Esteemed Chairs and respected delegates, The delegation of Colombia recognizes the global significance of new education strategies when it comes down to social humanitarian and cultural issues (SOCHUM). Education is a fundamental right thats key to sustainable development whilst also promoting economic growth alongside genuine social progress driven by inclusivity irrespective of geography or socio economic status. Our country has made remarkable strides through policy implementation of better funded educational sectors aimed at providing high quality learning opportunities even within remote areas where they may seem hard to reach but still accessible. Despite these strides there are remaining challenges that need addressing hence our collective commitment alongside other nations towards realising this critical objective. In regards to global orientation when developing new strategies capable of fostering equitable educational opportunities; Colombia proposes prioritising: Promotion of lifelong learning initiatives which enables continual access throughout the course of an individual's life ranging from adult education classes toward vocational training and retraining programs that will aid career progression and personal development. Education underpins Colombia's objective of achieving sustainable economic growth that uplifts all community members equally. Ensuring people develop relevant skills empowers them to adapt best practices within rapidly changing industries hence contributing positively towards progress within their communities. Incorporating technology into our teaching facilitates access to quality learning opportunities regardless of location while promoting inclusivity within our society borders which is key towards bridging a digital divide experience around the world presently. Promoting global citizenship keeps us conscious about issues affecting humanity such as cultural diversity experiences while endeavouring towards sustainable developments among others.. Together with other nations let's prioritise this issue urgently so we may create shared prosperity while embracing unity grounded on equity backed by accessible quality educational opportunities. Thank you.