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Paraphrasing Exercise: Globalization, Language, Culture

1. Chúng ta thường phải đối mặt với mức độ đáng báo động của sự đa
dạng ngôn ngữ.
à We usually face with disturbing levels of linguistic variety.
2. Sự toàn cầu hoá sẽ luôn được ủng hộ bởi những người không thấy
trước những sự tổn thất nó có thể mang lại về sau.
à Globalization will always be supported by those who cannot
predict the future loss of it.
3. Một vấn đề chưa được tiếp cận là sự tồn tại các cơ sở vật chất và cơ
sở hạ tầng không đạt tiêu chuẩn an toàn cũng như tiêu chuẩn ngày
càng tăng của khách du lịch.
à One issue that has not been resolved is the existence of material
facilities and infrastructure which cannot meet safety standards
as well as the rising expectation of tourists.
4. Trẻ con, nếu được lớn lên trong xã hội đa phương tiện, có xu hướng
trân trọng những giá trị và văn hoá khác nhau.
à Children who grew up in a multimedia society are more likely to
appreciate different values and cultures.
5. It is obvious that compared with its drawbacks, the rise of English as
a global language can bring us a lot of benefits.
à It is undeniable that there are many advantages to the spread
of English as a worldwide language relative to its disadvantages.
6. Importing goods from overseas might cause a country to depend
exceedingly on imports, which means that it would gradually lose
control of the market.
à A country could become overly rely on imports as a result of
importing products from abroad, gradually losing market control.
7. It would not be denying that almost every country has its unique
culture or art forms that are different from other countries.
à It would be obvious that practically every nation has a distinctive
culture or types of art that sets it apart from others.
8. Cultural diversity can be viewed both positively and negatively.
While some see it as a barrier to effective communication or a cause
of misconception, others regard it as an asset.
à There are both positive and negative perspectives on cultural variety.
Others view it as an asset, while others perceive it as a hindrance to
clear communication or a source of misunderstanding.
9. It is undeniable fact that the tourism industry has provided a
substantial source of income for many countries.
à The fact that tourism has been a significant source of revenue for
many nations cannot be disputed.
10. I believe that everything has its downside, and the spread of English
as a global language in the world is no exception.
à I suppose that everything has a negative side, and the globalization
of English is no exception.