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Clothing Export Analysis: Colombia, Japan, Myanma

The line graph compares the information of clothing exports in three different
countries ( Colombia, Japan and Myanma ), units are given in million dollars.
Overall, It can be clearly shown that even all figures are varied in the given
graph in terms of countries and years, the most significant growth was reported by
In 1999, the figure for Japan was dominated with just under 600 units and
Colombia was the second country in clothing exports with about 470 units. A year
later, both figures experienced a slight increase and decrease ( Colombia and Japan
respectively ) and in 2000 the rate for Colombia overtook Japanese figure with
approximately 550 units. After that, both figures started to rise until they reached
their peak at 700 and 600 units, the indexes for Colombia and Japan, respectively.
However, considerable decreases follow them after having reached their rocket
levels and they finished the given period with more than 600 units for Colombia and
no more than 500 units Japan.
In the given graph the figure for Myanma experienced considerable growth.
In the beginning it was about no result but in the end it reached about 450 units. In
the given 5 years