SOUTHERN MASBATE ROOSEVELT COLLEGE, INC. Katipunan, Placer, Masbate COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Dr. Victor V. Lepiten FOUNDER Victor Elliot S. Lepiten,III PRESIDENT PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION IN GE 9 THE LIFE AND WORKS OF JOSE RIZAL Name: __________________________________ Course & Section: ____________________________ Date: ____________________ Score: _________ GENERAL DIRECTION: This is a 70-item test. Use only blue/black permanent pen in answering each question. Read the direction/s very carefully. Failure to follow instructions may cause you point deductions. ERASURE MEANS WRONG! I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. Who created a wide-scale propaganda program to educate the youth and student on the evils of communism during the 1950’s? a. Former President Ramon Magsaysay b. Former President Benigno Aquino III c. Former President Diosdado Macapagal d. Former President Ferdinand Marcos 2. The Rizal Law is also known as ________. a. RA 1465 b. RA 1435 c. RA 1425 d. RA 1234 3. What political ideology was prevailing in the 1950’s that weakened the democratic stability of most nations? a. Democracy b. Socialism c. Monarchy d. Communism 4. The following are the lessons contained in the Rizal course, EXCEPT ________. a. To recognize the importance of Rizal’s life, works and writings in the present society b. To cultivate the application of Rizal’s ideals in current social and personal problems and issues c. To encourage development of the Filipino youth’s participation in all aspects of good governance and good citizenship d. To develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that the Spanish colonizers fought and died for This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 5. Which status was given to middle-class Filipinos who were educated in Spain and were exposed to nationalistic ideas? a. Principalia b. Ilustrados c. Cabeza de Barangay d. Encomiendero 6. Which term refers to a middle-class family? a. Principalia b. Ilustrados c. Reduccion d. Falla 7. Which term refers for the payment given by wealthy Filipinos to be exempted from forced labor? a. Polo b. Polistas c. Falla d. fala 8. In what year did Manila become a free port? a. 1834 b. 1987 c. 1863 d. 1854 9. It is in this diary that Rizal wrote about his birth and the difficulties of his mother faced while giving birth to him. a. Memoirs of A Student in Calamba b. Memoirs of A Student in Binan 10. Which poem was written by Rizal to express his love for his town. a. To My Fellow Children b. In Memories of My Town II. c. Memoirs of A Student in Manila d. Memoirs of A Student in Madrid c. They Asked Me for Verses d. The Philippines IDENTIFICATION. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. The effectivity date of Rizal Law. 2. The main proponent or author of the Rizal Law. 3. He created a compromised version of the bill. 4. It is the waterway that connect Europe to Asia by creating a direct shipping route without having to circumnavigate the African continent. 5. It means “government ruled by the friars”. 6. Spanish term for forced labor. 7. The one who baptized Rizal. 8. The godfather of Rizal. 9. The name of Rizal’s pony. 10. The name of Rizal’s dog. This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 11. He was the model for Pepe’s portrayal of Father Florentino in ‘El Filibusterismo’. 12. The first private tutor of Rizal. 13. The second private tutor of Rizal. 14. A former classmate of Rizal’s father and taught him Spanish and Latin. 15. Jose’s Binan teacher and was a strict disciplinarian. 16. Rizal’s favorite story. 17. Who led the Cavite mutiny? 18. Was said to have been bribed to implicate Burgos and other two priests and was the first to be executed. 19. Complete name of Rizal. 20. When was the execution of Gomburza? 21. When was the Cavite mutiny happened? 22. The wife of Jose Alberto who accused Doña Teodora of poisoning her. 23. Rizal’s teacher when he studied at Biñan. 24. This refers to the Spanish friars. 25. This refers to the native/Filipino priests. III. ENUMERATION 1-2. Two reasons why we should study the Rizal subject. 3-8. Evils of Colonial Rule 9-10. Parents of Jose Rizal (Complete name) 11-21. The Rizal Siblings (In order) 22-24. The three martyred priests. 25. BONUS IV. Write the complete description of the RA 1425 (Rizal Law) (10pts.) Prepared by: Jamaica H. Alvarez This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 SOUTHERN MASBATE ROOSEVELT COLLEGE, INC. Katipunan, Placer, Masbate COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Dr. Victor V. Lepiten FOUNDER Victor Elliot S. Lepiten,III PRESIDENT PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION IN GE 9 THE LIFE AND WORKS OF JOSE RIZAL Name: __________________________________ Course & Section: ____________________________ Date: ____________________ Score: _________ GENERAL DIRECTION: This is a 70-item test. Use only blue/black permanent pen in answering each question. Read the direction/s very carefully. Failure to follow instructions may cause you point deductions. ERASURE MEANS WRONG! I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. Which term refers for the payment given by wealthy Filipinos to be exempted from forced labor? a. Polo b. Polistas c. Falla d. Fala 2. Which term refers to a middle-class family? a. Principalia b. Ilustrados c. Reduccion d. Falla 3. In what year did Manila become a free port? a. 1834 b. 1987 This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 c. 1863 d. 1854 4. Which poem was written by Rizal to express his love for his town. a. To My Fellow Children b. In Memories of My Town c. They Asked Me for Verses d. The Philippines 5. It is in this diary that Rizal wrote about his birth and the difficulties of his mother faced while giving birth to him. a. Memoirs of A Student in Calamba b. Memoirs of A Student in Binan c. Memoirs of A Student in Manila d. Memoirs of A Student in Madrid 6. What political ideology was prevailing in the 1950’s that weakened the democratic stability of most nations? a. Democracy b. Socialism c. Monarchy d. Communism 7. Who created a wide-scale propaganda program to educate the youth and student on the evils of communism during the 1950’s? a. Former President Ramon Magsaysay b. Former President Benigno Aquino III c. Former President Diosdado Macapagal d. Former President Ferdinand Marcos 8. The Rizal Law is also known as ________. a. RA 1465 b. RA 1435 c. RA 1425 d. RA 1234 9. Which status was given to middle-class Filipinos who were educated in Spain and were exposed to nationalistic ideas? a. Principalia b. Ilustrados c. Cabeza de Barangay d. Encomiendero 10.The following are the lessons contained in the Rizal course, EXCEPT ________. a. To recognize the importance of Rizal’s life, works and writings in the present society b. To cultivate the application of Rizal’s ideals in current social and personal problems and issues c. To encourage development of the Filipino youth’s participation in all aspects of good governance and good citizenship d. To develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that the Spanish colonizers fought and died for This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 II. IDENTIFICATION. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number. 1. Spanish term for forced labor. 2. The one who baptized Rizal. 3. The godfather of Rizal. 4. The name of Rizal’s pony. 5. The name of Rizal’s dog. 6. Rizal’s teacher when he studied at Biñan. 7. This refers to the Spanish friars. 8. This refers to the native/Filipino priests. 9. Complete name of Rizal. 10. Was said to have been bribed to implicate Burgos and other two priests and was the first to be executed. 11. The wife of Jose Alberto who accused Doña Teodora of poisoning her. 12. When was the execution of Gomburza. 13. When was the Cavite mutiny happened? 14. Who led the Cavite mutiny? 15. The effectivity date of Rizal Law. 16. The main proponent or author of the Rizal Law. 17. He created a compromised version of the bill. 18. It is the waterway that connect Europe to Asia by creating a direct shipping route without having to circumnavigate the African continent. 19. It means “government ruled by the friars”. 20. He was the model for Pepe’s portrayal of Father Florentino in ‘El Filibusterismo’. 21. The first private tutor of Rizal. 22. The second private tutor of Rizal. 23. A former classmate of Rizal’s father and taught him Spanish and Latin. 24. Jose’s Binan teacher and was a strict disciplinarian. 25. Rizal’s favorite story. III. ENUMERATION 1-6. Evils of Colonial Rule 7-9. The three martyred priests. 10-11. Parents of Jose Rizal (Complete name) 12-22. The Rizal Siblings (In order) 23-24. Two reasons why we should study the Rizal subject. 25. BONUS IV. Write the complete description of the RA 1425 (Rizal Law) (10pts.) This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 Prepared by: Jamaica H. Alvarez This study source was downloaded by 100000881144532 from on 02-23-2024 02:10:53 GMT -06:00 Powered by TCPDF (