Overview of the respondents Organisation a have a clientele base of 5 major clients, hence questionnaires were sent to all clients. Survey response rate can be shown by the following table. Table 1.1 Survey response statistics Questionnaires Returned Response Sent Questionnaire Rate 5 5 100.00% A total of 5 questionnaires were sent to 5 companies and all were returned giving response rate of 100% which is satisfactory. Analysis of customer satisfaction response Data for customer satisfaction was interpretated using mean scores, responses were based on five-point Likert scale hence the higher the score the more positive is the response. Therefore, a score of 5 has highest positive score throughout the survey while 1 has been associated with highest negativity. This can be shown by five-point Likert scale below. Figure 1.1Five-point Likert Scale Mean Score 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Figure 1.2 Customer Satisfaction Mean Score In figure 1.2 above availability of relevant manuals or test reports along with product obtained a mean score of 4.6 which reflects positivity thus implying satisfaction of clients with the provision of supporting documents. Product specification obtained mean score of 4.4 which is above a score of 4.0 which indicates agreement, this means our products are supplied in accordance with client specifications and clients are satisfied. On follow up questions clients also indicated that, the products of Organisation a meets their specifications and expectations, thus fitting into their operations with very little challenges. However, there is still room for us to improve moving towards a mean score of 5.0 which imply greater positivity. Responsiveness, professionalism, and technical support have a mean score of 4.2 which implies our clients are satisfied with how we respond to them, our professionalism, and our technical support. However, there is still need for us to improve in these aspects to provide maximum possible satisfaction to our clients. In terms of technical support some of our clients have mentioned the need for exposure of the technical team to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) processes which is essential in resolving some technical issues. Organisation a’s approach to Quality Management has a mean score of 4, which indicates client’s satisfaction. Clients commented that, Organisation a offers world standard products which meet such as Prometers. However, some of the clients have indicated the need for OEM’s Quality Management to add value to our current processes. In terms of competitiveness of our product has a mean score of 3.8, this indicates neutrality of our clients. Clients have indicated the need for Organisation a to advice clients correctly before procurement, on product lifetime support. Overall, Client Satisfaction Level 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Overall Mean Score Figure 1.3 Overall Client Satisfaction Level Overall client satisfaction has a score of 4.0, which implies that clients are satisfied with Organisation a products and services. However, there is need for improvement since there is still room to move towards 5.0 which resembles greater positivity towards client satisfaction. Analysis of Qualitative data Clients have indicated price, product quality and delivery period, as the factors which influence their purchasing decisions. Some of the clients have suggested that they would buy transformers, pump sets and electric motors from other clients based on pricing. Also, the other client indicated that, current smart metering Head End System can be bought from other suppliers due to the never-ending communication issues. Clients have also noted the need for Organisation a to avoid project schedule overruns. Active responsiveness to orders and supply of best materials have been indicated as our competitive advantage by most clients. Our major clients have noted that Organisation a have understood their business systems and they hope to develop never ending partnerships in the same business lines. However, they expressed the need to improve operating efficiencies. Respondents also noted the need for Organisation a to be flexible and respond accordingly to technological changes. Recommendations Revisit our pricing system for transformers, pump sets and electric motors to adjust our prices and remain competitive. Diversifying into green energy which is an emerging market. Delivering projects in time. Make follow up on product performance instead of waiting for the clients to raise an alarm.