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Highway Geometric Design Policy: Traffic, Speed, and Projections

A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
during certain hours of the day. However, because of the delays caused by other traffic during
peak hours, such schedules generally are made to avoid these hours.
For design of a particular roadway, data on traffic composition should be determined by traffic
studies. Truck traffic should be expressed as a percentage of total traffic during the design hour
(in the case of a two-lane highway, as a percentage of total two-way traffic, and in the case of a
multilane highway, as a percentage of total traffic in the peak direction of travel).
In urban areas, traffic composition is generally more complex, with the presence of pedestrians,
bicyclists, and transit vehicles, in addition to passenger cars and trucks. Designers should develop designs for each facility that strike an appropriate balance among all transportation modes
served by the facility considering the functional classification and context of the facility, the volumes to be served for each mode, and the area plan for accommodating each mode. Additional
discussion of achieving a balance among transportation modes on urban area facilities is found
in Chapter 1. Specific information about effective design to serve pedestrians, bicycles and transit, respectively, may be found in the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of
Pedestrian Facilities (2), the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (7), and the
AASHTO Guide for Geometric Design of Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets (8).
Under interrupted-flow conditions in urban areas, the criteria for determining traffic composition differ from those used elsewhere. At important intersections, the percentage of trucks
during the morning and evening peak hours should be determined separately. Variations in
truck traffic between the various traffic movements at intersections may be substantial and may
influence the appropriate geometric layout. The percentage of trucks may also vary considerably
during a particular hour of the day. Therefore, it is advisable to count trucks for the several peak
hours that are considered representative of the 30th highest or design hour. A convenient value
that appears to be appropriate for design use is the average of the percentages of truck traffic for
a number of weekly peak hours. For highway-capacity analysis purposes, local city-transit buses
should be considered separately from other trucks and buses.
2.3.5 Projection of Future Traffic Demands
Geometric design of new roadways or improvements to existing roadways should not usually be
based on current traffic volumes alone, but should consider future traffic volumes expected to use
the facility. However, traffic forecasting is not an exact science, and involves many assumptions
about development patterns, changes in travel behavior, and technology. To better account for
the inherent uncertainties involving traffic forecasts, a designer may consider using a rangebased traffic forecast that has lower and upper bounds. A design may be evaluated for these
different traffic volume scenarios to characterize its sensitivity to the differences in the forecasts.
Even if the design does not change, the designer will have a better understanding of how the
facility may operate in the future.
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Design Controls and Criteria
It is difficult to define the life of a roadway because major segments may have different lengths
of physical life. Each segment is subject to variations in estimated life expectancy for reasons
not readily subject to analysis, such as obsolescence or unexpected radical changes in land use,
with the resulting changes in traffic volumes, patterns, and demands. Right-of-way and grading
may be considered to have a physical life expectancy of 100 years; minor drainage structures and
base courses, 50 years; bridges, 25 to 100 years; resurfacing, 10 years; and pavement structure,
20 to 30 years, assuming adequate maintenance and no allowance for obsolescence. Bridge life
may vary depending on the cumulative frequency of heavy loads. Pavement life can vary widely,
depending largely on initial expenditures and the repetition of heavy axle loads.
The assumption of no allowance for functional obsolescence is open to serious debate. The principal causes of obsolescence are increases in the number of intersections and driveways and
increases in traffic demand beyond the design capacity. On non-freeway roadways, obsolescence
due to addition of intersections and driveways is much more difficult to forestall; this occurs
particularly in urban and suburban areas, but may occur in rural areas as well.
In a practical sense, the design volume should be a value that can be estimated with reasonable
accuracy. Many designers believe the maximum design period is in the range of 15 to 24 years.
Therefore, a period of 20 years is widely used as a basis for design. Traffic cannot usually be
forecast accurately beyond this period on a specific facility because of probable changes in the
general regional economy, population, and land development along the roadway, which cannot
be predicted with any degree of assurance.
2.3.6 Speed
Speed is one of the most important factors considered by travelers in selecting alternative routes
or transportation modes. Travelers assess the value of a transportation facility in moving people
and goods by its reliability, convenience, and economy, which are generally related to its speed.
The attractiveness of a public transportation system or a new roadway are each weighed by the
travelers in terms of time, convenience, and money saved. Hence, the desirability of rapid transit
may well rest with how rapid it actually is. In addition to driver and vehicle capabilities, the
speed of vehicles on a road depends on five general conditions:
yy physical characteristics of the roadway,
yy amount of roadside interference,
yy weather,
yy presence of other vehicles, and
yy speed limitations (established either by law or by traffic control devices).
Although any one of these factors may govern travel speed, the actual travel speed on a facility
usually reflects a combination of these factors.
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A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
There are important differences between design criteria applicable to low- and high-speed designs. To implement these differences, the upper limit for low-speed design is 45 mph [70 km/h]
and the lower limit for high-speed design is 50 mph [80 km/h]. Operating Speed
Operating speed is the speed at which drivers are observed operating their vehicles during freeflow conditions. The 85th percentile of the distribution of observed speeds is the most frequently
used measure of the operating speed associated with a particular location or geometric feature.
The following geometric design and traffic demand features may have direct impacts on operating speed:
yy horizontal curve radius,
yy grade,
yy access density,
yy median treatments,
yy on-street parking,
yy signal density,
yy vehicular traffic volume, and
yy pedestrian and bicycle activity. Running Speed
The speed at which an individual vehicle travels over a highway section is known as its running
speed. The running speed is the length of the highway section divided by the time for a typical
vehicle to travel through the section. For extended sections of roadway that include multiple
roadway types, the average running speed for all vehicles is the most appropriate speed measure
for evaluating level of service and road user costs. The average running speed is the sum of the
distances traveled by vehicles on a highway section during a specified time period divided by the
sum of their travel times.
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The objective in design of any engineered facility used by the public is to satisfy the public’s demand for service in an economical manner, with efficient traffic operations and with low crash
frequency and severity. The facility should, therefore, accommodate nearly all demands with
reasonable adequacy and also should only fail under severe or extreme traffic demands. Because
only a small percentage of drivers travel at extremely high speed, it is not economically practical
to design for them. They can use the roadway, of course, but will be constrained to travel at
speeds less than they consider desirable. On the other hand, the speed chosen for design should
not be that used by drivers under unfavorable conditions, such as inclement weather, because the
roadway would then be inefficient, might result in additional crashes under favorable conditions,
and would not satisfy reasonable public expectations for the facility.
Design Controls and Criteria
One means of estimating the average running speed for an existing facility where flow is not
interrupted by signals or other traffic control devices is to measure the spot speed at one or more
locations. The average spot speed is the arithmetic mean of the speeds of all traffic as measured
at a specified point on the roadway. For short sections of roadway, on which speeds do not vary
materially, the average spot speed at one location may be considered an approximation of the
average running speed. On longer stretches of rural highway, average spot speeds measured at
several points, where each point represents the speed characteristics of a selected segment of
roadway, may be averaged (taking relative lengths of the roadway segments into account) to
provide a better approximation of the average running speed.
The average running speed on a given roadway varies during the day, depending primarily on
the traffic volume. Therefore, when reference is made to a running speed, it should be clearly
stated whether this speed represents peak hours, off-peak hours, or an average for the day. Peak
and off-peak running speeds are used in design and operation; average running speeds for an
entire day are used in economic analyses.
The effect of traffic volume on average running speed can be determined using the procedures of
the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (43). The HCM shows the following:
yy Freeways and multilane highways in rural areas—there is a substantial range of traffic volumes over which speed is relatively insensitive to the volume; this range extends to fairly high
volumes. Then, as the volume per lane approaches capacity, speed decreases substantially with
increasing volume.
yy Two-lane highways—speed decreases linearly with increasing traffic volume over the entire
range of volumes between zero and capacity.
yy Streets in urban areas—speed decreases with increasing traffic volume over the entire range
of volumes between zero and capacity; the decrease in speed with increasing volume is nonlinear at higher volumes.
Design speed is a selected speed used to determine the various geometric design features of the
roadway. The selected design speed should be a logical one with respect to the anticipated operating speed, topography, the adjacent land use, modal mix, and the functional classification of
the roadway. In selection of design speed, every effort should be made to attain a desired combination of safety, mobility, and efficiency within the constraints of environmental quality, economics, aesthetics, and social or political impacts. Once the design speed is selected, all of the
pertinent roadway features should be related to it to obtain a balanced design. On lower-speed
facilities, use of above-minimum design criteria may encourage travel at speeds higher than the
design speed. Some design features, such as curvature, superelevation, and sight distance, are
directly related to, and vary appreciably with, design speed. Other features, such as widths of
lanes and shoulders and clearances to walls and rails, are not directly related to design speed but
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--`,```,``,`,`,`,``````,,,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Design Speed
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
they do affect vehicle speeds. Thus, when a change is made to design speed, many elements of
the roadway design will change accordingly.
The selected design speed should be consistent with the speeds that drivers are likely to travel
on a given roadway. Where a reason for limiting speed is obvious, drivers are more apt to accept
lower speed operation than where there is no apparent reason. A roadway of higher functional
classification may justify a higher design speed than a lesser classified facility in similar topography. A low design speed, however, should not be selected where the topography is such that
drivers are likely to travel at high speeds. Drivers do not adjust their speeds to the importance
of the roadway, but to their perception of the physical limitations of the highway and its traffic.
Lower speeds are desirable for thoroughfares in walkable, mixed-use urban areas and this desire
for lower speeds should influence the selection of the design speed. For design of such streets,
a target speed should be selected (29). The target speed is the highest speed at which vehicles
should operate on a thoroughfare in a specific context, consistent with the level of multimodal
activity generated by adjacent land uses, to provide both mobility for motor vehicles and a desirable environment for pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit users. The target speed is intended to be used as the posted speed limit. In some jurisdictions, the speed limit is established
based on measured speeds. In these cases, it is important for the design of the thoroughfare to
encourage an actual operating speed that equals the target speed (16, 35).
The selected design speed should reflect the needs of all transportation modes expected to use a
particular facility. Where traffic and roadway conditions are such that drivers can travel at their
desired speed, there is always a wide range in the speeds at which various individuals will choose
to operate their vehicles. A cumulative distribution of free-flow vehicle speeds typically has an
S-shape when plotted as the percentage of vehicles versus observed speed. The selected design
speed should be a high-percentile value in this speed distribution curve (i.e., inclusive of nearly
all of the desired speeds of drivers, wherever practical).
It is desirable that the running speed of a large proportion of drivers be lower than the design
speed. Experience indicates that deviations from this desired goal are most evident on sharper
horizontal curves. In particular, curves with low design speeds (relative to driver expectation)
are frequently overdriven and may have higher crash frequencies. Therefore, it is important that
the design speed used for horizontal curve design be a conservative reflection of the expected
speed on the constructed facility.
Table 2-1 shows the corresponding design speeds in metric and U.S. customary units in 5-mph
[10 km/h] increments. This table should be used in converting the units of measurement of
design speeds.
Although the selected design speed establishes the limiting values of curve radius and minimum
sight distance that should be used in design, there should be no restriction on the use of flatter
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Design Controls and Criteria
horizontal curves or greater sight distances where such improvements can be provided as part
of an economical design. Even in rugged terrain, an occasional tangent or flat curve may be
desirable. Isolated features designed for higher speeds may not encourage drivers to speed up,
although a succession of such features might. In such cases, the entire section of highway should
be designed for a higher speed. A substantial length of tangent between sections of curved
alignment is also likely to encourage high-speed operation. In such situations, a higher design
speed should be selected for all geometric features, particularly sight distance on crest vertical
curves and across the inside of horizontal curves.
Table 2-1. Corresponding Design Speeds in Metric and U.S. Customary Units
U.S. Customary
Corresponding Design Speed (mph)
Design Speed (km/h)
A pertinent consideration in selecting design speeds is the average trip length. The longer the
trip, the greater is the driver’s desire to use higher speeds. Therefore, as the average trip length
served by a facility increases, higher functional classes of roads with higher design speeds are
more appropriate.
In the design of a substantial length of highway, it is desirable to select a uniform design speed.
However, changes in terrain and other physical controls may dictate a change in design speed
on certain sections. If so, the introduction of a lower design speed should not be done abruptly
but should be effected over sufficient distance to permit drivers to gradually change speed before
reaching the highway section with the lower design speed.
Where it is appropriate to reduce horizontal and vertical alignment features, many drivers may
not perceive the lower speed condition ahead, and therefore, it is important that they be warned
well in advance. The changing condition should be indicated by such controls as speed-zone and
curve-speed signs.
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A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
On highways in rural areas and on high-type facilities in urban areas, a percentage of vehicles is
usually able to travel at near the free-flow speed governed by geometric design elements; therefore, the selection of an appropriate design speed is particularly important. However, in many
arterial streets, vehicle speeds during several hours of the day are limited or regulated more by
the presence of large volumes of vehicles and by traffic control devices, rather than by the physical characteristics of the street. In such cases, the selection of a design speed is less critical to
efficient operation and low crash frequencies and severities.
During periods of low-to-moderate volume, speeds on arterial streets are governed by such factors as posted speed limits, midblock turns into and out of driveways, intersectional turns, traffic
signal spacing, and signal timing for progression. When arterial street improvements are being
planned, factors such as future posted speed limits, physical and economic constraints, and running speeds likely to be attained during off-peak hours should be considered. All of these factors
should influence the selection of an appropriate design speed.
Horizontal alignment generally is not the governing factor in restricting speeds on arterial
streets. Proposed improvements generally are patterned to the existing street system, and minor
horizontal alignment changes are commonly made at intersections. The effect of these alignment
changes is usually small because operation through the intersection is regulated by the type of
traffic controls needed to handle the volume of cross and turning traffic. Superelevation may be
provided at curves on arterial streets in urban areas, but the amount of superelevation needed is
determined in a different manner than for open-road conditions in rural areas. Wide pavement
areas, proximity of adjacent development, control of cross slope and profile for drainage, and the
frequency of cross streets and entrances all contribute to the need for lower superelevation rates
on arterial streets in urban areas. The width of lanes, offset to curbs, proximity of poles and trees
to the traveled way, presence of pedestrians within the right-of-way, and nearness of business or
residential buildings, individually or in combination, often affects speeds. Section 3.3.6 provides
guidance on horizontal alignment design for low-speed conditions in urban areas.
Topography can materially affect the choice of design speed on arterial streets. Many cities were
developed along watercourses and include areas varying from gently rolling to mountainous
terrain. Streets may have been constructed originally with only minor grading to fit the topography. Because an arterial street is usually developed to fit the alignment of an existing street,
both through business and residential areas, it generally follows a varying vertical profile. Once
the design speed is selected, appropriate sight distance should be provided at all crests and across
the inside of horizontal curves. Profiles with long, continuous grades should be designed with
proper consideration for the speeds of mass transit and commercial vehicles. Extra lanes on the
upgrades may be needed so that the grade can match other portions of the facility in capacity
and enable vehicles that can proceed at a reasonable speed to pass slower moving vehicles.
Arterial streets in urban areas should be designed and control devices regulated, where practical,
to permit running speeds of 20 to 45 mph [30 to 75 km/h]. Speeds in the lower portion of this
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Design Controls and Criteria
range are applicable to local and collector streets through residential areas and to arterial streets
through more crowded business areas, while the speeds in the higher portion of the range apply
to high-type arterials in outlying suburban areas. For arterial streets through crowded business
areas, coordinated signal control through successive intersections is generally needed to permit
attainment of even the lower speeds. Many cities have substantial lengths of signal-controlled
streets that operate at speeds of 15 to 25 mph [20 to 40 km/h].
Chapters 5 through 8 of this policy provide further guidance on appropriate design speeds for
specific roadway types.
2.3.7 Traffic Flow Relationships
Traffic flow conditions on roadways can be characterized by the volume flow rate expressed
in vehicles per hour, the average speed in miles per hour [kilometers per hour], and the traffic
density in vehicles per mile [vehicles per kilometer]. These three variables—volume, speed, and
density—are interrelated and have predictable relationships. The generalized relationships between volume, speed, and density for uninterrupted flow facilities, as presented in the HCM
(43) are shown in Figure 2-4. The relationships shown in Figure 2-4 are conceptual in nature
and do not necessarily correspond to the actual relationships used in specific HCM procedures.
For example, the HCM procedures for freeways and multilane highways show that speed does
not vary with volume through most of the low and intermediate volume range, as shown in
Figure 2-4. The HCM procedures for two-lane highways show that speed varies linearly with
volume throughout the entire volume range from zero to capacity.
Density, the number of vehicles per unit length of roadway, increases as vehicles crowd closer
together. As Figure 2-4 shows, when speeds decrease, increased crowding can occur and drivers
can comfortably follow more closely behind other vehicles. Density is used in the HCM as the
measure of quality of traffic service for freeways and multilane highways.
Traffic volumes also vary with density from zero to maximum flow rate, as shown in Figure 2-4.
The two points of zero flow in Figure 2-4 represent either no vehicles at all or so many vehicles
on the roadway that flow has stopped. The maximum flow is reached at the point of maximum
Interference to traffic flow causes speeds to be reduced, vehicles to travel closer together, and
density to increase. Interference may be caused by weather conditions, cross traffic, disabled vehicles, crashes, or other conditions. As these conditions cause more interference, the flow rates
within certain limits can still be maintained but with reduced speed, closer vehicle spacing, and
greater density. When interference becomes so great (despite closer vehicle spacing and greater
density) that the average speed drops below that needed to maintain stable flow, there is a rapid
decrease in speed and traffic flow, and severe congestion occurs.
Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
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A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
Speed (mph)
Speed (mph)
Flow (veh/h/in.)
Density (veh/mi/in.)
Flow (veh/h/in.)
Oversaturated flow
Maximum flow
Optimum density (sometimes called
critical density)
Jam density
Optimum speed (often called critical speed)
Theoretical speed selected by the first driver entering
a facility (i.e., under zero density and zero flow rate
Density (veh/mi/in.)
Figure 2-4. Generalized Speed-Volume-Density Relationships (43)
When traffic on a highway encounters interference that limits or reduces the roadway capacity
in a single area, the result is a “bottleneck.” If the flow entering this bottleneck does not exceed
its capacity, flow remains stable and no significant congestion should occur. However, when the
upstream section carries more vehicles than the bottleneck can accommodate, a breakdown in
traffic flow results. Speeds are reduced to a crawl and vehicles begin to queue upstream until
incoming flow again falls below the outflow capacity. To avoid bottleneck situations, care should
be taken to design roadways with consistent volume-carrying capacity. The level-of-service concept discussed in Section 2.4.5 helps in obtaining this consistency.
An intersection is often an unavoidable bottleneck. This reduction in capacity becomes acute
when the intersection is controlled by stop signs or traffic signals. At a traffic signal, vehicles
that arrive during the red phase encounter a zero-capacity bottleneck. These vehicles form a
queue until the green phase begins, removing the restraint, and discharging the queue. If the
incoming volume is too high, not all vehicles in the queue can be discharged during the green
phase, and there is a continuing buildup of the queue.
Arrivals at the intersection are generally predictable in urban areas where the approaching vehicles are platooned by upstream signals. In the suburban or rural contexts, vehicle arrivals are
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Design Controls and Criteria
often random. This random arrival pattern should be recognized in the design of appropriate
cycle times, turn-lane storage lengths, and approach capacity.
At bottlenecks where traffic slows down or stops, each vehicle and its occupants incur delay.
Delays increase fuel consumption and air pollution, which create undesirable economic and
environmental effects.
2.4.1 General Characteristics
The term “capacity” is used to express the maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can
reasonably be expected to traverse a point (i.e., a uniform section of a lane or a roadway) during
a given time period under prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. The range of traffic flow
on a highway can vary from very light volumes to volumes that equal the capacity of the facility
as defined above. In the generic sense, the term also encompasses broader relations between
highway characteristics and conditions, traffic composition and flow patterns, and the relative
degree of congestion at various traffic volumes. Highway capacity issues in this broad sense are
discussed below.
Sections 2.4.2 through 2.4.6 provide a brief overview of the principles and major factors concerning roadway design capacity. To determine the capacity for a particular roadway design, the
designer should refer to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (43) for guidance. The HCM is
used as the basic reference for the following discussion, but other tools are available for performing operational analysis and these may be more appropriate depending on the circumstances.
The HCM includes procedures for analyzing the level of service for all modes of travel—pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and motorized vehicles (43).
2.4.2 Application
Roadway capacity analysis serves three general purposes, including:
yy Roadway design—A knowledge of roadway capacity is essential to properly fit a planned
roadway to traffic demands. Roadway capacity analysis is used both to select the roadway
type and to determine dimensions such as the number and types of lanes and the minimum
lengths for weaving sections.
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yy Transportation planning studies—Roadway capacity analysis is used in these studies to
assess the adequacy or sufficiency of existing roadway networks to service current traffic. In
addition, it is used to estimate the time in the future when traffic growth may exceed the
capacity of a roadway or perhaps reach a level of congestion below capacity that is considered