SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY BRAXTON-HICK’S CONTRACTIONS - irregular painless abdominal contractions PRESUMPTIVE SIGNS Subjective signs: suggestive of pregnancy MNEMONIC(PRABBL) Least indicative of pregnancy P – ositive pregnancy test * amenorrhea R – eturn of fetus when uterus is pushed w/ fingers (ballottement) * morning sickness (nausea&vomiting) * fatigue * urinary frequency * breast changes * skin changes A – softening cervix (goodells sign) B – raxton- hick’s contractions B – luish color of vulva, vagina, cervix (chadwicks) L – ower uterine segment is soft (hegar’s sign) * quickening (fetal movement felt by woman) * uterine enlargement * weight increase POSITIVE SIGNS OF PREGNANCY Objective signs – originate from the fetus Definite signs of pregnancy MNEMONICS(PRESUME) P – ERIOD ABSENT (amenorrhea) R – eally tired (fatigue) E – nlarged breast and uterus * presence of fetal heart sound * fetal outline by ultrasound * fetal parts felt by examiner * fetal movement felt by the examiner S – kin changes U – rinates frequently M – ovement perceived (quickening) E – mesis ( nausea) Mnemonic (FETUS) F - etal movement felt by the examiner E – lectronic device detects FHT T- he fetal parts are felt PROBABLE SIGNS U- ltrasound detects baby * positive pregnancy test; due to presence and rising HCG in maternal blood and urine S- ee visible fetal movements * chadwick’s sign; bluish to purplish discoloration of the cervix, vagina and perineum due to high vascularity in the area. SIGNS AND WHEN IT APPEARS * goodell’s sign; softening of the cervix * hegar’s sign; softening of the lower uterine segment(isthmus) due to compressibility of the uterus. * positive pregnancy test – 1 wk after implantation * Morning sickness- 2 wks. after implantation * Amenorrhea- 2 wks. after implantation * Breast changes- 2 wks. after implantation BALLOTEMENT - when the lower uterine segment (cervix) tapped by the examiner’s finger and left there, fetus float upward, then sinks back and gentle tap is felt on the finger * Urinary frequency- 3 wks. after implantation * chadwicks sign- 6 wks. after implantation * Goodell’s sign- 5 wks. after implantation * Hegar’s sign* 6 wks. * Sonographic evidence of gestational sac- 6 wks. * Fatigue- 12 wks. ACROSOMAL REACTION * Abdominal enlargement- 8-12 wks. * hyaluronidase – enzyme released bu the spermatozoa * Ballotement- 14 wks. * Quickening- 18-20 wks * Braxton hicks contrations – 20 wks * Fetal outline felt by examiner- 20 wks. * Chloasma/melasma- 24 eks. * Linea Nigra- 24 wks. - dissolves the outermost protective covering of the ovum(corona radiata) * acrosin – dissolves a portion of the zona pellucida & will enter ovum. ( STRUCTURAL CHANGES OF PLASMA TO PREVENT POLYSPERMY/ MULTIPLE SPERMENTING THE OVUM) * Striae gravidarum- 24 wks. FERTILIZATION OCCURS IN THE FALLOPIAN TUBE FERTILIZATION ZYGOTE - “conception”, “fecundation”, “impregnantation” - fertilized ovum - product of fertilization - union of ovum and spermatozoon - site: outer third or ampulla of the fallopian tube JOURNEY OF AN EGG STEP 1 : egg leaves ovary and enters fallopian tube STEP 2 – sperm enters egg and unites w/ nucleus STEP 3 – fertilized egg divides into 2, 4, 8 cells Spermatozoon carried 23 chromosomes Ovum carried 23 chromosomes Fertilized ovum has 46 chromosomes * x carrying spermatozoon entered the ovum, two x chromosome (female) * y carrying spermatozoon fertilized ovum, x and y chromosome (male) STEP 4- calls attach to uterus OVUM - mature egg cell - can stay viable & capable of being fertilized for only 24 hours up to 48 hours after ovulation - Protective buffer: * zona pellucida- ring surrounding the ovulated ovum CLEAVAGE - series of mitotic cell division by the zygote BLASTOMERS (4 days) - daughter cells arising from the mitotic cell division by the zygote - 4 cell, 8 cell blastomers MORULA (72 hours) * corona radiata- circle of cells - travelling form SPERM - produced by 16-50 more blastomers - head contains DNA - migrates from fallopian tube and reaches the uterine cavity about 3-4 days after fertilization - Midpiece- contains mitochondria to form atp energy - Filament- long tail for locomotion - after ejaculation sperm reaches the ampulla of the fallopian tube SPERM CAPACITATION - breakdown of the plasma membrane covering of the sperm head - binds with zona pellucida of the ovum * Another 3-4 days, morula becomes a BLASTOCYST consisting: - inner cell mass and become the future embryo - trophoblast, become the placenta and membrane BLASTOCYST - result from continues multiplication of morula as it floats freely in the uterine cavity - large cells tend to collect the periphery of the ball, leaving a fluid space surrounding an inner cell mass - embeds into the uterine lining - composed of : Trophoblast/ trophoderm- outer layer; absorb nutrients from the endometrium - develops into placenta, fetal membranes, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid - secrete human chorionic gonadotropin that prolongs the life of the corpus luteum Embryonic disc/ inner cell mass – inner cell mass - gives rise to the three primary ger layers; ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm IMPLANTATION/ NIDATION - contact between the growing structure and uterine endometrium -7-710 days after fertilization - site: upper fundal portion/ upper one third of the uterus