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Health & Disease Study Notes

1. a grave/serious/critical concern/issue/medical condition
2. the current dynamics
3. a disease is easily communicable/communicated through the same air we breathe
4. a regrettable loss/damage
5. to contain the spread of the disease
=> the infection spreads like wildfire/wildly/out of control
=> The Patient Zero cases in the community/already in quarantine spiraled out of
6. symptoms are easily noticeable/subtle/(in)discernible
 asymptomatic cases
7. to contract a disease
=> be taken ill/ to fall ill with the infection
8. there are several fitness centers and gymnasiums located within the vicinity of my area where many
individuals and middle-aged people come to workout
9. exercise regularly/ on a regular basis to achieve long-lasting results
- Physical activity can give us a better chance to build up your muscles and burn fat
- Mental strength
- Active participation in physical activities and sports is bound to have a tremendous impact on the
human body.
- UNWHOLESOME habits: procrastinating physical exercises, eating junk foods, taking irregular meals,
and skipping breakfast or eating late at night.
- doctor = physician = general practitioner (GP)
- I had no choice but to phone in sick
- be in peak condition = be in the pink of health
- to recover = be on the mend = bounce back
- my medical condition picks/looks up = improves
Wholesome: good for you, physically or mentally
GM food: thực phẩm biến đổi gen (genetically mutant)
FM-FXT-Công khai
Carbohydrates: tinh bột = carbs
Fat(s): chất béo => burn ~/calories
Vitamins: vitamin => essential for daily activities
Minerals: chất khoáng
Recipe: công thức nấu ăn
Balanced diet: chế độ ăn cân bằng
A Calorie-conscious person: ý thức về mức calorie tiêu thụ => a health-conscious person
To Overeat: ăn quá đà
To Come down with a dreadful cold: không khỏe vì bị cảm
Go down with a flu: không khỏe vì cơn cúm
Blocked/stuffed nose >< runny nose: nghẹt mũi >< chảy nước mũi
A sore throat: cơn đau họng
Get over = get better/recover: hồi phục
Suffer from: chịu đựng (bệnh)
Healthcare: chăm sóc sức khỏe
Prescription: đơn thuốc
Symptoms: triệu chứng
Diabetes: bệnh đái tháo đường
Heart diseases = cardiovascular diseases: bệnh về tim mạch
Heart attack: cơn đau tim
Stomachache: đau bụng
Cancer: ung thư
Indigestive disorder: rối loạn tiêu hóa
Hypertension = high-blood pressure: cao huyết áp
Overweight: thừa cân
A Chronic disease: bệnh mãn tính
Physical/mental Fatigue: mệt mỏi
Feel under the weather: cảm thấy không khỏe
On the mend (idiom): đang dần bình phục
FM-FXT-Công khai
Fever: cơn sốt
Dizzy (a): chóng mặt
Trembling (a): run rẩy
Nauseous (a): buồn nôn
Vomit (v): nôn mửa
Addict (v): nghiện
Off-colour (a): nhợt nhạt, không khỏe = be under the weather
Treatment (n) chữa trị
Acupuncture (n): châm cứu
Herbal medicine : thảo dược
Vaccinate (v): tiêm vắc xin => get vaccinated against Covid => the authorities administer vaccination
doses fully for their citizens
Contagious = infectious (a): mang tính lây lan
As fit as a fiddle (idiom) = very healthy
Surgery (n): phẫu thuật
Work out (v): tập luyện
Exercise regularly: luyện tập thường xuyên
Improve/boost immune system: cải thiện/tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
Stay in shape: giữ dáng
Build (up) muscles: tăng cơ bắp
Hit the gym: tập gym
(daily, three, etc.) Portion: khẩu phần ăn
Increase (the rate of) `Metabolism (n): sự trao đổi chất
Do Strenuous exercises: luyện tập cường độ cao
Be back on one’s feet (idiom): hồi phục, trở lại bình thường
Break/discard a habit (idiom): bỏ 1 thói quen xấu
Junk food : thức ăn có hại cho sức khỏe
Nutrient (n): chất dinh dưỡng
Over-consumption of junk foods: sự tiêu thụ quá mức
FM-FXT-Công khai
Organic food: thực phẩm hữu cơ
Sleeping habits: thói quen về việc ngủ
Sleep deprivation: sự thiếu ngủ => I’m sleep deprived
Mental health: sức khỏe về tinh thần
Depression: bệnh trầm cảm
Stressful (a): bị stress
Wear protective suits/garments to assure their own safety against the infections, yet this is also
the reason why they might be fatigued due to dehydration for the whole day in the suit. These
frontline workers have to work relentlessly, making selfless contribution/sacrifices to save lives,
while their family members are at home watching and caring for them from a distance. The only
way for communication is via social media platforms such as Zoom or Skype. However all of that
efforts are well worth noting and to the final end of the disease soon being
combated/eradicated completely. And I think I have those courageous people at the forefront to
owe my gratitude to.
- put existing plans on hold => feel regretful and hopeless (the time when the infection is well over is still
up in the air)
HW: Mỗi tuần nộp 5 đề full speaking (optional chủ đề) => nhắn riêng cho anh (BTVN tuần từ … đến …)
câu hỏi nào?
FM-FXT-Công khai