's NOR theorem. Example 15.1 EGL Realization of ANDing through De Morgan's NOR Theorem How could the logic schematic of Figure 15.2a (A + B)(C + D) be realized using only ECL NOR/OR gates? Solution Since the OR and NOR functions are already available, the question is how to obtain the ANDing of the sub-logic expressions. Since a NOR gate is the logical equivalent of the AND gate with inverted inputs, we use the opposite outputs of the first stage NOR/OR gates to obtain the logic A+B Extending these series gating methods allows more complicated logic realizations as will be shown. Also, minor rewiring of a ECL NAND/AND gate designed with the series gating method allows the realization of XNOR and XOR gates. Before presenting the collector dotting and series gating design techniques, a method of logic realization that has been useful and requires no circuit modification is examined. This method simply exploits the natural ECL complementary signal outputs and De Morgan's theorem. and C+D Feeding these signals to a second stage ECL gate and using the NOR output as shown in Figure 15.2b gives the desired logic realization. Note that the OR output of the second stage gate gives the inverse of the output signal, which may be desired as an inverted input to an additional stage. The previous example shows that AND and NAND functions can easily be obtained with no additional circuitry for ECL NOR/OR gates, since complementary outputs are available. The remainder of this chapter presents modifications to the ECL NOR/OR logic circuit design to obtain the remaining basic logic functions. Design methods for obtaining XOR/XNOR functions and 15.1 USE OF NOR/OR GATES AS AND/NAND GATES WITH INVERTED INPUTS De Morgan's NOR theorem as presented above states that a NOR gate can be used as an AND gate with inverted inputs. Since ECL gates naturally em- 201 202 T Chapter 15/0ther ECL Gates Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks De Morgan's Theorems (a) De Morgan's theorems are needed in the following section. These theorems can be stated simply as follows: De Morgan's NOR Theorem (b) A NOR gate is the logical equivalent of an AND gate with inverted inputs. This is observed in Figt1re 15.1a1 \vhere FIGURE 15.l DeMorgan's Theorems of Logic Equivalency: (a) The NOR logic function is equivalent to the logical AND function with inverted inputs, (b) The NANO logic function is equivalent to the logical OR function with inverted inputs W+Y=WY As a result, an OR gate is the logical equivalent of a NAND gate with inverted inputs, observed by inverting the previous equation yielding (W + Y) = W + Y = W Y De Morgan's NAND Theorem complex OR-AND-invert logic functions are also presented. A NAND gate is the logical equivalent of an OR gate with inverted inputs. This is observed in Figure 15.1b, where 15.2 COLLECTOR DOTTING WIRED-AND GATES WY=W+Y As a result, an AND gate is the logical equivalent of a NOR gate with inverted inputs, observed by inverting the previous equation yielding Circuit An ECL design method for obtaining the logical AND function rnllcd collector dotting achieves the realization of the AND function by placing multiple ECL current switches in parallel. Figure 15.3a shows WY=WY=W+Y ECL gates outputs complementary ____ /_------ __ DeMorgan's theorem shows that these logic schematics are equiavlent /_, \ (A+ B)(C + D) = (A + B)(C + D) =(A+ B)(C + D) ...,(A+ B)(C + D) (A+ B)(C +D) C D (a) FIGURE 15.2 (a) Desired ANDing of ECL signals, (b) Since ECL gates naturally employ complementary (b) outputs, a NOR gate can serve as an AND gate with inverted inputs ]5.:?. Collcctm Dotting Wired-AND Gates 203 VrnA temperature compensating bias network Vm V ~ (' I -·--t/~ On ',:i ( l INAD ~ parallel current switch input section (a) FIGURE 15.3 F=AB INB - (b) ECL AND Gc1tc Designed with the Collector Dotting Method: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Logic symbol 204 Chapter 15/0ther ECL Gates YourCV) VBB = -1.31 -1.5 , -1.0 - - - - -'- T1 !- - tI -0.5 - - -1- - - ---;- - obtained by writing KVL along dashed path 2 of Figure 1S.3a: VIN(V) I ---► _ I C.R - '' ' '' · -0.5 '' _ Vim - VHu,(ECL) R F,R - + VEI u Thus, by substitution the output low voltage for the ECL gate of Figure 9.3a is : :,.:--------1-VOH = -0.75 ''' I, R[/ . -1.0 I ''' ''' '' '' ' ' V'BB . I..._ • ..;,.1. ~1 - ' ' ' -1.5 tvoL=-1.76 I (c) Viir:,iw(ECL) Output High Voltage = V0u If both inputs are high, Q,A and QIB are both active and the reference BJTs in both current switches are cutoff. With both reference QR, and QR 2 cutoff, the output voltage can be found by writing KVL along dashed path 1 of Figure 15.3a with IRrn = 0: Vo1 I FIGURE 15.3 (continued) (c) Voltage transfer characteristic a two-input ECL AND gate constructed by using two parallel current switches. The circuit symbol for this logic gate is shown in Figure 15.3b. The additional current switch input section is in the lower shaded block of Figure 15.3a. The base terminals of both reference BJTs are connected as are the collector terminals. A slightly modified bias network (to produce V,m) is present along with a single emitter-follower output buffer Q 13 !': taken at the common collector terminals of QR, and QR 2. Note that the base of the output buffer BJT QBN is fed from the same point as the OR output buffer in a ECL NOR/OR gate. Logic Realization and Critical Voltages Output Low Voltage= VoL If either input in the ECL gate of Figure 15.3a is low, the reference BJT in the corresponding current switch will be active, This will cause a current in the reference collector resistor Rm, bringing the voltage at the base of the output buffer Q8 N down. Thus, following dashed path 1 of Figure 15.3a, the output low voltage of an unloaded gate is given by VOL = -lc,RRc,R - VBr:,iw(ECL) The collector current through QR, (or QR 2) is approximately equal to the emitter current IE.R and is = 0 - v/lE,/lN(ECL) = - VidECL) Input Low and High Voltages =Vn and Vm As was the case with the ECL NOR/OR gates of the previous chapters, the transition region for the ECL AND gate of Figure 15.3a is narrow, approximately 0.1 V. The input low and high voltage V1L and Vn-1 are symmetric about the reference voltage Vmi• That is, and V1u = Vim + 0.05 The voltage transfer characteristic with the critical voltages labeled is displayed in Figure 15.3c. Realization of Logical AND Function Since the output is low for either input low and high only when both inputs are high the logical AND function is realized for this gate. This gate is sometimes referred to as a wired-AND gate since it is made up of two ECL current switches with the noninverting outputs electrically connected (or "wired" together). SPICE Simulation of ECL Collector Dotted AND Gate Example 15.2 Perform a SPICE simulation of the ECL AND gate of Figure 15.3a to prove that the logical AND function is realized. Place a 50 kf1 resistor between the emitter of the output buffer BJT Q13 N and -VEE· 15.2 Collector Dotting Wired-AND Gates VCC2 40 D DC DV VEE D 30 DC 5-2V VINA 1 D PULSE(-5,2V DV OS 1NS + 1NS 25NS SONS) VINB 2 D PULSE(-5,2V DV OS 1NS + 1NS SONS 100NS) RPA 1 30 50KOHM RPB 2 30 50KOHM Solution Figure 15.4 shows the ECL AND gate of Figure 15.3a with appropriate SPICE labclings and an output pull-down resistor. The SPICE input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: ECL Collector Dotting AND Gate ,OPTIONS NOMOD NOECHO NOPAGE VCC1 20 D DC DV 120 RCIAi2170HM RCR 2450HM 6 13 20 QB2 4030HM Ji ___ - 6 3 QR1 5 QB1 DL1f 5 4 RPA 50KOHM RE1 7770HM RBE 8 :i·--"-----____J 5 14 VINA¥ 5040HM 20 6 QIA DL2.f I ·10 6.1KOHM ~ 30 RBL 4.98KOHM l 30 20 0 i n+ 40 VCC2.,.. DCOV RCIBJ;170HM 40 t2 6 i o- 2 n+l2 V~1B ~11 6 * 13 11 13 RPO 50KOHM 2 RPB QBN QR2 VINBt 50KOHM RE2 7770HM 30 30 30 FIGURE 15.4 205 Collector-dotted ECL AND Gate with Load Resistors and Appropriate SPICE Labelings 206 Chapter 15/0ther ECL Gates RCIA 20 3 2170HM RCR 20 6 2450Hf1 RCIB 20 12 2170HM RE1 4 30 7770HM RE2 11 30 7770HM QIA 3 1 4 QNPN QIB 12 2 11 QNPN QR1 6 5 4 QNPN QR2 6 5 11 QNPN QB 20 8 5 QNPN Q82 20 7 6 QNPN YmiV) ... 0-1 25 -- - 50 -+----i--- 75 -- -1- 100 - t - +- -► t(ns) -2- -3-4- -5- DL1 8 9 DIODE DL2 9 10 DIODE RBH1 20 7 4030HM RBH2 7 8 5040HM RBL 10 30 4,98KOHM RBE 5 30 6,1KOHM QBN 40 6 13 QNPN RPO 13 30 SOKOHM ,MODEL QNPN NPN<IS=1E-14 BF=49 + BR=0,2 VA=80 TF=0-45NS + TR=SNS CCS=3PFD CJE=7,6PFD + CJC=3PFD RB=13 RC=b-2) -MODEL DIODE D(VJ=0,75) ,TRAN 10PS 10DNS -PLOT TRAN V(VINA) V<VINB) + VE(QBN) ,END The transient response obtained from this simulation is shown in Figure 15.5. Note that the output is high only when both inputs are high, and low when either input is low. Thus, the logical AND function is indeed realized by use of the collector dotting method. VINB(V) ... 25 50 75 100 0 t(ns) -1 - -2- -3--4- -5 - Your(V) ... 0--- 25 50 --t---+- 75 - -+- --- 100 -► t(ns) -1 -2--;-3- -4--;- -5-- Adding More Inputs Additional inputs are added to the AND gate of Figure 15.3a by including additional identical current switch input sections (shaded in Figure 15.3a). It is simple to show that any input low will bring the reference BJT of the corresponding current switch input section into active operation and in turn force the output low. 15.3 COLLECTOR DOTTING COMPLEX OR-AND LOGIC GATES The collector dotting AND gate of Figure 15.3a can easily be expanded to provide a complex OR-AND FIGURE 15.5 Transient Response of Example 15.2 SPICE Simulation .TRAN Sweep logical function. By adding additional input BJTs in parallel with the existing input transistors, sub OR ing of these inputs is performed and then ANDing through the collector-dotting. Figure 15.6a shows such a gate. Input ORing Sections Examining Figure 15.6a, if either input A or Bis high, the reference BJT QR 1 is cutoff. If both A and B are low, QR, is active. Thus, the collector voltage of QR 1 15.3 Ro, Collector Dotting Complex OR-AND Logic Gates 2450 temperature compensating bias network parallel current switch input section (a) FIGURE 15.6 ECL Complex OR-AND (OA) Logic Gate Through Collector Dotting Method: (a) Circuit 207 208 Chapter 15/Other ECL Gates (A +B)(C + D) Example 15 .3 Complex ECL Collector-Dotted AND-OR Gate What logic function is performed by the complex ECL collector-dotted logic gate of Figure 15.7a? (b) FIGURE 15.6 (continued) (b) Logic schematic is the logical function VA OR Vll. Similarly, if either input C or D is high the reference BJT QR 2 is cutoff. QR 2 is active when both C and D are low. As with the other current switch, the collector voltage of QR 2 is the logical function V c OR VD· Output is ANDing of the ORings If both reference BJTs are cutoff, then no current flows through Rm and the output will be high. If either reference BJT is active (which results from all inputs in the corresponding current switch low) then a current flows through Rm into the collector of the corresponding reference BJT and the output is low. Thus, the gate of Figure 15.6 realizes the logic function VouT = (VA + VB)Wc + Vo) as shown in Figure 15.6a. The logic schematic is shown in Figure 15.6b. Recipe for Other Complex Logic Gates Any combination of OR-ANDing is possible with the collector dotting design method using the following rules: 1. ORing of signals is performed by multiple input BJT current switches. 2. ANDingof ORed signals is performed by placing multiple current switch input sections in parallel. 3. A single output buffer is taken from the common collector of all current switch reference BJTs. 4. A single bias network similar to that shown in Figure 15.3a is connected to the common base and collector of the reference BJT in all current switch input sections. FIGURE 15.7 Solution The top current switch has two inputs, A and B, and therefore embodies the sub - logic A + B. TI1e middle current switch has the single input C and output Cat the common collector. The bottom current switch has three inputs, D, E, and F and there fore perform s the sub-logic D + E + F. The collector dotted current switches perform the AND operation on the sub -logic of each section . Thus, the output voltage of the ECL gate of Figure 15.7a realizes the logic function (symbolized in Figure 15.7b) as follows: VouT = (VA OR VB) AND Ve AND (V0 OR VE OR VF) = (A + B)C(D + E + F) Lack of Complementary Signal Outputs The most notable disadvantage of the collector-dotting method is the lack of complementary output signals. That is, with the ECL logic gates of the previous chapters NOR and OR (inverting and non-i nverting for single input ECL gates) outputs are both naturally available. With a collector dotted wired -AND ECL gate, only an AND output is available. The following sections presen t a second design method for obtaining simultaneous ANDing and NANDing of input signals. 15.4 SERIES GATING-BASIC ECL NANO/AND CURRENT SWITCH A second design technique for obtaining ANDing of signals is th e series gating design technique. Series gating employs the series connection of current switches. Circuit Figure 15.8 shows the basic series gated ECL NAND/ AND current switch . Two current switches are placed in series with th e common emitter of the first (a) Six-input ECL collector dotted AND-OR (AO) logic circuit of Example 15.3 temperature compensating bias network v= ,,.................... (a) 210 Chapter 15/0thcr ECL Gates A-- NAND Output Low State B - If both A and B arc high, then a current will flow through Re, approximately equal to the source current Ir+ This will bring the NAND output to the output low state given by c--------1 ~ F=(A+B)C(D+E+F) D EF-- v.\-oL (b) FIGURE 15.7 (continued) solution to Example 15.3 (b) Logic schematic current switch feeding the collector of the input BJT of the second. The collectors of both reference transistors are connected to the resistor Rm. Realization of Logical NAND Function NAND Output High State If input A or B is low, then the corresponding input BJT will be cutoff and no current will flow through Re,- Thus, the output labeled VNAND will be at the high voltage given by VN011 = Vco = 0 FIGURE 15.8 (NANO output high voltage) = o - lc.11,RC/ = - IIERCI (NANO output low voltage) Realization of Logical AND Function = AND Output Low State (VIJ Low) If input Bin Figure 15.8 is low, then Qlll will be cutoff and QRB will be turned on and a current will flow through Rm into the collector of QRH· This will force the voltage at the AND output to be low given by V.,01 = = 0 - lc.1wRrn -lrERrn (AND output lm.u voltage) AND Output Low State (Vn = High and VA == Low) If VB is high, then Qm will be active and QR!l will be cutoff. If V,\ is simultaneously low, then Q1,\ will be cutoff and QRA will be active. A current will then flow through Rm into the collector of QR/\ and subse- Basic Series Gated ECL NANO/AND Current Switch; requires two reference voltages 15.5 =0- V1, 011 = Vcc 1 = 0 (AND output hig/J voltage) lc,1,ARCR = - In:Rrn 15.5 SERIES GATING NAND/AND GATE (AND output low voltage) AND Output High State 1f both inputs are high then the input BJTs Q1J\ and Figure 15.9a shows an ECL NAND/AND gate constructed with the series gating design method. The logic symbol for this gate is shown in Figure 15.96. Q 1ri are both active. Both reference transistors, QRA and QRB, are therefore cutoff and no current flows '·--' ;.V,m=-5.2 V temperature compensating hia~ network (a) A--j\ B -l__)~ F = AB (b) FIGURE 15.9 211 through the resistor Rm. Thus, the AND output is high when both inputs are high and quently into the collector of Qrn. This will again bring the AND output low with approximately the same voltage magnitude as above, given by V;\OL Series Gating NAi'\JD/AND Gates ECL AND Gate Designed Using Series Gating Method: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Logic symbol 212 Chapter 15/0ther ECL Gates The reference voltage V8B is then determined relative to Vm1 following part of dashed path 2 as V NAND, VAND(V) v •• =-1.32 v.=-0.486 t -~--!;_SJ-,-~~-~--i~~ -~"' (V) ii l : I ::: Emitter Follower Input -0.5 '' VNOR : : : : J,.:- - - - - - - - - - - - '' v -0.75 OH= -1.0 TV• 8 =-1.32 t-1.5 VOL= -1.76 (c) FIGURE 15.9 (continued) characteristic (c) Voltage transfer In the last section, the need for two distinct reference voltages in a series gated ECL gate was mentioned. Looking back to the NAND/AND current switch of Figure 15.8, the lower current switch requires a reference voltage V88 reduced in magnitude from the V88 voltage referencing the upper current switch. Examining the ECL NAND/AND gate of Figure 15.9a, a modified bias network is observed. Vnn Reference Voltage The voltage V88 is obtained by first writing KVL for dashed path 1 and solving for the current ID, yielding VEE - 2V (0N) I o = - - -0- - R/311 + RsL From this current, the emitter voltage of Q8 is = -IoRan - VaE.a(ECL) = VEE - 2V0 (0N) RBf/ _ R Bl I + RBL The previous section calculated the relative difference between the reference voltages of the two current switches in the series gated ECL circuit of Figure 15.9a. With the reference voltage to the second current switch lower than the reference voltage to the first switch, the input to the second current switch must be reduced by an equal magnitude so that the voltage at the base of Qrn is varied about V~B· Note from the circuit that the input voltage V,m is obtained following dashed path 3 as vll.1a = ViNa - vBcrn(ECL) - Vo.u/ON) - I,,rnRun Modified Bias Network VsB Virn = V,38 - 2VD(ON) - h.aRu1 V ·(ECL) BE V ~8 Reference Voltage To obtain the second reference voltage V5 8 , the emitter current of Q 8 must first be determined. Writing KVL along dashed path 2 and solving for Ii::,s gives V 88 - 2Vo(ON) + VEE hB = -------, RaE1 + RaE2 Also, note that the input voltage at the base of Q 111 is V1"' 13 degraded by approximately V88 - V811 . The series gated ECL NAND/AND gate of Figure 15. 9a has emitter-follower output buffers just as the NOR/OR gates of the previous chapters. Figure 15.9c shows the voltage transfer characteristic of the ECL NAND/AND gate of Figure 15.9a. Example 15.4 Series Gated EGL NANDIAND SPICE Simulation Perform a transient SPICE simulation on the series gated ECL NAND-AND gate of Figure 15.9a to prove the realization of the logical NAND and AND functions. Include 50 kD pull-down resistors between the output nodes and -VEE· Solution Figure 15.10 shows the series gated ECL NAND/AND gate of Figure 15.9a with output pulldown resistors and appropriate SPICE labelings. The input circuit file for this simulation is as follows: Series gated ECL NAND/AND Gate -OPTIONS NOMOD NOECHO NOPAGE VCC1 16 0 DC OV VCC2 15 0 DC OV VEE 8 0 DC -5-2V VINA 1 0 DC -0.bV PULSE(-1.5V + -0-bV OS 1NS 1NS 25NS 50NS) VINB 2 0 DC -0-bV PULSE(-1.5V + -0-bV OS 1NS 1NS 50NS 100NS) 15.5 213 Series Gating NAND/AJ,JD Gates ?1~5 VCC2~DCOV -- --- ' -- ----- - - - I_ _ _ • - 16 I 15 29 QBN 2 0--~ 0---- n+ 2 VINBnJo I RCR * 20 n+ 1 VINAt DLB RLB1 19 --oV AND 6 7 29 22 DL1 6 QI.A DL3 4 7100HM DL4 7 4 DL2 RBE1 7200HM 19 RPOUTA 50KOHM 8 23 11 ! 23 12 8 I QBA 22 QB RPOUTN 50KOHM i /15 7 16 11 24 9070HM 22 7 QLB 20 RBH 2450HM 29 16 24( VNAND --- RPAt 50KOHM 8 RLB2 3.13KOHM 12 8 iRPB 50KOH !B RBL REIE2 9 4340HM 3.06KOHM 4.98KOHM I 6 8 6 ~I- - - ~ - _ L _ n+ 8 VEE~ DC -5.2V n• O FIGURE 15.10 Series Gated ECL AND Gate with Output Pull-down Resistors and Appropriate SPICE Labelings *series gated current switches QIA 29 1 4 QNPN QRA 7 6 4 QNPN RPA 1 8 50KOHM RPB 2 8 50KOHM RCI 16 29 2170HM RCR 16 7 2450HM QLB 16 2 20 QNPN DLB 20 21 DIODE RLB1 21 11 7100HM RLB2 11 8 3-13KOHM QIB 4 11 9 QNPN QRB 7 12 9 QNPN RE 9 8 4340HM *NAND and AND output buffers *with output pull down resistors QBN 15 29 24 QNPN RPOUTIN 24 8 50KOHM QBA 15 7 19 QNPN RPOUTA 19 8 50KOHM *temperature compensating bias *network QB 16 22 6 QNPN DL3 6 18 DIODE DL4 18 17 DIODE RBE1 17 12 7200HM RBE2 12 8 3-06KOHM RBH 16 22 9070HM DL1 22 34 DIODE 214 Chapter 15/0ther ECL Cates 4 VNAND(V) 4 -l.75-l.5-l.25-1.0-0.75-0.5-0.25 I VIN (V) ---+----t------+----+----+--+------+--+--------- t-0.2 t-0.4 0-------l-+----t---+---+---'f---+----+----1-----l---.i. t(ns) -0.25J_ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50-L -0.75-1-1---1.00-r -1.25~ -l.50J_ t-0.6 VINB(V) t-0.8 0 +-1.0 I . -1.2 t I I ► t(ns) -0.25+ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50+ -0.75 - - - - - - -1.00-i -1.25+ -1.50- t-1.4 I t-1.6 r-1.8 VNAND(V) • 0-j - 4 -t--l--l~+-t--i-+--t-l--► t(ns) V AND(V) -l.75-l.5-l.25-l.0-0.75-0.5-0.25 tI -0.25: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50+ VIN(V) - ~ - t - 1-t-1- + I- + I- + I- + I--I-•---► +-0.2 r-o.4 - - - - - - - - - -0.6 1- -0.8 I L1.o L1.2 t-1.4 r1.6 --1.8 I (a) ~¥,r ( -1.501\ -1.75 _1_ . V AND(V) 0 -----;____+---+-----+--+-+---+------+---+----+--> t(ns) 4 -0.25--"- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 -0.50+ :~--~f'___,\ -1.25 -1.50-1.75 - - -----✓ (b) FIGURE 15.11 Results of Example 15.4 SPICE Simulation of Figure 15.10 Series-gated ECL Gate: (a) Voltage transfer characteristics of V!\JAND and VAND outputs obtained from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response verifying realization of logical NAND and AND functions obtained from .TRAN sweep 15.6 DL2 34 23 DIODE RBL 23 8 4-98KOHM .MODEL QNPN NPN<IS=1E-14 BF=49 + BR=D-2 VA=8O TF= □ -45NS + TR=SNS CCS=3PFD CJE=7-6PFD + CJC=3PFD R8=13 RC=b-2) .MODEL DIODE D(VJ=O-75) -DC VINA -2.ov DV □- □ 1V .PLOT DC VC(QBN) VC(QBA) .TRAN 1NS 1DDNS . PLOT TRAN V<VINA) V(VINB) + VE(QBN) VE(QBA) -END Series Gating Complex OR-AND Gates 215 BJT is cJctive cJnd Q1,B is cutoff. Thus, the pcJrallel input BJTs in each current switch provide an ORing of signals. ANDing of the ORings The previous section showed that the series gating of current switches produces a NANDing and an ANDing of the inputs. The series gating of the current switch in Figure 15.12a produces a NANDing and ANDing of the individual current switch ORing . That is, the output at the common collector of Q 1A and Qrn is the logical function Ve);\/ = (V1, OR Vii) AND (V;1 OR Vil) Figure 15.lla shows the voltage transfer characteristics for the NAND and AND outputs obtained from the .DC sweep of the VINA input with the ViNB input held high. Note that these VTCs are similar to those of ECL NOR and OR outputs. The transient response obtained from the .TRAN sweep is shown in Figure 15.116. Observing the output of this simulation, it is seen that the NAND and AND functions are indeed realized. 15.6 SERIES GATING COMPLEX OR-AND GATES Series gated ECL NAND/AND gates can easily be expanded to realize complex OR-AND-invert and OR-AND logic functions. This is accomplished by parallel connection of additional input BJTs at each current switch. Figure 15.12a shows a four-input series-gated ECL current switch that realizes the logic functions = (A + B)(C + D) F= (A + B)(C + D) F and The output at the common collectors of QRA and QRB is the logirnl function Vo/\ = (V;1 OR VB) AND (V1 , OR Vii) Recipe for Other Complex Logic Gates Any combination of OR-ANDing along with the complementing OR-AND-inverting can be obtained by obeying the following five steps: 1. ORing of signals is performed by parallel input BJTs in a single emitter coupled switch. 2. ANDing of ORed signals is performed by series gating the individual current switches. 3. Output buffers are taken from both collectors of the top current switch. 4. A multiple bias reference circuit is needed for each level of series gating (ANDing); the temperature compensating bias network of Figure 15.9a provides two bias voltages: V1m and V(m- 5. Inputs to emitter coupled switches below the top switch, need to be divided down in a manner similar to V1N 13 through Dui, Ruiv and Rui 2 in Figure 15.9a. The circuit symbol for this logic gate is shown in Figure 15.12b. Example 15.5 Complex Series Gated ECL Current Switch Input ORing Sections What logic function is performed by the six-input ECL current switch of Figure 15.13a? Examining the series-gated current switch of Figure 15.12a, if either VA or VB is high, the corresponding input BJT is active and the reference BJT QR/\ is cutoff. If either Ve or V1i is high, the corresponding input Solution The ECL current switch of Figure 15.13a has three levels of series gating. The top current switch has two parallel input BJTs with inputs V1N/\ and Vrf'-:B and therefore performs the ORing A + B. 216 Chapter 15/Othcr ECL Gates I --~L-1 R.,. t -o V~ a (V, + VJ(V, + VJ r--~ I ' ~~ t----DVee - X ~-~~~ _V ~~-~~ r,_ I I I ~ V!NC - ~~~o~ ~--~~~-J (a) -----· INA F =(A+ B)(C + D) INC F =(A+ B)(C + D) IND (b) FIGURE 15.12 Series Gated ECL Complex OR-AND-invert/OR-AND (OAI/OA) Current Switch: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Logic symbol The bottom current switch has three parallel input BJTs with inputs V 1Nn, ViNE, and ViNF and performs the ORing D + E + F. The series gating ANDs the two ORing sections along with the V1Nc single input current switch in the middle. The complementary logic functions performed by this current switch are therefore F = (A + B)C(D + E + F) and F = (A + B)C(D + E + F) 15.7 ECL XOR/XNOR GATES The series gating methods of the previous sections can be applied to realize the XOR and XNOR logic functions. Figure 15.14a shows a current switch configuration with dual single input emitter coupled pairs (Q 1A1 & QRAi and Q 1A 2 & QR/d series gated into a third single input emitter coupled pair (Q 18 & QR 1i). The input VINA is connected to both input BJTs Q 1;\ 1 and Q 1A 2 in the upper current switches. Likewise, the reference voltage V,m is connected to both 15.7 VOUTI ECL XOR/XNOR Cates Ymm=? =? VINA VINB 0-- o-~ VINC 0--- (a) INA- F =(A+ B)C(D + E + F) INB INC------------1 IND INE INF- F =(A+ B)C(D + E + F) (b) FIGURE 15.13 Six-input Series-gated ECL AND-ORlnvert/AND-OR Current Switch of Example 15.5: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Logic symbol schematic 217 218 Chapter 15/0ther ECL Gates Ra VXOR / VINA ( }--~-----f Q.., l~~- (a) INA INA j'L__/~ ~ XNOR XOR (b) FIGURE 15.14 Series Gated ECL XOR/XNOR Current Switch: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Logic symbol reference BJTs QRAi and QRAz• The input ViNll is connected to the input BJT Qm of the lower emitter coupled pair. Note that the reference voltage V{lll connected to the reference BJT QRB must meet the condition as described in the previous sections on series gating. Logic Analysis Both Inputs High When both inputs are high, Q1J\ 1 and Qm are both active and current flows through R0 . Therefore, the Vxcw output is low. QR,\l and QRB are both cutoff when both inputs are high. Therefore no current flow through Rm and the Yx:---:oR output is high. 15.7 Both Inputs Low With both inputs low, since QRJ\ 2 and Q1,n arc both active, current flows through R0 . Therefore, the Vxcw output is also low when both inputs are low. With both inputs low, Q 1A 2 and Qrn are both cutoff and no current can flow through RcR· Thus, the Yx:--:cw output is high. VINA High, VINn Low With V1:--:,\ high and V11'n low, Q 111 and Q 1v\ 2 are both cutoff and the YxoR output is high. For this combination of inputs, Q 1/\2 and QRB are both active and current flows through Rm. Thus, the Vx:--:oR output is low. VINA Low, v,NB High Finally, with V 101 A low and ViNB high, Q1Ai and QRB are both cutoff. Therefore no current flows through Rc 1 and the Vxm output is high. ECL XOR/XNOR Gates Additionally, QRAJ and Q 111 are active and draw current through Rm. Thus, the Vxl'-:oR output is low. Realization of XOR and XNOR Logic Functions The preceding four sub-sections clearly show that the circuit of Figure 15.14a realizes the XOR and XNOR logic functions. Figure 15.146 shows the logic symbol for this logic gate. 15.8 ECL DECODING TREE Circuit A useful application of series gated ECL that deserves brief mention is the realization of decoding trees. Figure 15.15 shows a two-input, four-output decoder that exemplifies the concept. Two single-in-put emitter coupled pairs are series gated to a third Vcc,n Ra,! - - F,=AB o VINA I 7 Roi F2 =AB F,=AB I/ I Q,., "'1 1------------{ FIGURE 15.15 219 Quad ECL Current Switch Series Gated Decoding Tree V'•• 220 Chapter 15/Other ECL Gates single-input emitter coupled pair. V1:--:A is applied to the input BJTs of both upper emitter coupled pairs, while V1N 13 is fed to the single input of the lower emitter coupled pair. Reference voltages V138 and V~B are required with Vall> v~B as described in earlier sections. TABLE 15.1 Truth Table for Quad ECL Series Decoding Tree of Figure 15.15 1 2 3 4 v!Nl VINZ F1 F2 F3 F4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Logic Realization Examining the circuit of Figure 15.15 under all four combinations of input logic levels, it is easily verified that the four outputs realize the logic functions F1 =AB F2 =AB F3 =AB The truth table for all four outputs of this gate is shown in Table 15.1. It is seen that each output is brought low for a single combination of input logic levels. This provides a method of designing complex decoder circuits with relatively few circuit elements. Verification of the logic functions for this circuit is left as a homework problem. and CHAPTER15PROBLEMS 15.9 15.1 Using collector dotting wired-AND gates, draw the schematic for a three-input AND gate. 15.2 Determine the critical voltages for the circuit of Figure 15.3a. Use V8 dECL) = VD(ON) = 0.75 V, V8 c(SAT) = 0.6 V, and neglect base currents. 15.3 Calculate the bias voltages V813 and V{m in the circuit of Figure 15.9. Use VBE(ECL) = V0 (ON) = 0. 75 V and neglect base currents. 15.4 Calculate the critical voltages for the AND output in the circuit of Figure 15.9. Use V8 E(ECL) = V0 (ON) = 0.75 V and neglect base currents. 15.5 Using collector dotting wired-AND gates, draw the schematic for a logic circuit that realizes the logic function F = AB(C + D) 15.10 Repeat Problem 15.9 using series gated ECL. 15.11 Using collector dotting wired-AND gates, draw the schematic for a logic circuit that realizes the logic function F 15.12 Calculate the average power dissipation for the circuit of Figure 15.3a. Use V8 dECL) = V0 (ON) = 0.75 V and neglect base currents. = (A + B)(C + D)(E + F) Using collector dotting wired-AND gates, draw the schematic for a logic circuit that realizes the logic function F = (A + B)(C + D)(E + F) 15.6 Calcualte the average power dissipation for the circuit of Figure 15. 9. Use VBE(ECL) = Vn(ON) = 0. 75 V and neglect base currents. 15.13 Construct a truth table with ls and Os to verify that the gate of Figure 15.13 produces the XOR logic operation. 15.7 Draw the schematic for a logic circuit that realizes the logic function 15.14 Construct a truth table with ls and Os to verify that the gate of Figure 15.14 produces the XNOR logic operation. 15.15 Verify the logic values in Table 15.1. F 15.8 = A(B + C) Repeat Problem 15.7 using series gated ECL. METAL OXIDE SEMICONDUCTOR FIELD EFFECT TRA SISTORS The most important metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor for digital logic ICs is the silicon N-channel enhancement-only transistor. This device has superior properties to those of the corresponding P-channel MOSFET due primarily to the higher mobility of electrons. Furthermore, the en hancement-only MOSFET is nonnally off when no voltages are applied making these devices ideal for digital logic circuits. However, innovative circuit design using pairs of matched (complementary) N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs has evolved into the very effective, low power consuming CMOS (complementary MOS) digital logic family. The fabrication sequences for silicon NMOSFETs and CMOS circuits are shown in Figures 16.1, 16.2, and 16.10. The NMOS family consists of logic elements whose circuit components involve only N-channel MOSFETs. The main device in each gate is an enhancement-only MOSFET. However, the load device is either an enhancement-only or enhancementdepletion type MOSFET. Both NMOS and CMOS digital IC families using silicon are used extensively in VLSI and ULSI circuits because of the typically small size of MOSFETs compared with BJTs and also because of lower power dissipation. This chapter describes the basics of silicon MOSFETs including geometry, current-voltage characteristics, parameters, and SPICE modelling. In addition to the usual device fabrication steps consisting of source/drain formation, thin oxide growth and metalization, there are two other important processes. These are the p+ implant everywhere outside the active MOSFET device area and the channel im plant. The p+ implant creates surface regions that do not invert to N-type and are necessary in order to isolate adjacent devices. The channel implant is used to adjust the threshold voltage to a desired value. Note that the oxide layer above the channel stop regions is much thicker than the gate oxide. This thicker oxidation is referred to as the thick oxide or field oxide and is usually about one to two orders of magnitude larger than the thin gate oxide. 16.2 SILICON GATE N-CHANNEL MOSFETs Figure 16.2 displays the fabrication sequence for the N-channel polysilicon gate MOSFET. In this sequence a silicon nitride (Si 3 N4) layer is used as a mask for the implanted p+ -channel stop region. Then, the field oxide is grown with Si 3 N 4 inhibiting growth in the active transistor region. The other processing steps are essentially the same as the metal gate case. 16.3 MOSFET MODES OF OPERATION 16.1 METAL GATE N-CHANNEL MOSFETs The circuit symbol for the N-channel MOSFET is shown in Figure 16.3a. Note that the source and body (substrate) are connected. This is not always the case as shown in Figure 16.3d. The basic processing sequence for silicon N-channel MOSFETs with metal gate is displayed in Figure 16.1. 221 222 Chapter 16/Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors Si0 2 P+ I gate oxide \ Si02 '::::, Si02 D G \ P+ (a) r s P substrate { @I B ~ (d) P substrate G (b) Si02 Si02 1mpant (e) gate oxide P substrate (c) FIGURE 16.1 Basic Processing Sequence for Silicon N-channel M0SFET with Metal Gate: (a) Source/drain N+ diffusion/implant, (b) Channel stop P+ implant, (c) Channel implant and gate oxide growth, (d) Metal deposition and etch, (c) Layout defining channel width W and length L Threshold Voltage TABLE 16.1 Voltage In order for drain current to flow from drain to source in an N-channel MOSFET, the gate-to-source voltage must be greater than the specific device threshold voltage VT and the drain-to-source voltage must be greater than zero. The threshold voltage is dependent upon the physical dimensions and parameters of the MOS device as discussed shortly. For the enhancement-only NMOS transistor, the threshold voltage is positive and for the enhancement-depletion NMOS, the threshold voltage is negative. For PMOS devices, the threshold voltage is opposite in sign to the corresponding NMOS. The threshold voltage signs are tabulated in Table 16.1. Cutoff If the gate-to-source voltage V cs for a NMOS device is less than the threshold voltage, the NMOS device is in the cutoff mode of operation and no drain cur- Signs of MOSFET Threshold NMOS Enhancement-only Enhancement-depletion rent flows in the channel (ID indicated in Figure 16.3a. PMOS + + = O). This situation is Linear tviode As Yes is increased above Vr, a drain current conducts as indicated in Figure 16.3b for VDs > 0. For VDs ~ Vc;s - VT the NMOS device is in the linear mode of operation and the drain current expression for this mode is given by 16.3 \ M0SFET Modes of Operation 223 ~SiO~\ gate oxide -7 P+ (a) polysilicon P+ P+ P substrate (d) gate oxide P+ P+ \_ p substrate ~---~ ______ 1::n1-i (b) LJ'Y olysilicon ....... : ______ ]'_ (e) (c) Basic Processing Sequence for Silicon N-channel M0SFET with Polysilicon Gate: (a) Gate oxide growth, Si 0 N 4 growth and etch, channel stop implant, thick oxide growth, (b) Si 0 N4 removal, polysilicon deposition, (c) Etch polysilicon and source/drain N + implant, (d) Metal deposition and etch and passivation layer deposition, (e) Layout defining channel width W and length L as shown in Figure 16.3b, where k is a transconductance parameter described in more detail in section 16.4. lowing empirical equation: FIGURE 16.2 nel-length modulation parameter,\ and using the fol- h)(SAT) Saturation Mode As VDs is increased with Yes> VT and VDs 2: Yes VT, the NMOS device operates in the saturation mode sometimes referred to as FET saturation. The drain current expression for the saturation mode is given by This expression indicates that the saturation drain current has no dependence on VDs• This is not entirely true in the actual case and the variation with VDs is sometimes accounted for by specifying a chan- = k 2 (Vcs , - Vy)·(l + ,\V05) The voltage and current expressions for the saturation mode of operation are shown in Figure 16.3c. Family of Curves Figure 16.4 shows a family of current-voltage characteristics for a N-channel MOSFET. The drain current ID is plotted versus the voltage V Ds with Vcs as a paraIT1eter. Note that unlike the family of curves for the BJT, ID does not increase approximately linearly for equal increments in the input parameter, Yes, This is a result of the quadratic dependence of 224 Chapter 16/Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors DI I,,=0 ___. ~-~ + H Yos<VT V 00 •oon-,em I -6 s s (a) cutoff mode (b) linear mode VT(VSB > 0) = Yro + 'YL( ✓v•• + 2cp,; - ~ ) J Ia= 0 ___. ~ ~] V >V OS - + 8 -1- Vos= non-zero Yos<O T s (c) saturation mode FIGURE 16.3 MOSFET Modes of Operation: (a) Cutoff mode, (b) Linear mode, (c) Saturation mode, ID on Vcs- The linear mode of operation is to the left of the V0 s = Vcs - VT dashed curve and the saturation mode is to the right. As with the BJT, the cutoff mode of operation is defined to be the region where all currents are zero and I0 = 0. Which Way Is Up? In section 3.3 the reverse-action mode for the BJT was described. This involves operating the BJT "backwards," that is, reversing the positions of the fabricated emitter and collector. However, due to the inherent symmetric fabrication of MOSFETs, the source and drain are interchangeable. Thus, there is no reverse-active mode of operation for MOSFETs. Often, the desired source region is connected to the body (substrate) and this therefore defines which end of the channel is the source. As already mentioned, not all MOSFETs in ICs can have their sources connected to the body. The drain is then defined as the channel side region at a (d) body-bias effect on threshold voltage (d) Body-bias effect on threshold voltage i I Yos(V) FIGURE 16.4 MOSFET Family of II) versus VDs Curves with Vcs as a Parameter 16.4 MOSFET Transconductance Parameter lower potential (source) higher potential (drain) + DC Ii~' 7,~1 • ' g . I V>O --OB ---· J g_ l:------a _,..../ B I l ' s --.. . . . . . . _________- lower potential (source) '~ ····•.......... +- higher potential (drain) (b) (a) FIGURE 16,5 225 Determination of Drain and Source for Symmetric NMOS, i.e. body not tied to either end of channel higher voltage, while the source is the channel side at a lower voltage. Hence, the voltage relationship Vi,s 2: 0 is always true for an active N-channel MOSFET and if VDs changes sign, the source and drain are interchanged. Figure 16.5a and b demonstrate NMOS devices where alternate regions are used as the source and then the drain. Example 16.1 Calculation NMOS Drain Current An NMOS transistor has k = 20µA/V 2 and VTo = 1 V. Assume YL = 0. Find the drain current for the edge of saturation (i.e. V0 5 = VGs - VT) for VGs = 3 V using both the linear and saturation drain current expressions. Solution The drain-source voltage at the edge of saturation is V0 5 = (3) - (1) = 2 V Using the linear drain current expression: Using the saturation drain current expression: 2 I 0 (SAT) = ( 0µ,) (3 - 1) 2 = 40 µA 2 with both expressions agreeing, which was expected. 16.4 MOSFET TRANSCONDUCTANCE PARAMETER The previous section introduced the transconductance parameter kin the current-voltage expressions for the linear and saturation modes of MOSFET operation. Examining these expressions shows that k has units of A/V2 • The magnitude of k for a MOSFET is a direct function of the physical characteristics of the device. Device Transconductance Parameter = k The parameter k, more appropriately referred to as the device transconductance parameter of a MOSFET, is related to the channel width and length by the expression k = k' W L where k' is referred to as the process transconductance parameter. k is called the device transconductance parameter because of its relationship to the channel width and length, which are determined individually for each separate device (MOSFET). Figures 16.le and 16.2e show the top views of metal gate and silicon gate N-channel MOSFETs, respectively, with the widths and lengths of the channels labeled. Process Transconductance Parameter= k' The process transconductance parameter is determined from the expression k' = µ,Cbx 226 Chapter 16/Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors where µ, is the mobility and C()x is the gate oxide capacitance per unit area. k' is called the process transconductance parameter because its value is determined by the fabrication process and all MOSFETs on a given IC have the same k'. For N-channel MOSFETs, typically 0 /J,N cnr = 580 - V·s Also, the hole mobility for P-channel MOSFETs is typically = 230 The threshold voltage of a typical silicon MOSFET depends upon the device geometry as well as material parameters. The expression for VT with V58 = 0 (that is, zero body-to-source bias) is referred to as the zero body-bias threshold voltage and is given by Vrn = -l<bMsl - l2¢FI - -v .s <b Ms Gate Capacitance Per Unit Area Cbx The gate capacitance per unit area of a MOSFET is inversely proportional to the gate oxide thickness tox: = (per unit area) C' - Eox ox - tax where Eox is the permittivity of the gate oxide and is related to the permittivity of vacuum by the relation Eox = k0 x X E0 = 3.9 X Eo where k0 x is the dielectric constant of SiO 2 . For SiO 2 , Eox has the value Eox lzLI l~i:I + Z:x Each of the terms in this expression are defined as follows: C/112 jl,p Zero Body Bias Threshold Voltage = 3.45 X 10-t3 I_ cm MOSFET capacitances are explained in more detail in section 16.7. 16.5 MOSFET THRESHOLD VOLTAGE One of the most important parameters for a MOSFET is the threshold voltage VT. The usual definition of this parameter is as follows: the threshold voltage is the critical gate bias voltage at which conduction between the source and drain can be initiated. Hence, if the gate to source bias voltage is less than VT, the drain current is zero: <b F Qf3 Q~ 5 = difference of gate-metal and silicon work functions [V] = surface potential [V] = surface depletion region charge per unit area [C/cni] = surface state charge per unit area asso- ciated with Si-SiO 2 interface states [C/cm 2 ] Q1 = ion implantation into the channel region [C/cm 2 ] Note that all terms are negative except for the last term. Q1 represents ion implantation into the channel region that is necessary to make VTo positive. Also, the primes indicate per unit area. Body Bias Dependence of Threshold Voltage Figures 16.3b and c show the body (or substrate) connected to the source for both the linear and saturation modes of operation. In integrated circuits employing many MOSFETs, this is generally not the case. With the body and source not connected, there will then be a non-zero source-body voltage V58, as shown in Figure 16.3d. The voltage V58 is referred to as a body-bias. The presence of a body-bias voltage has the effect of shifting the threshold voltage. The threshold voltage dependence on the body-bias is described by the expression Vy(Vsll > 0) = Vrn + y1,(YVsB + 2¢F - ~ ) where VTo is the zero body-bias threshold voltage, YL is a body-effect coefficient, and <b F is the surface potential from the previous sub-section. 1G.7 Example 16.2 Calculation MOSFET Capacitances 227 v"'(VBS,P > o) = vTO,P - ye( ✓v BS,P + 2 I$r.1 - ✓2 I$r. I ) NMOS Threshold Voltage + For the MOSFET of Example 16.1, calculate the threshold voltage for a body-bias of 3 V. Use YL = 112 0.54 V , and 2</>" = 0.6 V. Solution For VsB = 3 V, by direct substitution the threshold voltage is obtained as Vr = (1) + (0.54) [V (3) + (0.6) = 1.61 V \/(o.6)] PMOS drain current is out of drain ~ +Ioy(SAT) ~ = (Vso.P + VTP)2 or 10 .P(LIN) = kp [<Vso.P + VTP)Vso,P - V\o.P -I - 16.6 2 - P-CHANNEL MOSFET The modes of operation for a P-channel MOSFET are the same as those for the N-channel MOSFET. The drain current expressions are identical in form with the voltage polarities and current directions reversed. Using the polarities and current directions shown in Figure 16.6 the PMOS modes of operation and threshold voltage are described by the following expressions using P subscripts to denote PMOS. FIGURE 16.6 P-channel MOSFET, Reversal of Voltage Subscripts and Current Direction Threshold Voltage • Enhancement-only == VTo.P < 0 • Enhancement-depletion == VTo,P > 0 • Body bias effect == Vn, = • Cutoff== Vsc,r :S -VT!' 2: -VT!' yp(\!VBs,J> + 21</>rpl ~) • Zero body-bias threshold voltage == VT 0, 1, Io,r(OFF) • Linear == V scy Vro,!' - =0 and V soy :S Vsc,r + 16.7 MOSFET CAPACITANCES VT!' Vio,P] - [ lny(UN) = lcr (V,c;,r + Vrr)Vsn.P - - • Saturation== Vsc, 1, 2: -Vn, and V 50 y 2: 2 Vscy + Vn, or Note that the polarity change in voltage for PMOS is accompanied by reversing the subscripts. The sign change in the drain current is achieved by reversing the positive current direction in Figure 16.6. The capacitances associated with a MOSFET can be modeled as shown in Figure 16.7. A capacitance exists between each pair of terminals except the source and drain. Junction Capacitances The capacitances CBs and C1m are PN junction capacitances between either the source or drain and the body (substrate). These can be calculated by the relations 228 Chapter 16/Mctal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors C(1x = gate capacitance per unit area of the gate dielectric [Finl] given by D y Coo C.o ' _ Eox C ox - tax ~--10--------~-'-------r-------------t/ (,_____._~ + + G Eox = permittivity of Si0 t0 x = gate oxide thickness 2 = k 0 xEo = 3.45 X 10- 13 Flem kox = dielectric constant of Si0 2 = 3.9 E0 = permittivity of vacuum 8.85 X 10- 14 Yoo Flem B Vos Cos 16.8 + SPICE MOSFET MODEL Yoe This section introduces the SPICE MOSFET model and .the physical significance of each of the SPICE MOSFET model parameters. Coe s FIGURE 16. 7 D MOSFET Capacitances __; RoJ C.o I where CHso & C 1mo = zero-bias junction capacitances Yeo [Fl l<l <p sB & <p u 11 = junction potentials (typically 0.9 to 1 V) mll = grading coefficient (m or 1/3) 8 = ¢10 ½ I Gate Oxide Capacitances Yes c.. The capacitances Ccs, Ccu, and Cell between the gate and over the thin oxide overlapping the remaining semiconductor regions are due to the physical overlap area between the gate and these regions. A simple approximation for the relationship between these capacitance values (that neglects fringing electrical fields) is that the sum of these is equal to the total gate capacitance or Ccs + Ceo+ Cell Rs = Cc = WLC[ix 0 where s W L = channel width [ml = channel length [m] FIGURE 16.8 SPICE MOSFET Model B 16.8 The MOSFET model used by SPICE to calculate operating characteristics is shown in Figure 16.8. SPICE MOSFET DC Characteristic SPICE MOSFET Transient Response Table 16.3 displays the SPICE MOSFET parameters for transient response calculations. The transition capacitances are calculated by The drain current is calculated from lu width [ = KP length Wes - x (1 VTWos - 229 SPICE MOSFET Model Vfisj C/ls 2 = n CJ sarea Vss + . C]SW spenm 1-- PB + LAMBDAV05 ) and In = KP width 2 length Wes - Vy)2(1 + LAMBDAVns) C80 for VDs > Vcs - V 1. Note that the width and length are not model parameters and are specified on separate device lines. The threshold voltage is calculated from VT= VTO + GAMMA(\/PHI + Vs/l - \/PHi) Table 16.2 displays the parameters that are used to calculate the DC response of the SPICE MOSFET. Note that parasitic resistances for the drain, source, gate, and body regions arc parameters. TABLE 16.2 SPICE DC MOSFET Model Parameters Symbol Name Vrn k' VTO KP GAMMA PHI LAMBDA RD RS RG RB RDS RSH NSUB NSS NFS TPG XJ LD uo VMAX XQC = Hi CJ darea Vim 1-- PB where the first term in each expression is the bulk junction bottom capacitance and the second term is the bulk junction sidewall capacitance. sarea, sperim, darea, and dperim are also not model parameters and are specified on device lines. These parameters refer to the source and drain areas and perimeters. Alternatively, CBS,CBD, and MJ, and Parameter Zero-bias threshold voltage Transconductance Bulk threshold parameter Surface potential Channel-length modulation factor Drain resistance Source resistance Gate resistance Bulk resistance Drain-source shunt resistance Drain and source diffusion sheet resistance Substrate doping density Surface state density Fast surface state density Gate material type +1 opposite to substrate -1 same as substrate 0 = aluminum Metallurgic junction depth Lateral diffusion Surface mobility Maximum drift velocity Fraction of channel length attributed to drain = = + C]SW dperim Units V A!V2 y'V V V' D, D, D, D, D, !1/□ l/cm 3 1/cm 2 1/cm 2 +1 m m cm 2 N · s m/s Default Typical 0 2E-5 0 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 3. lE-5 0.37 0.65 0.02 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 co 0 0 0 0 10.0 4.0E15 1.0ElO 1.0ElO 0.0 0.0 600 0.0 1 1U 0.8U 700 5.0E4 0.4 230 Chapter 16/Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors TABLE 16.3 SPICE Transient MOSFET Model Parameters Symbol Name Parameter Cimo CBSO CBD CBS IS PB FC CGSO Zero-bias bulk-drain junction capacitance Zero-bias bulk-source junction capacitance Bulk junction saturation capacitance Bulk junction potential Forward-bias depletion capacitance coefficient Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per n1eter channel length Zero-bias bulk junction bottom capacitance per square meter of junction area Bulk junction bottom grading coefficient Zero-bias bulk junction capacitance per meter of junction perimeter Bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient Bulk junction saturation current per square meter of junction area Oxide thickness <pBS CGDO rrnA \......\JUV CJ m;-; MJ CJSW MSJW JS tax TOX Units Default Typical 0 0 lE-14 0.8 0.5 0 20FF 20FF 1.0E-15 0.87 4.0E-11 ·F/m 0 4.0E-11 rill\ r' I .• - 0 2.0E-10 F/m 2 0 2.0E-4 F/m 0.5 0 0.5 1.0E-9 A/m 2 0.33 0 1.0E-8 m lE-7 1.0E-7 F F A V F/m FC can be specified and the transition capacitances are calculated from CBS V BS PB ) Ml GN (polysilicon) passivation \ \ and C,o ~ ';ff' CBD (, _ P substrate (a) For the gate capacitance, the three overlap capacitances are calculated separately: Ccs = width x CGSO Ceo = width x CGDO and CcB = width X CGBO Note that TOX must be specified in order for SPICE to calculate the gate capacitances. 16.9 CMOS Devices Since CMOS uses complementary N- and P-channel MOSFETs in pairs, portions of the semiconductor N substrate (b) FIGURE 16,9 CMOS Cross Sections (a) N-well CMOS process: P-substrate with PMOS device built inside N-wells, (b) P-well CMOS process: N-substrate with NMOS device built inside P-wells 16.9 surface must be N-type and nearby also P-type. Figure 16.9 shows two different cross sections with complementary MOSFETs that have been used to achieve CMOS digital ICs. Note that Figure 16.9a starts with a P-type substrate and the N-tub at the surface is formed by diffusion/implantation. On the other hand, Figure 16.9b starts with the opposite type substrate and hence the P-tub must be manufactured into the surface. In the past, either of these structures resulted in adequate circuit performance. Twin Tub CMOS Process Figure 16.10 displays a modern process sequence used for CMOS. Note that in this case, both tubs are manufactured into the surface of a lightly doped Nregion. The resulting cross section is referred to as a huin-tub CMOS structure. In the first processing step, phosphorous is implanted into the surface with a nitride layer n,asking the adjacent surface region. The CMOS Devices 231 implant goes directly through a thin oxide which reduces surface damage of the silicon from the implant. This is followed by a thick oxide growth (which spreads the implanted impurities downward into the substrate), nitride removal, and a boron implant again through the thin oxide for surface protection. Thick oxide growth then spreads the P-type impurities downward. Thick oxide removal and thin oxide growth then results in the cross-section of Figure 16.10c. To complete the fabrication of the complementary MOSFETs, gate oxide growth and polysilicon deposition followed by source/drain ion implants for both the P- and N-channel devices are carried out. The resulting cross section after the Boron and Phosphorus implants is shown in Figure 16.10d. The techniques used are entirely analogous to the NMOS case described in the previous section. The resulting cross-section, after deposition of metalization and a passivation layer is shown in Figure 16.lOe. This is Sl,N, \ '------------; ~ N- substrate (a) N- substrate thick oxide (d) phosphorus glass (b) GN (polysilicon) s. -~ \ G. (polysilicon) DN field oxide _P_w_e_ll_ _ _ _ _ A·----~N~w=e'~'____, N- substrate 1 N- substrate (e) (c) FIGURE 16.10 Basic Processing Steps for Twin Tub CMOS Process with Silicon Gate: (a) Phosphorous implant, (b) Grow thick oxide, remove Si,N4 , boron implant, (c) Diffusion/drive-in to form N and P wells and thick oxide, (d) Source/drain implant, thin gate oxide, polysilicon deposition, and etch, (e) Metal deposition and etch, phosphorous glass deposition 232 Chapter 16/Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors the final cross-section for the CMOS twin tub process. other (top) capacitor plate. The capacitance associated with this capacitor is C = k0 xE0 A = EoxA d 16.10 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CAPACITORS d where kox = dielectric constant of SiO2 = 3.9 E0 = permittivity of free space = 8.85 X 10- 14 Flem d oxide thickness A - ovcrlJy area of parallel plates Eo permittivity of SiO 2 = 3.45 x 10- i:i Flem The usual capacitor used with silicon integrated circuits is the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) parallelplate capacitor shown in Figure 16.11. This device is fabricated by growing a thin SiO 2 layer over an N+ emitter surface region that becomes the bottom capacitor plate. The last step in fabrication is to deposit metal on top of the thin oxide and this becomes the = = The parallel plate MOS capacitor structure of Figure 16.11 is compatible with the double diffused epitaxial BJT family as well as the NMOS and CMOS families. Since the magnitude of the capacitance depends directly on the overlap area of the two parallel plates, large values of capacitance require large chip areas. P substrate MOS Parallel Plate Capacitor FIGURE 16.11 CHAPTER 16 PROBLEMS 16.1 Outline the basic processing steps for the fabrication of a NMOS transistor. 16.2 Repeat Problem 16.1 for CMOS devices. 16.3 Draw the two-dimensional cross-section of a NMOS transistor and label the different regions. Be sure to indicate the relative doping densities, i.e. N , N, N ', p·-, P, or P'. 16.4 Repeat Problem 16.3 for the CMOS configuration. 16.5 For the CMOS configuration of Figure P16.5. (a) find all the successive NPN layers (b) find all the successive PNP layers (As will be seen in Chapter 23 these NPN and passivation •• ) GN (polysilicon)G ( • po 1ys1 1icon 1 I 16.6 Sketch the drain-source current-voltage characteristics for a MOSFET with drain current in mA given by s(1 + Vtr lr,(SAT) = 16.7 Repeat Problem 16.6 for In(SAT) = 16.8 s( -1 + V;~sr Repeat Problem 16.6 for li,(SAT) = 5Wcs - 1)2 16.9 What type of NPN BJT (i.e. type of isolation) is compatible with the parallel-plate capacitor of Figure 16.11? 16.10 Using typical values from the SPICE MOSFET tables, derive and plot ID(LIN) and ID(SAT). Let W/ L = 10 and use five different values for Vcs- Also, V11s = 0. " N substrate FIGURE P16.5 PNP layers act as BJTs and are responsible for a CMOS operational problem called latch-up.) Chapter 16 16.11 Calculate the threshold voltage for body bias voltages of 1, 2, 3 V. Use the typical SPICE parameters from the tables. 16.12 Calculate the gate capacitance for a MOS capacitor made of Al-SiOrSi. Use L = 5 µm, W = 20 µm, and t0 x = 0.07 µm. 16.13 Repeat Problem 16.12 for t0 x = 50 A and 2000 A. Problems 233 16.14 Outline the basic processing steps for the fabrication of a MOS parallel-plate capacitor. 16.15 Draw the two-dimensional cross section of a MOS parallel-plate capacitor and label each region (including re!Jtive doping densities). 17 INTRODUCTION TO MOS DIGITAL CIRCUITS There are several important MOS logic families used to manufacture digital integrated circuits. The most important of these are called NMOS, CMOS, and HCMOS. Each of these families use only MOSFET transistors, not only as the active devices but also as load elements. For the case of NMOS, only N-channel transistors are used whereas in CMOS and HCMOS, pairs of N-channel and P-channel devices are used. The "C'' stands for f_omplementary, since the N-channel and P-channel transistors complement each other. "H" stands for h_igh density and ftigh speed. It should be mentioned that PN junction diodes are sometimes used at MOS logic circuit inputs to protect the gates from static charge buildup and destruction. However, these devices are not used as actual logic circuit elements in MOSFET families. In this chapter, the discussion emphasizes N-channel MOSFETs. Furthermore, enhancementonly MOSFETs are emphasized since they are the primary devices used in MOS digital logic families. 17.1 the gate current le of a MOSFET is essentially zero. The output is taken at the drain, and thus Note that the voltage V1, across the load in Figure 17.1 can be directly expressed as a function of the output as follows: Vi. = VLWow) = Voo - VouT Also, since the input current is negligible, the current though the load is equal to the drain current through the channel of the MOSFET: I0 = Ir_ These relations between the voltages and currents of the inverting NMOS and the load device are used to detennine the inverter VTC and power dissipation for NMOS. As will be seen in later chapters, digital circuits employing MOSFET technologies are qualitatively no more complex than the general NMOS inverter presented here. GENERAL NMOS INVERTER 17.2 THE ZERO DRAIN CURRENT ACTIVE MOSFET A MOSFET can be used to achieve logic inversion in the same fashion as the BJT inverter in section 4.2. The generalized NMOS inverter is shown in Figure 17.1. The load device may be a resistor, like that used in the BJT inverter, but in an actual MOSFET inverter a better choice for a load is another MOSFET, as will be seen. The input to this inverter is applied directly to the gate. Hence, the input voltage is equal to the gate-to-source voltage Before demonstrating methods for solving operation of MOS logic circuits, the current-voltage characteristic of MOSFETs with small drain-to-source voltages must be studied. N-Channel MOSFET Linear Mode of Operation In section 16.3, an N-channel MOSFET with terminal voltages meeting the condition ViN = Vcs No input resistor (corresponding to RB for the BJT inverter) is needed to limit the input current since Vos< Vcs - VT 234 (linear mode) 17.2 The Zero Drain Current Active MOSFET 235 NMOS Active Operation In addition to the above inequality relating V05 and Vcs, the gate-to-source voltage must meet the condition Vcs > VT (active operation) in order to bring the NMOS device into active operation. Operation of N-Channel MOSFET with Zero Drain Current FIGURE 17.1 Generic Load General NMOS Inverter Shown with a was said to operate in the linear mode of operation. An NMOS transistor in the linear mode has a drain current of In(LIN) = klI(Vc;s - V,)VDs TJsj V 2 This expression shows a drain current dependent upon both the gate-to-source voltage Vcs and drainto-source (channel) voltage Vos- In this section, it will be shown that an N-channel MOSFET meeting the Vcs > VT condition is still in active operation even with zero drain current. This can be shown both graphically and analytically. Graphical Analysis of NMOS Device with Zero Drain Current Figure 17.2a show a single I0 versus Vos curve for a N-channel MOSFET with a constant Vcs• When VDs < Vcs - VT (i.e. when VDs is small) the NMOS device is in the linear mode of operation. If the drain current in a NMOS device described by this curve is forced to take on smaller and smaller magnitudes, the drain-to-source voltage also takes on smaller and smaller magnitudes. If the drain current is forced close to ID = 0, then Io(LIN) = 0 for Vos = 0 (MOSFET is still active) (a) FIGURE 17.2 (a) Current voltage characteristic of a Nchannel MOSFET with Yes= 5 Y-constant; if ID is forced low while Ycs is held constant (at a voltage greater than Y1 ), YDs also decreases (b) Resistor loaded (b) N-channel MOSFET with Yes= 5 Y; as RL increases, II) = IRL decreases, this represents the current-voltage curve of (a) 236 Chapter 17/Introduction to MOS Digital Circuits the drain-to-source voltage will also be forced close to zero: Indeed, examining the curve of Figure 17.2a, if the drain current is forced all the way to zero, the drainto-source voltage will also be zero: [0 = 0 ⇒ V05 = 0 Note that this discussion of decreasingly smaller r11rrr-'.lntc: has taken place vvhile the gateto-source voltage has maintained the requirement Yes > VT necessary to keep the NMOS device in active operation. This graphical analysis has shown that an active NMOS device whose drain current is forced low, will have a correspondingly small drain-to-source voltage and Rewriting as a quadratic in V1is yields Vf)s - 2(V(~S - Vr) Vns = 0 This has the solutions VDs = 0 and VDs = 2(Vcs Vr). Since the second of these solutions does not meet the Vos < Vcs - V1 condition necessary to guarantee the linear mode of operation, the drainto-source voltage for an N-channel MOSFET with zero drain current is r1r;-iln an active MOSFET with zero drain current has a drain-to-source voltage of zero General NMOS Inverter with an Increasing Resistor Load The previous graphical analysis in the previous section describes an NMOS inverter with a constant gate-to-source voltage and an increasingly resistive load, as indicated in Figure 17.2b. Clearly, the drain current is equal to the load resistor current lo = II<L As the load resistance increases, the current ID = I1s1_ decreases, and the voltage V NOT = V05 decreases: Analytical Analysis of NMOS Device with Zero Drain Current The drain-to-source voltage for an N-channel MOSFET with zero drain current can also be obtained analytically. Setting I 0 = 0 in the linear mode drain current expression gives 0 = k [ Wes - VT)VDs - vis] 2 Multiplying both sides by 2/k gives 0 = 2Wcs - V.r)VDS - vis N-Channel MOSFET as an Output Pull-Down Device The previous sub-sections show the usefulness of the N-channel MOSFET as an output pull-down device. With proper selection of a load device, a high gateto-source voltage results in a low drain-to-source voltage. In Chapter 23 it is shown that the zero-drain current active MOSFET is the basis for the superior input-to-output voltage transfer and low power dissipation of the MOSFET logic family known as Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) logic. Resistance of Drain-to-Source Channel of NMOS Device Operating in Linear Mode Example 17 .1 What is the resistance of the drain-to-source channel of an NMOS transistor operating in the linear mode for Vos= 3, 2, 1, and O V? Assume Vcs = 5 V, VT= 1 V, and k = 40 µ,AN 2 . Solution For VDs = 3, 2, 1, and OV and Vcs = 5 V, a MOSFET with a threshold voltage of 1 V is in the linear mode of operation. The resistance of the drainto-source channel can then be found by taking a derivative of the linear mode drain current expression as follows: RDS= d~:sl Vr;, = [ c::J-11,;, = (k[(VGs - Vi) - VusW 1 or 17.3 Substituting values for each magnitude of V1is yields Rns(Vns = 1 (40µ,)[(5) - (1) - (3)] 3 V) = 25 RosWos kfl 1 (40µ)[(5) - (1) - (2)] = 2 V) = 12.5 RosWns kn 1 (40µ,)[(5) - (1) - (1)] = l V) = 8.33 Hl Rns(Vos 1 (40µ)[ (5) - (1) = 0 V) (O)] = 6.25 kn Examining these values, it is seen that the lower the drain-to-source voltage, the lower the resistivity of the drain-to-source channel. Alternatively, this can be viewed as progressively increasing channel conductances: GDs(Vos = 3 V) = r:-:1 I GnsWns = 2 V) = - 1 I Ros v,,s=2V Gos(Vns = 1 V) = = 25 1kn= 40 µ,u Vc,=3V OS = f-1 G05 (V05 = 0 V) = - 1 1 Ros I v,;s=OV = 23 7 transistor. Furthermore, a given relationship be tween the current IL and voltage V L for the load device exists, that is, IL = IL(V 1J Hence, since the drain current (either the linear or saturation) expression is known, a system of two equations with two unknowns exists. The two unknowns are ID and VDs and the two equations relating them are the load equation IL = IL(V os) and the 10 versus V0 s MOSFET relation. Superimposing the load curve (in terms of V0 s) over the family of curves for the inverter transistor gives rise to a graphical solution for the VTC of the NMOS inverter. This is done in Figure 17.3a for a load device with linear IL versus VL. The intersection between the family of curves and the load line is marked in five places, labeled A, B, C, D, and E. For each of these points, the input and output voltage, respectively, can be read from the particular Vcs curve and the vertical axis. Plotting these five ordered pairs of (Vcs, VDs) on Vos versus Vcs coordinate axes, graphically determines the VTC. Figure 17.3b shows these plotted points with a smooth curve connecting them to complete the VTC. This method of VTC determination is demonstrated in the following example. 1 kn= 80 f-lU 12.5 s.33 DS \/c;s=lV Graphical Solution of the NMOS Inverter kn = 1 kn 6.25 ~ L 120 µu = 160 µ,u In this example, it is shown that N-channel MOSFETs operating in the linear mode of operation become more conductive as the drain-to-source voltage decreases. This provides further support for using an NMOS device as an output pull-down device. 17.3 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION OF THE NMOS INVERTER The previous section has shown that the voltage and current of the load device can each be expressed in terms of the voltage and current of the inverting Example 17 .2 Inverter VTC Graphical Solution of NMOS Figure 17.4a shows the family of I0 versus Vos curves for an NMOS inverting transistor and IL = Ill versus Vos = VDD - VL curve for a linear load device. Graphically determine the VTC. Use VDD = 10 V and a load resistance RL = 1 kn. Use k. 0 = 2 mA/V 2 and V 1 = 1 V for the NMOS. Solution Reading (Vc;s, VDs) ordered pairs directly from the graph and plotting them on the VDs versus Vcs coordinate axes of Figure 17.4b, the VTC is obtained. This is expedited by constructing the following table: Yes 10 = (Yes - 1 0 2 3 4 5 1 4 9 16 1)2 YDs 10 9 6 2 1 238 Chapter 17/Introduction to MOS Digital Circuits . Your (V) resistor load line A 4- C 3- , C Vm=3V ------..:,;;.~B_,,,_Vm=2V I ~ A Vmi;l V 3 4 VOL"' 1-------- D -------i--------------~!~~E ' ' ' 0 ~--+-------,/1-1---~-+-------1-__. V mCV) 5 0 Vr=l 2 VIL Your= Vos= Yoo- VRL (V) (a) 3 Vrn=4 5 (b) FIGURE 17.3 Graphical Determination of an NMOS Inverter's Voltage Transfer Characteristic: (a) NMOS ID versus VDs current-voltage family of curves with superimposed resistor load line, (b) NMOS inverter voltage transfer characteristic from curve intersections in (a) V our = V os(V) 16 .-..,----------V s = 5 V 0 14 10 i i s! 12 10 6 t 8 4 4 2 2 r----------~~_,,.-Vas = 2 V ;,-,....;--,......,.~,---1---,..--,.-1--...--~A~. V~ 1 V 2 4 6 8 10 Your= Vos= Yoo - VRL (V) (a) FIGURE 17.4 Graphical Solution of Example 17.2 NMOS Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic: (a) NMOS ID versus VDs current-voltage family of curves -1 : 0 t-+t;·-+ VIL j..._'----1-----1~'---+-------+~ - +io► V m(V) VIll (b) with superimposed resistor load line, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic from intersections in (a) 17.4 17.4 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIALS Partial Differentials 239 and ar(x,y) ay a " (4r + 2x + 3y) ay _'J _ _ = - = 3 Analytical analyses of the operation of NMOS inverters involves solving equations with partial differentials of drain currents in the linear or saturation mode of operation. This section presents fundamentals of partial differentials. Before proceeding with a description of partial differentials, it is necessary to briefly review ordinary differentials. The partial differential df(x,y) of f(x, y) is then found by substituting these partial differentials into the expression Ordinary Differentials yielding df(x,y) = af~y) dx + aJ~y) dy If a function f is a function of a single variable x df(x,y) = (8x + 2)dx + 3dy f = f(x) then small change df inf are equal to small changes dx in x multiplied by the derivative off. That is ) d'f( ;X,y df(x,y) =~X d X As mentioned at the beginning of this section, analyses of the operation of various NMOS inverter will involve partial differential of NMOS drain currents. The following example demonstrates taking partial differentials of NMOS drain current expressions. Partial Differentials If a function f is a function of multiple variables, say y x and f = f(x,y) then small changes df inf are equal to the sum of small changes in x and y each multiplied by the partial derivative off with respect to x and y, respectively. That is af(x,y) d aJ(x,y) d df(x,y ) = - - x + - - y ax ;;y Example 17 .4 Partial Differential of an NMOS Drain Current Expression Find an expression for the partial differential of the drain current expression for an N-channel MOSFET in the linear mode of operation. Solution The linear mode drain current expression is a function of Vcs and Vos: In(LIN) = k [ Wes - VTWos - -Vf)s] 2 The following example gives an example of partial differentials. = IoWcs, Vos) The partial derivatives of this expression with respect to V cs and VDs are Partial Derivatives Example 17.3 aio(Vcs, Vos) _ kV avcs Determine the expression for the partial differential of the function Solution To determine the expression for the partial differential df(x,y), it is first necessary to find the partial derivatives of f(x,y) as follows: ar(x,y) ax a (4r + 2x + 3y) ax ? = os and f(x,y) = 4x 2 + 2x + 3y _'J _ _ = - - 8x +2 aJDWcs, VDs) = k[Wcs aVos ' VT) - Vos] = kWcs - VT - VDs) The partial differential dI 0 (Vcs, V0 5 ) of I0 (Vcs, V0 s) takes the form 240 Chapter 17/Introduction to MOS Digital Circuits = alo(VGS, Vi)s) dV dl L) (Vcs, V us) c, aVc;s '· Blo(Vcs, Vos) d VDs + __c::....:._-=..::.c_=:.. aVDs Substituting the partial differentials found above yields d]D(Vcs, VDs) = kVos dVcs MOS Transient Power Dissipation A significant additional power dissipation also occurs for MOS families driving switching from one logic state to another. This switching dissipation is negligible for BJT logic families, in comparison with BJT static power dissipation. An expression for the MOS power dissipation during transient switching, called the dynamic power dissipation, is given by + k(Vcs - VT - VDs) dVos This expression for the partial differential of the linear mode drain current expression will be used in Chapters 19, 20, and 21 in analyzing the operation of the various transistor loaded NMOS inverters. 17.5 ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF THE NMOS INVERTER Analytical solutions for NMOS inverters with a general load are presented in detail in the MOSFET logic family chapters that follow this chapter. It is essential that the proper expression (for linear or saturation operation) for the drain current be used in each region of operation of the NMOS inverter. The previous section graphically demonstrates that the N-channel MOSFET in the inverter circuit operates in all three modes, namely, the cutoff, saturation, and linear modes of operation. 17.6 POWER DISSIPATION MOS logic families have the lowest power dissipation per gate of any of the logic families. This is because of the large values of MOSFET resistance and consequently small current levels. In particular, CMOS has the lowest power dissipation per gate, as we shall see. The following description is given for introductory purposes. MOS Static Power Dissipation An NMOS or CMOS gate dissipates power in the same manner as the BJT gates. That is, the power dissipated is given by the product of the power supply voltage and average current for a NMOS inverter p _ V DD - DD IDD(OH) + Io 0 (0L) 2 Pn = CLvviD vvhere CL is the total load capacitance at the output of the gate and vis the frequency at which the gate is switched. The low power dissipation per gate of MOS families is demonstrated in the following example. Example 17 .5 NMOS Power Dissipation Consider an NMOS inverter with VDD = 5 V, v = 0.5 MHz, CL = 10 pF, IDD(OH) = 5 µ,A, and IDD(OL) = 100 µA Calculate the power dissipated due to switching and that due to the average current for the output high and low states. Solution The power dissipation due to switching is calculated by direct substitution as follows: P,11/1 1 = (10 X 10- 12)(0.5 X 10 6)(5) 2 = 125 µ,W The average power dissipation for the high and low output states is obtained by direct substitution as p _ nn - 5 (5 X 10- 6 ) + (100 X 10- 6 ) = 262 µ,W 2 Note that the total average power dissipation is P1,,1,,1(avg) = 125µ, + 262µ, = 387 µ,W which is more than an order of magnitude less than the average power dissipation for a bipolar logic gate. 17.7 MOS FAN-OUT Since the gate terminal is always an input terminal and the gate sinks zero current for all input voltages, fan-out for MOS families is unlimited. This is true for all load devices including a P-channel MOSFET, as is the case for the CMOS inverter. Thus, the fanout based upon current limitations is infinite for all 17.7 MOS Fan-Out 241 Charging of Load Capacitance in Output High State When the input is switched high-to-low, the output capacitance is charged from VoL to VoH through the load device. Assuming that the input is driven by a similar gate and VOL of that gate is less than the threshold voltage Vr, the NMOS device is cutoff and 100% of the current through the load device is used to charge the output capacitance CL as shown in Figure 17.6a. Discharging of Load Capacitance in Output Low State output load modelled as a capacitance FIGURE 17.5 General NMOS Inverter Shown Driving a Load Capacitance When the input is switched low-to-high, as shown in Figure 17.66, the output capacitance is discharged from VoH to V 0 L through the NMOS device. Note that in this situation there may still be a current in the load device. Thus, the output capacitance discharging currenty is equal to the difference of the NMOS drain current and the load current given by NMOS and CMOS gates. The maximum fan-out is restricted, however, by the maximum propagation delays tolerable. IcL = Io - 11. Output Response Time NMOS Inverter Driving a Load Capacitance Figure 17.5 shows the general NMOS inverter of Figure 17.1 driving a load capacitance. The time required for the output to switch low-tohigh and high-to-low is directly proportional to the output capacitance and inversely proportional to the output charging and discharging currents provided L ~ iIL<I0 -1-L -1 I -- -. Your --0 - v~ J V.._ ';_ ··-I tlo 1_ . Yf NO r-1 I ~ la,=1 C.. load capacitance charging load capacitance discharging Ia. =IL =-c.. <i~F Ia. = ID - IL = -c.. d~tl!I (a) FIGURE 17 .6 capacitance from General NMOS Inverter: (a) Charging a load capacitance from Vrn1 from VoL 0 "--.__ v"' (b) VoL -IL to Vrn 1, (b) Discharging a load V._ 242 Chapter 17/Introduction to MOS Digital Circuits by the MOSFET inverter. The output capacitance is generally the input capacitance of succeeding gates and is dependent upon the type of gate being driven. The charging and discharging currents are dependent upon the type of gate driving the load capacitance. The following example demonstrates the determination of the maximum load capacitance that can be driven and still meet a specified response time. Finally, solving this expression for C gives Thus, the maximum capacitance that can be charged from V0 1. to VoH in 1 µ,s with a charging current of IcRc = 50 µA is . CviAx(clwrgmg) Example 17.6 1\,10S Fan-Out What is the maximum load capacitance that can be driven by an NMOS inverter that provides an output charging current of Irnc = 50 µ,A and discharging current of IDrs = -20 µA with a maximum switching time of 1 µ,s. Assume VOL = 0.5 V and VoH = 5 V. (For this example, assume that the charging and discharging currents are constant during transition of the output state.) Solution The current-voltage relationship of a capacitor is le= C dVc dt (1µ,) .5) (50µ) = 11.1 pF 4 = ( The n1axirrlurr1 capacitance that can be discharged from VoH to Vm in 1 µs with a discharging current of -20 µ,A is . . CA1Ax(d1schargmg) (1µ) = -(-4.5 --) (-20µ) = 4.44 pF These calculations indicate that the maximum output capacitance that can be driven by the specified gate with a maximum switching time of 1 µs is limited by the high-to-low transition (as expected since the discharging current is less than the charging current). Thus, the maximum capacitance that can be driven by this gate and maintain a 1 µ,s switching time is C,\1Ax = CMAx(disclwrging) Solving for dt gives = 4.44 pF C dt = - dVc le The time M = t 2 - t1 required to charge a capacitor from a voltage V1 to V2 is found by integrating the above expression as follows: ll.t = t 2 t1 = - l t, f1 dt = C JV, 1 -I dV V1 C Assuming that the current is constant, that is, not a function of the capacitor voltage V0 this can be simplified to t:,.t C = - fv 2 C C dV = - (V? - Vi) = le v, le le ~V The previous example demonstrated that the fan-out of a MOSFET logic gate is determined as the maximum load capacitance that can be driven and still maintain an acceptable switching time. This is an extremely simplified example since the charging and discharging currents were assumed to be constant during the output transition. In actual MOSFET logic gates, the current magnitudes vary during the output transitions. Chapters 18 and 23 derive the expressions for the transition times of two different MOSFET logic families, and as will be seen, these derivations are quite lengthy. CHAPTER17PROBLEMS 17.1 Sketch the source-drain current-voltage characteristics for a MOSFET with saturation drain current given in mA as follows: I 0 (SAT) = s(1+ V;sr 17.2 Repeat Problem 17.1 for In(SAT) = 17.3 s(-1 + V;sr Repeat Problem 17.1 for In(SAT) = 5(Vcs - 1) 2 Chapter 17 17.4 Sketch the current-voltage (1 1, versus VIJ,;) characteristics for a lv!OSFET with the linear region current expression given in mA as follows: 17.9 Problems 243 Consider the lv!OSFET of Problem 17.3 to be used in the inverter circuit of Figure Pl 7.7. Graphically determine the VTC for the inverter circuit for Vr s V1N S Vim• 17.10 17.5 Repeat Problem 17.4 for Consider the MOSFET of Problem 17.4 to be used in the inverter circuit of Figure P17.7. Graphically determine the VTC for the inverter circuit for Vr s VIN s VJ)!)• 17.6 Consider the MOSFET of Problem 17.5 to be used in the inverter circuit of Figure Pl 7. 7. Graphically determine the VTC for the inverter circuit for V 1 s 7.12 Consider the MOSFET of Problem 17.6 to be used in the inverter circuit of Figure Pl 7. 7. Graphically determine the VTC for the inverter circuit for VT s Repeat Problem 17.4 for lv(LIN) = 2.5 17.7 17.11 V1N s vi)!)• [Wes - l)Vns - Vbs] 2 Consider the MOSFET of Problem 17.1 to be used in the inverter circuit of Figure Pl 7. 7. Graphically determine the VTC for the inverter circuit for Vr s VIN s Vr,l), 17.13 Calculate the average static power dissipation for a MOSFET inverter with V1m = 5 V, I1m(OH) = 0, and ID 0 (0L) = 0.3 mA. 17.14 Calculate the average static power dissipation for the MOSFET inverter of Problem 17. 7. 17.15 Calculate the average static power dissipation for the MOSFET inverter of Problem 17.8. 17.16 Calculate the average static power dissipation for the MOSFET inverter of Problem 17.9. 17.17 Calculate the average static power dissipation for the MOSFET inverter of Problem 17.10. 17.18 Calculate the average static power dissipation for the MOSFET inverter of Problem 17.11. 17.19 Calculate the average static power dissipation for the MOSFET inverter of Problem 17.12. 17.20 Calculate the transient power dissipation for a MOS inverter with 12 gates connected to the output. Let v = 10 MHz, V1m = 5 V and each MOSFET has a parasitic gate-to-source capacitance of 1 pF. VIN s VDD· 17.8 Consider the MOSFET of Problem 17.2 to be used in the inverter circuit of Figure Pl 7. 7. Graphically determine the VTC for the inverter circuit for Vr s VIN s VD!)· V00 = 5V soon 0 YNor FIGURE P17.7 + 18 RESISTOR LOADEDNMOS INVERTER In the next several chapters, inverter characteristics are described in detail for various MOSFET cases with different loads. The details are quite cumbersome, but once understood lead to the reasoning involved in MOSFET device design. This chapter provides a description of the resistor loaded NMOS inverter which is the simplest type of MOS inverter, but not at all practical. This example promotes an excellent understanding of the concepts involved in MOS logic families. The operation of the resistor loaded NMOS inverter is qualitatively described, listing the mode of operation for the output N-channel MOSFET during switching of the output state. A graphical analysis of the voltage transfer characteristic is then presented followed by an analytical analysis of the VTC critical voltages. A discussion of power dissipation for this type of inverter is presented followed by an analysis of the dynamic response of the inverter. The chapter concludes with a SPICE simulation to corroborate the results found in the analytical analyses. point, only a small current flows and the drain voltage is slightly less than V00 . As long as VDs 2: Vc;s - VT, N 0 is operating in the saturation region. With further increase of the input, a larger drain current conducts and the output voltage continues to fall. The analytical form of the VTC can be found by equating the drain current with the resistor current to obtain 18.1 OPERATION OF RESISTOR LOADED NMOS INVERTER As V1:,..: is further increased, I0 increases and the voltage drop across RL can become sufficient to reduce the drain voltage such that VDs :S Vcs - VT. Under this condition N 0 operates in the linear region. The VTC of the resistor loaded NMOS inverter has the form shown in Figure 18.2b and will be explained in detail in the next section. In summary, for a low input the output is high. Conversely, for a high input the output is low. The logical NOT function is therefore realized. The next two sections present the graphical and analytical procedures for determining the voltage transfer characteristic of this inverter. or Substituting Vcs = V,:--.: and VDs = VoL'T yields Solving for VoL'T, we have Figure 18.1 shows the NMOS inverter with resistive load, RL. The input to the inverter is at the gate of the N-channel output transistor N 0 and V,N = Vcs• The output is at the drain and VouT = VDs = VoD IRLRL. For V,N < VT, N 0 is cutoff and does not conduct drain current. Since the resistor current is equal to the drain current, with VrN < VT IRL = ID(OFF) = 0 and the output is Your = vl)D• As the input is increased slightly above the threshold voltage, N 0 begins to conduct. At this 244 18.2 Graphical Determination of VTC for Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 245 Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks N-Cha.nnel MOSFETs The equations and parameters governing the operation of N-channel MOSFETs introduced in the introductory chapter 16 are also required in this chapter and are listed again as follows: I-·- l 0 (0FF) = _ + st 0 FIGURE 18.1 2: Yam:= VNITT :~,rNo Vos Cutoff== Yes s Vr • Saturation == Vcs ~W I VIN Regions of Operation -0 Vr and Vos 2: Vcs - VT Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 18.2 GRAPHICAL DETERMINATION OF VTC FOR RESISTOR LOADED NMOS INVERTER The resistor current is equal to the NMOS drain current and can be expressed as a function of V05 as follows: or Voo - Vos I1n = - - - - = R1. MOSFET Parameters • Device transconductance parameter == • Process transconductance parameter == k' = /LNCox • Electron mobility == µ, = 580 cm 2N · s Channel-Length Modulation Parameter 11 A[V- 1 ] • Gate Capacitance per Unit Area • Permittivity of SiO 2 == cm Eax = 3.45 • Thickness of gate oxide == tax Threshold Voltage • Enhancement-only == VT > 0 • Enhancement-depletion == VT < 0 X 10- 13 Fl lo This is a linear relation relating I0 to VDs for a constant R1,. This suggests that the voltage transfer characteristic can be obtained graphically by superimposing the output load (resistor) line over the NMOS 10 versus V 0 5 family of characteristics (with V Gs as a parameter), as shown in Figure 18.2a where VoD = 5 V. Ordered pairs of points (Vcs, V Ds) are read from the intersection of the output load line with the family of curves. These are in turn plotted on V 05 versus V cs coordinate axes as shown in Figure 18.2b. The voltage transfer characteristic is the resulting curve through these plotted points. Note that the output voltage never reaches zero. To explain this, consider Figure 18.3 which displays an inverter driving another inverter. The highest output of the driving gate is V ouT,o(MAX) = VoH = VDo, as already determined. Therefore, the highest input of the load gate is V1N,L(MAX) = Vc)H = VDD· This corresponds to VGs = V,)D = 5 V and the top currentvoltage of Figure 18.2a. The input at the intersection of this specific ID versus VDs curve with the resistor load line is VDs = Vm. > 0. This qualitative analysis gives insight into the 246 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded Nlv!OS Inverter 0/) VOIIT resistor load line A 5-----Hi,...... 4--- C D VOL"' 1~-------!------)--------------~!~E : I --lt---------,------1--+--------> Vm(V) 0 0 Vr=l Your= Vos= Yoo - VRL 0/) l2 (a) Yrn=4 5 (b) FIGURE 18.2 Graphical Determination of Resistor Loaded Nlv!OS Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic: (a) Enhancement-only NMOS ID versus VDs current- driving gate FIGURE 18.3 3 Vrr. voltage family of curves with superimposed resistor load line, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic from curve intersections of (a) load gate Cascaded Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverters for V01 _ Illustration operation of N 0 for the resistor loaded NMOS inverter. For instance, in the output high state, N 0 turns on in the saturation region of operation. For the output low state, N 0 is in the linear region. The state of N 0 can be determined for the other critical points as well. Table 18.1 lists the state of N 0 for each of the critical points. Recall that VM is the midpoint voltage at which V,:---i = Vo1-:T = VM. TABLE 18.1 States of N 0 for the Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Critical Point State of N 0 Vo,1 V11_ Cutoff Saturation Linear Linear Saturation v,r1 Vo1. VM 18.3 C:ilculation of VTC Critical Points for Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Graphirnl analyses for other types of loads are developed in the next several chapters. Explicit values for the critical points of the VTC are calculated in the following section. This quadratic relation has a positive and negative solution of which only the positive is valid. Usually Vm is sufficiently small and the squared term V~)I. is negligible. The quadratic expression reduces then to V 18.3 CALCULATION OF VTC CRITICAL POINTS FOR RESISTOR LOADED NMOS INVERTER 24 7 OL - Vnn kRLWon - Vr) + 1 Substituting V0 D, k, Ri., and Vr into this expression and verifying Output High Voltage = Vott V011 is found by noting that N 0 is cutoff for V1N = Vcs < VT. With N 0 off, IRL = ID = 0 and since the output is VoL'T = VDD - IDRL, we have Vrn, = Voo Output Low Voltage= VoL In the output low state, N 0 is in the linear region of operation. Assuming this inverter is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, as in Figure 18.3, vii': = VoH = VDD· Substituting this and vl)S = VOL into the linear drain current expression gives In(LIN) = k [Wes - VrWDs - Vbs] 2 = k[Wno - VrWm - v;)L] or Vm S: Wno - Vr) confirms the operation to be in the linear region. We now consider the magnitude of the RL term in the denominator of the expression for VoL• Since k is typically in the range 10 µ,AN 2 to 100 µ,A/V 2, RL must be at least 10 kD to 100 kD to obtain a low value for VOL. Consequently, the primary design flaw for the resistor loaded NMOS inverter is the required large value of Rt., Integrated circuit resistors of this magnitude require relatively enormous silicon areas. Input Low Voltage= V1L For MOS logic families the input low voltage is defined as the point on the VTC slightly below VoL'T = Vrn- 1 (see Figure 18.2b) where the slope is -1 or dVour dVIN Making the same substitutions into the resistor current expression yields --= -1 At the input low voltage, N 0 is in saturation. Substituting Vcs = V1L into the saturation drain current expression gives By equating the NMOS drain and resistor currents V0 L is found as follows: 10 (LIN) = IRL Substituting VDs = Vrnm the resistor current is obtained as or Rearranging yields k(V - V )V 1)0 or T OL wi,. 2 - vl)D - V 01, Rt RL With Io = ID(V1N) and IRL = IRL(VouT), equating differentials of the drain and resistor currents gives dloW1L) = dI1vJV0U'/J or dl 0 dVn dvlL dI,n = -dV dVour OUT 248 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Solving for dV 0urldV1N = dVm.7 /dV 1L and equating to -1, yields or olo aID d[RL - - dV,n + - - dVouT = - - dVouT r7Vu, oVmrr dVouT dl 0 dV0 u7 dV,L _ dVouT =--=--= 1 dV1N dVouT Solving for dV oL7 -/dVrN to -1, yields ol0 and rearranging, we have dl 0 dVIL dVouT dVI,\' dIRL dVouT Substituting the derivatives yields v,L = dln a10 dVouT dVou, -1 ----- ol 0 IIVu, Substituting the derivatives yields 1 vT + kRL Note that the input low voltage is slightly above the threshold voltage and independent of VDD· avu, dVouT dV,/-1 Rearranging yields 1 k(V,L - VT)= RL Finally, solving for V1L yields = dV 0 urldV 11-1 and equating 1 kVouT = - + k[(V,11 - VT) - VouT)] RL The 1/RL term is negligible compared to the other terms, thus reducing the expression to VouT = V,n - VT - Vour Input High Voltage = Vm For MOS logic families, the input high voltage is defined as the point on the VTC before Vm (see Figure 18.2b) where dVouT = _ 1 dV/N At the input high voltage, N 0 is in the linear region of operation. Substituting Vcs = V 1H and VDs = VouT into the linear drain current expression yields Solving for VolJl· gives VouT(IH) = Vu1 ; VT This is the output voltage corresponding to the input high voltage. To solve for V1H, we equate the resistor and drain currents and substitute the expression for Vmn0H) as follows: l 0 (LIN) = k [ Wes - VT)Vos - Vi'is] 2 viuT] = k [ (VIH - VT)VOUT - -2- = Voo _ VIH - VT R1, The resistor current is still given by 2RL Rearranging gives a quadratic in (Vu-, - VT) 3 With 10 = ID(VJN, Your) and IRL = IRL(Vour), equating differentials of the drain and resistor currents yields dlo(Vu,, VouT) = dIRL (VouT) k 8 ? W,11 - VT)- + 1 Voo RL W,n - VT) - RL 2 =0 Solving for (Vn-1 - VT) in turn gives a solution for VrH and the corresponding VocT(IH). The linear region of operation is verified by testing if 18.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Points For Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter 249 Solution The transconductance parameter for the transistor must first be calculated or W = (20µ,) (10µ,) A k = k , -L = 40µ, -:; 5µ, v- VourUH) s Vu 1 - VT After calculations, this verification is possible and the original assumption is validated. Midpoint Voltage= VM V011 At the midpoint voltage, where V1N = Your = Vtvt, N 0 is in the saturation region of operation since which after substituting Vcs = VDs = Vtvt reduces to VM:::::VM-VT which is clearly satisfied. Substituting Vcs = VM, the saturated drain current is given by ID(SAT) = k 2 (Vcs VoH, V1u and Vm are obtained by substituting directly into their derived expressions. ? - V.1)- = k Vu. =5 V 1 = (40µ,)(50k) + (1) = 1.5 V (5) (40µ,)(50k)[(5) - (1)] + 1 = 0.556 V The linear operation of N 0 for the output low state is verified by 0.556 s 5 - 1 = 4 ? (V,11 - Vr)- 2 Substituting VDs = V;vi, the resistor current is given by The coefficients for the quadratic in V1H Au 1 = 3 k - Vr are 3(40µ.) = 15µ. 8 8= - 1 1 Bui = 2RL = 2(50k) = lOµ, By equating the drain and resistor currents, Vtvt is obtained as follows: Voo (5) C111 = - = - - - = -100µ, RL (50k) Utilizing the quadratic formula or ~ (V 2 M _ V )2 _ V DD - V,11 T RL -(10µ,) :±: 2 M + (2. - )v R1. kV T M + (~ V2 2 T - - 4(15µ,)(-100µ,) 2(15µ,) Expanding and rearranging terms gives ~2 V V (10µ.) 2 = 2.27 or -2.94 V Vno) = O R1 which is a quadratic relation for Vtv1, The positive 2.27 V is the correct solution. Vn 1 1s therefore V111 = VT + 2.27 = (1) + 2.27 = 3.27 V The corresponding output is Example 18.1 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter VTC Calculate the critical points for the voltage transfer characteristic of a resistor loaded NMOS inverter. Use V00 = 5 V, k' = 20 µ,AN 2, W/L = 10 µ,m/5 µ,m, VT= 1 V, and RL = 50 kn. VourUH) = (3.27) - (1) 2 = 1.14 V The linear operation of N 0 is verified by the following inequality: 1.14 s 3.27 - 1 = 2.27 250 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter The coefficients of the midpoint voltage quadratic are AA,J = k (40µ) For the output low state, N 0 is in the linear region of operation. The terminal voltages of N 0 for this state, as found in the previous section, are 2 = -2- = 20µ 1 1 BM = Ri. - kVT = (50k) - (40µ)(1) = -20µ C =~ 1v1 2 v2.1 - Voo RL = (40µ) (1)2 - ___@_ = -80 2 (50k) Output Low Current = Iu 0 (OL) µ and V Utilizing the quadratic formula -V LJS - - B,1,1 :±: V Br1 - 4AMCv1 V,v1 = - - - - - - - - - 2Ai11 ~-~~------(-20µ) ± V(-20µ)2 - 4(20µ)(-80µ) 2(20µ) - OL - Vi)D kRr.(V00 - VT) + 1 The current supplied for the output low state can be found by substituting these voltages into the resistor current expression or the linear drain current expression yielding = 2.56 or -1.56 V Hence, VM is the positive value, 2.56 V. The analysis of the resistor loaded NMOS inverter provides valuable information about general digital MOSFET operation, since this case offers an NMOS inverter with a relatively simple analysis. However, its usage is son,ewhat impractical since the physical size of integrated circuit resistors is hundreds of times larger than transistors. This is overcome by using NMOS transistors as loads. The next several chapters discuss various transistor loaded NMOS inverters. Static Power Dissipation= P00 (avg) The static power dissipated for an inverter is obtained from PnD (avg) = loo(OH) + Ion(OL) 2 V00 Iw(OL)VrnJ 2 Dynamic Power Dissipated= Puu(dyn) As mentioned in the introductory MOS chapter, a significant additional power dissipation for MOS logic circuits occurs during the switching of logic states. This contribution takes the form POWER DISSIPATION OF RESISTOR LOADED NMOS INVERTER 18.4 To determine the power dissipation of a resistor loaded NMOS inverter, the DC currents supplied by VDlJ for the high and low output states must first be obtained. Pno(dyn) = CLvVbD where CL is the total load capacitance at the output of the gate and vis the frequency at which the gate switches logic states. Output High Current Supplied = I00 (OH) For an NMOS inverter in the output high state, N 0 is cutoff (see Table 18.1). With N 0 cutoff, lw(OH) = 11v_(OH) = I 0 (OFF) =0 Example 18.2 Power Dissipation of Resistor Loaded NMOS (a) Find the static power dissipated in the resistor loaded NMOS inverter of Example 18.1. 18.4 (b) Find the dynamic power dissipated for the same gate. Let Ci, = 1 pF and v = 1 MHz. Solution (a) For the output low state, the terminal voltages of N 0 were found in Example 18.1 to be Vcs = ViN(OL) = 5 V and VoL Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Abridged Integral Table The following integrals will be used in the analysis of the resistor loaded NMOS inverter transient response: I ax :x bx Inc : bx) = 0.556 V 2 1f 251 Power Dissipation of Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter =; and Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks I Capacitor Current- Voltage Characteristic The resistor loaded NMOS inverter dynamic or transient response presented in the following section requires knowledge of the current-voltage characteristic of capacitors. Shown in Figure 18.4, we recall that the current-voltage characteristic of a capacitor is le = dVe C If the voltage Ve across the capacitor as labeled is increasing, then dVeldt is positive and the capacitor current le as labeled is positive, with ⇒ le> 0 Similarly, if the voltage Ve across the capacitor as labeled is decreasing, then dV eldt is negative and the capacitor current le as labeled is negative. Thus, dVc Ve decreasing - < 0 dt = In u(x) The current in the output low state is therefore In 5 6 2 = (40µ,) [ (5 - 1)(0.556) - (0. : ) ] = 82.8 µA The static power dissipated is therefore dt dVe > 0 Ve increasing - dt u'(x) -(-) dx ux ⇒ le< 0 (82.8µ,) Prm(avg) = - (5) = 207 µ,W 2 Solution (b) The dynamic power dissipated is P00 (dyn) = (1p)(1M)(5)2 = 25 µ,W Note that the static power dissipated in a resistor loaded NMOS inverter is actually much greater than the dynamic power dissipation. The previous example calculated the power dissipation for a resistor loaded NMOS inverter toggling at a frequency of 1 MHz. The dynamic response 1f Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Difference Property of Logarithms Vc decreasing ➔ ~ < 0 => le < 0 The following difference property of logarithms will be used in the analysis of the resistorloaded NMOS inverter transient response: (reversed) In a - In b = In FIGURE 18.4 Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor ba 252 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter analysis for this inverter in the following section indicates that operating frequencies higher than this are not possible for most applications. approximate sum of the gate-source, gate-drain, and gate-body capacitance as follows: Cc Input Capacitance of a Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter r, •• -11' r"7 10. 1 1 __ '1 ,1 ·, • ' ,. _ Ccs + Ceo + CcB = C1N This total gate capacitance is the input capacitance between the gate and ground of a resistor loaded NMOS inverter. When the input logic state to a resistor loaded NMOS inverter is switched low-tohigh or high-to-low, this input (gate) capacitance must be charged or discharged, depending upon the direction of the input change. 18.5 RESISTOR LOADED NMOS INVERTER DYNAMIC RESPONSE .::iecuon = • uescr 1Des rne pdrnsmc 1u11cno11 cdpdu- Load Capacitance on a Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter tances that exist in a MOSFET. Figure 16.7 shows that a capacitance is present between every pair of terminals for a MOSFET. The gate capacitance is the dominant capacitance and can be evaluated as the Examining Figure 18.5a, when one resistor loaded NMOS inverter drives other resistor loaded NMOS V'DD ~--() V'mm V'DD driving inverter [ all load inverters contribute to the capacitive load on the driving inverter . L- - - - - - - - · ► , C0 I- - J V'mm I 1 l~- ~-~-------~\y,LJtx7 l=- jf N'm load inverters (a) FIGURE 18.5 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Driving a Load Capacitance: (a) Each load inverter contributes an effective capacitance (shown extracted) to the output of the driving inverter 18.5 253 Resistor Loc1dcd NMOS Inverter Dvnamic Response rent through the load resistor is negligible (valid for R1 large). Solving for the tin1e differential considering the NMOS drain current a function of the output voltage yields The time period M required for a given change in output voltage during the output high-to-low transition is obtained by integrating both sides of this expression to obtain output load modelled as a capacitance 1,(11"" 1 M=t2-t1= f ~v,> dt=-C f,v, i,(V()[rr~V,) (b) FIGURE 18.5 (continued) (b) Resistor loc1ded NMOS inverter driving a load capacitance inverters, the input capacitance of each load inverter must be charged or discharged simultaneously. This situation is equivalently modeled as a single load capacitance at the output of a resistor loaded NMOS inverter as shown in Figure 18.56. The dynamic response of a resistor loaded NMOS inverter is determined considering this capacitive load in the following sub-sections. 1 dV our v, Io(Vour) Examining Figure 18.6a, it is noted that the NMOS device changes from the saturation to linear mode of operation during the high-to-low transition at V0 cr = YDD - Y1 , while V1N = YDo during this entire transition. Hence, the above integral necessitates separate integrals for each region of operation as follows: The NMOS drain currents for the two active modes of operation are obtained by substutiting Yes = Y1N = Y0 1-1 = Vrm and YDs = Ym;r yielding Output High-to-Low Transition The transient characteristics of interest during the output high-to-low transition are the fall time t1 and the high-to-low propagation time tp 1IL· Figure 18.6a shows the step-up input voltage stimulus and the resulting resistor loaded NMOS inverter output response with tr and tp 1IL labeled. Prior to the input voltage change (V 1:--; low), the inverter is in the output high state with N 0 cutoff. Upon switching of the input, Yes = YuD bringing N 0 into active operation. Figure 18.66 displays this situation with a load capacitance discharging through an active N-channcl MOSFET. KCL at the inverter output node results in and Substituting these NMOS drain current expressions into the integrands in ~t gives M = M(SA T) + M(LIN) VDn-v-, dV -C _ _ _O_U_T_ _ I J~ k 2 where the negative sign is necessary, since dYm;1 /dt is negative. Also, it has been assumed that the cur- , (Vnv - Vr)~ 254 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Vn/,..V) t VOH = VDD l/1,rMOS VoH=Voo enters saturation mode ----------NMOS cutoff NMOS enters linear mode (a) load capacitance discharging I0 -- -c~Ymrr dt (b) FIGURE 18.6 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Output High-to-low Transition: (a) Step-up input and output response curves, (b) Load capacitance discharges through active NMOS (load resistance is assumed very large) 18.5 The first of the integral terms is easily integrated as follows: v,,,,--v, dV OUT M(SAT) = -C 1 v, -k- (Vi)/) - VT)-" J, Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Dvnamic Response Summing the flt terms gives an expression for the time period required for a voltage change during the output high-to-low transition as follows: M M(SAT) 2CL kW on - Vr) 2 J,\l"", 1, \I' dVmrr + k(Vn:~ VnpVr 2C1,VnuT kWno - Vrf v1 I Substituting the limits of integration gives -2C1.(VDD - Vr - V,) M(SAT) = - - - - - - k(Vov - Vr)2 The second integral term is obtained by utilizing the first indefinite integral given in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section as follows: M(UN) dVouT Vr)VouT - -Vznnj 2 C l. k J,v, v,,,,-v, + M(UN) -2CL(VLJD - v, - V,) k(Von - Vr) 2 2 - dVoL/1 255 v,) 2 lnCVno - ~ v, - vJ Rewriting to eliminate the negative sign m each term, we have M = 2C1 (Vr + V1 - ~/JD) k(V[)l) - V1Y + CL ln(2Vn 0 k(Vo/J - Vr) - 2Vr - V2 ) V2 Note that fit in this expression is directly proportional to the load capacitance CL and inversely proportional to the NMOS transconductance parameter k. Since k = k'(W/L), high-to-low transition times of CMOS inverters are inversely proportional to the channel width/length ratio. Output Fall Time == t1 The output fall time t1 is defined as the time difference necessa1y for the output to fall from 90% to 10% of the output high voltage. The voltages for 90% and 10% are obtained respectively as V1 = Vm + 0.9(Vo11 - Vo,) = 0.9Vo11 + 0.1 Vo1. = 0.9V00 + 0.1 Vo1. and Substituting the limits of integration yields M(UN) k(V0 v - Vy) V2 = Vm + 0.l(V011 - Vm) = 0.1 Ve)// + 0.9VoL = 0.1V00 + 0.9V0 1. Substituting these values into the output high-tolow transition period expression yields tr = 2CL(Vr + 0.9Vrm + 0.1VoL - Vnu) k(VnD - Vy)2 CL +----k(Vi)l) - V,) ln(2VDD - 2V1 - 0.1 Vno - 0.9V01 ) 0.1 Voo + 0.9VoL Using the difference property of logarithms gives 2C,.(Vy + 0.1VoL - 0.lVoD) kWoo - Vr)2 + CL k(VDD - V1) ln(1.9Vvv - 2VT - 0.9Vm) 0.1Vv 0 + 0.9V0 1. 256 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Note that this expression is directly proportional to the load capacitance and inversely proportional to the W/L ratio of the NMOS transistor. Substituting k = k'(W/L) yields _ J;__ [2(VT t, - WIL + 0.1VOL - 0.1V00) k'Won - Vrf + 1 1 k Woo - VT) ln(1.9V00 - 2VT - 0.9Vo1.)] 0.1 v/)/) + 0.9VoL Output Propagation High-to-Low Delay Time= tPHL The output propagation high-to-low delay time tl'HL is defined as the time difference between the input at 50% of V 1N,MAX to the output at 50% of V011 VOL. Since a step input (instantaneous low-to-high switching of the input) is used for this analysis, t 1,HL is the time the output takes to drop from Vc)H to the voltage halfway to VoL• Thus, substituting Output Low-to-High Transition The analysis of the output low-to-high transition involves the charging of the output load capacitance through the load resistor RL of the inverter. The transient characteristics during the output switching lowto-high are the output rise time t, and the low-tohigh propagation delay tl'LH· Figure 18.7a shows a step-down voltage input stimulus and the resulting output for the resistor loaded NMOS inverter. The output responses t, and tl'LH are as defined in the figure. Prior to the input step-down, the output NMOS device is in the linear mode of operation. After the input is switched, Vcs = 0 and the N-channel MOSFET is cutoff. This situation is displayed in Figure 18. 7b with a load capacitance charging through the load resistor. This is a simple RC charging circuit. Writing KCL at the inverter output node yields IR1 = Vo11 = Voo Vi and V2 = VOL = + = le or Vim - VouT _ C dVmrr RL - L dt 0.5(V011 - Vrn) = 0.SV011 - 0.SV01. Solving for the time differential yields 0.5Vno - 0.5Vcn into the output high-to-low transition period expression M yields dt = RLCL dVouT Voo VouT The period of time M required for a change in the output voltage during the charging of the load capacitance is obtained by integrating both sides of this differential expression to obtain ln(2Voo - 2VT - 0.5V00 - O.SVOL) 0.5Vn 0 - 0.SVOL This integration is again carried out by utilizing the second indefinite integral given in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section yielding k(Vw - Vr)2 + C1. kWoo - VT) M = - RLCL ln(Voo - Vour)I~! ln(l.SVDD - 2VT - O.SVOL) 0.5Vo 0 - 0.5VOL Substituting the limits of integration yields M = -Ri.Cdln(V00 As with tr, this expression is directly proportional to the load capacitance and inversely proportional to W/L. - V4 ) - ln(Vuo - V3)] 18.5 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Dynamic Response 25 7 VmCV) + VOH = VDD I L~~~~~ 1. . t(ns) Vmrr(V) VoH= Yoo NMOS linear ~ . . NMOS~~t,,.· .,rs· .j ··~~~· -~o,) (a) load capacitance charging IRL --c<!Ymzr dt (b) FIGURE 18.7 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Output Low-to-high Transition: (a) Step-down input and output response curves, (b) Load capacitance charges through resistor Rr. 258 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Output Rise Time= tr The output rise time is defined as the time it takes for the output to rise from 10% to 90% of the tran sition region between VoL and VO H· Therefore, substituting these yields VJ and V4 as follows: + 0.1(VoH - VOL)= 0.1Vou + 0.9VaL = 0.1 VDo + 0.9VOL V3 = VaL and V4 = VoL + 0.9(Vo11 - VoL) = 0. 9VoH + 0.1VoL Example 18.3 Dynamic Response of Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter Determine t1, tp 1.1L, t" and t 1u 1 for the resistor loaded NMOS inverter of Example 18.1 with a capacitive load of CL = 1 pF. Solution The dynamic response times are calcu lated by substituting directly into the expressions de rived in this section to obtain t, = 2(1p)[(1) + 0.1(0.566) - 0.1(5)] (40µ,)[(5) - (1)]2 = 0.9V00 + 0.1 VoL + Substituting these expressions into the M expression for the output low- to-high transition period corre sponding to the rise time yi elds _ ~ - RLCL _ - RL l [Voo - (0.1 Voo n . Voo - (0.9Voo + + In[ 1.9(5) - 2(1) - 0.9(0.566)] 0.1(5) + 0.9(0.566) 0.9V0 L)] 0.1 VoL) CL l11 [0.9VDo - 0.9VoL] 0.1 Vvo - 0.1 V0L (1p) (40µ,)[(5) - (1)] 13.9 11S 2(1p) (1) //'/IL = (40µ,)[(5) - (1)]2 (lp) + (40µ,)[(5) - (1)] Note that this expression is once again directly pro portional to the load capacitance CL. ln[ 1.5(5) - 2(1) - 0.5(0.566)] 0.5(5) + 0.5(0.566) Output Low-To-High Propagation Delay= trLH The output low-to - high propagation delay is defined as the time difference between the 50% points of the input voltage transition and the corresponding out put voltage transition. Since a step-down input stim ulus was assumed for the analyses of th e previous sub -sections, the output low-to-high propagation delay is obtained using V3 = VoL 8.47 tr 115 = (50k)(l ) ln[ 0.9(5) - 0.9(0.566)] p 0.1(5) - 0.1(0.566) 110 ns tl'L 11 = (50k)(lp) ln(2) = 34 .7 115 These dynamic response times are typically much longer than the response times that can be achieved with the other NMOS logic families and CMOS technology. and V4 = VOL + 0.5(V011 - VOL) = 0.5Vo11 + 0.5VoL = 0.5V00 + 0.5Voi. Substituting these into the M expression for the output low - to-high transition yields the low -to - high propagation delay as follows: tpw = RLCL ln( Voo - VoL ) Voo - (0.5Voo + 0.5VoL) = RLCL ln(2) 18.6 RESISTOR LOADED NMOS SPICE SIMULATION Figure 18.8 shows a resistor loaded NMOS inverter with a capacitive load with appropriate SPICE label ings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter VIN 1 D PULSE CDV SV OS 2NS 2NS Resistor Loaded NMOS SPICE Simu!Jtion 18.6 ---i n+ 3 i VDD - DC 5V nj_o FIGURE 18.8 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter with Capacitive Load and Appropriate SPICE Labelings 259 + 5DDNS 1US) VDD 3 D DC 5V -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VT0=1 + KP=20U GAMMA=D-37 PHI=0-6 + CBD=3.1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) MN◊ 2 1 DD NMOSFET W=10U L=SU RL 3 2 50KOHM CL 2 D 1PF -DC VIND 5 0-1 -PLOT DC VDSCMNO) -TRAN 2DNS 1-25US -PLOT TRAN VCVIN) VDS(MNO) -END The VTC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figure 18.9a and b. 5-i----4 Your (V) /;. 3 2 - 5 - - -.... 4- ------+--~....__..,...._-1-----+-- t(µs) O·· 1 0 3-+ 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Votrr(V) 2- 5 4 - 3 0 :_______ ~.----1,---+,--+----+--------- V IN(V) 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 +L .- + --t- -- 1 ~~~__,..___.!,J 0 0 (a) FIGURE 18.9 Results of Section 18.6 Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 -- ► t(µs) 1.25 (b) characteristic obtained from .DC sweep, (6) Transient response obtained from .TRAN sweep 260 Chapter 18/Resistor Loaded NMOS Inverter CHAPTER18PROBLEMS 18.1 For the resistor loaded NMOS inverter, what is the state of N 0 for each of the VIC critical points Vrn 1, VoL, V1L, Y111, and VM. 18.2 For the NMOS inverter with resistive load RL shown in Figure P18.2, graphically determine the critical voltages Vm 1, VoL, V11., V1H, and VM. Use V.r = 1 V and k = 0.1 mA/V2 for N 0 . Sketch the VIC and determine the noise margins. 18.4 Repeat Problem 18.2 with k = 1 mA/V2 • 18.5 Repeat Problem 18.3 with k = 1 mA/V2. 18.6 Repeat Problem 18.2 with RL = 100 kD 18.7 Repeat Problem 18.3 with RL = 100 kD For the NMOS inverter with rrsistivP lmirl RL 18.8 shown in Figure P18.2, analytically determine the 18.9 Repeat Problem 18.2 with R1 = 200 kD Repeat Problem 18.3 with RL = 200 kn 183 V.o · FIGURE P18.2 1~r critical voltages Voi-1, V01 _, V1L, V111 , and V~ 1- Use VT = 1 V and k = 0.1 mA/V2 for N 0 . Sketch the VIC and determine the noise margins. 18.10 Determine the average static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 18.3. 18.11 Determine the average static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 18.5. 18.12 Determine the average static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 18.7. 18.13 Determine the average static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 18.9. 18.14 Modify the SPICE simulation of section 18.5 for the different load resistor values VNor 0 N (a) RL 3 2 25K0HM (b) RL 3 2 1D0K0HM (cl RL 3 2 25DK0HM Compare the results of the different load resistor values. SATURATED HANCEME TON LOADED NMOS INVERTER In this chapter, the operation of the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter is described. This basic inverter consists of two enhancement-only NMOS transistors and is much more practical than the resistor-loaded inverter, since the resistor (which is thousands of times larger than a MOSFET) has been eliminated. V011 = VoD - VT,L As the input is increased above VT,o, transistors N 0 , and NL begin to conduct with equal drain currents. Since VDs,o 2: Vcs,o - VT,o, transistor No is operating in the saturation region of operation. The equation for the VTC is obtained by equating the drain currents of N 0 and N1. as follows: In,o(SAT) 19.1 OPERATION OF SATURATED ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER ko 2 Vi,s.L = Vcs.L > Vcs.L - ko 2 (ViN - 2 = V1N and Vcs,L = VDD - VoUT vT,())?~ = kL 2 (VDI) VOUT - - V T,L )'" Solving for Your gives VT,L VouT and thus the load transistor NL operates in saturation only. The input to this inverter is at the gate of the output transistor N 0 and V1N = Vcs.o- The output is at the drain of N 0 and VouT = VDs,o = VDD - VDs,L• For V,N < VT,o, transistor N 0 is cutoff and does not conduct drain current. The load N,,, however, is still in the saturation region of operation. The output voltage is therefore Vou-r = VDD - Vcs,L- With ID,L = 0, the saturation drain current expression can be solved for Vcs,L as follows: = - ) VIN + Vr,o fi2k° + L Voo - V T,L Note that the output drops linearly with a slope of -(k 0 /kJ 112 . As a result, the larger the rati9 ko/kL, the steeper the transition region. When VDs,o drops below Vcs,o - VT,o, transistor N 0 enters the linear region of operation and the VTC begins to reduce quadratically. The VTC of the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter has the form exhibited in Figure 19.2b and will be explained further in the following section. As with the resistor loaded NMOS inverter, this section shows that a low input produces a high output and a high input produces a low output. This transistor loaded NMOS inverter therefore also realizes the logical NOT function. The next two sections provide graphical and analytical procedures for ln,L = kL Wcs,1 - Vu. )2 -- 0 2- Vcs,L 0 V T,o )2 -_ k1 (VGS,L _ V 1'.L) - (VGs,o - Substituting Vcs,o yields Figure 19. la shows the NMOS inverter with an enhancement-only N-channel MOSFET as a load device. With the gate and drain of the load transistor N1, connected, we have = Io.1(SAT) = Vr,L As a result, the output high voltage is VDD degraded by the threshold voltage of NL or 261 262 Chapter 19/Saturated Enhanccmcnt-Onlv Loaded NMOS Irwerter load NMOS has a ~ body bias of VseJ. ~ = Your=VNar WL N 4L + Yos,o (a) FIGURE 19.1 body-bias (b) Saturated Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverter: (a) Source-body connected load, (b) Load with Your (V) t YOH= A VDD - VT;J, -,--.+..l =4 I 3---+-- V 1-=_ __ OL --i---_;:B-=----r----Ym=2V ~--!1---------+---=:a.,:;~A:..........,._~~lV 5 Your = V os,o = Yoo- VD.SJ.(V) (a) FIGURE 19.2 Graphical Solution of Saturated Enhancement-only Load NMOS Inverter: (a) Enhancement-only NMOS ID versus VDs family of curves I ~----+---+--1---_;_--+------+--• Yn,=VT,o=l 2 I 3 4 Vm(V) 5 ylll (b) with superimposed saturated enhancement-only NMOS load curve, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic from intersections of curves in (a) 19.2 Graphical Determination of Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter VTC determining the voltage transfer characteristic of the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter. Not only does this case provide a circuit that can be fabricated in IC form, but also the VTC can be very abrupt, as we will see. 19.2 GRAPHICAL DETERMINATION Of SATURATED ENHANCEMENTONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER VTC To determine the VTC graphically, we first realize that the drain current of NL is equal to the drain current of N 0 . Also, VDs.L = VDD - VDs,o, so the drain current Ii).L can be expressed as a function of VDs,o as follows: kL ID.l (SAT) = 2 (Vos.L = 2 [(VoD = kL kL 2 ? - Vr.L)7 - VDs.o) - VuJ7 [(VDD - Vu) - Vns,oJ- = ID,o This expression is the 1-V characteristic for the load transistor NL, similar to the load-line equation for the resistor loaded inverter. Therefore, having obtained this load equation, the voltage transfer characteristic can be obtained in the same graphical manner as the resistor loaded NMOS inverter. Figure 19.2a shows a family of ID.o versus VDs,o characteristics with Vcs.o as a parameter with the transistor NL load equation superimposed. Unlike the resistor loaded NMOS inverter, this output load curve is nonlinear. To obtain the VTC, ordered pairs of (Vcs,o, VDs,o) are read from the intersection of the output load curve with the family of curves. These points are then mapped into the VDs,o versus Vcs,o coordinate axes in Figure 19.2b. The resulting curve through the plotted points is the VTC Similar to the resistor loaded NMOS inverter, the output does not reach O as V1N is increased. To demonstrate this, we again assume that the inverter is being driven by a similar gate as in Figure 19.3. The maximum output of the driving gate was determined to be VoUT,D(MAX) = VoH = VDD - Vu, This corresponds to the Vcs.o = VoH 1-V curve of Figure 19.2a. The output voltage at the intersection of this specific curve with the load curve is VDs = Vm, The state of N 0 for each critical point can be determined by examining the graphs of Figure 19.2a and b. First, N 0 is cutoff for Vm 1 = VDD - Vu, Then, for VM, N 0 is in the saturation region of operation and N 0 is in the linear region of operation for both VrH and VoL• For an enhancement-only load, VrL is defined as the threshold voltage of N 0 . The state of ' :1r:N', V'oo, V'os,o \___~ driving gate FIGURE 19.3 263 load gate Cascaded Saturated Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverters Illustrating V0 L 264 Chapter 19/Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS In verte r TABLE 19.1 States of Transistors for Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter Critical Point Output N 0 Load NL VoH Cutoff EOC Saturation Linear Linear Saturation Saturation Saturation Saturation Saturation VIL VM V11-1 VoL N 0 at V1L is therefore the edge of conduction. Note that NL is always in the saturation region of opera tion for the saturated enhancement-only load. These states are summarized in Table 19.1. 19.3 CALCULATION OF VTC CRITICAL POINTS FOR SATURATED ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER Va,-, was found in section 19.1 and is repeated here for convenience Output High Voltage = Vott Output Low Voltage = VoL ln the output low state, N 0 and N1. are in the linear and saturation regions of operation, respectively. Assuming this gate is driven by a sifftilar gate in the output high state, as in Figure 19.3, V, r- -: = V0 ,_1 = VoD - Vu. Substituting Vos.a = VoL, and Vcs, 1. = VDD - Vm into the linear and saturated drain current expressions gives and The output low voltage is found by equating the drain currents of N 0 and NL as follows: or For V, N = Vcs.o < VT,o, N 0 is cutoff and no drain current conducts in either transistor. With lru(SAT) = 10 , 0 (0FF) = 0, Vc s,L is found by solving which yields Vcs,L = Vu. Since the output is VouT = Voo - Vc s. L, substituting for Vcs.L yields After some algebra, rearranging terms gives a qua dratic in V01 _ as follows : kl + ko 2 Input Low Voltage= V1L The input low voltage cannot be found from dVo uT/ dV,r---: = -1. This is because a discontinuity appears at V,N = VT,o and the magnitude of the slope follow ing this point is (for a properly designed gate) greater than unity, as seen in Figure 19.2b. The input low voltage for this type of loaded gate is therefore v,l = vT.a ? V ol+ [- k,.Woo - v.,,1,) - ko W oo - VT.L - V1,o)JV01 + kl , 2 Woo - v,.,)- = o where V0 1. is sufficiently small to neglect Vb1. resulting in the following expression for Vm: 1lJ.3 265 Calculation of VTC Critical Points For Saturc1ted Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter Solving for V0 c1 gives Input High Voltage= Vrn The input high voltage is defined as the point on the VTC above VoL where This is the output voltage corresponding to ViH· To solve for V1H, we equate the drain currents of the two transistors as follows: -1 At the input high voltage, N 0 and NL are in the linear and saturation regions of operation, respectively. Substituting Vcs,o = V1H, Vos,o = VoL:T, and Ycs,L = V1)1) - V0 c 1 into the drain current equations yields ID,o(LIN) = Io,L(SAT) vil/T] [ ko (Vi11 - vT,o)VouT - -2- = kL Won - VcJLIT - Vr,L )2 2 2 k0 [(VIll _ V-1,0)(V111 - VT,o) _ ~ (Vi11 - VT.CJ) ] 2 2 2 2 = kL2 DD (V111 - VT,o) _ V T,L ] [v _ and ln,L(SAT) = = kL 2 Wcs,L kL 2 - VLL 2 )2 , Wm) - VouT - VT,L)- where we have substituted for Your and neglected din,L/dV0ur, for simplicity. Rearranging yields 2 V _ Vi11 - VT,o) 3k 0 4k (Vi11 - VT,o)- = Voo T,L 2 L ? With ILJ,o = Io,o(V1N, Vmrr) and Io,L = ID,L(Vour), equating differentials of the drain currents gives dlu.0W111, Vm/T) = dln.1Woml ( Taking the square root of both sides, we have 0 1 ~k V111 - VT,o - -k (Vi11 - VT,(J) = Voo - Vr,L 2 I. 2 or iJlo,o iJlu,o dlo,L - - dVi 11 + - - dVouT = -dV dVour rJV111 iJVow ouT Solving for dVouT/dV 1r--: yields or 1(~ )(Vi11 2 ✓~ + 1 Vr,o) Voo - V.r,L Solving for V1H gives dVc)UT dV1N dio,1. _ iJIJJ,o d Vour iJVour -1 and rearranging, we have iJlo,o --= rJVi11 dlu,L iJlD,o --+- dVouT BVouT Substituting for the derivatives yields koVmrr = kL(Vllo - Vmn V.r,L) + kofW111 - VT,o) - VouT] Plugging V1H back into the expression for V0 UT(IH) gives the output corresponding to ViH• Verification of Output Transistor in Linear Mode for Vm The linear region of operation for the output transistor N 0 is verified by testing V Ds,o :S V cs,o - Vr,o 266 Chapter 19/Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS In ver ter or V ouT(IH) :S Vu 1 - Example 19 .1 Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter VTC Vi: o After calculations, this verification is verified . Midpoint Voltage = VM Find the critical points for the voltage transfer characteristic of a saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter. Use VDD = 10 V, (W/L) 0 = 10µ,m/ 5µ,ITt, and (W/L) = 5µ,m/15µ,m. Also, use k' = 20 µ,AN" and VTO = 1.2 V for both transistors. Solution We begin by calculating the transcon1" At the midpoint voltage, where V,N = V0 ur = VM, N 0 and NL are both in the saturation region of op eration . For N 0 this is verified by which upon substituting Vcs,o = V 05 , 0 = VM reduces to VM::::,: VM - VT,0 and is clearly satisfied. Substituting Vcs,o = V M, VDs,o = VM, and Vcs,L = VDD - VM into the saturation drain current expressions gives Io,o(SAT) = ko 2 1 ductak:c:p::(~r: f:::::( ;y:o:::s ~:\lows ,(W) ( A -5µ,) = 6.67µ,---:, 15µ, vThis gives a ratio of k 0 /kL = 6. The critical points can now be found by substituting directly into the derived expressions: Vo 11 = (10) - (1.2) = 8.8 V kL = k L = (20µ,) L VIL= 1 .2 V ? W cs,o - VT_o) - = -ko (VM - Vrn)? 2 ' 6.67µ,(10 - 1.2)2 VOL = - - - - - - - - 2(6,67µ,)(10 - 1.2) + 2(40µ,)(10 - 1.2 - 1.2) = 0 .71 V and Vf II = (1. 2) + 2[(10) - (1 ,2)] --'-;:======-=-_:__:._ 3(40,u) (6.67µ,) +l (6.67µ.)[(10) - (1.2)) (40µ,)[(4.6) - (1 .2)] + Now VM is found by equating these currents as follows: Io,o(SAT) = 10 ,L(SAT) VouT(IH) == - - - ' - - - - - - - 2( 40µ,) + (6.67µ,) = 2.25 V (10) - (1 .2) + (4 0µ,) (1.2) 6 67 V,v, = -------,===(==·=--µ,-)- - = 3.4 V 1+ Dividing both sides by kL/2 and taking the square root of both sides gives ~ ✓ ki. (VM - VT.O) (40µ,) (6.67 µ,) Note that a larger value for k 0 and/or a smaller value for kL provides a steeper VTC or narrower transition width. = Voo - VM - Vu 19.4 BODY BIAS CONSIDERATIONS FOR SATURATED ENHANCEMENTONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER Finally, solving for V M yields Voo - Vu V,v, = 1 + + ~V ~ ✓ ki. T,o In the previous section, the threshold voltage of the load N1_ was taken as constant with VT.L = VTo,L• This, however, is not at all the case. Figure shows l Y.4 Body Bias Considerations For Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 26 7 Output High Voltage= Vott Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Body Bias Effect on NMOS Threshold Voltage 111 the following section an analysis co11sideri11g the body bias effect 011 the threshold voltage of N1, will be presented-the following equation relating the function depe11de11ce of v,/l 011 VT will be required As mentioned in the previous section the maximum output voltage is the source voltage VDD diminished by the threshold voltage of the load NL or Von = Vim - Vu(VsR,L = Vos,o) Taking account of the source to body voltage of NL, by substitution Vo11 T11resl10ld Voltage vl)/) - [Vn!,L + YL(YV011 + 2</>r,L -~)] V2cf;;) V1WsB) = Vrn + y(YVsB + 2</>r • = Zero body-bias threshold voltage = Vrn VDD - Vrn,L Surface potential = <f> r- +y1,~ Body-Effect Coefficient = + 2</>r.L Adding 2</> F,L to each side yields Vol! = 1.60 • Elementary charge= q • Acceptor [1/cni3] • Permittivity of Silicon = Esi Flem • Gate capacitance per unit area = dopant YL YV011 X + 2</>r,L = VDD - Vrn,L - Y1YV011 + 2<f>F:L + YL ~ + 2<f>F,L 10- 19 C concentration = NA Rearranging terms gives Wo1, + = 1.04 X 10- 12 + Y1YV011 + 2</>F.L + (-Voo + Vrn,L - Y 1 ~ - 2</>F,/) = 0 2</>n) This is a quadratic (VOH + 2</> F.L). After solving the quadratic, VoH is easily obtained. Output Low Voltage = VoL the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter for the actual case with the substrate or body common to both transistors. Thus, since the substrate of each transistor is grounded, with the source of N1, at VoL:T, a body bias of Vs11,1. = VDs,o = Vmn is always present for N1, and should be taken into consideration to obtain an accurate solution. With the body bias present, the threshold voltage of N1, is increased as The procedure for finding VoL considering the body bias VsB,L is numerical in nature. The procedure is as follows: • Guess a value for Vm (a good initial guess is 5% of vl)l)) • Determine the threshold voltage of NL for this output as follows: VuWsB,L = VDs,o = Vo1) = VTo,1 + Y1(YV01 + 2</>r,L - ~ ) • Solve for the (saturation) drain current of the load for this body bias and output as follows: • Equate the drain current of N1, to the (linear) drain current of N 0 to obtain VT,L Wsu,L = VDs,o = Vm!T) = Vnu + Y1(YVsu,1 + 2</>r,L - ~ ) = Vrn,L + Y1(YVDs,o + 2¢F.L - ~ ) = Vro,L + YL(\/Vour + 2</>r,L ~) The following sub-sections illustrate procedures for analytically solving for the voltage transfer characteristic critical points considering the body bias of NL. 268 Chapter 19/Saturated Enhancement-Onlv Loaded NMOS ln\'erter • Determine the threshold voltage of NL for this output VufVs1u Vos,o = VouTUH)] = VTU,L = + 'YL(YVouT(IH) + 2<f>r,L - ~ ) • Solve for V 1;\J to obtain • V IN -- V T,O + Vo1. + ~ k V 2 0 OL • Repeat this procedure until V1N is within a few percent of the VoH calculated in the last sub-section (we have assumed that this gate is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, see Figure 19 ,4) Input High Voltage Solve for the (saturated) drain current of the load lo.1(SAT) = = • kL 2 Wcs,L kL 2 Woo ? - VT,L)- Vou-rUH) - VT,L]2 Equate the (linear) drain current of the output transistor N 0 to that of the load transistor NL Io.o(LIN) = ko [ Wcs,o - VuJ)Vos,o - -Viiso] -'2 = Vm The method for finding V111 considering the body bias is also numerical and very similar to the procedure for finding Vm, This numerical solution method is as follows: = k0 [ W111 - VT,oWouT(IH) - Vzx/T(IH)] 2 VsB,I. • Guess a value for V1H (a good initial guess is V 1H approximately 45% of V1)I)) • Determine VoL'T(IH) from the expression = Io,L • VourUH) Io,L V111 = VTO + - - - - + - - ~ - ' 2 koVowUH) • _ VIll - V T,O V OUT (IH) 2 which was derived in the previous section Solve for V1H Repeat this procedure until the solved V,H is within a few percent of the "guessed" V,H As will be seen in the next example (Example 19.2), the body bias has little effect on the input high V'oo 9 WL N 4L Your= YoH V'our = YoL -+- ----y· driving gate FIGURE 19.4 -----y-- ~---__; load gate Cascaded Saturated Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverters with Body Biases J lJ.4 voltage and the first order approximation is generally acceptable. Solution (Output High Voltage) VoH is found by first solving a quadratic with the coefficients given by = VM Midpoint Voltage Ao11 = l Bou The midpoint voltage where VIN = Votsr = V:vt is found by the following numerical procedure: = = V:vI Vr,L (V,B,1. = Vos,o = VM) , Determine the (saturated) drain current for NL using this Vu and VouT = V:vi kL kL 2 (Voo - • Vr.o - VM - Vu)- + ~ Repeat this procedure until the solved value ofVM is within a few percent of the "guessed" value of V1v1 Input Low Voltage= V1L A body bias on NL will have no effect on the input low voltage since it is simply the threshold voltage at which N 0 enters conduction. Hence, = YBz)J/ - -(0.5) v'(o.5)2 - 4(1)(-9.79) 4AonC011 2Ao11 :::t:: = 2.89 or -3.39 7 Solve for VM V 11 . -Bon± = ---------- 2(1) 2 = Ve)// + VT.L)- ln,o(SAT) = ko (Vcs,o - VT,o )"- VM ~---1 V 2cf>r,L 7 2 (Vcs,L • Equate the drain current of N0 (SAT) to the drain current of NL • -9.79. Using the quadratic formula = Vrn.L + YL(YVM + 2</>r,L - ~ ) = Vim+ Vnu - Y 1 . ~ - 2<f>F.L -(10) + (1.2) - (0.5)\/(o.6) - (0.6) • Evaluate V.r.L for an output of Vovr 10 ,L(SAT) = = 0.5 YL Cou = Guess a value for VM • 269 Body Bias Considerations For SJturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter Vr,o Example 19.2 Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverted: Body Bias Considerations for VTC Calculate the VTC critical points for the NMOS inverter of Example 19.1 considering the body bias effect of NL. Use y 1_ = 0.5 VI 12 and 2¢r-L = 0.6 V. The negative term is physically incorrect, hence 2.8 V is the valid solution. Vrn-i is then obtained as V011 = 2.89 2 - 2c/>r.L = 2.89 2 - (0.06) = 7.75 V Solution (Output Low Voltage) Vm must be found numerically. Initial guesses for Vm are listed below with the resulting load threshold voltage, drain current, and solved V1N values. Vm(guess) (V) VT,L(V) 10 (µA) VIN (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.85 0.82 1.38 1.40 1.43 1.41 1.41 209 203 196 199 201 9.01 7.93 7.10 7.49 7.74 The guess of Vm = 0.82 V results in a V1N of 7.74 V, the value calculated for V011 above. Solution (Input High Voltage) V1H is also found numerically. Initial guesses for V1H are shown below with the resulting corresponding output, threshold voltage of NL, and the value of V1H for this load threshold voltage. V11 1(guess) (V) VouT (V) VT,L (V) Io,L (µA) V1H (V) 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.45 4.42 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.63 1.61 1.55 1.55 1.56 1.56 1.56 159 156 154 155 156 4.54 4.44 4.35 4.40 4.42 2 70 Chapter 19/Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter From this iteration, V11_1 = 4.42 V. Comparing this to the value of V111 calculated in Example 19.1, we see a difference of only 0.18 V. The iteration process for determining V1H hence appears unnecessary and the first order approximation of the previous section shall suffice. state is then obtained by substituting these voltages into the linear drain current expression yielding Solution (Midpoint Voltage) The numerical determination of V :vr is tabulated below. Static Power Dissipation = P00 (avg) VM(V) VT.L (V) Io,L (µ.A) VM (V) ~ 1 J.i 1 _l.J/ U/.U 0'7 L '] ')[\ J.L.../ 3.2 3.3 3.25 3.23 1.79 1.80 1.79 1.79 83.8 80.0 81.9 82.6 3.24 3.20 3.22 3.23 '7'7 Thus, VM is 3.23 V, which is also quite close to the value calculated in Example 19.1, which was 3.4 V. Solution (Input Low Voltage) VrL is unaffected by the body bias for this type of load and remains as VIL= 1.2 V Ivo(OL) = Io,L(SAT) = ko [ (Vcs,o = - ID_o(LIN) Vr.o)Vos,o - -Vbs,o] 2 The average DC power dissipated is now found by substituting into Poo(avg) = loo(OH) + foo(OL) Voo 2 Ioo(OLWoo 2 Dynamic Power Dissipated= P00 (dyn) As with resistor-loaded NMOS, a significant additional power dissipation for enhancement-only loaded NMOS logic circuits occurs during the switching of logic states. This contribution takes the form P/)/J(dyn) = CL1Nbo 19.5 POWER DISSIPATION OF SATURATED ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS To determine the power dissipation of a saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter, the DC currents supplied by VDD for the high and low output states are first obtained. Output High Current Supplied = I00 (OH) where CL is the total load capacitance at the output of the gate and vis the frequency at which the gate switches logic states. Example 19.3 Power Dissipation of Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS (a) Find the static power dissipated in the saturated enhancen-ient-only loaded NMOS inverter of Example 19.2. (b) Find the dynamic power dissipated for the same gate. Let CL = 1.5 pF and v = 10 MHz. In section 19.2 it was seen that N 0 is cutoff in the output high state (see Table 19.1). With N 0 cutoff, Solution (a) For the output low state, the terminal voltages of N 0 were found in Example 19.2 to be l 00 (OH) = Io,i(SAT) = Io.o(OFF) = 0 Vcs,o = ViN(OL) = 7.74 V Output Low Current = I00 (OL) For the output low state, N 0 is in the linear region of operation. For the terminal voltages of N 0 for this state, the expressions of section 19.3 for non-bodybias considerations can be evaluated for an approximate solution, or the numerically determined values of the previous section may be used for a more accurate result. The current supplied for the output low and VOL= 0.82 V The current dissipated in the output low state is therefore 10 2 = (40J.L) [ (7.74 - 1.2)(0.82) - -(0.82)- ] 2 = 201 J.LA 19_(, Hence, the JverJge DC power dissipJted is ,,-+la VDDn.T DC 1OV O ...L 0 271 Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded N!V!OS SPICE Simulation PDD(avg) (201 µ,) (10) = 1.01 mW 2 =- - Solution (b) The dynamic power dissipated is PDD(dyn) = (1.5p)(10M)(10) 2 = 1.SmW Your 19.6 SATURATED ENHANCEMENT ONLY LOADED NMOS SPICE SIMULATION Figure 19.5 shows a saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter with a capacitive load with appropriJte SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: FIGURE 19.5 Saturated Enhancement-only Loaded N!V!OS Inverters with Capacitive Load and Appropriate SPICE Labelings Saturated E-0 Loaded NM◊S Inverter VIN 1 D PULSE<DV 10V OS 2NS 2NS + 500NS 1US) Ym(Y) • 10--1,,-----. 9 . 8 7 6- 5 - Your (Y) 4. 10-L 4- 9+ 3 2 1 O 8~ I 7~ t(µs) 0 6 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 YourCY) 5~ 4 109 3 8 2 76 5 4 1 0 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 2 1 0 +-------+---f------+--------1------1----- t(µs) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0 (a) FIGURE 19.6 Results of Section 19.6 Saturated Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS SPICE Simulation: (b) (a) Voltage transfer characteristic obtained from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response from .TRAN sweep 272 Chapter 19/S aturated Enhancement-Only Luc1ded Nf'vlOS Im w ter VDD 3 0 10V ,MODEL NMOSFE T NMOS<V T0=1,2 + KP=20U GAMMA=0,5 PHI=0-6 + CBD=3,1E-15 CBS=3-1E - 15) MN◊ 2 1 0 0 NMOSFET W=10U L=SU MNL 3 3 2 0 NMOSFET W=SU L=15U CL 2 0 1PF -DC VINO 10 0-1 -PLO T DC VDS<MNO) ,TRAN 20NS 1-25US ,PLOT TRAN V<VIN) VDS(MNO) ,END Th e VTC and transi ent response obtained fro m simulating this circuit are shown in Figure 19.6a and b. CHAPTER19PROBLEMS 19.1 What arc th e states of N 0 a nd NL for th e sa turated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter for each of th e vrc critical points Vm1, VnL, V1L, V111, and v~•I· 19.2 19.3 19.4 For the NMOS in verter with sa tura ted enhancement-only load shown in Figure P19.2, gmphica lly de termine th e critical voltages Vu 11 , VOi_, V1L, V111 , and Vt-,,1. Use V 1 = 1 V and k' = 20 µ.A!V2 for both Nu and NL. Sketch th e VTC and determin e th e noise marg ins. (Ignore th e body-bias of NL.) For th e NMOS inverte r with sa turated en hance ment-onl y load shown in Figure Pl 9.2, a11alytically determine th e critical vo ltages Vm 1, Vm, V1L, V11 1, and V.,,1• Use V 1 = 1 V a nd k' = 20 µ.A/V" for both N 0 and NL· Sketch th e VTC and de term ine th e noise margins. (Ignore th e body-bias of NL.) For the NMOS in ve rte r with saturated en hance ment-o nly load shown in Figure P19.4, a11alytically determi ne th e critica l voltages V011 , Vrn_, V1u and V111 . Use V 1 = 1 V a nd k' = 20 µ.A ~ for both N 0 and N1.. Sketch th e VTC and determin e th e noise V00 = 5 V VNOT 20µm N 2µm 0 FIGURE P19.4 margins. Co nsider th e body-bias of NL. Use Y1. = 0.4 V 11" and 2</J,.L = 0.6 V. = 20µ.m/4µ.m . = 20µ.m/4µ.m. 19.4 for (W/L) 0 = 20µ.m/4µ.m. 19.2 fo r (W/L) 0 = 100µ.m/2µ.m. 19.3 for (W/L) u = 100µ.m/2µ.m. 19.4 for (W/L) 0 = 100µ.m/2µ.m. 19.2 for (W/L)L = 1. 19.5 Repea t Problem 19.2 for (W/L) 0 19.6 Repeat Proble m 19.3 fo r (W/L)u 19.7 Repeat Problem 19.8 Repeat Problem 19.9 Repeat Problem 19.10 Repeat Problem 19.11 Repea t Problem 19.12 Repea t P ro blem 19.3 for (W/L)1. 19.13 Repeat Problem 19.4 for (W/L)L = 1. = 1. = 5µ.m/10µ.m. 19.15 Repeat Problem 19.3 for (W/L)1. = 5µ.m/10µ.m. 19.16 Repea t Problem 19.4 for (W/L)L = 5µ.m/10µ.m. FIGURE P19.2 19.14 Re peat Problem 19.2 fo r (W/L)L 19.17 Find the s tati c power dissipated in th e NMOS inverter of P roblem 19.3. 19.18 Find th e s ta ti c powe r dissipa ted in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.4. Chapter 19 Problems 273 19.19 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.6. 19.23 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.12. 19.20 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19. 7. 19.24 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.13. 19.21 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.9. 19.25 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.15. 19.22 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.10. 19.26 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 19.16. 20 LINEAR ENHANCEMENTONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER In this chapter, the operation of the linear e11ha11ceme11t-only loaded NMOS inverter is described. This inverter has the advantage of increased VoH up to the supply voltage value V1m. However, this inverter also has a disadvantage that two separate DC supplies are required (or two bias resistors which is worse). Hence, this case is not of practical import but is included for completeness. Hence, as a result Vo11 = Voo I o,o (SAT) = In, 1 (LIN) or The output high voltage of an enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter can be raised to Vno by using a load that operates in the linear region. This is accomplished by applying a separate, larger voltage source to the gate of NLt as shown in Figure 20.1a. To operate in the linear region VeD,L must be greater than VT,L. Thus, the gate voltage should satisfy -- kL (VCS,L - VT,L )VDS,I. [ - v 2 - OS,L - ] 2 Substituting Vcs,o = V1N, V05 ,0 = VoUT, Vcs,L = Vee - VoL·T, and VDs,L = VDD - VmJT yields the VTC for this case. Solution ofVoUT as a function ofV,N shows that the output has a negative slope in this region of operation and this is left as a homework problem. \!\Then VDs,o drops to Vcs,o - VT,o, N 0 enters the linear region of operation. The VTC of the linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter has the form shown in Figure 20.2b and is explained in detail in the next section, Again, the analysis shown here indicates a high output for a low input and a low output for a high input. The logical NOT function is thus also realized by this circuit. The following two sections demonstrate graphical and analytical techniques for finding the voltage transfer characteristic of the NMOS inverter with linear enhancement-only load. Vi)[) + Vr,L The circuit configuration in Figure 20.1a is therefore a linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter. The input is at the gate of N 0 and V1N = Ves,o• The output is at the drain of N 0 and Vrnrr = Vns,o = Vee Ves,L = Voo - Vos,L• For V1N < Vr, 0 , N 0 is cutoff and does not conduct a drain current. The load NL, however, is still in the linear region of operation. The output is then VouT = VDD - VDS,L· With ID,L(LIN) = ID,o(OFF) = 0 and Vos,L = 0 is obtained by solving Io,dLIN) = kL[ Wes,L - VuWos,L - Voo - Vos,L As V1N is increased beyond VT,o, both N 0 , and NL, begin to conduct (equal) drain current. N 0 is operating in the saturation region of operation, since VDs,o 2: Vcs,o - Vr,u• The form of the VTC at this point is found by equating the drain currents of N 0 and Ni_ as follows: 20.1 OPERATION OF LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER Vee> = V~s,L] = 0 274 20.1 VDD Yoo Yoo Q 8 s . 4 ~""~•J-~ V 111-7B WON ¼ fsl-b G IN~ V as,o L V~ o Yoo L~rr, I L1 I~ BW" N ~,2~. + V VDS.O {~ ~ IN + V os.o I__ I load NMOS has a body bias of Vs•.L = Your= VNar WL N 4L Your + WON Ln0 0 VDS,O (b) Linear Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverter: (a) Source-body connected load, (b) Load with Your A 0 VOL 1 B IslJ (a) FIGURE 20.1 body-bias 275 Operation of Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter 2 3 4 VoH=5 (V) Vour = Vns.o = VDD - VDS,L (V) VIN= 1 V (a) FIGURE 20.2 Graphical Determination of Linear Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic: (a) Enhancement-only NMOS ID versus DDs family of curves with superimposed linear Vm<V) (b) enhancement-only NMOS load curve, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic obtained from curve intersections of (a) 276 Chapter 20/Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Irwerter 20.2 GRAPHICAL DETERMINATION OF LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER VTC As with the saturated enhancement-only load, the drain current of N,, is equal to the drain current of N 0 . With Vos,L = VoD - Vns,o and Ves,1. = Vee V0s,o, Io,L can be expressed as a function of VDs,o as follows: Io,L(LIN) , I,,, KLL lVes,L ., ,., Viis.J - V1;L)Vos,1. - - 2 -J ki[ Wee - Vos,o - VT,L)Wvv - Vvs,o) _ (Vnv - VDs,0)2] 2 This expression can be plotted versus VDs,o and is the equation for the output load curve. Figure 20.2a shows a family of 10 , 0 versus V Ds,o curves with Vcs.o as a parameter and the NL output load curve is superimposed. Like the saturated enhancement-only load, the curve for the linear enhancement-only load is non-linear. Ordered pairs of (Vc;s,o, VDs,o) are read from the intersection of the non-linear curve with the family of curves. These are, in turn, mapped onto the VDs,o vs Vcs.o coordinate axes in Figure 20.2b. The voltage transfer characteristic is the resulting curve through these mapped points. It was seen with the resistor and saturation enhancement-only loads that the output does not reach Oas the input is increased. This is also the case with the linear enhancement load. Assuming this inverter is driven by a similar gate, as in Figure 20.3, the highest input possible is V11.JMAX) = V011 = VDD· Following the Vcs,o = VDD cu1ve in Figure 20.2a to its intersection with the output load line gives the output low voltage on the Vns,o axis. The state of N 0 can be determined for each critical point from this graphical analysis. As already stated, N 0 is cutoff for V011 . For Vn, and V".'' N 0 is in the saturation region of operation. For V,H and V0 1., Nu is in the linear region of operation. NL is always in the linear region of operation for the linear enhancement-only load. These states are summarized in Table 20.1 TABLE 20.1 States of Transistors for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter Critical Point Output No Cutoff Saturation Saturation Linear Linear Vu11 V11. V\I V111 V,,L V'00 V'oo C f LJ , I I~ WLN' ·r;:L D,o-- I D,l.•1' ~ V'our~-V I, l~W' V'm I~ , I Vos.a driving gate FIGURE 20.3 r: OL + , N'0 V'os,o load gate Cascaded Linear Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverters for Vm. Illustration Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear 20.3 Calculation of vrc Critical Points for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS lnverter or 20.3 CALCULATION OF VTC CRITICAL POINTS FOR LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER dln.o dV dln.1 11 = - - dVouT dV 11 · dVouT V011 was found in section 20.1 and is repeated here for convenience Output High Voltage Solving for dVmrrldV 1N to -1 yields For V1N = Vcs,o < Vr,o the inverting transistor N 0 is cutoff and no drain current conducts (in either transistor). NL is, however, operating in the linear region of operation. Vos.L can found by solving the linear drain current expression for l 1u(LIN) = 0 or dVucrldVn. and equating dio,o dViL dlo,L dVour v ;s,L ] = Separating the derivatives, we have dID,o dV,1. 0 _ dlo.l dVouT ko(VIL - Vr,o) = -k1.[(-Vcc + 2Vo1n + Vu - Voo) + Woo - Vmn)l From this, Vos,L = 0. Since VocT = VDD - VDs.L Solving this equation gives a linear expression for V11. in terms of Vour Vo11 = Voo =V L 1 The input low voltage is defined as the point on the VTC below Vo1-1 where Another expression relating V1L and VocrOL) is obtained by equating the drain currents of N 0 and NL: -1 lo.o(SAT) = 11),L(LIN) At the input low voltage N 0 and NL are in the saturation and linear regions of operation, respectively. Substituting Vcs.o = V1L, Vcs.1. = Vee - Vour, and VDs. 1_ = VoD - Vocr into the drain current equations gives ko (VIL - Vr,1)~" = k1_ [ Wee 2 _ V 2 Io.i(LIN) = k1. [ Wc.s.L - Vr.LWos,L - - v ;s,L ] Vour - V1,l)W1m - Vow) _ Won - Vour)2] - Vol/7 - Vr.,)Woo ) _ Woo - Vour?] OUT = VoL For the output low voltage, N 0 and NL are both in the linear region of operation. Assuming this inverter is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, as in Figure 20.3, V1N = V0 1-1 = V DD· Substituting this, VDs,o = VouT, Vcs,L = Voo - Vm;r, and VDs,L = VDD - Vm;r into the linear drain current expressions gives 2 With ID,o = ID, 0 (V 1N) and Io.L = 10 ,L(Vour), equating differentials of the drain currents yields dln.0W1L) = dli),LWour) 2 Solving these two equations simultaneously yields V1L and its corresponding output Vm:AIL). Output Low Voltage and kl[ Wee -1 Substituting these derivatives gives 2 Input Low Voltage = = VoH l1J.L(LIN) = kl [ Wcs.1. - VT.LWos,L - 277 Io,o(LIN) = kc.{ Wcs,o - Vr,oWos.o - V~rn] 278 Chapter 20/Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS ln\'crter and o Vf)s,L] kL [ (Ves,L - VT,L ) Vbs,1, - - 2 and k1,[ Wee - VOL - Vr,L)Woo - Vo1,) - Wo[) ~ lo,1(LIN) Vail] k1,[Wcs,L - Vu)Vos,L - V;s,L] kL[ Wee - Vow - Vr,L)WoD - Vour) The output low voltage is again found by equating the drain currents of the inwrtine ;mo load transistors: lo,o(LIN) = lo,L(LIN) [ k 0 (V 0 o - Vr,dVoL - With Io,o = ID,O(VIN, VocT) and ID,L = Io,L(Vour), equating differentials of the drain currents gives Vz)L] dlo,uW111, Vour) = dlo,1,Wour) k1,[ Wee - VoL - VT,L)Woo - VOL) ~ 'JI dV111 c_ o,o dV111 dlo,L + r,'JI o,o dVouT = - dVouT r7V0 ur 2 dVouT dVnv vz OL + [-koWoo - = dVouT dV111 = Vw) - kLWcc - VT,L)]V01, + k1, [ (Vee - VT,L)Voo - -Vbo] = 0 2 aio,o _ _ _a_V_11_1_ _ _d_Io_,l_, _ _r7_Io_,c_, dVouT aVouT -1 Rearranging, we have aio,o BVi11 dlo,L dVouT aIo,[ aVouT --=---+-- Finally, Vm is sufficiently small to neglect the V~11, term, resulting in k1, [ Wee - Vu)Voo - -Vfio] - 2 VoL = - - - - - - - - - - - - koWno - VT,O) dVOLrr Solving for dV0UT/dV1N = dV0 lJT/dV,r1 and equating to -1 yields Vo1Y] Rearranging terms gives a quadratic in Vm ko + k1, j \27 ' OU/ I 2 2 _ Wov 11 (1/ \ ' UU + k1,Wcc - Vu) The dI 1n/dVrn.:T term is negligible in comparison with other terms, and thus BI 0 ,0 av111 Bl 0 , 0 avouT Substituting the derivatives yields Input High Voltage= Vm koVour = ko[Wn, - Vr,o) - Vourl The input high voltage is defined as the point on the VTC beyond VO1,, where dVour dVIN and solving for Your gives -1 At the input high voltage, N 0 and NL are both in the linear region of operation. Substituting Vcs,o = V,J\;, Yos,o = VouT, Vcs,L = Vee - YouT, and Yos,L = Yoo - VoUT into the drain current equations yields V OUT (JH) _ Vn1 - Vr,o 2 - This is the output voltage corresponding to ViH• To solve for Vn~, the drain currents of the two transistors are equated to obtain 20.3 Calculation of vrc Critical Points for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter and is obviously true. Substituting Ycs,o = VM, VDs,o = VM, Ycs,L = Yee - VM, and VDS,L = v l ) l ) - VM into the drain current equations gives ID.o(LIN) = In., (LIN) ko [ (Vi11 - Vzx/Tj v,,oWouT - -2- Io,o(SAT) = = kL[ Wee - VouT - VT.L)Wov - Vour) _ W DD - VouTf 279 j ko 2 ? Wcs,o - VT,0)- = ko (VM 2 V T,O )2 2 and or k 0 2 [(v _v )(v//, -2 v,.o) _~2 (Vi11 -2 VT,0) /If lo,L(LIN) = kL [ Wcs,L - VT,LWos,L - 2 ] v ~s,L j 1,0 = kL [ (v - Vin CG V _ ( DD = kL[ Wee - VM - VT.L)Woo VT,O - 2 Vi11 - VM) vT,L) _ Wvo; VM)2] VT,O) 2 _12 (vDD _Vn, -2 Vr,o) 2 ] VM is now obtained by equating the drain currents as follows: ] 0,0 After considerable algebra (rearranging, collecting like terms), a quadratic in (V1H - VT_o) is obtained as follows: (SAT) = ]D,L (LIN) or ko (VM 2 VT,O )?- = kL[ Wee - VM - vT,L)WoD - VM) Woo; VM)2] Expanding and collecting like terms leads (eventually) to the quadratic Using the quadratic formula the solution for V 1H is easily obtained. Midpoint Voltage= VM For the midpoint voltage at which V 1N = VoUT = VM, N 0 and NL are in the saturated and linear regions of operation, respectively. For N 0 , this is realized by testing the inequality Vos,o 2:: Vcs,o - V T,o which upon substitutingVcs,o = VDs,o = VM reduces to ( ko - kL) , VM + [kLWec - VT,L) - k 0 Vv]VM 2 VbD] kL - kLWcc - VT,LWoo + - + [ -ko VL 2 2 =0 The solution is then easily obtained using the quadratic formula. Example 20.1 Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter VTC Find the VTC critical points for a linear enhancement only loaded NMOS inverter. Use V DD = 5 V, Vcc = 10 V, 0N/L)o = (10µ,m/5µ.m), and 0N/L)L = 280 Chapter 20/Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter (5µm/20µm). Use k' for each transistor. = 20 µ,AN 2 and V10 = 1.1 V V 11 = 1.61 or 0.590 V Solution (Device Transconductance Parameters) The transconductance parameters for each transistor are calculated first, as follows: ,(W) L k ,(W) T ko = k O = (20µ,) (10µ,) 5µ, = 40 kl L = (20µ,) = Finally, solving this reduced quadratic yields /1, A v2 ( 5µ,) = 5 µ, v2 A 20µ, This gives a ratio of k 0 /k 1 = 8. Solution (Output High and Low Voltage) Vm 1 and VOL are now obtained by substituting directly into the derived expressions yielding Vm1 = 5 V and Since V1L must be greater than Vr,o = 1.1 V, the valid solution for V 1L is therefore 1.61 V. The output voltage at V11 _ is obtained by substituting into the above expression for Vrn_;1 (IL) yielding VourUL) + 17.7 = -8(1.61) = 4.82 V Solution (Input High Voltage) Next, V1H is found by first solving the quadratic in V111 - Vr, 0 . The coefficients for this quctdratic are calculctted as follo·ws: A _ 3k0 Ill - kl _ 3(40µ,) - (5µ,) _ 8 - 14 .4 /1, - 8 BIll -- k L Vee - Vu -- (5 /1,) (10) - (1.1) -- 22 · 3 /1, 2 2 and I Vzm - Wee - v,,1.)V[)l) ] C111 = kLL_2_ (5µ,){ [(10) - (1.1)](5) - (:;"} Vm = (40µ,)[(5) - (1.1)] + (5µ,)[(10) - (1.1)] = (5µ,){ (Sr - [(10) - (1.1)](5)} = -160µ, = 0.798 V Utilizing the quadratic equation, we have Solution (Input Low Voltage) V1L is found by simultaneously solving the linear and quadratic expressions developed. Substitution into the linear expression yields V111 - Vr.o -B111 ± \/Bf11 - 4A111C111 2A111 -------4(14.4µ,)(-160µ,) - (22. 3 µ,) ±: \/(22.3µ,) 2 (5µ,) ViL = (1.1) + -(-) [-Vour + (10) - (1.1)] 2(14.4µ,) 40µ, - Vour + 2 21 8 . Solving for Vour(IL) yields Vau,(IL) = -8Vn + 17.7 Substituting into the quadratic expression gives (40µ,) (V 2 //, where the positive 2.65 Vis the value of interest.V 111 is therefore Vi 11 = 2.65 + V,,o = 2.65 + (1.1) = 3.75 V The output voltage at V 1H is 75 VourUH) = (3 - ) ; (1.l) = 1.33 V - 1.1)2 = (5µ,{ (-8.8 + 8Vn)(-12.7 + 8Vn) - (-12.7; 8V1L?] and collecting like terms, we have (140µ,)VTL. = 2.65 or -4.20 V + (-308µ,)ViL + (133µ,) = 0 Solution (Midpoint Voltage) The midpoint voltage is also obtained by solving a quadratic. The coefficients are calculated as A,\1 = k0 + k1 2 = (40µ,) + (5µ,) 2 = 2.25µ, = BM = kLWce - Vu) - koVr,o = (5µ)[(10) - (1.1)] - (40µ)(1.1) = 0.5µ 20.4 Body Bias Considerations for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter ,:md Output High Voltage koV}o kLVY,n - - k1(Vcc - V1,1)Vnu + - 2 2 (40µ,)(1.1)2 - (5µ,)[(10) - (1.1)](5) 2 (5µ,)(5)2 +--- Vi\,1 VoH = Voo Output Low Voltage = VoL Using the quadratic equation yields -BM ::!: = VoH The body bias of NL has no effect on the output high voltage. Since the load is designed to operate in the linear region, V0 s,L can decrease all the way to O V. Therefore, V011 is still given by -136µ, 2 281 VB~ - 4AMCM == - - - - - - - - - 2AM ~-~------- (0 .5 µ,) ::±: \/(0.5µ,)2 - 4(22.5µ,)(-136µ,) The numerical procedure for finding VoL considering VsB,L is almost identical to the corresponding method of the saturation enhancement-only load. The only difference is that NL operates in the linear region of operation. The procedure is as follows: 2(22.5µ,) = 2.45 or -2.47 Hence, the solution for V • v~., is the positive 2.45 V. Guess a value for V0 about 5% of V0 o), • Determine VT.L for this output vT,1(VsB,L = 1. (a good initial value is Vos,o = Vo1J = Vro,L + YL(\/~V_o_L_+_2_</J_r_,L - ~ ) 20.4 BODY BIAS CONSIDERATIONS FOR LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS INVERTER The treatment of the previous section for the linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter ignored the body bias on the load transistor, N1,. This section will present the procedures for calculating the VTC critical points considering VsB,L· Figure shows an enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter (with the load configured to operate in the linear region of operation) with the body common to both transistors. With the output of the inverter taken at the source of the load, a body bias of Vsri,L = V os.o = VouT is present for NL and should be taken into consideration for calculations that lead to more than a first order approximation. With the body bias present, the threshold voltage of NL is given by V1,tWsB,L = Vos,o = VouT) = VTO,L + YL(v~V-s1-J,I-._+_2_</J_r-,L - ~ ) • Solve for the (linear) drain current of NL with this body bias and output voltage ID,i(LIN) = k{ Wcs,L - VT.LWos,L - V~s,L] = kL[ (Vee - Vm - VT.L)Woo - VcJL) _ (VOD ~ Vo1Y] • Equate the drain current of NL to the (linear) drain current of N 0 • Solve for V1N • Repeat this procedure until V1N is within a few percent of the VoH calculated in the last sub-section (we have assumed that this gate is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, see Figure 20.4). = Vrn,L + YL(YVos,o + 2</Jr,L - ~ ) = Vrn,L + YL(YVouT + 2</Jr,L - ~ ) The following sub-sections illustrate procedures for analytically determining the voltage transfer characteristic critical points considering the body bias of NL· 282 Chapter 20/Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter V'GG V'oo 'y 0 !:~:~ ! ~~ I ~~ I'o.o=I'o.l-i; + IL_ ~ Vm=low~:~ V'IN Wo Ln0 NO VDS,O N', V'om:VoL L_, :~ + Vas,o • • -::- driving gate FIGURE 20.4 load gate Cascaded Linear Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverters with Body Biases Input High Voltage = Vrn The numerical method for finding VrH considering the body bias VsB.L is also very similar to the corresponding method for the saturated enhancementonly load. Again, the difference being the load is in the linear region of operation. The procedure is as follows: • Guess a value for V 1H (a good initial guess for V 111 is about 45% ofV00 ) • Determine VouT(IH) from the expression VOUT (IH) = kL { [Vcc - Vouy(IH) - ~T,d Woo - Vouy([H)] _ Woo - ~ouT(IH)J-} • Equate the drain current of NL to the (linear) drain current of N 0 : Io.dLIN) _ V111 - VT,O - 2 which was derived in the previous section. • Determine the threshold voltage of NL for this output VT.LWsB,L = Vos.o = • Solve for V1H Vow·UH)] ~------ + YL(YVoUT(IH) + 2<f>r.L -~) Vrn,L • • Repeat this procedure until the calculated V11.1 is within a few percent of the "guessed" V 11+ Solve for the (linear) drain current of the load. As will be seen in Example 20.4, the body bias has little effect on the output high voltage and the first order approximation is generally acceptable. • Input Low Voltage= V1L Vil. considering the body bias on the load transistor entails guessing YcMr(IL) and solving for Y11 . using two separate equations. The procedure is as follows: Determine the (linear) drain current for N 1 using this value of Yu and VouT = V~1 2 I O,L (LIN) = • Guess a value for YoLrr(IL) [a good initial guess for V0L'1 (IL) is about 95% of VDo) • Evaluate Vr,L for Y0 ui 2 vDS,L 2 Vmn/ 2 = Iw,(SAT) = ko W11 - 2 Vii = Vr,o + = ko 2 Vr,o) VT,O (Ves,o - Vr,o) • ko 2 Wcs,o - Vr,0)2 Solve for VM ~ Calculate the VIC critical points for the linear enhancement only loaded NMOS inverter of Example 20.1 considering the body bias effect on NL. Use YL = 0.45 V112 and 2¢ F,L = 0.6 V. Solution (Output High Voltage) V011 is not ef- fected by the body bias and is still from the previous section • Repeat this procedure until the two values of V11 _ are within a few percent of each other =V M V0 u =5 V Solution (Output Low Voltage) The numerical method for finding Vm is demonstrated in the following table: = VM is • Guess a value for VM • Evaluate V1 ,L for an output of Your= VM VuWsB,L = VDs,o = V,vr) = Vro,L + ')'1.(v-v,\_1_+_2</J-1--·,1. - • Repeat this procedure until the guessed value of VM is within a few percent of the solved value of V~,1- Example 20.2 Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter: Body Bias Considerations 2 The midpoint voltage where V1N = Your found by the following numerical process: rv;;; ✓ -y;;; 2 kL + ko (-Vrnrr + Vee - Vr,1J Midpoint Voltage = V M =VT,O + • Solve for V1L using Vi,= Io,o(SAT) l • Equate the drain current of NL to that of N 0 and solve for Vu. 10 ,1 (UN) - VM - Vr,1)(Vnu - VM) l k1[ Wee - VouT - Vr,L)WvD - Vour) - l • Equate the drain current of N 0 (SAT) to the drain current of NL • Determine the (linear) drain current for NL using Vour(IL) and Vu[Vsfl,L = Vour(IL)] _ (VDD [ v/JS,/ 2 _Woo; VM)2l -~] = k L[ (VGS,L - V T,L )VOS,/ - kI. (VCS,L - VT,J. )VDS,L - k1.[ (Ve<~ = V0 u1(IL) VT,1WsR,1. = VDs,o = VouT(IL)] -----= Vrn,1 + YL[ VVourUL) + ¢F.L I D,L (LIN) 283 Body Bias Considerations for Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded Nl\110S Inverter 20.4 V2</½) V oL(guess) (V) VT,L(V) Io.L (µA) v,N (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.85 0.86 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.29 1.30 127 122 118 120 120 5.97 5.32 4.82 5.05 5.00 284 Chapter 20/Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS lnwrtcr The guess value of V01_ = 0.86 V yields an input of V 1N = 5 V which is the value of V0 1 ➔ determined above. Solution {Input Low Voltage) The numerical method for finding VII_ is demonstrated in the following table: 20.5 POWER DISSIPATION OF LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADEDNMOS To determine the power dissipation of a linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter, the DC currents supplied by VDD for the high and low output states are first obtained. V OUT(IL) (V) (guess) VT,L(V) Io.L (µA) v,L (V) v,L (V) 4.75 4.76 4.77 4.78 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.80 4.2 4,0 3.8 3.6 1.556 1.547 1.537 1.527 1.532 1.531 1.529 1.528 Output High Current Supplied = I00 (OH) In section 20.2 it was seen that N 0 is cutoff in the output high state (see Table 20.1), With N 0 cutoff, Ioo(OH) = Io,L(LIN) = In,o(OFF) = 0 The value of V 1L = 1.527 V is accurate to less than a tenth of a percent. The corresponding output is VouT(IL) = 4. 78 V. Solution {Input High Voltage) The numerical method for finding V1H is tabulated below. Initial guesses are shown in the left column and the resulting value in the right column. V,H(guess) (V) 3,6 3.7 Vou1 (V) 1.25 1.3 VT.L (V) Io,L (µA) V,H (V) 1.36 1.37 103 101 3.79 3.70 Output Low Current = I00 (OL) For the output low state, N 0 is in the linear region of operation. For the terminal voltages of N 0 for this state, the expressions of section 20.3 for non-bodybias considerations can be evaluated or the numerically determined values of the previous section may be used. The current supplied for the output low state is then obtained by substituting into the linear drain current expression given by Thus, V11_1 is 3.7 V. Solution (Midpoint Voltage) Finally, VM is found numerically in the following table. VM (V) (guess) VT.L(V) Io,L (µA) VM (V) 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 1.53 1.54 1.56 1.57 61.7 58.8 55,7 52.7 2.86 2.82 2.77 2.72 Thus, with body bias VM is approximately 2.7 V and these results differ by less than 10%. Neglecting the source-to-body bias is acceptable for an approximate solution. Average DC Power Dissipation = P00 (avg) The average DC power dissipated is now found by substituting into Pon (avg) = l 00 (0H) + 2 loo(OL) V no Dynamic Power Dissipated= P00 (dyn) As with resistor-loaded NMOS, a significant additional power dissipation for enhancement-only :20.h loc1ded NMOS logic circuits occurs during the switching of logic stc1tes. This contribution tc1kes the form Pm)(riyn) = 285 Linear Enhancemcnt-Onlv Loaded NMOS SPICE SimulJtion CLvVz)l) where CL is the total load cc1pacitc1nce c1t the output of the gate and vis the frequency at which the gate switches logic states. Example 20.3 Power Dissipation of Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS (a) Find the average DC power dissipated in the linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter of Exan1ple 20.2. (b) Find the dynamic power dissipated for the same gate. Let CL = 1.5 pF and v = 105 MHz. Solution (a) For the output low state, the terminal voltages of N 0 were found in Example 20.2 to be Vcs.o = ViN(OL) = 5 V c1nd pric1te SPICE lc1belings. The SPICE input ClRcuit file thc1t represents this circuit is JS follows: Linear E-0 Loaded NMOS Inverter VIN 1 D PULSE< □ V 5V □ NS 2NS 2NS + SOONS 1US) VDD 3 D SV VGG 4 D 10V -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VT0=1 + KP=20U GAMMA=0-37 PHI=0-6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) MN◊ 2 1 DD NMOSFET W=10U L=SU MNL 3 4 2 D NMOSFET W=SU L=20U CL 2 D 1PF -DC VIND 5 □ -1 -PLOT DC VDS<MNO) -TRAN 2DNS 2-SUS -PLOT TRAN V<VIN) VDS<MNO) -END The VTC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figures 20.6a and b, respectively. The current dissipated in the output low state is therefore 10 = (40µ) (O 86)2] [ (5 - 1.1)(0.86) - -·2 ! = 119 µA 3 I 4111--------------i20UM 0 _§UI\II MNL - Thus, the average DC power dissipated is I J _ (119µ) _ I u0 (avg) - - - (5) - 298 µW 2 v- Solution (b) The dynamic power dissipated is 1 2 Pm)(dy11) = (1.5p)(105M)(5) = 3.94 mW ~ 0 ~N ~ 20.6 LINEAR ENHANCEMENT-ONLY LOADED NMOS SPICE SIMULATION Figure 20.5 shows a linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter with c1 capacitive load with appro- fl 1 - - I I 1 ~ r 1 I o 10UM _i_su,,.-MNO CL 0 o -=- -:- : I i: : . 1PF I I ! ~ FIGURE 20.5 Linear Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverter with Capacitive Load and Appropriate SPICE Labelings 286 Chapter 20/Linear Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter VIN(V) 5--------4 Your (V) 3 5--1---- 2 1- 4 O -t-----+--iL---1-,-~L__---1----_____. t(µs) 0 3 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 YourCV) ... 2 5- 43 0 -+----+------,----f------+------+-----------i. V mCV) 0 1 2 4 3 5 2 I 1 J.______.., I 0 ,------,---+------+-------,f-------+----------i. t(µs) 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 (a) FIGURE 20.6 Results of Section 20.6 Linear Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverter SPICE 1.00 1.25 (b) Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response from .TRAN sweep CHAPTERZ0PROBLEMS 20.1 20.2 20.3 V 00 =7V What are the states of N 0 and NL for the linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter for each of the VTC critical points Vm1, VOL, V11_, V 111, and VM. l For the NMOS inverter with linear enhancementonly load shown in Figure P20.2, graphically determine the critical voltages Vrn 1, VoL, V,L, V 111 , and V~,1. Let V1m = 5 V and Vee = 7 V. Use Vr = 1 V and k' = 20 µA/V 2 for both N 0 and NL, Also, use (IN/L) 0 = 20µ,m/2µ,m and (IN/L)L = 10µ,m/5µ,m, Sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins, (Ignore the body-bias of N,J For the NMOS inverter with linear enhancementonly load shown in Figure P20,2, analytically determine the critical voltages VoH, VoL, Vn., V11 .i, and V 00 =5V I IL I 0 lOµm ,--, 5µm NL I I ~ I 1---0 FIGURE P20.2 VNCIT Chapter 20 V, 1• Let V1)[) = 5 V and Vee = 7 V. Use V 1 = 1 V and k' = 20 µ.A/V 2 for both N 0 and NL· Also, use (W/L) 0 = 20µ.m/2µ.m and (W/L)L = 10µ.m/5µ.m. Sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins. (Ignore the body-bias of N 1 .) 20.4 For the NMOS inverter with linear enhancementonly load shown in Figure P20.4, analyticnlly determine the critical voltages Vrn 1, VoL, V11 _, V1H, and V:vl· Let vl)D = 5 V and Vee = 7 V. Use Vr = 1 V and k' = 20 µ.A/V 2 for both N 0 and N 1 . Also, use (W/L) 0 = 20µ.m/2µ.m and (V\T/L)L = 10µ.m/5µ.m. Sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins. Considering the body-bias of N 1 . Use 'J'L = 0.4 V112 and 2</>u. = 0.6 V. 20.5 Repeat Problem 20.2 for (W/L) 0 = 20µ.m/4µ.m. 20.6 Repeat Problem 20.3 for (W/L) 0 = 20µ.m/4µ.m. VNar 20µm N 2µm 0 FIGURE P20.4 Problems 287 20.7 Repeat Problem 20.4 for (W/L)() = 20µ.m/4µ.m. 20.8 Repeat Problem 20.2 for (W/L) 0 = 100µ.m/2µ.m. 20.9 Repeat Problem 20.3 for (W/L) 0 = 100µ.m/2µ.m. 20.10 Repeat Problem 20.4 for (W/L) 0 = 100µ.m/2µ.m. 20.11 Repeat Problem 20.2 for (W/L)L = 1. 20.12 Repeat Problem 20.3 for (W/L)t_ = 1. 20.13 Repeat Problem 20.4 for (W/L)t. = 1. 20.14 Repeat Problem 20.2 for (W/L)L = 5µ.m/10µ.m. 20.15 Repeat Problem 20.3 for (W/L)t. = 5µ.m/10µ.m. 20.16 Repeat Problem 20.4 for (W/L)L = 5µ.m/10µ.m. 20.17 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.3. 20.18 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.4. 20.19 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.6. 20.20 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.7. 20.21 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.9. 20.22 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.10. 20.23 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.12. 20.24 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.13. 20.25 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.15. 20.26 Find the static power dissipated in the NMOS inverter of Problem 20.16. 21 ENHANCEMENTDEPLETION LOADED NMOS INVERTER In this chapter, the operation of the NMOS inverter with enhancement-depletion load is described. This is linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverters, where the load MOSFETs operate only in the satu rated or the linear mode, this type of load operates in either the saturated or the linear modes of operation. With the gate and source connected, Vcs.L = 0. Since the threshold voltage of this enhancement -depletion NMOS is negative, we have an alternate form of the NMOS inverter that uses an enhancement-depletion MOSFET load device with gate and source terminals connected. This inverter has the advantages ofV 0 1.1 = VDo without the second Vcc supply, as well as a more abrupt VTC transition region even though the W/L ratio for the output MOSFET is small. Hence, this type of load is more widely used in NMOS digital logic circuits than any of the others. An additional implant is required to form the channel in the load MOSFET but with advanced fabrication technology, this processing step is easily accomplished . Vcs, L = 0 > Vu = -IVu(E - D)I Hence, the load MOSFET NL is always active. The region of active operation for NL is determined by the inequality Vos. L 2: Vcs. , - VT.L = - VT,L = IVT.L(E - D)I If this inequality is true, NL operates in saturation, otherwise NL is in the linear region of operation. As with the other NMOS inverters, the input is at the gate of N 0 , V 1N = Vcs. o, the output is at th e drain of N 0 , and VoUT = VDs,o = VDD - VDS,L· For V, N < V1 ,0 , N 0 is cutoff and no drain current conducts in either transistor. Since the drain current Io, L is zero, NL (which is still active) must be in the linear region of operation. V0 s. L is obtained by solving the linear drain current expression as follows : 21.1 OPERATION OF ENHANCEMENT-DEPLETION LOADED NMOS INVERTER Figure 21 .la shows a NMOS inverter with an enhancement-depletion N-channel MOSFET as a load device. Unlike the saturated enhancement-only and -f lo,L(LIN) = kL[ (Vcs, L - Vr,LWos,L - -V bs,- L] 2 Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Threshold Voltage of EnhancementDepletion MOSFETs =0 which gives VDs,L The threshold voltage VT.N for enhancementdepletion N-channe l MOSFETs is negative : VT,N(E - D) < 0 = 0. Thus, Vo11 = Vno - Vos,L = Von = Negative Increasing V, N above VT,o initiates drain current conduction in N 0 (and NL)· Since Vos,o 2: Vcs,o - 288 ?.l.?. 289 Graphical Determination of Enhancement-Depletion Nlv!OS Inverter \/TC YDD load NMOS has a body bias of YsnJ. = Your= YNOT () G ~1 ~)~ ' ~ N,(E-D) -0 Your WON k O y DS,O 0 (a) FIGURE 21.1 (b) Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter: (a) Source-body connected load, (b) With body-bias VT.o, N 0 is in saturation. As the input is increased further, the output begins to drop. The form of the VTC, which is found by equating I1i. 0 (SAT) = ID,L(LIN), is left as a homework problem. When the output drops below VDLJ - VT,L, VDs.L becomes large enough for NL to enter the saturation region of operation. Subsequent increasing of the input causes the output to fall below Vcs,t. - VT,o, forcing N 0 into the linear region of operation. This gives a VTC of the form in Figure 21.2b. The following section elaborates further on the VTC and the various states of N 0 and N1,. This initial qualitative analysis has shown that a low input gives a high output and vice-versa. The logical NOT function is again realized. The next two sections present graphical and analytical methods for finding the voltage transfer characteristic of an enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter. 21.2 GRAPHICAL DETERMINATION OF ENHANCEMENT-DEPLETION NMOS INVERTER VTC As with the other loaded NMOS inverters, the drain currents of N 0 and NL are equal and 11),L(LIN) can be expressed as a function of VDs,L as follows: 2 Io.i(LIN) = kL [ Wcs,L - VT.LWos,L - -ki[ v ;s,i l Vr,1Woo - Vou-r) Vou1fl + Woo 2 The saturation drain current of NL, expressed with channel-length modulation parameter dependence, is given by Io,L (SAT ) = k1. Wcs,L - 2 k1 -_ 2 2 V r,Lf 1 " Vu_)-(1 + A1Vns.L) + AL Wnll - Vns,o)] which has a minimal dependence on VDs.u since ,\ 1, is typically small, in the range 0.01 to 0.1 v- 1 . Hence, the drain current of Ni, is approximately constant with respect to VDs,o when NL is operating in saturation. Figure 21.2a shows an output MOSFET family of ID,o versus VDs.o characteristics (with Vcs.o as a parameter). The N1, output load curve is also superimposed. The nearly horizontal portion of the load curve for the two cases is where NL is in saturation. The sloped portion of the load curve showing a large dependence on VDs,o is where Ni, is in the linear region of operation. 290 Chapter 21/Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter VOUT (V) t V oH=V DD =5 A ------t:1--.... 41 ~ 0 VOL 1 r' ------. -:-I I 2 3 dA 4 5 Vm=3V VIN=2V V™♦ 1 V VOUT = VDS,O = VDD-VDS,L(V) (a) FIGURE 21.2 Graphical Determination of Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic: (a) Enhancement-only NMOS ID versus VDs family of curves with superimposed enhancement-depletion NMOS load curve, (b) Voltage transfer characcristic obtained from cutvc intersections of (a) To graphically determine the VTC ordered pairs of 0/cs,o, V05 , 0 ) are read from the intersections of the output load curve with the family of curves for N 0 . These points are in turn mapped onto the VDs.o versus Vcs,o coordinate axes as in Figure 21.2b. The voltage transfer characteristic is the resulting curve through these plotted points. The output low voltage, which does not reach 0, is the value of VDs.o where the output load curve intersects the Vcs,o = V oH = VDD characteristic. The operating states of N 0 and NL for each critical point will now be determined by examination of Figures 21.2a and b. For Vrn 1 (point A), N 0 is cutoff and NL is operating in the linear region. For V11 ,, N 0 has entered the saturation region of operation and N1, is still linear. For VM = V1:--: = V0 ur, N 0 is still saturated and NL has entered the saturation region, For the point V 1:--; = VrH, N 0 has gone into the linear region and remains there beyond the Vm point E. For both V1H and V0 u NL remains in saturation. These states are summarized in Table 21.1. TABLE 21.1 States of Transistors for Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter Critical Point V01, V1L VM VIH VoL Output No Cutoff Saturation Saturation Linear Linear Load NL Linear Linear Saturation Saturation Saturation 21.3 CALCULATION OF VTC CRITICAL POINTS FOR DEPLETION LOADED NMOS INVERTER V011 was found in section 21.1 and is repeated here for convenience Output High Voltage - VoH For V1:--: = Vcs,o < V,,o the inverting transistor N 0 is cutoff and no drain current conducts (in either transistor). However, NL is operating in the linear 21.3 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter region of operation. VDs.L is obtained by solving the linear drain current expression for 10 .L(LIN) = 0 as follows: dVOLrr dV1N dVouT dV1L = dlD,O dVn. dID,L dVouT -1 Separating the derivatives din,o dVIL From this expression, Vns,L VDS,L = 0. Since Vmrr = VDD and substituting for these derivatives gives ko(VIL - VT,o) = -ki[VT,L Vou = Voo Input Low Voltage= V1L -1 At the input low voltage, N 0 and NL are in the saturation and linear regions of operation, respectively. SubstitutingVcs,o = V1L, Vcs,L = 0, and VDs,L = VDD - VocT into the drain current equations gives + (VDD - Vour)l Rearranging yields ko VouTUL) = kL CVn - Vr,d + V T,L + V DD The input low voltage is defined as the point on the VTC below V0 H where dVouT dVIN dID,L dVouT --- This expression represents the output corresponding to V11 _. To obtain V1L, another equation is obtained by equating the drain currents at V1L or Determining VDD - VouT from the previous expression yields and I1J,L(LIN) = k{ CVcs,L - VT,L)VDS,L - _v_;s_,L] -kL[ VT,LCVoo - Vow) + CVDo - VoLrr?] 2 With ID,o = ID,oCViN) and Io,L = 10 ,L(Vom), equating differentials of the drain currents yields dio,oCVJL) = dio,LCVouT) or dIDo dloL , dV1L = d-V' dVouT dvIL OUT Solving for dV0m/dV1N = dV 0 m/dV 1L and equating to -1 gives and substituting into the drain current expression, we have 292 Chapter 21/Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter Collecting like terms of (V11 Vr,o), we have - ko + kz,) (V _ V )2 = ( 2 2kL IL T,O all),() dV aVn1 k1Y}1 2 T,0 v2 T,L - k~ k k + k2 OL v2 - 1 V T,Ll1 o1 vc::, kL ViL - Vr,o = Ykok1. + k~, , Input High Voltage r7Vi 11 IVul dVmrr r7Vou-r Setting dl 0 ,L/dV0 ur = 0 the equation reduces to O L CJ = Vrn koVouT -1 dln,o aViH ilVouT = ko[(Vm - Vn,) - VouT] or Solving for VouT gives At the input high voltage, N 0 and NL are in the linear and saturation regions of operation, respectively. Substituting Vcs,o = V,H, VDs,o = VouT, and Vcs,L = 0 into the drain current equations yields [ li,,o(LIN) = ko Wcs,o - Vr,oWos,o - = ko [ (V111 - Vu,)Vour al0 ,0 Substituting the derivatives yields The input high voltage is defined as the point on the VTC near Vm where dVouT dVIN Vz\.,o] Vouy(IH) This is the output voltage corresponding to V,H- To obtain V 1H, another equation is obtained by equating the drain currents of the two transistors to yield 2 Vz>uT] 2 In,o(LIN) = h,,L(SAT) or VlxlT] [ ko W111 - V T,o) VouT - - - and 2 - k1_ v2 T,L 2 Substituting for VouT yields ol k l(V Note that Io,L(SAT) is a constant here and thus dlo,d dVoUT = 0. However, we will use Io,L = ID,L(VoUT) which is the functional dependence, when back bias of NL is accounted for. With ID,o = ID,o(V,N, Vour) and ID,L = 10 ,1,(VouT), equating differentials of the drain currents gives 111 _ V T,o )(Vu-1 - Vr,o) 2 _ ~ (Vi11 ~ Vr,o rJ and rearranging, we have 3ko (VII I - V T,O )2 -- k1. v2T,L 8 dlo,o(V111, Vour) = dlo,L(Vow) or -1 Rearranging, we have lk kk1. + k2 /VT,L I V dln,L _ _ illo,~ dVmrr aVouT r7loo = - __ dlo1,_, + __ r7fr10 _,_ ,_ Finally, solving for V,L yields VIL -- VT,O + oVouT dVouT dVi11 T,l. 0 !~~i~g\t~ ~/u~r~~~~~t of both sides, remembering V \ V T,L) 1 )2 - _k_1,_ k2 k +~ o kL + -_-- dVow = -d-- dVour Solving for dVouT/dVu, = dVOL,r/dV,H and equating to -1 yields and rearranging yields V dlf.),I. VouT al/),() 111 or 2 21.3 (Vu 1 V - r.u C1lculation of VfC Critical Points for Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter The output low voltage is found by equating drain currents of the two transistors as follows: )2 - 4k1 v2 - ku T,L 3 li,. 0 (LIN) = Taking the square root of both sides gives &a 21Vnl & l 0 .1(SAT) or IVul Vm - Vr,o = 2 - kL v2 T,L 2 Finally, solving for Vil, yields Viu = V-r,o + 293 Collecting like terms gives a quadratic equation for V0 1. as Note that V11 _ and V,H are independent of V1m. Output Low Voltage = VoL In the output low state, N 0 and NL are in the linear and saturation regions of operation, respectively. Assuming this inverter is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, as in Figure 21.3, the input is V,N = VoH = VDD· Substituting this, V0 s.o = VoL, and Vcs.L = 0 into the drain current equations gives In.o(LIN) = ko [ CVcs.o - = ko [Woo vis.a] Vr.o)Vos.o - - - 2 - vT,o)VoL - Vt!L] 2 Since Vm is sufficiently small, the Vf1 L term can be ignored. This yields VOL - Midpoint Voltage lw. (SAT ) -- k1 (V cs.L - 2 vr.L)2 =V M At the midpoint voltage, where V1N = VoL'T = VM, N 0 and NL are both in the saturation region of operation. For N 0 , this is verified by considering the inequality VDS,O and k1.VtL 2koCVDo - Vr.o) 2: VGS,O Upon substitutingVcs.o -- kL v2r.1. 2 VM 2: VM - Vr, 0 W'LN' L,L L FIGURE 21.3 VT,O = VDs.o = V~.1, we obtain V'oo driving gate - load gate Cascaded Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS Inverters for Vm Illustration 294 Chapter 21/Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter which is clearly satisfied. Substituting Vcs,o = Vt,, 1, V 0 5 ,0 = V :vi, and Ycs,L = 0 into the saturation drain current expressions gives Solution (Critical Voltages) The critical points can now be found by direct substitution into the derived expressions to obtain V 011 V = 15 V = 13 + IL and ( = VM is now found by equating these currents to obtain Vu 1 ko (VM - VT,O )2 -- kL 2 2 vzT,L V OLIT(IH) V or 2 _ k1, 14.68 l' = VT,0 = ff Finally, solving for V M, we have + IVul (20µ.)(- 3) - 2 2(80µ.)[(15) - (1.3)] = 8.21111V Solution (Logic Swing) The logical swing is calculated by IVT,LI LS= V0 u - V0 1, = (15) - (82.lm) ff TW Solution (Device Transconductance Parameters) The transconductance parameters for both transistors must first be calculated as follows: °:) = = 14.92 V The transition width is Example 21.1 VTC Critical Points of Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter Calculate the logic swing, transition width, and the midpoint voltage for an enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter. Use V00 = 15 V, VTCi(E-0) = 1.3 V, VTo(E-D) = -3.2 V, (W/L) 0 = (20µ.m/5µ.m), and (W/L)L = (10µ.m/10µ.m). Use k' = 20 µ.AN 2 for both transistors. ko = (20µ.)(25 kL (20µ.)C~:) = 20 µ. This gives the ratio k 0 /kL = 4. (3.03) - (1.3) = 0.865 V 2 VM = (1.3) + l-3\ Taking the square root of both sides yields k'(~t = = k'(~\ = + (-3.2) + (15) 2 (Vi11 - VT,o) - ko V T,L VM = VT.o 2.02 V = (1.3) + 2\-3.2\ OL - - (80µ.)2 = Io,L(SAT) or VM (20µ.)l-3.21 \f (80µ.)(20µ.) + (80µ.) VmrrUL) = -(- ) [(2.02) - (1.3)] 20µ. == l 0 , 0 (SAT) . ) 80 µ. : 2 :2 = Vu 1 - V1L = (3.03) - (2.02) = 1.01 V 21.4 BODY BIAS CONSIDERATIONS FOR ENHANCEMENT-DEPLETION LOADED NMOS INVERTER The analysis of the depletion loaded NMOS inverter of the previous section neglected the body bias on the load transistor NL. Figure shows the depletion loaded NMOS inverter with a body common to both transistors. The output of the circuit is taken at the source of NL yielding a body bias of V 51u = V os,o = VoL:T· With this body bias, threshold voltage of NL is V-uCVsB,L = Vos,o = Vom) = vTo.L + YL(V~v-s1J-.1-._+_2_</J_F-.L - ~ ) = Vrn,1, + YL(YVos,o + 2</Ju. - ~ ) = VTo,L + YL(YVouT + 2</JF,I. - ~ ) 21.4 Body Bias Considerations for Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter The procedure for calculating the VTC critical points considering non-zero V51u is now presented. 295 • Equate the drain current of NL to the (linear) drain current of N 0 : • Repeat this procedure until V1N is within a few percent of the V0 H calculated in the last sub-section (we have assumed this gate is driven by a similar gate in the output high state, see Figure 21.4). Output High Voltage = VoH The output high voltage is unaffected by the body bias VsB,L and is still Output Low Voltage= VoL The numerical method for finding V0 L is the same as that for the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter. The procedure is as follows: • Guess a value for VoL (good initial guesses are about 5% of V00 ). • Determine the threshold voltage of NL for this output: Vu(VsH,L • = Vos,o = Var.) = Vrn,L + yJv'_V_oL_+_2_<P_F_,L - ~ ) Solve for the (saturation) drain current of N 1• for this body bias: 10 ,r.(SAT) k1, = 2 Wcs,1, = 2 kL Input Low Voltage =V 1L The numerical method for finding V1L is the same as that for the linear enhancement-loaded NMOS case of the previous chapter and is not repeated here. ? - Vu)- (O - Input High Voltage= Vrn The similar numerical method for finding V111 is as follows: V'oo W'LN'L L,-L ·----0 vy[N + V' our = YoL + W' o , I , 1--- ENO V DS,0 ' o V'as,o '--------------y- _ _ ,,) driving gate FIGURE 21.4 load gate Cascaded Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS Inverters with Body Biases 296 • Chapter 21/Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter Guess a value for V1H (good initial guesses for V11-1 is the zero substrate bias value which is approximately h0% of VDI)), • Determine YouT(IH) from the expression VouAIH) = Vi11 - Vro 2 · which was obtained in the previous section. • Determine the threshold voltage of N1, for this output using VT,l[VSB,L = Vos,o = Vouy(IH)] Vm,L ~--~--- + ')11,(YVouy(IH) + 2</Jr.L -~) • Solve for the (saturated) drain current of the load Midpoint Voltage - VM The numerical procedure for finding VM is very similar to that for the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter. The procedure is as follows: • Guess a value for VM (good initial guesses for v~I are about 2.5 V). • Determine the threshold voltage of NL for this output using Vns,c, = Vv1) VTO,L + 'Y1(\i~V-M_+_2<P-,-,L - ~ ) • Calculate the (saturation) drain current of NL for this threshold voltage as follows k k V2 I O,L -_ _f_:_(VCS,/, -VT,L) 2 -~ - 2 2 • Equate ID,L to the (saturated) drain current of Nu to obtain • Solve for VM: • Equate the load drain current to the (linear) drain current of N 0 as follows I0 ,0 (LIN) = ko [ Wcs,o - Vr,o)Vos,o - -Vbs,o] 2 • Repeat this procedure until the solved VM is within a few percent of the guessed V~ 1• = ko [ (Vi11 - Vr,oWourUH) - VzxrrUH)] 2 • Solve for V111 to obtain • Repeat this procedure until the solved V11-1 is within a few percent of the "guessed" Vn-1• Example 21.2 Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter: Body Bias Considerations for VTC Calculate the VTC critical points for the enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter of Example 21.1 considering the body bias effect on NL. Use 112 ')11, = 0.45 V and 2¢ l',L = 0.6 V. Solution (Output High Voltage) fected by the body bias and is still As will be seen in the following example, the body bias of NL has little effect on ViH• VoH = 15 V Vo1-1 is not ef- 21.5 Solution (Output Low Voltage) The numerical method for finding VOL is demonstrated in the following table: V 0dguess) (V) VT,L (V) Iv,L (µ,A) VIN (V) 0.080 0.090 0.091 0.092 -3.20 -3.18 -3.17 -3.17 102 101 101 101 17.3 15.3 15.2 15.0 The guess value of VOL = 0.092 V yields an input of V1N = 15 V, which is the value of VoH determined above. Solution (Input Low Voltage) The numerical method for finding V1L is demonstrated in the following table: V ou10L) (V) (guess) VT.L (V) lo,L (µ,A) VIL (V) VIL (V) 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 -1.80 -1.79 -1.79 -1.78 15.5 12.8 9,8 6.7 1.92 1.86 1.80 1.71 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 The value ofV1L = 1.70 Vis accurate within a percent. The corresponding output is V0 u1 (IL) = 14.8 V. Solution (Input High Voltage) The numerical method for finding V1H is tabulated below. Initial guesses are shown in the left column and the resulting value in the right column. V1H(guess) (V) VouT (V) VT.L(V) lo,L (µ,A) V1H (V) 3.10 3.13 3.16 3.17 3.15 3.17 3.18 3.19 -2.68 -2.68 -2.67 -2.67 71.7 71.6 71.5 71.5 3.16 3.17 3.17 3.17 Thus, V1H is seen to be 3.17 V. Solution (Midpoint Voltage) Finally, VM is found numerically in the following table. 3.80 3.83 3.86 3.89 VT.L(V) lv,L (µ,A) -2.60 -2.60 -2.60 -2.60 67.8 67.7 67.5 67.3 Thus, Vl\,1 is approximately 3.89 V. 297 Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Power Dissipation 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 21.5 ENHANCEMENT-DEPLETION LOADED NMOS POWER DISSIPATION To determine the power dissipation of an enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter, the DC currents supplied by VDD for the high and low output states are first obtained. Output High Current Supplied = I 00 (OH) For the inverter of Figure 21.1, since N 0 is cutoff for the output high state (see Table 21.1), we have IDD(OH) = ID_L(LIN) = ID_o(OFF) = 0 Output Low Current = I 00 (OL) For the output low state, N0 is in the linear region of operation. To obtain the voltages of N 0 for this state, the expressions of section 21.3 for non-bodybias considerations can be evaluated for an approximate solution, or the numerically determined values of the previous section may be used for a more accurate solution. The current supplied for the output low state can then be obtained by substituting these voltages into the linear drain current expression yielding IDD(OL) = ID,L (SAT) = ID,o(LIN) = ko[Wcs,o - Vr,o)VDs,o - Vt'· 0 ] Average DC Power Dissipation P00 (avg) = The average DC power dissipated is now obtained by substituting into p ( ) _ IDD(OH) DD avg - + IDD(OL) V DD 2 IDD(IO)VDD =---2 Dynamic Power Dissipated= P00 (dyn) As with the other NMOS cases, a significant additional power dissipation for enhancement-only 298 Chapter 21/Enhancement-Dcplction Loaded NMOS Inverter loaded NMOS logic circuits occurs during the switching of logic states. This contribution takes the form Poo(dyn) = CLvV'fw where CL is the total load capacitance at the output of the gate and vis the frequency at which the gate switches logic states. Exampie 21.3 Power Dissipaiion of Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS (a) Find the average DC power dissipated in the enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter of Example 21.2. (b) Find the dynamic power dissipated for the same gate. Let CL = 0.1 pF and v = 105 MHz. Solution (a) For the output low state, the terminal voltages of N 0 were found in Example 21.2 to be FIGURE 21.5 Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter with Capacitive Load and Appropriate SPICE La be lings Vcs,o = V1N(OL) = 15 V and appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: VOL= 0.092 V The current dissipated in the output low state is therefore 21.6 ENHANCEMENT-DEPLETION LOADED NMOS SPICE SIMULATION E-D Loaded NMOS Inverter VIN 1 D PULSE(OV 5V □ NS 2NS 2NS + SOONS 1US) VDD 3 D DC 5V ,MODEL MEO NMOS(VT0=1 KP=20U + GAMMA=0-43 PHI= □ -6 CBD=3,1E+ 15 CBS=3-1E-15) -MODEL MED NMOS(VT0=-2 KP=20U + GAMMA=D-43 PHI=0-6 CBD=3-1E+ 15 CBS=3-1E-15) MO 2 1 0 D MEO W=20U L=5U ML 3 2 2 D MED W=5U L=5U CL 2 D 1PF -DC VIND 5 0-1 -PLOT DC VDS(MO) -TRAN 20NS 1-25US -PLOT TRAN V(VIN) VDS(MO) -END Figure 21.5 shows an enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter with a capacitive load with The VTC and transient response obtained from simulating this circuit are shown in Figure 21.6a and b. 10 = (80µ,) [ (15 - 1.3)(0.092) - (O.o; 2) 2 ] = 100 µ,A The average DC power dissipated is then (100µ,) (15) 2 Pn 0 (avg) = - = 750 µ,W Solution(b) The dynamic power dissipated is P00 (dyn) = (0.lp)(105M)(15) 2 = 2.36 111W ChJpter 21 299 Problems VJN(V) 15 i 12 Your (V) 9- A i 6 15 312T 0 0 9-r t(µs) ' 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Ymrr(V) 61 15 12 - - I 3I 9- - I oI 0 ~► VJN(V) 3 6 9 12 6- - 15 3 t(µs) 0 0 (b) (a) FIGURE 21.6 Results of Section 21.6 Enhancementdepletion Loaded NMOS Inverter SPICE Simulation: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic from .DC sweep, (b) Transient response from .TRAN sweep CHAPTER21PROBLEMS 21.1 What arc the states of N 0 and NL for the enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter for each of the VTC critical points V01 1, Vm, V1L, V111 , and VM· 21.2 For the NMOS inverter with enhancement-depletion load shown in Figure P21.2, graphically determine the critical voltages V011 , Vm, V1L, V111 , and VM. Let VDD = 5 V and use k' = 20 µ,A/\/2 for both N 0 and NL. Also, use Vr,o = 1 V, (W/L)u = 20µ,m/ 5µ,m, Vu = -3 V, and (W/L)L = 10µ,m/5µ,m. Sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins. (Ignore the body-bias of N1.,) 21.3 For the NMOS inverter with enhancement-depletion load shown in Figure P21.2, analytically determine the critical voltages V011 , VoL, V1L, V111 , and lOµm N -5µm L VNCYr •7risµm " yr. 11 FIGURE P21.2 20µmN 300 Chapter 21/Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS Inverter V0,1• Let V 1m = 5 V. Use k' = 20 µA/V 2 for both N 0 and NL. Also, use VT,o = 1 V, (W/L) 0 = 20µm/ 5µm, Vu = -3 V, and (W/L)1, = 10µm/5µm. Sketch the VI'C and determine the noise margins. (Ignore the body-bias of NL,) 21.4 For the NMOS inverter with saturated enhancement-only load shown in Figure P21.4, analytically determine the critical voltages VoH, Vrn., V11 ,, V1H, and Vrv1. Let V00 = 5 V, Use k' = 20 µA/V 2 for both lOµm N 5µm L lo,o V ,, m ~ = l0,1. i _j11I .. ·· 7 FIGURE P21.4 N" and N1_. Also, use V 1,u = 1 V, (W/L)u = 20µm/ 5µm, Vu = -3 V, and (W/L)1_ = 10µm/5µm. Sketch the VI'C and determine the noise margins, considering the body-bias of N1,. Use 'YL = 0.4 V112 and 2¢F,L = 0.6 V. 21.5 Repeat Problem 21.2 for VDo = 10 V. 21.6 Repeat Problem 21.3 for Vno = 10 V. 21.7 Repeat Problem 21.4 for VDo = 10 V. 21.8 Repeat Problem 21.2 for (W/L) 0 = 40J,Lm/5µm. 21.9 Repeat Problem 21.3 for (W/L)n = 40µm/5µm. 21.10 Repeat Problem 21.4 for (W/L)o = 40J.Lm/5µm. 21.11 Find the average static power dissipated for the NMOS inverter of Problem 21.3. 21.12 Find the static power dissipated for the NMOS inverter of Problem 21.4. 21.13 Find the static power dissipated for the NMOS inverter of Problem 21.6. 21.14 Find the static power dissipated for the NMOS inverter of Problem 21. 7. 21.15 Find the static power dissipated for the NMOS inverter of Problem 21.9. 21.16 Find the static power dissipated for the NMOS inverter of Problem 21.10, VNm: 20µmN Sµm o NMOS GATES The previous four chapters described four NMOS logic families and their implementation in inverter form. Each family is based upon an N-channel output MOSFET with source terminal at ground, gate terminal as inverter input, drain terminal as inverter output and a load device placed between the inverter output and voltage supply VDD· The load device was either a resistor or the drain-to-source channel of another N-channel MOSFET. While the analytical solutions are mathematically complex, qualitative descriptions are straightforward and the realization of the logical NOT function for each load is easily understood (as discussed in the first section of each of these chapters). The present chapter is dedicated to describing the design of multi-input NMOS logical gates such as NANDs, NORs, more complex AND-OR-inverts (AOis), and other special function logic gates. Each of these more complex logic gates has a single load device that is between the logic gate output and VDD in the same fashion as the NMOS inverters. Furthermore, the single output transistor N 0 is replaced with multiple N-channel MOSFETs with their drain-source channels either in parallel (NOR) or series (NAND) or both (AOis). The gate terminal of each non-load N-channel MOSFET serves as a separate logical gate input. Y Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks N-Channel MOSFET Symbol Shorthand In section 16.3, it is mentioned that a MOSFET is a physically symmetric device. Hence, the terminals at each end of the channel (the drain and the source) can be interchanged (see Figure 16.5). Figure 22.1 shows the N-channel MOSFET circuit symbol and cross-section that are used to explore this source-drain symmetry. Indeed, the drain and source are not de- 301 fined until bias voltages are applied. The drain is defined as the channel terminal with the higher voltage and the source is the channel terminal with the lower voltage. In describing the schematic circuitry of NMOS integrated circuits, it is convenient to develop a shorthand circuit symbol. The core implications to be represented in this shorthand symbol are the following: 1. the physical symmetry explained above, and 2. all MOSFETs in a single NMOS integrated circuit have the same substrate (this was mentioned in each of the preceding NMOS logic family chapters with the body bias analysis of the load devices) These two concepts are represented in the shorthand symbol of Figure 22.2 for the enhancement-only N-channel MOSFET. The dashed line representing the enhanced channel in the standard symbol has been replaced with a solid line. The body terminal has been removed and is assumed to be at ground, which is the substrate potential of an NMOS integrated circuit. There is also a shorthand symbol for the enhancement-depletion N-channel MOSFET. Figure 22.3 shows the regular symbol along with the shorthand symbol. The shorthand symbol indicates the implanted channel with a thick line and the body terminal is again removed and assumed to be at ground. These shorthand symbols will be used throughout this chapter in the schematics of the multi-input NMOS gates to be described. This is the usual symbol convention for NMOS (and CMOS) transistor circuits with multiple N-channel MOSFETs. Note that the shorthand symbols are much easier to draw and are extremely convenient in large circuits. 302 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates drain or source 9 _11_J gate o-- -- - 1 :--------a body (P type substrate) 7 L- - P substrate N source or drain (b) (a) FIGURE 22.1 N-channel Enhancement-only MOSFETs are Physically Symmetric; the channel end at the high er potential is the drain, and the channel end at th e lower potential is the source: (a) Circuit symbol, (b) Device cross section drain or source drain or source ,,,,,. ;> source or drain body implied at ground ~ N source or drain (b) (a) enhancement channel is replaced with a solid line; body terminal is removed and assumed at ground FIGURE 22.2 N-channel Enhancement-only MOSFET Symbol Shorthand: dashed line representing drain or source drain or source body implied at ground ~ ;> o--l N N -=6 source or drain (a) FIGURE 22.3 N-channel Enhancement-depletion MOSFET Symbol Shorthand: solid line representing channel is replaced with a thick solid line (thus source or drain (b) differentiating it from the enhancement-only shorthand symbol Figure 22.2b); body terminal is removed and assumed at ground 22.1 generic pull-up device NMOS NOR Gate A~D B~ ~--~--~-<) VA o-~j {!NA 6"~~ s 303 -F VNOR parallel NMOS pull-down c____.--~-------' -:- (a) FIGURE 22.4 22.1 (b) Two-input NMOS NOR Gate: (a) With generic pull-up load, (b) Circuit symbol NMOS NOR GATE NMOS NOR Gate Circuitry The general NMOS inverter (with an output N-channel MOSFET and a resistor or MOSFET load) can be augmented to perform the logical NOR function by placing additional output NMOS transistors in parallel with the output N-channel MOSFET. Figure 22.4a shows a two input NMOS NOR gate with a generic load. This is the simplest case and the logic circuit symbol is shown in Figure 22.4b. Both NMOS transistors have their drain-to-source channels connected from the output to ground. Each of the output N-channel MOSFETs should have the same channel width W and length L to achieve the same value of VoL regardless of which input is high (as explained later). Figure 22.5 shows the most practical of the NMOS logic family NOR gates, the enhancementdepletion loaded NMOS NOR gate. It consists of two output N-channel MOSFETs connected in parallel and a single enhancement-depletion N-channel MOSFET load. where VL(OH) is the voltage across the load for the output high state. For all NMOS logic families except the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS, VL(OH) = 0 V and VoH = Voo, Output Low Voltage = VoL If any input is high, a highly conductive path from the output to ground is formed by enhancement of a drain-to-source channel. Therefore, any input high results in an output low voltage. Thus, the logical NOR function is realized by the generic loaded circuit of Figure 22.4a. The parallel output NMOS structure is referred to as a parallel pull-down, since it is constructed of several possible pull-down paths from the output to ground. Output High Voltage = VoH If both inputs to the NMOS NOR gate of Figure 22.4a (or 22.5) are low, both output transistors (NA and N8 ) will be cutoff. Thus, the output high voltage is unchanged from that of the NMOS inverter with VL(OH) and -:- FIGURE 22.5 Two-input Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS NOR Gate 304 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates The output low voltage for an NMOS inverter was found to be inversely dependent upon the device transconductance parameter k0 (and ultimately on W 0 /L 0 ) of the output transistor. For example, in section 18.3, V01. for the resistor-loaded NMOS inverter is obtained as V0 1,(R loaded) MOSfET with given by c1 device transconductance par.:imcter k0 = k'(W11 + W 8 ) LA L8 Since the output low voltage is inversely proportional to k0 , the output low voltage will be reduced for an NMOS NOR gate with two inputs high and thus = - - - -Voo ---koRL(VDD - VT,o) + l V0 L(two NOR inputs high) < V01 (inverter) In section 21.3, the enhancement-depletion loaded !'J~.10S inverter has an output lovv voltogc (neglect- Input Low and High Voltages ing the body bias) given by = VIL & Vrn k1,Vi:L V0 [,(E-D loaded) = k ( _ V ) 2 o Voo T,o The input low and high voltages for the NMOS logic family NOR gates are the same as those for the corresponding inverters. As we shall see, the output low voltage for the NMOS NOR gate is dependent upon the number of input voltages that are high. Additional Inputs Single Input Voltage High If a single input voltage is high, the situation is analogous to the single input inverter with a high input voltage, and the drain current drawn by the corresponding output MOSFET is the same as that for the inverter and is given by Vm(single NOR input high) = V0 L(inverter) More inputs can be added by simply including more parallel output N-channel MOSFETs, as shown in Figure 22.6. Since the output high voltage is not degraded by additional inputs and the output low voltage is actually improved by multiple inputs high, there is no limit to the number of inputs an NMOS NOR gate can have. Both Input Voltages High If two inputs are high, then both output MOSFETs conduct drain current. If the input voltages are the same and the process transconductance parameters k' are the same for both output MOSFETs (as is the case in typical NMOS circuits), then the output transistors can be considered to act as a single N-channel Example 22.1 Output Low Voltage of NMOS NOR Gate Determine and compare the output low voltages for the resistor loaded NMOS NOR gate in Figure 22.7 with one and two inputs high. Also, use k(1 = q I 11;~N, v, 0 -1 [:~: N, ~:-ii: :~-~~'- I[~·='.-·_ ·•· I~=--o X,• v_ FIGURE 22.6 Adding Inputs to an NMOS NOR Gate: add a NMOS transistor to the parallel pull-down for each additional input 22.2 NMOS NAND Gate 305 Solution (Two Inputs High) With two inputs high, the effective device transconductance for the double NMOS is ( , WoB) . ) = k/J (Wo1\ -- + - k0 two mputs high Loi\ Loa = (20µ,)(10µ, + 10µ,) 5µ, = soµ, 5µ, A v2 The output low voltage for two inputs high is then FIGURE 22.7 Two-input Resistor Loaded NMOS NOR Gate for Example 22.1 20 µ,AN 2, WA/LA = Wti/LG = 10µ,m/5µ,m, and VT = 1 V for both N-channel output MOSFETs. Solution (Single Input High) The output NMOS device transconductance is k = k:{:j = 0 0 (20µ,)(~ : ) = 40 µ,; Then, using the equation for the output low voltage for the resistor-loaded NMOS inverter yields Vm(R loaded) = (5) (4 0µ,)( 50k)(5 _ 1) = 556 mV This is the value for one input high. + 1 V(x(two inputs high) = (S0µ,)( 5 0k)71- 1) + 1 = 294 mV Hence, the output low voltage for two inputs high is slightly over half the output low voltage for a single input high. 22.2 NMOS NAND GATE NMOS NAND Gate Circuitry NAND gates can also be easily constructed using NMOS circuitry. Figure 22.Sa shows an NMOS NAND gate with a generic load and two inputs (where more than two inputs are also possible). The 9 I,•looil ~ I ;, 1 generic pull-up device _) ~ A-"" VNAND B--~F series NMOS pull-down (a) FIGURE 22.8 Two-input NMOS NANO Gate: (a) With generic load, (b) Circuit symbol (b) 306 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates load NMOS NL and Q ~ D G _,,.,,,.. stacked B ~ NL(E-D) S' input NMOS N 8 have body bias of Vsa.L = VoUT = VNor and v••;Il = vS;Il = v 0 ,A, respectively D v. D 0--~ v o-~ B V, I ,~e w. N -r:;;-• I' 41 I~ o----1 ~:N, VA B I s i (a) (b) FIGURE 22.9 Two-input Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS NAND Gate: (a) Circuit drawn with shorthand symbols, (b) Circuit drawn with MOSFET body terminals included and depicting body biases NAND function is realized in NMOS by placing the drain-to-source channels of multiple NMOS output transistors in series instead of parallel as in the NMOS NOR gate. The gate terminal of each parallel co.nnected N-channel output MOSFET is used as a NAND logic gate input. Figure 22.86 shows the logic symbol for this gate. Figure 22.9a shows the most practical of the NMOS family NAND gates, the enhancementdepletion loaded NMOS NAND gate. For the two input case, two N-channel MOSFETs are connected with their drain-to-source channels in series and a single load device is used. Generally, all enhancement-only NMOS transistors in the input stack will have the same channel width W and length L. path to ground. Hence, regardless of the input state of VB, since there is no conductive path from the output to ground, the NAND gate must be in the output high state. Output High Voltage = Vott An output high voltage is obtained from the NMOS NAND gates of Figures 22.Sa and 22.9a for either input being low. To demonstrate this, consider both inputs in the input low state separately. VA Low, NA Cutoff If the bottom NMOS NA has a low gate terminal voltage VA = Vcs,A = low, then NA will be cutoff and the source terminal of NB will have no conductive VB Low, NB Cutoff We next examine the case of VA high and VB low. With VA = Vcs,A in the input high state, NA will be active and a highly conductive path from the source of NB to ground exists. However, section 17.2 shows that MOSFETs with very small drain currents (1 0 < 1 µA) also have small drain-to-source voltages (V 05 < 10 mV). Since Io.A will be zero with NB cutoff the source of NB is at a virtual ground. Thus, with NA of Figure 22.9a active, NB and the load now act like an inverter. If the input VB is in the input low state, then NB is cutoff and no pull-down path exists from the output to the virtual ground of Ys,B = Vo,A = 0 V. Hence, an input low state for N 8 also results in an output high state. Thus, either input low results in an output high state, with an output voltage unchanged from that of the NMOS inverter given by Vm1 = Voo - VL(OH) Note that both inputs low also yields the output high state. Showing that the output low state results when 22.2 both inputs me high then verifies the logical NAND function. ko Body Bias of Nn Before analyzing the output low voltage case of the NMOS NAND gate, note that the source voltage of NB is in fact above ground by approximately the nondegraded output low voltage of the inverter. As a result, there is a body bias present on N 8 as depicted in Figure 22.96 (which shows the schematic of the enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS NAND gate with explicit body terminals and common substrate). This always results in an increased threshold voltage for NB given by VT,ll(VSB,B > O) = VT,/\(VSB,1\ = O) + 1. As a practical matter, the difference in threshold voltage will be negligible and this gate can be analyzed ignoring this deviation. Analysis of NMOS NAND Output Low Voltage For the NMOS NOR gate, it was found that VoL for a particular NMOS family is unchanged for a single input high and smaller for multiple inputs high. For the NMOS NAND gate, the output low voltage is degraded (increased) from the inverter case resulting from a contribution from each NMOS transistor in the stacked pull-down configuration. This is the result of the series drain-to-source channels contributing to a physically longer pull-down path from the output to ground. A fairly accurate approximation is to simply add the lengths of the channels since the channel widths will generally be the same (WA W 8 = W 0 ) and the process transconductances will be the same (kA = kB = k0 ). The output low voltage can 307 then be calculated using the expression derived for the inverter and with a device transconductance of Output Low State - VoL The existence of the output low state for both inputs high is now easily shown. Again, considering Figure 22.9a, with VA= Vcs.A high, NA is active and a highly conductive path from the source of N 8 to ground exists. Tirns, the source of NB is at virtual ground, as already discussed. With V8 = Vcs.s + Vos.A high, a highly conductive path from the output to the virtual ground of Vs,B = VD.A = 0 exists. Hence, with both inputs high, NA and N 8 are both active, a highly conductive path from the output to ground exists, and the NAND gate is in the output low state. Thus, the logic gate in Figure 22.9a realizes the logical NAND operation. NMOS NANO Gate = k~cA:°iJ Since this lowers the device transconductance from that of a single NMOS transistor and the output low voltage is inversely dependent on k 0 , the output low voltage for a NMOS NAND gate is greater than the output low voltage of an inverter or VoL (NANO) > V oL (inverter) As a result, a greater channel width is generally needed for both NA and Nn to compensate for this degradation in performance. Because of this drawback, NMOS NOR gates are used in place of NMOS NAND gates, wherever possible. Input Low and High Voltages & Vrn = VIL The input low and high voltages for the NMOS logic family inverters are all dependent upon k0 (except for V1L of the saturated enhancement-only loaded inverter). The combined k0 used above to show an increase in Vot. can also be used to show changes in V1L and V,H for each of the logic families. Adding More Inputs NMOS NAND gates can accommodate more than two inputs by simply adding more N-channel MOSFETs to the stacked NMOS pull-down portion of the NAND gate as shown in Figure 22.10. As a practical matter, NMOS NAND gates with more than three inputs are generally not used because each additional input requires further increasing of the channel width of each N-channel MOSFET in the pull-down stack in order to maintain reasonable Vm. Example 22.2 NAND Gate Output Low Voltage of NMOS Determine the channel width of the output transistors NA and NB in the two input resistor loaded NMOS NAND gate of Figure 22.11. Design VoL to be the same as that found for the NOR gate of Example 22.1 with only one input high. Use the same values VDD = 5 V, RL = 50 kO, k' = 20 µAN 2, L = 308 Chapter 22/NMOS GJtes FIGURE 22.11 Two-input Resistor Loaded NMOS NAND Gate for Example 22.2 FIGURE 22.10 Adding Inputs to a NMOS NAND Gate: add an NMOS transistor to the series pull-down for each additional input. 5 1,Lm, and VT = 1 V as in Example 22.1 for both MOSFETs. Solution The output low voltage for a resistor loaded inverter from section 18.3 is Substituting the combined transconductance k0 k 0(W0 /2L 0 ) and solving for W 0 yields 2L 0 ( ~ : : Wo = , - 1) = - - - - - - -1]- k0R1(VDD - VT) = 20 2(5/.l{-(si-~,-n) - (201,L)(S0k)[(S) - (1)] /,l/11 This is twice the width of the parallel N-channel MOSFETs in Example 22.1. 22.3 NMOS OR AND AND GATES OR and AND gates are obtained using NMOS logic families by simply connecting inverters to the out- puts of NOR and NAND gates, respectively. Figures 22.12 and 22.13 show NMOS OR and AND gates with generic loads. Note that the intermediate NOR and NAND outputs can be used to drive logic inputs other than their corresponding inverters. This is useful for applications requiring complementary logic signals. Figures 22.12b and 22.136 show the two-input logic circuit symbols for these gates. 22.4 NMOS COMPLEX LOGIC GATES (AOis AND OAis) The previous sections in this chapter showed that parallel combinations of N-channel MOSFETs from output to ground provide a NORing of inputs, with the possibility of inverting the NOR to obtain OR. Series NMOS transistors from output to ground provide NANDing of inputs, with AND obtained with an additional inverter. Complex AND-OR-invert logic gates can be constructed by connecting NMOS transistors in series and parallel combinations within the same circuit. Figure 22.14a shows such a gate. Input ANDing Branches Two parallel branches of two series NMOS transistors are shown in Figure 22.14a. If both inputs of a given branch are high simultaneously, then a highly conductive path from the output to ground exists. That is, a pull-down path exists through NA and N 13 if V,\ AND V11 are high. Alternatively, a pull-down 22.3 rn ' ·················· V,. t' NMOS OR and AND Gates TL ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •· · · · · · · · · t~N~ Y~ -1 c·~N& ... Yt--f {:N, .... J 1 Au(a) B F=A+B ···· F=A+B (b) FIGURE 22.12 NMOS OR/Nor Gate: (a) NOR ied inverter, (b) Two·input circuit symbol indicating both OR and NOR iunctions arc available (a) (b) FIGURE 22.13 NMOS AND/NANO Gate: (a) NANO icd inverter, (b) Circuit symbol indicating both AND and NAt'\JD functions arc available 309 310 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates 0 A D YSN" v.~ vA o--a ,r- Ve NA 7 VAOI = VAVB + VeVD A B D----l___) ° j ~Ne I ~ VAANDV. '---~ VeANDV0 (a) FIGURE 22.14 F=AB +CD C 11 (b) Four-input NMOS AND-OR-invert Gate: (a) Circuit schematic with generic pull-up load, (b) Logic schematic path exists through Ne and N 0 if Ve AND VD are both high. The AND-OR-invert node can also be used to drive other gates to provide complementary logic signals when needed. Output is NO Ring of the ANDings Section 22.1 shows that parallel N-channel MOSFETs can be used to provide a NO Ring of input voltages, and an analogous situation is present here. The output of the gate shown in Figure 22.14a is the NO Ring of the logic performed by each branch, VA AND V8 for the left branch and Ve AND VO for the right branch. Thus, this gate performs the logic function VA01 = (VA AND Vii) NOR = NOT[(VA AND V8 ) We AND V0) OR We AND Vo)] Recipe for Other Complex NMOS Logic Gates As shown in this and the previous sections, complex logic functions can be realized using NMOS logic families by using the following general NMOS circuit design connections: 1. ANDing of signals is performed by series NMOS pull-down branches. That is, placing the drainto-source channels of multiple N-channel MOSFETs in series from the output to ground using the gate terminal of each NMOS transistor as a signal input 2. ORing of signals, including ORing of ANDed signals, is performed by parallel placement of branches between the output and ground 3. If inverting of the ORing is not desired, an inverter is connected to the output of the ANDOR-inverting logic circuitry (the NOTed ANDOR node can be used as a separate output to drive other logic gates) =AB+ CD Non-Inveriing AND-OR Gaies If an AND-OR gate without the complement is desired, an additional inverter is added to the output, as was the case when obtaining OR and AND gates from NOR and NAND gates. Figure 22.15a shows an AND-OR gate that performs the logic function VAo = (VA AND Vii) OR =AB+ CD We AND Vo) 22.4 NMOS Complex Logic Gates (AOls and OA!s) 311 (a) D CBA- i---, F=AB+CD F=AB+CD (b) FIGURE 22.15 NMOS Ai'\JD-OR Gate with Enhancement-depletion Loads: (a) AOI fed inverter, (b) Circuit symbol indicating both AO and AOI functions Example 22.3 NMOS Complex AND-OR-Invert Gate MOSFET will be needed to accommodate the signal V0 . These connections are shown in Figure 22.16b. Design an enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS logic gate that provides the two logic functions Solution (ORing) The ORing of the signals is performed by placing the series ANDing branches and the single transistor branch in parallel. The ANDOR-invert logic function is available at the common top of the parallel branches. The inverting logical function NOT[(VA AND V8 AND Ve) OR VD OR (VE AND VF)] is performed by the circuitry outside of the shaded box of Figure 22.16b and available at the output labeled VAOI· F =ABC+ D + EF and the complement F =ABC+ D + EF The logic symbol for such a gate is shown in Figure 22.16a. Solution (ANDing Branches) Two series branches will be required to perform the logical ANDing. One branch with three series N-channel MOSFETs to perform VA AND Vil AND Ve and a branch with two series NMOS transistors to perform VE AND VF. A branch with a single N-channel are available Solution (Inverting of ADiing) To provide an AND-ORing of the signals an additional inverter is needed to complement the AND-OR-invert signal provided by the parallel ORing branches. This is shown in the shaded box of Figure 22.166. The logical function 0/A AND VB AND Ve) OR V0 OR (VE AND VF) is available at the output labeled VAO· 312 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates AB C D------< E -- F- F=ABC+D+EF '--- F =ABC+ D + EF (a) Yun V,.ANDV$ANDVc (b) FIGURE 22.16 Six-input Complex NMOS AND-OR-invert/AND-OR Gate of Example 22.3: (a) Circuit with enhancement-depletion load, (b) Circuit symbol More complex logic functions can be realized by embedded parallel and series combinations of NMOS transistors as shown in the following example. Example 22.4 Gate NMOS Super Complex Logic What logic function is performed by the NMOS circuit of Figure 22.17a? Solution The NMOS circuit of Figure 22.17a shows parallel combinations of N-channel MOSFETs within the main series branches. Each parallel combination of NMOS transistors performs a logical ORing. Therefore, the parallel NJ\ and N 8 perform the logic V,\ OR VB, Ne and ND perform the logic Ve OR VD, and NF and Ne perform the logic Vr OR Ve. That is, a low impedance conducting path exists between the source and drain of each parallel combination for one or the other (or both) inputs high. In Figure 22.17a, the series combination of the parallel NJ\ and NB and the parallel Ne and N 0 performs the logic (VJ\ OR VB) AND (Ve OR VD). Similarly, the logic performed by the branch containing NE, Nr, and Ne performs the logic VE AND (VF OR Ve;). The parallel combinations of the main branches 22.5 NMOS XNOR/XOR Logic Gates 313 Your (a) F E~----1,...__.,,. -- F =(A+ B)(C + D) + E(F + G) D c~ B A(b) FIGURE 22.17 Seven-input Super Complex NMOS Logic Gate of Example 22.4: (a) Circuit with an enhancementdepletion load, (b) Circuit symbol then performs a NORing of the individual branch logic states and VoUT is given by Vour = [(V;1 OR Va) AND We OR Vo)] NOR [V[ AND (VF OR Ve)] As a practical matter, no path from the output to ground should exceed conduction through three N-channel MOSFETs. This is because Vm becomes unacceptably degraded as discussed in section 22.2 on NAND gates. = NOT([(V;1 OR V8 ) AND We OR V0 )] OR [VE AND (VF OR Ve)]} Hence, the logic function is 22.5 NMOS XNOR/XOR LOGIC GATES F = (A + B)(C + D) + E(F + G) The circuit symbol for this gate is shown in Figure 22.176. Exclusive NOR/OR gates are easily obtainable using NMOS circuitry. Figure 22.18a shows an NMOS XNOR/XOR with an enhancement-depletion load. 314 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates Voo :jQ~xoR ~ (a) FIGURE 22.18 XNOR (b) Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS XNOR/XOR Gate The MOSFETs labeled NxJ\ and Nx 13 perform the XORing logical operation. Note that neither NXJ\ or Nx13 have sources connected directly to ground. The source of NXJ\ is connected to the input VB and the source of Nx 8 is connected to the VA input. We shall begin by verifying the XNOR output. Both Inputs Low With both inputs low, the gate-source voltage of both NxA and Nx 8 are insufficient to turn either NMOSFET on. With NXJ\ and NXB both cutoff, the VXNoR output is high. Both Inputs High With both inputs high, the gate-source voltages of both NxA and Nxll are again insufficient to turn either on and the VXNoR output is again high. VA = High and VB == Low With VA high and V8 low, the gate voltage of NxA is high relative to its source and NXJ\ is active. With NxA active a highly conductive path exists between the VxNoR output and the V13 input. Since V13 is low when NxA is on, the conductive path from VxNOR through the drain-to-source channel of NXJ\ is a pull-down path and VxNoR is in the output low state. VA = Low and Vn = High With VA low and V8 high, a similar situation exists. The gate voltage of NXB is high relative to its source and NXB is active. A pull-down path from the VxNOR output to the V,\ input exists and the VxNoR output is again in the output low state. With both inputs high or both inputs low, the output Vx:--:oR of the gate of Figure 22.18a is in the output high state. When a single input is high and the other low, the output is low. Thus, the exclusive NOR function is realized for the VxNoR output. NMOS XOR Gate The XOR logic function is obtained from NMOS circuitry by simply feeding the XNOR output into an inverter stage as shown in the shaded block in Figure 22.18a. Figure 22.186 displays the logic symbol for this gate. Example 22.5 NMOS XNORIXOR SPICE Simulation Perform a SPICE simulation of the NMOS gate of Figure 22.18a to verify the XNOR and XOR functions. Use VDD = 5 V and the MOSFET models used in section 21.6. Solution Figure 22.19 shows the XNOR/XOR gate of Figure 22.18a with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file for this gate is as follows: 22.5 i--~~~T Y NMOS XNOR/XOR Logic Gates 315 4 DC 5V n• O 4 31 1 ►]!SM~ MNDLX 3 -::- -----0 <l------~-1_. '-~_o 10UMMNXA I ,- 5 l5UM 2 VXOR 3 -::- I':110UM 5UI\/I MNI 0 3 ~---1--~---2----J -::- I o 10UM MNX:B 1=;-isuM 11 -::- VXNOR -::- FIGURE 22.19 Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS XNOR/XOR Gate of Figure 22.18a with Appropriate SPICE Labelings for Example 22.5 SPICE Simulation *Enhancement-Depletion Loaded NMOS *XNOR/XOR gate VINA 1 D PULSE(OV 5V □ NS 2NS + 2NS 25ONS 5OONS) VINB 2 D PULSE< □ V 5V □ NS 2NS + 2NS 5OONS 1US) VDD 4 D DC 5V ures 22.20. Examining these plots, the XNOR and XOR logical functions are clearly realized. -MODEL MEO NMOS(VTO=1-3 KP=2DU GAMMA=D-43 PHI=O-6 CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) -MODEL MED NMOS<VTO=-3-2 + KP=2OU + GAMMA=D-43 PHI= □ -6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) MNDLX 4 3 3 D MED W=1OU L=1OU MNXA 3 1 2 D MEO W=1DU L=5U MNXB 3 2 1 D MEO W=1OU L=SU MNDLI 4 5 5 D MED W=1DU L=1OU MNI 5 3 DD MEO W=1OU L=5U -TRAN 1DNS 1.2us -PLOT TRAN VS<MNDLX) VD<MNI) -END + + Y Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter The following section on NMOS Schmitt triggers presents an NMOS logic gate that embodies a saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter as a sub-circuit. For convenience, this circuit is repeated here in Figure 22.21a. The voltage transfer characteristic for this inverter is shown in Figure 22.21b. The output high voltage for this inverter, used in the following analysis and is given by Vou = Voo - Vu(Vss,L = VouT) where the threshold voltage including body bias is VT,L(Vsa,L = VouT) The transient responses for VxNoR and YxoR obtained from this SPICE simulation are shown in Fig- = v rn,L + rJvVOL/T + 2</>F,L - ~) 316 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates VmlV) T 5 4 - Hysteresis and Schmitt Triggers 32 100 1----+-----1~--+---+--. t(µs) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 VvmB(V) 5-----4 3 1- -+--0 In the following section, a type of logic circuit is described that has a different voltage transfer characteristic for the output high-to-low and low-to-/1igh transitions. Unlike the logic circuits described previously, the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions occur at different input voltages. This phenonwnon is known as hysteresis and the voltage transfer characteristic exhibits a "hysteresis loop." Trip Voltnges 2-O Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks 0.25 ----+----+--+0.50 0.75 1.00 --+-- ► t(µs) 1.25 V XNOR(V) 5---4- Figure 22.22a shows a pair of input and inverting output waveforms that demonstrate hysteresis. Examining these waveforms, it is seen that the output experiences a high-to-low transition only when a rising input voltage initiallv exceeds 32 1 0-+---+'-----+----+------,~--+------. t(µs) 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Yxoa(V) 5-' 4- such as at tin1e t 5 . The voltages V1D and V1u are referred to as trip voltages and in order for hysteresis to occur, the condition 321 0 0 Examples are shown at times t2 and tK in Figure 22.22a. Furthermore, the output experiences a low-to-high transition when a falling input initially drops below 0.25 I I I I 0.50 0.75 1 I 1.00 t(µs) 1.25 is required. FIGURE 22.20 Results of Example 22.5 SPICE Simulation of Enhancement-depletion Loaded NMOS XNOR/XOR Gate 22.6 NMOS SCHMITT TRIGGERS This section presents an NMOS circuit that exhibits the characteristic of hysteresis explained in the preceding Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box. Good for Cleaning up Noisy Signals Considering Figure 22.22a again, note that at times t1, t 1,, and t7, the input rises above V 1L: but not above Vm and the output does not change state. Likewise, at times t3 and t4 , the input falls below Vm but not below V1u and the output does not change. Therefore, observing that Vi:, is extremely noisy, whereas Vrn.:T is not, we obesrve that a circuit exhibiting hysteresis is excellent for cleaning up noisy signals. Even the spikes that occur at times t 1, t6 , and t 7 are not sufficient to change the output. 22.6 Voltage Transfer Characteristic of Inverter with Hysteresis Figure 22.226 displays the voltage transfer characteristic for a digital logic inverter circuit exhibiting hysteresis. This VTC indicates a high-to-low output transition at an input voltage higher than that at which the output Iowto-high transition occurs. Note the familiar hysteresis "loop." NMOS Schmitt Triggers 317 subscript shall be discussed lTlO!Ttentarily. Note that the feedback device N 1 and the stacked input MOSFET N 0 have a common source. Since Nr- and N 0 have a common source, they have the same body bias effect on their respective threshold voltages. The circuit symbol for the Schmitt inverter is shown in Figure 22.236. The symbol is that of a normal inverter with a hysteresis loop indicated inside the syn,bol. Schmitt Triggers Analysis Circuits that exhibit hysteresis are referred to as Schmitt Triggers. The output voltage of the circuit of Figure 22.23a is taken at the source of the load device NL and is therefore Circuit Output High Voltage == V011 Figure 22.23a shows an NMOS Schmitt inverter. The input of this circuit is connected to dual stacked NMOS devices labeled N 1 and N 0 . As with other transistor loaded NMOS digital circuits, the output is taken from the source of the load NMOS. An enhancement-only NMOS device Nr- is used in a source-follower configuration to feedback the output voltage to the common point Ysw between the stacked input devices. The significance of the "SEO" With V1N low, both N 1 and N 0 are cutoff. Since ID,L = ID,o = 0, the drain-to-source voltage of the active NL is VDs.L = 0 and the output voltage is Vour = Vnn - 0 = Vi)/) = Vrn1 Saturated Enhancement-Only Loaded NMOS Inverter Sub-Circuit Note that with VoL:T = VoD, the drain and gate of NF are both at Vey = VD,F = Vm,- As long as VoL'T Your (V) Yoo· load NMOS has a body bias of Ysa.L = Your= YNar Na of Figure 22.23 turns on Your + WON Ln O 0 y DS,O --+ --f-~- --+ --. Yn-,(Y) Yrn (a) Vm Yoo (b) FIGURE 22.21 Saturated Enhancement-only Loaded NMOS Inverter: (a) Circuit showing body bias of load device, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic 318 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates Vm(V) input rises above V m Vm ----input high-to-low tHp point--------~, ' ' : ' -~j------j--t, t, - t, YouiV) --► t. ·1 t t, input drops below V ru ----l t, (a) - j~► t t,, Votrr (V) Output low-to-high transition ,,----- Output high-to-low transition ~ t t t (b) FIGURE 22.22 (a) Input and inverting output voltage waveforms for a circuit exhibiting hysteresis, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic of a circuit exhibiting hysteresis; in both (a) and (b) the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions occur at a different input voltage :?.:?..6 NMOS Schmitt Triggers VOUT IN -G>o--- 319 OUT -:- (a) (c) VOUT (V) YoH = V DD ir---~------, Output high-to-low transition i .i i .. ' _.------- Output Iow-to-hih g transition Vru (d) FIGURE 22.23 NMOS Schmitt Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Voltage transfer characteristic exhibiting hysteresis: output high-to-low transition occurs at V10; output low-to-high transition occurs at V,u = V00 and the input is low enough to keep N 0 in the cutoff mode, NF and N 1 resemble the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter presented and analyzed in Chapter 19. The node labeled Ysrn is the "output" of this "NMOS inverter subcircuit." In the preceding Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box, the output high voltage of the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter was obtained. Revising that expression corresponding to Figure 22.23 yields Vsw(OH) = Voo - VT,F(VSB,F) where VsB,F = VOUT 320 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates The output high voltage is then found by iterntion as discussed in section 19.4 and demonstrated in Example 19.2. As VrN is increased above VT and N 1 turns on, N 1 and Ni: continue to act as a saturated enhancementonly loaded NMOS inverter as long as N 0 remains cutoff. Prior to N 0 entering active operation, the voltage Ysw follows the voltage transfer characteristic of the saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter shown in Figure 22.21b. Output High-to-Low Trip Voitage = + Vr,o(VsB - Vsw) Find Vu, from V1,1(Vs1u) = Vrn + 'Yr(YV;w + 2</Jr.r - \l2cp1,1) Find V11) from • Vsi-:o = Vw Find Vsw from Vs1:o This voltage is found by equating the drain currents of Nr(LIN) and NF(SAT) as follows: lv, 1(LIN) • =Vw The input voltage at which N 0 turns on is given by V,N • Guess a value for Vs 1 u (a good initial guess is about 30% of V11 11) = Ia,F(SAT) • = Vm - Vry Repeat this procedure until the calculated values of Vsrn is within a few percent of the initial guessed value of Vsw Output Low Voltage or Substituting Ycs, 1 = Vil), VDs, 1 = Ysrn, Ycs,F - Vsrn, and VT,J = VTo gives = Vim k1 [ (VID - VnJ) Vsw - -V~w] 2 kr =2 (V[)o - Vs10 - V.1,1.)2 where Vu(Vss.r) = V To + y,( YVsw + 2</Jr,r - ~ ) Solving the equated drain current expression for Vm yields As V1:-,; is increased beyond Vil), the output drops abruptly. \A/hen YouT is brought low enough, NF will cutoff. At this point N 1, N 0 , and NL act as a two input NAND gate with the inputs connected together. In section 21.3, the output low voltage of an enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter was approximated as k1V2i.1 Vo1=-----2k_,;(V,1n - Vu,) where the body bias of the load device was neglected. The transconductance k, is the "effective transconductance" of the stacked N 1 and N 0 devices which can be approximated as k- = k' W, :> kr Vsw V,v = --'--- (Voo - Vsw - Vn-) 2 + - - + Vro 2kiVsw 2 The voltage V10 was stated as being the minimum input voltage necessary to turn on N 0 . Therefore, the expression v,N = Vro = VsEO + V T,O must also be considered. Substituting VT,o solving for YsEo gives VsEo = = Vu, and Vm - VT,f Vw Iterative Process From the preceding analysis, the trip voltage Vm is found using the following iterative process: 2L 1 if the sizes of N 1 and N 0 are the same. Output Low-to-High Trip Voltage =Vw In the output-low state, YuUT is low enough to cutoff NF. With NF cutoff, the NMOS Schmitt inverter of Figure 22.23a undergoing a high-to-low input transition acts without the influence of the feedback device. Thus, the output low-to-high transition has the form of the enhancement-depletion NMOS inverter voltage transfer characteristic presented in Figure 21.2b. The output low-to-high trip voltage can therefore be approximated as the input high voltage V1H of the enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS inverter presented in section 21.3: 22.6 /. -,- = I~ 3,cs V, 11 = Vrn + 21Vu Example 22.6 NMOS Schmitt Trigger Trip Voltages Find the trip voltages for the NMOS Schmitt trigger of Figure 22.23a with Vnn = 5 V. Use k' = 20 µ,AN 2, YF = 0.45 v 112, 2¢ F,F = o.6 v. Solution (Output High-to-Low Trip Voltage VwJ The device transconductance parameters for NF and N 1\ are = k' Wr T; = 321 V, 11 where ks is found from the expression given in the previous sub-section. k1 NMOS Schmitt Triggers (50µ,) A (20µ,) ( µ,) = 200 µ, V 2 5 where the body bias effect on the load device was ignored. (See section 21.4 for the numerical procedure used to calculate V,H considering the load device body bias.) Design of NMOS Schmitt Trigger Examining the numerical results used to calculate VID in the previous example, VGs, 1 = Vm = 2.09 V and Yns. 1 = Vsrn = 3.47. The input NMOS N 1 is therefore in the linear mode of operation, since Vns, 1 < VGs, 1 - Vn, As a first order design approximation, we will assume that N 1 is at the edge of saturation and its drain current is therefore given by _ k1 2 Io/EOS) Wcs,1 - VT) 2 Setting the edge of saturation N 1 drain current equal to the saturation drain current of NF yields The numerical method for finding V,n is demonstrated in the following table: V 5 w(guess) (V) Vu(V) VID(V) VsEo (V) 2.0 2.1 2.08 2.07 1.38 1.40 1.39 1.39 3.65 3.41 3.45 3.47 2.27 2.01 2.06 2.09 The guess values of V sw(guess) = 2.08 and 2.07 V both yield calculated values of V sEo within 1% of the guessed value. The output high-to-low trip voltage is therefore in the range of 3.45 to 3.47 V, or Vw = 3.46 V Solution (Output Low-to-High Trip Voltage VwJ The device transconductance parameter for NL is and by substitution k1 2 Wes.I Substituting VGs, 1 VT gives k1 2 Wm - (10µ,) ks A = (20µ,) 2 (Sµ,) = 20 µ, V 2 The output low-to-high trip voltage is now obtained by direct substitution as = = kr 2 ( Vm and VGs.F VT) 2 _ - ? V1Y Vcs,F - = V00 - YID + kr ( 2 Voo - Vm) 2 Multiplying both sides of this expression by 2/kF and taking the positive square root yields If Ww - VT) = Voo - Vm and collecting like terms, we have (1 + The effective device transconductance of the stacked input N-channel MOSFETs is ? - VT)- If) Vw = Voo + Finally, solving for Vm gives If VT 322 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates Thus, with the edge of saturation of N 1 approximation, V10 is a function of the ratio of k1/kF and ultimately a function of the ratio and canceling k', we have as will be shown in the next sub-section. Design of Output High-to-Low == Vw Solving the above expression for kifkF gives k1 = kF ('vDD Vio - Vw)' VT 2 Note that the output low-to-high voltage is dependent on the size ratio of the load NMOS and input NMOS devices. The output high-to-low trip voltage Vm was found to be dependent upon the size ratio of N 1 and NF. Thus, the trip voltage Yiu and Vm are designed independently of each other. k' W1 L1 k' WF LF and cancelling k', we have 1 : WF = (Voo - Vio) 2 Vw - VT LF This is a design relation for the NMOS Schmitt trigger. By substituting' the desired output high-to-low trip voltage, supply voltage, and the enhancementonly NMOS threshold voltage, the ratio of sizes of the input and feedback NMOS devices Ni and NF are determined. Design of Output Low-to-High Trip Voltage== Vw Solving the expression for Yiu in the previous section for kiJks yields Assuming that Ni and N 0 are the same size, ks ki/2 = k0 /2 giving = Example 22.7 NMOS Schmitt Trigger Design Design an NMOS Schmitt trigger to have trip voltages of Vm = 4 V and V1u = 2 V. Use V00 = 5 V, VT,! = Yr,o = Vr,F = 1 V, Vr,L = -1 V, and k' = 20 J.LAN 2 . Also, use a minimum gate width of W(min) = 5 J.Lm and a minimum gate length of L = 5 J.Lm for all MOSFETs. Solution (Output Low-to-High Trip Voltages) Subtituting values into the expression derived for Yiu design gives WdLL = ~ [(2) - (1)] WFILF 2 2(-1) 2 3 8 Assuming the minimum size is used for the load device The size of the N 1 and N 0 devices are therefore W1 = W0 = LI LO ~ (5J.Ll11) = 13.3}.Lm 3 5J.Ll11 5J.Ll11 Solution (Output High-to-Low Trip Voltages) Substituting values into the design expression for V1u gives 22.7 2 (5) - (4)] [ (4) (1) 1 9 Thus, the size of the feedback NMOS needs to be 9 times the size of N 1 determined previously and thus Wp = Lp 22. 7 = 9(13.31mz) 5J.Lm 120J,Lm 5J.Lm NMOS TRANSMISSION GATES N-Channel MOSFETs as Conductive Circuit Elements Chapters 17 through 21 introduced NMOS inverter circuits in which a N-channel MOSFET (labeled N 0 ) was placed between the output and ground. The circuit for such an inverter is shown in Figure 22.24a. Gate Voltage High -,> Highly Conductive Channel When the input gate voltage of the NMOS device N 0 is high, as in Figure 22.24a, the active NMOS device provides a highly conductive channel between the output and ground. In essence, the active NMOS "transfers" the ground voltage to the output. L NMOS Transmission Gates Gate Voltage Low as Open Circuit -,> 323 NMOS Acts When the gate voltage of the NMOS device is low as in Figure 22.24b, the output is separated from ground by the equivalent open circuit of the cutoff NMOS device. NMOS Device Acts as a Switch The output NMOS device N 0 of the NMOS inverter circuits can be viewed as a switch with the gate voltage acting as the "ON/OFF toggle". When the gate voltage is high as in Figure 22.24a, the NMOS switch is on and the output is connected to ground. When the gate voltage is low as in Figure 22.24b, the NMOS switch is ojf and an open circuit exists between the output and ground. NMOS Transmission Gate The preceding qualitative analysis suggests that an N-channel MOSFET can be used to conditionally transfer a driving logic voltage from one side of an NMOS channel to the other. Figure 22.25a displays two NMOS inverters with a single N-channel MOSFET NT placed between them. The first inverter output is connected to one end of NT and the other channel end of Nr is connected to the input of the second inverter. The gate voltage of Nr is labeled VEN and is an enable input. t generic pull-up device I~ I A ---0 D ;--()~ I -()~ VIN = V DD 0---~1 [ N0 1/ ~ active NMOS device provide~ a highly conductive path between VoUT and ground (a) FIGURE 22.24 In An NMOS Inverter, An N-channel MOSFET Conditionally Provides a Conductive Path From _J V!NJ low o I L __ 7 N0 cutoff NMOS device separates output and ground by an open ✓ circuit (b) Output to Ground: (a) Active N 0 connects output to ground, (b) Cutoff N 0 separates output from ground 324 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates transmission gate NMOS device V'our (a) active NMOS device provides a highly conductive path between Vour and V'IN V'oo V'our= VIN VEN= Yoo voltage Vour is transfered to V'IN (b) FIGURE 22.25 (a) N -channel MOSFET used as a transmission gate between two inverters: (b) With VEN = V00, the highly conductive channel of NT " transfers" Vm JT to v;N Gate Voltage High - Highly Conductive Channel Gate Voltage Low - NMOS Acts as Open Circuit In Figure 22.256, the enable input voltage VEN is high. As in Figure 22.24a, the highly conductive channel of the active NT transfers the driving voltage Vmrr to the input v;N· This results in VoUT = v,Nas labeled. Figure 22.25c shows the circuit configuration with low. In this case, NT is cutoff and the input v;N is isolated from VOUT by the cutoff NT. Thus, the input terminal to Ne') is disconnected and v;N is float ing. VEN = 22.7 NMOS Transmission Cates 325 cutoff NMOS device seperates Vour and V'IN by an open circuit V'oo V'our = undefined V'IN is undriven and "floating" (c) FIGURE 22.25 (continued) (c) With VEN = low, a cutoff N-r separates Vom and NMOS Transmission (Pass) Gates The circuit of Figure 22.25 demonstrates a simple application of NMOS switches. NMOS devices can be placed between two nodes and the two nodes can be conditionally connected by a gate enable voltage VEN. NMOS switches are traditionally referred to as transmission gates or pass gates. v;N this case, N1c is active and N-ri\J N18, and Nrn are cutoff. The inverter le output voltage VouTC = VINc is therefore transferred to the input of IMux• The voltage VINc is reinverted through IMux and the multiplexor output is VMux = VINc• Similar results are o_btained by bringing another enable voltage high with all others low. Hence, this circuit clearly acts as a multiplexor. Multiplexor Realization with NMOS Transmission Gates Figure 22.26a shows a practical application of NMOS transmission gates. Four input voltages VINAi VINB, VINc, and VIND are fed into separate inverters Ii\J 113, 10 and I0 . Each inverter output is connected to a separate NMOS transmission gate NTA, Nrn, N10 or Nrn, The output side of the NMOS transmission gates are all connected to the input of a~ invert~r labeled IMux• This circuit acts as a multiplexor 1f one and only one of the enabling inputs VENJ\J V ENB, VENO or VEND is high and the other three are low. Figure 22.26b shows the situation where VENC is high and the other three enable inputs are low. In Example 22.8 Gate Array NMOS Transmission For the NMOS transmission gate array of Figure 22.27, what enabling conditions are necessary to transfer each input to the output? Solution Examining Figure 22.27, the input V1 is transferred to the output when the enable lines VAl Ve, and VF are high. V2 is transferred to the output when V8 and V0 are high. VoUT = V3 when Ve., VE, and VF are high. Vou-r = V4 when the VA, VB, and VE enable lines are high. Finally, the V5 input is transferred to VoUT when Vc and VD are high. 326 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates I, V!NA (> ·······I»···· VrNA (aJ output of I,: is transferred to tbe ~ of lu1.,-x IA .. · .. •···. Vw,._C- V=slow (b) FIGURE 22.26 NMOS Transmission Gates Used in a Multiplexor: (a) NMOS multiplexor with four inputs, four enable lines, and one output, (b) With VENc = Vrm and the other three enable lines low, NTc "transfers" the output of le to the input of IMux and VMux = V1Nc Chapter 22 FIGURE 22.27 Problems 327 NMOS Transmission Gate Array of Example 22.8 CHAPTER22PROBLEMS 22.1 Draw a four input NMOS NOR gate with a saturated enhancement-only load. 22.2 Draw a five input linear enhancement-only loaded NOR gate. 22.3 Design a three input enhancement-depletion loaded NMOS NOR gate with a single input high output low voltage of 22.4 Vm(single intput high) = 0.5 V Use RL 22.5 V01 _(singlc input high) = 0.08 V Use VDI> = 5 V, Yeo = 1 V for the output transistors, Vr,L = -1 V, and k' = 20 JLA/V 2 for all transistors. Use any reasonable channel length for the output transistors. VDD Repeat Problem 22.3 for a resistor loaded NMOS NOR gate with a single input high output low voltage of = 100 kn Calculate the output low voltage of the NMOS NOR gate of Figure P22.5 with (a) one input high (b) two inputs high (c) three inputs high (d) four inputs high (e) five inputs high =5 V ? I ~~N, wi,,nN Jµiii I -::- FIGURE P22.5 328 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates L1 FIGURE P22.9 Use V1 , 0 = 1 V for each of the output transistors, Vu = -1 V for the load transistor, and k' = 20 µAN 2 for all transistors, 22.6 Repeat Problem 22,5 fork' = 30 µA/V 2 • 22.7 Calculate the static power dissipated for each part of Problem 22.5. 22.8 Repeat Problem 22.7 fork' = 30 µA/V 2 . 22.9 Calculate the output low voltage of the NMOS NOR gate of Figure P22.9 with (a) one input high (b) two inputs high (c) three inputs high (d) four inputs high (e) five inputs high Use V1 = 1 V and k = 20 µA/V 2 for all MOSFETs. 22.10 22.11 Repeat Problem 22.9 fork = 30 µA/V 2 . Draw a two input saturated enhancement-only loaded NMOS NAND gate. FIGURE P22.13 22.12 Draw a three input linear enhancement-only loaded NMOS NAND gate. 22.13 Calculate the output low voltage for the NMOS NAND gate of Figure P22.13. Use V1 , 0 = 1 V for each stacked pull-down MOSFET, Vu= -1 V for the loaded MOSFET, and k' = 20 µA/V 2 for all transistors. Also, use (W/L) 0 = lOµm/Sµm for each stacked NMOS and (W/L)L = 5µ,m/Sµm for the load NMOS. 22.14 Repeat Problem 22.13 fork' 22.15 Calculate the static power dissipation for the NAND gate of Problem 22.13. = 30 µA/V 2 • Calculate the output low voltage for the NMOS NAND gate of Figure P22.16. Use Vr = 1 V and k' = 20 µA/V 2 for all transistors. Also, (W/L) 0 10µm/5µm and (W/L)L = 5µ,m/Sµm. 22.17 Repeat Problem 22.16 fork' = 30 µA/V 2 • 22.16 22.18 Design a two input enhancement-depletion loaded FIGURE P22.16 Chwpter 22 Problems 329 Yam=? _ _ _ ________j____~------~1-----o I FIGURE PZZ.21 FIGURE PZZ.23 NMOS NAND gate with an output low voltage of Vm = 0.05 V. Use Vr.o = 1 V for the output transistors, V 1.L = -1 V, and k' = 20 µ,A/V'- for all transistors. Use any reasonable channel length for the output transistors. 22.19 Repeat Problem 22.18 for a three input NAND gate and an output low voltage of Vm = 0.1 V. 22.20 (a) Design a two-input enhancement-depiction loaded NMOS AND gate to have an output low voltage of V0 L = 0.09 V. Use V 1, 0 = 1 V for the output transistors, Vu. = -1 V, and k' = 20 µ,A/V 2 for all transistors. Use VDo = 5 V and any reasonable channel length for the output transistors. (b) Repeat part (a) for a three input AND gate. Is there a difference? 22.21 What logic function is performed by the NMOS FIGURE PZZ.24 complex logic gate in Figure P22.21? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.22 Modify the gate of Figure P22.21 to provide the inversion of the function it currently performs. Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.23 What logic function is performed by the NMOS complex logic gate in Figure P22.23? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.24 What logic function is performed by the NMOS complex logic gate in Figure P22.24? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.25 Modify the logic circuit of Figure P22.21 to perform the logic function F =AB+ C + DE Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 330 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates l~~Nu I :J1:t I - I I I jcv,ITT,=? I -b u, FIGURE PZZ.31 22.26 Modify the logic circuit of Figure P22.23 to perform the logic function F =ABC+ DE+ F Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.27 complex logic circuit of Figure P22.31? Compare with the logic gate of Figure 22.18 of section 22.5. 22.32 Repeat Problem 22.31 for the circut of Figure P22.32. 22.33 Design an NMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical function Modify the logic circuit of Figure P22.24 to perform the logic function F = AB + CD + E + FGH F =A+ BC+ DEF and draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.28 Modify the logic circuit of Figure P22.21 to perform the logic functions 22.34 Design an NMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical functions F = AB + CEF + D + GH F = ABC + D + EFG + H and and F = AB + CEF + D + GH F = ABC + D + EFG + H Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.29 Modify the logic circuit of Figure P22.23 to perform the logic function and draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) 22.35 F = ABC + DEF + GH + I Design an NMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical functions F = ABC + DEF + GH + IJK Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.30 and Modify the logic circuit of Figure P22.24 to perform the logic functions F = ABC + DEF + GH + IJK F = AG + BCH + DE + FI + J and draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) and F = AG + BCH + DE + FI + J Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.31 What logic function is performed by the NMOS 22.36 What logic function is performed by the digital logic circuit of Figure P22.36? 22.37 What logic function is performed by the digital logic circuit of Figure P22.37? Chapter 22 Problems 331 VaUT=? FIGURE P22.32 ~----:9 viD ~· u------iI ~-1I VA o~-1 f--------, Nae \ ~ lj N" I __r--~-----' 1 VoUT = ? N0 A t FIGURE P22.36 VaUT =? FIGURE P22.37 FIGURE P22.38 332 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates 22.38 What logic function is performed by the digital logic circuit of Figure P22.38? 22.39 What logic function is performed by the digital circuit of Figure P22.39? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.40 22.41 and F= Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.42 What logic function is performed by the digital circuit of Figure P22.40? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. F Modify the circuit of Figure P22.39 so that it performs the logic functions 22.43 = Modify the circuit of Figure P22.40 so that it performs the logic function (AH + B)(C+ D + £) + (F + I+]) + (G + K) and draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. F = (A + B)C + D(E + F) + (G + H)(J + J) Design an NMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical functions F = (A + B)(C + D)(E + f) + G(H + J)(J + K) FIGURE PZZ.39 I FIGURE PZZ.40 (A + B)C + D(E + F) + (G + H)(J +]) Chapter 22 Problems and F= (A + B)(C + D)(E + F) + G(H + I)(] + K) Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) 22.44 F = (AB + CD)E + F + (G + H + I)(]K + L) VA I O Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) 22.45 c-~~V-=1 I[ Design an NMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical function NA2 Lj~ What logic function is performed by the NMOS logic circuit of Figure P22.45? Is there any redundant logic in this circuit? ~LN, FIGURE P22.46 FIGURE P22.45 FIGURE P22.47 ~ - - - - -~r--0 ~(NK FIGURE P22.48 Your= ? 333 334 Chapter 22/NMOS Gates 0 ~tN1 '------~~____J ~ !~No 'Lj Lj FIGURE P22.49 FIGURE P22.50 Chapter 22 Problems 335 -::- FIGURE P22.51 v,r~-=-~ -::- FIGURE P22.52 22.46 Repeat Problem 22.45 for the circuit of Figure P22.46. 22.47 What logic function is performed by the NMOS logic circuit of Figure P22.47? Compare with the logic gate of Figure 22.18 of section 22.5. 22.48 What logic function is performed by the NMOS complex logic circuit of Figure P22.48? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.49 What logic function is performed by the NMOS complex logic circuit of Figure P22.49? Draw the circuit symbol for this logic gate. 22.50 Is there anything inherently wrong with the NMOS logic circuit of Figure P22.50? 22.51 Repeat Problem 22.50 for the circuit of Figure P22.51. 22.52 What logic function is performed by the NMOS complex logic circuit of Figure P22.52? 23 CMOS INVERTER Co111p/c111c11tnry MOS, or CMOS, is a logic family that uses N-channe l and P-channel · MOSFETs in matched or co111plc111('11tary pairs. In this fan1 ily, a T Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks P-Channel MOSFETs P-channel MOSfET is used as J pull-up load device for J N-chJnnel MOSFET pull -down device. As will be seen in this chJpter, the NMOS transistor cJn just as appropriately be viewed as a pull -down loJd de vice for the PMOS pull -up trnnsistor. Presently, CMOS is the 111ost widely used digital circuit tech nology because it possesses the lowest power dissi pation Jnd the highest packing density in co111pari son with all the other logic families. The low power dissipation of CMOS has made battery powe red wrist watches and hand-held cJlculators possible, JS wel l as recently developed notebook computers. Virtually all 111odern microproces sors are manufactured using CMOS technology including Intel's 80286, 80386, and 80486 and Motorola's 68010, 68020, 68030, and 68040. Earlier versions of Intel's 8086 and 8088 have been reprocessed in CMOS technology. This chapter introduces the CMOS logic family in its inverter form. A qualitative description of the CMOS inverter operation is presented along with a discussion of the operational modes of each transistor during excursion of the voltage transfer characteristic. Graphical and analytical analyses of the voltage transfer characteristic are then given. Power dissipation, transient response, and fan-out analyses are then discussed. A SPICE simulation of the CMOS inverter is presented to corroborate the results of the analytical analyses. The chapter concludes with a discussion of a parasitic operational state of the CMOS inverter called latch -up and input protection circuitry included on -chip at the input pins of CMOS 1Cs. The equations gove rning th e operation of Pchannel MOSFETs (PMOS) will be required in this chapter are now listed. Regio11s of Operation The positive direction of 11> is out of the drain for PMOS and VT.I' is negative for enhance ment-only PMOS. Also, since all terminal voltages arc reversed for PMOS, the subscripts on th e voltages are reversed in the PMOS operc1tion equations (this also necessitates replacing V1 _1, with - Vu,) • Cutoff= VsG,I' :S -vii' 10 .l'(OFF) • =0 Linear= Vsc. 1, 2 -V 11 , and VsD.I' :S Vsc. 1' + V11· • Saturation = Vsc, 1, Vsc.1· + 2 -V 11 , and VsD. I' 2 V1r or Transconductance 23.1 OPERATION OF COMPLEMENTARY MOS (CMOS) INVERTER Figure 23.1 a shows a MOS inverter configuration with a N-channel MOSFET (NMOS) as the output • Device transconductance parameter = • Process transconductance parameter = • Hole 1110/Jilih; m 2 /V · s 336 =µ, 1, = 230 cm"/V · s = 0.023 23.1 Gate Capacitance per Unit Area • Pennittivity of SiO2 cm= 3.45 X 10m 17 = = = 3.45 X 10- 13 Fl FIJ.Lm = 3.45 X 10- 11 Fl =t 0 337 Output High State = VoH Eox • Thickness of gate oxide Operation of Complementary MOS (CMOS) Inverter x Threshold Voltage In determining the voltage transfer characteristic for the CMOS inverter, first consider an input of V 1N = 0. For the NMOS transistor, Vcs,N = V1N = 0 < VT,N and N 0 is in cutoff with ID,N(OFF) = 0. The PMOS has Vsc,r = VDD V1N = VDD > -VT,P (since Vsc,r is large) and VsD,P < V 00 + VT.P and thus P 0 is in the (active) linear mode of operation. However, ID,r = ID,N so the drain current of P 0 is also 0. Equating ID,r(LIN) = 0 yields • Enhancement-only= Vrn,r < 0 • Enhancement-depletion = Vrn,r > 0 • Body bias effect = Vrl' = Vrn,l' - Yr(YVas,r + 2l4ir11I - ~ ) • Zero body-bias threshold voltage Body-Effect Coefficient = VTo.P = Vour = Voo = Vo11 \/~2-q_N_o_E_s; Yr= Output Low State • Elementary charge = q = 1.60 X 10- 19 C • Donor dopant concentration = N 0 [llcm 3] • Pennittivity of Silicon = Es, = 1.04 X 10- 12 Flem Channel-Length Modulation Parameter with the solution VsD,r = 0. However, since VsD,r = V DD - VouT, the output voltage is therefore = Ar [V- 1 ] = VoL For V 1N = VoH = VDD, N 0 is operating in the linear mode and P 0 is cutoff. VDs,N is obtained by solving ID,N(LlN) = ID,r(OFF) = 0 as follows: I o,N = kN [(Vcs,N - VT,N) Vos,N s,N] Vi'i 2 = kN [ Woo - Vr,N)Vos,N - -Vi'isN] -· = 0 2 with the solution VDs,N = VDD is = 0. Thus, the output for V1N VoL = Vos,N = 0 transistor and a P-channel MOSFET (PMOS) as the load device. The gates of both N 0 and P 0 are connected to the input, giving V1N = V cs,N = V DD Vsc,r• The drains of both MOSFETs are also connected, the output being taken at this common drain terminal. Thus, VouT = VDs,N = VDD - VsD,P· This NMOS-PMOS configuration is named Complementary MOS, or CMOS. The VTC for the CMOS inverter is shown in Figure and will be described in detail. Note that either MOSFET can be considered the load for the other. Considering N 0 as the load of the "PMOS inverter" configuration is just as proper as considering P O as the load on the NMOS inverting transistor. Hence, the operations of N 0 and P 0 "complement" each other. Unlike the NMOS inverter configurations, the output of the CMOS inverter does reduce all the way to 0 V. Since the output can range from O up to V DD, the output is said to be "rail to rail." Transition Region For intermediate voltage inputs, the operation is as follows. When the input reaches V 1N = Vr,N, N 0 turns on and operates in saturation, since V DS,N ?: Vcs,N - VT,N· Meanwhile, P 0 is operating in the linear region, since VsD,P ::; Vsc,r + VT,P· As V 1N increases above VT,N the output voltage begins to reduce. When VDs,N drops below Vcs,N - VT,N, No enters the linear region of operation. When the output drops to -VT,P below the input (i.e. Vso,r?: Vsc,P 338 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter VOUT (V) •I V :Jw,p l 4 I OH= VDD-I-:----- ~ 1 o =loN =loo VOUT I I 1~~N 0 (a) (b) FIGURE 23.1 CMOS Inverter: (a) Circuit with complementary NMOS and PMOS output MOSFETs, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic + VT,P and VT,P is negative), P 0 operates in the saturation mode. The states of N 0 and P O for the critical voltages are tabulated in Table 23.1. Note that for V1N = VouT = VM, both MOSFETs are in the saturation region of operation. P O is cutoff. Since IDD = Io,N = -10 ,P, the current supplied by VDo for both output states is zero or Ioo(OH) = Io,,v(OFF) = 0 and Ioo(OL) = - 10 ,p(OFF) = 0 23.2 POWER DISSIPATION OF CMOS Static Power Dissipation = P00 (avg) = 0 Hence, there is no static power dissipation for the CMOS inverter or P00 (avg) The previous section showed that in the output high state, N 0 is cutoff. Similarly, in the output low state, Ioo(OH) + Ioo(OL) = - - - - - - - - Voo 2 (0) + (0) = ---- 2 Voo = 0 Actual leakage currents exist in the steady state, but are in the range of attoamps (10- 18 A), or less, and can be ignored for all practical purposes. TABLE 23.1 States of Transistors for CMOS Inverter Critical Point NMOSNo PMOS P0 Dynamic Power Dissipation= P00 (dyn) VoH Cutoff Saturation Saturation Linear Linear Linear Linear Saturation Saturation Cutoff Table 23.1 shows that both MOSFETs are active in the intermediate range between V1L < V1N < ViH• Hence, power is dissipated during the switching between the two output states of the CMOS inverter. Figure 23.2a shows the 10 versus V1N curve for the VIL VM v!I, VoL 23.3 Graphical Determination of CMOS Inverter VTC p DD " IDD 339 V DD CW) IDo(max)- --------------------- -----"-------+---------"---~-► VIN(V) (b) (a) FIGURE 23.2 (a) CMOS drain current, (b) CMOS static power dissipation CMOS inverter. Figure 23.2b shows the PoD = I00V0 0 versus VIN curve. The power dissipated in a CMOS inverter is therefore equal to the dynamic power dissipated, and has the same form as the dynamic power dissipated in NMOS inverters, given by P 00 (CMOS) = Poo(dyn) = CLvV:bo where CL is the load capacitance and v is the frequency of switching. The extremely low power dissipation of CMOS has made possible applications that could almost never exist using any of the NMOS families discussed in the previous chapters. 23.3 GRAPHICAL DETERMINATION OF CMOS INVERTER VTC For the CMOS inverter, the drain current of N 0 must equal the drain current of P0 under all static operating conditions. Graphical solution of the CMOS inverter VTC is therefore possible but complicated by the fact that these MOSFETs change operating state as V1N and correspondingly VouT change. Hence, the current-voltage expressions for N 0 and P 0 in the saturation and linear regions must be used. Rewriting the expressions for the N-channel MOSFET substituting Vcs,N = VIN and Y0s,N = Vom, we have _ kN IoN(SAT) - ' Example 23.1 Power Dissipation of CMOS Inverter Determine the power dissipated in a CMOS inverter with V00 = 5 V operating at 25 MHz and a load capacitance of CL = 0.05 pF. Solution By direct substitution P 00 (CMOS) = P00 (dyn) = (0.05p)(25M)(5) 2 = 31.25 flw 2 (VIN - VTN) 2 for YouT:? V1N - VTN and for VouT s V1N - VTN· Rewriting the current-voltage expressions for the P-channel MOSFET substituting Vscy = Voo - V1N and Vso,r = Voo - Vour yields 340 Chapter 23/CM0S Inverter VOUT (V) r--, t iv.a,.= 5 v (VIN= ov) V -5 P(LIN) DD- !N(OFF) ! 4_l_ I I I 31- r•oc4 1 ' vM+ \ ' \ =2V) , Jii-----""---c:-'--~----vm=3V ~~.-,,,il:.w;....,,;.;....,;,,-A-.,,.....~---::VIN = 2.5 V IH::--...-~......."l""!"'C~......~-~iiF--VIN=2V ,=....--1-~......,;;;...;.~£q1-.:..;.-'-I----Jl~-~1v 2 3 4 5 0 2-1 I I I 1+ I P(OFF) 0 -'----+---+---+-----+-"""'"'--.N_(L.;.._IN)~0 1 2 VM 3 4 5' VIN(V) VoUT = Vos.N = VDD - VsD.P (V) CMOS Voltage Transfer Characteristic Determined from Graphical Solution of Figure 23.3. FIGURE 23.3 10 versus Vos Current-voltage Characteristics for N0 and PO with VTN = IVwl and kN = k1, FIGURE 23.4 for V0 o - VouT ration and VIN = 2.5 V ( = V00 /2). Note that the graphically determined output low voltage VOL is zero and the graphically determined output high voltage VOH = V0 0 . Hence, the graphical solution gives exact values for these voltages. 2: V00 - VIN+ VTP and lo,p(LIN) = k1{ Woo - VIN+ Vrp)Woo - VouT) _ Woo - VouT)2] 2 for Voo - VouT < Voo - V1N + Vw, Figure 23.3 displays the Io,N versus Vos.N (= VouT) family of curves for N 0 as well as the Io,P versus V 00 - Vso,P (= V0 UT) family of curves for P 0 obtained from the l 0 versus V0 s equations. The parameter in each case is VIN· The horizontal portion of the curves for each of the two MOSFETs is the saturation region. The steeper sloped portions of the current-voltage characteristics represent the linear regions of operation. To graphically determine the VTC, ordered pairs of (Vcs,N, V0 s,N) or (VIN, VoUT) are read from the intersection of the Io,N and Io,P curves with the same value of VIN· These points are in turn mapped onto the VOUT versus VIN coordinate axes as in Figure 23.4. The voltage transfer characteristic is the resulting curve through these plotted points. Note that for VIN = 2.5 V, the intersection of the two current-voltage curves is a line from VouT = 1.5 V to 3.5 V. This is the region in which both MOSFETs are in satu- 23.4 CALCULATION OF VTC CRITICAL POINTS FOR CMOS INVERTER Output High Voltage = VoH The output high voltage was found in section 23.1 and 23.2 to be the supply voltage and thus VoH = Voo Output Low Voltage = VoL The output low voltage was found in section 23.1 and 23.2 to be zero or at ground and thus VOL= GND = 0 Input Low Voltage =V 1L At the input low voltage, the NMOS operates in the saturation mode and the PMOS operates in the !in- 23.4 ear mode. Substituting Vcs.N = Vru Vsc.1' = VuD V11 _, and VSD.I' = V DD - V0UT into the saturated N-channel and linear P-channel drain currents gives Io,N(SAT) = kN 2 InN(SAT) k; Wn - VTN)2 _ V ) _ (Vno - VoUT)2] OUT 7 2 which is quadratic. The linear and quadratic equations must be solved simultaneously to obtain VrL and the corresponding output voltage. ? 2 and V~oy] 10 .r(LIN) = kr [ Wsc,P + VTr)Vso,r - - 2 - = kr[ Woo - VIL + Vrr)Woo - VouT) _ Woo - VouT)2] 2 With ID,N = ID,N(VrN) and IDY = ID,r(VrN, VouT), equating the differentials of the NMOS and PMOS drain currents yields Input High Voltage = Vm Solution of the input high voltage is similar to that for the input low voltage. Here, the NMOS is operating in the linear mode and the PMOS operates in the saturation mode. Substituting Vcs,N = V1H, VDs,N = VouT, and V sc.r = VDD - V1H into the linear N-channel and saturated P-channel drain current expressions gives Io,N(LIN) = dlo,rWu_, VouT) dlo,N V - aID,l' dV aloy d IL + VOUT d IL d Vu av/I aVouT Solving for dV 0 vrldVrN this to -1 yields = dV 0 UT/dV1L and equating dlo,N aloy ----- dVouT dV1L = lny(LIN) = kr[ (VDD - VIL + Vn,)(Voo Wcs,N - VTN)- = kN (VIL - VTN)- dlo,N(Vll) 341 Calculation of VTC Critical Points for CMOS Inverter = kN [ (Vcs,N - VTN)Vos,N - -Vi:JsN] -' 2 VzxIT] - ) = kN [ (VJH VTN VouT - - 2 and In,r(SAT) = -1 kr 2 Wsc,P + Vn,) 2 alo.r aVouT With ID,N = ID,N(VIN, V0 u1 ) and ID,P = I0 ,l'(V1N), equating drain current differentials yields Rearranging yields dlo,N - alo,l' dViL av/L Substituting for the derivatives gives kN(ViL - VfN) + kp(Voo - VouT) = -kp[-(Voo - Vn +VT!')+ (Voo - VoUT)] Solving for dVouT/dV1N = dVoUT/dVrH gives Solving for VrL yields the linear expression kN + V-rl' + kp VTN V1L = - - - - - - - - - - ' - 2VouT - Voo 1 + kN kr The second equation relating V1L and VouT(IL) is obtained by equating drain currents of the NMOS and PMOS as follows: dlo,P - aID,N dVouT dVIH = dVi11 av/11 alo,N aVouT Rearranging yields dlo,P - alo,N Vu-1 aVn, = alo,N aVouT -1 342 Chapter 23/0vlOS Inverter Substituting for the derivatives yields Example 23.2 -kl'(VDo - V111 + V-,-p) - k,vVmrr = - k,v[(V,11 - VTN) - Vuurl Solving for V 111 gives a linear relation as follows: k,v V00 + Vrr + - (V-r,v + 2VOLrr) kl' Vi11 = - - - - - - - - - - - k,v 1 + -kl' The second equation relating V1H and Vou-r(IH) is obtained by equating drain currents of the NMOS and PMOS as follows: CMOS Inverter Calculate the noise margins and midpoint voltage for a CMOS inverter. Use Vrm = 5 V, k~ = 40 µ,AN 2, Wr:--;IL:-:. = 4µ,rn/2µ,m, VTN = 1 V, k1 , = 16 µ,AN 2, Wp/LI' = 8µ,m/2µ,m, and V11 , = - 1 V. Solution (Transconductance Parameters) The transconductance parameters for both transistors must first be calculated yielding k,v = k~( ~ t = (40µ,)G:) = 80 µ, :2 and 8 2µ, kl' = k~(W) = (16µ,)( µ,) = 64 µ, A, L r V- = 1.25. This gives a ratio of k1,Jkp Solution (Output High and Low Voltages) V 0 11 and V 0 1. are found by a simple substitution with V011 = which is a quadratic relation. The linear and qua dratic equations 1T1ust be solved simultaneously to obtain V 11-1 and the corresponding output voltage . Midpoint Voltage= VM At the midpoint voltage where V1N = VouT = V.1,,1, both the NMOS and the PMOS operate in saturation. Substituting Vcs. r--: = V:vi and Vsc;. 1, = VuD VM gives the drain currents 5 V and VOL= 0 Solution (Input Low Voltage) V 1L is found by si multaneously solving the linear and quadratic expressions. Substitution into the linear expression yields (80µ,) (1) 64µ,) + (-1) + -(- 2VourUL) - (5) l + (80µ,) (64µ,) = 0.89VourUL) - ....2...3-7-& 2,f: · ' and solving for V0 u1 (IL) gives and V0 w(IL) = 1.125V,L + 2.375 Substitution into the quadratic expression resulting from equating drain currents yields (80µ,) 7 - - [V11 _- (l)J2 Equating drain currents and solving for v~.1 yields = (64µ,) { [(5) - v,L + (-l)l [(5) - (1.125V11. + 2.375)] _ [(5) - (1.125;,1. + 2.375)]2} Reducing and collecting like terms gives (8.5µ,)V7,. + (-212.9µ,)V,L + (-46 7.8µ,) = 0 23.5 Solving this reduced quadratic yields VrL = 2.03 or -27.1 V and thus V1L = 2.03 V. Solution (Input High Voltage) V1H is found by first substituting into the linear relation to obtain (5) + (-1) + ((SOµ,)) [1 + 2VourUH)] 64µ, V/11 = -------'----'--'--------(1) + (80µ,) (64µ,) = 1.11 VomUH) + 2.33 The Symmetric CMOS Inverter 343 symmetric VTC is to obtain a symmetric transient response, as will be seen in section 23. 7. Since the nearly vertical portion of the VTC occurs at V1N = VM, it is desired to have VM = V1m/2 for a symmetric VTC. Examining the expression for VM derived in the previous section, it is seen that VM = V00 /2 if ki--.: = kp and VTN = -Vw. The input low and input high voltages V1L and V1H are then also symmetric about VM. This results in equal noise margins and the low and high logic levels will have the same susceptibility to noise. Design of Symmetric CMOS Inverter Solving for VmdIH) yields VourUH) = 0.9V111 - 2.1 Next, substituting into the quadratic expression for Va-i obtained from equating drain currents gives (SOµ,){ lVH-i - (l)](0.9Vu 1 - 2.1) The complementary MOSFETs are designed in the following manner in order to obtain the symmetric CMOS inverter. First, the threshold voltages are made equal in magnitude by using ion implantation. Usually, both channels require a threshold adjust implant. Second, the requirements for kN = kp must be considered. Equating the device transconductance parameters, we have 1 - 2.1)2} _ (64µ,) [( ) (0.9Vu - -- - - - - 5 - V + ( -1 )] 2 2 2 m Collecting like terms yields (7.6µ,)VTu + (167.2µ,Wur + (-520µ,) = o and solving the reduced quadratic, we have Vu 1 = 2.76 or -24.8 V Hence, V111 The process transconductance parameter for each N- and P-channel MOSFET is k~ = µ,NCox and k~ = µ,pC 0 X/ respectively. Substituting these expressions gives = 2. 76 V. Solution (Input Noise Margins) The noise margins are then calculated as NM11 NML = = Vo 11 - Vu 1 = (5) - (2. 76) = 2.24 V VIL - VoL = (2.03) - (0) = 2.03 V The midpoint voltage is found by direct substitution (5) + (-1) + (1) (SOµ,) 64 VM = - - - - - = = ~ (_ _µ,) = 2.42 V (SOµ,) 1+ (64µ,) 23.5 THE SYMMETRIC CMOS INVERTER A valuable aspect of CMOS is that a symmetric VTC is easily obtainable. One reason for designing with a Usually, the gate oxide layers of the NMOS and PMOS devices are grown simultaneously and hence have the same thickness t x. Since the gate capacitance per unit area is C x = E xft x, simultaneous growth of the oxide layers results in the same Cox· Thus, the above equation reduces to 0 0 0 0 Typically, for the surface of silicon the electron and hole mobilities are approximately fl-N(Si) = 580 cm/V · s and µ,p(Si) = 230 cm/V · s. Substituting these values yields (580) WLN = (230) Wp N Lp 344 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter <1nd reduces approximately to Wr Lr r .· (80µ,) 2VuurCZL) - (::i) + (-1) + -(-) (1) 80µ, = 2 _5 WN l + (80µ.,) (80µ.,) LN Hence, in order for kN = kp, Wp/Lr and W N/LN for the complementary MOSFETs must be related by the charge carrier mobility ratio of approximately 2.5. = VourUL) - 2.5 and solving for Vour(IL) gives VourUL) Example 23.3 Symmetric CMOS Inverter (a) Design a syrnrnelric CMOS iuverter using the values of VoD, VTN, Vm kr'.J, and k(, used in Example 23.l For the NMOS device, use a channel width of W N = 4 µ.,m and channel lengths of LN = Lr = 2 µ.,m for both transistors. Verify that the midpoint voltage is half of VDD and V1L and V1H are symmetric about VM. (b) Also, verify that the gate oxide capacitances for the NMOS and PMOS devices of Example 23.1 are equal. Solution (a) For symmetry, the P-channel MOSFET should have a channel width of WN (4µ.,) Wr = 2.5 Lr = 2.5 - ) (2µ.,) = 10 µ,111 LN Substitution into the quadratic expression resulting from equating drain currents yields 8 ( ~µ,) [VIL - (1))2 = (80µ.,){ [(5) - Vu.+ (-1))[(5) - CV1L + 2.5)] - [(5) - (V; )F} + 2·5 Reducing and collecting like terms gives ov~_ + (240µ.,)Vi1 - (510µ.,) = o Solving this reduced quadratic yields V11 = 2.125 V + (-1) + _((8_0µ.,_)) [1 + 2VourUH)] Vi11 = - - - - - - -80µ, -'------(1) + (80µ.,) (5) _ ,(W) L _ A N - (40µ.,) (4µ.,) 2µ., _- 80 µ., V" (64µ.,) and = VourUH) + 2.5 Solving for Vuur(IH) yields Note the device transconductance parameters are equal. Solution (Midpoint Voltage) The midpoint voltage for this inverter is VM 2.5 Solution (Input High Voltage) V111 is found by first substituting into the linear relation 2µ, The device transconductance parameters are kN - kN = ViL + = (5) + (-1) + (1) ------==~(_8_0µ.,_) ~o~ 1+ (80µ.,) V otrrUH) 2.5 V 2.5 - (l)lCVi11 - 2.5) - CV111 - 2.5)2} 2 = (80µ.,) [(5) - = Voo 2 2 Solution (Input Low Voltage) V1L is found by simultaneously solving the linear and quadratic expressions. Substitution into the linear exprssion yields V111 - Next, substituting into the quadratic expression for V,H obtained from equating drain currents gives (80µ.,) { W111 = = V111 + (-1)] 2 Collecting like terms yields OVf11 + (240µ.,)Vi 11 + (-690µ.,) Solving the reduced quadratic yields V111 = 2.875 V = 0 23.6 (16µ,-VA) Yoo 0 ! s : 71 I v.,, 2µm I+ C,x(PMOS) 0 = IoN = loo l'V= -IC I D lop 4µm N0 FIGURE 23.5 Symmetric CMOS Inverter with Wp/Lp = 2.5 W c-J/Lr--: cm 230V·S ) aF = 696 - , µ,nr 23.6 THE MINIMUM SIZE CMOS INVERTER Solution (Symmetry Achieved) The input low and high voltage differences from the midpoint voltage are = 0.375 V and = f-.lp = ( As mentioned at the beginning of this section, section 23.8 shows that designing the CMOS inverter for a symmetric VTC results in a symmetric dynamic response also. l (2.5) - (2.125) = - The capacitances of the N- and P-channel MOSFETs are in fact within a few percent of each other. ~ 2µm V111 - V,v1 2 kf, I f--j_ 1_(}J.l.m p 345 The Minimum Size CMOS Inverter (2.875) - (2.5) = 0.375 V With the midpoint voltage at VDl)2 and the input low and high voltage equidistant from VM, the symn,etry of this CMOS inverter, sketched in Figure 23.5 is verified. This is no surprise, since the device transconductance parameters are equal (k1'! = kp = 80 µ,A/V 2) and the threshold voltages are equal in magnitude (V1 N = IVwl = 1 V). Solution (b) In the derivation of design restrictions for a symmetric CMOS inverter VTC, it was assumed that the gate oxide capacitances of the MMOS and PMOS device were equal. This can be proven for the process transconductance parameters easily: In the previous section, design restraints on the CMOS inverter that provide a symmetric voltage transfer characteristic and transient response are presented. For CMOS inverters that do not have large fan-outs and do not need to switch quickly, minimum dimensions for the width and length of both devices yield adequate performance. For such a situation, the widths and lengths of the two devices are taken as equal (Wp = Wr,.: and Lp = LN), The following example indicates such a design. Example 23.4 Minimum Size CMOS Inverter Determine the noise margins for a CMOS inverter with transistor channel width/length ratios of W N/LN = Wp/Lp = 4µ,m/2µ,m. Use the parameters kt'.; = 40 µ,A/V 2 and k~ = 16 µ,A/V 2 and threshold voltage VrN = 1 V and VTF = -1 V used in the previous examples. Solution (Device Transconductance Parameters) The device transconductances parameters are first obtained as ( 40µ, ~) = C,(NMOS) ( and Cl/1 ) 580V· s 696 kN = kN1 (W) = (40µ,) (4µ,) = 80 µ,----::; A L N 2µ, v- !1.£_ 7 µ,nr and (16µ,) ( -4µ,) 2µ, A = 32 µ,-:, v- 346 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter Note the device transconductance parameters are related by a factor of 2.5, the approximate ratio of electron/hole mobilities µ, 1) f.lp in the silicon surface. Solution (Output High and Low Voltages) The output high and low voltages are simply and v/\'ML = VIL - Vo1. = (1.70) - (0) = 1.70 V These noise margins are acceptable for CMOS applications not requiring symmetry in DC or transient response. Vou = 5 V and 23.7 CMOS INVERTER CAPACITANCES Solution (Input LoiA11T and Hig.,_'1 lloltagcs) The input low and high voltages are found by the methods of section 23.4 to be ViL = l.70 V and Vi11 = 2.43 V Solution (Noise Margins) The noise margins are therefore VNMH = V0 u - V1u = (5) - (2.43) = 2.57 V w, As mentioned in section 16. 7 and shown in Figure 16.8, MOSFETs have parasitic capacitances between each pair of terminals. Hence, at the input of a CMOS inverter the capacitances for both MOSFETs must be charged and discharged during switching of the input logic state. CMOS Inverter Input Capacitances The input capacitances for a CMOS inverter are shown in Figure 23.6a. The gate-to-drain, gate-to- p i:::;o v™ c;,, = (CGD,N + CGS,N + COB,N) + (COD.P + CGS,P + COB.P) = CoN + Co, "' (WN¼ + W,L,.)Cox (a) FIGURE 23.6 CMOS Inverter Capacitances: (a) Input capacitances seen looking into CMOS inverter input, (b) (b) Output capacitances seen looking into CMOS inverter output 23. 7 source, and gate-to-body capacitances of both the NMOS and PMOS transistors must all be charged or discharged through the input node of a CMOS inverter during the switching of the input logic state. As discussed in section 16. 7, these capacitances overlap and can be estimated as the channel area multiplied by the gate oxide capacitance per unit area c;". Thus, for the N-channel MOSFET, and for the P-channel MOSFET. As mentioned previously, the gate oxide capacitance per unit area c;" of the NMOS and PMOS devices should be the same, since the gate oxides of both transistors are fabricated at the same time. Hence, the effective input capacitance of a CMOS inverter can be estimated as the sum of gate capacitances of the NMOS and PMOS transistors as follows: CIN = Cc,N + Cc_;y = (WNLN + WpLp)C:,, CMOS Inverter Output Capacitances The capacitances at the output of a CMOS inverter are shown in Figure 23.6b. These are the drain-tobody and gate-to-drain capacitances of both MOSFETs. The gate-to-drain capacitances were shown as contributing to the input capacitances in Figure 23.6a. These capacitances are charged and discharged through both the input and output nodes of the inverter. The drain-to-body capacitance, however, is charged solely through the output terminal. CMOS inverters. The inverter output capacitances are indicated on the driving inverter and the input capacitances are indicated on the load inverter. In addition, a line capacitance associated with the n,etal used to connect the output of the driving inverter to the input of the load inverter is included. Gate Capacitances of Load Inverter Are Dominant The input gate capacitances of the load inverter are generally dominant over the output driving gate capacitances and the line capacitance of the connecting node as indicated in Figure 23.76, where all other capacitances are treated as open circuits. Analyses of the dynamic response and fan-out of the CMOS inverter presented in the following sections will use this estimation of load capacitance. Example 23.5 CMOS Inverter Input Capacitance (a) Determine the input capacitance of the CMOS inverter of Figure 23.5 (used in Example 23.3). (b) Determine the input capacitance for a CMOS inverter with W;,-.i/LN = 100 µ.m/2µ.m and Wp/Lp = 250µ.m/2µ.m. Assume a gate oxide thickness of 500 C' • = No Source-to-Body Capacitance Common Node Capacitance of Cascaded CMOS Inverters Figure 23. 7a displays all the capacitances associated with the common node between two cascaded A. Solution (Gate Oxide Capacitance per Unit Area) The gate oxide capacitance per unit area for an oxide thickness of 500 A is ( 3.45 It should be noted that the source-to-body capacitance of neither MOSFET has been mentioned in the previous sub-sections. This is because the source and body of both devices are connected to a common node (ground or V00 ) and these parasitic capacitances are shorted out. Thus, the charge stored in CsR,N and CsB,I' is zero. 34 7 CMOS Inverter Capacitances "·' Eox (n = X 10- 11 £) m = - - - - -10- - = 690 (500 X 10- 111) F !!._ 111 2 aF 690~., µ.nr where 1 aF (attofarrad) is 10-rn F. Solution (a) Estimating the inverter input capacitance as the sum of the MOSFET gate capacitances gives C1N = [(4µ.)(2µ.) + (10µ.)(2µ.)](690a/µ. 2) = 19.3 JF Solution (b) Again, estimating the inverter input capacitance as the sum of the MOSFET gate capacitances gives 348 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter c,~1 = = [(100µ,)(2µ,) 483 + (250µ,)(2µ,)](690a/µ, 2) The magnitude of input capacitances obtained in the previous example should be noted prior to reading the following sections. These magnitudes of input capacitances of CMOS inverters are on the order of tens to hundreds of femtofarads. Indeed, an input fF This is approximately 0.5 pF. V'oo Your= V'IN load inverter driving inverter (a) V'oo W',L'1C~ w NL NCOX , I J I W' I Y I ~N' 'l·· I - -:- LN P'o 0 (b) FIGURE 23. 7 Capacitances at Connection of Cascaded CMOS Inverters: (a) Output capacitances of driving inverter, input capacitances of load inverter, and capacitances of connecting line, (b) Dominant load capacitances are gate capacitances of load inverter's NMOS and PMOS devices :23.8 capacitance of 1 pF would only occur for a very large inverter. Also, some modern CMOS technologies allow for oxide thicknesses of less than 200 A. CMOS inverters with gate oxides this small would have larger input capacitances. T Abridged Integral Table The following integral will be used in the analysis of the CMOS inverter transient response: f Capacitor Current-Voltage Characteristic The CMOS inverter dynamic or transient response presented in the following section requires knowledge of the current-voltage characteristic of capacitors indicated in Figure 23.8. Recall that the current-voltage characteristic of a capacitor is dVc dt I-= C - 349 Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks c CMOS Inverter Dvnarnic Response T ax : bx 2 ~ In C: bx) Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Difference Property of Logarithms The following difference property of logarithms will be used in the analysis of the CMOS inverter transient response: In a - In b = In a b If the voltage Vc across the capacitor as labeled is increasing, then dV c/dt is positive and the capacitor current le as labeled is positive, with V c increasing ~ dVc dt > 0 ⇒ le > 0 Similarly, if the voltage Ve across the capacitor as labeled is decreasing, then dV cldt is negative and the capacitor current le as labeled is negative. Thus, dVc Ve decreasing~ < 0 dt ⇒ le< 0 23.8 CMOS INVERTER DYNAMIC RESPONSE The analysis of the CMOS inverter dynamic or transient response is similar to that presented for the NMOS logic family inverters of the previous chapters. Each load inverter contributes to the load capacitance of the driving inverter as shown in Figure 23.9a. The dynamic response is considered by analyzing the CMOS inverter with total load capacitance Cu shown in Figure 23.9b. The dynamic response of the CMOS inverter including the states of each MOSFET for step changes in input will be studied and expressions for time periods required for general changes in output voltage are derived. Output High-to-Low Transition Ye increasing ➔ ~> 0 ⇒ le> 0 Vc decreasing ➔ ~ < 0 ⇒ le < 0 FIGURE 23.8 (reversed) Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor The transient characteristics of interest during the output high-to-low transition are the fall time tr and high-to-low propagation time tPHL· Figure 23.10a shows a step-up input voltage stimulus and the resulting CMOS inverter output response with tr and tPHL labeled. Prior to the input voltage swing (V1N 350 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter V'oo t.l I I w, 4 p o I Your= V'm ;---0V'OUf! V'oo w·,Lr, I: C'ap ..l 1 w· Y,P'02 } I V'mm driving inverter f ~ ~ 1 1 W NL NCox all load inverters contribute to the capacitive load on the driving inverter C'tjN , ~N' RLN I 1 -:- V'oo 02 W'.L'P~OX Iy tjw, I C'ap }p ---. P'o, V'our, C'j ON f 9 I W'NL'NCOX W' ~N'0 , N -:;:load inverters (a) FIGURE 23.9 CMOS Inverter Driving Loads with Capacitances Extracted: (a) Each load inverter contributes a capacitance to the output of the driving inverter with low), the inverter is in the output high state with N 0 cutoff and P 0 operating in the linear mode of operation. After switching of the input, Yscy = 0 cutting off P0 and Ycs,N = VDD forcing N 0 into active operation. Figure 23.106 displays this situation with a load capacitance discharging through an active N-channel MOSFET (P 0 cutoff). KCL at the inverter output node results in total load capacitance equal to the sum of the capacitances l 0 ,,v(active) = [0 .l'(off) le= -C dVoUT L dt Solving for the time differential considering the NMOS drain current a function of the output voltage yields 23.8 351 CMOS Inverter Dynamic Response ,md write KCL at output node Substituting these NMOS drain current expressions into the above integrands gives M M(SAT) + M(LIN) output load modelled as a capacitance (b) FIGURE 23.9 (continued) capacitance The first of the integral terms is easily integrated yielding (b) Inverter driving a load The time period ~t required for a given change in output voltage during the output high-to-low transition is obtained by integrating both sides of this expression to obtain ~t = t2 - M(SAT) = r,w,,llr~V,) dt t1 J11Wrnrr~V1) = -CL !i v, dVouT Substituting the limits of integration gives v, lo.N(VouT) Note from Figure 23.10a, that the NMOS device changes from the saturation to linear mode of operation during the high-to-low transition at VouT = vl)l) VTN, while VIN= v l ) l ) during this entire transition. The above integral must be solved for each region of operation separately and thus the integral is written as v,,,,-v,N dV ~t = -C1 OUT V1 10 .N(SAT) v. dVour C1. -vn,,-v,N lo,N(LIN) li !i The NMOS drain currents for the two active modes of operation, substituting Vcs,N = V1N = Vc)H = V 00 and VDs,N = VoL'T are ILJ,N(SA T) = kN 2 (VCS,N - )? VIN - = kN 2 (VDD ? - VTN)- M(SAT) = -2CL(VOLJ - VTN ~ V1) kN(Vrm - VTN)- The second integral term is obtained by utilizing the indefinite integral given in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section as follows: viurl VTN)VouT - dVouT 2 - 352 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter V,,,(V) • VoL=O --~----I,, t(ns) Your(V) ./NMOS enters saturation mode VoH= Yoo i---------NMOS cutoff • PMOS li/ PMOS cutsoff .-90%VOH · ~ NMOS enters linear mode · ========--=--=--~---,---~=-----~____. 1-r:;=i---_-_-_-_-_-_--:__---=-------;-t, t(ns) ~t-~ (a) load capacitance discharging ID.N = -C d~ttrr (b) FIGURE 23.10 CMOS Inverter Output High-to-low Transition: (a) Step-up input and output response curves, (b) Load capacitance discharges through active NMOS transistor 23.8 Substituting the limits of integration yields = · ~ M(LIN) CMOS Inverter Dvnamic Response 353 2CL(VTN + 0.9Von - Voo) 2 kN(Voo - Vm) C1. + ln(2V00 - kNCVoo-VrN 2VrN 0.1VmJ) 0.1Voo 2CL(VTN - 0.1VoD) - In( kNCVoo - Vrn)2 + kNCVoo Using the difference property of logarithms gives M(LIN) = ) -CL ln( V2 kN(Vno - VTN) 2Voo - 2VTN - V2 Sun1ming these terms gives an expression for the time period required for a voltage change during the output high-to-low transition as follows: M = M(SA T) + M(LIN) -2CLCVoo - VrN - V1) kNCVno - VTN)2 + -CL kNCVoo - VTN In( V2 ) 2Vno - 2Vm - V2 Rewriting to eliminate the negative sign in each term Note that M in this expression is directly proportional to the load capacitance CL and inversely proportional to the NMOS device transconductance parameter kl':- Since kN = kr'.i(WN/L:--i), high-to-low transition times of CMOS inverters are inversely proportional to the NMOS channel width/length ratio. VTN) n 0.1 Von Note that this expression is directly proportional to the load capacitance and inversely proportional to W:--i/L:--i for the NMOS transistor. By substitution and factoring, we have CL tr= WNILN [2(VTN - 0.1 VDD) k~CVoo - Vmf 1 l (1.9VoD - 2Vm)] 0.1Vim + k~CVoo - VTN) n Output Propagation High-to-Low Delay Time= tPHL The output propagation high-to-low delay time tp 1IL is defined as the time difference between the input at 50% of V1:--i.MAx to the output at 50% of Vrn-1- Since a step input (instantaneous low-to-high switching of the input) is used for this analysis, tPHI is the time after switching that the output takes to drop from Vm.1 to 50% of VoH· Substituting V 1 = VoH = V00 and V2 = 0.5V 0 r1 = 0.5V 0 lJ into the output high-tolow transition period expression M yields tPHL Output Fall Time I (1.9Voo - 2Vrn) CL Voo = 2CL(VIN + Voo - DD) kNCVoo - Vm)2 CL +----kN(VI)[) - v,N) ln(2VDo - 2Vm - 0.5VDD) 0.5V1m = t1 The output fall time tr is defined as the time difference needed for the output to fall from 90% to 10% of the output high voltage. Thus, substituting V1 = 0.9V 0 H = 0.9V 00 and V 2 = 0.1VoH = 0.1V1)D into the output high-to-low transition period expression yields As with tr, this expression is directly proportional to the load capacitance and inversely proportional to WN/LN. 354 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter Output Low-to-High Transition Analysis of the output low-to-high transition is similar to that of the output high-to-low transition. The transient characteristics of concern for the output low-to-high transition are the rise time tr and the low-to-high propagation delay tl'LH· Figure 23.11a shows a step-down input voltage stimulus and the resulting CMOS inverter output response with tr and tpu I labeled. Before the input high-to-low swing, the inverter is in the output low state with the NMOS Jevice upetali11g ill the lilledr wode of uperalion aud the PMOS device cutoff. After the switching of the input, Ycs,N = 0 cutting off the N-channel MOSFET and Ysc,P = VDo bringing the P-channel MOSFET into active operation. Figure 23.116 displays this situation with a load capacitance charging through an active P-channel MOSFET (N 0 cutoff). KCL at the output node gives 10 ,1,(active) = Io,N(off) + C1 dVouT _ d t- C dVou-r L dt SubstitutingVsc;, 1, = V1m - V 1~ = V,m - Vex= VDD and VSD.I' = VLJD - VoL:T into the active PMOS drain current expressions gives and [D,i,(LIN) = kp [ (Vsc,1' = kp[ (Voo + Vrp)Vso,P - -Vio,P] 2 + Vn,)(Voo - Vow·) _ (VDD - Vmnf] 2 Substituting these PMOS drain currents into the low to high M integrands gives M = M(SA T) + M(LIN) Solving for the time differential considering the PMOS drain current a function of the output voltage yields The time period M required for a change in output voltage during the output low-to-high transition is obtained by integrating both sides of this differential expression to obtain As with the N-channel MOSFET during the high-tolow output transition, the P-channel MOSFET changes mode of operation during the output lowto-high transition. As the output voltage changes from O to V00 , Figure 23.116 indicates that the PMOS device changes to the linear mode when VoL:T reaches -Vm while V 1~ = 0 V during this entire transition. Thus, the low-to-high output transition must also be obtained in each region of operation separately and The first term is easily integrated to obtain M(SAT) = Substituting the limits of integration gives The second term is integrated by first noting that and then utilizing the indefinite integral given in the preceding Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box. Hence, 23.8 CMOS Inverter Dynamic Response VIN(V) YOH= VDD ~-----------'---------------------~-4 t(ns) Ymrr(V) YoH =Yoo PMOS enters linear mode PMOS enters saturation mode I. PMOS~! ---------•- NMOS linear/ ~ t, ___________,...,j ------~---_... t(ns) t.ui------..J NMOS cutsoff (a) YDD load capacitance charging IDJ'= C dYour dt lk~~Yo_m__~~ ;LVIN IDJ' I♦ ,----------' : NMOS: : cutoff : I __________ I (h) FIGURE 23.11 CMOS Inverter Output Low-to-high Transition: (a) Step-down input and output response curves, (b) Load capacitance charges through PMOS transistor 355 356 Chapter 23/CMOS In verter .:,./ (U N) = C, ,; f ,·". Output Rise Time dV ''"' k,, [ (V,.,, + \/ 11 ,) (V,.,, - \I, ,,,, l - (II,.,, - \/,,,,,)' ] 2 == l,. The output rise time is defined as the time difference requ ired for the output to rise from 10% to 90% of VOii· Substituting = O.lVrn 1 = 0.1V,)IJ and = 0.9V 0 H = 0.9V 1m into th e output low - to - high time period expression gives the expression for th e rise time as follows: v~ = - c,. V,,,, - \/,,,,., In ( k,,(Vnn + V.,.,,) ,·, V, iur) \/pp - V1111 + V,.,, - 2. -2C1_(V11 , + 0.1 V00) ,·,,. k"(V[)l) + Vn,f t, = Substituting th e limits of integration yields v., + 2V11 , 1- - - -CL - - - In (Vr, -0- + 0.9Vnn) VJ)/) - 0.9V00 k"(V,)/) + V11 ,) t:.t(LIN) - 2CL(Vn, + 0.1 V/Jn) k"(VJJn + + V,rf- CL kp(VoD + Vrl') ln(l.9V0 n + 2V11 ,) 0.1 Vnn No te that t1 is d irectl y proportional to th e load ca pacitance and inve rse ly proportiona l to th e V\/ 1,/L 1, ratio of the P -c hann e l MOSFET. Output Propagation Low-to-High Delay Time == tPL 11 CL + kr (VDD+ V1•,,) ln(2) Using the difference property of logarithms gives Summing these terms gives the expression for the time period required for a vo ltage change during the output low- to-high transition as follows: t:.t = ~t(SAT) The output low - to-high propagation delay tim e is defined as the time d e lay between V 1:-,.: dropping to 50% of V,:--.:.M,'\X and VoLT reaching 50% of Vu 11 . Since a step input (instantaneous high - to-low switching of the input) is used for this analysis, the output lowto-high propagation d e la y is the time th e output takes to rise from Y0 1. to 50% of Vrn 1. Substituting v~ = VOL = 0 and V4 = 0.SVoH =,)I) into the output low -to - hi g h transi tion period expression gives the expression for t 1,u I as follows: + t:.t(LIN) -2CL(Vrp + V3) kp(Voo + V-rr)2 + -- -CL - - - I n (Voo + 2Vn, + krWoo + Vn ,) Voo - V4 V,) Note that the expression for the CMOS inverter low to-high transition delay is directly proportional to th e load capacitance and inversely proportional to th e PMOS device tran sconductance parameter kr. Since kr = k{,(Wr/Lp), ~t for low -to - high transitions is in versely proportional to the PMOS channel width/ length ratio. In ( V0 0 + 2Vn, + 0.SV,m) Voo - 0.SVnn -2CLV-rr Once again, note that tl'LH is directly proportiona l to Ci. and inversely proportional to the PMOS channel width/length ratio. 23.8 Symmetry of Dynamic Response To achieve a symmetric dynamic response, the CMOS inverter should be designed with the same rules presented for designing for a symmetric VTC presented in section 23.5. Namely, the threshold voltage magnitudes should be equal (VTN = -VTP) and the Wp/Lp ratio of the P-channel device should be 2.5 times the W:--;/LN ratio of N-channel device. The following example demonstrates this. Example 23.6 Dynamic Response of Symmetric CMOS Inverter Calculate t 1, t 1,f!L, t" and tPLH for the syn,metric CMOS inverter of Example 23.2. Use a load capacitance of CL = 0.1 pF. Example 23.7 Dynamic Response of CMOS Inverter with a Larger Supply Voltage Repeat the previous example with a supply voltage of VDD = 10 V. Solution The output fall time, high-to-low propagation delay time, rise time, and low-to-high propagation delay times are all found by direct substitution t = 2(0.lp)[(l) - 0.1(10)] (80µ,)[(10) - (1))2 t + 23.2 were VrN = 1 V and Vn, = -1 V. The device transconductance parameters were calculated to be k;-,; = kp = 80 µ,AN 2 . Substituting directly into the expressions derived in this section gives + 2(0.lp)(l) (80µ,)[(10) - (1)]2 tl'/Jl. (0.lp) (0.lp) l (1.9(5) - 2(1)) (80µ,)[(5) - (1)] n 0.1(5) + (80µ)[(10) - (1)] -2(0.lp)[(-1) + 0.1(10)] (80µ,)[(10) + (-1)]2 t = ------'-------'-------- 2(0.lp)(l) = (80µ,)[ (5) - (1)]2 r (0.lp) (0.lp) I (1.5(5) - 2(1)) + (80µ,)[(5) - (1)] n 0.5(5) (0.lp) ln[l.9(5) + 2(-1)] (80µ,)[(5) + (-1)] 0.1(5) -2(0.lp)(-1) (80µ,)[(lQ) + (-1)]2 ----~--PU/ - (0.lp) l [1.5(10) + 2(-1)] 0.5(10) + (80µ,)[(10) + (-1)] n Note that these dynamic response times arc all about -2(0.lp)(-1) (80µ,)[(5) + (-1)] 2 (0. lp) 1/3 of those calculated with VDD = 5 V. I [1.5(5) + 2(-1)] 0.5(5) + (80µ,)[(5) + (-1)] n = 403 ps t = 164 ps = 924 ps = 0.1(10) = 394 ps -2(0.lp)[(-1) + 0.1(5)] t =--~----/ (80µ,)[(5) + (-1)]2 tl'L/1 I [1.9(10) + 2(-1)1 + (80µ,)[(10) + (-1)] n = 403 ps + I (1.5(10) - 2(1)) 11 0.5(10) = 164 ps = 924 ps tl'I/L (0.lp) ln(l.9(10) - 2(1)) (80µ,)[(10) - (1)] 0.1(10) = 394 ps (80µ,)[(5) - (1))2 t 35 7 Note that t, = t, and tpm = tpui, which verifies symmetry of the dynan,ic response. Hence, the design of the CMOS inverter for a symmetric VTC also provides a syn1metric transient response. Solution The threshold voltages used in Example t = 2(0.lp)[(l) - 0.1(5)] CMOS Inverter Drnamic Response The previous example shows that one way to improve the dynamic response of a CMOS circuit is to simply increase the supply voltage. 358 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter Example 23 .8 Dynamic Response of Minimum Size CMOS Inverter Calculate tr, tp 11 L, t" and tpu I for the minimum size CMOS inverter of Example 23.4. Use a load capacitance of CL = 0.1 pF. Solution The threshold voltages used in Example 23.4 are VTN = 1 V and Vrr = -1 V. The device transconductance parameters are calculated to be kN = 80 µ,A/V 2 and kp = 32 µ,A/V 2 . Substituting directly into the expressions derived in this section gives -2(0.lp)[0.1(5) - (1)] t, = (80µ,)[(5) - (1))2 T Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Propagation Delays Are Directly Proportional to Load Capacitances The expressions for the high - to-low and lowto - high propagation delays for the CMOS inverter derived in section 23 .8 are directly proportional to the load capacitances and are repeated here for convenience. tp/lf . = 2VTN [ kN(V[)/) - VTN)2 0 2VTN)] C1+ - - -1- - - In (1.5Vo ----"'"'--------'-.:..:. kNCV00 + - (0 .lp) I ( 0.1(5) ) (80µ,)[(5) - (1)] n 1.9(5) - 2(1) tPIIL = + 0.5 Voo = [ kl'(Voo + Vn,)2 + 1 kl'CVoo -(0.lp) In( 0.5(5) ) (80µ,)[(5) - (1)] 1.5(5) - 2(1) VTN) -2V7" ti'/ .// = 924 ps 2(0.lp)(l) (80µ,)[(5) - (1)]2 - + Vrr) ln(l.5V/Jo + 2VTr)]cl 0.5Voo · These expressions in the forms stated here will be used in the CMOS fan -out analysis presented in the following section. = 403 ps t,. -2(0.lp)[(-1) + 0.1(5)] (32µ,)[(5) + (-1)] 2 23.9 l [1.9(5) + 2(-1)] + - - -(0.lp) ~---n (32µ,)[(5) + (-1)] 0.1(5) = 2.3111S -2(0.lp)(-1) (32µ,)[ (5) + (-1) ]2 (0.lp) l [1.5(5) + 2(-1)] 0.5(5) The BJT fan-out analyses presented in the TTL and ECL chapters den10nstrate that fan-out of BJT logic circuits is limited by how much current a driving logic gate can source or sink from the inputs of connected load gates during either the output low or high state. As was the case with the NMOS logic families in the previous chapters, the Jan-out limitation of a CMOS gate is a question of how much load capacitance can be driven and still have acceptable propagation delays + (32µ,)[(5) + (-1)] n = 1.01 /lS Since the NMOS device has the same size and threshold voltage, the fall tiITie t1 and high-to -low propagation delay tl'HL are the same as the values for the symmetric CMOS inverter in Example 23.5. The rise time t, and low-to-high propagation delay tn 11 are approximately 2.5 times longer than tr and tl'HL· This is no surprise, since the NMOS pull-down transistor and PMOS pull-up transistor have the same W/L ratios and not the factor of 2.5 which is the ratio of the electron and hole mobilities in silicon µ,NI µ,p. CMOS FAN-OUT Solving the propagation delay expressions (given in the Tips, Tricks, and Gi111111icks box preceding this section) for the load capacitance CL results in two expressions as follows: c,. l,,(MAX) = - -- - - ----'-'--- ~ - - - -2V.,N kN(Vn,, - and Vm) - - - 1 (1.SV,,n - 2Vm) kNWnn - Vm) O.:,V,,o -----,+----In r 23.9 c, lp(MAX) = -----------------2VTr 1 (1.5Vno + 2Vr,,) ----- +----In ----k,,(V"" + Vrr) 2 kp(Vnn + Vr,,) 0.5Vou where tp(MAX) was substituted for tPHL and tPLH· tp(MAX) is the desired maximum propagation delay. That is, tp(MAX) is the maximum propagation delay that will result in acceptable performance for a specific inverter. The maximum acceptable load capacitance is then the lesser of the two. If the response time of given inverter (for a given load capacitance) is too slow, increasing the size of the complementary MOSFETs will increase the switching speed. CMOS Fan-Out 359 the load inverter is to be determined. The parameters for the load inverter are augmented with a prime. The input capacitance of the load gate is equal to the sum of the gate capacitances, or CL = (WNLN + w;,L;,)c~x For a symmetric inverter, Wp/Lp = 2.5 X WN/LN and assuming that the length of all MOSFETs is equal to 2 µ,m, yields, C1, = 3.5WN(2µ,)Cx Solving for WN and substituting yields W' N - CL 3.5(2µ,)Cox (0.5p) 3.5(2µ,)(690a) -----'--- = 103.5 µ,m The width of Pc'i is therefore Example 23.9 CMOS Inverter Driving (Fan-Out) Capability What is the maximum load capacitance and the maximum size symmetric inverter that can be driven by the inverter of Example 23.3 and have propagation delay times of no more than 2 ns? Solution (Maximum Load Capacitance) Assume that the length of all MOSFETs is 2 µ,m. The threshold voltages and device transconductances for the CMOS inverter of Example 23.3 are VTN = 1 V, VTP = -1 V, and kN = kp = 80 µ,A/V 2 . Substituting directly into the above expressions using a 2 ns propagation delay yields c, . (211) =--------------------c2(1) 1 - - l11 [1.5(5) - 2(1)] -----+ -----(80µ,)[(5) - (1)12 (80µ,)[(5) - (1)] 0.5(5) w;, (2.5) (103.5 µ,) = 258 µ,m Thus, the maximum sized symmetric load inverter has dimensions of WN/LN = 103.5µ,m/2µ,m and Wr,/LP = 258µ,m/2µ,m. Fan-Out of Same Sized Gates In this section, an expression for the maximum fanout of a gate driving identical gates is developed. It is assumed that the driving gate and the identical load gates are symmetric to simplify the analysis. For a symmetric inverter, VTN = IVTPI and Thus, CIN = 3.5WNLNC~x = 497 fF = 0.5 pF and c,. = (211) = -------------------2(-1) 1 [1.5(5) + 2(-1)] ------+------In (S0,u)[(5) + (-1)]2 (80,u)[(S) + (-1)] 0.5(5) If a symmetric inverter is driving F identical symmetric inverters such as shown in Figure 23.13, forming the ratio CdkN1 where = 497 fF = 0.5 pF yields Thus, the maximum capacitance that can be driven by the inverter of Example 23.3 and maintain propagation delays of no more than 2 ns is approximately ½ pF. Solution (Maximum Size Inverter with Input Capacitance of Half Picofarad) Figure 23.12 displays the situation in which the maximum size of Substituting this expression for CdkN into the expression for tPHL stated in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box and solving for F gives 360 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter V'oo W',L'PCO.X ___JI . 1,r I L ....'. . I I ► w_,P - ~.5W NP' 0 I LP - 2µm i----- COP Your= Y'm r C'oN II , , L--11~ W I NL'NCOX I 1-v;,N = W__N_ N'o l T ~ ~ N '111~ "-P,H.O I = 3.5W'/2µm)C0 x I.____ ~- ~ - - ~ - _J v· load inverter driving inverter FIGURE 23.12 Determination of Maximum Size of (Symmetric) Load Inverter that Can Be Driven with a Maximum Desired Propagation Delay Y Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Propagation Delays Are Also Inversely Proportional to the Device Transconductances The expressions for the high-to-low and lowto-high propagation delays for the CMOS inverter derived in section 23.8 are inversely proportional to device transconductances of the driving inverter transistors and are repeated here for convenience. 2VTN [ (Vl)[) - VTN)2 1 In\(1.5Vo + V0 tru1 - VTN Example 23.10 Fan-Out of Same Sized CMOS Inverters How many identical inverters can the inverter of Example 23.3 (Figure 23.5) drive and maintain a maxns? This situation is imun1 propagation delay of depicted in Figure 23.13. 1.5 0 - 2VTN)] -Ci_ kN Solution Substituting directly into the above expression yields 0.5Voo -2Vrr = [ (Voo + VT1,)2 1 where tl'(MAX) is the maximum desired propagation delay. (0.058)(1.511) F=-------'------------- (1.SVDD 2VTP)] -CL + + - - - - - I n _ __::_____ (VDD + Vn,) 0.5Voo kp These expressions will be used in the CMOS fan-out analysis presented in the following sub-section. "{ 2(1) 1 3.5(2µ.)· ((5) - (1)f + (5) - (1) In [15(5) - 2(1)]} 0.5(5) = 19 3 Thus, the inverter of Example 23.3 can drive 19 gates identical to the inverter of Example 23.3 and still maintain a propagation delay less than 1.5 ns. :?.'.UO 361 CMOS Inverter SPICE Simulation V'DD ? I V'DD 20µm'C~x -➔ I d I lQ!!mP'02 C'o 12µ"m r} ·-~~-y------~_J V'oun --0- driving inverter C'tjN L 2 8µm C0 x V'oo 4µmN' R2µm .J,. 02 20µm'~ox I C'or I d lOµmP' _ I 2µm o, } I V'aur; -~-----------z_; C'tjo _ l, 8µmcox I 4µmN, 112µm '7 o; I \.____ ----------~~------ ______ __} F identically sized load inverters FIGURE 23.13 CMOS Inverter Driving F Identically Sized Inverters 23.10 CMOS Inverter SPICE Simulation Figure 23.14 displays a CMOS inverter with a capacitive load with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE CIRcuit file that represents this circuit is as follows: CMOS Inverter VIN 7 D PULSE (DV 5V D 1NS 1NS + SNS 10NS) VDD 8 D DC 5V -MODEL PMOSFET PMOS(VT0=-1V + KP=16U GAMMA= □ -4 PHI= □ .6 CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3.1E-15) 2 7 8 8 PMOSFET W=10U L=2U -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VT0=1V + KP=40U GAMMA= □ -37 PHI=D-6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) MN◊ 2 7 DD NMOSFET W=4U L=2U CL 2 D 1PF -DC VIND 5 □ -1 -PLOT DC VDS(MNO) -PLOT DC ID<MNO) -TRAN □ -1NS 1DNS -PLOT TRAN VDS<MNO) -PLOT TRAN ID(MNO) -END + MP◊ 362 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter 1r Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Voltage Transfer Characteristic Midpoint Voltage Is a Function of kN/kp The expression for the voltage transfer characteristic midpoint voltage was in section 23.4 and is a function of the ratio of the transconductance parameters kN/kp and is repeated here: VDD V - + Vyp + VTN (k:, ------✓~kr 1+ M- (k:, ✓ kr FIGURE 23.14 CMOS Inverter with Capacitive Load and Appropriate SPICE Labelings The VTC obtained from simulating this circuit is shown in Figure 23.15a. Note that the VTC is symmetric about V00 /2. Thus, using a PMOS with Wp/Lp 2.5 times that of the NMOS WN/LN does indeed result in the symmetry discussed in section 23.5. The current supplied by VDD is shown in Figure 23.15b. Current dissipation is limited to the voltage range VTN < V 1N < V 00 - IVTPI and has a peak at VD 0 /2. This corresponds to the input voltage at which the VTC has maximum slope. Figure 23.15c shows the input stimulus and resulting output voltage across the capacitive load for the TRANsient simulation performed. Note that the fall time, high-to-low propagation delay time, rise time, and low-to-high propagation delay time all correspond approximately to the values calculated in Example 23.6 for a CMOS inverter with the same size capacitive load. Figure 23.15d shows the sum of the static and dynamic currents supplied by VDD for the same time interval as in Figure 23.15c. Observe that a current is supplied by V00 only during the low-to-high output transition. This is the time that the load capacitance is charged through the pull-up P-channel MOSFET P 0 . The load capacitance is discharged through the pull-down NMOS device (during the high-to-low output transition) to ground and hence does not contribute to the 100V00 power dissipation. This expression will be used in the following section to aid in the design of CMOS inverters. 1r Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Propagation Delays Are Inversely Proportional to Transconductance Parameters The expressions for the high-to-low and lowto-high propagation delays for the CMOS inverter derived in section 23.8 are directly proportional to the load capacitances and are repeated here for convenience. tp/-/L 2VTN = [ kN(VDD - VTN)2 + tl'Lf/ \]cL 1 ln(1.5Voo - 2VTN kN(VDD - VTN) 0.5VDD ) -2Vyp = [ kp(VoD + VTl,)2 + 1 kp(VDD + Vyp) ln(1.5VDD + 2Vyp)]cL 0.5VDD These expressions will be used in the design of CMOS inverters in the following section. :?.3,]() Cl'v!OS Inverter SPICE Simubtion 363 Vm(V) • I Your (V) 4 5---- 5 ! i 4 3 4 2 3 t(ns) 0 0 2 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 10 8 10 10 Yaur<V) 1 5 - -f-- --+---1- - 0 0 1 2 3 '--► Vm(V) 4 5 4 3 (a) 2 loo (µA) -+-------+ t(ns) toot (c) Ioo(mA) 80 . 7 60t 6 5 4 4oT I 20----l- 3 2 1- J ► Vm(V) 5 0 (b) FIGURE 23.15 Section 23.10 CMOS Inverter SPICE Simulation Results: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic from .DC sweep, (b) Static current dissipation from .DC 00 2 4 -+6 -• t(ns) (d) sweep, (c) Transient response from .TRAN sweep, (d) Sum of static and dynamic currents supplied by V1m 364 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter 23.11 DESIGN OF CMOS INVERTERS In the previous sections of this chapter, the details of DC and transient analysis of CMOS inverters is described. In this section, the design of CMOS inverters is presented. The design of a CMOS inverter involves two main considerations: 1. placement of the voltage transfer characteristic midpoint, and 2. load capacitance drive capability Transient Design The Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section shows that the expressions for the high-to low and low-to -high propagation delays are inversely proportional to the transconductance param eters for the NMOS and PMOS devices, respectively. Solving these two expressions for k:--: and kr yields kN = [ Fro m thi s expression, no te that V," is clearly a func tion of th e ratios of the device transconductance pa rameters . As discussed in section 23.5, if Vw = -V7 :,.:, th en VTC symmetry is achieved with k;. .i = k1,. Furthermore, as discussed in section 23 .6, k:,.: = kp requires Wp/L" = 2.5 x W N/Lr-,.: . Design of a Symmetric CMOS Inverter Considering the preceding paragraphs, the process for designing a CMOS inverter th a t will have both a symmetric voltage transfer characteristic and sym metric tran sient response (tl'H1. = tpu~) is as follows: • 2VTN [ Wl)o - VTN)2 + 2Vrn Woo - VTN)2 + Dete rmine the N -channel MOSFET device transconductance parameter kN by substituting VoD, V-rN, CL, and the desired maxi mum t1,H1. into 1 in(1.5Voo - 2vTN)] C1. Woo - VTN) O.SVoo trllL 1 ln(l.SVDD - 2Vm)] ii_ WoD - Vm) O.SVDD t,,111 • Assuming that the minimum gate length for the N-channel MOSFET is used, solve for the width of the NMOS device from • Assuming the minimum gate length for the P-channel MOSFET is used, solve for the width of th e PMOS device from and -2Vrr [ Woo+ Vn,)2 00 + 2V7 ,,)] C1. 1 - - In (1.5V + ----=~----'~ -- Won + V,-r) 0.SVoo t,,111. These expressions for kN and kl' as a function of sup ply voltage, threshold voltage, load capacitance, and desired propagation delay are used to design the transient response of a CMOS inverter. w,, = k;_, W N k~ DC Design The DC design of a CMOS inverter involves the placement of the voltage transfer characteristic midpoint voltage . The expression for the CMOS inverter midpoint voltage given in the preceding Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box is Voo + VT,,+ Vm 1+ /4i {4 Ii, Example 23.11 Design of CMOS Inverters Design a symmetric CMOS inverter that can drive a capacitive load of CL = 25 pF with propagation delays of no more than tr = 2 ns. Use V 00 = 5 V, V1:,.; = 1 V, Vw = -1 V, k~ = 40 µ,AN 2 , k(, = 16 µ,AN 2, and assume a minimum gate length of L,,,; = 2 µ,m is used for both transistors. Round off the transistor gate widths to micron accuracy. 11 Solution Substituting values into the time -depen dent expression for k:--: gives 23.11 2(1) 1 k\, = { [(5) - (1))2 + (5) - (1) Design of CMOS Inverters 365 The inverter desig11ed in this example is shown in Figure 23.16 along with an inverter design in the fol lowing example. (25p) 1.5(5) - 2(1)]} 0.5(5) (211) In----- [ 111A = 4.03 -., Example 23.12 v- The resulting NMOS gate width is then WN = (4.03111) (2µ) - (40µ) = 201.5 µ111 The PMOS gate width is (40µ) Wr = (201.5µ) -(- ) = 503.75 µ,m 16µ Rounding widths off to the nearest micron gives 202 2 j.L/11 504 µm 2 µm and j.L/11 Design of CMOS Inverters Design a symmetric CMOS inverter that can drive the input of the CMOS inverter of Example 23.11 with propagation delays of no more than tp = 2 ns. Again, use VDD = 5 V, VrN = 1 V, Vrl' = -1 V, k~ = 40 µAN 2 , k(, = 16 µAN 2, and assume a minimum gate length of L111 ; 11 = 2 µm for all MOSFETs. Also, assume a gate capacitance per unit area of C 0 x = 690 aF/ µm 2 and round the gate widths up to the nearest micron. Solution (Load Capacitance) The load capacitance to be driven is the input capacitance of the inverter of Example 23.11, given by Li.=4=Lnii.=2µ.m L'ttzVl'::::.L,...=2µm Wr=2.5WN . W'~=-2,SW'-,. V',,,, 25pF Input of Example load inverter is capacitance on Example 23-J2- inverter inverter designed in Example 23.12 FIGURE 23.16 inverter designed in Example 23.11 CMOS Inverters Designed in Examples 23.11 and 23.12 366 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter k = [(202µ,) (2µ,) + = 974.3 JF (504µ,) (2µ,))(690a/ µ, 2) _ { N - 2(1) [(5) - (1)]2 + 1 (5) - (1) ln[l.5(5) - 2(1)]} (50p) 0.5(5) (111) Solution (Design of New Inverter) Substituting values into the time-dependent expression for kN gives mA = 16.1 v 2 2(1) 1 kN = { [(5) - (l)f + (5) - (1) WN = (16.lm) (1µ,) (100µ,) = 161.1 µ,111 and the PMOS gate width is (40µ,) We = (161.lµ,) -(- ) = 402.75 µ,m 16µ, The MOSFET sizes for this inverter are therefore WN = 161.1 µ,nz LN l µ,111 Fron, the gate width expression (WN = LminkN/kr'.i), the resulting NMOS gate width is and Wp = 402.1 µ,m Lp l µ,m Solution (b) The input capacitance of inverter designed in (a) is CL Similarly, the PMOS gate width is = c; N = Cc,N + Cc,P = (WNLN + W~L~)Cx = [(161.1µ,)(lµ,) + (402.lµ,)(lµ,)](1.739f/µ, 2 ) = Rounding widths off to the nearest micron yields WN = LN 8 µ,m 2 µ,m and WI' Lp = 20 µ,m 2 µ,111 The inverters of this and the previous example are shown cascaded in Figure 23.16. 978 JF Substituting values into the time-dependent expression for kN gives k _ { N - + 2(1) ((5) - (1)] 2 1 (5) - (1) ln[l.5(5) - 2(1)]} (978fp) 0.5(5) (ln) µ,A = 315 v2 Example 23.13 Design of CMOS Inverters UsingV 00 = 5 V, Vrn = 1 V, Vw = -1 V, kr'.i = 100 µ,A/V 2, kf = 40 µ,A/V 2, minimum gate lengths of Lmin = 1 µ,m, and a gate capacitance per unit area of 1. 739 fF/ µ,m 2 design CMOS inverters with the following characteristics: (a) CL tp = 50 pF with maximum propagation delay of = 1 ns, (b) Another CMOS inverter to drive the CMOS inverter of (a) with a maximum propagation delay of tp = 1 ns. Solution (a) Substituting values into the time-dependent expression for ki'-: yields The resulting NMOS gate width is (315µ,) WN = (1µ,) (100µ,) = 3.2 µ,111 and the PMOS gate width is (100µ,) Wp = (3.2µ,) -(--) = 7.9 µ,m 40µ, The MOSFET sizes for this inverter are therefore WN = 3.2 µ,m LN 1 µ,111 and Wp = 7.9 µ,m Lp l µ,111 The inverters designed in (a) and (b) are shown in Figure 23.17. 23.12 23.12 CMOS LATCH~UP A parasitic problem associated with CMOS circuits is referred to as latch up. This is a condition in which a large sustained current can exist between V00 and ground which can cause inappropriate operation and often overheating with possible destruction of the circuit. Figure 23.18 displays the basic cross section of a CMOS inverter with circuit connections. Note that bipolar circuit elements are also shown in the crosssection that represent parasitic devices due to NPN and PNP adjacent regions. The BJT Q1 on the right is a vertical NPN, the BJTs in the middle Q2 and Q3 are lateral NPN and PNP BJTs, respectively and the BJT Q 1 on the left is a lateral PNP, as indicated. In Figure 23.18, the collector of Q3 is connected to the base of Q2 and the collector of Q2 is connected to the base of Q3 . Additionally, there is a similar con- Vf)V V'r,r, V' Input capacitance of Example 23.13a inverter is load . capacitance ··on Example 23.Bb inverter ·····························-.yr····· FIGURE 23.17 CMOS Inverter Design for Example 23.13 367 nection between Q 1 and Q,1. These parasitic BJTs are then interconnected to the CMOS inverter. Figure 23.19 displays the overall circuit diagram in which parasitic shunt resistors have also been added. If sufficient current can flow through these resistors and if sufficient resistor magnitudes exist, then the emitter-base junction of Q4 and Q2 as well as Q 3 and Q 1 can become forward biased to Vm:(FA) or V8 E(SAT). Once this occurs for the pair of BJTs Q,1 and Q2 or Q 3 and Qi, the base current of each MOSFET is increased and this current is amplified resulting in larger collector current and larger base current for the other BJT in the pair. This is a regenerative process (a positive feedback process) which results in a large current and this is the condition called latch up. To understand how the CMOS circuit can be induced into latch up, consider Figure 23.19. There are two ways in which the latch up mechanism can oc- "·······<:...... our inverter designed in Example 23.13b CMOS Latch-Up inverter designed in Example 23.13a 368 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter Q, ) I \___ ~-------+-----------+-P~w~e~II------- 1 Q. ~N substrate ---------- FIGURE 23.18 Basic CMOS Cross Section with Parasitic BJTs FIGURE 23.19 CMOS Inverter Circuit with Parasitic BJTs and Resistors 23.13 cur. First, for Vuui = 0 = VOi_, it is possible for the combination of Q 4 and Q 2 to conduct a large current. This possibility occurs because of the large voltage difference between the power supply terminal and the output terminal. If this voltage difference is sufficient to forward bias the base-emitter junction of Q 2 and Q4 to Vl-lE(FA), then each of these transistors is driven into either the forward active or saturation mode of operation. Under these conditions, large emitter and collector currents are possible, creating the latch up condition. The second way in which latch up can occur is when VoUT = VoD = Vrn 1. Then a large voltage difference is produced from the output terminal to ground which may force Q 3 and Q 1 to conduct a large current producing a similar latch up condition. The latch up condition is avoided by intentionally reducing the BJT current amplification f3 factors, as well as reducing the shunt resistance values. The twin tub fabrication process described at the beginning of this chapter effectively provides these reductions. 23.13 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE AND INPUT CLAMPING SECTIONS Electro-Static Discharge CMOS circuitry is inherently prone to damage because of static charge that can build up on the gates of the NMOS and PMOS devices at the input pins of a CMOS integrated circuit. A voltage across the Si0 2 layer of a MOSFET is directly dependent upon the charge build up and gate capacitance, as follows: Electro-Static Discharge and Input Clamping Sections 369 The electric field that can result from static charge buildup is enormous and can be large enough to cause breakdown of the dielectric. As a result, the oxide layer will rupture, permanently shorting the gate conductor to the channel causing permanent damage to the MOSFET. This is referred to as electro-static discharge. Causes of Static Charge Buildup Static charge sufficient to breakdown the gate oxide of input MOSFETs can be caused by simply touching the pins of an integrated circuit package without protective gloves. Rubbing the leads together can also cause an enormous static charge buildup. Special handling and packing procedures are therefore necessary when dealing with CMOS integrated circuit packages. Shipping packages which short all the leads of the IC to each other prevent static charge buildup. A technique used to protect the internal circuitry of a CMOS IC is input diode protection. The purpose of diode protective circuitry is to limit the range of input voltages. Metal Gate MOSFET Input Diode Protection Circuitry Figure 23.20 shows a protective circuit used with metal gate MOSFET processes. The diode D11 prevents the input from swinging above V00 + where the gate capacitance has magnitude CMOS circuitry Since modern MOSFETs have an oxide thickness on the order of t x = 200 A, the voltage resulting from a static charge buildup can be as high as hundreds of volts. The electric field is related to this voltage across the Si0 2 by 0 V:-11111w· E=___Q_ tax ~ - - , ~~~--- .-/ . ________....., diode protection circuitry FIGURE 23.20 Diode Input Protection Circuitry for Metal-gate CMOS 370 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter VDD VDD 0 f I * t D, D, VPIN RroLY r, CMOS CMOS circuitry 11/ 1~; circuitry DL -::- (a) (b) FIGURE 23.21 Diode Input Protection Circuitry for Silicon Gate CMOS: (a) Circuitry, (b) D1. is layed out as a basecollector connected BJT diode VDH(ON). Likewise, the diode DL prevents the input from swinging below -VDL(ON) (similar to the input clamping diodes of TIL logic families). The input resistor R1, which is typically 250 fl, limits current flow during a high voltage static discharge and prevents a large input voltage from being directly applied to the gates of the input MOSFETs. The diode DD is a distributed PN junction resulting from the diffusion fabrication of R1 and doesn't contribute to the input protection. For normal operation (0 s Vu-..: s VDD), the input diodes have no effect because they are reverse biased and never turned on. Furthermore, the protective diodes are designed to have very large breakdown voltages, thus preventing conduction when reverse biased. Silicon Gate MOSFET Input Diode Protection Circuitry Figure 23.21a displays the input diode protective circuitry used for silicon gate MOSFET processes. Since the resistor R1,my is a polysilicon resistor, a distributed diode DD present in the metal gate MOSFET process is avoided. The diodes DH and DL serve the same purpose as in the metal gate MOSFET protective circuitry. Figure 23.21b displays the circuitry actually used in typical silicon gate MOSFET processes. The diode D1. is a BJT with the base and collector connected. This protective circuitry is connected between the IC input pad (which is bonded to the external pin) and the input of the CMOS circuitry. CHAPTER23PROBLEMS 23.1 23.2 23.3 What are the states of N 0 and P0 for the CMOS inverter for each of the VTC critic<1l points V011 , VoL, V1L, vlf-{, and v~·I· For the CMOS inverter shown in Figure P23.2, graphically determine the critical voltages V011, VoL, V11,, V111, and VM. Let VDD = 5 V, VT.N = IVryl = 1 V, W:--/LN = 5, Wp/LI' = 2.5, and k;'.; = k(, = 20 µA/v2. For the CMOS inverter shown in Figure P23.2, analytically determine the critical voltages Vmi, VoL, V1L, V1H, and v~I- Let VDD = 5 V, VT,N = IVT,PI = 1 V, WN/LN = 5, Wp/Lp = 2.5, and k(i = k{, = 20 µ,A/V 2 . Sketch the VTC and determine the noise margins. 23.4 Repeat Problem 23.2 for V1m = 10 V, 23.5 Repeat Problem 23.3 for VDD = 10 V, 23.6 Repeat Problem 23.2 for VDo = 7 V. 23.7 Repeat Problem 23.3 for VDn = 7 V. 23.8 Repeat Problem 23.2 for WN/LN = 1.5 and W1,/Lp = 7.5. Chapter 23 Problems 371 Would such a circuit configuration be useful7 (Hint: Sketch the VTC from - 2 to 7 V using VDI) = 5 V, V 1.N = -1 V, and Vr.1' = 1 V.) (Hint 2: Run a SPICE simulation and sec if the MOSFETs cutoff.) 23.9 Repeat Problem 23.3 for W 1.)Lr--: = 1.5 and W1,/LI' = 7.5. 23.10 Repeat Problem 23.2 for WN/LN = 2 and W"/Lp = 6. 23.11 Repeat Problem 23.3 for Wr-.:/LN = 2 and Wp/L 1, = 6. 23.12 Repeat Problem 23.2 for a minimum sized CMOS inverter with k~ = 20 µA/V 2 , k(, = 8 µ,A/V 2, and WN/LN = W1,/Lp = 1.5. 23.13 Repeat Problem 23.3 for a minimum sized CMOS inverter with k~ = 20 µ,A/V 2, k(, = 8 µ,A/V 2, and Wr-.:/LN = Wp/Lp = 1.5. MP◊ 23.14 What ratio of Wr/L" should be used for a CMOS inverter with k~ = 20 µ,A/V 2, k{, = 12 µ,A/V 2, and W N/Lr-.: = 2 to give a symmetric VTC 7 and simulate the CMOS inverter of Example 23.1. Compare the simulation results with the analytical results of Example 23.1. 23.15 Repeat Problem 23.14 for W:,JLr-.: = 3. 23.16 Repeat Problem 23.14 for Wr-.:/LN = 4. 23.17 Repeat Problem 23.14 fork~= 20 µ,A/V 2 and k{, = 8 µ,A/V 2 . 23.23 Modify the N- and P-channel MOSFET element lines (not the model statements) of the SPICE simulation of section 23.8 to MN◊ 23.19 Resimulate the SPICE circuit of section 23.5 for a capacitive load of CL 2 D 1DPF MN◊ Would there be any advantage in using enhancement-depletion N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs in a CMOS pair, as in Figure P23.21? 2 7 8 8 PMOSFET W=4U L=2U 2 7 DD NMOSFET W=4U L=2U and simulate the minimum size CMOS inverter of Example 23.3. Compare the simulation results with the analytical results of Example 23.3. 23.25 Calculate tr, tp 1IL, t., and tpu 1 for a CMOS inverter with a capacitive load of 0.1 pF. Let V1m = 5 V, Vr.N = JVul = 1 V, k~ = 40 µ,A/V 2, k(, = 16 µ,A/V 2, WN/L" = 2, and Wp/L 1, = 5. Resimulate the SPICE circuit of section 23.5 for a capacitive and resistive load of RL 2 D 1DMEGOHM CL 2 D 1DPF 2 7 8 8 PMOSFET W=8U L=2U 2 7 DD NMOSFET W=4U L=2U Modify the N- and P-channcl MOSFET clement lines (not the model statements) of the SPICE simulation of section 23.8 to MP◊ 2 Repeat Problem 23.14 for kr'.J = 20 µ,A/V and k(, = 15 µ,A/V 2 • 23.21 Find the input low and high voltages for the CMOS inverter of Example 23.2 and verify their symmetry about the midpoint voltage. 23.24 23.18 23.20 23.22 23.26 Repeat Problem 23.25 with VnD = 10 V. 23.27 Repeat Problem 23.25 with WN/LN = 4 and Wp/Lp = 10. 23.28 Repeat Problem 23.25 with Wr-.:/L" = 10µ,m/2µ,m and Wp/Lp = 25µ,m/2µ,m. v"' FIGURE P23.2 FIGURE P23.21 372 Chapter 23/CMOS Inverter 23.29 Repeat Problem 23.25 with W,)L'-l and W 1,/L" = 4µ,m/2µ,m. = 4µ,m/2µ,m 23.30 Repeat Problem 23.25 with W:-,;/Lr--: and W 1,/L" = 10µ,m/2µ,m. = 10µ,m/2µ,m 23.31 Repeat Problem 23.25 with VDD = 10 V, Wr--:/LN = 10µ,m/2µ,m, and Wp/Lp = 10µ,m/2µ,m. Compare with solution to Problem 23.30. 23.32 What is the maximum load capacitance that can be driven by an inverter with VDD = 5 V, VT,N = IV1 ,PI = 1 V, k~ = 40 µ,A/V 2, ki, = 16 µ,A/V 2, W:--:iLr--: =, and W,/Lr = 101,im/2µ,m 7 Consider propagation delays of no more than 2 ns. 23.33 Repeat Problem 23.32 using V1m = 10 V. 23.34 What is the maximum load capacitance that can be driven by an inverter with VDD = 5 V, VT.N = IVryl 1 V, k~ = 40 ,u.A/V 2, k~ = 16 vA/V 2, W:)L,-: = 10µ,m/2µ,m, and Wp/L" = 25µ,m/2µ,m? Consider propagation delays of no more than 2 ns. = 23.35 Design a CMOS inverter that can drive a capacitive load of CL = 10 pf with propagation delays of no more than 5 ns. Use VDo = 5 V, VT,N = IVT,rl = 1 V, k:'.; = 40 µ,A/V 2, K[, = 16 µ,A/V 2, and minimum gate length of Lmin = 2 µ,m. 23.36 Repeat Problem 23.35 using Vno = 10 V. 23.37 Repeat Problem 23.35 using a minimum gate length of Lmin = 1 µ,m. 23.38 Design a CMOS inverter that can drive a capacitive load of CL = 20 pf with propagation delays of no more than 5 ns. Use VoD = 5 V, VT,N = IV-r,PI = 1 V, k,'.; = 40 µ,A/V 2 , ki, = 16 µ,A/V 2 , and minimum gate length of Lmin = 1 µ,m. CMOS COMBINATIONAL LOGIC GATES The previous chapters introduced the CMOS logic family and detailed the operation, analysis, and design of the CMOS inverter. This chapter presents the structure of multi-input CMOS gates such as NANDs, NORs, and more complex AND-ORinverts (AOis). As will be seen, ANDing of signals is obtained by series drain-source combinations of N-channel MOSFETs and parallel drain-source combinations of the complementary P-channel MOSFETs. ORing of signals is accomplished in CMOS by parallel drain-source combinations of NMOS transistors along with series drain-source combinations of the complementary PMOS transistors. Special function CMOS gates such as tri-state logic and high impedance Z-state gates, bi-directional transmission gates (switches), Schmitt inverters, and drivers are presented in Chapters 25, 26, and 27. 24.1 CMOS INVERTER PULL-UP AND PULL-DOWN REVIEW The previous chapter described the details of the CMOS inverter shown in Figure 24.5 using the shorthand symbolism. A low input voltage turns on the P-channel MOSFET and an output pull-up path to Vlm is available through the PMOS drain-to-source channel. A high input voltage turns on the N-channel MOSFET and the drain-to-source channel of the NMOS device provides an output pull-down path to ground. Note that when the input is low, the PMOS device is active and the NMOS transistor is cutoff and when the input is high, the NMOS transistor is active, while the PMOS transistor is cutoff. Thus, for the output high and low states, both devices are never on simultaneously and output pull-up and pull-down paths never conflict during operation of the CMOS inverter. 373 1f Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks N- and P-Channel MOSFET Symbol Shorthand N-channel MOSFET Symbol Shorthand In section 16.3, it was shown that an N-channel MOSFET is a physically symmetric device and either terminal at the end of the channel can be considered the drain or the source depending upon the polarity of the drain-source voltage (see Figure 16.5). In the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box at the beginning of Chapter 22, a shorthand symbol for N-channel MOSFETs that depicts this symmetry was described and shown in Figure 22.2. It is also convenient to use this shorthand symbolism in the present chapter for CMOS logic circuits. Figure 24.1 shows a cross-section of an N-channel MOSFET as it would occur in a CMOS process along with the circuit symbol. Most often, CMOS integrated circuits use an N-type substrate and NMOS devices in CMOS integrated circuits are constructed inside P-type wells as shown in Figure Because of the symmetry, then-type regions at the ends of the channel are not defined as drain and source until a bias is applied. Upon application of a drain-to-source bias, the drain is the terminal at higher potential and the source at lower potential. The body region of the P-type well of the N-channel MOSFET is connected to ground. Figure 24.2 shows the N-channel MOSFET symbol with the body terminal connected to ground and the shorthand symbol used for N-channel MOSFETs in NMOS and CMOS integrated circuits. As in the NMOS Gates chapter, the body terminal is removed and the body is assumed to be at ground. Also, 374 Chapte r 24/CM0S Combinational Logi c Cates th e das hed line in th e ge neral circu it sym bo l representing the enhancement channel is re placed with a solid line. P-cliannel MOSFET Shorthand Symbol A P-channel MOSFET is also represented with a shorthand symbol. Figure 24.3 shows the general PMOS circuit symbol and cross-section as would be present in a CMOS integrated circuit. This device also exhibits symmetry and the p- typ e regions at the e nds of th e cha nn el can be either the drain or source. With a P-channel MOSFET, the channel end at lower potential is the drain and the source is the end at the higher potential. The body of the PMOS tran sistor (the CMOS integrated circuit substrate) is held at the source voltage VDD · Figure 24.4 shows the P - channel MOSFET circuit symbol with the body connected to VDD, along with the shorthand symbol used for a P -channel MOSFET in CMOS integrated circuits. The dashed line representing the enhancement channel is again replaced with a solid line. The body terminal is also removed but for PMOS devices the body is assumed to be at V DD· To distinguish from the NMOS shorthand symbol, an inverting bubble is placed on the gate terminal of the PMOS shorthand symbol, as shown in Figure 24.4 . Figure 24.5 displays a CMOS inverter us ing the NMOS and PMOS shorthand circuit symbols. 24 .2 CMOS NAND GATE CMOS NAND Gate Circuit Figure 24.6a shows a two-input CMOS NAND gate. Ignore the W /L ratios for the present discussion . (The symbol shorthand for each transistor is used with the source and drain of each labeled for convenience .) Output pull -up to VDD is provided by two P-channel MOSFETs with their drain-to-source channels in parallel. Two N-channel MOSFETs with their drain to-source channels in series provide output pulldown to ground. Tiie gate terminal of each PMOS transistor is connected to the gate terminal of a sep arate N -channel MOSFET, with these device pair connections serving as inputs to the CMOS NAND gate circuit. Note that each input is accommodated by a separate CMOS complementary pair. TI.e logical NAND output VNAND is taken at the node between the stacked NMOS pull - down devices and the parallel PMOS pull-up devices. The truth table for the logical NAND function shown in Table 24.1 is verified by examining the state of the output for all combinations of input states. Output High State First, we show that the output high state is obtained for the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a for any input low as follows: Both Inputs Low When both inputs are low, Vsc. r for both P-channel MOSFETs is sufficient to bring both PMOS transis - drain or source gate o-- --1: J 1 body (p w,11) N source or drain (a) FIGURE 24.1 N-channel Enhancement-only MOSFET in a CMOS P-well Process is Physically Symmetric, Channel End at High Potential is Drain, Lower Potential Channel End is Source: (a) Circuit symbol, (b) Cross- (b) section: CMOS process uses an N-type substrate, NMOS device is constructed inside a P-type well (P-well is connected to ground) 24.2 CMOS NAND Gate 375 drain or source drain or source body implied ~ atground ) 0 0 source or drain source or drain (b) (a) FIGURE 24.2 N-channel Enhancement-only lv!OSFET Symbol Shorthand: Dashed line representing enhancement channel is replaced with a solid line; body terminal is removed and assumed at ground: (a) Four terminal circuit symbol, (b) Three terminal shorthand symbol source or drain f gate o-- --1 i ~- drain or --D l gate body (substrate) p drain or source (a) (b) FIGURE 24.3 P-channel Enhancement-only MOSFET (in a CMOS process) is Physically Symmetric, Channel End at Lower Potential is Drain, Higher Potential ~, source or drain I source or drain body implied at Y00 Yoo ~ Ii Channel End is Source: (a) Circuit symbol, (b) Crosssection p 6 drain or source (a) FIGURE 24.4 P-channel Enhancement-only MOSFET Symbol Shorthand: Dashed line representing enhancement channel is replaced with a solid line; body terminal is removed and assumed at VDD; P-channel is I 0 drain or source (b) denoted by inverter bubble on gate channel line: (a) Four terminal circuit symbol, (b) Three terminal shorthand symbol 376 Chapter 24/CMOS Comb in a tion ,d Logic Gates Yoo r' PMOS source at higher voltage M [sJ ◄------at ◄--- PMOS body V 00 ______ _ _ __ _ PMOS drain at I -, 0 lower voltage VIN -0 G equ al to th e dra in current of Nil (and N A)· With Nn cutoff for both inputs low, the sum of th e PMOS drain currents is VN~ NMOS drain at higher voltage D .._ _ NMOS body at ground I NMOS source at lower voltage ------ With each drain current zero, the source-to -drain voltages of bo th P-channel MOSFETs are VsD.I',\ = VslJ,I',\ = 0 (as was found with the CMOS inverter) and the output high voltage for the CMOS NAND gate is V011 (CMOS NANO) = Vim VA Low, Vu High FIGURE 24.5 CMOS Inverter with NMOS and PMOS Shortha nd Symbols tors into active operation. Therefore, output pull-up paths to V1)1) are provided by both P -channel MOSFETs. Also, with VA and VTl input voltages low, Vcs,A and Vcs. B are low enough to cutoff NA and N 11 and no output pull-down path is available. Thus, the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a is in the output high state for both inputs low. Output High Voltage = VoH With a si ngle input low, an output pull - up path to V1m exists through the drain-to-source channel of the corresponding P-channel MOSFET (PA in this case). If V,\ is low (less than V 1.:s:) then Vc.s.:s:A is in sufficient to turn on N,\· With N 1\ cutoff, no conduc tive path exis ts from ground to the source of NB. H e nce, regardless of V13, no o utput pull -down path to ground exists . Therefore, with V,, low and V11 high, the NAND ga te of Figure 24.6a is still in th e ou tput high state. VA High, Vu Low Examining th e circuit of the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a, th e sum of th e PMOS drain currents is As shown for the previous case, a single input low places the corresponding PMOS transistor in active Yoo _I - ~ ~·i~ µmp A --zjiin ~J IOµmp --zjiin B } p~,11,1 PMOS pull-up ! ---0 i VNAND D v. ~~N. stacked NMOS pull-down ~ VA 0 If ~NA sl J.'-----y-----/ CMOS pair A -~ CMOS pairB (a) FIGURE 24.6 symbol :LY-F (b) Two-input CMOS NANO Gate: (a) Schematic with W/L ratios specified in microns, (b) Logic circuit 24.2 CMOS NAND Gate 377 TABLE 24.1 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths in the Two Input CMOS NANO Gate of Figure 24.6a for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs VA Vs NA Ns PA Ps Pull-Up Path(s) Pull-Down Path YouT low low high high low high low high off off on on off on off on on on off off on off on off PA, Pl/ pi\ Ps none none none none NA and Ns** high high high low *For VA and VB low, two output pull-up paths to VDD are present through PA and PB **For VA and VB high, a single output pull-down path to ground through NA and NB is present operation and provides an output pull-up path to VDo through the drain-to-source channel of the active P-channel MOSFET (P 11 in this case). With VA high, Yes.NA is sufficient to put NA in active operation and a highly conductive path from ground to the source of NB exists. With V8 low, Vcs.NB is insufficient to turn on N 13 • With NB cutoff, no output pull-down path to ground is available. Hence, with an output pull-up path to V00 present and no output pulldown path to ground, the NAND gate is in the output high state. Note that with NA active and N 8 cutoff, the drain current through NA and NB is lo.NA = lo.NB = 0. As shown in section 17.2 and discussed in the CMOS inverter chapter, an active MOSFET with zero drain current has a drain-to-source voltage of O V. Hence, it should be noted that with NA active and Nil cutoff, the source of N 8 is at a virtual ground. This fact is of dynamic consideration later in this section. Summarizing, we note that if either or both inputs of the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a are low, then this gate is in the output high state. Output Low State Both Inputs High If both inputs of the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a are high, NA and NB are both active. This results in an output pull-down path to ground through the series drain-to-source channels of N,\ and Nli• With both inputs high, the source-to-gate voltages of both PA and P 8 are insufficient to bring them into active operation. With PA and PB both cutoff, no output pull-up path to VDD is available. Hence, with both inputs high, the NAND gate is in the output low state. Output Low Voltage = VoL Since the drain current of NA (and N 8 ) is equal to the sum of the drain currents of PA and PB, with P,\ and PB cutoff, the drain currents of NA and Nii are zero and Since NA and N 8 are active with drain currents zero, the drain-to-source voltages are also zero (as discussed in section 17.2). With VDs,NA = VDs,NB = 0, the output low voltage is VOL(CMOS NAND) = 0 NANO Function Realization With the output high for any input low and the output low only for both inputs high, the truth table for a two input NAND gate (shown in Table 24.1) is verified. Hence, the logical NAND function is realized by the circuit of Figure 24.6a. The output state of each MOSFET in the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a for the four combinations of low and high inputs is also tabulated in Table 24.1. The logic circuit symbol for this gate is displayed in Figure 24.66. Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths are Exclusive For static operation (all inputs held constant at Vm or V0H), an output pull-up path to VDo or an output pull-down path to ground is always available. Also, pull-up and pull-down paths are never available simultaneously. These two facts are also true for CMOS inverters and as we shall see for CMOS NOR gates and complex AOis, as well. 378 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates Example 24. i NAND Gate Used as Enabling Inverter Show that a two-input NAND gate can be used as an inverter with an enable with one input serving as the logical input and the other input used as an active high enable input. At what state is the gate held when the enable input is low (off)? Solution Examining the NAND function truth table of Table 24.1, if the logic state A is held low, the output of the gate is high regardless of the state of B. If the A input is held high, then the output acts as an inversion of the B logic state. If a low output state is desired for the unenabled gate, the NAND output can be fed into an inverter. Ordering of Inputs The previous example sheds light on the ordering of inputs to the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a. If the NAND gate is intended to be used as an enabling-inverter, the enable signal should be the input to the NMOS device at the bottom of the stack and the logical signal should be the input to the NMOS device at the top of the stack. The reason for this is because of the dynamic switching characteristics of CMOS NAND gates. Enable signals will in general switch less often than logic signals. Observing Figure 24. 7b, with the bottom NMOS device active, the source of the top NMOS device is at virtual ground, as discussed earlier in this section. The switching speed of the NAND gate due to the logical input is then the switching speed of the simpler inverter. If the enabling input used the top NMOS transistor and the enable signal is high, for the output to switch due to a change in the logical input, the switching speed is dependent upon the sum of the switching speeds of both N-channel MOSFETs. This demonstrates that the input that switches least often should be connected to the CMOS pair that has the bottom of the stack N-channel MOSFET. Channel Width/Length Ratios In section 23.5, it was shown that the PMOS Wp/Lp ratio should be approximately 2.5 times the NMOS Wt--.!/L:-,; ratio to achieve a symmetric voltage transfer characteristic for the CMOS inverter. As mentioned, this is due to the relative mobilities of electrons and holes in the channels of N- and P-channel silicon MOSFETs, where /J-N = (in silicon) 2.5µ,p For a two-input CMOS NAND gate, the output pulldown path is through the drain-to-source channels of two NMOS devices in the NMOS stack. The out- f 1---0 v NANO logic s t a t e ~ - I enable (a) FIGURE 24. 7 \ --1 source of Nm at virtual ground for Vmhigh (b) NANO Gate Used as an Enabling Inverter; Output is held high regardless of V1:-i for VE1': low 24.3 put pull-down path to ground for a CMOS NAND gate is therefore twice the physical length of that in a CMOS inverter. To accommodate for this in design, the channel widths of the NMOS devices are chosen to be double those of the inverter. Hence, for a two input CMOS NAND gate, the PMOS Wr/Lp ratio is 2.5/2 = 1.25 times that of the NMOS WN/LN ratio. Thus, 2 Wr = 2.5 WN Lr LN (two input CMOS NANO) More inputs can be added to the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a by including an additional PMOS device in the parallel PMOS pull-up and an additional NMOS device in the NMOS series pull-down for each additional input. The gate terminals of the added NMOS and PMOS complementary transistors are connected and used as other NAND gate inputs as shown in Figure 24.8. Since the output high and low voltages are not degraded by additional inputs (as was the case for Vm in NMOS NAND gates), the i Wp Lp = 2.5 WN LN (i input CMOS NANO) The factor i results from the increased widening of the NMOS transistor channel, which is necessary because of the increased length of the output pulldown path to ground through multiple NMOS transistor channels. 24.3 CMOS NOR GATE CMOS NOR Gate Circuit The previous section shows that the NAND function can be realized with CMOS transistor pairs by plac- parallel PMOS pull-up stacked NMOS pull-down \.._~ y~____J \..__----y _ _,_) CMOS pair A CMOS pairB 379 number of inputs to a CMOS NAND gate is limited by switching speed considerations. As discussed in the previous sub-section, the drain-to-source channel width of the N-channcl MOSFETs in the NMOS pull-down stack must be adjusted for the additional pull-down path length. Each additional input requires further widening of the NMOS channels. For an i input CMOS NAND gate, the PMOS Wp/Lp ratio is related to the NMOS WN/LN ratio by Note that the W/L ratios for the MOSFETs of the CMOS NAND gate in Figure 24.6a match this ratio. Adding More Inputs Ci'v!OS NOR Gate CMOS pair i FIGURE 24.8 Adding Inputs to a CMOS NAND: Add a PMOS transistor to the parallel pull-up and an NMOS transistor to the stacked pull-down for each additional input 380 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Cates t· = (2)2.5-r: i stacked PMOS pull-up parallel NMOS pull-down \__ .~ CMOS pairB (a) FIGURE 24.9 symbol (b) Two-input CMOS NOR Cate with W/L Ratios in Microns (µm): (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Circuit ing the P-channel MOSFETs in a parallel pull-up configuration and the N-channel MOSFETs in a stacked series pull-down configuration. The logical NOR function can also be obtained with CMOS pairs but with the PMOS devices in a stacked series pullup configuration and the NMOS devices in a parallel pull-down configuration as shown in Figure 24.9a. (Disregard the W/L ratios for the present discussion.) As with the NANO gate, each input is accommodated by a separate CMOS pair with the gate terminals of the NMOS and complementary PMOS device connected and serving as one input terminal. The output is taken from the node between the parallel NMOS pull-down branch and the stacked PMOS pull-up branch. The pull-up configuration has the drain-to-source channels of the PMOS transistors in series between the output and V1m. The pull-down section has the drain-to-source channels of the NMOS devices in parallel between the output and ground. Output Low State The output low state for the CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a is obtained for any input high. Both Inputs High With both inputs high, Yes.:---: for both NMOS devices is sufficient to bring them into active operation. Output pull-down paths to ground are then available through the drain-to-source channels of both Nchannel MOSFETs. With the VA input voltage high, Vsc;y,\ is insufficient to turn on PA and no output pull-up path to V1m is available. The CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a is therefore in the output low state for both inputs high .. Output High Voltage = VoL Examining the CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a it is easily seen that the sum of the NMOS drain currents is equal to the drain current of P 8 (and P,\). With P 8 cutoff, the sum of the NMOS drain currents is lo.Ni\ + Io.Nil = lo,l'H(off) = 0 With zero drain currents the drain-to-source voltages of the active N-channel MOSFETs are VDs.N,\ = VDs.:---: 13 = 0 (as was the case with the CMOS inverter and NANO gate) and the output low voltage of the CMOS NOR gate is V 0 L(CMOS NOR) = 0 24.3 VA High, VB Low With a single input high, an output pull-down path to ground is available through the drain-to-source channel of the corresponding NMOS transistor (NA in this case). With VA high (greater than VDD - IVul) then Vsc,I'A is insufficient to turn on P;\· With P1\ cutoff no output pull-up path to VDI) is present. Therefore, the CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a is in the output low state for V,\ high and VB low. VA Low, VB High Since a single input high places the corresponding N-channel MOSFET in active operation, an output pull-down path to ground is provided through the drain-to-source channel of the corresponding N-channel MOSFET. With VA low, Vsc,Ni\ is sufficient to bring P,\ into active operation. Therefore, a highly conductive path between VDD and the source of PB exists. However, with VB high, PB is cutoff and no output pull-up path is available. With an output pull-down path to ground and no output pull-up path, the CMOS NOR gate is in the output low state. It should be noted that with PA active and PB cutoff, the drain current of PA is IoyA = Io.I'll = 0. The source-to-drain voltage of PA is therefore VSD.PA = 0. The source of P 8 is thus said to be at a virtual VIJD· Output High State Both Inputs Low When both inputs of the CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a are low, both NA and NB are cutoff and no output pull-down path is available. With VA low, PA is active and the source of Fri is at a virtual VDD as discussed above. With VB also low, PB is then brought CMOS NOR Gate 381 into active operation and a pull-up path to VDI) is available through the series drain-to-source chan · nels of PA and PB. Hence, with both inputs low, an output pull-up path to V 0 0 is available and there is no output pull-down path to ground. Thus, the CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a is in the output high state. Output High Voltage It was previously mentioned that the PMOS drain current of P 8 (and P J is equal to the sum of the NMOS drain currents. With NA and NB both cutoff, the drain currents of PB and PA are zero or Io,PB = Io,!'/\ = Io.NA (off) + Io,NB(off) = 0 Since PA and Fil are in active operation and their drain currents are zero, the source-to-drain voltages are also zero. With VsD,PA = V50 y 8 = 0, the output high voltage for the CMOS NOR gate is VclH(CMOS NOR) = V oo NOR Function Realization With the output high state occurring only for both inputs low and the output low state occurring for any input high, the circuit of Figure 24.9a realizes the NOR function truth table (shown in Table 24.2). The state of each MOSFET for this CMOS NOR gate for all combinations of low and high inputs is also tabulated in Table 24.2. Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths are Exclusive As with the CMOS inverter and NAND gate, for static operation of the CMOS NOR gate (all inputs TABLE 24.2 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths in the Two Input CMOS NOR Gate of Figure 24.9a for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs VA VB low low high high low high low high NA NB PA Ps Pull-Up Path Pull-Down Path(s) off off on on off on off on on on off off on off on off P,, and Pti* none none none none NR *For V,\ and VB low a single output pull-up path to VnD through PA and Pu is present **For V" and VB high two output pull-down paths to ground are present through NA and N 8 N" N,v NR** VouT high low low low 382 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates stacked PMOS pull-up V, ) -----0 VNOR 1 parallel NMOS pull-down ) ~ CMOS pair A '---~~ I'--...,~______.) CMOS pairB CMOS pair i FIGURE 24.10 Adding Inputs to a CMOS NOR Gate: Add a PMOS transistor to the series stacked pull-up and an NMOS transistor to the parallel pull-down for each additional input held constant at Vex or V0 H), an output pull-up path to VDD or output pull-down path to ground is always available. Also, a pull-up path and il pull-down pilth are never present simultaneously. existing P-channel MOSFETs in the stacked pull-up. Since the output high and low voltages for a CMOS NOR gate are not degraded by adding more inputs, the number of inputs is limited by switching speed considerations. Ordering of Inputs While any input to a CMOS NOR gate is logically equivalent, the input to the top of the stack PMOS transistor should be the input which switches least often. Conversely, the input to the bottom of the stack PMOS should be the input which switches most often. This provides the fastest switching of output states for the NOR gate. Adding More Inputs More inputs are added to CMOS NOR gates by sin,ply including additional CMOS pairs in the NOR gate circuit as shown in Figure 24.10. Each additional NMOS device has its drain-to-source channel placed in parallel with the other NMOS transistors in the parallel pull-down. Additional PMOS devices have their drain-to-source channels placed in series with Channel Width/Length Ratios For the two-input CMOS NOR gate, the output pullup path to VDD is through the drain-to-source channels of two series P-channel MOSFETs. Since the output pull-up path is physically longer for the CMOS NOR gate compared to the CMOS inverter, the channels of the PMOS devices must be widened to accommodate for this. If the width of the PMOS transistors is not increased to accommodate for the increased pull-up path length, the voltage transfer characteristic will not be symmetric. For a CMOS inverter the PMOS W 1,/L 1, ratio is 2.5 times that of the NMOS WN/LN ratio (due to the relative mobility µ,NI µ., 1, = 2.5 for silicon). Hence, for a two-input CMOS NOR gate the PMOS and NMOS channel widths should have a ratio 24.3 WI'= 2(2.5) WN LI' LN = 5 WN (2 input CMOS NOR) LN Note that the W/L ratios for the two input CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a match this ratio. For a general i input CMOS NOR gate, the PMOS and NMOS channel widths should have a ratio (i input CMOS NOR) Disadvantages of CMOS NOR Gates over CMOS NANO Gates Examining the W/L ratios for the transistors in the CMOS NAND gate of Figure 24.6a, the total area of the NMOS and PMOS channels is seen to be 2WNLN + 2W1Lr = 2(8µ,)(2µ,) + 2(10J.L)(2µ,) = 72µ,m 2 For the CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a, the total area of the NMOS and PMOS channels is seen to be 2WNLN + 2WpLp = 2(4µ,)(2µ,) + 2(20J.L)(2µ,) = 96µ,nz 2 FIGURE 24.11 CMOS NOR Gate 383 Discounting the area required for the wiring of these devices, CMOS NOR gates require approximately 1/s more silicon surface area than CMOS NAND gates in CMOS integrated circuits. Hence, it is best to use CMOS NAND gates over CMOS NOR gates, whenever possible. Example 24.2 NOR Gate SPICE Simulation of CMOS Simulate the two-input CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9 using SPICE to obtain the voltage transfer characteristic and verify the realization of the logical NOR function. Solution Figure 24.11 shows a two-input CMOS NOR gate with appropriate SPICE labelings. The input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: CMOS Two-Input NOR Gate VDD 5 D DC 5V -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VTO=1 + KP=4OU GAMMA= □ .37 PHI= □ -6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) -MODEL PMOSFET PMOS(VTO=-1 + KP=16U GAMMA= □ -4 PHI= □ -6 Two-input CMOS NOR Gate with Appropriate SPICE Labelings 384 + Chapter 24/CMOS CombinationJI Logic GJtcs CBD=3,1E-15 CBS=3,1E-15) MPA 4 1 5 5 PMOSFET W=20U L=2U MPB 2 3 4 5 PMOSFET W=20U L=2U MNB 2 3 D O NMOSFET W=4U L=2U MNA 2 1 D O NM◊SFET W=4U L=2U VINA 1 0 PULSE(OV 5V DD D 1DNS + 2DNS) VINB 3 0 DC DV PULSE(OV 5V OD + 0 2DNS 40NS) -DC VINA O 5 0-1 -PLOT DC V(4) -TRAN 1NS 40NS -PRINT TRAN V(VINA) V(VINB) + V(4) -END Note that VINE has a default DC value of O V so that the .DC sweep over VINA will produce both output logic states. The result of the .DC sweep is the voltage transfer characteristic shown in Figure 24.12a. Note the voltage transfer characteristic is slightly displaced from the center. The results of the .TRAN time sweep are shown in Figure 24.126. The logical NOR function is easily recognized, the output is high when both inputs are low and low for any input high. Note that the output fall time is approximately equal to the output rise time. 24.4 CMOS AND AND OR GATE AND and OR gates in CMOS digital circuits are obtained by simply feeding the output of CMOS NAND and NOR gates into CMOS inverters, as shown in Figures 24.13 and 24.14, respectively. Note the intermediate NAND and NOR outputs can be used to drive logic gates other than their respective inverters and thus applications requiring complementary logic signals are easily facilitated. 24.5 CMOS COMPLEX LOGIC GATES (AOis AND OAis) The previous sections show that ANDing of signals is naturally performed with CMOS circuitry by series connection of N-channel MOSFETs and parallel connection of complementary P-channel MOSFETs. Also, ORing of signzds is performed in CMOS circuitry by parallel connection of NMOS transistors and series connection of the complementary PMOS transistors. Combining NMOS devices in series con1binations with the corresponding PMOS devices in parallel and other NMOS transistors in parnllel with their corresponding PMOS transistors in series within the sc1rne CMOS circuit, allows realizc1tion of more complex logic functions such as AND-OR-inverts or AOis. Modification of CMOS NOR Gate Block Diagram to Perform AND-OR-Inverting Before introducing a CMOS AND-OR-invert gate, reexamine the two-input CMOS NOR gate of Figure 24.9a. As discussed, the NOR function is realized by parallel combinations of NMOS transistors c1nd series combinations of the complementc11y PMOS transistors. Figure 24.15 shows a block dic1grarn representing the parallel and series combinations of N- and P-channel devices. This block dic1grc1rn represents the logic function Vow· = V,.1 NOR Vn If the blocks dedicated to accommodate VA are modified to perform VA AND Vc c1nd the blocks dedicated to V 8 are modified to perforrn V 8 AND V 0, as in Figure 24.16, the logical function VuuT = (V11 AND Ve·) NOR (Vii AND Vt,) is performed. The circuitry needed to rec1lize VA AND Vc is a series cornbirwtion of NMOS devices for the block labeled NA AND Ne and c1 parallel combination of complementary PMOS devices for the block lc1beled PA AND Pc. Likewise, the blocks !ctbeled N 8 AND N 0 and Pc AND P 0 are represented by series combinations of N-channel MOSFETs and parallel combinations of complementc1ry P-channel MOSFETs, respectively. Figure 24.17a shows the circuitry for such a gc1te. This is a CMOS AND-OR-invert gc1te. Input ANDing Sections Examining the complex CMOS logic circuit of Figure 24.17a, two series NMOS brnnches appec1r between the output and ground. Either of these can serve as m1 output pull-down path to ground when the corresponding two inputs are high. That is, an output pull--down path exists through N,, and Ne, if V,, and ?.4.5 385 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AO!s and OAls) Vrn,(V) ' 5 4-r 3-r 2-1 VOUT (V) A I I 0 0 I 5- 5 10 I I I I v t(ns) ~ t(ns) 15 20 35 30 35 40 VINB(V) 4 5 :j 4 3 Vffill,,;;(}V 2 1 0 o+--+0 1 vrn,(V) 2 3 (a) 4 5 0 I I . I I I I 5 10 15 20 35 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 35 30 35 40 I I VaUT(V) 54 32 0 t(ns) 0 (b) FIGURE 24.12 SPICE Simulation Results of Example 24.2: (a) Voltage transfer characteristic, (b) Transient response verifying realization of logical NOR function 386 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates q LP r~o - - ~ VAND [~No A ( ,__~---, LIt: A l . __r--v B=Q N, ------------------0 F=AB F=AB VNAND ...L (a) (b) FIGURE 24.13 CMOS AND/NAND Gate: (a) NAND fed inverter, (b) Circuit symbol indicating both AND and NAND functions are available Ve are both high. Alternately, an output pull-down path exists through N 8 and N 0 , if VB and V 0 are both high. Note that for the series combination of the N-channel MOSFETs NA and N 0 there is the corresponding parallel combination of complementary P-channel MOSFETs PA and Pc. Likewise, for the series combinations of NMOS transistors N 8 and ND, (a) there is a corresponding parallel combination of complementary PMOS transistors PB and P 0 . Output is NORing of the ANDings As discussed earlier in this section, parallel combinations of the NMOS pull-down paths and series combinations of the complementary parallel PMOS (b) FIGURE 24.14 CMOS OR/NOR Gate: (a) NOR fed inverter, (b) Circuit symbol indicating both OR and NOR functions are available 24.5 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AOJs and OA!s) 387 Verification of AND-OR-Invert Logic Function Table 24.3 is a detailed truth table for the four-input AOI circuit of Figure 24.17a. We shall now verify all combinations of low and high inputs as listed in Table 24.3 along with the states of all N- and P-channel MOSFETs. The ANDing of the individual pairs of inputs along with the expected output logic states are also included in Table 24.3. PMOS pull-up v. (}----+---------< Output Low State NMOS pull-down VA AND Ve High As discussed previously in this section, an output pull-down path to ground exists through the channels of NA and Ne if VA and Vc are both high. With VA and Vc high, PA and Pc are both cutoff and no output pull-up path to V00 is available. Thus, the circuit of Figure 24.17a is in the output low state for VA AND Vc high. This verifies the output low state specified in lines 13 through 16 of Table 24.3. FIGURE 24.15 Block Diagram Representing Transistor Configuration of Two-input CMOS NOR Gate pairs provides an ORing of the ANDing of inputs. As with all CMOS gates, the output is then naturally complemented and the ORing is in essence a NORing and the logic gate of Figure 24.17a does indeed realize the logic function V8 AND V0 High Similarly, NB and ND are active when V 8 and VD are high and an active pull-down path to ground is available. With VB and VD high, PB and P 0 are cutoff and no output pull-up path to VDo is present. Therefore, the circuit of Figure 24.17a is also in the output low state for VB AND VD high. Thus, the output low VoUT = (VI\ AND Ve) NOR (VB AND Vn) = NOT[(V/\ AND Ve) OR (VB AND V0 )] =AC+ BO VA ( )----,---f __ Ve,)---~_,__,..._ __. PMOS pull-up v.o-,f---+------~--< VD(}--+---+--------+-• P. AND Po '----,---' F = (VA AND VJ NOR (V8 AND V 0 ) =AC+ BD NMOS pull-down FIGURE 24.16 Block Diagram Representing of Sub-logic Sections for an AND-OR-invert Logic Gate 388 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates lq~~P. PMOS pull-up I I _j, - -C- - - - - - - - - - - - v VA Bµm NA VB 2µiii o~-_,, NMOS pull-down [sµm N 2µiii B -I -=~ CMOS pair A ~ ~ CMOS pairC CMOS pairB ~ CMOSpairD (a) - -F=AC+BD (b) FIGURE 24.17 Four-input CMOS AND-OR-invert: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Logic schematic states tabulated in lines 4, 8, and 12 and again line 16 of Table 24.3 are verified. Output Low Voltage == V 0L With PB and PD cutoff, the sum of the PMOS drain currents ID,l'll(off) + ID,rD(off) is zero. Since the sum of the NMOS drain currents of Ne and N 0 is equal to the sum of the PMOS drain currents, these are also zero. Hence, ID,Nc(ON) + Io,NLJ(ON) = lo,PB(OFF) + Io,ro(OFF) =O Since zero drain current active MOSFETs have a drain-to-source voltage of zero (as discussed in section 17.2), the NMOS transistors providing the out- put pull-down path to ground both have VDs = 0. Thus, the output low voltage for the complex AOI logic gate of Figure 24.17a is the same as that for the CMOS inverter, NAND, and NOR gates with VOL= 0 This was the output low voltage found for the simpler CMOS NAND and NOR gates of the previous sections. VoL is also zero for even more complex CMOS logic gates. Output High State VA AND V8 Low With VA and VB low, PA and Pri are active and an output pull-up path to VDo is available through their 14.5 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AO!s and 0/\ls) 389 TABLE 24.3 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths in the Four Input CMOS AND-OR-Invert Gate of Figure 24.17a for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs VA AND 1 :z 3 4 5 6 7 8 l) 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 NA No PA Pc Ps Vs AND Vo Pull-Up Path PullDown Path Yrn;1 VA Ve Vs Vo Ne Nu Po Ye low low low low low low low low low low high high low high low high off off off off off off off off off off on on off on off on on on on on on on on on on on off off on off on off low low low low low low low high yes yes yes no no no no yes low low low low high high high high low low high high low high low high off off off off on on on on off off on on off on off on on on on on off off off off on on off off on off on off low low low low low low low high yes yes yes no no no no yes high high high high low low low low low low high high low high low high on on on on off off off off off off on on off on off on off off off off on on on on on on off off on off on off low low low low low low low high yes yes yes no no no no yes high high high low high high high high high high high high low low high high low high low high on on on on on on on on off off on on off on off on off off off off off off off off on on off off on off on off high high high high low low low high no no no no yes yes yes yes low low low low drain-to-source channels. Also, NA and Nil are cutoff and no output pull-down path to ground is present. Thus, the complex CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.17a is in the output high state and lines 1, 2, 5, and 6 of Table 24.3 are verified. VA AND VvLow P,\ and PD are active for VA and VD low and an output pull-up path to VnD is available through their drainto-source channels. NA and Nn are simultaneously cutoff and no output pull-down path to ground exists. Thus, the CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.17a is in the output high state and lines 1, 3, 5, and 7 of Table 24.3 are verified. Ve AND V8 Low and Ve: AND Vv Low An analogous situation results from either Vc and V11 low verifying lines 1, 2, 9, and 10 of Table 24.3. Lines 1, 3, 9, and 11 of Table 24.3 are verified in the same manner for Ve and Vu low. Output High Voltage =V 0u With Ne and Nil cutoff, the sum of the NMOS drain currents is zero. With the output pull-up path to V1)l) VAlll high high high low high high high low provided through the two complementary PMOS devices and equal drain currents of the cutoff NMOS devices given by Io,Nc(ON) + ID,No(ON) = ID,PB(OFF) + Io,PD(OFF) =0 The drain-to-source voltages of the (active) pull-up PMOS transistors are Vus.r; = 0. Thus, as with the CMOS inverter, NAND, and NOR gates, the output high voltage is Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths are Exclusive As demonstrated with the CMOS inverter of the previous chapter and the CMOS NAND and NOR gates of the previous sections, static operation (all inputs held constant at Vm and/or V0 H) of the CMOS AND-OR-invert gate of Figure 24.17a always provides either an output pull-up path to VDD or an output pull-down path to ground. As with the previously discussed CMOS logic gates, output pull- 390 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates up and pull -down paths are never simultaneously available. be twice that of the inverter in Example 23.2. Keeping the same channel length yields w;\' I Channel Width/Length Ratios The channel width/length ratios of the NMOS and PMOS transistors in a complex CMOS logic gate must be scaled. This accommodates for the relative mobilities of electrons and holes in silicon !-LN = 2.5µ,p (in silicon) and the relative lengths of the output pull - up paths to V00 and pull-down paths to ground. The widths of the N-channel MOSFETs are simply those found for the inverter with the same desired VTC multiplied by the maximum number of NMOS transistors required for an output pull -down path to ground. That is, for the complex CMOS AOI gate of Figure 24.17a, the longest output pull-down path to ground is through the drain-to-source channels of two NMOS transistors. The WN/LN ratio should therefore be twice that found in a CMOS inverter with the same desired VTC. The widths of the PMOS channels are scaled in a similar fashion. Wp/Lr should be equal to that found in an inverter with the same desired VTC multiplied by the maximum number of PMOS transistors required for an output pull-up path to V00 . Exam ining the CMOS gate of Figure 24.17a, the longest pull-up path from the output to V00 is through the drain-to-source channel of two PMOS devices. The Wp/Lp ratio should therefore be twice that found in a CMOS inverter with the same desired VTC. The following example demonstrates sizing of MOSFETs for the complex CMOS AOI circuit of Figure 24.17a. LN =2 1101 wNI LN ;,,,,,.,.,,., = 2 (4µ,) = (2µ,) 8µ,111 2µ,m Also mentioned, the longest pull-up path to V00 is through two PMOS drain-to-source channels. The Wp/L 1, ratio should also be twice that of the inverter in Example 23.2. Keeping the same PMOS channel length yields wl'I Li, = , \0/ 2 Wpl Lr = i11 v crtcr 2 (10µ,) = 20µ,m (2µ,) 2µ,lll Non-Inverting AND-OR Gates Non-inverting AND-OR gates are obtained in CMOS in the same fashion as NMOS AND and OR gates. Namely, by connecting an inve rter at the out ~ put. Figure 24.18a shows the CMOS AND -OR-invert gate of Figure 24.17a with a CMOS inverter connected to th e output. This new circuit performs the logic function Vmn = CV11 AND Ve) OR (VB AND V0) =AC+ BO Thus, the inverted AOI output node can be used to drive gates other than the cascaded inverter to provide compleITtentary logic signals. Recipe for Other Complex CMOS Logic Gates Additional multi - input complex logic gates can be constructed using CMOS obeying the following general design connections: 1. ANDing of signals is performed by series stacked combinations of NMOS transistors with coITtplementing PMOS transistors in parallel. Example 24.3 Size of MOSFETs in a Complex CMOS Logic Circuit 2. Design the channel widths and lengths of the com plex CMOS logic circuit of Figure 24.17a so that it has the same VTC of the CMOS inverter of Example 23.2 (shown in Figure 23.3). ORing of signals is accomplished by parallel connection of NMOS devices with the comple menting PMOS devices stacked in series. 3. The gate termina l of each NMOS transistor is tied to the gate terminal of the complementing PMOS transistor and used as a signal input. 4. ORing of ANDed signals is realized by parallel connection of the series NMOS devices and series connection of the complementing parallel PMOS devices. Solution As mentioned in this section, the longest output pull-down path to ground found in the CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.17a is through two NMOS channels. The WN/LN ratio should therefore 24.5 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AOls and OAis) 8µmN 2µm D vBo----l-i 8µmN 2µm B ----1 391 4µmN 2µiii 0 l \_ - ~ secondary inversion -:- (a) A- F=AC+BD C - F=AC+BD B D (b) FIGURE 24.18 Four-input CMOS AND-OR gate: (a) Circuit with cascaded inverter, (b) Logic schematic 5. ANDing of ORed signals is realized by series connection of the parallel NMOS devices and parallel connection of the complementing series PMOS devices. 6. If a non-inverting AND-OR signal is desired, connect the output of the AND-OR-inverting circuitry to an inverter (the NOTed AND-OR node can be used to drive other logic gates). 7. A practical limitation for most CMOS digital integrated circuits is that no output pull-down path to ground or output pull-up path to VDD should exceed traversing four MOSFETs. 8. The channel widths and lengths should be scaled as described earlier in this section. When designing complex CMOS logic circuits, it is recommended that a corresponding truth table be verified for all combinations of low and high inputs. An output pull-up path to VDD or output pull-down path to ground must be available for every combination of inputs and pull-up and pull-down paths should never be present simultaneously. Sketching block diagrams of the sub-logic sections provides a useful preliminary step in designing of complex CMOS logic circuits. One final note should be made about the output voltage range. As with the CMOS inverter, NAND gate, and NOR gate, the output voltage operates railto-rail. That is, the output voltage varies from Vm = ground = 0 to V0 11 = VDD· Example 24.4 Complex CMOS OR-AND-Invert Logic Gate Design a five-input complex CMOS logic gate that provides the logic functions 392 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates F = (A + B)(C + D)E F = (A + B)(C + D)E NMOS transistors. The blocks labeled PA OR Pi, and Pc OR P0 should be replaced by series combinations of PMOS transistors. and Solution (Input E) The input for signal VE is connected to a single N-channel MOSFET in place of the block labeled NE and single P-channel MOSFET in place of the block labeled PE. (Channel W/L ratios are calculated in the following example.) Solution (Block Diagram) To design the five-input inverting logic section, note that the desired logic function is a NANDing of two ORings and an individual si1mal or u v();\/ Solution (Inverting) To provide the OR-ANDing of the non-inverting logic desired, a CMOS inverter should be connected to the output of the 1nulti--input complex CMOS logic gate. Figure 24.196 shows the CMOS circuit that provides the desired logic functions with each block of Figure 24.19a replaced with the constituent MOSFET representations and cascaded CMOS inverter to provide complementing of the initial logic function. As mentioned, the input node to the cascaded inverter may be used to drive other gates. The truth table for this logic gate should be verified for all 25 = 32 combinations of low and high inputs to verify proper logic realization. This is left as a homework exercise in Problem 24.40. = (V;1 + V,;)(Ve + Vo)VE = (V1 , OR V8 ) NAND (Ve OR V0 ) NAND Vr The overall NANDing of the sub-logic sections VA OR V8 , Ve OR VD, and VE can be represented by the block diagram shown in Figure 24.19a. NANDing of signals requires series combinations of NMOS sections and parallel combinations of PMOS sections. Solution (ORing Sub-logic) To perform the ORing logic VA OR V8 and Vc OR VD, the blocks in Figure 24.19a labeled NA OR NB and Ne OR ND should be replaced with parallel combinations of PMOS pull-up F =(A+ B)(C + D)E Ya<)-----+--+------------t--+--------1 Yo<>-----+--+-----~--, NcORN0 ......._,--___, Yc<l---+--+----------< NMOS pull-down VB()-~-+-• VA NAORN8 l---"--1 -.:- (a) FIGURE 24.19 Five-input Complex CMOS OR-AND-invert/OR-AND Gate of Examples 24.4 and 24.5: (a) Block diagram representing NANDing of sub-logic sections 24.5 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AOJs and OAls) 393 ------------- 8 T ilOµmp 2µm E 20µmp 2µm D ~--+---------+--~---j VE r· . . ,-···-12µmN 7 "'1µni C 7 12µmN "'1µni D ~.....J ---+------·---~----~ secondary inversion ~•~N, '------y---··./ ~ CMOS pair A CMOS pair B '--------y ...J '----y----./ CMOS pair C CMOS pairD CMOS pairE (b) F =(A+ B)(C + D)E - F=(A+B)(C+D)E (c) FIGURE 24.19 (continued) (b) Circuit schematic, (c) Logic schematic Example 24.5 Complex CMOS Logic Gate Channel Width/Length Ratios Calculate the channel width/length W/L ratios for all MOSFETs in the logic gate of the previous example (Figure 24.196). Both the multi-input and cascaded inverting stages should have the VTC and transient response of the CMOS inverter in Example 23.2. Solution (Second Inverter Stage) Since the two stages of the CMOS circuit of Figure 24.196 should have the same response as the inverter of Example 23.2, the inverter stage PMOS and NMOS have channel W /L ratios given by Wp 1 10µ,m Lp1 2 µ,111 WN1 4 µ,m 2 µ,111 and LNI Solution (NMOS WN/LN Ratios of Multi-input Stage) For the initial multi-input stage, all output 394 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates r·~30µmp ~-:!µm C --·· j30µmp L,-:!µm D Your=? VC ',-.~----, ,-12µmN 7 ~ C 8µmN 7µm F ~----~ ~-- I ~4µmN l~Zµiii D I sµmN 2µiii E (a) Six-input Complex CMOS AND-OR-invert Gate of Examples 24.6 and 24.7: (a) Circuit schematic FIGURE 24.20 pull-down paths to ground are through three NMOS transistors. The W N/LN ratios should therefore be three times that of N 1 or WN (A, B, C, D, E) LN =3 The third output pull-up path to VoD is through the single transistor PE. The Wp/Lp ratio need only be that of P1 and thus WNJ WPr: W/'1 10 LNJ Ll'E Lp/ 2 X - µ,111 µ,111 4 µ,111 12 µ,111 =3X--=-2 µ,m 2 µ,m Solution (PMOS, Wp/Lp Ratios of Multi-Input Stage) Three output pull-up paths to VDIJ are available. Two of the paths are through two PMOS transistors, P J\ and P 8 or Pc and P 0 . Thus, the PMOS transistors P Al PB, Pc, and P 0 should have Wp/Lp ratios twice that of P 1 or Example 24.6 Complex CMOS AND-OR-Invert Logic Gate Wp (A B C D) = 2 x Wpi Lp L~ I I I 10 µ,nz 2 µ,m The following two examples demonstrate the design of a complex CMOS AND-OR-invert logic gate. The channel width/length ratios are calculated in the secondary example. 20 µ,m 2 µ,m =2X--=-- What complex logic function is performed by the sixinput CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.20a? 24.5 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AO!s and OAls) 395 A B c~..___.,,, VB (l-----+---+----+---------+--------r-----1 Vpo---·- + - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - I D-----1 '---...----' F=ABC+D+EF F NBANDN, (b) FIGURE 24.20 (continued) (c) (b) Block diagram, (c) Logic schematic Solution (Block Diagram, NMOS Pull-Down Sections) Examining the complex CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.20a it is seen that three output pulldown paths to ground exist as follows: (1) through NA, N 13, and Ne; (2) through N 0 ; and (3) through NE and NF. Figure 24.20b shows a block diagram of this complex CMOS logic gate with a separate block dedicated to each NMOS pull-down path. As noted in this and previous sections, series connection of NMOS devices performs an ANDing of signals. Thus, the blocks representing the first and third pulldown path are labeled NA AND NB AND Ne and NE AND NF. The block representing the pull-down of the single transistor is labeled N 0 . Solution (Block Diagram, PMOS Pull-Up Sections) Further examining Figure 24.20a, note the PMOS output pull-up path to VDD is in three stages: (1) PA, P 8 , and Pc; (2) PD; and (3) PE and Pp. The P-channel MOSFETs of each pull-up stage correspond to the N-channel MOSFETs of each pulldown path. The block diagram of Figure 24.206 also includes blocks representing each PMOS pull-up stage. Since parallel combinations of P-channel MOSFETs represent ANDing of signals, the block of Figure 24.206 representing the PMOS pull-up stage closest to VDD is labeled PA AND P 8 AND Pc. Similarly, the block representing the pull-up stage closest to the output is labeled PE AND PF- The block representing the single transistor pull-up stage is labeled P 0 . Solution (NORing of ANDing) Examining the block diagram of Figure 24.206, the pull-down paths are in parallel and a corresponding PMOS pull-up stage is present in a series pull-up. Corresponding blocks in the pull-down and pull-up paths perform the same logic function. Hence, the logic gate of Figure 24.20a performs a NORing of the individual sublogic sections. Since each section is either an ANDing or a single signal, this gate performs the logic function F = (A AND B AND C) NOR D NOR (E AND F) = NOT[(A AND BAND C) ORD OR (E AND F)] =ABC+ D + EF Figure 24.20c shows the symbolic representation of this logic function. Constructing a truth table for all 396 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates combinations (2 1' = 64) of low and high input states and corresponding outputs would provide complete confirmation of the logic gate output function. Complex CMOS Logic Gate Channel Width/Length Ratios Calculate the channel width/length W/L ratios for all Example 24.7 MOSFETs in the logic gate of the previous example (Figure 24.20a). Both the multi-input and cascaded inverting stages should have the VIC and transient response of the CMOS inverter in Example 23.2. Solution (NMOS WNILN Ratios) The channel width/length ratio for the NMOS transistor of the CMOS inverter in Example 23.2 was found to be W~i1LN 1 = 4µ.m/2µ.m. The complex CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.20a has three NMOS pull-down paths. The first pull-down path is through the three NMOS transistors NA, NB, and Ne, The N-channel MOSFETs N,v N 13, and Ne should therefore have WN/LN ratios three times that of the NMOS device in Example 23.2: wN LN I LN/ I 4 µ.111 2 µ.111 12 µ.m 2 µ.m =3X--=-- Since ND is a single transistor pull-down path, the WN/LN ratio is the same as that in the inverter of Example 23.2 given by WNo WN1 4 µ.m LNo LN1 2 µ.111 The third pull-down path consists of the two NMOS transistors NE and NF. The Wr-.;/LN ratio for NE and NF should therefore be twice that of the Example 23.2 inverter and thus WN (E F) LN I = WI' (A, B, C, D, E, F) Lr = 3 x -WI'! L~ 10 µ.111 2 µ.111 30 µ.Ill 2 µ.m =3X--=-- CMOS logic gates can be even more complex than those shown previously. The following example describes a more complex gate. Super Complex CMOS Logic Gate Example 24.8 Determine the logic function performed by the eightinput complex CMOS logic gate shown in Figure 24.21a. wNT (A B C) = 3 X Solution (PMOS Wp/L,, Ratios) The channel width/length ratio for the PMOS transistor of the CMOS inverter in Example 23.2 was found to be W,,i/L"' = 10µ.m/2µ.m. Examining Figure 24.20a, all output pull-up paths to VLm are through a series combination of three P-channel MOSFETs. Thus, all PMOS devices in the complex CMOS logic gate of Figme 24.20a should have channel Wp/L" ratios three times that of the inverter in Example 23.2 and thus 2 X WN/ LN/ 4 µ.m 8 µ.m 2 µ.m 2 µ.m =2X--=-- Solution (Block Diagram) Examining the logic gate of Figure 24.21a, note that two NMOS output pull-down paths to ground are present: (1) through the N,\, NB, Ne, and ND configurations, and (2) through the NE, N,, Ne, and NH configurations. Also, the PMOS output pull-up path to VoD is in two major sections: (1) through the P i\t PB, Pc, and PD configurations, and (2) through the PE, P,, Pc, and P, 1 configurations. The block diagran, of Figure 24.216 illustrates this configuration. Parallel configurations of pull-down paths and series configura tions of pull-up sections imply an overall NORing of the sub-logic sections. Solution (Left Pull-Down Path) The NMOS pull-down path in Figure 24.21a consisting of NA, NB, Ne, and ND will be considered first. The transistors NA and N 13 are in series, realizing the NMOS pull-down logic A AND B. TI,e series N,\-N 11 24.5 CMOS Complex Logic Gates (AO!s and OAls) therefore perform the logic A AND B. The parallel PA-PB section is in series with Pc achieving the logic [(A AND B) OR C]. Finally, the Pi\-P8 -Pc configuration is in parallel with the P-channel MOSFET PD. Thus, the top PMOS pull-up section does indeed realize the same logic [(A AND B) OR C] AND D performed by the corresponding NMOS pull-down path. MOSFETs are in parallel with Ne, thus achieving the logic (A AND B) OR C. Finally, the NA-NB-Ne configuration is in series with the NMOS device N 0 denoting an ANDing. The N1v N 8 , Ne, and N 0 NMOS section thus realizes the NMOS pull-down logic [(A AND B) OR C] AND D. Solution (Upper Pull-Up Section) The P-channel MOSFETs in Figure 24.21a for the PMOS pullup section closest to V00 are connected to the Nchannel MOSFETs of the NMOS pull-down path on the left side of the gate schematic. This PMOS pullup section should therefore realize the same logic calculated in the previous solution sub-section. The PMOS devices PA and P 8 are in parallel and Solution (Right Pull-Down Path) The NMOS pull-down path of Figure 24.21a including NE, NF, Ne, and NH is made up of two parallel N-channel MOSFET sections in series. This NMOS configuration realizes the logic (E OR F) AND (G ORH). Your=? -::- (a) FIGURE 24.21 397 Eight-input Super-Complex CMOS Logic Gate of Example 24.8: (a) Circuit schematic 398 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates f ~ V I ~ 0---- -+- -· PA' Pa, Pc, Po l ! ~ P., P., Po, PH u 0--0--- ---- ' D - - - - - - - - - 1...___., E------> OUT --D OUT I !__~ ~ ! - NA,Na, Nc,No -----~ OUT = (AB + C)D + (E + F)(G + H) N8 ,N,,, Na,NH I I -:- (b) FIGURE 24.21 (continued) (c) (b) First level block diagram: NORing, (c) Logic schematic Solution (Lower Pull-Up Section) The PMOS pull-up section consisting of PE, PF, Pc, and PH is a parallel combination of series P-channel MOSFETs. This realizes the same logic (E ORF) AND (G OR H) performed by the corresponding NMOS pulldown path. Solution (NORing of Sub-Logic Sections) The previous solution sub-sections showed that the two PMOS pull-up sections realize the same logic as the complementing NMOS pull-down paths. Since the NMOS pull-down paths and PMOS pull-up sections are in an overall NORing configuration, the logic function provided by the complex CMOS logic gate of Figure 24.21 is F = {[(A AND B] OR C)] AND Dl NOR [(E ORF) AND (G OR H)] = NOT({[(A AND B] OR C)] AND D) OR [(E ORF) AND (G OR H)]) = (AB + C)D + (E + F)(G + H) This logic function is shown symbolically in Figure 24.21c. Constructing a truth table for all (2 8 = 256) combinations of low and high inputs and their corresponding outputs would prove a formidable task but would also provide complete verification of this logic expression. f Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks De Morgan's Theorems De Morgan's theorems will be needed in the following section. They can be stated simply as follows: De Morgan's NOR Theorem: w+ y = WY De Morgan's NAND Theorem: WY=W+Y 24.6 v. CMOS XOR/XNOR Gates 399 n--~-+-------------.----[ VXOR 8µmN Tµiii A2 stage 2 stage 1 (a) A B XOR '----y---1 stage 1 stage 2 (b) FIGURE 24.22 symbol 24.6 :JD-xoR (c) XOR Gate: (a) CMOS two-stage combinational logic realization, (b) Logic embodiment, (c) Circuit CMOS XOR/XNOR GATES Two Stage Circuit Exclusive OR (XOR) and exclusive NOR (XNOR) gates can not be constructed in any clever way similar to the NMOS XOR gate discussed in section 22.5. The design of a CMOS XOR gate through combinational logic realization results in the two stage CMOS gate shown in Figure 24.22a. The two stages of this circuit are a two-input CMOS NOR gate (A + B) and a three-input CMOS AOI performing the logic function AB + C. The logic output A + B of the first stage is fed into the C input of the AOI giving an output logic function F =AB+ A+ B The logic circuit is shown symbolically in Figure 24.226. To show that this is in fact the XOR function, we apply De Morgan's NOR theorem to the A+ B term to obtain F = AB + A B = A XOR B 400 Chapter 24/CMOS Combiniltional Logi c Cc1tcs r-- · -15 I VDD"~~ DC 5V I; n- 6 5 o -:- g~:MPA '41~ ~ :] -:r-< VINB 1 >----+----- - - - - +11----; 3 I 5 20UM uDA 2UiVi '"" - J1 DC OUM 2UM lg MPA2 31 I1- : -"2UM "OUM 9 MP82 - - -7 ~ VNOR r - ~- - - - + - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - -2-1 I -:- 1 ,-~------ -- 1___3J I o 4UM 3 82UM MNA 1~ ---- r 2 I s 20UM MPAB 2UM vXOR o 4UM :=a2UM I MNB L2J 1 I o BUMMNA2 l-- 2UM IQ -:- FIGURE 24.23 CMOS Two-stage Combinational Logic XOR Gate with Appropriilte SPICE Labelings 111is is indeed the XOR function, since both inputs low or both inputs high result in logic low output state. Disadvantages of Two Stage Combinational Logic XOR Gate The disadvantage of using the two stage combina tional logic XOR gate of Figure 24 .22a is that the propagation delay for two gate stages is twice that of one gate stage . Alternate XOR Embodiments The next chapter on CMOS special purpose gates presents several alternate methods for constructing XOR gates using the logic elements to be presented in that chapter. Example 24 .9 CMOS Two Stage Combinational Logic XOR SPICE Simulation Perform a SPICE simulation similar to that of Example 24.2 on the CMOS two stage combinational logic XOR gate of Figure 24.22a. Solution Figure 24.23 shows a CMOS two -stage combinational logic XOR gate with appropriate SPICE labelings. The input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: CMOS Two-Stage Combinational Logic XOR Gate VINA 1 D PULSE(OV 5V DD D 1DNS + 20 NS) VINB 3 D DC DV PULSE(OV 5V DD + D 2DNS 40NS) VDD 5 D DC 5V Chapter 24 -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VT0=1 KP=40U GAMMA=0-37 PHI=D-6 CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) -MODEL PMOSFET PMOS(VT0=-1 + KP=16U GAMMA= □ -4 PHI=0-6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) I 3+ 2 * Stage 1: NORing of inputs 1 o-: I 10 15 20 25 --► : , 1 I 5 0 t(ns) 30 35 40 VINB(V) 5------41 4 1 i o-+ 5 0 -+-- -+ -- -------- - ► t(ns) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 VNoiV) • 54 3 2 10-+,-'---+---------~+----r-~--. t(ns) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 VXOR(V) II;,. 5-4- 32- 1: I 5 10 : MPA MPB MNA MNB 4 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 5 5 4 5 DD DO PMOSFET PMOSFET NMOSFET NMOSFET W=20U L=2U W=20U L=2U W=4U L=2U W=4U L=2U * Stage 2: AOiing of inputs ~t 0 401 + + 4-j 0 Problems , 15 20 25 : 30 1 -----+ t(ns) 35 40 FIGURE 24.24 Results of Example 24.9 CMOS XOR SPICE Simulation MPA2 9 1 5 5 PMOSFET W=20U L=2U MPB2 9 3 5 5 PMOSFET W=2DU L=2U MPAB 8 2 9 5 PMOSFET W=20U L=2U MNA2 7 1 DD NMOSFET W=8U L=2U MNB2 8 3 7 D NMOSFET W=8U L=2U MNAB 8 2 □ 0 NMOSFET W=4U L=2U -TRAN 1NS 40NS -PRINT TRAN V<VINA) V(VINB) + V(4) -END Note that all PMOS devices in both stages have Wp/Lp ratios that are twice those of the inverter of section 23.9. The NMOS devices MNA2 and MNB2 have W N/LN ratios twice that of the inverter of section 23.9, since these make up a two transistor pulldown path. All other NMOS devices have the same WN/LN ratios as the section 23.9 inverter since each consists of single transistor pull-down paths. The result of this transient SPICE analysis is shown in Figure 24.24. The XOR function is clearly realized since the output is low when both inputs are high or both inputs are low and otherwise the output is high. Examining the output response, note that the propagation delay associated with this gate is nearly twice that which resulted from the SPICE simulation of the (one stage) CMOS inverter of section 23.6. CHAPTER 24 PROBLEMS 24.1 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.P 24.4 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.4 7 24.2 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.2 7 24.5 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.5? 24.3 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.3? 24.6 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.6 7 402 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates q Your=? Your=? -::- FIGURE P24.1 FIGURE P24.2 Ve [Pc VD [Po Your=? [Ne -::- FIGURE P24.3 24.7 Draw the NMOS pull-down section and complex CMOS logic circuit that performs the logic function 24.8 F =AB+ CD F =(AB+ C)AD 24.9 Also, design the WN/LN ratios for each NMOS transistor so that this gate will have the transient response of a CMOS inverter whose N-channel pull-down MOSFET transistor has WN/LN = 4µ,m/ 2µ,m. Use channel lengths of LN = 2µ,m. Repeat Problem 24.7 for the logic function Repeat Problem 24.7 for the logic function F = (A + B)(C + D) 24.10 Repeat Problem 24.7 for the logic function F = (A + B)(C + D) Chapter 24 Problems VDD ,--~ ----~1___J - - - - - - - - ~ L~p~- --- _v, qLr, -- --; _J Cr- v. oj P. VD LPD 0- Your=? i FIGURE P24.4 oj v. 0- Your=? FIGURE P24.5 403 404 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates • o- V v. 0 - 0 Your=? v.o- FIGURE P24.6 24.11 What logic function is performed by the CMOS digital circuit in Figure P24.11? 24.19 Figure P24.19 shows the NMOS pull-down section of a six-input complex CMOS logic gate. What logic function is performed by this circuit? Draw the complementary PMOS pull-up section to complete the circuit. 24.20 What logic function is performed by the CMOS gate in Figure 24.21? 24.21 What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic gate in Figure 24.21? 24.12 What logic function is performed by the CMOS _ digital circuit in Figure P24.127 24.13 ,.Calculate the total channel area for a symmetric " two-input CMOS NAND gate using (a) WN/LN = 4µ,m/2µm for the NMOS transistors (b) Wp/Lp = 4µ,m/2µ,m for the PMOS transistors 24.14 Repeat Problem 24.13 for a three-input CMOS NAND gate. 24.22 24.15 Repeat Problem 24.13 for a four-input CMOS NAND gate. Modify the gate of Figure 24.21 to provide the inverse of the function it currently performs. 24.23 24.16 What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic gate in Figure P24.16? What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic gate in Figure P24.23? 24.24 24.17 Modify the gate of Figure P24.16 to provide the inverse of the function it currently performs. What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic gate in Figure P24.24? 24.25 24.18 What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic gate in Figure P24.1S? Sketch the CMOS circuit that performs the logic function F =AB+ C + DE Chapter :?.4 9 1ci[pA I VA O· ~ -~1 ·~ll~NA l -::- L. FIGURE P24.11 FIGURE P24.12 Problems 405 406 Chapter 24/C!vlOS Combinational Logic Gates I \_ -H~~ND --7 FIGURE P24.16 v. f~---l---------,----{ i c____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J FIGURE P24.18 -:- Chapter 24 Problems 407 Your=? r-0 FIGURE P24.19 VA o- cF ~ ~ ·~ ~ P, L-----~ v. 0- oj -0 Your=? JFIGURE P24.23 24.26 F =ABC+ DE+ F 24.27 Sketch the CMOS circuit that performs the logic function F =A+ BC+ DEF 24.28 and Sketch the CMOS circuit that performs the logic function Sketch the CMOS circuit that performs the logic functions F = AB + CEF + D + GH F = AB + CEF + D + GH 24.29 Sketch the CMOS circuit that performs the logic function F = ABC + DEF + GH + I 24.30 Sketch the CMOS circuit that performs the logic functions F = AG + BCH + DE + FI + J and F = AG + BCH + DE + FI + J 408 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates i VoUT=? VC o-- v. VA ~NA I * FIGURE P24.24 VDD v. ~ q i ! --0 11 -:- FIGURE P24.31 VOIJT =? Chapter 24 Problems 409 FIGURE P24.32 24.31 What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic circuit of Figure P24.31? 24.32 What logic function is performed by the CMOS complex logic circuit of Figure P24.32 24.33 Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical function 24.35 F = ABC + DEF + GJ-J + IJK and F= 24.34 24.36 Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical functions F = (A + B)C + D(E + F) + (C + H)(I + n (G + n and F= and 24.37 D + EFG + J-1 (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical functions F = ABC + D + EFG + J-f F = ABC + ABC + DEF + GJ-f + IJK (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratios) F = AB + CD + E + FGH (Design for logic only, don't design the W/L ratio) Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical functions F (A + B)C + D(E + F) + H)(J + Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical function = (AH + B) (C + D + E) + (F + I + n + (C + K) 410 Chapter 24/CMOS Combinational Logic Gates 24.38 Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical fun ctions 24.39 Design a CMOS complex logic circuit that performs the logical function F = (AB + CD)E + F + (G + H + l)(JK + L) F = (A + B)(C + D)(E + F) + G(J-l + l)(J + K) (Design for logic only, don' t design the W/L ratios) and F= 24.40 (A + B)(C + D)(E + F) + G(H + l)(J + K) (Design for logic only, don' t design the W/L ratios) Make a truth table for the circuit of Example 24.4 for all 32 combinations of low and high inputs. Include states of all NMOS and PMOS transistors, existence of pull-up and pull -down paths, and output logic state. CMOS The CMOS logic gates presented in the previous chapter all exhibit two consistent characteristics as follows: 1. When all inputs are held constant at either V011 or VoLt an output pull-up path to VDD or an output pull-down path to ground is always present. 2. Output pull-up and pull-down paths are never present simultaneously. If neither a pull-up nor a pull-down path are present, then the output is in a high impedance state. If both a pull-up and pull-down path are present, the output is a state of contention. High impedance and contention states are undesirable in straight combinational logic applications. However, a practical use for high impedance output states is discussed in the form of a tri-state logic application. In this chapter two types of CMOS tri-state gates are presented as follows: 1. Tri-state inverters and tri-state multi-input logic gates 2. CMOS bi-directional (switches or pass gates) transmission STATE 1. Static operation (all inputs held constant at Vm = ground or Voll = VDD) of these logic gates always provides either an output pull-up path to VDIJ through P-channel MOSFETs or an output pull-down path to ground through N-channel MOSFETs. 2. Static operation of these logic gates never provides output pull-up and pull-down paths simultaneously. The present chapter presents CMOS circuits in which both of these rules are broken. When a combination of inputs to a logic gate provides neither an output pull-up path to VDD nor an output pull-down path to ground, the output is said to be in a high impedance Z-state, which is an open circuit or a disconnect. Consider the CMOS circuit of Figure which has two inputs and three transistors. Note immediately that there is not a complementing PMOS device for each NMOS device present (which is intentional for this discussion). The truth table for this gate will be constructed to observe an output state that is not present in any of the CMOS logic circuits studied up to this point. gates A common application of tri-state inverters is in driving integrated circuit busses. D-type flip-flops can also be constructed using either tri-state inverters or bidirectional transmission gates. Combinational logic functions can also be constructed using bidirectional transmission gates. Output Low State VA AND V 8 High When VA and V8 are both high, NA and Nri are both active and an output pull-down path to ground is present. Since V13 is high, P 13 is cutoff and no output pull-up path to VDD is available. Since an output pull-down path is present and an output pull-up path is not, the CMOS circuit of Figure is in the output low state for VA and VB high. This verifies line 4 of the truth table in Table 25.1. 25.1 CMOS LOGIC GATES WITH HIGH IMPEDANCE Z-STATES In discussing the CMOS inverter of Chapter 23 and the CMOS NAND, NOR and even complex CMOS logic gates of the previous chapter, two elements of operation are repeatedly demonstrated. These are listed as follows: Output High State V8 Low With V8 low, P 8 is active and an output pull-up path to VDD is present. Also for V8 low, Nri is cutoff re- 411 412 Chapter 2:i/CMOS Tri--StJtc Cates 19l I I VB u--~ i r----0 l-1 I VDD P. P.(OFF) - ! I f-- -c Vour I I I Vour = floating node (high impedance Z-state) _IN. -7 I I ~ (a) (b) FIGURE 25.1 Two-input Three-transistor CMOS Digital Circuit with a High-impedance Z--state: (a) Circuit, (b) With V,, low and VB high neither an output pull-down path to ground nor an output pull-up path to V,ll, is present gardless of the state of NA. With NB cutoff no output pull-down path to ground is present. With an output pull-up path and no pull-down path, the CMOS circuit of Figure is in the output high state. This corresponds to lines 1 and 3 of the truth table in Table 25.1. low, N,, is cutoff and no output pull-down path to ground is present. With VB high, P 1i is cutoff and no output pull-up path is present. Hence, for V,, low and VB high, neither an output pull-down path to ground nor an output pull-up path to Ytm is available. This corresponds to the equivalent circuit of Figure 25.16. Since N 1v NB, and PB are all cutoff, the output voltage of this CMOS circuit is independent of the transistor input voltages, as well as Vnti and ground. It was shown in Chapter 17 that the drain-to-source impedance of a cutoff MOSFET is very high, essentially infinite. With infinite impedance be- Output High Impedance Z-State With V;\ low and VB high, the output of the CMOS circuit in Figure is in a state which has not yet been observed in this or previous chapters. With V,, TABLE 25.1 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths in the Two Input, Three Transistor CMOS Circuit of Figure for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs 1 2 3 4 VA Vs NA Ns Ps low low high high low high low high off off on on off on off on on off on off Pull-Up Path Pull-Down Path pl\ none none none none N,,--N 1i* pl\ none VouT high Z** high low *For V,, and VB high, a single output pull-down path to ground through N_, and NB is present **For V,, low and VR high, neither an output pull-down path to ground nor an output pull-up path to V1m is present 25.l Uv!OS Logic Cates with High lm11cdancc Z-States TABLE 25.2 Truth Table for a CMOS Inverter Including High Impedance Z-State Inputs and Contention X-State Inputs z off on off on off off X ? ? low high Pull-Up Pull-Down Path Path YouT yes no no yes no yes no high low z yes X 1 VA o----ol l=- PA I_ - - Va ~}--------- ------rq [Pa l_ _ _ _ _ _ ' I I [----1 High Impedance Z-Nodes are Floating A CMOS circuit node in the high impedance Z-state is floJting re!Jtive to all other voltJges of the gate. The following chmacteristics of high impedance Z-state nodes can not be under-emphasized: 1. High ilTtpedance Z-state nodes Jre NOT at ground. 2. High impedance Z-state nodes are NOT at Vrm· 3. High impedance Z-state nodes have NO driving ability. [n other words, a high impedance Z-state node is disconnected from the rest of the gate. A statement that best describes J node in a high impedance Z-state is A gate input cannot be driven by a node in a high impedance Z-state To demonstrate this, refer to Table 25.2. This is a truth table for a CMOS inverter where inputs of Z-states (and X-states exp!Jined in detail in the following sub-section) are considered. A CMOS inverter driven by a high impedance Z-state input also has J high in,pedance Z-state output and provides no useful logic. The following example demonstrates another CMOS circuit with output high impedance Z-states. l -: qLlPc ? "" NMOS and PMOS modes of operation for input X-state are unpredictable tween the output and Vrn 1 and the output and ground, the output terminal is referred to as being in a high impedance Z-state. This output state is notated in truth tables by a Z as shown in line 2 of Table 25.1. 413 r----0 V I --~' -----i l-~ 8 Otrf ~ i--~c L_T _ _J FIGURE 25.2 Three-input, five transistor, CMOS Digital Circuit with High-impedance Z-states for Example 25.1 Example 25.1 CMOS Circuits with Output High Impedance Z-states Determine if any combination of low and high inputs results in the output high impedance Z-state for the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.2. Solution (Output High State) Examining the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.2, an output pull-up path to V1m is present only if all inputs are low. This corresponds to line 1 of the truth table in Table 25.3. Solution (Output Low States) If either Vii or Vc is high, the corresponding N-channel MOSFET is active and an output pull-down path to ground is present. Also, a high input cuts off the corresponding PMOS device and eliminates the presence of a pullup path. This corresponds to lines 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of Table 25.3. Solution (Output High Impedance Z-state) When Vi\ is high, Pi\ is cutoff and regardless of the other inputs, no output pull-up path is present. When VB and Ve are low, NB and Ne are cutoff and no output pull-down path is present. Hence, with V,\ high and Vil and Ve low, neither a pull-up nor pull- 414 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates TABLE 25.3 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths for the CMOS Circuit of Figure 25.2 for all Combinations of Low and High Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VA Va Ve NB Ne PA Ps Pc Pull-Up Path low low low low low low low on on on on on on off off on off on off none high low off on off on P,\-PR-Pc high high off off on on none none none Ne NB NR, Ne low low low high high high high low low hiP"h u low off off off off on on off off on off on off none none none none z high off on off on none high off off on on Ne N1, Nri, Ne low low low high high high low down path is present and the output is in a highimpedance Z-state. This state corresponds to line 5 of Table 25.3. Hence, the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.2 has a single output high impedance Z-state. 25.2 CMOS LOGIC GATES WITH CONTENTION X-STATES The previous section discussed CMOS circuits where certain combinations of inputs provide neither pullup paths nor pull-down paths at the output terminal. The present section discusses the situation when combinations of low and high inputs provide output pull-up paths to V00 and output pull-down paths to ground simultaneously. When a node is subject to simultaneous pull-up and pull-down paths the logic state of the node is referred to as a contention X-state. Examine the two input, two transistor CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a. Note that this is essentially a CMOS inverter with two separate inputs. The truth table for this gate will be constructed to observe the presence of any contention X-states. Output High State VA and V 8 Low With both inputs to the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a low, P 13 is active and NA is cutoff. Thus, an output pull-up path is present and an output pull-down path is not. The CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a is therefore in the output high state for both inputs low. This corresponds to line 1 of Table 25.4. Pull-Down Path(s) VouT Output Low State VA and V 8 High When both inputs to the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a are high, P 13 is cutoff and NA is active. An output pull-down path is therefore present and no output pull-up path is available. Thus, for both inputs high the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a is in the output low state. This corresponds to line 4 of Table 25.4. Output High Impedance Z-State VA Low and V8 High With VA low and Vil high, both NA and N 8 are cutoff. With both MOSFETs cutoff neither a pull-up nor a pull-down path is available and the circuit of Figure 25.3a is in an output high-impedance Z-state. This corresponds to the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 25.36. The output for this state is floating. This corresponds to line 2 of Table 25.4. Output Contention X-State VA High and V8 Low If VA is high and V8 is low, Vcs,N > VrN and Vsc,r > -V-1" and both MOSFETs are active. With both MOSFETs active, output pull-up and pull-down paths are simultaneously present and the output is at a voltage between ground and VoD• This combination of input voltages is depicted in Figure 25.3c. If the output voltage resulting from this state is midway between VDD and ground, both MOSFETs are operating in the linear region of operation. Such a voltage is neither sufficient as an input low voltage nor an input high voltage and therefore cannot be 25.2 v.~ CMOS Logic Gates with Contention X-Statcs &----- -i":: : ~-: : VB p .(OFF) .---L j ~ Your r---~ :- - 415 Your= floating node (high impedance Z-state) ·~ l Y VA o -.:- N (OFF) (b) (a) Your = logic level is undefined (contention X-state) -.:- (c) FIGURE 25.3 Two-input, Two-transistor CMOS Digital Circuit with a High Impedance Z-state and a Contention X-state (Example 25.2): (a) Circuit, (b) With VA and VB high neither an output pull-down path to ground nor an output pull-up path to VDD is present, (c) With VA high and VB low an output pull-down path to ground and an output pull-up path to V0 D are present simultaneously TABLE 25.4 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths for the CMOS Circuit of Figure 25.3a for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs 1 2 3 4 VA Vs NA Ps Pull-Up Path Pull-Down Path VouT low low high high low high low high off off on on on off on off PB none none none PB NA NA high Z* X** low none *For VA low and VB high neither an output pull-down path to ground nor an output pull-up path to VDo is present **For VA high and VB low an output pull-down path to ground and an output pull-up path to VDo are present 416 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates used to drive the input of another CMOS logic gc1te. The output pull-up ilnd pull-down pc1ths are said to be in contention and the output state resulting from this situation is said to be a contention X-state. This corresponds to line 3 of Table 25.4. In the following example, the magnitude of the output voltage for the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a in the contention X-state is calculated for typical CMOS designs. Example 25.2 Output Voltage of Contention X-State Calculate the output voltage of the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.3a for the output contention X-state. Use Vm ground = 0 and VDLJ = 5 V. For the MOSFETs, use the values kN = kp = 80 µ,ANc and VTN = -VT!' = 1 V (these are the values for the symmetric CMOS inverter of Example 23.2). = Solution To solve for the output contention voltage, equate the linear drain currents for the N- and P-channel MOSFETs to obtain or Example 25.3 CMOS Circuits with Output Contention X-States Determine if any combination of low and high inputs results in output contention X-states for the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.4. Solution (Output Low States) If all inputs are high then all NMOS devices are active and all PMOS devices are cutoff. Thus, output pull-down paths are available and no output pull-up path is present. The CMOS circuit of Figure 25.4 is therefore in the output low state for all inputs high. This corresponds to line 8 of Table 25.5. Also, if VA is low with VHand Vc high, the circuit is still in the output low state since Nil and Ne are still active and all P-channel MOSFETs are cutoff. 1l1is corresponds to line 4 of Table 25.5. Solution (Output High States) If either Vn or Vc is low, the corresponding PMOS transistor is active providing an output pull-up path. With either Vil or Ve low, no output pull-down path is present through the series Nil-Ne combination. Also, ifV,\ is low with either Vil or Vc low, then no output pull-down path is avai!Jble and the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.4 is in the output high state. TI1ese states correspond to lines 1, 2, and 3 of Table 25.5. Solution (Output Contention X-State) If either VR or Ye is low or both are low, then an output pull- Substituting Vcs,N = VINJ\ = Vu1 I = 5 V, Vsc,I' = v,JD - V1:--:ll = VDD - V0 1_ = 5 V, Vns,N = VouT, and VsLJ.1' = VDD - VouT yields VzJLrr} - (80µ,) [(5) - (l)JVou1 - - { 2 = (80µ,) { [(5) + (-1)](5 - V0 u 1 ) - 2 (5 - V ) } OUT 2 Collecting like terms and solving for Your yields Vour Von = 2.5 V = - 2 = Vx Thus, the output voltage Vx for the contention state is half of the supply voltage V1m which is a direct result of the symmetry for the P- and N-channel devices. FIGURE 25.4 Three-input, Five-transistor, CMOS Digital Circuit with Contention X-states for Example 25.3 25.3 CMOS Tri-State (Clocked) Inverters 417 TABLE 25.5 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths for the CMOS Circuit of Figure 25.4 for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s VA VB Ve NA NB Ne PB Pc Pull-Up Path low low low low low low high high low high low high off off off off off off on on off on off on on on off off on off on off Ps, Pc Ps Pc none none none none high high high high low low high high low high low high on on on on off off on on off on off on on on off off on off on off Ns-Nc NA NA NA NA, N8 -Nc up path is present. If VA is high, then NA is active and an output pull-down path is also available. Thus, for VA high and V13 and/or Ve low, the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.4 is in an output contention X-state. This verifies lines 5, 6, and 7 in Table 25.5 providing three contention X-states. 25.3 CMOS TRI-STATE (CLOCKED) INVERTERS Figure 25.5a displays a three-input four-transistor CMOS logic gate that has a high impedance Z-state for certain combinations of inputs. The inputs of this gate are labeled V1N, VNEN, and Vf'EN (these subscripts are explained in the following sub-section). Operation of this gate to exploit the high impedance output Z-states is useful in CMOS integrated circuits. Before explaining this statement, the truth table is constructed in the following example. Truth Table of CMOS Tri-State Inverter Pn, Pc Pn Pc none Pull-Down Path(s) VouT high high high low X X X low for VrN and VEN high, the CMOS gate of Figure 25.5a is in the output low state. This establishes lines 6 and 8 of Table 25.6. Solution (Output High State) When V1N and VrEN are low (regardless of the state of VNEN), both PMOS devices are active and both NMOS devices are cutoff (conduct zero current). An output pull-up path to VDo is then present through P 1 and PEN and no output pull-down path to ground is present. Therefore, with V1N and VPEN low, the CMOS gate of Figure 25.5a is in the output high state. This establishes lines 1 and 2 of Table 25.6. Solution (Output High Impedance Z-States) If either V1N is low and VPEN is high (regardless ofV NEN) or V1N is high and VNEN is low (regardless of VpEf,:), neither an output pull-up path nor an output pulldown path is present. Thus, for any of these combinations of inputs, the circuit of Figure 25.5a is in a high impedance output Z-state. This establishes lines 3, 4, 5, and 7 of Table 25.6. Since all combinations of inputs have been considered, no output contention X-states are present. Example 25.4 Construct the truth table for the CMOS gate of Figure 25.5a. Include the state of each transistor and existence of an output pull-down path to ground or pull-up path to VDo for each combination of inputs. Solution (Output Low State) When inputs V1N and VNEN are high (regardless of the state of VrEN), the NMOS devices N 1 and NNEN are active and the PMOS devices Pr and PEN are cutoff. An output pulldown path to ground then exists through N 1 and NEN and no output pull-up path to VDD is present. Thus, Tri-State Logic Realization Examining the truth table of Table 25.6 for the CMOS circuit of Figure 25.5a, a possible exploitation of the presence of high impedance output Z-states is observed. Logical Inversion Operation When VNEN is held at a constant high and VPEN is held at a constant low (lines 2 and 6 of Table 25.6), the output is the logical NOT of the input. This is exemplified in Figure 25.5b by showing that NEN is 418 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates,;(ON) VIN r--D VTINV V Nor I - i~N~ 2µmNI 11\.r tn1'.n l"'llN~VH) ~ l{, 7 Yoo -L VNEN (a) (b) Yoo Yoo VPEN PI PEN Pl!N(OFF) VIN :--- ~ V 2 = floating node (high impedance Z-state) m-~= Nl!N(OFF) q NEN NI VNEN -::- (c) FIGURE 25.5 (d) CMOS Tri-state Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Inverting state, (c) High-impedance z-state, (d) Circuit symbol 25.4 Appliec1tion of Tri-State Inverters 419 TABLE 25.6 States of Each N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFET and Presence of Output Pull-Up and Pull-Down Paths for the CMOS Tri-State Inverter of Figure 25.5 for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs VIN VPEN VNEN N1 NEN PEN P1 Pull-Up Path low low high high low high low high off off off off off on off on on on off off on on on on P1,:-rP1 4 low low low low 5 6 7 8 high high high high low low high high low high low high on on on on off on off on on on off off off off off off none none none none 1 2 3 PE,'!-Pl none none Pull-Down Path none none none none none N1-NEN none N1-N1l': YouT high high Z* z z low* Z* low *Denotes an operating state used in tri-state operation brought into active operation when VNE,'! is high and Pi::---: is brought into active operation when V1,EN is low, Hence, V;--;EN and V1,i:;--; can be thought of as inverter enabling signals for active high and low, respectively, Also, the subscripts NEN and PEN stand for N-enable and P-enable, respectively, Output High Impedance Z-State Operation When VNEN is held at a constant low and YnN is held at a constant high (lines 3 and 7 of Table 25.6), the output is a high impedance Z-state regardless ofV 1N. Figure 25.Sc demonstrates this by showing that NE" is cutoff when VNEN is low and PEN is cutoff when Yi'EN is high. Thus, regardless of V1N, neither an output pull-down path to ground nor an output pull-up path to Yn 11 is present Hence, VNEN low ,:md V1,EN high disable the logical NOT operation of this gate, Complementing Enable Inputs Since enabling the circuit of Figure 25.Sa for inverting operation requires the active high enabling input VNEN to be high and the active low enabling input Vl'EN to be low, the two enabling inputs are c01nplcmc11tary enabling inputs, one for the N-channel MOSFET and the other the P-channel MOSFET. Tri-State Logic If operation of the CMOS gate in Figure 25.Sa is limited to the combination of inputs listed in lines 2, 3, 6, and 7 of Table 25,6, three output logic states are possible: output high logic, output low logic, and a high impedance output Z-state, This is referred to as tri-state logic and the circuit of Figure 25.Sa is referred to as a tri-state inverter, or sometimes as a clocked inverter. The circuit symbol used for the tristate inverter is shown in Figure 25.5d, This circuit symbol represents an inverter with two additional inputs at the top and bottom of the symbol. The input at the botton, is the active high Y;--;EN NMOS transistor enabling input and the input at the top of the symbol is the active low VPEN PMOS transistor enabling input To distinguish between the two complementing enabling inputs, an inverting bubble denotes the active low Vl'EN input. 25.4 APPLICATION OF TRI-STATE INVERTERS The application of tri-state logic with high impedance Z-state outputs is demonstrated in Figure 25.6a. Note that the outputs of four separate tri-state inverters are connected to a single node. With the simple two-state inverters of the previous chapter (or the NAND, NOR, or even more complex logic gates), this connection would cause logic contention, if the gates were in different output states. However, the circuit arrangement in Figure 25.6a limits operation of the tri-state inverters in output states (outside of the high impedance Z-state) to a single gate at any given time. Each tri-state inverter of Figure 25.6a is accompanied by a single two-state inverter between the two complementing enable lines. Thus, if the signal 420 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates output of multiple tri-state buffers connected to a single node A D L 1 control signals 0 2:4 decoder only one tri-state buffer at a time is enabled - thus, the multi-driven node is never in contention (a) FIGURE 25.6 (a) Outputs of several tri-state inverters connected to a single node labeled AEN is high, the tri-state inverter TA is operating in its inverting state. If AEN is low, then TA is operating in a high impedance output Z-state. Likewise, T8 is operating in an inverting state if BEN is high and operates in a high impedance outp~t Z-state if BEN is low. Similar situations for the tnstate inverters Tc and TO exist, for the logic states of CEN and DEN, respectively. Each of the enable signals is provided from a 2: 4 demultiplexer. Thus, at any given time, only one enable signal (AEN, BEN, CEN, or DEN) is high. The tristate inverter corresponding to the high enable line is operating as an inverter and the other three tristate inverters are in output high-impedance Z-states, since their corresponding enable lines are low. Example 25.5 Tri-State Inverter Circuit Embodiment Determine the operation of the circuitry in Figure 25.6a if the AEN enable signal is high and the BEN, CEN, and DEN enable signals are all low. Solution Figure 25.6b shows the circuitry of Figure 25.6a with AEN high and BEN, CEN, and DEN low. For this situation, TA is operating as an inverter providing the logic signal NOT A. T8 , Tc, and T0 are all in highimpedance output Z-states and act as open circuits to their output nodes in the same way a cutoff pulldown NMOS device and a cutoff pull-up PMOS device acts as an open circuit to the output node inside an individual logic gate. 25.4 Application of Tri-State Inverters 421 driven by A ~ / IBC A 00- -------+----~~D TD; D"'low B"'low 0 2 3 Tu, Tc, and TD are all in high control signals 2:4 decoder impedance output Z-states (essentially disconnected from the output node) - TA is operating as an inverter (b) FIGURE 25.6 (continued) (b) Tri-state inverter TA is enabled; T8 , T0 and T0 are all disabled Example 25.6 D-Type Flip-Flop with CMOS Tri-State Inverters Figure 25.7 shows a D-type flip-flop realized with tristate inverters. Determine its operation. Solution (CK High) If the input labeled CK is high, then the tri-state inverter T1 is enabled and Tr is in an output high-impedance Z-state. For CK high the node labeled MEM is therefore driven by the logic state D. Solution (CK Low) If the CK input is low, then the tri-state inverter TF is enabled and T1 is in an output high-impedance Z-state. The node labeled MEM is therefore driven by Q for CK low. Note that with TF enabled, the loop containing the nodes MEM and Q, the inverter IMEM, and tri-state inverter TF make up a stable feedback loop. The previous example demonstrates a practical use for tri-state inverters in circuitry that would otherwise require a multiplexing of signals. The following sub-section discusses the application of tri-state inverters in digital integrated circuits that would not 422 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates inverting when CK low Z-state output when CK high CK,,___~~,~ 1 i \ 7'~ 25.6 ORDERING OF STACK TRANSISTORS IN TRI-STATE INVERTERS lcK~- --+--~~ 1 ! Do--~ ~ 'T, ~ IMEM /~.. inverting when CK high Z-state output when CK is low FIGURE 25. 7 Note that since the eight input bus BUS[7: OJ is driven by tri-state inverters the bus carries the inversion of the signals driving it. Hence, these signals should be inverted before used elsewhere in the circuit. ~--o Q ~ ·"'-.. this node driven by only one tri-state inverter O-type Flip-flop Realized with Tri-state Inverters only require huge multiplexors but large amounts of metal to connect the internal blocks of circuitry. 25.5 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT BUSes UTILIZING TRI-STATE INVERTERS Digital integrated circuits containing many registers often employ the fabrication of a bus. A bus is an array of wires intended to deliver a desired array of signals to or from any number of register inputs or outputs. Figure 25.8 shows a portion of such circuitry. Eight wires labeled BUS [7: O] can be driven by any of the outputs of four eight bit registers labeled A, B, C, or D. The signals labeled A[7:0] drive eight tri-state inverters with a single two-state inverter providing the register enabling signal AEN. The signals labeled B[7: O] drive eight different tri-state inverters, as do C[7:0] and D[7:0], each with a single two-state inverter to invert the enable signals BEN, CEN, and DEN, respectively. The advantage of a bus is the alleviation of huge multiplexors and separate wiring for every register output to such a multiplexor that would otherwise be needed. Such buses are employed in all modern microprocessors and memories. Figure 25.9 shows a three-input four transistor CMOS circuit that realizes the same truth table of Table 25.6 and hence also functions as a tri-state inverter. This new circuit, however, has placed the NMOS and PMOS devices serving as enabling inputs at the bottom and top of the stack, respectively, while the tri-state inverter of Figure 25.5a placed the MOSFETs corresponding to the enabling inputs in the middle of the stack. Either one of these circuits can properly be used as a tri-state inverter. Connection of the enabling inputs to the middle of the stack MOSFETs or the top and bottom of the stack MOSFETs depends upon how often the enabling lines will change states. If the enabling signals change state more often than the input voltage, then the enabling signals should be connected to the middle of the stack MOSFETs and the inverter input voltage should be connected to the top and bottom of the stack MOSFETs as in Figure 25.5a. If the input voltage changes state more often than the enabling inputs, then the enabling signals should be connected to the top and bottom of the stack MOSFETs and the input voltage should be connected to the middle of the stack MOSFETs as in Figure 25.9. Such arrangements provide for an overall faster output switching speed. 25.7 TRI-STATE LOGIC OF MULTI-INPUT LOGIC FUNCTIONS Realization of tri-state logic embodying other combinational logic functions, other than inversion, is also possible. If the NMOS and PMOS transistors in the shaded box of Figure 25.9 are replaced with the MOSFET configurations used between V00 and ground for two-state logic output circuits, tri-state realization of that particular function will be realized. 25.7 Tri-State Logic of Multi-Input Logic Functions 423 B[7:0] B!!N 01234567 BUS[7:0] FIGURE 25.8 8-bit Data Bus Driven by Four Register Outputs; each bit of each register output has a single tristate inverter driving a corresponding bus line; ENA, ENB, ENC, and END are the enabling signals of register A, B, C, and D drivers, respectively-one enable signal at most is high at any given time 424 Chapter 25/CM0S Tri-State Gates Tri-State NAND Gate realizes the same truth table as the CMOS tri-state inverter of Figure 25.5 Figure 25.10a shows a four transistor NAND configuration placed between the enabling input N- and P-channel MOSFETs. A truth table for all possible combinations of inputs will verify that this gate realizes a tri-state NAND function. The circuit symbol for this gate is shown in Figure 25.10b. This is simply the circuit symbol of a NAND gate with enabling inputs at the top and bottom of the symbol as is used for the tri-state inverter. Non-Inverting Tri-State Logic CMDS Tri-state Inverter with Enabling PM0S and NM0S at the Top and Bottom of the Stack FIGURE 25.9 If a non-inverting tri-state logic gate is desired, a two stage gate is required. Caution must be used in the ordering of the stages. If the tri-state logic gate feeds a two-state inverter as in Figure 25.11a, the two-state inverter stage will be driven by a high-impedance Z-state, whenever the tri-state inverter is disabled. This will create unpredictable Vcx: 1 states and will not provide proper tri-state operation. Figure 25.11b shows the correct way to construct a non-inverting pl!N --. Vw.~.., B Vn TNAND A Nl!N (a) FIGURE 25.10 CMOS Tri-state NAND Gate: (a) Circuit, (b) Circuit symbol (b) 25.7 VPEN T ...,. J:- ~q [ V00 2~= -/ A• _ __...,..__.. 1~,-:'l; Pm , I I Tri-State Logic of Multi-Input Logic Functions 1-~ [-7 ~ er tri-state inverter can feed inverter with high-impedance Z-states this results in unpredictable inverter I P, [:,~Po/ '---------0 Your ~- NEN __.. ,. . ,.V-...,. 425 I [__ J ~ 7 __ , - N 0 l l_l lliN, THIS WON'T WORK! (a) Non-inverting tri-state output ~ (b) FIGURE 25.11 Obtaining a Non-inverting Tri-state Buffer: (a) A tri-state inverter feeding an inverter will produce unpredictable outputs when the tri-state inverter is in its output high-impedance Z-state, (b) Inverting a signal prior to the tri-state inverter provides a noninverting tri-state buffer 426 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates vPEN A $ B NEN (a) FIGURE 25.12 (b) CMOS Bi-directional Transmission Gate (Switch): (a) Circuit, (b) Circuit symbol tri-state gate. A signal is inverted and then fed into the tri-state inverter. High-impedance Z-states occur directly at the output of this non-inverting tri-state buffer as should be the case. 25.8 CMOS BI-DIRECTIONAL TRANSMISSION GATE (SWITCH) Circuit and Symbol Figure 25.12a displays a parallel NMOS-PMOS configuration. The circuit is called a CMOS bi-directional transmission gate or CMOS switch. This gate also acts as a non-inverting tri-state logic element that can transmit a signal in either direction. That is, signal transmission occurs either from VA to VB or from VB to VA as symbolically indicated in Figure 25.126. CMOS bi-directional transmi?sion gates are generally connected between the output and input of CMOS combinational logic gates. General operation will then be that of an output load capacitance charging and discharging between VoL and VOH· As will be seen in the following discussion of the CMOS transmission gate operation, the channel ends of the constituent MOSFETs are alternately defined as drain and source depending upon the polarity of voltage biasing this logic element. CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gate Operation Enabling of Signal Transmission Note that the signal inputs to the gate terminals of the NMOS and PMOS transistors are labeled VNEN and VPE:s:• In order to enable bi-directional transmission of signals through the NMOS transistor, V NEN must be high so that the NMOS gate voltage is positive with respect to the source. Conversely, VPEN must be low so that the gate terminal of the P-channel MOSFET is negative with respect to its source and the PMOS device is enabled for bi-directional transmission of signals. Thus, simultaneously holding V NEN high and VPEN low enables the CMOS transmission gate for bi-directional transmission of signals. With VNEN low and VrEN high, both the N- and P-channel MOSFETs are cutoff and signals can not be transmitted in either direction through the CMOS transmission gate. The following section elaborates on this further. Charging of Load Capacitance Figure 25.13a shows a CMOS bi-directional transmission gate connected between a voltage source and load capacitance. The enable signal VNEN is high and VPEN is low. With the input voltage positive, the N- and P-channel MOSFETs will source current to charge the load capacitor. Figure 25.13 shows a step- 25.8 CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gate (Switch) 427 VIN(V) YourCV) VDD PM line NMOS channel end at higher voltage I------·-----f--------------------------~-NMOS cutsoff : -VDD-VTN enters mode : -----~-P_M_O_S_an_d_NM __ O_S_ ___. t(ns) enter saturation mode (b) (a) charged capaciter can not discharge through cutoff MOSFETs Ps(OFF) i~- j N 5 (OFF) ' I ¼!+voo i- (c) FIGURE 25.13 CMOS Bi-directional Transmission Gate Charging a Load Capacitance: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Step voltage input and output response, (c) With brought high and VNEN brought low while capacitor is charged, capacitor can't discharge through cutoff MOSFETs regardless of V1N VPEN 428 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri -State Gates up input voltage and the resulting output voltage re sponse appearing across the capacitor. The channel end of the NMOS device held at V,N is at a higher voltage than the channel end at the capacitor. Thus, during charging of the load capacitance, the drain and source of the NMOS device are the channel ends at V,N and Vmm respectively. Since the PMOS channel end at Your is at a lower voltage with respect to the channel end at V, N, the drain and source of P s are the channel ends at Your and V,N, respectively, during load capacitance charging. Assuming the capacitor initially uncharged 0/c: = 0), prior to the input rising 0/, N = 0), Vcs,N = VoD and V0 s,N = 0, the NMOS device is active and operating in the linear mode with Io,N = 0. The PMOS source-to-gate voltage is Vsc, r = 0 < -Vw, so the P-channel MOSFET is cutoff. Hence, neither MOSFET conducts a current and l e = Io,N (LIN)lvt1sN=o + Io,r(OFF) = 0 Thus, the capacitor remains completely discharged. After the input low-to-high transition, V, N equals a constant VoD and V5 c,r = Yoo and Yso,r = V00 bringing the PMOS device into the saturation mode of operation. The drain-to-source voltage of the N-channel MOSFET rises to Vos,N = V00 bringing the NMOS device also into the saturation mode of operation. The capacitor now begins to charge through both MOSFETs with Ic(charging) = l 0 ,N (SAT) + l 0 _,,(SAT) As the load capacitance charges, the capacitor voltage begins to rise. When VoUT = Ve reaches -VTP, the source-to-drain voltage has decreased to Vso, r = V00 + VTP :-s Vsc, r + VT,I' and the PMOS device enters the linear mode of operation. The capacitor charging current is lc(charging) = 10 ,N (SAT) + I 0 _,,(LIN) As the capacitor charges further, the output eventually rises above Your= V00 - V,N and Vcs, N < VTN, cutting off the NMOS device. The PMOS de vice, however, still operates in the linear mode. The capacitor charging current therefore drops to I e(charging) = 10 ,N(OFF) + l 0 _p(LIN) = I 0 y(LIN) Since the PMOS device will remain active all the way up to VoUT = V00 the load capacitance can be charged all the way to V00 . Thus, unlike the NMOS transmission gate, th e CMOS bi -direction al transmission gate can transmit signals rail-to-rail. Disabling Transmission of Signals with Capacitor Charged With the output load capacitor charged to Vc = V0 0 and the enabling signals VNEN and VPEN brought low and high, respectively, the CMOS transmission gate is disabled . This situation is illustrated in Figure 25 .13c where You r remains at V00 . Discharging of Load Capacitance With VNEN high and V,,EN low, a charged load ca pacitance can discharge through the CMOS bi -di rectional transmission gate . Figure 25.14a shows the CMOS bi-directional transmission gate of Figure 25 .13a with the input voltage brought to ground 0/Nr:--: = v,)I) and vl'EN = 0). Figure 25.146 shows an input step down voltage and the resulting voltage across the discharging load capacitance . The capacitor has an initial voltage Vc = VDIJ for the following discharge operation description. After the input is switched high-to-low, the channel end of the NMOS transistor at Your is at a higher potential than the channel end at V,N - Thus, for discharging the load capacitance, the NMOS drain and source terminals are the channel ends at YoUT and V, N, respectively (opposite of that for charging). The channel end of the PMOS device at Y1N is at a lower potential. The drain and source regions of the PMOS during load capacitance discharge are therefore the channel ends at Y, N and YouT, respectively. After the input high-to-low transition, Y1r-,.; is held constant at ground . Thus, Vcs,N = V os,N = Yoo and thus the N-channel MOSFET is operating in the saturation mode . The source-to-gate and source-todrain voltages of the PMOS device are Vsc ,r = Y50 y = Y00 . The PMOS transistor is therefore also operating in the saturation mode. Hence, the load ca pacitance begins to discharge with a current given by Ie(discharge) = l 0 ,N (SAT) + l 0 y(SAT) As the load capacitance discharges, the voltage across the capacitor (and the output) begins to drop. When the output voltage drops to Your = Y00 YTN, the NMOS drain-to-source voltage drops to VDs.N = Yoo - VTN :-S Ycs,N - Vn.: and the NMOS 25.8 CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gate (Switch) 429 Vm(V) ~ 0 '--~~~----------+. t(ns) r-0-- ! Vour(V) .l PMOS and NMOS enter saturation mode NMOS channel end at higher voltage PMOS cutsoff (b) (a) FIGURE 25.14 CMOS Bi-directional Transmission Gate Discharging a Load Capacitance: (a) Circuit schematic, (b) Step-down voltage input and output response transistor enters the linear mode of operation. The capacitor now discharges with a current is disabled and the load capacitance cannot be charged regardless of the value of VrN• This situation is illustrated in Figure 25.15 in which VoUT remains zero. Ic(discharge) = In.N(LIN) + I 0 _p(SAT) After the capacitor discharges to below the voltage Vc = -Vw, the source-to-gate voltage of the PMOS transistor drops below Vscy < -Vw and the PMOS device cuts off. Thus, the capacitor discharging current drops to lc(discharge) = l 0 ,N(LIN) + 10 ,p(OFF) = 10 ,N(UN) Since the NMOS device has Vcs,N held constant at V0 D, N 5 will remain active until the capacitor completely discharges to Ve = VDs,N = 0 and ID.ts-: = 0. Disabling Transmission of Signals with Capacitor Discharged With the capacitor discharged, if VNEN is brought low and VPEN brought high, the CMOS transmission gate Bi-Directionality of Signal Transmission The previous qualitative analysis demonstrated that the transmission of signals through the CMOS transmission gate of Figure 25.12a is in fact bi-directional. That is, signal transmission was demonstrated in one direction by charging of a load capacitance, the transmission of VDD from one side to the other. Signal transmission in the opposite direction was demonstrated by discharging of the capacitor. An important characteristic exhibited by the CMOS bidirectional transmission gate that was not present with the NMOS transmission gate of section 22.6 (or a single transistor PMOS transmission gate) is 430 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates VDD o VPEN discharged capaciter can't charge through cutoff MOSFETs :----: I Ps(OFF):~~our i 7+ Ns(OFF) Ci_!- 0V FIGURE 25.15 With VPEN High and Vr--:Et-: Low, Capacitor Cannot be Charged Through Cutoff MOSFETs regardless of V1N CMOS bi-directional transmission gates exhibit non-degraded rail-to-rail transmission of signals Analytical analysis of the time required for a CMOS transmission gate to charge and discharge a load capacitance is somewhat mathematically rigorous and is left as a homework problem. The following example determines load capacitance charging and discharging times with a SPICE simulation. Example 25.7 SPICE Simulation of CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gate Perform a SPICE simulation to determine charging and discharging times of a load capacitance of CL = 0.1 pF through a CMOS bi-directional transmission gate. Use channel width/length ratios of Wp/Lp = 10µ,m/2µ,m and WN/LN = 4J.Lml2J.Lm. Solution Figure 25.16 shows a capacitive loaded transmission gate with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: *CMOS Bi-Directional *Transmission Gate VPEN 8 D PULSE<SV DVD DD SNS FIGURE 25.16 CMOS Bi-directional Transmission Gate with Appropriate SPICE Labelings + 1DNS) VNEN 7 D PULSE(OV SV DD D SNS + 1DNS) VIN 4 D PULSE<DV SV DD D 7-SNS + 1SNS) VDD 2 D DC SV -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VTO=1 + KP=4DU GAMMA=O-37 PHI= □ -6 + CBD=3-1E-1S CBS=3-1E-1S) MPS 4 8 S 2 PMOSFET W=1OU L=2U -MODEL PMOSFET PMOS<VTO=-1 + KP=16U GAMMA= □ -4 PHI= □ -6 + CBD=3-1E-1S CBS=3-1E-15) MNS 4 7 SD NMOSFET W=4U L=2U CL SD □ -1PF -TRAN - □ SNS 1SNS -PLOT V(7) V(8) V(4) V(S) -END Figure 25.17a shows the input waveforms of V1N, VNEN, and V PEN and the resulting voltage response across the load capacitance. The rise time t, between the 10% and 90% points is approximately 0.7 ns and the low-to-high propagation delay is much smaller at tl'LH = 0.1 ns. The fall time tr between the 90% and 10% points is 0.8 ns and the high-to-low propagation delay is 0.4 ns. 25.9 Application of CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gates Your= (VA AND VNEN(V) 5 431 v.) OR [V. AND (NOT V,)] F=AS +BS 4-3-2-~ 1-~ 0 0 : I 2 4 I I 6 8 I I I 10 I I I 12 14 I ~ Your t(ns) 16 V~) 5 4 3 2 1 0---1---1--1--.._____t---+-1.--+--1---1--+ t(ns) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 FIGURE 25.18 Switches CMOS 2: 1 Multiplexor using CMOS VIN(V) 5 Example 25.8 Two Input Multiplexor Embodying CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gates 4 3 2 1 O+------l--+--t---'-1--......--+--i--+--+ t(ns) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Your(V) 5-1-.------4 3-· 2 1 0 -1------1--+--t----+--+---"'-I---,--+---. t(ns) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Design a two-input multiplexer utilizing CMOS bidirectional transmission gates. Solution Figure 25.18 shows a two input multiplexer utilizing two CMOS bi-directional transmission gates and a single inverter. The control signal is Vs and the input signals to multiplex are VA and VB. If Vs is high, the transmission gate SA is enabled and the transmission gate S8 is disabled. The output voltage VoUT is therefore equal to VA· With Vs low, SB is enabled and S;,. disabled. Thus, VoUT = V8 for Vs low, with the output voltage realizing VouT = (VA AND Vs) OR lVa AND (NOT Vs)] or FIGURE 25.17 Input Voltage Time Waveforms and Output Capacitance Voltage Response from SPICE Simulation of CMOS Bi-directional Transmission Gate F =AS+ BS Note that the transmission of signals from the multiplexor inputs to the output are non-inverted. 25.9 APPLICATION OF CMOS BI-DIRECTIONAL TRANSMISSION GATES Example 25.9 XOR Gate The following examples present several applications for CMOS bi-directional transmission gates. Figure 25.19 shows an XOR gate realized with CMOS transmission gates. Verify the XOR operation by considering all combinations of input states. CMOS Transmission Gate 432 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates Solution (V, High, VJJ Low) Also noted above, S,\ and SH are enabled and diszibled, respectively, zind VH is trnnsmitted to the output. Thus, the output is high for this combimtion of inputs. This rezilizes line 3 of Tzible 25.7. ---------0 I VXOR the (a) :j~XOR Solution (Both Inputs Low) With VJ\ low, the CMOS switch Sil is enabled and SJ\ is disabled. Therefore, V8 is transmitted to the output. Thus, for both inputs low, the output is low. This realizes line 1 of Table 25.7. Solution (Both Inputs High) With VJ\ high, the CMOS switch SJ\ is enabled and Sn is disabled. Thus, Vll is transmitted to the output. Hence, the output is also low for both inputs high. This realizes line 4 of Table 25.7. Solution (VA Low, V 8 High) As noted above, with VJ\ low the CMOS switches SA and S 13 are disabled and enabled, respectively and VB is transmitted to the output. Thus, the output for this combination of inputs is high. This realizes line 2 of Table 25.7. TABLE 25.7 States of Each CMOS BiDirectional Switch and Output State for the CMOS XOR Gate of Figure 25.19a for All Combinations of Low and High Inputs 4 gdtC of Figure 25.19. Analyze the operation of the D-type flip-flop (realized in part with a CMOS transmission gate) of Figure 25.20. CoITtpzire with Example 25.6 FIGURE 25.19 CMOS XOR Gate (a) CMOS Bidirectional transmission gate realization, (b) Circuit symbol 3 crv10s Example 25.10 D-Type Flip-Flop with CMOS Bi-Directional Transmission Gates (b) 1 2 Solution (Realization of XOR Logic) Since the output is low for both inputs low and both inputs high, zind the output is high for either input high and the other input low, the XOR truth table of Table 25. 7 is verified zind the XOR logic function is rezilized by VA VB SA SB VouT low low high high low high low high disabled disabled enabled enabled enabled enabled disabled disabled low high high low Solution If the CK input is high, then the CMOS switch S1 is enabled and the CMOS tri-state inverter TF is diszibled Thus, for CK high, the node lzibeled MEM is driven by the input D (noninverted) through S1• For CK low, the CMOS switch S1 is disabled and the tri-state inverter Tr- is enabled. As with the Dtype flip-flop of Example 25.6 (Figure 25.7) with CK enabled, the loop containing the nodes MEM and Q, the inverter I:viE~-,, and the tri-state inverter Tr:, make up a stable feedback loop. Since the input D is transmitted noninverted to the input of the inverter l:viE~,, the output of hiE~, is the signal Q zind an inverter is included at the output to reinvert the memory node and give the noninverted output Q. Compming the D-type flip-flop of Figure 25.20 to the D-type flip-flop of Figure 25.7, the CMOS switch S 1 has two less transistors than the tri-state inverter T 1• However, the additional inverter IQ is necessary adding two transistors. The overall number of transistors for both circuits is therefore twelve. 25.10 DISADVANTAGES OF CMOS BI-DIRECTIONAL TRANSMISSION GATES (NON-FAULT GRADABILITY) A serious disadvantage resulting from the use of CMOS bi-directional transmission gates is the lack of full testability of both MOSFETs in the comple- Chapter 25 Problems 433 allows feedback of Q to MEM when CK is low - high impedance when CK high o--1t--=~/ / CK I ICK I I I I D o- / I -+/"--J~ MEfv![>o~~~, I s, allows _J>assage of D to :rvIBM when CK is high - high impedance when CK is low FIGURE 25.20 -~i IMEM '~~ this node driven by either the tri-state inverter or the transmision gate D-type Flip-flop Realized with CMOS Switches mentary pair. A method of testing a post-fabricated integrated circuit called (fault grading), tests a circuit for expected outputs for as many combinations of input stimuli as possible. The problem with testing a CMOS bi-directional transmission gate is that if either the N- or P-channel MOSFETs don't operate properly, a load capacitance can be partially charged or discharged. Thus, a mal-fabricated MOSFET in a CMOS transmission gate pair may not be properly detected as nonoperational. Therefore, the general use of CMOS bi-directional transmission gates in CMOS integrated circuits should be avoided. CHAPTER25PROBLEMS 25.1 Derive the truth table of Figure P25.1 for all combinations of low and high inputs. Include in the truth table the state of each transistor, whether an output pull-up or pull-down path exists, and the output voltage. Include high impedance Z-states and/or contention X-states. 25.2 Repeat Problem 25.1 for Figure P25.2. 25.3 Repeat Problem 25.1 for Figure P25.3. 25.4 Repeat Problem 25.1 for Figure P25.4. 25.5 Repeat Problem 25.1 for Figure P25.5. 25.6 Derive the truth table for the CMOS inverter of Figure P25.6 assuming four different inputs: V1N = low, V 1N = high, V1N = Z, and V1N = X. Include in the truth table the state of each transistor, whether an output pull-up or pull-down path exists, and the output voltage. Yoo v, "~ q LIP, Your y VA C 1 i FIGURE P25.1 434 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates Yoo YPEN Yoo 9 V,e>~~:__ _ cP, [ JP~ ~◊V- 'J i ~ . Your -!-IL( 1 I I 0 • YNEN FIGURE P25.2 FIGURE P25.5 ~--0 Your FIGURE P25.6 FIGURE P25.3 25.7 Calculate the output voltage of the CMOS circuit of Figure P25.3 for the output contention X-state. Use VoL = GND = 0 and VDo = 5 V. For the MOSFETs, use the values kN = kr = 80 µ.A/V2 and VTN = -VT!' = 1 V. Your --IFIGURE P25.4 25.8 Construct the truth table for the circuit of Figure 25.4 with two inputs VA and V 13 = Ve. 25.9 Construct the truth table for the circuit of Figure 25.9. 25.10 Construct the truth table for the tri-state NAND gate of Figure 25.10. 25.11 Construct the truth table for the non-inverting tristate logic gate of Figure 25.llb. 25.12 Using a similar circuitry to Figure 25.10, construct a CMOS tri-state NOR gate with two logic inputs. Chapter 25 Problems 435 Yoo 0 i Ve ~ , - ~ ~ · -[P r- --- ---, 0 Vo L --- O r~E=~· -q r;p~ Your -0 Your V,o -wF J_ FIGURE P25.15 FIGURE P25.19 25.13 Construct a truth table for the two-input multiplexor of Figure 25.18 and determine the logic function at the output. 25.14 Construct a truth table for the XOR gate of Figure 25.19 and verify the logic function at the output. 25.15 Analyze the CMOS circuit of Figure P25.15 and list the output X and Z-states. 25.16 Analyze the CMOS circuit of Figure P25.16 and list the output X and Z-states. 25.17 Design a CMOS tri-state NOR gate with two logic inputs and complementary enabling inputs. (Hi11t: examine Figure 25 .10) 25.18 Design a tri-state CMOS complex logic gate that realizes the logic function F(c11nblerl) = A(B when enabled and has complementary enabling inputs. (Hint: examine Figure 25.10.) 25.19 Analyze the CMOS circuit of Figure P25.19 and list the output X and Z-states. 25.20 Design a tri-state CMOS AND-OR-invert logic gate that realizes the logic function F(cnab/cd) = AB + CD when enabled and has complementary enabling inputs. (Hint: examine Figure 25.10.) 25.21 Design a six-transistor CMOS tri-state inverter that has a single logic input, two active high enabling inputs, and two active low enabling inputs. The circuit symbol for the desired gate is shown in Figure P25.21. 25.22 Modify the tri-state gate designed in Problem 25.21 to perform the logic function + C) F(cnablrd) =A +B when enabled. 25.23 Design a tri-state NAND gate similar to that in Figure 25.lOa that has the enabling NMOS and PMOS transistors in the middle of the stack. Sketch the PENl PEN2 IN~ FIGURE P25.16 • NEN2 I NENl FIGURE P25.21 TINV 436 Chapter 25/CMOS Tri-State Gates PEN ! A C TriF B D NEN FIGURE P25.27 circuit. (Hint: the tri-state inverter of Figure 25.Sa has its enabling MOSFETs in the middle of the stack.) FIGURE P25.26 25.24 Design a tri-state AND gate with three logic inputs. Sketch the circuit. 25.25 Expand the circuit of Figure 25.18 to be a 4: 1 multiplexor with two controlling inputs using four CMOS transmission gates. Sketch this circuit including the logic necessary for the decoding. 25.26 Analyze the CMOS circuit of Figure P25.26. What function does it perform 7 25.27 Design a CMOS circuit that performs the tri-state logic symbolized in Figure P25.27. CMOS SCHMITT TRIGGER GATE In the previous chapters, the single-input CMOS inverter was introduced and analyzed. The outputhigh-to-low transition demonstrated to take place at an input dependent upon the ratio of the NMOS and PMOS device transconductance parameters. The input voltage for which the output changes state was the same for both the output high-to-low transition and the output low-to-high transition. The multiinput logic gates then presented were shown to possess similar characteristics. In this chapter, a type of CMOS digital circuit will be presented where the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions occur at different input voltages. This phenomenon is known as hysteresis and circuits exhibiting hysteresis are referred to as Schmitt triggers. Schmitt trigger circuits exhibiting output hysteresis are easily implemented in CMOS using source-follower positive feedback MOSFETs. As will be seen, these circuits are useful for speeding up slow signals and cleaning up noisy signals. This chapter begins with a brief description of hysteresis and the "hysteresis loop." The basic sixtransistor MOSFET Schmitt trigger is then introduced and analyzed. The design procedure of the CMOS Schmitt trigger is easily deduced from the analysis. Two buffering augmentations are also discussed along with general theory for embodying Schmitt hysteresis in multi-input logic gates. 26.1 HYSTERESIS In this chapter, a type of logic circuit is described that has a different voltage transfer characteristic for the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions. Unlike the CMOS logic circuits described previously, the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions occur at different input voltages. This phenomenon is known as hysteresis and the voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) exhibits a "hysteresis loop." Trip Voltages Figure shows a pair of input and inverting output waveforms that demonstrate hysteresis. Figure 26.16 displays the vrc for such an inverter. Examining these waveforms, it is seen that the output experiences a high-to-low transition only when a rising input voltage initially exceeds V1N = Vw Examples are shown at times t 2 and t 8 in Figure Furthermore, the output experiences a low-tohigh transition when a falling input initially drops below such as at time t 5 . The voltages V10 and V1LJ are referred to as trip voltages and m order for hysteresis to occur, the condition is required. Good for Cleaning Up Noisy Signals In Figure 26. la, note that at times ti, t1,, and t 7, the input rises above V 1LJ but not above VID and the output does not change state. Likewise, at times t3 and t4 , the input falls below Vm but not below V1LJ and the output does not change. Therefore, observing that V1:--.i is extremely noisy, whereas V0 UT is not, observe that a circuit exhibiting hysteresis is excellent for cleaning up noisy signals. Even the spikes that occur at times t1 , t6 , and t7 are not sufficient to change the output. Voltage Transfer Characteristic of Inverter with Hysteresis Figure 26.16 displays the voltage transfer characteristic for a digital logic inverter circuit exhibiting hys- 437 438 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates - Ym(V) input rises above Vm '' '' ' - --i-----input high-to-low ttip point------' ': ' : ! ,,,___~----+-___,\.......- J - +_ _ _ ~--+---------+-'- - - f - - - - - - - - l - '_ _ t, ' t, t, ¼ t, I ' ' t,, '' '' input drops below Vru ► t t, (a) Your CV) t, t,, Output low-to-high transition You-+--...,..-----,.-.._ Output high-to-low transition t t t (b) FIGURE 26.1 (a) Input and inverting output voltage waveforms for a circuit exhibiting hysteresis, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic of a CMOS inverter exhibiting hysteresis; in both (a) and (b) the output high-to-low and low-to-high transitions occur at a different input voltage 26.2 CMOS Schmitt Inverter 439 VIN(V) 5 4 3 2 1 t, t, t, Vour(V) 5- ,___ : 4-~ 3-~ 21->-~---------4-----------+----+--__..t t, FIGURE 26.2 Input and Inverting Output Waveforms Exhibiting Hysteresis for Example 26.1 teresis. This VTC indicates a high-to-low output transition at an input voltage (Vm) higher than that at which the output low-to-high transition (V1u) occurs. Note the familiar hysteresis "loop." Schmitt Triggers At times t3 and t6 , the output is seen to undergo an output low-to-high transition when the input falls below Vru = 1V Note that the output voltage does not exhibit spikes. Circuits that exhibit hysteresis are referred to as Schmitt Triggers. There are Schmitt trigger inverters, noninverters, NANDS, NORs, and AOis. 26.2 Hysteresis Figure 26.2 shows the input and resulting output voltage time waveforms of a CMOS circuit that exhibits hysteresis. What are the output high-to-low and low-to-high trip voltages for this circuit? Example 26.1 Solution Examining the waveforms of Figure 26.2, at times t1 and t 5 the output is observed to undergo a high-to-low transition when the input rises initially above Vw = 4 V CMOS SCHMITT INVERTER Circuit Figure 26.3a displays a CMOS inverter circuit referred to as a Schmitt inverter. Two N-channel MOSFETs (N 1 and N 0 ) and two P-channel MOSFETs (P 1 and P 0 ) are connected with their drain-tosource channels in series between the supply voltage V00 and ground. The gates of these four transistors are all connected and serve as the input of this logic gate. The output is taken from the middle of the stack. 440 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates t I .J20µm p -Zµm 1 60µ.m -1 Pp 2µ.m L_ 20µ.m 2µ.m :LJ --1. 0 0 IN~jyo--oUT Yoo >------s~riJ Np 24µ.m 2µm (a) (b) Your (Y) Output high-to-low transition t t _L- Output low-to-high transition t --- ! (c) FIGURE 26.3 CMOS Schmitt Inverter: (a) Circuit, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Voltage transfer characteristic Feedback Devices A third NMOS device Nr- feeds the output voltage back to the node common to N 1 and N 0 by connecting its gate to the output node and its source to the N 1-N 0 common mode. Note that the drain of N 1 exhibiting hysteresis: output high-to-low transition occurs at V11;; output low-to-high transition occurs at V1u is connected to V1m. The PMOS device Pr- serves as a feedback device between the output and the node common to the stacked PMOS transistors. Its gate is also connected to the output with its source connected to the P 1-P 0 common node and its drain connected to ground. 26.3 Figure 26.3b displays the circuit symbol for a Schmitt inverter. This is the circuit symbol for an inverter with a representation of the output voltage hysteresis characteristic indicated on the symbol. Hysteresis of Schmitt Inverter Figure 26.3c displays the VTC for the CMOS Schmitt inverter of Figure 26.3a. The output high-to-low transition occurs at an input voltage of VID and the low-to-high transition occurs at an input voltage V,u where Vm > VIu, thus indicating hysteresis. The hysteresis in this circuit is the result of the output feedback to the intermediate points of stacked NMOS and PMOS transistors. Gates with such an output hysteresis have a high noise immunity and are useful for noisy inputs, non rail-to-rail inputs (TTLto-CMOS translators), and slow inputs, as already observed. Operation of the CMOS Schmitt inverter and analysis of the voltage transfer characteristic are explained in the following section. transistor PF is Vsc.PF = 0 and P" is cutoff for the output high steady state. Output HighmtOmLow Transition Considering Figure 26.3a, when V1N rises above VTN, N 1 turns on. With the gate of NF at V0 H = VDo and the drain of NF connected directly to V0 0 , Vco.NF = 0. Since the source of NF is connected to the drain of N 1, when N 1 turns on, NF enters the saturation mode of operation. With NI active, NF in the saturation mode of operation, the gate of N 1 connected to V1N and V1N low, N 1 and NF operate in a manner similar to the saturation enhancement-only loaded NMOS inverter. We will assume N 1 is operating in the saturation mode of operation (which can be verified after this analysis) for V1N slightly larger than VTN. Equating the drain currents of N 1 and NF gives 26.3 OPERATION AND VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC OF THE CMOS SCHMITT INVERTER Output High Voltage = V0 8 Considering Figure 26.3a, with VIN at ground, the gate-to-source voltage of NI is less than VTN and N 1 is cutoff. With NI cutoff no output pull-down path to ground is present. The source-to-gate voltage of PI, however, is sufficient to bring PI into linear operation with VIN at ground. A highly conductive path is therefore present between V00 and the source of P0 . Since the source of P O is at a virtual V0 0 , the source-to-gate voltage of P O is also sufficient to bring P0 into linear operation. Hence, an output pull-up path to V 00 is present through P 0 and PI. The PMOS drain current of P O is equal to the NMOS drain current of N 0 . Since N, is cutoff, Ioro = I0 p 1 = IoNo = IDNI = 0. With zero drain currents for P 1 and P 0 , VDs,PI and Vos,ro are also zero, since these transistors are in the linear region of operation. Hence, the output high voltage for this gate is = = ILJ.NI(SAT) Io,NF(SAT) or kNJ Vo11 441 Operation and Voltage Transfer Characteristic of the CMOS Schmitt Inverter 2 (V IN - V )2 TN kNF (V 2 GS,NF - VTN )2 VIN was substituted. Solving for where Vcs.NI Vcs.NF gives Vcs,NF - = IE (VIN - VTN) + VTN From this, an expression for Vos,NI as a function of VIN can be obtained: Since VoUT = VoH = V00 was used, this expression for Vos.Ni is valid only when N 0 is cutoff. This is acceptable since this expression is intended to be used to determine the input voltage at which N 0 turns on. Since the source of N 0 is connected to the drain of N 1, N 0 turns on when V1N reaches Vos.NI+ VTN: Voo Note that with VouT = VDo and Vs.PF= VD,rl = Voo the source-to-gate voltage of the PMOS feedback Solving for V1N gives the expression for the input voltage at which N 0 turns on as follows: 442 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates kNI -VTN --1-+~}§--Fk,w· ViN = The input voltage Vm at which N 0 turns on and the output begins to fall is referred to as the output highto-low trip voltage. With N 0 active, an output pulldown path to ground is present through the channels of N 0 and Nr. As V1N is increased further, N 0 becomes more conductive and the output drops further. Output Low Voltage the PMOS device Pr turns on. With the gate of PF at Vrn. = 0 and the drain of PF connected directly to ground, VDC.l'F = 0. With the source of PF connected to the drain of Pr when P 1 turns on, Pr enters the saturation ITtode of operation. Assuming that P 1 is operating in the saturation mode of operation (which should be verified after this analysis) for VrN slightly lower than VDD + Vrl', an expression for the turn on voltage of P 0 can be obtained. Equating drain currents of Pr and Pr, gives ln,r1 (SAT) = ln.N(SAT) or = VoL Considering Figure 26.3a, with V1N at the upper Vrm rail voltage, the source-to-gate voltage of Pr is less than VT!' and P 1 is cutoff. With P 1 cutoff no output pull-up path to Vrm is present. The gate-to-source voltage of Nr, however, is sufficient to turn on Nr. A highly conductive path is therefore present from ground to the source of N 0 . Since the source of N 0 is at a virtual ground, the gate-to-source voltage of N 0 is sufficient to also bring N 0 into active operation. Hence, an output pull-down path to ground is present through the channels of N 0 and Nr. Since P 1 is cutoff and the drain currents of all MOSFETs in the stack are equal, IDNr = Io:--10 = IDl'o = lrw1 = 0. Since Nr and N 0 both have zero drain currents and these transistors are operating in the linear region, their drain-to-source voltages are also 0. The output low voltage for the CMOS Schmitt inverter is therefore With VouT = 0 and Vs,NF = VD,Nr = 0, the gate-tosource voltage of the feedback NMOS device NF is Vcs.NF = 0 and NF is cutoff for the output low steady state. Substituting VSC,l'r = VDI) - v,N gives Solving for Vsc.r'F yields Vsc;,pr = i WoD - ViN + Vyp) - VTr An expression for the drain voltage of P 1 relative to ground (VD,l'i) as a function of V,N can be derived from this realizing from the circuit that V DJ'/ = Vour + Vsc.l'r = 0 + Vsc,l'r and by substitution v/),l'I = 1€ (VDD - ViN + Vn,) - VT/' Since VocT = VoL = 0 was used, this expression for VsD.l'I is valid only when P 0 is cutoff. This is acceptable since this expression is intended to be used to determine the input voltage at which P 0 just turns on. Since the source of P 0 is connected to the drain of Pr, the input voltage at which P O turns on is Output Low-to-High Transition The output low-to-high transition is similar to the output high-to-low transition considering the PMOS transistors. For the output low-to-high transition the input voltage is swept from VoH = Vm; down to Solving for Vr;--..i gives an expression for the input voltage at which P 0 enters active operation as follows: VOL =0. Considering Figure 26.3a, with V1N = Vrnr V DD, the source-to-gate voltage of Pr is O and P 1 is cutoff. IfV 1N drops belowVDD + VT!' (=Vrm - IVTI'!), Vm ~ t (Vi)/)+ Vyp) 1 + Jf,f; Viu 26.3 Operation and Voltage Transfer Characteristic of the CMOS Schmitt Inverter When the input voltage is decreased from a high value, the input voltage Vn_; at which P 0 turns on and the output begins to rise is referred to as the output low-to-high trip voltage. With P 0 active an output pull-up path to V 00 exists through the channels of P 0 and P 1. As V 1N further decreases, P 0 becomes more conductive and the output rises eventually to Vrn-1 = Voo· Example 26.2 CMOS Schmitt Inverter Critical Voltages For the CMOS Schmitt inverter of Figure 26.3a, find the output high and low voltages and the high-tolow and low-to-high trip voltages for V 00 = 5 V. Use k~ = 40 µ,AN 2 and VTN = 1 V for all NMOS devices and k{, = 16 µ,AN 2 and VTP = -1 V for all PMOS devices. Use WNifLN 1 = WN 0 /LNo = 8 µ,m/2 µ,m, WNF/LNF = 24 µ,m/2 µ,m, WpifLp 1 = Wp 0 /Lp 0 = 20 µ,m/2 µ,m, and Wpp/LPF = 60 µ,m/2 µ,m. Solution (MOSFET Device Transconductances) The device transconductance parameters for the MOSFETs of this CMOS Schmitt inverter are kN1 = kNo i = , WNF kNF = kNF LNF kp1 = kpo kPF = , kpF = WNI kN1 - = LNI A (24 µ,) = (40 µ,) (2 µ,) = 480 µ, v 2 , Wp/ kp1 - = Lp1 WPF Ll'F (8 µ,) A (40 µ,) -(- ) = 160 µ,--:; 2 µ, v- = (20 µ,) A (16 µ,) - - = 160 µ,--:; (2 µ,) V- (60 µ,) (16 µ,) ( µ,) 2 480 µ, = A v2 Solution (Output High and Low Voltages) As with other CMOS logic circuits, the output range of the CMOS Schmitt inverter of Figure 26.3a operates rail-to-rail and the output high and low voltages are VoH = Voo = 5 V VoL = ground = 0 Solution (Trip Voltages) The high-to-low and low-to-high trip voltages are found by substituting directly into the expression for Vm and V1u derived in this section: + (5) 1 + (160 µ,) (1) (43 0 µ,) (160 µ,) (480 µ,) = 3.54 V 443 and Viu (160 µ,) [(5) + (-1)] (480 µ,) = _,__ __..:..._-'---:===-(160 µ,) 1+ (480 µ,) 1.46 V Thus, the high-to-low trip voltage is approximately 2 V higher than the low-to-high trip voltage. Note that the trip voltages are symmetric about the midpoint voltage V 00 /2 = 5/2 = 2.5 V. This will be examined in the following sub-section on designing CMOS Schmitt inverters. Example 26.3 CMOS Schmitt Inverter SPICE Simulation Perform a transient SPICE simulation on the CMOS Schmitt inverter of the previous example to determine the high-to-low and low-to-high trip voltages. Use an input PULSE stimulus with a period of 40 ns and rise and fall times of 10 ns, so that the trip voltages are easily determined. Solution The CMOS Schmitt inverter of Example 26.2 and Figure 26.3a with a capacitive load and appropriate SPICE labelings is shown in Figure 26.4. The input SPICE CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: CMOS Schmitt Inverter VIN 5 D PULSE(OV SV D 1DNS 10NS + 20NS 60NS) VDD 7 D DC SV -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VT0=1 + KP=40U GAMMA= □ -37 PHI= □ -6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3.1E-15) -MODEL PMOSFET PMOS<VT0=-1 + KP=16U GAMMA= □ -4 PHI=0-6 + CBD=3-1E-1S CBS=3-1E-1S) MPI 3 S 7 7 PMOSFET W=20U L=2U MP◊ 9 S 3 7 PMOSFET W=20U L=2U MPF 3 9 D 7 PMOSFET W=b □ U L=2U MNF 7 9 2 D NMOSFET W=24U L=2U MN◊ 9 S 2 D NMOSFET W=8U L=2U MNI 2 SD D NMOSFET W=8U L=2U CLOAD 9 D □ -SPF -TRAN 1NS SONS -PRINT TRANS V(VIN) V(9) -END 444 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates 1_1! s 20UMMPI 2UM 13· I I 1 • sg8: MPF f------~3 7 ! L -~ s I i~l2g8~ MPO -;;-: _j_l_'------,9 ~ I sj H ~ 1- !SUMMNO -2uM Your 12f--.------;~- -.~ [7 ~ s I o SUM :~ o 12uMMNI I-1 --0~ 9 MNF 2 ~8: Yoo ............ f1 CLO AD 0.1 pf -:;:- I -=1FIGURE 26.4 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Appropriate SPICE Labelings The input stimulus and output response from this simulation are shown in Figure 26.5. Examining this plot, the high-to-low trip voltage occurs at an input voltage of V10 = 3.6 V and the low-to-high trip voltage at Vil; = 1.4 V. These are in close agreement with the values determined using the analytical analysis of the previous example. nel length possible with a given fabrication process). In a similar manner, all N-channcl MOSFETs in a CMOS Schmitt inverter have the same channel length or Likewise, all P-channel MOSFETs in a CMOS Schmitt inverter should have the same channel length or DESIGN OF CMOS SCHMITT INVERTER 26.4 The W/L ratios for each device of the CMOS Schmitt inverter take into consideration the desired drive strengths and switching speeds. Channel Lengths In the previous chapters on CMOS combinational logic and tri-state logic gates, all N-channel MOSFETs in a particular gate were designed with the same channel length (generally the minimum chan- Channel Widths of MOSFETs in the Stack In the design of the CMOS combinational logic and tristate logic gates of the previous chapters, all stacked NMOS devices were designed with the same channel width. The NMOS devices in the stack of a CMOS Schmitt inverter (N 1 and N0 ) also have the same channel width as follows 26.4 Design of CMOS Schmitt Inverter 445 case with two-input CMOS NOR gates and tri-state inverters). Channel Dimensions of Feedback MOSFETs t(ns) 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Ymrr(V) A 5 4 .l 32, I 1- The high-to-low and low-to-high trip voltages are dependent upon the W/L ratios of the NMOS and PMOS feedback devices, respectively. The larger the W/L ratios, the greater the difference between the trip voltages and the midpoint voltage. The previous examples had feedback W/L ratios three times that of the stacked devices and had a hysteresis of about 2 V, or 40% of the supply voltage. Increasing the W/L ratios of the feedback devices would increase the hysteresis further, and decreasing the feedback W/L ratios would bring the output transitions closer together. An expression for the feedback NMOS WNr/LNF ratio in terms of the high-to-low trip voltage V1D can be found by first solving for kNF in the expression for Vm, yielding t(ns) 0 0 FIGURE 26.5 CMOS Schmitt Inverter Transient Response from SPICE Simulation of Example 26.2 Cancelling k~ = /.LNCcSx from both sides (since kN is the same for all NMOS devices in a single process) gives WNF = LNF Likewise, all PMOS devices in a CMOS Schmitt inverter stack (P 1 and Pu) have the same channel width as follows: The drive strength of a CMOS Schmitt inverter is dependent on the W/L ratios of the devices in the MOSFET stack. Since the output pull-down path to ground is through two NMOS transistors, the widths of the stacked N-channel MOSFETs should all be twice that of the constituent NMOS devices in an inverter with the desired drive strength (as was the case with two-input CMOS NAND gates and tristate inverters). Similarly, the output pull-up path to VDD is through two P-channel MOSFETs. Thus, the channel width of the stacked PMOS devices should be twice that of the P-channel MOSFET in a CMOS inverter with the desired drive strength (as was the (Vm - Vm) 2 Voo - Vio WN1 LN1 This is a design expression used to find the necessary W NF/LJ\:F in relation to the W N/LN ratio of the stacked input NMOS devices that provides the desired Vm. An expression for the Wn/Ll'F ratio for the PMOS feedback device is similarly obtained by solving for kl'F in the expression for V1u derived earlier in this section, yielding 2 _ (Voo + VTP - Viu) k k i'F - V1u PI Cancelling k(, from both sides gives Wp1· Lff = (Vim + Vn, - Viu) Vm 2 Wp1 L0 This is a design expression used to obtain the required W l'I·/Lpf in relation to the Wp/Lp ratio of the P-channel MOSFETs in the stack that provides the desired Vn_;- 446 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates Substituting values into the expression for WPF/LPF derived in this sub-section, maintaining the channel length at 2 ,urn, gives Design of CMOS Schmitt Inverter Example 26.4 Design a CMOS Schmitt inverter that has the drive strength (that is the dynamic response time) of the CMOS inverter of Example 23.3 (see Figure 23.5) and trip voltages of Ym = 4 Y and Y1u = 1 Y. Use Y00 = 5 Y and a channel length of 2 ,um for all transistors. Assume kN = 40 µ,AN 2 , k{, = 16 µ,AN 2 , YTN = 1 Y, and Vrp = -1 Y. 2 WI', L1,1 = [(5) + (-1) - (1)] Wp1 = 9 (20 µ,) (1) Lp1 2 µ, 180 µ,111 26.5 CMOS SCHMITT INVERTER WITH BUFFERED OUTPUT Solution (Stacked MOSFETs) The W/L ratios of the N- and P-channel MOSFETs should be twice that of N 0 and P O in Figure 23.5, respectively, and the channel lengths remain at 2 ,um. Hence, The input terminal of the CMOS Schmitt inverter of Figure 26.3a is connected to the gates of four MOSFETs, all of which have twice the channel area of those in a CMOS inverter of equivalent current drive strength. Hence, the input capacitance of a CMOS Schmitt inverter is approximately four times the input capacitance of a CMOS inverter of equivalent drive strength. Increasing the size of the MOSFETs in a CMOS Schmitt inverter in order to increase the drive strength could increase the input capacitance to an unmanageable amount. Therefore, if a CMOS Schmitt inverter with a large current drive is desired, it is best to use a CMOS Schmitt inverter with a two stage inverting buffer where each inverter has increasing drive strength. (Clwpter 27 presents an in depth discussion of multi-stage inverter drivers.) Figure 26.6 shows such a buffered CMOS Schmitt inverter. 8 ,um 2 ,um and 20 ,um 2 ,um Solution (Feedback Devices) Substituting values into the expression for W:--:r:ILNF derived in this sub-section, maintaining the channel length at 2 ,um, gives Ysour Your 24µm Np 2µm FIGURE 26.6 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output (to increase output current drive) 26.6 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Feedback The first inversion stage of the buffer has W/L ratios three times that of series NMOS and PMOS pairs. That is WNBI = 26.6 CMOS SCHMITT INVERTER WITH BUFFERED OUTPUT AND FEEDBACK WNO 3 LN/ll 44 7 LNo + LNJ When the input to a CMOS Schmitt inverter with buffered output is extremely noisy, the transient response can be improved by the addition of a feedback inverter between the midpoint of the two stage output buffer and the output of the Schmitt inverter. Figure 26.7 shows such a circuit configuration. The feedback inverter provides further noise immunity by applying positive feedback to the input of the first and Wpo wl'BI -- = 3---Lpl)/ Lpo + Lp1 Furthermore, the second stage of the buffer pair has W/L ratios three times those of the first stage. This is due to the so-called rule of three described in the next chapter. Your (a) lo-,! ? ---- [20µm p 7-,.. ,pl '"~ [ 20µmp 2µm o N.. ri ---, i ~rl--' YsmJT Your I sµm N , Y·.•DD ~ 24µm N p 2µm (b) FIGURE 26.7 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Feedback: (a) Logic schematic, (b) Circuit schematic 448 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates stage of the output buffer. This has the disadvantage of increasing the propagation delay across the two stages of the output buffer and slightly increasing the output rise and fall times. To avoid contention between the outputs of the Schmitt inverter and the feedback inverter upon switching of the Schmitt inverter output, the drive strength current capability of the feedback inverter should be less than that of the Schmitt inverter itself. To understand this, consider that the propagation delay of the Schmitt inverter output through the first stage of the output buffer will be finite, no matter how small. Furthermore, the propagation delay through the feedback inverter will also be non-zero. When the input of the Schmitt inverter crosses the trip point, the Schmitt inverter output will begin to change. The output of the feedback inverter will not begin to change until the first stage of the output buffer changes state. This is a potential cause of contention between the outputs of the Schmitt inverter and the feedback inverter. If the drive strength of the feedback inverter is less than that of the Schmitt inverter, than the contention will be avoided, since the FIGURE 26.8 Schmitt inverter will out-drive the feedback inverter. The Schmitt inverter configuration of Figure 26.7 shows the W /L ratios of the feedback inverter with increased channel lengths to decrease its output current drive. T11e weak feedback stage is often referred to as a cheater latch. The following example compares the switching characteristics of the CMOS Schmitt inverter with buffered output with and without a positive feedback stage. Example 26.5 Comparison of CMOS Buffered Output Schmitt Inverters with and without Feedback Inverter Perform SPICE simulations on the CMOS Schmitt inverter circuits of Figure 26.6 and 26.5 with load capacitances of 0.5 pF and compare the overall output switching speeds. Solution (SPICE Simulation with Output Buffer and No Feedback Inverter) Figure 26.8 shows the CMOS Schmitt inverter circuit of Figure 26.6 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Appropriate SPICE Labclings :?.h.h CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Feedback with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: *CMOS Schmitt Inverter with *Buffered Output VIN 5 0 PULSE<OV 5V D 1DNS 1DNS + 2DNS b □ NS) VDD 7 D DC 5V -MODEL NM◊SFET NMOS(VT◊=1 + KP=40U GAMMA=0.37 PHI= □ .6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) -MODEL PM◊SFET PM◊S(VT◊=-1 + KP=16U GAMMA=0-4 PHI= □ .6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) *Schmitt inverter MPI 3 5 7 7 PM◊SFET W=30U L=2U MP◊ 9 5 3 7 PMOSFET W=30U L=2U MPF 3 9 D 7 PMOSFET W=90U L=2U MNF 7 9 2 D NMOSFET W=36U L=2U MN◊ 9 5 2 D NMOSFET W=12U L=2U 449 MNI 2 5 DD NMOSFET W=12U L=2U *inverting buffer MPBI 20 9 7 7 PM◊SFET W=45U + L=2U MNBI 20 9 DD NM◊SFET W=18U + L=2U *output buffer MPB◊ 30 20 7 7 PM◊SFET W=135U + L=2U MNBO 30 20 0 D NMOSFET W=54U + L=2U CL◊AD 30 D □ -5PF -TRAN 1NS 5DNS -PLOT TRAN V<VIN) V(9) -END The plot obtained from this simulation is shown in Figure 26.9. The overall output fall and rise times are observed to be approximately tr = 160 ps and tr = 180 ps. VDD MP~t: I 10UM Fti=I 4UM lroo IO ' J_ Your VDD 17 L-30 • MNB2 LJMPB1 I I ~ 2 :-__?J 30UM 0 36UM 2UM '.I 3~ 2UM MNF ~~~ '~-- 511CJ2UIIII 0 BUM MNI r ':lo Ysour o, ! I o MNB1 1::-::;=i 12UM 2u1111 1 FIGURE 26.9 01 CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Feedback with Appropriate SPICE Labelings CLO.AD 0.5pF 450 Chapter 26/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates VIN(V) VIN(V) 5• 5f- 4 4-.- 3 3 : 2 1 1 _J_ 0---t-----+--+----+-------1---+-----. t(ns) 0-',~--+----+--+---~------ t(ns) 10 0 20 30 40 0 50 10 20 30 40 50 YsourCV) VsmrrCV) 5+ 4 3 2 ~r--------+-----+-1 _;_ 1 --+---.----,--"-+- 0 0 10 20 30 40 -+-► t(ns) 50 0~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 t(ns) vsourCV) YsourCV) 5f- 5 4 :+ 3 2-,- 2 1 - 1 o---J~'--+---:--:i----...---i--► t(ns) 0---+---+--+----+-------1---+-----. t(ns) 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 5 5 4 4 30 1 1 40 50 • 3 3 2 2-,- 1 1 0--+-------'+--+---+--""-+----+---► 20 30 40 1 50 Solution (SPICE Simulation with Output Buffer and Feedback Inverter) Figure 26.10 shows the CMOS Schmitt inverter circuit of Figure 26.7 with appropriate SPICE labelings. The SPICE input CIRcuit file for this circuit is as follows: *CMOS Schmitt Inverter with ~ 0-+----'-+-------.-J--+------+---.t(ns) t(ns) FIGURE 26.10 Transient Solution from SPICE Simulation of CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output for Figures 26.6 and 26.8 *feedback 20 Vour(V) VourCV) 0 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 FIGURE 26.11 Transient Solution from SPICE Simulation of CMOS Schmitt Inverter with Buffered Output and Feedback for Figures 26.7 and 26.9 VIN 5 D PULSE(OV 5V D 1DNS 1DNS 2DNS b □ NS) VDD 7 D DC SV -MODEL NMOSFET NMOS(VT0=1 + KP=40U GAMMA=D-37 PHI= □ .6 + CBD=3-1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) -MODEL PMOSFET PMOS(VT0=-1 + KP=16U GAMMA= □ .4 PHI=0-6 + Chapter 26 NAND= Problems A~DB~ (a) ll. 451 NANDSCHMITf (b) FIGURE 26.12 Two-input CMOS Schmitt NAND Gate: (a) Circuit is composed of inverting Schmitt inputs feeding an OR configuration, (b) Circuit symbol + CBD=3,1E-15 CBS=3-1E-15) * Schmitt inverter MPI 3 MP◊ 9 MPF 3 MNF 7 MN◊ 9 MNI 2 * 5 7 7 5 3 7 9 0 7 9 2 0 5 2 0 5 0 0 PM0SFET PM0SFET PM0SFET NM0SFET NM0SFET NM0SFET W=20U L=2U W=20U L=2U W=b0U L=2U W=24U L=2U W=8U L=2U W=8U L=2U inverting buffer MPBI 20 9 7 7 PM0SFET W=30U L=2U MNBI 20 9 0 0 NM0SFET W=12U + L=2U + * feedback inverter buffer MPBF 9 20 7 7 PM0SFET W=10U L=4U MNBF 9 20 0 0 NM0SFET W=4U L=4U * output buffer MPB0 30 20 7 7 PM0SFET W=90U + L=2U + MNB◊ 30 20 0 0 NM0SFET W=36U Schmitt inverter with feedback are approximately tr = 260 ps and tr = 270 ps, respectively. Thus, the output logic level transitions are increased by only about 60%. 26. 7 CMOS SCHMITT NAND GATES Standard CMOS logic chip sets include the 54C132/ 74C132 Schmitt NAND gate. This is a gate that realizes the logic NAND function with hysteresis between the inputs and the output. Figure 26.12a shows the circuit construction embodying this function and Figure 26.12b displays the circuit symbol for this Schmitt NAND gate. Each input is fed directly to a separate Schmitt inverter. The Schmitt inverter outputs are then fed to the logical equivalent of an OR gate. The output of this gate therefore realizes the function L=2U CL0AD 30 D 0,5PF -TRAN 1NS 50NS ,PRINT TRAN V(VIN) V(9) -END Applying DeMorgan's NOR theorem The plot obtained from this simulation is shown in Figure 26.11. The overall fall and rise times for the Thus, the NAND function is indeed realized with the hysteresis provided by the input Schmitt inverters. + A + B = (A+ B) (A + B) = (A B) = AB CHAPTER26PROBLEMS 26.1 Determine Vrn 1 and Vrn. for the CMOS Schmitt inverter of Figure P26.1 and sketch the voltage transfer characteristic. 26.2 Derive the expressions for the high-to-low and low-to-high trip voltages of Figure P26.1 26.3 Using the expressions derived in Problem 26.2, calculate the high-to-low and low-to-high trip voltages of Figure P26.1 for V0 u = 5 V. Use kN = 40 µA/V 2 and VTN = 1 V for all NMOS devices and k{, = 16 µ,A/V 2 and V1 p = -1 V for all PMOS de- 452 Chapter 2G/CMOS Schmitt Trigger Gates FIGURE P26.1 vices. Use WNifLN1 = WNo/LNu = 16 µm/2 µm, W Nr/LNr = 48 µm/2 µm, WpifLp1 = Wp 0 /Lpu = 40 µrn/2 µm, and Wp 1/Ll'F = 120 µm/2 µm. Sketch the voltage transfer characteristic. 26.4 Show that as WF/LF----'> 0 for both feedback devices the hysteresis ----'> 0 and the Schmitt inverter becomes a normal (non-Schmitt) inverter. 26.5 Repeat Problem 2G.3 for a circuit with 26.6 26.7 26.8 Repeat Problem 26.3 using W :,.; 1 /LNr = 720 µm/2 µm and W 1,1/L 1'1' = 180 µm/2 µm. 26.9 Repeat Problem 26.3 using W:--; 1/L:,.; 1 = W:,.: 0 /Lr--:(> = 32 µm/2 µm and WpifL 1,1 = Wp 0 /L 1,0 = 80 µm/2 µm. 26.10 Design a CMOS Schmitt inverter for a drive strength four times that of the CMOS inverter of Example 23.3 (see Figure 23.5) and trip voltages of V1D = 4 V and V 11; = 1 V. Use VDD = 5 V and a channel length of 2 µm for all MOSFETs. Assume k( = 40 µAN", k(, = 16 µAIV", VrN = 1 V, and Vn, = -1 V. 26.11 Repeat Problem 26.10 with V1)]) = 7 V. 26.12 Repeat Problem 26.10 with 26.13 For the circuit of Figure P26.13, determine the output logic function and the equivalent circuit symbol. 10 V. 26.14 Repeat Problem 26.10 for V1D = 3 V and V1c = 2 V. 26.15 Repeat Problem 26.14 with Vl)IJ = 7 V. 26.16 Repeat Problem 26.14 with Vi>D = 10 V. = 3 V. Repeat Problem 26.3 for a circuit with V1m = 10 V. VDD Repeat Problem 26.3 using WNF/LNF = 60 µm/2µm and wl'F/Ll'F = 150 µm/2 µm. Vt)])= FIGURE P26.13 CMOS DRIVERS In section 23.8 the dynamic response of a CMOS inverter with a capacitive load is presented. Expressions for the high-to-low and low-to-high propagation delays and rise and fall times are derived. All four transient characteristics are found to be directly proportional to load capacitances and inversely proportional to device transconductances. In this chapter, capacitive loads driven by cascaded CMOS inverters are described. It is shown that the time required to charge and discharge a capacitive load is decreased by using multi-stage CMOS inverter drivers in place of single inverters. Such multi-stage drivers are a necessity for driving capacitive loads above a few picofarads. A special driver configuration exhibiting highimpedance Z-states when disabled is also discussed. This tri-state driver is generally used to drive the relatively large capacitance seen from inside an IC at the output pins of an integrated circuit package. The benefit of the tri-state embodiment is in saving power when the external pins are not being driven. T Likewise, the expression for t 1'LH is also directly proportional to the load capacitance and is inversely proportional to the PMOS device transconductance parameter kl', where The constant of proportionality B is a function of the supply voltage V 1m and the PMOS threshold voltage VT!' and is given specifically by In section 23.8, expressions were obtained for the high-to-low and low-to-high propagation delay times. These are repeated here as follows: = 2C1VrN -, kNWnn - VTN)- + cL ln( kNWoo - VTN) 0.5Vrm ln(l.SVuo + 2Vn') O.SVno (Voo + Vrl')2 Woo+ Vrp) Note that for the case of a symn,etric inverter where VTN = -Vn,, the constants of proportionality A and B are equal, that is = kP (V DD + VTl') 2 CL -2Vr1' B=-----+-------- 2v1N) and tpui The constant of proportionality A is a function of the supply voltage V 1)1) and the NMOS threshold voltage Vrn and is given specifically by Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks CMOS Inverter Propagation Delay Times tPI/L It should be noted that the expression for tl'HL is directly proportional to Ci, and inversely proportional to the NMOS device transconductance parameter kl':, that is A l (1.5V00 + 2Vp) O.SVim = B (symmetric inverter) These expressions will be used in the following section on multi-stage CMOS drivers. + kl'(V1)[) + Vn,) n where C1, is the output load capacitance. 453 454 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers T Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks T Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Exponential Property of Logarithms Quotient Rule of Derivatives The logarithm of a constant raised to a power is governed by the relation The derivative of the quotient of functions is also used in the following section and is realized by the relation ln a1' = b ln a This relation is needed in the derivation presented in the following section. 3- [u(x)] dx 27.1 CASCADED CMOS INVERTERS DRIVING A LOAD CAPACITANCE In section 23.8, expressions for the high-to-low and low-to-high propagation delay times are derived (and are repeated in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section). These expressions for tr1-1L and trLH are directly dependent on the load capacitance being driven. Also, the expressions for trHL and tru-1 are inversely proportional to the NMOS and PMOS device transconductance parameters kN and kr, respectively. Thus, if a large output load capacitance is to be driven, the values of kN and kr for reasonable values of trLH and tl'HL for the N- and P-channel MOSFETs should also be large. Large values of kN and kp arc obtained by using large W /L ratios. For example, the CMOS inverter of Figure 27. la is shown driving a relatively large (for CMOS digital integrated circuits) load capacitance of 10 pF. The channel sizes (Wp/Lr = 1750µ,m/2µ,m and WN/LN = 700µ,m/2µ,m) of the constituent MOSFETs are also relatively large compared to the CMOS circuits seen in the last four chapters. While this inverter will be 1it Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Derivative of Natural Logarithm The derivative of the natural logarithm function is also needed in the derivations presented in the following section and is d - (ln x) dx v(x) able to drive the load capacitance with acceptable propagation delays, the input capacitance c/N = Ccp + CcN = (WpLp + WNLN)C, will then be very large. The CMOS gate that has to drive this large inverter will then have a large load capacitance to drive, as shown in Figure 27.16. While the propagation delay across the large CMOS invetter is manageable, the propagation delay of the small inverter will be much larger, as seen in the following example. Example 27.1 Relative Propagation Delays of Cascaded CMOS Inverters Use the expressions developed in section 23.8 and specified in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section to determine the propagation delays of each of the inverters in Figure 27.16. Use V00 = 5 V, VTN = 1 V, VTP = -1 V, kr'.J = 40 µ,A/V 2, and k& = 16 µ,A/V 2 • A;so, use a gate capacitance per unit area of c:,, = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 • Note that this is the value of C~x used in Example 23.3. Solution Since Wr/Lp = 2.5 X WN/LN for both inverters and VT!' = -VTN, both inverters are symmetric. Thus, tr1-1L = tpu-, for both inverters. Also, the constants of proportionality A and B stated in the Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks box preceding this section are equal and thus calculating yields 2(1) A = B = -[(5-)---(-1)-]2 1 x v(x) du(x) _ u(x) dv(x) = dx dx v 2 (t) + ln[l.5(5) - 2(1)] 0.5(5) 1 --[()---(l-)l- = o.322 5 v 27.1 Cascaded CMOS Inverters Driving a Load Capacitance 455 lOµmp 2µm 01 Your Your =r 700µm N----:-1 lOpF O 2µm 700µm N02 2µm r, '-'EXT lOpF l Cm,"" 175CINI =3.38 pF (b) (a) FIGURE 27.1 (a) A large CMOS inverter driving a large load capacitance, (b) Large CMOS inverters have large input Solution (Second Stage Propagation Delay) The device transconductance parameters of the (symmetric) second inverter are The (equivalent) propagation delay across the first stage is therefore tp 1 700µ,) kN = kr = ( - (40µ,) = 14.0 m 2A 2µ, V The (equivalent) propagation delays across the second stage are tl'2 = (0.322) (lOp) (14.0m) = 0.230 ns which is quite acceptable. Solution (First Stage Propagation Delay) The device transconductance parameters of the (sym metric) first inverter are A kN = kp = ( 4µ,) µ, (40µ,) = 80 µ, v 2 2 The load capacitance on the output of the first stage is the sum of the gate capacitances of the second stage and thus (WN2LN2 + WP2Ln)Cbx 690a = [(700µ,)(2µ,) + (1750µ,)(2µ,)] - µ, 2 = 3.38 pF (3.38p) = (0.322) -(--) = 13.6 80µ, 11S which is 59 times larger than tp 2 and bordering on a propagation delay that is too long. This example displays that driving a large capacitance with a large-sized inverter has the drawback that this inverter possesses a large input capacitance. Thus, the propagation delay of a previous stage will be extremely large. The next example examines the possibility of using additional stages with transistor sizes intermediate to those of the previous example. Example 27.2 Propagation Delay Across Multiple Cascaded Inverters Figure 27.2 shows the two stage CMOS inverter driver of Figure 27.16 with two additional inverter stages. Note that the two middle inverters are symmetric and have channel sizes intermediate to those at the beginning and end of the chain. Find the propagation delay across each stage and the total propagation delay time. Compare with the propagation 456 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers Yoo ! i 50µmp 2µm 02 lOµmp [ ' 2µm o1 r-vir-.1[. 300µm 2µm p 03 _r-.1 [ _j '-1 ! l750µm p l 2µm I L----0 20µmN 2µm o2 [ -· 120µgiN 2µm o, 04 VP.Xr L_I [70~tt~ ½KT~ N04 lOpF I l Crn,=96.6fF Crn,=580fF Cm•= 3.38 pF intermediate sized inverters inserted between the series inverters of Figure 27.1 will decrease the total propogation delay delay calculated in the previous example. Use the same values for VDD = 5 V, VTN = 1 V, Vw = -1 V, k~ = 40 µ,A/V 2 , k{, = 16 µ,A/V 2, and C x = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 as in the previous example. 0 Solution (Constants of Proportionality) Since VDD and the threshold voltages are the same, the constants of proportionality remain constant at A= B 1 = 0.322 V Solution (Second Stage Propagation Delay) The device transconductance parameters of the MOSFETs in the second stage are The load capacitance of the second stage is the sum of gate capacitances of the third stage and thus C1.2 Solution (First Stage Propagation Delay) The device transconductance parameters of the MOSFETs in the first stage are kNJ = kp 1 = (~:)(40µ,) 80 µ, ; = 2 The load capacitance of the first stage is the sum of gate capacitances of the second stage, given by Cu = CcN2 + CcP2 = (WN2LN2 + WP2LP2)Cbx 690a µ, 2 = [(50µ,)(2µ,) + (20µ,)(2µ,)] - = 96.6 JF The propagation delay across the first stage is therefore tp1 = (96,6!) (0,322) -(--) = 0.39 80µ, 115 + + = CcN.1 = [(120µ,)(2µ,) + (300µ,)(2µ,)] Ccl'.1 = (WNJLN1 Wp1Lp,)C(x, 690a w -7 = 580 'ff The propagation delay across the second stage is therefore (580!) tp2 = (0.322) (400µ,) = 0.47 ns Solution (Third Stage Propagation Delay) The device transconductance parameters of the MOSFETs in the third stage are kN, = kp.1 120µ,) = ( ~ (40µ,) = 2,4 111 vA2 The load capacitance of the third stage is the sum of gate capacitances of the fourth stage 27.2 Cu = CcN4 + Ccp 4 = (WN4LN4 + Wp4Lp4)C!ix 690a [(700µ,)(2µ,) + (1750µ,)(2µ,)) - " = 3.38 pf µ," The propagation delay across the third stage is therefore (3.38p) (0.322) - - ) = 0.45 (2.4m tp3 = kN4 700µ,) A = kp4 = ( - (40µ,) = 14 m --;, 2µ, V" The load capacitance of the first stage is the sum of gate capacitances of the second stage CIA = CEXT = 10 pF The propagation delay across the fourth stage is therefore tp4 = (10p) (0.322) -(- ) = 0.23 14111 11S Solution (Total Propagation Delay) The propagation delay across the CMOS four stage inverter driver is therefore tP,TOT/\L = tp1 + t/'2 + tp3 + fp4 = (0.3911) + (0.4 711) + (0.4511) + (0.2311) = 1.54 11S This is almost a 90°/4> reduction in propagation delay as compared to the 10 pF loaded two stage driver of the previous example. Hence, the additional stages def- initely improve the dynamic response of a multi-stage inverter driver charging a load capacitance. 457 The question to ask now is what arrangement of multi-stage inverters gives the optimum response? That is, 1. How many stages should be used for a given load capacitance? 2. What is the relation between the channel sizes of successive stages? 115 Solution (Fourth Stage Propagation Delay) The propagation for the final stage was found in the previous example and is repeated here for convenience. The device transconductances of the MOSFETs in the fourth stage are CMOS Multi-Stage Inverter Drivers In the following sub-sections, the answers to these questions are obtained and the resulting relations are developed. Load Capacitance of Each Stage Is Input Capacitance of Following Stage To determine the optimum design of a CMOS multistage inverter driver, examine the general )-stage driver in Figure 27.3. The load capacitance on a given stage i is the input capacitance of stage i + 1, which we will continue to estimate as the sum of the gate capacitances of the MOSFETs in stage i + 1 as follows: Thus, the propagation delays across each stage i can be written as and t Pl.II _ B Cu _ B C1NU> - lcr; - 11 kp; Reduction of Propagation Delay Expressions for Symmetric Inverter Stages To simplify the analysis, consider a symmetric inverter for which A = B and 27.2 CMOS MULTI-STAGE INVERTER DRIVERS The previous examples indicated that a 10 pF load capacitance can be charged through CMOS two- and four-stage inverter drivers and the four-stage driver had a distinct improvement in dynamic response. tPHL -_ tI'Li/ -_ A CIN(i+I) _ - kN; A CIN(i+1) kp,- The device transconductance parameters of each stage i are 458 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers Yoo Yoo Yoo Yoo y ? (.) 0 I L~P. q I q~w~~P 1;1+I) VIN O(i+l) ! V;JO- .----------0-- - [ :t-N=., 1~¥:N• C.OI (l+I) ' -:- ~ -;- Cu= FIGURE 27 .3 ~ Stage i + 1 ~ Stage i Stage 1 7 Stagej CIN(i+l) Load Capacitance of Stage i is the Input Capacitance of the Next (i + 1) Stage and and For a symmetric inverter where the channel lengths of the NMOS and PMOS device are equal (LN; = Lp; = L;), the W/L ratios for the N- and P-channel MOSFETs can be rewritten as Since k~ = 2.5 X k~, the expression for tPLH can be rewritten as and k _ 2.5WNi Li Pi - Note that the equations describing tl'HL and tPLH are now identical and the single equation for the propagation delay k' l'i For symmetric inverters, using the relations the input capacitance of each stage i + 1 can now be rewritten as Cu = CrN(i+l) = = [WN(i+1)LN(i+1) + Wru+1)Lru+1)]C:,x 3.SWN(i+l)Lic;,x Substituting the expressions for device transconductances and input capacitance of a symmetric inverter into the propagation delay equations results in t /'/IL - A c/N(i+·1) - A 3.5WN(i+1)L(i+l)Cx - - kNi WNi k' L I N is used to describe Both the high-to-low and lowto-high propagation delays for the remainder of this discussion. Assume Equal Channel Length for N- and P-Channel Devices of All Stages If the channel lengths of the NMOS and PMOS devices of all stages are equal (which is not uncom- 27.2 mon), the above expression can be further reduced as follows: CMOS Multi-Stage Inverter Drivers If the external load capacitance CEXT is defined as a times the input capacitance of the final stage, then CExT is related to the input capacitance of the first stage by the expression C1:xT Defining a new constant 459 = aiC1N1 Dividing both sides by C1N 1 gives A = A 3.5L2C~x k/_i 1 The propagation delay expression can be stated as Taking the natural log of both sides yields · ((EXT) ln a 1 = In - C1N1 Propagation Delay Across Each Stage Is Proportional to Relative Size of Successive Stages The final expression for the propagation delay across any given stage i is thus proportional to the ratio of channel widths of successive stages. Defining a con stant Utilizing the exponential property of logarithms gives (CExT) 1 a =1 n - ;· n C1N1 and solving for j yields ln(~~:J j= - - - ln a to represent this ratio, the propagation delay for a single stage is finally obtained as tr= A'a If all pairs of successive stages are scaled by the factor a, then the overall propagation delay across a j-stage driver is given by This is a design equation for j which is defined as the number of stages in an optimally designed multistage symmetric CMOS inverter driver. Substituting the expression for j into the expression for the propagation delay across a j-stage driver given above yields the propagation delay as follows: tP,tota/ , ((EXT) Cl' = A In - - -1c/NJ n Cl' j tP,total = I tp; = j X tp = jA'a i=l Input Capacitance of Successive Stages Is Also Scaled by a Factor of a In the analysis up to this point, it has been assumed that the channel length of all NMOS and PMOS devices in a j-stage CMOS driver are equal and the channel area of both the N- and P-channel MOSFETs of each stage are scaled by a factor a over the preceding stage. Hence the input capacitance, and therefore the load capacitance of each stage, is also scaled by a factor a times the preceding stage or Optimal Design for a Multi-Stage CMOS Driver To determine the optimal design of a multi-stage CMOS inverter driver, the expression for tP,totaI should be minimized with respect to a. This is obtained by taking the derivative of with respect to a and setting it equal to zero. Solution of this equation yields the value of a for which has a local minimum. Taking that derivative yields dtl',total da = !!__ da [A' ln(CEXT) ~] C In a 1N1 = A' In(~~:~) d~ Cnaa) 460 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers f(a)=aAna 3.4 3.2 3.0 Multi~Stage Cl\10S Driver Rule of Three i i- For practicality in fabrication, a = e is generally rounded off to a = 3 and this design rule is appropriately referred to as the rule of three. t T Example 27.3 Optimal Design of a Multi-Stage CMOS Driver 2.8 What is the opt1mai number of stages to use in a multi-stage CMOS driver with a load of 10 pF. Design this driver with an initial stage having WN 1/LN 1 = 4µ,m/2µ,m and Wr 1/Lp 1 = 10µ,m/2µ,m. Assume the gate oxide capacitance per unit area is C,'" = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 . e 2.6 1------+-----1---+--------+-----1---1---___. 1 2 e 3 FIGURE 27.4 5 4 a 6 Solution The input capacitance of the first stage is the sum of its gate capacitances or Plot of a/In a: local minimum occurs CINI = Cc.NJ + CcP1 = (WN1LN1 = [(10µ,)(2µ,) Using the quotient rule of derivatives and equating to O then gives dtl',to/11/ = A ln(CEXT) In I da CIN 1 Q' - 1 = 0 = 2.718 Therefore, a local minimum occurs at a value of frn;n(a) =- Q' 1n a I = e with a =e min Thus, The optimum design for a multi-stage CMOS driver has the channel sizes of each successive stage scaled by a factor of e = 2.718 over the previous stage, Hence, substituting a gives = e into the expression for .J In(CExT) CIN, j (C,xr) =---=In -- In e wl',L1'1)C()x -2 µ, = 19.3 fF Using the expression forj derived in this sub-section . [ (lOp) ] .7 = ln (l . f) = 6.25 93 (In a)2 which has a solution for In a = l or a = e + (4µ,)(2µ,)] + 690a C1N1 which is the optimal number of stages in a multistage CMOS driver. Rounding this off, the optimal number of stages in this driver is 6. Figure 27.5 shows such a six-stage driver. Each stage is three times the size of the preceding stage, except the final stage is a little over twice the size of the fifth stage (this is due to rounding of j to 6 and using the rule of three instead of the "rule of e"). Note that the final stage has an input capacitance 1/3 that of the external capacitance CEXT· The sum of propagation delays across all stage except the fifth and sixth is approximately 0.93 ns. The total propagation delay is less than 1 ns which is a further reduction in the delay calculated in Example 27.2 for the four-stage driver in Figure 27.2. (Calculation of these delays is left as a homework problem.) Disadvantage of Larger Silicon Area The previous examples and preceding derivation indicate that multi-stage drivers definitely decrease the time needed to charge and discharge a large load capacitance. The obvious disadvantage is that the ad- 27.3 C .•. :;1 0 '( I ! I I I p06 8 lOµIl! 2µm [ rl? !Ql,l!I! J-J N V Vm I CMOS Tri-State Pin Drivers (PAD Drivers) I~ 7 2µm / '-1 ;J 30µm L _2µm l i rl pl ''-1 _ J90µm 2µm 7 1 (J 05 03 rl ~- 2721!!11 . rl p L_ 2µm "-1 N I 461 I ! . 1750µm _ 2µm i V ~-~- ; I ½xr..L 2µm N:i N~ ½m =58 fF FIGURE 27.5 2µm 2µm Nt 4,, = 174 fF Ni 4,, =522 fF 2µ 2µm N lOpF ! 0 ,~ Cm,= 1.56 pF Cm,= 3.38 pF Six-stage Driver Driving a 10 pF Load (Example 27.3) ditional inverting driver stages require additional silicon surface area. Thus, a driver should not be designed to operate faster than is really necessary. Inverting or Non-Inverting Drivers The discussion in this section ignored whether the output of the final stage should be an inversion of the original driving signal or not. If an inverter is required and the design equations yield an even number of stages (a non-inverter), then one additional or one less stage should be used, and the size ratio froIT1 stage-to-stage is selected using the rule of three. 27.3 CMOS TRI-STATE PIN DRIVERS (PAD DRIVERS) The previous section considered multi-stage CMOS inverter drivers used to drive large capacitive loads. An example of such a large capacitive load is an output pin of an IC. However, when driving IC output pins, it is advantageous to use a tri-state driver. Pin Driver (or Pad Driver) Circuit Figure 27.6 displays a tri-state pin driver (sometimes referred to as a pad driver). The signal to be driven is input (IN) to the NAND and NOR gates. The NAND and NOR signals are then increased in drive by two using successive inverters whose MOSFETs have increasing channel sizes. These increased drive NAND and NOR signals then separately drive the gate terminals of relatively large P- and N-channel MOSFETs. Note that the gate terminals of the final stage MOSFETs are not connected in a CMOS inverter to turn on and off the output NMOS and PMOS devices. Truth Table of Pin Driver To verify that the circuit of Figure 27.6 can be used as a tri-state driver, a truth table is constructed. ENable Low-Output High-Impedance ZState If the ENable input is low, then the NAND output is held high. With the NAND output high, the gate terminal of the PMOS device PPAD is high and the PMOS output device is cutoff. Thus, no output pullup path to V00 is available from the output node PAD. Considering the lower portion of the circuit in Figure 27.6, EN is inverted and fed into the NOR gate. With EN low, EN is high and the output of the NOR gate is held low. The gate terminal of the NMOS device NPAD is therefore also held low. Thus, no output pull-down path to ground is available from the output node PAD. Hence, when the ENable signal is held low, neither an output pull-up nor 462 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers VDD 0 7$ii ~~ 2251!!!!_ 2µm IN [945µmp 2µm EN ~ 901!:J!l ~µm 3~ PAD i I 2~= iluii (a) IN~PAD EN (b) FIGURE 27.6 Tri-state NAND/NOR Pad Driver: (a) Circuit, (b) Circuit symbol an output pull-down is present and the output is in a high-impedance Z-state. This verifies lines 1 and 2 of the truth table in Table 27.1 Output Low State-EN High and IN Low With IN low, the NAND output node is high. With EN high (EN low) and IN low, the NOR output is also high. With the NAND and NOR outputs both high, the gate terminals of PrAo and Nr,Ao are also both high. Therefore, NPAD is active and an output pull-down path to ground from PAD is present. With the NAND node high PPAD is cutoff and no TABLE 27.1 Truth Table for the Non-Inverting Tri-State Pad Drivers of Figures 27.6 and 27.8 EN IN NAND NOR PAD 1 2 0 0 0 z z 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 pull-up path is present. Thus, for EN high and IN low, the pad-driver is in an output low state. This verifies line 3 of Table 27.1. Output High State-EN and IN High If both the EN able and IN put signals are high, then the NAND output node is low. With IN high, the NOR node is also low. Hence, with the NAND and NOR nodes both low, the gate terminals of the devices Nl'AD and Pl'AD are also both low. Thus, PPAD is active and an output pull-up path to VDo exists. Also, NPAD is cutoff and no output pull-down path is present. Therefore, for EN and IN high, the paddriver output is high. This verifies line 4 of the truth table in Table 27.1. Pad Driver Is a Non-Inverting Tri-State Driver Examining Table 27.1, the IN put signal is propagated to the output node (labeled PAD), non-inverted when the ENable signal is high. When EN is low, 27.4 Tips, Tricks, and Gimmicks Make-Before-Break and Break-Before-Make Circuits Figure 27.7a shows a logic configuration consisting of two-input AND and OR gates. This circuit has a single input IN and two outputs AND and OR that are fed back to the inputs as indicated. The input IN is fed to both input gates. The AND output is fed to the second input of the lower gate and the OR output is fed to the second input of the upper gate. Operation To analyze the operation of this configuration, assume the propagation delay across each of the four gates (including the inverters) is 1 ns. If IN is low, the AND output is low regardless of the other NAND gate input. The two inputs to the OR gate are therefore both low and the OR output is also low. This is shown in Figure 27.7b where both outputs are low for the first few nanoseconds. Input Low-to-High Transition When IN switches high, the output of the OR gate switches high two nanoseconds later, 1 ns for the gate delay across the NOR gate and a second ns for the inverter Im:• Upon initial switching of IN, the OR output is still low and the AND gate does not yet have two high inputs. That is, the two inputs to the AND gate are not high until 2 ns (the gate delays across the NOR gate and I01J after IN goes high. Hence, 2 ns later (4 ns after IN goes low-tohigh) the AND output goes high. This is observed in the waveforms in Figure 27.7b. Input Higlt-to-Low Transition A similar situation occurs when the input signal IN is switched low. The AND output switches 2 ns later and the OR output falls 2 ns after that. Make-Before-Break Circuit This circuit is useful as a make-before-break circuit and this is accomplished by using the PAD Driver with Ilrcc1k-Bcforc-lvli1kc Embodiment 463 AND output as an Jctivc-low enable signJI Jnd the OR output JS Jn active-high enable. Upon switching of the input high, the OR enable is made before the AND enable breaks. Upon switching of the input low, the AND enable is made before the OR enable breaks. Break-Before-Make Circuit The circuit of Figure 27.7 can also be used as a break-before-make circuit by using the AND output as an active-high enable and the OR output as an active low enable. It should be noted that the delay time between the switching of the outputs can be increased by including an even number of additional inverter stages between the output of the NAND and NOR gates and the AND and OR outputs. the output node PAD is in a high-impedance Z-state. Thus, the pad driver circuit of Figure 27.6 is a 11011-inverting tri-state driver. The logic symbol for the tri-state pad driver is shown in Figure 27.6b. 27.4 PAD DRIVER WITH BREAKBEFORE-MAKE EMBODIMENT The propagation delays for the NAND gate and inverters I/\ND and IN/\ND of Figure 27.6 are essentially the same as those for the NOR gates, IoR, and INoR• Thus, when the pad driver of Figure 27.6 is in its ENabled state, the output stage devices PP/\D and N 1,/\o change modes of operation in a simultaneous fashion similar to the MOSFETs of a CMOS inverter. Since the MOSFETs in the pad driver final stage are relatively large, the short circuit switching current that will exist between V DD and ground through Pl'/\D and Nl'/\D will be quite large, dissipating a momentary large amount of power. To avoid this sizeable power dissipation, J break-before-make AND-OR embodiment should be implemented. Such a configuration is shown in Figure 27.8. The AND node is fed to an additional input of the NOR gate and the OR node is fed to an additional node in the NAND gate. Thus, if IN is 464 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers VIN(V) V:u • •· · · ······-'----►t(ns) IN ' >---~-----1 V AND(V) Yoo\ 0 I i________________ __. ► t(ns) YoaCV) . >--'----{ I OR • VDDI I 01 2 4 6 (a) FIGURE 27.7 "Make-before-Brea!<' AND/OR Circuit: (a) Schematic, (b) Input and output waveforms: upon switching low-to-high, the OR output responds first; 8 10 12 14 L► 16 t(ns) (b) upon switching high-to-low the AND output responds first IN o~ EN c}----+--~----1 I '- ~o PAD I I I OR FIGURE 27.8 ~[NPAD Tri-state Pad Driver with AND/OR "Break-before-Make" Configuration switched low-to-high when the pad driver is ENabled, the NMOS pull-down device will cutoff slightly before the PMOS device turns on and pulls the output high. Similarly, when IN switches high-to-low the PMOS device will cutoff before the NMOS device turns on. A disadvantage resulting from using the breakbefore-make circuitry is that the output voltage can shoot beyond the rails when switching states. However, if the nodes connected to the pins external to the IC are properly protected from voltage spikes, this problem is minimal. Chapter 27 Problems 465 CHAPTER 27 PROBLEMS 27.1 For a load capacitance of 5 pF, calculate the input capacitance and the propagation delay for each stage of the two-stage inverter of Figure P27.1. Use VrN = 1 V, Vrp = -1 V, and c;,x = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 (Remember. kN = kN(WN/LN), kp = k~(Wp/Lp), kN = /LNCox, and k{, = µ,pCox; for silicon /LN = 0.058 nl/V · s and µ,p = 0.023 m 2 /V · s.) 27.6 Repeat Problem 27.4 with all MOSFET W/L ratios doubled. 27.7 Calculate the optimum number of stages that provide minimum propagation delay for a multi-stage CMOS driver with a load of 5 pF. Let the first stage have WN1/LN 1 = 4µ,m/2µ,m, and Wp1/Lp1 = 10µ,m/ 2µ,m. Use C,'.x = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 • 27.8 Calculate the propagation delays associated with each stage in Problem 27.7. Use VoD = 5 V, V-rN = 1 V, VTP = -1 V, and Cx = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 • 27.9 Calculate the optimum number of stages that provide minimum propagation delay for a multi-stage CMOS driver with a load of 5 pF. Let the first stage have WN1/LN 1 = 4µ,m/2µ,m and Wp 1/L 1, 1 = 10µ,m/ 2µ,m. Use c;,x = 1000 aF/ µ,m 2 . 27.10 Repeat Problem 27.8 for MOSFETs with 1000 aF/ µ,m 2 . 27.11 Repeat Problem 27.8 for MOSFETs with transconductance parameters that are doubled. HXTT 27.12 i Repeat Problem 27.7 with WN 1/LN 1 = 8µ,m/2µ,m and Wp 1/Lp1 = 20µ,rn/2µ,m. 27.13 Calculate the propagation delays for each inverter in Problem 27.12. 27.14 Design a make-before-break AND/OR circuit that has larger time delay than that shown in Figure 2 27.3 Repeat Problem 27.1 for MOSFETs with transconductance parameters doubled. 27.4 Calculate the input capacitance and the propagation delay for each stage of the 4-stage non-in- . C l FIGURE P27.1 VDD = 5 V _j VDD =5 V q [50µmp 2µm 02 I I VOUT2 _J Cm, FIGURE P27.4 c,N2 Vmm 1¼ I'pF l~~N -1c~lllN l 2µm 1_?1Qµ_II1 p 2µm 04 Youn ~--~-- 2µm 02 o, -.:- -.:- c[N, c;" = VDD = 5 V l lOµmp 2µm o, = 1000 aF/ µ,m 2 . Repeat Problem 27.4 with C~x Repeat Problem 27.1 using Cc'ix = 1500 aF/ µ,m 02 = 1 V, 27.5 27.2 2µm l[ J2QgmN verting driver of Figure P27.4. Use V-rN V-1T = -1 V, and c~x = 690 aF/ µ,m 2 . Cm, 466 Chapter 27/CMOS Drivers FIGURE P27.15 27.7. Do this using additional inverters in series with IAND and Irn,· Sketch the input and output waveforms assuming each CMOS gate has a propagation delay of 1 ns. 27.15 Construct the truth table for the tri-state NANO/ NOR pad drivers of Figure P27.15. 27.16 Construct a truth table for the AND/OR circuit of Figure P27.16. For time delays of 2 ns for each gate, sketch the waveforms for a pulse of input voltage low-to-high and then high-to-low. IN o~~---LY---f>2-l--o ~= -= -- -1>-{>e 1 AND ---o OR FIGURE P27.16 DYNAMIC CMO In the specialized areas of high speed, higher fan-in, extremely low power dissipation and/or very high packing density, other digital logic circuit alternatives to CMOS have been considered with some success. In this chapter, we describe three of these alternatives to CMOS. The circuits are basically NMOS or CMOS gates with slight modifications that provide improvements in the specialized areas. The specific digital logic families described in this chapter are called pseudo-NMOS logic, dynamic logic, and CMOS domino logic. Each of these have specific operating advantages over NMOS or CMOS but also exhibit disadvantages in other areas. 28.1 PSEUDO-NMOS LOGIC Hence, a discussion of precharging and discharging of a load capacitance is appropriate here. 28.2 CMOS PRECHARGING AND DISCHARGING OF A LOAD CAPACITANCE The gates to be considered have the same disadvantages that NMOS combinational logic circuits possess. Namely, a degraded output low voltage and high power dissipation. The solution to overcoming these disadvantages is using CMOS logic. With CMOS combinational logic gates, in addition to a rail-to-rail output, power is dissipated only while switching. Pseudo-NMOS logic consists of an NMOS gate Storage of Charge in a Non-Driven Load Capacitance with a PMOS transistor load. Figure displays a typical pseudo-NMOS AND-OR-invert gate. Note that the P-channel load device at the top of the circuit is always operating in the linear mode since the gate is grounded and the source is at Vsy = VDD = 5 V. Hence, the output is precharged high by the PMOS load. When inputs are applied, the logic function implemented is Figure 28.2a shows a two input, two transistor MOSFET circuit with a load capacitance CLOAl)· The circuit is made up of a single pull-down NMOS device and a single pull-up PMOS device, with the gate of each MOSFET serving as separate circuit inputs. From the chapters on CMOS combinational logic, recall that if the input connected to the gate of the PMOS device is low, a low impedance output pull-up path to VDD is present to charge the load capacitance. If the input to the gate of the NMOS transistor is brought high, a low impedance output path to ground is available to discharge the load capacitance. F=A·B+C·D Figure 28.1b shows the logic syn1bol for this gate. Of course, other pseudo-NMOS gates can be implemented by structuring only the NMOS circuits. Thus, compared to CMOS, this family has higher packing density, since for n inputs only n + 1 transistors are required. The main disadvantage with pseudo-NMOS gates is the large static power dissipation that occurs whenever a pull-down path is activated. Since the PMOS load is always active, when a pull-down path is also active, current flows from VDD to ground. The principle of operation in these pseudoNMOS logic gates (and in the gates to follow in this chapter) is to precharge the load initially and then discharge the load as the input logic levels dictate. Charging the Load Capacitance If both inputs to the circuit of Figure 28.2a are low, as shown in Figure 28.2b, the PMOS device is brought into active operation and the NMOS device is cutoff. Thus, the output capacitance will charge through the source-to-drain channel of the PMOS transistor. When the load capacitance has fully charged, the output voltage is 467 468 Chapter 28/Dynamic CMOS AB- Y.~ i---c F=AB +CD C NMOS pull-down D- (b) (a) FIGURE 28.1 Pseudo-NMOS AND-OR-invert (AOI) Gate ? y O.P o---------q Yw Your y- al load capacitance charges through P ~P(ON) ~*'-N(OFF) (b) (a) Y0 0 Yo., Le! [_ _ ,:.) load JP(OFF) ' '---1 N holds charges Your '------0------1 + (c) Pull-up PMOS and Pull-down NMOS with a Capacitive Load and Separate Inputs: (a) Circuit, (b) Load capacitance charges through active pull-up FIGURE 28.2 load capacitance discharges through capacitance (d) PMOS, (c) Load capacitance holds charge (and voltage) when both MOSFETs are cutoff, (d) Load capacitance discharges through active pull-down NMOS ?.8.3 DvnJmic 0\10S Logic 469 Va,.(V) t VDDi ol ► V 0 :,,(V) t t VDDi I o I-------------~ ... Yaur(V) t v:t/. . .____,( \.__ - v - ./, - corresponds to (b) ----y------ A corresponds to (c) - -y-· ·- __; corresponds to (d) (e) FIGURE 28.2 (continued) (e) Voltage waveforms of demonstrating (a) through (d) Output Capacitance Holding Charge If after the output capacitance is fully charged, the PMOS gate circuit input is brought high, and the Pchannel MOSFET will be cutoff. If the NMOS gate circuit input remains low as shown in Figure 28.2c, neither an output pull-up nor output pull-down path is present. This is (as referred to in Chapter 25) a high impedance output Z-state. Since the load capacitance at the circuit output is allowed to fully charge before the PMOS device is cutoff, the load capacitance must still be fully charged, since no output pull-down path is available to discharge CLO/\D· Since a charged capacitor has a voltage across its terminals, the charged load capacitor of Figure 28.2c must also have a voltage. Furthermore, the charge stored in Cu)i\D is still equal to that required to pullup the output to VDD· Hence, the voltage at the circuit output (across the load capacitance) is the supply voltage or VouT(storcd charge) = Vou = ViJO Discharging the Load Capacitance If the circuit input connected to the NMOS gate is brought high, while the PMOS gate remains at VDo (as shown in Figure 28.2d), a low-impedance output pull-down path to ground is present. The charge stored in the load capacitance then discharges through the drain-to-source channel of the N-channel MOSFET. The output voltage then reduces to V01 == ground = 0 Figure 28.2e shows a graph of the voltage variations with time corresponding to the switched inputs of the previous sub-sections. The analysis of this section serves as an introduction to the charging and discharging of CMOS logic structures presented in the following sections. 28.3 DYNAMIC CMOS LOGIC The basis for dynamic CMOS logic is displayed by the circuit of Figure 28.3. To make the gate dynamic, a clock pulse is applied to the gate of complementary P- and N-channel devices at the top and bottom of the stack, respectively. Note that this gate consists of an NMOS logic circuit whose output node is precharged to VDD by the PMOS transistor, when the clock is zero. Furthermore, the output node is conditionally discharged by the NMOS transistor connected to ground when the clock is high. For n inputs, dynamic logic requires n + 2 transistors and thus a reduced packing density as compared to 470 Chapter 28/Dynamic Gv!OS logic inputs Vm2 o-+- NMOS l?gi~ circuit I VCL!{ o-1 - -~ [_jNCL!{ -1 J_ FIGURE 28.3 PMOS device Basic CMOS Dynamic Gate: NMOS logic circuit is placed between a clocked NMOS and CMOS. Hence, the dynamic logic circuits have small area, high speed, and compact layouts. However, such gates also have disadvantages, as follows: 1. 2. 3. Circuit operation is more complex due to the required clock. The inputs can only change during the precharge phase and must be stable during the evaluate portion of the cycle. Simple single phase dynamic CMOS gates cannot be cascaded. Example 28.1 Dynamic CMOS Logic Gate What logic function is performed by the dynamic CMOS logic gate of Figure 28.4a? Solution Examining the NMOS logic core portion of Figure 28.4a, it is easily seen (according to the rules of Chapter 22) that the logic function performed by this circuit is F =AB+ C + DE Figure 28.46 shows the logic symbol solution for this example. Example 28.2 The last disadvantage requires explanation. Upon precharging, the output nodes of two succeeding stages are changed to VDD· However, upon application of a clock pulse when the first output is switched low, some delay is incurred due to the finite pull-down time. Thus, the precharged output node of the driving gate can still discharge the output node of the cascaded gate, before the first gate is correctly evaluated resulting in an erroneous output. The following are two examples of dynamic CMOS logic gates. What logic function is performed by the dynamic CMOS logic gate of Figure 28.5a? Solution Examining the NMOS logic core portion of Figure 28.5a, it is easily seen that the logic function performed by this circuit is that indicated in Figure 28.56 F = (A + B)(C + D) + (E + F)G + H Figure 28.56 also shows the logic symbol solution for this example. 28.4 CMOS Domino Logic 471 (a) -F=AB+C+DE (b) FIGURE 28.4 28.4 Dynamic CMOS Logic Gate of Example 28.1: (a) Circuit, (b) Logic symbol CMOS DOMINO LOGIC CMOS domino logic gates are an extension of dynamic CMOS gates that allow cascading of stages. The simple modification entails incorporating a static CMOS inverter at the output of each logic gate. A driving stage is displayed in Figure 28.6. During precharge of this gate when CLK = 0, the output node of the dynamic gate is precharged high and the output node of the CMOS inverter is low. Since subsequent stages are connected to the output of the inverter, each will be turned off during the precharge phase. However, when the clock goes high with logic inputs applied, the output of the driving gate will conditionally discharge, allowing the output of the inverter to conditionally go high. Each connected gate output can then make a transition from low-tohigh, in sequence. In a domino logic circuit with cas- caded logic blocks, when the driving gate evaluates, the next stage then evaluates and then the next and so on in the same manner that a line of dominos would fall. There is no restriction on the number of logic stages that can be cascaded provided that all stages can evaluate during one clock pulse. One advantage of domino logic is that for large fan-in, fewer transistors are incorporated than for CMOS. For n inputs, domino logic requires n + 4 transistors, whereas CMOS requires 2n. Another advantage of domino logic is that a single clock can be used to precharge and evaluate all stages at the same time. However, this type of logic also has disadvantages. First, each logic block must incorporate a separate inverter. Also, each block performs only non-inverting logic. Finally, as is the case with all dynamic CMOS, charge redistribution can be problematic. V0,,=5 V (a) AB - c~ DE- OUT= (A+B)(C+D) + (E + F)G + H (b) FIGURE 28.5 Dynamic CMOS Logic Gate of Example 28.2: (a) Circuit, (b) Logic symbol V 00 l precharge. output ~, --q[~ Po JIIL.,N;; +d,.. FIGURE 28.6 CMOS Domino Logic Gate connected gates Chilpter 2ti 4 73 Problems CHAPTER28PROBLEMS 28.1 What logic function is performed by the pseudoNMOS logic gate of Figure P28.1? 28.2 \,\That logic function is performed by the pseudoNMOS logic gate of Figure P282? 28.3 Design a pseudo-NMOS logic g.:ite to perform the logic function Modify the circuit of Figure P28.2 to perform the logic function F = (AD 28.8 + BE)CF Modify the circuit of Figure P28.5 to perform the logic function F = AB(C + C) + DH + (E + I)F F = A +BC+ D 28.4 28.7 Design a pseudo-NMOS logic gate to perform the logic function F = (!\B + C) + DE 28.5 \A/hat logic function is performed bv the pseudoNMOS logic gate of Figure P28.5? 28.6 What logic function is performed by the pseudoNMOS logic gate of Figure P28.G? Your 0 FIGURE P28.5 ...L FIGURE P28.1 Your T----o i J -·q[_PL i (, Your --~ r-tc ··1 ____ ~ VB 0 I -l~NB - - ~ ! .. --·-- ... .J ...L FIGURE P28.2 FIGURE P28.6 474 Chapter 28/Dynamic CMOS Yoo 0 0 I q PCLK VOIIT ~ VA ~ l~N= VCLK 0 i FIGURE P28.10 FIGURE P28.9 28.9 What logic function is performed by the dynamic CMOS logic gate of Figure P28.9? 28.10 What logic function is performed by the dynamic CMOS logic gate of Figure P28.10? 28.11 Modify the circuit of Figure P28.9 to perform the logic function 28.12 Modify the circuit of Figure P28.9 to perform the logic function F = (A + C)E(BF + DC) 28.13 F = (A + C)(B + D + E)F Modify the circuit of Figure P28.10 to perform the logic function F = (A + BCD)E f PCLK VOIIT FIGURE P28.14 Chapter 28 Problems 4 75 28.14 \!\That logic function is performed by the dynamic CMOS logic gate of Figure P28.14 7 28.16 Examine the logic gate of Figure P28.16. Describe its operation. 28.15 Modify the circuit of Figure P28.14 to perform the logic function 28.17 Design a pseudo-NMOS logic gate to perform the logic function F = AB + CD + E + (F + G)H F = (A + B)C + DE(F + G) Sketch this circuit. 28.18 Design a pseudo-NMOS logic gate to perform the logic function F = [(A + B)C + DE(F + G)H]I Sketch this circuit. 28.19 Design a dynamic CMOS logic gate to perform the logic function F = (A + B)C + DE(F + G) Sketch this circuit. I V=c Vcun 28.20 Modify the pseudo-NMOS logic gate of Figure P28.5 to be a dynamic CMOS logic gate that performs the same logic function. 28.21 What logic function is performed by the domino CMOS logic gate of Figure P28.21? 28.22 What logic function is performed by the domino CMOS logic gate of Figure P28.22? 28.23 Modify the domino CMOS logic gate of Figure P28.21 to perform the logic function o .................... ____ . . FIGURE P28.16 F =(AD+ B)CE V= u-__,_-----i FIGURE P28.21 4 76 Chapter 28/Dvnamic CMOS Yno i Ve O +If Va C VLU c, .......... [ L .................................................................................................. j FIGURE P28.22 [JN~ COMPARISON AND INTERFACING OF LOGIC FAMILIES The values displayed are typical and various vendors provide chips with similar parameters. The three versions of Schottky TTL logic listed in Table 29.1 are LSTTL (low-power Schottky TTL, discussed in Chapter 8), ALSTTL (advanced lowpower Schottky TTL, discussed in section 9.1), and FAST (Fairchild Advanced Schottky TTL, discussed in section 9.2) which offers an improvement in speed over the LSTTL and ALSTTL sub-families. The LSTTL sub-family of ICs provides a current and power reduction improvement over standard TTL by about a factor of 5. Furthermore, the LSTrL sub-family is faster because of the Schottky BJTs, which do not operate in the saturation mode. Because of these improvements, LSTTL has forced standard TTL (non-Schottky) into obsolescence. From Table 29.1, we can observe that the ALSTTL sub-family offers even lower power dissipation, as well as increased speed. Furthermore, the FAST sub-family has additional speed improvement with increased power dissipation. The improvement in speed for these two lines is due to the use of advanced fabrication and processing of the IC chip. The ECL sub-families listed in Table 29.1 are for MECL (Motorola ECL). The three versions of ECL shown in Table 29.1 are MECL lOK, MECL lOKH, and MECL III. The MECL lOK has been the industry standard for high speed applications for years. Note that the MECL sub-families have the fastest speed by far of any logic family. However, the power dissipation per gate is also the largest. The MECL lOKH and MECL III are advanced versions of the MECL lOK. The MECL lOKH line offers high speed with an improvement of 100% in propagation delay from the standard MECL lOK (see This chapter gives a comparison of important digital logic families and describes interface circuits that are necessary in order to interconnect different logic families in a single system. The logic families considered are STTL, ECL, CMOS, and gallium arsenide (GaAs) logic families, the latter presented in later chapters. The parameters compared are speed, power dissipation, noise margins, and packing density. Interface circuits are necessary in order to transform the output current and voltage levels from one logic family into compatible input current and voltage levels for the connected family. Descriptions of various interface circuits are presented. 29.1 COMPARISON OF SILICON IC LOGIC FAMILIES The various silicon logic families discussed in this text have evolved through the years as state-of-the-art IC fabrication has advanced. Each of these families have advantages as well as disadvantages relative to one another. In previous chapters, analysis of the basic logic circuits for each family has led to the determination of the various logic parameters. In this section, we verify previously determined values by comparing these parameters with actual IC parameters obtainable from manufacturers' data sheets. The silicon logic families considered are STTL, ECL, and CMOS. Table 29.1 lists the speed and power parameters for several versions of ICs for STTL, ECL, and CMOS. These parameters are frequently used for determining the selection of one family over another. 477 478 Chapter 29/Comparison and Interfacing of Logic Families TABLE 29.1 Speed and Power Parameters for Silicon Logic Families MECL STTL Parameter Quiescent supply current per gate Power per gate (quiescent) Propagation delay Speed-power product Maximum clock frequency (OFF) Maximum clock frequency (counter) Units LS ALS FAST lOK lOKH mA 0.4 0.2 1.1 5.0 5.0 mW 2.0 1.0 5.5 26 ns pJ MHz 9.0 18 33 7.0 7.0 35 3.7 19.2 125 MHz 40 45 125 Table 29.1). The MECL III has a similarly small propagation delay; however, flip-flop toggle rates are improved by a factor of 2 to 4. The last two columns in Table 29.1 provide parameter values for two versions of CMOS, standard CMOS, and high-speed CMOS (HCMOS). Note that HCMOS has speed comparable to LSTTL. Furthermore, note that CMOS exhibits extremely low power dissipation per gate. Coupled with the fact that CMOS requires the least amount of chip area of any family for a given logic function, it is not surprising that portable electronic circuits (hand calculators, watches, and so on) all use CMOS circuitry. 29.2 COMPARISON WITH GALLIUM ARSENIDE DIGITAL LOGIC FAMILIES Digital logic circuits fabricated from gallium arsenide (GaAs) are the most promising of all in the area of ultrafast digital ICs. Using GaAs NMESFET logic gates, such as those described later in this text, propagation delays on the order of 10 ps have been achieved at room temperature. Using GaAs high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), propagation delays approximately 30% lower have been obtained at room temperature and even lower at 77 °K. These magnitudes of propagation delays indicate that GaAs digital logic circuits are the fastest of all digital logic families. CMOS III Standard HCMOS 10 0.0001 0.0003 26 54 0.0006 0.001 2.0 52 150 1.0 26 300 1.1 59 550 125 0.075 4.0 8.0 0.01 40 150 300 1200 5.0 40 Figure 29.1 displays the speed-power characteristics for GaAs inverter gates as well as silicon NMOS, CMOS, and ECL for comparison purposes. Actual data points for each case have been achieved inside each football-like shape. Note the lines of constant power-delay product expressed in femtojoules (fJ) and picojoules (pJ). Clearly, GaAs MESFET digital logic circuits indicate an order of magnitude improvement over CMOS in this parameter. Observe that GaAs digital ICs possess the lowest propagation delay of any of the other families. However, the power dissipation is larger than that for silicon CMOS. Also, note that from this graph CMOS is faster and dissipates less power than NMOS and hence the extensive use of CMOS gates over NMOS gates. 29.3 INTERFACING LOGIC FAMILIES Digital logic systems usually consist of component chips from a single logic family. In some instances, however, different logic family chips are mixed in the overall system. This is done to take advantage of the best capabilities of each family. For example, in the memory portion of a logic system, CMOS can be used more advantageously since this family has the highest packing density and lowest power dissipation of any of the families. On the other hand, if high speed is required in another portion of the logic system, ECL circuitry can be used. 29.3 Interfacing Logic Families 4 79 Propogation ( ms ) Delay stage 10' 100 l 0.1 0.01 ···i······················································-·+-·-··---·--·····-,·······················································'·························································.. ,··········► 0.01 0.1 1 lO Power Dissipation (·mW) stage 100 FIGURE 29.1 Propagation Delay per Gate Versus Power Dissipation for Various Logic Families with Constant PowerDelay Product Lines Indicated The interconnection of different logic family circuits requires compatibility of the voltage and current levels between the two circuits. Furthermore, the various logic families in general have very different logic levels. Hence, a direct connection of the output of one family to the input of another family is often not possible. Then, an interface circuit or translator circuit is placed in between the two chips. Many in- terface circuits are available in chip form. Basically, an interface circuit performs a level shifting of the driving device output current and driven voltage to make these compatible with the input of the driven circuit. In this section, we consider various examples of interfacing. The interface circuits used are not unique, as we shall see. 480 Chapter 29/Cornparison and Intcrfocing of Logic Families Vr-c=V00 =5V 9 7 FIGURE 29.2 Resistor STIL Driving CMOS with Pull-up On the other hand, when the output is low, the output NMOS device must sink a large current. Since this current can be on the order of mA, the voltage produced by this current and the output resistance can be larger than V,L for the STIL gate. To avoid this situation, a buffer amplifier is used that sinks the current of the STIL circuit. Figure 29.3 displays the circuitry used to translate the CMOS levels to those of STIL. The buffer circuit acts like an emitter-follower and provides a fixed output voltage and a low resistance path for the TTL input. Interfacing ECL with STTL Interfacing STTL and CMOS For STIL driving CMOS, the interface circuit required is simply a pull-up resistor R" as displayed in Figure 29.2. The DC supply voltage for each family is assumed to be the same where Vcc = VDo = 5 V. The pull-up resistor is required because when the STTL gate is in the high state V0 H = 4.3 V or 3.6 V with no load. If the STIL gate is also driving other STIL gates, Vo1-1 can reduce still further. This value then becomes critically close to the minimum input high voltage for CMOS. The resistor Rf' acts as a voltage level shifter and pulls the output voltage up to Vee- As long as the current through R" is small, the associated voltage drop is small and V011 becomes equal to V cc• Typically, R 1, has a magnitude on the order of 1 kH. For CMOS driving STIL, a translator circuit is required only for the output low state. For VcJH, the STIL gate draws zero current, since the input Schottky BJT is in the reverse Schottky mode. Thus, for this high value of voltage, a direct connection of the output of CMOS to the input of STIL is possible. Since ECL circuits normally operate with Vee at ground and -VEE= -5.2 V or -5 V (as observed in chapters 11 through 15), the normal logic levels are negative and totally different from other logic fornily voltage levels. An interface circuit that shifts the voltage levels is a definite requirement for translating ECL to STIL or STIL to ECL. In order to translate the logic levels between these two families, various interface IC chips are commercially available. For example, Figure 29.4 displays two MECL/STIL translator circuits in block diagram form. The MC10124 and MC10125 are quad translators for STIL-to-ECL and ECL-to-STIL, respectively. The ECL circuits use -VEE= -5.2 V and the STIL circuits use Vee= 5 V. To observe the level shifting performance of these translators, we will observe basic circuits for each case. ECL Driving STTL Figure 29.5 displays a simple translator circuit for translating ECL voltage levels to STTL Rernll that for ECL, V01_1 corresponds to -0.77 V and VuL corresponds to -1.58 V, while the corresponding levels for STIL are 3.6 or 4.3 V and 0.4 V. (a) FIGURE 29.3 CMOS Driving TTL: (a) Without an interface, (b) With an interface (b) 29.3 o-- interfacing Logic Families r---04 5D ~ 60-1· I 0 481 2'.J~t> 02 -----() 4 30 -- --03 7D-~ ·---0 1 I 10~ ~ 1 1 ~ 12 140=t>-----o 13 150 (b) (a) = ground, pin 9 = FIGURE 29.4 Translator IC Chips for ECL-to-TTL: (a) MC10124 quad STTL-to-ECL translator, (b) MC10125 quad ECL-to-STTL Translator (pin 16 Vee= 5 V, pin 8 = -V11 = -5.2 V) Considering the circuit of Figure 29.5 we observe that the input portion is just a basic ECL inverter and the output portion is a basic RTL inverter. When the input to Q 1 is high (V 1N = -0, 77 V), the input BJT Q 1 is on while the reference BJT Q1, is off and Vc,1 low and is negative. Under this condition Q 0 is off, and Vmn = Vee- Similarly, when the input to Q1 is low, V1N = -1.58 V, Q 1 is off while QR is on. This forces Q0 into the ON HARD mode since Vcc = 5 V is applied through Re = 2 kfl directly to the base of Q0 . This results in a large base current which is = Ill 5 - 0.7 = v•• -------------0 -1.175 V FIGURE 29.5 ECL-to-STTL Translator -:- 2 = 2.15 mA 482 Chapter 29/Comparison and Interfacing of Logic Families VIN o-----J<l---- Your D1 R. FIGURE 29.6 i 1.18 kQ STIL-to-ECL Translator sufficient to force Q 0 into the ON HARD mode and = 0.4 V. Hence, the input voltage is inverted twice and the overall circuit provides noninversion with the desired voltage level shifting. Note that the output transistor is a Schottky BJT, thus avoiding operation in the saturation mode as would be the case if Q0 were an ordinary (non-Schottky clamped) BJT. and by substitution VouT STTL Driving EGL Viu = = = Vo11 3.6 V or 4.3 V the voltage at point P is one diode drop above V 1c.:. Hence, for the worst case, Vp = ViN + Vn(ON) = (3.6) + (0.7) = 4.3 V and the voltage at the base of Q 1 is obtained by superposition as J 0.23 V - liuiRrn - Vm:(ECL) Vour = (5 2) [ (3k) . (3k) + (4k) Thus, Q 1 is on, since V131 > V 1m = -1.175 V. Furthermore, QR is off and VouT is high, given by Figure 29.6 displays a basic voltage level shifter that translates STTL levels to ECL levels. The input portion of this circuit is simply a diode resistor voltage level shifter, while the output portion is a basic noninverting ECL circuit with output buffer. Considering VIN (4.3) [ (3k) (~) (4k) J -(VEf. f3Rr - Vour)R rn - V ·(£CL) Bt: (5.2) - (0.75)] (lO0) ( k) (300) - (0. 75) 3 -0.77 V = [ which is the output high voltage for ECL. Considering V1N = V oL = 0.4 V, we again determine the voltage at the base of Q 1 by superposition but use Vi,= VcJL + Vn(ON) + = (0.4) (0.7) = 1.1 V Thus, by substitution Viu = (l.l)L3k/~\4k)J - = -1.6 V 5 -2)[(3k/:\4k)] C Chapter 29 This value for VB,I is less than V1rn and thus Q1 is off, while QR is on. Hence, VoL'T is obtained as follows: VouT = - IRrnRcR - ViiE(ECL) -[vllB - VBr(ECL) + Vn:]R . RE CR Problems 483 Interfacing ECL with CMOS Since CMOS and TTL are essentially compatible when Vol) = Vee = 5 V, the ECL-to-TGTL quad translators MC10124 and MC10125 described previously are used as interfaces for ECL-to-CMOS. - V8 E(ECL) [ (-1.175) - (O. 75) + (5.2)] ( 00) 3 (1.18k) - (0.75) 1.58 V which of course is the output low level for ECL. CHAPTER29PROBLEMS 29.1 Consider the ECL-to-STIL translator circuit of Figure P29.1. Calculate the collector current of Q1 for V1N high and low. Use V8 io{ECL) = 0.75 V. 29.2 Calculate the output high and low voltage levels for the circuit of Figure P29.1 with all resistors reduced to 1 kfl. Let Vm,(FA) = 0.7 V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, VnE(ECL) = 0.75 V, and Vc 1JECL) = 0.2 V. Ra 29.3 Determine the output high and low voltage levels for the circuit of Figure P29.3. Let VmJFA) = 0.7 V, VBE(SAT) = 0.8 V, VtdECL) = 0.75 V, and V0JECL) = 0.2 V. 29.4 Repeat Problem 29.3, if all resistors except RL are changed to 1 kn. 29.5 Figure P29.5 displays a MOS-to-STIL translator. Calculate the output voltage levels for input low and high values corresponding to CMOS. Use VcE(HARD) = 0.5 V and VmJFA) = 0.7 V. 220Q v•• ---0 Your -1.3 V -VFE = -5.2 V FIGURE P29.1 -VFE = -5.2 V FIGURE P29.3 484 Chapter 29/Comparison and Interfacing of Logic Families FIGURE P29.5 VINA 0--~ DIA I -~---------j DLI l>f~ Du ----0 Du Qo R., 4.5 kn 6 -VEE= -15 V FIGURE P29.6 Your Chapter 29 Problems 485 FIGURE P29.7 -Vl!E=-3.17V FIGURE P29.8 Figure P29.6 displays a DTL-to-PMOS translator. Calculate the output voltage levels for input low and high values corresponding to DTL. Use Vl)(ON) = VB 1 (FA) = 0.7 V. 29.9 29.7 Show that the circuit of Figure P29.7 is a CMOSto-ECL translator. Design a circuit that translates ECL to CMOS levels. 29.10 29.8 Show that the circuit of Figure P29.8 is an ECL-to- Design a circuit that translates CMOS to ECL levels. 29.6 CMOS translator. Use VBl(ECL) = 0.75 V and Vn(SAT) = 0.2 V. BICMOS not possess the required speed performance and thus cannot be used. On the other hand, ECL and TTL bipolar tech- BiCMOS is a technology/logic family that combines bipolar and CMOS devices into single integrated circuits. This relatively new technology (commercially introduced in 1985) achieves higher speed, lower power dissipation, and higher packing densities then previously obtainable with either bipolar or CMOS technologies individually. Note that CMOS has an advantage over bipolar in the areas of lower power dissipation, larger noise margins, and greater packing densities, while bipolar has advantages over CMOS in faster switching speed and larger current driving capability. Hence, by combining these two technologies, BiCMOS offers the following advantages: noln3ies prnvidP di3itc1I ln3ir rirrnits with high cur- rent drive capability and hence high speed performance. However, these bipolar technologies dissipate a great deal of power, the magnitude of which is intolerable in some applications. Various BiCMOS technologies have been developed in recent years by various semiconductor companies. Typical device cross-sections are shown in Figure 30.1. In early BiCMOS technologies, bipolar devices were combined with CMOS logic circuits. However, performance was dominated by the individual characteristics of bipolar and CMOS devices. Since these early approaches, two major areas of BiCMOS have emerged. In one process, moderate speed bipolar circuits are incorporated with high performance CMOS circuits. The selective use of bipolar circuits on the chip leads to improved performance, while the CMOS circuitry continues to provide low power dissipation and large component density. In the second process, BJTs arc optimized to produce high performance circuitry. This technology is used for large memo1y blocks in high-speed ECL circuits and provides large density/low power mndom nccess 1ne111orics (RAMs) with the high speed performance of ECL. • Lower power dissipation than bipolar • Improved speed in comparison to CMOS • Larger current drive than CMOS BiCMOS contributes these improvements, however with the following disadvantages: • Higher cost • Larger fabrication cycle times, up to thirty mask steps arc common (compared with ten to twenty for straight bipolar or straight CMOS) 30.1 REASON FOR BICMOS BiCMOS technology refers to processes where bipolar and CMOS circuits are fabricated together on a single chip. In this technology, either TTL or ECL logic circuits are fabricated together with CMOS circuits. This merging of bipolar and CMOS devices has been brought about because of the tradeoffs present in each individual digital logic family. That is, CMOS logic circuits provide high packing density and low power dissipation, but the speed performance and drive capability is nrnch less than that available from bipolar logic families. In fact, in some communication systems and computer applications, CMOS does 30.2 BICMOS DEVICES The active devices used in the BiCMOS logic family arc NMOS and PMOS complementary MOSFETs, along with NPN BJTs and lateral PNP BJTs (vertical PNPs are also used in some technologies). Figure 30.1 shows the device cross sections, which consist of buried twin well CMOS devices and BJTs. Recall that a twin well structure is described in Chapter 16. By using closely spaced N+ and p+ twin well structures, vc1y large packing densities arc achieved. The 486 30.2 487 NPN PMOS NMOS BICMOS Devices I, (a) Vertical PNP s E P· substrate (b) lateral PNP B E C C P• substrate (c) FIGURE 30.1 BiCMOS Device Cross Sections: (a) CMOS pair and vertical NPN, (b) Vertical PNP, (c) Lateral PNP CMOS process uses a double polysilicon technique, while the BJT process requires polysilicon emitters. The major drawback in initiating BiCMOS was that standard processing techniques for BJTs and MOSFETs were totally incompatible. For example, CMOS ICs generally begin with N-type silicon wafers, while BJTs begin with P-type silicon wafers. Hence, conflicting device requirements exist in some instances but some of the process steps for BJTs and CMOS devices can be done simultaneously to reduce the number of required steps overall. Usually the processing steps of one technology are merged into the process flow of the other technology using as many identical processes for both, as possible. J 488 Chapter 30/BICMOS terminal through R 1, N 1 , and R2 will discharge the load to ground and thus the output voltage is 0 ~ 1____: p ~1-~~ s~ VouT = 0 = Vm 30.4 BICMOS INVERTERS WITH ACTIVE SHUNTS A practical BiCMOS inverter with active shunts is shown in Figure 30.3. The NPN BJTs each have a tv10SFET in parallel vvith one junction. \A/hen either of those MOSFETs is on, the corresponding BJT junction is shorted out. Hence, the BJTs connected in this manner are referred to as gated diodes with an active shunt. Output High Voltage FIGURE 30.2 Inverter with Resistive Shunt 30.3 BICMOS INVERTERS WITH RESISTIVE SHUNTS The basic BiCMOS inverter is shown in Figure 30.2. This gate uses an ordinary CMOS inverter with a resistive shunt bipolar driver configuration and has full logic swing from O to VDD provided by the passive resistors R1 and R2 . However, since this inverter uses resistors, it is not practical for integrated circuits. Output High Voltage = VoH To analyze the circuit, we first consider V1N to be low. Under this condition, the PMOS P 1 is on and the NMOS N 1 is cutoff. Hence, a highly conductive path is provided by P 1 from V00 to the output terminal, sourcing current to the base of the pull-up transistor Qp and R1 . Since the NMOS N 1 is cutoff, the output BJT Q 0 is also cutoff and the output voltage is high, given by Output Low Voltage = VoL When the input voltage is switched high, N 1 is on, while P 1 is cutoff. Hence, N 1 provides sourcing current to the base of the output BJT Q 0 , which acts as a pull-down BJT. The series path from the output = VOH To analyze the circuit, we first consider V1N to be low. The NMOS transistors N 1 and N 3 are cutoff and P 1 is on, which forces N 2 on. Hence, V8 E,u is less than one fmward active diode drop and the output transistor is off. With P 1 on, VDn is applied to the base of Qr turning Qr on and sourcing a large current to the output load. Hence, Qi, acts as a pull-up transistor and Output Low Voltage - VoL When the input switches high, P 1 goes off, N 1 and N 3 turn on, while N 2 is also on, initially. The output then discharges through N 3 and N 2 , with Qi, discharging through N 1 and Q 0 acts as a pull-down transistor. When N 2 turns off, because the voltage Vcs, 2 < VT, 2, the output voltage continues to decrease until VouT = VoL = VaE,o(FA) Thus, the circuit of Figure 30.3 does not provide full rail-to-rail swing, but falls short by two forward diode voltage drops. 30.5 BICMOS INVERTERS WITH PARALLEL OUTPUT CMOS INVERTER Figure 30.4 displays the BiCMOS inverter that provides full rail-to-rail swing by using an additional 30.5 FIGURE 30.3 BICMOS Inverters with Parallel Output CMOS Inverter Inverter with Active Shunt Configuration Your ..L. C T our L_ FIGURE 30.4 Full Rail BiCMOS Inverter 489 490 Chapter 3()/B!CdOS pc1rallel CMOS inverter c1t the output. Note that this is the only modification to the circuil of Figure 30.3. The modified circuit provides full roil-to-rail swing. Output High Voltage= Vcm For the circuit of Figure 30.4, when the input goes low, the operation is enhanced by the output Ov!OS poir in that P 0 is on and acts JS J pull-up resistor with the output voltage becoming Output Low Voltage = Vot Similarly, for the input voltoge switched high, the circuit of Figure 30.4 behaves in the same manner JS Figure 30.3 except thc1t the CMOS inverter Jt the output pulls the output voltage down to ground. This occurs since Nu is on and Jets JS il pull--down resistor. Thus, the output low voltage is v(,1. FIGURE 30.5 = o 13iCMOS NANO Cate with Shunt Resistors 30.6 BICMOS NANO GATES W 1TH KtSlSTl VE SHUNTS Figure 30.5 displays a BiCMOS NAND gc1te with resistive shunts. The bc1sic operation of this gate is described by considering the MOSFETs first, realizing that the BJTs perform JS output buffers. Output High State Considering either input V1~.,, or V 1~.B low (or both), one (or both) of the NMOS transistors N., or N" is off and the output BJT Q0 is cutoff. Meanwhile, at the top of the circuit of Figme 30.5, one of the PMOS transistors F'., or P 11 (or both) is active and a current path exists from VDii to the bc1se of the pull-up BJT Q1,. Thus, QI' turns on, behaving as an emitter follower and sourcing current to the load. Hence, the output voltage Vrn:r goes high. Because of the resistor R 1, this value of the output high voltoge is 30.7 BICMOS NANO Gates with Active Shunts 491 Output Low State Output High State For the other output level of Figure 30.5, both inputs are high. Then, the NMOS transistors NJ\ and N 6 are on and supply base current to the output BJT Q0 . Thus, Q0 is active and acts as a pull-down BJT sinking discharge current from the load. Meanwhile, with the inputs high, the two PMOS transistors are cutoff and thus the output voltage goes low. Because of the resistor R2, this output low voltage is Considering either input v,N,J\ or v,N,B low (or both), one (or both) of the NMOS transistors NJ\ 1 or N,n is off, while the corresponding PMOS transistor PA or P 13 (or both) is on. Qp is then active and sources current to the output load pulling-up YouT• The output high value, is VouT =0= VoL Output Low State Hence, rail-to-rail logic swings are possible using this resistive shunt BiCMOS circuit, but this is not practical from an IC fabrication point of view. For the low output state in Figure 30.6, both V,N,J\ and V,N,B are high. Then, NA 1, N 81 , NA 2 and NB 2 are on, while P J\ and P 13 are off. The NMOS transistor NoH aids in discharging the base of Qp but turns off as the output voltage reduces and all the current from NJ\ 2 and N 62 becomes base current to Q 0 with the result that Q 0 acts as a pull-down transistor. This provides advantageous switching speed at the ex- BICMOS NAND GATES WITH ACTIVE SHUNTS 30. 7 Figure 30.6 displays a practical Bi CMOS NAND gate, which replaces the resistors with active MOSFETs. t]p I f B ~,v=j ' ' ..I.. T FIGURE 30.6 Practical BiCMOS NANO Gate 492 Chapter 30/BICMOS pc nsc of an in c rease in acti ve device co unt. The ou tput low voltage is 30.8 BICMOS DRIVERS In BiCMOS logic circuits, basic drivers use BJTs to drive output nodes . There are four basic types of drivers used as shown in Figures 30.7 through 30.10. In each circuit, MOSFETs are used as switches to supply base current to the BJTs. Common Collector NPN-PNP BiCMOS Driver Figu re 30. 7 shows the simplest BJT driver circuit that utlizes NPN and PNP BJTs connected with a com mon collector terminal, which is the output terminal. Considering V,N low, the input MOSFET N 1 is off and P 1 is on . This forces Q:- -; to be cutoff and Q" to be in saturation with VouT = v l)O - Vr:c, l'(SA T) = P, II_ _ I I = Gated Diode BiCMOS Driver An improved driver is displayed in Figure 30.8. This circuit configuration is called a gated diode driver, because each MOSFET acts as a switch between th e base and collector of the BJTs. Wh en the switch is on, the corresponding BJT becomes a diode. Considering V1N low, N 1 is off and P 1 is on. Thu s, Q 1, acts as a forward biased diode with large emitter current ch arging the output load rapidly to Vo 11 = ViJO - Vrn.l'(FA) On the other hand, for V1:-.! v [)/ / When V1;s.: goes high, N 1 turns on and P 1 turns off. This forces QI' off and Q ;s.: into saturation with the output voltage Vow Note th at QN acts as J pull -down BJT and d isc harges the output rapidly. However, the swing is close to, but less than rail-to-rail. Also, since Q:-.! and Q" saturate, the switching speed from output low to high is reduced . However, if QN and Qp are replaced with Schottky clamped BJTs, this situation is considerably improved. Furthern,ore, there is substantial power dissipation, due to the drain current of N 1 that flows for the output low state. high, P 1 is off and s:cc N 1is on. Hence, QI' goes off and QN becomes a forward biased diode. The output voltage then discharges rapidly through Q:-.!· Thus, the output voltage becomes VccN(SA T) = Vu L Yoo Yoo 7 Q r/~ I I ~ P, tl :- i - VIN O - -0 Yam -· {: Com Q,, ".., N, / ~ v. 0 _i Yam y: Q,, T ~I N, - - - - -- - - - - - . -:- FIGURE 30.7 Basic Bi CMOS Driver FIGURE 30.8 Gated Diode BiCMOS Driver Com 30.8 BICMOS D1·ivers 493 YaUT FIGURE 30.9 Emitter Follower Bi CMOS Driver This gated diode driver shown in Figure 30.8 has a speed improvement over that of Figure 30. 7 because the BJTs do not go into saturation. However, the 2VrdFA). swing is reduced to Vee FIGURE 30.10 Modified Gated Diode BiCMOS Gate Emitter Follower BiCMOS Driver Another driver configuration to consider is that shown in Figure 30.9 and referred to as an emitter follower driver. Note that each MOSFET operates as an inverter and these drive each BJT. Considering Vw low in figure 30.9, Nr is off and P1 is on. This forces QI\: on and Qp off, with a large sourcing current available from QN. The output high voltage increases rapidly to Vour = Voo - Vllr,N(FA) = Vo11 On the other hand, for V1N high, P 1 is off and N 1 is on. Therefore, QN is off while Q1, is on, acting as a pull-down BJT. A large discharge current reduces Vm:-r rapidly as VmlT = Vei:y(FA) = Vm Hence, the logic swing is again VDD - 2V 8 dFA). However, the circuit of Figure 30.9 has improved base drive because the gate-source drive voltage is larger. Another advantage is that the BJTs do not saturate. Furthermore, with the source of P 1 connected to VDD along with the substrate, this circuit is independent of the body effect, whereas the previous two circuits are not. It should also be noted that pullup is provided by P 1and QN, while pull-down is provided by N 1 and Qp. Thus, larger currents and hence faster switching speeds are provided. Another advantage for this circuit configuration is that each MOSFET-BJT pair can be merged into a compact structure that uses less chip area. This merging consists of using a common region for the base of the BJT and the drain of the MOSFET. Modified Gated Diode BiCMOS Driver Figure 30.10 displays another BiCMOS driver that is a modification of the gated diode configuration. The circuit has two additional NMOS transistors N 2 and N~ that provide a discharge path for the base current of the output BJTs which are both NPNs. The gate connection of N 2 ensures that the base of QN I is discharged, when the output goes high. On the other hand, the gate of N 3 is connected to the input to ensure that the base of QN 2 can discharge, when the output switches low. 494 Chapter 30/BJCMOS Q,, Your= YoL Q. Your= YoH . ' V™ o----l :--··1 R,. N, I I l (a) FIGURE 30.11 30.9 (b) Collector-emitter Shunt Resistors to Achieve Full Swing: (a) V0 L 7 - = Vrn 1, (b) Your = Vol FULL SWING METHODS The BiCMOS drivers described in the previous section have reduced gate-source drive voltages due to the partial logic swing. This logic swing can be increased to the full power supply voltage by adding pull-up and pull-down shunt resistors between the collector and emitter terminals of each BJT. The speed of these circuits also is improved if the logic swing is increased to the full power supply value. Figure 30.1 la and b show the circuits for the output high and low states, respectively. After the BJT Your= YoL Q,, Q. Your= YoH (a) FIGURE 30.12 (b) CMOS Shunt Network to Achieve Full Swing: (a) VocT = VoH,(b) Your= Vol Chciptcr c\(l Jt the output stops conducting, ;:idditional current pc1sscs through the shunt resistor to pull-up the out put ;:ill the way to V 1)1) or pull-down the output to ground. The rn;:iin disadvantage of this shunt resistance technique is the use of resistors. However, the resistors can be replaced with a CMOS shunt network ;:is shown in Figure 30.12. Note that when the input l'rllblcms 495 MOSFET is on, the output \!OSFET with connected gate is also on, providing a low resistance path to (or from) the output terminal for ;:idditionc1I current. Using the CMOS shunt network docs increase the power dissipation, but only a small c1rnount. However, the active shunt network provides rail-torail swing. CHAPTER 30 PROBLEMS 30.1 For the full rail BiCMOS inverter shown in Figure P30.1, analytically determine the critical voltages V011 , Vo1., V11 ., V111, and V, 1• Use Vr, = 1 V, V 1r = -1 V, k( = 20 µA/V 2 , k(. = 20 µA/V 2 , W ,/LcJ = 5, and Wp/L 1, = 2.5. Sketch the 30.2 Graphically determine the critirnl voltages V( ,11 , Vm, V11 , V111 , and V, 1 for the Bi CMOS inverter of Problem 30.1. 30.3 For the practical BiCMOS NAND gate shown in Figure P30.3, determine the critical voltages V, ll 1, V,,1., V11 , V111, and V, 1• Use V,., = 1 V, V11 • = -1 V, k( = 20 µA/V 2, k(. = 20 µA/V", VBI (FA) = 0.7 V, W,/L, = 5, and W 1./L 1, = 2.5. Sketch the vrc. vrc. 30.4 Determine the static and dynamic power dissipation of the BiCMOS inverter of Problem 30.3. Assume an operating frequency of v = 50 MHz and a load capacitance of C1. = 0.08 pF. Q j~Q, r 1:~-r I I FIGURE P30.1 L_ J l--0 Your 496 Chapter 30/BICMOS C LJ I i I~ pB I FIGURE P30.3 V 00 = lOV V 00 =5 V l P, L___ I I Q,. :-.1 'lVIN 0----- I (o. P, Your ~Yoo VIN I f--------Q Your Q,. Q, N, N, -·-~:i'j -:- FIGURE P30.5 FIGURE P30.7 Chapter 30 30.5 For the basic BiCMOS driver in Figure P30.5, determine the critical voltages V011 and Vu1.• Also, show the method of finding V,L and V111 . Sketch the VTC. Let V,HO(FA) = 0.7 V, V,llc(SAT) = 0.8 V, and Vn/SAT) = 0.2 V. 30.6 Determine the static and dynamic power dissipated in the BiCMOS inverter of Problem 30.5. Assume an operating frequency of 11 = 25 MHz and a load capacitance of Cr = 0.05 pF. 30.7 For the emitter follower BiCMOS driver of Figure P30.7, calculate the critical voltages V011 and V0 L and the logic swing. Let VBE(FA) = 0.7 V. 30.8 Determine the static power dissipation for the driver of Problem 30. 7. 30.9 For the emitter follower BiCMOS driver of Figure P30.9, calculate the critical voltages V0 " and V,,L and the logic swing. Let VBJ;(FA) = 0.7 V. 30.10 Determine the static power dissipation for the driver of Problem 30.9. 30.11 Repeat Problem 30. 9 for the driver circuit of Figure 30.12a and b. 30.12 Determine the static power dissipation for the driver of Problem 30.11. FIGURE P30.9 Problems 497 31 LATCHES AND FLIP-FLOPS In this chapter latches and flip-flops are introduced and described in detail. These devices are basic building blocks of sequential logic systems which are systems for which the output voltage levels depend upon past as well as present voltage levels. Hence, these types of logic gates are memory elements. The operation of sequential logic gates is such that when new inputs are applied, the outputs respond according to the new inputs and the previous inputs. Upon removal of the inputs, the outputs then remain unchanged. Such memory elements are made up of the combinational logic gates NOT, AND, OR, NAND, and NOR and feedback. Feedback is a term used to indicate that a portion of the output voltage is fed back to the input. In addition to combinational logic gates, CMOS latches and flip-flops are commonly constructed with the tri-state inverters and transmission gates introduced in Chapter 25. This chapter begins with definitions and descriptions of properties used to describe latches and flipflops. The basic digital memory element, the cross coupled inverter latch, is then introduced and analyzed. The different types of latches and flip-flops including RS, JK, and D types are then introduced. Some sections of this chapter describe latch and flip-flop configurations realized with complex logic function AND-OR-invert gates. All sections, figures, and examples that refer to circuit configurations realized with AOis are noted with the superscript AOI. These sections can be skipped by the reader without loss of continuity. have either of two logic states, these devices are also called bistable memory elements. The difference between latches and flip-flops is as follows: • a latch can change output states continuously corresponding to input changes in any instant, whereas • a flip-flop changes output states only at precise instants controlled by a train of equally spaced pulses called a clock pulse train The use of flip-flops insures that the system components change at the correct instants. The clock control terminal is an additional input that acts as an enabling input only at precise instants of time. Periodic Clock Signal A typical square-wave clock signal is displayed in Figure 31.1. Note that this signal is a precise string of periodic voltage pulses that alternate between logic level O and 1. Note further that the period of this square wave is T and the frequency of the wave shape is v. The relation between the period and frequency is 1 v=T The period T for the clock signal in Figure 31.1 is indicated. Transitions (Edges) A clock pulse has two types of transitions (or ticks). When a flip-flop is controlled by a clock pulse, either one or the other of these transitions enable a change in the outputs. These two types of transitions are classified as follows: 31.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS FOR SEQUENTIAL LOGIC GATES 1. Single Cell Memory Elements (Latches and Flip-Flops) Single cell memory elements are called latches or flip-flops. Since the output of a latch or flip-flop can 498 Low-to-high transition (L-to-H) which corresponds to a signal changing from the low logic state to the high logic state as indicated in Figure 31.1. When this type of transition permits change in the outputs, the logic gate is said to be positive-edge triggered. 31.1 CLK . ltisic Ddinilions for SL'l]LIL'nli,1! Logic Catl's 499 high-to-low transitions (negative edge) 0 low-to-high transitions (positive edge) FIGURE 31.1 2. Typical Periodic Clock Signal High-to-low transitions (H-to-L) which corresponds to a signal changing from the logic high state to the logic low state as indicated in Figure 31.1. When this type of transition permits change in the outputs, the logic gate is said to be negative-edge triggered. Example 31.1 Triggered Level-Triggered Versus Edge- Consider the signal in Figure 31.2a to be a periodic clock signal and let the signal in Figure 31.26 be the input to three different types of latches or flip-flops, whose outputs are shown in Figure 31.2c, d, and e. Are the outputs in (c), (d), and (e) outputs of leveltriggered or edge-triggered latches or flip-flops? Solution (Figure 31.2c) Level-Triggered Latch The output signal in Figure 31.2c changes with the input signal in (b) whenever the clock signal in (a) is high. At times t 1, t2 , tJ, t 1,, t7, and t~ output (c) is seen to follow the input in this manner. When the clock signal goes low, the output signal (c) stores or "latches" the input signal value until the next time the clock signal goes high. Note that at time t0 the input signal changes but the output signal in (c) does not. At time t6 the clock signal again goes high and the (c) output signal attains the logic value of the input (b). The output signal shown in Figure 31.2c demonstrates a latch that is triggered when the clock is high and is referred to as a positive level-triggered latch. Solution (Figure 31.2d) Positive-Edge Triggered Flip-Flop The output signal in Figure 31.2d is initially low. At time t the clock signal in (a) goes low-to-high and the output signal in (d) attains the logic value of the input signal in (b). At time 6,,, the clock signal again goes low-to-high and the output signal in (d) again attains the logic value of (b). Note that the output signal in (d) never changes state when the input signal changes state nor when the clock goes high-to-low. Since this output signal changes state only on the rising edge of the clock, the signal of Figure 31.2d represents the output of a 1, positive crfge-triggcrcrf .flip-flop. Solution (Figure 31.2e) Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop The output signal shown in Figure 31.2c is seen to change logic states only when the clock signal goes high-to-low. The output signal in Figure 31.2e is therefore the output of a negative crfgc-triggcrcrf flip~f)op. Types of Sequential Logic Circuits There are two types of clocked digital logic systems. These sequential logic circuits are called: 1. synchronous logic circuits: those in which the same clock is used to cause all logic variables to change simultaneously, and 2. asynchronous logic circuits: those that arc unclocked or portions of the system are either unclocked or run off independent clocks (i.e. all variables are not clocked together) 500 Chapter 31/Latches and Flip-Flops CLK (a) (b) VLilVllL(V) (c) 0 ... t (d) 0 ---------,--► t (e) 0 ···---------t • Time Waveforms Demonstrating Differences Between Level-triggered and Edge-triggered Latches (Example 31.1): (a) Periodic clock signal, FIGURE 31.2 (b) Input signal, (c) Level-triggered latch output, (d) Positive edge-triggered flip-flop output, (e) Negative edge-triggered flip-flop output 31.2 Latch and Flip-Flop Circuit Symbol Convention The symbol convention for latches and flip-flops has been standardized. Figure 31.3 shows the specific circuit symbols used for latches and flip-flops. 31.2 Cross Coupled Inverters 501 CROSS COUPLED INVERTERS The basic building block of digital memory circuits is the positive feedback inverter loop shown in Figure 31.4a. This circuit consists of two inverters, with each inverter output driving the input of the other inverter. Inputs on Left and Outputs on Right The circuit symbols for latches and flip-flops are usually drawn with the inputs on the left and the outputs on the right. Figure 31.3a shows a latch symbol where R and S are inputs and Q and Q are outputs. Figure 31.36 shows another latch_yymbol where J, EN, and Kare inputs and Q and Qare outputs. Active Low Inputs Active low latch inputs are drawn with inverting bubbles. Figures 31.3c and d show latch symbols where S, R, and Tare active low inputs. An inverting bubble indicates that these three inputs are all active low. This is similar to the gate symbol for a PMOS transistor and output symbol for inverters, NAND gates, and NOR gates. Chip Clears and Presets In integrated circuit design, it is routine to have an input pin that clears or presets all latches simultaneously. This input is generally used after initial power-up of the chip or during some other initialization routine. Latches and flip-flops that have inputs connected to a chip-wide clear or preset have these inputs drawn at the top or bottom of the symbol. Figures 31.3e and f show latch symbols with CLEAR and PRESET inputs. These inputs are indicated at either the top or bottom of the symbol. Edge-Triggered Inputs Clock inputs to level-triggered latches are labeled the same as any other inputs. Figures 31.3g and i show positive level and negative level-triggered latches with the clock inputs labeled as discussed previously. Note that the negative level-triggered latch of Figure 31.3i has its active low input denoted by an inverting bubble. Edge-triggered inputs of flip-flops are denoted with a wedge or triangle as shown in Figures 31.3h and j. The flip-flop of Figure 31.3h has a positive edge-triggered clock input. The negative edgetriggered flip-flop of Figure 31.3j has an inverting bubble at the clock input. Logic Analysis-Bistable If the output of the inverter labeled I0 is in the output low state, the input of the inverter labeled Ir is low. The inverter I" will therefore be in the output high state and the input of I0 will be driven high. With the input of I0 high, then its output will be low. Thus, I(.) in the output low state and IF in the output high state is a stable circuit condition. This stable condition is illustrated in Figure 31.46 with Q = 0 and Q = 1. Likewise, if the inverter I0 is in the output high state then the input of IF is high. With the input of I" high, IF is in the output low state. With the output of IF and the input of I0 low, I0 is driven into its output high state. Thus Q = 1 and Q = 0 is also a stable condition as illustrated in Figure 31.4c. Considering this qualitative logic state analysis, the positive feedback inverter loop of Figure 31.4 has two stable states as depicted in Figure 31.46 and c. Circuits with two stable states are referred to as bistable. Cross Coupled Inverters The positive feedback inverter loop of Figure 31.4a is redrawn in Figure 31.4d with both inverters facing the same direction. Drawn in this manner, the inverter loop is referred to as a cross coupled inverter latch. Voltage Analysis To provide further understanding of the previous logic analysis, consider the cross coupled inverter latch redrawn in Figure 31.Sa without the feedback connection. This configuration indicates two cascaded inverters with a single input and a single output. The voltage transfer characteristic for the noninverting output voltage 0/0 versus V1N) is plotted in Figure 31.Sb. Now consider the output VO of the second inverter I0 to be fed back to the input of the first inverter IF as in Figure 31.Sc. Under this condition, 502 Chapter 31/ Latches and Flip -Flo ps RandS are inputs --F7- QandQ are outputs - ~ (a) SandR are inverting inputs J, EN, and K are inputs D (b) T is an inverting input and CLK is a noninverting input s~ ' R- ~ R CLEAR Q _ - - - ~ C LQK - ~ - ~ S PRESETQ (t) (e) ~ positive edge-triggered - CLOCK~ ~ - C L O C K S ~-(h) (g) -to7- negative level-triggered T~I (d) (c) positive level-triggered QandQ are outputs - CLOCK ~ - (i) FIGURE 31.3 Latch and Flip-flop Symbol Conventions: (a), (b) Inputs are generally on the left and outputs on the right, (c), (d) Active low inputs are drawn with inverting bubbles, (e), (f) Clears and presets that are negative edge triggered - -~ C L O C K l _ ~(j) wired to chip-reset are drawn at the top and bottom, (g) Positive level-trigge red latch, (h) Positive edgetriggered flip-fl op, (i) Negative level-triggered flip-flop, (j) Negative edge- tri gge red flip-flop 31.2 Cross Coupled Inverters 503 input ofir driven by output ofI0. ,.,, (a} (b) (c) (d) FIGURE 31.4 Basic Digital Memory Elements: A cross coupled inverter latch: (a) Dual inverter positive feedback loop, (b) IQ in output low state, IF in output high state, (c) IQ in output high state, IF in output low state, (d) Positive feedback inverter loop drawn as cross coupled inverters 504 Chapter 31/Latches and Flip-Flops noninverting VQ VTC~ low stable point (a) , tI . ! VOL i (b) 1 -o v. - - - - - - - I V"' = VQ ~- \ ~ ~~~~----vv~-~ J/" --- during static operation V• and VQ are each at one of the two stable points found in (b) output of second inverter is fed back to input of frrst inverter (c) FIGURE 31.5 Analysis of Cross Coupled Inverter Latch: (a) Two cascaded inverters, (b) Voltage transfer characteristic V0 versus V11\: superimposed over V0 = V11\: gives two stable solutions, (c) Output V,J fed back to V11\: gives positive feedback inverter loop of Figure 31.4 the straight line for V1;s1 = V0. must also be satisfied and this line is also plotted in Figure 31.56. The three intersection points of the two curves indicate that the circuit of Figure 31.56 can statically operate at any of these intersections. However, the middle intersection point is unstable and even the most minor anomaly or circuit noise forces the inverter loop out of that state and into one of the other states. Hence, the inverter loop of Figure 31.Sc has only two stable operating states. The basic cross coupled inverter latch presented in this section and Figure 31.4d is used extensively in the following sections. This element is the basis for latches and flip-flops. 31.3 RESET-SET (RS) LATCH NOR Realized RS Latch The first practical digital latch is displayed in Figure 31.6a. This circuit provides two additional inputs to the basic cross coupled inverter latch of the previous section and Figure 31.4d by replacing the inverters 31_3 R o - - - - ~ ~ R+_Q ~ - - ; - -0 Q J I ----~====--------, ~-- Q s s □ R Q Q state 0 0 0 1 1 0 Q Q unchanged 0 1 1 reset 0 set 1 1 0 0 not used 505 (c) (b) (a) Reset-Set (RS) Latch Qgoeslow forR high R ► t ► t ----------------------------------------------- ► t s ____......._ _ _ _ _ 0------Q Q --..!------------------------------------------- -'-'......- - - - - ! , t, (d) FIGURE 31.6 RS Latch (NOR realization): (a) Cross coupled NOR gates, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table, (d) Time waveforms demonstrating operation with two-input NOR gates. The feedback connection of the two NOR gates represents one implementation of the memory element called a reset-set latch, or RS latch. Each NOR gate output is fed back to one input of the other NOR gate and the remaining NOR gate inputs are the two inputs to this RS latch. The outputs are defined as Q and Q, the inverses of each other. The inputs are defined as R and S which stand for reset and set, respectively. The reset condition of R = 1 and S = 0 corresponds to Q being reset 506 Chapter 31/Latches and Flip-Flops to 0, where;:is the set conrlition of R = 0 and S = 1 corresponds to Q being set to 1. Figure 31.6c displays the truth table for the RS latch. Note that the lilst row docs not allow Q and Q to be inverses. Hence, this row cannot be used in normal latching applications. To verify the rows of the truth table, we analyze the circuit of Figure 31.6 using general logic analysis. The Q output of the top NOR gate is Q=R+Q while the Q output of the bottom NOR gate is given by Q=S+Q These output expressions are referred to as the characteristic equations for this latch. The following subsections verify the operation of the RS latch. The time waveforms in Figure 31.6d illustrate the reset, set, and latched conditions of this dynamic gcite. Verification of Stable Condition: S = R = O Consider the first row of the truth table, where R = S = 0. From the characteristic equations, we h;:ive Q= R + Q= 0 + Q= (Q) = Q and Verification of Set Condition: S = 1 and R = 0 Next consider the third row with S = 1 zmd R = 0. First, we obt;:iin Q, since S = 1 ;:is follows: Q=1+Q=0 ;:ind then Q = 0 + Q = (Q) = 1 Note th;:it these outputs correspond to the set condition. The set condition is demonstrated ;:it times t 1 and tc, in Figure 31.6d. A previously low Q output is seen to go high when the S input is high. Forbidden Input Condition: S = 1 and R = 1 Finally, considering R = S = 1, the characteristic equations predict the O level for both the outputs as follows: Q=1+Q=0 ;:ind Q=1+Q=0 which mc;:ins that the two outputs are equal and are not inverses for these inputs (R = S = 1) contra1y to our definition. This inconsistency is eliminated by never allowing the input condition R = S = 1. NAND Realized RS Latch Q=0+Q=Q Thus, the condition R = S = 0 provides outputs that are unchanged as indicated in the truth table. Verification of Reset Condition: S = 0 and R = 1 To verify the second row of the truth table for S = 0 and R = 1, first note that this is the reset condition. Substitution into the equation for Q and Q yields Q=1+Q=0 and thus Q=0+Q=Q=1 which does indeed correspond to the reset condition. The reset condition is demonstrated in Figure 31.6d, at times t:1 and t7 . At these times the input R is mon,entarily brought high and the previously high Q output is seen to latch the low logic state. The RS l;:itch of Figure 31.6a was constructed by replacing the inverters in the cross coupled inverter latch with multi-input NOR gates. Figure 31.7a shows an alternate RS latch configuration where the cross coupled NOR gates are replaced with cross coupled NAND gates. For this latch, the inputs are active low, as labeled at the schematic and symbol inputs using S and R. That is, the latch encounters the set condition when the S input is brought low (S is high) and the latch is in the reset condition when R is brought low (R is high). The circuit symbol for this gate is shown in Figure 31.76. Inverting bubbles arc used to represent the active low inputs. NAND Realized RS Latch Truth Table The truth table corresponding to the NAND realized RS latch is shown in Figure 31. 7c. For this gate, the unchanged output state occurs when both inputs arc high and the unused state is when both inputs are low. Time waveforms demonstrating operation of 31.3 Reset-Set (RS) Latch Q Q 0 :.~:.- 1 '1 Q R R ✓--- state unchanged 1 0 1 reset set not used (c) (b) (a) Q a 507 Qgoeslow forRlow 1 0 ... -'. ............................... ;.. ,;<;.,.,.,,-.';,, •. :c.,;..,, ... ,............... s +,...;.,+ ......................................C~-----r----t--,......---,,,.. t t, ¼ 1 0 Q 1 0 Q l 0 ................._ . . . , . ._ _ _ _ _ _!_,_...... 11 i,...;;.-----.-·--------·---"""► t ½ t.., (ii) FIGURE 31.7 RS Latch (NAND Realization): (a) Cross couples NAND gates, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table, (d) Time waveforms demonstrating operation 508 Chapter 31/Latchcs and Flip-Flops Q R, FIGURE 31.8 Cross Coupled NOR RS Latch with Multiple Reset and Set Inputs the cross coupled NANO RS latch are shown in Figure 31.7d. The truth table in Figure 31.7c can be easily verified in a manner similar to that presented for the cross coupled NOR RS latch and is left as a homework problem at the end of the chapter. Additional Inputs Additional reset and set inputs can be added to the cross coupled NOR and NANO RS latches by using NOR or NAND gates with more than two inputs. Figure 31.8 shows a NOR RS latch with two reset inputs and three set inputs. This gate operates identically to the basic RS latch presented in Figure 31.6a with the exception that it can be reset with either of the reset inputs and set with any of the set inputs. Having a reset and a set input high simultaneously is unused and should be avoided because this would provide inconsistent outputs. Example 31.2 NAND Realized RS Latch with Multiple Set and Reset Inputs Design a RS latch that has two active set inputs and three active low reset inputs. Solution Since the RS latch requested should have active low inputs, it should be designed with cross coupled NAND gates. To achieve two set inputs and three reset inputs, use three and four input NAND gates for the Q and Q outputs, respectively. Figure 31.9 shows such an RS latch. FIGURE 31.9 Cross Coupled NAND RS Latch with Multiple Set and Reset Inputs for Example 31.2 f T'1ps, T nc . k s, and Gimmicks AO! Complex Logic AND-OR-Invert Gates The following sections will present progressively complex digital latches designed by expanding the cross coupled NOR and NANO RS latches. Son,e of these latches can be realized using complex AND-OR-invert logic gates. Figure 31.10 shows circuit symbols for three such logic gates along with the truth tables that tabulate their static operating conditions. The three logic gates represent the logic functions F =AB+ C F =AB+ CD and F =A+ BC+ D Operation and realization of these logic functions in TTL, ECL, NMOS, and CMOS is covered extensively in Chapters 10, 15, 22, and 24. The circuit symbols are presented here only for brief review and any reference to the complex logic gates of previous chapters in the following sections can be skipped without loss of continuity. 3'1 .3 509 Reset-Set 0-:S) Latch A B C FAm=AB+C 1 0 0 0 A_-cJoo B -·- 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 F=AB+C C 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 (a) --- A B C D FAm=AB + CD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 B -- C D- - - 0 0 -0 0 0 0 --- - F=AB+CD 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 --··----·1 1 1 0 A B C D FAOI =AB+ CD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ------ 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (b) A B C D FAm=A+BC+D AC D -- F=A+BC+D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 · -1- 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 -- --- - -- 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 --- A B C D FAOI =A+ BC+ D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 -- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (c) Aoi FIGURE 31.10 Complex Logic AND-OR-invert Gates Useful for Latch Design: (a) F = NOT[(A AND B) OR CJ, (b) F = NOT[(A AND B) OR (C AND D)], (c) F = NOT[A OR (BAND C) ORD] 510 Chapter 31/Litchcs ,md Flip-Flops RS latch steering gates gatedR and S are transferred to latch when EN == 1 (b) (a) cross-coupled AND-OR-invert realization EN 0 1 1 1 1 -- s R X 0 0 1 1 X 0 1 0 1 ----- Q Q ~ ·~ Q 0 1 0 - state Q Q Q ~----- 1 0 0 unchanged unchanged reset set not used ----·~-~ ENO-I~ R and S inputs are active only when EN is high s (c) AO! ... ___ R (d) RS latch steering gates .........~, ~..., ...... ,,.,,. --- ---~ all NAND realization ...... w6=1 Q (e) FIGURE 31.11 Gated RS Latch: (a) Cross coupled NOR gates with steering AND gates, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Tnith table, ' 10' (d) Cross coupled AND-OR-invert realization, (e) All NANO realization 31.4 CatedRSL1tchl?s 511 R l O· s l 0 EN 4 1 O· t, Q Qgooskiw + when, R goes high and EN is high 1. O· ~~.... '. '' •· ..· ' .··. Q goes high . • when S goes hig and EN is high •·;.,..;...............- - - - - - t, (t) FIGURE 31.11 (continued) 31.4 (f) Time waveforms illustrating operation GATED RS LATCHES A slight modification of the RS latch in Figure 31.6 provides an EN enable input as shown in Figure 31.11a. Such an RS latch requires two additional AND gates. The latch is referred to as a gated RS latch or level-triggered latch. The outputs of these AND gates are labeled R' and S'. The circuit symbol for this latch with the additional EN input is shown in Figure 31.llb. Disabled Condition (EN = o) To analyze the circuit, first consider EN = 0. Under this condition, both AND gates have a low input and low outputs. Hence, the R' and S' inputs to the NOR 512 Chc1ptcr 31/LJtchcs c1nd Flif•-Flllf•S gotes ore zero rcgordless of the stotes of Sand R ond couse no chongc in Q and Q, os described in the previous section. Enabled Condition (EN= 1) Next consider EN = 1. Under this condition, the outputs of the AND gates are R' =RAND 1 = R and S' =SAND 1 = S ond the circuit operates as the cross coupled NOR RS latch of the previous section. With EN high, the Q output will go low if R' = R is high and high if S' = S is high. If both R and S are low then the outputs will not cl1(mge state and both R and S inputs high simultaneously should be avoided. Truth Table and Time Waveforms The truth table for this latch is shown in Figure 31.11c. Note that for EN low, the output remained unchanged regardless of the states of R and S. With EN high, the truth table resembles the truth table for the simple cross coupled NOR latch of Figure 31.6. Time waveforms illustrating operation of this gated latch arc shown in Figure 31.1 lf. At time t 1, the S input is brought high. Since the EN input is low, the output does not change state. At time t2 , EN is brought high, while S is still high and the output Q is set. At time t; the R input is brought high, but the output does not change state since the EN input is low. When the EN input goes high at time t,,, the output Q is reset. At time tc1 EN is brought high, while both Rand S are low, so the output state remains unchanged. While EN is high, S and R are individually brought high (while the other is low) at times t]I) and t 12 • The output is set and reset, respectively, at these times. Cross Coupled AND-OR-Invert Realization Am The gated RS latch can be realized with cross coupled AND-OR-invert gates as shown in Figure 31.11d. AND-OR-invert gates are easily realized using TTL, ECL, NMOS, and CMOS logic families as discussed in Chapters 10, 15, 22, and 24, respectively. All NAND Gate Realization In the previous section, RS latches are designed using cross coupled NAND gates. The cross coupled NAND RS latches of Figure 31.7a have active low S and R inputs. If the AND gates of Figure 31.11a arc replaced with NAND gates, the NAND outputs become S' and R'. Then, active low S' and R' connected to the Sand R inputs of cross coupled NAND gates provide an RS latch with only NAND gates. Figure 31 .'I 1 e shows such an all NAND RS latch with enable input. Note that the inputs are now active high Rand S. Example 31.3 Gated RS Latches with Dual Enable Inputs Design a gated RS latch that has active reset and set inputs only when two enable inputs are high. Solution (All NAND Realization) In Figure 31.1 la, the EN input must be high in order for the steering AND gates to transfer the gated R and S inputs to the S' and R' internal nodes. Since the output of an AND gate is only high when all inputs are high, additional enabling inputs can be added by simple using AND gates with more than two inputs. All enable inputs must be connected to both steering gates. This would also hold true for the all NANO realization in Figure 31.lle. Thus, Figure 31.12a shows an all NAND gated RS latch with two enabling inputs named ENl and EN2. This latch remains in a steady latched condition unless both ENl and EN2 are high and either R or S is high individually. Solution (AND-OR-Invert Realization) An alternate configuration is the cross coupled ANDOR-invert gate shown in Figure 31.126. Again, both enabling inputs go to both input gates and the Rand S inputs are active only if both ENl and EN2 are high. The latches in Figure 31.12a and bare functionally identical and the circuit symbol for these latches is shown in Figure 31.12c. Aoi Clocked RS Latch The RS latches presented in this section are often used in digital circuits containing chip-wide periodic 31:i Catt,d RS Litchcs with ;\s1'nchrnnuus CiL'c1r and l'rcsl't 513 all NAND realization Q gated R and S are transferred to latch when ENI and EN2 are high Q (a) cross-coupled AND-OR-invert realization R. '.)--- ENI O EN2 o H (1 Q -- R - EN1 - EN2 Q- -s i ·~ II AOI (b) (c) FIGURE 31.12 Enabled RS Latches with Dual Enabling Inputs for Example 31,3: (a) AJI NANO realizc1tion, ,,ni (b) Cross coupled AND-OR-invert latches, (c) Circuit symbol clock signals such as shown in Figure 31,L The enable input will often be connected to such a clock signal. Thus, these enabled latches arc sometimes referred to as clocked latches, 31.5 GATED RS LATCHES WITH ASYNCHRONOUS CLEAR AND PRESET The inputs of the RS latches presented in section 31,3 and Figures 31,6 through 31,9 are active at all instances of tinw. That is, the outputs of these latches respond to the inputs within the margin of the propagation delays and the inputs are not clocked simultaneously. The previous section introduced RS latches with gated reset and set inputs. Figure 31.13J shows an RS latch with both gated and non-gated inputs. The inputs R and S are gated through the steering AND gates but the CLEAR and PRESET inputs arc connected directly to the cross coupled NOR gates. The Rand S inputs arc only active when EN is high, but the CLEAR and PRESET inputs arc always active regardless of the state of EN. The nongated CLEAR and PRESET inputs Jre referred to as asyncilronous inputs. The circuit symbol for this latch is shown in Figure 31.136. Truth Table Figure 31.13c tabulates the operational states of this latch. The table shows that the R and S inputs arc active when the EN input is high and that the CLEAR and PRESET inputs are Jctive regardless of the state of EN. 514 Chapter 31/Latches and Flip-Flops gated R and S are transferred lo latch when EN = 1 CLEAR asynchronous CLEAR is active regardless of state of EN R CLEAR Q ~- EN S PRESETQ - asynchronous PRESET is active regardless of state of EN PRESET (a) (b) cross-coupled AND-OR-invert realization CLEAR EN s 9 Q Q state 0 Q a unchanged R PRESET CLEAR 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 reset 1 0 0 0 0 set 1 0 1 X X X X X X X X 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Q a not used unchanged 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 X X X 1 0 1 1 \ 0 1 Q clear preset Q not used PRESET and CLEAR are active regardless of state of EN PRESET (c) AOI (d) FIGURE 31.13 Enabled RS Latch (synchronous Rand S inputs) with Asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET Inputs: (a) Additional inputs are added to cross coupled latch and are active regardless of state of EN, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table, /\oi (d) Cross coupled AND-ORinvert realization Cross Coupled AND-OR-Invert Realization gate used in this circuit is shown in Figure 31.lOc along with its truth table. AOI The cross coupled AND-OR-invert realization of the gated RS latch with asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET is shown in Figure 31.13d. The complex logic All NANO Realization The gated RS latch with asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET can be realized using only NAND gates by 31.6 Edge-Triggered Master-Slave RS Flip-Flops 515 all NAND realization asynchronous PRESET is active regardless of state of EN PRESET () PRESET Q EN - s CLEAR Q Q R asynchronous CLEAR is active regardless of state of EN CLEAR. CLEAR (a) EN s (b) R PRESET CLEAR 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Q state Q - Q unchanged 1 0 reset set 0 not used unchanged 1 Q 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Q Q 0 1 1 clear 0 preset 0 0 not used Cl S and R inputs are active when EN is high PRESET and CLEAR inputs are active regardless of state of EN (c) FIGURE 31.14 All NAND Realization of Enabled RS Latch with Asynchronous PRESET and CLEAR inputs: (b) Circuit symbol indicating active low PRESET and CLEAR, (c) Truth table (a) Circuit with active low PRESET and CLEAR, adding inputs to the cross coupled NAND latch inside the circuit of Figure 31.lle. Figure 31.14a shows such a circuit. Note that unlike the circuit of Figure 31.13, this circuit has active low asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET inputs. (Recall that the basic cross coupled NAND RS latch of Figure 31.7 has active low reset and set inputs.) The circuit symbol shown in Figure 31.14b indicates the active low inputs with inverting bubbles. The truth table for all NAND gated RS latch with active low asynchronous inputs CLEAR and PRESET is shown in Figure 31.14c. It is indicated that the S and R inputs are active only when EN is high and the CLEAR and PRESET inputs are active regardless of the state of EN. Figure 31.14d shows time waveforms that exemplify operation of the latch in Figure 31.14a. 31.6 EDGE-TRIGGERED MASTERSLA VE RS FLIP-FLOPS Negative Edge-Triggered RS Master-Slave Flip-Flops The RS latches presented in the previous sections were all level triggered memory elements. That is, the transfer of the inputs to the output was depen- 516 Chapter 31/Latchcs and Flip-Flops (d) FIGURE 31.14 (continued) (d) Time waveforms describing operation dent on the voltage level of the clock, the level being either the logic high voltage or logic low voltage. Figure 31.15a is the first in a series of memory elements to be presented in which the effect of the input is transferred to the output at the instant the clock changes state. This circuit is made up of two cascaded gated RS latches (introduced in Figure 31.lle and discussed in section 31.4). The first stage is enabled, when the CLK signal is high. The second stage is enabled when CLK is low or CLK is high. Using two stages has the effect of transferring the latched memory 31,6 Edge-Triggered Master-Slavc> RS Flip-Flops 517 slave (enabled wh,m CLK is low) master (enabled when CLK is high) (a) (b) CLK s R 0 X X 1 X )( s X X 0 0 L 0 1 L 1 0 L 1 1 L Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 1 1 0 1 1 outputs unchanged state of master latch is transferred to slave latch on falling edge of CLK (c) FIGURE 31.15 Negative Edge-triggered RS Masterslave flip-flop: (a) Logic schematic, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table indicating outputs change state on falling edgc> of clock state of the first stage to the second stage when CLK undergoes a high-to-low transition. Thus, the outputs are triggered during a high-to-low CLK edge, with an edge-trigger wedge or triangle and an inverting bubble to symbolize a negative edge-triggered flip-flop. Master-Slave, Edge-Triggered, Flip-Flop Truth Table and Time Waveforms Dual latch configurations where the two latches are triggered at opposite clock levels are referred to as flip-flops. The first latch is referred to as the master latch and the second is referred to as the slave latch. Since the outputs are triggered by a clock transition, this flip-flop is referred to as being edge-triggered, Since the outputs for this specific flip-flop are dependent upon the output high-to-low transition, it is a negative edge-triggered flip-flop. Figure 31, 15b shows the circuit symbol for this negative edge-triggered circuit. Note that the CLK input is indicated The operational states for the negative edgetriggered master-slave RS flip-flop are shown in the truth table of Figure 31.15c. This table indicates that during the clock high-to-low transition, the operation of this flip-flop is the same as the simple cross coupled RS latches of Figures 31.6 and 7. During the low-to-high CLK transition and CLK at either steady state, the outputs remain unaffected regardless of the states of the R and S inputs. The time waveforms of Figure 31. 15d clearly demonstrate the flip-flop operation. During the neg- 518 Chapter 31/Latchcs and Flip-Flops R 1 s 1 0 -l...-...+'0'-=++..;;___..;;___'-'-~:.1-------.......;-..;..._.........,._ _ _ _ _ ►· t l CLK 1 0 ·---···••f Qu=S, l J,... 7 ½ : ~1 l ; : . ' :' I _ _ _.........,_~..-~-~-----------....--;-,......--.► t 0 _..., 0:=Rs 4 , l J --~'-----i'-~i I;; (d) FIGURE 31.15 (continued) (d) Time waveforms exemplifying flip-flop operation 31.6 Edge-Triggered l'vli.1sler-Sl:wc RS Fli~1-flops 519 slave (enabled when CLK is high) master (enabled when CLK is low) s R (a) CLK =I Q1= 0 0 1 => i~ =Pl L --~ (b) s s s s s R Q Q X X X X X X Q Q Q a 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 - Q Q a --~ 0 1 1 1 0 ·- a state of master latch is transferred to slave latch on rising edge of CLK 1 (c) FIGURE 31.16 Positive Edge-triggered RS l'v1Jstcrsli.1ve Flip-flow: (a) Logic schematic, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table indici.lting outputs change state on rising edge of clock ative edges of CLK at times t 3 and t7 the states of the S and R inputs set and reset the Q output, respectively. The flip-flop of Figure 31.16 is therefore positive edge-triggered and the effect of the inputs is transferred to the outputs during the clock low-to-high transition. The flip-flop circuit symbol, truth table, and time waveforms exemplifying operation are shown in Figures 31.66, c, and d. Positive Edge-Trigger RS Master-Slave Flip-Flops The master-slave flip-flop of Figure 31.15 can easily be modified to trigger the outputs on the rising edge of the CLK input signal. Figure 31.6a displays an RS flip-flop where the master latch is gated when CLK is low and the slave latch is gated when CLK is high. Asynchronous Clears and Presets Asynchronous (non-gated) clear and preset inputs can easily be added to the RS master-slave flip-flops of Figures 31.15 and 16. In Figure 31.14a active low 520 Chapter 31/Latchcs and Flip-Flops s 1 • o----- 1 Q (d) FIGURE 31.16 (continued) (d) Time waveforms illustrating latch operation asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET inputs are added to the gated RS latch by the inclusion of additional inputs to the cross coupled NAND latch. The same principle is used in Figure 31.17a which shows an RS flip-flop with additional inputs added to the cross coupled NAND latches of both the master and slave latches. Common PRESET and CLEAR inputs are connected to the additional inputs of both the master and slave latches. The Q and Q flip-flop outputs are effected by these asynchronous inputs re- 31.6 Edge-Triggered Mastcr-Sbvc RS Flip-Flops 521 asynchronous PRESET goes to master and slave and is active regardless of state of CLK s Q Q R CLEAR asynchronous CLEAR goes to master and slave and is active regardless of state of CLK CLK c·, .......... ;......................................................................................................................................................., (a) CLK PRESET R PRESET Q _ .. S CLEAR Q ~ s s s s X X X CLEAR X s --- R PRESET CLEAR 0 0 1 1 X 0 1 0 1 X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 - Q Q Q Q 0 1 0 1 0 0 Q Q 0 1 0 1 0 state of master latch is transferred to slave latch on rising edge of CLK PRESET and CLEAR inputs are active regardless of state of CLK 0 (c) (b) FIGURE 31.17 Positive Edge-triggered Master-slave RS Flip-flop with Active Low Asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET: (a) Logic schematic, (b) Circuit symbol indicating active low inputs with inverting bubbles, (c) Truth table gardless of the level or edge state of CLK. The circuit symbol and truth table for this flip-flop with asynchronous inputs are shown in Figures 31.176 and c. Time waveforms demonstrating operation of the flip-flop of Figure 31.17 are shown in Figure 31.17d. Aoi Example 31.4 RS Flip-Flop with Cross Coupled AND-OR-Invert Gates Design a positive edge-triggered RS master-slave flip-flop with asynchronous clear and preset inputs using cross coupled AND-OR-invert latches. 522 Chapter 31/Latchcs and Flip-Flops CLEAR l * ----....J--------- ► t '-----'----t (} ·· ► t ---~--- -----',!-----------',---·► t - - -....... ·············--····--·--···-·--+----------1 .................... ~ O· ~ ! t10 ~ ti., (d) FIGURE 31.17 (continued) (d) Time waveforms demonstrating operation Solution Note that Figure 31.13d displays a cross coupled AND-OR-invert gated RS latch with asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET inputs. Figure 31.18a shows two of these latches cascaded to form a master-slave flip-flop. The master latch is enabled when CLK is low and the slave when CLK is high. Thus, the master-slave flip-flop of Figure 31.18a is positive edge-triggered. The asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET inputs are connected to both the master and slave latch. Looking back to the master-slave flip-flops of Figures 31.15, 31.16, and 31.17, the Q and Q outputs of the master are connected to the S and R inputs of the slave, respectively. Examining the AND-OR-invert realized RS latch of Figure 31.13d, the R and S inputs are connected to the gates with the Q and Q outputs, respectively. Thus, the con- 31.(, Edge-Triggered Master-Slave RS Flip-Flops 523 asynchronous CLEAR goes to master and slave and is active regardless of state of CLK CLEAR asynchronous PRESET goes to master and slave and is active regardless of state of CLK (a) CLK R CLEAR Q __ S PRESETQ. s R PRESET CLEAR s s s s 0 0 0 1 1 0 X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (b) Aoi FIGURE 31.18 Positive Edge-triggered Masterslave RS Flip-flop with Active High Asynchronous CLEAR and PRESET: (a) Master-slave flip-flop with cross ncctions of the master outputs and slave inputs of Figure 31.18a are the same as those of Figures 31.16 and 31.17. Figure 31.186 and c show the circuit symbol and truth table for this gate. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Q Q Q Q 0 1 0 1 0 0 Q 1 Q 0 1 0 0 state of master latch is transferred to slave latch on rising edge of CLK PRESET and CLEAR inputs are active regardless of state of CLK 0 (c) coupled AND-OR-invert latches, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table Example 31.5 Master-Slave Flip-Flop with ENable Gating Input Design a RS master-slave flip-flop that is negative edge-triggered and has a gating ENable input connected to both the master and slave latches. 524 Chapter 31/Latches and Flip-Flops master and slave are disabled when EN is low master (enabled when CLK is high and EN is ltlgh) slave (enabled when CLK is fow and EN is s (}· ........ ................ ·. Q . RC····-.•· CLK . . C} ....... +·····'··················· .................................... 1 ENG '·······················································•· . -----~----·----·- ' (a) CLK EN X 0 1 1 Q s s 1 1 Q 7_ 1 7_ 7_ 1 1 7_ 1 S R Q Q X X X X 0 0 X X X X 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q a 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Q Q - stearing gates of master and slave are disabled when EN is low - Q 0 state of master latch is transferred to slave latch on falling edge of CLK only when EN is high (b) (c) FIGURE 31.19 Example 31.5 Negative Edge-triggered RS Master-slave Flip-flop with ENable input: (a) Circuit showing gating ENable input connected to both master and slave latches, (b) Circuit symbol indicating ENable input and negative edge-triggered clock, (c) Truth table Solution Recall the negative edge-triggered master-slave RS flip-flop of Figure 31.15. Connecting a gating input to both steering gates of the master and slave latches such as in Figure 31.19a provides an ENable input for the entire master-slave flip-flop. When EN is low, the outputs of the master and slave steering gates are held low regardless of the states of the S, R, and CLK inputs. When EN is high, the flipflop of Figure 31.19a operates in exactly the same manner as the flip-flop of Figure 31.15. Figures 31.196 and c display the circuit symbol and truth table for this flip-flop with ENable input. 3l.6 steering gates gatedKandJ and feedback are transferred to latch when EN ::::: I Edge-Triggered Master-Slave RS Flip-Flops 525 RS latch EN (b) (a) ~ EN J K S' R' Q Q state 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 1 1 Q 0 unchanged unchanged reset set toggle --- 1 1 1 1 Q J and K inputs are active only when EN is high (c) FIGURE 31.20 Basic JK Latch: (a) Gated RS latch with outputs fed back to inputs, (b) Circuit symbol, (c) Truth table cross-coupled AND-OR-invert realization all NAND realization steering gates RS latch K' EN D---i AOI (d) FIGURE 31.20 (continued) (e) · 1"' (d) Cross coupled AND-OR-invert realization, (e) Cross coupled NAND realization 526 Chapter :ll/L1tches and Flip-f-lops J 4 -------l,--------------•F···'···'·'~-·► t ¼ K nI L . 0 tm ;--·► t tu EN 1 "", 0 -----------i--·► ti Q t tu Qgoeslow . when K goe-s high 1 -----------.-,i,-.,,;....andEN ishlgh 0 ···························&midd