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Rizal's Letter to Women of Malolos: Analysis

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Rizal’s Letter to the Young Women of Malolos
Article · July 2022
1 author:
Glaiza Tansiongco
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
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GEED 1003
Buhay at Mga Sinulat ni Rizal
Rizal’s Letter to the Women of Malolos
Critically appraised Rizal’s views on women in nation-building. Examine closely how Rizal
instigated the women of Malolos to rise and take an active role in society.
Submitted by:
Glaiza R. Tansiongco
BS Office Administration 4-1N
Submitted to:
Professor Jacinto Valila Jr.
Course Instructor
July 4, 2022
Women are often portrayed as fragile, timid, and submissive. Its influence in society is
merely ignored and constrained as a result of various cultural norms that exclude them from
different opportunities. The young women of Malolos are encouraged by Rizal's letter to rise up
and become aware of what it means to be a real woman in society. The letter has a significant
impact on women's power and role in building a great nation. Words can never fully express what
it means to be a woman because they have an eternal essence that they alone possess which a
nation needs for it to succeed. In his letter, Rizal went into detail on the aspects that will enable
women to alter their perspectives. He then urged women to cease their obedient submission to
the friars' spiritual leadership and become awakened. They are unable to realize their own rights
and power in society because religious fear is the primary manipulative force. The system that
the friars created imprisoned women for a variety of opportunities and gave them a restricted
environment when, in reality, they ought to have been fully aware of their significance in society.
The letter contains a powerful message that every woman must hear during Spanish
colonialism. In the first section, he urged women to reject being servile to the friars. For him,
saintliness does not include adhering to the rules set forth by the friars. It entails abiding by what
is just and moral. Rizal had educated the women about what God really wanted for the people
and it's not like how the friars had shaped their perception. Back then, women were subjected to
abuse and enslavement due to the impact of religious terror. Following the church, dogma has
only given women external holiness and hasn't molded them into a real epitome of how a woman
should be in a patriarchal society. Rizal is aiming to imply that having faith is about living according
to what God actually tells us to do with high morals and values, not only by reciting prayers or
how frequently you attend church. Then, as he said, "let us be reasonable and open our eyes,
especially you women, because you are the first to influence the consciousness of man," Rizal
inspired the women to be sensible and influential mothers. Women are expected to foster a child's
intellect, raise them with courage, be completely aware of their rights, and know how to love and
defend their country. Because raising a child entails raising a great nation, this special trait ought
to be ingrained in them. No fruit will grow in a withering tree, and no woman could raise a good
child if she herself was not a good mother, according to Rizal. That a mother's actions and beliefs
will always be reflected in her children. And if they remain slaves with no fortitudes, this signifies
that their children will just follow them and adhere to the friars as well.
Since friars are adept at manipulating women, they are frequently the objects of deceit
and oppression. They are frequently abused and considered to be ignorant by the foreign nations
because of their excessive benevolence, vulnerability, and docility. However, Rizal subsequently
advised them to maintain their composure and be honorable women. The strong foundation of a
man's resilient character should be women. She must be able to inspire her husband to be
fearless and combat injustices so that their country might have a brighter future. In a gloomy
country where friar abuse and pretense are pervasive, they should be the source of light for their
children. They should have a strong moral foundation so that they can teach their children that
they have obligations to their country, their fellow citizens, and not just themselves. They should
grow up knowing that dying and fighting with honor means much more than dying because of
slavery and despotism.
Rizal has provided an illustration of how Spartan women embody the qualities he desires
for Filipino women. The word of triumphs in battle means more to Spartan mothers than the fact
that their child, who fought for those triumphs, is still alive. It is more honorable for them even
though his son was killed in a war because it shows that she gave birth to and raised a real man.
Rizal also aspires for Filipino women to have the same bravery, determination, and capacity for
making great citizens. They should have been empowered so that their children would inherit
strong character traits from them. Additionally, women should take restraint, be vigilant and
inquisitive, and oppose any demands made by friars.
Rizal focused on a few situations that women should carefully consider. Cowardice leads
to betrayal, and that was seen in the way that the Filipino people at the time attacked their fellow
citizens. Because they are wary of the colonists, they are more loyal to them than to one another.
A man should also be free of thinking, for how one thinks influences itself and others. It has the
capacity to change manipulation into cognitive liberation. Restrictions in this part frequently force
people to depend on others for their decisions, even when doing so may harm them. He stated
that it is simpler to break a single rib of buri than a bundle of broom to illustrate the unity of the
people, that they should maintain their integrity so that other nations can perceive that they are a
cohesive, unified people. As for the Filipina women, if they continue to possess a character
created by the friars, they will continue to build an incompetent and deplorable country. And most
importantly, to analyze the religion that the friars are establishing. If it is appropriate and in line
with God's will. Because of the false teachings at the time, their characters deteriorated and
caused them ignorance.
I have to admit that Rizal's letter to the young women of Malolos was a very effective
approach to make them aware of how the friars' system was using and abusing them. Rizal
provided an excellent illustration of the significance of women in society. Developing women's
interest and involvement in battling colonial injustices and biases can be very beneficial to the
nation. Due to the phenomenal characteristics of women, they should not be understated. Women
have immense influence and great men were created by great mothers, their constant rectification
and guidance offer a man a powerful place in the society they live in. Women should therefore be
broad-minded, has the ability to assert their rights, carry out their duties as excellent role models
for their community, and most significantly, as builders of competent citizens. Strong women
establish strong minds and a powerful nation, and that is how a woman can shape the world.
National Historical Commission. (1964). Political and Historical Writings. Jose Rizal. (Volume 7,
pp. 56- 66). Retrieved from
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