Table showing Fant, Musser, Reddish NT topic-titles side by side with Ehrman's NT Guidebook lecture-titles. Lecture Titles in Bart Ehrman’s The New Testament Course Guidebook LECTURE 10. The Historical Jesus—Sources and Problems LECTURE 11. The Historical Jesus—Solutions and Methods LECTURE 12. Jesus the Apocalyptic Prophet LECTURE 1. The Early Christians and Their Literature LECTURE 3. Ancient Judaism LECTURE 4. The Earliest Traditions About Jesus LECTURE 5. Mark—Jesus the Suffering Son of God LECTURE 6. LECTURE 7. LECTURE 8. LECTURE 9. Matthew—Jesus the Jewish Messiah Luke—Jesus the Savior of the World John—Jesus the Man from Heaven Noncanonical Gospels LECTURE 13. The Acts of the Apostles These are chapters and sections/subsections in An Introduction to the Bible by Fant, et al. for the New Testament topics, Chapter 16ff. (Origins and Early Development of the Christian Tradition) Chapter 16--The Life and Teachings of Jesus Sources of Information Obstacles to Achieving a Biography of Jesus Core Elements of a Life Sketch of Jesus (The Development of the Gospels: From Oral Traditions to Mark) From Oral Traditions to Written Gospels: Early Oral Traditions The Need for Written Records What Is a Gospel? The Production of the Gospels The Significance of Four Gospels The Gospel of Mark: Historical Context Literary Structure and Contents Characteristics and Themes Mark and the Divine-Human Encounter (The Further Development of the Gospels: Matthew, Luke, and John) The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Luke The Gospel of John Beyond the Four Gospels (The Development of the Early Church: The Acts of the Apostles) “Beginning in Jerusalem” (Acts 1–6) The Climax of Salvation History: The Resurrection Faith. The Early Church United: Pentecost and Common Life. The Early Church Challenged: External Conflict, Internal Discord “In Samaria and Judea” (Acts 7–8) The Death of Stephen and the Scattering of the Church. The Mission of Philip. “To the Ends of the Earth” (Acts 9–28) Peter and Cornelius: “No Partiality” To Rome: Paul The Kerygma of the Emerging Church and the DivineHuman Encounter Lecture Titles in Bart Ehrman’s The New Testament Course Guidebook LECTURE 2. The Greco-Roman Context LECTURE 14. Paul—The Man, the Mission, and the Modus Operandi LECTURE 15. Paul and the Crises of His Churches—First Corinthians LECTURE 17. Paul’s Letter to the Romans LECTURE 18. Paul, Jesus, and James LECTURE 19. The Deutero-Pauline Epistles LECTURE 20. The Pastoral Epistles. The Book of Hebrews and the Rise of Christian Anti-Semitism LECTURE 22. First Peter and the Persecution of the Early Christians LECTURE 23. The Book of Revelation LECTURE 24. Do We Have the Original New Testament? These are chapters and sections/subsections in An Introduction to the Bible by Fant, et al. for the New Testament topics, Chapter 16ff. (Paul and His Cultural Environment) The Greco-Roman World: Religion in the Greco-Roman World Religious Philosophies Paul and the Greco-Roman World Sources for the Life and Teaching of Paul The Life of Paul (Paul and His Writings) Paul as a Letter Writer: The Structure of Paul's Letters. The Contents of Paul's Letters: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon. The Divine-Human Encounter in Paul (The Developing Institutional Church) The Church Distinguishes Right Belief from False Teachings (James; 1, 2, 3 John; Jude; 2 Peter; Colossians; 2 Thessalonians) The Church Establishes Its Structure (1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Ephesians) The Church Encourages Fidelity in Difficult Times (Hebrews, 1 Peter) The Divine-Human Encounter: Keeping the Faith in Later Generations (The Church in Conflict) A Response to Persecution: The Book of Revelation