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7th Grade Health Lesson Plan: Stress Management

Apo Island High
Patrick A. Villamil
Date /
A. Content
B. Performance
C. Learning
The learner demonstrates understanding of mental health as
a dimension of holistic health for a healthy life
The learner consistently demonstrates skills that promote
mental health
H7PH-llla-b-28: Explains the factors that affect the promotion
of good mental health
H7PH-llla-b-29: Explains that stress is normal and inevitable
H7PH-llla-b-30: Differentiates stress from distress
H7PH-llla-b-31: Identifies situations that cause feelings of
anxiety or stress
H7PH-lllc-33: Identifies physical responses of the body to
H7PH-lllc-34: Identifies people who can provide support in
stressful situations
K: Recognize that stress is a normal part of life
S: Point out situations that cause eustress and distress
A: Develop trust towards the people who can provide support
in stressful situations
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from LR
B. Other Learning
Health Quarter 3 -Module 3A: Stress
Teachers Copy
Health Quarter 3 -Module 3A: Stress
Video presentation, Power Point Presentation, Laptop
A. Reviewing
Previous Lesson or
Presenting New
Teacher Checks the attendance
Daily routine activities such as prayer etc.
Teacher will discuss the previous lesson
“Communicable and Non- communicable disease”
B. Establishing a
Purpose for the
C. Presenting
of the New Lesson
The teacher will present a video.
The teacher will ask the student about their understanding
from the video presented.
When was the last time you got………..?
 Angry
 Tired
 Exhausted
 Over Fatigue
 Sad
(Students will answer)
The teacher will discuss “STRESS”:
Stress is defined as the physiological or physical and
emotional responses to a significant or unexpected change or
disruption in one’s life. It may also refer to “what you feel when
you react to pressure, either from the outside world (school,
family, friends) or from yourself i.e., wanting to fit in, wanting
to do well in school. These are called stressors.
What is stressor?
Stressors refers to the things that make a person stressed.
(The teacher will give an example of stressor)
The teacher will the ask the students: Do you think that stress
is always something negative?
(Students will answer)
D. Discussing New
Concepts and
Practicing New
Skills #1
The teacher will discuss about the two different kinds of stress:
eustress and distress.
Eustress refers to a positive and healthy response of the body
from a stressor. The prefix eu of eustress is a Greek syllable
which means positive. For example, a person, who studied for
long hours then took and got an outstanding grade in the
exam, may feel happiness and enjoyment.
On the other hand, distress refers to a negative reaction of the
body towards a given stressor. The prefix di of distress is a
Greek syllable which means negative.
Distress may cause problems in health, alter the mood and
emotions, and even affect the way a person thinks. For
example, when a person woke up late for work, he or she may
feel anger and disappointment.
It is very important that we should know the people whom we
can seek help when we are in a stressful situation.
The following are some who can provide support:
Guidance Counselors
Barangay Health Workers
The teacher will give a short activity to the students.
E. Discussing New
Concepts and
Practicing New
Skills #2
Boyong who is now in Grade 7 is a consistent honor student.
One day in school, his Math teacher called his attention about
his recent score in their summative test. His teacher told him
that he got a lower score than his previous exams. He was sad
about it and worried on his grade. The reason why it happened
because he spent longer time playing an online game called
Mobile Legends or ML than his studies. So, to make his scores
higher again he stopped playing ML and studied longer than
he did before. As a result, he got an outstanding grade and
ranked “With High Honors” and felt so much joy and
(The teacher will ask the students to point out that cause
eustress and distress from the given scenario)
F. Developing
The class will be divided into two groups.
Each group will create a dramatization that contribute to their
stress/distress and how they able to solve it with the help of
their family, friends, teacher etc,. Students will be given 5
minutes to practice.
The following criteria will be use:
Originality of presentation - 30%
- 30%
Positive values/message - 40%
G. Finding Practical
Applications of
Concepts and
Skills in Daily Living
H. Making
and Abstractions
about the Lesson
A Story of Stress (Video presentation)
Questions to ponder:
Does stress is a normal part of life?
“Oral Recitation”
Students will need to answer the question “What I Have
Assessment: Identify the different concepts about stress.
Look for your answers from the word pool. Write the letter of
the correct answer in your paper.
I. Evaluating
A. Distress
B. Eustress
D. Stress
C. Positive
E. Stressor
1. It is defined as the physical and emotional responses to a
significant or unexpected change or disruption in one’s life.
2. It refers to the things that make a person stressed.
3. It refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from
a stressor.
4. It refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a given
5. What do you mean by the syllable EU in the word Eustress?
J. Additional
Activities for
Application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I use
/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Submitted by:
Patrick A. Villamil
Teacher I
Checked by:
Mervina Lou. Arranquez
School Head