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Tuesdays with Morrie Summary

Tuesdays with Morrie
Mitch Albom
American author, sport journalist/illustrator and also a musician from New
Jersey, he’s 62 years old
He became famous as a sport illustrator, but later in his career he started to
write books and produce films with motivational and inspirational themes.
Tuesdays with Morrie
Biographical so the characters are real, and the story is based one real
Getting to know Morrie Schwarz (old uni professor, loves to eat mainly
coleslaw, dancing his favourite is the tango but his own version of it)
In 1994 noticing some health issues (shortness of breath, legs not working
The same year doctors discovered a serious health diagnosis that’s called
ALS when Morrie wanted to go home by his car from school where he was
teaching but couldn’t lift his leg up.
Getting to know Mitch Albom (sports journalist, busy man, problems in his
personal life with his girlfriend Jenine)
Mitch founds out what happened to Morrie via TV in a hotel
Mitch released how Morrie impacted him, wanting to call him and deciding to
visit him
First visit, eating, 5 mins in Morrie starts to talk about dying but he says that
dying is not as sad as living life unhappily.
The conversation goes on and Morrie asks Mitch about his life (if he’s happy,
where he lives, married with kids, why is he not ready, he’s dream of
becoming a pianist)
Discussing ALS (melts you like a candle, but he’s lucky to teach his final
lesson to how to live, because if you know how to live you know how to die)
Showing Mitch that he needs to slow down and have more time for himself,
then Mitch promises that he will come back to see Morrie and also Morrie
gives Mitch some old photos.
2nd visit started with a live funeral then taking Morrie outside to the old
university campus and talking about spring break, dancing, fantasy and getting
old (being afraid of becoming old is for lives that weren’t fulfilled) and at the
end of the visit they agreed to meet up every Tuesday
Mitch’s girlfriend broke up with him and Morrie got a panic attack when he
couldn’t breathe
3rd visit – Mitch mentioning some topics to talk about death, love, marriage,
fear and so on, Mitch talking about his uncle Mike (cancer), Morrie opening up
about his mother’s dead, dad (25 years old, reading the paragraph from the
hospital / silent dad, never knowing his feelings, remarried a year later, can’t
talk about Morrie’s mum they must forget her, being afraid of being loved and
love someone that we can lose), Mitch getting in trouble in work, bird on your
shoulder (Buddhists, excepting that we can die any moment, *if you did have a
bird on your shoulder you wouldn’t put off things closest to your heart* Mitch
taking this advice and buys a ring and tries to get engaged with his exgirlfriend but he didn’t give it to her
4th visit – why did Morrie become a teacher (father, working at the same job,
finding out that he has asthma, stepmother the opposite of his father, every
think he knows about teaching is because of her) talking about marriage *love
is the only rational act* Mitch writes a letter to Jenine
5th visit (Jenine comes as well) – Morrie wants Mitch to leave Jenine and him
alone, ALS getting to his lungs shortage of breathe, Jenine is a singer so sings
to Morrie, Jenine and Mitch getting back together
Morrie havings bad times every night, Mitch scared that every Tuesday would
be the last
6th visit – *rainy day* Morries condition is worse and worse, passing a land
mark (can’t wipe his ass no more, being taught to be ashamed of that and
being depended on others, we need others to live, nothing to be ashamed of,
to die, *must love another or die*, thinking of regrets (hard hearted – dream
about his father, death of his father, didn’t cry, couldn’t forgive, he’s father was
scared, *forgive everybody everything now don’t waste time* *we learn as
much from what hurts us as from what loves us*) Mitch forgiving his boss and
learning how to help Morrie
Mitch went on a holiday with Jenine and proposed to her
7th visit - 24 hours of perfect health for Morrie – lovely breakfast, good swim,
great lunch, walk in a park, talk how much they mean to each other, dinner
pasta, dance to exhaustion + family / Morrie picked his spot to be buried, Mitch
coming to visit him there to talk about his problems *Mitch talks Morrie listens*,
Mitch worried that Morrie wasted his time on him, Mitch doesn’t want Morrie to
die, What’s the point ? What we learn through suffering, *death is end to a life,
not a relationship*, Mitch don’t know how to say goodbye, Morrie teaches him
and says that he loves him Mitch says it back and Morrie says he always will
love him, Mitch cries as he is leaving
Morrie died the next Thursday, died peacefully with his family around him,
funeral small and simple, with everybody that wants to dance with him, with
poetry and it was on Tuesday
*tough lessons take a lifetime to learn*